Menses with severe pain. Severe pain during menstruation. Treatment at home

Every month, women have critical days. Nobody likes this period, and some are waiting for it with fear because of the terrible cramping pains. There are times when a representative of the weaker sex is forced to stay at home and call ambulance because he feels terrible. What causes severe pain during menstruation, how to prevent their occurrence and relieve spasms, if they have already appeared, you need to know in order to be able to help yourself before visiting the doctor.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt

Dysmenorrhea- Pain in the lower abdomen that accompanies menstruation. They arise due to the fact that within a month the epithelium grows in the uterus, to which the embryo will attach after fertilization, and if this does not happen, the body gets rid of it by bleeding. Doctors have found that it is impossible to get pregnant on the first day of the cycle.

During menstruation, a woman experiences a slight malaise, discomfort in the abdomen and fatigue. However, this does not prevent her from adhering to the usual rhythm of life. If the critical days are very painful, and the cycle is irregular, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

Types of pain during menstruation

There are two types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary.

Primary occurs within two years from the beginning of the girl's first menstruation in her life. It is not associated with any pathologies, and the pain is natural and occurs due to the expulsion of an unfertilized egg from the ovary. This kind of discomfort usually disappears after the first birth. With primary dysmenorrhea, the cycle does not go astray, but remains normal and regular.

Secondary, or as it is also called, acquired dysmenorrhea, occurs due to diseases and changes in the genitals. It appears more often in the fairer sex over 30 years of age and is accompanied by cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia and vegetovascular abnormalities (excessive sweating, dizziness).

If the discomfort does not change over the years, then such dysmenorrhea is called compensated. If the pain only increases with age, then, accordingly, decompensated.

Varieties of associated ailments

In addition to pulling pains in the genital area, menstruation may be accompanied by:

  • Discomfort in the heart.
  • Severe headaches or migraines.
  • Rapid fatigue.
  • Discomfort in the eye area.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Irritability and depressed mood.
  • Puffiness.
  • Mood swings.
  • Back pain.
  • Dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Pain or hypersensitivity chest.
  • Constipation, diarrhea or other abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract.

The severity of dysmenorrhea

There are 4 types of pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation:

Causes of menstrual pain

Menstrual pain can occur due to the following factors.

  • Incorrect arrangement of internal organs, in particular, the uterus.
  • Formed adhesions and scars after artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion).
  • Heredity.
  • Constant psycho-emotional stress.
  • Lack of iron, calcium and magnesium in the body.
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Installed intrauterine device.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle.
  • Inflammation in the pelvis.
  • Diseases like uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  • The formation of cysts or polyps in the uterus.
  • Sexually transmitted infections.

If the sensations do not interfere with the normal activity of the girl, then do not worry and draw hasty conclusions. If spasms interfere very strongly and cannot be tolerated, then it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Treatment of dysmenorrhea

When medications no longer help to get rid of terrible symptoms and a woman is forced to give up all her duties for several days every month, then a gynecological examination is vital.

Most of the drugs your doctor will prescribe are aimed at reducing the amount of prostaglandins produced and thereby reducing the uterine contractions that cause seizures.

The doctor may prescribe low-dose hormonal drugs - oral contraceptives. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs and antispasmodics will also have an impact.

Some time before the start of menstruation, the doctor prescribes complex preparations, which include iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins. You need to drink them in advance so that by the beginning of the cycle the necessary trace elements accumulate in the body and have desired effect.

Electrophoresis and UHF provide pain relief and warming. These procedures will help remove pain, but it is also better to start them in advance.

Treatment at home

If menstruation is regular, the pain is tolerable and there is no need to revise your schedule, then you can alleviate the patient's condition at home in the following ways:

  • Lie down for a while in the fetal position (on your side with your legs tucked in).
  • Stand under a warm shower, which will relax the muscles and dilate the blood vessels.
  • Massage the abdomen in circular motions clockwise and massage the lower back.
  • Attend a yoga class or do a little exercise at home (body rotation in different directions, tilts).
  • Take an antispasmodic or pain reliever.
  • Before and after menstruation, take baths with the addition of sea salt for about 20 minutes. During spasms, apply compresses from it to the lower abdomen.
  • A 15-minute ice pack will help relieve tension and reduce bleeding.
  • Drink mint and chamomile tea several times a day.
  • In the absence of contraindications, you can rub a solution of essential oils into the lower abdomen and sacrum: 5 drops of sage and yarrow and 50 ml of St. John's wort.

For prevention, doctors advise doing yoga and swimming, which relax the muscles. Do not overwork, be very nervous and drink alcohol, especially during and before menstruation. Limit your intake of foods that cause bloating and sugary foods. But chocolate, on the contrary, will help the production of endorphins. It is best to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of the causes of pain during menstruation than to suffer and treat their consequences in the future.

Pain during menstruation can be triggered by several reasons, which may be related to pathological processes in a woman's body or be her feature. Only a specialist who first examines the patient and then prescribes tests and ultrasound can identify the exact cause of discomfort during menstruation. Until the exact cause of the pain is clarified, you can use various techniques and medicines that can normalize the patient's condition.

If the pain is still tolerable, or if you simply do not want to use medicines, you can try to eliminate pain using non-drug methods.

  1. Taking a warm bath with aromatic oils will allow you to relax and relieve stress. Warm water will ease the soreness of the lower abdomen. The procedure should not be taken with heavy bleeding. Orange, rosemary, lavender, and sandalwood are great relaxing oils.
  2. A warm compress on the abdomen will also have a bath-like effect. It should be applied to the pubic area and just above it. Keep a warm compress for a maximum of 15 minutes.
  3. There is a pose in Pilates that is very useful for relieving menstrual pain. To do this, a woman needs to lie face down on a hard surface. Then she needs to clasp her legs with her hands, lifting them above her back. The chest also rises. The figure forms a kind of oval. In this position, you should fix for 30-60 seconds. You can repeat the exercise an unlimited number of times.
  4. If there are no contraindications, sexual intercourse can also be a salvation in the presence of pain. It causes a strong flow of blood to the genitals, and orgasm causes rhythmic contractions of the uterus, after which it relaxes. But during sexual intercourse during menstruation, it is imperative to use a barrier method of contraception. The cervix is ​​very sensitive and ajar, so it is easy to bring an infection into it.
  5. To disperse blood, it is also useful to drink 50 ml of red wine, but no more. In this case, the alcoholic beverage must be of good quality.

Attention! When eliminating pain with heat, the time of the procedure should be controlled. It is impossible to warm a sick stomach during menstruation for more than 10-15 minutes, since a longer exposure will cause increased bleeding.

Fast-acting drugs for stomach pain

A powerful pain reliever that is not addictive and is able to suppress the most severe and prolonged pain. Available in the form of tablets and injections, the latter are used during menstruation only as a last resort. For the treatment of adult patients, it is recommended to take 10 mg of the active substance every 6 hours; with severe pain, Ketanov can be drunk every 4 hours. If a pain syndrome so pronounced that it is difficult for a woman to move, and there is confusion, you can immediately drink 20 mg tablets. It is strictly forbidden to drink more than 90 mg of the active substance per day. Do not drink with kidney pathologies. Treat no more than three days.

Shows a quick effect within 5-10 minutes after ingestion. Belongs to the non-steroidal group, the main active substance is nimesulide. Produced in several pharmacological forms, during menstruation, tablets are prescribed. The dosage of Nise for women is one tablet twice in the morning and evening. In a serious condition of the patient, you can take four tablets in 24 hours, which is equal to 400 mg of nimesulide. Nise can not be used for menstruation for more than 3-5 days.

According to the manufacturer, these pills are designed specifically for women and show the desired effect in the first minutes after taking. The main active ingredient of Nurofen Express Lady is ibuprofen, which also has a general stimulating effect on the body. The drug does not eliminate the very cause of pain, but simply blocks the production of pain signals. accept these female pills allowed from 12 years old. The dosage is one tablet every 8 hours. It is strictly forbidden to take more than 3 doses of the active ingredient in one day.

Fast-acting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Drink the selected dose should be at the same time with food or immediately after it, in order to reduce the negative impact on gastrointestinal tract. Dosage active substance is 100 mg Nimulid not more than twice a day. The ideal interval for taking the drug is 12 hours. With faster intake, there is a risk of problems with internal organs. The duration of therapy is a maximum of 5 days. Take with great caution in case of kidney problems.

Attention! The described medicines are also among the most powerful painkillers. Therefore, they should not be taken for mild pain, as they can cause severe side effects.

Cheap medicines for menstrual pain

Refers to fast-acting antispasmodics. It is taken for moderate and mild pain, provoked by contraction of smooth muscles. The main active ingredient of the drug is metamizole, the action of which is supported by pitophenone. Spazgan should be taken one hour after eating no more than two tablets at a time. For a day, even with severe pain syndrome, more than 8 doses of the active substance are not consumed. The medication is taken no more than 4-5 days.

An Indian drug that can quickly relax the uterine organ and prevent its painful contractions. Taken required to be taken after meals, the ideal interval is 1-2 hours after a meal. The composition of the drug also includes metamizole, but the tablets are more powerful than Spazgan. The drug should be prescribed from the age of 14, two tablets no more than three times a day. With a moderate pain syndrome, you should not drink more than 3 tablets per day. Girls under 14 years old should take 1 tablet 2 times a day. Reception Brala can be carried out for 3-5 days.

Also an Indian drug of combined analgesic and antispasmodic effects. It has a noticeable result within 30 minutes after use, is available in the form of tablets and injections. For menstrual pain, it is recommended to choose the tablet form of Revalgin. The dosage of the drug is 1 tablet up to 6 times in 24 hours with the same interval. For severe pain, you can take 2 doses at once three times a day. The course of treatment is no more than five days.

The main active ingredient of this effective remedy is ibuprofen, which has a mild effect on the patient. It can reduce the temperature, so when taking the drug with normal indicators power loss may occur. It will pass immediately after the normalization of body temperature. Mig should be taken one tablet at a time, which is equal to 400 mg of the active ingredient. For mild pain, you can take half a single dose. A maximum of 1.2 g of the active substance can be taken per day. Instead of Miga, you can take Ibuprofen or Ibufen, they are in the same price category and are taken according to the same scheme. Accept medicine followed by no more than five days.

Attention! The given drugs at an affordable cost belong to the first or second generation, which may cause side effects in more patients. But subject to doses and rules of use, their probability is minimal.

The average cost of medicines for pain during menstruation

A drugImagePrice in RussiaPrice in BelarusPrice in Ukraine
250 9 113
200 7 92
400 14 184
250 9 113
100 3,5 46
100 3,5 46
100 3,5 46
100 3,5 46
100 3,5 46
100 3,5 46

Attention! When buying the described drugs, their cost in a pharmacy may vary due to different forms and doses of the active substance. The price may also differ due to different manufacturing plants. Original medicines are usually several times more expensive than generics. Prices are displayed in national currencies.

Traditional medicine for menstrual pain

Rue and buckthorn

To prepare the solution, mix the herbal part of the rue and the root part of the buckthorn in a 1: 1 ratio. Grind the ingredients and take 1 teaspoon of the mixture. It is poured with 200-250 ml of boiling water and kept for 20 minutes under the lid. After insisting, all the thick must be removed through cheesecloth. Take the resulting solution should be between meals during the day. You can use the infusion throughout all menstruation.

herbal decoction

In the same amount, the herbal part of lemon balm, cinquefoil, as well as valerian and buckthorn roots should be mixed. All components are well mixed and crushed. Treatment should be taken before the onset of menstruation for 3 three days. This will avoid pain during menstruation. For preparation, a teaspoon of herbs is taken and 200 ml of boiling water is poured. Treatment should be taken 3 times a day, 150 ml.

Video - Exercises to reduce pain during the menstrual cycle

Marigolds and Melissa

These components must also be mixed in equal proportions. Take 1-1.5 teaspoons of the mixture per glass of water. It is recommended to infuse herbs under a tight lid for 30 minutes. After that, you should take a strained infusion throughout the day. The duration of treatment is 5 days. With longer periods, you can drink marigolds and lemon balm for 7-8 days. For greater effect, valerian rhizomes can be added to the solution, they should also be taken in the same proportion with other herbs.

Attention! Home remedies and pills should be supported proper diet. A woman is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, take vitamins, Calcium D3 Nycomed and Magnesium B6 are especially useful. This combination will prevent painful contraction of the uterus, and will also be a good prevention of anemia.

If menstruation has become painful, clots have appeared, the nature of the discharge has changed, you should immediately seek medical help, as the cause can be dangerous. In the event that pain accompanies a woman from her first menstruation, it is better to make sure that the hormonal level is normal and that there is no possible pathologies reproductive system. In some cases, after a short course of therapy, it is possible to put the patient on her feet and relieve her of unbearable pain and discomfort during menstruation. read on our website.

Video - Painful menstruation

Severe menstrual pain can bring a woman to exhaustion. Strong and cramping, they deprive you of sleep and prevent you from performing work duties. A woman has to drink, but their action is not enough for a long time. is this happening?

Very often severe pain and heavy bleeding are anxiety symptoms any serious disease of the female genital organs. Since the woman herself cannot know for sure whether her body develops pathological process, she needs to contact a gynecologist to find out the reasons for this behavior of the body during menstruation.

Some have a strong problem menstrual pain safely resolves by itself after the onset of sexual activity or birth.

The genetic predisposition to severe pain in the lower abdomen on the eve of menstruation and in the following days is a mystery of nature. Girls who watch their mother suffer later face the same problem. In this case, it is possible to recommend the rejection of hard work these days and maximum rest so that the body does not experience additional stress.

Insufficient physical activity is another reason that during menstruation. Relaxed muscles that are not accustomed to training are more sensitive to all changes in the body.

Thus, the opening of the cervix before self-cleansing for the body turns into a difficult task. What can be done? Regular exercise and maintenance healthy lifestyle lives are best measure prevention for any problems in the body.

The relationship of menstrual pain with vitamins and nutrition

An insufficient amount of calcium and magnesium in the body is a good reason for menstrual pain. Get calcium and more useful vitamins it is possible with the use of dairy products, almonds, legumes.

The need for magnesium is replenished with carbonate. The drug has the form of a powder, which must be taken daily, 1 teaspoon. So simple preventive measure It will help to get rid of cramps in the abdominal muscles.

Thanks to the observance of a certain diet on the eve of menstruation, you can ensure its painless course. From the use of coffee, meat and fatty foods while it is better to refuse. Let there be more green vegetables, eggs, fish on the table.

Uncontrolled intake of painkillers during menstruation is not the best way out for the body. Support it with chocolate, bananas, yogurt.

Why does chest pain occur during menstruation?

Light discomfort in the female breast before the onset of menstruation is a natural phenomenon, confirming the origin of hormonal changes. In the intervals between menstruation, the body is always preparing for a possible conception, and the mammary glands undergo some changes that could later be directed to the production of breast milk.

The female body is set up for possible motherhood, regardless of whether the woman plans it or not. Naturally, certain processes can proceed with minor pain.

Light pulling pains in the lower back and abdomen, swelling and swelling of the mammary glands, the absence of copious secretions are considered the norm. If the pains are supplemented by seals in the chest, then there is a reason to contact specialists.

This article is for informational purposes only. If you have symptoms of any disease or feel unwell, the first thing to do is consult a doctor! The tips in this resource can help you in emergency situations where qualified medical personnel are not available.

Menstruation is a natural process, so women should not experience pain. But often pain during menstruation occurs with such force that the opportunity for normal movement and life is lost. It is recommended to deal with the causes of the pain syndrome and take measures to eliminate pain in the abdomen and chest.

About chest pain

If the situation is clear with abdominal pain for women (this physiological process is associated with the opening of the cervix, which means that discomfort will be felt), then panic arises with pain in the chest. It is not clear when to sound the alarm, because a slight discomfort in the mammary glands is also felt during the period of premenstrual syndrome. It is recommended to pay attention to the chest:

  • in case of severe pain during palpation of the mammary glands;
  • seals in the chest, bumps and other neoplasms;
  • excessive soreness of the nipples and areolas;
  • nausea, vomiting and fever;
  • pain after the end of menstruation.

The presented symptoms are often associated with the following reasons:

  • Changes in the hormonal background are diagnosed. In the period between menstruation, a woman produces prolactin and oxytocin, during the period - estrogen and progesterone. As a result, with a significant predominance of estrogen and progesterone, pain occurs.
  • Gynecological diseases develop. These include the most serious - endometriosis of the uterus, ovarian cysts, polycystic or multifolliculosis. All of the pathologies presented disrupt the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone produced, which is why chest pains will manifest themselves with greater intensity.
  • Development of an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy means the implantation (attachment) of a fertilized egg not to the wall of the uterus, but to the wall of the fallopian tube. The body begins to reject foreign body, which leads to a strong hormonal failure.

The presented causes of chest pain always provoke a strong pain syndrome in the abdomen, so they consult a doctor for examination and identification of prerequisites.

Causes of abdominal pain

Pain in the abdomen accompany women throughout the period of menstruation. But you can’t ignore the symptom, because it can be associated with problems.

Here are the most likely:

  • hormonal imbalance - provokes the development of diseases in gynecology (endometriosis, polyps, cysts);
  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • endometriosis or adenomyosis - the first pathology is characterized by the growth of uterine epithelial cells beyond the prescribed limits, and the second indicates the growth and ingrowth of epithelial cells into the muscle of the organ;
  • fibroids or other neoplasms in the uterine cavity;
  • polyps in the uterine region;
  • disturbed hormonal background, which provoked an increase in the production of progesterone;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • ectopic pregnancies.

Severe pain provokes stress and depressive states. You should consult a doctor to determine the cause in case of pain syndrome, accompanied by pain in the back and an increase in body temperature.

VIDEO: What to do with pain during menstruation?

Severe pain during menstruation, what to do?

With symptoms such as severe pain during menstruation, every third woman faces. On such days it is difficult to work, and you want to crawl under the covers with your head. Doctors say that the main thing is not to panic when you encounter this for the first time.

Common ways to relieve pain

Exist common methods how to eliminate pain during menstruation. In this issue, there are:

1 Stick to a daily routine- sleep at least 8 hours a day, avoid overwork, take breaks during the working day. Proper daily routine helps to restore nervous system, which leads to a general improvement of the body.

2 Avoid hypothermia. The presented problems entail the development of the inflammatory process, which makes the pain worse.

3 Stick to a diet- avoid flour and fried foods, stop drinking carbonated drinks. Reduce consumption of foods that provoke gas formation. The "inflated" intestines will put pressure on the uterus and ovaries, which will only intensify the pain.

4 It is necessary to drink clean water in the amount of 2 liters per day– stabilization of water balance leads to improved metabolism at the cellular level. This prevents the development of hormonal failure.

5 Need to quit smoking and alcohol- at least during menstruation, an increase in blood circulation should not be provoked. This contributes to a greater production of blood clots, their rapid exfoliation, which will also lead to additional pain.

6 Do sport. The presented category includes both strength training, if a woman has previously done them long time as well as swimming or yoga. In modern fitness centers, there are special programs designed for women during menstruation.

7 Visit a couple. Most doctors claim that steam is good for blood circulation and helps reduce the stress hormone (cortisol). But the presented actions are allowed to be performed only in the absence of inflammation.

8 Massage- it is better to visit the sessions a few days before the onset of menstruation. The benefits are associated with improved functioning of internal organs.

9 Take vitamins- this should be done on a regular basis in order to normalize the functioning of the body. It is recommended to drink vitamins of groups B and E, magne B6.

How to relieve pain during menstruation


Women in the event of a pain syndrome at the beginning of menstruation turn to medications. They are recommended to be taken only with a doctor's prescription, since the fact of an allergy or chronic pathology(exacerbation due to drug use).

Common and safe means include:

Sedative drugs

Infusion of motherwort, valerian or sleeping pills, but only with a doctor's prescription. Methods help to cope with the problem of increased irritability of a woman during menstruation. Everything is explained by the failure of the hormonal background, which is why the hormone of joy - endorphin - is not released in the amount necessary for a normal state.


Medicines are painkillers that relieve muscle spasm, which occurs during critical days. The safe ones are No-shpu or its equivalent Drotaverine (Papaverine).

Doctors prescribe hormonal drugs to patients that help restore the background and reduce pain. Reduced pain due to supplementation progestins- these female hormones found in ordinary birth control pills. They help in the onset of pregnancy, which can only occur with a regular cycle and a timely release of the egg.

It is interesting: Signs of pregnancy in the 1st week: what happens at this time

Folk remedies

Not recommended for immediate use. medications. Better pay attention to folk remedies, which can reduce pain in the abdomen and chest. Recipes are based on the use of herbs with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and sedative properties.

The following recipes are effective:

  • Melissa infusion- normalizes the menstrual cycle, helps to cope with insomnia and reduce general irritability. To properly take the remedy, it is necessary to pour a tablespoon of the crushed collection with boiling water in the amount of one glass and let it brew for half an hour. Strained infusion drink a third of the amount received three times a day.
  • Raspberry- leaves are used - is a folk pain reliever. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 3 teaspoons in crushed form with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour. Drink a glass during the day, dividing the contents of the glass into small portions.
  • Camomile tea normalizes the nervous system. Can be taken essential oil and add it to the shower gel, take a bath with it. It is recommended to breathe the vapors of the composition in pure form- it helps to get rid of stress and normalize the menstrual cycle.
  • Elecampane root infusion- the tool is designed to restore hormonal levels, as well as pain relief. To make an infusion, use a teaspoon of crushed root, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. After insisting for 1 hour, strain the contents and drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Horsetail tincture helps to cope with inflammation and pain in the abdomen and chest. To do this, pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. The resulting infusion should be taken 4-5 times a day, dividing the contents into equal parts.

Folk remedies are taken with caution, since most plants are allergenic. Before use, you must consult a doctor.

A little about physical activity

Most women during menstruation with pain in the abdomen and chest prefer bed rest. But gynecologists assure the benefits physical activity– they should be carried out with care and without lifting weights. In this case, the load is considered in the form gymnastic exercises, since the lifting of gravity during menstruation will provoke the prolapse of the uterus.

Among the effective exercises are the following:

  • Lying on your back on the floor, bend your knees and take a deep breath. Next, you need to tear your hips off the floor, lift them up. After a short breath hold, you need to exhale and at the same time lower yourself to the floor.
  • Lying on your back, turn to the wall and throw your legs on the surface, pressing your feet tightly. On the inhale, press your feet against the wall, on the exhale, relax.
  • In a standing position on all fours, you need to bend your back down as you exhale, and bend it up as you inhale. The exercise resembles an imitation of the standard "Kitty", which can be supplemented with rotational movements of the head, but from the starting position (without arching the back).
  • Lie on your stomach and hook your hands on the back of your head. While inhaling, they raise their heads up and try to touch the hands lying on the back of the head with their feet. As you exhale, lower to the starting position.

Such exercises are referred to as static load. They should be performed with 5 repetitions of each movement. Similar are the exercises from the complex yoga, pilates and callanetics.

  • With their palm, they begin to massage the stomach clockwise - it is important to observe the intensity and not overdo it in the presented undertaking.
  • Start with light strokes - so that there is no pain.
  • Then you can move on to gentle pressure, which also happens clockwise.
  • Finish the massage with stroking, similar to the preparatory movements.
  • Massage is done for 5-10 minutes, but often women perform it until the pain syndrome is eliminated.

    Breast massage is also carried out with care and in the supine position. The breasts are simply stroked around the circumference with their hands. It is important to avoid pressure and strong palpation.

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    Pain during menstruation can be eliminated with a heating pad or a thermal plaster - this method is only applicable to reduce abdominal pain, it is strictly forbidden to apply heat to the chest. A warm heating pad is applied to the stomach for 10-15 minutes.

    The presented method is explained by the ability to reduce pain syndrome due to muscle relaxation- abdominal and uterine. As a result, blood circulation increases, the cervix opens faster and painlessly.

    Heat is strictly forbidden to use in the presence of inflammation, ovarian cysts or fibroids. If a woman does not know about their presence, thermal exposure will lead to the development of an exacerbation - increased bleeding, increased growth of neoplasms. Therefore, it is recommended to use the method of applying a heating pad only after consulting a doctor.

    Heating pad with warm water put on the stomach in the area of ​​​​the navel

    Is being a woman a gift of fate or a test? Many representatives fair half humanity confidently tend to the first option. Perhaps these optimists simply have painless periods, or they are not saying something. Because, according to medical statistics, every second woman complains of pain during menstruation, and almost everyone experiences discomfort during this period. But some generally tolerable discomfort is one thing, and outright pain is quite another. Should it be tolerated and to what extent? And how to relieve pain during menstruation? Let's find answers to still sincerely rejoice at our belonging to the fair sex.

    Why does my stomach hurt during menstruation? Causes of painful menstruation
    Since menstruation, or, more simply, menstruation, is a necessary part of menstrual cycle, then, in theory, it should not have side effects. The body simply functions in a natural mode, at the right time it rejects part of the endometrium with inevitable bleeding. But, like any subtle mechanism, menstruation is often accompanied by violations. And pain during menstruation is one of the most common (according to various sources, 70 to 80% of women aged 13 to 50 suffer) problems. Pain during menstruation is felt in the lower abdomen, radiates to the lower back, along the spine, and can even spread to the hips. Not to mention the general feeling of weakness and malaise.

    But, if everything is natural, then why does it hurt so much? There are different causes of pain during menstruation:

    • congenital pathologies in the structure of the genital organs, due to which the outflow of blood occurs with difficulty;
    • endometriosis (disease of the lining of the uterus);
    • inflammation in the pelvic area, provoked by hypothermia, surgery or other complications;
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • incorrectly installed intrauterine contraception (spiral);
    • overwork, and not only physical, but also psychological;
    • reduced pain threshold as an individual property of the body.
    Of course, these symptoms vary from woman to woman. You will definitely tell the gynecologist about your individual characteristics, to whom you need to go if severe pain torments you during each menstruation. Because the first five items on the above list are a serious reason to visit a doctor. But, one way or another, painful periods cannot be endured through force. At a minimum, you must find the cause of the pain. Ideally, choose an adequate remedy to relieve pain during menstruation.

    How to relieve pain during menstruation
    Painful periods made official medical name- dysmenorrhea. This term implies not only the pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, but the whole complex of accompanying sensations: headache, dizziness, fever, problems with digestion and stool, nausea, swelling and other symptoms, vegetative and emotional. About 10% of women worldwide suffer so much during their periods that they become unable to work. Fortunately, most have avoided this fate and experience only moderate pain during their periods. To get rid of it, use the following treatment:

    1. Anti-inflammatory therapy nonsteroidal drugs, including aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid and some other substances. They are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and are usually taken in the first days of menstruation. Although methods are known in which such drugs are taken preventively before menstruation.
    2. Analgesics, including paracetamol, temporarily relieve pain during menstruation.
    3. Antispasmodics are considered more effective in relieving pain during menstruation and safer. No-shpa, nurofen and others similar preparations relieve pain and have a gentle effect on the nervous system and the walls of the stomach.
    4. Oral contraceptives are effective for menstrual pain, but not immediately. When taken according to the instructions, they make the endometrium thinner, which is why the soreness disappears.
    5. Sedatives help not only endure, but also relieve pain during menstruation. Sedatives, pharmaceutical and natural, reduce symptoms, soothe, help sleep.
    Of course, if the cause of the pain is a disease, it will recur during menstruation until you eliminate true reason and painkillers will only numb the symptoms. In that case, without medical care it is impossible to do without, and self-treatment is strictly prohibited. But in other situations, when the stomach hurts not much and / or not every time, you can try to quickly relieve the pain during menstruation at home

    How to relieve period pain without pills
    To relieve the pain during menstruation at home, you need to be able to give yourself enough time and at least a minimal set of natural medicines in your home medicine cabinet. Because over the centuries, women have come up with many folk methods relieve pain during menstruation. Here is some of them:

    1. Calming herbal tea. Brew mint, lemon balm, linden and drink these decoctions warm with natural honey. In addition to these universal means herbal medicine, plants are known to help with menstruation. These are nettle, common oregano, elecampane, wild strawberry, knotweed, yarrow, shepherd's purse, goose cinquefoil, field horsetail. These plants are sold in dry form in pharmacies. You can choose one or mix it with each other, making a herbal collection of two or three components. Brew herbs in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of the collection to 1 cup of boiling water. You need to drink such decoctions throughout all the days of menstruation several times a day.
    2. Warm helps relieve pain during menstruation, but only when used wisely. This means that a not too hot heating pad or heated towel should be applied to the lower back or stomach, but in no case should the body be overheated and the "sauna effect" should not be allowed. For many women, warming up the feet with dry heat or in a bath helps relieve menstrual pain.
    3. Foot bath works no worse than a full-fledged warming bath. You can also alternate warm and cool baths to increase blood circulation and relieve pain in this way.
    4. Self massage to relieve pain during menstruation should be very soft and light. In fact, these are slow stroking of the abdomen and lower back with palms, which affects nerve endings and warm with the warmth of your hands. It is advisable to produce them clockwise.
    5. Food during menstruation and not only - important factor affecting well-being. It's safe to say that avoiding heavy, fatty and fried foods will ease the pain of your period. In addition to fatty and fried foods, salty, smoked and spicy foods, as well as an abundance of refined sweets, increase the pain of menstruation. Instead, try to eat cereals, vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy products. Drink fresh juices and plenty of water. Tea and coffee are not prohibited, but not desirable, because they excite the nervous system and can increase pain, but this is individual. By the way, although it is believed that during menstruation you need to eat chocolate, but this delicacy can also increase pain.
    6. Relaxation. Warmth and low-calorie food contribute to relaxation. During menstruation, many women feel the desire to lie down. You can do this or sit in a comfortable position in a soft, comfortable chair if that helps you feel no pain. But it’s even more effective to lie on your side and take the so-called “fetal position”. In it, the regenerative abilities of the body are especially strong, and the pain subsides faster.
    7. Gymnastics- This is a set of special exercises that help relieve pain during menstruation, or at least muffle it. Try one or more of them and choose the appropriate ones:
      • Get on all fours and lower your face down. Slowly make a circular motion of small amplitude with the pelvis in one direction, then in the other direction.
      • Sit in a Turkish position on a flat surface (on the floor or a hard mattress), carefully lift the knees of bent legs towards each other and spread them again. Repeat several times.
      • Lie on your back and place your arms along your body. Bend your knees and lift your buttocks off the floor. Hold this pose for three counts, then gently lower your pelvis back to the starting position.
    8. Activity. During menstruation, most women do not want and / or cannot be active, and many deliberately prohibit themselves from exertion. In fact, light physical training or just mobility is not forbidden and even helps to relieve pain. Besides the fact that you are distracted from your experiences, yoga, Pilates, bodyflex strengthen deep muscles. Hiking in the fresh air also helps to relieve pain during menstruation.
    9. Refusal from sunbathing and baths. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the beach or in the solarium, overheating of the body is prohibited during internal inflammatory processes. Even if you are 100% sure that menstrual pain is not due to inflammation, sun and heat can increase bleeding and therefore increase pain.
    10. Bad and good habits. During menstruation, categorically refuse alcoholic beverages, even not very strong ones. And it is better to do this a few days before the start of menstruation. And in order not to miss this moment, keep a disciplined calendar of the menstrual cycle - this should become your good habit and an obligatory "cheat sheet" when visiting a gynecologist.
    By the way, there is another, cardinal method to relieve pain during menstruation. The fact is that many girls who suffered from menstrual pain in their youth got rid of them after the birth of a child. So, if you have pain during menstruation, but you don’t have children yet, try it. Suddenly this method will help you relieve pain once and for all? Take care of yourself, be healthy and happy!