The cat has a warm nose. Hot and dry nose in a cat: causes. The cat has a hot nose and is sneezing

Many cat owners are convinced that a hot and dry nose in an animal is the first and unmistakable sign that their pet is sick. This is a very common misconception - the temperature of the nose lobe does not reflect the general body temperature and, even more so, does not always signal illness. However, there is such a possibility; it needs to be checked and excluded immediately.

A cat's nose is a mirror of health

Having discovered that their beloved cat’s nose has suddenly become hot and dry, most owners begin to worry whether the animal is sick. Don't rush to conclusions - a cute cat's nose may well deceive you.

The "mirror" of a cat's nose reflects the state of its health

You need to understand that your pet's nose can become moist due to two factors: due to the secretion of the nasal glands or simply due to the fact that the cat often licks it. This is how she regulates the operation of her individual temperature sensor, which is essentially the “mirror” of the nose. The sensitive skin on it and the epithelium in the nostrils are protected by physiological lubrication - if this does not happen, numerous receptors that are responsible for the sense of smell may be damaged. Therefore, prolonged dryness and elevated temperature of a cat’s nose is a signal of a malfunction in the normal functioning of its body.

Don’t forget that your pet pussy is a descendant of wild hunters, whose wet nose helped determine the direction of the wind and “catch” the smell of prey.

What kind of nose should healthy cats have?

A healthy pet's nose should be moderately warm and slightly moist - this is considered physiological norm. But here there are some nuances. Some cat breeds, for example, Bengals, have a dry nose - a natural breed characteristic, which in this case is precisely an indicator that the cat is healthy. But in Persians, on the contrary, the nose may seem excessively wet - the fact is that this breed has a flattened muzzle and after ordinary cat licks the nose remains wet longer.

A Bengal cat by nature should have a slightly dry nose.

Even what type of feeding your pet is on can affect how wet the nose is. It has been noticed that cats who eat mostly dry food have a wetter nose than those who eat natural food. The fact is that animals that consume “drying” need to drink more, and accordingly they urinate and lick their nose more often.

A healthy cat that is in good physical and psychological shape should have a nose no hotter than its body temperature, moisturized, not change its normal color and have a uniform, elastic skin structure on the lobe.

By constantly licking its nose, the cat moisturizes it

A cat’s nose may seem hot solely based on our subjective sensations, because the animal’s body temperature is two degrees higher than a human’s. A wet nose is always cooler than a too dry one, because moisturizing the earlobe also helps to cool it.

When a dry and warm nose is the norm

There are many moments in which a hot and dry nose should not alarm you at all. This state is natural for a cat that has just woken up: its temperature balance is just adjusting from sleep to wakefulness, and very soon everything will return to normal.

After sleep, your cat's nose is hotter than usual

Also, increased temperature and dry nose may indicate that:

  • the cat is hypothermic or, conversely, overheated;
  • the nose is dirty and cannot secrete natural secretions;
  • the animal leads a sedentary lifestyle;
  • the cat was in the sun for a long time on a hot day;
  • the air in the room is too dry or stagnant;
  • the pet is scared or is experiencing stress for some reason;
  • the cat is in labor or has recently given birth to kittens.

In all these cases, the “sensor” of the cat’s nose will not be in an alarming state for long - feel it after a while and make sure that there is no reason to worry. But if the symptoms do not disappear over a long period and other signs of ill health are added to them, this is where you really should be concerned, find the cause of your pet’s condition - and take urgent measures.

Touch the cat's nose several times - how long does it stay hot?

A hot and dry nose in a cat or cat as a sign of disease

There are, of course, situations when you should urgently pay close attention to such symptoms and their accompanying signs:

  • and her nose became too dry or too wet (snot appeared) - this indicates the onset of a cold;
  • the cat rubs its nose and eyes with its paws, tearing appears - perhaps this is how an allergy manifests itself (most often to chemicals, used during cleaning);
  • cracking, ulcers, and crusts form on the nose - these are signs of a dermatological disease;
  • in addition to the nose, the ears became hot and red, the paws and skin in the groin became hot - the temperature increased;
  • the animal is very thirsty;
  • the nose changes color - turns red, blue or pale;
  • breathing and heart rate noticeably increase;
  • vomiting and diarrhea appear - especially dangerous if there is blood in the stool;
  • the cat becomes lethargic, apathetic, refuses to eat - it looks like she is sick, you need to urgently measure the temperature, but not with your fingers, but with a thermometer.

A sick cat's nose may be damaged

Your pet's personal belongings should include his personal thermometer. Electronic is better than mercury - it is safer and gives readings faster. It is clear that the cat’s temperature is measured not in the armpit or in the mouth, but in the anus. A range of 38–39 degrees is considered normal. Temperatures up to forty degrees should not be brought down with medication.

The thermometer is not placed under the cat's armpit, but inserted into the anus

A dry, hot nose can be one of the manifestations of a serious illness. But, as a rule, this is far from the only and not the first symptom of the disease - other, more obvious signs will also signal it. Prolonged dryness and increased temperature of the cat's nose can be part of the general clinical picture for example, with problems like this:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • infection;
  • kidney disease;
  • poisoning, digestive disorders, excess hair in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • internal pathology;
  • tumor.


Even an experienced breeder will not be able to diagnose dangerous disease only because the cat’s nose became hot and dry. It is easy to make a mistake in diagnosis even based on a combination of external signs.

The main thing that the owner of a sick animal should do before contacting a veterinarian is to measure the temperature of his pet. At home, its indicator will be more accurate than in the clinic, where the cat usually experiences additional stress, aggravating the patient’s condition.

What you can handle on your own

If nothing serious has happened, the owner can bring things back to normal himself - there are a lot of similar situations, we will describe only the most common ones.

Nasal contamination

If you forget to regularly clean your pet's nose, heavy contamination will make it difficult for him to breathe and interfere with the production of physiological lubrication. As a result, thermoregulation will be disrupted and the nose will become hot. A dirty nose must be carefully cleaned both outside and inside so as not to damage sensitive tissues. After 15–20 minutes, all parameters of his condition are normalized.

Clean your cat's nose thoroughly and it will immediately feel better.


All cats love warmth and can happily doze off “in the sun.” But prolonged exposure to scorching sun rays It definitely won't do them any good. Incidents of burns are more common than one might think, especially in animals with delicate pink noses.

A cat who has received a sunburn will have a red, hot, and sore nose. After some time, the skin on it will become rough, rough and dry. Immediately use anti-burn, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory agents - for example, Panthenol. Apply the medicine carefully so that it does not get into the nostrils, and repeat the procedure more often as the product is absorbed.

Cats with pink noses are more likely to get burned than others.

Allergy to chemicals

Many animals, like people, are prone to allergies. Remember this when cleaning your apartment - poorly washed cleansers can cause considerable harm to your inquisitive cat, who literally pokes his nose into every corner of the house.

You are cleaning with gloves, and perhaps even a respirator, but the cat’s nose is not protected by anything... Aggressive chemicals entering the respiratory system can cause severe allergies in the animal, and the nose will be the first to react: its temperature will increase, discharge or rashes will appear.

Chemicals can cause allergies in cats

It is urgent to carry out repeated wet cleaning, wash off with clean water all the remnants of chemicals that cause irritation and allergic reactions. At the same time, consult your veterinarian: what antihistamines and what dosage should be given to your cat.

In what cases is the help of a veterinarian required?

Do not self-medicate and do not waste time; at the slightest suspicion that the animal is sick, contact a veterinary clinic. Only a doctor can conduct all the necessary studies to clarify the picture of the disease, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

A signal for an urgent visit to the veterinarian can be either the fact that the cat’s nose remains hot and dry for more than half an hour for no apparent reason, or additional alarming symptoms which were described above. Timely seeking medical help can save your pet's life - for example, in case of poisoning.

The most common disease that causes a cat's nose to become hot is rhinotracheitis. viral infection upper respiratory tract. The infected cat remains in depressed state, and her nose soon becomes wet from being dry, discharge appears from it, from the eyes, from the mouth... the nose turns red, becomes covered with wounds and crusts. It is difficult for a cat to breathe and eat; the digestive and nervous system. If this disease is left untreated or treated incorrectly, the cat can suffer serious complications and even die.

Video: what to do if your cat has a cold

What to do if a kitten has a dry nose

A kitten's body, like any small child, has an increased metabolism. His nose reacts to all sorts of changes much more quickly than that of an adult animal. And the thermoregulation system in early age still unstable and imperfect.

Over the course of one day, your furry baby's nose can become hot and cool, dry and wet many times. It depends very much large quantity factors: whether the kitten was sleeping or actively playing, how long ago he ate and how well he ate, and even what his mood was.

The kitten's nose is sensitive to its condition

Such changes are generally absolutely natural and should not cause alarm to the owner if they are not accompanied by other alarming signs: the baby’s behavior and activity do not change, and his appetite does not deteriorate.

Newborn kittens often have dry noses when they have a careless mother who does not lick them very diligently. Kids don’t yet know how to do this on their own. In this case, you need to come to their aid and wipe their faces with warm boiled water at least two or three times a day.

During feeding, the kitten's nose becomes hot

The noses of such babies become hot every time they suck milk - for this they have to work hard and the blood rushes to their faces. It is necessary to ensure that the kittens can breathe freely and their nostrils are not clogged. Otherwise they will not be able to eat normally. You can clean the spouts using the smallest syringe with a rubber tip.

The condition of the nose - both in an adult animal and in a baby - can tell a lot to an attentive owner. But a kitten has more risks, especially if it is not vaccinated: childhood diseases develop very quickly. In addition, a hot and dry nose may indicate helminthic infestation or poisoning. In such cases, you should immediately seek veterinary help.

Pay close attention to such physiological manifestations in your cat as dryness of the nose and an increase in its temperature. In most cases, there are no serious problems behind them, but there are quite possible situations in which urgent medical attention is needed.

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The health of your cat will be indicated by the presence of a good appetite, a cheerful state, restful sleep and normal functioning of all functions. How can you tell if something is bothering your purr and that not everything is okay? This is usually determined by the nose.

Signs of illness in a cat

Don’t rush to sound the alarm and jump to hasty conclusions if your pet’s nose is hot and dry.

The main signs of the disease are:

When diagnosing the above symptoms, you should definitely seek help from a specialist.

When should you not worry?

Your cat's hot ears and dry nose are not a reason to panic. Many cats have the habit of sleeping on the floor with one ear close to the surface. In this position it will naturally heat up. In addition, a cat may have hot ears and a dry nose due to stress and temperature changes.

It must be remembered that our furry pets are very heat-loving. A body temperature of 39 degrees in small kittens is considered normal, just like a dry and hot nose in a kitten; in an adult cat it is 37.5-38 degrees; in some purebred hairless cats (sphinxes) it reaches 39 degrees.

So a hot nose in a cat can be either a natural phenomenon or a manifestation of a painful condition. Pay attention to the behavior and symptoms that appear in the animal. When sick, behavior changes: either drowsiness, or lack of appetite, inhibited behavior, etc. Sometimes cats purr not only from pleasure, but also when they don’t feel well, in order to cheer themselves up, when they are worried or afraid.

By the way, this may be one of the reasons why a cat has hot ears and a hot nose. Increasing air temperatures and atmospheric pressure changes also cause hot ears and a dry nose in a cat. Perhaps this is dehydration or the cat does not have enough coolness. Whatever it is, the animal needs your care.

Diagnostics and first aid for your four-legged friend

The first thing you need to do after diagnosing the disease is to examine your pet yourself:

All the necessary precautions will help your pet cope with the disease and will greatly facilitate the veterinarian’s diagnosis. Record all indicators, keep a diary of the disease, measure the temperature, pulse, weight of the animal daily until it gets better.

How to treat a cat at home

Let's say that you were prescribed treatment and entrusted to cure the animal yourself.

What to do if the cat has a hot nose and is really sick and is completely in your care?

  1. Tablets in capsules are best swallowed completely together with the protective shell: pre-lubricate with oil, place on the middle of the tongue and push down the throat.
  2. Try to prevent the cat from biting through the medicine and resisting it, otherwise the procedure will be very difficult to repeat. In a capsule, the tablet dissolves directly in the intestines and this is more effective than mixing its contents with food or drink, since you will not be able to control the cat’s desire to eat or drink all the contents.

There is a common belief that if a cat has a hot nose, it means she is sick. Most cat owners are convinced that a healthy pet should have an excellent appetite, vigor, restful sleep. In addition, he must have a cold, wet nose. But this doesn't always happen.

There is no need to worry in advance if your pet has a hot and dry nose. The main reasons to pay attention to are:

  1. Refusal of water and food.
  2. Cough and runny nose.
  3. Dyspnea.
  4. Profuse salivation.
  5. Bloody discharge.
  6. Diarrhea, vomiting, problematic urination.
  7. Hair loss or changes in fur color.

Unusual behavior also indicates changes in your pet's health, such as aggression, lethargy, or anxiety. If these signs appear, it is necessary to urgently show the animal to a specialist.

In what situations should you not worry?

A cat's hot, dry nose may be due to natural heat, as they like to sleep with their nose buried in their fur. Therefore, it is quite natural that after sleeping in this position, the animal’s body will change its usual temperature. A change in the temperature of a cat's nose can also be a consequence of frequent stressful situations.

A kitten's body temperature normally reaches 39°C, and in most cases the baby has a hot and dry nose. In an adult, the temperature is 37-38°C, and in hairless breeds - up to 39°C. Sometimes cats purr intensely to cheer themselves up or get rid of fear and anxiety. This may also be a sign of a painful condition.

During the day, the temperature of the nose may rise or fall slightly. A hot nose in a cat is not always a sign of illness. If you notice a change in the temperature of this organ in your pet, touch the nose after a couple of hours. Perhaps the indicator will return to normal on its own, and the nose will become cool again. Temporary changes in an animal's temperature occur for the following reasons:

  • long rest and sleep;
  • lack of exercise or frequent overeating;
  • the pet lives in a room with high level humidity;
  • long stay near the heater.

If your pet’s temperature does not decrease within 3-4 hours, or the animal has a hot and dry nose throughout the day, you need to monitor its well-being. This is the signal to start pathological processes in the animal's body. This may be due to:

  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • the appearance of ear mites;
  • diseases of teeth or gums;
  • recent birth.

Additional factors may also affect the animal's body. If the cat has recently been treated or has undergone medical procedures, its thermoregulation may not return quickly. The nose may remain hot if:

  1. The pet was injected medications, which can cause excitation of the brain centers responsible for thermoregulation.
  2. There is a large accumulation of salts in the animal’s body, which leads to active breakdown of protein, and as a result the temperature may rise.

What to do if your cat shows signs of illness, and what does this mean? First of all, you need to examine the animal yourself and try:

  1. Examine the condition of the coat and skin and find out if the pet has ulcers or neoplasms, and also check the ears and eyes, and the cleanliness of the nasal passages. The oral cavity of a healthy cat should be Pink colour. Any, even slight redness means the beginning inflammatory process, which often appears with stomatitis or ulcers.
  2. Feel the abdomen and bladder for pain. It is advisable that 2 people participate in the inspection process, because not all cats have a calm character. It is also necessary to monitor the frequency and nature of feces and urine excretion.
  3. Measure body temperature. With some diseases, the temperature of the animal's nose and ears may differ.
  4. Determine your breathing rate by placing your hand on your stomach. In a healthy animal it will range from 18 to 30 breaths per minute. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the difference in breathing between males and females, weather changes, emotional state, etc.
  5. Measure your pulse. A normal heartbeat in an adult should be between 100-120 beats per minute. The younger the cat, the faster its pulse, and the activity of the animal also affects the readings.

All data obtained as a result of the examination should be written down, as they will help the veterinarian quickly establish a diagnosis and, accordingly, prescribe treatment.

Treating a cat at home

What to do if the animal remains under your care at home? Drugs in capsules must be swallowed completely. To prevent your pet from biting and tasting them, it is recommended to lubricate them with oil before use and, placing them in the middle of the tongue, push the medicine down the throat. If the cat bites into the capsule and feels a bitter taste and chemical substances, then getting her to swallow the next portion will be very problematic. When administering injections, it is advisable to have an assistant participate. This will facilitate and significantly speed up the process of administering drugs. Treat your pet as prescribed by your veterinarian and make sure that the disease does not recur, otherwise you will have to repeat the course.

Before answering the question: why does a cat have a dry nose, what to do, and whether it is necessary to go to the doctor, let’s give a definition of the “correct” healthy nose of a cat.

Characteristics of a healthy nose in a cat

The ideal cat's nose should be moist and slightly cool. This is explained by the fact that cats are natural predators and the process of evolution has hardly changed their attitude towards hunting prey that is accessible to them in size. A cat's nose is designed differently than a human's. The cat's olfactory organ is capable of retaining odors that interest the animal, filtering them, and even separating them according to importance. A moist and cool nose better detects odors and allows the cat to track its prey in dense thickets or at night. Moisture on a cat's nose appears when the cat licks it or is the result of the action of special glands that secrete liquid.

Sometimes, you may notice that when a cat is sleeping or has just woken up, its nose is somewhat dry and hot (warm) to the touch. This is the norm. The animal does not get sick at all and its nose soon becomes moist and cool. If, however, the cat's nose for a long time does not return to its “working” state, the animal is inactive, depressed, eats poorly, then this should already cause concern.

Signs of the disease (identified by the nose)

Absolutely all cats have dry and warm noses several times a day. This happens when the animal is overheated, dehydrated, or simply during sleep. If there are none of these conditions, then you need to contact a specialist, and only he can make an accurate diagnosis.

It happens that a cat's nose color has changed dramatically. Most likely, this was due to the fact that the animal was frozen.

There is an interesting pattern: The colder it gets, the darker the cat's nose becomes. If your cat initially has a white nose (devoid of pigmentation), then through it you can see the work of the whole circulatory system animal.

1. Yes, bluish tint under the skin will indicate some kind of heart disease or lack of oxygen in the body.

2.Sore red nose- a sign of serious infection, rhinitis, increased blood pressure, allergies or fever. By the way, the normal temperature of a cat’s body is 2 degrees higher than the human temperature.

3. If the nose has acquired yellow, then this indicates kidney or liver disease.

When a cat's nose is cool but dry, this indicates the presence of a cold. This may be accompanied by sneezing, increased body temperature, and weak appetite.

If the same as your animal wet, but not cool, but cold nose, then this is the first symptom that the cat is very cold, poisoned or in a state of shock. In this case, there is a general decrease in body temperature.

Treatment at home

Since the nose is one of the indicators of a cat’s health, its abnormal condition should alert the animal’s owner and prompt him to take some action aimed at identifying the real reason deviations from the “norm”. Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis and he is also able to prescribe the correct course of treatment.

Complex diseases internal organs, which are “signaled” by the cat’s nose, are both useless and impossible to treat at home. However, it is quite possible to cure colds on your own.

Yes, normal cat has runny nose does not require serious medical measures.

First, copious discharge or dry crusts from the cat's nose should be removed with a damp swab.

After this, 1% methanol with fish oil and sprinkle them with norsulfazole or streptocide. If after three days the cat’s condition has not changed, then antibiotic therapy should be used, which will be prescribed by the doctor.

When should you go to the doctor?

Home treatment for a cat can be quite effective, but with such symptoms you should definitely contact a veterinarian:

Naturally, the very condition of the animal’s nose does not make it possible to determine for what disease it needs to be treated. A long-term change in the normal state of a cat's nose indicates that all is not well at the moment. Perhaps it will be enough to simply warm the cat or, conversely, slightly cool it and that will be the end of it. But, if you have completed all the necessary maximum actions, and the result is the same, then in this case, be sure to run to the doctor. Cats get sick just like people and need the same medical care.

The cat's nose is moistened by the secretion secreted by the mucous membrane, in addition, the cat itself licks it.

However, if you notice that your cat has a dry nose, do not rush to worry - this happens after active play or severe stress, if the pet is sleeping or has just woken up, if it is in a poorly ventilated area or simply lies next to the radiator. Dry noses also occur in cats that lead a sedentary lifestyle. During the day, a cat's nose can change its state from dry to wet and back several times - and this is quite normal.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the normal temperature in cats is 2°C higher than in humans, so the cat’s nose often seems hot to the touch to the owner.

However, it is worth observing your cat more closely and checking its nose more often. And if you notice that it remains dry for too long, and the cat herself, usually active and playful, has become apathetic, lethargic and has lost her appetite, it’s time to take action. First of all, measure your temperature in the traditional way at home, because in veterinary clinic the pet will begin to get nervous, and its temperature will “jump” because of this. A cat's fever can also be indicated by reddened ears, which also feel hot to the touch.

Warning signs

The cause of a dry nose in a sick cat may be due to elevated temperature, as well as dehydration of the body, due to which the secretion is not produced in sufficient quantities.

A cause for concern is cracks, crusts or on the cat's nose - this is a sign of a skin disease. In this case, the pet definitely needs to be taken to the veterinarian.

A cat's nose can signal ill health in more ways than just dryness. If there is nasal discharge, it should be clear. But yellow, green, even foamy or dense ones indicate that the cat needs to be taken to a doctor for examination.

A too cold nose is also an unkind sign; it can indicate hypothermia, poisoning or shock.
However, it is noteworthy that in cats of some breeds the shade of the nose changes depending on the season, and pigmentation on the nose does not indicate illness, but old age. Owners should learn about these subtleties from specialists so as not to worry unnecessarily.

So nasal temperature is a relative phenomenon and not a very reliable indicator. It is better to assess the cat’s well-being by its overall behavior; if there are alarm bells, measure the temperature yourself and, if necessary, take the pet to a specialist. And, of course, make sure that the cat’s nose is clean and not clogged with dirt or secretions.