Everything about strawberries - facts and speculation, harm and benefits of the queen of berries. Strawberries and forest countrywomen: benefits, contraindications Strawberry jam benefits and harms

Aromatic dark red jam. It is considered one of the most delicious types of homemade jam.


Despite the fact that strawberries are one of the most delicious and aromatic berries, jam from them is not always successful. It sugars quickly and can be bitter or cloying. To avoid this, you need to sort the berries well so that no green or spoiled ones get into the jam. When adding sugar, it is important to keep it in moderation, since strawberries are a sweet berry and excess sweetness can ruin the taste. To prevent the jam from becoming bitter, whole carrots are placed in it during cooking, which absorbs the bitterness. Before putting it into jars, it is thrown away.

Calorie content

100 grams of product contains 219 kcal.


Strawberry jam contains organic acids (citric, salicylic, malic), sugars, pectin, fiber, vitamins, tannins and nitrogenous substances, carotene, a large number of iron and calcium.

Beneficial features

Properly prepared strawberry jam has almost all the beneficial properties of this berry. It strengthens the immune system, helps fight the flu and infectious diseases, improves metabolism and digestion, lowers blood pressure, exhibits antimicrobial and laxative properties.

– a real holiday for adults and children who are looking forward to the beginning of summer to taste ripe juicy berries. Despite the loud title, the “queen of berries” is modest and unpretentious, so there is a place for her in every garden. Strawberries are easy to grow in any conditions, they require a minimum of care, and picking ripe berries and eating them straight from the garden is truly a heavenly pleasure.

Ripe berries, fresh and as part of a variety of pastries, desserts, and cocktails, are readily enjoyed not only by those with a sweet tooth, young and old, but also by adherents healthy eating. In dietetics, the “queen of berries” occupies not the last place and is present on the table of those who struggle with excess weight using one or another technique. It can often be found in lists of recommended products for weight loss and even as a basic component of independent mono-diets.

Like all good things, strawberry season quickly ends, and for a tray of fresh berries you soon have to give up half your kingdom and a princess to boot. Fortunately, strawberries are an ideal berry for jam, marmalade and marmalade, the preparation of which does not require any special skills. Therefore, in the summer, lovers of homemade preparations arm themselves with cookbooks and rush to replenish their supplies for the winter.

What you need to know about strawberries

The energy value of fresh and frozen strawberries is equal and amounts to 35-40 kcal per 100 grams of product. Calorie content may vary depending on the variety.

In small quantities, strawberries also contain beta-carotene and such.

Regular consumption of fresh strawberries nourishes the body essential vitamins and microelements. Just 100-200 g of berries completely cover the daily requirement of an adult for vitamin C.

The benefits and harms of strawberries

Strawberries are used in folk medicine in fresh, dried and canned form. In terms of vitamin C content, strawberries have surpassed even strawberries, so they are an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system, treating and preventing colds and viral diseases.

Beneficial properties of fresh strawberries:

  • regulation of blood pressure and heart muscle function, reducing the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • reducing the level of “bad”, preventing cholesterol blockage of blood vessels and strengthening their walls;
  • beneficial effect on blood composition and hematopoietic processes;
  • cell restoration and renewal connective tissue and skin;
  • slowing down the aging process, fighting free radicals, prevention oncological diseases;
  • removing excess fluid and relieving swelling due to its mild diuretic effect;
  • stimulation of peristalsis and cleansing of the intestines.

In addition, strawberries increase visual acuity, improve skin condition, strengthen bone tissue, tooth enamel, hair and nails. Folic acid especially useful during pregnancy and for women's health generally. Thanks to the content salicylic acid Strawberries have an antibacterial effect not only when consumed internally, but also when used externally.

Indications for daily consumption of strawberries in any form:

  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, joints, kidneys;
  • dysbiosis and intestinal obstruction;
  • diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, gums;
  • reduced immunity, respiratory viral diseases;
  • anemia, loss of strength, vitamin deficiency;
  • sleep disorders, depression.

Suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers, can be included in a child’s diet after 12 months as complementary food. It must be remembered that this berry is a strong allergen, so over-consumption of strawberries can negatively affect the health of mother and baby.

In addition to individual intolerance, strawberries have some contraindications. It should not be eaten if you have diarrhea, gastritis with increased acidity, stomach or intestinal ulcers. You should also refrain if you have dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases of unknown nature.

How to make strawberry jam

Strawberry jam partially preserves beneficial features fresh berries, but is by no means a dietary product, since just 100 grams of this delicacy contains more than 74 g of carbohydrates and 280-300 kcal (about 20% of the daily value).

The most famous recipes for homemade strawberries:

  • five-minute jam;
  • jam without cooking;
  • lemon-strawberry jam;
  • jam with spices and other additives;
  • jam with thickeners (, agar-agar).

Before cooking, strawberries are sorted and washed several times with cool water. For whole jam, firm, small berries with dense pulp are suitable. The berries are laid out to dry on a towel and removed from the stems. It is recommended to wash strawberries with tails so that they do not release juice during bathing and their taste is not affected.

But this does not mean that large berries need to be thrown away, because you can also make jam from them, after cutting them into several parts. Slightly overripe or slightly bruised strawberries are suitable for making the most delicate puree or jam.

For preparations for the winter, you will need pre-prepared glass jars, a deep saucepan with a thick bottom or an enamel basin. Jars and lids must be thoroughly washed with detergent, sterilize in boiling water, oven or microwave.

Recipes for strawberry jam for the winter

Jam with whole berries according to the recipe known as “five-minute” is very popular, easy to prepare and does not require special ingredients. For five minutes you will need berries in a 1:1 ratio, the amount of sugar can be varied to taste.

Step-by-step technology for preparing five-minute whole-berry strawberry jam at home:

  1. The berries are sorted, washed and prepared properly. Then they place it in a vessel in which the jam will be cooked, sprinkle with sugar, and cover with a towel for several hours or overnight.
  2. When the juice begins to stand out, carefully mix the strawberries with sugar, being careful not to mash the berries. As the berries steep, they become harder, so they don’t get soft during the cooking process.
  3. After the juice has been released, place the pan on very low heat and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. Boil the boiled jam for 5 minutes, periodically remove the foam and stir. Next, remove the pan from the stove and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.
  4. The steps described in paragraph 3 are repeated two more times. At the third stage, you can add so that the sugar does not crystallize.
  5. To check readiness, drop a little jam onto a cool saucer. If the drop does not spread over the surface, remove the pan from the heat and cover with a towel.
  6. Jars with lids are sterilized and calcined in the oven, cooled slightly, filled and immediately closed.

Sometimes jars of jam are re-sterilized in boiling water. To do this, cover a wide and deep container with a kitchen towel, place the jars on the bottom, fill half with water and boil for 15-20 minutes. Remove the jars from the pan only when the water has cooled completely.

Some useful tips for newbies:

  • lemon juice can be replaced with a small amount;
  • To prevent the jam from foaming, you need to add a piece of no more than 10 g to it;
  • the taste and aroma can be enhanced with the help of, or grated (1/2 tsp per 1 kg after the first boil);
  • It is more convenient to pour jam into jars using a special funnel.

Fans of culinary experiments can try making unusual strawberry jam with lemon and zest. To do this, take one lemon for every half kilo of berries and granulated sugar. The berries must be prepared, cut and sprinkled with sugar for half an hour. You need to remove the top thin layer (zest) from lemons using a grater, clean the pulp from the white layer and seeds.

When the strawberries give juice, you can start making jam:

  1. Berries with lemon pulp are placed in a cooking pan and lightly kneaded.
  2. Heat the resulting mixture to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes, uncovered.
  3. Add the zest, stir and cook for another 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam.
  4. When the jam thickens and darkens, it is removed from the heat, poured into jars and cooled.

Lemon zest removes excessive cloying and gives the jam a slight tartness and a tonic aftertaste. To emphasize the spicy taste and aroma, crushed leaves are added along with the zest. The jam prepared in this way can be served as an addition to different dishes and as a stand-alone dessert.

Whatever one may say, boiled strawberries lose most of their vitamins, so jam without cooking is the best effective method get the most out of it while maintaining appearance berries, their fresh taste and delicate aroma.

For this jam, take 800-900 g of granulated sugar and a glass of water per kilogram of washed and peeled berries. The peculiarity of this recipe is that the berries are not boiled, but filled with hot sugar syrup.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Pour sugar into a small saucepan or saucepan, add water and bring to a boil over high heat, remembering to stir. After the sugar has dissolved and the syrup has boiled, reduce the heat and cook the mixture for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  2. Pour the syrup over the strawberries and leave to cool for a couple of hours. Do not stir the berries so as not to mash them. During this time, the strawberry pulp thickens and brightens.
  3. The cooled syrup is poured back into the pan, boiled, cooked for 5 minutes, then poured over the strawberries again and cooled. The procedure described in points 1-2 is repeated several times so that a total of 3-4 fills are obtained.
  4. On the last round, the berries are placed in jars, poured with boiling syrup, immediately closed and sterilized.

Jam without cooking does not require additional thickeners or spices and is not used as a filling. It is served for breakfast or afternoon snack with pancakes, cheesecakes, porridge and other fresh dishes. It is considered the most vitamin-rich strawberry jam, therefore it is used in folk medicine to strengthen the immune system and treat colds.

Secrets of strawberry jam

Jam, so beloved by the British, is often confused with jam - a homogeneous sweet mass made from ground raw materials. Jam is made from whole or cut fruits in the same way as jam, from which jam differs only in a thick jelly-like syrup. To obtain the desired syrup consistency, thickeners (pectin powder, gelatin, agar-agar) are added to the jam.

Recipe for strawberry jam with gelatin:

  1. 1 kg of berries is poured into 700-800 g of sugar in a saucepan or basin, mixed and left for 1-2 hours until the juice is released.
  2. Using the instructions on the label, dilute about a third of a glass of gelatin and wait until it swells.
  3. The future jam is brought to a boil over moderate heat, flavored with a teaspoon of butter so that the mixture does not foam.
  4. Add dissolved gelatin, mix, boil for another 20 minutes and immediately pour into jars.

As a rule, the syrup acquires its characteristic thickness after complete cooling. To ensure that the jam retains its attractive color, you need to choose transparent gelatin that does not turn yellow when dissolved.

Delicious jam with pectin can be prepared in a slow cooker. To do this, you will need berries and sugar in the classic 1:1 ratio and a bag of pectin powder. The berries need to be cut, mashed with your hands or passed through a meat grinder. If you have an immersion blender, you can immediately grind the berries along with sugar.

Preparing jam in a slow cooker is convenient because there is no need to stir and skim off the foam. However, it must be remembered that the bowl should not be filled more than halfway. The finished hot jam is poured into containers and covered with lids.

Strawberry jam is in great demand in cooking, as it is used to stuff buns, puff pastries, donuts, pies, etc. sweet pastries. It can be spread on top of golden brown toast with butter or simply eaten as a snack with hot tea.

Jam - this word came to us from Ancient Rus'. It means a delicacy made from berries, fruits, nuts and even flowers boiled in honey or molasses. Indeed, there was so much jam to make here - not only the usual berries and fruits were used, but also radish, pumpkin, chicory, turnips, green tomatoes, dandelions, flower petals, etc. So, the benefits and harms of jam are a very relative concept. It all depends on how exactly it was prepared.

Are there any benefits from jam?

Nowadays, it is generally accepted that jam is a high-calorie and harmful indulgence that only those who do not have to worry about maintaining their health or their figure can afford. Meanwhile, originally in Rus', jam was made not from sugar, but from honey; this was one of the ways to preserve berries and fruits for the winter. Of course, only very rich people could afford such jam. Jam could rarely be seen on the table of the poor, but it was served regularly at the royal table. Thus, there is information that Ivan the Terrible was very fond of jam made from cucumbers covered in chalk.

Unfortunately, not so many beneficial vitamins, which fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in, are actually preserved in traditionally prepared jam. The fact is that under the influence of high temperature, some of them actually collapse. Some - but not completely, and by no means all. The least heat-resistant are vitamin C and beta-carotene. But in berries and fruits from which jam is made, they are often contained in very significant quantities. Therefore, some of these vitamins are still present in the jam. And, for example, vitamins B1, B2, PP and E are quite heat-resistant. Therefore, they are almost completely preserved even in jam prepared in grandma’s traditional way. In addition, in jam, in addition to vitamins. There are also other useful substances, organic acids, macro- and microelements transferred into it from fruits and berries.

Well, if you stubbornly continue to believe that there can be no benefit from classic jam, other than harm, you always have the opportunity to prepare “five-minute” jam or even “raw jam” - this is the name for chopped and pureed vegetables and fruits with sugar . With this manufacturing method, the original components are practically not exposed to high temperatures, which means that much more vitamins are retained in them.

And finally, why, when it comes to benefits, do you immediately need to start talking about vitamins? But isn’t the pleasure you get from opening a jar of your grandmother’s fragrant strawberry jam for tea with pancakes a benefit in itself? The pleasure hormone - serotonin, which is produced in your body under the influence of such tea drinking - is in itself a significant benefit for your health.

The benefits of raspberry jam

Our conversation about the benefits of jam should begin with traditional raspberry jam. Our grandmothers were absolutely right when, with a cold and high temperature They put us to bed and gave us hot tea with raspberry jam. Raspberry jam is a real storehouse of phytoncides. They are no worse pharmaceutical drugs help us fight colds. In addition, raspberry jam contains calcium, potassium, iron and fiber, which is so necessary for our body. Eating raspberry jam is useful not only for colds - it helps normalize metabolism in the body, prevents the development cancer cells and neutralizes the effects of possible carcinogens.

The benefits of viburnum jam

Another jam with extraordinary medicinal qualities is viburnum jam. However, it must be said that due to the seeds present in viburnum, this jam is not cooked too often - but in vain. Viburnum contains a very large amount of vitamin C - there is much more of it here than in citrus fruits. Viburnum jam is an excellent healing remedy not only for colds, but also for gastrointestinal disorders, bleeding gums, skin diseases, it helps normalize blood pressure, has a diuretic effect, and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Benefits of blackcurrant jam

Blackcurrant is another record holder for vitamin C content. And although, of course, a significant part of it is destroyed during cooking, even what remains is quite enough to enrich your body with this useful vitamin. In addition, blackcurrant jam contains iron, potassium and other beneficial substances necessary for normal life, maintaining good tone and general well-being.

Benefits of blueberry jam

Blueberries are extremely healthy berry. It contains vitamins C, A, PP, B vitamins, organic acids, atocyanins, manganese, iron, tannins. Blueberry jam is useful regardless of the method of its preparation, because if vitamin A or C is partially destroyed when cooking traditional jam, then all other vitamins and microelements are preserved in it almost completely. Therefore, in the summer you can pamper yourself with fresh blueberries without restrictions, and in the winter you can mash them with sugar or make your grandmother’s usual jam. All this will bring you undoubted benefits - it activates the activity of your brain, strengthens your vision, supports your immune system and normalizes the activity of the central nervous system.

The benefits of strawberry jam

In addition to the pleasure you get from the delicious divine taste of traditional strawberry jam, it contains substances that prevent the occurrence of tumor diseases and help your body fight existing cancerous tumors.

The benefits of jam are undeniable. What about the harm?

But, since our article is called “The benefits and harms of jam,” let’s finally move on to the second part and talk about the harm.

Despite the significant number of qualities that make jam in every way useful product, its excessive use can really cause some harm to your health.

Firstly, jam should be treated with caution by those people who are prone to allergies. And even if you usually don’t suffer from allergies, under certain circumstances, for example, during periods of hormonal changes in the body, it can suddenly appear in you. This is especially true when it comes to jam made with honey syrup instead of sugar.

Do not forget that jam is not only berries and fruits, but also a significant amount of sugar. And although our body also needs sugar, its excess content can cause harm, first of all, to people suffering from diabetes mellitus. In any case, sugar is a source of glucose, from which carbohydrates are produced, and therefore a large amount of jam is definitely harmful for overweight people. Finally, sugar is harmful to dental health.

All of the above, however, does not negate the fact that for those people who do not have any special health problems, treating themselves to jam from time to time is not only harmful, but even very useful.

Jam for children - benefits and harm

Everyone knows how much children love sweets, especially jam. But pediatricians are ambivalent about whether jam should be given to children. Some people think that there is nothing wrong with this, others - that it is quite possible to do without jam, and that it will not do any harm to the child’s body. Perhaps doctors are unanimous on only one thing - it is extremely undesirable to give jam in any form to children under three years of age. It is a pity that for some reason our people, who happily treated their grandchildren, even the smallest ones, with a wide variety of homemade jam, did not know about this. And what’s interesting is that all these grandchildren grew up safely, healthy and strong. Refuting all the concerns of pediatricians about this.

If you give your child jam, for example, along with porridge or pancakes, make sure that this meal is accompanied by plenty of fluids. The thing is that glucose actively draws fluid from tissues, and this deficiency must be immediately replenished so that metabolic disorders do not occur. On the other hand, jam in reasonable quantities will bring all the same benefits to children as it does to adults. The main thing is that this amount is really reasonable.

Jam for weight loss

This is not at all an oxymoron as you might think. As you know, when talking about the dangers of jam, many people first of all point out that it contains too many calories. And that it is obviously harmful to those who strive to maintain a good figure and even more so to lose weight. Meanwhile, there is such a magical jam that will take care of your beautiful figure. And bring you very tangible benefits. We bring to your attention ginger jam. It helps speed up metabolism, helps break down fats and significantly reduces cravings for sweets, which is a very significant factor for those with a sweet tooth.

To prepare this miracle jam you will need:

  • ginger – 150 g;
  • orange peels from two large fruits;
  • lemon juice from 0.5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup.

Wash the ginger, peel it and cut it into small cubes. Place in a glass jar and fill cold water. Place the orange peel in another container and also fill it with water. Leave to soak for three days, regularly changing the water two to three times daily.

On the third day, drain the water, finely chop the orange peels, put them in a saucepan, add ginger, add sugar, stir and add 75 ml of water. Place on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool at room temperature. Place on the heat again and bring to a boil, remembering to stir. Remove again and cool. The entire process will need to be repeated three times. The last time the mixture boils, remove from heat, cool, squeeze juice from half a lemon into it, stir and place in a clean, sterilized jar. Cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

Strawberry jam is a very popular dessert that has gained popularity all over the world. The treat consists of berries boiled in syrup. Jam can be made not only from strawberries, but also from many other berries and fruits. Often found various combinations strawberries with lemon, orange, mint, banana and other products.

Most often, strawberry jam is used as a filling for cakes and pies, as well as other baked goods, but it can also be combined with other desserts, such as ice cream, chocolate and other sweets.

The starting point for the emergence of jam can be considered the 14th century. It is not known for certain where exactly this treat was first prepared, but its fame very quickly spread across all continents. Today at any national cuisine There is a delicious delicacy made from berries and fruits, which has different names: the French call the dish “confiture”, the Americans call it “jam”, the British call it “marmalade”, and in our country the dessert is called jam. The technology for preparing the treat is the same everywhere: berries or fruits are poured with hot syrup, aromatic seasonings and spices are added and boiled until thickened.

Strawberry jam is considered especially tasty and of high quality if it is thick enough. At the same time, you can close it for the winter with either whole berries, strawberries cut into pieces, or even crushed into pulp. The treat harmonizes perfectly with baked goods, which is why it is often used to prepare fillings and cream for desserts. In our article you can learn how to properly prepare delicious strawberry jam at home.

How to make strawberry jam?

Making strawberry jam for the winter couldn’t be easier. Any housewife can handle this simple process. To do this, you need to stock up on the necessary ingredients, namely: berries, sugar, water, aromatic spices if desired. If you want, you can make jam not only with strawberries, but add lemon, orange, basil, banana, cherries, raspberries, chocolate, cinnamon, apricots or nuts. You can also add other ingredients to the treat if you are sure that they go well together.

You can cook strawberry jam for the winter either in a saucepan or in a slow cooker or pressure cooker. It is also possible to prepare a berry treat without cooking. Some simple recipes You can see how to prepare proper and tasty strawberry jam in our article and in the video below.

In a slow cooker

To prepare delicious thick jam in a slow cooker, you only need strawberries, sugar and water. The cooking process looks like this::

  1. Wash the berries thoroughly in running water, then leave them to dry on a towel, put them in a deep container and cover with sugar. Leave for a few minutes until the strawberries begin to release their juice.
  2. Transfer the berries with sugar to the multicooker bowl and add a stack drinking water. Turn on the “Stew” mode and cook the jam for one hour.
  3. Carefully watch the valve in the multicooker, as the sweet mixture can boil too much and spill out, so look under the lid regularly.
  4. The finished jam should be poured into sterilized jars and left to cool, having previously rolled up the lids.

You should take into account the fact that the proportions of strawberries and sugar should be 1:2. You can add a little more sugar if you want the jam to be thicker. You can also use gelatin, gelfix, agar-agar, pectin and other gelling additives.

In a saucepan or pressure cooker

Cooking strawberry jam in a saucepan and pressure cooker is just as easy as in a slow cooker. You will need the same set of products as in the first case. However, keep in mind the fact that now the proportions of strawberries and sugar should be equal.

Pour sugar over clean berries and leave to steep for half an hour, then place the pan or pressure cooker on the stove and turn on medium heat. Stirring, heat the mixture until the sugar melts. Let the jam boil, but do not forget to skim off the foam if you want your treat to be transparent.

Since this is a five-minute recipe, you need to bring the jam to a boil three times, leaving it to simmer for exactly five minutes, then put it in a cool place to cool. This helps maintain the integrity of the berries, so if you want to puree the strawberries into jam in a blender when ready, you can cook the mixture continuously.

When the strawberry jam is ready, pour it into jars and roll up the lids if you want to store it for the winter, or simply pour the treat into containers and leave to cool.

No cooking

To make strawberry jam without cooking, you will need two kilograms of berries, a kilogram of sugar and some drinking water. Prepare the ingredients and then start cooking:

  1. Pour half a glass of water into a saucepan and add sugar, place the container on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly so that the sugar has time to melt.
  2. Wash the strawberries, peel them and place them in a deep container. Pour the sweet liquid over the berries and cover the container with a lid, allowing the strawberries to brew and soak in the syrup.
  3. When the liquid has cooled, pour it back into the pan and bring it to a boil again, then pour it over the strawberries again. This process should be repeated up to four times.
  4. Place strawberry jam in jars, seal with lids and place under a warm blanket overnight.

By morning, you can move the jars of classic strawberry jam to the cellar or pantry for winter storage. When preparing a treat in this way, you should know that it will turn out more liquid than when boiled, but the berries will taste like fresh.

Benefits and harms

Strawberry jam can be both beneficial and harmful. Thus, it is not recommended to use it for people with diabetes mellitus, as well as thyroid dysfunction. People who tend to be overweight should control the amount of treat they eat at one time. The calorie content of such a dessert is 290 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

As for the benefits, strawberry jam can reduce arterial pressure, and also have a positive effect on brain function. In addition, strawberries contain a large amount of antioxidants, which prevent the occurrence and spread of cancer cells in the body.

Thus, having prepared your own strawberry jam and closed it for the winter, you will always have on hand not only a delicious dessert and an ingredient for making the filling, but also a source of vitamins that you and your loved ones will enjoy.

Strawberries have a completely unique taste and aroma. In this regard, even everyone’s favorite garden strawberry cannot compare with them. There are references to strawberries as a very useful plant in literature dating back to the 13th century. It began to be cultivated in Europe in the 15th-16th centuries. IN wildlife this berry is found both in Europe and Asia, as well as in North Africa and America.

general description

Strawberries usually grow in well-lit areas. These can be forest glades, hillsides, sparse forests, valleys, etc. The fruits of this plant are usually eaten raw or in pies. However, they are also very good for canning. You can make jams, compotes, mousses, marshmallows and much more from them. Of course, wild strawberries are also used in folk medicine. The benefits and harms of this plant will be the topic of our article.

Wild strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant with a long, pubescent stem and triple bright green leaves. Its fruit is mistakenly considered a berry. In fact, this is an overgrown receptacle.

Benefits of fruits

What substances that have a beneficial effect on the body are contained in the pulp of a berry such as wild strawberry? Its benefit lies primarily in the fact that its fruits contain simply a huge amount of vitamins (primarily B1 and C). Strawberries also contain malic, citric, ascorbic, quinic acids and sugars. The pulp of the fruits of this plant contains tannins, pigments, sugars, and caratine. Among other things, strawberries can compensate for the lack of microelements in the body such as copper, iron, manganese and cobalt. Contained in the pulp of the fruits of this plant are also beneficial for the body. mineral salts: calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

Calorie content

Strawberries are a valuable product, often used in various diets. Its berries help normalize metabolism in the human body. The calorie content of 100 g of fruit is only 34 kcal. At the same time, the pulp contains 0.4 g of fat, 11.2 g of carbohydrates and 0.8 g of proteins.

The benefits of wild strawberries for the body are also due to the fact that their berries contain folic and pantothenic acids, as well as pectin components and bioflavonoids.

The effect of strawberries on the body

Prevention of cancer and premature aging is also what wild strawberries can be used for. Its benefit in this regard is due to the high content of antioxidants and anthocyanins in the fruit pulp. Of course, it is very useful to eat strawberries for vitamin deficiency, as well as for the purpose of its prevention.

Many people eat strawberries before meals, as they improve appetite. The fiber they contain helps remove cholesterol from the body.

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

Strawberries can have not only a general health effect. They are capable of having a beneficial effect on specific organs, even with fairly serious illnesses. For example, they are very useful to use for inflammation of the stomach and intestines. It is also worthwhile to eat these berries in the spring for those who suffer from hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers or frequent constipation. Strawberry fruits are also considered very useful for gastritis and colic.

Excretory and endocrine systems

The health benefits of wild strawberries also lie in the fact that they have a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. To improve your health in this case, you can, for example, eat its berries fresh. Their pulp reduces the amount absorbed thyroid gland Yoda. In addition, strawberries are simply an excellent diuretic, expelling a huge amount of unnecessary salts from the body. Also, strawberries should be included in their diet for those people who suffer from gout, diathesis, cystitis and inflammation.

The cardiovascular system

Eating strawberries increases heart endurance and improves its functioning. They are also very useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis or hypertension. An infusion of the fruits of this plant increases heart contractions. The benefits of wild strawberry leaves are most evident in teas. This drink, for example, can normalize blood pressure.

Treatment of skin diseases

Strawberry juice and pulp are very good for helping with acne and age spots. Sometimes the pulp from the berries of this plant is also used to treat purulent and bleeding wounds. Another disease that can be treated with fruits is eczema. The benefits of wild strawberries in this case are especially pronounced. Compresses from its fruits can dry out scabs in just a few hours and even remove them completely.

Women's diseases

The leaves and fruits of this plant are also used for uterine bleeding. The health benefits of wild strawberries also include the fact that they can help with abnormally heavy menstruation.

Cosmetical tools

This is how wild strawberries are used to improve the health of the human body. Its benefit lies, however, not only in this. Very often, this plant is used in the manufacture of various kinds of cosmetics: creams, masks, shampoos, gels, etc. In ancient times, freckles were removed using alcohol tincture of strawberries.

The beneficial effect of this plant is manifested primarily in the fact that it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, preventing the appearance of new wrinkles. Regular use of strawberry creams can improve your complexion. Instead of store-bought cosmetics, you can simply take fresh berries. You should wipe your face with them from time to time, cutting them into two halves. Strawberry decoction is also often used to get rid of bad breath.

Strawberry leaf tea

So, as you can see, this plant is actually very useful. Next, we present to your attention a recipe for making tea from strawberry leaves. The benefit of this drink is that it has a general healing effect on the body, acts as a diuretic, normalizes heart function and has a beneficial effect on almost all other organs. The tea is prepared as follows:

  • Strawberry leaves are dried and crushed. You can add some berries to the mixture.
  • Next, the strawberry slices are poured with a glass of hot boiling water and infused for 5 minutes.

If desired, you can add a little honey to this tea. This will enhance its beneficial properties.

Harm of strawberries

Wild strawberries, the benefits of which are undoubted, sometimes, however, can affect the body and not be very beneficial. For example, some people develop a strong reaction to the fruits of this plant. allergic reaction: a rash and red spots appear, the skin begins to itch. Exactly the same troubles can arise if too many berries are eaten. Strawberries are also contraindicated in case of pregnancy, as well as in case of:

  • hepatic and renal colic,
  • biliary dyskinesia and appendicitis,
  • chronic gastroduodenitis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • chronic gastritis,
  • open duodenal ulcer,
  • increased secretion of gastric juice.

As you can see, eating the berries of a plant such as wild strawberry can be very beneficial for the human body. And, of course, it can also cause harm, but only with certain diseases. By eating it, you can improve your body’s health and get rid of many problems. But, of course, if there are contraindications, you should not eat this berry or drink decoctions from its leaves. And of course, there is no need to use strawberries as the main medicine for serious illnesses. In this case, you should still consult a doctor. Strawberries can be used as an excellent and very effective auxiliary remedy.