How to take glycerin suppositories. Glycerin suppositories: reviews, instructions for use and composition. Indications and contraindications for use

Glycerin suppositories is a product containing glycerin, stearic acid, sodium bicarbonate, and has a softening and laxative effect. Glycerin suppositories One suppository should be administered into the rectum once a day, at least 15 minutes after breakfast.

The pharmacological effect of glycerin suppositories is due to the ability of glycerin in the human body to oxidize to water and carbon dioxide. Glycerin can reduce the irritating effect of many medications. When used as rectal suppositories softening occurs feces, the contractile activity of the rectum improves, which greatly facilitates the passage and removal of feces from the body. Glycerin penetrates well into mucous membranes, although it is practically not absorbed into the skin.

Glycerin suppositories are represented by two dosage forms - candles for children of all ages (1.6 grams each) and candles for adults (2.75 grams each).

In young children, the causes of constipation can be very diverse, but most often constipation occurs when switching to formula milk, when breast milk is absent or insufficient. As a rule, infant formula exhibits a strengthening effect, and in order to normalize intestinal function, the doctor prescribes glycerin suppositories. Indeed, at this age, serious laxatives, although they produce a laxative effect, are extremely undesirable for the child’s body.

It should be noted that glycerin suppositories are emergency measure for constipation , and resorting to it is often not recommended. In addition, they do not fight the cause of the problem, but only its consequence. Unreasonably frequent use of glycerin suppositories can provoke the development chronic form constipation

Indications for the use of glycerin suppositories

Glycerin suppositories are indicated for use for constipation as medicine, which has a laxative effect. In addition, they are used to cleanse the stomach, especially in cases where it is not possible possible use oral medications.


  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • in the rectum;
  • acute proctitis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug.

Side effects of suppositories with glycerin

In the case of occasional use of glycerin suppositories, side effects and complications are absent in most cases. With prolonged use of glycerin suppositories, irritation in the rectum is noted, and in some cases, inflammation. The reason lies in the fact that you cannot constantly irritate the receptors with glycerin suppositories; in the end, the receptors may lose their natural sensitivity. As a result, the body of an adult or child will not be able to cope with its task independently, without the help of candles.

In case of overdose, adults may experience dizziness, headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia. In a child, an overdose of the drug causes intestinal obstruction, allergic reactions, esophageal obstruction, diarrhea.

To avoid complications, in any case, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor should determine the cause of constipation and prescribe appropriate treatment. If he came to the conclusion that there is a need to use glycerin suppositories for children or adults, then they should be used correctly, not forgetting the safety precautions.

Glycerin suppositories should be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise they will be difficult to insert into the anus.

The problem of defecation is quite common among all age categories. The first constipation in a child’s life may appear as early as infancy. This is due to the fact that the baby’s digestive system is immature and is just being formed. Problems with bowel movements in older children and adults appear due to poor diet, reduced fluid intake, and an insufficiently active lifestyle.

Suppositories with glycerin are a popular laxative drug local application. They are produced in the form of rectal suppositories, without any special contraindications and are safe for newborns and adults.

  • They have high efficiency.
  • They act faster than oral medications.
  • Does not cause dehydration.
  • Suitable for patients in the postoperative period.
  • Suitable for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Can be used from the first days of the baby's life.
  • Sold at an affordable price.

Appearance of the drug

Rectal suppositories are purchased at the pharmacy. They are 10 suppositories sealed in a plastic shell or aluminum foil, which, in turn, is in a cardboard package. There are also instructions for use in the box.

Available this drug in the nursery and adult dosage, which differ in quantity active substances and candle sizes.


The main active ingredient of the medicine is glycerin. Excipients include stearic acid and sodium carbonate.

Operating principle

The active ingredients of the drug, entering the intestines, quickly dissolve. By eliminating the gas-forming effect and stimulating the intestinal walls, they help dissolve and gently remove the fecal plug.

The suppositories begin to act 10-15 minutes after use. The remains of the suppository are excreted in the feces.

Side effects

The most common adverse reaction to the drug is the rapid adaptation of the intestines to external stimulation. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug may occur much less frequently. They can be expressed by sensations of itching and burning in the intestines. In such cases, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Precautionary measures

Glycerin suppositories should not be used continuously. They should only be used in emergency cases to relieve constipation. After the examination, the attending physician must calculate and prescribe exactly the dose that will be necessary for successful treatment. In case of sharp pain in the abdominal area and a strong increase in temperature immediately after using the suppository, it is necessary to call ambulance to cope with an acute allergic reaction to the components of the drug.


Just like others medical supplies, y remedy there are contraindications for use. The product should not be used if:

  • inflammation hemorrhoids, cracks in the anus, tumors in the intestines;
  • renal failure;
  • exacerbation of appendicitis;
  • bleeding in the intestines;
  • diarrhea;
  • rectal cancer;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis;
  • individual intolerance to components.


Glycerin suppositories are aimed at helping to gently eliminate the consequences of stool disorders. Used as a means emergency assistance for constipation.

For diseases

Glycerin suppositories provide effective results against constipation of all types. These rectal suppositories can be used:

  • after operations;
  • for non-aggravated hemorrhoids;
  • during pregnancy;
  • after childbirth;
  • under forced restrictions physical activity.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman often suffers from defecation disorders. The use of glycerin suppositories can help relieve accumulated feces. But each trimester has its own characteristics.

  • During the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of rectal suppositories requires caution and close attention, as they can relax the muscles of the uterus and increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • Suppositories do not affect the formation of the child’s organs and do not disrupt its development and growth. In the second trimester, using the drug is not prohibited.
  • If used in the third trimester, the woman is also at risk. It is worth considering that the drug can cause relaxation of the cervix and provoke premature birth.

During the postpartum and lactation period

Glycerin and others active ingredients contained in suppositories are not absorbed into circulatory system and do not pass into breast milk. Therefore, they are approved for use even on the first day of the postpartum and lactation period.

Use of glycerin suppositories for newborns

Difficulty defecation is a frequent accompaniment of formation and development digestive system in kids. The newborn baby reports the created discomfort with a loud cry. To relieve painful symptoms and help the baby, parents, after mandatory consultation with a pediatrician, use special children's glycerin suppositories.


This medicine is produced as suppositories.

  • Children's - 0.75 and 1.24 grams.
  • Adults - 2.11 grams.

The daily dose of the drug is calculated based on the age of the patient:

  • For a patient over 7 years old - 1 suppository of 2.11 grams per day.
  • For children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 candle 1.24 grams.
  • For a child from 0 to 3 years old - 0.5 candles of 1.24 grams or 1 candle of 0.75 grams.

To relieve constipation in a pregnant woman, use 1 adult dose(1 candle 2.11 grams).

How to light a candle correctly

Introducing a candle is quite simple, you just need to adhere to certain simple rules to prevent discomfort and injury.

  1. Before starting the procedure, you must wash your hands warm water with soap.
  2. It is necessary to cool the packaged candle by holding it under running water. cold water or by placing it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.
  3. Remove the wrapper from it.
  4. If you need to use only part of the candle, you need to carefully use a knife or razor blade to divide it in half lengthwise.

To kid

  1. Lubricate the baby's anus with oil or cream.
  2. Place the baby on his back.
  3. Press your baby's legs against his tummy.
  4. Carefully insert the suppository to a depth of 2.5 cm.
  5. Hold the child’s buttocks closed for a few minutes.

For an adult

An adult can cope with the procedure independently:

  1. Moisten the anus with water.
  2. Lie on your side, straighten your lower leg, bend your upper leg at the knee and press it to your stomach.
  3. With one hand, lift your upper buttock.
  4. With the second hand, carefully and smoothly insert the rectal suppository to a depth of 2.5 to 5 cm.
  5. Bring your buttocks together for 10-15 seconds.

When carrying out the procedure, all manipulations must be done clearly and decisively, then the suppository will be inserted correctly.

How long does it take for the candle to work?

In most cases, the effect of the drug can begin within 10 minutes after its administration. If the process of defecation has not begun and the problem is not solved, then the dose of the drug can be doubled.

How to store the drug

Medicines for rectal use should be stored in a dark place, at temperatures up to +25C, without unpacking. The refrigerator door is ideal for storage.

Preventing constipation with glycerin suppositories

Suppositories are a universal drug. They are recommended for the prevention of constipation in people for whom physical strain, even during bowel movements, is strongly discouraged.

When using glycerin suppositories with a pronounced laxative effect, you should remember that if you have problems with the intestines, you should not get carried away in order to exclude more serious problems with bowel movements. For preventive measures To prevent constipation, you need to periodically review your lifestyle and diet, learn new recipes healthy dishes, increase your consumption of water, fresh fruits and vegetables.

The problem of constipation is very common among various categories of the population. Poor nutrition, gastrointestinal diseases, taking certain medications, stress - all this leads to stagnation in the intestines.

Constipation, especially of a regular nature, causes great danger; as a result, dangerous toxins are released that poison the body. There is also a possibility of intestinal obstruction, hemorrhoids and other diseases.

Pharmacology today offers a lot of means to combat constipation. However, it is not always possible to take them; for example, pregnant women and young children choose weak drugs with a delicate effect. Glycerin suppositories are perfect for this option.

Glycerin suppositories: general characteristics

Glycerin in the form of suppositories has been on the market for a long time. This drug is characterized by high efficiency and safety of use.

Glycerin belongs to the group of suppositories for rectal use. Its action is aimed at enhancing intestinal motility.

The composition of the candles includes:

  • Distilled glycerin (adult forms 2.11 grams, children's forms - 1.24 grams) is the main component;
  • Excipients: sodium carbonate dihydrate, stearate, polyethylene oxide 400.

Glycerin is also available in other forms, but it is in the form of suppositories that it demonstrates high effectiveness in the fight against.

Suppositories are available in a small soft form, transparent in structure. Easy to insert without causing pain.

How does the drug work?

Glycerin has many beneficial properties, and in combination with other components it becomes simply a godsend for eliminating problems with stool.

Rectal application makes it possible to protect yourself from negative impact on microflora and intestinal mucosa. In addition, this method of use speeds up the action. As a result, the treatment takes place without unnecessary effects on the digestive organs, and glycerin is not addictive.

Once placed in the rectal passage, the suppositories begin to melt quickly. Glycerin acts on internal receptors and provokes acceleration of peristalsis, so stool moves faster towards the exit. Additional components of the drug provide softening of the contents. Thus, the use of glycerin suppositories makes the process of defecation quick, easy and painless.

Indications for use of the drug

Glycerin suppositories are prescribed by doctors in two cases: to combat constipation and as a preventive measure. It is important to understand that this drug does not in any way affect the cause of the process, but only eliminates the symptoms.

Glycerin suppositories are prescribed in the following cases:

  • Abscess of the anorectal area;
  • , which is accompanied by pain during the act of defecation;
  • Rehabilitation period after illnesses, for example, myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Anorectal stenosis;
  • Age-related changes rectum, causing constipation.

It is prohibited to use these remedies on your own; they are prescribed only after examination and medical history. Otherwise, glycerin can cause complications, for example, with an inflammatory process in the rectum.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women are very often worried about constipation; almost every second pregnant woman at various stages faces this problem.

In this case, you need to select medications only with your doctor. As for glycerin suppositories, they must be handled with extreme caution.

In the first trimester, the use of glycerin suppositories is undesirable. During the period of active development in the first three months, the uterus is in close proximity to the rectum. Glycerin, in turn, can provoke an increase in tone and, as a result, termination of pregnancy.

As for the second trimester, constipation during this period is much less of a concern. 4-6 months of pregnancy are the safest and asymptomatic. However, if constipation still bothers you, the use of glycerin suppositories is allowed with the permission of a doctor.

In the last stages of pregnancy, glycerin suppositories are allowed only in extreme cases and if there is no threat of miscarriage. Otherwise, you need to choose more delicate methods, perhaps even folk ones.

IN postpartum period During lactation, the use of suppositories is also allowed, but only with the permission of a doctor.


Glycerin suppositories have a number of contraindications due to their direct effect on the rectal mucosa.

Glycerin should not be used in the form of suppositories in the following cases:

  • Hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • Cracks and other signs of irritation in the area anus;
  • Inflammatory processes in the rectum;
  • Tumor formations;
  • Proctitis and.

Also, you should not use this type of laxative in case of individual intolerance to the components or hypersensitivity.

To the number relative contraindications include the period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as chronic processes in the intestines.

Possible side effects

Rectal suppositories are considered much safer than drugs taken orally. However, even they can cause a number of external and internal adverse reactions. It is worth mentioning that the most frequent effect is diarrhea. It appears immediately after using the drug and stops on its own after stopping taking it.

To others side effects reactions include:

  • Allergic manifestations: severe itching and even burning, rashes in the anal area, redness;
  • Inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
  • Weakening the physiological process of defecation (with regular use).

It is worth noting that this type of laxative is used for symptomatic treatment; regular use is not recommended. After the stool has weakened and normalized, the drug should be stopped.

As a preventative measure, glycerin suppositories are used no more than once a week.

In this article we will look at reviews of glycerin suppositories for constipation.

A diet that contains little fiber, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, often leads to difficulties with bowel movements. This disorder is very unpleasant for the patient and causes significant discomfort.

Description of the drug

One of the most inexpensive and effective medications, often prescribed by doctors, are glycerin suppositories, which, due to their very mild effects, are used even during pregnancy and in newborns to get rid of prolonged stool retention.

Reviews of glycerin suppositories for children will also be presented.

They are used along with the normalization of the diet, which should be enriched with fresh fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products and providing physical activity. Glycerin suppositories help improve bowel regularity and stabilize intestinal functions.

The medicinal product can be purchased at any pharmacy at a relatively low price and without a prescription. Before using the medication, you need to read the annotation attached to it, since there is a certain list of contraindications that exclude the use of this drug, for example, for anal fissures and acute hemorrhoids. The drug has features of use at different stages of pregnancy, as well as in children younger age and newborns.

There are a lot of reviews about glycerin suppositories.

Composition of the drug

Glycerin suppositories are produced in special sealed foil packages, 10 suppositories each. They are packed in cardboard boxes.

The drug differs in glycerol dosage and size for adults and children (2.25 g and 1.24 g of the main substance). Each suppository, in addition to the active component - glycerol, contains some Excipients: calcium carbonate and stearic acid.

According to reviews, the price of glycerin suppositories is quite reasonable.

Indications for use

Disturbance of the act of defecation, which is characterized by a long delay in excretion of feces, may vary depending on the reasons that provoked the occurrence of this pathological condition.

Glycerin suppositories are prescribed for the following types of constipation:

  1. Functional changes in the excretion of feces, provoked by weak peristalsis of the intestinal muscles or a violation of the sensitivity of the nerve endings in it.
  2. Age-related changes in the body that lead to disruption of such body functions.
  3. Psychogenic constipation, which usually occurs due to psycho-emotional problems in a person. For example, some people psychologically can only go to the toilet at home.
  4. Abnormal stool, which is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects the functional qualities of not only the intestine itself, but also the entire body as a whole.
  5. Defecation disorders caused by taking antibacterial medicines, which often lead to a change in the balance between normal and pathological microflora in the intestines, and, as a result, to constipation.

Regardless of the causes of constipation, using glycerin suppositories for a long period of time is not recommended, since the body becomes accustomed to them and the drug stops working effectively.

Glycerin suppositories are not a medicine that eliminates the causes of constipation. With their help you can only get rid of this symptom, which may be the result of others pathological processes who provoked him.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use for glycerin suppositories. We'll look at the reviews below.

Mechanism of action of the drug

Glycerin suppositories irritate receptors located in the rectum. This leads to an increase in the production of mucus in it, as well as to its contractions, which provokes the occurrence of an act of defecation. Suppositories with glycerin begin to act immediately after insertion into the rectum, dissolving in it, and bowel movement occurs approximately 30 minutes after using the medication. The effectiveness of glycerin suppositories against constipation is very high.

Contraindications for use

Glycerin suppositories are very simple in their composition, which does not contain any aggressive or harmful components, but there are still certain contraindications to their use. These include:

  1. Hemorrhoids, especially in the acute stage. With this disease, it is necessary to carefully ensure that constipation does not occur, otherwise the course of the disease will be greatly aggravated. If such a problem exists, it would be best to consult a specialist so that he can prescribe a medication that will help eliminate constipation and cure hemorrhoids.
  2. Inflammatory processes occurring in the rectum, which are conditions that require mandatory therapy under the guidance of a physician.
  3. Tumor processes, benign or malignant, localized in the intestines. The treatment strategy for constipation in this pathology is determined only by a specialist.
  4. Allergic reactions and individual intolerance to glycerin or other components of the drug.

If serious problems arise that require a special course of therapy using medications that will help solve such a problem or if necessary surgical intervention, the use of glycerin suppositories may not provide beneficial results.

Mode of application

Rectal suppositories should not be used more than once a day. Best time to cleanse the intestines with glycerin suppositories - in the morning, about an hour after breakfast. After the suppository is inserted into the rectum, it is necessary to refrain from defecation for a while so that the drug has time to completely dissolve inside and act sufficiently.

It is not recommended to use this medication systemically, since its effectiveness is significantly reduced.

If, after administration of the suppository, severe discomfort is felt in the form of a burning sensation in the anal canal, you should stop using this medication. Also, according to reviews, glycerin suppositories during pregnancy are good for coping with constipation.

Use during pregnancy

Pregnant women often have to deal with such a problem as constipation, and it occurs regardless of what stage of pregnancy the patient is at. Closer to childbirth, when pressure increases internal organs, the likelihood of constipation also increases.

Reviews of glycerin suppositories for constipation are mostly positive.

It is impossible to leave such a problem without treatment, since this can lead to all sorts of complications and the development of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, which subsequently becomes a lifelong diagnosis. Despite the fact that the majority of laxative medications are prohibited for use during pregnancy, glycerin suppositories for constipation do not belong to the category of such drugs, since they act locally, and the main substance included in their composition does not penetrate into the blood through the intestinal walls and does not has an adverse effect on the fetus.


The only limitation is that on early During pregnancy, you should use glycerin suppositories for constipation very carefully, as they can cause the risk of spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, they cannot be used without the appointment of a specialist.

This is what the instructions for glycerin suppositories say. Reviews also confirm this.

Use in childhood

Before using this medication for constipation in children, you need to provide the child with a balanced diet and fluid intake in the body in the required quantities, since it is the lack of water that in most cases causes defecation disorders.

According to reviews, glycerin suppositories are excellent for newborns.

There are certain uses for suppositories for children that parents need to consider:

  1. You need to insert the suppositories correctly - lay the child on his side and ask him to bend his knees. So similar the procedure will pass most comfortable for the child.
  2. To avoid careless intestinal injury, the suppository should be administered very carefully and slowly.
  3. Glycerin suppositories for children, as well as for adults, should not be used frequently because they are addictive. It is best to find out the cause of constipation and deal directly with it.

Price of the medicine

This medication can be bought in almost every pharmacy, without a prescription from a specialist. Its cost is approximately 140 rubles, as for the children's dosage, and the version for adults is slightly more expensive - approximately 180 rubles. According to reviews from adults, glycerin suppositories are available to everyone due to their low cost.


There are some candles that are similar in composition and effectiveness to glycerin candles. These include Glycelax® and Glycerol. These medications also contain glycerin, so the medications are absolutely identical in their effects on the body. There are also no significant differences in the cost of these medications. The advantageous difference between Glycelax® children's suppositories is the reduced children's dosage - 0.75 grams of glycerin per suppository and the reduced size, which allows you not to divide the suppository into parts and use the drug without discomfort for the child. Glicelax® can be used in children from three months of age.

Suppositories with glycerin are a popular drug with a pronounced laxative effect, which is used to treat stool disorders of various origins. Glycerin enhances intestinal motility and normalizes its functioning.

Frequent constipation can be due to a variety of reasons - poor nutrition, hormonal changes in the body, constant stress and nervous overstrain. Regardless of the cause of the problem, the remedy allows you to normalize stool.

Composition and release form

Glycerin is a drug that is available in the form of suppositories intended for rectal administration. The main active component of the drug is glycerol.

Glycerin suppositories


  • distilled glycerol;
  • stearic acid;
  • calcium carbonate decahydrate;
  • polyethylene oxide

Suppositories are packaged in blisters and cardboard packaging, 10 pieces per pack. Each candle intended for adults contains 2.11 g of glycerin, and each candle for children contains 1.24 g of the active ingredient. Rectal suppositories are torpedo-shaped and do not have a distinct odor or color.

pharmachologic effect

The action of glycerin suppositories is based on the ability to provide irritant effect on intestinal mucous tissues, activate peristalsis digestive tract and activate the process of removing accumulated content.

In addition, glycerin helps soften stool, making it softer and making stools regular and painless.

Glycerin suppositories do not have any effect on the condition of the digestive organs and are not addictive, so the product can be used for a long period of time.

How quickly do suppositories with glycerin work? As reviews from many patients show, the maximum effectiveness of the drug is achieved approximately 20-30 minutes after administration. The duration of action is 4-5 hours. In most cases, within half an hour after the drug is administered into the rectum, a person feels the urge to defecate.

Suppositories are administered rectally and act very quickly - after being placed in the rectum, they begin to melt, envelop the intestinal walls and promote quick and painless bowel movements.

Indications and contraindications for use

The instructions for use of this drug state that it is recommended for use for constipation of various origins.

Indications for use

More often medicine is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Anorectal abscess.
  2. Thrombosed hemorrhoids, accompanied by intense pain.
  3. Anorectal stenosis.
  4. The recovery period after myocardial infarction.

Suppositories with glycerin are recommended for use with difficulty defecating or her complete absence which often worries women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In addition, they are prescribed to facilitate bowel movements after surgery.

Despite all its positive properties, the product is not recommended for use in some cases. Main contraindications:

  • oncological neoplasms in the rectum;
  • painful abdominal cramps of unknown origin;
  • severe form of renal dysfunction;
  • anal fissures;
  • diarrhea;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • appendicitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the rectal cavity;
  • hypersensitivity to the active components included in the suppositories.

In order to answer the question of how to use glycerin suppositories, it is necessary to take into account the frequency and origin of constipation.

Attention! Doctors believe that this drug is not taken on a regular basis. As soon as a person's condition improves, he needs to stop using rectal suppositories.

Method of administration and dosage of the drug

The duration of treatment and the optimal dosage of the drug depend on various factors - the person’s age, as well as the presence of concomitant chronic diseases.

For adult patients, it is recommended to administer one suppository at a dosage of 2.11 mg once a day, preferably in the morning, 30-40 minutes after the morning meal. The suppository must be inserted into the anus; the laxative effect occurs quickly - 20-30 minutes after administration of the medicine.

The introduction does not require additional softening or moistening of the anal passage. In extremely rare cases, people suffering from hypersensitive skin can be pre-lubricated with Vaseline or emollient baby cream.

The instructions for the drug describe the method of its administration - the patient needs to lie down on the bed, on his side, pull his legs towards the body, and then insert the suppository into the rectum. After this, you should remain in a lying position for a few more minutes.

Application for children

Glycerin suppositories for children are safe drugs approved for use for newborn babies. For children from birth to 3 years old, it is recommended to use ½ suppository once a day.

Children aged 3 to 7 years should be administered 1 suppository with a dosage of 1.24 mg once a day, preferably in the morning. For the treatment of children over 7 years of age, medications intended for adult patients are used.

Glycerin suppositories for children who are already attending school are used at a dosage of 2.11 mg.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

Glycerin suppositories are used during pregnancy only after prior consultation with a doctor and under his constant supervision. Pregnancy is not considered a contraindication to the use of a pharmacological agent.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy are categorically not recommended in the initial stages of bearing a baby. In the second and third trimester of pregnancy and during lactation, suppositories are used in the usual dosage - one suppository every morning, half an hour after the morning meal.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to use rectal suppositories with glycerin if you have expectant mother there is a threat of miscarriage. They activate intestinal motility, which can significantly increase the likelihood of a miscarriage. After childbirth, the use of rectal suppositories with glycerin is recommended when a young mother has problems with bowel movements for more than 2-3 days.

Indications for use

Most often, the use of this drug is recommended if a woman has postpartum sutures. In this case, the administration of the drug promotes easy and painless bowel movement without creating an increased load on the postoperative sutures.

Overdose and side effects

In case of glycerin overdose in humans diarrhea may develop. But in the vast majority of cases, suppositories are well tolerated by the human body.

In extremely rare cases, they can cause the following side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • rash, itching and redness in the injection area;
  • burning in the rectum after using the drug.

This medicine can be purchased at pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. They are approved for use in the treatment of adults and children.

Also, glycerin suppositories do not have any effect on medications taken simultaneously with them. Before inserting a rectal suppository, it is strictly not recommended to lubricate the anal area with liquid or solid mineral oils.

Similar drugs

On the modern pharmacological market there are numerous analogues of this drug used to treat constipation and other problems with bowel movement.

Analogues of glycerin suppositories

The most common are the following:

  • Enema;
  • Norgalax;
  • Dexeryl;
  • Glycelax;
  • RectActive;
  • Normacol;
  • Duphalac;
  • Picolax;
  • Defenorm;

Attention! Glycerin suppositories are a popular drug that differs high efficiency at various violations chair. Due to their effectiveness and safety, suppositories are recommended for use in the treatment of newborns, as well as women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Video: Rectal anesthetic suppositories

In order to speed up bowel emptying from accumulated feces, it is enough to administer one glycerin suppository once a day. This dosage is quite enough to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and speed up bowel movements in adults and children.

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