The dog bleeds once a week. Treatment of uterine bleeding with folk remedies. Uterine bleeding - causes and symptoms, how to stop. Dicinone for uterine bleeding

The loop or vulva of a bitch refers to the external genitalia and consists of the labia and clitoris. The labia are formed by two thickened folds of skin connected by the superior and inferior labial commissures. The clitoris (a rudimentary analogue of the male penis) is relatively small, located in the clitoral fossa in the vestibule of the vagina.

A dog's discharge from the loop can be physiological (normal) or pathological (associated with a disease of the reproductive system).

Physiological discharge in a bitch primarily includes discharge during estrus.

A dog comes into heat when it reaches puberty.

Puberty of the bitch. Sexual maturity is the ability of an animal to produce offspring. Puberty in bitches is characterized by the formation of eggs in the ovaries and the manifestation of sexual cycles. With the onset of puberty, ovogenesis in bitches continues throughout the dog's reproductive life. Puberty in a female dog always appears earlier than the main growth and development of the animal ends. Therefore, the onset of puberty does not yet indicate the readiness of the bitch’s body to reproduce offspring.

As a rule, the first estrous cycle (estrus) in female dogs occurs when their weight reaches approximately 2/3 of the weight of an adult dog. In small breeds this occurs between 6 and 8 months of age, while in very large breeds this occurs no earlier than 12 or even 20 months of age. In medium-sized dog breeds, heat usually begins at 8-12 months.

The onset of puberty is influenced by the conditions of keeping, feeding the dog, and the presence of neurosexual stimuli (communication with a male dog). The first heats in females generally occur discretely (scanty bleeding, lack of interest in males) and may not even be noticed by the owners of the animal. Such heats are called quiet. With the onset of puberty, the bitch's reproductive system adapts to the rhythm of the cycle, which is mainly manifested by two estrous cycles per year.

The reproductive cycle of a female dog. The reproductive cycle is a complex neurohumoral reflex process, accompanied by a complex of physiological and morphological changes in the genital organs and throughout the female body. The reproductive cycle of a female dog is called monoestrous (only one period of ovulation in a cycle) with spontaneous ovulation (that is, ovulation occurs spontaneously and is not caused by mating, as, for example, in cats).

The sexual cycle is divided into four successive phases.

Proestrus– preparing the body for ovulation (lasts an average of 9-10 days). This is the first phase of estrus, as a rule, accompanied by swelling of the vulva, hyperemia of the vagina and labia. The most characteristic sign of this phase is bloody discharge from the uterus, as a result of rupture of small tissues in the uterus. blood vessels. At the end of the proestrus phase, this discharge becomes lighter and less abundant. During the proestrus phase, the bitch does not allow mating.

Estrus– the ovulation phase, lasts for a bitch on average 9 days. Vaginal discharge is usually light-colored, sometimes with traces of blood. The labia become less swollen. The bitch allows the male to approach her. During the first two phases, all the bitch’s reflexes are subordinated to sexual reflexes, up to the weakening or even complete inhibition of such a powerful reflex as food.

Diestrus, or metestrus - the period after estrus, corresponding to the duration of pregnancy and lactation. Regardless of whether mating has occurred, the hormone content in the bitch’s body remains virtually unchanged (a lot of progesterone is produced). Bitches do not allow males to approach them.

Anestrus– phase of sexual rest. Lasts in the bitch until the next proestrus begins (2-3 months, sometimes longer). The duration of the phase of each cycle in bitches can vary. Only the diestrus (metestrus) phase is relatively stable (60 plus, minus 20 days).

A bitch's estrus, including the proestrus and estrus phases, lasts an average of three weeks. The duration of these phases is determined by the day ovulation begins; Different bitches ovulate at different times, and even for the same bitch, the time at which ovulation begins can vary from cycle to cycle. Therefore, if a bitch ovulates 12 days after spotting, this does not mean that she will ovulate on the same day in the next cycle.

Signs and duration of estrus

Estrus, sexual arousal and hunting in a female dog are caused by the production of sex hormones (estrogens) by the ovaries. Estrogens affect the reproductive system, creating conditions for the appearance of estrus: proliferative processes intensify, severe hyperemia of all components of the reproductive apparatus, new formation and proliferation of glands of the mucous membrane of the oviducts, uterus, and cervix occur. Instead of 3-4 layers of epithelium, the mucous membrane of the vagina and genitourinary vestibule is covered with 18-20 layers; epithelial cells are simultaneously rejected. During estrus, there is severe hyperemia of the genital organs, swelling of the mucous membrane and increased functioning of the glands of the vestibule, cervix and tubes. Hyperemia in bitches is accompanied by rupture of small blood vessels and bleeding, as a result of which the mucus takes on a bloody tint.

Externally, signs of the onset of estrus in a bitch appear:

Frequent urge to urinate. Increased interest in male dogs. At the dog's resting place we find bloody discharge. The estrus itself in dogs lasts about three weeks. In the first two weeks from the start of estrus, the discharge is bloody and more abundant. At the end of proestrus (on average, by 9–16 days), the amount of discharge decreases, they become lighter, and at the end of estrus - transparent.

Discharge from a bitch before childbirth and during the postpartum period is considered physiological.

The same natural discharge in an animal appears in the period before childbirth and in the postpartum period.

The dog develops a sticky, thick, grayish discharge 24-48 hours before giving birth. These discharges indicate that the so-called “plug” of the bitch has come out of the cervix and the birth process has begun.

After the end of labor, the discharge from the loop is brownish in color for the first 2-3 days, then it gradually lightens and becomes transparent or with a slight pink tint.

During normal course postpartum period The discharge decreases and stops within 1-2 weeks.

Pathological discharge from a bitch's loop occurs when:

Violation of estrus in dogs. Experts consider the following problems with estrus to be estrus disorders in dogs.

Prolonged estrus (when the bitch's estrus lasts more than three weeks). Heavy bleeding during estrus continues for three or more weeks. In estrus, there is a cloudy discharge from the genital loop with an unpleasant odor. The appearance of pathological discharge from the genitals after the end of estrus. Violations of the general condition of the bitch (refusal of food, lethargy, thirst, increased body temperature). Swelling of the mammary glands and the appearance of a large amount of milk during estrus. The appearance of signs of false pregnancy two months after the end of estrus. These disorders in females may be symptoms of hormonal disorders or one of the signs of the appearance of inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system.

Inflammatory processes of the genital organs.

Pyometra(purulent endometritis) - purulent inflammation of the uterine mucosa (with a closed cervical canal) in which purulent exudate accumulates in the uterine cavity. Typically, pyometra in female dogs develops shortly after estrus, when progesterone levels increase in the body. Pyometra is more common in dogs older than 5-6 years of age.

It is customary to distinguish between two forms of pyometra: closed and open. With a closed pyometra, purulent exudate accumulates in the cavity of the uterus itself; with an open pyometra, purulent exudate from the uterus is released into the vagina and through the external genital slit onto the skin of the dog’s backside. With severe pyometra, sometimes up to 5 liters of pus accumulate in the uterine cavity.

Signs of pyometra in dogs. In the open form of pyometra, dog owners have the opportunity to observe the following behavioral abnormalities in their dog:

  • There is a disturbance in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in the dog with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The dog develops intoxication in the body, which is why the dog often drinks water. Loss of appetite occurs and the dog becomes depressed. Body temperature rises. Through the open cervix, the dog develops discharge from the genital tract, which can be profuse; as a result, the bitch leaves drops of discharge on the floor or her bedding, or scanty ones, which the dog licks. The discharge may have a gray, greenish color, sometimes with blood streaks. The noose of a sick bitch becomes swollen, as if in heat.
  • With closed pyometra, when the pus accumulated in the uterus does not come out through the cervix, but continues to accumulate in it, the disease in the dog is acute and is accompanied by the following signs: body temperature sometimes rises to 40 ° C, which subsequently drops to normal or even decreased. A high temperature may cause your dog to experience cramps, muscle pain, and an unsteady gait. When palpated, the dog’s abdomen is painful, the dog whines in pain and does not allow one to touch its abdomen. The dog refuses food. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur. At the same time, in some sick dogs, especially when they are elderly, inactive and obese signs of pyometra are not noticeable until the uterus ruptures and pus enters the peritoneum. As a result of purulent peritonitis, the dog can die within a few hours ().

Acute postpartum endometritis(Endometritis acuta) – inflammation of the uterine mucosa.

Etiology. Acute postpartum endometritis in dogs occurs as a result of injury to the uterine mucosa and the introduction of various microorganisms during pathological childbirth, retained placenta, uterine subinvolution, eversion and prolapse of the uterus.

In some dogs, endometritis can occur as a complication of purulent vaginitis.

Predisposing factor in development inflammatory process in the uterus is a weakening of the resistance of the dog’s body as a result of unsatisfactory living conditions, inadequate feeding, lack of exercise, overwork and the presence of various diseases ().

Vaginitis– inflammation of the vagina. With vaginitis, owners notice a white, cream or green discharge from the dog's loop. The dog constantly licks its external genitals, the fur under the tail is glued together from the secreted exudate. The loop is swollen, the dog has itching of the external genitalia.

Neoplasms of the genital organs.

Vaginal tumors. They are found mainly in older bitches. In this case, tumors are mostly benign (leiomyomas, fibromas, lipomas), malignant cancerous tumors or fibrosarcomas are rare in dogs. Wherein benign tumors vaginas can be either single or multiple and often take the form of polyps or cover large areas of the vaginal walls.

Clinic. With this type of tumor, a sick dog develops bloody or purulent discharge from the vagina. When the tumor is located in the posterior part of the vagina, we note an increase in volume in the perineal area. Sometimes a dog has difficulty urinating or defecating.

Treatment. Vaginal tumors are removed surgically.

A special form of vaginal tumors is venereal sarcoma.

Venereal sarcoma(transmissible sarcoma) is a malignant neoplasm that affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs in dogs. Venereal sarcoma is transmitted from a sick dog to another during coitus (mating). Unlike other types of malignant neoplasms, venereal sarcoma does not have the ability to metastasize. But a dog with venereal sarcoma, when licking the tumor mechanically, can transfer it to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes.

Clinical signs. The first and main sign that allows a dog owner to suspect the presence of venereal sarcomas in his dog is the discharge of drops of blood from the external genitalia, which owners often mistake for the onset or ongoing estrus. When examining the external genitalia, we find a loose bleeding formation located on a wide base and along appearance reminiscent cauliflower ().

Uterine tumor. This type of tumor in dogs is rarely recorded and occurs mainly in smooth muscle and is usually benign (leiomyomas). Disorders occur in dogs when, due to an increase in the size of the uterus, compression of other abdominal organs occurs or when adhesions and adhesions form at the site of mechanical irritation in the abdominal cavity. The owner may be alerted by the dog's frequent unnatural discharge from the external genitalia, miscarriage or absence of a fetus in a previously pregnant dog.

Uterine cancer in dogs is usually provoked by the use of hormonal drugs by owners that affect estrus. Uterine tumors in dogs are most often diagnosed in the last stages of their development. The dog begins to whine frequently due to severe pain, disturbances in intestinal activity occur, drowsiness, apathy, and tries to move as little as possible ().

Infectious diseases

Chlamydia- an infectious disease caused by chlamydia abortus and psittacosis and accompanied by abortions, conjunctivitis, enteritis, pneumonia, arthritis, urethritis, orchitis, encephalitis.

With the genital form, dogs experience infertility, abortions in the second half of pregnancy, and the birth of non-viable, diseased offspring. Bitches have endometritis and vaginitis. The genital form of chlamydia is accompanied by the discharge of abundant whitish inflammatory exudate from the external genitalia; When examining the vulva and vagina, their swelling and hyperemia are noted; inflammation in the genital area causes itching in dogs ().

Urolithiasis disease- a disease of dogs in which the formation and deposition of urinary stones or sand in the kidneys, bladder and blockage of the ureters.

Mild form of urolithiasis. With this form, your dog may frequently ask to go to the toilet, at which time the urination time may be slightly increased. Animal owners usually note the presence of blood in the urine, the dog often licks its genitals, and after urinating, drops of blood remain on the bitch’s loop or on the tip of the male’s penis. Sometimes dog owners find drops of blood from urine on the ground ().

Diagnostics. If a dog develops pathological discharge from the loop, owners should contact veterinary clinic. To determine the cause of discharge from the dog's loop, veterinarians will collect a medical history related to the discharge in the animal. They will conduct a clinical examination, vaginoscopy, take blood and urine for examination, perform an ultrasound in the genital area, and the discharge will be sent to a veterinary laboratory, where a bacteriological culture will be done. If cancer is suspected, a biopsy will be taken for cytological examination for cancer.

Treatment. Based on the examination and diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe appropriate treatment for the dog with discharge from the loop.

The article pays attention to a problem that is relevant for all breeds of dogs, which will not always be easy to cope with and may not always be necessary. It’s best to write about your experience in the comments so that other breeders can know what to do in different situations.

Estrus in dogs is menstruation or what is it, hygiene product, behavior change, characteristic signs, aggression

Menstruation in women and estrus in dogs are absolutely opposite physiological processes that cannot be compared.

Estrus in dogs is a natural psychophysiological process inherent in female mammals. A dog's first heat occurs at 6-12 months. Its duration is about 3 weeks. Physiologically, estrus manifests itself in swelling of the girl’s genitals and the appearance of bloody discharge, which after some time becomes translucent and mucous in nature.

Usually, animals cope with their problems during estrus themselves by licking themselves, but some owners prefer to help their pets maintain hygiene by putting on the dog diapers or panties with panty liners attached to them.

During the period of heat, a dog's behavior can change significantly - the girl becomes unbalanced, playful, disobedient, and sometimes aggressive. After the estrus has passed, the animal's character returns to normal.

How long does estrus last in dogs of small and medium breeds, what time does the first one begin, at what age should mating begin?

The duration of estrus in dogs of small and medium breeds is 20-22 days. A girl's first heat occurs at 6-12 months. Sometimes the process of puberty in an animal is delayed for 18 months.

When does estrus begin in dogs after childbirth, the duration of discharge, after how many months it repeats, how many times a year

The dog's next heat after birth occurs after 4 months from the moment of delivery. The duration of discharge is 20-30 days. If during this time the dog does not become pregnant, then the next heat should be expected in six months. Thus, in a year the dog takes two walks, less often - once a year.

Dogs have been in heat for more than a month, ahead of time, without blood or ovulation, heavy discharge, what to do?

Estrus in dogs that lasts more than a month, estrus without blood or ovulation or with too much discharge is a serious physiological disorder that can be caused by a tumor or cystic formations, diseases of the thyroid and pituitary gland and other reasons.

In such cases, you need to bring the dog to a specialist and undergo an examination.

Do sterilized dogs go into heat, is there a smell?

In sterilized dogs, estrus, with its characteristic odor, may occur even some time after the operation. This is due to the fact that the girl’s body was unable to quickly adapt to a new state. There should be no further discharge from the animal.

However, if the veterinarian performed sterilization without removing the ovaries and uterus, but only tying the fallopian tubes, then the dog will remain in heat, but she will not have puppies.

Dogs in heat, if there is no blood, can be released for a walk, dangerous period and days

Conventionally, a dog’s reproductive cycle is divided into several stages. At the first stage, bloody discharge appears, at the second stage, the discharge becomes transparent, or even stops altogether and sexual heat occurs, i.e. she is ready for fertilization and behaves appropriately, inviting male dogs. The second stage is considered the most favorable for conception or “dangerous” in cases where pregnancy is undesirable.

It occurs in the second week from the moment of estrus and lasts about 5-7 days.

At the next stage, the body returns to its usual state or pregnancy occurs and the dog prepares for the birth of puppies.

1 comment

    A dog in heat always has problems

A dog may have discharge after estrus: spotting, odorless, transparent. Only in this case is this a variant of the norm. In any situation, you need to contact a veterinarian, as discharge with a strong odor, bloody or purulent may be the cause serious illnesses that need to be treated urgently.

During estrus, the dog is susceptible to numerous infections, since during this period of time, the body's immunity decreases as well as its natural defenses. Infections can easily be picked up during an active walk and when interacting with other animals.

It is especially worth paying attention if there is bleeding after estrus. In this case, we may be talking about a serious illness. So do not delay your visit to the veterinarian - the sooner treatment is started, the better for your pet.

Discharge from a loop in a dog

Discharge from a dog after estrus is always a reason to take a closer look at the health of your pet. If it doesn't happen pathological processes in the body, then discharge is quite possible (transparent, odorless).

If a dog’s discharge has an extremely unpleasant odor, is bloody or is too abundant, then there is almost a 100% chance that it needs immediate treatment.

By the way, also pay your attention to the dog’s marks. During heat, almost all dogs mark their territory, but the amount of urine they excrete should be negligible. If after each mark you see large puddles, then you should show the dog to a veterinarian.

Brown discharge after heat

The owner should be especially wary if the dog has brown discharge after estrus. To find out what is causing them, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian.

Our clinic employs experienced veterinarians who will examine your dog and take tests. Having worked in veterinary medicine for many years, our doctors are qualified specialists who love animals and always try to do everything in their power to make him feel better.

The modern veterinary laboratory is equipped with everything necessary, so that the test results will be ready on the day of your visit, which means the doctor will soon be able to make a diagnosis and begin treatment for your dog.

From the uterus - a disease caused by damage to the blood vessels of the uterus. Unfortunately, many dog ​​owners face this problem, but if you notice the problem in time, you can avoid dangerous consequences.

The main danger lies in the fact that the animal, feeling the discharge, tries to lick everything off, which prevents the owner from detecting the problem. But any too frequent attention from the dog to the genitals should alert the owner.

Uterine bleeding

Uterine hemorrhage - a dangerous pathology, and therefore you need to know the “enemy in person” and react correctly and evaluate the symptoms. The final diagnosis, of course, will be made by the doctor, but when rushing to the veterinary clinic, you need to know what to describe to the doctor and what to prepare for.


There are two types of uterine hemorrhage: external- discharge of blood from the genitals, internal- more dangerous, bleeding into abdominal cavity.

Symptoms of external (external) bleeding, of course, are bloody discharge from the genitals. They can be either subtle or abundant. The color and consistency of the blood will indicate a particular disease. If the focus of the disease is in the dog’s vagina, the blood is light, liquid and has nothing to do with uterine bleeding.

If dark blood clots are released, you need to urgently run to the hospital, because with uterine hemorrhage, every second counts.

Important! Uterine bleeding is not always characterized by spotting. Depending on the causes of this disease, blood can accumulate in the cavity, which can have very serious consequences. Very much attention should be paid to the behavior of the pet and in case of disorientation, prolonged loss of appetite or refusal of favorite games, immediately contact a veterinarian.

If your dog is bleeding, this does not always indicate uterine bleeding. It is imperative to pay attention to other symptoms, but it is still necessary to take your pet to the veterinarian.

What is the danger

The danger of uterine hemorrhages is obvious. With large and rapid blood loss, the animal weakens, convulsions, and even a coma are possible. If there is a large amount of blood lost and it enters the abdominal cavity, the animal will die.

At the slightest suspicion of such problems, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Did you know? Blood type is a distinctive feature not only of people. Dogs belong to ten rhesus blood groups.

There can be many reasons for bloody uterine discharge. The most common is considered to be an infectious lesion of the animal. If there are pathogenic bacteria in the reproductive system, everything can end in serious diseases, which will be accompanied by decay of the uterus.

Internal wounds are also possible during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the animal is especially vulnerable, and any external or internal factor can lead to unpreventable consequences. While the dog is carrying puppies, owners must especially carefully protect and monitor the animal.

Another common cause of uterine hemorrhage may be a disorder of the uterus or fallopian tubes as a result of childbirth.

But this phenomenon is also possible in dogs whose reproductive functions are not performed due to age. Older dogs may suffer from blood loss if they have cancer. Unfortunately, cancer in pets is very common.

Some doctors refer to possible reason bleeding and poisoning.

Additional symptoms

Additional symptoms internal bleeding The dog may become:

  • loss of coordination (staggering from side to side, as if dizzy);
  • loss of interest in the outside world;
  • apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent attention to the genitals;
  • vomit;
  • convulsions.

Examination and diagnosis

Only a qualified specialist knows how to make an accurate diagnosis and stop bleeding in a dog. Therefore, if you have the slightest ailment or symptoms, you must urgently take your pet to the veterinarian.

The doctor, having examined and carefully felt the dog, in most cases will be able to immediately voice his suspicions, however, in some cases, in order to accurately determine exactly the uterine bleeding, it is necessary to perform a number of additional tests and procedures:

  • cytology sample analysis;
  • biopsy;
  • Ultrasound of the uterine cavity;
  • general analysis blood and biochemistry;
  • Analysis of urine.

After carrying out all the necessary tests, the doctor will be able to accurately diagnose and begin treatment immediately.

Did you know? Some dogs have been shown to be able to detect oncological diseases and lowering sugar in humans.

In most cases, none other than a veterinary surgeon can stop the bleeding of your beloved dog.

The most common treatment method is surgery. As an exception, if the lesion is small, cauterization of the wound is possible, but such treatment is possible less frequently.

Under general anesthesia The animal is cut up and the situation is assessed. If there is a large rupture and a large amount of blood is lost, the uterus is completely removed. If it is possible to sew up the organ, the doctor sews the wound together with neat stitches.

Important! If a pregnant dog bleeds, the fetus will unfortunately be lost.

If the four-legged patient is in serious condition, before surgery it is necessary to have a blood transfusion and stabilize blood pressure and other indicators important for life.

Uterine bleeding is a dangerous disease that is important to notice in time and prevent serious consequences. In this delicate matter, the main thing is not to hesitate, but at the first symptoms, take the animal to the veterinarian. Let it be better to have a false alarm than fatal inaction.

But all of the above applies only to young animals whose reproductive system is fully functional. For what reasons then can uterine bleeding develop? old dog? After all, she can hardly be pregnant anymore, and endometritis in such a pet is unlikely?! Most likely, in this case we can talk about oncology.

In addition, the reasons may be more “banal”. There is no need to rule out ordinary poisoning. For example, a similar effect can be observed in cases where a dog ate rat poison and then drank well with plain water. Since the agents used in deratization interfere with blood clotting, this happens quite often.

It all depends on the intensity and speed with which blood leaves the lumen of the blood vessels. With massive and rapid blood loss, when the pathology has developed against the background of severe injuries to the uterus, the animal quickly (weakens before our eyes), and at the same speed all visible mucous membranes turn pale. Collapse and convulsions are possible, quickly turning into a coma.

With a more moderate course of the underlying disease (with the slow development of a tumor, for example), blood loss increases gradually, gradually. The dog becomes more lethargic, begins to play less, and visible mucous membranes turn pale. The animal loses its appetite and loses weight. Occasionally, dried blood will be visible on the root of the tail and external genitalia.

So how to stop uterine bleeding, and how realistic is it to do so?

Symptoms of internal bleeding in a dog

Knowing the symptoms of internal bleeding allows you to identify the problem in a timely manner. The health and life of the animal depends on the speed of contacting a medical facility. Remember, the problem is unlikely to go away on its own; qualified help will be required. You should also not self-medicate. After all, an accurate diagnosis can only be made through laboratory tests.

Symptoms of internal bleeding in a dog are noticeable upon careful examination and observation of the pet’s behavior. Direct signs are:

  • Weakness.
  • Presence of blood in urine and stool.
  • Bloating.
  • Bruises under the skin.
  • Increased breathing.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Paleness of the mucous membranes.
  • Constant thirst.

As mentioned above, it is quite difficult to accurately determine the symptoms of internal bleeding in a dog on your own. Only an experienced veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis. If the symptoms listed above appear, you must immediately consult a doctor, as delay threatens the life of the animal.

Internal bleeding in a dog treatment

Therapeutic procedures include:

  • Intravenous fluid infusion.
  • Belly bandaging.
  • Transfusion of blood and its components.
  • Pain therapy.
  • Oxygen therapy.
  • Diagnostic emergency surgery.

Let's look at each procedure and the features of its implementation in more detail:

  • Intravenous fluid infusion

Normalizes tissue perfusion and pressure. The procedure is mandatory for gastric bleeding and injuries, since the animal is in a state of shock and the functioning of some organs has deteriorated. Intravenous fluid infusion quickly improves the general condition of the pet.

The procedure slows and stops bleeding inside the stomach. It is a bandage placed around the abdomen. The procedure is required for many types of internal bleeding.

  • Transfusion of blood and its components

Produced in case of anemia and significant blood loss. Allows you to normalize and maintain the dog’s condition at the level necessary for further treatment.

It relieves the animal's pain, makes it calmer, and stabilizes the pet's condition. Required for effective treatment, since when severe pain, the dog is capable of harming itself by resuming or intensifying the bleeding. Conventional painkillers or narcotic analgesics are used.

The procedure is indispensable for confirmed suspicions of internal bleeding. Oxygen is supplied through a mask, a special catheter or chamber.

  • Diagnostic emergency surgery

Surgical intervention is used for large formations in the animal’s stomach. Allows you to confirm the initial diagnosis and determine further treatment. Can be used to stop internal bleeding, normal blood clotting, or to find the cause of a problem.

  • Uses of vitamins K

The procedure is recommended for animal poisoning. Can be used at the first suspicion of internal bleeding, until the diagnosis is confirmed. Helps with further therapy, has virtually no side effects.

Almost all of the procedures listed above are performed in a specialized medical institution. You can give injections of vitamin K, painkillers, and bandage the abdomen on your own.

Therapeutic techniques

Please note that if there is severe and rapid blood loss, you cannot do anything yourself. So your pet’s only chance is to get it to the vet as quickly as possible. If you see any clinical signs that may indicate bleeding, contact a specialist! Treatment of such pathologies is possible only in a clinical setting.

And, most likely, it cannot be done without surgery. In mild cases, when it is established that there is only a small lesion in the uterus (provided it is located close to the uterine cervix), this erosion can be cauterized. In other situations, a laparotomy is performed and the uterus is opened to assess the severity of the damage. If they are too severe, the organ is removed along with the ovaries. When everything is not so bad, you can try to suture the wound.

Unfortunately, if the dog is pregnant, the risk of fetal loss is 100%. In addition, it is very likely that the animal, after severe injuries and scarring of the sutures, will no longer be able to become pregnant. So, when a bitch is initially of no breeding value, it is recommended to immediately resort to complete excision of the uterus.

When cancer is detected, this is generally the only correct option. If surgery is impossible (serious condition), the animal’s condition is stabilized, often requiring a blood or plasma transfusion. Surgery is carried out only after stabilization of blood pressure, pulse, and other indicators.

When a pet reaches sexual maturity, the owner requires extensive knowledge not only in the field of animal physiology, but also awareness of the peculiarities of behavioral reactions. Many questions arise regarding the advisability of vaccinations during the hunting period for an animal and the rules for monitoring the sexual behavior of a sexually mature individual. All this is worth finding out before the first heat.

Read in this article

When does a dog's first heat start?

The timing of the onset of the first estrus in a female is a conditional value and depends on a number of factors: breed, constitution of the animal, individual characteristics, climatic conditions, etc. As a rule, maturity in dogs occurs between 7 months and one and a half years. Veterinary experts consider the average age for the onset of estrus to be 6 - 10 months.

Experienced breeders know that in large animals the process of physiological maturation takes longer, and therefore in representatives of large breeds the first estrus can begin at one and a half to two years. In small individuals, sexual maturity occurs earlier and can be observed as early as 6 months.

Onset symptoms

Veterinary experts note that the first estrus in females often begins after the change of teeth and is characterized by mild clinical signs. Discharge from the genital loop is insignificant, which in some cases complicates diagnosis. Under the influence of hormones, the animal’s behavior changes: the dog becomes disobedient, overly playful, reacts poorly to commands, and is reluctant to return home from a walk.

The onset of puberty in dogs is often accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty urinating. The pet often sits down, urine is excreted in small portions. During a walk, the animal can relieve itself 8 - 12 times. This phenomenon is due to the fact that through urine the female leaves chemical marks for males.

The owner may suspect the onset of estrus in the pet by her excessive attention to her genitals. The dog often licks the perineal area, especially after waking up.

In some cases, the owner may observe the pet’s aggressive behavior towards fellow dogs and even family members. Often, animals before estrus, on the contrary, become overly affectionate, emotional, contact, and sometimes intrusive.

Stages of heat

Veterinary experts distinguish 4 stages of the reproductive cycle in dogs:

    • Forerunner. Proestrus lasts on average 10 days. U large breeds this stage can last up to 14 days. Under the influence of hormones, blood fills the genitals, which is observed in the form of redness and swelling of the vulva. At this stage, the owner may notice bloody discharge from the genital opening.

The dog's behavior changes. An obedient pet reacts sluggishly to calls, ignores usual commands, becomes playful, or, conversely, becomes lethargic and apathetic. However, the female does not allow representatives of the opposite sex to approach her, and often shows aggression towards male dogs.

    • Estrus. The period is characterized by ovulation and is the most responsible for the breeder. During this phase, bloody discharge from the external genitalia of the female becomes colorless or completely disappears, and the genital loop greatly increases in size. The body is set up for procreation, and the dog allows the male to be caged.

The owner can determine the onset of this phase of estrus by the characteristic behavior of the pet - when stroking the pelvis, the animal sits down and moves its tail to the side.

  • The final stage is called metaestrus and lasts several days. During this period, against the background of a fading hormonal status, the external genitalia acquire normal sizes, and any discharge from the genital opening completely stops. Hormonal changes in the female’s body also affect her behavior - the animal becomes calmer and does not allow individuals of the opposite sex to approach it.
  • Phase of sexual calm. The average duration of anestrus is from 100 to 150 days. In some animals, the period can last up to 6 - 7 months. During the anestrus phase, the pet’s body is restored.

Features of the natural process

Faced with such a physiological phenomenon as estrus in dogs, not only novice dog breeders, but also experienced owners often ask questions regarding the condition and behavior of their pets during this period.

In small and large breeds

Experienced breeders know that the characteristics of estrus in dogs are dictated by breed. So, in large animals, sexual heat can last longer average duration, which is associated with physiological characteristics body. Discharge from the genital opening in large dogs more intense and abundant than in representatives of small breeds. The first heat in large females occurs much later than in dogs of dwarf breeds.

How long does the discharge last and how often?

The first estrus, as a rule, is characterized not only by a short duration (5 - 7 days), but also by a paucity of discharge. In some cases, the owner may not notice clinical manifestations the pet is in her first heat. Subsequently, the volume of discharge in the animal increases. Their intensity depends not only on the breed, but also on individual characteristics, living conditions and feeding.

Is the smell and blood normal?

The physiological process is accompanied, as a rule, by minor discharge from the external genitalia. During the proestrus phase, the owner may experience spotting. Large animals can leave behind even small pools of blood. Such discharge is caused by hormonal changes in the body and preparation for the fertilization process. Owners may notice an unpleasant odor, which is due to hormonal changes in the body.

Appetite and its changes

Most breeders and experienced dog breeders note that during sexual heat, dogs' appetite changes. Most often, the owner is faced with a situation where the pet is capricious and eats little. A decrease in appetite during the period of sexual heat is due to the fact that all the forces and physiological processes of the animal are subordinated to a single goal - procreation.

Many dogs experience not only a decrease in appetite, but also a complete one within 2 - 3 days. The owner should not take any measures to correct the situation. As a rule, the pet's appetite returns within a few days. In some cases, some dogs experience an increase in appetite during estrus.

The feeding behavior of females during sexual estrus varies individually. The owner's task is to monitor the animal during this period. At the slightest suspicion of a deviation in health status, you should consult a veterinarian.

Incontinence during heat

In some cases, the owner may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon in the animal during estrus as. Disruption of the urination process has its own physiological causes. A high level of estrogen in the blood during heat (especially during the first estrus) causes a decrease in the sensitivity of the sphincter Bladder, which leads to uncontrolled urination.

As a rule, after the cessation of estrus, the physiological function of the excretory process is completely restored.

Briefs during estrus for dogs


An increase in body temperature in a female during sexual heat is a common phenomenon and should not cause the owner to panic. Veterinary experts note that normally, during a dog’s heat, the temperature may increase by 0.5 C. If the hyperthermia is significant - by 1 degree or more, it is necessary to contact a qualified veterinarian. veterinary care and exclude pathology.

Is it possible to get vaccinations during estrus?

In the annotation for veterinary immunizing drugs there are no contraindications for the use of vaccines in animals during estrus.

Veterinary specialists, based on many years of observations, believe that immunizing a pet during heat does not affect the process of developing immunity to a particular infection. Therefore, if the time has come for the next vaccination, and the dog is in heat, then delaying the procedure is undesirable.

Nevertheless, experienced dog breeders recommend routine preventive vaccinations during the sexual resting phase. This opinion is based on the fact that estrus, although a physiologically normal process, still represents stress for the dog’s body.

Rules for controlling bitches and dogs

  • Keep a calendar in which to regularly mark the beginning and end of estrus and its features.
  • During the walk, do not let the dog go, keep it only on a short leash.
  • Choose calm and quiet places for walking without crowds of animals.
  • For large and medium-sized breeds, use special protective underpants during estrus.
  • During sexual hunting, carpets and other valuables should be removed from the premises.

The main symptoms of estrus in a pet should be known to both an inexperienced owner and an experienced breeder. The duration and intensity of the physiological process depends on the breed, conditions of keeping and feeding, and the individual characteristics of the animal.

Useful video

For information about what you need to know about estrus in dogs, watch this video:

The owner of the animal should be prepared for the fact that sooner or later his cheerful and curious friend will need help. Dogs often get injured while walking, fighting with relatives, or chasing cats. Bleeding can occur due to internal pathology (gastric, uterine). Head injuries, foreign objects entering the nasal passages, and respiratory diseases often require stopping bleeding from the nose.

Read in this article

How to stop internal stomach bleeding in a dog

The greatest danger to the life of your four-legged friend is internal bleeding. This phenomenon can be observed when a foreign object penetrates the digestive organs, exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach, development of neoplasms in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.

With minor hemorrhage, the owner notices tarry, dark-colored feces. In some cases, the dog may vomit blood. The scarlet color of the vomit indicates damage to the esophagus (for example, by a sharp foreign object). The dark, almost black color of vomit is characteristic of gastric bleeding. The animal exhibits weakness and anemia of the mucous membranes.

You cannot stop stomach bleeding on your own. However, competent actions by the owner will help the pet wait qualified assistance. First of all, the dog should be given complete rest. Place a heating pad with ice or any other container with coolant in the stomach area. In field conditions, snow, ice, and cold clay mash are used. Under no circumstances should the animal be fed.

If the bleeding is caused by an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, the dog should be treated with the drug Zantac, which reduces the secretion of gastric juice and reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid in it. This manipulation will accelerate the formation of a blood clot and stop the bleeding.

The drug Vikasol will improve blood clotting. All medications are used only intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Internal administration for gastric pathology is unacceptable. When bleeding from the large intestine, which is characterized by the appearance of dark cherry clots in the feces, Vikasol is injected intramuscularly into the animal, and cold is applied to the pelvic area. It is prohibited to give an animal an enema.

After providing first aid, the pet should be taken to a specialized clinic as soon as possible for an ultrasound examination and, if necessary, surgical intervention.

If nasal discharge

Bleeding from the nose is most often characteristic of foreign objects entering the respiratory passages, and is also a sign of lung damage. The owner can observe bleeding from both the nose and mouth of the pet. A common cause of pulmonary hemorrhage is a fall from a height, a collision with a vehicle, chronic diseases lungs.

The formation of a blood clot and the reduction of pulmonary hemorrhage are facilitated by injections of Vikasol and Dicinone. Calcium chloride in a volume of 10 - 15 ml can be poured into the mouth. If the heart malfunctions, before qualified assistance is provided, the dog can be given heart medications - Sulfocamphocaine, Cordiamine.

If there is blood in the mouth

The owner can detect blood in the pet’s mouth due to head injuries or dental pathologies. A roll of clean bandage will help fix the problem. If possible, the rolled material is moistened with an antiseptic, for example Chlorhexidine. The roller should be fixed between the dog's upper and lower jaws, trying to place the napkin on the site of the injury.

To prevent the animal from getting rid of the roller, the jaws are fixed using soft fabric or a bandage like a muzzle.

If there is blood from the nail

Such manipulation as trimming the claws of four-legged friends often ends in damage to the blood vessels. This phenomenon is typical when the owner acts ineptly or increased nervousness and the activity of the pet during the hygiene procedure. Capillary bleeding is not life-threatening for the dog, however, every owner should have an understanding of the rules of first aid.

There are several ways to stop bleeding from a nail. An effective remedy is a special hemostatic pencil. It should be kept in your veterinary medicine cabinet as a simple and effective remedy for wounds. Before use, the pencil is moistened in water and then applied to the damaged nail for 2 - 3 minutes. If necessary, the manipulation is repeated.

Many experienced dog breeders use antibacterial soap to stop capillary bleeding from the nail.

The essence of the procedure is that a soap plug is formed at the site of the wound, which closes the damage and promotes thrombosis of the vessel. For the procedure, it is recommended to use soap with an antibacterial effect, not too hard. The damaged claw is immersed in a bar of soap with a gentle but confident movement and left for several minutes. After removing the claw from the soap, it should be examined.

If the plug has not formed, then the manipulation is carried out again. After time, it disappears by itself. You can replace soap with a mixture of water and flour. Dip the damaged nail into the prepared paste several times and wait for a flour plug to form.

You can stop bleeding from a broken or improperly trimmed nail with potassium permanganate. If none of the methods of assistance has led to the desired result, you should apply a tight bandage made of a bandage or clean cloth to the paw and contact a veterinarian.

To learn how to stop bleeding from a claw, watch this video:

If bleeding from the uterus is detected

During childbirth, in the postpartum period, as well as during chronic diseases uterus, neoplasms in females may cause uterine bleeding. Clinically, the pathology manifests itself in the form of apathy and drowsiness of the animal, weakness. The dog constantly licks the area of ​​the external genitalia, so with minor bleeding, the owner may not notice obvious symptoms.

In case of serious pathology, blood oozes from the vulva, and drops or pools of blood are found in the place where the animal was resting.

First aid for uterine bleeding is to give the dog complete rest. Cold is applied to the abdominal area. If possible, the dog can be given an injection of Vikasol. It is strictly prohibited to use hormonal drugs, such as Oxytocin, on your own due to the risk of uterine rupture. The animal should be taken to a specialized facility as soon as possible. It is impossible to help him with such a problem on his own.

If the dog has a wound

Active and curious pets often receive a variety of injuries associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin and blood vessels. Damage can be both superficial and deep. Veterinary specialists distinguish between capillary, arterial and venous bleeding in animals.

The danger to a pet's life is primarily damage to large arteries. Blood flows out of the vessel in the form of pulsations. To stop it, the owner should quickly pinch the artery with a finger wrapped in a clean napkin or cloth. You should keep your finger on the damaged vessel for as long as possible. Sometimes this is difficult to do, since the animal experiences pain and resists.

Applying a hemostatic bandage or tourniquet can help solve the problem. In the field, a belt, leash, belt, or long scarf are suitable for this purpose. A pressure bandage is applied for no more than 1 hour. In winter, the tourniquet is applied for 30 minutes. After this it must be loosened. Before applying a pressure bandage, foreign objects should be removed from the wound and its edges should be disinfected.

If the wound is deep, a sterile napkin treated with a hemostatic agent, such as hydrogen peroxide, can be placed in its cavity. The tampon is secured with a bandage.

A caring owner must always be alert and have the skills to provide first aid to a four-legged friend. If an injury is detected with a violation of the integrity of the skin and blood vessels or suspected internal bleeding, it is necessary to act competently and quickly. After providing first aid, the dog should be taken to a specialized facility as quickly as possible. In some cases, only an experienced veterinarian can save the life of a pet.

Bleeding from the uterus is a disease caused by damage to the blood vessels of the uterus. Unfortunately, many dog ​​owners face this problem, but if you notice the problem in time, you can avoid dangerous consequences.

The main danger lies in the fact that the animal, feeling the discharge, tries to lick everything off, which prevents the owner from detecting the problem. But any too frequent attention from the dog to the genitals should alert the owner.

Uterine bleeding

Uterine hemorrhage - a dangerous pathology, and therefore you need to know the “enemy in person” and react correctly and evaluate the symptoms. The final diagnosis, of course, will be made by the doctor, but when rushing to the veterinary clinic, you need to know what to describe to the doctor and what to prepare for.


There are two types of uterine hemorrhage: external- discharge of blood from the genitals, internal- more dangerous, bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

Symptoms of external (external) bleeding, of course, are bloody discharge from the genitals. They can be either subtle or abundant. The color and consistency of the blood will indicate a particular disease. If the focus of the disease is in the dog’s vagina, the blood is light, liquid and has nothing to do with uterine bleeding.

If dark blood clots are released, you need to urgently run to the hospital, because with uterine hemorrhage, every second counts.

Important! Uterine bleeding is not always characterized by spotting. Depending on the causes of this disease, blood can accumulate in the cavity, which can have very serious consequences. Very much attention should be paid to the behavior of the pet and in case of disorientation, prolonged loss of appetite or refusal of favorite games, immediately contact a veterinarian.

If your dog is bleeding, this does not always indicate uterine bleeding. It is imperative to pay attention to other symptoms, but it is still necessary to take your pet to the veterinarian.

What is the danger

The danger of uterine hemorrhages is obvious. With large and rapid blood loss, the animal weakens, convulsions, and even a coma are possible. If there is a large amount of blood lost and it enters the abdominal cavity, the animal will die.

At the slightest suspicion of such problems, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Did you know? Blood type is a distinctive feature not only of people. Dogs belong to ten rhesus blood groups.

There can be many reasons for bloody uterine discharge. The most common is considered to be an infectious lesion of the animal. If there are pathogenic bacteria in the reproductive system, everything can end in serious diseases, which will be accompanied by decay of the uterus.

Internal wounds are also possible during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the animal is especially vulnerable, and any external or internal factor can lead to unpreventable consequences. While the dog is carrying puppies, owners must especially carefully protect and monitor the animal.

Another common cause of uterine hemorrhage can be a disruption of the uterus or fallopian tubes as a result of childbirth.
But this phenomenon is also possible in dogs whose reproductive functions are not performed due to age. Older dogs may suffer from blood loss if they have cancer. Unfortunately, cancer in pets is very common.

Some doctors attribute bleeding and poisoning as a possible cause.

Additional symptoms

Additional symptoms of internal bleeding in a dog may include:

  • loss of coordination (staggering from side to side, as if dizzy);
  • loss of interest in the outside world;
  • apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent attention to the genitals;
  • vomit;
  • convulsions.

Examination and diagnosis

Only a qualified specialist knows how to make an accurate diagnosis and stop bleeding in a dog. Therefore, if you have the slightest ailment or symptoms, you must urgently take your pet to the veterinarian.

The doctor, having examined and carefully felt the dog, in most cases will be able to immediately voice his suspicions, however, in some cases, in order to accurately determine exactly the uterine bleeding, it is necessary to perform a number of additional tests and procedures:

  • cytology sample analysis;
  • biopsy;
  • Ultrasound of the uterine cavity;
  • general blood test and biochemistry;
  • Analysis of urine.

After carrying out all the necessary tests, the doctor will be able to accurately diagnose and begin treatment immediately.

Treatment of uterine bleeding in dogs

Bleeding from the vagina - the release of particles of uncoagulated blood or the presence of blood impurities in the vaginal discharge. If blood is released after childbirth or during estrus, there is no cause for concern, since during these processes blood is present in the vaginal discharge in physiological quantities. In other cases, the appearance of blood from the vagina indicates bleeding in the uterine area.

If your pet has bloody discharge from the vagina, you need to observe its behavior. It is important to rule out the presence of estrus and monitor the appearance of additional symptoms. If bleeding occurs in small quantities and ends quickly, then there is no particular cause for concern (however, if bleeding reappears, you should contact your veterinarian). In cases where blood is released in large volumes over a long period of time, it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic. The doctor will be able to analyze the pet’s condition, identify the symptoms of diseases, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Of course, in order to facilitate the diagnosis procedure, the owner must constantly monitor his pet in order to accurately describe its condition. Additional examinations and diagnostics may be necessary, since it is not always possible to identify diseases the first time. In any case, there is no need to leave the situation uncontrolled, since prolonged bleeding in the uterus has a bad effect on the dog’s health.

If the cervical canal is slightly open, the accumulated secretion comes out

Important! There is a common misconception that with uterine bleeding there will definitely be traces and streaks of blood on the external genitalia. So, this is not so - in most cases the cervix will be closed, and blood will begin to accumulate in the cavity of the organ!

If you decide to independently treat some simple diseases of your pet, then be sure to pay attention to the material presented in Chapter 5, which describes in detail the features of prescribing homeopathic remedies. Chapter 5, in addition, discusses the methodology for working with those chapters and sections of the book that deal with diseases of individual organs and systems

Bleeding from the uterus in dogs

Cut wounds are caused by a sharp object, often a knife or glass

  • Normally, spotting may occur during estrus, up to three weeks after birth.
  • A woman may not immediately understand what is happening to her. Bleeding is often confused with regular periods. If red-brown smears appear prematurely, you should consult a doctor. In addition, pay attention to the general condition and the nature of the discharge. If they contain more clots than usual, this is also a reason to sound the alarm.

  • Violation of the blood clotting process, including in case of poisoning, hemophilia.
  • Unfortunately, if the dog pregnant. the risk of fetal loss is 100%. In addition, it is very likely that the animal, after severe injuries and scarring of the sutures, will no longer be able to become pregnant. So, when a bitch initially does not represent breeding value, it is recommended to immediately resort to complete excision of the uterus. When cancer is detected, this is generally the only correct option. If surgery is not possible (serious condition, the animal’s condition is stabilized, it is often necessary blood transfusion or plasma. Surgery is performed only after stabilization of blood pressure, pulse, and other indicators.


  • Various neoplasms of the vagina and uterus (venereal sarcoma, etc.).
  • The main symptom of this pathology is bleeding from the vagina.

    Treatment of uterine bleeding with folk remedies

    The only exception to this rule is purulent droplets on the loop in dogs before their first heat. This phenomenon is called juvenile vaginitis and it usually does not require treatment. After puberty, juvenile vaginitis goes away on its own.

    Every woman should know about this. Gynecologists argue that self-treatment in such cases is unacceptable. However, if trouble happens to you in a place where it is simply impossible to call a doctor, you should immediately take a number of measures until you find an opportunity to get qualified help.

    The examination program for women with uterine bleeding, as a rule, includes a detailed interview with the patient, on the basis of which the doctor draws conclusions about the psychological state of the patient, hereditary diseases in her family, and her living conditions.

    If we are talking about chickens, they can get sick due to any irregularities in feeding

    In addition, ultrasound and radiographic examinations are carried out, a blood test is taken, the hormonal status of the woman is determined, and some other methods are used.

    Tuberculosis in children. Causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment of pathology

    This symptom can accompany quite life-threatening conditions for the dog, such as pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus), hemometra (uterine bleeding), and venereal sarcoma.

    In the first half of pregnancy, it can only be determined by bone signs (for example, after about the 20th day, the dog may show signs of toxicosis - nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite, discharge of transparent viscous mucus from the loop).

    In the case when bleeding from the uterus is a consequence of inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) or there is a blood clotting disorder, the dog, upon clinical examination, looks depressed, lethargic, refuses to eat, vomits (vomiting in dogs), increases body temperature, appears increased thirst.

    Clinical signs. Manifested by periodic or constant bleeding from the genitals. Minor bleeding does not affect general condition animal, and only sometimes can one observe some of its anxiety, as with mild colic. With severe bleeding, signs of general anemia appear.

    PREGNANCY. On average, pregnancy in dogs lasts 62 (59-64) days, but depending on hereditary factors and the number of puppies, the gestation period can vary from 58 to 72 days (decreased if there are a large number of puppies or increased if there are few). With low fertility and post-term pregnancy, the likelihood of a large pregnancy increases, because puppies in last days intrauterine development very actively gain weight.

    Chapter IV

    Forecast. It is unfavorable for fetuses located in the uterine cavity, but doubtful for the dog itself due to possible complications in the form of inflammation of the uterus.

  • First of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding and replace blood loss.
  • So how to stop uterine bleeding, and how realistic is it to do so?

  • Traumatic injuries, including birth injuries.
  • Therefore, the appearance of purulent yellow or profuse bloody discharge, not accompanied by other signs of estrus, should necessarily alert the owner and become a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor and ultrasound examination uterus and/or vaginoscopy and cytological examination.

    The disease is closely related to false pregnancy syndrome and can occur 1.5-2 months after estrus. It is often diagnosed in nulliparous females who have had irregular estrus in the past.

    Bleeding from the vagina is a symptom of many serious diseases, so if your dog has bloody discharge from the genitals, it is necessary to diagnose and treat your pet!

    People and cats have lived side by side with each other for many centuries, so the presence of a four-legged pet in the house is taken for granted. Some experts believe that there are more domestic cats than dogs. Today it is quite easy to buy a kitten. Moreover, pet stores offer an abundance of all kinds of goods and services that make it easier to keep them at home. It’s so easy to forget that cats can live in the same house with us, and also play an important role in our lives, but by their nature they remain wild animals and are not born “programmed” to understand us and our lives. To a greater or lesser extent, depending on their lifestyle, all cats have to adapt their natural instincts in order to get along with people. And just as they have to study us and our human habits, we have a responsibility to try to see our lives from their point of view. When a person communicates with cats, he must try to understand the language of their postures and gestures in order to know how they feel and what they want to communicate to us

    It all depends on the intensity and speed with which blood leaves the lumen of the blood vessels. With massive and rapid blood loss, when the pathology has developed against the background of severe injuries to the uterus, the animal quickly (weakens before our eyes), and at the same speed all visible mucous membranes turn pale. Collapse and convulsions are possible. quickly turning into a coma. In some cases, death occurs within two to three minutes after the start of bleeding, regardless of what is done (of course, with the exception of emergency surgery in a well-equipped clinic).

    Start your topic by saying:

    Another way to determine pregnancy is to take girth measurements between matings. chest behind the elbows and abdominal girth in the groin area, if after the 35th day of pregnancy the second girth exceeds the first, this is an additional sign of pregnancy

    uterine bleeding in a dog treatment

    - type, breed, age of the animal.

    But all of the above applies only to young animals whose reproductive system is fully functional. For what reasons then can uterine bleeding develop in an old dog? After all, she can hardly be pregnant anymore, and endometritis in such a pet is unlikely. Most likely, in this case we can talk about oncology. Cancer is very common in older dogs. If a malignant tumor is located in the uterus, it will decompose and break down its tissue, which may result in the destruction of the same large blood vessels.

    Diseases of the reproductive system in domestic animals are always dangerous. And the problem here is not even that the dog may remain infertile, everything is much worse. Serious " side effects", which include uterine bleeding. If it is not stopped in time, your pet may die.

    In older age, this reaction of the body is a symptom of many ailments: inflammation of the appendages, tumors of the uterus, etc. The phenomenon is typical for patients suffering from blood diseases accompanied by bleeding disorders. In addition, red discharge may indicate an incipient miscarriage.

    How to stop uterine bleeding

    Podobed Ekaterina Vladimirovna,

    Uterine bleeding in a dog: factors, causes, therapy

    Please tell me if there are any specific diseases in broilers that are not found in other chickens. Or maybe they are more susceptible to some ailments than others?

    Uterine bleeding

    Treatment of uterine bleeding

    Before prescribing treatment, a gynecologist or endocrinologist conducts a thorough diagnostic examination patients with bleeding. This is absolutely necessary in order to correctly determine the cause of bleeding.

    Bleeding is the process of blood leaving the lumen of blood vessels due to their damage.

    general practitioner, obstetrician-gynecologist

    Causes of uterine bleeding

    Bleeding can also be different depending on the reasons that cause it. Only their identification can help heal your pet and eliminate such a dangerous symptom.

    Diagnosis. To make a diagnosis, you must first make sure that the blood is coming from the uterus and not from the vagina. To do this, use a vaginal speculum to examine the mucous membrane of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix. If the vaginal cavity is filled with blood, it must be removed, wipe the cervix with a tampon using a forceps and monitor the release of blood from it. As a rule, with uterine bleeding, blood clots are detected in the vagina, but with vaginal bleeding they do not form.

  • Endometritis.
  • Nettle;
  • Treatment of uterine bleeding at any age of the patient has several goals.

    — Clearly describe the symptoms of the disease, what are the recommendations of your veterinarians.

    Causes of uterine bleeding may be different. They are often caused by diseases of the uterus and appendages, such as fibroids and endometriosis. adenomyosis), benign and malignant tumors. Bleeding can also occur as a complication of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, there are dysfunctional uterine bleeding - when, without visible pathology of the genital organs, their function is disrupted. They are associated with disruption of hormone production. affecting the genitals (disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system).

    Dog diseases. How to treat a dog → Vaginal bleeding

  • Formation of tumors and the appearance of follicular cysts.
  • — If there are results of analyzes and other studies, post them in the topic.

  • Diseases (endometritis, postpartum uterine hypotension, transmissible sarcoma).
  • Uterine bleeding may coincide with menstruation. Moreover, in some cases it begins on time, but is more abundant than usual, and is accompanied by the release of blood clots; in other cases, the amount of blood lost remains the same, but the duration of the period of bleeding during menstruation increases (up to 10-12 days or more), and the intervals between menstruation are significantly shortened. Uterine bleeding may also appear during the intermenstrual period; this creates the impression of the erratic nature of menstruation. Sometimes uterine bleeding is preceded by a more or less prolonged delay in menstruation, not related to pregnancy. All of the listed causes of bleeding can be observed at all age periods of a woman’s life. They are signs various diseases. In these cases, you need to consult a gynecologist. Effective treatment possible only with early recognition the real reason diseases. The appearance of spotting several years after the cessation of menstruation is also a reason for immediately contacting a gynecologist and may be a sign of cancer.

    I would like to recommend that you definitely read this chapter before you begin homeopathic treatment for your pet. The information presented in this chapter will help you determine in which cases you can treat your pets yourself, and in which situations it is more appropriate to contact a homeopathic veterinarian. In addition, you will be able to better understand the nature of holistic healing methods and learn to recognize obstacles that may be blocking your healing efforts. If your appointment homeopathic treatment is ineffective, then one of these obstacles may be part of the disease picture.

    There are several causes of vaginal bleeding.

    Uterine bleeding - causes and symptoms, how to stop. Dicinone for uterine bleeding

  • Spontaneous abortions.
  • — Indicate your city of residence.

    Uterine bleeding is a symptom of many gynecological diseases (chronic inflammation of the appendages, uterine tumor, etc.), interrupted pregnancy (incipient miscarriage), as well as blood disease accompanied by a violation of blood clotting. Bleeding happens meager or abundant. Heavy bleeding can lead to a life-threatening condition: a drop in blood pressure, a sharp decrease in hemoglobin, etc. In these cases, it is necessary to call ambulance. Before the doctor arrives, place the patient in bed without a pillow and place an ice pack or cold water on the lower abdomen.

    Causes of bloody discharge from the genitals

    How to ask a question

    Unlike normal menstruation, uterine bleeding is characterized by the following features:

    The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor.

    Most people are surprised that children also get tuberculosis

    Clinical picture

    What is the root of the trouble?

    Diagnosis. The diagnosis of uterine bleeding is made based on the clinical picture of the disease, veterinarian The clinic will conduct general and biochemical blood tests, a blood coagulation test, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, and in the presence of tumors, a biopsy of the material and a general urinalysis.

    Therapeutic techniques


      Uterine bleeding(Haematometra). Bleeding from the uterus due to damage to blood vessels occurs in cows, mares, goats, and rarely in animals of other species. Vessels of the chorion, uterine mucosa, or circulatory systems fetus and mother at the same time. The immediate causes of uterine bleeding can be uterine bruises, the pathogenic influence of pathogens and invasions, disorders of the endocrine system (the occurrence of estrus during pregnancy), disorders mineral metabolism and A-hypovitaminosis. Sometimes bleeding is a consequence of endometritis. In 3-5% of cows and heifers, bleeding from the uterus most often occurs during or on the first or third day after the end of the arousal stage due to diapedesis and rupture of blood vessels.

    • For various hormonal imbalances in the dog’s body.
    • By the way, if a dog is bleeding from the external genitalia, this does not indicate uterine bleeding. It is possible that the lesion is located somewhere in the vagina. How to determine this? It's quite simple. In the case when the blood comes from the uterus, clots “fall out” from the external genitalia, the blood may be darker. With vaginal hemorrhage, it flows continuously and the color is lighter. In addition, in this case there are always some visible predisposing factors. In particular, this often happens after mating, as well as as a result of mechanical injuries.

      ZooForum: Bloody discharge from the loop after estrus – ZooForum

      Most often, if the bleeding is severe, the gynecologist begins treatment by stopping the bleeding. Stopping bleeding, however, is not necessary in all cases. It is necessary to stop uterine bleeding if it is so intense that it itself poses a threat to the patient’s life. If the bleeding is minor, it will stop as therapy progresses.

      There are several main types of bleeding: arterial, venous, mixed and capillary. It can also be primary or secondary, depending on the causes of its occurrence.

    • Kalina;
    • Viral diseases most often arise due to wet litter and untimely cleaning of the poultry house, so in essence this is also a violation in the maintenance. Conclusion - if you do everything correctly, the risk of disease is greatly reduced.

      Please note that if there is severe and rapid blood loss, you cannot do anything yourself. So your pet’s only chance is to get it to the vet as quickly as possible. If you see any clinical signs that may indicate bleeding, contact a specialist! Treatment of such pathologies is possible only in a clinical setting.

      Reproduction is the most important biological process that ensures the maintenance and increase in the number of a species, the possibility of its resettlement and, ultimately, the success of the struggle for existence. In the animal kingdom there are a number of methods of reproduction, for example, direct division . characteristic of lower invertebrates, as well as parthenogenesis, noted even in higher vertebrates. It is quite obvious what exactly asexual reproduction represents the simplest and least energy-intensive way to increase the number of individuals. However, for some reason, in the process of evolution a complex process of sexual reproduction arose, associated with many problems and conventions.

      However, bacteria may have nothing to do with it... After all, severe endometritis is unlikely to be asymptomatic, and only a stray dog ​​will survive to such a neglected state. In other cases, the owner will probably take the pet to the veterinarian, and it will definitely not come to the point of uterine bleeding. The problem is that critical damage to the uterus can also occur in case of pregnancy. At this time, the organ is greatly “swelled”, its walls are thickened, and all “conditions” are created so that any injury could be fatal. It is for this reason that a pregnant dog should be constantly monitored at home, protecting it from various dangers.


      Uterine bleeding (Haematometra) is the process of blood leaking from damaged blood vessels of the uterus, including through the external genitalia.

      The use of hormonal devices for contraception allows you to combine the advantages of several methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy - oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices and sterilization. The main advantages of using the Mirena hormonal device for contraception, most women who use it, call reliability (as when using oral contraceptives), the absence of a general hormonal effect on the body, the reversibility of the contraceptive method, a significant reduction in the volume of menstrual blood loss. Many people also note the increased reliability of Mirena compared to conventional intrauterine devices, since the levonorgestrel hormone enclosed in a plastic container also provides additional contraceptive protection.

      It is impossible to give a short answer for all diseases, but in principle they can be divided into two types. The first is due to feeding or maintenance problems, then there will be problems with growth, as written above, and much more. The second is viral diseases.

      Bleeding in dogs, unfortunately, is far from uncommon. They can be different - they can be droplets, flow in a small stream, or flow out rapidly and pulsatingly.

      Tuberculosis– this is a specific infectious disease, the causative agent of which is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which can affect absolutely every system and organ of humans and animals, characterized by chronic course, the presence of intoxication and the formation of specific foci of inflammation.

      In the case where there is moderate bleeding (venereal sarcoma or other tumor) characteristic symptoms for blood loss in a dog develop gradually. Such a dog becomes lethargic, tends to play less, upon clinical examination the visible mucous membranes are pale, and signs of anemia (anemia) appear. Gradually, the dog begins to lose its appetite, and we note its emaciation. In some animals, owners notice dried blood on the root of the tail and external genitalia.

    • Medications.
    • Part two

      Discharge from the noose in bitches

    • Diseases of the urinary system ( urolithiasis disease in dogs. cystitis. urethritis, nephritis).
    • Predisposing factors

      In the case when bleeding in a dog develops as a result of trauma during a pathological birth, the bleeding is massive and rapid, blood clots are periodically released from the vagina, the dog becomes sharply weaker before your eyes, the visible mucous membranes have a pale tint. In such cases, as a result of large bleeding, the dog may collapse, convulsions, quickly leading the dog into a comatose state. Depending on the nature of the injury, death in the dog is possible within a few minutes after the start of bleeding.

      Many people believe that tuberculosis is somewhere out there, in prison, among homeless people and alcoholics, but I assure you that this infection is very close and there is a lot of it. Suffering from tuberculosis a large number of of people of different ages, gender, status and wealth in many countries of the world. Some celebrities and very rich people also suffer or have suffered from tuberculosis, they just don’t talk about it, for obvious reasons.

      Treatment. Treatment for uterine bleeding should be aimed at stopping the bleeding. The owners provide the dog with complete rest; the animal is placed with the rear part of the body elevated. A cold compress is applied to the sacrum and lower back area at home. Conservative treatment Uterine bleeding is reduced to the use of a 10% solution of calcium chloride, which is given orally in a dose of 5-20 ml, intravenously administered depending on the weight of the dog from 1 to 15 ml. To stop bleeding, the dog can be given a 0.1% solution of adrenaline in a dose of 0.05-0.5. A good hemostatic agent is the use of a 2-5% solution of stipticine orally and subcutaneously at a dose of 0.02 - 0.05. To stop bleeding, pregnantol is used intramuscularly and subcutaneously at a dose of 0.005-0.02, spherophysin at a dose of 0.005-0.01. If severe bleeding occurs, then it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinary clinic for treatment. emergency measures to stop bleeding. Typically, in a clinical setting, the dog undergoes a laparotomy, during which a veterinary specialist opens the uterus to assess the severity of bleeding and, in case of minor injuries, performs ligation of damaged blood vessels. If oncology is detected, the uterus is completely removed, complete removal queens are also used in cases where the bitch does not provide breeding value. In cases where surgical intervention is not possible, a blood or plasma transfusion is first performed. For inflammatory infectious diseases a course of antibiotic therapy is carried out. For transmissive venereal sarcoma, chemotherapy is performed.

    • Oranges;
    • How to stop uterine bleeding

      Bleeding from the genitals in dogs is quite common. If we have bleeding from the external genitalia, then it is usually called external bleeding, if bleeding from the uterus goes into the abdominal cavity - internal bleeding.

      Puncture wounds are inflicted with a piercing instrument (needle, bayonet, stab, etc.). Their characteristic feature is their great depth at minor damage skin or mucous membranes, and deep-lying organs and tissues - vessels, nerves, hollow and parenchymal organs - are often damaged. Such wounds are very insidious, since in the first hours they do not always give pronounced symptoms of organ damage; for example, with a puncture wound to the abdomen, the liver or stomach may be injured, but due to the small size of the wound there is no release of bile or gastric contents; everything is released into the abdominal cavity, and the expanded clinical picture occurs after a long period of time: severe symptoms of internal bleeding or peritonitis appear. Puncture wounds are dangerous because the wounding weapon introduces pathogenic microflora into the depths of the tissue, and the wound discharge, not finding a way out, serves as a good nutrient medium for it, creating favorable conditions for the development of purulent complications.

    • Finally, an important part of the treatment of bleeding is the rehabilitation of patients, which eliminates the consequences of blood loss, which may include very serious disorders, for example, anemia, that is, anemia.
    • Below are effective home remedies for treating urinary bleeding that do not interfere with regular medical treatment. Therefore, we recommend using folk remedies for the treatment of uterine bleeding, along with medicinal herbs and plants.

      Diseases of the genital area of ​​females

      If there is an injury to the nose, or certain diseases, dogs may experience nosebleeds. Blood may flow in a trickle or flow from the nose in separate drops. First aid: it is necessary to calm the dog, keep it from sudden movements and running, stroke it affectionately, call it by name. It must be remembered that any movement of the animal increases bleeding. A cold lotion or ice should be placed on the dog's nose and forehead. In the future, it is imperative to contact a veterinarian in order to promptly diagnose fractures of the nasal bones and their treatment.

      What to do?

      Much less often, the cause of this pathology can be so-called extragenital diseases (not related to the genital organs). Uterine bleeding can occur with liver damage. for diseases associated with blood clotting disorders (for example, von Willebrand disease). In this case, in addition to the uterine, patients are also worried about nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and the appearance of bruises with minor injuries. prolonged bleeding from cuts and others symptoms .

      Show others

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      2. Increased duration of bleeding. Normally, during menstruation, discharge lasts from 3 to 7 days. In case of uterine bleeding, the duration of bleeding exceeds 7 days.

      Depending on age and health status, the reasons for this phenomenon can be completely different. For example, in adolescence this problem is very common due to the formation of the hormonal system and reproductive function.

    • Injuries and damage to the uterus.
    • Treatment of wounds with folk remedies

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      Uterine bleeding is the release of blood from uterus. Unlike menstruation. with uterine bleeding, either the duration of discharge and the volume of blood released changes, or their regularity is disrupted.

      Intrauterine contraceptive hormonal device Mirena. Properties, reviews, contraindications and side effects - reviews

    1. Secondly, treatment should help eliminate the cause of uterine bleeding in order to avoid relapses.
    2. A vaginal examination and examination of vaginal smears are required. The tissues of the cervix are examined: using colposcopy, that is, examining the cervix using a special microscope, and using a biopsy of the cervix and uterine mucosa - endometrium.

      In most cases, in adult patients, the doctor performs a diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity followed by examination of the endometrial tissue.

    3. Abortion.
    4. If a pregnant bitch falls unsuccessfully, gets hit by a bicycle, or starts running after the ball too zealously, such an outcome is very likely. The organ simply cannot withstand it, it will rupture. The result is profuse bleeding, and the animal most likely simply will not survive until help begins. Finally, Uterine bleeding in a dog is often a consequence unsuccessful birth. Both the uterus itself and the birth canal may be damaged. This happens with malpresentation, especially large fetuses, congenital deformities of puppies, etc.

      Sexual reproduction appears in animals already at the lowest levels of the evolutionary ladder. Thus, already in the simplest unicellular microorganisms - ciliates, which reproduce by direct division, the so-called conjugation, which is a kind of analogue of the sexual process

      (others can give advice in a PM, indicating that the advice is not given by a veterinarian. But the forum is not responsible for THESE advice.)

      How to identify

      In cases of falls from a height, car collisions and other chest injuries, as well as various chronic lung diseases, old dogs experience bleeding from the mouth and nose, accompanied by coughs with bloody discharge.

      Symptoms of uterine bleeding

      Causes and development of the disease. The main cause of the disease is hormonal disorders. As a result of an imbalance of hormones, hyperplasia of the glandular epithelium of the uterine mucosa occurs, it becomes thickened, mucus secretion increases, a large amount of mucous secretion (mixometra) accumulates in the uterus, which, when microorganisms from the vagina enter there and leukocytes migrate, acquires a mucopurulent character (pyometra) . In the case when the amount of secretion in the uterine cavity is insignificant, but there is inflammation of the mucous membrane, they speak of endometritis in dogs.

      bleeding in a dog after estrus treatment

      Clinical picture. Symptoms of uterine bleeding in a dog depend entirely on the cause that led to the bleeding, as well as on the intensity and speed at which the blood comes out of the damaged vessels of the uterus.

      Stopping uterine bleeding is required as soon as possible. Blood loss is life threatening. The pressure drops, a sharp decrease in hemoglobin occurs, etc.

      With a more moderate course of the underlying disease (with the slow development of a tumor, for example), blood loss increases gradually, gradually. The dog becomes more lethargic, begins to play less, and visible mucous membranes turn pale. The animal loses its appetite and loses weight. Occasionally, dried blood will be visible on the root of the tail and external genitalia.

      Purulent inflammation of the uterus in most cases requires emergency surgical treatment, the exception, theoretically, may be uncomplicated postpartum endometritis and iatrogenic cystic endometrial hyperplasia (pyometra, caused by an excess of drugs that suppress sexual activity). However, even in these cases, treatment should be started as early as possible and the danger to the animal’s life is high.

      - Mention about housing, nutrition, whether the animal is neutered, what illnesses it had before, whether it has been vaccinated.

      In addition, the reasons may be more “banal”. No need to exclude the usual poisoning. For example, a similar effect can be observed in cases where a dog ate rat poison and then drank well with plain water. Since the agents used in deratization interfere with blood clotting, this happens quite often.

      If blood leaves the body outside through, for example, a wound, this is called external bleeding, but if it remains within the body and goes into a natural cavity, this bleeding is internal.

      What is uterine bleeding?

      What can cause a dog to bleed in the uterus? There can be many reasons, but one of the most common predisposing factors is infectious pathologies . For example, any serious endometritis or pyometra can result in bleeding. In all these cases, the development of pathogenic microflora leads to abundant discharge of pus, and the latter, as is known, is distinguished by its ability to dissolve surrounding tissues. Accordingly, with severe degradation of the inner layer of the uterus (that is, the endothelium), it is possible damage to large blood vessels. of which there are a lot in the wall of this organ.

      1. Increased blood volume. Normally, during menstruation, 40 to 80 ml of blood is released. With uterine bleeding, the volume of blood lost increases, amounting to more than 80 ml. This can be determined if there is a need to change hygiene products too often (every 0.5 - 2 hours).

    5. Water;
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