Viburnum for uterine contraction. Contraction of the uterus after childbirth. Symptoms of normal contraction

Folk remedies to contract the uterus - ambulance before you see a doctor. And this needs to be done as quickly as possible, because uterine bleeding jokes are bad. The need for uterine contractions usually occurs after childbirth, including after a miscarriage, and sometimes after prolonged periods.

After childbirth, the body needs a certain time to recover. The uterus has the ability to recover to its previous size on its own, but this will require at least 2 months, but it also happens that it has weak tone and will need more than long time.

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth is a natural process, but it can be helped

After childbirth, it has a positive effect on the recovery of the body, since at this time the body produces one of the hormones, oxytocin, which affects the contraction of the uterus.

If a woman is forced to because there is simply no milk, the uterus will take much longer to return to normal.

Weakened female body after caesarean section or after a miscarriage (abortion) it takes quite a long time to recover. To start the recovery process and speed it up, you will need various tools, including: medications, as well as folk remedies.

Be sure to consult a doctor before you start taking medications, since not all medications can be taken while breastfeeding, and herbs can cause harm not only to the mother, but also to the baby.

If the birth took place without complications and naturally, in order to increase the tone of the uterus, it is recommended to lie on your stomach, and as often as possible. The child should be given, in the first months - at the request of the baby. Do not forget that physical activity It is obligatory, in some cases, under the supervision of a doctor, to engage in special physical exercise (this will be discussed later), which will help restore the body after childbirth. If there are no contraindications, you can cook medicinal infusions and decoctions to make the uterus contract more actively. Let's look at some recipes.

Infusion of birch leaves

The leaves are usually collected in May; they are the most useful at this time, as they medicinal properties reach their highest strength.

You will need 3 tbsp. leaves. Pour water over them (3 cups, preferably boiling), adding a pinch baking soda, pour into a thermos and wait 2 hours.

Drink the contents of the thermos in 3 doses (a glass in the morning, at lunch and in the evening). This infusion can be taken 2 weeks after birth.

Medicine from raspberry leaves and juice

Chop dry raspberry leaves (2 tbsp), add water (2 cups, always boiling water) and leave for 3 hours. You can drink 4 cups of this infusion daily.

Viburnum juice helps a lot. From fresh berries squeeze out the juice and drink 1 tbsp. at least 3 times a day. The juice must be fresh before each use.

Shepherd's Purse and Lamiaceae

You can also prepare a decoction of shepherd's purse. You need to take 20 g of herb (it must be crushed), add water (2 cups) and place the container with the contents on the stove, bring to a boil and remove, leaving for 3 hours. After the broth has cooled, strain and take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

It is also recommended to prepare a decoction of claspberry, or rather, its flowers. You will need 2 tablespoons of flowers, add water (2 cups, always boiling water) and boil for 5 minutes (reduce heat to low). Divide the resulting product into 4-5 servings and drink throughout the day. The herb claspberry also contracts the uterus.

A decoction is prepared from the dried leaves in the same way as from the flowers and is also taken in fractions, drinking the decoction per day. the only thing that distinguishes these decoctions is that the decoction made from the leaves is a little weaker, but there is a big plus, but it does not affect blood pressure (clay flowers lower blood pressure).

Rehabilitation gymnastics

As noted above, there is special physical education or postpartum rehabilitation exercises. It must be remembered that all activities should be gentle and varied. For classes, choose comfortable clothes, do all exercises regularly, slowly, without sudden movements. Almost all exercises are performed in a lying position. Classes should be carried out after feeding, and immediately before starting, visit the toilet.

There are many complexes of restorative gymnastics, which were developed by obstetricians and specialists in physical therapy, helping women recover after childbirth, we will look at one of them. It is worth noting once again that gymnastics is possible only after consultation with a doctor and only if there were no pathologies during or after childbirth.

These are just some recommendations for restoring uterine tone. You will need patience as the reception medicines, And physiotherapy are carried out for a very long time, up to 3, or even up to 6 months. But all your efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold; you will not only recover after childbirth, but also maintain a slim and attractive figure. All the best to you!

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth often causes pain in the lower abdomen or discomfort for a long time after the birth of the child. But this is not always normal and it is important when to see a doctor, what are the normal timing of uterine involution and possible options treatment of pathology.

Features of uterine contraction after childbirth

A woman's body goes through many physical changes after childbirth, until it returns to its pre-pregnancy state. During the entire period of pregnancy and childbirth, every woman goes through a wonderful process to become a mother, and after that it takes about 2 months for the body to recover from childbirth. One of the most noticeable and significant changes is the return of the uterus to normal, called uterine involution.

The timing of uterine contraction after childbirth varies depending on how the birth process took place and whether there were traumatic factors. Contraction of the uterus after the first birth occurs more quickly and efficiently. This is because nulliparous women have higher uterine muscle tone, which means the uterus can contract and stay contracted rather than relax and contract intermittently. Contraction of the uterus after repeated and third births may take a longer time, since with each pregnancy the tone of the uterus and its ability to further normal contraction decrease.

In general, the process of complete involution of the uterus takes about two months. The uterus contracts most actively in the first week after birth, and then returns to its previous size. After pregnancy, the uterus (not including the baby, placenta, fluids, etc.) weighs about 1000 g. 6 weeks after birth, the uterus reaches a weight of 50-100 g.

Within a few minutes after the birth of the child, the uterus contracts, its crossed fibers are tightened in the same way as during childbirth. These contractions also help separate the placenta from the uterine wall. After the placenta is separated, uterine contractions close the open blood vessels, to which the placenta was attached. This compression of the vessels by contraction of the myometrium (“physiological ligature”) leads to hemostasis. This helps to avoid bleeding and other complications in the early postpartum period.

Immediately after childbirth, the uterus contracts so that its bottom is at the level of the navel. After this, most of the reduction in size and weight occurs in the first two weeks, during which time the uterus shrinks and sits entirely in the pelvis. Over the next few weeks, the uterus slowly returns to its pre-pregnancy state, although the overall size of the uterus remains larger than before. A woman can often feel such contractions of the uterus in the form of spasms and painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Painful contractions of the uterus after childbirth can be most intense in the first three days, then the nagging pain should decrease.

The endometrium after childbirth and placental abruption also quickly recovers, so that by the seventh day all the layers in the endometrium are already present. By the 16th day, the endometrium is restored throughout the uterus, with the exception of the placental area. The area of ​​the endometrium where the placenta was attached undergoes a number of changes in the postpartum period. The size of the placental layer is reduced by half, and changes in the placental layer lead to the release of lochia. Therefore, the symptoms of uterine contraction after childbirth, in addition to spasmodic pain, are also discharge from the genital organs, which are called lochia.

Immediately after birth, a large amount of red blood flows out of the uterus during the contraction stage. After this, the volume of vaginal discharge quickly decreases. Discharge during uterine contraction after childbirth has several stages and different characteristics. There are 3 normal stages of lochia. The duration of each stage is not so important as the fact that the number of lochia should become less and less, and the color should change from red to white. Red or bloody lochia appears over three to four days, and gradually its color changes to brownish-red, with a more watery consistency. Over several weeks, the discharge continues to decrease and eventually becomes serous (lochia alba). The period of time for which there is discharge after childbirth varies, although it is approximately 5 weeks.

The cervix also begins to quickly return to its previous state, but never returns to its pre-delivery state. By the end of the first week, the external os closes so that 1 centimeter remains.

The vagina also regresses, but it does not completely return to its previous size. Reduction of increased vascularization and edema occurs after 3 weeks. At this time, the vaginal epithelium goes through a stage of atrophy. The vaginal epithelium is completely restored after 6-10 weeks.

During the birth process, the perineum was stretched and traumatized. Most muscle tone is restored in the sixth week, with greater improvement over the next few months. Muscle tone may return to normal, depending on the degree of damage to the muscle, nerve and connective tissue. But all these changes can also influence poor uterine contractions after childbirth. In this case, there are still long bloody issues and slow involution of the uterus, when by the end of the second week after birth the uterus is still palpable above the womb.

Restoration of normal ovarian function is highly variable and highly dependent on breastfeeding baby. Women who breastfeed their baby have a longer period of amenorrhea and anovulation.

Rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth occurs in primiparas, when by the end of the first week the uterus is in the pelvic cavity. Within four to five weeks, the uterus returns to its previous appearance, which is considered a rapid recovery after childbirth.

The consequences of poor uterine contraction after childbirth can be very serious - after all, insufficient vascular compression can cause postpartum hemorrhage. If the uterus has not contracted enough, hypotension may develop, which leads to significant bleeding. If for some reason the uterus does not contract at all, then bleeding continues after separation of the placenta and this can lead to fatal outcome, since it is very difficult to stop such bleeding. Complications may occur early postpartum period and later. Often, improper hygiene in the postpartum period can lead to infection of the postpartum surface of the myometrium, since it is very sensitive to all bacteria. This threatens the development of postpartum septic conditions.

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Treatment of uterine contractions after childbirth

Since the long process of uterine involution leads to severe pain, many women wonder how to speed up uterine contractions after childbirth? First of all, you need to tell the doctor about all the symptoms so that he can carefully examine the uterus and rule out all dangerous ones. postpartum complications. If there are no contraindications, then you can use different methods for better uterine contraction.

How to relieve pain during uterine contractions after childbirth? If there is severe pain that cannot be tolerated, then you should only take painkillers that will not harm the baby if the mother is breastfeeding. For this purpose, you can use paracetamol or ibuprofen. These are products that are approved in children's practice, so they can also be used by a nursing mother.

All methods of contracting the uterus after childbirth can be divided into physical and medicinal. Physical methods can be very effective, not only for contracting the uterus, but also for strengthening all the muscles of the pelvic floor. For this purpose, a set of exercises is used that can be performed at home.

Exercises to contract the uterus after childbirth are performed only if the woman has no contraindications. Here are some of them:

  1. Exercises with bent knees help the uterus return to an upright position. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet resting on your heels on the floor. Lift one knee and press it towards your stomach, holding it with both hands. Maintain this position for 15-20 seconds and then release. Repeat this process with the other leg. Alternate left and right legs two to four times each.
  2. Pelvic contraction and relaxation

This exercise strengthens the muscles along the pelvic floor. This causes the uterus to move in an upright position. To do this exercise, you need to lie on the floor and move your arms to the side. Take a deep breath and lift your buttocks off the floor a few centimeters. Hold this position for several seconds. Repeat this process five times to increase the strength of your pelvic muscles.

  1. Oblique crunches

This exercise strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles and causes the uterine muscles to contract under the influence of intra-abdominal pressure. It also works well to strengthen the pelvic muscles, which is important for the correction of the ligamentous apparatus. Lie down on the floor with your hands behind your head. Keep your knees bent and your heels on the floor. Lift your left knee while lifting your head with your arms. Rotate your body as you lift so that your right elbow touches your left knee. Repeat this exercise on the other side so that your left elbow matches your right knee. Do at least 10 of these crunches for best results.

Gymnastics after childbirth to contract the uterus can be limited to simple bending of the torso to the side, a mill and a few squats. Over time, the amount of exercise is gradually increased if there is no reaction from the uterus and abdomen.

Uterine contraction massage after childbirth helps reposition the uterus and improve circulation, and may even help bring the uterus back into shape after childbirth and increase fertility. A woman can perform this massage on her own. To do this, you need to gently massage the area between the navel and pubic bone.

Before starting the massage, choose a comfortable place to lie down (such as a bed or yoga mat). If possible, choose a quiet room with very few distractions. Lie completely on your back.

Press and swipe across the belly. Hold your hand palm down to apply pressure to your abdomen, starting just below your belly button. As you apply pressure, move your hand in a gentle circular motion. Then press lightly on your belly just above your pubic bone and pull upward gently, as if you were moving your uterus upward. Repeat this movement 15 times. The first time the massage should last about 5 minutes, then, if there is no pain, you can increase the duration of the massage.

To make sure you are performing uterine massage properly, ask your obstetrician, nurse or midwife to demonstrate it before you try it yourself. If you are concerned that the massage is not working or something may be wrong, contact your doctor immediately. A woman can also make an appointment for a massage abdominal cavity, which includes uterine massage as part of its treatment.

Drugs to contract the uterus after childbirth can be used in the delivery room in the form of injections, or later used in tablet forms. For this purpose, so-called uterotonics are used - drugs that stimulate the contraction of myometrial muscle fibers. These include oxytocin, prostaglandins, and ergometrine preparations.

It is important to know!

Uterine hypertonicity is not a disease, but a symptom that means increased tension of the myometrium (smooth muscles of the uterus). Outside of pregnancy, the myometrium undergoes various phases of contractile activity every month, which depends on menstrual cycle.

The uterus is a unique part of the body, small in size, capable of growing several times during pregnancy and quickly returning to its original shape after childbirth. But, there are situations when the uterus needs medicinal support to reduce and remove heavy discharge from the uterine cavity.

Drugs that contract the uterus are also prescribed during pregnancy, for weak contractions, or to induce labor for medical reasons. Also, after abortions and miscarriages, when the uterus does not contract enough, it is necessary to take medications so that there are no blood clots left in the cavity, which can lead to inflammation and more serious pathologies.

Medicines that contract the uterine muscles are prescribed for bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle, for amenorrhea, fibroids and uterine fibroids.

Oxytocin and Pituitrin

Most often, in gynecology, Oxytocin is used for uterine contractions. As a rule, it is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. At abdominal operations, such as a caesarean section, the drug is injected directly into the wall of the uterus. Oxytocin is prescribed for bleeding caused by weak uterine tone, after miscarriages and abortions.

Other indications for use:

Oxytocin is also prescribed to stimulate lactation in case of mastitis or lack of breast milk. Intranasal use promotes emotional development in children with autism.

Contraindications to Oxytocin are as follows:

  1. Uterine hypertonicity.
  2. Narrow pelvis.
  3. If the fetus is in a face presentation, oblique or transverse position.
  4. Scars on the uterus.
  5. Excessively distended uterus.
  6. High blood pressure.
  7. Premature birth.

Side effects manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, increased blood pressure, bronchospasm, nausea, and heart rhythm disturbances. Oxytocin should only be used in a hospital setting under the supervision of a physician. When using Oxytocin, it is necessary to control the frequency of contractile rhythms of the uterus.

Pituitrin is a drug with two active ingredients– oxytocin and vasopressin.

In general, Pituitrin has similar properties and indications to Oxytocin. But there are also differences - the vasopressin included in the composition ensures a sufficient level of fluid in the body, removes excess sodium from the blood, and increases pressure in the blood vessels.

It is prescribed for hypotonic bleeding and weak labor, also indications are:

  1. Menstrual irregularities caused by excessive blood loss.
  2. Bleeding between periods.
  3. Temporary disturbance of intestinal motility.
  4. Nighttime urinary incontinence.

Pituitrin is not used for toxicosis on later pregnancy, hypertension, atherosclerosis, nephritis and uremia. The drug is available in the form of ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Desaminooxytocin – hormonal pills, are synthetic analogue Oxytocin is one and a half times more active.

The drug stimulates contractile movements of the uterine muscles, stimulates the production of breast milk, and prevents the development of mastitis.

Indications for use:

  1. Delayed uterine recovery in the postpartum period.
  2. Weak labor.
  3. Lack of breast milk in a woman in labor.

Directions for use: tablets are dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved. The interval between doses is half an hour. After the onset of contractions, the dose is halved.

Contraindications for use:

  1. Hypertonicity of the uterus.
  2. Malposition.
  3. Previous operations on the uterus.
  4. Fetal hypoxia.
  5. Placental abruption.
  6. Heart failure.
  7. Placenta previa.

Desaminooxytocin is prescribed with caution to women over 35 years of age.

When using these tablets, it is necessary to control the frequency of uterine contractions and monitor the fetal heartbeat. That is why the drug is used only in hospital settings.

Side effects:

  1. Gastrointestinal disorder.
  2. Dizziness, headache.
  3. In case of complicated childbirth – bleeding.
  4. Allergic reactions.

At hypersensitivity, from taking Deaminooxytocin, the following may occur: hypertension, rupture of the uterus and vaginal tissues, and the fetus may experience disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

Ergotal is a drug that stimulates uterine contractions, available in the form of tablets and solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.

The action of the drug is based on contraction of the uterine muscles, accompanied by compression of blood vessels, and stopping bleeding. Ergotal has a mild sedative effect, helps reduce tachycardia, and relieves migraine attacks.

Ergotal is prescribed in the following cases:

The drug is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy; other contraindications include:

  1. Severe pathologies of cardio-vascular system.
  2. Chronic liver and kidney diseases.
  3. Blood poisoning, purulent inflammation in organism.
  4. Feverish conditions.
  5. Thyrotoxicosis.

Of the possible side effects: nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, heart rhythm disturbances, chest pain, shortness of breath. Extremely rare allergic reactions and promotion blood pressure. Long-term use of Ergotal, or exceeding the dosage, can cause poisoning accompanied by convulsions. If symptoms of poisoning appear, rinse the stomach and call an ambulance.

Ginestril is a hormonal pill that is sold strictly according to a doctor’s prescription. Their action is based on blocking the production of the hormone progesterone, which increases uterine contractions. The main purpose of this medicine is to treat fibroids no larger than a 3-week pregnancy size. The minimum course of treatment is 3 months.

Ginestril is used:

  1. With heavy uterine bleeding.
  2. To stimulate labor during full-term pregnancy according to indications.
  3. As therapy after removal of benign tumors in the uterus.
  4. In the absence of menstruation until 42 days.

Like all hormonal drugs, Ginestril has a large number of contraindications:

  1. Premature and post-term pregnancy.
  2. Severe form of gestosis.
  3. Malposition.
  4. Narrow pelvis of a woman in labor.
  5. Abnormal bleeding during pregnancy.
  6. When treating fibroids: suspicion of intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy.
  7. Severe anemia.
  8. Inflammation of the reproductive system.

Tablets are prescribed with caution when chronic diseases lungs, asthma, heart rhythm disturbances.

Most often, Ginestril is well tolerated, but urticaria, allergies, nausea, general malaise may occur, and very rarely, menstrual irregularities and inflammation of the appendages.


Dinoprost is often used in obstetric practice to stimulate contraction of uterine smooth muscles. This drug is used only in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors. Dinoprost is administered intravenously using droppers and in the form of punctures directly into the amniotic sac(for abortion).

The drug is able to influence the cervix at any stage of pregnancy, promotes its maturation and opening.

Indications for use:

  1. Stimulation of labor.
  2. Late pregnancy termination.
  3. Expulsion of a dead fetus.

In some cases it may be simultaneous use along with Oxytocin. The drug is prescribed with caution for diseases of the cardiovascular system, bronchial asthma, severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys, glaucoma and hypertension.

Strict contraindications:

  1. Acute inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  2. The presence of a scar on the uterus.
  3. Narrow pelvis.
  4. Poor blood circulation in the fetus.
  5. Hypersensitivity to the drug.

When using Dinoprost, it is necessary to evaluate the effect within 24 hours; if no effect is observed, the drug is discontinued.

At intravenous administration inflammation of the veins and a sharp increase in temperature may develop. To others side effects relate:

  1. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  2. Tachycardia.
  3. Bronchospasm.
  4. Dizziness, headache.

The rarest side effects are cardiac arrest and uterine rupture. That is why only a doctor has the right to prescribe drugs to contract the uterus.

Homeopathic medicines for uterine contractions

For a gentle effect on the contractile functions of the uterus, it is possible to use homeopathic remedies. For example:

Despite the fact that homeopathic medicines are practically harmless, their use is possible only after consultation with a specialist.

The attending physician decides which drugs should be used in these cases, weighing the benefits and possible risks individually for each woman.


Properties of this female organ unique: while carrying a baby, it increases several times, but after its birth it returns to standard sizes. No doctor can say for sure how long uterine contractions last after childbirth, because each female body is unique in its own way. However, there are known factors, means, measures and drugs that can speed up or slow down this process.

To understand what the process of uterine contraction after childbirth is, you need to know what happens to the body during this period. Without anatomy, this issue cannot be understood.

  1. In the first time after childbirth, the organ is wound surface. The part of the uterus where the placenta was attached is especially damaged, because there are too many clogged vessels in that place. The cavity itself contains remnants of the membrane from the fetus and blood clots.
  2. Cleansing of the uterus and its most powerful contraction occurs during the first 3-5 days after birth.
  3. If the body is healthy, processes such as phagocytosis (leukocytes dissolve bacteria) and extracellular proteliosis (the same bacteria are attacked by proteolytic enzymes) begin to actively occur.
  4. As a result, lochia begins to appear: on the 1st day they resemble blood, on the 3rd day they acquire a serous-serous hue, by the end of the 3rd week they become light and liquid, by the 6th they should end, which will mean completion process of uterine contraction.
  5. As for the size, immediately after the birth of the baby, the uterus weighs about 1 kg, its throat expands to 12 cm. At the same time, it reaches 20 cm in length and up to 15 cm in width. After a week, its weight will be only 300 grams, and by 7th week - only 70 grams.

The epithelium of this organ is restored in about 3 weeks, but the place where the placenta was previously attached heals much longer - up to 1.5 months. It is very important to observe how long the uterine contraction lasts after childbirth in each individual case and compare the period with the standard. If the lochia ends by the 6th week and there is no discomfort, there is no need to worry: everything is normal. If they stopped much earlier or, on the contrary, still continue after this time, you should definitely complain about these symptoms to a doctor. There are special signs by which you can judge whether everything is in order with you.

Wow! The standard size of a healthy uterus in its normal state, when a woman is not pregnant, is 7.5 cm in height and 5 cm in width. However, by the time the baby is born, it has stretched so much that it touches the lower part chest. After giving birth, she has to shrink back to her normal size.

Symptoms of normal contraction

Every woman needs to know the signs of good uterine contraction after childbirth, which indicate a normal recovery period without any abnormalities. This will mean that there is no need to worry and all your strength can be directed to the child. Such manifestations include:

  • painful but tolerable sensations in the mammary glands;
  • first bloody, then yellowish-transparent lochia;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • diarrhea during uterine contractions can be observed only in the first 1-4 days; in other cases, it may indicate an overdose of some drug and will require medical intervention;
  • all these symptoms are quite strong in the 1st week after the birth of the baby, since uterine contractions occur most intensely during these days;
  • by the end of the 6th week, all these signs gradually disappear.

All pain during uterine contractions after childbirth, described above, is quite tolerable, although if a woman has a low pain threshold, the doctor often prescribes painkillers. These include:

  • no-shpa;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketoprofen (this active substance contain ketonal suppositories);
  • You can relieve pain from uterine contractions using lidocaine injections;
  • naproxen;
  • homeopathic medicines: Bellis perennis, Caulophyllum, Sepia.

If after the first week the painful contractions remain just as strong and even unbearable, this is a reason to seek treatment. medical care, such discomfort is not normal. Since everyone’s body is different, gynecologists admit that some recovery period can last from 5 to 8 weeks. If it goes beyond these limits, perhaps we are talking about pathologies, so it is better to get checked again.

Sometimes it happens! There were cases when women were diagnosed with 2 uteruses, each of which was a full-fledged, functioning organ. Moreover, some of them successfully gave birth to healthy babies. One of the organs was involved in the process of gestation and childbirth.

Rapid contraction of the uterus

Women who are cleared of the effects of childbirth within 3-4 weeks are usually happy with such a quick recovery and are proud to tell everyone about it. Few of them think about the fact that such rapidity is not the norm and can lead to the most Negative consequences for good health. In most cases, rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth can be fraught with the following complications:

  • lochia (remnants of the placenta, blood clots, burst vessels, dead endometrium, waste products of the child when he was in the womb) cannot be released in full in such a short period of time: this means that part of all this remains inside the uterus; this most often leads to their suppuration and the onset of the inflammatory process;
  • lactation disturbance: the amount of milk produced can sharply decrease, and its composition change, which is often very unpleasant for the baby - to such an extent that he can stop breastfeeding;
  • the risk of an instant second pregnancy increases, while the body is not yet physically ready for such a shock.

Considering these factors, you should not be happy if postpartum discharge stops very quickly. To prevent this from happening, you need to try to improve the contraction of the uterus after childbirth so that it occurs within normal limits and does not go beyond their limits. To do this, you need to follow (if possible) a daily routine, eat well, get enough rest, get enough sleep and breathe fresh air. The use of medications and folk remedies is not required here. However, there are not many such cases: the problem of too long uterine contractions is much more common.

Slow contraction of the uterus

Very often postpartum discharge and painful sensations they drag on and do not stop even after the 8 weeks specified by the norm. In this case, a whole problem arises: how to speed up uterine contractions after childbirth and help your own body recover faster. First, you need to contact the observing gynecologist and follow his advice. Secondly, with his permission, perform various exercises specially designed for this purpose and use folk remedies.

Health care

If in the first 1-3 days after the birth of the baby, a woman does not begin to discharge and there are no painful, cramping sensations, this indicates that for some reason the process does not start. In this case, the doctor decides what to do to contract the uterus after childbirth: give injections or prescribe pills.

  • Oxytocin

In order to speed up uterine contractions after childbirth, prevent severe bleeding and normalize lactation, oxytocin, an artificial hormone, is prescribed. It is administered by injection, most often by injection. But if a woman is very weak after childbirth, an IV may be prescribed, especially after a caesarean section.

  • Uterine oxytocics

Very often, drugs from the same group of oxytocins are prescribed to contract the uterus, but not in pure form, but with pharmacological additives that enhance and weaken the effect of the main substance. These include hyfotocin, demoxytocin, dinoprost, dinoprostone, cotarnine chloride, methyloxytocin, methylergometrine, pituitrine, ergometrine, ergotal, ergotamine hydrotartrate. These could be pills or injections.

Any medicine is prescribed only if poor uterine contractions are diagnosed after childbirth (no discharge or cramping pain lower abdomen). However, the attitude towards oxytocin even among doctors is ambiguous. Most of them believe that this process should start naturally. Therefore, some gynecologists recommend turning to folk remedies for help.

Folk remedies

There are also folk remedies for contracting the uterus. However, you should not get carried away with them and it is recommended to use them only with the permission of a doctor.

  • Nettle

Dry nettle (4 tablespoons) is brewed with boiling water (500 ml). Let it sit until it cools down. Drink 100 ml three times a day.

  • White lily

Pour the flowers of the plant (2 tablespoons) with cold boiled water (500 ml). Leave overnight. Strain. Drink 100 ml 3 (or 4) times a day.

  • Shepherd's Purse

The herb is brewed (4 tablespoons) with boiling water (2 glasses). Wrap up, leave in a warm place, strain. Drink the entire prepared dose during the day.

  • Yarutka field

Brew the dry plant (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (a glass), leave overnight, strain. Drink 1 teaspoon 5 times a day.

  • Blood red geranium

Pour 2 teaspoons of herb into 2 cups of boiled, but already cold water, leave overnight, drink everything during the day.

Folk remedies for uterine contractions are good because they force the body to actively recover during the postpartum period on its own, without the use of synthetic drugs, the effect of which on the child (through breast milk) and on the health of the young mother has not yet been fully studied.


In some cases, uterine contraction is stimulated from the inside when the doctor gives the woman a special massage every two hours in the first two days after childbirth. Smooth movements apply pressure to the uterus. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, this procedure can be very painful, but useful.


In order for the uterus to contract faster, homeopathy is used, the main advantage of which is that it mobilizes the body’s own forces and does not contain any synthetic, chemical substances.

Among the well-proven drugs, the following can be noted: Millefolium, Hina ( heavy bleeding), Ergot (perfectly contracts the uterus, but can provoke the development of thrombosis, phlebitis, abscess), Sabina (distinguished by the absence of side effects), Ipecac (helps cope with weakness after childbirth), Sekale, Phosphorus, Hamamelis, Ferrum phosphoricum, Staphysagria (promotes healing uterus).


If the doctor allows it, from the first day after birth you can perform simple, but very useful physical exercise for contraction of the uterus after childbirth, which does not require much effort and time from the woman. The sooner you start doing them, the lower the risk of a protracted recovery period.

  1. Lie on the floor on your back. Relax. Bring your legs together. Bend and unbend them at a calm pace. Do 10 times.
  2. At any free time, tuck and relax your toes.
  3. Lie on the floor on your back. Relax. Straighten your legs. Pull your toes toward you as much as possible.
  4. Helps well breathing exercises to contract the uterus, which can be done several times daily. Lie on your back. Bend your legs. Breathe deeply and evenly. Connect your abdominal muscles to this process. Lift up abdominal wall as you inhale and lower it as you exhale. Help yourself with sliding movements of your hands towards the pubic bone from the navel.
  5. Exhaling, squeeze your pelvic muscles and pull your navel as close to your chest as possible. Concentrate on the sensations in your lower abdomen. Hold your breath for 10 seconds.
  6. Such exercise must necessarily include: alternately strain (squeeze) the muscles anus and vagina.
  7. Exercise regularly to promote postpartum uterine contractions. Prepare an exercise ball. You will need to perform the exercise on a non-slip floor. Sit on the ball, squeeze your intimate muscles. In this position, raise your leg and hold it suspended for about 10 seconds. Repeat the same movements with the second leg.
  8. Sitting on a gymnastic ball, perform circular movements with your pelvis in both directions.
  9. Sitting on the ball, swing in different directions.

Exercises for rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth should not be performed by those who have had stitches. First you will need to wait for them to heal completely.

Special cases

In some cases, postpartum uterine contraction differs in features, which better for a woman know in advance so as not to be scared and be prepared for the unexpected.

After the second birth

Most often, uterine contractions after the second birth occur much more intensely. Therefore, in the first days, the chest may be very sore and swollen, especially during feeding, and also breaks the lower abdomen and perineum. The sensation may be so painful that your doctor will prescribe a pain reliever. Select independently medical supplies and folk remedies are not recommended, as they can negatively affect lactation.

After artificial birth

Contractions of the uterus after artificial birth also cause some concern, since the body does not perceive them properly. Therefore, in most cases, they are prescribed medications or folk remedies are used to speed up the process.

Another danger is severe bleeding, which is not normal: it needs to be stopped as quickly as possible. Afterwards, the recovery period depends on the period at which the pregnancy was terminated. Typically, the time of uterine contraction ranges from 3 days to 2 weeks, no more if everything goes without complications.

The female body, despite modern development science and medicine, still remains a mystery. The uterus is one of its most amazing organs. Only she has such amazing elasticity and can change sizes on such a scale. To help her recover faster, you need to perform various physical exercises and consult a doctor in a timely manner. Folk remedies that help increase uterine contractions during this period should be used with extreme caution. There are standards with which you need to constantly compare your feelings, the composition of the discharge and the timing.


Drugs for uterine contraction are divided into three main groups depending on the direction of action in relation to the muscle fibers of the uterine body:

  1. Drugs that increase rhythmic contractions and tone.
  2. Medicines that primarily affect tone.
  3. Drugs that suppress uterine contractions.

The drugs from the first group mainly include oxytocin and prostaglandin preparations. The second category of medications is designed to stop bleeding and is represented by ergometrine. The third group of drugs is the most extensive and includes drugs such as Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, No-spa, Magnesium sulfate, Ginipral, Fenoterol, Terbutaline, as well as Analgin-quinine - a drug that has a dual mechanism: it eliminates pain and spasm during painful menstruation, and increases uterine contraction after childbirth.

Medicines to contract the uterus can be used by doctors for a variety of purposes. After childbirth, medications are traditionally used to enhance uterine contractions. This is necessary for normal organ involution and reducing the risk of bleeding.

Drugs that contract the uterus during profuse, intense bleeding, for example, in the postpartum period or as a consequence of endometrial hyperplasia, are aimed at the tone of the uterine muscles - rapid contraction of the myometrium leads to spasm of the bleeding arteries.

Uterine contractions, in terms of suppressing this activity, are aimed at combating premature birth, threatened abortion, and algomenorrhea.

Means for suppressing uterine contractions

Medicines that are used to reduce the contractile activity of the muscle fibers of the uterus are represented by the following groups:

  1. B₂ - adrenergic agonists (Ginipral, Salbutamol, Terbutaline, Ritodrine, Ginipral) act directly on receptors in muscle cells and directly inhibit their contraction. Drugs that inhibit uterine contractions—suppress them—are used to stop premature labor and miscarriage. Most often, Ginipral tablets and injections are prescribed.
  2. Vasodilators (Magnesium sulfate). Magnesia prevents contraction in large dosages. The main mechanism of action of this medicine is vasodilation. Intravenous injections magnesia can relax the myometrium by changing calcium metabolism in muscle fibers. Magnesium is a calcium antagonist. In addition, the vessels of the uterine body dilate and blood flow increases.
  3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to inhibit organ contraction are the safest drugs from the tocolytic group. They relieve pain and relax the uterus. Most often, doctors prescribe ibuprofen, diclofenac and metamizole (Analgin) in tablet form.
  4. Antispasmodics with myotropic effects are necessary to relax smooth muscles. In gynecology, No-shpa tablets, papaverine injections and suppositories are most often used. Uterine contraction is suppressed and pain is eliminated.

It is noteworthy that a drug that affects the contractile activity of the myometrium, such as Analgin-quinine, simultaneously stimulates uterine contractions and eliminates painful spasms. Analgin or metamizole suppresses pain and contraction, and quinine enhances myometrial contraction when used in combination with oxytocin.

Analgin-quinine and other NSAIDs have expressed positive effect on cramps during painful menstruation, bringing relief.

Algodysmenorrhea is the main indication for the prescription of Analgin-quinine tablets in gynecology. Pain syndrome in women during menstruation, for example, with endometriosis, it often requires the use of various tablets. Nonsteroidal drugs relieve pain, as well as these drugs suppress uterine contractions and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The least toxic drug from this group is Ibuprofen. This medicine is part of such products as Deblok, Mig-400, Nurofen, Solpadein, Solpaflex.

If a woman has rather painful contractions of the uterus, Analgin-quinine tablets and other drugs from the group of non-steroids will suppress pain and cramps within 20 - 40 minutes and the drug will act for 3 - 4 hours.

The main indications for prescribing drugs that suppress uterine contractions are the following:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • onset of labor before 37 weeks of gestation;
  • suppression of myometrial contractile activity during surgical interventions;
  • algodismenorrhea.

With ICN, premature birth When an abortion begins, injections are given to suppress uterine contractions until the critical condition is stopped. Then they switch to tablets to stabilize the contractile activity of muscle fibers.

Mechanism of action and rules for taking Analgin-quinine

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which include Analgin-quinine tablets, have a general pharmacodynamic effect, the result of which is to change the contractile activity of the myometrium.

Analgin-quinine is combination drug, consisting of two components having different action to the uterus.

The tablets consist of the following substances:

  1. Metamizole is a direct representative of NSAIDs; the mechanism of action is associated with a disruption in the formation of prostaglandins in muscle tissue, which can increase the sensitivity of pain receptors to pain mediators. The amount of prostaglandins decreases and pain is suppressed, which is important for algodismenorrhea.
  2. Quinine is an antimalarial drug, one of the actions of which is to increase uterine contractions. Such additional effect medicine allows the use of Analgin-quinine tablets in obstetrics, and not just for the treatment of malaria.

Analgin-quinine is used to contract the uterus when weakness of labor and myometrial atony in the postpartum period.

Analgin-quinine is used only in the early period after childbirth - during the first week. Tablets that contract the uterus allow the process of involution to proceed normally, which helps avoid dangerous complication- bleeding. The muscles contract and close the lumen of the blood vessels of the placental site, as a result of which the bleeding stops and the uterus returns to its normal size.

By the end of the 10th day after birth, the uterus should have contracted by half and its bottom should not be palpable above the pubis.

Metamizole, which is part of Analgin-quinine tablets, is highly toxic to hematopoietic processes. The drug is prohibited for use in children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, therefore Analgin-quinine is rarely used in obstetrics. A component such as quinine also has similar contraindications. Its use is relevant if a woman for some reason does not breastfeed. In addition, the use of the medicine is appropriate for provocation or after artificial birth (dead fetus, defects incompatible with life).

Analgin-quinine tablets are taken to contract the uterus as follows:

  1. For weak labor, take 2 tablets every half hour, a total of 6 times. The effect of the drug begins after two hours.
  2. To enhance the contraction of myomtherium after childbirth, injections of pure quinine are used: 50% quinine in saline solution is injected intravenously. The woman almost instantly feels the result: the myometrium contracts sharply and painfully.

Main side effects Analgin-quinine tablets are:

Metamizole may cause:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • feeling of heartbeat;
  • hives

Quinine can lead to the following:

  • temperature increase;
  • visual and hearing impairment.

A medicine for contraction of the uterus after childbirth, Analgin-quinine, has a pronounced toxic effect on the organs of hearing - precisely due to quinine, which explains its rare use in obstetrics during a healthy full-term pregnancy.

Analgin-quinine tablets for weak labor are used only in combination with other drugs that enhance uterine contractions, most often with oxytocin.

To relieve spasms and pain during menstruation, Analgin-quinine is used 1 or 2 pieces twice or thrice a day after meals.

Drugs to enhance contractile activity and tone

Means that contract the uterus are divided into two groups:

  1. Medicines to increase rhythmic contractions of the uterus.
  2. Agents that have an effect on tone.

Drugs from the first group include two basic subgroups:

  1. Oxytocin.
  2. Prostaglandins.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the number of oxytocin receptors in the myometrium increases. A large number of receptors are maintained throughout last days before childbirth, during childbirth and in the first days after childbirth. At this time, oxytocin helps obstetricians stimulate labor when it is weak, and contract the uterus when it is atony in the postpartum period.

Oxytocin for uterine contractions after childbirth used only in the early period - during the first days.

Analgin-quinine tablets are used in combination with intravenous oxytocin to potentiate the effect.

In addition to oxytocin injections, its derivative in the form of tablets, Demoxytocin, is widely used - the medicine can quickly dissolve in the oral cavity and quickly have an effect.

Means for uterine contraction such as oxytocin in the form of injections and tablets are contraindicated in the presence of a history of cesarean section, abnormal fetal position, narrow pelvis and large fetus.

The antispasmodic drug No-shpa and oxytocin for uterine contractions are used in the first stage of labor to soften the cervix, relieve painful spasms and enhance productive contractions.

In the late postpartum period or before 36 weeks of pregnancy, the administration of oxytocin does not lead to contraction. The medicine does not have a point of application - the required number of receptors is missing. Therefore, prostaglandins are used to stimulate labor and prevent hypotension.

Prostaglandin preparations for uterine contraction after childbirth have the following effects:

  1. Compared to oxytocin, prostaglandins do not require receptors and are therefore used throughout pregnancy to induce labor as indicated.
  2. In addition to enhancing contractions, they help open and smooth the cervix.

Prostaglandin injections to contract the uterus after childbirth are used to a lesser extent than tablets, as they can cause vomiting and diarrhea when administered intravenously. Medicines such as Dinoprost, Dinoprostone when administered intravenously can lead to arterial hypertension and bronchospasm, therefore used with caution, especially with gestosis. These drugs are also used to terminate pregnancy in the second trimester by introducing it into the fetal sac.

Medicines in the form of tablets and vaginal gels, for example, Prostenongel, Prepidil are the most popular in gynecology to enhance contractions.

Drugs that cause uterine contractions are also used to terminate pregnancy before the 42nd day of absence of menstruation. They use a medicine containing prostaglandin - Misoprostol tablets in combination with the antigestagen Mifepristone.

For atony and impaired involution of the uterine body, a sign of which is bleeding, ergot alkaloid preparations are used. These medications, which contract the uterus, are used in the postpartum period in the form of injections.

Normal contractile activity of the uterine body is an important stage during the postpartum period. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a number of highly effective drugs, pushing aside outdated and toxic drugs such as Analgin-quinine, offering natural medicines or their synthetic analogues.