What homemade food can you feed your kitten? Proper feeding of kittens. When to start feeding kittens - why exactly a month

Proper and balanced nutrition for a kitten up to one year is one of the important aspects of its life. Its further health, activity and ability to reproduce depend on this. Before you get yourself a small pet, you need to study the information about how many times a day and what exactly you should feed it. This depends on the following indicators: the age of the kitten, its weight and the composition of the food that it will receive in the future.

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    Number of meals per day

    The very first point that a new owner must learn is how many times a day the kitten needs to be fed. If there is a cat in the house that feeds a small pet, then the task is noticeably easier, since it is she who monitors the diet of her baby. If the kitten was acquired at a very young age or was found still blind, then an approximate feeding schedule is presented below:

    Once a kitten reaches one year of age, it is considered an adult and feeding should be reduced to twice a day. But there are breeds that are considered adults only by the age of three, for example, Maine Coons.

    Features of feeding by month

    Depending on the age and weight of the pet, its feeding varies.

    Up to 1 month, the animal needs a special mixture that will replace mother's milk. It is sold in a specialized store. If it is not possible to buy a cat milk substitute, you can mix four parts goat milk (boiled) and one part egg white (raw). The resulting mixture is whipped and heated to the required temperature. It is best to use a bottle for food so that the baby develops a sucking reflex faster. As a last resort, you can feed your pet baby formula, but it must be diluted twice as thin as for a child.

    In the first two days of a kitten’s life, you need to feed every two hours day and night, and on the 3rd, 4th, 5th day - every two hours during the day and three hours at night. In the first week of a kitten’s life, the feeding temperature should be 38–39 degrees. The volume in the first four days is 30 milliliters per hundred grams of weight, and then until the end of the week – 38 milliliters.

    In the second week, the kitten needs to be fed every four hours, no matter whether it is day or night, the volume remains the same. The only thing that changes is the temperature of the mixture. It must be lowered to 32 degrees.

    In the third week, the volume of the mixture must be increased to 46 milliliters per hundred grams of the pet’s weight, and the temperature reduced to 30 degrees. The baby should also receive food every four hours.

    In the fourth week, the volume of the mixture remains 46 milliliters, but you can gradually add lean beef and low-calorie cottage cheese.

    It is necessary to pay attention to how the kitten gains weight. A newborn baby weighs 80–130 grams, depending on the breed. After one week, the weight should double, and thereafter the increase per week is 100 grams.

    Closer to 1 month, the kitten can be given liquid milk porridge in addition to the formula.

    When feeding, it is important to observe the food temperature: it should be at least 30 degrees.

    Starting from the fifth week, the kitten should be taught to eat food from a bowl. To do this, first, lubricate the baby’s mouth with porridge or a mixture and bring it to a small plate. A hungry pet will begin to lap from the cup on its own.

    1–2 months

    A one-month-old kitten is already feeding independently from a bowl and can be given solid food, which must be ground in a blender. The diet of a two-month-old baby includes: boiled meat (no more than 15 grams at a time), liquid porridge, milk, soft cheese, low-fat cottage cheese. It is advisable to include calcium and phosphorus supplements in the menu.

    A prerequisite is the availability of freely available water so that the kitten can quench its thirst at any time. The water should always be fresh and clean, so it should be changed as often as possible.

    A kitten appeared in the house - what and how to feed it?

    Closer to four months, fish can be given once a week. It should be low-fat, sea and boiled. To all this you can cook buckwheat, rice, porridge, and give cottage cheese. So that the kitten can get essential vitamins, you should include dry food and canned cat food in your diet.

    Up to three months, kittens tend to gain excess weight, so the owner should carefully monitor the animal’s diet.

    4 months and older

    During this period, the kitten is also fed meat. If it is beef, then you should boil it for 30 minutes or serve it raw (before that, it must be in the freezer for at least three days). Vegetables should be mixed with the porridge. Twice a week you need to give an egg yolk, and add kefir or yogurt to fermented milk products.

    After five months, a pet develops its gastronomic tastes, so its menu is compiled individually according to preferences. If the animal is on a natural diet, then at this age you can add complex vitamins and minerals.

This article will help you learn how to properly feed a kitten, calculate its diet, and avoid giving junk food.

What dangers await kittens at the bowl?

  • unbalanced diet

Improper feeding affects the growth and development of the baby, leading to external defects and internal problems, and sometimes even death.

  • poorly selected nutrition

Incorrect choice of ready-made feeds, natural nutrition, causing allergic reactions- all this also negatively affects the growing body.

It is also important not to forget about a certain feeding schedule that is different from the schedule of an adult cat.

Kitten feeding regimen

First, it is important to understand WHEN to introduce complementary foods and how often to feed the kitten. You, of course, can be guided by the kitten's hungry look, but it is better not to awaken the beast in him, and 3-4 weeks after birth, begin to gradually feed the baby.

By 4 weeks of age, a stable eating schedule should be established.

The baby should receive additional feeding 4-7 times a day.

But there are stalemate situations when kittens need additional feeding much more often.

How many times a day should you feed your kitten?

  • age up to 2 weeks – 10 times a day (with night coverage);
  • feeding a one-month-old kitten – 8 times a day (including the night);
  • 1 - 2 months - 7 times a day (night is already excluded);
  • 2 - 3 months - 6 times a day;
  • 4 months - 5 months - 5 times a day;
  • 5 - 9 months - 4 times a day;
  • 9 - 12 months - 3 times a day;
  • Feeding kittens from 1 year of age becomes twice a day (for example, 9:00 – 21:00).

How much food to give a kitten:

  • Age 1 week – 30 ml per 100 g of kitten weight;
  • 2 weeks – 38 ml per 100 g of kitten’s weight;
  • 3 weeks – 48 ml per 100 g of kitten’s weight;
  • 4 weeks and subsequent – ​​48-53 ml per 100 grams of kitten weight.

How much food should a kitten receive per day?

  • At 1.5 months, a baby needs about 120 grams of food per day;
  • We feed a two-month-old kitten more - 160-180 grams per day;
  • During the period of active growth (3 months – 6 months) daily norm feed 180-240 grams, with at least 40 grams of meat;
  • A six-month-old baby needs up to 180 grams of food per day;
  • At 10-12 months, the period when the kitten’s activity decreases, the daily food intake is 150-200 grams.

What foods can you feed a kitten?

Remember that the food you put in your kitten's bowl should never be hot or cold. It is optimal if there is food room temperature.

It is important to remember the consistency of food - it is better if the first portions are mushy and do not contain solid pieces. At home, a blender or an ordinary grater for milking vegetables will help with this.

With the arrival of a kitten in the house, many owners begin to ask questions - what to feed the new four-legged family member and is it possible to give him natural food? Homemade food, of course, is perfect for feeding a kitten, but it also has its own specific nuances.

A kitten who is only a couple of months old will certainly Adult cat food is not suitable. Of course, a kitten can be fed with specialized industrial food, which is available in abundance in veterinary stores, but many owners still lean towards a diet consisting of natural food.

The choice of natural products for feeding a kitten is quite reasonable. Firstly, the owner prepares the food himself and knows exactly about all its ingredients, and certainly does not flavor it with all kinds of dyes and preservatives that are present in ready-made economy-class food. But since many kittens are prone to allergies, stomach upsets, and their immunity is still quite weak, especially in the first months of life, it can be very problematic for an inexperienced owner to create a natural diet. So what kind of homemade food can you feed two-month-old kittens and are there any prohibited foods?

How to properly create a diet: basic rules

As a rule, by 2 months, kittens are already able to lap up milk from a bowl on their own and are weaned from the cat's breast. During this period, it is already possible to switch from feeding milk to natural food. Make the transition from milk to solid foods necessary gradually so as not to harm the growing body of the pet.

It's no secret that a balanced and nutritious diet is the key to the health of any cat. A growing body needs a diet enriched with vitamins and minerals that contribute to the active growth of fluffy.

If the diet chosen by the owner is not to the kitten’s liking and he stubbornly refuses to eat the dishes prepared for him, then there is no need to insist. The best thing in this situation adjust your diet.

The owner must also take into account the fact that preparing food for a pet may take a certain amount of time. It is impossible to give a kitten everything from a common table, and the owner will have to cook for it separately. In addition to the baby’s tastes, it is necessary to take into account beneficial features products, the breed of the fluffy, his health condition and gender.

How many times should you feed your little pet and should you give him food at night? This question is also of great concern to furry owners. So, as for the amount of food intake, a two-month-old kitten needs to be fed up to 7 times a day, and a little later up to 6 times. At the same time, it is no longer necessary to feed the baby at night. Until the baby reaches 2 months of age, he needs to be fed 8 times a day - 7 times during the day and 1 at night.

Homemade food is absolutely harmless to the kitten, provided that the diet is formulated correctly. By adhering to these basic rules and familiarizing yourself with the list of healthy and approved foods for feeding a two-month-old kitten, which will be presented below, creating the right menu for a furry gourmet will not be so difficult.

Advantages and disadvantages of feeding homemade food

To the main benefits of natural nutrition for a 2-month-old kitten may include:

There are far fewer disadvantages to feeding natural foods than there are advantages. So, the owner must constantly ensure that the kitten’s diet includes: the prohibited product was not included, which may cause food allergies or harm digestion.

A lack of vitamins can also be considered a deficiency. But this problem can be easily solved - just feed the kitten with vitamin supplements. You can buy them at any veterinary pharmacy and add them to your baby’s meals, while observing the dosage.

What foods can you feed a 2 month old kitten?

The first thing the owner needs to remember is that the baby’s daily diet should be 60% consist of protein products. It's better for him to be an animal. The largest amount of protein is found in meat and fish.

In addition to protein, the growing body of a small cat needs a variety of microelements and vitamins. Calcium is especially important for promoting the growth of healthy teeth and strong bones. Products fortified with calcium include dairy and fermented milk products.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to feed a 2-month-old kitten kefir and other fermented milk products. The answer is obvious - not only possible, but also necessary. As mentioned above, these products are rich in calcium and therefore you can feed your baby not only kefir, but also fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and thin natural yogurt without fillers.

As for meat products, it is advisable to add lean chicken, veal and turkey to your small pet’s diet. It must be passed through a meat grinder (you can also use store-bought ready-made minced meat) or added to the broth after boiling thoroughly. Raw and fatty meat (pork) is contraindicated for a tiny pet.

Over time, you can gradually add it to the diet of a two-month-old kitten. low-fat cottage cheese, flavored with low-fat sour cream or ready-made children's cottage cheese.

You can also feed your baby porridge. It is necessary to cook porridge with milk, cereals or cereals. Diet soups with rice, buckwheat or oatmeal are also suitable. Porridge can also be mixed with meat or fish so that the kitten does not get used to meat in pure form and at the same time received the protein his body needed.

Vegetables are also beneficial for a growing cat's body. In their raw form, grated, you can give carrots, pumpkin, and white cabbage. Vegetables, if desired, can also be added to soups made with meat broth.

As for fish, which is a source of phosphorus, it must be low-fat and marine. Fish for a two-month-old baby needs to be thoroughly boiled and pitted.

A small pet will also benefit from sprouted wheat or oat sprouts, half a teaspoon of vegetable oil three times a day, and brewer's yeast for kittens.

To the list foods prohibited for feeding a two-month-old kitten include the following:

There are also a number certain products, which are allowed to be given to a pet only in very limited quantities. These include:

Basic rules for caring for a 2 month old kitten

We should not forget that a kitten is not a funny soft toy, but a living creature that needs attention and care. The kitten needs not only to be fed, but also to be looked after during this difficult period for it. Since babies are separated from their mother cat at 2 months of age, they experience stress and therefore need the love of their owner. Compliance simple rules will be quite enough for the baby to grow up happy, energetic and cheerful.

Firstly, the most important thing is not to shout, and especially not to hit in case of disobedience or refusal to eat. The baby is just getting to know this world and it is quite difficult for him to get used to new conditions right away. The baby needs to be gradually accustomed to being held, played with and caressed more.

Secondly, you should not immediately introduce a 2-month-old baby to other pets in the house. He needs to be given time to adapt to new conditions. Over time, the baby himself will show interest in other animals and get to know them.

Thirdly, a kitten at this age is still very small and vulnerable, so you should not let small children play with it, who may cause accidental harm to the baby.

Restless and inquisitive kittens love to explore the world. Like small children, kittens taste everything. As a result, they chew on wires, ropes, litter, and fringe. To avoid injury, kittens should be monitored and try to keep them away from electrical wires.

It’s not worth playing teasing to develop aggression in a small pet. It’s better to play with it with a string or a piece of paper tied to it.

Many owners also allow kittens to play with their hand, and if the claws of a baby do not harm a person, then the sharp and tenacious claws of an adult cat they'll scratch her pretty bad. You should not accustom your pet to such games - as he grows up, he remembers and gets used to them, and it will no longer be possible to wean a cat from such pranks in adulthood.

It’s also not worth forcing games on. If the baby is hiding, then it is better to leave him alone for a while and not try to pull him out. As soon as the furry baby wants to eat or communicate with the owner, she will come out of her hiding place.

A growing and developing organism especially needs properly selected microelements and nutrients. Therefore, it is so important for any owner to know what to feed the kitten in order to provide it with all the necessary ingredients.

Poor nutrition, in turn, can cause allergic reactions and lead to serious health problems.

Basic rules for feeding kittens

Any food for babies should be at optimal room temperature (in no case hot or cold). Until the kitten starts teething, it needs mushy food.

It is also important how many times a day to feed the kittens. Overeating is quite dangerous for the health of children. To prevent this, you need to strictly adhere to the feeding rules. A one-month-old kitten should eat up to 7 times a day.

Gradually the number of feedings is reduced. By the age of three months - up to 6 times a day, from 5 to 9 months the pet is fed 4 times a day, and by one year it can already be transferred to two meals a day.

  1. Up to 3 months, kittens need to be given up to 180 g of food per day.
  2. During the period of active growth (usually from 3 to 6 months), they require a larger amount of feed - from 180 to 240 g.
  3. Then it decreases again and at the age of 10 to 12 months the daily norm is from 150 to 200 g of food.

Food for kittens

When choosing a diet consisting of natural products, preference should be given to the following:

  • Meat (lean beef, lamb). Considering that a cat at any age is a predator, this product should make up the bulk of the entire menu. It is recommended to serve the meat boiled. You can feed liver about 1-2 times a week. Chicken meat must be boiled to avoid salmonellosis.
  • Porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice). They are mixed with boiled chicken, fish or meat in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Vegetables (both raw and cooked). They can be alternated with porridges, grated.
  • Egg yolk is fed approximately once a week.
  • Kittens need milk only during the first 3 months of life. Then it is practically not absorbed by the body and can cause stomach upset. Kittens need low-fat fermented milk products such as kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, and sour cream.
  • During the period of growth, the kitten’s body requires a certain amount of vitamins and microelements. Before purchasing any vitamin complex at a pet store, you need to consult a veterinarian.
  • A bowl of clean water for drinking should be available to the kitten at all times.

How to feed a newborn kitten?

There are situations in life when, for some reason, born cubs are left without a mother or the cat does not have milk. And then you have to make some efforts to feed the babies.

Today, veterinary pharmacies offer special milk replacers. But you can prepare a similar mixture yourself by mixing low-fat cream (5 ml), boiled water (3 ml) and glucose (2 ml). For one meal, 2 ml of this food is enough for the baby.

There are other cooking recipes. For example, raw egg yolk and 0.5 liters of concentrated milk.

It is very important not only what to feed a newborn kitten, but also how to do it if he still cannot eat on his own. This is usually done using a syringe without a needle or a small bottle with a nipple. The interval between feedings should be 2 hours.

Diet of kittens from 1 to 10 months

As babies grow, solid foods are gradually introduced along with the formula - boiled egg yolk, cereal, cottage cheese, meat, vegetables and fruits. When kittens turn 1 month old, they begin to show great interest in different foods.

Some people are very attracted to cucumbers or apples, while others cannot tear themselves away from melons. The sooner the baby meets different types vegetables and fruits, the more likely it is that he will appreciate them and will be happy to eat them in the future.

At the age of 1.5 months, kittens can be taught to eat on their own from a bowl. During this period, rapid growth begins, the formation of the skeleton and gastrointestinal tract. Food should be especially rich in proteins and vitamins. At 2 months, the teeth are already cutting through, and the kitten can be given small pieces of meat and vegetables.

Each new product should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small doses and bringing it to normal in at least a week. At the same time, carefully monitor the condition and behavior of the pet.

When a kitten reaches the age of 3–4 months, it begins to actively gain weight. It is necessary to ensure that the diet is dominated by foods that promote growth muscle mass.

Gradually, by the age of 10 months, the kitten develops taste preferences. However, you should not indulge his whims and treat him with foods that are contraindicated for cats.

What should you not feed your kitten?

It is better to replace cow's milk with goat's milk. River fish (especially raw fish) is prohibited for kittens - it provokes the development of urolithiasis and infection with worms.

Sausages, smoked meats, spices, spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the cat's diet. Potatoes and legumes are not digested by kittens' intestines, which causes bloating.

You should not give sweets, especially chocolate. The theobromine it contains can cause severe poisoning.

Ready-made feed - basic rules for use

Using dry food is very convenient. They are balanced and contain all the substances necessary for full development and growth. Moreover, they are practical - such food can be left in a bowl for the whole day without fear of it spoiling.

It is only important to know how to feed a small pet correctly so as not to harm its still fragile digestive system. Under no circumstances should you mix natural products with ready-made feed.

This is absolutely different types nutrition, and the intestines simply do not have time to rebuild, in this case it can acquire problems such as obstruction, gastroenteritis, etc.

Dry food begins to be given no more than 1-2 times a day and little by little, gradually increasing the portion. It can be pre-soaked in water.

The basis of the diet should still be wet food for kittens. Canned food also contains all the necessary vitamins, so additional supplements should not be used.

The most popular foods for kittens

Having made a choice in favor of ready-made dry food, preference should be given only to proven and reliable manufacturers that produce premium and super-premium products.


This is a super premium food that is completely balanced and does not contain grains, dyes or preservatives. The range of flavors, however, is quite modest - fish, chicken and lamb.

Royal Canin

The absence of the prefix super in the name of the food indicates that it is not good enough. However, the demand for it is great due to the whole range of available advantages.

Royal Canin products have a wide range of flavors; there is a veterinary line that allows you to select food in accordance with the individual characteristics of the kitten. In addition, it is quite affordable.

ProPlan Junior

This is premium dry food for kittens, the main advantages of which are its balanced composition. It contains prebiotics and natural meat.

A disadvantage of Proplan food can be considered the presence of preservatives, corn and soy, which can cause allergies in a kitten, and a large number of vegetable protein.


The company, founded more than 60 years ago, is one of the most popular on the Russian market. The composition of Hill's food for kittens best meets the needs of a growing organism.

It is able not only to provide adequate nutrition for the baby, but also to lay the foundations for health for life.


It has been proven that this brand of food significantly strengthens immune system kitten, has a positive effect on the development of vision and brain, promotes the growth of muscle mass and bones.

There are no preservatives, dyes or GMOs in its composition. Purina food for kittens contains natural fiber necessary to maintain intestinal microflora.
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What to feed a kitten? Most articles on the Internet on this topic indirectly or directly advertise expensive premium food. But let's face it: most families in our country cannot afford such luxury. And I want to have a fluffy pet at home. In addition, no matter how superb the food is, imagine the situation - you feed it to an animal all its life. Now think about it, would you like to eat the same canned food all your life? No? Why should a representative of the cat family suffer? He also wants variety in food. Plus, feeding with natural food is closest to the type of nutrition genetically inherent in nature. Now let’s take a closer look at what to feed the kitten. And at the same time we’ll tell you a recipe for busy people.

Age 0-30 days

Anything can happen in life, and it is not uncommon for a baby to be left without breast milk. We will not describe all the possible reasons why this happened. Now the most important thing is to provide for the baby good nutrition for initial starting growth.

The most common mistake is to try to feed the kitten whole cow's milk during this period. They say that in villages they always gave it to cats to drink and nothing happened. And they omit a small clarification: adult cats, although a similar product is not recommended for them.

What to do? There are several ways out:

  1. Buy cat milk replacer at a veterinary pharmacy.
  2. Dilute with clean boiled water cow's milk. The proportions are 2 to 3. That is, take 3 tablespoons of milk for 2 tablespoons of water.
  3. Buy a pack of sugar-free baby formula. By the way, it will last a long time.
  4. Find a cat nurse. But it is not a fact that she will accept the orphan.

As you can see, until the baby is one month old, you will have to feed it from a syringe or pipette. Don't worry, time will fly by quickly and the next period will come.

Advice. Do not try to feed your kitten another food for up to a month, otherwise you will become a regular client of the veterinary clinic.

Age 30-90 days

As with any child, the time has come for a cat baby to introduce complementary foods. Just don’t pour everything into your kitten’s bowl at once. Try one thing first. Then watch the baby for a couple of days. Does the stool remain normal? Is the kitten cheerful, playful, and eats with appetite? So feel free to continue the experiment. At the slightest sign of depression or change in stool to a liquid state, stop giving complementary foods. Or replace the product with another one.

What to feed a kitten at this age:

  • raw meat (veal, chicken, horse meat, beef)
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir)
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet)
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, zucchini)
  • boiled and raw egg yolks (chicken, quail)
  • offal (liver, lung, heart)

The last two items are a rare delicacy, and not a permanent part of the menu. Because they are too difficult for the kitten’s still weak intestines to tolerate.

The general cooking rules are very simple:

  1. Raw meat is thoroughly frozen, then scraped or ground in a meat grinder.
  2. The same is done with offal.
  3. Boiled meat is ground in a meat grinder and diluted with a small amount of broth until it becomes mushy.
  4. Boiled yolk or cottage cheese is passed through a garlic press and diluted with low-fat kefir.
  5. Porridge is cooked in water or diluted milk. Sugar and salt are not added.
  6. Vegetables are boiled in water and ground into a paste. Or cut into very small cubes.

In principle, it will be easier for those who have cooked for their child. Because the menu is very similar, the preparation is also the same. The question arises: why grind? Because the kitten’s jaw apparatus is fully formed only by 3 months. Until this time, hard and large pieces of food are contraindicated.

Advice. Use a grater and garlic press. They are much easier to clean than a blender or meat grinder. And not everyone will agree to take out and assemble the unit for the sake of 30 g of food.

Age 90-150 days

At this point, the kitten's teeth and jaws are fully formed. Therefore, you can forget about the grater. But you'll have to pick up a knife. Because pieces that are too large will only be slobbered on and thoroughly chewed, but they will never get into the kitten’s stomach.

But now you don’t have to necessarily cook the meat and vegetable components of the menu. Of course, you will still have to cook the porridge, because kittens do not eat raw cereals. Raw fish is added to the diet. Strictly sea and boneless. River fish is contraindicated!

The milk is completely removed. It is replaced with low-fat cottage cheese or fermented milk products. You can sometimes give egg whites, raw ones. But teenage kittens often become indifferent to eggs in general. But at this time, unexpected taste habits are formed. Therefore, it is very important now to diversify your pet’s menu as much as possible. Otherwise, he will get used to one product and simply ignore the rest.

By the way, there are many known cases when kittens after 3 months demanded completely non-cat products:

  • corn
  • chocolate
  • raw potatoes
  • sunflower seeds
  • fresh cucumbers
  • dried fruits

Every normal person understands that such nutrition does not contribute to full development and good growth kitten Some make excuses by feeding the fluffy another candy: “Well, he loves it!”

You never know who loves it! But cats also have diabetes, obesity, urolithiasis disease and other human diseases. And they do not arise on their own. Domestic cats are fed by humans, which means that it is he who is to blame for the pet’s illness.

Do you want to pamper your kitten? Give him a prohibited non-cat product. But very little and very rarely. Let it remain a delicacy or a reward, but not a permanent menu item.

Age 150 days and older

Your kitten is no longer the same little one that appeared in the house. But it is not yet a fully grown animal. The frequency of feedings decreases, the size of the pieces increases. By the way, do not feed your kitten food from your table, at any age. Human food is too salty and fatty for animals.

What to feed the kitten now:

  • raw meat
  • fresh offal
  • sour milk
  • broths
  • raw sea fish
  • fresh vegetables

As a treat, you can give all kinds of cartilage and unsalted low-fat cheese. Any bones are strictly contraindicated! They are too sharp when chewed, and the fragments can injure the esophagus or stomach of even an adult animal, not to mention a baby.

By the way, you need to teach a kitten to eat in one place from a young age. It happens that the owners first pamper the baby, giving him pieces from their plate, and then chase the adult pet, which roams around the tables. So it’s your own fault!

What not to give to a kitten

Despite the fact that it has long been customary to feed cats certain foods, we still do not recommend taking risks and shortening the life of your pet. So that they don't show up ahead of time various diseases, you can’t feed the kitten:

  • sausages, frankfurters and similar products
  • potatoes in any form
  • pasta
  • smoked meats
  • rice
  • mushrooms
  • canned food
  • bread
  • oil
  • sweets
  • tomatoes

Of course, nothing bad will happen from one piece. But if you systematically consume food from this list, your kitten will get a whole bunch of diseases and ailments, including fatal poisoning.

Recipe for very busy people

Not every person has enough time to prepare food for a kitten every day. What to do if sometimes after work there is practically no energy left for the kitchen? Grab the recipe and you’ll thank me later.

You will need:

  • meat grinder
  • cling film
  • 4 parts chicken fillet or veal
  • 1 part offal
  • 1 part egg yolks
  • 5 parts boiled cereal
  • 3 parts boiled vegetables
  • free day off

Grind all this stuff in a meat grinder, then knead thoroughly. Now place a piece of mass on the spread cling film and cover it with another layer of film on top. Now take a rolling pin in your hands and roll out a thin cake. Then put it in the freezer along with the film. A few of these cakes - and your pet will be provided with food for a long time.

They came home from work and broke off a piece of the required size. Thawed in the microwave or naturally. Now you can feed the kitten.

Advice. Instead of flatbreads, you can roll out small meatballs. Just freeze them individually on a tray, and only then pour them into a freezer bag or container.

Water. The kitten should always have it within walking distance. Clean, first boiled, until about 3 months of age. Then you can give it raw. Just not straight from the tap! Let it sit for at least 6 hours, at the same time it will warm up to room temperature.

For a breastfeeding kitten, you can replace cow's milk with goat's milk. Just be sure to dilute it with water. Baby food should be prepared according to the instructions on the package, but the amount of water is doubled. A feeding syringe is taken without a needle and with a soft stroke of the piston, this will make it easier to dose the food so that the baby does not choke.

Up to 2 months, a kitten can be given instead of meat products baby food from jars, pates and porridges. For older kids, such a menu is no longer necessary.

Don't let your pet overeat. Babies know no limits and will lap from the bowl as long as there is food in it. No doubt, the kitten, swollen like a balloon, is touching. But here are problems with digestion and trips to veterinary clinic no longer cause attacks of cuteness. For example, at the age of 1 week, 30 ml per feeding is sufficient. And at the age of 5 weeks - only 50 ml at a time. For kittens over 5 months old, the amount of food per feeding is calculated according to the scheme 200 g per 1 kg of live weight. That is, if a baby weighs 1.5 kg, then he needs 300 g of all food at one time, including liquid food.

If possible, purchase vitamin and mineral supplements from a veterinary pharmacy. Add them to your kitten's food periodically according to the instructions, at least until the age of 10 months. And you don’t have to splurge on foreign brands. Our industry produces a sufficient number of inexpensive and high-quality analogues.

You can often hear from some owners: “The soup is sour, I’ll pour it out for the cat.” I just want to say that they themselves should eat such rubbish. Still, a cat is far from a pig, and you shouldn’t feed it spoiled food. Otherwise you’ll be tortured to wash the tray. And it’s good if everything turns out to be simple diarrhea, and not more serious consequences.

And further. Kittens of any age are not given legume products. They are not absorbed by the body at all.

What to feed a kitten? Imagine that this is not a fluffy squeaking creature, but a human baby. This is what you use to create your pet’s menu. Then you definitely won’t make a mistake or do any harm, and the purr will live with you happily ever after.

Video: what to feed a one-month-old kitten