Hypertonic glucose solution recipe. Intravenous administration of glucose using a dropper for adults and children. Glucose - restore strength

Glucose (dextrose, grape sugar) is a universal “fuel” for the body, an essential substance that ensures the functioning of brain cells and the entire nervous system human body.

A dropper with prepared glucose is used in modern medicine as a means of providing energy support, allowing the patient’s condition to be normalized in the shortest possible time in case of serious illnesses, injuries, or after surgical interventions.

Properties of glucose

The substance was first isolated and described by the British physician W. Prout at the beginning of the 19th century. It is a sweet-tasting compound (carbohydrate), the molecule of which is made up of 6 carbon atoms.

Formed in plants through photosynthesis, in pure form found only in grapes. The human body normally enters through food containing starch and sucrose and is released during digestion.

The body forms a “strategic reserve” of this substance in the form of glycogen, using it as an additional source of energy to maintain life in the event of emotional, physical or mental overload, illness or other extreme situations.

For the human body to function normally, blood glucose levels should be approximately 3.5-5 mmol per liter. Several hormones regulate the amount of the substance, the most important being insulin and glucagon.

Glucose is constantly used as a source of energy for neurons, muscle and blood cells.

  • ensuring metabolism in cells;
  • normal course of redox processes;
  • normalization of liver function;
  • replenishing energy reserves;
  • maintaining fluid balance;
  • enhancing the elimination of toxins.

The use of intravenous glucose medical purposes Helps restore the body after poisoning, illness, and surgery.

Effect on the body

The rate of dextrose is individual and is dictated by both the characteristics and type of human activity.

The highest daily need for it is among people who engage in intense mental or heavy physical labor (due to the need for additional sources of energy).

The body suffers equally from a lack and excess of sugar in the blood:

  • excess provokes intensive work of the pancreas to produce insulin and bring glucose levels back to normal, which causes premature wear of the organ, inflammation, degeneration of liver cells into fat cells, and disrupts the functioning of the heart;
  • deficiency causes starvation of brain cells, exhaustion and weakening, causing general weakness, anxiety, confusion, fainting, neuronal death.

The main causes of lack of glucose in the blood are:

  • incorrect human nutrition, insufficient amount of food that enters the gastrointestinal tract;
  • food and alcohol poisoning;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the body (diseases) thyroid gland, aggressive neoplasms, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, infections of various kinds).

The required level of this substance in the blood must be maintained to ensure vital functions - normal functioning of the heart, central nervous system, muscles, optimal body temperature.

Normally, the required level of the substance is replenished with nutrition; in the case of a pathological condition (trauma, illness, poisoning), glucose is prescribed to stabilize the condition.

Conditions for which dextrose is used

For medical purposes, a dextrose dropper is used for:

  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • physical and intellectual exhaustion;
  • long-term course of a number of diseases (infectious hepatitis, gastrointestinal infections, viral lesions with intoxication of the central nervous system) as an additional source of energy replenishment for the body;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
  • shock states;
  • sharp decline blood pressure, including after blood loss;
  • acute dehydration due to intoxication or infection, including medications, alcohol and drugs (accompanied by diarrhea and profuse vomiting);
  • pregnancy to support fetal development.

The main dosage forms used in medicine are solutions and tablets.

Dosage forms

Solutions are the most optimal; their use helps to quickly support and normalize the functioning of the patient’s body.

In medicine, two types of Dextrose solutions are used, which differ in the scheme of application:

  • isotonic 5%, used to improve the functioning of organs, their parenteral nutrition, maintain water balance, allows you to provide additional energy for life;
  • hypertonic, normalizing metabolism and liver function, osmotic blood pressure, enhancing cleansing of toxins, has different concentrations (up to 40%).

Most often, glucose is administered intravenously, as an injection of a high-concentration hypertonic solution. Drip administration is used if a constant flow of medication into the vessels is required over a period of time.

After entering the body intravenously, dextrose breaks down into carbon dioxide and water under the action of acids, releasing the energy needed by the cells.

Glucose in isotonic solution

Dextrose 5% concentration is delivered to the patient's body by all possible ways, since it corresponds to the osmotic parameters of blood.

Most often it is administered by drip using a system of 500 ml. up to 2000 ml. per day. For ease of use, glucose (drip solution) is packaged in transparent polyethylene bags with a volume of 400 ml or glass bottles of the same capacity.

An isotonic solution is used as a basis for diluting other drugs necessary for treatment, and the effect of such a dropper on the body will be determined by the combined effect of glucose and a specific medicinal substance in its composition (cardiac glycosides or other drugs for fluid loss, ascorbic acid).

In some cases, side effects are possible with drip administration:

  • violation of liquid-salt metabolism;
  • weight change due to fluid accumulation;
  • excessive appetite;
  • increased body temperature;
  • blood clots and hematomas at the injection sites;
  • increased blood volume;
  • excess blood sugar levels (in severe cases, coma).

This may be caused by incorrect determination of the amount of fluid lost by the body and the volume of the dropper needed to replenish it. Regulation of excessively administered fluid is carried out with diuretics.

Hypertonic dextrose solution

The main route of administration of the solution is intravenously. For droppers, the drug is used in the concentration prescribed by the doctor (10-40%) at a rate of no more than 300 ml per day in case of a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, large blood losses after injuries and bleeding.

Drip administration of concentrated glucose allows you to:

  • optimize liver function;
  • improve heart function;
  • restore the correct fluid balance of the body;
  • enhances the removal of fluid from the body;
  • improves tissue metabolism;
  • dilates blood vessels.

The rate of infusion of the substance per hour, the volume to be administered intravenously per day, is determined by the age and weight of the patient.

  • adults – no more than 400 ml;
  • children – up to 170 ml. per 1000 grams of weight, infants - 60 ml.

In case of hypoglycemic coma, a glucose drip is placed as a means of resuscitation, for which, according to the doctor’s instructions, the patient’s blood sugar level is constantly monitored (as the body’s response to treatment).

Features of the use of droppers

For transportation medicinal solution A disposable plastic system is used into the patient's blood. The appointment of a dropper is carried out when it is necessary that the medicine enters the blood slowly, and the amount of the drug does not exceed the desired level.

Why is this necessary?

If the amount of the drug is too large, adverse reactions, including allergies, may occur; if the concentration is low, the medicinal effect will not be achieved.

Most often, glucose (dropper) is prescribed for severe diseases, the treatment of which requires constant presence in the blood active substance in the required concentration. Medicines introduced into the body by drip act quickly, and the doctor can monitor the effect of the treatment.

Intravenous drips if necessary a large number of medicines or liquids into vessels to stabilize the patient’s condition after poisoning, in case of impaired kidney or heart function, after surgical interventions.

The system is not installed in cases of acute heart failure, kidney disorders and a tendency to edema, venous inflammation (the decision is made by the doctor, studying each specific case).

Why is glucose given intravenously?

Glucose is a powerful source of nutrition that is easily absorbed by the body. This solution is very valuable for human body, since the healing liquid has the power to significantly improve energy reserves and restore weakened performance functions. The most important task of glucose is to provide and give the body the necessary source of complete nutrition.

Glucose solutions have long been effectively used in medicine for injection therapy. But why do they drip glucose intravenously, in what cases do doctors prescribe such treatment, and is it suitable for everyone? This is worth talking about in more detail.

What is glucose

Glucose (or dextrose) is actively involved in a variety of metabolic processes in the human body. Given medicinal substance diverse in its impact on the systems and organs of the body. Dextrose:

  1. Improves cellular metabolism.
  2. Reanimates weakened liver functions.
  3. Replenishes lost energy reserves.
  4. Stimulates essential functions internal organs.
  5. Helps with detoxification therapy.
  6. Strengthens redox processes.
  7. Replenishes significant loss of fluid in the body.

When a glucose solution penetrates the body, its active phosphorylation begins in the tissues. That is, dextrose is converted into glucose-6-phosphate.

Glucose-6-phosphate or phosphorylated glucose is an important participant in the main metabolic processes occurring in the human body.

Forms of release of the drug

Dextrose releases pharmaceutical industry in two types. Both forms of solution are useful for people with weakened bodies, but have their own nuances in use.

Isotonic solution

This type of dextrose is intended to restore the functioning of weakened internal organs, as well as to replenish lost fluid reserves. This 5% solution is a powerful source of nutrients essential for human life.

An isotonic solution is administered in different ways:

  1. Subcutaneously. The daily volume of administered medication in this case is 300-500 ml.
  2. Intravenously. Doctors may prescribe the medication intravenously (300-400 ml per day).
  3. Enema. In this case, the total amount of administered solution is about 1.5-2 liters per day.

It is not recommended to administer glucose intramuscularly in its pure form. In this case, there is a high risk of developing purulent inflammation subcutaneous tissue. Intravenous injections are prescribed if a slow and gradual infusion of dextrose is not required.

Hypertonic solution

This type of dextrose is necessary to improve the functioning of a damaged liver and resuscitate metabolic processes. Additionally hypertonic solution restores normal diuresis, promotes vasodilation. Also this dropper with glucose (10-40% solution):

  • increases metabolic processes;
  • improves myocardial functioning;
  • increases the volume of urine produced;
  • promotes dilation of blood vessels;
  • increases the antitoxic functions of the liver organ;
  • enhances the passage of fluid and tissue into the bloodstream;
  • increases the osmotic pressure of the blood (this pressure ensures normal water exchange between body tissues).

Hypertonic solution is prescribed by doctors in the form of injections and droppers. When it comes to injections, dextrose is most often administered intravenously. It can also be used in combination with other medications. Many people, especially athletes, prefer to drink glucose.

The hypertonic solution, administered by injection, is diluted with thiamine, ascorbic acid or insulin. A single dose in this case is about 25-50 ml.

The medicinal power of droppers

For infusion (intravenous), a 5% dextrose solution is usually used. The healing liquid is packaged in plastic, hermetically sealed bags or 400 ml bottles. The infusion solution consists of:

  1. Purified water.
  2. Directly glucose.
  3. Active excipient.

When dextrose enters the bloodstream, it breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, actively producing energy. Subsequent pharmacology depends on the nature of the additional agents used. medicines included in the droppers.

Why do they put in a glucose drip?

The purpose of such therapeutic treatment is carried out with a variety of various diseases and further rehabilitation of an organism weakened by pathology. A glucose dropper is especially beneficial for health, for which it is prescribed in the following cases:

  • hepatitis;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • dehydration;
  • diabetes;
  • liver pathologies;
  • state of shock;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure (collapse);
  • profuse, persistent vomiting;
  • infectious diseases;
  • relapse of heart failure;
  • accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary organs;
  • stomach upset (prolonged diarrhea);
  • exacerbation of hypoglycemia, in which there is a drop in blood sugar to a critical level.

Also, intravenous infusion of dextrose is indicated if it is necessary to introduce certain medications into the body. In particular, cardiac glycosides.

Side effects

Isotonic dextrose solution in rare cases can provoke a number of side effects. Namely:

  • increased appetite;
  • weight gain;
  • feverish conditions;
  • necrosis of subcutaneous tissue;
  • blood clots at the IV site;
  • hypervolemia (increased blood volume);
  • overhydration (violation of water-salt metabolism).

In the case of improper preparation of the solution and the introduction of dextrose into the body in increased quantities, even more may occur. sad consequences. In this case, an attack of hyperglycemia and, in especially severe cases, a coma may occur. Shock occurs due to a sharp increase in sugar in the patient's blood.

So, while useful, intravenous glucose should only be used when indicated. And directly as prescribed by a doctor, and procedures should only be carried out under medical supervision.

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All materials are posted and prepared for educational and non-commercial purposes by site visitors. All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with the attending physician.

DROPPER SALE INDICATIONS: Dropper “sodium chloride”: what is it used for, Amantha’s Notes

Before using any drug containing sodium chloride, you should consult your doctor. A sodium chloride drip (0.9%) is placed intravenously. When using Sodium Chloride droppers, not only does the lack of sodium and chlorine in the body replenish, but also urine output increases.

Thanks to this procedure, the sodium deficiency in the human body is quickly replenished, which has a beneficial effect on various pathological conditions. It should be especially noted that, in addition to intravenous drip infusion, this remedy is also used externally.

Among other things, “sodium chloride” is prescribed to patients with gastric, intestinal and pulmonary bleeding, as well as for constipation, poisoning and for diuresis (forced). Pharmaceutical product“Sodium tetraborate” - what is it? You can find the answer to this question in the materials of this article. Carnitine chloride is a drug in the form of a solution that is intended for injection.

"Sodium chloride" (dropper): indications for use

Calcium chloride" is a drug that regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the human body. Sodium chloride ensures constant osmotic pressure.

Instructions for the drug Sodium chloride

In medicine, saline solution is used: Sodium chloride 0.9%, containing 9 g active substance and distilled water, as well as a hypertonic 10% solution containing 100 g of the active substance. Solution 0.9% in bottles of 100, 200 and 1000 ml for dissolution medications with intravenous drip infusions.

Since the drug quickly replenishes sodium deficiency, it can be used in the treatment of various pathological conditions. Saline solution Sodium chloride 0.9% has the same osmotic pressure as human blood.

It is also used for forced diuresis. In case of severe poisoning, which has caused a large loss of fluid, the solution is administered in a dosage of up to 3 liters per day. In this case, it is recommended to use droppers, injecting the solution at a rate of 540 ml/hour. At complex treatment diseases respiratory tract Sodium chloride is prescribed for inhalation, as well as baths and wiping with a 1-2% solution.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

In most cases, patients tolerate the drug well, but with prolonged use of the solution or when using it in large doses, acidosis, overhydration and hypokalemia may develop.

Sodium chloride is responsible in the body for maintaining constant pressure in the blood plasma and extracellular fluid. To dilute medications administered by drop method, use 50 to 250 ml of sodium chloride solution per dose of the drug. Sodium chloride inhalations are used to treat colds. Isotonic sodium chloride solution is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid with a slightly salty taste. Ampoules and bottles must be free of cracks and breaks.

When the solution is administered intravenously, local reactions may occur: a burning sensation and hyperemia at the site of application. It is believed that the body's daily sodium requirement is about 4-5 grams.

Contraindications and side effects

Excess sodium in the food consumed leads to fluid retention in the body, resulting in increased blood density and blood pressure. Constant control sodium chloride content in food will help avoid swelling. The main source of sodium chloride for a pregnant woman is ordinary table salt, which consists of 99.85 of this important element. To reduce your sodium chloride intake, you can use low-sodium salt.

Interaction with other drugs

Preeclampsia (increased concentration of sodium in the blood plasma) with severe edema.2. Sodium chloride is compatible with almost all medications. Any introduction of sodium chloride into the body requires monitoring the patient’s condition and biological indicators. An important condition is the preliminary determination of compatibility medicines with sodium chloride.

Effect on pregnancy

The prepared complex solution of two drugs should be used immediately and not stored. Violation of the technique of mixing medications and the rules of asepsis can cause pyrogens - substances that provoke an increase in temperature - to enter the solution. Add medications to the solution using aseptic technique. Move the clamp that regulates the movement of the solution to the “closed” position.

Additional Information

0.9% NaCl solution: before administration, the sodium chloride solution is heated to degrees C. Children with a pronounced decrease in blood pressure due to dehydration (before determining laboratory parameters) are administered ml of sodium chloride/kg. Isotonic glucose solution does not contain sodium chloride.

You can see this and other information in the materials of this article. By the way, such a solution can be used in setting up the system either in its pure form or used in combination with other medications. This remedy is also quite effective in treating hypochloremia and hyponatremia, which are accompanied by dehydration. As for the external use of the solution, it is very often used for washing the nasal cavity, eyes, wounds and for moistening dressings.

In some cases, sodium chloride is used for inhalation. Physiological solution of sodium chloride is used intravenously in pregnant women under the following conditions: 1. Sodium chloride is a plasma substitute.


2018 Health Info. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. All copyrights to materials belong to their respective owners

Hangover droppers

This article describes what is included in "hangover drops" - what is used by emergency doctors who are called in to relieve a severe hangover, or by special "hangover teams".

This is not a guide for self-medication. IVs can only be inserted by specially trained people. Please note that an amateur can easily kill a person by trying to install an IV on his own. You can study this text to better understand the work of doctors and what happens in your body after alcoholic libations.

Why do they give IVs for hangovers?

And why do you need IVs at all? Why can't you take pills?

The effectiveness of a drug depends on such things as bioavailability. Bioavailability is a parameter that shows what part of the administered dose of the drug enters the blood and characterizes the rate at which this entry occurs. Bioavailability is 100% for drugs that are administered intravenously. When administered by other routes, bioavailability is usually less due to the fact that part of the drug is lost in the tissues and organs into which the substance is delivered. For example, if you swallow a tablet, part of the substance will be destroyed and filtered out in the intestines and liver.

Thus, medications administered by dropper act as quickly and effectively as possible.

To assess the bioavailability of a substance, a curve of drug concentration versus time is assessed after its administration into a vein and administration through the studied route. The resulting concentration of the substance in the blood per unit time is estimated and expressed as a percentage. For most famous dosage forms bioavailability has been studied and known. In droppers for the treatment of alcohol intoxication, drugs with maximum bioavailability are used.

Droppers quickly and effectively help to recover from binge drinking or a severe hangover.

Action and composition of droppers for severe hangovers

1. Thin the blood. Glucose-salt droppers

The most popular droppers for alcohol intoxication and not only are glucose-saline solutions: doctors alternate a 5%-10% glucose solution and a physiological salt solution (NaCl). These solutions reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood and replenish fluid deficiency in the vascular bed, thinning the blood (hemodilution).

This is all done because with alcohol intoxication, hypovolemia develops, that is, a deficiency of the liquid part of the blood with an excess of it in the tissues of the body. The same solutions cause alkaline forced diuresis (diuretic effect).

And with the development of alcoholic coma, a gradual depression of hemodynamics occurs (a drop in blood pressure). In these cases, you can use hemodynamic solutions of hydroxyethyl starches (infucol), which retain fluid in the vascular bed and remove it from the body tissues.

2. Restore salt balance

Doctors can use special polyion solutions of crystalloids, such as Acesol, Disol. Also, a repolarizing solution can be prepared based on glucose: magnesium, potassium chloride, or panangin, insulin are added to a 10% glucose solution. All these substances are introduced for the purpose of correcting electrolyte disturbances: when drinking alcohol, a deficiency of potassium, magnesium, and sodium ions develops, which is fraught with disturbances in the functioning of the heart and metabolism.

3. Restore the acid-base balance

When alcohol is oxidized to acetaldehyde, the activity of enzymes changes and the content of under-oxidized products increases - lactic, pyruvic acids, fatty acids and glycerol. Because of this, a violation of the acid-base state of the blood occurs and the development metabolic acidosis- disturbances in the acid-base balance of the body due to the accumulation of acidic products of alcohol processing in the tissues. Violation of the acid-base balance of the body is fraught with systemic disorders, because Only at certain pH values ​​in the body are all biochemical reactions possible.

Manifestations of acidosis depend on the severity of the latter and are manifested in the form of malaise, shortness of breath, muscle pain, loss of consciousness and other nonspecific symptoms.

To combat acidosis with a severe hangover, a 4% solution of sodium bicarbonate (soda) is used, which does not mix with other solutions. It is transfused based on certain dose calculations, and the acid-base state of the person’s blood must be monitored.

In medical parlance, intravenous administration of fluids and medications to restore blood volume, electrolyte and acid-base balance is called infusion therapy.

4. Detoxification - destroying the remaining alcohol

The composition of detoxifying solutions "Reamberin" and "Mafusol" in addition to a balanced electrolyte composition, includes components of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle), such as succinic and fumaric acids. The Krebs cycle is the main part of metabolism in the body. By being included in this important cascade of metabolic reactions, the components of the drug have detoxification and antihypoxic properties; they more gently (compared to soda) eliminate the manifestations of acidosis. Figuratively speaking, we speed up the metabolism, and in the Krebs cycle alcohol burns out, just as raw branches burn in a fire.

Also, as detoxifiers, the hangover dropper may include sodium thiosulfate and unithiol (1 ml per 10 kg of weight).

5. Breathe. How IVs save you from respiratory arrest

In severe cases, antagonists of brain opiate receptors are administered to someone suffering from a severe hangover - for example, the drug Naloxone is used to competitively block these receptors, preventing alcohol-derived substances from binding to them and causing a feeling of euphoria.

The fact is that alcohol can act on this type of receptor, like drugs. And the effect of alcohol (or another drug) on ​​opiate receptors at a large dose leads to respiratory arrest.

6. Take vitamins

Solutions of thiamine (vitamin B1), nicotinamide (vitamin PP), riboflavin (vitamin B2), cocarboxylase (this is an enzyme) can be added to solutions of glucose or NaCl 0.9%. They are added to normalize all types of metabolism during a severe hangover.

Thiamine (vitamin B1), which is involved in the oxidation of alcohol, is especially needed. Thiamine in the dropper enhances the conversion of pyruvic acid, formed during glycolysis, into lactic acid or decarboxylates PVA with transition to the Krebs cycle.

Other important components of droppers for alcohol intoxication are vitamin C, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin E. They are used for detoxification, activation of the synthesis of glucocorticoids (vitamin C), as an antioxidant to protect cell membranes (vitamin E).

7. Support the liver. Droppers with hepatoprotectors

Considering that the main metabolism and neutralization of alcohol occurs in the liver, doctors can administer hepatoprotectors to restore the liver (for example, Essentiale) intravenously. Essentiale is mixed with the patient’s blood and 5-10 ml is injected into a vein.

Essential phospholipids serve as “building materials” for the cell membranes of hepatocytes - the “working” cells of the liver. Phospholipids also protect enzymes, which serve to neutralize intestinal poisons, from damage.

9. Glucose - restore strength

With alcohol intoxication, hypoglycemia develops - a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood, which serves as the main substrate for obtaining energy in the body, and with a lack of it, energy deficiency develops, mainly in brain cells.

This happens because alcohol inhibits glucose production and depletes glycogen stores in the liver. Also, due to drinking, glucose is spent on increased metabolism and thermoregulation: due to alcohol, heat transfer increases due to vasodilation and heat is lost.

This condition begins to pose a danger for exhausted patients who have been on a drinking binge for a long time or for those who initially had problems with carbohydrate metabolism. To replenish glucose, glucose solutions of 5-10% are administered - with small doses of insulin to facilitate the utilization of glucose by the body's cells. This composition of droppers for binge drinking is good for restoring strength.

Droppers for alcohol intoxication. Old and new compositions

First of all, it is necessary to prevent further absorption of alcohol from the stomach. The patient needs to take 10 tablets activated carbon, then rinse the stomach with a probe or induce vomiting by mechanical irritation of the root of the tongue.

At one time, medical sobering centers used the method of accelerated sobering, developed by Strelchuk in 1975. It included intramuscular injection 10 ml of a 5% solution of vitamin B6 and ingestion of a medicinal mixture dissolved in 100 ml of water, consisting of 0.01 g of phenamine (a powerful psychostimulant, currently included in the list of narcotic drugs, and its use in practice is impossible), 0.2 g corazole and 0.1 g nicotinic acid. After carrying out the entire set of measures, within 10–15 minutes the state of the autonomic nervous system normalizes, emotional disinhibition decreases, criticism appears, behavior is streamlined; and after 1–1.5 hours, a clear and lasting sobering effect occurs.

Also, for the purpose of speedy sobering up, intravenous administration of 20 ml of a 40% glucose solution, 15 units of insulin, 10 ml of a 5% ascorbic acid solution and 1 ml of a 1% nicotinic acid solution is used.

Previously, intravenous drip administration of hemodez in half with isotonic sodium chloride solution (250 ml each) was widely and successfully used in combination with 10 ml of panangin solution, 3–5 ml of 5% solution of vitamin B6, 3–5 ml of 5% solution of vitamin B1 and 5 ml 5% vitamin C solution. However, the use of hemodez, especially if used incorrectly, often led to a sharp drop in blood pressure with the development of acute renal failure, so now this composition of droppers is practically not used.

Behind last years The use of 10–15 ml (600–900 mg) of metadoxyl intravenously in 500 ml of isotonic solution turned out to be highly effective. The drug activates enzymes that break down ethanol, accelerates the processes of oxidation and elimination of ethanol and acetaldehyde. Normalizes the balance of free saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in plasma, prevents the occurrence of primary structural degeneration of liver cells, suppresses the synthesis of fibronectin and collagen, reduces the likelihood of developing fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver.

How are alcoholic psychoses treated? Droppers for binge drinking

Treatment of alcoholic psychosis should be carried out only in a hospital, if possible in the intensive care unit of specialized clinics, where patients are monitored around the clock and special drips are provided for binge drinking.

Why does delirium tremens occur? After prolonged binges, the detoxification function of the liver suffers, which leads to toxic damage to the central nervous system. Water-electrolyte and vitamin metabolism are grossly disrupted. The developing withdrawal syndrome triggers the development of psychosis. Very often it follows immediately after an epileptic seizure, inflammatory diseases, injuries during binge drinking. If treated incorrectly, psychosis can become chronic course, turn into Gaye-Wernicke encephalopathy, a condition that disables the patient.

Treatment is based on massive infusion therapy, in which the patient is given at least two liters of glucose and saline solution per day with electrolytes (potassium chloride) or panangin. Anti-binge drips must include large dosages of thiamine, pyridoxine, and ascorbic acid. The use of hemodesis is strictly contraindicated.

If you are concerned about specific questions regarding your condition after a binge, read the special article “Why after a binge”: from it you will learn why there are hallucinations and scary dreams after a binge, why some people experience delirium tremens after a binge, while others do not, as well as doctors' answers to many other questions. Also read the article “Delirium tremens: symptoms and treatment” - and you will find out when delirium tremens usually begins, how to notice its onset and how you can avoid its occurrence in advance.

Can you drink?

Conclusion. Who really needs IVs?

The described treatment regimen is aimed at relieving the symptoms of a severe hangover and alcohol intoxication. To interrupt binge drinking in chronic alcoholism, along with infusion therapy, a whole range of other drugs are used to relieve addiction to alcohol (various sensitizing drugs), tranquilizers, sedatives, and cerebral drugs. But this applies to people suffering from alcoholism. A person who periodically drinks alcohol, accidentally “did too much” or was poisoned by low-quality alcohol does not need such treatment.

If you are not so bad that you need to go on a drip, but you still feel that you drank too much, and it was in vain, read in a separate article the advice of a toxicologist on how you can effectively and quickly sober up at home.

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Glucose is one of the main enemies of a diabetic. Its molecules, despite their relatively large sizes in relation to salt molecules, are capable of leaving the vascular bed quite quickly.

Therefore, dextrose moves from the intercellular space into the cells. This process becomes the main reason for additional insulin production.

This release results in metabolism to water and carbon dioxide. If there is an excessive concentration of dextrose in the bloodstream, then the excess drug is eliminated without obstacles through the kidneys.

Composition and features of the solution

The drug contains for every 100 ml:

  1. glucose 5 g or 10 g (active substance);
  2. sodium chloride, water for injection 100 ml, hydrochloric acid 0.1 M (excipients).

Glucose solution is a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid.

Glucose is an important monosaccharide that covers part of the energy expenditure. It is the main source of easily digestible carbohydrates. The calorie content of the substance is 4 kcal per gram.

The composition of the drug is capable of having a diverse effect: enhancing oxidative and reduction processes, improving the antitoxic functioning of the liver. After intravenous administration, the substance significantly reduces nitrogen and protein deficiency, and also accelerates the accumulation of glycogen.

An isotonic drug 5% is partially capable of replenishing water deficiency. It has a detoxifying and metabolic effect, being a supplier of valuable and quickly digestible nutrient.

When administering 10% hypertonic glucose solution:

  • the osmotic pressure of the blood increases;
  • the flow of fluid into the bloodstream increases;
  • metabolic processes are stimulated;
  • the cleaning function is qualitatively improved;
  • diuresis increases.

Who is the drug indicated for?

A 5% solution administered intravenously promotes:

  • rapid replenishment of lost fluid (with general, extracellular and cellular dehydration);
  • eliminating shock states and collapse (as one of the components of anti-shock and blood replacement fluids).

The 10% solution has the following indications for use and intravenous administration:

  1. with dehydration (vomiting, indigestion, in the postoperative period);
  2. in case of poisoning with all kinds of poisons or drugs (arsenic, narcotic drugs, carbon monoxide, phosgene, cyanide, aniline);
  3. for hypoglycemia, hepatitis, dystrophy, liver atrophy, cerebral and pulmonary edema, hemorrhagic diathesis, septic heart problems, infectious diseases, toxic infections;
  4. during the preparation of drug solutions for intravenous administration (concentration 5% and 10%).

How should the drug be used?

An isotonic solution of 5% should be dripped at the maximum possible speed of 7 ml per minute (150 drops per minute or 400 ml per hour).

For adults, the drug can be used intravenously in a volume of 2 liters per day. It is possible to take the drug subcutaneously and in enemas.

Hypertonic solution (10%) is indicated for use only by intravenous administration in a volume of 20/40/50 ml per infusion. If there are indications, then drip it no faster than 60 drops per minute. Maximum dose for adults – 1000 ml.

The exact dose of the drug administered intravenously will depend on the individual needs of each individual organism. Adults without excess weight per day you can take no more than 4-6 g/kg per day (approximately 250-450 g per day). In this case, the amount of fluid administered should be 30 ml/kg per day.

With a reduced intensity of metabolic processes, there are indications to reduce the daily dose to 200-300 g.

If long-term therapy is required, this should be done under careful monitoring of serum sugar levels.

For rapid and complete absorption of glucose, in some cases, simultaneous administration of insulin is required.

The likelihood of adverse reactions to the substance

The instructions for use state that the composition or main substance in some cases can cause negative reactions of the body to the introduction of glucose 10%, for example:

  • fever;
  • hypervolemia;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • acute failure in the left ventricle.

Long-term use (or too rapid administration of large volumes) of the drug can cause swelling, water intoxication, and impairment functional state liver or depletion of the insular apparatus of the pancreas.

In those places where the intravenous system was connected, infections, thrombophlebitis and tissue necrosis may develop if there is hemorrhage. Such reactions to the glucose drug in ampoules can be caused by decomposition products or due to incorrect administration tactics.

With intravenous administration, disturbances in electrolyte metabolism may be noted:

  • hypophosphatemia;
  • hypomagnesemia.

To avoid adverse reactions on the composition of the drug in patients, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommended dosage and correct administration technique.

Who is contraindicated for glucose?

Instructions for use provide information about the main contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • swelling of the brain and lungs;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • hyperosmolar coma;
  • hyperlactic acidemia;
  • circulatory disruptions that threaten the development of pulmonary and cerebral edema.

Interaction with other drugs

Glucose solution 5% and 10% and its composition promotes easier absorption of sodium from the digestive tract. The drug can be recommended in combination with ascorbic acid.

Simultaneous intravenous administration should be at the rate of 1 unit per 4-5 g, which promotes maximum absorption of the active substance.

In view of this, glucose 10% is enough strong drug an oxidizing agent that should not be administered simultaneously with hexamethylenetetramine.

It is better not to take glucose with:

  • solutions of alkaloids;
  • general anesthetics;
  • sleeping pills.

The solution is able to weaken the effects of analgesics, adrenomimetic drugs and reduce the effectiveness of nystatin.

Some introduction nuances

When using the drug intravenously, you should always keep your blood sugar levels under control. The administration of large volumes of glucose can be fraught for those diabetics who have significant electrolyte loss. A 10% solution should not be used after attacks of ischemia in acute form due to the negative impact of hyperglycemia on the treatment process.

If there are indications, the drug can be used in pediatrics, pregnancy and lactation.

The description of the substance suggests that glucose is not able to influence the ability to control mechanisms and transport.

Cases of overdose

If there has been excessive consumption, the drug will cause severe symptoms side effect. The development of hyperglycemia and coma is very likely.

If the sugar concentration increases, shock may occur. In the pathogenesis of these conditions, the osmotic movement of fluid and electrolytes plays an important role.

The solution for infusion can be produced in 5% or 10% concentration in containers of 100, 250, 400 and 500 ml.

Glucose is the body's source of energy and its main nutrient. During pregnancy, a woman's blood glucose levels change. Its concentration and quantity are controlled by hormones (the main one is insulin). Due to a disruption in hormonal levels, a person may experience certain diseases. During pregnancy, the glucose norm is 3.3 – 6.6 mmol/l. It is necessary to constantly monitor its fluctuations in the blood, since it is at this time that the level of amino acids decreases and the level of ketone bodies increases, which can trigger the onset of diabetes.

Application of Glucose

Glucose is used to remove toxins from the body and replenish fluid loss. In medicine, isotonic (for subcutaneous, intravenous, rectal) and hypertonic (for intravenous) solutions are used. A hypertonic solution dilates blood vessels, increases urine volume and enhances the activity of the heart muscle. Isotonic – replenishes fluid and serves as a source of nutrients. This drug is also used for the preparation of drug solutions for intravenous administration and as a component of blood replacement and anti-shock fluids. Glucose in the form of tablets is taken 0.5-1 grams at a time.

Intravenous glucose administration

Intravenous injections of glucose are administered by drip of 7 ml per 1 minute. The daily dose of the drug and the number of injections are determined by the doctor. A 5% solution of the drug should be administered no more than 400 ml per hour and no more than 2 liters per day. With a solution concentration of 10%, the injection rate is 3 ml per minute, and daily dose is no more than 1 liter. The 20% solution should be administered very slowly, 2 ml per minute and no more than 500 ml per day. 40% glucose must be mixed with 1% ascorbic acid. Injections under the skin can be administered independently; for this you will need an isotonic solution of the drug and a syringe for hypodermic injections. Inject 400-500 ml per day into different places skin.

Analysis (test) for blood glucose levels

Before going to donate blood to determine your glucose level, you must not eat 8 hours before the procedure, that is, go on an empty stomach. It is also important not to be nervous before taking the test and not to overload yourself with physical work. The rest is up to specialists. There are three methods of glucose analysis: reductometric, enzymatic and based on a color reaction with certain products. There is also a device called a glucometer, which allows you to measure the amount of sugar in your blood at home. To do this, you need to apply just one drop of blood to the test strip.

Instructions for use:

Prices in online pharmacies:

Glucose is an easily digestible source of valuable nutrition that increases the body's energy reserves and improves its functions.

pharmachologic effect

Glucose is used as a means for detoxification (removing toxins from the body) and rehydration (replenishing fluid losses).

An isotonic glucose solution 5% is used to replenish fluid in the body. Also, this glucose solution is a source of nutrients, the metabolism of which in the tissues releases a large amount of energy, which is necessary for the full functioning of the body.

There are also hypertonic glucose solutions (10-40%), intravenous administration of which can increase the osmotic pressure of the blood, improve metabolism and antitoxic functions of the liver, and increase the flow of fluid directed from the tissues into the blood.

In addition, the use of a hypertonic glucose solution promotes vasodilation, increased contractility of the heart muscle and an increase in urine volume.

Glucose is used as a general tonic for chronic diseases which are accompanied by physical exhaustion.

The detoxification properties of glucose are due to its ability to activate the liver’s functions to neutralize poisons, as well as a decrease in the concentration of toxins in the blood as a result of an increase in the volume of circulating fluid and increased urination.

Indications for use of Glucose solution

Glucose solution is prescribed for:

  • hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels);
  • carbohydrate deficiency;
  • intoxications accompanying liver diseases ( liver failure, hepatitis);
  • toxic infections (poisoning caused by microbes entering the body with food);
  • hemorrhagic diathesis (a disease of the blood system manifested in the form of increased bleeding);
  • dehydration caused by diarrhea, vomiting or in the postoperative period;
  • intoxications;
  • collapse (sharp drop in blood pressure);
  • shocked.

Glucose can be used to prepare solutions of drugs for intravenous administration, as well as as a component of anti-shock and blood-substituting fluids.

Glucose 5% can be introduced into the body in any way (intravenously, subcutaneously, into the rectum), since its osmotic pressure corresponds to the osmotic pressure of the blood. Hypertonic glucose solutions are administered only intravenously, since their osmotic pressure significantly exceeds that in tissues and blood.

Increase glucose levels by oral administration(tablets) it is recommended to use 0.5-1 g of the drug per dose. The use of a 5% glucose solution using an enema involves the drip administration of 200 ml, 500 ml or 1000 ml of the drug at a time, while the daily dose should not exceed 2000 ml.

A 5% glucose solution can be administered intravenously (drip) or subcutaneously in a volume of 300-500 ml.

Hypertonic glucose solution can be prescribed as a single injection of 10-100 ml or drip injection of 200-300 ml (daily dose).

The use of recommended doses of glucose, as a rule, does not cause undesirable effects. In rare cases, the drug may cause fever, hyperglycemia ( increased level blood glucose), acute left ventricular failure, hypervolemia (increased circulating blood volume), increased urine production. Local reactions the body to the use of glucose can manifest itself in the form of thrombophlebitis, bruising, infection, and local pain.

When using glucose 5% as a solvent for other drugs, side effects are caused by the action of these drugs.

Drug-induced increases in glucose levels can be dangerous if:

  • decompensated diabetes mellitus(always high blood sugar);
  • decreased glucose tolerance;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • hyperosmolar coma (a special type of diabetic coma);
  • hyperlactic acidemia (increased levels of lactic acid in the blood in diabetes mellitus).

Caution is required when administering glucose solution to patients with chronic renal failure, hyponatremia and decompensated chronic heart failure.

The use of glucose during pregnancy and breastfeeding is permitted. It should be remembered that in women bearing children, the level of glucose in the urine rises, which is due to hyperglycemia and relatively insufficient insulin production. In order to prevent the development of diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to closely monitor glucose fluctuations during pregnancy.

Additional Information

Glucose should be stored at air temperatures from 15 0 C to 25 0 C. The shelf life of the drug depends on the form of release - from 2 to 10 years.

Glucose tablets 0.5 g 10 pcs.

Glucose 500 mg No. 20 tablets

Glucose solution for infusion 5% 200 ml

Glucose solution for inf 10% 200 ml bottle

Glucose solution for infusion 5% 400 ml

Glucose solution 5% 200 ml

Glucose 5% solution for infusion 200ml No. 1 bottle /Mospharm/

Information about the drug is generalized, is provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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Glucose - indications and contraindications for its use

So, what are the indications for the use of this medication?

Solution this drug There can be two types - this is a hypertonic and isotonic solution. Both of these solutions are used in medical practice. If we talk about an isotonic solution, then with its help it is possible to restore the functioning of certain organs, as well as enrich the body with the necessary amount of fluid. Using a hypertonic solution, you can enhance metabolic processes, dilate blood vessels, increase diuresis, improve liver function, and so on.

Glucose is strictly contraindicated for patients with diabetes. In addition, it should never be prescribed to people with hyperglycemia. In both of these cases, an isotonic sodium chloride solution is used to dilute pharmaceuticals.

Glucose is available in the form of an isotonic solution and also in the form of a hypertonic solution. The first is needed in order to restore the functioning of our organs and to enrich the body with fluid. The second is necessary to improve metabolism and liver function, increase diuresis, dilate blood vessels, etc. it is prescribed in the form of injections, intravenously, less often intramuscularly. It is also used in combination with other medications, and some people (athletes, for example) prefer to drink it.

Who needs glucose: indications, contraindications

Indications for the use of dextrose solution (this is another name for this drug) are quite varied.

Glucose in the form of injections or droppers is prescribed for problems such as:

  • Decreased blood sugar levels (also known as hypoglycemia);
  • Infections;
  • Decreased pumping functions of the heart;
  • Liver dystrophy and other diseases;
  • Physical exhaustion;
  • Poisoning with alcohol and other poisons;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Pulmonary edema;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Prostration;
  • Blood loss;
  • Pressure drop;
  • some other indications

Also, a glucose drip is prescribed if you need to introduce cardiac glycosides or other medications into the body, or if you are dehydrated.

Glucose is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemia, as well as overhydration, hypersmolar coma and hyperlactic acidemia. In case of heart failure and oral anuria, glucose solution can be used with caution.


The isotonic solution is administered subcutaneously from 300 to 500 ml. Administration through enemas or drips (intravenously) is also possible. In this case, the patient should receive about 2 liters per day. solution. A five percent isotonic dextrose solution is injected using a dropper into a vein or under the skin or rectum in case of severe blood loss, dehydration or shock. In this case, you need to administer from 300-400 ml to a liter or two in 24 hours. If the solution is five percent, an instillation rate of up to 7 ml is suitable. per minute, if ten percent, the speed should be three milliliters per minute.

Other routes of administration

The isotonic solution in its pure form is administered intravenously in combination with a solution of ascorbic acid. The volume of the solution is 30-50 ml. A one percent solution of methylene blue is administered to victims of hydrocyanic acid poisoning. It is not recommended to administer glucose intramuscularly, as inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue may occur and purulent foci. Intravenous injections have the same indications as droppers, but they are prescribed if slow and gradual administration of glucose is not required and no additional medications. An injection into a vein with glucose is no different from others intravenous injections. In order for it to be successful, you need to find a “working vein” on your arm and thoroughly disinfect everything.

A hypertonic solution is administered intravenously and in combination with insulin, ascorbic acid or thiamine. It is administered in 25-50 ml doses. at once. Indications for administration are as follows.