Problems of introduction of professional standards. Professional standard of a teacher: goals, purpose, key provisions Difficulties in implementing the professional standard of a teacher

Analytical report on the results of the work done

organization of work with personnel in accordance with

with the requirements of the professional standard of the teacher.

We live in a rapidly changing world. Modern children are fluent in modern technologies. They have other interests. Pedagogical activity in a modern school needs to be modernized. In addition, science and technology are developing. The teacher must be ready for change. Mobility, ability for non-standard work activities, responsibility and independence in decision-making - every teacher should strive for this.

The professional standard is aimed at the ability to communicate with children, recognizing their dignity; the ability to protect those who are not accepted in the children's team; willingness to work with children, regardless of their abilities, mental and physical health and even respect for the different cultures and languages ​​​​of students of other nationalities.

Teachers of Ust-Ordynskaya Secondary School No. 2 fulfill many of the provisions of the standard: they know their subject, they know how to develop work programs, they know how to conduct lessons and perform introspection, they know ICT technologies, they know how to objectively assess the knowledge of students, they use different forms of control. There are no problems with the use of special educational approaches in order to include in the educational process all students: with special educational needs; gifted students; students with disabilities, etc.

Teachers of MOU Secondary School No. 2 carefully studied the professional standard and determined what gaps in competencies exist. And depending on this, a plan for improving the professional level was drawn up. We believe that a teacher cannot cope with many issues on his own: it is necessary to organize refresher courses with the involvement of specialists of various levels: psychologists, speech pathologists.

Difficulties may arise with the development and application of psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for targeted work with various contingents of students: socially vulnerable children, children in difficult life situations, migrant children, children with special educational needs (autistic , children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction.

Each MO made additions to its work plan for the implementation of the professional standard.

Extract from the work plan of the Ministry of Defense of teachers of the Russian language and literature

(additions to the plan for the implementation of the professional standard).

The modern school needs a teacher who is able to think freely and actively, model the educational process, independently generate and implement new ideas and technologies of teaching and education. The MO helps teachers of various categories, solves theoretical and methodological problems of teaching the Russian language and literature. Each teacher has a methodological topic on which he works, deepening knowledge on it and practically improving the forms and methods of work.

Tasks of the activity of the Ministry of Defense for the 2015-2016 academic year

on the implementation of priority areas of activity of the Ministry of Defense, which are consonant with the requirements of the PSP.

1. Continue work on the study and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience;

4. To study methodological novelties and literature on the preparation and improvement of teaching the lessons of the Russian language and literature;

5. To improve the method of teaching students with a pronounced cognitive activity, gifted children, as well as poorly performing students;

6. To study the experience of the MO school on the Federal State Educational Standard.

Where did they start?

1. Conducted a meeting of the Ministry of Defense "Introduction of a professional standard"

2. Monitored the needs of Russian language teachers on the basis of a self-assessment of knowledge of the requirements of the PSP “My order for advanced training” conducted by teachers.

3. Adjusted the work plan of the Ministry of Defense in accordance with the requirements of the PSP.

MO work forms

1. Work with a group of children of different ages;

2. Meeting of the MO "Pedagogical activity of the tutor";

3. Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the modern lesson, open lessons for teachers;

5. Participation in webinars.

The professional standard of the teacher made it possible to take a fresh look at the professional qualities of the teacher. Of course, at the institute we received the necessary knowledge, but time goes by, everything changes. Teaching technologies are changing. Each teacher must meet the requirements of the profession.

The main requirements for the qualification of a teacher in the field of training, education and development of students on the basis of labor actions defined in the professional standard.

The standard should:

· Correspond to the structure of the teacher's professional activity.

· Do not turn into a tool of strict regulation of the teacher's activities.

· Save the teacher from performing unusual functions that distract him from performing his direct duties.

Encourage the teacher to look for non-standard solutions.

· Comply with international standards and regulations.

· Correlate with the requirements of the relevant ministries and departments, on which the calculation of seniority, the calculation of pensions, etc. depend.

Standard characteristic

· The professional standard of a teacher is a framework document that defines the basic requirements for his qualifications.

· The national framework of the standard can be supplemented by regional requirements that take into account the socio-cultural, demographic and other characteristics of a given territory (megacities, areas with a predominance of the rural population, mono-ethnic and multi-ethnic regions impose their own specifics on the work of a teacher).

· The professional standard of a teacher can also be supplemented by the internal standard of an educational institution (similar to the standard of an enterprise), in accordance with the specifics of the educational programs implemented in this institution (school for the gifted, inclusive school, etc.).

· The professional standard of a teacher is tiered, taking into account the specifics of the work of teachers in preschool institutions, primary, secondary and high schools.

· Taking into account the special place and role in general secondary education of such subjects as mathematics and the Russian language, the obligation to pass them in the form of the Unified State Examination for all school graduates without exception, professional standards of the teacher in these specialties are separately highlighted in the annexes to the document.

· The professional standard of a teacher reflects the structure of his professional activity: education, upbringing and development of the child. In accordance with the strategy of modern education in a changing world, it is significantly filled with psychological and pedagogical competencies designed to help the teacher in solving new problems facing him.

The standard puts forward requirements for the personal qualities of a teacher, inseparable from his professional competencies, such as: readiness to teach all children without exception, regardless of their inclinations, abilities, developmental characteristics, disabilities.

The professional standard of a teacher performs the following functions:

· To overcome the technocratic approach in evaluating the work of a teacher.

· To ensure the coordinated growth of freedom and responsibility of the teacher for the results of his work.

· Motivate the teacher for continuous professional development.

Professional standard of a teacher

1 area of ​​use. The scope of preschool, primary and general secondary education. The professional standard of a teacher can be applied:

a) when applying for a job in a general educational institution for the position of "teacher";

c) in the course of attestation of teachers of educational institutions by regional executive authorities exercising management in the field of education;

d) in the course of attestation of teachers by educational organizations themselves, if they are given the appropriate authority.

3. What difficulties, in your opinion, may arise for a teacher in the process of implementing the professional standard of a teacher?

We live in a rapidly changing world. Modern children are fluent in modern technologies. They have other interests. Pedagogical activity in a modern school needs to be modernized. In addition, science and technology are developing. The teacher must be ready for change. Mobility, ability for non-standard work activities, responsibility and independence in decision-making - every teacher should strive for this.

The professional standard is aimed at the ability to communicate with children, recognizing their dignity; the ability to protect those who are not accepted in the children's team; willingness to work with children, regardless of their abilities, mental and physical health and even respect for the different cultures and languages ​​of students of other nationalities.

I have a conflicting attitude towards the introduction of the standard. On the one hand, the implementation of the standard is necessary. Teachers are competent in many areas. On the other hand, there are gaps in some competencies that need to be somehow eliminated in the near future. Once at the university we studied the basics of psychology, but this knowledge was superficial. We have not studied inclusive education.

We fulfill many provisions of the standard: we know our subject, we are able to develop work programs, we are able to conduct lessons and perform introspection, we are proficient in ICT technologies, we are able to objectively assess students' knowledge using various forms of control. The problem may arise with the use of special educational approaches in order to include in the educational process all students: those with special educational needs; gifted students; students for whom Russian is not their native language; students with disabilities, etc.

The teacher will have to carefully study the professional standard and decide what gaps in competencies exist. And depending on this, draw up a plan for professional development. I believe that a teacher cannot cope with many issues on his own: it is necessary to organize refresher courses with the involvement of specialists of various levels: psychologists, speech pathologists.

Difficulties may arise with the development and application of psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for targeted work with various contingents of students: socially vulnerable children, children in difficult life situations, migrant children, children with special educational needs (autistic , children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction.

The teacher is a key figure in the reform of education. “In the matter of education and upbringing, in the whole school business, nothing can be improved without the head of the teacher” (K.D. Ushinsky). In a rapidly changing open world, the main professional quality that a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn.

Readiness for change, mobility, ability for non-standard work activities, responsibility and independence in decision-making - all these characteristics of the activity of a successful professional fully apply to the teacher. The acquisition of these valuable qualities is impossible without expanding the space of pedagogical creativity.

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"Article "Introduction of the professional standard""

"Introduction of the professional standard of the teacher - problems or development?"

The teacher is a key figure in the reform of education. “In the matter of education and upbringing, in the whole school business, nothing can be improved without the head of the teacher” (K.D. Ushinsky). In a rapidly changing open world, the main professional quality that a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn.

Readiness for change, mobility, ability for non-standard work activities, responsibility and independence in decision-making - all these characteristics of the activity of a successful professional fully apply to the teacher. The acquisition of these valuable qualities is impossible without expanding the space of pedagogical creativity.

The work of a teacher should be freed from petty regulation, freed from total control.

The existing cumbersome qualifications and job descriptions, which hamper the initiative of the teacher, burdening him with formal requirements (for example, prescribing educational programs) and additional functional duties that distract from direct work with children, do not correspond to the spirit of the times.

Qualification of an employee - the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of an employee.

O fessional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity

If we compare the concepts of “employee qualification” and “professional standard”, then we come to the conclusion that professional standards are a more detailed system that defines the minimum qualification requirements for employees for specific positions. At the same time, the name of a specific position and professional standard may differ, because professional standards are developed not for any position or profession, but for the type of professional activity. Occupational standards link the sphere of labor and the sphere of vocational education, and are based on the real experience of the professional activity of specialists.

The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. But one cannot demand from a teacher what no one has ever taught him. Consequently, the introduction of a new professional teacher standard should inevitably lead to a change in the standards of his training and retraining in higher education and in centers for advanced training.

Expanding the boundaries of the teacher's freedom, the professional standard at the same time increases his responsibility for the results of his work, making demands on his qualifications, offering criteria for its assessment.

The professional standard of the teacher, which should replace the obsolete documents that have so far regulated his activities, is intended, first of all, to liberate the teacher, to give a new impetus to his development.

Dagbaeva S.M.,
English teacher
GAPOU "Aginsky Pedagogical College" named after B. Rinchino

A characteristic feature of the last decades is not so much the emergence of new professions as a change in the “boundaries” of the old ones, associated with new types of activities, new technologies and methods of work, new requirements for results and performance evaluation. The profession of a teacher today is expanding its boundaries and moving into the humanitarian sphere as a whole, and therefore the standards, according to the developers, can determine the success and efficiency of not only the education system, but the entire life of society for many years.

The relevance of the appearance of a teacher's professional standard is obvious, since the ongoing modernization of general education requires a high quality of education from a modern educational organization. To implement this task, a school, a preschool institution must have a highly professional teaching staff. This task becomes extremely urgent. The analysis of educational results, first of all, the final state certification of graduates of basic and secondary general education, in recent years confirms and exacerbates the problem of the personnel potential of the education system.

The professional standard of the teacher was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 18.10. 2013 N 544n, the deadlines for its introduction in the regular mode are set for January 1, 2017. Based on this, there is a need for targeted training of teaching staff in accordance with the requirements of the teacher's professional standard.

The approved standard is a complex regulator of a large number of issues of pedagogical work: the employment of a teacher, the definition of his job responsibilities, certification, and remuneration.

professional standard- a tool for implementing an education strategy, improving the quality of education, is also the basis for assessing the qualifications and work of a teacher, on the basis of which employment contracts can be created. First of all, the requirements of the professional standard will affect teachers in the course of certification for compliance with the position held, and this is a mass procedure.

Currently, we have professional standards for a preschool teacher (educator), an elementary school teacher, a basic school teacher, and a high school teacher. In the near future, the professional standard of a teacher of additional education and a teacher of the vocational education system will be approved. It is planned to develop and approve professional standards in the following specialties: a teacher-psychologist, a special teacher (defectologist) in a general preschool institution and a mass school, a tutor who provides individual support and accompaniment to a disabled child.

The purpose of applying the professional standard is to determine the necessary qualifications of the teacher, which affects the results of education, upbringing and development of the child; ensuring the necessary training of the teacher to obtain high results of his work; ensuring the necessary awareness of the teacher about the requirements for him; promoting the involvement of teachers in solving the problem of improving the quality of education.

The professional standard provides for the presence of new teacher competencies such as:

  • work with gifted students;
  • work in the context of the implementation of inclusive education programs;
  • teaching Russian to students for whom it is not native;
  • work with students with developmental problems;
  • work with deviant, dependent, socially neglected and socially vulnerable students with serious deviations in behavior.

The professional standard should become a system-forming mechanism that will improve the quality of teachers' work in accordance with the requirements of federal state standards of general education.

It should be noted the new characteristics of the activities of a professional teacher, these include:

  1. Mobility
  2. Ability for non-standard work activities
  3. Teamwork skills
  4. Ready for change
  5. Responsibility and independence in decision-making.

In the professional standard, the requirements for professional competencies are singled out in three general pedagogical functions: training, education, development - they are exceptionally high, for example, in training: possession of forms and methods of teaching that go beyond the lessons; the ability to objectively assess students' knowledge using various forms and methods of control, possession of ICT competencies, etc. In education, a teacher must be able to find (discover) the value aspect of educational knowledge and information and ensure that students understand and experience it; be able to design and create situations and events; be able to create children-adult communities of students, their parents and teachers in study groups. The teacher must possess the personal qualities and competencies necessary for the formation and development of meta-subject and personal competencies of students.

Currently, work is underway in the Russian Federation to prepare for the transition to professional standards. The professional standard of a teacher (teacher, educator) passed a wide public discussion before approval. In 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including in the Trans-Baikal Territory, sites have been created to test the professional standard. Starting regional models and projects have been developed in the regions, regional teams and regional specialization have been formed. In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Aginsky Institute for Advanced Studies of Social Workers was designated as a regional internship site and 14 educational organizations were approved in the status of basic support sites for testing the regional model for introducing the professional standard.

The professional standard of a teacher (teacher, educator) was included in the Comprehensive program for improving the professional level of a teacher, which was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2014 under No. 3241-P8.

The comprehensive program consists of four subprograms:

  1. Implementation of the professional standard "Teacher"
  2. Modernization of teacher education
  3. Transition to an efficient contract
  4. Increasing the prestige of the profession

Within the framework of this program, it is planned to build interrelated changes in the assessment and remuneration of teachers (an effective contract), certification procedures for qualifications, certification based on a professional standard, changes in the system of teacher education, training and PC, which includes mastering modern educational technologies for training and education, including number of children with disabilities, as well as raising the status and prestige of the teaching profession. Thus, it is supposed to approach the solution of the problem of training and raising the professional level of teachers in a comprehensive manner. For the implementation of the Comprehensive Program in order to prepare and implement the professional standard of a teacher, it is relevant to form a package of legal documents of the regional, municipal levels and the level of an educational organization. The Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Trans-Baikal Territory signed Order No. 579 dated June 27, 2014 "On the development of an Action Plan ("road map") for the implementation of a comprehensive program to improve the professional level of teachers of educational institutions of the Trans-Baikal Territory"

The activities of subprogram 1 are aimed at ensuring the transition of educational organizations of general education to work under the conditions of the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)"; organization of retraining and advanced training of pedagogical workers of general education in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher; formation of a system of attestation of general education teachers based on the professional standard of a teacher.

Let's dwell on subprogram 2 in more detail. The purpose of subprogram No. 2 is to provide training in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education of teaching staff in accordance with the professional standard of a teacher and federal state educational standards of general education.

To achieve this goal, the subprogram has the following tasks:

  • changing the content of federal state educational standards and basic educational programs in the areas of an enlarged group of areas of training and specialties "Education and Pedagogical Sciences" and teaching technologies in order to take into account the requirements of the new professional standard of a teacher, to ensure the implementation of federal state educational standards of general education;
  • approbation of updated federal state educational standards and basic educational programs and ensuring by 2020 their implementation in educational institutions of higher education and professional educational organizations that implement educational programs within the enlarged group of training areas and specialties "Education and Pedagogical Sciences".

At the federal level, a set of measures has been approved to modernize teacher education, which includes the following measures:

  • development and approbation of federal state educational standards and basic professional educational programs in the areas of an enlarged group of areas of training and specialties "Education and Pedagogical Sciences", taking into account the relevant provisions of professional standards and federal state educational standards for general education, including new educational content, new learning technologies, in including those aimed at mastering modern educational technologies and teaching and upbringing methods, knowledge, skills and abilities in order to ensure inclusive education of persons with disabilities, advanced training of the teaching staff of higher education institutions participating in the development and testing (2014- 2017);
  • implementation of models of network interaction between educational institutions of higher education and vocational educational institutions, educational institutions of higher education and general educational organizations aimed at the implementation of pedagogical undergraduate programs that meet the following characteristics: a significant increase in the volume of practical training (at least 3 times), long-term internships, including those ensuring the implementation of individual educational trajectories for students who already have secondary vocational or higher education (2014-2017);
  • development of multidisciplinary bachelor's programs based on federal state educational standards of a new type, which implies the possibility of combining two profiles of education: general humanitarian and pedagogical, including those aimed at mastering modern educational technologies and methods of teaching and educating, knowledge, skills and abilities in order to ensure inclusive education of people with disabilities disabilities, which is selected after studying the main block, taking into account the individual characteristics and abilities of the student (2015-2017);
  • approbation of personnel training models in the course of developing the main educational programs of the magistracy of 3 types: training programs in pedagogical areas with an enhanced practical or research orientation, management programs for management personnel of the education system (2015-2017);
  • development and approbation of a model for obtaining pedagogical education by persons who do not have a pedagogical education, but are motivated for pedagogical activity, on practical master's programs (2015-2017).

At the federal level, in 2016 it is planned to develop and approve an industry-specific qualifications framework (4 or 5 levels), amendments to regulations, primarily related to exams, attestation, job responsibilities, develop methodological recommendations and exemplary documents at the level of an educational organization (sample employment contract, etc.)

At the regional level, a regional model for the application of the professional standard is being created and tested, which defines the interaction of the main participants: authorities at the regional and municipal levels, institutions of professional education of a pedagogical orientation, institutions of additional professional education of educators, educational organizations, public organizations. At the level of organizations of secondary and higher (pedagogical) education, it is necessary to create and test new models of examinations and new models of teacher training in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

The concept and content of the professional standard were published for wide discussion on the website of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science on February 15, 2013, and then commented in detail in my book “What will the new professional teacher standard bring to the teacher?” (Moscow, Enlightenment, 2014).
The introduction of a professional standard is not an end in itself, it must be considered in the broad context of the modernization of domestic education. First of all, the teacher's professional standard is a tool for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards, which set new requirements for the content, quality and results of student learning. In turn, on the basis of the results of training and development of children, one can objectively judge the effectiveness of the teacher's work and his qualifications. Consequently, the task set by the state to develop a national system of teacher growth must inevitably be based on assessments of the implementation by teachers of the Federal State Educational Standard and compliance with the requirements of the professional standard. A meaningful and objective assessment of the teacher's competencies and the results of his activities will allow managers to effectively use the tools of economic incentives for teachers. It is obvious that the system of remuneration and the increase in the salaries of teachers should be linked to the level of qualifications and results of work, with a fair and transparent assessment of the professional competencies and achievements of teachers. This idea is embedded in the transition to an efficient contract, which is planned to be implemented in 2018. Thus, the professional standard of a teacher, the Federal State Educational Standard, the national system of teacher growth, an effective contract are all links in one chain.
The main goal of the national system of teacher growth should be to help the teacher to master the professional competencies demanded by modern practice and employers based on an independent objective assessment. This means that programs for the modernization of teacher education based on an individual program for the professional development of each teacher should become the central link in modernization. Training, retraining and advanced training programs for teachers should be based on an objective assessment of the teacher's competencies, his achievements and expert analysis of the activities and methods used. (See diagram 1.)
Thus, the professional standard is a coordinate system that is designed to help each teacher build their own individual trajectory of professional and personal growth. And this system of coordinates should not only be national and objective, but above all become a system of orientation for the teacher himself. This "navigator" should help the teacher to move from point A to point B and accurately determine the coordinates. In addition, the professional standard is the substantive and methodological basis of the systemic mechanism for evaluating practicing teachers during certification tests. It is very important that the teacher, on the basis of determining his place in the territory of professional growth, be able to get the opportunity to prepare, including through self-training.
The developers of the standard initially proceeded from the fact that the creation of a document was only the beginning of a difficult path, they were aware that its discussion, testing, and even more so the transition to widespread use would require considerable time.
The phased introduction of a professional standard is impossible without the creation of a managerial implementation model. The absence of such a model, as the entire experience of reforming domestic education has shown, leads not only to distortions of the original plan, but also to the absence of real changes. The absence of clear managerial decisions in order to stimulate the professional growth of the teacher will lead to the profanation of performance and bureaucratic perversions in the field. As experience has shown, the greatest danger is the forcible introduction of any innovation. Especially such innovations that are perceived by teachers as imposed on the professional community from above the requirements, serving only as tools of total control and a way of petty regulation of its activities.
The developers of the standard and the Ministry of Education and Science immediately agreed that the professional standard would be introduced only as soon as it was ready for use. In regions, municipalities and schools, the professional standard should not come as a surprise to teachers. It should be implemented only as teachers are ready, who will be able to measure their own professional achievements with its requirements.
That is why the mandatory application of the professional standard of a teacher at the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection was postponed to January 1, 2017. Now that a “revolution in the minds” has taken place thanks to the work of 21 federal internship sites and another 42 regions that have joined on their own initiative, it is necessary to build a regulatory framework that is understandable and accepted by teachers and transparent technological solutions, primarily in the field of independent qualification assessment. In other words, we have an ideological readiness, but the normative and technological readiness has not yet been sufficiently formed. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer the application of the standard even further. It is necessary to form models and corresponding databases of national assessment tools, control measuring materials. It is necessary to form databases of teachers' results, it is necessary to form information systems that are "friendly" not for a bureaucrat, but for a teacher. It is necessary to drastically reduce the time required for a teacher to pass an attestation, while at the same time increasing its objectivity and independence.
The management implementation model was proposed by the developers in the form of a "road map". (See diagram 2.)
63 regions and a very large number of teachers and managers have now taken part in the approbation of the professional standard. The professional standard of a teacher leads to large-scale changes in the system of teacher education. Currently, a project is being implemented that involves dozens of pedagogical universities and faculties in changing teacher training programs.
The preliminary results of this work were summed up at the All-Russian Congress of Participants in the Approbation and Implementation of the Professional Standard of a Teacher, held in Moscow in November 2015. The congress did not set itself the task of hearing ceremonial reports on achievements in the field. From the very beginning, its delegates were tasked with identifying the most acute problems that arise in the process of approbation and implementation of the professional standard, identifying the real readiness of teachers, educational organizations and regions. This was necessary so that the developers could make adjustments to the content of the document, as well as work out the management model for implementation.
The analysis of the materials of the congress, as well as the results of "field" observations of the developers of the professional standard, who travel to the regions to directly participate in the testing (they carry out a kind of architectural supervision), give grounds for serious conclusions that simultaneously inspire both optimism and anxiety.
Let's start with the fact that we have more or less reliable information about the state of affairs only from official pilot sites (21 sites), where testing work is carried out systematically and purposefully under "author's supervision". Another 42 regions have joined the project on their own initiative and are participating in the testing of individual elements. But even sixty-three regions do not exhaust the educational space of Russia. On their own initiative, some representatives of those regions where this work had practically not yet begun took part in the congress. From conversations with them, it turned out that the decision to postpone the introduction of the professional standard is perceived by a number of local leaders as an opportunity to "push" the issue and focus on solving current operational problems. “There will be an order from the ministry to introduce a professional standard for a teacher, and then we will quickly solve this problem” - such is the opportunistic logic of these managers. But a reactive solution to problems that require deep and comprehensive preparation is impossible. It is only possible to quickly report on fictitious achievements, relying on reports, reports and monitoring sucked from the finger, which will inevitably lead to hypertrophy of formal indicators and cause embitterment of teachers tired of meaningless and indistinct reforms. Hence the conclusion - along with the preparatory work on the introduction of the professional standard of the teacher, which is unfolding at pilot sites, it is necessary to encourage other territories to this activity, for which, probably, it will be necessary to include an administrative resource.
It should be recognized that the second serious problem is the mismatch of the processes of modernization of domestic education. It has already been noted above that the process of modernization of education must be considered in a system where all its links are interconnected. One of the most sensitive links that cause the most wary attitude of teachers is the connection between the professional standard and the teacher remuneration system. In order to create the most fair conditions that allow a balanced assessment of the work of teachers, it is necessary to develop generally accepted criteria for assessing the quality of a teacher's work. At the same time, the results of a teacher's work are by no means always the results of a unified state exam. It is necessary to take into account the fact that teachers have to work in a variety of socio-economic conditions with different contingents of students who differ in their real learning opportunities. The effectiveness of the work of a teacher should be judged on the basis of the dynamics of the personal growth of a child who has even the most modest abilities, and sometimes serious limitations associated with his physical and mental health. The development and discussion of subtle quality assessment tools is still underway. Criteria for assessing quality should become the center of consolidation of the teaching community, developed on the basis of public and professional consensus. Meanwhile, the regions are vying to report on the introduction of an effective contract, although the transition to it was announced by the state in 2018. As a result, there is a shift in emphasis in the assessment of teachers' work towards formal indicators: there is no activity yet, but there are indicators. This often leads to the collection of a huge amount of papers, documents, questionnaires and statistical data on the results of the final attestation of students over a number of years, which are not related to the development of the professionalism and effectiveness of teachers. As a result, instead of stimulating the professional growth of teachers, we get an increase in social tension in the teaching environment. The transition to an effective contract should complete the construction of a building, the foundation of which is professional growth based on an objective assessment of a teacher's work. Attempts to erect a building from the roof are fraught with its failure.
The next problem is the forced introduction of the teacher's professional standard without a proper understanding of its true goals and objectives, a constructive role in the implementation of the national education development strategy. Truly, formalism, ingrained in the flesh and blood of individual administrators, is capable of vulgarizing and making senseless any progressive undertaking. We're not halfway there yet, and in some areas, checks have already been put in place to identify implementation results, followed immediately by reports of success. As indicators designed to identify the full and final implementation of the professional standard, random, secondary, taken out of context indicators are considered, the verification of which does not require serious analytical skills and is reduced to fixing the teacher's possession of the necessary document. In one of the territories, the technological map of the lesson is recognized as such a mandatory document for all teachers without exception, indicating the transition to a new professional standard. Who, where, when considered it as a panacea for all ills? There are various models of preparation for the lesson. Among them - an unfading abstract, a lesson script, including a technological map. The sovereign right of the teacher to choose the optimal form of lesson planning that is convenient for him personally. So no, all teachers of the region, without exception, were obliged to fill out the technological map hated by many. What does the real development of a new professional standard have to do with it? It is worth recalling that in accordance with the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" teachers are guaranteed freedom of teaching, free expression of their opinion, freedom from interference in professional activities.
The inspectors are not at all interested in the personal growth of children and the dynamics of their development, which would be nice to record in a compact, teacher-friendly form.
Just as hastily, without appropriate preparation, the model of inclusive education is being implemented. In a number of territories, it was reduced to the closure of schools of type VII and VIII and the transfer of children with serious developmental problems to general education schools. And the training of teachers to work with a complex, heterogeneous student population has been limited to short-term courses at local advanced training courses, where the necessary qualified specialists are often not available. And here the zealous administrators hastened to declare their involvement in the fashionable humanistic trend. It turned out cheap, since the maintenance of a child in a school of the VIII type costs eight times more than in a general education school, but too angry, because it is not difficult to predict the consequences of such administration for children with disabilities and teachers.
Thus, opposites converge. Complete inactivity in anticipation of a special order and imitation of violent activity. Both are fraught with the failure of the introduction of the professional standard of the teacher. So far, we have been talking about those territories that, for a number of reasons, either were not included in the number of pilot sites (recall that participation in the approbation is voluntary), or began to prepare for the introduction of the professional standard to the best of their understanding, without the necessary consultations with the developers and project operators.
However, one should not think that the approbation and refinement of the professional standard at the pilot sites proceed without conflict. It is to the presentation of the urgent and overripe problems identified at these sites that we proceed.
Frankly speaking, only the first step has been taken, which consists in the fact that, as a result of a broad discussion, it was possible to form a psychological readiness for the introduction of a professional standard among a significant part of teachers who perceive it as a response to the challenges of the time. At the same time, numerous meetings and conversations with teachers showed that many of them got acquainted with the concept and content of the standard only selectively, in the part that mainly related to their direct activities as a teacher of the Russian language, mathematics, computer science, preschool education teacher. Everything else they skimmed through.
And this despite the fact that all the necessary materials were presented in the public domain on the site and on the pages of the special literature provided by him, from which it was possible to draw the necessary comments and explanations.
We explain this phenomenon for ourselves by the lack of objective technological readiness of the assessment and the habit of teachers that has developed in recent years for quick reading, a kind of “scanning” and downloading compressed information that is pragmatically necessary for work. Alas, it must be admitted that teachers have lost the habit of reading serious didactic and methodological texts. Numerous meetings, webinars and teleconferences were required, where in live communication, in the course of answering questions, teachers clarified for themselves the essence of the upcoming changes in the requirements for their activities. This work was not useless, as it revealed the advantages of interactive methods for implementing the teacher's professional standard.
Master classes conducted by teachers themselves, who have mastered new professional competencies and demonstrate advanced pedagogical practices to their colleagues, have become another effective tool for translating the ideology of the professional standard. Such a lively, scholastic-free visual transfer of experience from teacher to teacher gradually gives rise to a chain reaction of implementation, allows you to accept the requirements of the professional standard as the requirements of the professional community itself, which it imposes on the members of its workshop. So, the first step has been taken, but this is clearly not enough. It is urgent to force the second step. Why?
The implementation dialectics is such that, on the one hand, advanced pedagogical practices must be cultivated carefully and gradually, but, on the other hand, the teacher cannot keep up with the times. In a rapidly changing open world, the main professional quality that a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn. It follows that the implementation of the standard cannot be delayed indefinitely. Already today, here and now, and not in the distant future, the teacher is dealing with a complicated heterogeneous contingent of students, face to face with a new digital generation that has absorbed advanced communication technologies from a young age. In a word, as the now out of fashion classic said: “Today is early, but tomorrow it will be late.” This is what dictates the need for the second step, after which the transition to a new professional standard will be made.
The content of the second step is a detailed refinement of the managerial model for the implementation of the teacher's professional standard. The All-Russian Congress of Participants in the Approbation and Implementation of the Teacher's Professional Standard showed that teachers and administrators involved in this work want to be guided by clear, specific management decisions enshrined in the relevant documents. Only then will the professional standard acquire the status assigned to it in the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. The need to create management mechanisms for the implementation of a professional standard was recorded in the road map from the very beginning. It is obvious that at present the brake on its implementation is the lack of a new evaluation procedure.
We consider the professional standard as a systemic mechanism for evaluating practicing teachers during certification tests, a resource for their professional and career growth. The certification of teachers, which follows from the standard, should not lead to an increase in the bureaucratic burden and the writing by teachers of a huge number of documents that there is no one to read in such a volume. Teachers are waiting for a new regulation on attestation, but it should not be another bureaucratic document describing only the procedure for its implementation. The regulation is intended to normatively fix a systemic mechanism for evaluating a teacher's performance, which will be adopted on an equal footing by the employer and the professional community. Work on the creation of such a mechanism has not yet been completed. Its main substantive problem, for the solution of which it is necessary to attract additional scientific, pedagogical, human and financial resources, is the selection of fine assessment tools.
When developing a new attestation procedure, it is also necessary to provide for the participation of the professional community itself in its implementation. It should be recognized that as long as the only player in this field is an official, the assessment of a teacher's qualifications according to the laws of the bureaucratic genre will turn out to be as formal as possible and, thus, will inevitably lose the credibility of teachers. Therefore, the attestation procedure should fully comply with the principle of public administration. In order to implement it, the legal registration of the professional association "Educator of the 21st century" is currently being completed, which will primarily include teachers who own advanced pedagogical practices. Of course, its primary task will be to broadcast the ideology of the professional standard and disseminate progressive pedagogical practices in the professional community. But it is equally important to endow such an association with broad rights that allow defending the interests of the professional community in the delicate issues of evaluating the qualifications of a teacher. It is assumed that after the appropriate legal formalization, the representatives of the association will become full partners of the state in assessing the qualifications of a teacher.
The teacher remuneration system should be linked to the results of work, with a fair and transparent assessment of the teacher's professional achievements. The new evaluation procedure can only partially solve this problem. The more objectively the teacher's qualification level is confirmed, the higher his responsibility for his own growth, the more he is ready to complicate the functional duties that he will have to take on, which should be reflected in his status and salary.
Today, the idea of ​​transition to the level standard of teachers and the corresponding level model of positions and qualification categories is being worked out. Such a model should form the basis of an objective qualification assessment system. Then the remuneration system will stimulate a career, clearly show the prospect of growth in teacher remuneration, his social and professional recognition in connection with the growth of his qualifications and professionalism. However, the implementation of this reasonable approach encounters a number of obstacles.
The first obstacle: there is still no clear idea of ​​the hierarchical ladder, climbing the steps of which the teacher will receive moral and material satisfaction from his career growth. They argue about the number of steps and their names, which are rather arbitrary: teacher, senior teacher, leading teacher. Within each gradation or only in one of them, it is proposed to introduce categories. But the essence of the problem is not the creation of a new table of pedagogical ranks. Behind the disputes about ranks and titles, one should not miss the substantive aspect, which implies different complexity and scale of activities that teachers of different skill levels have to deal with. In our opinion, the leading teacher is not the teacher who received this category for long service and honest, impeccable service (there are honorary titles for such teachers, which no one is going to cancel), but the one who really leads his colleagues. For example, he is a developer of programs for different categories of children, actively trains colleagues by holding seminars and master classes, involving them in the implementation of promising projects, carries out scientific and pedagogical analytics, analyzes the educational needs of children and coordinates the work on developing programs for both “middle ”, and for special categories of children. He's kind of a player-coach. This is a completely different qualification, a different scale of activity, functional duties that are not characteristic of an ordinary teacher, which by no means can be reduced only to direct work with children. In a good way, such a teacher should have a small teaching load that allows him to keep himself in a pedagogical shape, visibly and convincingly demonstrate to colleagues the benefits that they will receive by mastering advanced pedagogical practices. He continues to work with children, but at the same time he devotes a significant part of his time to other functional duties. However, such a reasonable use of the intellectual and creative potential of the most prepared teachers also encounters a number of obstacles.
Firstly, it is extremely difficult to convert the professional competencies of teachers into clearly defined job functions, arranging them in a certain hierarchy according to the degree of complexity and scale of activity. For example, both senior and leading teachers can actually develop programs for different categories of children and actively train their colleagues (for example, at the moment there is not a single leading teacher in the school, but this is not a reason for refusing to solve urgent problems in the educational problem process). Secondly, different positions imply different material rewards. But the lack of a clear delineation of functional responsibilities creates the basis for labor disputes and conflicts.

Where is the line that indisputably indicates the teacher's transition from one level of activity to another? And finally, the idea of ​​using the high creative potential of the teacher not only in direct work with children, but also to improve the skills of their colleagues is good, but at present, when accruing length of service, only the teaching load is taken into account (at least 18 hours per week). And this means that, without changing the legislation, we can deprive the most qualified teachers of the right to a seniority pension.
Let's sum up the preliminary results. The first step towards the introduction of a professional teacher standard has been made. It consisted in approbation and refinement of the standard on pilot sites. This work revealed problems and contradictions, set new priority and long-term tasks that require their step-by-step solution. Problems encountered during implementation include:
- mismatch in time for the implementation of various projects, which, being interdependent, must obey a single logic that dictates a strictly defined sequence of actions (it is impossible to force the introduction of an effective contract that implies material incentives for the quality work of a teacher without agreeing on what is meant by the quality of pedagogical work and what fair, objective criteria for its evaluation);
- the criteria for evaluating the qualifications of teachers in terms of mastering new (more complex) labor functions and professional competencies require serious revision;
- a new procedure for evaluating teachers has not been developed, which should not only include a detailed description of the relevant qualification test, but also implement the principle of state and public administration, involving representatives of the professional community in assessing the qualifications of teachers;
- need to be developed with a subsequent broad discussion of assessment tools that allow to judge the results of the teacher's work;
- serious comprehension and subsequent instrumental study of the idea of ​​introducing a multi-level standard are needed;
- the multi-level model of positions, which is supposed to be the basis of the National Teacher Development System, cannot be built before the introduction of a multi-level standard;
- further implementation of the teacher's professional standard will be hampered by the lack of not only technological readiness for objective assessment, but also the lack of the necessary regulatory and legal framework, the improvement of which requires changes in a number of legislative acts and amendments to the current legislation.
The list of identified problems is not exhaustive, but we have identified the main ones.
Thus, when implementing the strategy for introducing a professional standard, it is necessary to proceed to the second step, the content of which will be a phased solution of the problems and elimination of the contradictions indicated in these materials.
It should be added that the provision of logistical and financial conditions for the introduction of a professional standard remains a serious problem. Crisis phenomena in the economy, strained budgets of the regions do not yet allow sufficient use of financial instruments to stimulate the professional growth of teachers. But this will not always be the case. Our task is to create such a management system that will eventually be replenished with resources, including financial ones. And then it will work at full capacity.

Evgeny YAMBURG, director of school No. 109