Priorix series. Priorix (vaccination against rubella, measles, mumps). During pregnancy and lactation

One of the drugs designed to help develop stable immunity against such serious infectious pathologies as measles, rubella and mumps is the Priorix vaccine (about the rest). Immunization is carried out for children starting from early age, as well as adults who have not been vaccinated before.

The vaccination is usually well tolerated and helps to avoid future infections with the viruses that cause these diseases. But due to the ambiguous attitude towards vaccines that exists Lately Among parents, we have to return more than once to the topic of immunizing children and the drugs that are used for this procedure. So, Priorix. What is it, and what could be the consequences after its introduction?

Description of the drug Priorix

This trivalent vaccine is produced in Belgium in the form of a powder consisting of strains of measles, rubella and mumps viruses, egg white, neomycin, sorbitol, mannitol and lactose, which is diluted in a sterile solution for injection. The drug is delivered in transparent ampoules filled with white or white-pink liquid. Its shelf life is no more than two years.

Many parents are interested in Priorix live vaccine or not, believing that live vaccines are safer for the child.

Priorix (not to be confused with Poliorix) is based on live pathogenic strains of pathogens of these infectious diseases. The rubella virus strain is grown in laboratory conditions from human cells, measles and mumps - from chicken embryos. In the drug, the viruses themselves are in an inactive state, so they cannot provoke the disease. Strains that promote the production of antibodies form immunity against pathologies.

The peculiarity of this drug is that after immunization the result is quickly achieved. Moreover, the number of those who develop persistent immunity for a long time is quite high and corresponds to 96-99 percent. Typically, immunization with Priorix protects the body for up to 11 years; after this period, additional vaccination must be carried out.

The solution is prepared just before use. After the solution is mixed with the powder, the mixture should acquire an orange or beetroot color. If it is different or sediment is found in the ampoule, the product should not be used. If the prepared mixture needs to be stored, do so in the refrigerator and no more than 8 hours after its preparation.

The drug in one dose (0.5 ml) is injected intramuscularly into the thigh or shoulder. At the same time, before giving the injection, it is important to wait until the alcohol has completely evaporated from the surface of the skin, since the vaccine may lose its effectiveness in its presence.

The vaccine can be used with other vaccinations, if these are non-live vaccines and BCG. The main condition for this remains the introduction of the drug into various areas. The vaccine in question can be used for revaccination after immunization with another drug. A child vaccinated with Priorix can be bathed without fear of getting the injection site wet. And the child should be warned against scratching this area, as it can cause infection.

Who is it shown to and when is it done?

This vaccine is effective drugs to prevent serious infectious diseases. AND medical workers, and parents speak positively about him.

The national vaccination calendar provides for the introduction of the vaccine:

  • children under one year of age;
  • 6 years old;
  • teenagers aged 15-17 years;
  • young people aged 22-29 years.

Then revaccination with Priorix is ​​carried out every 10 years. After what time it is used for adults - there are no restrictions. If infection is established, the vaccine can be administered in the first three days. If measles infection is suspected, the drug can be administered in the first three days after the fact of infection is established.


However, vaccination is not always possible. Among the contraindications it should be noted:

  • immunity of the body to neomycin or another component included in the vaccine;
  • presence of immunodeficiency disorders;
  • allergy to chicken protein;
  • interesting position of a woman;
  • the presence of acute pathologies and exacerbations of chronic ailments (it is canceled temporarily until a favorable period);
  • with previous use of the drug was observed negative reaction for the administration of the vaccine.

Immunodeficiency disease of the primary or secondary stage, if HIV infection does not show symptoms, vaccination with Priorix is ​​allowed. It is also indicated for women who are breastfeeding, but only if they are at risk.

Immunization with Priorix is ​​carried out after examination and tests. If anyone in your family suffers from seizures or has allergic reactions to medications, you should tell your doctor about this during your examination. Such patients especially need to be monitored after vaccination.

Possible reactions

In general, Priorix vaccination is well tolerated by most young and adult patients. Rarely, but an unpleasant reaction to the vaccine makes itself felt. Priorix leads to the following health problems, mainly in children:

  • temperature rise to 38-39.5°C;
  • minor rashes;
  • sialadenitis;
  • slight swelling of the lymph nodes;
  • cough, rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • arthritis.

The above symptoms, if they are not very pronounced, special treatment They do not provide for it, since after 2-4 days they go away on their own. If the temperature is significant, you can give an antipyretic, and to reduce the allergic effect (for rashes) - an antihistamine. But if the symptoms alarm parents, then they need to inform the pediatrician.


The Priorix vaccine is introduced into the body to strengthen the immune system, that is, to develop resistance to dangerous bacteria. It is impossible to predict how the body will react to this. For this reason, the consequences after receiving the vaccine vary. They manifest themselves in the form of post-vaccination reactions and complications.

Therefore, short-term counteractions should not be confused with those pathologies that can cause complications after vaccination:

  • allergies of varying intensity (starting with urticaria and anaphylactic shock);
  • pneumonia;
  • reactive arthropathy;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis);
  • glomerular nephritis.

Complications in the form of violent allergic reactions can occur from antibiotics or chicken or quail eggs, which are usually included in the vaccine. Since when a vaccine is administered, all the body’s defenses are concentrated on the formation of immunity, children with chronic inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system may develop pneumonia.

  • Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) or its membranes (meningitis) can only affect a severely weakened child. Therefore, such cases rarely occur;
  • As for reactive arthropathy, the likelihood of its development is also insignificant. For such a pathology to occur, there must be a predisposition, that is, the child must have had rheumatism;
  • Complications in the form of arthritis, like with Infanrix Hexa, depend on the age of the vaccinated person. The later this is done, the greater the likelihood of arthritis;
  • Statistics have determined that in 60% of cases, Priorix does not cause complications. 40% are minor adverse reactions to the administration of the drug. Of these, the most common symptom is fever, up to 40°C. This is an indication of the body’s effective production of antibodies and the formation of the body’s defenses;
  • For drug administration side effects occur in one-year-old children. These are cough, runny nose, chills, hives. Feature"Priorix" is that adverse reactions do not occur immediately, but 9-10 days after administration of the drug;
  • Six-year-old children tolerate this vaccination much easier. This is due to the fact that the immune system they are stronger than those of one-year-old children;
  • Therefore, post-vaccination complications are rare in them;
  • The most typical consequences vaccination in adults for arthritis. Moreover, the older the vaccinated person, the more clearly this pathology will manifest itself.

Everyone is afraid of complications after vaccinations, especially mothers and doctors. Such consequences are nothing good for the body they don't bring it. It is difficult to predict them. Even with good quality vaccines and the experience of health care workers, there is a possible risk of serious complications.

Regimen after vaccination

The most important thing is not to overload before and after the procedure. digestive system. To do this, you need to try to eat as little food as possible. Additional activities include:

  • drink plenty of fluids (drink clean, still water);
  • taking antihistamines and calcium gluconate;
  • cleansing enema (the presence of constipation increases the risk of adverse post-vaccination reactions);
  • walking in the fresh air;
  • regular ventilation of the room.

Also, after vaccination you should not:

  • introduce new foods into the diet;
  • eat salty, sweet and sour;
  • take vitamin D;
  • drink juices and sparkling water;
  • contact with sick people;
  • visit crowded places where a weakened body can catch any illness.

When deciding whether or not to get vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps, many now give preference to the Belgian Priorix. The vaccine is effective, has minimal side effects and is highly purified.

Now it’s no secret that vaccination is an important part of prevention. various diseases. Its effectiveness depends on timely administration and quality of drugs. A Belgian company produces a combination vaccine. The diseases are severe and often result in complications. They often affect young children, but they are also dangerous for adults.

The diseases that the Priorix vaccine protects against include:

  1. (Morbili). The causative agent of this dangerous disease- paramyxovirus, easily spreads through the air, as well as through the placenta from mother to baby. Once the body is infected, it multiplies in the lymph nodes. Then the measles virus is transferred by blood to the epithelium of the skin, as well as the bronchi and trachea. It multiplies within 1-2 weeks, but rashes appear on the fourth day. Then extensive intoxication with a temperature of up to 40 degrees joins the symptoms. After the end of the main disease, the measles virus, complications often arise: inflammation of the lymph nodes, liver, lungs and even the brain. The virus is highly contagious: in 2011, more than 160 thousand children worldwide were affected by it, mostly under five years of age. Therefore, it must be introduced in every country.
  2. Rubella (Rubeolla). The causative agent of this infection belongs to togaviruses. It is highly contagious. The disease is dangerous even during fetal development. Thus, in the third trimester of pregnancy, the rubella virus seriously weakens the mother’s body and can cause fetal developmental abnormalities in 80% of cases. Malformations of the heart and kidneys are more common, eyeballs, brain and auditory nerve. As a result of infection, there is an incubation period of up to 25 days during which the virus multiplies. On the fourth or fifth day of the disease, the disease appears small rash, spreading over the skin until the 12th day of illness. Inflammatory process covers lymphatic system, causing intoxication with an increase in temperature.
  3. Mumps (Parotitis epidemica). This disease is caused by a paramyxovirus from the genus Rububavirus. It is transmitted through the air and penetrates the tissues of the parotid salivary gland. The disease occurs with intoxication and high fever, and in 10-30% it ends with various complications. These include inflammation of the meninges, pancreas, deafness and male infertility resulting from orchitis.

Attention! The Priorix vaccine has a trivalent structure, meaning one shot protects against measles and rubella. In addition, it can be used unscheduled, for example, when traveling abroad. But before immunization, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by a pediatrician, because Priorix is ​​administered exclusively to healthy children.

Immunization time and protection period

The first injection of the Priorix vaccine must be given to the baby when he turns 1 year old. This meets the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Health described in the immunization calendar. For the first vaccination, one dose against measles and mumps. In countries with a high prevalence of the virus, vaccination is done even earlier - between the sixth and ninth month of life. Immunization is also required when traveling abroad, even if the baby is less than a year old. After vaccination, in 99% of cases the baby’s body begins to secrete antibodies to dangerous viruses. An active surge in the number of antigens occurs after another 12 months and lasts until the baby is six years old. It is at this time that revaccination is done to maintain immunity.

The effect of vaccination lasts from ten to twenty years, depending on the individual characteristics of immunity. Therefore, pediatricians advise revaccination against the measles virus every 10 years. Girls are re-vaccinated at the age of thirteen in the following cases:

  • the child has not been vaccinated;
  • vaccinated with a mono- or bivalent vaccine.

The vaccine is effective and is actively used in the USA, Canada and Europe.

Composition and use of the vaccine

The drug contains live attenuated viruses that cause three diseases. The most common strains were selected for preparation.

The Priorix vaccine contains: Excipients: a complex of carbohydrates and essential amino acids, and the antibiotic neomycin, which prevents the penetration of bacteriological infections. In addition, the preparation contains chicken egg white.

The drug is packaged in one dose per box. The package contains a bottle of powdered antigens. In addition, the box contains a transparent ampoule with water, which will be used to prepare the solution, and a sterile syringe.

The measles and rubella vaccine must be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. One dose in the form of a suspension is equal to 0.5 ml. The injection is given into the muscle on the thigh or in the upper third of the shoulder.

Important! After using the Priorix measles vaccine, children can wash themselves completely and allow them to wet the injection site. You just need to make sure that they do not scratch the injection area to prevent infection.

Features of the period after vaccination

Regardless of age, most people easily tolerate immunization with Priorix. The rubella virus vaccine causes adverse reactions quite rarely. Often the symptoms are minor, such as:

  • hyperemia or swelling at the injection site;
  • hardening or soreness of the injection site;
  • increased irritability or, on the contrary, mild apathy and drowsiness;
  • subfebrile body temperature (from 37.3 to 37.7 degrees).

Very rarely, more serious reactions occur after administration of rubella, which significantly affect the baby’s health. These include:

  • temperature rise above 38 degrees Celsius two to three days after administration;
  • skin rashes;
  • increased size of lymph nodes;
  • rhinitis and cough;
  • febrile seizures;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • joint inflammation.

Important! Often, all such effects disappear 3-4 days after the vaccine is administered. To alleviate the child's condition, antipyretic medications can be used to bring down the temperature. And to reduce an allergic reaction to one of the components of the vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella, you can use antihistamines. If serious manifestations occur, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.


The Priorix vaccine cannot be used in the following conditions:

  • immunodeficiency (except for asymptomatic and);
  • acute infectious diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases (immunization for ARVI and intestinal disorders is allowed after a decrease in temperature);
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • allergic reaction to Priorix during previous administration;
  • hyperreaction to one of the substances included in the drug (except for skin contact reactions and effects that are not anaphylactic).

All such health changes are detected during the initial examination, which is mandatory before immunization against measles and.

Vaccine analogues

If there are contraindications to the Priorix vaccine, other drugs are used. Foreign and Russian analogues divided into mono-, bi- and trivalent vaccines. It all depends on the number of nosological units to which antibodies are produced.

Monovalent agents

These vaccinations prevent only one virus. IN Russian Federation The following vaccines are allowed to be used:

  • “Live cultural measles” (Russia);
  • "Ruvax", against the measles virus (France);
  • “Cultural against rubella” (RF);
  • “Cultural mumps living” (RF);
  • "Ervevax", against the rubella virus (Belgium);
  • "Rudivax" (France).

The Ministry of Health provides only drugs from Russia free of charge

Bivalent and trivalent agents

There are other combination vaccines. Bivalent agents have components that stimulate the synthesis of antigens against two pathogens.

And besides Priorix, there is only one trivalent drug for vaccination against mumps on the Russian market - the American MMR-II.

In domestic medicine, there is information about the Priorix vaccine. But Russian pediatricians have long noticed that the drug is far superior to free analogues in terms of effectiveness and tolerability by patients. In addition, rubella, negative effects occur 2-3 times less often. This is due to the intensive purification of the drug during production. And simultaneous protection against mumps allows you to give fewer injections to your child.

The trivalent Priorix vaccine, produced in Belgium in the form of a dry lyophilized powder, is a mixture of weakened “live” strains of measles, rubella and mumps viruses. It allows you to protect your child from three contagious viral diseases that are severe and sometimes result in complications. More often these diseases occur in young children. And the rubella virus, which infects a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, also has a teratogenic effect. That is, it leads to anomalies and malformations of the fetus.

To evaluate the significance of the Priorix vaccine, it is important to understand what the diseases are that the vaccine is designed to protect the child from.

  • (Morbili). The measles virus belongs to the Paramixoviridae family. It spreads through the air and, upon entering the body, multiplies in the lymph nodes. It is then transported by the blood to the epithelial cells of the skin and respiratory tract(trachea, bronchi). Incubation period is 7-15 days. The rash characteristic of measles begins on the fourth day of illness and lasts one to two weeks. The disease is characterized by intoxication with high fever (up to 40°C). A severe course of the disease can result in complications: pneumonia, encephalitis, hepatitis, lymphadenitis. Measles can also be congenital if the virus is transmitted transplacentally from the mother to the fetus. According to WHO statistics, in 2011 different countries 160 thousand children suffered from measles, most of them under five years old.
  • (Rubeolla). The virus (Rubella virus) belongs to the family Togaviridae, genus Rubivirus. It is transmitted through the air and is easy to catch. If the virus enters a woman’s body before the birth of a child, it can cause mutations in the cells of the fetal organs, which leads to the development of defects (75-85%). For example, hearts, kidneys. And also to deafness, cataracts, microcephaly. Having become infected from the mother, the child is born with congenital rubella. In European countries, about 87-92% of women are vaccinated against rubella. Infection of a child with the virus after birth leads to the development of acquired rubella. The incubation period of the disease is 14-25 days. The disease is characterized by a small rash that appears on the third to fifth days, continuing to spread throughout the week. Inflammation affects the lymph nodes and skin, causing intoxication and fever.
  • (Parotitis epidemica). The disease, which people call “mumps” or “mumps”, is caused by a virus from the genus Rububavirus, family Paramyxoviridae. The virus is easily transmitted through the air and, upon entering the body, multiplies in cells salivary glands. The largest is the parotid gland (Glandula parotidae), its inflammation and enlargement give the name to the disease “mumps.” The incubation period of the disease ranges from 10 to 24 days. The disease is characterized by intoxication and fever. A severe form of the disease sometimes leads to complications: meningitis (10-16%), pancreatitis, deafness. And also to orchitis (inflammation of the testes, 25-30%), which in the future can lead to infertility.

The advantage of the Priorix vaccine is that it provides protection against three viruses at the same time. Can be used for both routine and emergency immunization. The disadvantages of the drug include the fact that it is administered on a paid basis, since it is imported. It is permissible to vaccinate only healthy children after the pediatrician conducts an examination and studies the results of blood and urine tests.

Timing of immunization and how long protection lasts

When is Priorix vaccination done? According to the schedule in the Russian vaccination calendar, one-dose immunization is recommended for a child aged one year. The introduction of antigens stimulates the synthesis of antibodies in 96-99% of children. The same high number of antigens is recorded a year later. Therefore, the age when revaccination with the Priorix vaccine is given is six years. That is, the interval between procedures is five years.

Moreover, in countries with an increased risk of measles, a child is vaccinated at six or nine months. Also, immunization must be carried out in case of traveling abroad, even if the baby is not yet a year old.

How long does the vaccine last? The immune reaction is individual. But on average, the duration of protection can be 10-20 years. Therefore, after revaccination, it is recommended to re-administer the vaccine according to the schedule: once every ten years. In addition, girls are injected with the drug at the age of 13 if:

  • the girl has not been vaccinated previously;
  • was vaccinated previously, but with monovalent or bivalent drugs.

Components and use of the Priorix vaccine

The instructions for the drug "Priorix" provide a detailed explanation of the components of the vaccine. Thus, the composition includes weakened strains of viruses:

  • measles - Schwarz;
  • rubella - Wistar RA 27/3;
  • mumps - RIT 4385 / Jeryl Lynn.

It also contains additional substances: the antibiotic neomycin (to prevent the proliferation of bacteria), a mixture of amino acids and carbohydrates, and chicken protein.

One Priorix package contains a bottle of lyophilized antigen powder, an ampoule of water and a syringe with a needle. One dose of the drug (0.5 ml ready suspension) is injected intramuscularly into the thigh or shoulder.

The drug is used with other vaccines specified in the vaccination calendar. This does not affect the effect and does not increase the number of negative side effects. For example, the drug is combined with DTP and ADS vaccines, against polio, Haemophilus influenzae and hepatitis B. (An important condition remains the administration of drugs to various areas of the shoulder or hip). The exceptions are BCG and “live” vaccines. Priorix is ​​also recommended for revaccination if the primary vaccination was done with another drug.

After vaccination with Priorix against measles, rubella and mumps, the child can be bathed and the injection site can be wetted. But you need to control so that the baby does not scratch the vaccination area and introduce an infection.

Post-vaccination period

Priorix vaccination is well tolerated by most patients. Side effects from the Priorix vaccine are minor, for example:

  • redness or swelling at the injection site;
  • compaction of the injection site;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness and lethargy;
  • low-grade fever (37.3-37.7°C).

Rarely, there are more unpleasant consequences of vaccination, when a reaction to the vaccine leads to general problems with the baby’s health. Complications after Priorix in a child may be as follows:

  • increased temperature (38-39.5°C) a few days after the procedure;
  • rashes (0.1-0.2%);
  • inflammation of the salivary glands;
  • enlarged lymph nodes (0.01-0.02%);
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat (cough) or nose (rhinitis) (0.1%);
  • conjunctivitis;
  • arthritis.

Usually, the side effects of the drug do not require special treatment. After two to four days they go away on their own. To downgrade high temperature You can give an antipyretic, and to reduce the effect of the component that causes an allergic reaction, antihistamines are used. If the child's reaction alarms the parents, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.


Vaccination with Priorix is ​​contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • acute infections;
  • allergic reactions to the initial injection of the drug;
  • increased reaction to the antibiotic "neomycin";
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • allergy to chicken protein (contained in the vaccine in small quantities).

What can be replaced

Domestic and imported analogue vaccines are divided into monovalent, bivalent and trivalent.


They contain only one antigen component against one virus that causes infection. Among those approved for use in the Russian Federation:

  • “Measles cultural live vaccine”- Russia;
  • Measles vaccine "Ruvax"- France;
  • "Vaccine against rubella cultured live"- Russia;
  • “Mumps cultural live vaccine”- Russia;
  • Rubella vaccine "Ervevax"- Belgium;
  • Vaccine against rubella "Rudivax"- France.

Bivalent and trivalent

Duvalent drugs include two components of antigens against two viruses, causing diseases. An example is the Russian “Mumps-measles cultural live vaccine”.

As for three-component vaccines, in addition to Priorix, in the Russian Federation children are simultaneously vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps with another drug. This is an MMR-II made in the USA.

Advantages of the drug

Reviews about the Priorix vaccine can be found both positive and negative. Nevertheless, parents and doctors write that, compared to free domestic analogues, there are significantly fewer side effects and complications from a foreign drug, because it is better purified from impurities. In addition, the imported Priorix vaccine is a three-valent one, which allows you to reduce the number of “injections” without harming the child physically and psychologically.

Mumps (mumps).

Vaccination with Priorix vaccine guarantees high degree protection against three infections simultaneously. Priorix vaccine administration is low frequency local reactions compared with another associated vaccine for the prevention of measles, rubella and mumps.

Priorix – lyophilized combination drug attenuated strains of measles virus (Schwarz), mumps (RIT 4385, derivative of Jeryl Lynn) and rubella (Wistar RA 27/3), cultivated separately in a culture of chicken embryo cells (measles and mumps viruses) and human diploid cells (rubella virus).

Priorix vaccine meets requirements World Organization Healthcare on the production of biological products, requirements for vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella and live combination vaccines.

Application for Vaccine

Priorix vaccine administration regimen

The Priorix vaccine is intended for active immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella from 12 months of age. Vaccination schedules in different countries are different, therefore the vaccination schedule in each of them is determined by the National Vaccination Calendar - see vaccination calendar.
If a child is exposed to measles, a certain degree of protection against measles disease can be achieved by administering the vaccine to non-immune individuals within 72 hours of their contact with a person with measles.

Contraindications to the administration of the Priorix vaccine

The drug is contraindicated in persons with systemic hypersensitivity to neomycin and chicken eggs, however, a history of contact dermatitis caused by neomycin and an allergic reaction to chicken eggs of a non-anaphelactic nature is not a contraindication to vaccination. The Priorix vaccine is not recommended for use in persons with primary or secondary immunodeficiency. However, the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine can be prescribed to people with asymptomatic HIV infection and to people with AIDS.
For mild ARVI, acute intestinal diseases and other vaccinations can be carried out immediately after the temperature has normalized. In case of acute manifestations of diseases, exacerbation chronic diseases vaccination should be delayed until recovery. Immunization of pregnant women with the Priorix vaccine is not allowed.

Cautions when using Priorix

Caution must be exercised when administering the vaccine to persons with allergic diseases and a personal and family history of seizures. As with the use of all biological drugs, due to the possibility of developing immediate allergic reactions, the vaccinated person must be under medical supervision for at least 30 minutes. Vaccination of women of childbearing age is carried out in the absence of pregnancy and only if the woman agrees to be protected from conception for 3 months. after vaccination. Breastfeeding women can be vaccinated if the benefits of vaccination outweigh the possible risks. Vaccination of children up to 12 months. may be ineffective due to the possible retention of maternal antibodies. However, this should not serve as an obstacle to the use of the drug in children. of this age in situations high risk infection. Under such circumstances, repeated vaccination is indicated after reaching 12 months.

Compatibility of Priorix with other vaccines

The Priorix vaccine can be administered simultaneously (on the same day) with any inactivated vaccines: Engerix B (hepatitis B vaccine), Hiberix, Act-Hib, as well as with DTP and ADS vaccines, live and inactivated polio vaccine(OPV, Imovax polio), live vaccine against chickenpox subject to injection into different parts of the body. Other live viral vaccines are administered at intervals of at least 1 month. The Priorix vaccine can be used for revaccination in persons previously vaccinated with another combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (interchangeable). Children who have received immunoglobulins or other human blood products are vaccinated no earlier than 3 months later, due to possible ineffectiveness as a result of the effect of passively administered antibodies against the vaccine viruses of measles, mumps and rubella. If immunoglobulin (blood product) was administered earlier than 2 weeks after vaccination, the latter should be repeated. If necessary, staging tuberculin test(Mantoux test) it should be carried out either simultaneously with vaccination, or 6 weeks after it, since the measles (and possibly mumps) vaccination process can cause a temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the skin to tuberculin, which will cause a false negative result. Due to the fact that vaccine viruses are easily inactivated by ether, alcohol and detergents, it is necessary to prevent the drug from coming into contact with these substances.

The effectiveness of the Priorix vaccine

Clinical trials of the Priorix vaccine have shown the drug to be highly effective. Antibodies to the measles virus were detected in 98%, to the mumps virus in 96.1%, and to the rubella virus in 99.3% of those vaccinated. One year after vaccination, all seropositive individuals retained a protective titer of antibodies to measles and rubella and 88.4% to the mumps virus.

Side effects of Priorix

Level adverse reactions on the administration of the Priorix vaccine is insignificant: rarely there is hyperemia at the injection sites, pain and swelling, rarely swelling of the parotid salivary glands. It is extremely rare that those vaccinated may also develop symptoms characteristic of an upper respiratory tract infection (rhinitis, cough, bronchitis, etc. ).

How to use the vaccine

The Priorix vaccine is administered subcutaneously in a dose of 0.5 ml; allowed intramuscular use drug. Under no circumstances should Priorix vaccine be administered intravenously.

The vaccine is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees C or in the freezer. The solvent is stored at a temperature of 2 to 25 degrees C; freezing of the solvent is not allowed. The drug is transported at a temperature of 2-8 degrees C.

Measles - dangerous disease respiratory tract, causing severe complications and greatly weakening the immune system in children. Rubella is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it causes fetal death or deformity. Mumps is very dangerous for boys: its consequence is infertility.

The Priorix vaccine can be used for routine or emergency prophylaxis.

Routine vaccination Priorix vaccine is given to children at 12 months or later (vaccination is not age dependent) with a dose of 0.5 ml. The drug is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Revaccination is performed at 6 years of age if the vaccination was done at one year, or after 6 years.

Before vaccination, a thorough examination by a doctor is necessary, since sick children cannot be vaccinated. Allergy sufferers are prescribed pre-treatment with antihistamines.

Emergency vaccination must be done within 3 days after possible contact with a patient with measles, rubella or mumps. Emergency vaccinations are also given during a disease outbreak.

Vaccination can be carried out in conjunction with vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hepatitis group B and C. Vaccines must be administered to different parts of the body using different syringes - mixing drugs is strictly prohibited. A minimum of 1 month must pass before the introduction of vaccines not included in the approved vaccination schedule.

During vaccination, weakened measles, mumps and rubella viruses enter the body of a child or adult. Since they have low pathogenic activity, they quickly die, and the body develops stable artificially created immunity within 5-7 days after vaccination. The effectiveness of the Priorix vaccine reaches 98-99%.

Vaccination with Priorix is ​​usually easily tolerated and does not cause complications. Side effects (rash/fever/general malaise) occur in only 1 child out of 10. Symptoms go away on their own within a week.

Important: Women who have received this vaccine should not become pregnant for three months. This is because strains of the rubella virus can cause fetal abnormalities.

Contraindications to this vaccine:

To make it easier for your child to tolerate vaccination, you should follow several rules:

    Try not to introduce new foods into your child’s diet after vaccination to avoid possible allergic reactions.

    Ventilate the room in which the child is located more often and avoid visiting crowded places to minimize the risk of contact with sick people.

    Replace juices with clean still water.