Environmental biotechnology presentation. Presentation on biology "biotechnology". Bacteria are our last hope for survival

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Biotechnology, its achievements and development prospects. Ethical considerations some advances in biotechnology. Animal Cloning

BIOTECHNOLOGY. chemical bionics. Bionics is the use of the secrets of living nature to create more advanced technical devices. In a broad sense, biotechnology is the use of living organisms and biological processes in production, i.e. production of substances necessary for humans using the achievements of microbiology, biochemistry and technology, which use bacteria, microorganisms and cells of various tissues.

The microbe, this ugly duckling of the first years of epidemiology, thanks to the successes of science and technology, the achievements of human genius, has turned into a beautiful swan of genetic engineering of modern biotechnology and the living cell industry. B.Ya. Neumann

Microorganisms are characterized by a high rate of reproduction, often by simple division in half. For example: a bacterial cell under favorable conditions divides in half every 20-25 minutes. 2. Diverse in physiological and biochemical properties, some live in conditions unsuitable for the life of others. For example: they can withstand high levels of radiation, high (75–105°C) and low (-80°C) temperatures, sodium chloride concentrations up to 30%, lack of oxygen (anaerobes).

3. Very productive. For example: 1 cow weighing 500 kg produces 0.5 kg of protein per day. 500 kg of plants – 5 kg of protein. 500 kg of yeast – 50 tons of protein (that’s the weight of 10 elephants!)! Under certain conditions, a microbial cell is capable of producing 100,000 times more protein than an animal cell in the same amount of time. At the same time, it uses cheap substances (starch solutions, wastewater). 4. Extreme adaptability, i.e. they can be selected quickly and easily

For example: it takes decades or even centuries to develop a new variety of cereal, but in the case of brush mold, productivity was increased 1000 times in just 30 years. 5. Microorganisms are ubiquitous in nature and play an important role in the cycle of substances (due to their great diversity, microorganisms are autotrophs, chemoautotrophs and heterotrophs, and are often decomposers in trophic chains).

Use of microorganisms. Food industry. Chemical industry. Metallurgy. Agriculture. Nature conservation Bakery, Winemaking,

Cheese making, production of lactic acid products, vinegar, feed proteins. Production of antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, amino acids, synthetic vaccines, production of methane as fuel. Leaching of certain metals from low-grade ores (copper, uranium, gold, silver). Production of silage and nitrogen fixers, biological plant protection. Cleaning Wastewater. Oil spill response.

Biotechnology is the production of products and materials necessary for humans using biological objects and processes. (The appearance of the term “biotechnology” in the 1970s is associated with the successes of molecular genetics.)

Methods of biotechnology: 1) Cell engineering - a method of producing new cells and tissues on an artificial nutrient medium. The method is based on the high ability of living cultures to regenerate. 1st method – Cultivation. The method is based on the ability of plant and animal cells to divide when placed in a nutrient medium that contains all the substances necessary for life. For example: A culture of ginseng cells produces substances valuable to humans; the grown skin cells are used to treat burns.

2nd method – Reconstruction (method “in vitro” - in a test tube). By placing plant cells in certain nutrient media, rare and valuable species. This makes it possible to create virus-free cultures of rare plants. 3rd method – Cloning. The method of transplanting somatic cell nuclei into eggs allows one to obtain a genetic copy of one organism.

2) Chromosome engineering 1st method – Haploid method. The method is based on growing haploid plants followed by chromosome doubling. In just 2–3 years, completely homozygous plants are obtained instead of 6–8 years of inbreeding. 2nd method - Polyploid method. Obtaining polyploid plants as a result of a multiple increase in chromosomes. The 3rd method is the replacement of some chromosomes in the genome of one organism with sister ones from the genome of another organism of the same or similar species.

3) Genetic engineering - based on isolation (or artificial synthesis) the desired type from the genome of one organism and its introduction into the genome of another organism, often distant in origin (the process was first carried out in 1969). For example: A favorite target of genetic engineers is E. coli. With its help, somatotropin (growth hormone), interferon (a protein that, when cultivated, helps cope with many viral infections), insulin (pancreatic hormone) Plants and animals whose genome is changed using such operations are called transgenic.

In 1983, transgenic plants were first obtained in the USA, Belgium and Germany. Now - 17 countries grow transgenic plants that have the ripening time necessary for humans, their fruits have the ability to be stored for a long time and do not lose their presentation during transportation.

Transgenic pigs, sheep and rabbits have already been obtained into the genome of which genes of various origins have been introduced - viruses, microorganisms, fungi, humans; transgenic plants with genes from animals, microorganisms, viruses and artificially created genes were obtained. Most transgenic crops are grown in the United States.

For example: China - tobacco, rice, soybeans, tomatoes, fast-growing varieties that can grow in saline soils. USA - cotton, corn, potatoes - resistant to pests, as these plants produce entomoxin

Geneticists are working on obtaining vaccine plants, i.e. plants containing ready-made antibodies to various diseases or substances that prevent the development of the disease. For example: potatoes produce cholera antibodies (Russia). A red tomato contains 3.5 times more lyconine (red pigment). Lyconine, having oxidizing properties, reduces the likelihood of cancer (USA).

IV. Ethical aspects of the development of some research in biotechnology. – Human cloning. – Creation of genetically modified strains of viruses and bacteria. Human cloning is a predictable methodology that consists of creating an embryo and then growing from the embryo people who have the genotype of a particular individual, currently existing or previously existing.

Completed by: teacher of chemistry, biology, GBPOU ChTPRIS Dubrovina L.V.


Current state of biotechnology
Biotechnology and its role in practical human activities
Biotechnology in crop production

Tissue culture method


New discoveries in the field of medicine

Genetic Engineering

Transgenic products: pros and cons
Genetically modified foods

Consequences of the development of biotechnology in the era of scientific and technological revolution


Biotechnology is the industrial use of biological processes and systems based on the cultivation of highly effective forms of microorganisms, cultures of cells and tissues of plants and animals with properties necessary for humans. Certain biotechnological processes (baking, winemaking) have been known since ancient times. But biotechnology achieved its greatest success in the second half of the 20th century and is becoming increasingly important for human civilization.

Current state of biotechnology

Since ancient times, individual biotechnological processes have been known to be used in areas of practical human activity. These include baking, winemaking, brewing, cooking fermented milk products etc. Our ancestors had no idea about the essence of the processes underlying such technologies, but over the course of thousands of years, using trial and error, they improved them. Biological entity These processes were identified only in the 19th century. thanks to the scientific discoveries of L. Pasteur. His work served as the basis for the development of production using various types of microorganisms. In the first half of the 20th century. microbiological processes began to be used for the industrial production of acetone and butanol, antibiotics, organic acids, vitamins, and feed protein.
Advances achieved in the second half of the 20th century. in the field of cytology, biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, created the prerequisites for controlling the elementary mechanisms of cell life, which contributed to the rapid development of biotechnology. Thanks to the selection of highly productive strains of microorganisms, the efficiency of biotechnological processes has increased tens and hundreds of times.

Biotechnology and its role in practical human activities

The peculiarity of biotechnology is that it combines the most advanced achievements of scientific and technological progress with the accumulated experience of the past, expressed in the use natural sources to create products useful for humans. Any biotechnological process includes a number of stages: preparation of the object, its cultivation, isolation, purification, modification and use of the resulting products. The multi-stage and complexity of the process necessitates the involvement of a variety of specialists in its implementation: geneticists and molecular biologists, cytologists, biochemists, virologists, microbiologists and physiologists, process engineers, and biotechnological equipment designers.

Biotechnology in crop production

Tissue culture method

The method is increasingly being used on an industrial basis vegetative propagation agricultural plants tissue culture. It allows not only to quickly reproduce new promising varieties plants, but also to obtain virus-free planting material.

Biotechnology in animal husbandry

IN last years There is increasing interest in earthworms as a source of animal protein to balance the feed rations of animals, birds, fish, fur-bearing animals, as well as a protein supplement with therapeutic and prophylactic properties.
To increase animal productivity, complete feed is needed. The microbiological industry produces feed protein based on various microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae. Industrial testing has shown that protein-rich biomass single-celled organisms It is absorbed with high efficiency by farm animals. Thus, 1 ton of feed yeast allows you to save 5-7 tons of grain. It has great importance, since 80% of the world's agricultural land is devoted to the production of feed for livestock and poultry.


The cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1996 by Ian Wilmut and his colleagues at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh caused a stir around the world. Dolly was conceived from the mammary gland of a sheep that had long since died, and its cells were stored in liquid nitrogen. The technique by which Dolly was created is known as nuclear transfer, which means that the nucleus of an unfertilized egg is removed and a nucleus from a somatic cell is placed in its place. Of the 277 nuclear-transplanted eggs, only one developed into a relatively healthy animal. This method of reproduction is "asexual" because it does not require one of each sex to create a child. Wilmut's success became an international sensation.
In December 1998, it became known about successful attempts to clone cattle, when the Japanese I. Kato, T. Tani et al. managed to obtain 8 healthy calves after transferring 10 reconstructed embryos into the uterus of recipient cows.

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New discoveries
in the field of medicine The successes of biotechnology are especially widely used in medicine. Currently, antibiotics, enzymes, amino acids, and hormones are produced using biosynthesis.
For example, hormones used to be typically obtained from animal organs and tissues. Even to obtain a small amount of a medicinal drug, a lot of starting material was required. Consequently, it was difficult to obtain the required amount of the drug and it was very expensive.
Thus, insulin, a pancreatic hormone, is the main treatment for diabetes mellitus. This hormone must be administered to patients constantly. Producing it from the pancreas of a pig or cattle is difficult and expensive. In addition, animal insulin molecules differ from human insulin molecules, which often caused allergic reactions, especially in children. Currently, the biochemical production of human insulin has been established. A gene that synthesizes insulin was obtained. By using genetic engineering this gene was introduced into a bacterial cell, which as a result acquired the ability to synthesize human insulin.
In addition to receiving medicinal products, biotechnology allows for early diagnosis infectious diseases And malignant neoplasms based on the use of antigen preparations, DNA/RNA tests.
With the help of new vaccine preparations it is possible to prevent infectious diseases.

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Stem cell method: cures or cripples?

Japanese scientists led by Professor Shinya Yamanaka from Kyoto University for the first time isolated stem cells from human skin, having previously introduced a set of certain genes into them. In their opinion, this can serve as an alternative to cloning and will make it possible to create drugs comparable to those obtained by cloning human embryos. American scientists almost simultaneously obtained similar results. But this does not mean that in a few months it will be possible to completely abandon embryo cloning and restore the body’s functionality using stem cells obtained from the patient’s skin.
First, specialists will have to make sure that the “skin” table cells are actually as multifunctional as they seem, that they can be implanted into various organs without fear for the patient’s health, and that they will work. The main concern is that such cells pose a risk for cancer development. Because the main danger of embryonic stem cells is that they are genetically unstable and have the ability to develop into some tumors after transplantation into the body.

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Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering techniques make it possible to isolate the necessary gene and introduce it into a new genetic environment in order to create an organism with new, predetermined characteristics.
Genetic engineering methods remain very complex and expensive. But already now, with their help, industry is obtaining such important medical supplies, such as interferon, growth hormones, insulin, etc.
Selection of microorganisms is the most important area in biotechnology.
The development of bionics makes it possible to effectively apply biological methods to solve engineering problems and to use the experience of living nature in various fields of technology.

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Transgenic products:
pros and cons Several dozen edible transgenic plants have already been registered around the world. These are varieties of soybeans, rice and sugar beets that are resistant to herbicides; herbicide- and pest-resistant corn; potatoes resistant to the Colorado potato beetle; zucchini, almost seedless; tomatoes, bananas and melons with extended shelf life; rapeseed and soybean with modified fatty acid composition; rice with a high content of vitamin A.
Genetically modified sources can be found in sausages, frankfurters, canned meats, dumplings, cheese, yoghurts, baby food, cereals, chocolate, ice cream candies.

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Genetically modified foods

List of products that may contain genetically modified products: Riboflavins E 101, E 101A, caramel E 150, xanthan E 415, lecithin E 322, E 153, E160d, E 161c, E 308q, E 471, E 472f, E 473, E 475, E 476b, E 477, E 479a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 623, E 623, E 624, E 625.
Genetically modified products: chocolate Fruit Nut, Kit-kat, Milky Way, Twix; drinks: Nesquik, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Pepsi, Pringles chips, Danon yogurt.
Genetically modified products are produced by the following companies: Novartis, Monsanto - the new name of the Pharmacia company, which includes Coca-Cola, as well as Nestle, Danone, Hentz, Hipp, Uniliver ( Uniliver), United Biscuits, McDonald's restaurants.
There is not a single fact recorded in the world that a transgenic plant has caused harm to humans. But you shouldn’t let your guard down. It has not yet been clarified whether these plants will affect the offspring or pollute environment.

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Prospects for the development of biotechnology

The method of vegetative propagation of agricultural plants by tissue culture is being increasingly used on an industrial basis. It allows not only to quickly propagate new promising plant varieties, but also to obtain virus-free planting material.
Biotechnology makes it possible to obtain environmentally pure species fuel through bioprocessing of industrial and agricultural waste. For example, installations have been created that use bacteria to process manure and other organic waste. From 1 ton of manure, up to 500 m3 of biogas is obtained, which is equivalent to 350 liters of gasoline, while the quality of manure as a fertilizer improves.
Biotechnological developments are increasingly used in the extraction and processing of minerals.

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Presentation on the topic: Biotechnology

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Biotechnology is a discipline that studies the possibilities of using living organisms, their systems or products of their vital activity to solve technological problems, as well as the possibility of creating living organisms with the necessary properties using genetic engineering. Biotechnology is a discipline that studies the possibilities of using living organisms, their systems or products of their vital activity to solve technological problems, as well as the possibility of creating living organisms with the necessary properties using genetic engineering. The possibilities of biotechnology are unusually great due to the fact that its methods are more profitable than conventional ones: they are used under optimal conditions (temperature and pressure), are more productive, environmentally friendly and do not require chemical reagents, poisoning the environment, etc.

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Biotechnology is often referred to as the application of genetic engineering in the 20th and 21st centuries, but the term also refers to a broader set of modification processes biological organisms to meet human needs, starting with the modification of plants and domesticated animals through artificial selection and hybridization. With the help of modern methods, traditional biotechnological production has the opportunity to improve quality food products and increase the productivity of living organisms. Biotechnology often refers to the application of genetic engineering in the 20th and 21st centuries, but the term also refers to a broader set of processes for modifying biological organisms to meet human needs, starting with the modification of plants and domesticated animals through artificial selection and hybridization. With the help of modern methods, traditional biotechnological production has the opportunity to improve the quality of food products and increase the productivity of living organisms.

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In 1814, academician K.S. Kirchhoff discovered the phenomenon of biological catalysis, and he attempted to biocatalytically obtain sugar from available domestic raw materials (until the mid-19th century, sugar was obtained only from sugar cane). In 1814, academician K.S. Kirchhoff discovered the phenomenon of biological catalysis, and he attempted to biocatalytically obtain sugar from available domestic raw materials (until the mid-19th century, sugar was obtained only from sugar cane).

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And in 1891 in the USA, the Japanese biochemist Dz. Takamine received the first patent for the use of enzyme preparations for industrial purposes. The scientist proposed using diastase for the saccharification of plant waste. Thus, already at the beginning of the 20th century there was an active development of the fermentation and microbiological industries. During these same years, the first attempts were made to use enzymes in the textile industry. And in 1891 in the USA, the Japanese biochemist Dz. Takamine received the first patent for the use of enzyme preparations for industrial purposes. The scientist proposed using diastase for the saccharification of plant waste. Thus, already at the beginning of the 20th century there was an active development of the fermentation and microbiological industries. During these same years, the first attempts were made to use enzymes in the textile industry.

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In 1916-1917, the Russian biochemist A. M. Kolenev tried to develop a method that would make it possible to control the action of enzymes in natural raw materials during the production of tobacco. A certain contribution to the development of practical biochemistry belongs to Academician A.N. Bach, who created an important applied area of ​​biochemistry - technical biochemistry. In 1916-1917, the Russian biochemist A. M. Kolenev tried to develop a method that would make it possible to control the action of enzymes in natural raw materials during the production of tobacco. A certain contribution to the development of practical biochemistry belongs to Academician A.N. Bach, who created an important applied area of ​​biochemistry - technical biochemistry.

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A.N. Bach and his students developed many recommendations for improving technologies for processing a wide variety of biochemical raw materials, improving technologies for baking, brewing, winemaking, tea and tobacco production, as well as recommendations for increasing the yield of cultivated plants by controlling the biochemical processes occurring in them. All these studies, as well as the progress of the chemical and microbiological industries and the creation of new industrial biochemical production, became the main prerequisites for the emergence of modern biotechnology. In production terms, the microbiological industry became the basis of biotechnology in the process of its formation. A.N. Bach and his students developed many recommendations for improving technologies for processing a wide variety of biochemical raw materials, improving technologies for baking, brewing, winemaking, tea and tobacco production, as well as recommendations for increasing the yield of cultivated plants by controlling the biochemical processes occurring in them. All these studies, as well as the progress of the chemical and microbiological industries and the creation of new industrial biochemical production, became the main prerequisites for the emergence of modern biotechnology. In production terms, the microbiological industry became the basis of biotechnology in the process of its formation.

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The first antibiotic, penicillin, was isolated in 1940. Following penicillin, other antibiotics were discovered (this work continues to this day). With the discovery of antibiotics, new tasks immediately appeared: establishing production medicinal substances, produced by microorganisms, work to reduce the cost and increase the availability of new drugs, obtaining them in very large quantities needed by medicine. The first antibiotic, penicillin, was isolated in 1940. Following penicillin, other antibiotics were discovered (this work continues to this day). With the discovery of antibiotics, new tasks immediately appeared: establishing the production of medicinal substances produced by microorganisms, working to reduce the cost and increase the availability of new drugs, and obtaining them in very large quantities needed by medicine.

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The following main stages in the development of biotechnology can be distinguished: The following main stages in the development of biotechnology can be distinguished: 1) Development of empirical technology - the unconscious use of microbiological processes (baking, winemaking) from about the 6th thousand years BC. 2) The origin of fundamental biological sciences in the XV-XVIII centuries. 3) The first introduction of scientific data into microbiological production at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century - a period of revolutionary transformations in the microbiological industry. 4) Creation of scientific and technical prerequisites for the emergence of modern biotechnology in the first half of the 20th century (discovery of the structure of proteins, the use of viruses in the study of the genetics of cellular organisms).

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5) The emergence of biotechnology itself as a new scientific and technical branch (mid-20th century), associated with the mass profitable production of drugs; organization of large-scale production of protein from hydrocarbons. 5) The emergence of biotechnology itself as a new scientific and technical branch (mid-20th century), associated with the mass profitable production of drugs; organization of large-scale production of protein from hydrocarbons. 6) The emergence of the latest biotechnology associated with the practical application of genetic and cellular engineering, engineering enzymology, and immune biotechnology. microbiological production - production of a very high culture. Its technology is very complex and specific; servicing the equipment requires mastering special skills. Currently, with the help of microbiological synthesis, antibiotics, enzymes, amino acids, intermediates for the further synthesis of various substances, pheromones (substances with which the behavior of insects can be controlled), organic acids, feed proteins and others are produced. The technology for the production of these substances is well established; obtaining them microbiologically is economically profitable.

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The main directions of biotechnology are: The main directions of biotechnology are: 1) production with the help of microorganisms and cultured eukaryotic cells of biologically active compounds (enzymes, vitamins, hormonal drugs), medicines(antibiotics, vaccines, serums, highly specific antibodies, etc.), as well as proteins, amino acids used as feed additives; 2) the use of biological methods to combat environmental pollution (biological treatment of wastewater, soil pollution, etc.) and to protect plants from pests and diseases; 3) creation of new useful strains of microorganisms, plant varieties, animal breeds, etc.

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Biotechnology ranks second in terms of investment attractiveness after information technology. Biotechnology (BT) is a discipline that studies the possibilities of using living organisms, their systems or products of their vital activity to solve technological problems, as well as the possibility of creating living organisms with the necessary properties using genetic engineering.

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Biotechnology Agriculture Medicine Biocatalysis Mining Nanobiotechnology - chemical industry; - intermediate products for the pharmaceutical industry. - new drugs and vaccines; - diagnostics (including microchips); - gene diagnostics; - gene therapy; - individual medicine; - regenerative medicine (stem cells). - metal mining (hydrometallurgy); - oil production (secondary). - new materials; - biosensors; - biocomputers. - biodegradation of pollutants; - replacement of chemicals fertilizers and pesticides for biology; biodegradable plastics; - replacement of oil with biomass; - reduction of CO2 emissions. Environmental protection - genetically engineered plants and animals; - biopesticides, biofertilizers; - feed amino acids, antibiotics, vitamins, enzymes. green white green red

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Periods of development of bt I - Empirical period. II - Scientific and practical period (etiological). III - Biotechnical period. IV - Genetechnical period.

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I - Empirical period (About 6000 BC - mid-19th century) Characterized by the intuitive use of biotechnological techniques and methods: bread baking, winemaking, brewing, production of fermented milk products, cheeses, sauerkraut, silage of livestock feed, etc.; leather dressing, production of natural dyes; obtaining natural fibers: flax, silk, wool, cotton; In pharmacy and medicine: hirudotherapy, apitherapy; prevention of smallpox with the contents of pustules of calves sick with cowpox.

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II – Scientific and practical period (1856-1933) Establishment of the species identity of microorganisms. Isolation of microorganisms in pure cultures and cultivation on nutrient media. Reproduction of natural processes (fermentation, oxidation, etc.). Production of edible compressed yeast biomass. Obtaining bacterial metabolites (acetone, butanol, citric and lactic acids). Creation of microbiological wastewater treatment systems. L. Pasteur is the founder of scientific microbiology. The first liquid nutrient medium (1859). A. de Bary is the founder of physiological mycology and microphytopathology. DI. Ivanovsky - discovery of the tobacco mosaic disease virus (1892) Introduction to modern biotechnology Associate Professor S.N. Suslina, RUDN University

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III – Biotechnical period (1933-1972) The beginning of industrial biotechnology. Introduction of large-scale sealed fermentation equipment under sterile conditions. Methodological approaches to assessing and interpreting the results obtained during deep cultivation of fungi. Formation and development of the production of antibiotics (the period of the Second World War). “Methods for studying metabolism in molds” (A. Kluyver, L.H.Ts. Perkin) – the beginning of the biotechnical period. Introduction to modern biotechnology Associate Professor S.N. Suslina, RUDN University

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1936 - the main tasks of creating and putting into practice were solved necessary equipment, including the main one - the bioreactor; 1938 - A. Tiselius developed the theory of electrophoresis; 1942 - M. Delbrück and T. Anderson first “saw” viruses using an electron microscope; 1943 - penicillin was produced on an industrial scale; 1949 - J. Lederberg discovered the process of conjugation in E. colly; 1950 - J. Monod developed theoretical basis continuous controlled cultivation of m/o; 1951 - M. Theiler developed a vaccine against yellow fever; 1952 - W. Hayes described the plasmid as an extrachromosomal factor of heredity; 1953 - F. Crick and J. Watson deciphered the structure of DNA. 1959 - Japanese scientists discovered antibiotic resistance plasmids in dysentery bacteria; 1960 - S. Ochoa and A. Kornberg isolated proteins that can “cross-link” or “glue” nucleotides into polymer chains, thereby synthesizing DNA macromolecules. One such enzyme was isolated from Escherichia coli and named DNA polymerase; 1961 - M. Nirenberg read the first three letters of the genetic code for phenylalanine; 1962 - X. Korana chemically synthesized a functional gene; 1970 - restriction enzyme (restriction endonuclease) was isolated. Significant discoveries that were reflected in the biotechnical period

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IV – genetic technical period since 1972. 1972 - the first recombinant DNA molecule (P. Berg, USA). 1975 - G. Keller and C. Milstein published an article in which they described a method for producing monoclonal antibodies; 1981 - the first diagnostic kit of monoclonal antibodies is approved for use in the USA; 1982 - human insulin produced by Escherichia coli cells went on sale; a vaccine for animals obtained using recombinant DNA technology has been approved for use in European countries; genetically engineered interferons, tumor necrosis factor, IL-2, human somatotropic hormone, etc. have been developed; 1986 - K. Mullis developed PCR method; 1988 - start of large-scale production of equipment and diagnostic kits for PCR; 1997 - The first mammal (Dolly the sheep) was cloned from a differentiated somatic cell.

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main directions of biotechnology Biotechnology Cell engineering Objects of biotechnology Cultivated tissues Animal cells Plant cells Microorganisms created by genetic engineering methods Industrial biotechnology Genetic engineering Biotechnology of wastewater treatment and control of water pollution by heavy Me. Bioenergy. Food biotechnology. Medical biotechnology. Biotechnology of dairy products. Agricultural biotechnology. Bioelectronics. Biogeotechnology.

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Bioenergy Dry matter - combustion - heat - mechanical or electrical energy. Raw matter - production of biogas (methane). Methane “fermentation”, or biomethanogenesis, was discovered in 1776 by Volta, who established the presence of methane in swamp gas. Biogas is a mixture of 65% methane, 30% (CO2), 1% (H2S) and minor amounts of (N2), (O2), H2 and (CO).

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Biotechnology for wastewater treatment and control of heavy metal pollution in water Wastewater typically contains a complex mixture of insoluble and soluble components of different nature and concentration. Household waste typically contains soil and intestinal microflora, including pathogenic microorganisms. Wastewater from sugar, starch, brewery and yeast factories, meat processing plants contains large quantities of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which are sources nutrients and energy. Wastewater from chemical and metallurgical industries can contain significant amounts of toxic and even explosive substances. Serious pollution occurs when heavy metal compounds such as iron, copper, tin, etc. enter the environment. The purpose of wastewater treatment is to remove soluble and insoluble components, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and carry out detoxification in such a way that the components of the wastewater do not harm humans, not polluted water bodies.

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Bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas are practically omnivorous. For example, P. putida can utilize naphthalene, toluene, alkanes, camphor and other compounds. Pure cultures of microorganisms capable of decomposing specific phenolic compounds, oil components in polluted waters, etc. have been isolated. Microorganisms of the genus Pseudomonas can also utilize unusual chemical compounds- insecticides, herbicides and other xenobiotics. Biological methods are also applicable to the treatment of oil industry wastewater. For this purpose, aerated biotreatment systems with activated sludge containing a microbial community adapted to oil components are used. The Institute of Applied Biochemistry and Mechanical Engineering has developed a domestic drug - a biodegradant of oil and petroleum products. It allows you to recycle as crude oil, and various petroleum products: fuel oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene, aromatic hydrocarbons. The biological product works when high level contamination up to 20%, with a high content of heavy aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Biotechnology for wastewater treatment and control of water pollution with heavy metals

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Agricultural biotechnology Biological nitrogen fixation is the process of converting nitrogen contained in the atmosphere in the form of chemically inert N2 into the form of nitrates and ammonium available to plants. Nitrogen makes up 78% of the total volume of atmospheric air and is absolutely inaccessible to plants in its atamary form. This is why people are forced to apply nitrogen fertilizers to increase the productivity of agricultural crops. Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is carried out by bacteria living in symbiosis with members of the family or free-living nitrogen fixers (Azotobacter). Bacterial preparations have been developed that improve phosphorus nutrition of plants. IN Lately Increasingly, there is evidence of the mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of chemical pesticides, which are poorly destroyed and accumulate in the environment. Microbial insecticides are highly specific and act only on certain types of insects. Microbial pesticides are subject to biodegradation. M/o can regulate the growth of plants and animals, suppress growth. Some bacteria change the pH and salinity of the soil, others produce compounds that bind Fe, and others produce growth regulators. Typically, m/o inoculate seeds and or plants before planting. Animal husbandry uses diagnostics, prevention, treatment of diseases using monoclonal Abs, and genetic improvement of animal breeds. Biotechnology is used for silage of feed, allowing to increase the absorption of plant biomass, for the disposal of waste from livestock farms, etc.

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Biogeotechnology The use of geochemical activity of microorganisms in the mining industry. Leaching of poor and spent ores, desulfurization of hard coal, combating methane in coal mines, increasing oil recovery, etc. Biogeotechnology of metal leaching - the use of mainly thionic (oxidizing sulfur and sulfur-containing compounds) bacteria to extract metals from ores, ore concentrates and rocks . When processing poor and complex ores, thousands and even millions of tons of valuable metals are lost in the form of waste, slag, and “tailings.” There are also emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Bacterial-chemical leaching of metals reduces these losses. The basis of this process is the oxidation of sulfide minerals contained in ores by thionic bacteria. Sulfides of copper, iron, zinc, tin, cadmium, etc. are oxidized. In this case, metals from the insoluble sulfide form pass into sulfates, which are highly soluble in water. Metals are extracted from sulfate solutions by precipitation, extraction, and sorption. The main species of minerals used for biogeotechnological mining of metals is the species of thionic bacteria Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Biogeotechnology spontaneously arose in the 16th century. Apparently, 1922 should be considered the official birth date of biogeotechnology. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was discovered in 1947 by Kolmer and Kinkelemyu Introduction to modern biotechnology Associate Professor S.N. Suslina, RUDN University

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Biogeotechnology Biogeotechnology of coal desulfurization is the use of thionic bacteria to remove sulfur-containing compounds from coals. The total sulfur content in coals can reach 10-12%. When coal is burned, the sulfur it contains turns into sulfur dioxide, which enters the atmosphere, where it forms sulfuric acid. From the atmosphere, sulfuric acid falls to the surface of the earth in the form of sulfuric acid rain. According to available data, in some countries of Western Europe, up to 300 kg of sulfuric acid falls per year on 1 hectare of land with rain. In addition, high-sulfur coals do not coke well and therefore cannot be used in non-ferrous metallurgy. The first experiments on the targeted removal of sulfur from coal using microorganisms were carried out in 1959 in our country by Z. M. Zarubina, N. N. Lyalikova and E. I. Shmuk. As a result of these experiments, within 30 days with the participation of Th. ferrooxidans, 23-30% of sulfur was removed from coal. Later, several works on microbiological desulfurization of coal were published by American researchers. Using thione bacteria, they managed to reduce the pyrite sulfur content in coal by almost 50% in four days.

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Bioelectronics In the field of electronics, biotechnology can be used to create improved types of biosensors and biochips. Biotechnology makes it possible to create devices in which proteins are the basis of molecules that act as semiconductors. To indicate contaminants of various origins, recently they began to use not chemical reagents, but biosensors - enzyme electrodes, as well as immobilized microbial cells. Bioselective sensors are also created by applying whole m/o cells or tissues to the surface of ion-selective electrodes. For example, Neurospora europea - for determining NH3, Trichosporon brassiacae - for determining acetic acid. Monoclonal Abs, which have exceptionally high selectivity, are also used as sensors. Leaders in the production of biosensors and biochips are Japanese companies such as Hitachi, Sharp, Sony.

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Medical biotechnology Vaccines and serums. Antibiotics. Enzymes and antienzymes. Hormones and their antagonists. Vitamins. Amino acids. Blood substitutes. Alkaloids. Immunomodulators. Bioradioprotectors. Immune diagnostics and biosensors. Biogeotechnology spontaneously arose in the 16th century. Apparently, 1922 should be considered the official birth date of biogeotechnology. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was discovered in 1947 by Kolmer and Kinkelemyu Introduction to modern biotechnology Associate Professor S.N. Suslina, RUDN University

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Key biomedical technologies Production of secondary metabolites - NMCs not required for growth in pure culture: a/b, alkaloids, plant growth hormones and toxins. Protein technology is the use of transgenic microorganisms for the synthesis of proteins foreign to producers (insulin, interferon). Hybridoma technology – production of monoclonal Abs to antigens of bacteria, viruses, animal and plant cells, pure enzymes and proteins. Engineering enzymology is the implementation of biotransformation of substances using the catalytic functions of enzymes in pure form or as part of PPS (cells), incl. immobilized.

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Biotechnology OPPORTUNITIES Accurate and early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious and genetic diseases; Increasing agricultural yields. crops by creating plants resistant to pests, diseases and adverse environmental conditions; Creation of microorganisms producing various biologically active substances (antibiotics, polymers, amino acids, enzymes); Creation of farm animal breeds with improved heritable traits; Recycling of toxic waste – environmental pollutants. PROBLEMS Impact of genetically engineered organisms on other organisms or the environment; Reduction of natural genetic diversity when creating recombinant organisms; Changing the genetic nature of a person using genetic engineering methods; Violation of the human right to privacy when applying new diagnostic methods; Availability of treatment only to the rich for the purpose of profit; Obstacles to the free exchange of thoughts between scientists in the struggle for priorities

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Completed by a student of class 11A of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 Anastasia Danilova Teacher: Oksana Viktorovna Golubtsova
Advances in modern biotechnology

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Biotechnology is the industrial use of biological processes and systems based on the cultivation of highly effective forms of microorganisms, cultures of cells and tissues of plants and animals with properties necessary for humans. Certain biotechnological processes (baking, winemaking) have been known since ancient times. But biotechnology achieved its greatest success in the second half of the 20th century and is becoming increasingly important for human civilization.

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Structure of modern biotechnology
Modern biotechnology includes a number of high technology, which are based on the latest achievements of ecology, genetics, microbiology, cytology, and molecular biology. Modern biotechnology uses biological systems of all levels: from molecular genetic to biogeocenotic (biosphere); in this case, fundamentally new biological systems are created that are not found in nature. Biological systems used in biotechnology, together with non-biological components (technological equipment, materials, energy supply systems, control and management) are conveniently called working systems.

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Biotechnology and its role in practical human activities
The peculiarity of biotechnology is that it combines the most advanced achievements of scientific and technological progress with the accumulated experience of the past, expressed in the use of natural sources to create products useful to humans. Any biotechnological process includes a number of stages: preparation of the object, its cultivation, isolation, purification, modification and use of the resulting products. The multi-stage and complexity of the process necessitates the involvement of a variety of specialists in its implementation: geneticists and molecular biologists, cytologists, biochemists, virologists, microbiologists and physiologists, process engineers, and biotechnological equipment designers.

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Crop production
Genetic Engineering

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Method: tissue culture
The method of vegetative propagation of agricultural plants by tissue culture is being increasingly used on an industrial basis. It allows not only to quickly propagate new promising plant varieties, but also to obtain planting material that is not infected with viruses.

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Biotechnology in animal husbandry
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in earthworms as a source of animal protein to balance the feed diet of animals, birds, fish, fur-bearing animals, as well as a protein supplement with therapeutic and prophylactic properties. To increase animal productivity, complete feed is needed. The microbiological industry produces feed protein based on various microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae. As industrial tests have shown, the protein-rich biomass of single-celled organisms is absorbed with high efficiency by farm animals. Thus, 1 ton of feed yeast allows you to save 5-7 tons of grain. This is significant because 80% of the world's agricultural land is devoted to livestock and poultry feed production.

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The cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1996 by Ian Wilmut and his colleagues at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh caused a stir around the world. Dolly was conceived from the mammary gland of a sheep that had long since died, and its cells were stored in liquid nitrogen. The technique by which Dolly was created is known as nuclear transfer, which means that the nucleus of an unfertilized egg is removed and a nucleus from a somatic cell is placed in its place.

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Cloning Dolly the Sheep

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New discoveries in the field of medicine
The successes of biotechnology are especially widely used in medicine. Currently, antibiotics, enzymes, amino acids, and hormones are produced using biosynthesis. For example, hormones used to be typically obtained from animal organs and tissues. Even to obtain a small amount of a medicinal drug, a lot of starting material was required. Consequently, it was difficult to obtain the required amount of the drug and it was very expensive. Thus, insulin, a hormone of the pancreas, is the main treatment for diabetes mellitus. This hormone must be administered to patients constantly. Producing it from the pancreas of a pig or cattle is difficult and expensive. In addition, animal insulin molecules differ from human insulin molecules, which often caused allergic reactions, especially in children. Currently, the biochemical production of human insulin has been established. A gene that synthesizes insulin was obtained. Using genetic engineering, this gene was introduced into a bacterial cell, which as a result acquired the ability to synthesize human insulin. In addition to obtaining therapeutic agents, biotechnology allows for early diagnosis of infectious diseases and malignant neoplasms based on the use of antigen preparations and DNA/RNA samples. With the help of new vaccine preparations it is possible to prevent infectious diseases.

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Biotechnology in medicine

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Stem cell method: cures or cripples?
Japanese scientists led by Professor Shinya Yamanaka from Kyoto University for the first time isolated stem cells from human skin, having previously introduced a set of certain genes into them. In their opinion, this can serve as an alternative to cloning and will make it possible to create drugs comparable to those obtained by cloning human embryos. American scientists almost simultaneously obtained similar results. But this does not mean that in a few months it will be possible to completely abandon embryo cloning and restore the body’s functionality using stem cells obtained from the patient’s skin. First, specialists will have to make sure that the “skin” table cells are actually as multifunctional as they seem, that they can be implanted into various organs without fear for the patient’s health, and that they will work.
The main concern is that such cells pose a risk for cancer development. Because the main danger of embryonic stem cells is that they are genetically unstable and have the ability to develop into some tumors after transplantation into the body

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Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering techniques make it possible to isolate the necessary gene and introduce it into a new genetic environment in order to create an organism with new, predetermined characteristics. Genetic engineering methods remain very complex and expensive. But already now, with their help, industry produces such important medications as interferon, growth hormones, insulin, etc. Selection of microorganisms is the most important area in biotechnology. The development of bionics makes it possible to effectively apply biological methods to solve engineering problems and to use the experience of living nature in various fields of technology.

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Transgenic products: pros and cons?
Several dozen edible transgenic plants have already been registered in the world. These are varieties of soybeans, rice and sugar beets that are resistant to herbicides; herbicide- and pest-resistant corn; potatoes resistant to the Colorado potato beetle; zucchini, almost seedless; tomatoes, bananas and melons with extended shelf life; rapeseed and soybean with modified fatty acid composition; rice with a high content of vitamin A. Genetically modified sources can be found in sausage, frankfurters, canned meat, dumplings, cheese, yogurt, baby food, cereals, chocolate, and ice cream candies.

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Prospects for the development of biotechnology
The method of vegetative propagation of agricultural plants by tissue culture is being increasingly used on an industrial basis. It allows not only to quickly propagate new promising plant varieties, but also to obtain virus-free planting material. Biotechnology makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly fuels through the bioprocessing of industrial and agricultural waste. For example, installations have been created that use bacteria to process manure and other organic waste.

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As a direct result scientific developments, biotechnology turns out to be a direct unity of science and production, another step towards the unity of knowledge and action, another step that brings a person closer to overcoming external and to comprehending internal expediency.