Increased ESR in the blood - what does it mean? Reasons, norms for women and men. Why does ESR in the blood increase? What does high ESR mean in the blood?

Elevated ESR in the blood of women is not such a rare case. This circumstance is clarified by a blood test. What are the causes of increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate? And, most importantly, how to correct the situation? This will be discussed in the article.

What does ESR mean and what are its standards?

Blood plays an important role in the human body. With its help, the fight against foreign bodies, microbes and viruses. In addition, blood, or rather red blood cells, supplies organs with oxygen and substances for their functioning.

Red blood cells are the largest in the blood and repel each other due to their negative charge. But in the presence of disease, this process becomes insufficiently powerful, and the red blood cells begin to clump together. As a result, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate changes.

To determine this indicator, a blood test is performed. To prevent it from collapsing, various chemical elements, most often it is sodium citrate. Further observation is carried out. The analysis itself lasts one hour, during which the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is determined.

Such an analysis should be carried out in the following cases:

  • if there is a suspicion of rheumatic diseases;
  • with myocardial infarction, with this disease there is a circulatory disorder;
  • when carrying a child. ESR in women in this position is always elevated;
  • if there is a suspicion of various bacterial infectious diseases.

What are the standards for this indicator? High ESR is quite difficult to accurately determine. The fact is that this indicator can vary greatly depending on various factors. Moreover, an increased ESR, if the analysis is taken from a woman, may appear depending on the menstrual cycles. Even the diet a person follows on a daily basis can have a significant impact.

In order for the analysis to give accurate results, you should adhere to the following recommendations from experts:

  1. You need to go to the hospital on an empty stomach.
  2. One day before, or better yet a little earlier, you should not drink alcohol.
  3. The day before the test, it is better to stop taking any medications.
  4. Do not overload the body with unnecessary physical activity.
  5. It is not advisable to eat fatty foods a few days before taking the test to determine an elevated ESR.

Only by following these rules can you more or less accurately determine whether the ESR is elevated or not.

The norm itself for men is defined as 1-10 millimeters per hour. In women it ranges from 2 to 15 millimeters per hour. During the period of bearing a child, even an indicator of 45 mm per hour will not be considered as exceeding the norm.

As you can see, this blood characteristic can lie in a fairly wide range. But still, if a woman is not pregnant, then a value of 20-25 mm will be considered a violation and will require closer attention from a doctor.

The ESR indicator may change according to the degree of growth. Knowing what stage the patient’s indicator is at, you can make a more accurate diagnosis.

Experts distinguish the following four stages of ESR growth:

  1. First. At this stage, the increase in ESR is insignificant. However, all other indicators are normal.
  2. The second stage is growth up to 30 mm. This value indicates the presence of minor infectious diseases(for example, ARVI). It is enough to undergo a course of treatment and the indicator will return to normal within a week.
  3. The third stage of growth is if the indicator becomes more than 30 mm. This value indicates the presence of a disease that has a serious impact on the entire body. You need to start treatment immediately.
  4. The fourth stage is growth up to 60 or more millimeters per hour. In this case, the disease threatens the entire body, and treatment begins immediately.

But it is worth noting that while pregnant, a woman’s erythrocyte sedimentation rate can reach up to 45 millimeters per hour. In this case, treatment is not required, since this value is considered normal for pregnant women.

Why does ESR increase?

What is the reason for increased ESR? Why does the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increase? As mentioned above, such reasons include various rheumatological diseases.

In addition, the reason why this indicator increases may be one or more of the following diseases:

  • infectious, bacterial and fungal nature. Among them there may even be non-dangerous acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. But the greatest increase in ESR (up to 100) is observed with influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia.
  • for various tumors. In this case, the number of leukocytes may remain normal;
  • various diseases urinary tract and kidneys;
  • anisocytosis, hemoglobinopathy and other blood diseases;
  • food poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea and a number of other serious conditions of the body.

As practice shows, the reasons for an increase in ESR in 20% of cases are rheumatic diseases, as well as poisoning of the body. In such cases, the viscosity of the blood increases, which causes the red cells to settle more slowly.

The highest growth occurs when there is an infection in the body. In this case, the ESR may remain normal during the first two days after the onset of the disease. After complete recovery, the ESR value returns to normal, but this happens quite slowly, sometimes it takes a month for normalization.

Sometimes an elevated ESR does not indicate the presence of a disease in the body. This manifestation can be caused by taking certain medications (especially those containing hormones), poor nutrition, excessive enthusiasm for vitamin complexes (especially vitamin A), vaccination against hepatitis, and so on. In addition, almost five percent of the population has an individual feature - a constantly elevated ESR. In this case, there is no talk of any disease.

Elevated ESR is also observed in children aged 4 to 12 years. During this period, the formation of the body occurs, which entails such a deviation from the norm. This situation happens especially often in boys.

Women also have their own characteristics that affect changes in ESR. For example, as already mentioned, pregnancy leads to a significant increase in this indicator. Changes begin already in the tenth week of pregnancy. The highest erythrocyte sedimentation rate is observed in the third trimester. The indicator returns to normal after one to two months after the birth of the baby.

Also, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is affected by menstrual cycles, or rather their beginning. Even the diet that women often use to maintain their figure affects this indicator. The same applies to poor nutrition and overeating.


An elevated ESR in itself is not a disease. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the underlying ailment, which led to the change in the indicator. In some cases, no treatment is given at all. For example, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate will not change until a wound heals or a broken bone heals. Also, treatment is not required if the elevated ESR is a consequence of a woman carrying a child.

To find out the reason for the increase in this indicator, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination. As a result, the doctor will detect the presence of the disease and will prescribe necessary treatment. Only by defeating the underlying disease can an elevated ESR be normalized.

Women should pay special attention to their health during pregnancy. During this period, she is responsible for the fetus. And as you know, any change in the mother’s body inevitably affects the development of the unborn child. If during pregnancy a woman experiences an increased ESR, then it is necessary to try to prevent anemia. To do this, you must strictly observe proper diet. Also during this period, your doctor may prescribe medications that improve the body’s absorption of iron.

If the cause of the increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate is an infectious disease, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed. However, it cannot be interrupted, as this will lead to the neglect of the disease.

For women carrying a child, taking antibiotics is undesirable. But here the lesser of evils is chosen.

Some infectious diseases, if left untreated, can affect the development (both physical and mental) of the fetus. In this case, it is better to take a course of antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor than to harm the child’s health.

Often the reason for a slight increase in the value of this indicator is poor nutrition. With an increased content of fatty foods in the diet, the ESR value may increase. In this case, a balanced diet will help return it to normal. She will also be able to correct the situation if the increase in ESR was caused by a lack of a number of vitamins in the body. The doctor prescribes a course of medications or prepares a diet.

Any treatment should only be carried out in consultation with a specialist. Of course, if the increase in ESR is caused by a simple cold, then you can use those medications that help you. But in the absence of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections and with an increased ESR, it is better to consult a doctor and follow all his instructions.

It is worth remembering that some infectious diseases can cause significant harm to the body. This is especially true for women while pregnant. Infection and other illnesses can harm the development of the fetus, so treatment should begin immediately.

Erythrocytes - red blood cells - are the most important component of blood, since they perform several basic functions. functions of the circulatory system- nutritional, respiratory, protective, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to know all their properties. One of these properties is erythrocyte sedimentation rate- ESR, which is determined laboratory method, and the data obtained contain information about the state of the human body.

ESR is determined when donating blood for OA. There are several methods for measuring its level in the blood of an adult, but their essence is almost the same. It consists of taking a blood sample under certain temperature conditions, mixing it with an anticoagulant to prevent blood clotting and placing it in a special graduated tube, which is left in an upright position for an hour.

As a result, after time has elapsed, the sample is divided into two fractions - red blood cells settle to the bottom of the test tube, and a transparent plasma solution is formed on top, along the height of which the sedimentation rate is measured over a given period of time (mm/hour).

  • Normal ESR in the body of a healthy adult has differences depending on his age and his gender. In men it amounts to:
  • 2-12 mm/h (up to 20 years);
  • 2-14 mm/h (from 20 to 55 years);
  • 2-38 mm/h (from 55 years and above).

Among women:

  • 2-18 mm/h (up to 20 years);
  • 2-21 mm/h (from 22 to 55 years);
  • 2-53 mm/h (from 55 and above).

There is an error of the method (no more than 5%) that should be taken into account when determining ESR.

What causes the increase in ESR

ESR mainly depends on blood concentration albumin(protein) because decreasing its concentration leads to the fact that the speed of red blood cells changes, and therefore the speed at which they settle changes. And this happens precisely during unfavorable processes in the body, which allows the method to be used as an additional one when making a diagnosis.

To others physiological reasons for increased ESR include such as a change in blood pH - this is affected by an increase in the acidity of the blood or its alkalization, which leads to the development of alkalosis (disturbance of the acid-base balance), a decrease in blood viscosity, changes in the external shape of red cells, a decrease in their level in the blood, an increase in such blood proteins such as fibrinogen, paraprotein, α-globulin. It is these processes that lead to an increase in ESR, which means they indicate the presence of pathogenic processes in the body.

What does an elevated ESR indicate in adults?

When it changes ESR indicators the underlying cause of these changes must be understood. But an increased value of this indicator does not always indicate the presence of a serious disease. So, temporary and acceptable reasons(false positive), in which it is possible to obtain inflated research data, are considered:

  • elderly age;
  • menstruation;
  • obesity;
  • strict diet, fasting;
  • pregnancy (sometimes increases to 25 mm/h, as the composition of the blood changes at the protein level, and hemoglobin levels often decrease);
  • postpartum period;
  • daytime;
  • the entry of chemicals into the body, which affects the composition and properties of the blood;
  • influence of hormonal drugs;
  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • introduction of vaccination against hepatitis B;
  • taking vitamins of group A;
  • nervous overstrain.

Pathogenic reasons by which an increase in ESR is detected and which require treatment are:

  • severe inflammatory processes in the body, infectious lesions;
  • tissue destruction;
  • the presence of malignant cells or blood cancer;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • tuberculosis disease;
  • heart or valve infections;
  • endocrine system problems;
  • anemia;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • kidney diseases;
  • problems with gallbladder and cholelithiasis.

We should not forget about such a reason as the distorted result of the method - if the conditions of the study are violated, not only an error occurs, but also false positive or false negative results are often produced.

Diseases associated with ESR higher than normal

A clinical blood test for ESR is the most accessible, which is why it is actively used and confirms, and sometimes establishes, the diagnosis of many diseases. Increased ESR rate of 40% cases determines diseases associated with infected processes in the body of an adult - tuberculosis, inflammation respiratory tract, viral hepatitis, urinary tract infections, the presence of fungal infections.

In 23% of cases, ESR increases in the presence of cancer cells in the body, both in the blood itself and in any other organ.

17% of people with increased rate there is rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus (a disease in which the human immune system recognizes tissue cells as foreign).

Another 8% increase in ESR is caused by inflammatory processes in other organs - the intestines, biliary organs, ENT organs, and injuries.

And only 3% of the sedimentation rate responds to kidney disease.

In all diseases, the immune system begins to actively fight pathogenic cells, which leads to an increase in the production of antibodies, and at the same time the erythrocyte sedimentation rate accelerates.

What to do to lower ESR

Before starting treatment, you should make sure that the reason for the increased ESR is not a false positive (see above), because some of these reasons are quite safe (pregnancy, menstruation, etc.). Otherwise, it is necessary to find the source of the disease and prescribe treatment. But for correct and accurate treatment, one cannot rely only on the results of determining this indicator. On the contrary, the determination of ESR is additional in nature and is carried out along with comprehensive examination on initial stage treatment, especially if there are signs of a specific disease.

Basically, ESR is examined and monitored at elevated temperatures or to exclude oncological diseases. In 2-5% of people, an increased ESR is not at all associated with the presence of any diseases or false-positive signs - it is associated with the individual characteristics of the body.

If, however, its level is greatly increased, you can use folk remedy. To do this, you need to cook the beets for 3 hours - washed, but not peeled and with tails. Then drink 50 ml of this decoction every morning on an empty stomach for 7 days. After taking another week's break, measure the ESR level again.

Do not forget that even with a full recovery, the level of this indicator may not drop for some time (up to a month, and sometimes up to 6 weeks), so there is no need to sound the alarm. And it is necessary to donate blood early in the morning and on an empty stomach for more reliable results.

Since ESR in diseases is an indicator of pathogenic processes, it can be brought back to normal only by eliminating the main focus of the lesion.

Thus, in medicine, determining the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is one of important analyzes determination of the disease and precise treatment at the initial stage of the disease. What is very important when detecting serious illnesses, For example, malignant tumor on early stage development, due to which the ESR level increases sharply, which forces doctors to pay attention to the problem. In many countries this method stopped using due to a lot of false positive reasons, but in Russia it still remains widely used.

One of the important indicators in a blood test is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. However, it is not specific, that is, its value does not allow making a clear diagnosis of the presence of any disease. In addition, an increase in the indicator is not always pathological. In some situations, increased ESR in the blood of women indicates physiological conditions that are completely natural.

How is it deciphered?

Until a certain time, the indicator had a different name - erythrocyte sedimentation reaction - ROE in the blood. The modern name is erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The essence of this process is to measure the movement of red cells under certain conditions over a certain time. The indicator is one of those included in general research

blood. Its high level allows you to confirm or refute the suspected diagnosis.

Blood includes two components: plasma and formed elements. The latter include three types of cells (erythrocyte, leukocyte, platelet). The measurement of the sedimentation rate of the first type of cells is due to the large size of these bodies.

Various processes influence this process. For example, during inflammation, various proteins are activated that affect red cells. As a result, the rate of their subsidence increases.

During menstruation, women’s indicators also change due to the processes that occur every month.

  1. A reaction study is carried out after adding a substance to the blood that interferes with clotting. Without this, it is impossible to identify the indicator. The entire sedimentation process is divided into 3 periods:
  2. Slow.
  3. Acceleration of sedimentation, which occurs as a result of the formation of cell columns.

Slowing down of subsidence and its complete cessation.

Typically, period 1 is studied. Sometimes the analysis requires a stage 2 or 3 study, which may take a little longer.

Reaction determination methods Normal ESR values ​​may vary. They depend on gender and specific features

  • body. Three main methods for manually determining ESR have been developed. These include:
  • Westergren method. To carry out the method, blood must be taken from a vein. After collection, the liquid is mixed with sodium citrate. Subsidence is studied using a special tripod.
  • Wintrobe (Winthrop) method. The biological fluid, after mixing with the anticoagulant, is placed in a special tube. There are divisions on it, with the help of which the indicator is measured. The disadvantage of this method is the rapid blockage of the tube with a rapid reaction. As a result, this causes distortion of the obtained data.

Among these methods, the most informative is the first one - according to Panchenkov. However, special devices are increasingly being used to calculate the subsidence rate. This allows you to automate the process, increasing its reliability, eliminating the human factor.

When is research indicated?

A blood test, where ESR is one of the indicators, is prescribed in different situations: from preventive examination until the diagnosis is confirmed. A referral for research can be issued by a therapist, gemologist or oncologist. This usually happens when there is a possible or actual presence of:

  • rheumatic disease in which damage occurs connective tissue, joints, which is manifested by vivid symptoms;
  • heart attack, when blood circulation is disrupted and the process is necessarily accompanied by changes in blood parameters;
  • pregnancy in order to monitor the condition of the mother and fetus (however, bearing a child is often accompanied by an increase in indicators, which is considered physiological norm, because global changes are taking place in the body of the expectant mother);
  • tumors in order to study the characteristics of its increase.

It should be remembered that an elevated ESR is not the basis for making a diagnosis. It only confirms the possible presence of inflammation in the body. At the same time, the range of such conditions is quite wide: from common cold before the development of malignancy. Only a doctor can finally confirm the diagnosis based on complaints, examination and other diagnostic measures.

Features of the analysis

Blood testing is carried out after it is taken. The latter depends on the further method for determining the ESR indicator. In order for correct data to be obtained, certain rules must be followed:

  • Donate blood on an empty stomach. The only thing you are allowed to do is drink plain water.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol the day before.
  • Tell your doctor about the use of hormonal drugs, vitamin complexes, if these moments occur (some medications may increase the reaction, which will lead to the need to repeat the test).
  • Before taking the test, you must limit physical activity.
  • Follow a dietary regime the day before, that is, limit the consumption of fried and smoked foods.
  • A woman needs to notify her doctor in advance about the presence of menstruation, as this also changes the ESR values.

Normal values ​​for women

It should be remembered that the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a conditional value, the change of which can be influenced by many factors. The following indicators are identified among representatives of the fair sex, which are considered normal:

Exceeding normal values

In combination with other indicators, ESR makes it possible to establish the presence various diseases. This value can be increased:

  • In the presence of inflammatory processes. This is due to the production of a large group of proteins that affect the condition of red blood cells.
  • With the development of diseases associated with tissue necrosis (for example, heart attack).
  • For diseases accompanied by damage to connective tissue and the development of systemic vasculitis (for example, rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus).
  • With the development of an infectious process.
  • For diseases associated with metabolic disorders.
  • During the development of malignant neoplasms.
  • During anemia. This usually results in a reduced number of red blood cells in the blood.
  • With the development of acute appendicitis.
  • For angina pectoris.
  • In the presence of pathologies characterized by an increase in blood quality such as viscosity (intestinal obstruction, vomiting and diarrhea that persist for a long time).
  • For diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  • If you receive extensive trauma, burns or damage to the skin.
  • During poisoning (for example, low-quality products, chemicals).

Sometimes data on the sedimentation rate of red cells indicate the presence of pathology in the body. Among the causes of increased ESR in the blood for women, certain physiological conditions are distinguished. A natural increase in reaction is noted:

  • during menstrual bleeding (the woman should inform the doctor that she is menstruating, which will avoid misunderstandings);
  • during pregnancy, when the value can increase several times (high values ​​remain for a certain time after the birth of the child and this is considered normal);
  • when consumed contraceptive drugs in tablet form;
  • in the morning;
  • in the presence of chronic inflammation (for example, chronic runny nose);
  • in the presence of inflamed acne or a splinter not detected in time;
  • after completing a course of treatment for a disease accompanied by a significant increase in ESR;
  • in case of violation of the dietary regime before analysis;
  • after a stressful situation;
  • in the presence of an allergic reaction;
  • when using certain medications;
  • with a lack of vitamins in the body.

What to do

In itself, an excess of ESR values ​​above normal values ​​is not a reason for panic.

For a doctor to make a diagnosis, a whole range of accompanying factors is important: complaints, presence chronic diseases, gender, age.

Therefore, the root cause is first identified, the existing disease or its acute phase is eliminated. Timely treatment of diseases characterized by the inflammatory nature of treatment (colds, tonsillitis) is important in order to prevent them from becoming chronic.

The ESR indicator plays a big role in combination with other blood indicators. Its increase allows the doctor to confirm the suspected diagnosis and begin timely treatment. However, it should be remembered that the indicator increases not only due to pathological reasons, but also as a result of the presence of certain physiological conditions. Natural feminine menstrual cycle, pregnancy, stress - just a few of them. Therefore, in any case, an increase in the sedimentation rate of red cells requires additional diagnostic measures.

In contact with

Although ESR is a very important indicator, most people know little about it. Some may not even know what the norm is. However, let's first find out what this indicator is.

What does ESR mean?

In fact, this is not a term, but an abbreviation. Full ESR decoding is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

The study of this indicator began in 1918, when the Swedish scientist Robin Fareus discovered that in at different ages and during pregnancy, as well as during various illnesses, red blood cells behave differently. Later, other scientists, Westergren and Winthrop, began working on developing methods for studying their behavior. Even now, this parameter is measured during However, when the ESR is elevated, few people understand what this means. But you shouldn’t mindlessly panic about such news, there are too many factors that can And even if you have some kind of inflammation or illness, it is likely that now you can cure them without difficulty. The main thing is to urgently contact a specialist.

What is the normal ESR rate?

The norm is influenced by factors such as age and gender.

The reasons for increased ESR in the blood in women may also be pregnancy. But of course there are many other factors. The following ESR table for women will help determine your norm (note that these indicators do not take into account special conditions of the body, which will be discussed a little later).

Everyone under 14 years of age has the same ESR rate. Only age matters, so if you are looking for the norm only for girls and cannot find it, then there is no need to worry.

Age is not the only criterion. The factors may be the most unexpected, for example, too heavy a breakfast at best case scenario, and at worst - a malignant tumor.

If so what does this mean?

There can be many reasons for this test result. But basically, doctors share 6 main reasons why women have higher ESR than normal:

Deviation of red blood cells from the norm can be either an increase or a decrease. Mostly, there is an increase in ESR, but there are also cases of its decrease. There can be many factors: poisoning, hepatitis, or simply blood pathologies. As a rule, the latter appears already in adulthood. Also, under some conditions, vegetarianism can cause changes in red blood cell levels.

There are three methods by which this parameter is usually monitored: Westergren, Padchenkov, Wintrob.

The most universal technique used around the world to determine ESR is the Westergren technique. Blood from a vein is mixed with sodium citrate and left for a while (about an hour) in a test tube. The results obtained using this method are considered more accurate.

Pachenkov’s method differs from the previous one only in that blood is taken from capillaries and is used only in the countries of the former USSR. The results are the same as in the first method, but usually Westergren is trusted more.

The latter, the Wintrobe method, is special in that the blood is not diluted, but an anticoagulant is added to it and analyzed in a special tube. This method has disadvantages, since if the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is too high (more than 60 mm/h), the analysis cannot be performed.

What does the result of the analysis depend on?

Numerous factors can affect the activity of red blood cells, so many details are taken into account when determining the results and whether they correspond to the norm. The reasons for increased ESR in the blood in women may lie in the time of the procedure, age, lifestyle, health status and other nuances.

The indicator is mainly influenced by:

  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • anemia;
  • time of the procedure;
  • immunoglobulins in the body;
  • allergy;
  • menstruation;
  • too rich breakfast;
  • inflammation.

Red blood cells settle due to gravity, since they weigh more than plasma. The ESR itself will not show what the problem is, but together with other parameters it will already be possible to make a diagnosis. The analysis can also help to detect hidden ailments and pathologies, due to which it will be possible to begin their treatment on time. Any therapist will be able to determine a possible diagnosis if other symptoms are obvious, but in some specific cases a more detailed diagnosis will be needed.

How to return ESR to normal?

When something in the body goes beyond a healthy state, any person has a natural desire to return everything to normal.

And how to do this? Only cure the cause, that is, the disease that caused the increase in ESR. Of course, self-medication will not lead to anything good. Instead of looking for the necessary antibiotics and other drugs on your own on the Internet, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. It is he who will prescribe the necessary course of treatment after determining the diagnosis. After successful treatment of the disease, the ESR will return to normal after some time (2-4 weeks in adults and up to 6 weeks in children).

In case of anemia, iron-containing foods, proteins and some traditional methods, but in this case it is also better to consult a doctor.

If you are simply dieting, fasting, or experiencing a special physiological state (pregnancy, lactation, menstruation), the indicator will return to the desired level as soon as your normal physical condition is established. In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

Elevated ESR in children

If you are worried about your child, then know that this indicator often increases with infectious diseases and inflammation, especially together with a violation of the norm of other blood test parameters and a general deterioration in physical condition, as well as with typical symptoms of diseases. Another factor may be the use of certain medications.

Below is a list of diseases that are characterized by an increase in ESR during the examination: infections (acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, cystitis, hepatitis, fungus, cystitis, etc.), liver diseases, kidney diseases, biliary tract, anemia, tuberculosis, blood diseases, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, metabolic disorders, endocrine gland dysfunction (diabetes), oncology, bleeding, trauma.

IN childhood Most diseases and ailments are more easily tolerated than in a conscious or even older age, but only if they are detected in time. Therefore, it is very important to regularly show your child to the doctor.


We were able to figure out what ESR means, what its norm is, what can cause violations, and how not to suffer from them. Remember that only a doctor can draw correct conclusions about test results.

If, after receiving the results of a blood test, you want to find out the reasons for increased ESR in the blood of women, then first make sure that your physiological condition is normal. If your body is not affected by any of the special factors listed above (fasting, pregnancy, etc.), then you should undergo a more detailed examination by a doctor. Only a specialist will be able, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, to figure out what is wrong with you after a detailed diagnosis. That is why it is important to regularly undergo preventive examinations with the whole family, because the desire to stay healthy plays a key role. And although this factor was discovered a long time ago, it still continues to help doctors fulfill the Hippocratic oath, and mere mortals enjoy a healthy life.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a test used to detect inflammation in the body.

The sample is placed in an elongated thin tube, red blood cells (erythrocytes) gradually settle to the bottom, and the ESR is a measure of this settling rate.

The test can diagnose many disorders (including cancer) and is a necessary test to confirm many diagnoses.

Let's figure out what it means when the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in the general blood test of an adult or child is increased or decreased, should we be afraid of such indicators and why does this happen in men and women?

Women have higher ESR values; pregnancy and the menstrual period can cause short-term deviations from the norm. In pediatrics, this test helps diagnose rheumatoid arthritis in children or.

Normal ranges may vary slightly depending on laboratory facilities. Abnormal results do not diagnose a specific disease.

Many factors such as age or use medicines , can affect the final result. Drugs such as dextran, ovidone, silest, theophylline, vitamin A can increase ESR, and aspirin, warfarin, cortisone can reduce it. High/low readings only tell the doctor about the need for further examination.

False promotion

A number of conditions can affect the properties of blood, affecting the ESR value. Therefore, accurate information about the inflammatory process - the reason why the specialist prescribes a test - may be masked by the influence of these conditions.

In this case, the ESR values ​​will be falsely elevated. These complicating factors include:

  • Anemia (low red blood cell count, decreased hemoglobin in serum);
  • Pregnancy (in the third trimester, ESR increases approximately 3 times);
  • Increased concentration of cholesterol (LDL, HDL, triglycerides);
  • Kidney problems (including acute kidney failure).

The specialist will take into account all possible internal factors when interpreting the results of the analysis.

Interpretation of results and possible reasons

What does it mean if the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in the blood test of an adult or child is increased or decreased, should we be afraid of indicators that are higher than normal or lower?

High levels in blood test

Inflammation in the body provokes red blood cells to stick together (the weight of the molecule increases), which significantly increases their rate of settling to the bottom of the test tube. Increased sedimentation levels may be caused by the following:

  • Autoimmune diseases - Libman-Sachs disease, giant cell disease, polymyalgia rheumatica, necrotizing vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis ( the immune system– This is the body’s defense against foreign substances. Against the background of an autoimmune process, it mistakenly attacks healthy cells and destroys body tissue);
  • Cancer (this can be any form of cancer, from lymphoma or multiple myeloma to bowel and liver cancer);
  • Chronic kidney disease (polycystic kidney disease and nephropathy);
  • Infection, such as pneumonia, pelvic inflammatory disease, or appendicitis;
  • Inflammation of joints (polymyalgia rheumatica) and blood vessels (arteritis, diabetic angiopathy lower limbs, retinopathy, encephalopathy);
  • Inflammation thyroid gland(diffuse toxic goiter, nodular goiter);
  • infections of the joints, bones, skin, or heart valves;
  • Too high serum fibrinogen concentrations or hypofibrinogenemia;
  • Pregnancy and toxicosis;
  • Viral infections (HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis).

Because the ESR is a nonspecific marker of inflammation foci and correlates with other causes, the results of the analysis should be taken into account together with the patient's health history and the results of other examinations ( general analysis blood – extended profile, urine test, lipid profile).

If the sedimentation rate and the results of other tests coincide, the specialist can confirm or, conversely, exclude the suspected diagnosis.

If the only increased indicator in the analysis is ESR (against the background complete absence symptoms), the specialist cannot give an accurate answer and make a diagnosis. Besides, a normal result does not exclude disease. Moderately elevated levels may be caused by aging.

Very large numbers usually have good reasons, such as multiple myeloma or giant cell arteritis. People with Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (the presence of abnormal globulins in the serum) have extremely high ESR levels, although there is no inflammation.

This video describes in more detail the norms and deviations of this indicator in the blood:

Low performance

Low sedimentation rates are generally not a problem. But may be associated with such deviations as:

  • A disease or condition that increases red blood cell production;
  • A disease or condition that increases white blood cell production;
  • If the patient is undergoing treatment inflammatory disease, the degree of sedimentation going down is a good sign and means that the patient is responding to treatment.

Low values ​​can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Increased glucose levels (in diabetics);
  • Polycythemia (characterized by an increased number of red blood cells);
  • Sickle cell anemia (a genetic disease associated with pathological changes cell shapes);
  • Severe liver diseases.

The reasons for the decline could be any number of factors., For example:

  • Pregnancy (in the 1st and 2nd trimester, ESR levels drop);
  • Anemia;
  • Menstrual period;
  • Medicines. Many medications can falsely lower test results, such as diuretics and medications that contain high calcium levels.

Increased data for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases

In patients with cardiac or myocardial disease, ESR is used as an additional potential indicator coronary disease hearts.

ESR used for diagnostics– (inner layer of the heart). Endocarditis develops due to the migration of bacteria or viruses from any part of the body through the blood to the heart.

If symptoms are ignored, endocarditis destroys the heart valves and leads to life-threatening complications.

To make a diagnosis of endocarditis, a specialist must prescribe a blood test. Along with high levels of sedimentation rates, endocarditis is characterized by a decrease in platelets(lack of healthy red blood cells), the patient is often also diagnosed with anemia.

Against the background of acute bacterial endocarditis, the degree of sedimentation may increase to extreme values(about 75 mm/hour) is acute inflammatory process, characterized by severe infection of the heart valves.

When diagnosing congestive heart failure ESR levels are taken into account. This is a chronic, progressive disease that affects the power of the heart muscles. Unlike regular “heart failure,” congestive heart failure refers to the stage in which excess fluid accumulates around the heart.

To diagnose the disease, in addition to physical tests (echocardiogram, MRI, stress tests), the results of a blood test are taken into account. In this case, analysis for an extended profile may indicate the presence of abnormal cells and infections(sedimentation rate will be higher than 65 mm/hour).

At myocardial infarction An increase in ESR is always provoked. Coronary arteries deliver oxygen through the blood to the heart muscle. If one of these arteries becomes blocked, part of the heart is deprived of oxygen, causing a condition called myocardial ischemia.

Against the background of a heart attack, ESR reaches peak values(70 mm/hour and above) for a week. Along with increased sedimentation rates, the lipid profile will show elevated levels of triglycerides, LDL, HDL and cholesterol in the serum.

A significant increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate is observed against the background acute pericarditis. This, which begins suddenly, causes blood components such as fibrin, red blood cells and white blood cells to enter the pericardial space.

Often the causes of pericarditis are obvious, such as recent heart attack. Along with increased levels ESR (above 70 mm/hour), an increase in urea concentration in the blood was noted as a result of renal failure.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases significantly against the background of the presence of an aortic aneurysm or . Together with high ESR values ​​(above 70 mm/hour), the arterial pressure, patients with an aneurysm are often diagnosed with a condition called “thick blood.”


ESR plays an important role in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. The indicator appears to be elevated against the background of many acute and chronic painful conditions characterized by tissue necrosis and inflammation, and is also a sign of blood viscosity.

Elevated levels directly correlate with the risk of myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease. At high levels subsidence and suspicion of cardiovascular disease the patient is referred for further diagnostics, including an echocardiogram, MRI, electrocardiogram to confirm the diagnosis.

Experts use erythrocyte sedimentation rate to determine foci of inflammation in the body; measuring ESR is a convenient method of monitoring the progress of treatment of diseases accompanied by inflammation.

Respectively, high speed sedimentation will correlate with greater disease activity and indicate the presence of possible conditions such as chronic illness kidneys, infections, thyroid inflammation and even cancer, while low values talk about a less active development of the disease and its regression.

Although sometimes even low levels correlate with the development of certain diseases, for example, polycythemia or anemia. In any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary for a correct diagnosis.