Dry food for adult Chow dogs. Food for chow-chow, feeding of chow-chow. Feeding with natural food


Most breeders recommend feeding puppies with dry food of at least premium class, and the main argument is the difficulty in choosing a balanced diet. Recommended foods include Dogs, Diamond, Nutra Nugget, EUKANUBA for medium-sized dogs with normal activity. However, please note that the protein content is 23-26%. Remember, it is safer for your pet if you buy food in specialized stores or veterinary pharmacies.

The puppy needs to be fed several times a day depending on its age:

  • 2-3 months – every 3 hours, 5 times a day;
  • 3-5 months – 4 times a day;
  • 5-18 months – 3 times a day;
  • over 18 months – 2 times a day.

During the hot season, adult dogs usually eat once a day - in the evening. Please also note that at the age of 6-7 months, puppies are already large enough to be switched to adult food. And don’t forget that when feeding dry food, water should always be freely available.

Take seriously the quality of the water you give your pet. Water containing chlorine and poorly filtered will negatively affect the appearance of the dog’s coat and health.

Photo source: http://www.chowchowclub.ru/

If you decide to feed your puppy natural food, then pay attention to the following dietary features:

  • meat (beef, lean lamb, turkey) for a puppy - 200-500 g per day as they grow, for adult dog- at least 300 g. You can add for variety beef liver, heart, scar, cartilage, flank. You can’t - kidneys, spleen, lungs, udder. Pork and chicken cause severe allergies;
  • bones – beef, raw, no more than once every 2 weeks as a “toothbrush” and to strengthen the gums. Boiled ones can cause injury digestive system, which can lead to death;
  • fish - fresh frozen pink salmon, char, mackerel, tuna, herring, herring, no more than 2 times a week. You can’t - pollock, capelin, all types of river fish;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidok, bifilife, acidophilus. Preferably about 250 g every day for an adult dog;
  • eggs – boiled chicken, 1-2 times a week;
  • cereals - buckwheat, rice, wheat. Hercules can be given individually, because... often occurs in dogs allergic reaction;
  • vegetables - cabbage, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, beets, greens, either stewed (no more than 20 minutes so that the nutrients are not lost) or raw in the form of a grated mixture, seasoned with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil(oil is recommended every day, 1 tbsp.)

Contraindicated: potatoes, legumes, corn, pasta; pearl barley, corn and barley cereals, candies, chocolate, lard, smoked meats in any form, canned vegetables and fish.

Remember that the dog's diet should consist of 2/3 meat products and 1/3 everything else. Food must be given warm and mushy, water must be constantly available. After lunch, the dog needs to rest for 1.5-2 hours, so no one should disturb it. Optimal menu for an adult dog:

  • morning – fermented milk products;
  • evening - main feeding - porridge (or vegetables) + meat + vitamins + 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.

Chow chows are allergy sufferers. If you see any rashes or signs of unscheduled shedding, be sure to contact the breeder to clarify what the baby was initially fed or whether the parents are allergic to these products. If changing food or diet does not help, contact your veterinarian.

Puppy in different period growth requires various vitamins, and if dry food contains the required minimum, then with natural feeding the addition of various mineral complexes required. For example, during the period of teeth change and bone development, the need for calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D increases. However, minerals are necessary not only for the formation of strong bones, but also for the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole. Therefore, if there are not enough of them in the feed, it is necessary to use fertilizers, for example, “Farmavit”, “Biocefit”, “Calcefit-14, 15” or “Slicky”, “Sanal”, “Irish cal”. You can also add seaweed or tableted brewer's yeast. Dogs up to one year old should be given them every day.

The owner of both a puppy and an adult dog of a beautiful shaggy breed, who wants to provide his pet with everything necessary for full life, will choose for him good food for chow-chow dogs. Reviews from other dog breeders will be an excellent source of information. If the manufacturer needs to present the product from the best possible side on the official website and in advertising brochures, then the comments and opinions of buyers will be more objective and will help to learn not only about the advantages, but also about the disadvantages of the product.

Dog Chow food: a brief introduction

Hungarian Dog Chow products are the brainchild of the world famous company Purina, one of the branches of the Nestlé concern. The brands offered on the market include Darling and ProPlan. These names are familiar to every dog ​​lover. The food in question is available in two versions: dry product and canned food. It is designed for dogs of various breeds. As the manufacturer promises, more than 90 years of experience speaks volumes, and the natural ingredients used to produce the food are absolutely harmless to the pet. All products belong to the class premium, therefore can be used for purebred animals.

Customers' opinions

Reviews of Dog Chow dog food often concern Buyers indicating that a serious and reliable manufacturer is one of the reasons that prompted them to make a purchase. However, a study of the composition of the food allows us to conclude that it has no obvious advantages over other products for dogs. So, the composition includes the following components:

  • meat and offal;
  • cereals;
  • fats;
  • vegetable protein;
  • fish products;
  • vegetables: chicory root, dried beets;
  • trace elements: manganese, iron, iodine, zinc;
  • vitamins.

The composition of the product is standard. But in reviews of chow chow dog food, buyers indicate that it contains only 14% meat, while the super-premium class requires at least ¼ meat. Therefore, not all consumers agree that the product can be attributed to the class declared by the manufacturer.

Advantages highlighted by dog ​​breeders

In their reviews of Chow Chow dog food, the owners of these beautiful animals note that Dog Chow products have a number of positive qualities.

First of all, it is inexpensive. Let's compare the cost of several feeds in the table.

Price of Dog Chow and ProPlan feeds


"Dog Chow"


average price

per kg, rub.

"Dog Chow"


For puppies, with chicken, 2.5 kg

2.5 kg for 650 rub.

3 kg for 1161 rub.

For puppies large breeds, chicken, 14 kg

14 kg for 2950 rub.

12 kg for 4038 rub.

For active adult animals, chicken, 14 kg

14 kg for 2950 rub.

14 kg for 3902 rub.

The table shows that Dog Chow food is more a budget option, average price kilograms less than ProPlan. Further, in customer reviews of food for Chow Chow dogs, it is noted that the Dog Chow product contains a whole range of vitamins and elements that are useful for dogs, and in this parameter is in no way inferior to its more expensive brother.

Also, among the advantages of the product, owners of chow-chow dogs include the fact that it can be bought without any problems at any pet store.

Disadvantages noted by customers

An attentive dog breeder will definitely read the information about the composition of the product on the packaging. Often, customer reviews of chow chow dog food are based on this information. As for the Belgian brand, dog breeders note the following disadvantages:

  • The composition itself is poor.
  • From the data available on the manufacturer’s website and on the food packaging, it is difficult to understand what exactly is included in the food. Thus, it is not indicated what specific grains the animal will have to be fed, and specific by-products are not indicated.
  • If other manufacturers of super premium food write a more detailed composition, then Purina limited itself to only a brief listing, which could not but cause bewilderment among the owners who noted this drawback in their reviews of chow-chow dog food.
  • From the information on the packaging, it is not clear whether the product contains any other vegetables other than dried beet pulp.
  • Information about the oil is very vague. It is indicated that it is present in the product, but what kind of oil it is is not clear. Therefore, dog owners refuse food because they fear that it contains palm oil, which is harmful even to an ordinary dog, not to mention purebred.
  • Large dogs do not get enough of this food.

Because of these disadvantages, many dog ​​owners advise using the food with caution, having first received “permission” from a veterinarian.

What do they think about the dry product?

Customer reviews of Dog Chow dry food for dogs are most often positive. Dog breeders note that this product is most suitable active dogs who love to run, frolic, are ready for physical activity. Due to the vitamins and minerals it contains, dry food helps the animal remain strong, energetic and playful for a long time. What beneficial effects do dog lovers notice?

  • Promotes muscle development.
  • Helps maintain body weight even with high degree training intensity.
  • Allows the dog to remain energetic and cheerful.
  • The food is rich in iron and is therefore good remedy prevention of anemia.

Some owners, in their reviews of Dog Chow dog food, indicate that they use this product only occasionally, replacing the more familiar ProPlan. Animals eat the product with pleasure, but owners are afraid to switch to it completely, since they trust ProPlan more.

“Dog Chow” food lines as rated by customers

All products are divided into four main categories depending on the age of the pet:

  • Puppies.
  • Dogs up to 5 years old.
  • Over 5 years old.
  • Over 9 years old.

This is very convenient, since it is possible to choose a diet for your dog taking into account his age characteristics.

Most foods are designed for dogs of all breeds, but there are a few special products for small and large dogs. Thus, for puppies and adult animals of large breeds, food weighing 2.5 or 14 kg with turkey flavor is offered. And small dogs can try a dry product with chicken weighing 800 g or 2.5 kg.

The variety of tastes in the assessment of dog lovers

Most of the products in the line can be used for all dogs without restrictions, but there are also several products for animals with special needs:

  • For dogs prone to an active lifestyle. They are offered food with chicken.
  • For animals suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. Products with salmon will suit them.

This division is positively assessed by dog ​​owners, as it helps to identify and purchase a product that is best suited.

The Dog Chow flavor line includes four of the most popular delicacies: chicken, lamb, turkey and salmon. Consumers note that these, of course, are the most common options, but the same ProPlan food has much more flavors, and also contains beef, which is so valued by dog ​​breeders in the diet of their pets.

Buyers' position on canned food

Dog Chow products are represented exclusively by dry food, so owners have to buy products from other brands to make their pet’s diet more varied and balanced. According to reviews of wet chow chows, the leaders include Royal Canin, the Urban Life line for adult animals and puppies. These canned foods are a real treat for your pet; they have a pleasant smell and are attractive. appearance. The owners note that eating the food even from time to time has a beneficial effect on the animals’ behavior.

And canned food "Adult Beauty" is an excellent option for chow-chow, because, thanks to its composition (a large amount of fatty acids), it allows you to achieve a lush coat of the animal, including with mixed feeding.

Among the modern variety, it can be difficult to choose food for chow chow dogs. Reviews about the manufacturer and the products themselves will help you avoid mistakes.

Veterinarians' position

Veterinarians have a definite opinion about chow chow dog food. Their reviews indicate that the product has both positive qualities and disadvantages. The table shows both of them.

In general, experts note that Dog Chow food is not the best choice for owners who want a long life and good health for their pet. But at the same time, they admit that no negative consequences of consuming feed have been recorded. The position of veterinarians in this case is neutral.

So, reviews from veterinarians about Dog Chow dog food cannot be called enthusiastic; doctors highlight both the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

Buyers and veterinarians left a large number of reviews about the Chow Chow dog food “Dog Chow”, the positions differ. Consumers and experts have identified both the advantages and disadvantages of this product. In general, the attitude towards the brand is neutral; among the variety of similar foods, it does not stand out much. A significant plus - affordable price, therefore, despite the insignificant percentage of meat in the product, owners of various breeds actively buy it.

Today, in almost all domestic pet stores you can find dog food under the Dog Chow brand. It is produced by Nestle Purina Pet Care, a branch of the world-famous Nestlé corporation, which has been the largest food manufacturer for more than a century and a half. Dog Chow food belongs to the premium category and is designed for constant nutrition of dogs. different ages and breeds.

Cereals are in first place in the food composition, despite the carnivorous nature of dogs that need food. large quantities animal protein. Chicken, turkey and lamb meat, as well as offal of questionable quality, are in second place. Fish and vegetable feed ingredients are represented by processed products.

Dog Chow dry food belongs to the premium class, its manufacturer is Nestle.

Cereals and rice are sources of carbohydrates, and the oils contained in the composition supply the body with the fats necessary to replenish energy reserves during intense physical activity.

The recipe contains healthy fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3, which ensure strong bones, muscle tone, healthy teeth, as well as shine and silkiness of the coat. In addition, Omega-3 acid affects brain development and vision formation.

Important. A special feature of Dog Chow food is its heterogeneous structure, combining both small and large granules. This is created with a purpose chewing thoroughly food that develops the jaw muscles well and cleans the teeth.

The food contains a combination of natural dietary fiber in the form of chicory and beet pulp. Chicory includes probiotics that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora and improve digestion. Beet pulp helps normalize gastrointestinal motility.

The recipe contains healthy fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3, which ensure strong bones, muscle tone and dental health.

Dog Chow diets contain a balance of all the necessary elements for an active pet life. It contains vitamins and minerals for the formation of strong teeth and bones, and vitamin E strengthens the body's natural strength

The Dog Chow brand belongs to the premium food segment, which means that when choosing food, a dog breeder should be aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of such food.

The advantages of Dog Chow include:

Significant disadvantages of the food include:

  • poor feed composition;
  • low percentage of meat in the composition;
  • it is not indicated which by-products are used in production;
  • The basis of the feed is cereals;
  • lack of real vegetables;
  • low nutritional value of food - dogs do not get enough of it;

Why is this food better than others?

One of the advantages of Dog Chow food over other brands dog food premium class – its structure, consisting of croquettes of two sizes. This makes it easier to chew and prepares food for good digestibility. nutrients. In addition, this structure helps clean teeth and develop jaw muscles. Most foods (, ProPlan, etc.) have different granule sizes depending on the food option - for small or large breeds.

One of the advantages of Dog Chow food is that there are two sizes of croquettes. Thanks to this, plaque is effectively removed from the dog’s teeth.

Besides vital essential vitamins A, D3 and E, B vitamins are added to Dog Chow food, which are involved in metabolic processes and normalize the activity of the central nervous system and other important body systems. For example, the ProPlan and Natures Protection brands do not include vitamin B.

Important. Sources of vitamin B in dog food include raw meat and brewer's yeast. There is not much real meat in premium food, so the manufacturer Dog Chow additionally includes vitamins from this group.

Another advantage of Dog Chow food is its wide range, allowing you to choose food for dogs of all sizes and ages. For example, the Purina Van brand is designed only for small breed dogs (), which significantly limits the dog breeder’s choice.

Dog Chow food line

The Dog Chow line of dry food is represented by several varieties of diets designed to fully satisfy the needs of the animal at every stage of its life. On the shelves of pet stores you can find options for puppies, for adults and active pets, for large breeds, for dogs with sensitive digestion, as well as for pregnant and lactating individuals.

Dog Chow for puppies

Dog Chow food for puppies contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for growth.

Dog Chow Puppy food contains high level nutritionally and biologically active substances, which satisfy the needs of puppies during the period of their intensive growth from 2 months to 1 year. To develop strong bones and teeth of a small pet, the optimal amount of vitamin D is added to the diet, and to maintain protective forces body – vitamins E and C.

Puppy food has four options for:

  • all breeds based on chicken and rice;
  • all breeds with lamb and rice flavor;
  • large breeds with turkey;
  • small breeds with chicken.

Line for adult dogs

Dog Chow Adult food for adult pets is developed in accordance with the age-related changes and lifestyle of the pet. An optimal energy level helps the dog stay in good physical shape, and the special structure of the granules is a means of preventing oral diseases.

The line for adult pets includes options designed for:

  • pets of all breeds;
  • large breeds;
  • small breeds;
  • dogs over 5 years old;
  • active pets involved in sports ();
  • dogs with skin and digestive sensitivities.

Diet for large dogs Adult Large Breed is designed for adult pets over 25 kg with normal activity. Its composition helps maintain optimal weight and prevents the risk of obesity. The natural sources of glucosamine included in the composition provide protection of joints and ligaments from inflammatory phenomena.

The Dog Chow line for adult dogs includes food for animals of all sizes and ages.

Dog Chow Adult Small Breed contains more fat to meet the energy needs of small dogs. The strength of the bones and teeth is provided by minerals, and the beauty and shine of the coat is provided by Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

Dog Chow diets based on lamb meat are highly digestible, so the animal does not have a feeling of heaviness and overeating. This food is suitable for pets with sensitive digestion and skin, as well as low-active dogs. The Dog Chow line has several lamb flavored options: for adult dogs, for puppies, for senior dogs over 5 years old and over 9 years old.

Meat– the main source of protein in a dog’s diet. Beef is most suitable. There is no big difference whether it is raw or cooked, however, some vitamins are destroyed during cooking. The approximate norm is at least 200 g. per day for an adult dog, 200-500g for a puppy up to one year old. Sometimes you can use lean lamb or turkey.

It is undesirable to feed pork and chicken because the chow chow is prone to food allergies, and these types of meat are the most allergenic.

By-products: The most useful are beef and veal liver, heart, tripe, tendons, cartilage, Adam's apple, flank. Undesirable consumption of kidneys, spleen (it contains some harmful substances that can lead to stomach upset). There is not much useful in the lungs and udder, although they can be consumed occasionally.

Raw bones- are sometimes given as a “toothbrush” and for training the gums, but under no circumstances should they be your pet’s regular food. No more than 2 times a month you can present this “toy” to your pet. Boiled bones are strictly prohibited. In addition to the fact that they do not contain anything useful, they very often cause injuries to the esophagus and intestines.

Fish– a valuable product in your dog’s diet. It is recommended to use 2 times a week (more frequent use leads to a lack of biotin in the body, which affects the condition of the coat). The fish is given boiled. Pink salmon, char, mackerel, tuna, herring (fresh frozen), herring. Undesirable: pollock, capelin, all types of river fish (due to their frequent infection with helminths).

Dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidok, bifilife, acidophilus. Daily use is recommended (the approximate norm is a glass per day for an adult dog).

An irreplaceable source of protein are chicken eggs. Eggs are given boiled or raw yolk (raw white is not consumed). The norm is 1-2 eggs per week.

Cereals: buckwheat, rice, wheat, rolled oats (rolled oats are also allergenic for some dogs, so its use is individual).

Vegetables: cabbage, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, beets, greens - stew for no more than 20 minutes. or fed raw. When eating raw vegetables (which is much healthier), grate them and season with vegetable or olive oil (1 tablespoon). In general, vegetable oil is consumed daily, no more than 1 tbsp. spoons a day.

Foods that should be excluded from the diet: Potatoes, legumes, corn, pasta, pearl barley, corn, barley, boiled bones, pork, candy, chocolate, lard, smoked meats (including sausages and any sausages), canned vegetables. Minerals important not only for the formation of the dog’s bones, but also for the functioning of many vital systems of the body. Most of the necessary mineral salts The dog receives it from the main food, but this is not enough, and therefore it is recommended to use various mineral supplements (especially in the first year of the dog’s life).

Well-proven domestic feeding"Farmavit", "Biocefit", "Calcefit-14, 15", from imported "Slicky", "Sanal", "Irish cal", Multivitamins from Happy dog. Very useful seaweed and brewer's yeast. For a growing dog, mineral supplements are given daily, up to one year of age; for an adult dog, they are used periodically, with breaks of up to a month.

Your dog's diet should consist of: 2/3 from meat food and 1/3 from plant food. The food should be warm and mushy. The dog should always have fresh water. No one should disturb the dog while eating. After a hearty lunch, the dog should have the opportunity to calmly digest what it has eaten within 1-2 hours, so it is usually recommended to feed the dog after a walk. The daily diet should correspond physical activity dog, its age. For an adult chow, the norm is 2 feedings a day: in the morning cottage cheese, kefir (yogurt, bifidok, bifilife, fermented baked milk) and in the evening, the main feeding is porridge (or vegetables) + meat + vitamins + 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.

When buying a Chow Chow puppy, it is important to know in advance everything about the rules of feeding it. Only a well-formulated diet can ensure normal growth and development of a dog’s body. In this article you will find valuable practical recommendations and basic rules for feeding Chow Chows.

It is very important to organize the diet so that for a puppy or an adult Chow Chow there is enough food enriched with all the necessary nutrients. After all, it is important not only to formulate the diet correctly, but also to follow a certain feeding regime.

It is equally important to determine the optimal amount of food for one meal. This is not difficult to do: pour in a portion of dry food or natural food and watch the dog. If all the food is not eaten within 20 minutes, then the portion needs to be made smaller. If a puppy or adult dog ate everything in 5 minutes and continues to stand at the bowl with a questioning look, this indicates the need to increase the amount of food consumed by the dog at one time.

You should also rely on the rate of weight gain. Keep an eye on this point, as this breed has an uncontrollable appetite. The dog should not be hungry, but it is equally important to control that he does not overeat.


When choosing food for Chow Chow puppies, you should pay attention to its class. Premium and super premium are two suitable options if you choose store-bought wet or dry food for feeding.

The daily norm is approximately 70 g per kg of puppy weight. The number of feedings per day depends on the age of the pet. A puppy of this breed requires 6 meals a day in the first two months of life. After 2 months, transfer your pet to 5 meals a day. When he reaches 4 months of age, start feeding him 4 times a day. After reaching six months, the dog must be switched to 3 meals a day.

Adult dog

When the dog becomes an adult (reaches the age of 10 months), it is transferred to two or three meals a day. The schedule is selected individually depending on the capabilities of the owner. Divide the daily allowance into two or three equal parts and give it out at regular intervals.

It is better for an adult Chow Chow to receive food at exactly the same time every day. If you feed natural products(porridge with meat, fruit, etc.), store food in the refrigerator, and warm it up slightly before feeding.

Natural nutrition

If you prefer to feed your pet natural food, at a very young age you can try giving him minced meat along with mother’s milk. When the puppy moves to new house, he is stressed. To alleviate his condition, do not change his feeding regimen. Stick to the same schedule as the breeder had.

What to feed a chow chow if you choose “natural”? The optimal foods for this breed are as follows:

  • meat. Only low-fat varieties. It could be beef or poultry;
  • offal. This includes the liver, lungs, stomach, heart. You can replace only 15% of by-products daily norm meat;
  • dairy products. You can give your dog natural yogurt without additives, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk;
  • cereals. Prepare porridge for your pet from barley, wheat, and buckwheat. You can also give boiled rice;
  • vegetables. An integral part of the chow chow diet. Feed your pet sweet peppers, cucumbers, cabbage (but not raw). You can add a small amount of beets to dishes;
  • fruits. It is allowed to give apples, bananas (in small quantities), berries, pears.

Remember that chow chow dog food should not contain potatoes, legumes, or corn. You should not give your dog pasta. Fatty meat is also contraindicated for such dogs. Processed meat in the form of sausages and sausages should also be excluded from the diet. Do not give your pet smoked meats, salty foods, or canned vegetables - all these products are harmful to the animal and will not bring any benefit to the animal’s body. Chocolate is also prohibited. Even if a puppy or adult dog really asks, do not give sweets.

Dry food

Dry food is the optimal solution for those owners who lead an active lifestyle and do not have enough time to regularly prepare food for their pet. Chow chows should be fed only with high-quality feed. Give preference to well-known manufacturers. Eukanuba, Purina Pro Plan, Hill's, Nutra, Pronature foods have proven themselves well.

When you choose a specific type of “drying”, do not buy a lot at once. There is a risk that the dog will have an allergic reaction or that he simply will not like the food. In this case, you will have to replace it with another brand or another variety from the same manufacturer.

Before purchasing, be sure to study the composition. It should not contain preservatives, dyes, or flavor enhancers. The granules must have a uniform structure and color. Evaluate the smell: high-quality chow chow food has a mild, neutral odor.

When giving such food to a puppy, first place the portion in a bowl and pour hot water. Leave for 7 minutes. The granules should be saturated with water and soften. This must be done so that the puppy does not damage young teeth that are not yet strong.

An adult chow chow is fed dry food in solid form.

Useful vitamins and nutrition

For normal bone formation, it is necessary to give the puppy additional mineral supplements. This is extremely important in the first year of a pet's life. To maintain health and normal coat condition, give your dog high-quality supplements. These may be additives and vitamin complexes“Slicks”, “Sanal”, “Farmavit”, “Biocefit”. “Fitocalcevit” is suitable for the normal development of the whole organism.

Video “All about the Chow Chow breed”

In this video you will learn how to care for and train this funny Chow Chow breed.