Who eats by blood group. Diet according to blood type: what is good for a hunter is bad for a nomad. Beans and green beans

Let's take a look at the so-called blood type diets - do they have proven effectiveness? What is the basis for claiming the need for products for each blood type? The theme is incredibly popular, a huge number of positive reviews. What if she actually works? Analysis of the main theses of the diet from the point of view of science.

Who developed the blood type diet?

While there is consensus in the scientific community that blood type does not affect dietary choices, it was on the contrary that naturopath Peter D'Adamo developed the Blood Type Diet (no higher medical education, holds a "healer" license). According to D'Adamo, the physiological characteristics of an organism correlate with blood type, and each blood type has a different evolutionary heritage, therefore nutrition also depends on blood type. His conclusions are based on medical practice and observations of patients. The doctor did not conduct controlled studies, but this is not necessary - the naturopath conducts seminars around the world and sells books in millions of copies and without any evidence base.

What is the blood type diet based on?

A prerequisite for the creation of the diet is the erroneous notion that human blood types began to appear 60,000 years ago among primitive hunters.

The higher (humanoids, hominoids) monkeys have the same 4 blood groups, and they cannot be attributed to either “hunters”, or “agrarians”, or “nomads”.

D'Adamo's theory of the evolution of blood types, based on personal opinion about social evolution, in several theses:

  1. The first universal blood type 0(I) was formed thanks to the diet of Neanderthal hunter-gatherers 60,000 years ago (by the way, you and I are not direct descendants of Neanderthals, no matter what blood type we have). There were no blood types before Neanderthals. People with blood type 0(I) should stick to the "paleo diet" - high in animal protein and greens. Cereals are contraindicated for them.
  2. The second blood type A (II) appeared around 15,000 BC. when young mankind moved from hunting and gathering to an agricultural way of life. For the "agrarian" blood group, it is not recommended to eat food of animal origin, including dairy products. Modern people with A(II) should stick to a vegetarian diet.
  3. The third blood group B (III) arose in 10,000 BC, when some groups of people began to roam and eat cereals, the races began to mix (!). A balanced diet is recommended, but seafood, pork, and chicken should be avoided.
  4. The fourth blood type AB (IV) came from the mixing of the second and third, thanks to the diversity in nutrition, about 1500 years ago, literally yesterday by evolutionary standards. Nutrition recommendations in this group are quite controversial (however, as in other types).

Where Peter D'Adamo got these facts from, I don't know. In textbooks on anthropology and hematology, there are not even such hypotheses, not to mention theories or facts. The evolutionary-biological basis of the blood type diet is based on the incompetence of its author. Moreover, an American Society for Nutrition meta-analysis of 1415 articles related to nutrition by blood type found only one article that met the selection criteria for this topic (this is the only study on the relationship of cholesterol and blood type, read more in).

How did the evolution of blood types actually occur?

A detailed review of the book by D'Adamo P. "Four blood types - four paths to health" from a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Anthropoecology of the Research Institute and the Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Andrey Igorevich Kozlov on the site Anthropogenesis.ru, I recommend that you familiarize yourself, and the site is generally magnificent - the fruit of many years of work by the best Russian popularizers of science. Anthropogenesis has most of the answers on the topic of blood evolution.

All blood types already existed in mankind long before the advent of agriculture.

The second group evolved from a common ancestor of chimpanzees and hominids about 5-6 million years ago. The first group appeared about 3.5 million years ago. B(III) evolved from A(II) about 2.5 million years ago. According to the logic of Dr. D'Adamo, the second blood type should be "predominantly meat-eating."

The next mistake of the author of the diet is that agriculture has received local development, and it was in that “agricultural Eden” that the A (II) blood type arose, and its carriers must now adhere to vegetarianism. However, anthropological findings and genetic studies indicate that agriculture developed completely independently in different parts Sveta. The sowing practice of the first sedentary communities did not develop for centuries, and rarely ended in success. The optimistic claims of the author of the diet that the first farmers were healthier than hunter-gatherers are far from reality: since the beginning of agriculture in the Middle East, a person has lost about 15 cm in height. Considering that agriculture was 100% organic. In addition, genetic adaptation is not able to keep pace with cultural and technological progress.

What is blood type/type and what depends on it

I suggest watching a five-minute video in which plain language talk about blood groups and Rh factors. This video has the entire theoretical minimum, stated concisely and without unnecessary details.

What's wrong with lectins?

The foundation of the blood type diet theory is based on lectins. Lectins are proteins and enzymes that can stick red blood cells (erythrocytes) together. The author of the diet claims that lectins contained in food that is inappropriate for our blood type lead to systematic serious health problems: “clumping” of red blood cells, cirrhosis of the liver, heart attacks, blockage of blood vessels, kidney failure, atherosclerosis, decreased immunity, etc.

It is argued that with the wrong selection of products, each person is daily exposed to the destructive action of lectins - blood vessels are vital important organs will begin to clog with glued erythrocytes. The syndrome of functional insufficiency caused by lectins should be widely spread and studied by medicine. First of all, pathologists should know about it, since the damage during the described processes should be extensive, especially in the elderly. This disease caused by lectin reserves and agglutinated blood cells cannot be hidden and must have a clear description, in combination with photographs from optical and electron microscopes, cytology, sections, histology of cells.

However, science knows nothing about lectin-glued erythrocytes... Moreover, lectins are widely distributed in nature - they are found in plants and animals, and not just in wheat, soybeans and corn. Most of the lectins, and there are about 800 of them, are not enzymes at all, and only a few are involved in the process of the immune response. Lectins play their role in living organisms - they activate lymphocytes (cells of the immune response) and stimulate their division, participate in the germination of plant seeds.

If eaten regularly a large number of soybeans, make them the basis of the diet, then you can earn intestinal upset due to the toxic soy agglutinin lectin. But cooking negates the toxicity of agglutinin - boiling for 10 minutes neutralizes up to 99% of the lectins in the product. Soaking flushes out some of the lectins, and the fermentation process "digests" them - wheat yeast buns become more than safe for your intestines. Yes, eating raw beans can really kill you, just like a tablespoon of salt or 3 liters of water - this ironic list is endless.

The action of lectins does not depend on your blood type!

Gluten intolerance does not depend on blood type, but what will happen to such a person if, according to his blood type, he still forces himself to eat cereals? By the way, this is a rather rare genetic disease, but now it is very fashionable to consider gluten harmful for literally everyone. This is wrong.

In general, there are about 300 blood types - according to Rh factors and their combination with the group and other classifications. What diet will the naturopath prescribe in each case?

What does the blood type depend on?

Bacteria and viruses are responsible for the diversity of blood groups, to which evolutionary protection has been built for millions of years. Indeed, there is a correlation between certain populations and blood types. This diversity is due to the pressure of natural selection through viral and bacterial infections but not due to nutrition. The proof of this theory is the special mathematical models developed at University College London by Professor Robert Seymour and his colleagues (link full text research with a mathematical model and formulas). Their model shows that if the population is dominated by viral infections, then 0(I) blood type predominates, if bacterial infections are more common, then types A and B will occur more often. Dietary differences have nothing to do with this.

Blood group and race

Peter D'Adamo's hints that the first blood type belongs to a superior race smacks of you know what. Race cannot be determined from a blood test. Races are not certain types of people! The study of human biology does not support any causal relationship between race and blood type, although correlations are present. Humanity is unusually homogeneous in its "composition" and origin.

We are 99.9% genetically identical, regardless of race, even taking into account gender, external and individual personality traits. Such "homogeneity" is not so common in nature - chimpanzees have 2-3 times more genetic variations, orangutans - 8-10 times (also our close relatives). There are certain factors that initially influenced the prevalence of blood types in some closed populations - a small number of ancestors (as in Australia); the "bottleneck" effect, not uncommon for aboriginal peoples; intragroup marriages, etc.

One example. Lactose intolerance is associated exclusively with the lactose tolerance gene. Among US Indians, 100% lactose intolerance is 30-35% II (A), among Thais with 98% intolerance - 25-30% of alleles III (B). One hundred percent Eskimo meat-eaters have lactose intolerance of 80% - 80-90% I (0) ().

Blood group and diseases. Is there a connection?

The relationship between immunity and blood type has been discussed above. Some diseases do have a connection with the blood group. This relationship has been unconditionally proven in only seven diseases (!). Where, then, does the data on the relationship of a particular disease with a blood group come from? Dr. Eric Topol notes: “Often, the practice of looking for correlations in large amounts of data leads to any result - you need to associate risk cardiovascular diseases and second blood group? Take a sample of tens of thousands of people and you will find any connection.” Read more about the relationship between blood type and diseases.

Why are I(0) carriers more likely to get stomach ulcers? In 1993, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori was discovered, which has a special relationship with one of the unique proteins of this group. This is just one example out of hundreds of others.

Instead of worrying about your blood type, you need to focus on the real causes of our most common diseases - sedentary lifestyle, smoking, overeating. These are real, undoubted risk factors that affect our health, regardless of blood type.

Does the blood type diet work?

First fundamental research Dr. D'Adamo's diet was conducted in 2014 and the full text of the study was published in the peer-reviewed journal Plos.One. The title of the article is "AB0 genotype, blood type diet and cardiometabolic risk factors". This is a really high quality, cited study from the University of Toronto. In principle, it is enough to understand only this study - it provides answers to all the questions that I raised in my article, including a lot of links for additional study of the topic.

Since the goal of blood type nutrition is to reduce the risk of "specialized" diseases, especially those associated with blood vessels (remember lectins?), this study was aimed at determining the relationship between diet and cardiometabolic health. I highly recommend reading the details of the study at the link above, especially if you have any doubts, but I will write its findings here: adherence to any blood type diet favorably affects cardiometabolic risks, but it does not matter which of the proposed diets the carrier prefers one of the blood types.

That is, all recommendations, regimen and food lists lead to a good result in healthy people who do not need a special diet for medical reasons, regardless of blood type. No significant association was found. Each of the diets led to the expected result: a decrease in body weight, waist circumference, a decrease in blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and insulin. Strict adherence to the AB(IV) diet reduced the level of these antigens, but did not affect weight loss. Strict adherence to the I(0) diet reduced triglycerides (fats). The effect of the diet was not increased when administered with the appropriate carrier type.

The advice from the blood type diet is mostly harmless and can be helpful on an individual basis. An exception may be the recommendation to introduce dairy products to representatives of group III (B) with lactose intolerance and other special cases - urolithiasis disease and meat diet, gout and purine-rich foods, etc.

Blood type nutrition has no scientific basis.

I do not want to develop the theme described in D'Adamo's book about the connection between blood type and character. To understand how untenable claims about such a connection, it is enough to mention the "Barnum Effect".

The video that inspired this review:

The original article on which the video is based is published on skepdic.com. At the end, Boris gives a test on the "Barnum Effect", if you are not familiar with this, then you should be interested.

If you don't believe in the theory of evolution, then eating by blood type should make even less sense to you, like any Paleo diet based on the biological development of the Homo species.

Separation of blood groups began only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Differences in the properties of the blood of individual groups were first discovered by the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner and the Czech physician Jan Jansky. To study the features of different types of blood continues to this day. As a result of special studies, it turned out that for each blood group there are separate recommendations regarding nutrition and physical activity. This theory was put forward by the American doctor Peter D "Adamo and even developed a nutritional technique for each group.

The essence of the theory is that the effective effect of food on the body, its digestibility directly depends on the genetic characteristics of a person, that is, on the blood type. For the normal functioning of the digestive and immune systems, you should eat those foods that are suitable for your blood type. In this way, the body is cleansed, it becomes less slagged, the functioning of internal organs improves, and even extra pounds are shed or a normal weight is maintained. Although there are heated discussions around these arguments, today many people support this nutrition system.

Nutrition according to the I blood group

The oldest, original blood group. It is she who is the source of the emergence of other groups. Group I refers to type "0" (hunter), it is observed in 33.5% of people around the world. The owner of this group is characterized as a strong, self-sufficient person and a leader by nature.

Positive properties:

  • powerful digestive system;
  • hardy immune system;
  • normalized metabolism and good digestibility of nutrients.

Negative properties:

  • the body does not adapt well to changes in diet, climate change, temperature, etc.;
  • instability to inflammatory processes;
  • sometimes the immune system causes allergic reactions due to excessive activity;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.
  1. 1 People with "0" blood type are suitable for a high-protein diet, in which meat is a mandatory product. Any meat is well absorbed (only pork becomes an exception), fish and seafood, fruits (pineapple is especially useful), vegetables (non-acidic), rye bread (limited portions).
  2. 2 It is necessary to limit the use of cereals (especially oatmeal and wheat). The most useful beans and buckwheat.
  3. 3 It is advisable to exclude from the diet cabbage (except for broccoli), wheat products, corn and products derived from it, ketchup and marinades.
  4. 4 Drinks such as green and herbal teas (especially from rose hips), infusions of ginger, cayenne pepper, mint, linden, liquorice, and seltzer water are well absorbed.
  5. 5 Neutral drinks are beer, red and white wine, chamomile tea, as well as tea from ginseng, valerian, sage and raspberry leaves.
  6. 6 It is recommended to avoid the use of coffee, spirits, infusions of aloe, senna, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves and echinacea.
  7. 7 Since this type is characterized by a slow metabolism, then in the fight against excess weight, it is necessary to abandon fresh cabbage, beans, corn, citrus fruits, wheat, sugar, marinades, oats, potatoes, lentils and ice cream. These foods slow down metabolism by blocking insulin production.
  8. 8 Contribute to weight loss brown seaweed and kelp, fish and seafood, meat (beef, liver and lamb), greens, lettuce, spinach, radish, radish, broccoli, licorice root, iodized salt. You can also additionally use vitamins B, K and nutritional supplements: calcium, iodine, manganese.
  9. 9 When losing weight, it is recommended to reduce the intake of vitamins and.
  10. 10 It is also necessary to maintain physical fitness to help reduce weight, namely, it is recommended to do aerobics, skiing, running or swimming.
  11. 11 If the balance of intestinal bacteria is disturbed, bifidobacteria and acidophilus should be taken.

Nutrition according to blood group II

This group arose in the process of the transition of the ancient people "hunters" (group I) to a settled way of life, the so-called agrarian one. Group II belongs to type "A" ( farmer), it is observed in 37.8% of the earth's population. Representatives of this group are characterized as permanent, organized people, sedentary, who adapt well to working in a team.

Positive properties:

  • excellent adaptation to a change in diet and to changes in the environment;
  • the functionality of the immune and digestive systems is within the normal range, especially if a vegetarian diet is observed.

Negative properties:

  • sensitive digestive tract;
  • insufferable immune system;
  • weak nervous system;
  • instability before various diseases, in particular to heart, liver and stomach, oncological, anemia, type I diabetes.
  1. 1 Most of all, people with blood type II are more suitable for a less strict vegetarian diet, because they have low acidity of gastric juice, therefore meat and heavy foods are digested with difficulty. Eggs, low-fat cheese and others are allowed in limited quantities dairy products. Vegetarianism also contributes to normal functioning. immune system representatives of type "A", and add energy.
  2. 2 Since the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is very delicate, it is recommended to exclude acidic fruits: orange, tangerine, papaya, rhubarb, coconut, banana, as well as berries, spicy, salty, fermented and heavy foods.
  3. 3 You also need to exclude fish products, namely flounder, herring, caviar and halibut. Seafood is also not recommended.
  4. 4 Healthy drinks - green tea, coffee, carrot and pineapple juices, and red wine.
  5. 5 Representatives of the II blood group should avoid black tea, orange juice and soda drinks.
  6. 6 In the fight against excess weight, people of type "A" need to exclude meat (chicken and turkey are allowed), since it slows down the metabolism and, therefore, contributes to the deposition of fat, in contrast to the organism of type "0". Dairy products, pepper, sugar, ice cream, corn and peanut butter, and wheat products are also not recommended. It is worth limiting the intake of vitamins.
  7. 7 Promote weight loss olive, linseed and rapeseed oil, vegetables, pineapple, soy, herbal teas and infusions of ginseng, echinacea, astragalus, thistle, bromelain, kvartsetina, valerian. Vitamins B, C, E and some nutritional supplements are also useful: calcium, selenium, chromium, iron, bifidobacteria.
  8. 8 The most suitable physical exercises for blood type II are yoga and tai chi, as they calm and focus, which helps to normalize the nervous system.

Nutrition according to the III blood group

III group belongs to type "B" ( wanderers, nomads). This type was formed as a result of the migration of races. It is observed in 20.6% of the people of the entire population of the Earth and is associated with balance, flexibility and creation.

Positive properties:

  • hardy immune system;
  • good adaptation to changes in diet and environmental changes;
  • balance of the nervous system.

Negative properties:

  • congenital negative properties are generally not observed, but an imbalance in the diet can lead to autoimmune diseases, as well as cause the immune system to become unstable to rare viruses;
  • syndrome may develop chronic fatigue;
  • the likelihood of such diseases as: autoimmune, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis.
  1. 1 The following foods interfere with weight loss for a type "B" body: corn, peanuts, buckwheat porridge and sesame seeds. They must be eliminated from the diet, because they suppress the production of insulin and thereby reduce the efficiency of the metabolic process, and as a result, fatigue occurs, water retention in the body, hypoglycemia and excess weight accumulates.
  2. 2 When using products from wheat in people of type "B" metabolism decreases, so you need to limit the use of these products. In no case should wheat products be combined with buckwheat, corn, lentils and peanuts (and products made from them) during a weight loss diet.
  3. 3 In addition to the fact that the "wanderers" are omnivores, it is worth excluding meat from the diet: pork, chicken and duck; vegetables, fruits and fruits: tomatoes, pumpkin, olives, coconut, rhubarb; seafood: shellfish, crabs and shrimp.
  4. 4 Recommended drinks - green tea, various herbal infusions (licorice, gingko biloba, ginseng, raspberry leaves, sage), as well as juices from cranberries, cabbage, grapes, pineapple.
  5. 5 You need to give up tomato juice and soda drinks.
  6. 6 The following foods contribute to weight loss: greens, salad, various useful herbs, liver, veal, eggs, licorice, soy, as well as vitamins and nutritional supplements: lecithin, magnesium, gingko bilob, echinacea.
  7. 7 The most suitable and effective physical exercises are: cycling, walking, tennis, yoga, swimming and tai chi.

Nutrition according to the IV blood group

This group belongs to the type "AB" (the so-called " mystery"). Its occurrence is associated with the evolutionary processes of civilization, in which two types "A" and "B" merged, which are opposite. A very rare group is observed in 7-8% of the earth's population.

Positive properties:

  • young blood group;
  • combines the positive properties of types "A" and "B";
  • flexible immune system.

Negative properties:

  • digestive tract sensitive;
  • too sensitive immune system, therefore unstable to various infectious diseases;
  • also combines the negative properties of types "A" and "B";
  • due to the mixture of two genetic types, some properties contradict others, which leads to significant problems in the process of food processing;
  • there is a possibility of cardiac oncological diseases as well as anemia.
  1. 1 If you do not adhere to a special diet, then virtually everything can be included in the diet, but in moderation and balanced.
  2. 2 To achieve weight loss, you must stop eating meat and replace it with vegetables.
  3. 3 Tofu is a good source of protein for the "AB" type.
  4. 4 To maintain a normal metabolism, you should give up buckwheat, beans, olives, corn, as well as sharp and sour fruits.
  5. 5 In the fight against excess weight, it is desirable to exclude wheat and camping products from the diet.
  6. 6 Useful for this type of drinks: coffee, green tea, herbal infusions: chamomile, ginger, ginseng, echinacea, wild rose, hawthorn.
  7. 7 It is recommended to avoid infusions of aloe and linden.
  8. 8 Diet for weight loss excludes red meat, in particular bacon and ham, buckwheat, sunflower seeds, wheat, peppers and corn.
  9. 9 Promotes weight loss foods such as: fish, seaweed, herbs, dairy products, pineapple, as well as vitamin C and various food supplements: zinc and selenium, hawthorn, echinacea, valerian, thistle.

A universal diet that takes into account the individual characteristics of each - the blood type diet of James and Peter D'Adamo. The system is based on the fact that the body itself tells us which foods to include in the diet and which not. By following the simple rules of the diet according to the blood group, you will correct the weight, and also cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, restore and improve metabolism. Sitting on such a diet is a pleasure, because it is selected specifically for your blood type, so the products offered to you are easily absorbed by the body.

To start this diet, you just need to know your blood type, regardless of whether your Rh factor is positive or negative. What is the specificity of each group?

I blood group - hunters

It is considered the most ancient group, from which the rest came. Codename: Hunters. Already from the name it is clear that these are strong, strong people having a strong immune system, good metabolism. Hunters need exercise. Despite the large number of advantages, this group also has negative properties. Such people are mostly conservatives, therefore, it is difficult for them to adapt to new conditions and change their diet. The body reacts poorly to new products, is prone to allergies. Acidity stomach contributes to the formation of ulcers. Therefore, the preparation of the menu must be treated with all care.

Food table for a group of hunters

It will not be difficult to make a menu for every day from healthy and neutral products. Here is a sample menu to help you navigate.

  • A glass of pineapple juice;
  • Cucumber and tomato salad dressed with olive oil.
  • Pumpkin soup;
  • Beef meat overcooked with broccoli in olive oil;
  • Green tea.
  • Mackerel baked with onions and sweet peppers;
  • A glass of red wine.

No system for weight loss will be effective if physical activity is neglected, this is especially important for a group of hunters. It is recommended to go jogging, skiing, cycling, you can go in for extreme sports - adrenaline is in the blood of hunters. It's good to do wrestling - the most hunting sport!

II blood group - farmers

This type developed later, but more people have it than the rest. People of this type are called farmers. Calm, friendly people are able to find a common language with almost everyone, they work well in a team. The main difference between farmers and hunters is mobility, the ability to constantly change, so they get used to the new well. The immune system and the digestive tract are quite weak, so you need to follow the right diet. Weak nervous system, so the menu will include those products that will strengthen it. For the negative blood group, the products are the same.

Table of products for a group of farmers

The emphasis in the products is on those that are grown with their own hands. From such a set it is easy to make a menu for every day. For example, this:

  • Fruit salad dressed with low-fat cottage cheese;
  • A glass of carrot juice.
  • celery soup;
  • Buckwheat with carrots and onions;
  • Green tea with blueberries.
  • Rice with fried cod;
  • A glass of white wine.

As for physical activity, a team sports game (volleyball, basketball, football), swimming, dancing are suitable. All this will positively affect the general state of health and appearance. The body will become athletic and fit, and the extra pounds will go away forever.

III blood group - nomads

The next type is nomads. These are hardy people who are used to walking, moving, changing. They are calm, agile, smart. Moreover, the positive group is stronger than the negative one. Nomads have a strong immune and nervous system, they are practically omnivorous, however, this group also has bans on foods that disrupt metabolism. The nomad menu is an example of diversity.

Food table for nomads

With such a list of products, you can experiment as much as you like, here is the menu for the day:

  • Grated carrot and apple mixed with sour cream;
  • A cup of green tea.
  • mushroom picker;
  • Macaroni with Bolognese sauce;
  • Juice from freshly squeezed oranges.
  • Boiled rice;
  • Liver stew with vegetables;
  • A glass of red wine.

Such a list of dishes will be envied by the king, and for people of this type it will be useful, protect against diseases. Don't forget about sports! Hiking, slow running, swimming are suitable for nomads. Reinforce the body with lecithin and magnesium - these vitamins are suitable for immunity.

IV blood group - new people

Last on the list, but not least, is the enigmatic, mysterious blood type. People of this type have bright charisma and a surprisingly strong character, but a weak digestive tract, hypersensitivity and nervous irritability, tender heart. A positive blood type is more unpretentious than a negative one, but everyone needs to monitor their health. The blood type diet is the best!

Food table for new people

The list of products is combined taking into account the characteristics of this particular blood type, therefore, by compiling a menu of possible products, you will get an amazing result. The menu may be as follows:

  • with an apple;
  • A cup of coffee (these are the lucky ones who are recommended coffee).
  • Fish soup;
  • Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • Cherry juice.
  • Rolls;
  • Green tea.

For exercise, it is better to choose calm types: swimming, walking, Pilates. Pick up vitamin complex aimed at maintaining circulatory system and immunity. Your body will thank you.

It cannot be argued that a blood type diet is a panacea for all ills. Ideally, a nutritionist should select a nutrition system for everyone. If a person has a severely disturbed metabolism or hormonal failure in the body, then the help of a doctor is needed. But if you do not have big health problems, except for a weight problem, a blood type diet will help put your body in order, cleanse the body and improve metabolism.

For the first time, blood type diets began to be actively discussed on the forums about 20 years ago - it was then that the book by the American physician James d'Adamo "Blood Type Nutrition" was published.

It is interesting that the father of the scientist was originally involved in this topic, so the book presents theories and studies that have been carried out for 50 years. Since then, the number of fans of these diets has been steadily growing.

But how do modern scientists treat it? Existing Scientific research cannot yet confirm the effectiveness of the system proper nutrition D'Adamo.

In one large study, 1455 adults ate according to the recommendations for blood type 1, and this really had a positive effect on their health. But this effect was observed in people with all blood types, not just the first.

The improvement in health was probably due to the fact that the participants simply began to eat healthier food than before. After all, regardless of the blood type, the D’Adamo technique focuses on natural and healthy foods, as opposed to the so-called "Western diet" consisting of refined sugar, fast food and trans fats.

Another large review study from 2013 also did not confirm the effectiveness of this power system.

However, those who practice such nutrition in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists claim that their health and general condition have improved significantly. Obviously, if a person feels better from a certain nutrition system, then it is worth continuing to adhere to it.

In this article, we will look at what diet theory is all about. Is this true or a myth? What does she give healthy person? We will also provide specific food recommendations for each blood type in the form of tables and lists.

The main idea of ​​the d'Adamo system

So, the main idea that James d'Adamo is trying to convey through his book is that blood types are a consequence of evolution. Like, initially on the planet all people had only the first blood group. The rest appeared as a result of a change in diet.

It is well known that the first people on earth ate only vegetables and fruits. But later, animal food was added to their diet (since hunters appeared).

And even later, people learned to cultivate the land, grow grain, and so on. And as soon as their diet underwent cardinal changes, this led to a change in the biochemical composition of the blood, including the appearance of new blood groups. All this happened over tens of thousands of years.

And the essence of the theory is that the owners of the same first blood group are more “adapted” to food of animal origin. Accordingly, it is she who should form the basis of their diet. But people with the second blood type should include plant foods in their diet. Each group has its own “compatibility” with specific types of foods, and intolerances can occur when eating non-recommended foods.

The main idea of ​​James d'Adamo is as follows:

  1. First group. Appeared as a result of hunting thought. The meat of wild animals contains a huge amount of proteins and fats, which is practically absent in vegetables and fruits. But it is worth considering the nuance - the "hunters" used only game.
  2. Second group. It was formed due to the fact that there were tribes that ate exclusively plant foods. The basis of their diet was vegetables and fruits, and not only wild crops. It was these people who made the first discoveries in terms of the cultivation of the earth.
  3. Third group. It appeared as a result of the domestication of wild animals and the emergence of agriculture. D'Adamo himself claimed that the carriers of this blood type descended from "nomads" who did not get food for themselves, but produced it on their own. The key "innovation" among such people is the inclusion of fermented milk products in the diet.
  4. Fourth group. According to d'Adamo's theory, it is a mixture of the 2nd and 3rd groups and appeared relatively recently - only 15 - 18 centuries ago. And the scientist has repeatedly called such people "universal" - their body copes well with game, and with the meat of domestic animals, and with agricultural products.

What does the Rh factor affect?

The Rh factor does not affect how the body "works" with lecithins, so people with both positive and negative Rh should adhere to the general principles of the proposed diet.

But there is only one nuance- Those with a negative Rh factor have thicker blood. Accordingly, they should limit their intake of fatty and protein foods a little. The best option is to give up red meat, pork, fatty beef. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

Also, those with negative blood types should be more strictly control of the water-salt balance. The best option- drink plain water as much as possible, you can add a small amount lemon juice(literally 5 - 10 ml per glass of water).

Now let's take a closer look at the permitted and prohibited foods for each blood type. What foods can you eat and what can't?

First (I)

According to d'Adamo's theory, the owners of the first blood type should definitely include in the diet:

  1. Red meat and beef. Ideally, it should be game, that is, the meat of wild animals. The proteins contained in them constitute the highest nutritional value for people with this blood group.
  2. Liver and organs of animals. Their use allows you to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and, as a result, accelerate the absorption of nutrients, the formation of lecithins.
  3. Fish. Especially useful fatty varieties sea ​​fish, such as sardines, herring, halibut. Also, it would not be superfluous to include shrimp, oysters in the diet - all this contains amino acids essential for the body, including omega-3 (it is necessary).
  4. sea ​​kale, prunes. Be sure to include vegetable oil in the diet, but preference should be given to olive oil.

By the way, often such a diet is called "ancient Greek." It is believed that all these products were the basis of the diet of the ancient Greeks, which allowed them to own the most powerful army in the world (according to historians).

But the products for the owners of the first blood group are:

  1. Cereals. In fact, all foods high in gluten can be included here. And a gluten-free diet, as you might guess, is ideal for owners of the first blood group.
  2. Dairy products. Especially "harmful" are fermented milk products with a high fat content - sour cream, cream, butter and ghee.
  3. Corn, beans, lentils, apples. These are the products that cause "fermentation" and can provoke a sharp change in the intestinal microflora. And in people with the first blood group, it is “oriented” mainly to animal meat and simple proteins.

But d’Adamo referred to the “neutral” products:

  1. leafy vegetables;
  2. sprouted grain;
  3. artichokes;
  4. broccoli.

That is, plant foods that practically do not “load” digestive system while also boosting the immune system. The same sprouted grain, for example, contains interferons that stimulate the body's immune response to the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Second (II)

The basis of the diet for people with the second blood group involves minimizing the presence of animal food, dairy products in the diet. And preference should be given to plant foods.

According to d'Adamo, it is the owners of the second blood group that are best suited for strict vegetarianism. The diet must include:

  1. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. They are a kind of "stimulants" of the digestive function. And it is from vegetables and fruits that a person receives all the micronutrients, fiber, and vitamins necessary for him.
  2. Vegetable oils. Moreover, d'Adamo recommends constantly changing them. That is, one time to use traditional sunflower, then - olive, after - cotton, corn, and so on. They help to regulate water-salt exchange, and also provide the body with easily digestible fats, which are eventually transformed into clean energy.
  3. Cereals and cereals. You can also gluten-containing, but you should not abuse such (James generally recommended that everyone gradually give up gluten).
  4. Green tea. Helps to normalize, provides it with the micronutrients necessary for the production of neurotransmitters.

But the owners of the second blood group should refuse the following products:

  1. Red meat. According to d'Adamo, its use leads to inhibition of digestive function, when the body simply stops absorbing micronutrients, even from plant foods.
  2. Dairy products. By the way, even scientists confirm that the owners of the second blood group most often have problems with the synthesis of enzymes that help absorb lactose.
  3. Beans, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, olives. They contain "complex" proteins that create a powerful load on the digestive tract, comparable to eating red meat.
  4. Black tea. It contains caffeine, which is in large quantities.
  5. Concentrated drinks. The body is simply not prepared for the use of concentrates, since a minimum of micronutrients is absorbed from them. Oddly enough, but in the ancient world, when people mastered agriculture, no one prepared juices.

Neutral products for owners of the second blood group are:

  1. Fish and seafood. Again, d'Adamo recommends favoring oily sea fish.
  2. Apricots, pineapples, grapefruits, carrots. They contain fiber and vitamin A, help the absorption of calcium.
  3. Poultry liver. Easily digestible, helps produce hemoglobin.

Also check out the table:

Third (III)

According to d'Adamo's book, about 20% of the world's population belongs to this group.

It is believed that their digestive system is the most "resistant" to a sharp change in diet, it can adapt to any conditions, like nomads who had to wander the world, and for the time of short stops they produced their own food from agricultural and cattle breeding products.

So, the right products for owners of the third blood group are:

  1. Meat and fish. As for meat, you should give preference to homemade. Fish - preferably also grown in artificial reservoirs (on artificial feeding). All this provides the body with essential amino acids, including essential ones.
  2. Eggs and dairy products. They just began to be used when they began to actively domesticate wild animals.
  3. Cereals and vegetables. Moreover, the body of people with the third blood group is the most "resistant" to gluten, but still they should not be abused - this will not bring any benefit.
  4. Vegetables. You can use almost everything, limiting only the presence of corn and tomatoes in the diet.
  5. Fruits. There are no restrictions at all here - you can have apples, citrus fruits, kiwi, and any "exotic" fruits.
  1. fatty pork;
  2. olives;
  3. corn;
  4. lentils;
  5. peanut.

D'Adamo also argues that with the third blood type, alcoholic beverages should be categorically abandoned, even in small quantities. That is, a small glass of red wine at dinner in this case will not bring any benefit.

Neutral products include:

  1. caviar of any kind of fish;
  2. berries;
  3. dairy desserts.

That is, they can be included in your diet without any consequences, but they should not form its basis.

Also check out the table:

Fourth (IV)

James d'Adamo repeatedly called the fourth blood group the "youngest" and, as a result, optimal for the diet of a modern person. In fact, their diet can be very varied and include both plant foods and animal proteins.

The only thing that should be strictly avoided is red meat, game. And the most useful for the owners of this blood group will be the following products:

  1. Soy. Moreover, it should be used as part of a wide variety of dishes. Be sure to include tofu in your diet. It is she who helps to get the main portion of the protein necessary for the growth of muscle tissue.
  2. Fish and caviar. It is a source of essential amino acids and "rare" vitamins.
  3. Dairy products. You can completely ignore its fat content. It is fermented milk products that help owners of the fourth blood group to “speed up” digestion and optimize bowel function.
  4. Berries. Are the source ascorbic acid and indigestible fiber.
  5. Rice. From it, the body receives starch, which is transformed to complex carbohydrates and energy.

The presence of the following foods in the diet should be limited:

  1. red meat, game;
  2. beans and legumes;
  3. buckwheat grain;
  4. citrus;
  5. mushrooms;
  6. nuts (especially peanuts, but pistachios and walnuts should still be consumed occasionally).

D'Adamo also claims that the owners of the fourth blood group gastrointestinal tract is the most "vulnerable" to stress and nervousness. Therefore, they should be avoided whenever possible.

The "neutral" products for the fourth blood group include:

  1. dry red wine;
  2. green vegetables and fruits;
  3. potato.

Also see the table:

Sample menu for every day

In The Blood Type Diet, James gives an approximate daily diet for each blood type, but it is not strict.

The scientist repeatedly draws attention to the fact that you need to listen to your body and eat those foods that he wants right now.

In total, an approximate menu for the day for owners of the first blood group is as follows:

  1. For breakfast - buckwheat porridge with fish.
  2. For lunch - beef steak or steak.
  3. Snack - walnuts or a dessert based on them (you can even have a cupcake, but do not abuse "heavy" sweets).
  4. Dinner - boiled fish fillet (mackerel is best).

The optimal menu for the day with the second blood type:

  1. Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with low-fat kefir.
  2. Lunch - baked carp with vegetables.
  3. Snack - walnuts or apples.
  4. Dinner - tuna fillet or baked fish (without spices, only salt is added to taste).

Menu for the day with the third blood group:

  1. For breakfast - 2 chicken eggs (or 6 quail eggs - to choose from).
  2. Lunch - stew with rice (lamb is best).
  3. Snack - almonds or apples, you can dry fruits.
  4. Grilled vegetables or baked chicken meat with vegetables.

The optimal menu for the day with the fourth blood group:

  1. For breakfast - cottage cheese with prunes and powdered sugar.
  2. Lunch - vegetable soup or turnip salad (the owners of the fourth group are in dire need of liquid food).
  3. Snack - pine nuts.
  4. Dinner - rabbit meat in tomato sauce.

Again, this is just an “example” diet. Ideally, it should be compiled by a qualified nutritionist, taking into account individual physiological characteristics the patient's body.

Features of the diet for weight loss

First of all, it is worth mentioning that, according to d'Adamo, the diets he proposed are optimal in terms of physiological stress for owners of different blood types.

That is, if you carefully observe them and do not ignore playing sports or just physical activity (even if it's just work), then a person's weight will always be normal.

If for some reason there is obesity (most often it is a consequence of hormonal imbalance or pancreatic dysfunction), then the following rules should be followed for effective weight loss and keeping fit:

  1. Minimize the consumption of vegetable oil. Accordingly, in order to lose weight, you should give preference to stews and baked dishes.
  2. Avoid fatty meats. In particular, this applies to domestic beef, pork, duck.
  3. Give up alcohol. The main harm from taking ethyl alcohol- This is the suppression of the production of enzymes and a violation of the pancreas.
  4. Follow a gluten-free diet. Grains that are high in gluten are always high in complex carbohydrates. And if too much sugar accumulates in the body, it is “transformed” to simple fatty acids and deposited in subcutaneous fat.
  5. Minimize the consumption of concentrated juices, coffee, black tea, desserts. All of them interfere with the normal control of the digestive process by the brain.

And these rules are universal for owners of any blood type.

It is worth considering that often obesity is a consequence of the fact that fats for some reason are not absorbed or the body practically does not produce insulin. In these cases, any diets are contraindicated - consultation of an endocrinologist is necessary. And the diet proposed by d'Adamo is only suitable for those who do not have chronic diseases of the digestive system.

How do scientists feel about d'Adamo's research?

With the basics of d'Adamo's theory, everything is very clear. But how do scientists feel about his research? In most cases - skeptical.

After all, even in biology lessons at school, students are taught that different groups blood is a consequence of different protein sets in the walls of erythrocytes and it depends solely on the set of DNA agents, and not on nutrition.

And in support of their words, scientists point out that the diet of modern man is very different from that which was the main one even a couple of centuries ago. For example, today for each person annually there are about 20 kilograms of sugar, and in the middle of the 19th century this figure was 10 times lower. But at the same time, because of this, a new, 5th blood group did not appear. Moreover, even changes in the structure of proteins in the walls of erythrocytes did not arise from this.

Scientists also believe that if you fully follow the theory of d'Adamo, then a person's blood type could change several times throughout his life, depending solely on the diet. But this does not happen, since all the amino acids that make up the membranes of blood cells are nonessential, that is, they are synthesized by the body from almost any other amino acids.

Be that as it may, but admirers of this nature diet food every year becomes more and more.

What is it connected with? That d'Adamo promotes healthy eating . He recommends giving up gluten, alcohol and giving preference to lean meats, vegetables and fruits. In principle, any qualified nutritionist will confirm that This is the best diet for everyone, regardless of his gender, age, the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Scientists also note that the diet, even in the ancient world, was significantly dependent on geographical location people or tribe. For example, in Africa, hunting thought was rarely used at all - there people were mainly engaged in agriculture. But at the same time, according to official WHO statistics ( World Organization Health), among blacks, the most owners of the 1st and 4th blood groups (higher than that of the Caucasian race). And this is a discrepancy according to d'Adamo's theory.

And we should not ignore the fact that man is a mammal and during the first years of life, the basis of his diet is mother's milk. It has a lot in common with any kind of milk, although it differs in composition. That is why dairy products should be included in the diet of absolutely everyone.

An exception is when the body does not produce enzymes that help digest lactose and its derivatives (in such cases, doctors may prescribe fermented drugs).

But nutritionists even have a negative attitude towards d'Adamo's theory. They argue that such a diet will be the most "harmful" for the owners of the 2nd blood group, who almost completely have to give up animal proteins. Meat contains a huge list of essential amino acids, without which muscle tissue and the skeleton simply cannot grow normally.

Also, nutritionists say that today almost no one eats game in general. Even hunters today prefer to hunt in various kinds of specially equipped reserves, where animals are bred artificially. Like, even with a strong desire to fully comply with the proposed diet, it simply won’t work - the diet of a modern person has changed so much that it cannot correspond to the “old-time” traditions.

It is also worth noting that d'Adamo's book does not talk about many products. For example, honey, which is one of the "safest" sources of iron. All nutritionists recommend using it, and d'Adamo simply bypassed this topic.

Overall, scientists are skeptical about the theory that a person's diet should be changed, depending on his blood type. But at the same time, they indicate that following the diets recommended by him will not bring any harm to health. Unless they completely refuse beans, tomatoes, nuts - they contain essential fatty acids. And their presence in the diet is especially important in children under adolescence.

Is this diet worth it?

At least worth a try. But do not forget about the variety in food. A person, if possible, should always use the most different dishes. And meat, and purely vegetables, fruits. Ideally, you should discuss this issue with a nutritionist.

But in any case, the diet of absolutely everyone (even vegetarians) should include:

  1. Fish and seafood. They have the highest content of essential fatty acids, potassium and iron, which are extremely.
  2. Vegetables and fruits with non-digestible fiber. The easiest option is boiled beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes.
  3. Complex carbohydrates. Mostly they are found in cereals, in oatmeal, wheat, whole flour. Such carbohydrates can be stored in the body "in reserve" and used, for example, when you need to quickly warm up. Fatty acids cannot be absorbed and transformed into energy as quickly as carbohydrates. Therefore, a sugar deficiency can even provoke an imbalance in digestion when a person has obesity, but he receives too little energy from food.

And further important nuance is the maintenance of water-salt balance. But, unlike d'Adamo's theory, one should take into account the juices consumed, and water, and teas, and even first courses - they all contain water, which passes through the process of infiltration in the body and sodium and potassium compounds are extracted from it.


Who should completely abandon this food system? Doctors distinguish several of these categories:

  1. Children up to adolescence. Their digestive system is fundamentally different from that of an adult. For example, their body absorbs both proteins and fatty foods very easily, but it “copes” with vitamins much worse, especially B-groups. Therefore, their diet should be the most diverse.
  2. Women of childbearing age. Their body during this period is fully optimized for bearing a child, when most of the micronutrients enter the placenta. It should not be forgotten that the blood type of the mother and child may differ.
  3. Adults with chronic diseases of the digestive system. This should also include diabetes, since it develops pancreatic dystrophy and replacement of its glandular tissue.

Now let's take a look at the video:


Most importantly, for each person, the optimal diet is purely individual and depends not only on physical activity, but also on gender, age, and even his work.

That's why better solution This issue should be left to qualified nutritionists. Those, in turn, always recommend "listening" to your body, as well as maintaining a variety in the diet, eating both animal and plant foods in approximately the same proportions.

Dynamism, busyness and constant stress that a person faces on a daily basis leads to a deterioration in health. Overweight appears and immunity weakens. In the pursuit of rapid weight loss, rigid dietary systems are often used, which only exacerbate the situation and lead to even more stress and health problems. The blood type diet, created by the American adherent of naturopathy Peter d'Adamo, is aimed at comprehensively strengthening the body.

Special power system

It is difficult to say when the idea to build a nutrition system according to erythrocyte hereditary traits first appeared. But the starting point was the publication of a book by Peter d'Adamo devoted to the study of this issue. The book was published in 1990 and immediately won everyone's attention. More than a quarter of a century has passed, and the theory of nutrition based on the division into groups is still relevant. Principles healthy lifestyle lives are guided by thousands of people around the world.

The essence of the method, voiced by the American naturopath, is that there is no unified system nutrition that would be ideal for the entire population of the planet. Over millions of years of evolution and formation of the immune system human body a certain ability to assimilate certain foods better than others has been formed.

People's lives were also not identical. There were different areas of human activity, the first of which were agriculture and hunting. At present, according to d'Adamo, the descendants of ancient farmers are more adapted to digest food. plant origin than an animal. The recommendations collected in order to make a daily diet are accessible and understandable to everyone. General principles power systems are divided into four groups.

Advantages of the d'Adamo method

There are a large number of adherents of the blood type diet in the world, as well as opponents. Peter d'Adamo takes the research of leading scientists in the field of history and genetics as the basis of his theory. This gives reason to believe that the issue has been comprehensively studied and the conclusions made are quite reasonable. modern medicine does not confirm or refute the correctness of building such a diet.

Unlike rigid mono-diets, which promise a quick effect and weight loss of tens of kilograms per week, the blood type diet is aimed at complex impact on the body. Mono-diets lead to a decrease excess weight due to malnutrition and malnutrition nutrients This reduces immunity and provokes the development of various diseases.

The d'Adamo method does not allow for starvation or lack of vitamins and minerals.

Based on the relationship found between the genetic heritage of a particular population group and chemical reaction, which occurs after a meal, a menu is built. One of the best evidence that d'Adamo's theory works is the numerous positive reviews. Tens of thousands of men and women around the world have experienced the effect of blood type diets on themselves and were satisfied with the result.

What you need to know

With the help of a diet for weight loss by blood type, you can normalize your weight and strengthen your immune system, but you should not hope for a quick effect. Unlike the magical cures that are often advertised on television and on the Internet, the d'Adamo diet cannot be used to lose weight quickly. The nutrition system is based on strengthening the health and natural immunity of the body. As a result, with moderate consumption of recommended and limiting incompatible products, weight also normalizes.

The Rh negative blood type diet does not differ from the recommendations for the Rh positive blood type diet. Despite all the advantages, blood type nutrition does not reflect the needs and individual characteristics of each individual person. The nutrition system contains general guidelines and defines the basic principles for building a daily diet. To create full-fledged conditions for blood type and diet, you should always consult with your doctor.

The human body is unique, as is the composition of blood. Take into account the individual characteristics for each man or woman in general recommendations impossible. Therefore, before changing your usual diet, you should visit a doctor and undergo a basic medical examination. If a person has any diseases or an inflammatory process is actively taking place in the body, you should first undergo a course of treatment. Radical changes in the power system at this time should not be.

You should also take into account the individual intolerance of some products. If a person suffers from food allergies, the menu should be built taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Do not forget about the balance of nutrients. You can’t just exclude any product as a source of vitamins and minerals and not pick up anything in return. With the right approach, a blood type diet will bring positive results.

First blood group

The nutrition table for the first category of people with I blood type or type O is built mainly on the meat menu. People of this type are recommended to include meat products in their daily diet. It would be wrong to limit the consumption of meat and other animal products, and build food on a vegetarian diet. The ancestors of the inhabitants of the planet with the I blood group were hunters, the very first representatives of their species. Now about 30% of the world's population are descendants of ancient hunters.

Diet table for I blood group in short form provides information on basic foodstuffs.

You can print it out and study it in your spare time, or download it to your smartphone and use it as a cheat sheet when shopping for groceries in the store.

  • Meat and offal. Red meat (beef, lamb), turkey meat, offal and minced meat has a positive effect on the body. Poultry and eggs are recognized as neutral for consumption. The use of fat (lard, bacon, goose, etc.) is not recommended.
  • Fish and seafood. All types of fish are recognized as useful or neutral, except for smoked, pickled and salted.
  • Dairy products are allowed to be consumed in the form of homemade cottage cheese. Milk, kefir, sour cream and their derivatives are not digested properly.
  • Olive and sunflower oil are considered useful. Soy, corn and peanut based fat is not recommended.
  • The characteristic of this group is backlash body for gluten. Any wheat-based products (flour, pasta, bread, etc.) are not recommended. Any other cereals and flour from them (buckwheat, rice, etc.) are allowed for use.
  • Plant foods are also divided into acceptable and unacceptable foods. For example, Beijing and ordinary white cabbage are not recommended, and broccoli and kohlrabi are digested very well.
  • It is allowed to drink natural grape or fruit wine, beer in moderation. Strong drinks are not recommended.

Second blood group

Nutrition by blood type for the second type or group A is based on the conclusion that the ancestors of people with type II blood were engaged in cultivating the land. The products that formed the basis of the diet of this group (about 40% of the population) were mainly of plant origin. At first it was the fruits of gathering, then personally grown fruits and vegetables.

The food table for blood group II contains all the necessary information in order to make up your daily diet correctly:

  • Meat and offal are allowed only low-fat varieties, easy for the digestive system (chicken, turkey, quail, etc.).
  • Fish has a positive effect on health, in particular salmon and other types of fish rich in fatty acids. Smoked, pickled and salted foods adversely affect the organism of the descendants of farmers.
  • Any fermented milk products are useful, the use of milk, butter and ice cream is not recommended.
  • Olive, sunflower and soybean oils have a beneficial effect on the body. And the use of peanut and corn oils will have to be abandoned.
  • All cereals are recognized as useful for group II, except for semolina. Products and pastries made from wheat flour are also not recommended.
  • Among vegetables, the restriction is imposed on sweet potatoes, potatoes, Bulgarian and hot pepper, white and red cabbage, champignons and tomatoes.
  • Berries and fruits are allowed to use any, except for bananas, melons, coconuts, tangerines and barberries.
  • Complement the menu with black coffee, green tea and natural wines.

Third blood type

But the diet is made up of a wide range recommended products that include products of both animal and vegetable origin:

  • Meat and offal are recommended those that historically could be obtained with a nomadic lifestyle. Lamb, rabbit meat, beef, lard. Poultry and pork are not recommended.
  • Fresh fish is allowed, as well as salted and marinated for long-term storage.
  • Any dairy products are allowed, except for creamy ice cream.
  • Olive oil and linseed oil have a beneficial effect on the body.
  • Representatives of this group are allowed to use wheat flour and products from it. Buckwheat, semolina and corn grits are not recommended.
  • It is allowed to use almost all vegetables and fruits, except for potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, pumpkins, persimmons, pomegranates and avocados.
  • From drinks, beer, grape or fruit wine is allowed in moderation.

Fourth blood type

For blood type IV, the type of nutrition is based on the ability of the body to change and adapt to environment. This is the smallest group of the population and makes up only about 8%. They are the result of a combination in the evolution of farmers and hunters. Unfortunately, this means that people with group IV have combined negative qualities I and II groups.

They have a weak digestive system and are prone to frequent food poisoning.

  • From meat, lamb, rabbit and turkey meat are well absorbed. Liver and eggs are allowed. Other types of meat are not recommended.
  • Fish is well absorbed by river and sea. It is better to refuse salted and pickled fish.
  • Dairy products are allowed low in fat.
  • Beneficial effect on the body of olive, soybean and peanut oil.
  • Among cereals, the ban is imposed only on buckwheat and corn, as well as flour from them.
  • Soy products and almost all fruits and vegetables are well absorbed. The exceptions are lettuce, radishes, bananas, avocados, and oranges.
  • Beer, red and white natural wines are allowed.

The blood type nutrition system is an excellent technique for streamlining your daily diet and building a healthy menu. Like any other diet, the d'Adamo complex has its own limitations and recommendations. The Blood Type Diet in the table offers concise comprehensive information to make up a daily diet. The rules and the general system are selected according to the genetic memory of the body and the Rh factor.

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