Inhalation for whooping cough in children with a nebulizer. View full version. Inhalation treatment for whooping cough

Good afternoon Please help me with advice.
Child, boy, 3 years old, 100 cm height, 14 kg weight. Developed according to age. Born from a second pregnancy. Apgar 8/9. We are seeing an allergist for biofeedback. First obstructive bronchitis against the background of ARVI at three months, and then the episodes were repeated several times during the first year of life. Stopped - berodual, pulmicort. At four months he was tested for allergens, everything was zero (but he was then on breastfeeding and the doctor said that the analysis showed “my picture”, not his). During the second year, attacks of obstruction also occurred, quite often. It even happened at intervals of a month. They bought it in the same way. Long-term therapy was not prescribed, only for the period of acute symptoms and pulmicort for another week after. At two years of age, ribomunil therapy was prescribed according to the regimen; ketotifen was taken for more than six months, 1/2 tablet. 2 times a day, for a month we breathed pulmicort, 1/2 nebula at night. After this, the attacks were reduced to a minimum, about twice a year, the last exacerbation in April 2016. They docked in the same way. All AOBs against the background of ARVI are not associated with seasonal allergens. The doctor advised that when a dry cough begins against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, immediately inhalation with pulmicort, he said that the virus acts as an allergen. But even if the child does not have wheezing or bronchial obstruction, the cough is usually very strong and dry; either antibiotics (for fever) or our standard therapy (berodual-pulmicort) still help.
Currently, therapy with bronchomunal is prescribed for three months. We haven't started yet. Over three years this happened 3-4 times acute laryngotracheitis, the first of them happened at three months and was quite severe.
This is anamnesis. Now to the point. The child was sick for a month, about three weeks, everything was limited to a banal runny nose, which appeared and disappeared, and a slight cough (intermittent at night). There was no temperature, the pharynx was not hyperemic. A week ago, against the background of newly aggravated rhinitis, conjunctivitis. Then every other day - two episodes of vomiting, the next day - loose stool. Temperature - 37.5. The cough was not severe at this time. The pediatrician prescribed Ascoril (or inhalations with Ambrobene), Tsipromed in the eyes, since the pharynx was also already hyperemic - irrigation with Miramistin, in the nose - Vibrocil, Isofra, Aqua-lor, and Enterofuril (from intestinal infection). But for two nights now the child has been coughing until he vomits, very dryly. The cough is unproductive, paroxysmal. During the day he coughs sporadically and not much. Today we saw an allergist, she said that this is a typical whooping cough clinic, but in the chart she diagnoses it as acute tracheitis. ENT diagnosed today - rhinopharyngitis. Zev is normal. No temperature. The pediatrician gave a referral for a CBC and a throat smear to the SES. We thought for a long time about how to donate blood for whooping cough, but we never remembered which immunoglobulins to donate. For now, Pulmicort is prescribed at night and Ascoril (or Codelac Neo). We will do all this, but I would like to get another opinion, since almost all tracheitis/bronchitis occurs in a child with similar symptoms, but whooping cough was suspected for the first time (maybe because of the strong night cough?). During the day the child is not lethargic, but his appetite is reduced. What should we do now? Do I need to go to the hospital if I have a night attack? Or how to stop it yourself - pulmicort/codelac? Will berodual help here? (As I understand it, it has no attachment points here, since there is no obstruction). What immunoglobulins should I still get tested for tomorrow? There is no vaccine against whooping cough. They started getting vaccinated with ADS-m in 2016, at the age of two. Before this, only BCG-m in the maternity hospital. Medical advice from a neurologist regarding hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome.
And I would really like to know how we can continue to fight obstructive bronchitis or is this asthma? (No one has diagnosed it yet).
Thank you very much for your attention!

The whole story took place in a European country with moderately developed medicine.

One day, after a walk, my child came home coughing slightly. He felt great, there was no fever, and the coughing did not interfere with his life. After a few days, this cough noticeably slid down the throat and began to “moisturize.” Well, we thought, just another week and everything will pass. But no, by the end of the first week the cough became annoying, there was a lot of it and often. One night the child woke up with a cough so strong that he had no time to breathe. Instead of inhaling, a strange whistling sound was produced. To say that we were scared is to say nothing.

I spent that night at the computer trying to figure out what it was. I knew the word laryngospasm, but I needed to find out if it was exactly that. Because besides laryngospasm, there could be a bunch of other reasons why the child could not breathe for a good minute, and laryngospasm is not the worst of them. Well, that’s the way I’m built, I try very hard to avoid self-consolation, so I start checking diagnoses from the most serious ones, so as not to calm down on something suitable easy and not miss something dangerous. Oncology - I dismiss it right away, because it doesn’t look like it at all. Asthma, bronchial obstruction - no, because if the problem is in the lungs, then the difficulties should be with exhalation, not inhalation. Whooping cough - the cough is worse at night (we had it mainly during the day, the first few days - only during the day) - I brush it aside. Laryngospasm remains against the background of laryngotracheitis. In the morning we go to the doctor, she gives the same diagnosis, I exhale, crumple up a piece of paper with five names of medications and prepare to spend the next few nights in the bathroom. Night in the bathroom, unbearably humid, the child sleeps half-sitting - no relief, the same spasm in the middle of the night. But now I’m not afraid of him, I calm the baby down, we cope in just a few seconds.

In the week that we lived with a diagnosis of laryngo-tracheitis, I noticed that the child coughs an order of magnitude less when we walk outside (and it’s best in the evening near our river, where it’s cool and wet) and that the child coughs an order of magnitude more when emotional stress, from boredom, from running and jumping.

When a week passed without any progress in my condition (frequent cough during the day, normal mood, no fever), I began to think: what nonsense, why is my strong healthy child can’t cope with the unfortunate laryngitis. Google hits me again and this time the diagnosis is obvious - whooping cough. Now I was more attentive and saw that in the first period of whooping cough the cough is not strong, not intrusive and cannot be distinguished from common cold. Here it is bingo! I read how whooping cough is treated. I understand that at this time it can no longer be treated, because the bacteria have most likely already died out or will die out in the coming days, and everything else is cured by time.

I go to the doctor again to discuss the diagnosis (to a different doctor this time). The doctor, having learned that the child is unvaccinated, immediately asks a couple of pointed questions about the nature of the cough and suspects whooping cough, thereby earning some of my respect. And he immediately loses points by saying the word “antibiotics.” I ask her if she really considers prescribing antibiotics effective treatment whooping cough after three weeks of illness? The doctor scores a couple of points by simply stopping saying the word “antibiotics” in vain instead of answering. He lets us go with the promise that everything will pass soon.

It might have passed if we had not brought rotavirus from the clinic, which overtook the child the next day. Vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss. Probably dehydration, although I tried very hard to drink. My jumper is lying on the bed with sad eyes. On the third day, he slides onto the floor to play and plays lying down, because he has no strength to sit. On the fourth day after another vomiting, I call my friend and ask her to bring a homeopathic first aid kit, I write to a homeopath who can help online. I know for sure that homeopathy works, I have seen it, but nevertheless this was our first homeopathic experience. Until now, I tried to give the body the opportunity to cope on its own, but now the child has been practically without food for four days... After a couple of peas, the child demands to eat. In the evening. For the first time in four days, he asked for food in the evening. And climbs down onto the carpet to play. Sitting. And asks for a book before bed.

In general, this is not an advertising article homeopathic treatment, but we have good experience. The child is getting better every day, there is no vomiting, there is an appetite, the weight is slowly, very slowly creeping up. And after a walk, the temperature, suddenly, out of the blue. I make an appointment with the doctor again, the doctor makes scary eyes and sends me to the hospital, in the hospital they make scary eyes again, the child is thin, weak, the word “pneumonia” is heard, although none of the doctors hear anything specific about pneumonia in the lungs. I'll omit some of our hospital twists and turns because it will be a bit long. I'll go straight to the recommended treatment. So, the diagnosis is bronchitis. We are waiting for a test for whooping cough. Risk of pneumonia, according to doctors. Prescription: antibiotic and drug pulmicort. I ask why the antibiotic, what signs did they use to determine that the child had some kind of problem of bacterial origin. They answer, it’s whooping cough. I’m posting a link to PubMed, where it says that a child simply cannot have pertussis bacteria. What are they planning to treat with antibiotics? The second drug is even more fun. Pulmicort, active substance budesonide. I'm going to pubmed to see how this drug is used in the treatment of pneumonia. All the links that appear under the combination “budesonide pneumonia” indicate that this drug INCREASES the risk of pneumonia. It turns out it's a corticosteroid used to treat asthma. Naturally, as a corticosteroid, it suppresses the immune response in the bronchi, so its use has been associated with an increased risk of pneumonia. I don’t know... at this point my head refused to understand anything. I tried to discuss this issue with doctors. They were divided into adequate ones who could speak English, listened to me, read my links, talked among themselves and, it seems, understood me. And the inadequate ones, who took over the shift the next day, made a number of unflattering remarks about me, my methods of treating the child, heard the word “pubmed” from me for the first time and did not seem to understand anything.

In general, we went home that same day with a signature, because the child’s temperature dropped on its own two hours after rising. I attribute this jump to the fact that after rotavirus he had some kind of malfunction with thermoregulation and he simply overheated. Because I noticed something like that. Of course, before leaving, the doctors took the opportunity to scare me properly. Tell him that I will kill the child, that I am generally incapable of adequately taking care of his health, that I think that the Internet can replace medical education for me. Well, everything is as usual, they didn’t tell me anything new about me.

At home we took another homeopathic medicine and another one for cough. It got better quickly.

Now the child is normal, there is no cough. Whooping cough lasted two months from the first cough to the last. I have everything written down :)

P.S. I am making this entry anonymous, but if necessary, I will be able to answer questions through moderators.


    Thanks for sharing!

Inhalation for whooping cough is one of the most effective methods treatment. Most often, this procedure is carried out in a clinic at the patient’s place of residence. It takes literally 10-15 minutes, after which the child can go home almost immediately. If the baby’s health condition is such that staying on the street is contraindicated for him, treatment can be done at home. All that is needed for this is a special device called a nebulizer, and special medications with a pronounced expectorant effect. Do you think it's too difficult? Not at all!

Despite all the apparent similarities between these devices, they work slightly differently. A regular inhaler (Inhalo - “I inhale”) has been used in medicine for quite a long time. It provides the body with medicines at the moment of inhalation. A similar principle is widely used in folk medicine, when a patient with one or another respiratory disease, covering his head with a towel or blanket, inhales vapors from potatoes, onions or garlic.

A nebulizer (Nebula - “cloud”, “fog”) works a little differently. The active substance (usually a liquid) is first converted into an aerosol. For this purpose, ultrasound, a fairly powerful compressor, or a metal network with the smallest cells are mainly used. This option is more preferable, since it provides excellent effectiveness of therapy with less drug consumption.

Active substances

Various medications can be used to relieve cough due to whooping cough, but only a doctor should choose them. Most often, for use at home, pediatricians recommend “mild” expectorants that stimulate the removal of sputum from the body and thereby promote a speedy recovery.

Popular mucolytics:

Aqueous extract of propolis. An exceptionally safe drug. It can be used by almost everyone, although if your child is allergic to bee products, it is still better to consult a doctor., “dilate” bronchi that relax muscles respiratory tract and promote better blood flow to the lungs (for example, Xopenax).

Features of the procedure

They largely depend on the design of the inhaler, so before the first session we recommend not only visiting a pediatrician, but also carefully reading the instructions for using the device. What is the best way to treat cough due to whooping cough in children using an inhaler?

Carrying out the procedure:

  • Reassure the child and explain to him that he will not feel pain, and if little patient is about to burst into tears, show him how the device works by personal example.
  • Be sure to wash your hands warm water with soap, or even better, treat your palms with a special antibacterial composition.
  • Make sure that the device (no matter which one - an inhaler or a nebulizer) is on a level surface and that its air filter is clean and dry.
  • Prepare the medicine. If you are using a pharmacy mixture, simply pour it into a container. Otherwise, combine the required components in a sterile container and exact dosage use a pipette or syringe. For a better therapeutic effect, you can use saline solution (sold at any pharmacy) instead of water.
  • Make sure the device is working again, after which you can give the child a breathing tube. Important note: be sure to make sure he is using it correctly.

What to do after the session:

  • rinse the breathing tube and solution container hot water with soap;
  • disinfect the device (you can use a vinegar solution for this);
  • dry the device and put it in a box.

Recommendations from child psychologists:

  • Small children are unlikely to be able to hold a breathing tube in their mouth for long. Therefore, you will need special masks. The procedure for school-age children is carried out in the same way as for adults.
  • Do not leave your child alone during the procedure. Try to distract him, otherwise he will quickly take off his mask.
  • In order to “occupy” a child, a good book, a heart-to-heart conversation, or even a cartoon beloved by the little patient will do. Practicing psychologists claim that “Luntik”, “Barbosiki” or “Ice Age” will help you with this much more than a moralizing conversation or a strict mentoring tone.
  • If the child still refuses the procedure, do not insist. Try turning the session into a game by inviting him to play as astronauts or scientists.

Inhalation for whooping cough in children is an effective, safe and very simple method of treatment. In many cases, it allows you to do without a course of strong antibiotics or significantly reduce them potential harm for the body.

But we consider it our duty to remind you that only a qualified pediatrician should make a decision about such procedures.

Whooping cough is a bacterial disease caused by the whooping cough bacillus. The disease spreads by airborne droplets and is mainly affected by children, since their fragile the immune system unable to fully cope with the infection.

For whooping cough in children, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Antibacterial drugs can be used orally or inhaled, which is safest for the child’s body.

In addition to antibiotics, it is advisable to inhale mucolytic, bronchodilator, and immunomodulatory agents. Of course, the first thing to do if you suspect whooping cough is to consult a doctor, but to do this you need to know how the disease develops and what symptoms arise.

Symptoms of the disease

Children aged 3 to 6 years are most susceptible to the disease. Symptoms of whooping cough (at its initial stage) can be easily confused with manifestations of a common acute respiratory infection - a runny nose appears, in which the mucous discharge is clear, the body temperature rises to subfebrile levels, and a cough occurs periodically.

Incubation period

When entering the body of children, pertussis infection affects the respiratory tract, spreading to the most remote places of the bronchial tree. Over time, when toxins released by pathological microorganisms accumulate, they penetrate the blood and fill the lumen of the bronchi, which leads to increased symptoms. Incubation period

with whooping cough lasts about 7-10 days, after which children develop a dry spasmodic cough.


Around the 14th day after the onset of the disease, coughing attacks intensify. One cough attack during whooping cough can be characterized as follows: children experience several strong cough shocks in a row, followed by a prolonged or fitful breath, accompanied by a whistle, after which the attack is repeated again.

After a series of attacks ends, children produce sputum; it has a viscous glassy consistency, so coughing it up is quite problematic. Vomiting also occurs quite often as a result of coughing.

Paroxysmal spasmodic cough can be repeated dozens of times a day, which poses a mortal danger to children younger age(especially infants), since breathing is blocked during this period. Treatment for whooping cough is aimed not only at suppressing pathogenic microorganisms, but also at eliminating dangerous symptoms that occur during coughing attacks.

The most effective method of treatment for spasmodic cough is inhalation; they are always prescribed along with taking systemic drugs.

Inhalation treatment

Firstly, inhalation is the safest method of treatment, especially when it comes to children. Procedures can be performed on children from the very beginning. early age, but it should be noted that inhalation is best done through a nebulizer. Nebulizer inhalations can be done even for infants.

Using a nebulizer

Thanks to the nebulizer, the medicinal substance is converted into small aerosol particles that can penetrate even the very terminal branches of the bronchial tree (this effect cannot be achieved during steam procedures). In addition, with nebulizer therapy, unlike steam therapy, it is impossible to cause thermal injury to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which makes this method of treatment safe for children.

High efficiency

Secondly, unlike systemic drugs, inhalations allow medicine without loss, go directly to the lesion. In this case, the medicine does not enter the systemic bloodstream, which is important for the baby’s body. The drugs do not have a harmful effect on the body as a whole, but act specifically at the site of the lesion. Unhindered access to the inflamed area medicinal substances, begin to act almost instantly, which allows you to achieve the fastest possible therapeutic effect.


As already mentioned with whooping cough, in children the main symptom is a spasmodic cough, which can lead to suffocation of the child. Also, the cough is accompanied by a viscous secretion that is difficult to clear, which should be gotten rid of, since stagnation of sputum in the bronchi aggravates the disease. And, of course, it is necessary to eliminate the direct pathogen that caused all these unpleasant, even terrible, symptoms.


Inhalations with antibacterial drugs will help eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and prevent their reproduction and spread. You can carry out procedures through a nebulizer using antibiotics such as Dioxidin, Fluimucil-antibiotic IT, Tobramycin, and others. Remember that a doctor must prescribe antibacterial drugs.


In some cases (at the discretion of the doctor), corticosteroid drugs are used in the treatment of children; Pulmicort is quite effective among them.


Mucolytic agents that can be inhaled through a nebulizer are Fluimucil ACC, Lazolvan, Pulmozim, others. These medications will help thin out the viscous secretion and improve its discharge, which will clear the bronchi of mucus.


It is also advisable to inhale bronchospasmodics, which, so to speak, “unfold” the bronchi, eliminate spasm, bringing the bronchopulmonary system to a calm state.

In addition, they promote better coughing up of phlegm. The most popular representatives of this group are Berotek, Eufillin, Atrovent, Bronholitin, and others.


Along with the main drugs, they are prescribed that help restore the child’s already weakened immunity and improve the body’s resistance to infections.

Mineral water

To soften the mucous tissues of the larynx damaged during coughing attacks, it is recommended to use degassed mineral waters “Borjomi” and “Narzan”.

Whooping cough, it's dangerous disease, which can even lead to fatal outcome, so do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor.

Today there is an increased suspicion of whooping cough.

After listening, the pediatrician made a diagnosis acute bronchitis and appointed:

1. Flemoxin (used for 7 days)

We followed her instructions for 5 days.

But, because the cough did not become less painful and after crying a runny nose appeared, she prescribed the following in addition to the above list:

My daughter began to cough better. Those. cough became more productive.

We stopped inhalations, and Fenistil too.

Cough for 10 days, temperature 36.8, heart rate - 120, respiratory rate - 36.

The skin is clean, of normal color and moisture.

In the lungs: Breathing is puerile. Heart sounds are clear and rhythmic. The belly is soft, b\b. Zev is hyperthermic.

Diagnosis: O. nasopharyngitis, allergic?

1. Drinking regime

5. Min. water through a nebulizer

6. Inhalation with Lazolvan

8. Consultation with an allergist

The cough is wet, unproductive, paroxysmal, more at night.

History: dermatitis at 6 months (raspberries (Agusha raspberry juice + apple), silver (given water from a silver spoon at 1 month - stopped at 2 months)?).

The skin is clean, mucous membranes are clean.

RR - 36 without the participation of auxiliary muscles.

Heart - rhythmic tones.

Diagnosis: Obstructive bronchitis.

Rule out whooping cough (the child is not vaccinated).

2. Inhalations with Atrovent

3. Inhalations with pulmicort (for them we bought a compressor nebulizer)

In my opinion, the child felt better.

The cough became less frequent and less painful.

Appetite improved and activity increased.

After listening, she reported that there was “nothing to complain about” in the lungs; everything was much better in the bronchi.

I prescribed breast collection No. 1, but because... The allergist is afraid of allergies to herbs (that’s why Gedelix was canceled for us), I did not use it.

The skin is clean, the pharynx is loose. Breathing through the nose is free. In the lungs there is hard breathing, wheezing is not abundant, moist and wirey with a fixed diaphragm.

RR - 28 without the participation of auxiliary muscles.

Diagnosis: obstructive bronchitis, whooping cough?

2. Inhalations with Atrovent

3. Inhalations with pulmicort

4. Vibracil - as needed

5. Inhalations with Lazolvan

7. R-graphy gr. cells + RPGA for whooping cough and parapertussis.

Red blood cells 4.73 *10^12/l (3.6 - 5.2)

Hemoglobin 12.6 g/dl (10.5 - 12.2)

Hematocrit 37.3% ()

MCH 26.6 pg ()

MCHC 33.8 g/dl ()

Platelets 661 *10^9/l ()

Neutrophils (total) 23% ()

Band 3% (0.0 - 8.0)

Segmented 20% (17.0 - 60.0)

Eosinophils 1.0% (1.0 - 5.0)

Basophils - % (0.0 - 1.0)

Lymphocytes 70.0% (20.0 - 70.0)

Monocytes 6.0% (1.0 - 11.0)

We'll try to do an X-ray tomorrow.

1. Zyrtec 5 drops x 1 dose.

2. Inhalations with Atrovent 5 drops + 3 ml. saline solution x 3 p.d.

3. Inhalations with pulmicort 0.5 ml + 3 ml. saline solution x 3 p.d.

4. Vibracil - as needed

5. Inhalations with Lazolvan 1 ml + 2 ml. saline solution x 2 w.d.

6. Sumamed (suspension 100 mg/5 ml): 1st day - 5 ml, 2nd - 5th day - 2.5 ml x 1 day.

1. How likely do you think it is to have whooping cough? And if it’s whooping cough, what are they afraid of? Asphyxia, irreversible consequences?

2. Provided that throughout the entire illness the temperature has never risen, could it be pneumonia?

3. And if it’s not whooping cough or pneumonia, then does it result in obstructive bronchitis? Then why does the child suffer from coughing for so long? (Today is the 16th day).

4. Is the treatment prescribed correctly?

Lazolvan is not needed under any conditions, generally in the coming years of your child’s life.

Atrovent is not needed in the absence of bronchospasm and shortness of breath (it has never happened). Pulmicort is, by and large, not needed, even if it is obstructive bronchitis. Zyrtec too.

And I really didn’t notice any shortness of breath.

Are we just waiting for the RPGA?

How does a child sleep at night?

Coughs about once an hour.

And sometimes he starts crying after coughing.

It has become difficult to put her to sleep - she cries before falling asleep. Previously, styling took no more than 5 minutes.

But perhaps this is also due to the teeth. We have more ones climbing.

What do you think of this device?

And if it’s positive, then maybe use some essential oils? Eucalyptus, cedar, etc.?

Those. she starts coughing, I wait 20 seconds, and if she calms down and doesn’t whine, then I don’t approach.

Or should you always approach her and assess her condition? Maybe you should pay attention to the nature of her breathing?

Or can I start being more relaxed about her cough?

The rest of the family is with him.

The doctor prescribes Sumamed again.

Appointments are only available tomorrow.

Is it worth starting antibiotics right away?

Besides, the doctor didn’t see us.

The cough is more dry than wet, no fever.

We do not take any medications, only drink plenty of fluids.

The child is 9 months old.

I'm very afraid of pneumonia.

The doctor says that antibiotics are a preventive measure against pneumonia.

Inhalation treatment for whooping cough

For whooping cough in children, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Antibacterial drugs can be used orally or inhaled, which is safest for the child’s body. In addition to antibiotics, it is advisable to inhale mucolytic, bronchodilator, and immunomodulatory agents. Of course, the first thing to do if you suspect whooping cough is to consult a doctor, but to do this you need to know how the disease develops and what symptoms arise.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease

Over time, when toxins released by pathological microorganisms accumulate, they penetrate the blood and fill the lumen of the bronchi, which leads to increased symptoms.

Incubation period

Over time, when toxins released by pathological microorganisms accumulate, they penetrate the blood and fill the lumen of the bronchi, which leads to increased symptoms. The incubation period for whooping cough lasts approximately 7-10 days, after which children develop a dry, spasmodic cough.



Around the 14th day after the onset of the disease, coughing attacks intensify. One cough attack during whooping cough can be characterized as follows: children experience several strong cough shocks in a row, followed by a prolonged or fitful breath, accompanied by a whistle, after which the attack is repeated again.

Coughing attacks

Paroxysmal spasmodic cough can be repeated dozens of times a day, which poses a mortal danger for young children (especially infants), since breathing is blocked during this period. Treatment for whooping cough is aimed not only at suppressing pathogenic microorganisms, but also at eliminating dangerous symptoms that occur during coughing attacks.

The most effective treatment for spasmodic cough is inhalation; they are always prescribed along with systemic medications.

Inhalation treatment

Firstly, inhalation is the safest method of treatment, especially when it comes to children. Children can perform the procedure from a very early age, but it should be taken into account that inhalations are best carried out using a nebulizer. Nebulizer inhalations can be done even for infants.

Using a nebulizer

Thanks to the nebulizer, the medicinal substance is converted into small aerosol particles that can penetrate even the very terminal branches of the bronchial tree (this effect cannot be achieved during steam procedures). In addition, with nebulizer therapy, unlike steam therapy, it is impossible to cause thermal injury to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which makes this method of treatment safe for children.

High efficiency

Secondly, unlike systemic drugs, inhalation allows the drug to be delivered directly to the lesion without loss. In this case, the medicine does not enter the systemic bloodstream, which is important for the baby’s body. The drugs do not have a harmful effect on the body as a whole, but act specifically at the site of the lesion. By freely reaching the inflamed area, medicinal substances begin to act almost instantly, which allows you to achieve the fastest possible therapeutic effect.


As already mentioned with whooping cough, in children the main symptom is a spasmodic cough, which can lead to suffocation of the child. Also, the cough is accompanied by a viscous secretion that is difficult to clear, which should be gotten rid of, since stagnation of sputum in the bronchi aggravates the disease. And, of course, it is necessary to eliminate the direct pathogen that caused all these unpleasant, even terrible, symptoms.


Inhalations with antibacterial drugs will help eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and prevent their reproduction and spread. You can carry out procedures through a nebulizer using antibiotics such as Dioxidin, Fluimucil-antibiotic IT, Tobramycin, and others. Remember that a doctor must prescribe antibacterial drugs.


In some cases (at the discretion of the doctor), corticosteroid drugs are used in the treatment of children; Pulmicort is quite effective among them.


Mucolytic agents that can be inhaled through a nebulizer are Fluimucil ACC, Lazolvan, Pulmozim, and others. These medications will help thin out the viscous secretion and improve its discharge, which will clear the bronchi of mucus.


It is also advisable to inhale bronchospasmodics, which, so to speak, “unfold” the bronchi, eliminate spasm, bringing the bronchopulmonary system to a calm state.

In addition, they promote better coughing up of phlegm. The most popular representatives of this group are Berotek, Eufillin, Atrovent, Bronholitin, and others.


Along with the main medications, Interferon inhalations are prescribed, which help restore the child’s already weakened immunity and improve the body’s resistance to infections.

Mineral water

To soften the mucous tissues of the larynx damaged during coughing attacks, it is recommended to carry out alkaline inhalations using degassed mineral waters “Borjomi” and “Narzan”.

Whooping cough is a dangerous disease that can even lead to death, so do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor.

The most effective medicines for whooping cough

Whooping cough is a highly contagious disease that most often affects children preschool age. Treatment for whooping cough is long-term, and complete recovery may take 6-8 weeks. A residual cough, in rare cases, it remains up to six months.

How to treat whooping cough in adults and children, with what means, and how to avoid complications will be advised by your attending physician - pediatrician, general practitioner, pulmonologist or infectious disease specialist.

Whooping cough therapy

Treatment for whooping cough should be started immediately after diagnosis to prevent development of severe disease. When contacting patients, prophylactic administration of antibacterial and immunostimulating drugs is necessary.

Since this disease is very difficult to tolerate, leaving unpleasant consequences, hospitalization in the infectious diseases department of the hospital is advisable.

In what cases is hospital treatment necessary:

  1. Children of the first year of life must be under the supervision of specialists.
  2. With moderate and severe course of the disease.
  3. When concomitant diseases develop.
  4. Patients with chronic diseases.
  5. Children living in orphanages must be placed in a hospital to avoid mass infection.

Whooping cough can only be cured complex therapy. For a successful recovery, you must follow all doctor's prescriptions.

The treatment regimen for whooping cough includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Mucolytics, expectorants:
  3. Bronchodilators.
  4. Antihistamines.
  5. Antispasmodics.

At mild form diseases use a group of macrolides or penicillins. For children Summamed, Azitrus, Amoxicillin, Augmentin. Adults and children over 8 years of age are prescribed Erythromycin, Levomycitin. From the age of 12, it is possible to take tetracycline antibiotics.

Treatment with antibiotics

With more severe development of the disease, and when whooping cough is accompanied by bronchitis or pneumonia, preference is given to the cephalosporin group: Suprax, Pantsef, Zinnat, Ixim Lupin suspensions for children, in a condition where the child cannot take medications orally and adults are prescribed injections of Cefazolin and Cefotaxime.

Antibiotics are used only for initial therapy, further treatment designed to relieve symptoms and support immunity. Antibacterial therapy may be accompanied by the administration of anti-pertussis immunoglobulin.

Treatment without antibiotics occurs for mild forms of whooping cough, such as in children who have received the vaccine.

Mucolytic and expectorant medications

To remove sputum, mucolytic and expectorant medications are prescribed: for the smallest children Gedelix, Gerbion, dry mixtures, inhalations. For older children and adults: tablets with thermopsis, Bromhexine, for severe inflammation - Erispal, Ascoril.

No matter how old the patient is, in case of severe spasms, Eufillin is prescribed, which can not only remove phlegm, but also relieve obstruction in the airways.

Admission required sedatives based on valerian and motherwort, sometimes more is required strong remedies: Relanium, Seduxen, Sibazon.


During treatment it is necessary to take antihistamines: Suprastin, Zyrtec, Zodak, Cetrin, Cetirizine. To maintain immunity, interferon-based medications are prescribed: Ergoferon, Anaferon, Viferon, and other supporting medications: Echinacea, Aflubin, and homeopathic Agri granules for children.

To restore strength and maintain the body, you need to take vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamins C, B, A, P. During research, it was noticed that patients who took an increased dose of vitamin C from the first day recovered 2-3 weeks earlier than others.


The main treatment for whooping cough is antibiotic therapy, which is why inhaled antibiotics are often prescribed for treatment, especially when it comes to a child.

Inhalations with a nebulizer can be carried out from the first days of life, and it is this method that allows you to use not only antibacterial drugs for the treatment of whooping cough, but also mucolytic, hormonal, and immunostimulating agents.

Medicines for inhalation for whooping cough:

  1. Antibacterial inhalations help prevent inflammation in the respiratory tract and suppress bacterial pathogens. The following antibiotics are used for inhalation: Fluimucil-antibiotic IT, Tobramycin, Gentamicin, Dioxedine.
  2. Mucolytic and expectorant drugs: Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Mucaltin, ACC, Pulmozim. Local exposure to drugs accelerates the removal of sputum.
  3. For attacks of suffocation and severe spasms, inhalations with hormonal drugs are prescribed: Pulmicort, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone. These drugs are used with caution, especially in childhood.
  4. Inhalations with Interferon increase the body's resistance to infections, enhance immunity, and speed up recovery.
  5. To soften the mucous membrane, it is useful to breathe saline and mineral waters.
  6. To relieve spasms and expand the bronchial tract, inhalations with bronchospasmolytics are prescribed: Eufillin, Berodual, Atrovent, Berotek.
  7. To relieve inflammation in the nasopharynx, the following drugs are used: Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, tincture of calendula or eucalyptus, Furacillin solution, Rotokan.

The duration of inhalation procedures for whooping cough for children is 5-7 minutes; for adults, the dosage and duration of the course are determined by the attending physician, depending on the age of the patient.

Inhalations are definitely prescribed if whooping cough develops in a child under one year of age. This is the safest treatment method that does not affect internal organs, and virtually no side effects.

Treatment at home

Traditional treatment of whooping cough can be supplemented with homeopathic medicines and folk remedies. The selection of homeopathic medicines is individual and depends on the degree and severity of the disease. It should be remembered that their use is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Homeopathic remedies

Before you start taking these remedies, you need to consult with a specialist who will tell you how to cure whooping cough with homeopathy.

Homeopathic remedies for whooping cough:

  1. Nux Vomica 3 and Pulsatilla are used for dry cough, accompanied by a blue face, and frequent attacks during sleep.
  2. Belladonna - for increased coughing at night, prolonged attacks without mucus discharge.
  3. Aconite – has an antipyretic effect, relieves headache and a feeling of thirst. Improves overall well-being.
  4. Dulcamara 6 is taken for wet coughs and short attacks.
  5. In case of a sudden increase in temperature, severe shortness of breath, or hacking cough, use Bryonia 3. It also helps with gastrointestinal tract disorders and relieves the bitter taste in the mouth.
  6. Drosera 6 is used for prolonged, intense attacks of suffocation.
  7. Arsenic 3 is often prescribed to children in whom the onset of an attack causes panic and fear. It also improves body tone.
  8. Gelpar Sulfur 6 is appropriate for severe wheezing, which can be heard even at a distance from the patient. Relieves swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  9. For coughing with vomiting, Cuprum Aceticum 3 is used; it is also prescribed for attacks with loss of consciousness.
  10. At the end of the disease, when the cough becomes productive, with sputum expelling well, Ipecac 3 is used.
  11. To restore the body and improve appetite after illness, take Hina 3.

Homeopathy for whooping cough is used not only as a medicinal products, but also for prevention. For example, the homeopathic drug Pertussinum is used if there has been contact with a sick person. This remedy allows you to avoid infection or suffer mild whooping cough.

Folk remedies

It is possible to cure whooping cough only with the help of medications, but using the means alternative medicine, you can support your immune system and reduce the risk of complications.

  1. Drink a glass of elderberry infusion three times a day: to prepare, infuse 3 tablespoons of dried flowers in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Take 200 gr. crushed licorice root, pour 500 ml of water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take a tablespoon orally 3-4 times a day.
  3. Finely chop or grate two small onions, mix with 2 tablespoons of sugar and refrigerate overnight. Take the resulting syrup one teaspoon every 1.5-2 hours. If there is no allergy, then sugar can be replaced with honey.
  4. Take a tablespoon each of coltsfoot and plantain leaves, brew 2 teaspoons of pine buds in two glasses of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink two tablespoons 4 times a day.
  5. Finely chop or grate the beets and cabbage. Mix a glass of raw materials with a spoon of 6% vinegar. Place in a dark place for two hours, then squeeze out. For oral administration, mix the syrup with warm water in a 1:1 ratio. Drink a teaspoon three times a day. This product can be used as a rinse to relieve inflammation.

It is not advisable to give herbal infusions and decoctions to children under 3 years of age without a doctor’s prescription to avoid allergic reactions. Their condition can be alleviated with warm milk with honey and butter. Be sure to frequently drink warm fruit drinks, compotes, and teas. During the treatment period and after recovery, natural juices from citrus fruits, currants, and blackberries should be included in the diet.

Within a year after recovery, you should undergo examinations by a pulmonologist, infectious disease specialist and neurologist.

It is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes and prebiotics. After a severe form of whooping cough in a child, medications are often prescribed to improve cerebral circulation: Pantogam, Piracetam, Nootropil, Encephabol.

The rehabilitation period should include:

  • breathing exercises;
  • physical therapy;
  • restorative massage.

Children especially benefit from swimming and walks in the fresh air, preferably in coniferous forests. You should eliminate junk food from your diet and focus on fresh vegetables, fruits and high protein foods.

Read better what the honored doctor says Russian Federation Victoria Dvornichenko, on this matter. For several years I suffered from poor health - constant colds, problems with the throat and bronchi, headaches, weight problems, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, weakness, loss of strength, weakness and depression. Endless tests, visits to doctors, diets, pills did not solve my problems. The doctors no longer knew what to do with me. BUT thanks simple recipe, headaches, colds, gastrointestinal problems in the past, my weight is back to normal and I feel HEALTHY, full of strength and energy. Now my attending physician is surprised how this is so. Here is a link to the article.

How to properly inhale a child during whooping cough

Inhalation for whooping cough is one of the most effective methods of treatment. Most often, this procedure is carried out in a clinic at the patient’s place of residence. It takes literally minutes, after which the child can go home almost immediately. If the baby’s health condition is such that staying on the street is contraindicated for him, treatment can be done at home. All that is needed for this is a special device called a nebulizer, and special medications with a pronounced expectorant effect. Do you think it's too difficult? Not at all!

Nebulizer or inhaler?

Despite all the apparent similarities between these devices, they work slightly differently. A regular inhaler (Inhalo - “I inhale”) has been used in medicine for quite a long time. It ensures that medications enter the body at the moment of inhalation. A similar principle is widely used in folk medicine, when a patient with a particular respiratory disease, covering his head with a towel or blanket, inhales fumes from potatoes, onions or garlic.

A nebulizer (Nebula - “cloud”, “fog”) works a little differently. The active substance (usually a liquid) is first converted into an aerosol. For this purpose, ultrasound, a fairly powerful compressor, or a metal network with the smallest cells are mainly used. This option is more preferable, since it provides excellent effectiveness of therapy with less drug consumption.

Active substances

Various medications can be used to relieve cough due to whooping cough, but only a doctor should choose them. Most often, for use at home, pediatricians recommend “mild” expectorants that stimulate the removal of sputum from the body and thereby promote a speedy recovery.

  • Mukaltin. Active ingredients: purified marshmallow extract and sodium bicarbonate. Mucaltin is not recommended for use for stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as any other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Possible side effects are limited to diarrhea and vomiting, but the likelihood of them occurring is extremely low. The optimal concentration of the drug is 1 tablet of saline solution, the intensity of treatment is 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Acetylcysteine. A powerful expectorant, but its use can only be done strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Thus, this drug is prohibited for use in case of severe allergies to the active substance, ulcers, liver and kidney diseases. Treatment of children with arterial hypertension is possible, but only if the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk, and the small patient is already 6 years old. After the procedure, a severe coughing attack is possible, but in most cases it passes quickly and does not require additional consultation with a doctor.
  • Aqueous extract of propolis. An exceptionally safe drug. It can be used by almost everyone, although if your child is allergic to bee products, it is still better to consult a doctor.

For medical reasons, special pharmacological drugs can be used to carry out the procedure, “dilating” the bronchi, which relax the muscles of the respiratory tract and promote better blood flow to the lungs (for example, Xopenax).

Features of the procedure

They largely depend on the design of the inhaler, so before the first session we recommend not only visiting a pediatrician, but also carefully reading the instructions for using the device. What is the best way to treat cough due to whooping cough in children using an inhaler?

  • Calm the child down and explain to him that he will not feel pain, and if the little patient is about to break into tears, show him how the device works by personal example.
  • Be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap, or even better, treat your palms with a special antibacterial composition.
  • Make sure that the device (no matter which one - an inhaler or a nebulizer) is on a level surface and that its air filter is clean and dry.
  • Prepare the medicine. If you are using a pharmacy mixture, simply pour it into a container. Otherwise, combine the required components in a sterile container and use a pipette or syringe for precise dosage. For a better therapeutic effect, you can use saline solution (sold at any pharmacy) instead of water.
  • Make sure the device is working again, after which you can give the child a breathing tube. Important note: be sure to make sure he is using it correctly.

What to do after the session:

  • Wash the breathing tube and solution container with hot water and soap;
  • disinfect the device (you can use a vinegar solution for this);
  • dry the device and put it in a box.
  • Small children are unlikely to be able to hold a breathing tube in their mouth for long. Therefore, you will need special masks. The procedure for school-age children is carried out in the same way as for adults.
  • Do not leave your child alone during the procedure. Try to distract him, otherwise he will quickly take off his mask.
  • In order to “occupy” a child, a good book, a heart-to-heart conversation, or even a cartoon beloved by the little patient will do. Practicing psychologists claim that “Luntik”, “Barbosiki” or “Ice Age” will help you with this much more than a moralizing conversation or a strict mentoring tone.
  • If the child still refuses the procedure, do not insist. Try turning the session into a game by inviting him to play as astronauts or scientists.

Inhalation for whooping cough in children is an effective, safe and very simple method of treatment. In many cases, it allows you to do without a course of strong antibiotics or significantly reduce their potential harm to the body.

But we consider it our duty to remind you that only a qualified pediatrician should make a decision about such procedures.

Please tell me, does the use of Pulmicort show good results for whooping cough in a child? Very different reviews on the Internet, I would like to hear the doctor’s opinion.

Pulmicort is a local glucocorticosteroid.

Whooping cough - infection, caused by a bacterium that can be easily treated with appropriate (antibacterial) therapy.

Whooping cough is also treated simply with fresh air and centrally acting antitussives.

Inhalations, and especially with steroid hormones, whooping cough was not and is not included in the treatment regimen.

Is it possible to take inhalations for whooping cough?

The peculiarity of whooping cough is a dry cough, without sputum, as a result of infection with a specific virus. And the peculiarity of a cough is that it lasts a very long time, it causes strong spasms, and even vomiting is possible, which greatly stimulates the receptors and the corresponding areas of the brain. That is, it does not irritate the mucous membranes or bronchi, but the corresponding brain centers. And it is better to do inhalations only under the supervision of a doctor if, for example, if whooping cough does not go away, you also become infected with ARVI. In general, the most The best way To calm such a cough - walks in fresh, cool, moist air - they will calm these receptors. It’s better not to self-medicate, and if there are inhalations, take them in the hospital, under the supervision of a doctor - after all, it is unknown how severe an attack this can provoke.

This disease has several stages, the treatment methods for each of them are different, but they do not actually cure, but help alleviate the symptoms. In many cases, inhalations help remove sputum and soften the cough, but they should only be prescribed by a doctor so as not to aggravate the condition.

It's better to see a doctor. For whooping cough, the doctor prescribed inhalations using mineral water and lazolvan. You may be prescribed the same thing, or inhalations at the hospital/clinic, or not prescribed inhalations at all. I do not recommend self-medication.