The benefits of prunes for weight loss. Recipes and contraindications. Kefir with prunes: rules for consumption during a diet and on fasting days Prunes help you lose weight

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


Nutritionists call dried fruits not the most good products for the diet of those for whom a beautiful figure is important, since their calorie content is rather large. However, some of them are used in diets: prunes for weight loss are as popular as kefir, since they are recognized as beneficial for the intestines. Does it affect body fat and how should you use it to lose excess weight?

What are prunes

When it comes to those dried fruits that are allowed to be eaten in small quantities even on the most strict diet, which implies a serious reduction in daily calorie intake, experts mention it - dried plum fruit of any dark variety. It is known as a natural laxative that cleanses the intestines well. From a nutritional standpoint, prunes are a rare dried fruit that can please those losing weight:

  • Glycemic index: only 29 units (according to other sources - 25). The remaining representatives of this group have higher values ​​- only dried apricots can be called as useful, since it has 30 units.
  • Energy value, in which sugar accounts for only 38 g (per 100 gram serving), and the calorie content of prunes itself is also low - 241 kcal.

What's in prunes?

From the standpoint of a set of BZHU, this dried fruit is attractive with a relatively small amount of carbohydrates - 63.88 g per 100-gram serving, of which slightly more than half are sugars - fructose, glucose, sucrose. In terms of health (not only in the matter of losing weight), it is much more important to understand what microelements are contained in prunes. Here, the presence of potassium is primarily noted, moreover, than in bananas. Also worthy of attention:

  • several types of organic acids;
  • all B vitamins;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • iron, boron, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • antioxidants;
  • phenolic complexes.

The benefits of prunes

The value of this dried fruit is not only in its active effect on constipation - even in relation to the figure, it is two-faced: you can hear about the use of prunes for weight loss, and about introducing it into the menu for people who want to gain weight. The reason for this is the property of this product to increase appetite and stimulate the production of gastric juice. The latter property is actively used by cooks, serving fatty meat with it: this improves the absorption of a heavy product.

The benefits of prunes also lie in:

  • a large amount of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • improving the condition of an anemic patient due to iron content;
  • reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol and, as a result, preventing thrombosis;
  • antibacterial properties ( additional reason eat a little of this dried fruit when infectious diseases);
  • choleretic effect on the body;
  • stabilizing mood swings (therefore, prunes on a diet are also necessary to reduce the likelihood of a breakdown);
  • help of bone tissue.

For the intestines

Doctors call the main property of this product its ability to weaken the intestines, so it is introduced into the diet of people who struggle with constipation. This point is determined by the presence of phenol complexes and sorbitol, and fiber stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This effect of prunes on the intestines has led to its appearance in mono-diets and fasting days for weight loss, when you need to lose a couple of kilograms very quickly. Weight loss is achieved by cleansing the intestines, but such a prune diet for weight loss has no effect on fat deposits.

Prunes for weight loss

Compared to factory-made sweets (meaning confectionery), even high-calorie dried fruits can be considered useful during weight loss due to their naturalness and less negative effect on glucose surges. However, it cannot be denied that eating prunes in large quantities during a diet can cause weight gain, since the body will receive an excess amount of calories and sugar, albeit natural. Doctors insist on observing the measure - the daily norm of prunes for weight loss is 4-5 pieces, which is equivalent to 35-40 grams or 96 kcal.

Anyone who cares about their own kilograms is recommended to choose from the following methods of consuming prunes when losing weight:

  • Mix with your morning portion of porridge (it goes well with rolled oats, millet and rice).
  • Drink with kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt (buy options without additives) during a late dinner.
  • Make cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes (with egg whites and whole grain flour), replacing sugar with prunes.
  • Cook compote (do not add sweeteners, but you can add other fruits).
  • Prepare a mixture of dried fruits (try to add as few raisins as possible, if using), almonds/cashews/pistachios for snacking - even a small portion will perfectly satisfy your hunger.
  • Drinking an infusion of steamed prunes when losing weight is also useful - it has minimal calorie content, but it suppresses appetite well. Similarly, you can specially prepare a decoction of this dried fruit.

Kefir with prunes

A glass of this drink is an effective means of normalizing intestinal function, which results in visual weight loss: a person loses kilograms by cleansing the body. In the future, there is also an effect on body fat, but for this you need to mix prunes with kefir every day, and the result will be visible in a month. It is advisable to do this closer to the night, and not prepare such a mixture for yourself in the morning if you plan to go somewhere. Please note that for a laxative effect, the fermented milk drink must be as fresh as possible (made today or yesterday).

When losing weight, you can mix prunes with kefir (ryazhenka, sourdough, etc.) as follows:

  • Leave 200 ml of fermented milk drink + 30 g of chopped dried fruit for an hour.
  • 150 ml kefir + 50 g steamed (!) chopped dried fruit.

Prunes at night

A small portion of this dried fruit (steamed) eaten before bed can also help you lose weight. However, this method will be correctly practiced only in case of acute hunger that occurs after dinner, because... all fruits, especially dried ones, are recommended in the evening only as an exception and replacement harmful products. Prunes are consumed at night in the amount of 3-4 pieces, you can mix them with a couple of nuts. A larger volume is allowed only by a mono-diet per day, where up to 100 g of this product is allowed in the evening.

Oatmeal with prunes

Porridge with fruit for breakfast is a great recipe for a sweet start to the day, but without the risk of gaining weight. When losing weight, prunes go well with all nuts, although they are mainly combined with walnuts and almonds - the latter is recognized as the best of its group in terms of weight loss. Oatmeal with prunes provides a long-lasting satiety effect because there is no sugar spike. How many pieces to put is up to you, but it is advisable not to cross the line of 40 grams, and if nuts are used, then 30 grams. You can complement the dish with dried apricots.

Cottage cheese with prunes

This option for breakfast, afternoon snack or even dinner, if you need to eat after a workout, is attractive due to its low calorie content, but good nutritional value. It is not necessary to mix only low-fat cottage cheese with prunes for weight loss - similarly, you can use a 2% or 5% product. However, nutritionists remind that the presence of lactose in dairy products makes them not the safest for weight loss, therefore, in order not to gain weight, physical exercise is needed before consuming them.

Diet with prunes for weight loss

The number of ways to use this product for weight loss, even within healthy eating countless - salads, mixtures with any cereals, meat dishes. However, the most effective option is a prune diet, which can be a couple of “hungry” days for fasting, or can look like an almost classic healthy menu for the week. No matter how you decide to use prunes when losing weight, keep in mind that you will have to forget about smoked products and everything rich in fast carbohydrates.

Effective weight loss options with this dried fruit:

  • Mix a 200-gram portion with kefir (1 l) and walnuts (100 g) for 3 days. The amount in brackets is indicated per day; it would be correct to divide by 5 times.
  • For a week, instead of dinner, eat 50 g of this dried fruit with a spoon of honey. In the morning and afternoon, eat boiled buckwheat, alternating with brown rice (servings - 50 g of dry cereal, cook without flavoring additives) and fresh vegetables. The required volume of liquid is 1.5 liters. Possible weight loss of 4 kg.


After finding out why prunes are useful for weight loss and why a person loses weight from this product, it is worth assessing the possible negative consequences associated with it. The laxative and choleretic properties of this dried fruit require caution in people who have problems with the liver and bile ducts or suffer from diarrhea. Contraindications for prunes include stomach diseases. You should not supplement your diet with them and:

  • At breastfeeding, because You can provoke intestinal upset in your baby.
  • Persons with diabetes (only after talking with a doctor);
  • Hypotonics.

Video: how to eat prunes

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Prunes for weight loss - beneficial properties and harm, recipes with kefir, hay and dried apricots

The benefits of prunes for weight loss

Prunes for weight loss are a magic wand that can expel hated kilograms and fat deposits from the body. Don't believe me? Many people don’t believe it until they try to lose weight with this product. And it turns out: in fact, losing weight with prunes is simple, quick, and not harmful to your health.

The miraculous prune, namely its ability to fight excess weight, has been known for centuries. IN folk medicine it is used in almost all recipes for weight loss.

In principle, you can take our word for it that prunes for weight loss are really effective and can reduce volume, if you know the advantages of this dried fruit. And there are plenty of them. Let's look at each one.

Firstly, prunes help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, namely the intestines. Many people know that for constipation, it is recommended to eat one prune to solve a delicate problem. Due to the fact that prunes contain a lot of dietary fiber, which works primarily on peristalsis, this dried fruit is the best prevention of constipation and the tummy that appears due to irregular bowel movements.

Secondly, prunes are unique in that they are considered one of the most excellent antidepressants. If a person is on a diet or adheres to a strict diet, restricting himself in food, then the nervous system fails. Namely, someone who is losing weight becomes irritable, his mood is constantly changing. Regular consumption of prunes will help bring your nerves back to normal, and is guaranteed to relieve you from violent outbursts of emotions and mood swings.

Thirdly, and everyone who is losing weight knows this, consuming sugar is contraindicated for those who want to lose weight. Prunes will also come to the rescue. It is an excellent substitute for sweets. And you can’t count how many vitamins and beneficial microelements there are in dried fruits!

When talking about losing weight with dried fruits, you should focus on proper nutrition and menu selection. Typically, nutritionists recommend consuming kefir and prunes at the same time for weight loss. Prunes, like fermented milk drinks, satisfy hunger. And it not only quenches, but gets rid of it for a long time. As a result: the body, without harming itself, receives all the useful components, and the brain notifies its owner that the stomach is completely full and does not require nutrition.

In addition to adding prunes to your diet if you are losing weight, you should review your entire diet and usual menu. Don’t think that by eating this dried fruit and eating it with a pork chop, you can decrease in volume. Still, some rules will have to be followed. To lose weight, you need to choose the right weight loss products. In addition, you should reduce the portion, drink enough liquid, give up sweets, smoked foods, alcohol and fatty foods, accustom yourself to eat often, but little. It would also be a good idea to include more in the menu. fresh vegetables and fruits, porridge. Another secret for losing weight: start eating boiled and baked foods. But it’s better not to eat fried food at all.

If you have tried to lose weight with the help of this dried fruit, then share your impressions. This will be useful to many. It’s even interesting what kind of reviews prunes for weight loss will receive!

Victoria, 19 years old.

I once bought food supplements for weight loss at a very good pharmacy, dietary supplements based on prunes. I lost about 3 kg in the first week. And then I thought, why drink capsules if you can eat natural prunes! As a result, without any pills, eating prunes and adhering to a certain regimen, my weight also went away.

Elena, 25 years old.

I have long known about the properties of prunes. My grandmother used to give it to me to eat when my stomach hurt. Since then I have been eating it regularly. There are no problems with the intestines at all. But this is the first time I’ve heard that it promotes weight loss. We must take note!

Margarita, 34 years old.

Only sports and normal nutrition will help you lose weight. You might think that if you constantly eat prunes, the kilograms will begin to disappear on their own! Regular training and exercise is the way to an ideal figure and weight loss! Well, nutrition, of course, plays a role. Everything should be in moderation.

Hello friends, new blog readers! Let's think together today about what they are. By the way, how did you solve the problem of extra pounds before? Have you bought expensive products whose manufacturers swore to you that they were effective? Or stuck to exhausting diets? And the solution to the problem was very close: prunes for weight loss are an ideal remedy.

The benefits of prunes

Dried fruits are very useful for human body, especially plum. It contains many useful substances. Fiber, which prunes are rich in, normalizes intestinal function, which in turn gives positive results in the process of weight loss.

The most important positive properties are:

  • rich chemical composition, which has a beneficial effect on general state body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses the intestines;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • improves cardiac function vascular system, digestion;
  • excellent bactericidal agent;
  • improves skin condition.

Benefits of prunes for weight loss

People with a sweet tooth like to lose weight most of all using dried plums. Whenever you want something sweet, eat a few berries. The body will receive nutrition, you will enjoy. The figure will not upset you with extra pounds. By the way, cottage cheese with prunes is an excellent dessert. It’s tasty, quick to prepare, and most importantly, not harmful.

Plum contains fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. It is this organ that in most cases is the “culprit” of extra pounds. The fact is that due to improper functioning of the intestines, metabolism is disrupted. And this is a direct path to excess weight.

With the help of plums you can not only lose weight. This delicious dried fruit provides any body with a sufficient amount of antioxidants. The substances help prevent many diseases. Therefore, it is also useful for people with normal weight, 5 - 6 berries per day, perfect way saturate yourself with vital elements.

When is the best time to eat prunes to lose weight?

Despite all the benefits, do not forget that this dried fruit is quite nutritious. 100 g of product contains 241 kcal, and carbohydrates – 63.88 g. It is not advisable to eat it after 16.00; high calorie content dictates certain conditions. Dried apricots in tandem with prunes are a bad combination for girls losing weight, the exception being when dried fruits are consumed no more than one tablespoon per day.

The calorie content of prunes is so high that it should be consumed with light ingredients. The usual mixture: raisins, nuts, dried apricot and honey, delicious, rich nutrients, but it won’t help you lose weight. There are approximately 100 calories per tablespoon. Therefore, if you really want to get your figure in order, you will have to abandon this combination.

You should also not eat dried plums at night, it is fraught with consequences. But there is good news: dishes with prunes contribute to the process of weight loss. There are many recipes that will help. At the same time, there is no need to buy expensive products, which in most cases are not effective. In addition, many of them have serious side effects.

What can you cook with prunes?

There are a lot of simple and affordable dishes with this healthy fruit. Let's look at a few options. The recipes are quite simple, all the ingredients can be found in every refrigerator.

  1. Beet salad. This salad is very tasty, healthy, and promotes weight loss. Boil 1 large beet, cool, grate on a coarse grater. Take 3 – 4 large plums and pour boiling water over them. Cut into medium slices. Add to the beets, pour over low-fat sour cream. That's all. The salad is prepared quickly, it turns out delicious, and helps you lose extra pounds. You can diversify the dish with a handful of walnuts.
  2. Dessert with prunes. You will need low-fat cheese, kefir, dried plums. You can't add sugar, fructose is enough. For 200 grams of cottage cheese you need 8 - 9 plums. You can grind it in a blender, add 100 grams of kefir, mix thoroughly. This dessert can be eaten at any time.
  3. Infusion of prunes and raisins. Pour a glass of boiling water over several dried fruits (as much as will fit in one tablespoon) and leave for 5-10 minutes. This infusion will help reduce appetite with a minimum amount of calories, so it is better to drink it half an hour before meals. And don’t forget to eat the berries themselves :)

Of course, there are many more recipes to help you lose weight. It is simply impossible to fit them into one article. In the process of losing weight, follow some useful recommendations.

Secrets of losing weight with dried plums

  • The very first thing to remember is that the diet must be followed. We are not talking about grueling hunger strikes, nothing good for the body not giving. But you still have to give up rough, unhealthy, fatty and salty foods.
  • Also, be sure to drink enough fluids. Clean, preferably structured water. An infusion of prunes will help significantly reduce your appetite. Drink it 30 minutes before meals.
  • If you have a strong feeling of hunger, you can use another secret - suck the berry like candy for a long time.
  • Do not eat prunes later than 4 hours before bedtime. Carbohydrates at night have the unpleasant property of being deposited in fat, and also interfere with healthy sleep and recovery.
  • Keep track of the quantity. Not eating prunes is bad, but eating a lot of dried fruits is even worse. The optimal amount is 5-6 berries, stick to it.

These simple tips will help you easily achieve the desired shape. And finally, I want to remind you that prunes are one of those few

According to scientists, if you eat 5 prunes daily, you can forget about digestive problems. If 10 each - about osteoporosis and accidental fractures. And if you arrange a fasting day and eat 30, the intestines will be thoroughly cleansed of waste and toxins, and the next morning you will be 2-3 kg short. Despite all the caloric content of this dried fruit (231 kcal per 100 g), it has such a powerful laxative effect that it is the main product of many diets and weight loss programs. This is also facilitated by the low glycemic index - 29.

However, for weight loss, prunes must be used carefully, otherwise they can relax the intestines so much that you will then have to take strengthening medications for several days.

Mechanism of weight loss

Prunes have laxative, urinary and choleretic properties. It not only cleanses the intestines of all kinds of organic debris, but also clears the bile ducts from it, thereby facilitating the work of the liver. This accelerates the renewal of blood cells, due to which metabolic processes, including lipolysis, begin to occur more intensely. At proper nutrition and intense training, it provides rapid fat burning.

The accumulation of fluid in tissues is the cause of both edema and excess weight simultaneously. Prunes solve both problems, as they are a natural diuretic.

During the period of weight loss, it supplies the body with a large amount of vitamins and microelements. One of the main roles among them is played by potassium, which eliminates problems with the heart and blood circulation, ensuring the unhindered flow of accelerated blood flow. According to nutritionists, with hypokalemia, weight loss is impossible.

Knowing such valuable properties of prunes, it is not at all necessary to purchase laxatives and diuretics in order to cleanse the body. 30 pieces will be enough for the organization effective weight loss on the unloading day. If you want great results, include its active use within the framework of any diet.

On a note. Prunes contain more potassium than apples, which are considered the main source of this macronutrient.


Using prunes for weight loss, you can simultaneously normalize the functioning of many organs and systems, since they have long been used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. What we get as a nice bonus:

  • improved digestion;
  • prevention of osteoporosis by strengthening bones;
  • relief from constipation;
  • strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, strengthening the heart muscle, normalizing heart rate, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • eliminating edema, improving kidney function, removing sand and harmful substances from them;
  • improved vision;
  • enrichment of the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, prevention of vitamin deficiencies;
  • reducing the risk of getting a sore throat, since prunes have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • slowing down aging, thanks to antioxidants that bind free radicals;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of work nervous system: minimizing the destructive effects of stress, eliminating anxiety, irritability and insomnia;
  • for men - increased potency.

All this becomes possible thanks to the composition of this product: it contains all known to science vitamins and a large number of mineral compounds, as well as amino acids.

In addition to all of the above, it is believed that prunes can minimize the risk of malignant tumors.

Let's listen to science. Bahram Arjmandi is a professor at the University of Florida who has been studying dried fruits for many years in terms of their health benefits. According to him, raisins, dried strawberries, dates, and figs cannot compare with prunes; they occupy all the leading positions in this niche.


If you exceed the dosage and get too carried away with this dried fruit, its laxative and diuretic properties can harm your health, and the stomach and kidneys will be the first to suffer. Therefore, it is so important to follow contraindications and keep in mind possible side effects.


  • diabetes;
  • lactation (can cause digestive upset in the baby);
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • kidney stones and other serious diseases of this organ;
  • serious pathologies of the liver, heart and blood;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotension;
  • gout.

Side effects:

  • blood sugar surges;
  • gaining weight instead of losing weight;
  • movement of stones along the ureters, which can lead to their rupture and severe pain;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases liver and heart, gout;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stool and digestive disorders, bloating, flatulence;
  • decrease in pressure.

Ways to lose weight


There is a special diet based on prunes, which was developed by F. G. Uglov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and a practicing surgeon, known far beyond Russia. In it, he recommends organizing meals strictly at certain hours - at 9, 11, 14, 17 and 20. The basis of the diet:

  • 8 dried plums per day;
  • protein: eggs, chicken fillet, lean pork, boiled fish;
  • hard cheese;
  • low-fat kefir and yogurt (Uglov recommends drinking them half an hour before bedtime);
  • vegetables: preference is given to and;
  • fruits: the best among them for this diet are oranges and apples;
  • Drinks include only black tea or coffee in the morning, and 1 tsp is allowed. Sahara.

An approximate menu for 1 day, according to which you can create a diet for this diet:

The duration of the Uglova diet is 10 days. Thanks to a significant reduction in daily calorie intake and the cleansing properties of dried fruit, lasting weight loss occurs. During this time you can lose from 3 to 7 kg. The final result depends on individual characteristics.

Among the advantages:

  • the diet was prepared by a doctor, health risks are minimized;
  • the fat burning process starts, which, along with training, will allow you to get rid of the most problematic areas;
  • budget savings;
  • simplicity of dishes.

However, take into account the disadvantages: the diet is monotonous, which means you will get bored in 10 days, and the risk of failure is high. In addition, the laxative effect can seriously upset the stool.

Fasting day

  1. Steam in the evening hot water 30 dried plums.
  2. During the fasting day, eat 3 pieces every 2 hours. and wash down with 200 ml of any herbal decoction or unsweetened tea.
  3. In the evening, half an hour before bedtime, you can eat 150 ml of natural yogurt or drink 200 ml of 1.5% kefir.
  4. During the day you need to drink up to 3 liters of water.

Prepare for powerful laxative and diuretic effects. But in this way you can lose up to 2 kg in just a day.

You can read more about organizing fasting days on prunes.

In addition to the Uglov diet and fasting days, for weight loss you can eat 3-4 dried plums daily along with proper or low-calorie nutrition and exercise. However, this should not last more than 2 weeks. Then the body must be given a rest and the course repeated only after a month.


Prunes and raisins

Rinse thoroughly and mix prunes with raisins (they must be pitted) in equal proportions (150 g each). Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for another 10 minutes. Cool. Squeeze the dried fruits and you can eat them. But the main violin here is played by the resulting drink, which should be consumed 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach every morning. The result is high-quality cleansing of the intestines, blood, kidneys and weight loss by 2-3 kg per week.

This decoction is ideal for weight loss for men, since raisins are known for their properties to have a positive effect on potency and reproductive abilities.

Prunes and dried apricots

You need to take a little less dried plums - 100 g, and a larger amount of dried apricots - 200 g. Prepare according to the previous recipe, but increase the dosage to 100 ml in the morning.

This decoction will be useful for those who are losing weight, who have heart problems and anemia. Dried apricots are irreplaceable in this case. In addition, it softens the too aggressive laxative properties of prunes.

Dates and prunes

The preparation and dosage regimen is the same as for the recipe with raisins. The peculiarity of the decoction is that it is prescribed as a medicine for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. If you want to get rid of indigestion and slagging, use this recipe for weight loss. But be prepared for the laxative effect to be enhanced.

Water with prunes

You don’t need to use any other products; it is enough to eat prunes brewed with boiling water in the evening for 2 weeks. Any proportions, the main thing is that the water covers it to the top by 4-5 cm, because it swells a lot. In addition to the dried fruits themselves (up to 8 pieces per day), it will be useful to drink the infusion after them in the morning on an empty stomach. It is important to observe here daily norm- no more than 200 ml and provided that the prunes must be thoroughly washed before steaming.

Note. Instead of boiling water, you can use hot milk. The proportions and weight loss pattern are maintained.

Kefir with prunes

Cut 8 well-washed dried plums into halves or quarters, pour in 250 ml of 1.5% kefir and beat in a blender.

A smoothie containing prunes and kefir turns out to be very nutritious and at the same time a powerful laxative. There are recommendations to drink it instead of dinner or just before bed, but in this case, be prepared to not sleep and spend most of the night on the toilet. It will be much more useful to replace breakfast with it.

Note. A similar cocktail, in compliance with the proportions, can be prepared with milk instead of kefir. In addition, it is allowed to add other dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, dates), but with the condition that then the amount of dried plums will need to be reduced. Berries, nuts and pieces of fruit are also acceptable in this recipe.

Cottage cheese with prunes

Ideal breakfast for weight loss. Easy to prepare, low in calories, perfectly cleanses the intestines and provides energy for the whole day.

For 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese - 2-3 pcs. steamed dried plums, which must first be chopped. You can diversify the recipe with berries and other dried fruits, as well as 1 tsp. .

Oatmeal with prunes

Breakfast alternative to cottage cheese - oatmeal with the addition of dried plums. These two products go well together. Main useful property Such a dish will satisfy you for a long time, which will allow you to wait until lunch without snacking.

Recipe. Pour 5 tbsp into a deep cup. l. oatmeal and 1 tsp. dried orange zest. Pour 150 ml of boiling water over them. Cover and leave for 5 minutes. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 6-7 randomly chopped dried plums. To stir thoroughly. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top (no more than 3 kernels).

Buckwheat with prunes

This dish can be used as part of a diet for any meal.

Heat 350 g of buckwheat in a frying pan and pour in 200 ml of boiling water. Leave to swell for a couple of hours covered. Separately, fry a chopped medium-sized onion and 1 coarsely grated carrot. Sprinkle the roast with nutmeg and ground black pepper (no more than 5 g each). Add 5 chopped dried plums. Pour in a small amount of water, simmer for 10 minutes under the lid. Mix the roast and buckwheat in a deep bowl, add water so that it rises by 2-3 cm, keep on low heat until the buckwheat becomes soft.

Beet and prune salad

If someone finds the laxative effect of dried plums insufficient for their intestines, you can use this recipe.

Place 200 g of peeled fresh beets on a coarse grater. Cut 5 dried plums into strips. Crush the peeled garlic clove. Mix ingredients, season lemon juice or 10% sour cream. If you cannot live without salt, use only sea salt and in minimal quantities. Chopped cilantro or parsley are allowed. Seasonings you can add include red or black ground pepper and coriander.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to eat at night?

Doctors do not advise doing this, as this can cause insomnia due to the laxative effect of the product. The best option is to consume it in the first half of the day. The only thing you can do is add a small amount of it to dinner dishes (bake chicken with it, prepare a delicious sauce based on it, add it to a salad, etc.). But remember that you cannot eat more than 3 pieces in the evening.

How much can you eat?

Dried prunes will not harm your health if you do not exceed the daily allowance of 100 g. This is about 10-12 pieces. However, if you use it for weight loss and cleansing daily, after 2 weeks you need to take a break for about a month to restore the intestinal microflora. It will be useful to drink probiotics during this interval.

How to eat?

Rinse thoroughly in several waters. 2-3 hours in advance (or in the evening) pour hot water so that the dried fruit swells. Eat in the first half of the day, in between meals. Perfect time- lunch or breakfast.

How does it combine with medications?

While losing weight, it is better to postpone taking any medicines. It is especially dangerous to combine with laxatives, choleretic and diuretics.

Efficient and fast weight loss using prunes occurs due to its cleansing properties. It is recommended for those whose main reason for excess weight lies in the body’s slagging and. If hormonal or hereditary factors are to blame, the technique may not only be useless, but also provoke complications in the kidneys and stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to consult your doctor first.

Prunes are one of the few dried fruits that, despite the considerable amount of calories, can help with weight loss.

The calorie content of prunes is 230 kcal. Dried fruit is not that low in calories, but by consuming prunes for weight loss of no more than 100 g per day, you can significantly improve not only your health, but also your figure. Read on and see for yourself.

Moreover, if you start from a standard portion, which is about 4-5 pieces of prunes, then this is only 40 kcal.

What are the benefits of prunes for weight loss?

Regulates blood sugar levels

Despite the high calorie content, prunes have a low glycemic index (GI) - 29. Let me remind you that sugar has a GI = 70

And this is not an unimportant indicator, and not only for those with diabetes. Stable blood sugar levels keep metabolism at a constant level and do not push the body to gain excess weight.

Reducing cholesterol levels

Prunes help you lose weight by reducing “bad” cholesterol. Bile acids dissolve cholesterol, and dried fruit promotes their active removal from the body. Cholesterol reduction is proportional to weight loss.

Prunes are low fat, low GI and low salt. It does not contain those “villains” - saturated fat, which leads to obesity and insulin resistance, and also increases the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, which undoubtedly leads to heart disease.

Too much salt is linked to increased high blood pressure and stroke. Replacing snacks high in fat and salt with prune snacks can effectively reduce the amount of unhealthy fat and salt in your body. Which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on our figure.

Feeling full

As part of a healthy, balanced diet, dried plums can be a healthy snack between meals to help prevent hunger. Dried fruit contains a lot of fiber, which creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach. You will feel full for a long time, avoiding unnecessary overeating and extra calories. Use this quality of prunes for weight loss.

Good antidepressant

Prunes are considered a good antidepressant. During a diet, the body experiences a lack of certain nutrients and pays us bad mood. Sleep disorders, frequent mood swings, depression are integral companions of any diet.

The valuable nutritional composition of dried fruit can lift your spirits and protect you from long-term depression. Snacking on a small amount of prunes can significantly improve your mental and emotional state.

Prunes are also famous for their high content of antioxidants, which effectively fight dangerous free radicals.


Dried fruits are an excellent source of fiber, which helps maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestive problems. A high fiber diet is thought to reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer.

Prunes are 63% fiber. Moreover, both soluble and insoluble fibers are evenly distributed in it.

Soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol and controls blood glucose levels. Insoluble fiber binds water, which helps soften stool in the lower intestines, increases bulk, and can promote healthy bowel movements.

And a lack of insoluble fiber causes constipation and contributes to the development of bowel cancer.

Nutritional value

Dried prunes retain all the nutritional properties of ripe plums. Not only are they delicious, but they are also a natural source of essential nutrients for the body, such as vitamins, minerals and plant-derived substances.

Understand that increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables throughout your life can help reduce your risk of developing some chronic diseases as you age.

Prunes are a good source of potassium. This mineral is essential for muscle and neurological function and improves blood pressure.

Prunes contain vitamin E and beta-carotene, which protect fatty acids and cell membranes from free radical damage and help fight aging, loss of skin elasticity and wrinkles.

Dried fruit is rich in another important component for women: boron, which plays an important role in the formation of bones. In combination with calcium and vitamin D, boron is actively involved in maintaining bone mass and normalizing blood clotting.

Don't forget that women need more iron than men. And in prunes there is as much as 2.1 mg of it for every 100 g of product.

Well, have I convinced you to include prunes in your daily menu? If yes, then write down the recipes.

Kefir and prunes for weight loss

Try replacing breakfast or dinner with kefir and prunes. To do this, finely chop 4-5 fruits or chop with a blender and mix with a glass of kefir. This nutritional mixture will not only help you lose weight, but also serve effective means to combat constipation and cleanse the intestines.

But do not forget to look at the production date of kefir. If kefir is fresh, no more than 2 days from the date of preparation, then it serves as a laxative. And if it is older than 2 days, then it is fixative. Otherwise, it turns out that prunes are a laxative, and kefir is a fixative, who will win over whom? 🙂

Prunes as a sugar substitute

We all love sweets. Although I don’t have a sweet tooth, when I’m on a diet my hand reaches for sweets. And here dry plum fruits can come to the rescue. There is simply no substitute for prunes during a weight loss diet. Grind pieces of prunes with a blender and add to desserts and baked goods instead of sugar. Read what else you can.

To cleanse the intestines

From time to time I use prunes to cleanse my intestines.
For this procedure you need to stock up:

  • figs (dry) – 100 g
  • prunes – 100 g
  • dried apricots - 100 g
  • hay (grass) - 100 g

Grind dried fruits in a meat grinder. And steam the herb in 1.5 liters of boiled water for 3 hours. After 3 hours, combine the herb with dried fruits and leave for another 5-6 hours in a warm place. Then this entire mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

Take one tablespoon at night before meals.

Nutrient mixture

During a diet, you always crave sweets and many people can’t stand it and break down. Therefore, you have to resort to various tricks and try to deceive the brain. Eating prunes while losing weight is necessary not only to trick the brain, but also to replenish the supply of missing nutrients that the body does not receive during the diet.

Grind the prunes with nuts in a meat grinder and add honey. You can use any nuts. You can also get creative and add any dried fruits (to your taste) to this mixture.

A tablespoon of this yummy will perfectly curb your hunger and prevent you from breaking down while on a diet. It will also nourish the body with essential nutrients.


  • Before taking prunes, when diabetes mellitus, you should definitely consult your doctor.
  • Indulging in dried fruit is not recommended for people with stomach and liver diseases.
  • And also those prone to indigestion should not take it in large quantities and too often.
  • Prunes are contraindicated for nursing mothers, as they can cause stomach disorders in infants.