What can you do to get rid of snoring? How to treat snoring at home: recommendations, methods, medications. Treatment of rhonchopathy with drugs

According to statistics, more than 45% of men over 30 snore in their sleep. Many people don’t even think about how complex and dangerous this medical disease is and what consequences it can lead to. Temporary snoring is observed in almost every person, most often it is a manifestation of colds or viral diseases of the respiratory system, physical overexertion or acute emotional stress. It is not considered a pathology and goes away over time. Chronic snoring is dangerous. Constant lack of sleep, drowsiness, irritability of all family members is the least of the troubles. Men with chronic sleep syndrome are more susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, heartburn, shortness of breath, and problems with potency. A stroke or heart attack can result from years of snoring accompanied by attacks of obstructive sleep apnea. Therefore, you should immediately visit a specialist to find out possible reasons snoring, decide on therapeutic method treatment and take action.

Apnea is a disease that occurs when a sleeping person stops breathing. They can be noticed by loved ones who are awake at this time. Rhythmic breathing during sleep suddenly subsides for a few seconds to one minute, then snores louder than usual and continues to snore normally. This condition is called apnea. In the advanced stage, up to 400 attacks can be observed during the night, the total duration of which is about 3 hours.

Each such cessation of breathing during sleep is a severe stress for the body, at this moment it develops oxygen starvation tissues of all organs. Outwardly, this is expressed in a blue tint to the skin of the face and limbs. Frequent and short-term surges blood pressure with apnea, over time they lead to chronic hypertension, which is of a crisis nature, so strokes inevitably accompany patients with apnea who refuse treatment.

An attack of apnea is accompanied by partial or complete awakening of the body, the deep sleep phase is disrupted or disappears completely. Men suffering from this condition may sleep lightly all night and wake up feeling tired. A person who does not fully rest gradually loses his health. Regular headaches, irritability, excessive emotionality, absent-mindedness, inattention, impotence - this is not a complete list possible consequences apnea.

Causes of snoring during sleep

Snoring is a combination of low-frequency sounds made by a sleeping person. Relaxed muscles of the nasopharynx and palate narrow the respiratory lumen, preventing the passage of air. How to deal with snoring in men? To begin with, it is important to install the real reason what's happening. Only then can you choose effective method treatment. Otherwise, therapy may be ineffective or even harmful.

A man may snore due to:

  • congenital anatomical features nasopharynx and palate (long uvula, hypertrophy of the muscles of the soft palate, small jaw, wide tongue);
  • curvature of the nasal septum (congenital or acquired after a facial injury);
  • enlargement of the palatine tonsils (after infectious diseases);
  • hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids);
  • polyps (growths of the nasal mucosa);
  • rhinitis (swelling of the nasal mucosa, accumulation of mucus);
  • excess weight (fat tissue grows throughout the body, including in the neck, compresses the walls of the larynx, reducing the respiratory lumen);
  • drinking alcoholic beverages and sedatives, smoking (alcohol, sedatives and smoking greatly relax the muscles of the nasopharynx);
  • age-related or hormonal changes in the pharynx (with age, muscles lose their elasticity).

How to get rid of snoring for a man

The choice of the most optimal treatment method depends on the cause of its occurrence. The most popular are considered to be an incorrect lifestyle, from excess weight, bad habits. In this case medical intervention not required, for quiet and good sleep It will be enough to put your life in order.

Lifestyle changes, sports, nutrition adjustments

To eliminate obsessive snoring associated with excess weight and bad habits, you should reconsider your lifestyle:

  • switch to proper nutrition (give up flour, sweets, canned, fatty foods, add fruits, vegetables, cereals to your diet);
  • increase physical activity(walk more, plan jogging in the morning, play sports, take breaks in a sedentary job by walking around the office);
  • stop drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • quit smoking;
  • Do not take sedatives and sleeping pills; if necessary, take safer and more natural sedatives (chamomile, motherwort).

Treatment is medicinal

Application drug therapy Nasal congestion is possible only after consultation with a qualified specialist, since many modern drugs are addictive and have an irritating effect on the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can be a consequence of not only an untreated cold or viral disease, but also an allergic reaction of the body (then it is necessary to take nasal drops in parallel with antihistamine therapy).

The most popular antihistamines:

  • Diazolin;
  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Claridol;
  • Clarotadine;
  • Lomilan;
  • Claritin;
  • Telfast.

Doctors most often prescribe for nasal congestion:

  • vasoconstrictor drugs (Rinonorm, Dlynos, Nazivin, Nazol, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Tizin);
  • moisturizing (Aqualor, Aquamaris, Marimer);
  • decongestants (Orinol, Rinofluimucil);
  • antiviral (Grippferon);
  • antimicrobial (Pinosol, Bactroban);
  • hormonal (Nasonex);
  • herbal (Sinupret).

Anti-snoring devices

Available modern medicine There are special tools and devices that promise to get rid of snoring.

Magnetic nose clip “Anti-snoring” in the shape of a small horseshoe creates a special zone with magnetic field, attracting red blood cells. The device affects certain elements of the blood, causing it to move more actively, the airways open, and snoring stops or becomes quieter. The magnetic clip has positive effect, only if the cause of snoring is hidden in nasal congestion, since its effect does not extend to the larynx.

To expand the lumen of the nasopharynx, a variety of oral devices from different manufacturers are used.

Three principles on the basis of which these devices are developed:

  • supporting the tongue against sticking into the throat (helps if the cause of snoring is sleeping on the back with the tongue sticking in);
  • fixing the jaw closed using a chin strap (even if a person lies on his back, the mouth does not open, the muscles of the larynx do not relax, there is no snoring), the device is strictly prohibited for use in case of nasal congestion or swelling, it is prescribed to eliminate snoring as a result of insufficient elasticity of the laryngeal muscles;
  • keeping the jaws open by attaching a device directly to the teeth that prevents the jaw from completely closing.

It is not advisable to purchase and use such devices on your own without first consulting a doctor, since unscrupulous manufacturers do not warn with special inscriptions on the packaging about possible negative consequences. Only a dentist can determine the permissible gap between the jaws.

Getting rid of snoring with surgery

How to cure snoring in a man with a deviated nasal septum? Against congenital or acquired anatomical features of the respiratory system during life conservative treatment powerless. In many cases, surgical surgical intervention can in a few minutes solve a problem that has tormented the patient and his entire family for many years.

After diagnosing a deviated nasal septum, septoplasty is prescribed - a surgical change in its shape.

There are two possible ways to carry out the procedure:

  • endoscopic (using an endoscope, does not leave scars);
  • laser (using a laser beam).

At the end rehabilitation period After the operation, the person regains full and even breathing through the nose.

Their surgical removal using one of the following methods will help improve the patency of the nasal cavity with polyps:

  • polyp cells are burned out with a laser and sealed blood vessels(the least traumatic method, suitable for children, performed on an outpatient basis, does not require hospitalization);
  • an endoscope with a camera allows you to accurately determine the location and size of polyps and remove them without injuring healthy mucous membranes;
  • polypotomy is performed under local anesthesia; a cutting loop is inserted into the nasal cavity, the polyp is captured and excised; multiple polyps can be removed in one procedure.

If adenoids are detected, adenoidectomy can be used - excision of the lymphatic tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil, which covers the nasopharynx when in a horizontal position. After the procedure, normal rhythmic breathing is restored during sleep without choking, snoring, or coughing.

Removal of the palatine tonsils, tonsillectomy, is prescribed to patients with chronic tonsillitis and is performed under general anesthesia.

With age, hormonal or congenital anomalies pharynx, a procedure for its surgical correction is possible, including excision of the palatine tonsils, uvula, soft tissues of the palate with a laser, radio wave or cryo-treatment.

Surgical intervention has many contraindications and possible side effects. They must be taken into account when establishing the need for surgery.

Traditional methods

Snoring is an extremely unpleasant manifestation that has a negative impact not only on a person’s own health, but also affects relationships with loved ones. In most cases, men do not take this problem seriously and do not want to hear about a visit to the doctor, medications or special devices. In such a situation, treatment of snoring with folk remedies comes to the rescue.

Traditional medicine has many fairly effective means of combating snoring and apnea at home:

1. Aromatherapy. If you have an aroma lamp, then the task is simplified. You just need to drip a few drops of eucalyptus into it and leave it in the sleeping person’s room. If there is no special lamp, it is quite possible to replace it with dishes with hot water, to which a few drops are added aromatic oil. Add a little thyme oil to the humidifier and leave the device running overnight. Inhaling warm vapors with eucalyptus or thyme thins the mucus in the nasopharynx and removes it.

2. Using a special set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the nasopharynx will relieve snoring within a month if it was caused by weak muscle tone:

  • prolonged pronunciation of the sound “I” with muscle tension must be repeated every day 20 times;
  • circular movements of the tongue in all directions are performed twice a day for 10 approaches;
  • the tongue needs to be extended as much as possible, trying to reach the chin, hold for a few seconds about 30 times a day;
  • a thin wooden object (for example, a pencil) is held with your teeth, squeezing for a count of three, every day before bed.

3. Folk recipes with vegetables and herbs:

  • Add one teaspoon of honey to a glass of finely ground cabbage leaves. Drink the drink every day before bed;
  • whole medium-sized carrots should be baked in the oven and eaten daily an hour before the evening meal;
  • Three hours before bedtime, you can drop one drop into each nostril. sea ​​buckthorn oil. It helps moisturize and soften the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, helping the outflow of mucus.
  • pour a tablespoon of elderberry, cinquefoil root, horsetail and 2 tablespoons of burdock with a glass of boiling water. Leave the decoction for at least an hour and drink a tablespoon every three hours;
  • drink a decoction to gargle from oak bark and calendula flowers, poured boiling water and infused for several hours.

Ways to prevent snoring

To avoid snoring after 30 years, you need to take care of your health in advance, maintaining normal body weight and not allowing you to gain extra pounds! Often, to get rid of light snoring, it is enough to lose 5% of weight. You should stop smoking once and for all, so as not to clog your airways with tar. In a state of strong alcohol intoxication Everyone snores, even the healthiest man. Therefore, for the sake of your health and the sound sleep of your family members, you should give up alcohol at night. Only small doses are acceptable a few hours before bedtime. It is very important to choose correct posture for relax. It will be better if top part Raise the bed a little and go to bed, turning to your side.

Clean, fresh and moist air is the key to a restful and healthy sleep. Ventilate the room, sleep with the windows open and humidify the air, getting enough sleep will become much easier.

No one is immune from snoring.

It causes many inconveniences associated with the inability to sleep. This pathology indicates violations of human health. This article will discuss how to get rid of snoring during sleep.

The problem associated with systematic snoring worries not only men. The female half of humanity suffers from this problem no less. If snoring does not happen often, this may indicate physical strain during the day. Sometimes this happens to children after strong emotional outbursts.

But, if such a nuisance happens every night, you need to take measures to eliminate this problem.

Snoring can result from anatomical deformities of the upper respiratory tract. An increase in the length of the uvula of the soft palate and a fracture of the nasal septum can make it difficult for air to enter the lungs. Unpleasant sounds appear, which intensify when the muscles of the palate and the base of the tongue relax.

The causes of snoring may be inflammation of the trachea, nasopharynx, enlarged tonsils, and the formation of nasal polyps. Older people may make sounds during sleep due to weakened throat muscles.

Many people start snoring when they fall asleep on their back. This position can cause the tongue to sink, which makes it difficult for air to enter the airways. To eliminate this inconvenience, you need to turn on your side or lie on your stomach. You can attach a small pillow to your pajamas, which will cause discomfort when lying back down. Subsequently, a person gets used to sleeping on his side. It is better to carry out this experiment on vacation, since this inconvenience can cause lack of sleep.

Heavy snoring can be caused by excess weight. Especially if the fat layer accumulates in the neck and throat area. This problem most often worries men. In women, fat accumulates most often on the stomach and thighs. To get rid of this problem, people who are overweight need to remove extra pounds through exercise.

In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the muscles of the larynx weaken. This problem can be solved very simply - you need to stop drinking alcohol. When taking sleeping pills, the muscles of the larynx also relax, and the person does not control his breathing. There is only one way out - to eliminate the use of sleeping pills. Better take care of nervous system in a more constructive way.

Snoring may occur when allergic reactions. With allergies, the lungs do not receive enough oxygen. Therefore, its treatment is the main means of combating snoring.

Heavy smokers may also suffer from this disease. The constant flow of nicotine into the respiratory tract weakens the sensitivity of the trachea, this weakens the muscles of the nasopharynx, which leads to snoring. The airways narrow, making it difficult for air to reach the lungs.

Hormonal changes that are associated with menopause in women can weaken the muscles of the larynx. This explains the increase in the number of women who snore after menopause.

If there are causes associated with snoring, you need to contact a specialist: somnologists or otolaryngologists.

Ways to get rid of snoring

In case of temporary respiratory arrest, special microprocessor devices are used that provide a constant flow of air to the lungs. This procedure eliminates inconvenience, promotes good rest during sleep.

There are special medications that eliminate dry throat and stimulate the tone of the muscles of the throat receptors and small uvula. But, all these remedies do not eliminate the cause, but bring minor relief.

Sometimes nasal drops, rinses based on essential oils help fix the problem. Experts prescribe them before bed, but you can use them while you are awake to enhance the effect.

These measures can temporarily solve the problem of snoring. They have short-term results due to the body’s rapid adaptation to them.

How to get rid of snoring at home

If for some reason it is not possible to consult with a specialist to resolve this problem, you can recall traditional methods. Regular whistling helps strengthen the muscles of the palate and larynx, which will help get rid of snoring during sleep. You can whistle in the house to music, or while walking you can whistle your favorite tunes. The exercise should be done systematically for half an hour every day.

If you pronounce the sound “and” thirty times every day, positive result will become noticeable after a month.

Acupressure and acupuncture in the nasopharynx area are also useful for eliminating trouble. Having learned the basics oriental medicine you can do it yourself.

Yoga classes pay enough attention to breathing practices. Those who want to get rid of snoring can sign up for yoga therapy sessions.

Traditional medicine can also come to the aid of those suffering from snoring. If you grind fresh cabbage into a paste, add a little honey to it, pass it through gauze, this juice will help with insomnia and relieve snoring. You need to drink a glass of it every day, before bed. You can not squeeze the juice, but take the mixture itself. Daily use of a healing product will return healthy sleep not only for the snoring person, but also for the family, who also suffer the inconvenience associated with this nuisance.

Roman Buzunov

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Center for Sleep Medicine, Federal State Budgetary Institution Clinical Sanatorium "Barvikha"

Many people don’t even know that snoring can be treated with official methods. Some people (especially women) are embarrassed to admit that they snore. Some people do not dare bother the doctor “over such trifles.” Some are afraid that the doctor will send them for surgery, and therefore do not talk about the fact that they snore... In general, about 90% of the snoring population want to get rid of snoring on their own, but only 10% want qualified medical help.

I don’t want to give anyone unreasonable hope: home treatment most often turns out to be ineffective. However, in some cases it actually helps reduce or even eliminate snoring. Here are some proven methods:

Method number 1. Gymnastics for the tongue, soft palate and pharynx

The weakening of these muscles is one of the leading mechanisms of snoring, so strengthening them can really help get rid of it. All exercises are simple, easy to do, you only need to do them for 10 minutes, twice a day, morning and evening. You will find many options for such exercises on the Internet. For example:

  • Pronounce the sounds “I” and “U” sharply, strongly straining the neck muscles.
  • Hold in teeth for three to four minutes wooden stick(or pencil).
  • Move your tongue as far forward and down as possible, holding it in this position for one to two seconds.

Unfortunately, many people have problems with the regularity of classes. Soon after starting training, they begin to forget, skip, or be lazy about doing exercises. And no exercise - no result.

Method number 2. Pajama pocket

Snoring most often occurs when you sleep on your back and on a pillow that is too low or high. In some cases, you can reduce snoring if you train yourself to sleep on your side, on a pillow of medium height (14-16 cm).

To learn to sleep on your side, you can use one simple trick. Sew a pocket onto your pajamas. It needs to be located on the back, between the shoulder blades. At night, place a hard object, such as a tennis ball, in there. Even if in your sleep you unconsciously try to roll over onto your back, the ball will prevent you from doing so. After three to four weeks, you will develop a strong habit of sleeping on your side.

Method number 3. Plaster on the nose

In some cases, the cause of snoring is difficulty in nasal breathing: runny nose, narrowness of the nasal passages. In such cases, you can use vasoconstrictors (no more than five days in a row!) or special strips to expand the nasal passages, which are glued to the wings of the nose and slightly move them apart. Unfortunately, this does not always help: if you have difficulty breathing through your nose due to polyps or a deviated nasal septum, solving these problems is impossible without the help of a doctor.

Method number 4. Weight loss

Excess weight is the most common reason snoring and its complications (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, or sleep apnea). Fat deposits in fat people accumulate not only under the skin, but also in tissues, between internal organs, including between the structures of the neck. They compress the throat, causing it to narrow and thereby causing snoring.

If a person begins to gain weight and immediately starts snoring, then everything is clear. Losing weight will help. For uncomplicated snoring (without stopping breathing during sleep), losing body weight by just five to seven kilograms can completely eliminate this symptom!

Method No. 5. Lifestyle change

Recommendations for healthy image life are appropriate for any health problems. They are talked about so often that no one listens anymore. However, they really help. If you don't want to snore, you first need to stop:

  • smoke;
  • drink alcohol in the evening;
  • overeat at night;
  • accept sleeping pills(many of them cause muscle relaxation, which increases the likelihood of snoring).

My name is Roman Buzunov, I am one of the leading Russian experts on snoring and apnea. For 23 years I have been running the largest sleep medicine center in the country. More patients with snoring have passed through my Center than through any clinic in the country - we have successfully helped more than 11,000 people, about 1,200 of whom came to us after unsuccessful (sometimes repeated) attempts to eliminate snoring.

As a rule, articles like: “How to get rid of snoring” simply list methods that can be used to solve this problem. I can list them too. All that exist. Will this help you? Most likely no. You will try one or two offhand, but they will not work because you will use them without considering the reasons for your problem.

In this article I will tell you not just about methods of deliverance. You will learn about the correct and consistent actions that will accurately and completely return you to quiet, healthy sleep.

Step 1. Contact a sleep specialist

Perhaps you were expecting another recommendation, for example: “Buy such and such a remedy at the pharmacy, use it at night, and everything will go away in a week.” Or: “Here is the number of the medical center. Make an appointment, you will have surgery on the same day, without blood and without pain. The next night you won’t snore anymore.”

Unfortunately no. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of snoring in one session.

If you care about your health, you won’t even get rid of a mole at the first clinic you come across. You will choose your doctor carefully and medical Center, make an appointment with a dermatologist, he will examine you and, if necessary, prescribe an examination. And you will willingly go to the doctor to make sure that it is just a mole and not a skin tumor. After that it will be deleted for you.

Snoring requires the same approach! He has more than a dozen reasons. Each cause requires its own method of eliminating it. In addition, one person may have several reasons at once. Any disorder has varying degrees of severity, and treatment also depends on this.

It is impossible to determine the cause and severity of snoring without a somnologist. But, having come to the “right” doctor, you can be sure: this time snoring will definitely disappear. For good.

During the consultation, the somnologist will establish a preliminary cause of the disorder and a presumptive diagnosis, and select a diagnostic method.

Step 2. Get diagnostics

Polysomnographic study

The nurse installs a number of sensors on the patient’s body, which record various physiological parameters throughout sleep. The system records brain activity, “monitors” eye movements, muscle tone, and monitors breathing and heartbeat. In the morning, the sensors are removed, the staff deciphers the data received and draws up a conclusion. It reflects the structure, duration of sleep, the presence of any disorders, their form and severity.

Based on the results of polysomnography, the doctor “sees” how much, at what time of the night, and in what body position the person snored. The somnologist understands whether the patient has had sleep apnea, which occurs in a third of snorers and indicates dangerous disease– obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. It determines whether a person has co-occurring disorders, such as restless legs, which often accompanies snoring and obstructive apnea.

After polysomnography, at a second consultation, the doctor draws up for each patient individual recommendations on treatment.

Step 3. Get treatment from a sleep specialist to quickly get rid of snoring

Methods for getting rid of the problem depend on the combination of the severity of the disease and the causes. One person just needs to lose a little weight. Another has to undergo surgery. The third is forced to carry out CPAP therapy - long-term hardware treatment that eliminates snoring and sleep apnea.

The table below lists the main causes of snoring and their corresponding treatments.

Treatment method
Small lower jaw In mild cases, use intraoral devices. In severe cases, operations to advance the lower jaw.
Allergic rhinitis Elimination of allergens, use of special products (for example, the drug Nasonex).
Narrowed nasal passages Using nasal strips.
Enlarged tonsils Removal of tonsils.
Low location of the soft palate, elongated uvula, deviated nasal septum Surgery. The surgical technique is determined by the doctor depending on the characteristics of the patient’s problem.
Nasal polyps Conservative or surgery at the otorhinolaryngologist.
Overweight Losing body weight (weight loss by 10% improves breathing parameters during sleep by 50%!).
Smoking, drinking alcohol before bed, severe physical fatigue, taking sleeping pills and tranquilizersElimination of causative factors.

If the patient has not just snoring, but (sleep apnea disease), then CPAP therapy is most often recommended for this disease. It eliminates snoring and respiratory arrest from the very first night, although it is used for a long time.

I hope you now understand the best and fastest way to get rid of snoring while sleeping. To make an appointment, enter your information in the form below, the administrator will call you back before the end of the working day.

Snoring is quite a big problem. And the question of how to get rid of snoring during sleep should often worry not only those who sleep next to the snorer, but also the person suffering from the disease. After all, sound discomfort during snoring is far from the main problem. Much worse is that snoring can be a symptom of other, more serious and progressive diseases.

Statistics show that snoring is one of the most common pathologies. More than 70% of men and 50% of women over 30 years of age suffer from it in one form or another. And the prevalence of the problem is largely due to the fact that people do not know whether it is possible to get rid of snoring and do not take any action to do so.

What is snoring, and why do so many people suffer from it?

The sounds produced when snoring occur due to weakened soft tissues of the palate, the base of the tongue and the tonsils. When falling asleep, a reflex contraction of the airway lumen occurs, and when deep breathing During sleep, they vibrate, which is a consequence of the appearance of the symptom.

Typically, severe snoring occurs when breathing through the mouth, since many people do not breathe through their nose while sleeping. Lack of nasal breathing during sleep is a clear symptom associated with the problem anatomical structure nasal septum, reduced clearance of the nostrils, chronic rhinitis or polyp growth. In some of these cases, only surgical treatment can help.

In addition to diseases of the nasal cavity, problems may arise with inflammatory diseases tonsils, abnormalities in the development of the airways, or weakened muscles of the palate. Overweight and body fat in the soft palate are also the main causes of this unpleasant symptom. Quite often there is a mixed cause of the disease, which may require long-term, joint treatment.

The harm of snoring

The main consequences that snoring can cause:

  • Morning headache
  • Hypertension
  • Frequent night urination
  • Bad dream
  • Nightmares

Constant snoring leads to shallow and interrupted sleep. Although a person may not feel this at night. Because of this, a person does not get enough sleep, becomes irritable and gets sick more often. In the morning, such people may have a severe headache, during the day they may experience dizziness, and attention and memory will be reduced.

Apnea, as a complication of snoring with excess weight, leads to a decrease in blood oxygen saturation. This leads to the development of diseases of cardio-vascular system - hypertension, expansion of the cavities of the heart, heart attack.

Consequently, snoring is far from being as safe as it is often thought. When the first manifestations of the disease occur, it is better to immediately contact a professional rather than wait until hidden disease will manifest itself as another symptom, perhaps more severe and longer in treatment.

Treatment of snoring

The best way to get rid of the disease is traditional medical methods. After all, the efforts of medical workers are not limited to treating snoring itself, but to eliminating the cause of its occurrence and, undoubtedly, this is the right way to solve the problem. If snoring appears unexpectedly, you should seek advice from an experienced otolaryngologist to prescribe extended diagnostic measures.

As a rule, diagnosing the causes always begins with examining the nasopharyngeal cavity. If the problem is an obstruction of the nasal passages or a weak soft palate, standard treatment options include surgical straightening of the septum, resection of polyps, or strengthening of the pharyngeal walls.

TO simple methods To get rid of snoring, you can include special dilators for the nostrils and prostheses that stimulate the proper opening of the airways.

An ordinary plate (mouthguard) inserted into the oral cavity can be considered as a way to get rid of snoring. The mouthguard holds the jaws in a certain position, which helps strengthen the muscles of the soft palate. It is advisable to use not a boxing mouth guard, but a special anti-snoring mouth guard. It is worth remembering that this method is not suitable for people with problems with teeth and gums.

An interesting solution is a special anti-snoring pillow. It has a built-in microphone that picks up the sounds of snoring. As soon as the pillow “hears” snoring, it inflates and forces the snorer to change his position. This gadget costs about $150.

Some people find massage of acupuncture points helpful. It increases the tone of the laryngeal muscles and strengthens them.

If strengthening the soft tissues of the palate and other measures do not produce results, more complex methods can be used, for example, surgical changes in the structure of the lower jaw or tongue. In addition, laser resection of excess tissue of the uvula and weak palate is possible.

If snoring is associated with excess body weight, the manipulations described above will not bring much effect. Doctors' recommendations will be to reduce excess body weight and carry out special hardware therapy. Treatment involves wearing a special device that pumps pressure into the respiratory system during sleep.

An important factor in the purpose of such a device is the cessation of breathing during sleep - sleep apnea. This is quite common and very dangerous phenomenon in people with obesity, which can easily lead to death if not properly treated. Apnea is manifested by a sharp cessation of breathing during sleep with simultaneous blueness of the lips, and in advanced stages and the whole face.

How to cure snoring in your sleep on your own

If you do not want to contact medical workers or if you are confident that there are no serious problems, you can try to solve the problem of snoring yourself using traditional methods of treatment.

If you have problems with weight, you should not always contact an otolaryngologist; for starters, it is quite enough to try to lose weight on your own, because often this problem arises due to banal overeating and physical inactivity. If you can’t lose weight, it’s better to contact medical care see a nutritionist. Another cause of pathological snoring may be eating a lot of food at night. It is likely that if you give up late-night snacks, the problem will disappear on its own.

Smoking and alcohol abuse are another common cause of snoring. It is simply necessary to give up bad habits, and relatives will no longer suffer from constant night noise. But sometimes this is not so easy to do; in this case, it is advisable to seek medical help from a good narcologist.

Typically, heavy snoring is caused by sleeping on your back, especially when your head is not aligned with your neck. In this case, you can try sleeping in other positions, such as on your side or stomach. However, if you have health problems, when snoring is only a symptom, this will not lead to recovery. There are also various products on sale to physically widen the nasal passages. Not all of them give satisfactory results. But as a method used in the pre-medical period, this can well be used.

To get rid of snoring associated with weakness of the laryngeal muscles and tissues of the soft palate, breathing measures can be carried out. Breathing techniques are widely available on the Internet. Almost all of them give good results and strengthen the necessary areas, but it is advisable to repeat them daily.