How to treat diarrhea in a 4 year old child. Medicine for diarrhea for children from one year old. Diarrhea without fever in a child: what to do? First aid: what to do to stop diarrhea

Diarrhea is frequent, watery stools. Typically, diarrhea in children under one year of age and older is the result of a stomach infection and usually lasts only a few days.

But the concept of “diarrhea in one year old child" refers to a condition that lasts more than seven days. With it, children have watery stools from 2 to 10 times a day, and stools may contain pieces of undigested food.


First, think about what is normal for your child. Some children have several bowel movements per day, while others have no bowel movements for several days - and this is normal. An occasional loose bowel movement is not a cause for concern. But if the nature of your baby's bowel movements suddenly changes, that is, he strains more than usual and comes out with looser, more watery stools, then it is most likely diarrhea.

While a serious bout of diarrhea may seem alarming, rest assured that most cases do not pose a serious health threat until your baby shows signs of dehydration.

If the child is generally healthy and receives plenty of fluids, diarrhea in most cases will go away within a couple of days.

List possible reasons long. Diarrhea is caused by viruses or bacterial infection.

When your baby has symptoms bacterial infection, make an appointment with your doctor. He will conduct an examination and may recommend testing feces for flora;

Talk to your doctor about alternatives and means to restore gut flora, but do not stop giving your child any prescribed medications without consulting a specialist;

  • drinking large amounts of juices. Drinking large amounts of juice (especially fruit juice containing sorbitol and high level fructose) or large amounts of sweetened drinks can upset the baby's stomach and cause soft stools. Reducing the amount of juice should resolve the problem in a week or more. Pediatricians recommend giving your baby no more than one small glass (about 150 - 200 ml) of juice per day;
  • . When a child has a food allergy, it means that the immune system his body thus reacts to normal, harmless food proteins. A mild or more severe reaction occurs either immediately or after a couple of hours. Cow's milk is the most common food allergen. Other foods that cause allergies are peanuts, eggs, soy, tree nuts, wheat, shellfish and fish. Symptoms food allergies include diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, and bloody stools. In severe cases, the allergy causes vomiting, hives, rash, swelling and difficulty breathing.

    If you think your child has a food allergy, talk to your pediatrician;

  • food intolerance. Unlike food allergies, intolerances (sometimes called food sensitivities) are abnormal reactions that are not related to the immune system. One example is lactose intolerance. If your baby is lactose intolerant, it means that their body does not have enough lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose.

    Lactose is the sugar in cow's milk and milk products. When undigested lactose lingers in the intestines, it causes diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating and gas. Additionally, if your baby has a severe case of diarrhea, he or she may temporarily have trouble producing lactase, resulting in symptoms of lactose intolerance for a week or two;

  • poisoning. Toddlers are adventurous and always want to try something new. This often leads them to try non-edible substances such as chemicals, plants or drugs.

    If your child swallows such an item, diarrhea and vomiting may occur. You need to urgently take your baby to the hospital or call emergency assistance. Other symptoms of poisoning: breathing problems, loss of consciousness, painful spasms and lethargy;

  • functional diarrhea. When your baby poops several times a day and the stool is runny, foul-smelling, and contains undigested food or mucus, it may be a condition called functional diarrhea y. There is no specific reason other than the possible introduction of new foods or another change in diet.
  • If you do not pay due attention to the problem, it is dangerous for the child’s life. You should immediately contact a specialist if your baby is lethargic or has prolonged diarrhea, strong pain in the stomach or stool streaked with blood.

    However, you can reduce symptoms of mild diarrhea at home.

    Here's what you can do at home:

    Dehydration is the main complication of diarrhea. To prevent it, you should offer your baby fluids, which include broth and water. If the child is an infant, this should be done often.

    2. Increase fat intake. Research shows that children who eat mostly low-fat foods are more likely to develop diarrhea. This type of diet is suitable for preventing cardiovascular diseases, but for children it is important to consume fat in larger quantities than recommended for adults. Toddlers need fat to make up 30 to 40 percent of their total calories. daily ration. They can get fat components from whole milk, cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt and other dairy products.

    3. Minimize consumption of fruit juices and drinks. There are children who drink a lot of fruit juices and drinks to quench their thirst. These babies are at risk of developing diarrhea. Juices and sugary drinks contain sugars that the body cannot digest in large quantities.

    These sugars accumulate in the large intestine, where they cause water to accumulate, causing watery stools. In addition, fruit juices and drinks are high in calories. Therefore, if a child prefers these drinks, his stomach becomes fuller during meals, which leads to less consumption of vegetables and fiber-rich fats.

    4. Increase your fiber intake. Diets low in fiber lead to functional diarrhea in children aged 1 to 5 years. Increasing fiber in your child's diet will help stabilize stools and prevent loose stools from forming watery stools. However, do not overdo it with fiber, as too much will lead to constipation.

    Encourage your child to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which are rich in fiber and will help prevent diarrhea.

    5. Fenugreek seeds. Fenugreek seeds contain a large number of sticky substance, which is considered a very useful natural cure for diarrhea for a child. Fenugreek seeds have the ability to strengthen stool. Thus, it significantly reduces the discomfort and severity of diarrhea. Offer your child 1 teaspoon of seeds.

    This remedy is not suitable if the child has acute infectious diarrhea.

    6. Apple cider vinegar. It has antibacterial properties which will help in treating diarrhea caused by bacteria. The pectin content in this product is useful for relieving cramps. Dilute 2 - 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and offer it to your child up to twice a day.

    7. Blueberries. The anthocyanoside in blueberries has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It also comes with plenty of soluble fiber, which is helpful in relieving diarrhea symptoms.

    8. Potatoes. Boiled potatoes are useful for restoring lost nutrients. It also provides comfort for indigestion.

    9. White rice. This is another great food option that can help relieve diarrhea in children 3 years of age and younger. The starch content of white rice is very high, making it very easy to overcook. You can also use plain cooked white rice, but avoid spices or sauces.

    Remember, if a child under 3 years of age has diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, pain, nausea and vomiting, then he has an infection that requires medical intervention. Therefore, consult your pediatrician to avoid complications.

    If dietary changes and home remedies don't work, your pediatrician will recommend more serious medications and treatments.


    This usually takes four to five days. The doctor and the instructions for the medications will tell you how to correctly calculate the dosage for children over one year of age.

    Electrolyte solutions

    As mentioned earlier, if a child has diarrhea, drinking water is absolutely necessary. The doctor will tell you how to replenish lost fluids and salts. You can purchase these products in the form of a ready-made solution or a weighed portion of salts for the preparation of liquid for oral rehydration at your local pharmacy.

    When a child is vomiting and is unable to drink anything, the doctor will prescribe intravenous administration medicinal solutions.


    These substances, when they enter the digestive tract, absorb and deactivate poisonous and toxic elements, which are then excreted naturally. Medications, such as Polysorb, are sometimes recommended by doctors, but this anti-diarrhea medicine should only be given if approved by the doctor.

    If a child's diarrhea is caused by another disease or condition, such as inflammatory bowel disease, then treatment of the underlying disease will be a priority.

    Diarrhea is a symptom of an underlying condition and will improve as the condition is treated.


    The pediatrician will recommend giving your child probiotics. These are beneficial microorganisms that live in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have shown that probiotics reduce the duration of diarrhea and have no side effects. Yogurts and children's Bifidin are an excellent choice when treating diarrhea in a child.

    Do not give your child any antidiarrheal medications without a doctor's recommendation. These products may be unsafe for the baby.

    Diarrhea goes away over time and usually does not require special treatment unless it is related to infection.

    Diet for diarrhea

    Instead of feeding your child three large meals a day, divide the food into six to eight small meals throughout the day.

    What can a child with diarrhea eat?

    The following products should be included in the diet:

    • bananas;
    • White rice;
    • toast;
    • baked fish, chicken, beef or turkey;
    • pasta;
    • corn flakes and oats;
    • vegetables such as carrots, mushrooms, asparagus, peeled zucchini, beets, green beans and zucchini;
    • baked potato;
    • boiled eggs;
    • pancakes and waffles made from white refined flour.

    Let your child eat dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese. However, from time to time they can make diarrhea worse. If this happens, do not give these foods for several days.

    Just knowing what to feed your child when he has diarrhea is not enough. You should also be aware of the foods you need to avoid.

    Some foods increase the symptoms of diarrhea, and they should be avoided:

    • fried and fatty foods;
    • processed meat products such as sausages and sausages;
    • donuts;
    • cakes;
    • Apple juice;
    • carbonated drinks with caffeine;
    • vegetables and fruits that lead to flatulence and gas (broccoli, peppers, peas, beans, prunes, corn and green leafy vegetables);
    • concentrated fruit juices.

    If you see blood, mucus in your baby's stool, shiny, greasy stool, or very unpleasant odors, this indicates a serious problem such as cystic fibrosis or the presence of helminths. In general, when you notice that your baby's bowel movements are abnormal for several days, consult a doctor.

    List of signs and symptoms that are alarming and require immediate medical attention

    1. Bloody diarrhea.
    2. The child refuses food and drinks.
    3. Constant diarrhea.
    4. Frequent vomiting.
    5. Signs of dehydration (dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, infrequent urination - less than every six hours, bloody stools, temperature of 38˚Ϲ or higher).
    6. Abdominal pain that occurs frequently or is very severe.
    7. Behavioral changes, including loss of consciousness or decreased sensation.

    Whenever you are concerned and feel the need to see a doctor or go to emergency care, it is your choice as a parent. Trust your instincts, they will tell you what to do. You can never be too careless.

    If your baby is really sick, take extra care of him so that the child feels that everything is fine. For babies, when they have vomiting or diarrhea, it is a scary moment because children do not know what is happening to them.

    Diarrhea in childhood occurs very often, especially in preschool age. Digestive disorders can be caused by dietary errors, infections or diseases internal organs. For effective treatment For diarrhea in children, it is important to correctly determine the cause.

    A child is born with an unformed digestive system: intestinal loops are not formed, fewer enzymes are produced. For this reason, food passes through the gastrointestinal tract faster. The formation process is completed on average by 3-5 years, so the norm of stool varies depending on age.

    Loose stools are the absolute norm for children under six months of age who are on breastfeeding. During the first 2-3 months of life, infants empty their intestines after each feeding (6-10 times a day), and the consistency of the stool is liquid.

    As the child develops, the intestines are colonized by beneficial bacteria, organs that secrete digestive enzymes develop, so the number of bowel movements increases and the density of the stool increases.

    For babies whose diet is dominated by formula, the stool norm is different: the feces are more formed, the number of bowel movements does not exceed 3.

    After the introduction of complementary foods (at 4-6 months), children's stool changes. Babies walk up to 2 times a day, the consistency of stool depends on the foods consumed.

    After a year, most children switch to a regular diet, so diarrhea is watery bowel movements more often than 5-7 times a day with a pungent odor. Depending on the cause of diarrhea, the color, smell and consistency of stool may change.

    Classification of diarrhea in children

    There are several types of diarrhea in children:

    1. Infectious.

    Digestive disorder caused by the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the child’s body (dysentery, stomach flu, salmonellosis).

    1. Toxic.

    Diarrhea caused by poisoning chemicals: mercury, arsenic, household chemicals.

    1. Nutritional.

    Digestive disorders are associated with dietary habits and may be caused by intolerance to a certain product.

    1. Dyspeptic.

    Diarrhea is a symptom of enzyme deficiency in pancreatic pathologies, small intestine or liver.

    1. Medication.

    Diarrhea develops after prolonged use medicines(usually antibiotics) due to disruption of intestinal microflora.

    1. Neurogenic.

    Diarrhea occurs after experiencing fear or stress due to a violation of the nervous regulation of intestinal motility.

    Any type of diarrhea can be acute - it occurs suddenly, the symptoms develop rapidly.

    Chronic diarrhea occurs due to intestinal irritation, loose stool does not stop for several weeks. The disorder may be caused by diseases of the digestive system or lactose intolerance.

    In children's intestines, the mucosa is thin, toxins easily penetrate into circulatory system, therefore, diarrhea is often accompanied by vomiting and high fever. This condition leads to intense fluid loss, especially if the child is less than 3 years old. Rapid dehydration is very dangerous, it disrupts the functioning of the entire body and can be fatal.

    Causes of chronic diarrhea

    Chronic diarrhea that lasts several weeks or months with periodic exacerbations is a symptom general disease or pathology digestive tract:

    • Celiac disease is gluten intolerance.

    The disorder is very rare; diarrhea begins after eating foods containing gluten. This vegetable protein is found in wheat, rye, and oats. The disease is accompanied constant diarrhea, strong gas formation.

    • Dysbacteriosis.

    An imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestines. Develops due to taking antibiotics.

    • Lactase deficiency.

    Manifested by diarrhea after consuming dairy products. It occurs due to a lack of an enzyme in the body that breaks down milk sugar.

    • Non-infectious intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, duodenitis, irritable bowel syndrome) cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, increase peristalsis, so food comes out very quickly.

    Chronic diarrhea leads to impaired absorption of nutrients, decreased intelligence and developmental delays (mental and physical). This condition requires urgent medical treatment.

    If you have celiac disease, you must follow a gluten-free diet for life.

    Causes of acute diarrhea

    Most often, children experience acute diarrhea. Abnormal bowel movements can be caused by a variety of reasons:

    • Nutritional features.

    The intestinal microflora and immune system of children are very unstable, so diarrhea may appear after eating new foods. Such symptoms are often observed when complementary foods are introduced.

    In infants, diarrhea may occur due to food eaten by the mother.

    • Medicines.

    There may be diarrhea side effect some medicines: choleretic, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics. Diarrhea occurs due to the development of dysbiosis, long-term treatment or dosage violation.

    • Infections not related to the gastrointestinal tract: sore throat, otitis media, rhinitis.

    These diseases are accompanied by the formation of mucus in the nasopharynx, which flows into the stomach and changes the consistency of stool. In children under one year of age, diarrhea often occurs due to teething.

    • Food and chemical poisoning.

    One of the most common causes of diarrhea in children. Toxic substances enter the body when consuming stale or low-quality products.

    • Intestinal infections caused by bacteria and viruses (dysentery, rotavirus, salmonellosis, staphylococcus).

    Children attending kindergarten and school. Infection occurs through contact with a carrier and failure to maintain personal hygiene.

    Dr. Komarovsky's comment that diarrhea in itself is not a diagnosis, but occurs as a result of some disease.

    Associated signs of diarrhea

    Diarrhea rarely occurs as an independent phenomenon; it is usually accompanied by other symptoms:

    • nausea and vomiting;
    • flatulence;
    • abdominal pain, usually cramping;
    • the appearance of mucus, blood or undigested food in the stool.

    Fever and vomiting accompanying diarrhea are a sign of penetration into the child’s body. pathological organism. Symptoms appear 8-12 hours after the onset of diarrhea.

    With each bowel movement and vomiting, the child loses from 100 to 300 ml of fluid, moisture evaporates through the skin, which leads to rapid dehydration.

    Signs of dehydration:

    • weakness, sometimes loss of consciousness;
    • convulsions;
    • infrequent urination, rich yellow urine;
    • loss of shine in the eyes;
    • dry mouth and lips;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • decrease in blood pressure.

    Frequent bowel movements cause irritation of the rectum and anus, and a rash and redness may appear around it.

    All colors of mucus: from white to black

    With infectious diarrhea, mucus appears in the stool, and its smell becomes very pungent. The cause of diarrhea can be judged by the color of the feces:

    • Red

    For bleeding of the lower and middle intestines.

    • Green

    If diarrhea is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, the baby will have green stools.

    • Black

    This color is characteristic of gastric bleeding.

    • Bright yellow

    If the child has yellow stool, then this indicates dyspeptic disorders.

    • White

    With enzyme deficiency, white feces appear.

    • Bloody feces

    The appearance of blood in the stool is very dangerous symptom, which occurs when the intestines are damaged.

    How can you treat diarrhea?

    Diarrhea in a child is not always a sign of infection or poisoning. If there is no fever, the baby is active, there are no suspicious inclusions in the stool, treatment can be done at home.

    You cannot do without professional help if:

    • the temperature rose sharply;
    • vomiting began;
    • the child is very weak;
    • there is blood and foam in the stool;
    • the stool has acquired an atypical color;
    • diarrhea does not stop for more than a day.

    Children under one year old deserve special attention. Due to their low weight, they lose fluid very quickly, and dehydration develops very quickly.

    If such signs occur, you must contact the infectious diseases department. After examining the child and examining the stool, treatment is prescribed. If bacteriological or viral nature of diarrhea is suspected, laboratory test feces

    Treatment in a hospital lasts several days and depends on the age, condition of the child and the type of infection.

    First aid: what to do to stop diarrhea?

    Alimentary diarrhea can be stopped at home. To do this, it is enough to exclude the irritating factor - any food. Loose stools usually disappear after a few hours.

    It happens that, against the background of the disorder, the appetite remains at the same level and the child asks to eat. You can offer him a cracker or unleavened cookies with weakly brewed tea.

    • fermented milk products;
    • fresh fruits, vegetables and juice from them;
    • solid food.

    The biggest danger when prolonged diarrhea is dehydration. To replenish lost fluid, you need to give clean water, weak tea (weakly sweet without lemon), and dried fruit compote to drink after each bowel movement.

    If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, the amount of liquid should not exceed 20 ml, but you need to drink every 10-15 minutes.

    Infants do not stop breastfeeding. It must be remembered that mother’s milk will not be able to replace the fluid lost by the body, so between feedings you need to pour 5 ml of water into the baby’s mouth.

    While waiting for an ambulance, you can give an absorbent agent (Smecta or Activated Carbon). These drugs are not absorbed into the blood, so they are harmless even for babies.

    Medicines and preparations for children with diarrhea

    Drug therapy for diarrhea in children consists of several areas:

    • Restoration of water-salt balance.

    For this, use Regidron or Glucosalan. The drug in powder form is diluted in warm water and give in small sips after 5-10 minutes.

    • Removing toxins.

    Absorbent preparations will cope with this task: Activated carbon (in powder, tablets or gel form), Smecta, Enterosgel. These products absorb not only toxins, but also molecules of other medications, so you need to maintain an interval of 1.5-2 hours between different drugs.

    • Levomecitin, Enturol, Furozalidone are used for antibacterial effects.
    • Restoration of microflora is carried out with the help of probiotics and prebiotics: Linex, Enterol, Bifiform Baby.
    • Normalization of peristalsis.

    For diarrhea accompanied by uncontrolled contractions of the intestines, Loperamide or Imodium is prescribed.

    If diarrhea is caused by waste products of helminths in combination with symptomatic treatment, antihelminthic drugs (Nemozol, Pirontel) are prescribed.

    The type, form and dosage of medications for diarrhea in children is determined by the pediatrician. It is strictly forbidden to use medications intended for adults.

    Traditional medicine at home

    In addition to basic treatment, you can use proven recipes from unofficial medicine:

    Rice decoction for stool consolidation

    2 tablespoons of cereal are washed once and poured into hot water(about half a liter).

    Cook over low heat for 35-45 minutes. The cooled broth is ground until smooth and given to the child 1-2 tablespoons several times an hour.

    Bird cherry decoction

    A handful of dry berries is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for half an hour. After cooling, the liquid is filtered and given to the child 20 ml after 2 hours. For children under 3 years old, a teaspoon is enough.

    Oak bark decoction

    It solves several problems at once: it makes stool denser, eliminates the process of inflammation in the mucous membrane and destroys some microbes. It’s easy to prepare: oak bark is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:2 and heated in a water bath for 20 minutes. The cooled liquid should be drunk 50 ml 4-5 times a day.

    Rosehip decoction

    Contains many vitamins, it is recommended to drink it instead of tea if there are signs of dehydration. It is very simple to prepare the product: a handful of rose hips are poured with a liter of water and boiled for 7-10 minutes. The container with the decoction is left to infuse for an hour under a warm blanket.

    Chamomile tea

    Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. Taking it during diarrhea soothes the inflamed mucous membrane and eliminates discomfort. The plant can be added to regular tea or brewed separately (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water).

    Despite being completely natural, the listed remedies may have undesirable effects, so be sure to consult your doctor before using chamomile.

    Nutrition and diet during treatment

    It is advisable to make the first day of diarrhea “hungry”, since any food has an irritating effect. As a last resort, it is allowed to give unsweetened crackers or cookies.

    Starting from the second day, you can introduce porridge with water (oatmeal or rice), ground dietary meat, vegetable broths, low-fat cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, and omelet into your diet. All food must be prepared without adding spices.

    For normal diarrhea, such a diet is followed for no more than a week; if diarrhea is caused by an infection, it is continued until complete recovery.

    To prevent diarrhea in children, you must strictly follow the rules of hygiene, heat-treat meat and fish dishes, and wash vegetables and fruits with soap.

    Intestinal disorders in childhood or adulthood bring discomfort and inconvenience. Every mother knows how unstable a child's stool is. What should you give your baby to cope with the problem? What causes diarrhea in a 4 year old child? Knowing possible methods struggle with an unpleasant condition, parents will feel more confident and will be able to better help the baby.

    If a child 5 years of age or older goes to the toilet more than 3 times a day and the stool has a liquid consistency, this is diarrhea. The gastrointestinal tract of young children works somewhat differently. Loose stools in babies under one year of age are considered normal.

    Diarrhea is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

    1. The urge to defecate is rapid and difficult to control.
    2. Abdominal cramps and pain.
    3. The stools are watery.
    4. Defecation occurs 3–10 times a day.

    Parents should immediately call emergency services if loose stools have the following characteristics:

    • greenish tint;
    • foamy;
    • frequent;
    • abundant.

    You should be careful one year old child and younger, since children at this age cannot fully describe the condition and ask for help.

    Types of diarrhea

    Diarrhea in a child aged 4-6 years can be of different types. Doctors highlight different types diarrhea. More details about each are described in the table below.

    Diarrhea is the most common disorder of the digestive system. It is not an independent disease, but is part of the symptoms of various types of infections or general somatic diseases.

    This condition of the body is commonly called diarrhea. It is very dangerous and requires immediate attention. medical care. In case of delayed action, complications and irreversible changes in the body may develop. Severe cases of diarrhea can be fatal.

    Signs and causes of diarrhea

    Let's look at the main causes of diarrhea:

    Indications for prescribing drugs for diarrhea

    Never self-medicate. If you do not know exactly why your child has loose stools, consult a doctor immediately, as the consequences may be irreversible.

    Let's consider situations when a child should be given medications:

    Review of treatments for childhood diarrhea

    Drugs that improve intestinal microflora

    Probiotics for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis are preparations that contain live microorganisms that are representatives normal microflora digestive tract in humans.

    All bifidobacteria can be divided into groups of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. These drugs can normalize stool, create a protective layer of microorganisms on the intestinal mucosa and increase the body's resistance to pathogenic factors.

    Let's get acquainted with popular drugs:

    • - a drug based on natural ingredients, used for the treatment of various work disorders gastrointestinal tract. The drug is approved for use even by newborns. It is a powder. Indications for use this drug are intestinal infections, after taking antibacterial drugs, after allergic reactions from the digestive tract. The drug is used before and after antibiotic therapy. The child can be given the drug for prophylactic purposes. It is available in several forms: tablets, powders and suppositories. The price is about 150 rubles.
    • . The drug is used for the above problems. It is quite common in the pharmaceutical market. Available in capsule form that must be swallowed. The price is about 400 rubles.
    • . The drug is available in various forms. Sold in the form of powder, tablets, ampoules and capsules. There are also candles. These forms make it easier to use with young children. Contraindications and side drugs from the reception was not detected. The price is about 80 rubles.
    • . The drug is also available in the form of chewable tablets. Therefore, it is very convenient for use in children. The product strengthens the immune system well. Price about 300 rubles.

    This group of drugs includes:

    • Bificol;
    • Biobakton;
    • RioFlora Immuno;
    • RioFlora balance;
    • Enterozermina;
    • Biosporin;

    List of tools you should always have with you

    These drugs include those that can slow down intestinal motility. This will stop the signs of diarrhea. But these funds can be used strictly in accordance with the instructions and for a precisely established reason.

    If toxins are already accumulating in the body due to poisoning or the disease is of a bacterial nature and in the absence of etiological treatment microorganisms will accumulate in the body.

    Among this group of drugs it is necessary to highlight the following:

    • . A remedy that quickly reduces the urge to defecate and increases the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines. The product is very common on the market. But the drug can only be taken by children over 6 years of age. average price 25 rub.
    • . The drug is able to kill microbes in the intestines. The drug belongs to the group of antimicrobials. It can be taken by children no earlier than two years of age. Average price 25 rub.
    • . Another popular and cheap drug. Allowed for use by children aged one year. Often used for food poisoning and diarrhea. average price50 rub.

    There are many analogues of these drugs, these include:

    • Lopedium;
    • Suprilol;
    • Enterobene;
    • Diara;
    • Stoperan;
    • Loflatil.

    Antibacterial drugs used in children

    Only a doctor should prescribe and select the most suitable anti-diarrhea remedy to treat an intestinal infection. You should not self-medicate, especially since many drugs are contraindicated for children.

    The drug is prescribed for high temperature, pathological and specific, for a specific disease, stool. Mucus or blood in the stool should alert you. In these cases, you should immediately start taking antibacterial drugs.

    The main medications approved for use by children are:

    • Furazolidone. The drug is approved for use only by children over 3 years of age. A product from the nitrofuran group. Used for giardiasis, dysentery and other infections. Average price 50 rub..
    • . New drug, which is an analogue of Furazolidone. It is used in children from one month of age. Available in various dosage forms, including syrup. Average price 150 rub.
    • . A drug that can be used in children from two years of age. Possesses wide range actions. Average price 600 rub.

    Drugs in this group used in children include:

    • Phthalazol;
    • Tannacomp;
    • Amoxiclav;
    • Amoxicillin;
    • Flemoxin.

    Enterosorbents used for diarrhea in children

    Widely used for various disorders digestion. They have positive properties. Capable of removing waste and toxins that are formed during poisoning, the development of infections, and excreted from the body toxic substances and allergens. They have a positive effect on the development of diarrhea and bloating.

    This group of drugs has adsorbent, detoxification and antidiarrheal effects. Some of them contain prebiotics and have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. After use, they retain loose stools.

    List of enterosorbents:

    This group of drugs includes:

    • Silix;
    • Whitesorb;
    • Carbactin;
    • Carbolene;
    • Ultra-Adsorb;
    • Sorbex;

    Restoring water-salt balance in children during diarrhea

    Restoring the water-salt balance is necessary to maintain all biologically important metabolic processes in the body. This is especially important when the child’s diarrhea continues for several days or vomiting occurs.

    Rehydration should begin immediately, without waiting for signs of dehydration. The most dangerous and life-threatening signs of dehydration in a child are sunken fontanel, eyes, lack of urination, and dry mucous membranes.

    Initially, drugs for diarrhea are used for oral administration. Usually these are powders for dissolution in water. Unsoldering infants is more difficult. You need to feed your child through a bottle; if that doesn’t work, then use a spoon or pipette.

    The following drugs are used for these purposes:

    • Hydrovit forte. The drug is completely identical to Regidron. Price 140 rub.
    • Gastrolit. The composition includes bicarbonate and chloride, chamomile extract, potassium chloride and glucose. Price 300 rub.
    • Citraglucosolan. The drug is available in different forms, different bags contain different concentrations of salts. Price 15 rub.
    • Trihydron (analogue of Reosolan). A drug containing 3 salts at once. These are sodium citrate, sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Price 100 rub.

    Herbal remedies for treating diarrhea

    There are many effective and inexpensive remedies for treating diarrhea, which include: folk remedies. More often, these drugs are used in young children, or in those for whom synthetic drugs are contraindicated.

    Among them we highlight the following:

    • Oak bark is effective means from diarrhea. The broth is cooked until light brown so that it becomes weak. It has an astringent effect and also slows down intestinal motility. Price 80 rub.
    • Dried blueberries also have a fixing effect. Under no circumstances should you take it if you have diarrhea. fresh berries. On the contrary, they lead to diarrhea. In this case, the condition may worsen. Based dried berries cook jelly or decoction. Price 70 rub.
    • Bird cherry fruits are strong remedy from diarrhea. But you can take it after 12 years. The thing is that they contain hydrocyanic acid. Price 60 rub.
    • Burnet roots. Its decoction reduces intestinal motility and removes toxins. In addition, it helps with inflammatory diseases intestines. Price 40 rub.
    • Pomegranate fruits and loose leaf tea help in the fight against the disease.

    Rules for taking medications

    You cannot decide on your own which drug to use to treat your child. The rules of admission and the choice of drugs should be decided by the doctor.

    After the treatment is prescribed, you need to find out the rules for taking the medications.

    • Before taking anti-diarrhea medications, you must practice good hygiene., especially if the disease is caused intestinal infection. To do this, wash your hands before eating or taking medications.
    • Maintaining proper nutrition. Sometimes drugs are added to food. This is especially true for infants.
    • You can only take symptomatic medications for diarrhea for a short time. There is no need to continue treatment if the condition does not improve.
    • The recommended dose must be followed. It should not be exceeded, especially in infants.
    • Take anti-diarrhea medications approximately 30 minutes before eating.
    • Sorbents should be taken within an hour after the main drug.
    • Probiotics are prescribed after taking antibiotics. They are consumed an hour after antibiotics.

    Comparison of a child's stool norm with pathology:

    Index Norm Pathology
    Frequency 3-4 times From 5 times and above
    Consistency Thick mushy Liquid, watery, with an admixture of small clots against the background of the liquid mass. Foamy with veins.
    Color Dark yellow or dark brown Yellow, green, black, crimson, gray, reminiscent of rice water.
    Smell Characteristic odor of feces. Fetid, Yeast-like, sour, bilious.

    Side effects and contraindications

    List of side effects and contraindications:

    • Taking diarrhea medications incorrectly may arise headache, dizziness, epigastric pain.
    • A rash may appear on your child's body after taking anti-diarrhea medications. of a different nature, here you need to pay close attention to it, because the condition can turn into anaphylactic shock.
    • In some cases, the child may vomit, diarrhea may get worse.

    There are main contraindications to the use of anti-diarrhea medications:

    • Fever, blood in stool, intestinal obstruction , the child has diseases such as epilepsy, liver problems of various origins and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Drugs such as Levomycetin and Tetracycline are contraindicated for children up to a certain age, therefore they are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

    Diet in children with diarrhea

    IN acute period development of the disease, feed the child only liquid or pureed foods. Products can be ground or chopped with a blender. It is recommended to give meat to the child in the form of puree or baked soufflé.

    First of all, give your child as much water as possible, this can be boiled water or warm tea. You cannot force a child to eat and you should not give your child sweet, spicy, or salty foods.

    If possible, limit or completely avoid foods that increase intestinal motility. You need to feed your baby less fresh vegetables and dairy products.

    If the baby is breastfed, continue to feed. If diarrhea develops, you need to increase the number of feedings, while also reducing the portion. The same should be done with a bottle-fed child.

    If you give your child special tea approved for infants or some water, then continue. In case of profuse diarrhea or associated vomiting, the volume of administered fluid should be increased.

    Preventive actions

    Prevention methods are quite simple:

    Publication date: 26-11-2019

    How and how to treat diarrhea in a child under five years of age?

    Diarrhea in a child is pathological condition Gastrointestinal tract, which occurs against the background of the influence of external irritants and disturbances in functioning functional systems body. Preventive actions are carried out with the aim of preventing the disease, and when the first symptoms appear, immediately resort to the help of a doctor. Timely contact with a specialist will prevent the occurrence of complications and other adverse reactions.

    Causes and symptoms

    The etiology of diarrhea is different nature. It can develop when:

    • non-compliance with feeding regime;
    • acute intoxication;
    • intestinal infection;
    • enzyme imbalance of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal mechanism;
    • long-term therapy with potent antibiotics;
    • nervous overstrain.

    Most often, diarrhea in children occurs at the beginning of the first year of life and is associated with violation of sanitary and hygienic requirements (insufficiently clean nipples, bottles), overfeeding (inappropriate quantity or quality of food for age), allergic reactions for cereals and other circumstances.

    When a child has diarrhea, an extremely insidious and dangerous problem arises, since the body becomes relatively dehydrated very quickly. total mass bodies. With watery stools, from 50 to 100 ml of liquid are removed from it, in older children after 5 years - 100-200 ml. Digestive system in infants it reacts sensitively to the introduction of artificial nutrition. And the period of teething can become an additional factor in intestinal upset.

    The main symptoms of the disease are associated with decreased fluid balance. Water causes diarrhea in a child constant thirst, dryness and loss of elasticity skin, lethargy, refusal to eat, retraction of the fontanelle. Clinical tests show a sharp decrease in the amount of urine excreted (becomes dark and concentrated) and the frequency of urination (under 2 years old - up to 10 times, older - 4-5 times). In this case, the baby should definitely be sent to the inpatient department of the children's clinic.

    Liquid feces come in different consistencies - similar to gruel with pieces of undigested food or watery with additional inclusions of pus, mucus, blood and with a pungent odor. During infectious infections, it develops (a symptom of rotavirus infection), having different color shades. When infected with salmonellosis, the stool turns the color of marsh grass, with hepatitis - white, with amoebic dysentery - crimson. In addition, vomiting, pain in the abdominal area, and fluctuations in body temperature are observed.

    Unbalanced diet

    Insufficient attention to the combination of products with different compositions (for example, fresh fish and milk while taking them at the same time, plenty of food) provokes the formation of a fermentation effect. This is especially true for long trips, the so-called “traveler's diarrhea”, after visiting guests, a festive feast. Often it all ends with minor ailments in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and enzymatic organs. Less often it is necessary to restore functions through the consumption of enzyme preparations (,), antidiarrheals (imodium,) or. But when the baby is less than 2 years old, his physiological capabilities are not taken into account, and this leads to undesirable consequences in the form of loose stools, regurgitation or vomiting, and intestinal colic.

    Disorders of the digestive tract () are eliminated by gradually returning to a normal diet. It is advisable to skip one or two meals and replace them with a weak infusion of chamomile, a salty mixture - rehydron saline solution or 5% glucose solution. If the desire to eat appears during the first 24 hours, feed the baby up to 2 years of age only with mother's milk or proven formulas according to the established regime, but the portion should be half the usual size. Feeding additional food is prohibited, so as not to provoke a recurrence of the disorder. On the second day, the volume of food for the baby can be increased to 1/2 of the amount established by age and within 4 days brought to normal. Only on the 5th day may the doctor allow you to give additional food while taking enzyme preparations or sorbents.

    Food poisoning, infections, dysbacteriosis, allergies

    Severe diarrhea in children due to intoxication with poor-quality food or infection with intestinal pathogens manifests itself in the form of:

    • vomiting;
    • pain in the head and stomach;
    • malfunction of the thermal control system;
    • general malaise (drowsiness, weakness).

    Acute respiratory and viral infections can also contribute to the appearance of liquid feces with accompanying catarrhal symptoms - cough, runny nose, pain in the larynx. Dysbacteriosis, which occurs during long-term use of antibiotics, is a dysfunction of the digestive organs, resulting in inhibition of beneficial intestinal microflora. Diarrhea in a child (2 years old) is observed in the form of the following symptoms: bloating, alternating diarrhea and constipation. The stool has a very unpleasant odor, a liquefied consistency with the color of swamp mud.

    The possibility cannot be ruled out that diarrhea in children develops as a consequence of food allergies, endocrine disorders, emotional fatigue, and fear, which in folk art is called “bear disease.” There are other, more rare, causes of irritation of the digestive organs in a baby. Therefore, when the first signs of illness are noticed, you must immediately seek help from medical staff.

    Hereditary diseases

    Celiac enteropathy is associated with the immunity of the biostructures of the cereal protein - gluten, which is the basis of wheat, rye, and oats. The disease becomes noticeable after the first 2 years, when the child can eat flour products and all kinds of cereals. Circumstances arising due to the transmission of hereditary damage in the gene structure or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract lead to the development of foamy stools, weight loss, growth retardation, and disorders of fat and protein metabolism.

    How to cure diarrhea with gluten therapy? The basis of treatment is maintaining a gluten-free diet. It is necessary to completely remove all products that contain semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, wheat, pasta, bread and confectionery sweets. Normalization of stool occurs within 2 weeks, body weight is restored within a year, and height within 2 years. At the same time, you should always monitor your diet and food quality.

    Another cause of diarrhea may be a genetic disease - cystic fibrosis, which affects the glands internal secretion, especially digestive and respiratory system. Alternating constipation and diarrhea can reach such a state that it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Treatment of diarrhea is symptomatic. or specific is expressed in very severe symptoms severe inflammation of the colon mucosa. The disease can last for years. Loose stools are accompanied by the discharge of scarlet blood and pain in the abdominal area.

    Lactic enzyme deficiency

    One of the serious problems of a genetic nature, causing disruption stool, is lactase deficiency. She explains herself complete absence or a lack of the lactase enzyme, which breaks down lactose, a milk carbohydrate. The amount of enzyme in the body can change throughout life and depend on previous gastrointestinal diseases, the hormonal system and other factors. In a 3 year old (4 year old) child, lactose deficiency gradually disappears as the final formation of the gastrointestinal tract organs occurs. Practice shows that symptoms of milk intolerance become noticeable literally from the very beginning of breastfeeding. After each meal, profuse loose stools with a sour smell, bloating, regurgitation and vomiting appear. The child is not gaining weight well. Clinical tests confirm the diagnosis of lactase intolerance by the presence of carbohydrates in the stool.

    Only a pediatrician can determine how to treat diarrhea in children. The main condition is a ban on drinking milk. After 4 days of no milk in the diet, the intestines calm down, all symptoms disappear, and the diarrhea itself stops. From the 5th day weight gain begins. Today there are milk formulas that either do not contain lactose at all, or where it is present in minimal quantities. Go to artificial nutrition carried out for 2-3 days.

    Doctors recommend using it to treat diarrhea in a child pharmacological agent– Lactase, which is the enzyme of lactose. If the baby’s body rejects the drug, you should switch to artificial feeding that does not contain lactose. Since milk carbohydrates can also be contained in other products as a component, older children suffering from lactase deficiency should be given them with caution. If you have a hereditary deficiency of milk enzyme, strictly adhere to a lactose-free diet throughout your life. Temporary discomfort due to the underdevelopment of the baby’s intestines can be eliminated within a year with further gradual introduction of dairy products into the diet.

    Treatment of diarrhea with medications and folk remedies

    How to treat diarrhea? To prevent dehydration of the body, losses of fluid and salts should be gradually replenished. Special solutions - Regidron, Glucosolan, Tsitroglucosolan - are sold in pharmacy stores and are used in accordance with the instructions. Correct consumption of the drug is indicated by the restoration of urination. It is not prohibited to consume chamomile or rice decoction, still mineral water, sugar-free compotes, and fruit juices diluted with water. The following can be used as herbal teas:

    • chamomile color;
    • Oak bark;
    • sage leaf;
    • plantain;
    • blueberry or bird cherry fruits.

    A good recipe for preventing loose and painful stools includes 250 ml of orange juice, a pinch of table salt and a teaspoon of sugar.

    Treatment of diarrhea in children in acute cases, along with the use of natural remedies, must be supported pharmacological drugs. Absorbing substances in the form of activated carbon, enterosgel and others. For flatulence and bloating, disflatil is useful. When the intestinal area is covered by girdle pain, it is necessary to take antispasmodic medications -,. All medications are taken according to the prescription prescribed by the pediatrician.

    To properly treat diarrhea in a child, you must adhere to a diet. The old rule says that if a child does not want to eat during diarrhea, then there is no need to force it. Fried, fatty, smoked and salty foods should be completely excluded from the diet. Products that increase intestinal activity are not allowed. These include: milk, cabbage, pickled vegetables, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, kvass, sugar.

    It is allowed to take jelly, mashed potatoes in water with the addition of vegetable oil, rice soup, porridge with water. Useful fruits include pear, quince, dogwood, lingonberry, and blueberry. Give boiled meat and fish carefully. It is advisable for the smallest infants to continue breastfeeding. “Artificial” ones are converted to soy, low-lactose or lactose-free mixtures.

    Diarrhea in children can be eliminated through the joint efforts of doctors and parents if all prescription instructions are followed.