Weekly menu for weight gain. How to gain weight for a girl at home quickly, without harm to health. Preparations for gaining muscle mass, nutrition. Weight gain pills - which ones to take

A muscular, inflated body cannot be obtained without a set muscle mass. You can build muscle if you have a well-chosen, correct menu. Training will not be important if there is no special material to work with.

For beginners, you need to prepare a daily menu that matches your goals. By building and creating an optimal diet, you can achieve quick results.

What a diet plan should include and what you need to gain weight will be discussed below in the article.

Basic diet rules for gaining muscle mass

During intense training and physical activity, a significant portion of energy is consumed. Costs are covered with food. By limiting the diet, a person will not receive enough substances necessary.

The weight gain diet is based on one point: You need to get more calories from food than you expend. Only by following this rule can you really achieve positive results.

You should also take into account the following several equally important menu rules for weight gain:

  • . You need to eat 5-6 times a day. Portions are small. When eating a significant amount of food at one time, the body will not be able to digest all the nutrients. Some vitamins and minerals will be lost, and the muscles will not receive the required amount of energy on time. The rest of the nutrients will be stored in fat deposits.
  • There are high-calorie foods. You should eat frequently, high-calorie foods - 70% of the daily diet. If you eat low-calorie foods, your body will not have enough energy. You will have to increase the number of meals, and the digestive organs will be overloaded.
  • Limit the consumption of fast carbohydrates and fats. Consumption of such foods leads to an increase in body fat. – these are flour products, sweets, baked goods, candies. The calorie content of the food is high and is absorbed instantly. The body does not have time to quickly waste the energy received. Animals are needed by humans in limited quantities. Lard and sausages consumed in excess contribute to an increase in fat deposits.
  • Consume 2.5-3 liters of water per day. Rapid weight gain is stressful for the body. Accelerated metabolism, enhanced metabolism require large quantity liquids. Lack of water will cause disruption of the digestive tract, worsen general health. Also, with dehydration, muscles will stop growing.
  • Receive 70% of calories before 16:00. Afterwards, eat proteins - cottage cheese, eggs, fish. Fast carbohydrates and fats are eaten before 12:00 and are acceptable before training.
  • . Professional athletes eat 2 hours before classes and 1 hour after. You should eat as well. Constant training and an enhanced diet will accelerate the process of muscle growth.
  • Compliance with the principle of the “food pyramid”: 60% - carbohydrates, proteins - 30%, fats - 10%. Most of the carbohydrates consumed are cereals, potatoes, and fruits. can be supplemented from sports nutrition containing the required quantities. Fats – vegetable, animal – in minimal quantities.

Daily value of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Muscle growth will occur with regular training and sufficient energy. Sports supplements will not provide the optimal amount of calories. To restore the body's strength and increase muscle mass, you need to consume a significant amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

For example, for a guy weighing 70 kg: 70 x 35 = 2450 kcal. The data is based on a thin man with a fast metabolism. By adding 10-20% to the resulting value, you get the caloric intake for weight gain: 2450 x 1.2 = 2940 kcal.

By consuming 2940 kcal per day, the expended energy will be restored, and muscles will gradually increase.

For men

For women

  • With intense training, the body requires more protein. Insufficient protein will affect the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. The minimum daily intake is 1.5 grams per 1 kg of weight:
    • 50 kg – 75 g.
    • 55 kg – 83 g.
    • 60 kg – 90 g.
  • Maximum daily norm fat is proportional to the girl’s age:
    • up to 27 years – 118 g.
    • 28-39 years old – 110 g.
    • category 40+ – 70 g.
  • The majority of carbohydrates for muscle building should be slow carbohydrates at a rate of 400 grams per day.

The Best Foods for Gaining Muscle

An increase in muscle mass is associated with the frequency of meals, caloric content and quality of foods consumed. You cannot save money; an unbalanced diet will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the body as a whole.

  • rich in iron, keratin, protein. Ideal – 200 grams per day, 2 times 100 g.
  • Chicken fillet, . 300 grams contain 69 g of protein, i.e. half the daily requirement. Use 2-3 times a day in portions.
  • Salmon contains protein, . Promotes recovery after training, reduces muscle inflammation, helps monitor testosterone levels.
  • Eggs. When gaining weight, they are second only to a protein shake. Protein is instantly absorbed, breaking down into amino acids. To create a balance between proteins and fats, you need to remove 4 yolks from 6 eggs. This omelet will give the body up to 30 grams of protein.
  • Nuts. Mono fats improve heart performance internal organs, ligaments. You need to eat about 55-60 grams of various nuts per day:
    • almond;
    • walnuts;
    • peanut;
    • hazelnut;
    • cashew nuts.
  • Milk has an analgesic effect, prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers. A 3% product will do. 500 ml contains 16-18 grams of protein.
  • Cottage cheese- An ideal addition to a weight gain diet. Contains casein - a long-lasting protein, rich in calcium, necessary for joints during intense training. You need to keep an eye on 9% cottage cheese. Can be used in a protein shake.
  • Sprouted wheat will increase strength, increase endurance, reduce stress nervous system. It contains:
    • potassium;
    • calcium;
    • zinc;
    • iron;
    • B vitamins;
    • amino acids.
  • Rice. You need to choose brown rice. It is absorbed slowly, providing enough energy for sports. Also contains an amino acid that increases growth hormone levels by 4 times. Before cooking, soak in hot water for 60-120 minutes.
  • Fruits quickly restore muscle fibers and have a high energy reserve. The fruits are also rich in vitamins and increase immune system. It is advisable to drink half a liter of juice 60 minutes before training.
  • Bread. Whole grain bread contains amino acids necessary for muscle growth. White pastries can be eaten after a workout to replenish your reserves.
  • Garlic reduces muscle fiber tears and helps testosterone production.

Weekly menu for gaining muscle mass

Nutrition for muscle growth must be complete, high-quality, fractional. The diet consists of 3 main meals and 2 snacks.

Features of the menu for weight gain:

  • Calorie content– 3000 kcal.
  • Water– 3 liters/day.
  • Avoid sweets.

An approximate menu option is presented in the table:

Day of the week Menu
Monday : oatmeal with apples, nuts, toast with cheese, tea.

Snack: dried fruits.

Dinner: chicken fillet, potatoes, vegetable salad, bread, butter.

Afternoon snack: banana, cottage cheese.

Dinner: baked salmon, rice, vegetable plate.

Tuesday Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge with fruits, almonds, milk, x lettuce.

Snack: cottage cheese, sour cream, honey.

Dinner: vegetable stew, flounder, pepper, cucumbers.

30 minutes before bed: yogurt.

Friday Breakfast: milk pasta soup, eggs - 2 pcs, with cheese, x leb, butter.

Snack: milkshake, cottage cheese.

Dinner:borscht with beef broth, beef, vegetable sauté, buckwheat.

Afternoon snack: nuts, dried fruits, banana.

Dinner: mackerel, potatoes, vegetable mix.

30 minutes before bed: kefir.

Saturday Breakfast: oatmeal, milk, x pineapple, x strawberry, x lettuce.

Snack: cheesecake, homemade yogurt.

Dinner: solyanka, vegetables baked with chicken, bread.

Afternoon snack: milk smoothie, cottage cheese.

Dinner: rice, baked salmon, vegetable salad.

30 minutes before bed: kefir.

Sunday Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, omelette, x leb.

Dinner: vegetable soup, veal, pasta, cucumber.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, jam, kiwi.

Dinner: rice, chicken breast, steamed beets.

30 minutes before bed: homemade yogurt.

Optimal time to eat

Nutrition– an important component when gaining muscle mass. Complete assimilation of the received elements will only occur if you adhere to the daily routine, rest, and training.

Before training starts

You should not eat food immediately before training. Optimal time – two hours before the start of classes.

You need to choose foods rich in complex carbohydrates. They will give you strength and energy for the upcoming workout. It is recommended to eat a plate of porridge, pasta, and potatoes. Supplement your meal with fruits, meat, and nuts. It is advisable to drink a cocktail containing proteins and carbohydrates 30 minutes before.

After completing training

Avoiding eating after training is prohibited. This is the ideal moment to fully absorb all the elements necessary to build muscles.

45 minutes after the end of the lesson, you need to eat a few bananas and drink a portion of gainer. The main thing is to replenish lost energy and restore strength. Include foods containing proteins and slow carbohydrates in your diet.

Meal frequency

It is necessary to eat with breaks not exceeding three hours. Eat fully five to six times. An important point is the number of meals and recommended meal times.

The ideal schedule for gaining muscle is presented below:

  • Breakfast – 7:00.
  • First snack – 11:00.
  • Dinner – 14:00.
  • Afternoon snack – 17:00.
  • Dinner – 20:00.
  • Meal before bed – 23:00.

The serving size depends on the characteristics of the body, but the daily calorie content is no less 1500 kcal for girls, 2500 kcal for boys.

By building your optimal nutrition schedule, you can achieve great results. By following this diet for 90 days, you will develop a reflexive desire to eat by a certain time.

Water and its role

– an important component when gaining weight. Liquid occupies 65% of the total volume of biologically significant substances. To maintain the balance of H 2 O in the bodybuilder’s body, you need to consume as much as is lost during the day.

For girls - 2 liters, for guys - 2-2.5 liters.

Drink mineral water without gas, cleaned, boiled pipeline.

Water comes in:

  • Directly when consumed with liquid — 60%.
  • With food (soup, borscht, porridge) — 30%.
  • During the digestion process — 10%.

Functions of water

The main functions of water during sports activities:

The required volume of liquid is calculated using the formula: body weight multiplied by 30. With a weight of 70 kg, you need to consume 70x30 = 2100, i.e. 2.1 liters of water per day.

Rules for water consumption:

  • Drink 400 ml of liquid 90-120 minutes before training, 200 ml 30 minutes before training. Increase the volume to 800/400 ml in the hot season.
  • During exercise, consume 250 ml of liquid every 15 minutes. Per hour of training - up to 1 liter for men, 600 ml - for women. For professional bodybuilders, increase the volume to two liters of water.
  • After exercise, you also need to replenish the lost volume of H2O - drink 400-700 ml over two hours.

Protein foods are essential for gaining muscle mass.

The best options are recognized:

List of carbohydrate products

Carbohydrate foods should account for more than half of all food consumed. You need to use slow carbohydrates in food, and try to eliminate fast ones as much as possible.

You can get it from:

  • Mushrooms.
  • Cereals.
  • Durum pasta.
  • Legumes: beans, chickpeas, peas.
  • Brown rice
  • Potato.
  • Vegetables.
  • Bread.
  • Greenery.
  • Garlic.
  • Fruits, excluding grapes, pears.

It is better to eat the above foods in the first half of the day, 1.5 hours before training. Some carbohydrates can be replaced with a cocktail immediately after training.

List of foods containing fats:

  • Almond.
  • Cashew nuts.
  • Walnut.
  • Brazilian nut.
  • Hazelnut.
  • Mackerel.
  • Applesauce pastille.
  • Sardines.
  • Anchovy.
  • Salmon.
  • Red meat.
  • Ghee, butter.
  • Sour cream.
  • Cream.
  • Salo.
  • Crackers, homemade chips.
  • Sausage, balyk.

Nutritional features for gaining lean muscle mass

There are several types of cutting diets:

  • No carbohydrates– comes down to limiting the intake of any carbohydrates. It is allowed to eat meat, fish, eggs, green vegetables, fermented milk dishes, and purified water.
  • Zone diet Suitable for bodybuilders who train intensively while cutting. The diet is divided into protein, fat, carbohydrate meals alternately and several snacks.
  • Paleo diet. The menu includes only natural, unprocessed foods: vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts. Milk, cereals, and sugar are excluded.
  • Fractional meals. You need to eat every 2 hours, up to 10 small meals per day. Follow the diet for 5 days, rest for 10 days, eating the same ingredients 5 times a day. This diet option for gaining lean mass is considered the most effective.
  • Special storage mechanism in case of pregnancy and childbirth, excess carbohydrates will lead to the appearance of fat folds;
  • Advantage female body - stored fat proper diet in combination with training, it will easily pass into the muscles;
  • The muscle corset is more developed in the lower part. Although changes during drying will be more visible in the area of ​​the arms, face, waist, and chest. Lastly, relief will appear on the legs and hips.

Features of a diet for drying in men

Nutritional features for gaining lean muscle mass for men:

The characteristics of the male body are determined by testosterone, a hormone:

  • Accelerates muscle growth.
  • Affects protein synthesis.
  • Affects the distribution of fat deposits.
  • Slows down aging.

About 10 milligrams of the hormone are produced per day. Its volume can only be increased proper nutrition, selected diet, competent exercises. The use of hormonal drugs will increase endurance, increase muscle mass, but can lead to dysfunction of the male reproductive organ.


Taking into account the daily routine, frequency of meals, its calorie content, the ratio of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, you can achieve a rapid gain of muscle mass.

  • Have a good appetite– eat a lot, pay attention to the foods you consume. The main thing is to eat more than you spend. Consider the number of calories spent on metabolism and intellectual activity.
  • Eat quality food, don't skimp. We must not forget about health while chasing the ideal body.
  • Training is only part of success.
  • Select only proven exercises, use the services of a trainer. Suitable: bench press, deadlift, arm curls. The break between approaches is 2 minutes.
  • You shouldn't always stay in one weight category. We must always strive for new heights and better results.
  • Constantly rest. By overloading your muscles, you can slow down the process of muscle gain. The body requires rest, a full night's sleep, and daytime relaxation.

When starting a diet to gain weight, you need to be prepared for fruitful, productive work, learn to eat properly during PP and follow all the rules and advice.

At a time when the majority of the world's population is looking for effective ways to combat excess weight, there are still people who dream of gaining it. And there may be several reasons for this. For example, excessive thinness of women, which prevents them from getting pregnant, or too little weight of men, which they want to increase in order to become more stately and beautiful. And sometimes banal diseases, which are frequent companions of an exhausted and weakened body.

Nutrition and low weight

Suffering from thinness, people often begin to zealously search for special diets, recipes and even medications that would help them solve their existing problems. And in this endless bustle, they forget about the most important thing - visiting a doctor. After all, weight loss can be a sign of a serious illness associated with metabolism, poor digestibility of certain foods, or high level cholesterol, which can only be diagnosed by an experienced specialist.

However, if there are no health problems, you can start creating your new diet. If possible, it should include a maximum of healthy high-calorie foods and a minimum of processed foods, chips and candies, or anything that leads to obesity, but has nothing to do with health. After all, your goal is probably to gain weight and remain physically strong and active, thereby improving the quality of your life, and not hopelessly ruining it.

Jason Ferrugia, a strength training expert from the United States, states that “in order to gain the desired kilograms, you need to eat every 2-3 hours. Moreover, portions should depend on the actual weight of a person - for every pound (0.45 kg) there should be 1 gram. protein per day. In addition, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats. Moreover, for people with a fast metabolism, it is better to get a third of their daily calorie intake from avocados, nuts, cold-pressed oil, potatoes, rice and pasta.” You should also drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

What should the menu be made of?

Perhaps the basics healthy eating We all know it from school. Daily norm Calorie intake for people aged 19 to 30 years is 2400 kcal. If they play sports, it increases to 3000 kcal, depending on its type.

Men and women aged 31 to 50 years should consume 2200 kcal respectively, increasing to 3000 kcal if they enjoy sports. After 50 years, people need 2000 kcal per day in the absence physical activity and up to 2800 kcal, if available. Moreover, if a person wants to increase weight, his norm must be increased by another 200-300 kcal.

In order to ensure their intake into the body, as well as to ensure excellent health throughout the day, it is very important to introduce three food groups into your diet, namely:

  • Squirrels. They will allow the body to gain muscle mass. An excellent source of protein is milk. Nutritionists advise adding it to sauces, making milk soups from it, or simply drinking it to quench your thirst. In addition, protein is found in fish (salmon, tuna), lean meats, eggs, nuts and seeds.
  • Carbohydrates . This is not only the basis of the menu for weight gain, but also an excellent source of energy necessary to ensure a full, active life. You can find them in vegetables and fruits - broccoli, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, apples, avocados, mangoes, oranges or pineapples. In addition, carbohydrates are found in brown rice, grains and pasta, dried fruits and raisins.
  • Fats. In order to saturate the body with fats without increasing cholesterol levels in the blood, you need to eat fatty fish. Nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts), seeds, butter or cold-pressed vegetable oil are also suitable. The latter is best added to vegetable salads, thus improving the digestibility of products.

Top 13 foods that help you gain weight

. This is an ideal high-calorie fatty product, the consumption of which does not harm the cardiovascular system at all. To gain 2.7 kg per week, it is enough to eat only 1 piece of fruit per day.

. An excellent source of carbohydrates. It can be baked or grilled, added to sandwiches or eaten as a snack.

Pasta of all types. These are the same carbohydrates. It is better to cook them with vegetables in order to saturate your body not only with high-calorie food, but also with vitamins.

and nuts. Nutritionists advise consuming them between main meals. They are high in calories, and also contain fiber and a complex of minerals that allow you to regulate your weight.

Lean meat. You can use beef or white poultry meat. It is a source of protein, iron and zinc, which not only provides body energy, but also promotes muscle mass gain.

Smoothie. High calorie, healthy drink. It is better to drink those that contain bananas, mangoes, honey and berries.

. It helps cleanse the blood, thereby improving the absorption of nutrients.

Peanut butter. In addition to proteins and fats, it contains magnesium, folic acid, as well as vitamins E and B3, which improve the condition of the skin and nervous system.

Whole milk . It is an excellent source of fat, calcium and vitamins A and D.

Durum wheat bread and brown rice. They contain not only carbohydrates and B vitamins, as well as magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and zinc, but also fiber, which saturates the body well.

Hard cheese. It is a storehouse of proteins, fats and calcium.

Vegetable oil. Source of fats and minerals.

. To gain weight, it is enough to eat 2 small pieces a day. This will ensure that the body receives the required amount of fats and proteins.

How else can you increase your weight?

  1. 1 take time physical activity and sports. No matter how contradictory it may sound, such loads will only benefit a thin person. And the point is not even that a healthy mind is in a healthy body. Just 20 minutes spent walking will stimulate your appetite and trigger the release of endorphins, thus improving your mood. A good mood is not only the key to a happy life, but also an excellent means of inspiring a person to take care of himself and his health.
  2. 2 avoid stress. It reduces appetite and provokes the development of various diseases. In addition, when under stress, the body uses protein to produce stress hormones, which in turn lead to weight loss. That is why during periods of exams and sessions, as well as the completion of important projects, people are advised to increase their daily protein intake by 20%.
  3. 3 yes vegetable soups. They increase appetite.
  4. 4 eliminate alcohol and caffeinated drinks, simply replacing them with juices, milkshakes or smoothies.
  5. 5 do not overuse sweets (sweets and cakes), as excessive sugar content impairs the absorption of nutrients.
  6. 6 add a little red color to the interior of your kitchen. This will improve your appetite and will certainly help you eat a little more than usual, allowing you to come closer to your dream.

We have collected the most important points about products for weight gain and we will be grateful if you share the picture in social network or blog, with a link to this page:

First, look in the mirror: your collarbones are sticking out, your thinness is too obvious, and you don’t like the reflection? But this is not a reason to immediately start a diet; first, take a calculator and calculate your body mass index.

Numbers above 18 and no more than 25 are normal, below 18 are not enough.

Weight gain and enlargement subcutaneous fat- Different things. In the first case, a nutritious diet is combined with sports, and in the second, they simply eat a lot.

Here's a diet and a set of sports activities that will help you round out your shape and pump up your abs.

Weight gain system!

🥑 HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT for skinny people. 💪🏆 MY EXPERIENCE 😉

How to gain weight for a girl?

Nutrition rules

  1. To gain weight, you need to eat more and instead of 2 thousand kcal, consume about 3–3.5 thousand. But the daily norm is calculated individually and, on average, is 20% of energy expenditure.
  2. It is difficult to get used to a higher calorie menu. You shouldn’t eat chicken thighs and buns right away. Divide your meals into 6 meals: 2 breakfasts, lunch, dinner, snacks between meals and a glass of yogurt before bed.
  3. Prepare food that is easy to digest and digest. These can be fruit smoothies, pureed soups, chopped meat, drinks with honey, cottage cheese with sour cream.
  4. Fast food, ready-made semi-finished products (pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, etc.) can sometimes be included in the menu, but only if you cook them yourself.
  5. Quality cheese, nuts, fish, good ham, White bread, halva is an excellent product, especially if you play sports to gain weight.
  6. It is more rational to replace sweet carbonated water and alcoholic drinks in large quantities with fresh juices and compotes with added sugar.

The desire to gain weight should not be the reason for using the “reverse diet” scheme, when sweets and fatty foods are consumed in exorbitant quantities, and even at night.

The menu should be healthy, otherwise you can harm your health and start the process of uncontrolled weight gain. The rapid rounding of shapes leads to such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite, and in thin girls it appears instantly.

All products are conventionally divided into carbohydrate and protein. Carbohydrates, especially those that are quickly digested, provide energy, and protein is an invaluable component for gaining muscle mass.

But you can’t eat them before bed, because unspent energy and calories will go straight into fat deposits.

When dieting for weight gain, the following indicators must be observed:

  • 50% protein food;
  • 40% of food containing carbohydrates;
  • 10% vegetable and animal fats.

Menu for the week

  1. Breakfast.
    It is better to choose oatmeal or buckwheat porridge cooked in broth with butter or milk with 3-5% fat content. Porridge is a source of fiber and a very nutritious product. The volume of porridge does not exceed 200–250 g, otherwise there will be heaviness in the stomach.
    After delicious porridge - a sandwich with cheese and butter or toast with sweet jam. You can wash down your breakfast with tea with honey or coffee with sugar and milk.
  2. Lunch.
    The second breakfast consists of bodybuilders' favorite protein foods. This is cottage cheese with sour cream, you can add honey, 2 glazed cheeses or curd mass with dried apricots of your choice. It’s better to drink it with fruit compote or juice.
  3. First snack.
    During your snack, eat fruits: strawberries, apples, bananas, citrus fruits, grapes.
  4. Dinner.
    Consists of 3 dishes, just like in childhood:
    • First choice: borscht with sour cream, fatty fish soup, chicken noodle soup with skin. Of course, a couple of slices of bread.
    • For the second course: mashed potatoes with cream or milk. The puree must be accompanied by a fish or meat cutlet and a vegetable salad.
    • Dessert to choose from: cookies, marshmallows, halva. It is recommended to drink it with juice or tea.
  5. Second snack (afternoon snack).
    During the afternoon snack you can eat fruits and vegetable salad. If dinner is still far away, then enjoy cottage cheese with honey.
  6. Dinner.
    For dinner - oven-baked meat, you can choose pork or beef. To make meat better digestible, eat it with a juicy vegetable salad or the same vegetables, but stewed.
  7. Third snack before bed.
    A glass of kefir or yogurt would be a great way to end the day.

You can diversify the menu with pasta with tomato sauce, milk soups, and even semolina porridge.

If it is difficult to eat such an amount of food, then simply reduce the portions and divide several more meals.

Don't forget about water: just place bottles of water around the house and take a few sips as you pass by. You need to consume at least 2 liters of liquid per day; therefore, it is recommended not to indulge in salty foods.

How to “lay” weight evenly on your figure

Many women believe that gaining muscle mass means losing a seductive silhouette. And this is not a misconception. Nothing helps you gain weight evenly more effectively than sports.

Tips from a fitness trainer:

  • start training 2 times a week for 40 minutes - 1 hour;
  • during exercise, pay more attention to exercise machines for the abs and strengthening the muscles of the back and chest, as well as treadmills;
  • Before class, do a light warm-up.

If fitness was not your favorite pastime before, it will take time for your body to get used to it. After the first 3-4 sessions, all muscles will ache.

Home complex for weight gain

If you don’t have time for the gym, then you can do this program in your free time at home.

  1. To strengthen the chest muscles - work with dumbbells (can be replaced with liter bottles of water), a rubber expander, start doing 5 push-ups a day.
  2. To strengthen the abs – twist left and right.
  3. For legs, thighs, calves, buttocks - squats holding a weight of up to 1.5 kg in the hands, squats with dumbbells, side leg lunges.

When choosing a diet and exercise, it is better to first visit a nutritionist or fitness trainer and only after that start adjusting your body.

It is recommended to take vitamins in combination with a high-calorie diet and exercise. They support the body and increase appetite.

Foods that contain all the necessary ingredients will help you build muscle mass. nutrients. For muscle growth, it is necessary to rely not only on protein foods, but also on healthy ones, since it is carbohydrate-containing foods that charge you with the energy that is so necessary after intense training.

The complex is important in everything, you will not achieve the desired effect if you do one thing, for example, play sports, but do not adhere to the diet, therefore, in order for muscles to really grow, you need a specially designed training regimen plus appropriate nutrition.

Sample menu for gaining muscle mass:

Day 1.

Breakfast: omelet of 4 eggs with herbs and legumes, 2 glasses of milk plus banana (beat in a mixer).
Snack 1:, a pack of low-fat cottage cheese (200 grams);
Dinner: durum wheat pasta (200 grams ready-made), (200 grams ready-made), vegetable salad, 2 slices of bran bread, a cup of cocoa.
Snack 2: smoothie made from kefir, avocado, banana, nuts and dried fruits.
Dinner: 200 grams of fatty fish, boiled rice (200 grams), 2 slices of bread with bran, a cup of black tea with lemon and honey.
Additionally: you can eat 200 grams of any fruit or berries.

Day 2.

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk with fruit and honey (200-250 grams ready-made), 2 glasses of low-fat milk, 2 bananas.
Snack 1: cottage cheese with dried fruits (200 grams) plus a protein shake.
Dinner: soup with meat, 2 slices of whole grain bread, a cup of tea with lemon and honey.
Snack 2: 2-3 sandwiches with chicken breast and vegetables.
Dinner: boiled buckwheat with mushrooms, onions, herbs and chicken breast (250 grams boiled) plus a glass of kefir or a cup of cocoa with milk (no sugar).
Additionally: you can eat a can of beans.

Day 3.

Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins and honey (200 grams ready-made), a glass of low-fat milk, 2 boiled eggs, 2 slices of whole grain bread.
Snack 1: protein shake plus 2 bananas.
Dinner: 200-250 grams of baked fish with rice, vegetable salad (200 grams), milkshake.
Snack 2: a pack of cottage cheese plus a glass of kefir.
Dinner: 250-300 grams of boiled meat, a glass of broth plus buckwheat (200 grams boiled), black tea or cocoa with milk without sugar.
Additionally: you can eat 50 grams of nuts.

Day 4.

Breakfast: tuna salad with herbs plus 3 egg whites, a glass of milk, a banana, 2 cheese sandwiches.
Snack 1: protein shake, 2 apples, 1 banana.
Dinner: boiled buckwheat with chicken breast, peas and mushrooms (200-300 grams ready-made), 2 slices of whole grain bread, a glass of milk or compote.
Snack 2: a pack of cottage cheese (200 grams) plus low-fat sour cream (100 grams) plus a glass of kefir.
Dinner: thick chicken soup, 2 sandwiches with cheese and cucumbers, a cup of cocoa.
Additionally: You can eat a couple of pieces of fatty fish.

Day 5.

Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit (200 grams), 2 boiled eggs, a glass of milk.
Snack 1: salad with vegetables and (200 grams).
Dinner: pasta with meat and herbs (200-250 grams), 2 slices of bread with bran, a cup of tea or compote plus 2 bananas.
Snack 2: 2 egg whites plus a pack of cottage cheese.
Dinner: boiled rice (200 grams), a can of tuna with herbs, 2 slices of whole grain bread, a protein shake.
Additionally: you can eat 2-3 any fruits (preferably citrus fruits).

Not all women suffer from excess weight, and there is another, no less serious problem - underweight. In order to gain the missing kilograms, women try to eat more, but this only leads to various diseases and indigestion. A special diet for weight gain is the best option to solve this problem without any negative consequences for your own health. How to follow such a diet, an approximate menu, recipes for the week and reviews about this diet - you will get all the necessary information from this article.

What is a weight gain diet?

Unlike most diets, this one is not designed for weight loss, but for weight gain. Weight loss can occur as a result of health problems, also after fasting or improper adherence to any diet. This problem is classified as dangerous and most serious, because lack of weight can lead to dystrophy, heart disease, kidney disease, disruption of other internal organs, hormonal imbalance, etc.

What is a weight gain diet? This is a special diet that should be agreed with an experienced doctor. The point is that you may have to give up some certain products, which are incompatible with the characteristics of your body.

Due to underweight, many women suffer from infertility, have a tired appearance, sunken cheeks, too Thin legs and hands. A specific diet will help you look much more attractive, gain weight within a reasonable range and get rid of many health problems. Weight gain will occur gradually, physiologically, so that no problems or excesses arise.

Diet for weight gain: results

Those girls who want to gain some weight with this diet will be able to experience the following results:

  1. You will gain at least 1 kg per week. You can achieve more significant results, but this can negatively affect your health, so it is recommended to recover gradually, without rushing things.
  2. You can get rid of your thinness, even if you haven’t been able to gain the necessary weight all your life.
  3. Your figure will become more attractive to men who love slim, but at the same time curvy girls.
  4. You will maintain and improve your health. Many problems associated with weight loss will go away forever.

You will definitely be satisfied with the results of the weight gain diet. Now you will not look as exhausted as before, you will have more strength and energy, and the new weight will pleasantly please you.

Diet for weight gain: foods

A weight gain diet does not involve unlimited consumption of all kinds of high-calorie foods. This is a systematic diet that includes balanced food. In this case, you will need to consume about 50% carbohydrates, 15% fats and 35% proteins per day. Fats should be vegetable, in addition, it is necessary to eat as many vitamins as possible, which help restore health.

It is worth paying attention to the following products when dieting for weight gain:

  • meat products;
  • fish;
  • potato;
  • pasta;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice);
  • bakery products;
  • tea and coffee with added sugar;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • chocolate products;
  • sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • various sweets, etc.

It is noteworthy that with such a diet you cannot be too passive. This means that it is not enough for you to just sit at home and eat all the above foods. In this case, you will gain a lot of fat, and your figure will become even more ugly, and your health problems will not go away. Experts recommend doing physical exercise, move more, then the diet products for weight gain will be very useful and effective.

Diet for weight gain: menu and recipes for the week

Sample menu for 7 days

First day

Breakfast. Omelette of 2-3 eggs, sandwich with ham, 1 walnut. Drinks you should drink are tea with sugar.

Dinner. Prepare noodle soup. You can eat 2 slices of bran bread, 100 g of fried chicken. Black tea with sugar.

Afternoon snack. Natural yogurt, 1 cup.

Dinner. Mashed potatoes, 2 sandwiches with cheese and sausage.

Second day

Breakfast. Millet porridge with milk, tea, half a glass of yogurt.

Dinner. Chicken soup, cucumber, bell pepper, jelly.

Afternoon snack. A glass of fruit juice, 100 g of any sweet berries.

Dinner. Sandwich with tomato, cucumber, chicken and cheese, 100 g of cookies.

The third day

Breakfast. 2-3 hard-boiled eggs, vegetable salad, raisins.

Dinner. 100 g potato ravioli, 100 g beef, tea or jelly.

Afternoon snack. A glass of kefir, some sweet berries.

Dinner. 100 g of cookies, omelette with cheese, ham and ketchup, milk with honey.

Fourth day

Breakfast. Pearl barley porridge with the addition of natural honey. Walnuts, apple, tea with sandwich.

Dinner. Cabbage soup in meat broth, vegetable salad, 100 g of pasta.

Afternoon snack. Sandwich with butter, 1 boiled egg. 1 glass of fruit juice.

Dinner. Mashed potatoes and fried fish, Greek salad, tea with sugar.

Fifth day

Breakfast. 100 g vegetable salad, compote or tea, ravioli.

Dinner. Pea soup, boiled pork, 2 slices of bread.

Afternoon snack. 1 banana, 100 g cookies, fruit juice.

Dinner. 100 g cauliflower, sandwich with butter, fried fish.

Sixth day

Breakfast. Stewed beef with onions, 100 g pasta, tea with sugar.

Dinner. Cheese soup, vegetable salad with olive oil, fried fish, compote.

Afternoon snack. Kefir, 13-15 almonds.

Dinner. Spaghetti with sauce or pasta (100-150 g), 1 slice of bread, a glass of carrot juice.

Seventh day

Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole, sandwich with cheese.

Dinner. Pasta, 2 slices of bread, vegetable soup.

Afternoon snack. Pancakes with sour cream, natural fruit juice.

Dinner. Stewed turkey, bran bread, cheese, a glass of tomato juice.

The weight gain diet menu may vary depending on your preferences, however main principle should remain the same: a balanced diet along with an active lifestyle.

Recipes for the week

  1. Pearl barley, oatmeal prepared with milk. It is necessary to first soak the cereal overnight, then season the porridge with honey, grated apple and nuts.
  2. You can prepare a vegetable salad, seasoning it with mayonnaise, sour cream and sunflower oil.
  3. Noodle soup is prepared from the following ingredients: 400 g pork pulp, 2 onions, 1 carrot, 100 g egg noodles, pepper, vegetable oil.

Diet for weight gain: reviews

I have always been distinguished by the fact that I was underweight. Many girlfriends were jealous, but I, on the contrary, didn’t like that I was too thin. The weight gain diet turned out to be effective, and in a couple of weeks I managed to gain about 3 kilograms.” Anna, 29 years old.

I followed this diet for exactly 7 days. During this period I was able to gain 2 kg. I ate pasta, flour, and drank tea with sugar. After consulting with a nutritionist, I will continue this diet, since there is still room for improvement.”