Exercises for binocular vision at home. Binocular vision Restore binocular vision

The ability of a person to simultaneously see with two eyes and get a three-dimensional representation of the surrounding objects is called binocular vision. If this ability is impaired, it affects the sharpness, clarity and other features of visual perception. Special exercises will help restore binocular vision in adults.

In this article

How does binocular vision work?

With normal binocular vision, each human eye receives a separate image, after which the brain converts them into a single three-dimensional image. For a number of reasons, the eyes of adults can work in isolation, and then the merging of two images into one does not occur. This negatively affects the sharpness of the visual function, makes it difficult to adequately perceive the distance between objects and evaluate them in a three-dimensional perspective.

Binocular vision disorders can occur if there is a large difference in the optical power of the right and left eyes, the eyeballs are located asymmetrically, the work of the nervous system or eye muscles is disrupted, pathological changes are observed in the retina, cornea or lens.
The most common ophthalmic pathologies that accompany binocular vision disorders are strabismus and amblyopia.

Can binocular vision be restored?

Today in ophthalmology there are two main methods of restoring healthy binocular vision: orthooptics and diploptics.

  • Orthoptic treatment is aimed at improving the joint work of the eyes as a single organ of vision. To achieve this goal, special exercises are used to stimulate the eyes to connect two pictures together.
  • Diploptics is a technique for restoring vision, the essence of which is to cause the patient to double the object of perception. This method stimulates the ability of a person to independently restore binocular stereoscopic vision. For diplopia exercises, the level of strabismus should not exceed 7 degrees.

The final stage in the treatment of binocular vision disorders is a special physiotherapy for the eyes, the task of which is to increase the mobility of the eyeballs.

How to restore binocular vision at home?

Restoration of binocular vision at home can only be done if such therapy has been prescribed by an ophthalmologist. After the diagnosis, the specialist decides whether standard therapy will help you or if serious surgical treatment is required.

Often, binocular vision disorders can be treated both on an outpatient basis in the clinic and at home, following the doctor's instructions. As a rule, they include wearing special glasses, performing a set of exercises and procedures aimed at restoring balance between the eyes.

Effective exercises to restore binocular vision

Regular training of binocular vision is an important condition for its recovery. There are several training systems that were developed by specialists in the field of ophthalmology - Kashchenko, Bates, etc. Only an ophthalmologist can choose the optimal set of exercises for a particular patient during an on-site examination.

The main eye training is carried out in a clinic on special devices. But, in addition to hardware treatment, experts recommend performing special exercises at home as an additional measure.
Below we present several options for exercises that are often prescribed to restore binocular vision in an adult and are suitable for home use.

Simple exercises at home

Draw a vertical line 10 cm long and 1 cm wide with a marker on a piece of paper. Attach the sheet to a well-lit wall at eye level and move one meter away from it.
Now tilt your head in such a way that you see the drawn line in a single copy, that is, it does not double before your eyes. After the double image merges into one, begin to slowly move your head down, without taking your eyes off the strip. Continue until the image starts to double in size.
Repeat the same steps from the very beginning, only already moving your head up, and then alternately to the sides. You need to perform this exercise at least three times a day for five minutes. In the same way, binocular vision can be trained by using any small object instead of a drawn line.

Effective focus exercises

  • Option 1.

Place a visual object on the wall and move away from it at a distance of two meters. Extend your arm out in front of you and raise your index finger. It should be located in the same visual axis with the object on the wall.
Focus your attention first on a visual object and observe it through your fingertip. It will seem to you that the finger is bifurcated. Then change the focus of attention and focus it on the tip of your finger. Now you should see the hand as a single image, and the object on the wall will split into two.
Keep in mind that the clearest image will be from the side of the eye with the best vision. Sometimes you can train with one eye closed so that the other at this time works with maximum efficiency.
You need to repeat this exercise several times. Alternately switching the focus from a near to a distant object trains binocular vision, and over time you will notice that the clarity of the image increases.

  • Option 2.

Take a bright drawing and first examine it in detail in its entirety. Then select small element image and try to concentrate on it, outline its outline with your eyes, examine the inside, not paying attention to the main background. Then repeat the same thing, but for focus, choose an even smaller element.

Considering stereograms is useful for binocular vision

A useful exercise for adults with binocular vision impairments is viewing stereoscopic images. When you peer into stereograms, internal encrypted patterns appear before your eyes, the image becomes three-dimensional, which helps to restore binocular vision.

The development of binocular vision, ex. 1

With myopia, due to incorrect visual skills and low visual acuity, the ability to keep the gaze with both eyes on the target in question is often impaired. Often myopic people involuntarily or consciously bring their visual axes together not on the object in question, but in front of it or behind it. The point of intersection of the visual axes is called the point of binocular fixation, or bifixation. Normally, the bifixation point is located on the object under consideration, so that images from two eyes participate in the visual act, which is the basis of binocular vision. But many people use the image of only one dominant eye, this is the so-called monocular vision. With this vision, the image of the second eye is blocked by the brain, that is, the second eye is turned off. This is not noticeable to the person himself, because monocular vision also gives a good image. But if you develop binocular vision, it will immediately give you a 20% increase in your visual acuity and develop such correct visual skills as three-dimensional vision and a good eye.

As you have noticed, for exercises I try to pick up simple things for you. In this exercise, you will use your fingers. Fix an optical target on the wall and stand at a distance of 2-3 meters from it.

Clench your right fist and straighten your index finger up. Look at the visual target and place the right hand at a distance of 30-40 cm from the face so that the tip of the index finger is on the visual axis. You will see a split index finger on either side of the target, as in the picture below.

Now look at the tip of your index finger. You will see that the visual target has split in two, as in the figure below:

Move your gaze from the target to the tip of your index finger and back as many times as you like. Please note that the forked image of the finger is translucent, images of objects located behind them shine through. If, when looking at the target, you see a doubled image of a finger, and when looking at a finger, you see a doubled image of a visual target, and each time both doubled images are of the same brightness, then your eyes equally participate in the visual act. But it may be that when looking at the visual target with both eyes, one of the images of the index finger is bright, and the other is pale or not visible at all.

The figure below shows the image of the finger in monocular vision of the right eye, when looking at the target with both eyes:

The figure below shows the image of the finger in monocular vision of the left eye, when looking at the target with both eyes:

Close one eye alternately and look at the target with the other eye several times to turn on the weaker eye. Make sure that each of the finger images becomes the same brightness. Then look at the target with both eyes so that you see two forked translucent images of the index finger of the same brightness. If you are observant, you will notice that when you look at the target and at the same time the forked images of the index finger are the same, then the image of the visual target is even clearer and brighter.

We will continue this exercise in the next lesson.

Take care of your eyesight.

Your doctor A. Davydov.

Comments (38)

  1. Dmitriy.:

    Good afternoon. Please tell me. I have an outcome. Strabismus of the left eye is 0.7, the right one is normal-1. I am undergoing a course of treatment according to the Bates method (2 weeks). Through these exercises, it was possible to turn on the left eye! I can clearly see the near gate, but the image of the target is fuzzy! The far gate is also indistinct. I learned to “control” the left eye and when, by muscle tension, I bring it to the normal position, i.e. I look with two eyes, the image is fuzzy, blurry, worse than when I look with one left eye! This is fine? They say that when the brain adapts, then the eyes in a relaxed state will see and look clearly and evenly!??? I ask for advice and recommendations! Thanks in advance!

  2. :

    Dmitry, now you don’t have to get hung up on the clarity of the image. It is much more important to develop a fusional optomotor reflex, that is, when you bring the split images close to each other, they seem to spontaneously combine into one, as if magnetized. You can try the “convergence without accommodation” exercise to learn how to manage convergence without using accommodation. If you or anyone else is interested, I can write an article on this exercise. When this reflex becomes stable, then it will be possible to work on the clarity of the image.

  3. Dmitriy.:

    Good afternoon I am very grateful to you for the answer and in general for attention. Please send me the description of this exercise. Thank you in advance!

  4. Rizat:

    Hello! I have exactly the same problem as Dmitry ... I would be grateful if you also send me a description of this exercise. Thank you!

  5. Alexander:

    I have monocular since childhood, is it possible to develop binacular vision. they see two eyes .. but in turn .. while the pictures do not double ...

  6. :

    Alexander, actually my blog is about the development of binocular vision as a preparation for dynamic fixation. Try, try, develop your eyesight, write comments ...

  7. Vitalii:

    I can do convergence exercises, but the image is not clear. My vision is simultaneous (according to the color test), one eye sometimes squints outward (not much). After the exercise - a couple of minutes mows inside. I want to know a professional opinion. Recommend fusion exercises “for beginners”, as I have been studying recently and not everything comes out. Thanks in advance.

  8. :

    Vitalii, dynamic fixation exercises develop visual skills in a certain sequence - first, point central fixation in movement, then the simultaneous participation of the eyes in the act of vision, and then dynamic bifixation of the target, which develops the fusional oculomotor reflex. If you are in order with the first two stages, then to develop a fusion (fusion), try exercises for dynamic convergence and dynamic divergence. These exercises should be done to develop understanding and feeling of the bifixation point as a point of intersection of the visual axes.

  9. Natalia:

    Good afternoon
    I have great respect for doctors who really understand their field and they are sincerely interested in it. Unfortunately, there are so few now. I myself move in medical circles, so I know what I'm talking about =) You are one of the few. And I respect you in advance.
    I would like to come to you for a consultation. Where is the clinic where you work?

  10. :

    Natalia, thank you. I am running this and a parallel blog as an experiment to introduce people to the dynamic commit method online. I can't accept you yet. When the opportunity arises, I will let you know.

  11. Victor:

    I have to look first with one eye, then with the other, waving my hand in front of my face, it is easier for me to close my own eye, then the other.

  12. :

    Victor, if it's easier for you, then do it your way. The main thing is to get results.

  13. Victor:

    In order for the images to line up, the head has to be held almost horizontally.

  14. :

    Victor, “almost horizontally” is it tilting his head to the side to the shoulder or something else?

  15. Victor:

    First, i.e. “almost horizontally” tilting my head to the side to my shoulder, I accidentally noticed this: I read part 2 of binocular vision and began to tilt my head strongly.

  16. Catherine:

    Good afternoon I wanted to ask your advice: my son is 1.8 years old, was born prematurely, lay in the incubator for 5 days, which, as they say, has a very bad effect on the eyes, but, fortunately, retinopathy did not develop, the diagnosis was “healthy” in the year. But with everything, at the same time, somewhere at the age of 6 months, he began to mow his right eye periodically. Our doctor said it was neurological (we have cerebral palsy in mild form) is of no help. At 1.6g, we were observed by a doctor from Cheboksary Eye Microsurgery, after examination, she said that we have hyperopia +3 in both eyes, plus binocular vision does not develop. She wrote out glasses for constant wear, said that for now it is necessary to observe. But this ignorance and helplessness is so terrible. Tell me, how can you help such a small baby (he is still too small for exercises)?

  17. :

    ”… It has been established that one-week-old babies reproduce the oral movements of an adult after their visual observation…

    … There is no means by which they can acquire a psychological representation of their own mouths and the mouths of others, at least in the sense in which the term “psychological representation” is commonly used. The fact that they can distinguish the movements of this mysteriously known part of the body of another person and can accurately reproduce these movements themselves speaks in favor of the fact that the level of cognitive functioning of newborns is much more advanced than we usually imagine ... With regard to “imitative” actions of the newborn, intermodal perception may contribute to the infant's visual recognition of another person's mouth based on the non-visual sensory experience of one's own mouth. Note also that the infant also has an innate ability to actively repeat what he observed passively; he moves his mouth, as he previously observed how an adult moves his mouth ...

    … I have also discussed another group of phenomena that may be effective in determining action and sensory perception, although they may never reach verbal awareness. These are sensorimotor or behavioral memories that arise primarily from preverbal perception and retain their influence throughout childhood and into adulthood. ”

    These thoughts of Scott Dowling on the inborn ability of an infant to actively repeat what he passively observes, I used to train the skill of fixing a moving target (dynamic fixation) for the development of binocular vision in my son when he was about two months old. The moving target and role model were my eyes. The training itself consisted in the fact that I first established eye contact with him, that is, I caught his eye, and when he steadily looked into my eyes, I began rhythmically, with a frequency of two movements per second, alternately looking to his right, then to left pupil. At first, I observed surprise in his eyes, and then he instinctively began to repeat the movements of my eyes. Interestingly, he did this in antiphase to my movements, his eye movements were opposite to mine, but exactly in my rhythm and very clear. I even filmed one episode on video:
    Now he is two and a half years old, he has a very tenacious eye, he kicks a rolling ball and hits the ball with a tennis racket from the rebound. As an experienced tennis player, I can say that not every child of school age can do this. That is, he visually accurately determines the distance to the ball flying towards him and his speed. It can be concluded that he is already beginning to develop stereoscopic perception of moving objects.

    So try to make eye contact with your child and make rhythmic saccades with your eyes, maybe your child will start to imitate you, and then his vision may develop. The main thing is to start the process. Then unsubscribe here, with any result. This is interesting…

  18. Catherine:

    Thank you very much, we will definitely use your advice.

  19. Sasha:

    Good evening!
    I have a problem too. I see better with my right eye with a rigid lens than with my left (I had an operation to replace the lens with diopters) and still, I see better with my right eye, although they are not 100%. I have double: the image of the left eye is superimposed a little higher and then “floats” up and to the left, and then stops. Movies and stereo pictures are not available to me. Please tell me what exercises to do to remove this defect? In Volgograd, they also performed 2 surgeries to eliminate strabismus. Cosmetically, the eyes are normal, but the brain cannot connect the 2 pictures in any way.

  20. :

    Sasha, unfortunately, my exercises are intended for people with binocular vision.

  21. Victor:

    Sasha, for the development of binocular vision, one should consider stereoscopic pictures from Perelman's book "Entertaining Physics", for example, from here http://class-fizika.narod.ru/p197.htm. To make it easier, you can put a piece of paper between the nose and the screen and it will turn out.

  22. Sasha:

    Good evening!
    I was looking forward to the answer, and when I received it I was surprised. I thought you wouldn’t answer. Thank you very much for the clarification. But how will I see if I have double vision (goes to the side) 7 How to hold the second image? see, as well as all people. Thank you. Sasha.

  23. Victor:

    I was going to have an operation for strabismus, but after testing, they decided that the deviation from the norm was insignificant, and there was no point in doing the operation, though they didn’t give me any exercises.

  24. Victor:

    For Sasha, etc.
    If concomitant strabismus (or latent) (i.e., the eyes move in any direction), the main treatment is to develop binocular vision and bring it to automatism.
    It should be noted that the normal person more near objects and more distant from the focus of the eye are doubled, it's just that people get used to it over time.
    Double objects (remote) are one below the other - then for the development of binocular vision, you can put on prismatic glasses or tilt your head.
    It is necessary to fix the heels of pencils (or on two rulers) on a half-meter ruler with plasticine and keeping your eyes focused on each pencil in front of your eyes, this exercise and the simulator are described in more detail on the website http://forum.vseoglazah.ru/showthread.php?t=524.

  25. Leonid:

    I'm trying to see two targets when focusing on my finger, nothing comes up. I see only one or the other, maybe there are some preliminary exercises so that at least a not very bright picture appears with the second eye?

  26. :

    Leonid, I usually put prisms with a power of 2-3 prism diopters on such patients with the base to the nose in combination with minus lenses for complete correction of myopia and suggest looking into the distance at the luminous image of the cross, there is such an option in the sign projector. After temporary doubling, target bifixation and fusion occur; when the prisms are removed, doubling also temporarily appears, and then also bifixation and fusion. At first, as a rule, there is no doubling, but then the patient begins to notice doubling, that is, an image appears in the fellow (weak) eye. You can still use a color test to test binocular vision, but prisms are better.

  27. Leonid:

    thank you very much for the answer
    Is it possible to do this at home?

  28. :

    Leonid, if you understand the topic, you can experiment with prismatic ophthalmic simulators for home use. Or stick elastic Fresnel prisms on your distance goggles from the inside, with the bases towards the nose.

  29. Leonid:

    I tried to understand the topic, rummaged around on the Internet and found out, judging by the descriptions, I have alternating strabismus, which is not noticeable up close, but with an increase in the distance to fixation, the angle increases.
    Is it possible to restore fusion and binocular vision at the age of 30? I can advise you to undergo an examination at the MRI GB them. Helmholtz.

  30. Vyacheslav:

    Arkady, thanks for the site!
    I have monocular vision - I see with my left eye, I did lasix in my right eye - there was a very strong astigmatism.
    Now the vision of the right is practically the same as that of the left, but there is no binocular vision. The fact that vision with the help of training improves dramatically, I was convinced in practice.
    But no one and nowhere gives exercises for the development of binocular vision, I really want clear systematic recommendations, exercises indicating the time of classes, it is possible to make or purchase devices, if possible, in video format. I am obsessed with the idea of ​​creating such a course.
    I see stereo images, but there is no effect of stable stereo vision, although it seems as if the second eye is breaking through and this inspires training!
    Your site is a godsend!

  31. :

    Vyacheslav, thank you for the positive feedback! I understand your enthusiasm, but in order to create systematic recommendations in video format, medical devices, software, etc, it is necessary to create and finance a group of doctors, engineers, programmers ...

  32. Alexander:

    And I have such a situation - amblyopia, inward strabismus in the right eye of 20-25 degrees (it was before the second operation), weak photosensitivity to shades of green and red (I found out from Ryabkin's tables when I was checked at the university), 2 times operated on 5- 6 and 11-12 years old (I don’t remember exactly, now 27). After the second operation, the deviation decreased significantly and, as far as I remember, only occurred during physical or psycho-emotional stress. Because of what he did not like physical education or, for example, long trips. In a completely relaxed state, according to my own observations, the eye does not deviate from the normal axis. After the operation, the eyes were 1 on the left and 0.3 on the right. After 5 years and still write mostly 0.2 on the right

    All checks with doctors and in the military commissariat, and at the university usually took place according to the same scheme - they look at you, check on different devices, ask something, then silently write some nonsense and without any, even the most elementary recommendations / advice, they send walk. I even found out the diagnosis when I myself made out the clumsy handwriting of the doctor, tk. Asking them something is like banging your head against the wall, apparently I'm so lucky with them. Also, before entering the university, I was checked in one of the hospitals and for the first time I found out that I have poor photosensitivity to certain shades of colors. I remember the doctor was so nervous when I incorrectly answered that I was mocking her or joking, as a result, she entered a contraindication for computer-related faculties on the card, but I still entered this one. Now I spend 10-12 hours a day at the computer and my vision is the same as after the 2nd operation.

    I started thinking about my eyes and my diagnosis only recently. I pumped up all kinds of literature with exercises like Bates, also read about all kinds of devices for improving blood flow in the eyes, which supposedly help with amblyopia. I also came across your blog, I'm mastering it.

    In the exercise described above, I noticed such a thing - the right (weak 0.2) eye turns on for some reason not always, when exactly - I can’t even describe. But, I noticed a wonderful thing how to turn it on right away - you have to blink often and it immediately appears and I see it as in the picture - a clear finger on the right, a phantom finger on the left. Please comment on this pattern, and whether it is worth helping to start the second eye with such blinking, or is it necessary to perform exercises with completely relaxed eyes (including eyelids).

  33. Alexander:

    I also forgot to point to the last lines - the left “phantom” finger for some reason turns out to be lower by about 1.5-2 nails.

    Also, after 5 minutes of this lesson, I noticed that when focusing on a point of the sheet, if I bring my finger very close to my eyes, I still see a split, as if the right picture is real, and the left one is a ghost, I didn’t notice this before or just didn’t try . Although, judging by the comments, I think everything is a little more complicated, because. vision on the right is 0.2, while in others I see vision can be normal in both eyes, but there is no binocularity.

    Therefore, it is difficult for me to understand what the right “phantom finger” should look like, and if binocularity is restored, then what it will mean for both eyes, because they have a big difference in sharpness.

  34. :

    Alexander, indeed, when blinking, the visual lobes of the cerebral cortex (visual cortex) are activated. It is better to blink with soft movements, without straining circular muscle eyes.

    To keep your fingers at the same level, tilt your head to the right.

    And yes, with amblyopia it is impossible to achieve full binocularity. But turning on weak eye in the process of vision can improve its acuity to some extent.

Strabismus in adults is characterized as a deviation of the axis of one or two eyes from a common fixation point. Which further leads to the absence of crossing of the visual axis on one object. This pathology also called strabismus. There is an opinion that this disease is purely childish, but this is wrong, since it also occurs in adults, but much less frequently.

Characteristics of the disease

Cross-eyed people suffer not only from an external defect, but also from the loss of binocular vision, which excludes the possibility of correctly determining the location of an object in space, and significantly affects the quality of life. What is strabismus or its other name, heterotropia in adults, needs to be sorted out.

With normal vision, the eyes are symmetrical, so the image of objects is fixed in the central part of each eye. After that, the picture is transmitted to the human brain separately from each organ of vision, where it merges into a single binocular image. With the development of pathology, unification into a single whole does not occur, therefore nervous system, in order to protect a person from splitting, turns off the picture from the damaged eye, thereby giving impetus to the development of amblyopia (decrease in the work of the damaged eye). The mobility of the organs of vision is due to the muscles that are located in them, and is controlled by the brain, which allows you to focus your eyes in one direction. As a result of the lack of joint work of muscles, strabismus develops in adults. In order to find out how to cure strabismus in an adult, you need to understand its types.

Classification of types of pathology

Strabismus is divided into several varieties according to the factors contributing to the appearance and development of the disease.

Varieties from the period of occurrence of pathology:

  • congenital nature of strabismus;
  • acquired pathology.

Varieties from periods of manifestation:

  • temporary lack of symmetry of the organs of vision;
  • permanent lack of symmetry of the eyes.

Varieties from eye involvement in the process:

  • one-sided (squints one eye);
  • alternating (manifestation of pathology on both organs of vision alternately).

Important! There cannot be simultaneous strabismus of two eyes, one of them will always look in the right direction, but there is an imaginary form of pathology in which outward signs both eyes appear to be damaged. This phenomenon is due to the personal characteristics of the structure of the human organ of vision.

Varieties depending on the severity of the disease:

  • the secretive nature of the disease (it is possible to identify this type only with the help of a special examination);
  • compensated nature of the pathology (can be detected using tests);
  • subcompensated nature of strabismus (implies partial control over the squinting organ of vision);
  • decompensated nature of the pathology (the damaged eye is not subject to control).

Varieties from the cause of occurrence:

  • concomitant strabismus (includes convergent and divergent variety);
  • paralytic non-friendly strabismus (observed when a pair of cranial nerves or one of them is damaged).

Varieties from the direction of displacement of the eye:

  • the convergent form of the disease (the damaged organ of vision mows towards the bridge of the nose);
  • divergent form of pathology (damaged eye looks towards the temple).

The main causes of the disease

Factors contributing to the onset of the disease may differ depending on the etiology of the pathology. A friendly form of the disease, in which strabismus appears alternately on both organs of vision, is due to accommodation disorders. The causes of these deviations may be concomitant pathologies of the organs of vision:

Paralytic unfriendly strabismus occurs as a result of dysfunction of one or more muscles of the organ of vision. Paralysis of the superior oblique muscle of the eye is characterized by the superior direction of the defect, and paralysis of the inferior oblique muscle of the eye is characterized by the inferior direction. The reasons for the development of this type of pathology are:

  • acquired injuries of the muscles or orbit of the eye;
  • diseases of the human brain (stroke, meningitis, encephalitis, various types of tumors);
  • dysfunction ophthalmic nerves due to the progression of acute infectious diseases ENT - organs, otitis media, sinusitis, etc.

In addition, there are a number of common causes that contribute to the development of pathology:

  • severe stress or fear;
  • trauma of a psychological nature;
  • acute inflammatory processes of the body;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • acute infectious eye diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

In most cases, it is not difficult to identify the presence of pathology by external signs. However, when different types strabismus symptoms can also be different, with the friendly nature of the pathology, the eye is tilted to the side, and there is also no fixation of the organ of vision on a specific object.

Signs of concomitant strabismus:

  1. Displacement of one of the eyes in any direction.
  2. Alternate displacement of the right or left organ of vision.
  3. The same angle of displacement of both eyes.
  4. Excessive movement of the eye in any direction.
  5. Lack of volumetric and comparative image.
  6. Decreased quality of vision in the squinting eye.
  7. Various types and magnitudes of refraction of the organ of vision.

The paralytic nature of the disease is due to a deviation in one eye, since the oblique muscles of the eye cannot perform their function.

Signs of paralytic strabismus:

  1. Limited eye movement.
  2. different deflection angles.
  3. Lack of volumetric vision.
  4. The duality of the image.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Involuntary rotation of the head towards the injured muscle.
  7. Squinting.

Important! Double vision in the eyes with this pathology occurs precisely in an adult, since the child's body is able to compensate for this symptom.

Diagnosis of pathology

To study the structure of the eyes and their pathologies, there is a branch of medicine - ophthalmology. Strabismus is one of the directions of this section. To prescribe the necessary course of treatment, the ophthalmologist conducts the necessary examinations of the patient to establish the diagnosis and variety of the disease.

First of all, a person is interviewed to identify the timing of the onset of the pathology and its possible relationship with past injuries or concomitant diseases. Then a visual examination of the patient is carried out, in which the symmetry of the face and eyeballs is assessed, as well as the location of the palpebral fissures and the tilt of the head.

To determine the degree of visual acuity, the doctor conducts a test with closing the eye, in which the organ of vision with strabismus deviates to the side. In addition, there are additional methods diagnostics.

Methods for diagnosing strabismus:

  1. Synoptophore examination. This method allows you to determine the ability of the eyes to merge the image into a single whole.
  2. Computer refractometry. With the help of which the clinical refraction is determined.
  3. Biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy. These methods allow assessing the state of the anterior layer of the retina, as well as examining the fundus.
  4. Passage of the test system. With its help, the presence or absence of volumetric vision is confirmed.

When establishing the paralytic nature of the disease, an additional consultation with a neuropathologist is prescribed, and neurological examinations of the patient are carried out using electromyography, electroneurography, EEG.

After carrying out all the necessary diagnostic methods, the doctor voices the diagnosis and prescribes the necessary treatment.

Important! Strabismus cannot go away on its own, it is subject to mandatory therapy, so the sooner it is started, the sooner the desired result can be achieved.

Complex treatment of pathology

Correction of strabismus in adults includes complex therapies that are aimed at achieving positive results therapy. How to correct strabismus can only be determined by an experienced doctor after an established diagnosis.

The main goals of treatment:

  • align the visual axes of the eyes;
  • normalize the synchronism of their work;
  • restore visual acuity.

Methods of therapeutic treatment

  1. Vision correction with special glasses or contact lenses. With this treatment, the doctor selects the optimal prismatic glasses or lenses that help relieve muscle tension and restore the quality of vision of the damaged organ of vision.
  2. Orthoptic method of treatment. This method involves applying a special bandage to a healthy eye to stimulate the squinting eye. Basically, the course of such treatment is about 3 weeks.
  3. hardware method. Its action is aimed primarily at suppressing the active work of a healthy eye and stimulating the squinting organ of vision. With this method, various corrective devices are used: massage glasses, complex computer programs, ultrasound therapy, laser infrared exposure, electric current stimulation, magnetotherapy.

Often, severe strabismus can be corrected only with the help of an operation, however, it is worth remembering that this method of treatment eliminates, first of all, a person’s cosmetic defect, but complex therapy methods must be used to restore visual acuity. This procedure takes place with the use of anesthesia and lasts 1 hour.

The operation can be aimed at strengthening the muscle function of the eye (to do this, it is shortened) or attenuating the function of the muscle. The purpose of the operation is determined by an experienced specialist for reasons that contribute to the development of the disease. If necessary, the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia.

On the same day after the operation, the person can go home. Recovery period generally lasts for 1 week, then hardware therapy is prescribed to restore visual acuity. After that, a person needs to start getting used to living with new sensations and perceptions of the image.

Often, strabismus is accompanied by severe psychological trauma, especially a cross-eyed girl is able to develop a huge inferiority complex in herself, so it would be useful to visit a psychologist who will help you gain confidence in a new quality. And also the favorable mood of the patient helps to get rid of the pathology as soon as possible.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the development of strabismus, it is necessary to regularly observe an ophthalmologist. In addition, the prevention of strabismus is to follow simple rules that do not require any special effort.

Basic Rules:

  1. Carefully and carefully treat the health of your eyes and if you have any doubts or assumptions, contact a specialist in a timely manner.
  2. Coordinate with the doctor the optimal mode of work at the computer, based on personal capabilities and characteristics.
  3. Wear Sunglasses to avoid overexposure sun rays and also to prevent injury.
  4. Stop reading while driving.
  5. Balance the diet, giving preference to healthy food.
  6. Carry out regular eye exercises after consultation with the doctor.
  7. Organize proper lighting during work.

Important! Treatment of pathology can last for several years, and prevention will need to be carried out throughout life, only these measures can completely get rid of relapses of the disease.

If you live with strabismus, you should not aggravate this problem, without an experienced doctor it will not be solved. Further connivance can lead to irreversible consequences and subject to complete loss of vision.

Strabismus in adults: causes and methods of treatment

If strabismus is detected in adults, treatment is prescribed immediately, using modern equipment and the most sophisticated techniques. It should be considered in detail what caused strabismus in adulthood, its main manifestations, common methods of treating pathology.

The mechanism of strabismus formation in adults

Strabismus (strabismus) is a visual defect in which, due to a malfunction of the eye muscles, desynchronization occurs eye movements in the direction of gaze.

With strabismus, the eyeballs can be independent of each other and each of them can deviate to the right, left, down or up. Another name for this disease is heterotropia. It can affect one or both eyes and often causes various violations visual acuity.

Coordinated and stable work of the eyeballs in an adult provides complex mechanism, including the oculomotor muscles, connected by means of nerve endings with a specific area of ​​the brain.

With this pathology, the brain receives various images from the left and right eyes, which are unable to generalize and process. As a result, one of the images is accepted, and the other is discarded as unnecessary.

The source of the unaccepted image begins to lose its main functions over time, and its complete degradation sets in - amblyopia. A possible outcome of such a condition of the diseased eye is progressive strabismus.

Strabismus classification

Classification of strabismus is often carried out by specialists in the following significant areas:

  • congenital or acquired;
  • friendly or unfriendly.

In medicine, cases of congenital heterotropia are extremely rare. Such a pathology in the fetus begins its development in the womb. An eye defect in an infant is often associated with an infectious disease suffered by his mother in the last stages of pregnancy, her use of potent drugs or drugs. Most often in Everyday life acquired strabismus occurs.

A friendly type of pathology is assessed depending on the angle of deviation of the squinting eye from the focus axis. With this type of pathology, the angle of deviation of the healthy and diseased eyes is the same, the eyeballs are mobile.

Despite significant eye disorders caused by the disease, the image entering the brain is perceived adequately by it. The diseased eye defect is actively compensated by the healthy eye. In this case, the aesthetic side of the issue delivers the most trouble.

Ophthalmology distinguishes the following groups of a friendly type of strabismus:

  • accommodation;
  • non-accommodative;
  • mixed.

The most common is the accommodation group of strabismus. It includes the pathology of the horizontal, vertical and mixed type. Accommodation is the ability of the eyes to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Any of its types can be called alternating strabismus. This is due to the alternation of a squinting eye with a healthy one.

With unfriendly strabismus, the eyes deviate from focus at different angles. Often this pathology is associated with paralysis of the oculomotor muscles. In this case, the eyeball of the diseased eye is immobilized.

To correctly prescribe the treatment of strabismus, the ophthalmologist must clearly determine the type of pathology. It is worth noting that friendly types of strabismus are more likely to be cured in relation to the rest.

Causes and symptoms

The causes of strabismus should be analyzed more specifically. As is known, the indicated defect of vision can be attributed to a congenital or acquired type.

The appearance of congenital strabismus can be triggered by:

  • various anomalies of embryonic development;
  • infectious diseases of the mother, transferred during the bearing of the child;
  • premature labor activity;
  • serious genetic diseases;
  • congenital cataract.

Can congenital strabismus be corrected? No, this pathology cannot be cured. Modern medical science is working to alleviate the patient's condition, eliminate the aesthetic defect.

The most common type of disease is acquired strabismus. Should be listed common causes strabismus in adults:

  • farsightedness or high myopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • cataract;
  • thorn;
  • benign or malignant tumor of the retina;
  • serious brain injury;
  • atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • paralysis of the muscles of the eye;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • neuroinfections (meningitis, encephalitis, etc.);
  • severe psychological conditions;
  • fright, etc.

Strabismus of this type is well studied and can be easily corrected. Many are interested in the question of how people with strabismus can see the world. Such patients often perceive any image in a bifurcated form.

The definition of this pathology in adults is not difficult. Its visual signs should be considered:

  • deviation of the eye or eyes towards the bridge of the nose or towards the temple;
  • non-simultaneous movement of the eyeballs;
  • split in the eyes;
  • frequent squinting;
  • tilting or turning the head to try to examine the subject, etc.

Additional symptoms of strabismus:

  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • memory problems;
  • vestibular disorders, etc.

If you notice signs of strabismus in yourself or a loved one, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. If such a patient is not given timely qualified assistance the disease will progress. Over time, the squinting eye will lose the ability to see.

Diagnosis and conservative treatment in adults

To prescribe effective treatment for strabismus, a complete ophthalmological examination is necessary. How to determine strabismus in a patient who applied for an appointment?

Diagnosis of this pathology includes:

  • collection of anamnesis, during which the dependence of the development of strabismus on past diseases is established;
  • visual examination, during which the palpebral fissures, facial symmetry, the position of the eyeballs are examined;
  • visual acuity check with correction;
  • study of clinical refraction;
  • a special test for strabismus;
  • determination of the angle of deviation of the squinting eye;
  • measurement of accommodation volume, etc.

In some cases, consultation with a neurologist is necessary. After the complete examination and diagnosis, the treatment of strabismus is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

Important tasks in the treatment of strabismus are:

  • correction of visual axes;
  • strengthening the eye muscles;
  • restoration of synchrony of eye movements;
  • maintaining visual acuity.

Treatment of strabismus will largely depend on the cause of the pathology. Physicians distinguish common methods of treating the disease:

  • therapeutic;
  • surgical.

How to get rid of strabismus with therapeutic methods? In this case, it applies complex treatment, including:

  • optical vision correction;
  • hardware impact;
  • normalization of binocular vision;
  • special exercises.

Optical vision correction involves specially selected glasses, contact lenses, which are necessary to maintain the functionality of the squinting eye. Be sure to perform special exercises to relax the eye muscles and fix the eyeballs in the desired position.

Correction of strabismus is impossible without hardware improvement of the visual functions of the eye. For this purpose, a laser beam, electricity, etc. are used. The use of hardware action restores the functionality of the diseased eye, restores normal image perception.

Orthoptic treatment serves to normalize binocular vision. For this purpose, patches of a healthy eye are used. The brain begins to work with the diseased eye, slowly restoring its functions.

Surgical treatment of strabismus

How to cure strabismus in adults surgical methods? Indications for surgical intervention in patients with strabismus are:

  • retinal disinsertion;
  • thorn;
  • cataract;
  • failure of conservative treatment;
  • aesthetic goals, etc.

Surgical intervention is carried out in several stages, under local or general anesthesia. Can strabismus be treated on the operating table? Operations are based on the regulation of the functions of the oculomotor muscles by strengthening or weakening them.

To enhance the action of the muscle, it is shortened (resection), and to weaken it, it is recessed (transplanted). There are other methods of surgical intervention. Rehabilitation is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist and lasts approximately 2 weeks. There is a small risk of postoperative complications.

Treatment of strabismus by surgery is most often carried out in order to correct a cosmetic defect. But to restore binocular and deep vision, to eliminate amblyopia, long-term postoperative therapy is necessary. It involves exercises to train the muscles of the eyes, specially selected glasses, a course of hardware exposure, etc.

In cases where the cause of strabismus is another eye disease (cataract, cataract), surgery is performed to eliminate it. Glasses or lenses are required to correct various accommodation disorders.

The criteria for a positive outcome of the operation for the elimination of strabismus are the symmetrical position of the eyes, the restoration of binocular vision.

How to remove paralytic strabismus? In this case, surgical intervention will not be able to restore the functionality of the eyes, but is aimed only at eliminating a cosmetic defect.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention of strabismus involves performing several simple rules. These include:

  • regular medical examinations ophthalmologist;
  • exclusion of infectious diseases by increasing immunity and timely treatment;
  • observance of the mode of alternation of a moderate load for the eyes with a period of rest;
  • preventing reading while driving, driving;
  • creating a gentle mode of work in front of the computer;
  • performing special exercises for the eyes;
  • protection of the body from various brain injuries;
  • control for blood pressure, with its increase, the adoption of the necessary medicines;
  • eradication bad habits negatively affecting the functioning of the organ of vision;
  • wearing goggles to protect the eyes from sunburn;
  • taking special medicines for the eyes as a precautionary measure for serious chronic diseases (diabetes) that can adversely affect vision;
  • balanced good nutrition enriched with vitamins A, C, E;
  • protection of the fetus during pregnancy from various adverse effects.

An easy way to avoid strabismus is to take care of your health, be in harmony with yourself, and have a positive attitude towards the world around you.

Conclusion on the topic

Thus, strabismus serious illness eye requiring professional correction by an ophthalmologist. Only a qualified specialist will tell you how to correct strabismus and save good health eyes for many years.


The practice of getting rid of strabismus at home

Strabismus is a deviation of the axes from the standard direction, when the coordination of the work of the eyes is disturbed, and fixing the vision on one object is difficult.

An external symptom of the disease is the asymmetry of the position of the corneas in relation to the corners and edges of the eyelids.

It can also be a symptom of reduced visual acuity, pain in the eyes, head, as well as diplopia.

There are several names for strabismus: strabismus, heterotropia. The types of diseases are also different. In this article, we will figure out how to get rid of strabismus at home.

What it is

In order to understand the home methods of getting rid of strabismus, let's briefly understand the essence of the disease.

Case history, types

There is congenital strabismus that occurs at birth or manifests itself during the first six months of life. There is also acquired strabismus, which occurs before the age of three.

Over time, this disease is transient or permanent. The disease can affect one or both eyes at once.

In terms of severity, strabismus can be hidden, compensated (detected during examination of the organs of vision), subcompensated (the eye squints when a person does not control it), decompensated (when the disease cannot be controlled).

Also, the disease differs in the direction of abduction of the eye. Binocular vision is impaired due to strabismus. Diagnosis can be made using refractometry, ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, and other examinations by an ophthalmologist.


Strabismus in children occurs in 2-3%, regardless of gender. Basically, the disease is noticeable for up to three years. Strabismus is a pathology that negatively affects the entire visual analyzer. Therefore, it becomes the cause of various optical disorders.

To protect against such an anomaly, the signal of the “oblique” eye is “blocked”. If the baby's strabismus is left untreated, amblyopia will appear in more than 50% of cases.

Strabismus negatively affects mental condition. The child grows shy, closed, irritable, negatively perceives the world around him. Therefore, a person has difficulties in choosing a profession or difficulties in communicating with people.

Risk factors

Congenital strabismus occurs with a genetic predisposition, when the disease took place in the immediate family. Sometimes strabismus appears with other symptoms that are characteristic of genomic pathologies.

Also, the disease can occur when taking harmful substances or in children with low weight, premature babies, with cerebral palsy, cataracts.

Acquired strabismus occurs in an instant or gradually. In children, ametropia may be the cause. The disease occurs with heavy loads, infections, stress, after severe complex diseases.

In adults, strabismus is accompanied by cataracts, leukoma, detachment and other retinal defects, as well as other diseases of the organs of vision.

People with brain tumors, nerve palsy, inflammation of the brain, stroke, and multiple sclerosis are highly likely to develop strabismus.

Treatment at home, without surgery

In general, strabismus is treated at home different methods. Treatment often consists of the following steps:

When both eyes squint

With concomitant strabismus, binocular vision must be restored. When the asymmetry decreases, the signs of strabismus are minimized, vision will be normal again.

It is possible to treat by orthooptic and pleoptic methods, carry out correction with lenses, as well as glasses, and promptly eliminate the disease.

Pleoptic therapy is used when there is a lot of stress on the eyes. This method involves the use of different methods of treatment:

  • sealing the eye (glasses);
  • electrical stimulation;
  • installations for accommodation training;
  • vacuum massage, etc.

Orthoptic treatment is also possible:

  • training on synoptic devices;
  • classes with the help of PC-programs.

Diplomatic therapy (classes with lenses, gymnastics) is used for treatment.

The operation is prescribed in cases where there are no positive changes in 1.5 years of intensive therapy. Surgical treatment used when the child is not yet 5 years old.


Home care is of two types: gymnastic exercises and methods of traditional medicine. Any method of treatment must be agreed with the doctor. Only in this case the forecast will be optimistic.

Attention: exercises for toddlers, teenagers and adults are different.

So, children can not do complex manipulations. Therefore, with preschoolers you need to play, draw. Adults and teenagers can practice on their own.

Zhdanov's technique

Professor V.G. Zhdanov developed a special technique for improving vision. The exercises and principles that the scientist proposed were formulated more than a century ago by the eminent ophthalmologist Bates.

The latter came to the conclusion that visual ailments develop when the eye muscles get tired. In the case when the muscular corset is working normally, the person sees everything very well. Based on the Batesian method, Zhdanov created sets of exercises to optimize the function of vision.

The results from the classes pleasantly surprise with their effectiveness.

It is enough to perform exercises regularly for several months, and vision will improve, the eyes will mow less, the muscles around the organs of vision will strengthen.

According to Zhdanov, strabismus is treated by:

  • palming;
  • visualization of memories;
  • solarization.


Fold your palms together as if there is liquid in them. Then place one hand on your fingers. Fold the other in the shape of a "house". At the same time, just close your eyes.

Bring your palms together to create protection from the penetration of light. Then place your eye slits in the center of your palm. The nose is in between. Open your eyes. In this case, light should not penetrate through closed hands. So you warm your eyes with the warmth of your hands.


Do it immediately after palming. As you do this exercise, direct your positive thoughts in a good direction. So you relax the muscles of the eyes, and this will positively affect the result of classes.


Place a lamp or candle on the table. At the same time, turn off the overhead light.

The gaze is directed to the nose (along), turn your head in different directions. Repeat 20 times. You do not need to look at the lamp (candle). Just feel the light source. Then make turns.

Train the muscles that do not hold the eyes in the starting position (it is muscle weakness that is the physiological cause of the disease).

Put on frames without lenses. Then, opposite the eye that mows, wrap the frame with a dark-colored rag. Stand near the mirror, look at your reflection. Perform head turns.


The child should be treated in early age. Then, before school or kindergarten, the baby will already restore visual function.

For successful treatment, you need to apply several methods over a long period. If you miss the moment, you will have to face more serious consequences for vision. And the treatment will last longer and harder.

If strabismus is not cured in time, the child will not be able to choose some professions (doctor, driver, etc.).

It is possible to fully restore the functions of the eyes in childhood, while the body is still being formed. Therefore, it is important to visit an optometrist before the baby is 6 months old. Consistent comprehensive treatment will help normalize the functioning of the organs of vision.

In adults, treatment should be carried out until the age of 18-25, while the organs of vision are still being formed. In maturity, it is more difficult to correct the state of health, because. the brain is already tuned to correct the information coming through the visual organs.

If strabismus develops in adulthood, double vision occurs. the brain receives two pictures of objects.


To prevent strabismus, visit pediatric ophthalmologist, correct any kind of ametropia, observe hygiene, avoid prolonged visual stress.

It is important to detect the pathology in time, then you can easily cure it. And during pregnancy, it is important to protect yourself from pathogenic influence.

The belief that strabismus will go away on its own is wrong. Even more: if there is no treatment, the situation will only get worse. If there are signs of strabismus, contact your doctor immediately.

It is worth remembering that the eyes should rest, because constant games at the computer monitor can only aggravate the situation. This will help:

Psychosomatics of strabismus

Body, soul and brain are one. And they work together. Therefore, when problems or disturbances in the functioning of the body appear, pay attention to the state of the psyche.

The root of any physical illness can be found in emotional experiences and stress.

People with strabismus form a limited, inferior view of the world and themselves. If a child has multiple strabismus, then they see the messages of their parents, which clearly contradict.

Mom expects one from the baby, and dad - another. Both parents are important to a child. A situation arises when the child does not know whom to listen to. His eyes diverge.

If the eyes converge, the reason is the conflicting opinions and thoughts that relatives of the same sex (male or female) convey to the child. A person cannot decide what is a priority for them, which causes a physiological defect.

In adults, strabismus means that he is seeing an illusion. Man is afraid to look at the world as it is. He is afraid of life in the present, because. there is something very unsatisfactory here. It is also important to consider which eye is sick: the right one is responsible for the male side, the left one corresponds to the female side.

What to do if it didn't help

When home treatment does not help, you need to see a doctor. If you are doing everything correctly and as recommended by the optometrist, then you need to undergo additional examinations. Perhaps the cause of the disease is set incorrectly.

There are many known causes of impaired binocular vision. It is very important to install true reason pathology, because only in this case is it possible to adequately and effective treatment.

  • anisometropia (different refraction of the eyes);
  • various lesions of the muscles of the eyes;
  • violation of muscle innervation;
  • pathology of the bones of the orbit;
  • pathology of the orbit cavity;
  • diseases of the brain stem;
  • infectious diseases of the eyes, surrounding tissues, brain;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • tumor diseases of the organs of vision and brain.
  • injuries and diseases of the brain;
  • mental trauma(fright);
  • farsightedness or nearsightedness;
  • stressful situation;
  • An important component of correct binocular vision is the parallel setting of the optical axes of the two eyes - orthophoria. But in practice, there is more often a slight heterophoria (Gr.

    geteros is different). The visual axes, due to the different tone of the oculomotor muscles, may slightly deviate in any direction: up, down, inward or outward.

    This muscle imbalance is small, binocular vision can be restored due to the compensatory action of the fusion reflex. As soon as physiological doubling occurs, the brain gives a command to correct the tone of the necessary oculomotor muscles and a single image perception is restored.

    Impairment of the oculomotor muscles, manifested as strabismus, can lead to loss of binocular vision. Monocular strabismus (squinting one eye) leads to the exclusion of this eye from the visual act, and the brain reads information only from a healthy one. A severe case, practically not amenable to correction of visual function, is paralytic strabismus.

    But if the strabismus is friendly (with the preservation of the full range of motion of the eyeballs), then binocularity is preserved.

    Other causes lie in the plane of the nervous regulation of visual function - from impaired fusion reflex to damage in the brain structures responsible for "reducing" the image.

    How to distinguish amblyopia from strabismus

    We often confuse and misunderstand some common ones. Does your child really have a "lazy eye" or a strabismus? Amblyopia or "lazy eye" is expressed in low vision in one eye due to poor coordination with the brain. It can occur in both eyes, but more often it occurs in only one.

    Therefore, it is very important that children have an early examination with an ophthalmologist in order to detect cases of amblyopia as soon as possible. Various eye conditions can contribute to the development of amblyopia, and treatment should be started as soon as possible for several reasons:

    1. Over time, the amblyopic eye can lose sight completely.
    2. Depth perception (or in three dimensions) may be impaired.
    3. If the eye that sees better becomes ill or injured, an amblyopic eye cannot replace the loss of vision in that eye.

    The terms amblyopia and strabismus are often confused. Most people, when they are told about "lazy eye", really think of deviated eyes, i.e. strabismus. "Lazy eye" corresponds to amblyopia, which consists of low vision in one or both eyes.

    To understand the difference, deviation (strabismus) can cause amblyopia ("lazy eye"). People with strabismus are usually aware of their deviation. When one of the eyes deviates in a direction different from that of the other eye, then we are faced with a case of strabismus.

    If for some reason, which could also be strabismus, one of the child's eyes is missing good vision, then the brain will stop using the eye, which causes the development of a "lazy eye" due to lack of use of it (amblyopia).

    As for the surgical treatment of the "lazy eye", it really does not exist, as such. The concept comes from the fact that strabismus (eye deviation) is often confused with "lazy eye" or amblyopia.

    The surgery commonly referred to when these conditions are mentioned is actually strabismus surgery, in which the muscles of the eye are operated on to correct their deviance. This type of surgery can be performed on both adults and children and can improve not only appearance eyes, but also their visual function.

    If strabismus is present, it is important to consider the following information:

    • In some cases of strabismus, the first treatment may be the use of glasses, sometimes followed by occlusion.
    • If the use of glasses is insufficient, apply medications for non-surgical treatment, in this case to relax the muscles of the eye.
    • In cases where treatment with glasses, occlusion or drugs does not eliminate strabismus, resort to surgical treatment.
    • Surgery involves loosening or strengthening the muscles of the eye to change its deviation. There are two main types of strabismus surgery:
      1. A loosening that consists of separating a muscle and attaching it further away from the anterior part of the eye or cornea to weaken the muscle
      2. Reinforcement, which consists in removing part of the muscle of the eye in order to shorten it.
    • The operation to restore the eye muscles has high level success, and very rare serious complications.
    • This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization.

    Children can resume classes after a few days of rest. In the case of adults, they can usually return to work after a few weeks.

    Treatment of amblyopia in children with strabismus

    Pleoptics is a type of treatment for amblyopia, which affects about 70% of children with strabismus. The main task of the treatment of amblyopia is to obtain visual acuity that allows the possibility of binocular vision. This should be considered a visual acuity of 0.4 and above.

    The main treatments for amblyopia include: direct occlusion, penalization, treatment using a negative sequential image, local glare irritation of the fovea of ​​the retina with light.

    In children preschool age treatment of amblyopia, regardless of the type of fixation, it is advisable to start with direct occlusion or penalization, combining them, if possible, with the method of local blinding irritation with light from the fovea of ​​the retina.

    Occlusion is the exclusion of one eye from the act of vision. Permanent occlusion of a better seeing eye is called direct, worse seeing - reverse. The earlier direct occlusion is started, the better the results of amblyopia treatment.

    The goal of constantly turning off the leading eye is to achieve the same visual acuity in both eyes and the transition of monolateral strabismus into an alternating one. Every 2-4 weeks it is necessary to check the child's visual acuity and the state of fixation.

    Sometimes with a long shutdown, the visual acuity of the leading eye decreases. In such cases, it is advisable to switch to alternate occlusion: for example, turn off the dominant eye for 6 days and amblyopic for 1 day, or 5 days and 2 days, respectively.

    It is convenient to turn off the eye by means of occluders that are attached to the spectacle frame. The main purpose of direct occlusion is to reduce the shaped vision of the better seeing eye so that the amblyopic eye becomes the "leading" eye.

    With direct occlusion, there is no need to completely turn off the normal eye, so it is advisable to perform a translucent occlusion. In this case, translucent polyvinyl films are used as occluders, depending on how intensively it is necessary to reduce the visual acuity of the eye being switched off.

    The principle of penalization is to create artificial anisometropia in the patient, as a result of which the vision of the leading, seeing better eye worsens (this eye is penalized), and the amblyopic eye becomes the fixing one. In this case, one eye becomes, as it were, presbyopic, and the other becomes myopic.

    The task of penalization in monolateral strabismus is to make the amblyopic eye fixative for near, and the dominant eye for distance. This is done through prolonged atropinization and complete optical correction dominant eye and overcorrection of the amblyopic eye.

    The period of application of near penalization should not exceed 4-6 months, since in most cases the effect of treatment is determined already during this period. After 3-4 years, penalization should be used only in cases where, for some reason, direct occlusion fails.

    The development of a method for using a negative serial image belongs to Cuppers (1956). The principle is that while illuminating the retina of the posterior pole of the eye, the foveolar zone is simultaneously covered with a ball.

    Symptoms of strabismus

  • constant turning or tilting of the head.
  • The eyes seem to move separately from each other. This phenomenon is quite normal for childhood, and in children latent strabismus may form.

    But in an adult, this condition causes serious concerns. In children, due to an increase in the adaptation of the brain to changes in physiology, strabismus may subsequently disappear, but in adulthood, strabismus will only become more intense over time.

    When strabismus is necessary comprehensive examination with tests, biometric studies, examination of eye structures, refraction studies.

  • when fixing a fixed object, one of the eyes is in a state of deviation in any direction;
  • can alternately mow either the left or the right eye;
  • no binocular vision;
  • decreased vision in the deviated eye;
  • the presence of ametropia.
  • limitation or absence of movements of the slanting eye in the direction of the action of the affected muscles;
  • forced deviation of the head towards the pathological muscle;
  • the primary deflection angle is less than the secondary one;
  • the presence of constant or periodic dizziness;
  • lack of volumetric vision.
  • Sometimes strabismus does not appear immediately, but, for example, in the late afternoon, during the period of activity of the child. The defect can appear periodically, and parents, as a rule, think that the child is indulging, and sometimes do not pay attention to it.

    Strabismus requires immediate correction. The results depend on the timeliness of treatment.

  • visual acuity test;
  • determination of eye refraction with wide and narrow pupils;
  • determination of range of motion, eye position and angle of strabismus;
  • study of volumetric vision;
  • examination of the fundus, anterior segment and conductive media of the eyes.
  • In the process of examining children, the optometrist first interviews the parents in order to determine when and under what circumstances strabismus was noticed, how it manifested itself: suddenly or over a certain period of time. Congenital pathology usually associated with trauma to the fetus during childbirth or diseases of the central nervous system. The acquired form is associated with refractive errors.

    With strabismus, the ability to see normally only retains the eye that provides vision. The eye that squints to the side sees worse and worse with time, its visual functions are suppressed. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as early as possible.

  • optical correction (glasses, lenses);
  • treatment of amblyopia of the eye with the help of hardware procedures;
  • development of binocular vision;
  • consolidation of the achieved monocular and binocular functions;
  • surgery.
  • The operation is resorted to mainly to achieve a cosmetic effect, since by itself it rarely restores binocular vision. The surgeon determines the type of operation already directly on the operating table, since here it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the location of the muscles in a particular person.

    One or both eyes are operated on. Surgery is aimed at strengthening or weakening one of the muscles that moves the eyeball.

    The surgery to correct strabismus is performed in one day under local drip anesthesia. The recovery period takes about a week, but after such surgical operation doctors recommend a course of hardware treatment for optimal restoration of visual functions.


    To implement these tasks, carefully selected complex treatment is necessary, and the choice of a method for treating strabismus depends on many factors.

    The main task of apparatus therapy is the restoration of binocular vision, that is, overcoming the developed skill of suppressing the work of one of the eyes.

  • recession
  • surgery on muscles of vertical action, etc.
  • An operation in adults is required in a situation where, for some reason, he has not undergone proper treatment in childhood or acquired a disease after an injury.

    The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. If successful, the patient is allowed to leave the hospital on the same day.

    Rehabilitation takes about 1-2 weeks. During this period, the patient must perform a course of exercises specially selected for him, helping to train the muscles of the eyes. At the same time, a course of hardware techniques and regular medical supervision are being implemented.

    It should be noted right away that the correction of strabismus with traditional medicine recipes will be effective only at the initial stage of its development. Procedures must be combined with the strengthening of the eye muscle.

  • Boil 10 g of dry calamus roots in a glass of boiling water for 1-2 minutes, cover, leave for 1 hour. Then strain and consume half a glass 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before each meal.
  • Extend your arm forward and fix your gaze on your index finger.
  • Take your eyes to the left and right in turn as far as possible.
  • Raise your eye slowly up to the maximum and also lower it down.
  • With strabismus in the squinting eye, visual acuity gradually decreases - amblyopia.

    This complication is due to the fact that the visual system automatically blocks the transmission to the brain of the image of the object that the squinting eye perceives. This condition leads to an even greater deviation of this eye from the norm, i.e. to an increase in strabismus.

    Treatment of strabismus

    The main goal of the treatment of concomitant strabismus is the restoration of lost (or the formation of missing) binocular connections and binocular vision. Only under this condition can the effect be considered functionally complete and exclude the possibility of recurrence of the disease.

    The sequence of treatment of concomitant strabismus and its complications is chosen individually. Treatment of strabismus should begin as soon as possible after its discovery. Usually the first step is to assign corrective glasses (full correction) to the child for permanent wear after an objective (against the background of cycloplegia) determination of refraction.

    In the presence of accommodative strabismus, this measure alone is sometimes enough to eliminate it and create conditions for the development of binocular vision. In cases of accommodative strabismus only for near vision, either only near glasses or bifocals are prescribed.

    In the future, as the eye grows and refraction changes towards emmetropia, the strength of corrective glasses decreases, and eventually they can be canceled altogether. With partial accommodative strabismus, wearing glasses also contributes to the correction of strabismus to one degree or another.

    In non-accommodative strabismus, corrective glasses, as noted, do not change the position of the eyes. Nevertheless, with ametropia, in this case, it is necessary to carry out a correction.

    The constant wearing of glasses with non-accommodative strabismus prevents the attachment of the accommodative component, and also increases visual acuity, which has an indirect positive effect in the treatment of strabismus and its complications. Experience shows that children can use glasses from nine or even seven months of age.

    The importance of complete correction of ametropia should be emphasized, since incomplete correction can contribute to the development of amblyopia or interfere with its elimination, maintain a state of microstrabismus, preventing the development of bifixation. Even after the restoration of binocular vision, the child should be monitored for the state of correction for another 2-3 years.

    In addition to spherical, cylindrical and combined glasses, prismatic glasses are used for strabismus. They move the image of the object to the foveal region of the retina, helping to reduce or eliminate the angle of strabismus and restore binocular vision.

    In this case, the base of the prism is located on the side opposite to the deviation of the eye (for example, with convergent strabismus - from the side of the temple). The most convenient are plastic Fresnel prisms, which are easily fixed to ordinary spectacle glasses and are just as easy to remove.

    A mandatory rule when prescribing glasses for mowing children is the systematic monitoring of the position of the eyes and the correspondence of the changing refraction to the strength of the corrective glasses. This applies to any strabismus, including accommodative.

    In parallel with the correction of ametropia, amblyopia is treated. Shutdown is carried out within 3-6 months. However, if visual acuity does not tend to increase in the next 3-4 weeks after the start of occlusion, then in the future occlusion no longer leads to success and it is stopped.

    The simplest, most widespread, known for over 200 years, way to restore the function of a squinting eye is to turn it on by turning off the second, better-seeing eye (or its lower half in case of strabismus only when near vision) from the act of vision - direct occlusion.

    Turning off the better seeing eye with subsequent additional exercises is used in cases of amblyopia with correct fixation. In the presence of incorrect fixation, direct occlusion can be performed only in children no older than 5-6 years, when the false retinal projection has not yet had time to gain a foothold.

    It should be borne in mind that prolonged occlusion can lead to a decrease in the off-eye. To avoid this, periodic monitoring of the state of its functions is necessary. For amblyopia with eccentric fixation in children older than 5-6 years, direct occlusion is not used, as it can strengthen incorrect fixation.

    In such cases, they often resort to reverse occlusion, that is, turning off the amblyopic eye for 3-4 weeks in order to develop inhibition of the area of ​​​​eccentric fixation of the retina and disinhibition of the macula. However, this measure does not always give positive results.

    The essence of the technique lies in the fact that artificial anisometropia is created with the help of spectacle glasses: for example, in one - fixing - eye, accommodation is turned off by atropinization and a full correction is prescribed (the eye is “penalized”), and the other is made short-sighted with the help of glass.

    In this case, the first eye of the child looks into the distance, and the second - amblyopic - near. Scotoma suppression is thus eliminated. To eliminate eccentric and restore foveal fixation of the amblyopic eye, more active methods are also successfully used, which give results when others are ineffective.

    For example, a method of light stimulation of the macula with simultaneous darkening of the periphery of the retina, including the area of ​​eccentric fixation (Bangerter). After the illumination session, exercises with optotypes are performed: drawings, signs, etc. are shown to the amblyopic eye.

    Surgical intervention for strabismus consists either in weakening the action of a strong muscle (the one towards which the eye is deviated), or, conversely, in strengthening the action of a weak, that is, the opposite muscle.

    For this purpose, the place of attachment of a strong muscle by transplantation is moved back (recession) or the muscle is lengthened by dissecting it into parts and suturing them (myoplasty).

    The purpose of this technique is to develop the ability to connect images from both eyes to normalize binocular vision. Quite often, such therapy is carried out to eliminate strabismus in children.

    In this case, a synoptophore is used - an apparatus that, thanks to the separate presentation of the particles of the pattern, stimulates the eyes to connect them together, complementing each other. Given the angle of strabismus, specialists during therapy change the localization of the eyepieces.

    After the patient learns to connect pictures with his eyes, treatment is carried out aimed at consolidating the result. This therapy is called diplotics.

    The therapy under consideration is considered the final stage in the treatment of strabismus. It is allowed to be performed on patients who have reached the age of two years. The essence of the method is based on the challenge of doubling of the object, due to which the ability to independently restore binocular vision develops. In this case, the angle of strabismus in the patient should not exceed the boundary of 7 degrees.

    A prismatic glass is installed in front of the eyes, which, in fact, carries out doubling. When it is removed, vision is slowly restored. During therapy, the prisms are changed.

    The final stage in the restoration of binocular vision is therapeutic exercises aimed at increasing the mobility of the eyeballs. This is done using the Convergence Trainer.

    How to treat strabismus, the doctor must decide. In most cases, several therapeutic procedures are sufficient, and sometimes a major surgical intervention is required, during which one or both eyes are operated on.

    However, strabismus can be treated at home, following all the doctor's recommendations. Wearing glasses, performing special exercises and procedures - all this allows you to fully restore the balance between the eyes.

    But this effect can only be achieved if you seek medical help in time.

    In conclusion, I would like to remind you that strabismus does not go away with age, therefore, at the first signs of pathology in yourself or your loved ones, it is necessary to carry out vision correction.

    As for the prevention of binocular vision disorders, such measures must be taken from an early age:

    • When hanging toys over your baby's crib, make sure they change location several times a week. In addition, place them at least 50 cm from the child's face and on different sides. The baby's gaze should not be focused at one point.
    • If your child draws and looks at pictures, buried in a book, then you must definitely show it to the optometrist.

    With a timely correction of strabismus, the prognosis for the treatment of this pathology is quite favorable. Therefore, do not forget to periodically check your vision with an ophthalmologist and be healthy!

    With concomitant strabismus, the main goal of treatment is to restore binocular vision, which eliminates the asymmetry of the position of the eyes and normalizes visual functions. Measures may include optical correction, pleoptic-orthoptic treatment, surgical correction of strabismus, pre- and post-operative orthopto-diploptic treatment.

    During the optical correction of strabismus, the goal is to restore visual acuity, as well as to normalize the ratio of accommodation and convergence. For this purpose, glasses or contact lenses are collected.

    With accommodative strabismus, this is enough to eliminate heterotropia and restore binocular vision. Meanwhile, spectacle or contact correction of ametropia is necessary for any form of strabismus.

    Pleoptic treatment is indicated for amblyopia to enhance the visual load on the squinting eye. For this purpose, occlusion (exclusion from the process of vision) of the fixing eye can be prescribed, penalization can be used, hardware stimulation of the amblyopic eye (Amblyocor.

    Amblipanorama. software-computer treatment, accommodation training.

    electrooculostimulation. laser stimulation.

    magnetic stimulation. photostimulation.

    vacuum ophthalmic massage). The orthooptic stage of strabismus treatment is aimed at restoring the coordinated binocular activity of both eyes.

    For this purpose, synoptic devices (Synoptofor), computer programs are used.

    At the final stage of strabismus treatment, diploptic treatment is carried out, aimed at developing binocular vision in natural conditions (training with Bagolini lenses, prisms); gymnastics is prescribed to improve eye mobility, training on a convergence trainer.

    Surgery strabismus can be taken if the effect of conservative therapy is absent for 1-1.5 years. Surgical correction of strabismus is optimally carried out at the age of 3-5 years.

    In ophthalmology, surgical reduction or elimination of the strabismus angle is often done in stages. To correct strabismus, two types of operations are used: weakening and strengthening the function of the oculomotor muscles.

    The weakening of muscle regulation is achieved with the help of a transplant (recession) of the muscle or the intersection of the tendon; strengthening the action of the muscle is achieved by its resection (shortening).

    Before and after surgery to correct strabismus, orthooptic and diploptic treatment is indicated to eliminate residual deviation. The success of surgical correction of strabismus is 80-90%. Surgical complications may include overcorrection and undercorrection of strabismus; in rare cases - infections, bleeding, loss of vision.

    The criteria for curing strabismus are the symmetry of the position of the eyes, the stability of binocular vision, high visual acuity.

    Traditional Treatments

    Often these methods are used in combination.

  • resection;
  • TSP (tenoscleroplasty);
  • The operation is usually carried out for the purpose of cosmetic correction, since by itself it will not help restore binocular vision, that is, combine both images into one overall picture.

    C) In this case, the strabismus can be corrected by recession in each eye of the muscle that turns the eye outward.

  • pleoptic therapy (aimed at the treatment of amblyopia associated with strabismus);
  • orthoptodiploptic therapy (restoration of deep vision and binocular functions).
  • Traditional medicine in the treatment of strabismus

    1. Prepare 10 g of dill seed powder (grind them in a coffee grinder), pour over a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, pre-wrapped. Then strain the healing liquid and instill 2 drops in both eyes three times a day.
    2. The second option of phytodrops: mix fresh Apple juice, high-quality honey and onion juice in a ratio of 3:3:1. These drops are recommended to be instilled into the eyes before going to bed until a permanent improvement in vision.
    3. Simmer 100 g of pine needles in half a liter of boiling water in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Take 100 g 4-5 times a day.

    Exercises to eliminate strabismus

  • Bring your finger closer to a distance of 10 centimeters from the nose.
  • If the eye squints inward, then in a standing position you need to push your leg forward, lean towards it, reach out to her fingers, raise your hand and watch her with your eye. The exercise is repeated 10-12 times. When the right eye is affected, the left leg-arm acts and vice versa.
  • Possible Complications

    The squinting eye gradually loses sight up to low vision. Deviation of the eyes tends to remain and bother at an older age as a cosmetic defect, often leading to an inferiority complex.

    These include the work of pilots, military men, cosmonauts, navigators, etc. Sequential, and often parallel, conducting a patient through all stages of treatment takes at least two years, but sometimes longer. If strabismus appeared at the age of 2-3 years, then it must be cured by school.

    The immature age makes it difficult to recover, when children are not yet capable of hardware treatment that is difficult for them. If we can put glasses and a sticker on a child, although this is not easy, then pleoptics classes are possible from 3-3.5 years old, orthooptics - from 4 years old.

    Strabismus is an alarming diagnosis that requires great effort from the parents, doctor and child. This is a thorny path, and as I tell my parents, I have to carry it together. Share the responsibility for your child's recovery together. For parents, this is, first of all, the strict fulfillment of medical prescriptions.

    There are, of course, difficult moments when parents give up, disappointment sets in, they want to give up everything and not “torment” the child anymore with glasses, stickers, devices and operations. I have heard this many times. But, truly, in the treatment of strabismus, the road will be mastered by the walking one. I know a great many examples of complete recovery.

    Forecast and prevention of strabismus

    In order to avoid strabismus and impaired stereoscopic vision, it is necessary to take measures starting from an early age of the child. To do this, follow a number of simple rules:

    • Change at least once a week the location of toys that are hung over the crib of a newborn. Otherwise, the baby may begin to focus in only one direction.
    • Toys should be hung on different sides and at a height of at least 50 cm from the baby's face.
    • Watch your child look at the pictures in the books. If he looks at one object for a long time without changing the direction of his eyes, show it to an ophthalmologist.

    If you start correcting strabismus in a timely manner, the pathology can be eliminated quickly. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable. As with any other disease, it is important not to start the disease and not to self-medicate.

    Treatment of strabismus should be started as early as possible so that by the beginning of schooling the child is sufficiently rehabilitated in relation to visual functions. In almost all cases, strabismus requires persistent, consistent and long-term complex treatment. Late onset and inadequate correction of strabismus can lead to irreversible vision loss.

    The most successful correction is friendly accommodative strabismus; with late-diagnosed paralytic strabismus, the prognosis for restoring full-fledged visual function is unfavorable.

    Prevention of strabismus requires regular examinations of children by an ophthalmologist. timely optical correction of ametropia, compliance with the requirements of visual hygiene, dosage of visual loads. Early detection and treatment of any eye diseases, infections, and prevention of skull injuries are necessary. During pregnancy, adverse effects on the fetus should be avoided.

    Binocular vision - the visual perception of objects simultaneously with two eyes and the ability of the brain to combine them into a single picture. Binocular vision is usually formed by the age of 14-15. It is important to observe the child at this age to see if it is disturbed. How to recognize this and whether it can be restored - we will tell in our article.

    Binocular (stereoscopic) vision is very important, because with its help we are able to estimate the size, shape, approximate distance to or between objects. With a violation or absence of binocular vision, a person experiences many problems. For example, the inability to work in a certain profession: a driver, a doctor, a photographer, team sports, and so on. In children, in this case, serious eye pathologies develop, which is why it is so important to determine in time whether their stereoscopic vision is in order.

    What determines the development of binocular vision? Reasons for his disorder

    In newborn babies in the first 6-8 weeks there are no coordinated movements of the eyeballs, so they have a slight strabismus. After this time, the ability to see the object with both eyes appears, and at the age of 3-4 months, binocularity is fixed. By six months, a fusion reflex is formed (coordinated simultaneous movements of the eyeballs), which provides the possibility of stereoscopic vision, the child is able to see objects at different distances. By the age of 3-4, it becomes stable, and by the age of 14, the fundus of the eye is completely formed, and this indicates the completion of the process of binocularity formation.

    In order for stereoscopic vision to form correctly, the following conditions are necessary:

    • normal tone of the oculomotor muscles; often it is its weakening that causes the loss of binocular vision in old age;
    • the difference in the optical power of the eyes should be no more than 0.5 diopters;
    • no violations of the shape of the cornea;
    • symmetry of both eyeballs. It happens that as a result of a mechanical injury to the eye or inflammatory disease the symmetry of the coincidence of fields is violated;
    • no ocular pathology.

    If a person has at least one of the above points, then there is a high probability that his stereoscopic vision is absent. In children, this often manifests itself in the form of two common pathologies.

    What are the disorders in children in the absence of binocular vision

    If a child has no or impaired binocularity, then, as a rule, this is fraught with strabismus or amblyopia (lazy eye syndrome).
    With strabismus in children, visual acuity is reduced and there is no proper balance between the muscles. Most often, it develops in early childhood (1-3 years), which is why it is necessary to pay attention to the baby's vision during this period. In addition, it is important in the aesthetic aspect, since the child may be subjected to ridicule by peers.

    Amblyopia is a pathology in which one eye is not involved in the visual process, that is, the child has monocular vision. Its causes may be different: myopia, inhibition of visual perception in the cerebral cortex, and others, but the most common is strabismus, and amblyopia can also cause it. Often it is caused by a difference in visual acuity between the eyes (more than 0.3-0.4). This pathology must be identified as early as possible, because over time it can intensify up to the atrophy of visual functions in the "lazy eye".

    How is binocular vision disorder diagnosed in children?

    Strabismus and amblyopia are diagnosed in 3-4% of children in the world, and often this happens precisely because of the late diagnosis of the lack of binocular vision. Regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist in a timely manner will help to avoid such problems. How to do it? You can check at home or at the doctor with the help of special orthooptic devices.

    An ophthalmologist examination is necessary for a baby at 2 months, at six months and at the age of one. This is mandatory even in the absence of visible pathologies. The doctor diagnoses whether the child has myopia or hypermetropia, checks the visual acuity and nature, the angle of strabismus (if any).
    At home, you can conduct simple tests yourself. For example, one of the most common is the Kalf method.

    The child holds a pencil in front of him at a distance of 30-50 cm, and the second pencil leads from above, trying to connect the tips of their rods exactly. If this fails, and he constantly misses, then this is an urgent reason to see a doctor.
    The second simple way is to press gently on the upper or lower eyelid with your eyes open. With normal binocular vision, the text or object that the child is looking at will double.

    How to restore binocular vision in a child

    After the doctor establishes that the child's binocular vision needs to be restored (and it is successfully restored if treatment is started on time), it is necessary to develop a set of measures that will help the baby regain the ability to see the world stereoscopically. There are special exercises for treatment at home, as well as outpatients. The most effective will be their combination.

    At home, experts recommend regular exercise to restore binocular vision. For example, this: find the missing element in one of two seemingly identical pictures. The game "Lace" also helps well: holes are made in a flat dense sheet different shapes and sizes, and the child needs to consistently stretch the string through each of them.
    Another effective exercise- find among the simple figures arranged in rows (for example, asterisks, triangles, circles), the same and cross out consecutively repeating ones.
    Good results are obtained by stringing rings of different diameters on the axis, throwing the ball into the basket and other similar activities. To perform them, it is necessary to combine two pictures into one, which the brain is trying to do, thus forcing the eye muscles to tense up and focus the gaze correctly.

    On an outpatient basis, one of the most common methods of treatment is diploptology, which can be performed from the age of two. It is used for strabismus. The bottom line is to cause double vision of the object in the eyes. A prismatic glass is installed in front of the patient, distorting and bifurcating the image, and when it is removed, clear visibility is gradually restored. The doctor also changes the prisms for the best effect.
    In Russian medicine, devices of domestic developers are successfully used. For example, "Reamed", which is based on the principle of auto-training with the help of video. The child is watching a cartoon, and at this time the device takes an encephalogram of the eyes. In this case, the picture on the screen is saved only during the “correct” vision and disappears when it is lost. The brain at the subconscious level tries to reduce the "non-contrast" periods in order to see a clear image. In the process, the work of brain neurons responsible for visual perception is optimized, and vision improves.

    The method of "lights according to Kashchenko" is designed to restore binocularity in strabismus and amblyopia. The work is based on the method of intense photostimulation proposed by Professor T.P. Kashchenko. When one eye is closed, a bright beam of light is directed to the other for 15-20 seconds, then the patient looks at a white screen located at a distance of 40 cm and observes two successive images: dark and then light. The task of the patient is to combine them into one. This method is more effective when working with young children.

    Widely used in medical institutions synoptophore for the treatment of various disorders of binocular vision. The principle of its operation is quite simple, but very effective. Paired images are illuminated with special lamps (first one, then the other), while the lighting power also changes. Thanks to the alternating on-off lamps, the child focuses on one or the other picture. During this, the oculomotor muscles actively work, the load on them is distributed evenly and there are no complications.

    We have described only a part of the exercises and techniques that will help restore binocular vision in a child. How to do it correctly, the doctor will decide, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Sometimes, in advanced cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Vision pathologies do not go away on their own with age, so you should treat the problem as early as possible. Wearing special glasses, performing procedures and exercises help restore balance between the eyes.
    Remember that only a timely appeal to specialists guarantees the ability to restore good binocular vision in childhood.

    Exercise methods are different for adults and children.

    The effective treatment of strabismus in children is not only the correct diagnosis, the selection of glasses and their wearing, but also special exercises for the eyes with strabismus for children, gymnastics, which helps to improve vision. Exercise methods for the treatment of strabismus in children and adults are different, so you should pay maximum attention to this issue and approach it with all responsibility.

    What causes strabismus in children

    Such a pathology as strabismus occurs quite often in children. Based on statistics, it is diagnosed in every 50 children.

    Criteria for the occurrence (development) of strabismus in children:

    • hereditary predisposition;
    • prematurity;
    • presence of nervous or muscular diseases;
    • congenital diseases of the organs of vision;
    • farsightedness, myopia and other visual impairments;
    • tumors of the eyeballs or nervous system;
    • cataract;
    • head injury;
    • infection with viruses/bacteria;
    • systematic diseases.

    At what age can strabismus occur?

    In children, there are many criteria for the occurrence of strabismus.

    It is not difficult to notice strabismus (strabismus): most often, a healthy eye looks at an object, and the patient deviates to the side (in some cases, down or up).

    Until the age of six months, a slight strabismus in a child can be considered the norm. Very often, strabismus (heterophoria) is diagnosed in children aged from one to three years. But there are cases of later development of the disease, about six years.

    Vision in babies is formed upon reaching the age of four, but, despite this, any deviations from the norm should be characterized as the beginning of the development of the disease. The sooner it is detected, the easier it will be to treat!

    When to See a Doctor

    If the baby is more than 6 months old, he has a convergence of the eyes, there are suspicions of the presence of a disease, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

    If the child has already reached the age when he can describe his condition and complains of double vision, often squints, eyes converge, deviate to the temples or nose, you should also immediately contact a specialist.

    Another symptom of strabismus is a turned or tilted head position.

    The health of the child depends on how quickly and efficiently the diagnosis is made, as well as on how correctly the treatment is prescribed!

    Treatment of strabismus in children

    Treatment of strabismus is a long, painstaking joint work of a doctor, parents and the child himself. When this diagnosis is revealed, initially the attending physician tries to find out the cause of the disease, eliminate it if possible, and only after that proceed with the treatment of the consequences.

    Any deviations from the norm in babies should be characterized as the beginning of the development of the disease.

    The therapy consists of several stages:

    1. Selection and wearing of glasses (from 3 weeks to 4 months).
    2. Depending on the type of strabismus, wearing a bandage or occlusion may be prescribed (it is worn on a healthy eye, thereby forcing a “lazy” patient to work).
    3. Local illumination of the retina - this stage is a kind of hardware training of the eyes, so that they learn to merge 2 pictures into one. Various laser devices, flash lamps, eyepieces, as well as computer technologies can be involved.
    4. Diploptika. Stage of restoration of binocular vision. It is not used in all cases of strabismus.

    During all these stages of treatment, you can do special exercises with your child at home.

    Algorithm for performing exercises with strabismus

    Both congenital and acquired strabismus early stages it is much easier to treat than in a neglected state.

    1. In order for the eyeballs to move together, exercises or programs help to relax the muscles.
    2. For effectiveness, they require focusing the gaze at one point.
    3. Exercise forces the brain to combine two pictures that the eyes see separately.

    If, during the exercise for the eyes, a patient with strabismus manages to combine 2 pictures into one, then they are effective and lead to recovery.

    Exercises to treat strabismus

    Positive dynamics in the treatment of strabismus will be observed only if the patient performs each of the exercises at least 16 times daily at home:

    1. Ask the child to extend his hand in front of him and focus on the index finger. You should smoothly bring your finger closer to the bridge of your nose (at the same time, you do not need to take your eyes off the finger), then you need to move your finger up and down, also smoothly, and without taking your eyes off it.
    2. Persuade the baby to mentally imagine the sign of infinity and circle his eyes, let him look up and down, left and right.
    3. Make the child watch the approaching and receding objects. For example: behind the ball (when playing ping-pong or tennis).
    4. Stick a circle of small diameter (about 1 cm) cut out of paper on the window, or draw it directly on the glass. Ask the child to focus on the circle, after which let him look at some object that is outside the window in the distance (tree, house, road, etc.).
    5. Turn the baby away from the sun so that the back of the child is looking at him. Cover the healthy eye with the child's palm and ask him to gently turn his head towards the healthy eye until the child sees the slanting rays of the sun.
    6. If the right eye is turned to the bridge of the nose, you need to close the healthy eye, put your left leg forward and reach for it right hand, after that you need to turn the body and stretch the same hand up. If the same eye is turned to the temple, then it is worth putting the right leg forward and stretching with the left hand. Ask the child to do the same, only project the manipulations for the left eye.

    Special exercises for strabismus for babies

    As you know, it is difficult to keep children in place, to attract them to classes, etc. If the child is very small and cannot perform the exercises described above, then you should work out according to the method for very young children, which will help cure strabismus:

    1. Prepare special drawings. They should be like: "Find 5 differences." In a playful way, the child will study with interest, look for small details, concentrating on two drawings. Also for older children, you can use labyrinth drawings.
    2. Developing lacing, will perfectly help in the treatment of children's strabismus. There are various laces for sale, but you can also make it yourself. Cut a circle out of cardboard, make holes (8-10 pieces) of various shapes inside it. Pulling the string through these holes, the child will focus on the holes and on the string, thereby training the eyes.
    3. cook exciting game: Draw an equal number of cells on a piece of paper. Fill them in with paired drawings (scattered). Invite the child to find the same drawings by crossing out.
    4. Screw a 60-watt light bulb into a table lamp and place a plasticine ball 5 cm from it. Cover your child's healthy eye with a bandage and ask them to look at the balloon for about 30 seconds. The distance from the child to the lamp should be at least 40 cm. The kid should see a dark circle with a light center. After that, show the child the cards with the letters. Practice as long as the baby can see the visual image.

    At the same time, with the above exercises for the eyes with strabismus, gymnastics should be performed to improve eye mobility, which requires the creation of simple educational devices for children.

    Important: Any manipulations carried out at home, such as the above exercises, must be agreed with the attending physician!

    At home, positive dynamics in the treatment of strabismus will be observed only if the patient performs each of the exercises at least 16 times.

    Strabismus is treatable, depending on the neglect of the disease, the doctor will select proper treatment, on which the effectiveness of the treatment will depend.

    Properly selected exercises for the eyes with strabismus in a child can save you from surgery.

    Gymnastics is best done in the morning. Make sure that the child is in a good mood, and the exercises do not cause the baby any discomfort.

    Important: all exercises must be performed with glasses!

    Watch the health of your children and consult a doctor in a timely manner!

    Dec 26, 2016Doc

    Binocular vision allows a person to see with both eyes at the same time. The brain forms the seen image into a single whole. Such a fusion of two pictures is scientifically called a fusion reflex. In simple words, binocular vision allows us to see the world as in a 3D image.

    In the absence of binocular vision, a person develops strabismus. More details about this unpleasant disease will be discussed in this article. Methods for restoring vision, experiments, prevention, treatment - you will learn all this in this publication.

    In order not to develop any deviations of binocular vision, it is necessary to start correction in a timely manner, because then the prognosis for recovery will be more positive. Don't forget to check with ophthalmologists.

    Feature of binocular vision

    binocular vision
    Source: hnb.com.ua

    Binocular is called normal vision in humans. That is, when we look with two eyes, then both pictures that appear in the right and left, merge into one in our brain. This process is due to the work of special binocular cells.

    Discovery of binocular cells!

    They were first discovered by the American physiologist Hubel, who later received the Nobel Prize for his achievements in the field of scientific research.

    If a person has weakened binocular vision, then this leads to the development of strabismus. This disease is quite common in both children and adults. The main goal of the treatment of such a pathology is the restoration of binocular vision. With strabismus, a person sees with either the right or left eye.

    Binocular vision is vision with two eyes with the formation of a single three-dimensional visual image obtained by merging images from both eyes into one.

    Only binocular vision allows you to fully perceive the surrounding reality, determine the distances between objects (stereoscopic vision).

    Vision with one eye - monocular - gives an idea of ​​the height, width, shape of an object, but does not allow one to judge the relative position of objects in space. In addition, binocular vision expands the field of view and achieves a clearer perception of visual images, i.e. actually improves visual acuity.

    Full binocular vision is a prerequisite for a number of professions - drivers, pilots, surgeons, etc.

    Binocular vision appears only when the images from both eyes merge into one, which gives volume and depth of perception.

    Binocular vision is formed gradually and reaches full development by 7-15 years. It is possible only in view of certain conditions, and the violation of any of them can cause a disorder, as a result of which the nature of vision becomes either monocular (vision with one eye) or simultaneous.

    Monocular and simultaneous vision allows you to get an idea only about the height, width and shape of an object without assessing the relative position of objects in space in depth.

    The main qualitative characteristic of binocular vision is the deep stereoscopic vision of an object, which makes it possible to determine its place in space, to see in relief, depth and volume. Images of the outside world are perceived as three-dimensional.

    Visual acuity

    With binocular vision, the field of view expands, and visual acuity increases (by 0.1-0.2 or more).

    During monocular vision, a person adapts and orients himself in space, estimating the size of familiar objects. The further away an object is, the smaller it appears.

    When you turn your head, objects located at different distances move relative to each other. Then it is most difficult for vision to navigate among nearby objects, for example, it is difficult to get the end of the thread into the eye of a needle, pour water into a glass, etc.

    Mechanism of action of binocular vision

    Source: GlazExpert.ru

    The main mechanism of binocular vision is the fusion reflex - the ability to merge two images from both retinas in the cerebral cortex into a single stereoscopic picture.

    To obtain a single image of an object, it is necessary that the images obtained on the retina correspond to each other in size and shape and fall on identical, so-called corresponding areas. retina. Each point on the surface of one retina has its corresponding point in the other retina.

    Non-identical points are a set of non-symmetrical sections. They are called disparate. If the image of the object falls on the disparate points of the retina, then the image will not merge, and doubling will occur.

    The newborn does not have coordinated movements of the eyeballs, so there is no binocular vision. At the age of 6-8 weeks, children already have the ability to fix an object with both eyes, and at 3-4 months - stable binocular fixation. By 5-6 months. the fusion reflex is formed directly.

    The formation of full-fledged binocular vision ends by the age of 12.

    Normal functioning

    Normal functioning more than binocular vision

    Normal binocular vision is possible in the presence of certain conditions:

    • Ability to bifoveal fusion (fusion).
    • The coordinated work of all oculomotor muscles, which ensures the parallel position of the eyeballs looking into the distance and the corresponding convergence of the visual axes (convergence) when looking at the near, as well as the correct associated movements in the direction of the object under consideration.
    • The position of the eyes in the same frontal and horizontal plane. When one of them is displaced due to trauma, inflammation in the orbit, neoplasms, the symmetry of the alignment of the visual fields is disturbed.
    • Visual acuity of at least 0.3-0.4, i.e. sufficient to form a clear image on the retina.
    • Equal image sizes on the retina of both eyes - iseikonia. Images of different sizes occur with anisometropia - different refractions of the two eyes. To preserve binocular vision, the permissible degree of anisometropia is up to 2.0-3.0 diopters, this must be taken into account when choosing glasses.
    • Naturally, the transparency of optical media (cornea, lens, vitreous body), absence pathological changes in the retina, optic nerve and higher parts of the visual analyzer (chiasm, optic tract, subcortical centers, cerebral cortex)

    Looking into the distance, divergence occurs (separation of the visual axes), and when looking near, convergence (convergence of the visual axes). The cerebral cortex suppresses physiological doubling by looking at nearby objects and vice versa.

    Any disorder of binocular vision leads to concomitant strabismus. By the presence or absence of binocular vision, it is possible to distinguish real strabismus from imaginary, apparent, and from hidden - heterophoria.

    Checking without the use of instruments and hardware

    There are several simple ways to determine binocular vision without the use of instruments.

    The first is to press the finger on the eyeball in the area of ​​​​the eyelids when the eye is open. In this case, double vision appears if the patient has binocular vision. This is due to the fact that the displacement of one eye will move the image of the fixed object to the asymmetrical points of the retina.

    The second way is the pencil experiment, or the so-called slip test, in which the presence or absence of bipocularity is detected using two ordinary pencils. The patient holds one pencil vertically in an outstretched hand, the doctor holds the other in the same position.

    The presence of binocular vision in a patient is confirmed if, during a quick movement, he hits the tip of his pencil with the tip of the doctor's pencil.

    The third way is a test with a "hole in the palm." With one eye, the patient looks into the distance through a tube folded from paper, and in front of the other eye he places his palm at the level of the end of the tube. In the presence of binocular vision, images are superimposed, and the patient sees a hole in the palm, and in it objects visible with the second eye.

    The fourth method is a test with an installation movement. To do this, the patient first fixes his gaze with both eyes on a closely located object, and then closes one eye with his palm, as if “turning it off” from the act of vision.

    In most cases, the organ deviates towards the nose or outwards. When the eye is opened, it, as a rule, returns to its original position, that is, it makes an adjusting movement. This indicates that the patient has binocular vision.

    For a more accurate determination of the nature of vision in clinical practice, instrumental research methods are widely used, in particular, the generally accepted method of Belostotsky-Friedman using the four-point device “Tsvetotest TsT-1.

    In order to determine stereoscopic vision, the Fly stereotest (with the image of a fly) from Titmus Optical (USA) is often used. To determine the magnitude of aniseikonia, a phase-separating haploscope is used.

    During the study, the patient is asked to combine two semicircles into a complete stepless circle, changing the size of one of the semicircles. The amount of aniseikonia present in the patient is taken as the percentage of the semicircle for the right eye to the size of the semicircle for the left eye.

    Hardware methods for studying stereoscopic vision are widely used in pediatric practice, they diagnose and treat strabismus.

    1. Sokolov's experiment with a "hole in the palm" - a tube (for example, a folded piece of paper) is attached to the subject's eye, through which he looks. Covers the other eye with a hand. In the case of normal binocular vision due to the imposition of images, the impression of a complete picture through the tube is created.
    2. The Kalf method, or a slip test, examines the binocular function using two knitting needles (pencils, etc.). The subject holds the knitting needle horizontally in an outstretched hand and tries to get it into the tip of the second knitting needle, which is in a vertical position. With binocular vision, the task is easily accomplished.
    3. Pencil reading test: a pencil is placed at a distance of a few centimeters from the reader's nose, which covers part of the letters. But binocular vision, due to the superimposition of images from two eyes, can be read without changing the position of the head - letters closed with a pencil for one eye are visible to the other and vice versa.

    Binocular vision and strabismus

    In the presence of strabismus, binocular vision is always absent, since one of the eyes deviates to one side and the visual axes do not converge on the object in question. One of the main goals of strabismus treatment is to restore binocular vision.

    By the presence or absence of binocular vision, it is possible to distinguish real strabismus from imaginary, apparent, and from hidden - heterophoria.

    Imaginary strabismus is explained by the fact that the discrepancy between the visual and optical axes reaches a larger value (in some cases 10 °), and the centers of the corneas are displaced in one direction or another, creating a false impression of strabismus.

    However, imaginary strabismus preserves binocular vision, which allows a correct diagnosis to be made. Imaginary strabismus does not need to be corrected.

    The hidden is manifested in the deviation of one of the eyes during the period when a person does not fix any object with his gaze, relaxes. Heterophoria is also determined by the installation movement.

    If, when fixing an object by the subject, cover one eye with the palm of your hand, then, if there is a hidden strabismus, the covered one deviates to the side. When the hand is taken away, if the patient has binocular vision, the eye makes an adjusting movement.

    What is strabismus?

    Source: bolezniglaz.ru

    Strabismus is a violation of the position of the eyes, during which a deviation of one or both eyes is detected alternately when looking directly. With a symmetrical position of the eyes, the images of objects fall on the central regions of each eye.

    In the cortical sections of the visual analyzer, they merge into a single binocular image.

    With strabismus, fusion does not occur, and the central nervous system, in order to protect itself from double vision, excludes the image received by the squinting eye. With the prolonged existence of such a condition, amblyopia develops (a functional, reversible decrease in vision, one of the two eyes is almost not involved in the visual process).

    Strabismus is a periodic or permanent deviation of one or the other eye from the general direction of fixation. Depending on the type of strabismus, the eye may point inward (converging strabismus), outward (divergent strabismus), up or down.

    Strabismus is not only a cosmetic problem, it also interferes with the perception of the spatial environment. If strabismus begins in an adult or in a child in later years, there are usually complaints of double vision.

    If strabismus appears in early childhood, and mows only one eye, this can cause visual impairment. This is due to the fact that the child's ONS learns to ignore the information sent by the squinting eye, as a result of which the baby cannot "learn" to look with this eye, amblyopia develops.

    Causes of strabismus

    Source: en.ppt-online.org

    Strabismus is considered a childhood disease, since the formation of the binocular apparatus begins in infancy. The eye cannot completely focus its gaze on one object.

    The divergence of one of the eyeballs in strabismus, leads to a lack of binocular vision

    The cause of this pathology can be:

    • Severe farsightedness, myopia, myopia, or astigmatism that was not corrected in time or corrected incorrectly.
    • Hits and head injuries, as well as various diseases infectious brain. They have a direct effect on the muscles of the eyes.
    • Strong mental and physical exercise. This is especially true of the central nervous system.
    • Inflammatory processes or tumors in the muscles of the eye.
    • Excessive load on the organs of vision of the child.
    • Anomalies, paralysis, heredity and congenital diseases.

    The disease is congenital or acquired.

    The congenital form of strabismus is due to hereditary factors leading to the development of pathology in the development of the motor muscles of the eye. Possible causes of this form of the disease can be various deviations in the health of the mother during pregnancy, the impact on her body ionizing radiation, alcohol, industrial toxins.

    Acquired strabismus occurs for multiple reasons: various injuries, mental disorders, decreased visual acuity of one of the eyes, diseases of the central nervous system, past infectious diseases.

    Symptoms of strabismus

    Normal vision in humans should be binocular. Binocular vision is vision with two eyes with a combination in the visual analyzer (cerebral cortex) of the images received by each eye into a single image.

    Binocular vision enables stereoscopic vision - allows you to see the world around you in three dimensions, determine the distance between objects, perceive the depth, physicality of the world around.

    With strabismus, this connection does not occur in the visual analyzer, and the central nervous system, in order to protect itself from double vision, excludes the image of the squinting eye.

    Types of strabismus

    Source: there are two forms of strabismus: concomitant and paralytic.

    Concomitant strabismus
    With concomitant strabismus, it mows either the left or the right eye, the magnitude of the deviation of which from direct position about the same. Practice shows that more often strabismus occurs in persons with ametropia and anisometropia, among which farsightedness prevails.

    The main cause of concomitant strabismus is most often ametropia, and the more it is expressed, the greater its role in the occurrence of this pathology.

    Other causes of concomitant strabismus include:

    1. the state of the visual system, when the visual acuity of one eye is significantly lower than the visual acuity of the other;
    2. disease of the visual system leading to blindness or sharp decline vision;
    3. uncorrected ametropia (hypermetropia, myopia, astigmatism);
    4. violations of the transparency of the refractive media of the eye;
    5. diseases of the retina, optic nerve;
    6. diseases and damage to the central nervous system;
    7. innate differences in anatomical structure both eyes.

    Concomitant strabismus is characterized by the following main features:

    • when fixing an immovable object, one of the eyes is in a state of deviation in any direction (toward the nose, to the temple, above, below);
    • there may be an alternate deviation of one or the other eye;
    • the angle of deviation (primary) (more often or constantly) of the squinting eye when it is included in the act of vision is almost always equal to the angle of deviation (secondary) of the fellow eye;
    • eye mobility (field of view) is maintained in full in all directions;
    • there is no double vision;
    • there is no binocular (volumetric, stereoscopic) vision;
    • possibly decreased vision in the squinting eye;
    • ametropias of various types (farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism) and various sizes (aziometropia) are often detected.

    Paralytic strabismus

    In paralytic strabismus, one eye squints. The main symptom of this type of strabismus is the restriction or absence of eye movements in the direction of the affected muscle and, as a result, a violation of binocular vision, doubling.

    The causes of this type of strabismus may be due to damage to the corresponding nerves or a violation of the morphology and function of the muscles themselves. These changes may be congenital in nature or occur as a result of infectious diseases, injuries, tumors, and vascular diseases.

    Signs of paralytic strabismus:

    1. limitation or lack of eye movement towards the affected muscle(s);
    2. the primary angle of deviation (deviation) is less than the secondary one;
    3. lack of binocular vision, possibly double vision;
    4. forced deviation of the head towards the altered muscle;
    5. dizziness.

    The following forms of strabismus are distinguished:

    • converging (often combined with farsightedness), when the eye is directed to the bridge of the nose;
    • divergent (often combined with myopia), when the eye is directed to the temple;
    • vertical (in case the eye squints up or down).

    With convergent strabismus, the visual axis of one of the eyes is deflected towards the nose. Converging strabismus usually develops at an early age and is often unstable at first. Most often this type of strabismus in the presence of hyperopia of medium and high degrees.


    With divergent strabismus, the visual axis is deflected towards the temple. Divergent strabismus is often congenital or early onset myopia. The causes of divergent strabismus can be trauma, brain disease, fear, infectious diseases.

    In addition, there are other combinations of different positions. Strabismus may be permanent or intermittent.

    Criteria for the appearance of strabismus

    There are several criteria by which strabismus is distinguished.

    By time of occurrence:

    1. congenital;
    2. acquired.

    According to the stability of the deviation:

    • permanent;
    • fickle.

    Eye involvement:

    1. unilateral (monolateral);
    2. intermittent (alternating).


    • friendly;
    • paralytic.

    Type of deviation:

    1. converging (the eye is directed to the bridge of the nose);
    2. divergent (eye directed to the temple);
    3. vertical (eye deviation up or down);
    4. mixed.

    Prevention of strabismus

    The location of the eyeballs should be binocular and binocular vision will be normal. That is, during strabismus, a single condition for the functioning of the optical system is violated, when both eyes can see one common picture.

    Before making a diagnosis and starting measures that will be aimed at correcting strabismus, a thorough diagnosis of the visual organs is carried out. In order not to aggravate the condition of the eye, treatment should be started as soon as possible. The therapy is aimed directly at the complete restoration of vision function.

    Experts distinguish between two main approaches in the treatment of this problem:

    • Correction or physical methods.
    • Surgical intervention.

    First, the doctor prescribes glasses or soft contact lenses, which will have to be worn for a sufficiently long time until all the obvious symptoms of the development of the disease subside.

    The doctor may also prescribe eye drops and wearing glasses in which the glass of the better seeing organ will be closed, which is done specifically to strengthen the diseased visual organ.

    Thanks to modern hardware procedures, the patient's visual acuity will be restored. Medicines, ointments and injections are prescribed to relax the eye muscles.

    It is also prescribed to perform a special set of exercises that are designed to correct and maintain the muscles of the eyes. They should be performed repeatedly, the more the better during the day. In some cases, when the problem is not very advanced, this is quite enough.


    A complete ophthalmological examination is performed to correctly diagnose strabismus. The examination is widely used computer diagnostics.

    For a complete diagnosis, various tests for refraction, deviation and motor ability of the eyes are carried out, binocular vision is determined. In addition, patients undergo a special neurological examination.

    Treatment of strabismus

    With strabismus, the ability to see normally only retains the eye that provides vision. The one that is deviated to the side sees worse and worse over time, its visual functions are suppressed. Therefore, treatment should begin as early as possible.

    Treatment for strabismus may include:

    1. optical correction (glasses, soft contact lenses);
    2. increase in visual acuity of both eyes (treatment of amblyopia) with the help of hardware procedures;
    3. orthooptic and diploptic treatment (development of binocular vision);
    4. consolidation of the achieved monocular and binocular functions;
    5. surgery.

    Usually, surgery is resorted to as a cosmetic remedy, since by itself it rarely restores binocular vision (when the brain combines two images taken by the eyes into one).

    The type of operation is determined by the surgeon directly on the operating table, since during such an operation it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the location of the muscles in a particular person.

    Surgical treatment to correct strabismus is performed in the "one day" mode, under local drip anesthesia. On the same day, the patient returns home.

    The final recovery takes about a week, but after such a surgical operation, doctors strongly recommend a course of hardware treatment for optimal restoration of visual functions.

    Treatment begins after the complete elimination of amblyopia and the achievement of a symmetrical or very close position of the eyes, with normal correspondence of the retinas. The treatment is carried out in a complex manner, including orthooptics, diploptics, effects on the oculomotor apparatus and fusion.

    After the planar binocular vision, determined by the color test, has been developed, stereooptic techniques are included in the treatment complex.

    Visual acuity

    During one session we use 5 various techniques. The choice of techniques depends on the type of strabismus, ophthalmological status, the age of the patient and his intelligence.

    With convergent strabismus, an amplipulse is prescribed to the external rectus muscles and a muscle trainer, divergent - an amplipulse to the internal rectus muscles and a convergent trainer, with vertical deviations - an amplipulse to the muscles - antagonists; from orthooptic methods - necessarily synoptophore.

    The duration of the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. At the end of treatment in the office, home treatment is mandatory to consolidate the results.

    Depending on age and indications, they recommend: gymnastics for horizontal muscles, convergence training, exercises with two pencils, hitting a ring with a pencil, training on a visual field separator, stereoscopes, hitting a ball in tubes, ball games, badminton, and other games and exercises .

    It is noted that binocular and stereoscopic vision is formed faster and easier in children with late stages of the development of the disease. With congenital and early onset strabismus, as already noted, stereoscopic vision cannot be developed.

    Diploptics as a treatment for strabismus

    The therapy under consideration is considered the final stage in the treatment of strabismus. It is allowed to be performed on patients who have reached the age of two years.

    The essence of the method is based on the challenge of doubling of the object, due to which the ability to independently restore binocular vision develops. In this case, the angle of strabismus in the patient should not exceed the boundary of 7 degrees.

    A prismatic glass is installed in front of the eyes, which, in fact, carries out doubling. When it is removed, vision is slowly restored. During therapy, the prisms are changed.

    The final stage in the restoration of binocular vision is therapeutic exercises aimed at increasing the mobility of the eyeballs. This is done using the Convergence Trainer.

    How to treat strabismus, the doctor must decide. In most cases, several therapeutic procedures are sufficient, and sometimes a major surgical intervention is required, during which one or both eyes are operated on.

    However, strabismus can be treated at home, following all the doctor's recommendations. Wearing glasses, performing special exercises and procedures - all this allows you to fully restore the balance between the eyes.

    In conclusion, I would like to remind you that strabismus does not go away with age, therefore, at the first signs of pathology in yourself or your loved ones, it is necessary to carry out vision correction.

    As for the prevention of binocular vision disorders, such measures must be taken from an early age:

    • When hanging toys over your baby's crib, make sure they change location several times a week. In addition, place them at least 50 cm from the child's face and on different sides. The baby's gaze should not be focused at one point.
    • If your child draws and looks at pictures, buried in a book, then you must definitely show it to the optometrist.