The benefits and harms of citric acid, norms and methods of use. Health benefits and harms of citric acid Citric acid vapors are harmful

Before the development of the chemical industry, the substance was obtained exclusively from the pulp of unripe lemons or shag biomass. Currently, citric acid is a product of the biosynthesis of sugar-containing products (sugar, beets, molasses, sugar cane) and industrial strains of mold.

The substance is used in the food industry, cooking, and is part of medicinal and cosmetic preparations.


In the food industry, citric acid acts as an antioxidant.

To better preserve food and increase shelf life, citric acid is added to preserves.

The substance is used in the production of processed cheese, mayonnaise, sauces, confectionery, drinks and juices.


Citric acid tightens pores, relieves itching and skin irritation, and has a calming effect. The substance is used in the manufacture of creams, lotions, and soaps.

Peeling using citric acid smoothes the skin, promotes collagen synthesis, and stimulates cell renewal. It eliminates fine wrinkles, gives elasticity and firmness to the skin.

Citric acid has a whitening effect; it is added to products to combat freckles and age spots.

Beneficial features

Citric acid cleanses the body and improves immunity

Citric acid has valuable medicinal properties. The substance helps cleanse the body of toxins, salts, and harmful substances. Has a beneficial effect on vision and improves immunity.

Citric acid improves performance digestive system, burns carbohydrates. It helps normalize work nervous system, has antitumor properties, increases the amount of calcium in the body.

The substance is a means of prevention urolithiasis, used in the treatment of joint diseases caused by salt deposition.

Citric acid reduces blood viscosity, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

The substance is used for sore throats, sore throats, and colds.

Harm of citric acid

Since the human body already contains citric acid, when taking it it is necessary to adhere to a certain dosage.

A solution that is too saturated when applied externally can cause skin irritation. A large concentration of the substance can lead to burns of the oral mucosa, esophagus and stomach.

If you consume citric acid in small quantities, it will not harm the body.

Citric acid in large doses has a negative effect on the integrity of teeth, as it destroys enamel and provokes the occurrence of caries.

Contraindications for use

The substance should be used with great caution by people suffering from gastritis, acute or chronic pancreatitis, inflammatory diseases intestines.

Citric acid is widely used for food, cosmetic, medicinal purposes, and in everyday life. She has low level toxicity, dissolves quickly, mixes well with other substances. Citric acid is found in berries, citrus fruits, and pine needles.

The substance is involved in metabolic processes that provide the body with more than half of the energy necessary for its functioning. Thanks to this discovery, Hans Adolf Krebs received Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine.

Every housewife always has an indispensable product in her kitchen – citric acid. Many people don’t even realize that it is used not only for preparing various dishes, but also for medicinal purposes, cosmetology, in everyday life and even in the oil industry. The substance has a white crystalline structure and has many benefits, but there are some precautions when using it.

Composition and chemical properties, glycemic index

It was first obtained by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele in 1784 from the juice of not quite ripe lemons. In science, it is called food additive E330, which is a natural or synthetic antioxidant. The technique of extracting from citrus fruits, pine needles, and tobacco stems was not very effective, because the amount obtained was minimal. To produce large volumes of lemongrass, specific strains of mold fungi Penicillium and Aspergillus are now used.

The product has a high content of vitamins E and A, as well as useful minerals - sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus. Additive E330 dissolves quickly in water when heated to high temperature breaks down into carbon dioxide and water.

By chemical structure E330 is a tribasic hydroxycarboxylic acid, and its esters and salts are called citrates.

The glycemic index of citric acid is quite low - it is only 15 units. Calorie content is 1 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

Where is citric acid used?

The product is used in cooking, as a remedy, cosmetology, everyday life and other areas. The following unique properties are noted:

  • Easily and quickly combines with other chemicals.
  • Excellent solubility.
  • Completely safe for the environment.
  • Lowest level of toxicity.
  • It has wide range medicinal properties.
  • Is a water softener.
  • Acts as a cleanser.

Important!Throughout the CIS, E330 is included in the list of approved food additives. This antioxidant is classified as a safe substance for health.

General beneficial properties for health, organs and systems of water with citric acid and this acid itself

The product is useful in many areas, but is most distinguished by its medicinal properties. Many people don’t even realize that not only citric acid itself brings positive effect, and also water with its addition.

2. Citric acid is used for cleansing intestinal tract from harmful toxins and bacteria.

3. Warm drinking water with a dietary supplement cleanses the liver. This drink promotes the production of bile and is useful for the normal digestive process. Drinking one glass of this water daily on an empty stomach will help improve the functioning of your intestines and relieve constipation and heartburn.

4. Reduces the risk of irritation of inflamed skin (boils, acne).

5. Water with citric acid is a wonderful cleanser. blood vessels and arteries.

6. This drink is useful for people suffering from high blood pressure. One glass of water with citric acid will instantly bring your health back to normal.

7. Has a positive effect on the oral cavity. When rinsing, it kills all bacteria and germs and freshens breath.

8. Citric acid is one of the substances that minimizes the risk of diseases of joints, tendons, and ligaments.

9. Including one glass of water with citric acid in your diet every day strengthens the immune system.

10. Food additive E330 has a positive effect on the skin. By its action, it regulates the moisture content of healthy skin, making it firm and elastic.

11. During a hangover, water with citric acid will bring you invaluable benefits. The drink will detoxify the entire body.

Features of the influence on the human body

This valuable substance is found in many products that bring many benefits to humans, but sometimes it affects our body in completely different ways.

Benefits for adult men and women

  • The use of citric acid in food increases the amount of calcium in the body of an adult several times.
  • This dietary supplement helps normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • It is a means of preventing the development of cancer cells.
  • The product helps in the fight against kidney stones. It breaks down the minerals that contribute to their appearance, and also removes those already formed. The more of this substance in the urine, the more effective the alkalization process.
  • Citric acid also provides benefits circulatory system. It reduces the risk of metabolic acidosis, thereby protecting the body from serious diseases.
  • The active substances of this product neutralize free radicals in the body and act as antioxidants, thereby reducing the risk of various tumors.
  • In men and women, with the help of citric acid, the digestive system is improved and metabolism is accelerated.
  • For fair half of humanity, it is simply irreplaceable in cosmetology. When using citric acid, facial skin becomes smooth, wrinkles are removed and a rejuvenating effect is observed.
  • As a peeling, this substance will help get rid of age spots and acne. After cleansing the skin, the face becomes light and radiant.
  • Citric acid also benefits hair care. If you add a little powder to water, they will become lighter, silkier and healthier.

Beneficial properties for pregnant and lactating women

  • Expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from taking various drugs, so tea with citric acid will be an excellent remedy during flu and colds.
  • Water with the addition of this powder will become an indispensable assistant in removing swelling from the hands and feet, both during pregnancy and after.
  • For normal intestinal function for expectant and nursing mothers, lemon will be simply invaluable.
  • The light solution helps in the production of lactose.
  • Improves the immune system of mother and baby.

Benefits for children

If you saw on the packaging baby food dietary supplement E330, then there is no reason to worry, it will not do any harm at all. Citric acid brings many benefits to children's bodies, but it should be used with caution in food. For a child daily dose the substance is about 60 mg per 1 kg of weight.

If your child accidentally ate a lot of citric acid in pure form, you should urgently call a doctor or give him a glass of milk to drink. You can also drink large amounts of water to induce vomiting. Excess daily norm can cause allergic processes, which are quite difficult to identify without special tests.

Benefits in old age

Over time, our body begins to age and many changes occur. In old age, a person faces various diseases, water with citric acid will help combat some of them.

Daily introduction of this drink into the diet will improve the quality of vision several times, relieve joint pain, and minimize the risk of varicose veins veins and blood clots, will improve general state and will also give you strength.

Special categories

People with a diagnosis diabetes, experts recommend using citric acid to lower blood sugar. Drink from warm water and this substance will help regulate its level daily.

Potential dangers and contraindications

Citric acid brings not only benefits to the human body, but also harm, in some cases:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use the nutritional supplement for ulcers of the stomach, mouth and esophagus.
  2. You should always adhere to the daily dosage, otherwise you may cause irritation of the skin and gastric mucosa. The consequences of this can lead to serious poisoning and illness.
  3. Beware of contact with eyes and nasopharynx, as this can cause severe burns.
  4. People allergic to citric acid are strictly prohibited from eating it.

Recommendations for use. What is healthier – citric acid or lemon?

To avoid disastrous consequences with this product, you should always adhere to the daily intake, which is about 4-5 grams. Before use, you should thoroughly dissolve it in water and divide it into several parts. You need to drink this drink 20-30 minutes before meals.

If we compare two such valuable products as lemon and citric acid, then, of course, lemon will outweigh its advantages. It contains some vitamins and minerals that are not found in the food substance, but it also has beneficial properties that are not found in this fruit.

How to use in cooking

Citric acid is used to prepare many dishes. It is added to carbonated drinks, tea, jam, fruit puddings, jelly, mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, canned food, processed cheese, etc. An indispensable assistant it becomes home canned.

One of the most simple recipes Cooling drink at home using this product is as follows:

  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Citric acid – 2/3 tsp.

Pour one spoon of sugar into a saucepan, heat and bring until brown. Add hot water and pour in the remaining granulated sugar. Then pour lemon into it and mix everything thoroughly. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool.

Use for weight loss and dieting

This substance contains antioxidants that cleanse the body of harmful toxins, speed up metabolism, and burn body fat. This effect occurs only when you often eat foods containing a lot of citric acid: lemon, black currant, orange, tangerine.

But you should also remember that in order to get rid of excess weight Eating foods alone will not be enough. Must be adhered to proper nutrition and also play sports.

How to choose a good product

To buy high-quality lemon juice, you should always look at the production date on the packaging - it should not exceed three months. Color – slightly yellowish or colorless. The consistency should be free-flowing, not sticky, with a sour taste. Be sure to check its solubility in water.

Many products that are in every person's kitchen can be used for completely unexpected purposes. Seasonings and spices can be used as effective healing and even remedy, and simple chemicals are quite suitable for body care and also for the treatment of many pathological conditions. So ordinary citric acid can bring us great benefits in everyday life and become an excellent cosmetic find. Let's talk on this page about such a product as citric acid, the benefits and harms of it to our body, and also discuss its use in detail.

Citric acid is found in many natural products, people have learned to extract it from lemons. Now such a substance is synthesized chemically. Housewives usually use citric acid in cooking.

Why does a person need citric acid?

What is citric acid used for? Just to boil a kettle with it and remove scale from the walls?! Of course not! Otherwise, there would be nothing to write about... Few people know that citric acid can bring noticeable benefits to the human body. It effectively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of waste and toxins, and optimizes the functioning of the digestive system. This product can reduce excessive gastric acidity. In addition, citric acid activates and significantly accelerates the process of burning carbohydrates in the body, and also removes toxins through the skin.

There is evidence that such a substance can improve the quality of vision, enhance immunity and have an antitumor effect. Also, its use helps optimize the activity of the psycho-neuroendocrine system and increase the amount of calcium in the body.

The benefit of citric acid is that it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. This product can add firmness, elasticity, remove wrinkles and activate cell renewal. The use of citric acid as a peeling makes it possible to short terms cleanse the skin of various defects, eliminate age spots, and make the face healthy, fresh and radiant. If this substance is present in lotions, as well as masks and creams, the use of such products will ensure effective elimination of toxic substances.

Citric acid is often used in the production of various detergents or cleansers, because one of its beneficial qualities is its ability to dissolve calcium. With the use of such products you can easily eliminate white coating or scale from various surfaces.

What other benefits does citric acid have for humans? Experts say that citric acid can also be useful for girls in hair care. It can reduce the oiliness of the scalp, slightly narrowing the pores. It is known that the water that flows from the tap is different increased level stiffness, making hair dry, hard and brittle after washing. To give your hair silkiness and a healthy shine, you should add a little citric acid to the water. This product can also be used to lighten hair.

Some girls actively use citric acid to eliminate excess weight. It is believed that such a substance is capable of speeding up metabolism by an order of magnitude, promoting rapid fat burning. And these are not all the areas where citric acid can be used; its application is actually somewhat wider. Let's talk about this further.

Application of citric acid

Citric acid will help cope with sore throats due to acute respiratory infections, ARVI and sore throat. You just need to gargle with its solution at intervals of half an hour to an hour.

Citric acid will improve your health after drinking alcohol. If you are suffering from a severe hangover, add just a little citric acid to your water. Drink the resulting solution in small sips.

For hair care, dilute half a teaspoon of citric acid in a liter of warm water. Rinse your hair with this solution.

Combine half a teaspoon of citric acid with a teaspoon of honey and one egg yolk. Mix this mixture thoroughly, then add a couple of tablespoons of aloe juice to it. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, wrap yourself in plastic and a towel. After half an hour, wash off the mask warm water. Use at daily intervals.

Specialists for getting rid of excess weight traditional medicine It is recommended to dilute a teaspoon of citric acid with a glass of water. The resulting solution can be sweetened with honey, mint or ginger can be added to it. This drink should be taken once a day immediately before a meal. Some recipes advise drinking this drink before every meal.

Take one hundred grams of black currants, eight egg whites, half a teaspoon of citric acid, and two hundred grams of full-fat homemade sour cream. Combine all these ingredients and mix well. Apply this composition to the thighs and abdomen, wrap yourself in polyethylene and a warm cloth on top. After forty minutes, rinse cold water. This mask will help restore skin elasticity, add softness and silkiness. Do not forget to adhere to the dose and time of use of the prepared product. After all, it is worth considering that citric acid in concentrated form can cause skin irritations. And that's not all the dangers it poses. Therefore, let’s talk about who is at risk from citric acid and what harm can come from its use.

Is citric acid harmful?

Under no circumstances should it be allowed to come into contact with the eyes. If you are going to take citric acid orally, be sure to adhere to the recommended dosage, otherwise you may experience severe irritation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach. This condition may occur painful sensations, coughing and even bloody vomiting. Harm from citric acid may occur if its crystals are inhaled. It can cause irritation and burns respiratory tract.

At correct use it can bring significant benefits to a person. When used in cooking, it is worth remembering that citric acid in a tablespoon by weight is 20 grams and 5 grams in a teaspoon.

Can you be poisoned by citric acid? This substance is widely used by many in everyday life and is added to some dishes. It is usually kept in the kitchen and is not treated with caution. In this article, we examined the main reasons for the development of citric acid poisoning, symptoms and signs of this condition, possible complications, rules for providing first aid, components of hospital treatment and methods for preventing poisoning.

Where is citric acid used?

Citric acid is widely used in domestic conditions and in industry. Previously, it was obtained from lemon juice. Now they receive it as a result chemical reactions when processing sugar or some types of mold.

At home, it is used to clean dishes or plumbing fixtures from plaque and scale. Some housewives use it for preserving and preparing dishes, marinating meat and fish. In small quantities it is added to tea instead of lemon.

The food industry uses citric acid as a strong preservative. This substance is widely used in the manufacture of cosmetics and medicines.

Causes of poisoning

The main cause of citric acid poisoning is non-compliance with the rules for its use and storage. Many people use this substance at home, without thinking about its dangers and without trying to hide it from children or pets.

Below are the main reasons why citric acid poisoning may develop.

  • Accidental consumption of citric acid. Most often, poisoning with this chemical develops in children, who may eat it by mistake. Poisoning can develop when pouring citric acid into the kettle to descale the kettle. This Chemical substance has no characteristic color or smell, and a person can drink it by pouring it into a cup from a teapot.
  • Special citric acid poisoning occurs in people with suicidal tendencies. People aware that this chemical can cause fatal outcome, use it in lethal dosage.
  • Poisoning due to the addition of citric acid to dishes. Intoxication can develop when it is mixed into tea or compote. Incorrect selection of citric acid dosage can lead to severe poisoning.
  • Contact of concentrated citric acid on the skin or mucous membranes, conjunctiva leads to severe chemical burns and loss of vision.

Symptoms and signs of citric acid poisoning

In case of citric acid poisoning, symptoms develop immediately after ingestion. Their severity depends on the concentration and amount of acid consumed. The condition of the poisoned person quickly deteriorates. He develops a number of symptoms.

  • Spicy and strong pain in the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach develops as a result of chemical burns of the mucous membranes of these organs. The higher the acid concentration, the stronger and deeper the burn it causes.
  • Headache, dizziness, general weakness are symptoms that develop as a result of intoxication.
  • Nausea and possible vomiting. Vomit may be black or red in color. Vomiting of red contents is a symptom of internal bleeding from the affected vessels of the esophagus. If the integrity of the vascular wall of the stomach is violated or duodenum Black vomiting develops. This dark color of the vomit is explained by a chemical reaction between blood and acid, which causes protein coagulation.
  • Melena is loose black stool, a symptom of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Pale and blue discoloration of the skin is a symptom that develops with heavy blood loss.
  • Breathing disorders, development of shortness of breath. The patient breathes shallowly and frequently, complains of a feeling of lack of air.
  • Tachycardia – rapid heartbeat, pulse rate exceeds 110-120 beats/min.
  • Hypotension is a decrease in blood pressure. Below 80/60 mm Hg. Art.
  • Seizures throughout the body develop due to damage to the central nervous system.
  • Loss of consciousness, a deep comatose state in which a poisoned person stops responding to external stimuli and does not answer questions asked of him.

When acid gets on the mucous membrane or skin, a burning sensation and pain develops at the site of contact with the chemical. The skin turns red, blisters filled with serous transparent contents may appear.

Possible complications

Taking acid internally leads to severe disruptions in the functioning of the entire body. The acidity of the blood increases, as a result of which it becomes more viscous, prone to the formation of blood clots.

Complications and consequences of consuming citric acid include:

  • internal bleeding from damaged vessels of the esophagus, stomach or intestines;
  • pain shock – a serious condition that develops as a result of a burn of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach;
  • acute renal failure– disruption of the kidneys, as a result of which they lose the ability to cleanse the blood and produce urine. Acid entering the blood causes damage to the internal structures of the kidneys and leads to an acute disruption of their functionality. The patient develops anuria (the daily amount of urine does not exceed 50-100 ml), edema, and the skin turns yellow;
  • acute liver failure– a condition in which hepatocytes are affected. All substances that enter the blood are neutralized by the liver. This organ is the first to suffer when acute poisoning. The patient's skin and visible mucous membranes turn yellow, sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, stool is disturbed;
  • thromboembolism pulmonary artery(PE) develops due to thickening of the blood and the formation of small vessels in it.

Please note that people suffering from coronary disease heart, due to the intake of citric acid may develop acute heart attack myocardium.

Providing first aid

What to do if you are poisoned by citric acid? Remember that a person poisoned by this chemical needs qualified medical attention. medical care. Conduct self-treatment forbidden. If poisoning develops, you should immediately call emergency medical help. Give your exact address, this will save doctors time.

Before the doctors arrive, begin to help the victim yourself. Below are the main elements of first aid that you can provide to the victim yourself while waiting for the ambulance team.

  1. Provide the patient with complete calm and bed rest. Open a window in the room to bring in fresh air.
  2. Have the person rinse their mouth with plain water.
  3. Place an ice pack on the patient's stomach. Cold will cause vasospasm, slow down the absorption of acid into the blood and reduce bleeding.

Remember that it is strictly forbidden to rinse the stomach yourself and induce vomiting. When you vomit, the acid will re-damage the lining of the esophagus. Also, you cannot neutralize the acid you drink with an alkaline solution. During the neutralization reaction, a huge amount of gas is released, which can cause rupture of the stomach walls and lead to massive internal bleeding.

If acid gets on the skin or mucous membranes, wash the affected area of ​​the body under running water for 15-30 minutes.

In case of loss of consciousness, place the victim on a hard and flat surface, turn his head to the side. To improve blood circulation in the brain and heart, raise his legs up. Before the doctors arrive, check for a pulse and breathing.

To check your breathing, you need to place your hand on chest person and follow her excursion. When you inhale, the hand will rise, and when you exhale, it will lower.

It is best to check your pulse carotid artery in the neck area. There it passes right under the skin and can be easily felt.

If the heartbeat and breathing stop, a closed cardiac massage should be performed immediately. Frequency of chest compressions: 100-120 per minute. If you perform resuscitation yourself, do not waste time on artificial respiration, focus on cardiac massage.

First aid components

First aid is provided by doctors at home. Describe to them the approximate amount and concentration of the chemical consumed. Doctors will check your pulse, breathing, arterial pressure and saturation and begin treatment, which consists of:

  • gastric lavage through a tube. This is the only safe method of removing the chemical from the gastric cavity;
  • intravenous administration of antiemetic and analgesic drugs;
  • IVs with saline solution, glucose. These drugs are necessary to normalize the acid-base balance;
  • if internal bleeding develops, drugs are administered to reduce blood loss;
  • drugs that regulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

After first aid is provided, the patient is immediately hospitalized at the nearest hospital. Treatment can be carried out in the intensive care unit, toxicology department or surgical department.

Treatment in hospital

In a hospital setting, the patient receives qualified medical care. Depending on the patient’s condition, the amount of acid consumed and the timeliness of contacting doctors, treatment may include a number of components listed below.

  • Repeated gastric lavage through a tube, which may be necessary to more effectively remove acid from the body.
  • Hemodialysis – cleansing the blood of toxins. This procedure is necessary to protect the kidneys from damage and is performed in case of severe poisoning.
  • Sorbents are drugs that neutralize and remove chemical residues and products of inflammatory reactions from the intestine. To reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, liquid sorbents (atoxil, smecta, enterosgel) are used.
  • Diet. If the esophagus is severely burned, food is administered through a nasogastric tube.
  • Surgical stop of internal bleeding.
  • Drugs necessary to prevent the formation of blood clots, regulating blood clotting (contraindicated in case of bleeding).
  • Preparations that heal the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract.

To identify complications and reliably assess the condition, the hospital conducts a detailed examination of the patient. It consists of:

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • gastroscopy.

Features of preventing citric acid poisoning

In most cases, citric acid poisoning develops as a result of careless handling. Below we have collected tips for you that will help protect yourself and your family from intoxication with this substance:

  • store citric acid out of the reach of children;
  • when adding citric acid to tea, compotes or dishes, follow the dosage rules;
  • when pouring citric acid solution into teapots or other utensils, warn everyone at home about this;
  • When working with citric acid, wear safety glasses and rubber gloves.

Citric acid poisoning most often occurs at home. This chemical is used in food preservation, food preparation and cleaning, and metal cleaning. Poisoning with it is very dangerous for humans and can lead to severe impairment and death. With the development of this pathological condition You need to immediately call an ambulance, put an ice pack on the patient’s stomach and let him rinse his mouth with plain water. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. Its duration depends on the severity of the victim’s condition.

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Citric acid is a common substance used in various fields. National economy, medicine, cosmetology and even certain types of production. It exists both in nature (affecting important biochemical processes in living organisms) and is synthesized artificially.

What happens if you eat or drink citric acid in excess? What benefits does it bring and what is its harm to the body? How can you neutralize citric acid in soup and other dishes?

Is citric acid harmful to the body?

Citric acid is a tribasic organic carboxylic compound, in its pure form it is a white crystalline powder with a low melting point and excellent solubility in water and alcohol. Quite often, the substance can be found in the form of esters and salts - the so-called citrates.

In the modern era, the substance is produced in industrial volumes (more than one and a half million tons per year) from sugary substances under the influence of individual strains of mold fungi, mainly for the needs of the food industry as an acidity regulator, preservative and flavoring additive.

According to official recommendations of nutritionists, the daily requirement for the substance is about 40-50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. However, it should be borne in mind that part of the daily requirement for tribasic carboxylic acid is compensated by the food consumed, so it is still not worth using as a separate supplement.

If the dosage of acid is slightly but regularly exceeded, a person may experience negative consequences in the form of an increased risk of enamel destruction and potentiation of the development of gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis.

In the case of significant excess use of the compound in pure powder form or inhalation of saturated vapors of the substance, the prerequisites for a classic chemical burn of contact surfaces are formed - the esophagus, stomach, respiratory tract, skin. Severe forms of poisoning are fraught with systemic bleeding, as well as a direct threat to human life.

How can you get poisoned?

Potential routes of poisoning are primarily characterized by the areas of use of this type of substance. Most common reason This event is the use of the substance in pure powder form, given that you can buy it in any store, and almost every housewife has a designated food additive in her kitchen.

Poisoning usually occurs accidentally, for example, if the spices necessary for cooking are mixed up, the compound is consumed in large quantities by a child left without temporary parental supervision, and so on. A fairly common negative factor is non-compliance with acid dosages when preparing dishes based on it.

However, it is worth considering other possible ways overdose of the substance described above:

  • Constant consumption of products with food additives E330, 331, 332 and 333. The powder is used as a preservative, acidity regulator and flavoring additive in a number of drinks, processed cheeses, certain semi-finished products and so on;
  • Medical overdose. Citric acid is used to normalize energy metabolism in the Krebs cycle;
  • Cosmetic external use. In cosmetology, the substance is used as a chelating agent and buffer for external use, effervescent bath compositions;
  • Household chemicals. Selected species cleaning products contain high concentrations of volatile acid compounds that quickly evaporate from surfaces;
  • Other ways. The substance is also used as an auxiliary component when drilling oil and gas wells, when etching printed circuit boards, as an additive to gypsum and cement, however, it is quite difficult to get poisoned in this case, unless you completely neglect the basic safety rules in the production of the above industrial products.

Symptoms of poisoning

Poisoning with citric acid has pronounced characteristic symptoms with an increase in pathological signs as the concentration of the substance that penetrates the body increases.

  • Spicy pain syndrome in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, lungs and skin . Observed after oral administration large quantity dry matter or highly concentrated solution and is explained by a chemical burn of mucous membranes and tissues. When inhaling vapors with a high content of the compound, paroxysmal pain is felt in the lungs. On the skin, with direct contact, the manifestations are usually minor - irritation and burning of the epithelium, however, in some cases, the formation of blisters with serous contents is possible;
  • Nausea and vomiting. They form 15-30 minutes after poisoning. At severe forms chemical burn with a substance, vomit contains blood, both in pure form (damage to capillaries and blood vessels) and as a black substance (coagulation of proteins when the walls of the stomach or duodenum are damaged);
  • Diarrhea. Liquid, abundant, with admixtures of blood and melena, which characterizes bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;

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  • General weakness of the body, pale skin;
  • Complex breathing disorders with shortness of breath and shallow breaths;
  • Cardiovascular manifestations in the form of tachycardia and a significant decrease in blood pressure;
  • CNS lesions. They are observed in severe forms of poisoning and are expressed in convulsions, frequent loss of consciousness and even coma.

First aid for poisoning and cleansing the body

In case of citric acid poisoning, the victim must receive first aid first aid, and then call him a team of qualified doctors. In the case of a serious condition of the patient and severe intoxication of the body, a decision may be made to hospitalize him in the toxicology or intensive care unit.

First aid measures:

In case of poisoning with a substance, it is forbidden to perform gastric lavage or give any medical supplies before special purpose qualified physician, since it enters into many chemical reactions with the vast majority medicines, which can cause a cascading pathological reaction in the patient.

There is no specific antidote against citric acid poisoning– a classic soda solution can act as a kind of displacing antagonist, however, in the case of serious chemical damage to the gastrointestinal tract with the formation of generalized internal bleeding its use is not recommended.

Restoring the body after poisoning

As modern clinical practice, citric acid does not accumulate in the body and causes mainly short-term, although pathological consequences that are dangerous to health and life.

The process of restoring the body after poisoning is carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of specialized specialists.

Recovery in a hospital consists of stabilizing vital signs, regenerating the affected mucous membranes, tissues, blood vessels and other structures, as well as counteracting potential complications.

Restoration of the body in a hospital setting:

  • Specialized tube gastric lavage with isolated withdrawal of the working substance, bypassing the esophagus, pharynx and other structures;
  • Parenteral administration of glucose and saline;
  • Intravenous injections of painkillers, antithrombosis agents, hemostatic agents and other drugs for life-saving indications;
  • Hemodialysis and if necessary - surgical intervention to stop bleeding or carry out other emergency actions;
  • Oral administration of hepatoprotectors, drugs that induce healing of tissues and mucous membranes;
  • Other medical actions as indicated, taking into account the individual characteristics of the victim’s body, the severity of poisoning, and the background development of complications.

Consequences and complications

Citric acid poisoning usually does not cause chronic pathologies, and all complications are acute. However, in the absence of high-quality and quick medical care, the above consequences can form a direct threat to the life and health of the victim. Possible complications and consequences:

  • Systemic bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. The first to be affected by acid in case of poisoning are the esophagus, stomach and intestines;
  • Kidney failure. It is formed due to damage to organ tissue and leads to the formation of a classic secondary symptom complex with anuria, swelling and other manifestations;
  • Liver failure. Citric acid in high concentrations systemically affects hepatocytes, which leads to dysfunction of the organ;
  • Allergic reactions. Mainly local in the form of dermatitis and rarely chemical burns;
  • Thromboembolism. Against the background of severe bleeding and blood thickening, the risks of developing thromboembolic processes, primarily affecting the pulmonary artery, significantly increase;
  • Generalized pain shock. Develops in acute complex chemical burns of surfaces in contact with the substance as a natural reaction of the body;
  • Lethal outcome. Failure to provide qualified medical care in cases of severe poisoning increases the risk of death. The critical period is 1-2 days after the incident.

Prevention of poisoning

Basic preventive actions to reduce the risk of citric acid poisoning include:

  • Storing the substance out of the reach of children. The powder package must be marked appropriately so that it can be easily identified at first glance;
  • Usage protective equipment . When working with solutions containing acid, it is worth using individual means protection in the form of rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator (when there is a high concentration of compound vapors indoors);
  • Correct dosing. When preparing food, be sure to watch correct dosage food additives lemon-based and try not to exceed it;
  • Control of container cleaning. Quite often, the powder is used as a working agent for cleaning teapots and other containers from scale and other contaminants. Be sure to warn everyone living with you or working in the same room about this procedure, or better yet, temporarily put the container in a place inaccessible to others until cleaning is completed.

How to neutralize citric acid in a dish?

There are several ways to neutralize a substance in a dish:

Is citric acid good for the body?

Citric acid, as an initially natural substance, is one of the main products of the classical metabolic cycle of tricarboxylic acids in the human body and plays a fairly important role in certain biochemical reactions that support the functioning of living structures at the cellular level.

In addition to the above, the substance has the following qualities:

  • Normalizes the condition of the walls of blood vessels;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Cleanses the liver by activating bile production;
  • Stimulates digestion as part of gastrointestinal stimulation;
  • Reduces intoxication of the body during withdrawal syndrome;
  • Locally inhibits the production of pathogenic bacteria, which is why it is used as an aid in gargling.

It should be noted that the above beneficial features appear only if the recommended dosages of the substance are observed, preferably not in pure form, but from natural sources, for example, citrus juice.