Pimples are like mosquito bites on a child. The causes of red spots on a child’s body are similar to mosquito bites. Why does a mosquito bite itch?

Surely each of our readers has encountered a problem at least once in their lives skin rashes. For some it was a consequence of insect bites, for others it was a dermatological disease. Regardless of the reasons for its occurrence, the symptoms are always almost the same: itching, redness, swelling, burning sensation, and in some cases, increased body temperature. If acne appears all over the surface skin, they should be shown to a dermatologist immediately.

Causes of rashes

  • mosquito bites;
  • bed bug bites;
  • fleas;
  • scabies mite;
Ticks and bedbugs are small insects, sometimes invisible to the eye, that can cause a lot of trouble to humans
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • hives;
  • prickly heat;
  • allergy;
  • chickenpox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • rubella.

Bed bug bites. These insects live in pieces of furniture; their bites are distinguished by small bright red pimples. Red pimples itch quite a lot, but this also depends on the person’s individual tolerance. Bedbugs leave behind traces of “tracks” and hard compactions with a blood center. They bite on the thinnest areas of the skin, namely: arms, legs, neck, and less often – the back and stomach. Children are often victims of bedbug attacks due to the thinnest skin on their entire body. To alleviate the condition of the skin, it is recommended to wipe the inflammation areas with soda solution, ammonia, parsley and potato juice.

Flea bites. They pose a danger to children and adults, being a carrier of many diseases (plague, anthrax, encephalitis and others). A flea attack is not as harmless as a mosquito bite, for example. It differs from the bites of its relatives in that when the skin is punctured, it is felt sharp pain as if injected with a syringe. Attacks are concentrated on the legs, in the area up to the knees. Pimples on the legs are very itchy and have a pronounced color. Rashes need to be treated tar soap, iodine or brilliant green. To get rid of fleas, you need to remove carpets and rugs, wash all household surfaces, wash the floor with bleach or Dobrokhim or Get solution.

Scabies mite (scabies). Their presence in the body is manifested by the appearance of gray “paths” under the upper layers of the epidermis, where mites lay eggs, after hatching which causes inflammation of the skin. At the same time, itching and redness are felt.

Scabies mite bites are similar in appearance to mosquito bites, having a round shape and a dense base. A distinctive feature from a mosquito attack is severe itching and the watery contents of the pimples, which protrude to the surface of the skin when pressed.

Main areas affected by scabies

In the presence of scabies mites, the rashes are localized on the following areas of the skin:

Unbearably itchy bumps or small blisters located in large numbers on the stomach, between the fingers, most likely scabies
  • between the fingers;
  • nipples;
  • genitals;
  • buttocks;
  • stomach;
  • hips;
  • armpit area.

With scabies, the patient is dangerous to others, so not only treatment is needed, but also isolation. For this, scabies ointment “Permitrin”, “Spregal”, “Krotolion” or taking antihistamines is used, and disinsection of premises is also used.

Molluscum contagiosum. It is a pathogenic microorganism that manifests itself as blistering rashes with a white center. Their peculiarity is that they are dense, painless nodules that do not itch and disappear by cauterization with iodine or on their own.

Mosquito bites. In most cases, it is the most harmless phenomenon without complications. It appears as red pimples, slightly itchy and swollen. Itching begins a few minutes after the puncture.

Mosquitoes do not have the ability to penetrate under clothing, so the wounds are concentrated on open areas body, with the location of vessels as close as possible to the surface. Let's consider treatment methods after a mosquito attack.

Medicines that help with mosquito bites

  • balm “Star”;
  • "Vitaon";
  • "Fenistil-gel";
  • "Synaflor";
  • "Aleron";
  • Zyrtec and other antihistamines.

Symptoms are relieved with systemic or local antihistamines

As traditional medicine apply:

  • soda compress (1 glass of water, 2 tsp of soda), apply the resulting solution to a gauze mask and leave on the face for 30 minutes;
  • rubbing the skin with an ice cube for an analgesic effect;
  • treating acne with table vinegar and water, in a ratio of 1:3;
  • compress of calendula and Corvalol tincture;
  • moisturizing inflammation with sour cream or kefir;
  • cauterization of inflammation with tea tree oil.

Hives. This is a disease in which the rash spreads throughout the body as burning, pink or red blisters. It has the ability to move to different parts of the body and is caused by hypersensitivity to a specific stimulus. It is treated with hormonal ointment, celandine, menthol, calendula or antihistamines.

Prickly heat. Occurs at elevated air temperatures in the areas of the skin most susceptible to sweating (groin, neck, armpits). Pimples from prickly heat differ from mosquito bites in that they do not itch; the pimples look like small red dots located close to each other. Treatment includes talc and frequent bathing.

Small red pimples on the body may be a symptom of allergies or hives

Allergy. It is a red rash on any part of the skin, activated after eating. May be caused by irritants such as:

  • medications;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • Food;
  • animal hair;
  • flowering plants;
  • dust and others.

By eliminating the allergen and taking antihistamine tablets, the symptoms of the disease are suppressed.

Chicken pox. This is a skin disease. It is expressed on the body by the appearance of red spots, the number of which is growing every day; they burn and itch. The pimples multiply, turning into watery blisters, burst, and the secreted fluid forms crusts. Before the onset of the disease, cold symptoms appear, disappearing with the appearance of rashes. The patient is prescribed bed rest and treatment of the rash with brilliant green.

Scarlet fever. It is expressed by infection of the entire body, more often in children. A small red rash looks like midge bites, the nasolabial triangle remains clean, the tongue takes on a bright color, the body temperature rises and a sore throat appears. Antibacterial therapy is used for treatment.

Measles. It is expressed by small red spots, in the first days of the disease it is concentrated on the face, after which it drops lower, affecting healthy areas of the skin. Specialist help and emergency treatment required.

Rubella. Resembles pimples on the body as if caused by a wasp or hornet sting. The wounds are large, red, with a lump in the middle. Rashes appear all over the body. If your body temperature rises, take an antipyretic.

Products for protection against flying insects

The following repellents are suggested to repel bloodsuckers:

  • for adults: spray, aerosol, cream, lotion from Ozz, Off, “Contra” and others;
  • for children: milk, foam, balm, spray from Avanta and Gardex;
  • for indoors: mosquito nets, devices with ultrasonic radiation, smoke bombs, mosquito bracelets and electric UV repellers.

We looked at the most common skin reactions, in which pimples are like mosquito bites - red, itchy and inflamed. Moreover, each of them has its own distinctive feature. You need to be attentive to your body, listen to the advice of specialists, and when in nature or in places with a high concentration of bloodthirsty insects, protect your skin. Do not self-medicate and at the first signs of illness, seek qualified help!

If a pimple pops up that looks like a mosquito bite, then you should worry, as it may be dangerous disease. You should analyze the rash and try to determine what it looks like most.

Symptoms can vary depending on the type of acne or the cause of its appearance.

Basically, the following are distinguished:

  • Itching. It can range from almost imperceptible scratching to severe scratching, which seems to give a person no rest;
  • Weakness, dizziness, withdrawal;
  • Dry throat. A person is constantly thirsty;
  • Temperature increase. This symptom appears only in cases of skin disease or severe food allergies. An insect bite can cause the temperature to rise only in a single case.

Causes of occurrence, what could it be?

  • If we are talking about an insect bite, then the main reason is its contact with a person. To avoid rashes, in the summer you need to walk down the street in the evening only in closed clothes and use special chemicals, the smell of which repels small predators.
  • Another reason for the appearance of redness is the introduction of a new product into the diet, which caused allergic reaction. Most often, excessive red spots occur from eating red fish, apples or citrus fruits;
  • Urticaria is an allergy to external factors. For example, its appearance is caused by contaminated water, poor-quality clothing fabric, household cleaning products, and so on.

In the second and third cases, the only thing that needs to be done is to get rid of the source of the allergy;

  • The cause of skin disease is contact with a sick person. It is enough to stand close to an infected person for a few seconds in order to take the blow and become another source of the disease;
  • The cause of prickly heat is a strong increase in body temperature. Most often it appears in the summer, after intense exercise or when wearing out-of-season clothes.

Which doctor should I contact?

Often, a person does not visit a doctor only because he does not know which specialist to contact.

It's much easier for him to hope that the disease will pass on your own. However, thinking in this way can seriously harm your health, become a source of disease and infect other people.

If a person is sure that the appearance of acne is not associated with pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, menstruation and an insect bite, then he should consult a doctor.

Depending on the symptom, you need to choose one of three specialists:

  • Therapist. It is worth coming to see him if the appearance of spots is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and malaise. It is best to call a specialist to your home so as not to infect other people and get even more complications.

The doctor will prescribe a series of tests (urine, blood, feces), based on the results of which he will prescribe appropriate treatment. In most cases, the therapist prescribes antibiotics, drying ointment and fever tablets;

  • Allergist. It is worth contacting him if the cause of acne is an allergy.

He will also prescribe a series of tests that will help identify the allergen, and will prescribe an antiseptic that reduces itching and removes redness;

  • Dermatologist or specialist working in a skin and tuberculosis clinic. The doctor will “scrape” the redness and determine what type it is. Then, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment to the patient.

The skin disease is transmitted from one person to another in a few seconds, without the need for close contact between them.

Only a person who always lives at home alone can protect himself from their influence. Therefore, in case of any acne breakout, it is recommended to consult a specialist as soon as possible. Here we wrote about white spots on the skin.

When should you see a doctor?

Now, it’s worth understanding when you need to see a doctor. It is recommended to do this immediately, the next day after the first rash appears. In this case, it is possible to cure the disease at its very first stages of development.

You should definitely seek help from a specialist if your temperature rises, pain or dryness in your throat appears.

Not worth visiting medical institution. It is best to call a doctor at home. However, if this is not possible, then you need to come to the hospital and wait for the doctor in the “box,” that is, in a room limited from other people.

Possible complications, what are the dangers

If treatment for acne that looks like mosquito bites is not started in time, a number of complications may arise:

  • Scars may appear at the site of acne, which will take a long time to disappear or will even “decorate” the person for the rest of his life;
  • Chickenpox leaves small depressions. Especially for those people who are trying to pick off dried sores on their own. You shouldn’t do this; you should be patient and wait until they begin to fall off on their own. Otherwise, depressions will appear that will be impossible to cure in the future;
  • If long time If acne is not treated, hyperpigmentation may occur. Dark or light spots will appear on the skin. It will be impossible to cure them in the future;

Listed above are cosmetic side effects from acne. They do not harm a person, they only slightly affect him appearance.

However, there are more serious complications that will appear if for a long time do not treat the disease:

  • Decreased immunity. After an illness, a person will be more likely to catch colds;
  • Complications that impair the functioning of the kidneys, joints, heart, stomach or blood circulation;
  • Some diseases, like measles, can be fatal if not treated promptly.

To avoid complications, you should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.

Acne on a child’s body occurs for the same reasons as in an adult. Most often, the appearance of red spots indicates the presence of allergies (redness usually forms on the cheeks) or prickly heat (involves the back, abdomen and neck).

If a child goes to kindergarten, to school or to various clubs, then it could be chickenpox.

There are also several other diseases that occur only in children:

  • Roseol is a complicated allergy. At first, red spots appear in small quantities, then they are evenly distributed throughout the body. Together with them, body temperature rises, up to 38 degrees. At the same time, the child will feel absolutely fine. The disease passes quickly - in 3-5 days;
  • Sepsis is the penetration of an infection into the body, under the influence of which the child becomes worse and worse every day. He loses his appetite, sleep, and his temperature rises. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance;
  • Irritation mainly occurs due to the choice of the wrong clothes or the wrong diaper. Treated with an emollient cream, it does not last more than three days.

Prevention, skin care for body and face

Centuries-old practice shows that it is better to initially prevent any disease than to treat it for a long time.

To avoid redness, you need:

  • Be under stress as little as possible;
  • Do not eat foods to which you may be allergic;
  • Protect from insect bites;
  • Do not drink or smoke;
  • Stay in direct sunlight as little as possible;
  • Do not freeze your skin (dress warmly in severe frost);
  • Observe hygiene rules.

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From the article you will learn what allergies manifest themselves as rashes in the form of mosquito bites and other insects, as well as how to distinguish a mosquito bite from an allergy

Mosquito bites, although not a pleasant event, are quite common in our lives. And during the period of activity of these insects, we do not pay much attention to the individual itchy blisters that appear on the skin every now and then.

In this case, first of all, suspicion falls on an allergy, namely on one of the varieties of its manifestation - urticaria.

The main reasons for the development of urticaria, or allergies in the form of mosquito bites, are allergies to insects, food products, medications, and infectious agents.

However, urticaria is a symptom not only of allergies, but also of autoimmune processes (an allergic reaction to the body’s own cells), toxicoderma (occurring when exposed to active and toxic chemical compounds on the skin and in the body, with insect bites), disturbances in the liver, and can also occur with excessive physical impact on the skin with cold, heat, sunlight, vibration or pressure.

There are also other diseases whose symptoms are a similar rash:

  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • rubella, measles, herpes and some others.

What do mosquito bites look like?

Most often, mosquito bites manifest themselves as itching and the formation of reddish blisters on the skin. Below in the photo gallery you can see what the body’s usual inflammatory reaction to a foreign insect protein looks like.

What does a mosquito bite look like in adults and children: photo

Main symptoms of mosquito bites

Sometimes it is possible to distinguish manifestations of an allergy from a bite without visiting a doctor.

Allergy symptoms

Urticaria, or urticaria, is characteristic of an immediate allergic reaction, and therefore occurs within a few minutes after contact with the allergen.

Photo: characteristic appearance of allergic urticaria

The symptomatic manifestations of urticaria are similar to those caused by a nettle sting or an insect bite. It is due to the identity of the type of rash that allergies are similar to mosquito bites. Below are the main symptoms indicating an allergy.

  • With this condition, blisters appear on the skin throughout the body - small, dense, swollen, raised elements of a round or irregular shape that can merge with each other. Please note that the rash in this case also occurs in areas covered by clothing
  • The blisters are pale pink in color, and the surrounding skin is normal or reddened. The rash is accompanied by severe itching.
  • Unlike a bite mark, which can remain unchanged for a long time, the rash disappears without a trace after the cessation of exposure to the allergen.
  • The allergic reaction disappears quite quickly or becomes symptomatic when taking antihistamines
  • People around you do not have any symptoms of the rash.

Actually, allergic reactions also occur to bites of mosquitoes and other insects (especially in children) and there are few of them that can be confused with.

Familiarize yourself with the characteristics and treatment of this allergy, as well as photographs of allergic reactions to mosquitoes and other midges.


Urticaria is diagnosed visually by a dermatologist. To confirm the allergic nature of the disease, skin provocative tests and a blood test for lg-E-specific antibodies are performed.

First aid for allergic urticaria

The first step is to stop exposure to the allergen if possible. Next, if prescribed by a doctor, you must take an antihistamine (loratadine, fexofenadine, cetirizine). To reduce itching, you can use sunburn cream, and also change to cotton clothes.

If Quincke's edema develops, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, or loss of consciousness, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of allergic urticaria

The action of the allergen that caused the reaction ceases. In addition, the patient should switch to an elimination diet that excludes foods with a large number of allergens (chicken, citrus fruits, nuts, eggs, strawberries, spices, foods with a high content of dyes).

At acute course for urticaria, antihistamines are prescribed.

In case of development severe form diseases use infusion antihistamines, corticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone), calcium preparations that reduce sensitivity to allergens (calcium chloride or gluconate), when the allergen is taken orally, gastric lavage is performed, and also use Activated carbon and other sorbents.

Preventive measures

People who have seizures allergic urticaria, are also prone to urticaria due to other external factors: light, heat, cold, pressure, mechanical damage to the skin.

To ensure that allergies similar to mosquito bites bother you as little as possible, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid stress; on the recommendation of a doctor, you can take weak sedatives plant based.
  • Avoid allergenic factors to which the patient is hypersensitive.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Be under direct influence as little as possible sun rays(tanning is contraindicated). Also avoid prolonged exposure to high and low temperatures, apply accordingly creams that protect from ultraviolet radiation and heat, from cold.
  • Shower, wash and wash your hands only warm water When using soaps with skin softening and moisturizing additives, dry with soft towels.
  • Do not take aspirin, codeine, ACE inhibitors.
  • Do not use wardrobe items that put excessive pressure on the skin (tight clothing, belts, suspenders). Give preference to cotton clothes.
  • Hypoallergenic diet, healthy eating.
  • Treat diseases in a timely manner gastrointestinal tract and liver infections.
  • Maintaining a daily routine, alternating work and rest.

All this will prevent the occurrence of an attack of hives, which will make life much easier for allergy sufferers.

Comments to the article: 4

It's really easy to get confused, especially in the summer. Thanks for the useful information!

My nephew has small blisters appearing in the evening, similar to mosquito bites, accompanied by itching

After a while it goes away

today more than yesterday

And I always play it safe for any bite from my daughter. She is small and will scratch no matter how much you explain that she can’t. May cause infection. Then you won’t have enough time to go to the doctors. Fenistil gel and Psilobalm help out. Our drugs are 100% perfect.

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All materials on the site are published under the authorship or editorship of medical professionals, but do not constitute a prescription for treatment. Contact the specialists!

The information is provided for informational purposes only.

All rights reserved. Copying materials only with an active link to the source

Pimples on the body from bites

Surely each of our readers has encountered the problem of skin rashes at least once in their lives. For some it was a consequence of insect bites, for others it was a dermatological disease. Regardless of the reasons for its occurrence, the symptoms are always almost the same: itching, redness, swelling, burning sensation, and in some cases, increased body temperature. If acne appears over the entire surface of the skin, you should immediately show it to a dermatologist.

  • mosquito bites;
  • bed bug bites;
  • fleas;
  • scabies mite;

Ticks and bedbugs are small insects, sometimes invisible to the eye, that can cause a lot of trouble to humans

  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • hives;
  • prickly heat;
  • allergy;
  • chickenpox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • rubella.

Bed bug bites. These insects live in pieces of furniture; their bites are distinguished by small bright red pimples. Red pimples itch quite a lot, but this also depends on the person’s individual tolerance. Bedbugs leave behind traces of “tracks” and hard compactions with a blood center. They bite on the thinnest areas of the skin, namely: arms, legs, neck, and less often – the back and stomach. Children are often victims of bedbug attacks due to the thinnest skin on their entire body. To alleviate the condition of the skin, it is recommended to wipe the inflammation areas with soda solution, ammonia, parsley and potato juice.

Flea bites. They pose a danger to children and adults, being a carrier of many diseases (plague, anthrax, encephalitis and others). A flea attack is not as harmless as a mosquito bite, for example. It differs from the bites of its relatives in that when the skin is punctured, a sharp pain is felt, as if injected with a syringe. Attacks are concentrated on the legs, in the area up to the knees. Pimples on the legs are very itchy and have a pronounced color. Rashes should be treated with tar soap, iodine or brilliant green. To get rid of fleas, you need to remove carpets and rugs, wash all household surfaces, wash the floor with bleach or Dobrokhim or Get solution.

Scabies mite (scabies). Their presence in the body is manifested by the appearance of gray “paths” under the upper layers of the epidermis, where mites lay eggs, after hatching which causes inflammation of the skin. At the same time, itching and redness are felt.

Scabies mite bites are similar in appearance to mosquito bites, having a round shape and a dense base. A distinctive feature from a mosquito attack is severe itching and the watery contents of the pimples, which protrude to the surface of the skin when pressed.

Main areas affected by scabies

In the presence of scabies mites, the rashes are localized on the following areas of the skin:

Unbearably itchy bumps or small blisters located in large numbers on the stomach, between the fingers, most likely scabies

  • between the fingers;
  • nipples;
  • genitals;
  • buttocks;
  • stomach;
  • hips;
  • armpit area.

With scabies, the patient is dangerous to others, so not only treatment is needed, but also isolation. For this, scabies ointment “Permitrin”, “Spregal”, “Krotolion” or taking antihistamines is used, and disinsection of premises is also used.

If it is possible to get to a medical facility as soon as possible, this should be done; doctors will quickly and without consequences remove the tick

Molluscum contagiosum. It is a pathogenic microorganism that manifests itself as blistering rashes with a white center. Their peculiarity is that they are dense, painless nodules that do not itch and disappear by cauterization with iodine or on their own.

Mosquito bites. In most cases, it is the most harmless phenomenon without complications. It appears as red pimples, slightly itchy and swollen. Itching begins a few minutes after the puncture.

Mosquitoes do not have the ability to penetrate under clothing, so the wounds are concentrated in open areas of the body, with the vessels located as close to the surface as possible. Let's consider treatment methods after a mosquito attack.

Medicines that help with mosquito bites

  • balm “Star”;
  • "Vitaon";
  • "Fenistil-gel";
  • "Synaflor";
  • "Aleron";
  • Zyrtec and other antihistamines.

Symptoms are relieved with systemic or local antihistamines

The following are used as traditional medicine:

  • soda compress (1 glass of water, 2 tsp of soda), apply the resulting solution to a gauze mask and leave on the face for 30 minutes;
  • rubbing the skin with an ice cube for an analgesic effect;
  • treating acne with table vinegar and water, in a ratio of 1:3;
  • compress of calendula and Corvalol tincture;
  • moisturizing inflammation with sour cream or kefir;
  • cauterization of inflammation with tea tree oil.

Hives. This is a disease in which the rash spreads throughout the body as burning, pink or red blisters. It has the ability to move to different parts of the body and is caused by hypersensitivity to a specific stimulus. It is treated with hormonal ointment, celandine, menthol, calendula or antihistamines.

Prickly heat. Occurs at elevated air temperatures in the areas of the skin most susceptible to sweating (groin, neck, armpits). Pimples from prickly heat differ from mosquito bites in that they do not itch; the pimples look like small red dots located close to each other. Treatment includes talc and frequent bathing.

Allergy. It is a red rash on any part of the skin, activated after eating. May be caused by irritants such as:

  • medications;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • Food;
  • animal hair;
  • flowering plants;
  • dust and others.

By eliminating the allergen and taking antihistamine tablets, the symptoms of the disease are suppressed.

Chicken pox. This is a skin disease. It is expressed on the body by the appearance of red spots, the number of which is growing every day; they burn and itch. The pimples multiply, turning into watery blisters, burst, and the secreted fluid forms crusts. Before the onset of the disease, cold symptoms appear, disappearing with the appearance of rashes. The patient is prescribed bed rest and treatment of the rash with brilliant green.

Scarlet fever. It is expressed by infection of the entire body, more often in children. A small red rash looks like midge bites, the nasolabial triangle remains clean, the tongue takes on a bright color, the body temperature rises and a sore throat appears. Antibacterial therapy is used for treatment.

Rubella. Resembles pimples on the body as if caused by a wasp or hornet sting. The wounds are large, red, with a lump in the middle. Rashes appear all over the body. If your body temperature rises, take an antipyretic.

Products for protection against flying insects

The following repellents are suggested to repel bloodsuckers:

  • for adults: spray, aerosol, cream, lotion from Ozz, Off, “Contra” and others;
  • for children: milk, foam, balm, spray from Avanta and Gardex;
  • for indoors: mosquito nets, devices with ultrasonic radiation, smoke bombs, mosquito bracelets and electric UV repellers.

We looked at the most common skin reactions, in which pimples are like mosquito bites - red, itchy and inflamed. Moreover, each of them has its own distinctive feature. You need to be attentive to your body, listen to the advice of specialists, and when in nature or in places with a high concentration of bloodthirsty insects, protect your skin. Do not self-medicate and at the first signs of illness, seek qualified help!

Red spots on the baby's hands and cheeks. Did they get bitten by mosquitoes or something more serious? The type of rash and location on the body can tell a lot about its origin. What do rashes look like due to childhood infections, allergic reactions, prickly heat and what should be the treatment?

Insect bites

What it looks like. In late spring, summer and early autumn, children often suffer from insect bites. The skin becomes covered with bumps and spots. Usually only exposed areas of the body and face are affected. Most often, the rash is accompanied by itching. The general condition and well-being of the child does not change.

What to do. Lotions made from cool soda solution, antiallergic ointments or gels are recommended. If the baby scratches the bites, you need to lubricate them with brilliant green to prevent layering bacterial infection and inflammation.

Allergic rash

What it looks like. Activated after eating new foods - mussels, shrimp, exotic berries and fruits, cow's milk, eggs. It appears in the form of intensely itchy pink and red spots that tend to merge. Feeling may worsen, especially with severe allergies. The baby can be lethargic or, on the contrary, overly excited. Sleep and appetite are disturbed, diarrhea and vomiting are possible.

What to do. A gentle hypoallergenic diet, antihistamines and drugs that reduce the body's hypersensitivity to external irritants, such as calcium chloride, are prescribed. As an addition - medications that bind and remove food allergens from the body - enterosorbents. If irritation is caused by contact with washing powder or cosmetics, eliminate the allergen.

Prickly heat

What it looks like. Usually appears with the onset of heat. Beige-pink pimples are located very close to each other. Most rashes occur on the upper chest, shoulders and neck. Sometimes tiny blisters may appear. They don't bother the child.

What to do. Ventilate the skin regularly and monitor the room temperature - it should be +20°C. Bathe your baby in decoctions of string and chamomile. To remove excess moisture, you need to use powder. Reddened skin should not be lubricated with cream. Clothes should be made only from natural materials.


What it looks like. Pale, streak-like, intensely itchy swellings. Pink blisters may appear that become covered with a red bloody crust when scratched. The baby sleeps and eats poorly. Over time, intradermal edema subsides, and swelling disappears without a trace. Hives can be caused by infections, allergies, or physical irritants.

What to do. In consultation with the doctor, antihistamines are used. It is useful to give a cleansing enema. Redness is treated with powder.

Molluscum contagiosum

What it looks like. First, one pink nodule of acne forms on the body. Then the rash grows - on the face, neck and arms. The number of bubbles depends on the state of the child’s immunity. The rashes do not itch or hurt. If you crush the nodule with tweezers, a grainy white mass will come out.

What to do. The doctor cauterizes the site where the nodules are removed with an iodine solution. Painkillers are sometimes used. In some cases, the nodules disappear on their own.

Scarlet fever

What it looks like. It begins acutely - with a sore throat and fever. A characteristic feature is a bright, crimson tongue. A pink, pinpoint rash covers the entire body, thickening in the buttock and groin folds. The only clean place on the skin is the nasolabial triangle. This is one of the hallmarks of the disease.

What to do. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. To reduce the risk of complications, bed rest and antibiotic therapy are prescribed.


What it looks like. Before the rash appears, the child complains of headache and malaise. He may have a runny nose and a slight fever. Sometimes ARVI is mistakenly diagnosed. At first, only a few spots are noticeable, but every day there are more and more of them. In severe cases, the rash affects the mucous membranes. After a couple of days, the spots turn into tubercles filled with transparent contents. Then they burst, forming crusts. The rash is accompanied by itching.

What to do. Treat with brilliant green. Antiallergic drugs are prescribed for itching.


What it looks like. Small pimples covered with crusts are localized on the stomach, between the fingers, on the wrists and back of the hands, in the armpits and on the feet. Often small dots arranged in pairs or threes and then form “myceliums”, which subsequently look red and swollen. Constant itching intensifies in the evening and night.

What to do. The doctor must prescribe sulfur ointment, a special aerosol for treating bed linen and outerwear. After treatment, itching may persist for several weeks.

Every person periodically experiences rashes on their body. They may have different appearance and cause. If pimples appear on the body and they itch and look like mosquito bites, then you need to consult a doctor. A rash may indicate the development of some pathology that poses a danger to humans.

A rash that looks like mosquito bites occurs for several reasons. It is important to identify the factor that caused the reaction. The effectiveness of the therapy prescribed by the doctor depends on this.

If the rashes appear in the summer, then usually they don’t just look like insect bites, but that’s exactly what they are. You should be concerned if the rash appears during a period when there should be no insects. In such a situation, a rash in the form of mosquito bites is a symptom of pathology.


It appears as blisters with a pale pink tint. The formations rise above the epidermis. Both adults and children are susceptible to the disease.

Outwardly, it resembles burns that appear after the skin comes into contact with nettles. Hence the name of the pathology. This disease is accompanied by severe itching of the affected areas of the epidermis. Symptoms intensify after the body comes into contact with the causative agent of the disease. This could be plant pollen, pet fur, cosmetics, medications, as well as negative environmental impacts.

If a rash occurs in the form of mosquito bites and the cause is urticaria, then it is important to identify the allergen and eliminate it. The effectiveness of therapy depends on this.


Allergic reactions are also a cause of rashes. Typically, blisters like insect bites are caused by eating foods that cause an allergic reaction. Most often, rashes appear after eating seafood, honey, chocolate and milk.

If an allergy occurs in the form of mosquito bites, it will be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • the rash is itchy and itchy;
  • allergic rhinitis and lacrimation appear;
  • formations arise rapidly, as a rule, immediately after eating and quickly spread over the skin;
  • the rash disappears after taking antihistamines.


IN Lately Pathologies that were previously rare now affect everyone more people. These include measles. Outbreaks of this disease have been recorded, affecting adults and children. Symptoms that appear immediately after infection are increased body temperature, dry cough, redness and swelling of the soft tissues of the throat.

The rash appears on the fifth day of the disease. It consists of papules that initially appear on the face and then spread throughout the body.

If the pathology is not diagnosed in a timely manner and treatment is not started, the infection will affect the digestive, respiratory and nervous systems.


As a rule, pathology appears in early age. A reddish rash appears on the epidermis, which looks like insect bites, and many people who have suffered from the disease say that the rashes were itchy and itchy. After some time, the formations become spots, and additional symptoms appear:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain in the head area;
  • increase in size lymph nodes in the area of ​​the back of the head and neck.

The pathology poses a danger to any person, but women carrying a baby may suffer more than others. Rubella causes growth retardation and mental development fetus To prevent the disease from leading to irreversible consequences, you must consult a doctor as soon as an itchy rash appears. This will help to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and begin qualified therapy.

Rash like mosquito bites: photo with explanations

A rash in the form of mosquito bites, as shown in the photo below, can appear as small bumps that are located throughout the body in a chaotic manner in children and adults. This is usually how an allergic reaction manifests itself.

Rashes like mosquito bites that appear on the face in the form of small papules, appearing in groups of five at a time, usually indicate the development of measles. The pathology manifests itself in the form of itchy formations in adults and children.

A small red rash is a symptom of hives. The rash causes discomfort because it is accompanied by itching and burning. If you put your hand on the site of the formations, heat will emanate from the epidermis. If left untreated, fluid appears inside the rash and the rash spreads throughout the body.

Lesions like those from a mosquito bite indicate the occurrence of rubella. The pathology poses a particular danger to women during pregnancy.

When do you need a doctor's help?

If a rash appears on the epidermis in late autumn, early spring and winter, which looks like insect bites, then this may indicate the development of diseases. Rashes cannot be ignored, otherwise life-threatening complications may arise.

Can't start self-treatment, especially if the cause of the pathology is unknown. Unskilled therapy will lead to complications that may be irreversible.

Contact for medical care This is especially necessary if the following symptoms appear:

  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • itching in the area of ​​the rash;
  • Weeping formations appear at the site of the rash.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if the rash occupies a significant part of the skin. In such a situation, any delay threatens with irreversible consequences.

Treatment options

There are several methods of treating pathology. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, and it is based on eliminating the cause that led to the rash. Only after this can you use drugs that directly eliminate formations on the epidermis.

Pharmacy ointments and creams

The specialist prescribes medications to relieve swelling and itching in the affected areas of the skin. Doctors usually recommend using the following drugs:

  • Solcoseryl, Acyclovir or Zovirac, if the rash is caused by the penetration of various infections into the body;
  • Panthenol, Claritin, Fenistil and other antihistamines for allergic reactions;
  • Elidel and Exoderil for dermatitis.

At infectious pathologies should also be used antiseptics to disinfect the affected area of ​​the epidermis. These include hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes topical medications that contain antibiotics. Such means will create an obstacle in the affected area through which pathogenic microflora can penetrate into the body.

Folk remedies

Facilities traditional medicine also used only as prescribed by a doctor. There are several recipes that have proven effective:

  • Compresses made from carrots or potatoes. A small piece is cut from the vegetable and applied to the affected area for several minutes. Therapy is carried out until recovery. Carrot and potato juice quickly relieve itching and swelling of soft tissues;
  • Used tea bags. After brewing, they are applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. The tea leaves soothe the irritated epidermis, helps relieve swelling of the soft tissues and eliminates redness;
  • Baths with a decoction prepared from medicinal plants. For the remedy, take a large spoonful of mint, string, chamomile and celandine. The herbs are placed in an aluminum ladle, poured with a liter of boiling water and the container is placed on the fire. The mixture is brought to a boil, removed from the heat and left to infuse for a quarter of an hour. After this, the broth is filtered and added to the bath. It is taken within fifteen minutes. Water procedures carried out several times a week until recovery. Such manipulations soothe the inflamed epidermis, relieve swelling of the soft tissues and have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Aloe compresses. Several pieces of the lower, fleshiest leaves are cut from the bush; After this, the plant is crushed. The manipulation is carried out carefully so as not to lose the juice that oozes from the leaves. The resulting mass is applied to the affected area of ​​the epidermis. To prevent the paste from sliding off, place a bandage on top and fix the compress with an adhesive plaster. The product is left on the epidermis for twenty minutes. The procedure is carried out daily until the skin is restored. Aloe helps get rid of soft tissue swelling, itching and redness.

When using any traditional medicine, you need to act carefully. Mechanical damage to the rash should not be allowed. If you carelessly pick off a pimple, a serious infection can enter the body through it, which will lead to undesirable consequences.

You can also learn about the most popular causes of rashes in children from this video:

Contents [Show]

Every person periodically experiences rashes on their body. They may have different appearance and cause. If pimples appear on the body and they itch and look like mosquito bites, then you need to consult a doctor. A rash may indicate the development of some pathology that poses a danger to humans.

A rash that looks like mosquito bites occurs for several reasons. It is important to identify the factor that caused the reaction. The effectiveness of the therapy prescribed by the doctor depends on this.

If the rashes appear in the summer, then usually they don’t just look like insect bites, but that’s exactly what they are. You should be concerned if the rash appears during a period when there should be no insects. In such a situation, a rash in the form of mosquito bites is a symptom of pathology.

It appears as blisters with a pale pink tint. The formations rise above the epidermis. Both adults and children are susceptible to the disease.

Hives externally resemble burns that appear after the skin comes into contact with nettles. Hence the name of the pathology. This disease is accompanied by severe itching of the affected areas of the epidermis. Symptoms intensify after the body comes into contact with the causative agent of the disease. This can be plant pollen, pet hair, cosmetics, medications, as well as negative environmental influences.

If a rash occurs in the form of mosquito bites and the cause is urticaria, then it is important to identify the allergen and eliminate it. The effectiveness of therapy depends on this.

Allergic reactions are also a cause of rashes. Typically, blisters like insect bites are caused by eating foods that cause an allergic reaction. Most often, rashes appear after eating seafood, honey, chocolate and milk.

If an allergy occurs in the form of mosquito bites, it will be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • the rash is itchy and itchy;
  • allergic rhinitis and lacrimation appear;
  • formations arise rapidly, as a rule, immediately after eating and quickly spread over the skin;
  • the rash disappears after taking antihistamines.

Recently, more and more people are becoming ill with pathologies that were previously rare. These include measles. Outbreaks of this disease have been recorded, affecting adults and children. Symptoms that appear immediately after infection are increased body temperature, dry cough, redness and swelling of the soft tissues of the throat.

The rash appears on the fifth day of the disease. It consists of papules that initially appear on the face and then spread throughout the body.

If the pathology is not diagnosed in a timely manner and treatment is not started, the infection will affect the digestive, respiratory and nervous systems.

As a rule, pathology appears at an early age. A reddish rash appears on the epidermis, which looks like insect bites, and many people who have suffered from the disease say that the rashes were itchy and itchy. After some time, the formations become spots, and additional symptoms appear:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain in the head area;
  • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes in the back of the head and neck.

The pathology poses a danger to any person, but women carrying a baby may suffer more than others. Rubella leads to retarded growth and mental development of the fetus. To prevent the disease from leading to irreversible consequences, you must consult a doctor as soon as an itchy rash appears. This will help to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and begin qualified therapy.

A rash in the form of mosquito bites, as shown in the photo below, can appear as small bumps that are located throughout the body in a chaotic manner in children and adults. This is usually how an allergic reaction manifests itself.

Rashes like mosquito bites that appear on the face in the form of small papules, appearing in groups of five at a time, usually indicate the development of measles. The pathology manifests itself in the form of itchy formations in adults and children.

A small red rash is a symptom of hives. The rash causes discomfort because it is accompanied by itching and burning. If you put your hand on the site of the formations, heat will emanate from the epidermis. If left untreated, fluid appears inside the rash and the rash spreads throughout the body.

Lesions like those from a mosquito bite indicate the occurrence of rubella. The pathology poses a particular danger to women during pregnancy.

If a rash appears on the epidermis in late autumn, early spring and winter, which looks like insect bites, then this may indicate the development of diseases. Rashes cannot be ignored, otherwise life-threatening complications may arise.

You cannot begin self-treatment, especially if the cause of the pathology is unknown. Unskilled therapy will lead to complications that may be irreversible.

Seek medical help This is especially necessary if the following symptoms appear:

  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • itching in the area of ​​the rash;
  • Weeping formations appear at the site of the rash.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if the rash occupies a significant part of the skin. In such a situation, any delay threatens with irreversible consequences.

There are several methods of treating pathology. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, and it is based on eliminating the cause that led to the rash. Only after this can you use drugs that directly eliminate formations on the epidermis.

The specialist prescribes medications to relieve swelling and itching in the affected areas of the skin. Doctors usually recommend using the following drugs:

  • Solcoseryl, Acyclovir or Zovirac, if the rash is caused by the penetration of various infections into the body;
  • Panthenol, Claritin, Fenistil and other antihistamines for allergic reactions;
  • Elidel and Exoderil for dermatitis.

For infectious pathologies, antiseptic agents should also be used to disinfect the affected area of ​​the epidermis. These include hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes topical medications that contain antibiotics. Such means will create an obstacle in the affected area through which pathogenic microflora can penetrate into the body.

Facilities traditional medicine also used only as prescribed by a doctor. There are several recipes that have proven effective:

  • Compresses made from carrots or potatoes. A small piece is cut from the vegetable and applied to the affected area for several minutes. Therapy is carried out until recovery. Carrot and potato juice quickly relieve itching and swelling of soft tissues;
  • Used tea bags. After brewing, they are applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. The tea leaves soothe the irritated epidermis, helps relieve swelling of the soft tissues and eliminates redness;
  • Baths with a decoction prepared from medicinal plants. For the remedy, take a large spoonful of mint, string, chamomile and celandine. The herbs are placed in an aluminum ladle, poured with a liter of boiling water and the container is placed on the fire. The mixture is brought to a boil, removed from the heat and left to infuse for a quarter of an hour. After this, the broth is filtered and added to the bath. It is taken within fifteen minutes. Water procedures are carried out several times a week until recovery. Such manipulations soothe the inflamed epidermis, relieve swelling of the soft tissues and have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Aloe compresses. Several pieces of the lower, fleshiest leaves are cut from the bush; After this, the plant is crushed. The manipulation is carried out carefully so as not to lose the juice that oozes from the leaves. The resulting mass is applied to the affected area of ​​the epidermis. To prevent the paste from sliding off, place a bandage on top and fix the compress with an adhesive plaster. The product is left on the epidermis for twenty minutes. The procedure is carried out daily until the skin is restored. Aloe helps get rid of soft tissue swelling, itching and redness.

When using any traditional medicine, you need to act carefully. Mechanical damage to the rash should not be allowed. If you carelessly pick off a pimple, a serious infection can enter the body through it, which will lead to undesirable consequences.

You can also learn about the most popular causes of rashes in children from this video:

From the article you will learn what allergies manifest themselves as rashes in the form of mosquito bites and other insects, as well as how to distinguish a mosquito bite from an allergy

Mosquito bites, although not a pleasant event, are quite common in our lives. And during the period of activity of these insects, we do not pay much attention to the individual itchy blisters that appear on the skin every now and then.

In this case, first of all, suspicion falls on an allergy, namely on one of the varieties of its manifestation - urticaria.

The main reasons for the development of urticaria, or allergies in the form of mosquito bites, are allergies to insects, food products, medications, and infectious agents.

However, urticaria is a symptom not only of allergies, but also of autoimmune processes (an allergic reaction to the body’s own cells), toxicoderma (occurring when active and toxic chemical compounds get on the skin and into the body, from insect bites), disorders of the liver, as well as may occur when the skin is subjected to excessive physical exposure to cold, heat, sunlight, vibration, or pressure.

There are also other diseases whose symptoms are a similar rash:

  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • rubella, measles, herpes and some others.

Other insects can also cause rashes. For example, bed bug and flea bites appear as red pimples on the body, similar to mosquito bites.

What do mosquito bites look like?

Most often, mosquito bites manifest themselves as itching and the formation of reddish blisters on the skin. Below in the photo gallery you can see what the body’s usual inflammatory reaction to a foreign insect protein looks like.

What does a mosquito bite look like in adults and children: photo

Sometimes it is possible to distinguish manifestations of an allergy from a bite without visiting a doctor.

Urticaria, or urticaria, is characteristic of an immediate allergic reaction, and therefore occurs within a few minutes after contact with the allergen.

Photo: characteristic appearance of allergic urticaria

The symptomatic manifestations of urticaria are similar to those caused by a nettle sting or an insect bite. It is due to the identity of the type of rash that allergies are similar to mosquito bites. Below are the main symptoms indicating an allergy.

  • With this condition, blisters appear on the skin throughout the body - small, dense, swollen, raised elements of a round or irregular shape that can merge with each other. Please note that the rash in this case also occurs in areas covered by clothing
  • The blisters are pale pink in color, and the surrounding skin is normal or reddened. The rash is accompanied by severe itching.
  • Unlike a bite mark, which can remain unchanged for a long time, the rash disappears without a trace after the cessation of exposure to the allergen.
  • The allergic reaction disappears quite quickly or becomes symptomatic when taking antihistamines
  • People around you do not have any symptoms of the rash.

Actually, allergic reactions also occur to bites of mosquitoes and other insects (especially in children) and there are few of them that can be confused with.

Familiarize yourself with the characteristics and treatment of this allergy, as well as photographs of allergic reactions to mosquitoes and other midges.


Urticaria is diagnosed visually by a dermatologist. To confirm the allergic nature of the disease, skin provocative tests and a blood test for lg-E-specific antibodies are performed.

The first step is to stop exposure to the allergen if possible. Next, if prescribed by a doctor, you must take an antihistamine (loratadine, fexofenadine, cetirizine). To reduce itching, you can use sunburn cream, and also change to cotton clothes.



If Quincke's edema develops, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, or loss of consciousness, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The action of the allergen that caused the reaction ceases. In addition, the patient should switch to an elimination diet that excludes foods with a large number of allergens (chicken, citrus fruits, nuts, eggs, strawberries, spices, foods with a high content of dyes).

In acute cases of urticaria, antihistamines are prescribed.

In the case of the development of a severe form of the disease, infusion antihistamines, corticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone), calcium preparations that reduce sensitivity to allergens (calcium chloride or gluconate) are used; when the allergen is taken orally, gastric lavage is performed, and activated carbon and other sorbents are also used.

For urticaria, the use of codeine, aspirin, including its derivatives, and ACE inhibitors is prohibited.

Preventive measures

People who experience attacks of allergic urticaria are also prone to developing urticaria in response to other external factors: light, heat, cold, pressure, mechanical damage to the skin.

To ensure that allergies similar to mosquito bites bother you as little as possible, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid stress; on the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to take mild herbal-based sedatives.
  • Avoid allergenic factors to which the patient is hypersensitive.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Be exposed to direct sunlight as little as possible (sunbathing is contraindicated). Also avoid prolonged exposure to high and low temperatures, use creams that protect from ultraviolet radiation and heat, and from cold.
  • Take a shower, wash your face and wash your hands only with warm water, using soaps with skin-softening and moisturizing additives, and dry with soft towels.
  • Do not take aspirin, codeine, ACE inhibitors.
  • Do not use wardrobe items that put excessive pressure on the skin (tight clothing, belts, suspenders). Give preference to cotton clothes.
  • Hypoallergenic diet, healthy eating.
  • Treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, infections in a timely manner.
  • Maintaining a daily routine, alternating work and rest.

All this will prevent the occurrence of an attack of hives, which will make life much easier for allergy sufferers.

This evening we developed a rash all over our body (like mosquito bites). While I was reading about the rash on the Internet, I found an interesting article.

Rash in children. Let's look at the reasons.

In the life of every parent, sooner or later there comes a time when, suddenly, some acne appears on the body of their beloved child. It's a rash. A rash is any change on the skin. It occurs in many diseases and conditions, some of them are very dangerous.

Let's try to figure out what the rash is, in what cases it appears, what it is accompanied by, and how mom and dad should behave so that it goes away faster.

Let's start with the simplest thing - insect bites. Primarily mosquitoes. As a rule, this rash causes surprise in early spring and late autumn, when mosquitoes are not yet remembered or are already forgotten. In modern winter conditions, mosquitoes can live indoors (for example, in the basement) almost all year round. Of all family members, small children are the most “tasty” for mosquitoes.

Parents notice changes in the skin in the morning, after the child wakes up. Mosquito bites are characterized by the appearance of pink or reddish spots mainly on open areas of the body: hands, forearms, feet, legs, i.e. those parts of the body that are not covered by pajamas, and there must be elements on the face, or, sometimes, on one half of it (if the child slept on his side). Most often, this rash is accompanied by itching, but not very severe. The child's general condition does not suffer. He behaves as usual - plays, runs, throws things around, watches cartoons and eats with appetite. If the child is not allergic to mosquito bites, then they do not require special treatment. It is enough to turn on the fumigator in the children's room (now there are special ones for children), and the problem will be solved by itself. In case of a severe allergic reaction, accompanied by severe swelling, redness, severe itching, it is necessary to give the child an antiallergic drug (for example, suprastin). You can treat bites with drugs such as Psilobalm or Fenistil-gel, which relieve swelling and irritation.

The next fairly common situation in which a rash occurs is an allergic reaction. Typically this is a food allergy. There are children who have allergies from early childhood. Parents of such children know exactly what food can be given to their child and what not. And they know very well how to care for the skin in this situation. Now I would like to dwell in more detail on the problem of the sudden development of allergies in previously healthy child. This situation can develop when eating previously unfamiliar foods, exotic fruits, vegetables, and seafood. Or if familiar dishes are prepared in a special way, using large quantity spices and aromatic additives. Or if your child, having lost control, ate a pack of chips, snacked on tangerines, chocolates and washed it all down with a carbonated drink.

An allergic reaction appears quite quickly. Red spots of irregular shape, prone to merging and accompanied by severe itching, appear on the skin of the entire body or individual areas (cheeks, buttocks, behind the ears). The child's general condition may change: he may be lethargic or, conversely, too excited. Sometimes there is vomiting or loose stool. But more often the child feels well, but is very itchy. How can you help your child in this situation? First of all, it is necessary to exclude from his diet foods that cause an allergic reaction, even if they are very tasty and he loves them very much. Then you need to give the child sorbents - drugs that will remove the allergen from the child’s body. These include activated carbon, smecta, zosterin-ultra, filtrum. It is mandatory to take antiallergic drugs (the same suprastin or other drugs from this group). Fenistil-gel and moisturizer are applied to the skin. It would be very nice to appear http://www.mc21.ru/kids/experts/pediatrist/ or a reaction can also occur when the skin comes into contact with some substances, such as washing powder, fabric softener, etc. In this case, the rash appears only in those areas that were in direct contact with the allergen. The tactics of parental behavior in this case are similar to those for food allergies. Additionally, the substance that caused the reaction should be removed from the skin - rinse off under running water.

Now we need to focus on a large group infectious diseases accompanied by a rash.

The appearance of a rash is usually preceded by a slight malaise; lung symptoms ORZ. Then a rash appears. At first there is not much of it - a few red spots. Every day more and more new spots appear, and the old ones turn first into a papule - a “bump” that protrudes slightly above the skin, then into a blister with transparent contents, and finally, the blister dries out and a crust forms, which after a while disappears. From the moment the first spot appears until the last crust falls off, about 10-15 days pass, during which the sick child is contagious. The chickenpox rash is spread throughout the body, including the scalp and mucous membranes (mouth, eyes, genitals). The appearance of a rash with chickenpox is accompanied by itching, sometimes quite severe. Therefore, you can use suprastin, fenistil gel or psilobalm that you already know.

With rubella, the rash appears almost simultaneously throughout the body, but is more pronounced on the face, chest and back. It looks like small pale pink spots, almost the same size. The rash is profuse. Disappears without a trace within 4 days. A characteristic feature Rubella is an enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes. All this is accompanied mild symptoms ORZ. Special treatment for rubella it is usually not performed. But all children aged 1 year are recommended to be vaccinated against rubella.

The disease begins acutely with high temperature, sore throat when swallowing, sore throat. At the beginning of the disease, the tongue is thickly covered with a white coating, then becomes bright red and shiny. The rash appears a few hours after the onset of the disease on the torso, limbs, with thickening in the natural folds of the skin (armpits, groin area). The rash is pink, pinpointed. In this case, the area around the mouth remains pale. After the rash disappears at the end of the first - at the beginning of the second week of the disease, peeling appears on the palms and soles. The disease is quite serious, because... leaves behind complications in the form of damage to the heart and kidneys. Requires mandatory prescription of antibiotics and a period of clinical observation with mandatory monitoring of blood and urine tests.

A measles rash appears on the 4-5th day of illness against the background of severe signs of acute respiratory infections (cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis, high fever) and rashes within 3-4 days. The first elements of the rash appear on the face and upper chest. On the second day they spread to the torso, and on the third day - to the upper and lower limbs. It looks like small red spots that tend to merge. Nowadays it is rare due to immunization of children at the age of 1 year.

It manifests itself as a high temperature, up to 39C, for 4-5 days with relatively good health. Then the temperature returns to normal, and a soft pink rash appears all over the body. Once the rash appears, the child is not contagious. Very often this rash is mistaken for an allergic reaction to antipyretic drugs.

Manifested by very high temperature, severe general condition child, which worsens every hour, vomiting, impaired consciousness. Against the background of a high temperature, the child develops a rash (there may be only a few elements), which does not disappear with pressure. If you see such a picture in a child, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In addition to these diseases, a rash on the body occurs when herpetic infection- in the form of bubbles, with infectious mononucleosis– when prescribing antibiotics from the amoxicillin group, for pseudotuberculosis and yersiniosis – according to the “socks” and “gloves” type and many others.

As a rule, the rash associated with various infections is quite typical and additional laboratory examination is not required to make a diagnosis.

Almost everyone infectious diseases, in addition to the rash, there is a high (or not very high) temperature, general malaise, loss of appetite, chills. Your head, throat, or stomach may hurt. Have a runny nose, or cough, or diarrhea.

In addition to infections, the rash occurs with diseases of the blood or blood vessels. In these cases, the appearance of a rash is provoked by injuries, sometimes very minor. The rash looks like large or small hemorrhages (bruises) and requires additional examination to make an accurate diagnosis.

In conclusion, I would like to once again draw the attention of parents to the fact that they should not try to understand on their own what kind of rash the child has developed. Call a doctor. And most importantly, do not paint on this rash with fucorcin, iodine or brilliant green. Once you have satisfied your drawing needs, no doctor will ever guess what was really there.

The skin of the hands and face of children is most often susceptible to various infectious and allergic reactions, manifested in the form of acne or rashes. Recently, new types of skin lesions resembling mosquito bites have increasingly begun to appear. Let's look at the causes of such a rash, symptoms and treatment methods.

Any spots and pimples on a child’s skin are a cause for concern for his parents

If you find strange pimples on your child’s body that look like mosquito bites, as shown in the photo accompanying the article, do not panic. Carefully examine the nature and color of the rash. These types of skin manifestations can be divided into the following types:

  • Direct insect bites (midges, fleas, wasps, bees). Accompanied by redness, itching, burning and peeling of the skin, and the appearance of red spots. They are capable of causing severe allergies, swelling of the bite site and even loss of consciousness.
  • Individual intolerance food products. An allergic reaction occurs with an increase in body temperature, nausea, stomach pain, and vomiting.
  • Mosquito bite-like spots caused by sweat gland secretions on the skin. The affected areas cause discomfort when in contact with clothing.
  • Hives. The skin itches. Pimples are oval in shape and form clusters of rashes that visually resemble a nettle burn. You feel general weakness and malaise.


  • Molluscum contagiosum (more details in the article: what are molluscs on the skin of a child and photo). A rash in the form of small flesh-colored pimples with a notch in the middle. The disease does not require urgent drug treatment and has a long development phase.
  • Scarlet fever. Accompanied by a rash of reddish spots, sore throat and fever.
  • Chickenpox. One of the most common diseases, which almost everyone becomes infected at an early age. The skin becomes covered with small red spots, which over time occupy large areas of the skin. When ripe, the papules burst, releasing the fluid accumulated inside.
  • Roseola (more details in the article: how is roseola disease treated in children?). Accompanied by a pink rash and fever. It does not require treatment - the formations disappear on their own.
  • Rubella. Areas of skin are affected by reddish pimples all over the body - this disease is extremely dangerous. However, only a specialist can distinguish it from an allergy - the body’s reaction has similar symptoms.
  • Measles is a deadly skin disease accompanied by fever and acute respiratory infections. viral infections. The skin of the face becomes covered with red pimples that later affect the entire body.
  • Red pimples sometimes appear in teenagers during puberty. Redness and the appearance of spots in the form of bites are associated with hormonal changes in the body.

If a child has spots that look like mosquito bites, this phenomenon may occur for a number of reasons:

  • Eating foods and substances that cause an allergic reaction: fruits, vegetables, fish dishes, medications. In this case, it is enough to simply exclude the food or drug that contributes to the child’s allergies.
  • Insect bite or direct contact with it. To avoid being bitten, it is recommended to wear clothing that covers your arms and legs. In sunny, hot weather, it is convenient to use various chemical aerosols that repel mosquitoes and midges.
  • Exposure to the external environment: poor quality water, synthetic clothing, washing powders, soap, places where dust accumulates, pet hair. If an allergy occurs, an antihistamine approved for children will help.
  • Miliaria most often occurs when the skin comes into close contact with clothing in hot weather, and in infants when they are in diapers for a long time. It can also manifest itself during heavy loads - it is advisable to take a shower every day and monitor the change of underwear.

In other cases, skin lesions and the appearance of a rash are associated with contact with a sick person. Sometimes a handshake or being nearby for a while is enough to transmit the infection.

Symptoms vary for different causes of the rash, but often the reaction is accompanied by:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • increased thirst;
  • itching of the skin;
  • general malaise;
  • burning;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • sore throat;
  • dizziness.

Often, pimples that resemble mosquito bites do not cause any of the above symptoms.

If you notice a strange rash on your child's skin, it is worth taking the temperature and asking about general health baby.

When should you see a doctor and which doctor should you go to?

You need to see a doctor immediately, without waiting for the worst-case scenario to develop. If your body temperature rises, itching of the skin or sore throat, it is better to call a specialist at home to eliminate the possibility of infecting other people. If this is not possible, then you should arrive at medical institution. You can seek help from both a pediatrician and an allergist or dermatologist:

  1. If your child, along with the appearance of rashes and pimples, feels unwell and has a fever, you need to visit a pediatrician. After examination and a series of tests, the doctor will prescribe treatment.
  2. When the cause of red spots is a reaction to a new product or an allergy to an external irritant, you should consult an allergist. The specialist will prescribe antihistamines - these are ointments against itching and redness, as well as drops or tablets.
  3. At different types skin infections require a visit to a dermatologist. He will take tests and prescribe treatment depending on their results. You can go to specialists at the skin and tuberculosis dispensary.

If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, unpleasant consequences may occur:

  • the appearance of scars and welts on the face and hands after acne removal or self-opening;
  • wounds in the form of small depressions, mainly after chickenpox;
  • the appearance of dark pigment spots on the skin of the face and hands.

The above complications do not pose a threat to the child’s health - they only slightly change the appearance. There are also more serious consequences: