What is detox? What is detox and what is the essence of detoxing the body. rules of detox diets developed by American professor Susan Zilberstein together with French nutritionist Henri Chenot

Detox is a popular nutrition system that is based on the systematic consumption of fortified drinks of natural origin and the complete rejection of other foods. The main task is to cleanse the body, removing harmful substances naturally that have a detrimental effect on health. A specific diet has contraindications that should be taken into account when using a detox diet as a method of combating excess weight and harmful deposits in the body.

The essence of the diet

The point is to remove waste, toxins and other harmful substances that have accumulated in it for many years from the body. The main cleansing tool is detox dishes. These dishes do not have a solid form, so the body spends a minimum of energy on assimilation and processing of food.

Who is detoxification suitable for?

People over 25 years of age should resort to a cleansing program, since it is at this age that the body ceases to remove toxins so effectively.

Program shown:

There are also classifications that separate detox programs by organizing the dietary process:

  • stationary– taking place in special rehabilitation and relaxation centers, within which the patient is offered a full range of detox measures (nutrition, exercise, cleansing procedures);
  • with home delivery– juices and other drinks necessary for cleansing the body are delivered to your home;
  • independent– it is required to systematically prepare all kinds of cocktails and juices from natural products, creating a detox menu from the list of dishes that are available for consumption.

Food menu for the week

DayBreakfastSnackDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1 Apple, green teaBananaGreen borscht on the waterBaked fruitsCucumber salad with olive oil, yogurt
2 Lemon water, fruit puree50 g almondsDiet soupCabbage and carrot saladVegetable stew
3 Freshly squeezed juice, radish salad with olive oilApple and yogurt smoothieVegetable salad, steamed fishGrapefruitSteamed fish, tomato and cucumber salad
4 Chamomile tea, saladKiwiVegetable puree soupFruit freshSteamed chicken fillet, salad with olive oil
5 Fruit salad with nuts, ginger tea with lemonGrapefruitRice with vegetablesDried fruits compote2 eggs, 50 grams of hard cheese, salad
6 Whole grain bread, ginger teaBaked green appleCarrot puree with pumpkinA glass of juiceA plate of lean soup, steamed fish
7 Low-fat cottage cheese, apple, teaA handful of raisins or nutsBroccoli and cauliflower soupPrune compoteBoiled cauliflower, tea with ginger

To detoxify, you need to prepare your body. You need to start a month before the event. During this period, you need to give up fatty and fried foods, consume meat and fish once a week, eat plant foods, and drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach.

  • introduce yoghurt into the diet, which will reduce the risk of injury to the intestinal mucosa and help restore healthy microflora of the digestive system;
  • Avoid taking multivitamin juices and smoothies, consuming each product separately;
  • You should not eat fruits and vegetables that were not part of your diet before the detox;
  • if they appeared painful sensations or deterioration in health, you should end the experiment and return to a healthy, nutritious diet.

The right way out of the diet

Changing your diet is a stressful situation for the body, for this reason you should exit detox correctly.

  1. Under no circumstances should you suddenly switch to a full-fledged diet, eating everything.
  2. It is required to start eating foods similar to the preparatory course plant origin, but in solid form. At the same time, do not throw away juices and other foods that were consumed during the cleansing period from the food system.
  3. A week after completing the diet, you can start eating small amounts of animal food, such as chicken or lean fish, but only in limited quantities and in boiled or stewed form.
  4. Even after juices and smoothies have been completely excluded from the diet, it is necessary to eat systematically, in small portions, excluding fatty and unhealthy foods.

When doing a complete fast using water or juice, it is safest to do this no more than 2 days a week for a month.

  1. Complex detox programs that include solid foods can last up to three weeks.
  2. Nutritionists say that once every six months you need to resort to a week-long fast using smoothies, vegetables and fruits, which makes it possible to regulate metabolic processes in the body, promptly preventing the development of complex pathological conditions.


Only absolute people can resort to detox healthy people– in all other cases, a specific diet is contraindicated. Restrictions:

  • It is necessary for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to limit themselves from fasting;
  • persons under eighteen years of age;
  • with available chronic diseases, especially associated with disruption of the digestive system.
  • for Crohn's disease, degenerative processes in the joints, various neurological disorders, etc.

Video recipes for detox cocktails

Exists a large number of all kinds of recipes for detox cocktails, which to varying degrees allow you to cleanse and heal the body. This particular video offers a choice of several recipes for cocktails made from natural products that contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

IN Lately The term “detox” is increasingly being used everywhere. Doctors, beauty industry specialists, and celebrities talk about detox programs and detox cleansing. To whom detox is recommended, what it is and how it works, we will consider in detail.

Why do you need a detox?

Many experts claim that toxins and waste in the body are the main culprits of most diseases, weak immunity, allergic reactions, imperfections in appearance and the accompanying nervous exhaustion, increased fatigue. Human body, all systems of which work harmoniously, are able to independently get rid of accumulating poisons - through the kidneys, intestines, liver, lungs, and skin.

It happens that your own resources become insufficient to remove everything unnecessary. Then detox programs come to the rescue, with the goal of releasing the body’s own resources and stimulating its natural cleansing at all levels. Considering what detox is, it is worth highlighting the main effects that this technique allows you to achieve:

  • removing accumulated toxic compounds from body tissues;
  • normalization;
  • getting rid of extra pounds;
  • body;
  • improvement of appearance.

It is possible to understand that it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins in the presence of the following “signals” (several of them):

  • digestive problems;
  • frequent colds;
  • skin rashes;
  • bad ;
  • prostration;
  • frequent mood changes.

Detoxification of the body - how to cleanse the body at home?

You can find out what it is and experience detox yourself by using the services of clinics medical centers, spas that offer similar wellness techniques. A detox program at home is a completely acceptable, effective and more affordable option for cleansing that any woman can afford. The best period for this is considered to be the beginning of spring and autumn, when the body is ready for changes. At the same time, it is advisable to plan a detox course so that it coincides with a vacation or a quiet work schedule, without stress and business trips.

Detox is not just a special diet, but a whole range of activities, including:

  • a certain diet and fluid intake;
  • exclusion of harmful products;
  • giving up alcohol, smoking, coffee;
  • eating foods that promote detoxification;
  • physical exercise;
  • good sleep;
  • avoiding overwork and stressful situations;
  • procedures for cleansing skin and hair.

Herbal teas for detoxifying the body

Herbs are effectively used to cleanse the body, on the basis of which decoctions and infusions are prepared for course use. There are two methods of herbal cleansing of the body. The first involves alternate cleansing of the intestines, liver, kidneys, blood and lymph. The second is based on complex impact certain herbs, due to which all organs, lymphatic and circulatory systems. When detoxing at home, it is more convenient to use the second method.

Recipe for Tibetan infusion for comprehensive cleansing


  • strawberry leaf - 1 table. spoon;
  • St. John's wort - 1 table. spoon;
  • chamomile - 1 table. spoon;
  • birch buds - 1 table. spoon;
  • immortelle - 1 table. spoon;
  • water – 1 l.

Preparation and use

  1. Grind all ingredients in a coffee grinder.
  2. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture.
  3. Pour in freshly boiled water, placing the herbs in a thermos.
  4. Leave overnight and filter.
  5. Take a glass three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of admission is 1-2 months.

Detox drinks

When carrying out a detox, water should be consumed daily in an amount of at least 1.5 liters. This is the main drink necessary to remove toxic substances from the body. It is recommended to start the morning with a glass of clean water room temperature with the addition of a tablespoon lemon juice. During the day between meals or replacing 1-2 meals, you should drink other detox drinks:

  • green tea;
  • juices;
  • smoothie;
  • detox cocktails with fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries.

Several compositions of popular and tasty cocktails that help get rid of toxins that are prepared in a blender:

  1. One kiwi, one green apple, a few mint leaves, a small amount of water.
  2. Several stalks of celery, one and a half apples, one beet, a teaspoon of honey.
  3. One avocado, one banana, one orange, juice of half a lemon, a glass of water.
  4. One cucumber, one celery root, a glass of water.
  5. Two bananas, three tablespoons of blueberries, juice of half a lemon, three stalks of celery, a glass of water.

In addition, drinks that are prepared by adding ingredients cut into small slices into water and infusing them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours are useful.

Examples of compositions (water is taken in the amount of two liters):

  1. Half a coconut, half a lemon, ten mint leaves.
  2. Three kiwis, 200 g strawberries.
  3. One pomelo, one lime, half a lemon, half a coconut, mint to taste.
  4. Two cucumbers, one lemon.
  5. Watermelon pulp – 300 g, several mint and lemon balm leaves.

Detox diet

There are several types of cleansing diets, which it is advisable to select under the guidance of a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Some of them involve complete abstinence from food for several days, others are based on the consumption of juices, smoothies, vegetable broths, and vegan foods. At the same time, regardless of the chosen diet, switch to proper diet nutrition should be gradual.

We list the basic nutritional requirements when cleansing the body at home:

  1. Refusal of junk food: everything fatty, smoked, fried, sweets, baked goods and the like.
  2. Reducing portion sizes, increasing the number of meals (5-6 times a day).
  3. Minimizing the use of salt and spices.
  4. Eating animal food once a week (low-fat fish or poultry).

It is encouraged to enrich the diet with the following products that help maintain the normal balance of intestinal microflora, remove harmful substances, and saturate the body with useful ingredients:

  • apples;
  • broccoli;
  • asparagus;
  • beet;
  • bell pepper;
  • bananas;
  • grenades;
  • citrus;
  • grape;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • greenery;
  • cereals;
  • sprouted grains;
  • bran.

Detox tablets

There are special medical supplies, with the help of which detoxification of the liver, kidneys, intestines, and blood system is carried out. Many detoxification drugs are made on a natural basis and have laxative, diuretic, absorption, and hepatoprotective properties. Here are some of them (use in consultation with your doctor):

  • Detox;
  • Deophyte;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Detoxical;
  • Hepatrin-Detox;
  • Activated carbon.

Detox – patch

Cleansing the body of waste and toxins is also carried out using special patches that are attached to the feet at night. These products are impregnated with substances that can absorb toxic compounds from blood vessels and improve metabolic processes. They contain minerals, plant extracts, and vitamins. Here are a few names of such patches:

  • ToxiNet;
  • Bodytox;
  • Kenrico;
  • Tiande;
  • Faberlic Detox.

Detox mask

It is worth understanding that detox is a cleansing that is carried out both inside and outside the body. Therefore, we cannot ignore the largest organ of the body - the skin, which accumulates waste products of the body and external pollution. To detox your skin, the easiest way is to use a clay mask suitable for the body and face. To do this, cosmetic clay should be diluted with water to a paste-like state, applied and washed off after drying. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 2-3 times a week.

Detox shampoo

Detox is proper care take care of your hair with shampoo that has maximum cleansing properties. Thanks to products marked “detox”, the scalp and hair shafts are detoxified, all impurities, excess sebum, and styling product residues are eliminated. The following brands of shampoo are recommended:

  • Innova Pure Detox;
  • Phyto Phytoneutre Clarifying Detox;
  • Estel Professional Beauty Hair Lab Detox Therapy;
  • Dott. Solari Phito Complex Sanitizer Detoxing;
  • Faberlic Expert Black Detox.

Along with physical activity Our body requires regular cleansing. This is due to the fact that even with proper and balanced nutrition, the body cannot always independently free itself from harmful substances that enter it, including toxins, complex fats, harmful substances. In order to thoroughly cleanse the body and improve the functioning of the digestive system, detox has recently been increasingly used. This is a nutrition system that allows you to improve your well-being, launch your digestive tract, and free your body from extra pounds and toxins.

Detox– this is a special diet and nutrition regimen that allows you to get rid of toxins, excess weight, release the body’s own resources and cleanse it. Detox allows you to achieve the following results:
– gain the desired slimness, improve your body’s health and get rid of extra pounds, while strengthening your immune system and cleansing digestive system;
– increase life expectancy, lower blood cholesterol levels and cleanse blood vessels;
– rejuvenate the body, cleanse the skin and give it a radiant appearance;
– significantly reduce weight without harm to the body.

Detox is based on following a vegan diet, freshly squeezed juices, the composition of which allows you to cleanse the digestive tract of toxins, lose weight and improve your well-being. Those who are not the first to undergo the program can completely refuse food by choosing a complete abstinence from food.

Types of detox programs

The detox program is divided into:
– one-day and multi-day;
– for beginners and professionals;
– detox with water or vegetable broth;
– juice detox and smoothie detox;
– cleansing the body with boiled vegetables and giving up meat.
Each program has its own advantages and disadvantages; it must be selected based on the individual parameters of the body, the purpose of detoxification and medical indications. For example, a juice detox is not recommended for people whose blood sugar levels are unstable. When doing a smoothie detox, it is recommended to combine vegetables and fruits in such a way as to reduce acidity, as this can negatively affect the stomach.

Detox program based on drinking plain water- This is one of the simplest, but at the same time the most difficult detoxification programs to implement, since it is not easy to tolerate, but at the same time it allows you to completely cleanse the body of toxins and restart the digestive tract.

Suitable for those who cannot completely refuse to eat. But it is also one of the most stringent and is recommended only after consultation with a doctor.

Juice detox can be built in different ways, depending on whether you limit the amount of juice consumed or not. There are also several types of juice detoxes depending on what kind of juices you use, for example fruit, vegetable or mixed. This cleansing of the body is not recommended for those who have unstable blood sugar levels or have problems with functioning digestive tract. In this case, it is recommended to combine vegetable and fruit juices.

Smoothie detox includes the consumption of not only juices, but also fiber, which is found in processed vegetables and fruits. This cleansing of the body allows you to receive the maximum amount of microelements and at the same time feel great.

Detox in the form of consumption of vegetables, which have undergone heat treatment, are excellent for exiting a rigid detoxification system, allowing you to start the body and at the same time cleanse it by diversifying your menu.

How to build a detox menu for a week

First of all, you should decide which detoxification program you choose and prepare for it. The preparation period includes avoiding heavy foods and meat products for 24 hours before starting the detox program. In order to create a menu for the week, you should take into account your working conditions, the number of meals per day and combine them in such a way as to provide the body with all the necessary macroelements, for example, if we are talking about a smoothie detox, it is recommended to drink a fruit smoothie in the morning, lunch and evening vegetable puree. Nutritionists recommend carrying out a detox program for 3 days, but for those who are not going through it for the first time, it can last up to 21 days.

Sample detox menu:
– for breakfast it is recommended to drink a detox cocktail, which may consist of warm water, ginger and half a lemon;
– after a couple of hours, it is recommended to drink a smoothie, the main ingredients of which will be an apple, celery, ginger, cucumber and a glass of water;
– for lunch, vegetable soup is perfect, which can consist of seasonal ingredients;
– a smoothie made from vegetables is suitable as a snack; you can add spinach, parsley, avocado and cucumber to it;
– for dinner it is recommended to drink the same detox cocktail as in the morning, you can supplement it with chamomile tea.
During the day you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water.

Detox at home

When carrying out detoxification at home, first of all, it is worth studying the recipes for juices and smoothies, vegetable dishes, which will help you undergo detoxification without harm to your body. If you are undergoing such a detoxification at home, then the main rule will be to avoid all unwanted foods and diversify your diet as much as possible by taking in various vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to combine 3 colors of vegetables and fruits at one meal, this way you can provide the maximum amount of macronutrients.

Recipes that are suitable for the detox menu:
1. Any detox diet includes herbal teas from ginger, chamomile and mint, which soothe and help cleanse the body.
2. For a light snack, vegetable soup is suitable, which includes carrots, spinach, white cabbage, and greens. Boil all the vegetables; if desired, you can chop them in a blender.
3. Vegetable smoothie. It contains cabbage and spinach leaves, green apple, fennel and celery. All ingredients must be blended in a blender for 1 minute; if desired, you can add one tablespoon of honey.
4. For a light dinner, you can make a hearty avocado gazpacho with pineapple and spinach. 1 avocado, 200 grams of pineapple and spinach, chopped and blended in a blender; you can add lime and salt as seasoning.

Detox cocktails for weight loss

Basically, such cocktails include various vegetables and fruits, which are recommended to be combined. Cocktails can be based on celery and apple and greens, which are low in calories and nourish the body well. Recently, recipes with the addition of linseed oil or spirulina, which help effectively cleanse the body of toxins. You can combine vegetables and fruits with each other, for example, make cocktails from celery, spinach, apple and avocado, which has a good taste and contains all the vitamins and microelements.
In order to carry out a quality detox, it is recommended to contact special companies that have developed programs for 3, 7 and 21 days. By ordering the program, you receive ready-made sets of smoothie cocktails that must be consumed throughout the day at a set time.

There are several most common detox cocktails:
– kiwi, green apple and mint. Add a little water and blend in a blender for a minute.
– mix one beet, one and a half apples and several stalks of celery in a blender, add one teaspoon of honey;
– 200 grams of cabbage, several broccoli florets and 150 grams of avocado, spinach and half a glass of water mixed in a blender.

How to get out of detox correctly

After such a global cleansing of the body, it is not recommended to consume heavy foods such as cereals and bread, meat, legumes, as well as foods that irritate the digestive tract for a week. To further cleanse the body, it is recommended to add fiber to your diet, which stabilizes the microflora and improves the functioning of the digestive tract. After such an intensive cleansing of the body, it is recommended to eat small portions and completely eliminate bread and alcohol, as they irritate the intestines and will negate the effect of the detox program.

Video: Detox at home


Cleansing the body using detox programs is very popular not only because it promotes weight loss, but also due to the effective healing of the body, cleansing the digestive tract, and improving well-being. Doctors recommend regular detoxification once or twice a year to prolong youth, improve skin condition and speed up metabolism. Such cleansing of the body will be effective and will not cause harm only if it is carried out in strict compliance with all rules.

Be sure to read about it

Detoxification is written about in beauty blogs and magazines no less often than diets. It has become fashionable to indulge in fresh juices, green cocktails and smoothies, topping them with goji berries and chia seeds. But does this have an effect and is it harmful to health? What is detox anyway? Let's figure it out further.

What is detox and detoxification

In medicine, the term “detox” does not exist, but there is a full term - “detoxification”. By it they mean cleansing the body (natural or artificial) from severe poisoning with toxic substances. This is how they treat alcohol and drug addiction, poisoning and side effects from medications, poisoning with heavy metals, fertilizers, household chemicals, etc.

Detox is an abbreviation medical term, the meaning of which was twisted for the sake of marketing: the sonorous word was quickly taken into circulation, and now they write about it in every fashion magazine, where they offer to cleanse the body of toxins from fast food, cosmetics, bad water and so on.

Thus, various detox smoothies and cocktails, juices, superfoods and nutritional supplements specifically aimed at cleansing the body have appeared on the mass market. However, the very idea of ​​such an everyday detox has long been consigned to the dustbin of medical history. In the end, what detox really is is just a pseudo-medical concept.

Why the importance of detox is a misconception

For a long time, man has fallen victim to the idea that we must get rid of some dangerous substances in our bodies in order to become cleaner, lighter and healthier. In the same Ancient Egypt healers believed that toxic substances themselves were produced in human body, in particular in the products of its vital activity. And it was believed that it was toxins that caused diseases, and therefore they needed to be removed from the body. This phenomenon of self-production of toxins was called “autointoxication.” And faith in this medical doctrine persisted right up to the 20th century!

However, by the early 1900s, our understanding of physiology had evolved and scientists finally abandoned the idea of ​​autointoxication. Respected University of Exeter professor Dr Edzard Ernst confidently states: “The body does not need help detoxifying. There are no known methods to help the body rid itself of unwanted substances better than it already does on its own.” But that doesn't stop savvy marketers from continuing to sell the idea that we can be healthier if we consume special detoxifying products.

What's interesting: sellers of detox cocktails, food additives and superfoods often don’t even know what detox is and what it fights against.

For example, in 2007, one such interesting investigation was conducted, organized by the American scientific propaganda group Sense About Science. Participants contacted the manufacturers of various detox cleansing products and asked them to answer what they thought detoxing meant and what toxins it could help eliminate. And even under pressure, not one of these fighters for a clean body was able to give a definite answer to the questions posed.

Even fashionable books about detox diets, which are being swept off store shelves by buyers worried about this strange enemy of their health that has appeared out of nowhere, do not provide clear answers.

How our body cleanses itself

As we said above, official medicine rejects the concept of detox, and for good reason. It has long been known that a number of our organs - from the skin, liver, kidneys and to the intestines and lungs - do an excellent job of cleansing themselves from all sorts of harmful substances. But in ordinary life we ​​don’t notice this. And as soon as a person is poisoned by expired food or wakes up in the morning with a hangover, he feels for himself that this is true: all the systems of the body begin to work to get rid of those excesses that make you feel bad. For example, the liver has special enzymes that convert toxic substances into intermediate form and then completely neutralized. The kidneys, in turn, independently get rid of unwanted elements and waste, being a link in the process of urine formation.

In the absence of diseases, these processes occur automatically: we simply live, and we do not need external help to start cleansing the body from the outside. It has not yet been proven that any supplement, tea, special water or diet in any way replaces this function. Even more than that: what is now called detox here and there is harmful to our health.

"Detox emptyes your gut," says Dr. Ernst. - And this can disrupt a person’s electrolyte balance and lower it to a dangerous level. low level. It was already becoming known about the occurrence of intestinal perforations due to “detox”, and about deaths. In fact, detox and the accompanying food asceticism do nothing useful except remove excrement from the body, which is easily excreted without it.”

Is it possible to help the body cleanse itself?

If you've become interested in what a detox is because you've been feeling down due to, say, overeating during the holidays, there are just a few things that can make you feel better and maybe even improve your long-term health outcomes. It's healthy night sleep, avoiding alcohol, exercising and eating a balanced diet. There is only one drawback: these things are already known to everyone, and you cannot sell them in the usual packaging to bored consumers. They don't come in the form of a magic pill, and usually require a longer-term commitment than the newfangled week-long detox, but they provide clearer, more effective results without abusing your body. Whom to listen to is your choice.

You can hear another opinion about whether you should worry about removing toxins in this video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


It is important not so much to go on a diet as to cleanse the intestines correctly and in a timely manner, ridding it of intoxication products - poisons, toxins, wastes. The dietary effect will not linger. Detox cleansing of the body, which provides radical changes in appearance, excellent health of a losing weight person.

What is detox

To lose weight, it is important to regulate the body's metabolic processes at the cellular level. Detox is effective fight with the results of holiday overeating and a passive lifestyle. The proposed nutrition course is designed for 3-5 days, and is allowed to be carried out at home without harm to health. Fasting is possible, since certain adjustments will have to be made to the daily menu.

Detox programs

If appeared overweight, you can't hesitate. The selected Detox program will help you finally get rid of problem areas, become lighter, cleanse your digestive organs, and improve the condition of your skin, hair, and nails. Since harmful elements accumulate in the body, the fat burning system is today the optimal solution at any age in the absence of contraindications. When choosing detox principles, it is recommended to pay attention to the following areas:

  1. Fasting on vegetable broth. Take the indicated liquid 150 ml three times a day, while Herb tea and water is allowed to be consumed in unlimited portions. The duration of this program is 4 days.
  2. Water fasting. The most complex nutrition program, which has certain medical restrictions. There will be an effect, but such a detox diet is not suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight quickly and productively.
  3. Juice detox. In the morning, afternoon and evening, you can only drink fruit juices and cocktails, and prepare smoothies. Nutritionists recommend diluting the diet with vegetable ingredients, since fruits contain large amounts of sugar. You can dilute the menu with vegetable salads.
  4. Vegan detox. The basis of the diet is plant foods and several liters of water. Cleansing is effective if the program is followed for 7 to 21 days. Such experiments should not be carried out during pregnancy.
  5. Detox with steamed vegetables. About fatty, spicy, sweet and fried foods and it’s better to forget their recipes right away. The best way food processing - steamed, while the range of permitted ingredients is negotiated individually.

Hair detox

If the strands are particularly oily, you need to choose a therapeutic cosmetic mask to regulate the production of sebum by the glands of the scalp. In order not to look for time-tested recipes, it is recommended to use Hair Detox - a procedure that has been relevant for many years. Its essence is detoxification, it provides a superficial or deep cleansing to choose from. According to trichologists, the detox is suitable for all hair types and has the following features:

  1. This procedure acts as a scrub and regulates the functioning of the glands. internal secretion, removes dust, silicone, cosmetics and other pests from the hair structure.
  2. Shampoo supports hair follicles in good shape, promotes their intensive growth. Detoxifier does not have side effects, That's why therapeutic effect observed on hair of various structures.
  3. It is necessary to conduct 5-7 sessions to notice real changes from the detox procedure - there will be no more questions about what it is.

Detox for face

Masks for sensitive dermis are very popular and have a minimum side effects. Facial detox is no less popular, as it helps remove toxins and waste from the deep layers of the dermis. Such toxic substances accumulate excess water in their structure, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles on the face and age spots on the body. The procedure is complex, and it is not always possible to carry it out at home. It is better to contact a professional cosmetologist.

Detox at home

If you decide to conduct a session at home, the main rule is to read the instructions for properly preparing the mask, exclude increased sensitivity epidermis. The reviews are positive, the selection of cosmetics for the face and body is huge. A home detox depends on your desired results.

  1. If you need to lose weight, your diet for 3-7 days is limited to low-calorie foods and sufficient fluid intake.
  2. If you want to cleanse your skin, you should carry out 5-7 cosmetic procedures. According to reviews, home activities also effectively cleanse sensitive skin.
  3. If we are talking about problematic scalp, brittle hair, detox is the word that can save a once dull and lifeless hairstyle. Prices for drugs vary.