What do you need to whiten your teeth? How to quickly and effectively whiten your teeth at home? Professional whitening at the dentist

A snow-white, radiant smile is one of the main guarantees of attractiveness, each of us dreams of having strong, healthy, white teeth, but not all nature has endowed them with such, and most of the population is faced with the problem of dull, darkened teeth. From the point of view of aesthetics, this does not look the best, but in addition to the visual problem, dark enamel can be a provocateur of a number of other troubles in the oral cavity and be a source of bacteria development.

Someone simply resigned himself to this fact and does not pay any attention to it, and someone is looking for excuses that whitening is too expensive, too expensive, etc. In fact, in order to make your teeth white, it is not necessary to visit clinics every week and do expensive procedures, there are a lot of budget methods that you can use without leaving your home, and the end result will be no worse than with a salon, professional whitening.

In order to choose the right, suitable method for yourself, you need to understand the reasons for the darkening of tooth enamel, and they will try to neutralize these unfavorable sources, and only then proceed to whitening itself.

Why teeth darken

How to whiten teeth home remedies


Baking soda contains abrasive substances, thanks to which it perfectly cleans various surfaces and equipment in our home. Regarding the teeth, baking soda destroys pigments and stains on the enamel, and also completely removes plaque.

Recipe #1

Mix half a teaspoon of soda with a spoonful of water, mix well until smooth, apply the mixture on your teeth with a brush, leaving for 1-2 minutes, then rinse your mouth well with water.

Recipe #2

Add a pinch of soda to toothpaste and brush your teeth in the usual way.

The method works well, the result is noticeable immediately, but it can be used no more than once every 7 days, since, in addition to plaque, the enamel itself is also cleaned, as a result of which it becomes significantly thinner.

Hydrogen peroxide

Recipe #1

Dilute 1 part of peroxide with 10 parts of boiled water, and use for rinsing after standard toothpaste cleaning.

Recipe #2

Soak a cotton pad in 3% hydrogen peroxide and gently wipe the surface of the teeth, being careful not to touch the tongue and palate.

The course of such whitening in both the first and second cases consists of 14 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for 2-3 weeks so as not to damage the natural enamel.

Sea salt

Combine fine sea salt with lemon juice in equal amounts, soak a brush in the mixture and brush your teeth, this method copes with the goal in 3-5 procedures, it also serves as an excellent antiseptic, but can cause discomfort and a burning sensation in the mouth, if there are minor wounds, scratches, swelling.

The course is carried out once a month for 7-8 days.

Activated carbon

Crush the tablet to form a powder, apply to a wet toothbrush and clean the surface of the teeth, then rinse your mouth 2-3 times, and use regular toothpaste. Repeat every 7-10 days, frequent use irritates the gums and damages the enamel.

coconut oil

Food or cosmetic oil, you can buy it in supermarkets or pharmacies, as a result of using this product, an antibacterial, wound-healing effect will be provided, as well as freshness of breath.

Recipe #1

Keep a teaspoon of oil in your mouth until it melts and becomes liquid, rinse your teeth with it for 10 minutes, spit it out and rinse your mouth well with hot, boiled water to neutralize the remaining oil in the oral cavity.

Recipe #2

Mix 5 grams of coconut oil with 1 gram of soda and use instead of toothpaste in the morning and evening, then rinse well with water.

Recipe #3

Melt a small amount of oil in a water bath, moisten a clean, soft piece of cloth with it and wipe each tooth individually.

It is safe to use these methods two to three times a week.

Tea tree

Essential oil will help to overcome any bacterial infections and clear tooth enamel. To do this, add 3 drops of the product to 250 ml warm water and use as a rinse, after using the paste, 2-3 times a week.


Very effective whitening scrub based on strawberries. The pulp of half a strawberry, mix with a pinch of soda and sea salt, brush your teeth with gentle massage movements, it is important that the brush is soft, then rinse your mouth well. Repeat the procedures 1-2 times a week.


Lemon juice is able to destroy tartar, whiten enamel and strengthen gums, the effect is quite fast, but you need to be careful, because the lemon is very concentrated, due to acid, and this can lead to thinning of the enamel.

Important! A few hours before the procedure and a few after, do not drink coloring drinks or foods, as teeth can become stained in a certain color.

Before whitening with this method, you first need to brush your teeth with paste, then you can simply grease your teeth well with a slice of lemon, or squeeze the juice out of it and blot your toothbrush with it to standard cleaning, after completion of the procedure, rinse your mouth with cold water.

Use this method once every 10 days.


The advantage is that the method is simple, and you can use long time, it is enough to add a few drops of juice to the toothpaste during the daily procedure of brushing your teeth.


It is better to use apple cider vinegar, it is less concentrated and in this case it will be much safer than usual, but the frequency of the procedure should not exceed 3 times in 10 days.

Rinse your mouth with vinegar pure form, after brushing your teeth with toothpaste and rinse well the remaining vinegar with water.

Salt with honey

In addition to the whitening effect, there will also be a healing, healing effect. It is necessary to mix these two ingredients together in equal proportions, while the honey should be liquid, and the salt should be the smallest. Rub the mixture into the gums with a finger or brush, twice a week, once a day.

How to whiten your teeth at home quickly without harm to your teeth

There are express methods with which you can quickly and efficiently achieve snow-white teeth, they are safe only if they are not abused, otherwise you can very significantly spoil the tooth enamel and develop a number of complications and diseases of the oral cavity.

lemon zest

Grate the zest on a fine grater, and gently rub into each tooth individually, or simply rub the entire surface of the teeth with the inner (white) side of the peel. Repeat once a month, the effect after the first application for a long time.


Perhaps the most effective recipe for home whitening, the basis is the preparation of pasta with your own hands.

To do this, mix equal amounts of turmeric powder with coconut oil, and add 2-3 drops of essential mint oil, mix until smooth, use as a regular paste on an ongoing basis or alternating with classic pastes.

Lemon + soda

The combination of these two ingredients gives the longest and most powerful effect. When combining lemon juice and soda, there will be chemical reaction, and the mixture will begin to foam, after the reaction is over, stir the mixture to the consistency of a paste. Before the procedure, you need to wet your teeth with a dry, paper towel, apply the paste itself, carefully, rubbing into each tooth, the cleaning process itself should last at least five minutes, rinse your mouth with cool water at the end. Use 1 time in 7-10 days.

DIY pasta

Mix 60 grams of pharmacy white clay with purified water to a paste, pour in 5 milliliters of honey, 8-10 drops of propolis and two drops of chamomile oil and sage oil. You can use it on an ongoing basis, store in an opaque container for no more than a month after preparation.

In addition to the excellent whitening effect, such a paste will give a healing, anti-inflammatory effect, a great find for people with hypersensitivity teeth and bleeding gums.

What to do to keep your teeth white

  • Compliance with hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day, with a duration of 2-4 minutes;

    Important! Do not forget to clean your tongue as well, because it is also a source and carrier of a huge number of bacteria that can affect the gums and destroy teeth!

  • Use a fluoride toothpaste, ideally alternate between fluoride and fluoride free toothpaste for 2 weeks each;
  • Replace the toothbrushes of the whole family every three months, otherwise, instead of brushing your teeth, you will simply spread bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • Choose a soft brush, so as not to injure the gums and not provoke the development of inflammation;
  • Use a special, dental floss after each meal, it will give freshness and get rid of discomfort food debris in the mouth
  • Use a mouthwash once or twice a week, after using toothpaste, rinsing should last 1-1.5 minutes, and if possible, rinse your mouth every time after eating with plain, running water;
  • Visit a dentist at least 1-2 times a year;
  • Get rid of these bad habits like smoking, alcohol, frequent consumption of coffee, sweets, soda containing dyes;

Snow-white tooth enamel is a sign of health, beauty, success. A dazzling smile decorates, attracts attention. This is why home teeth whitening is so popular. The procedure can be performed independently, without going to the dentist.

Why whiten your teeth

In nature, perfectly white enamel is a rarity. A yellowish, grayish or bluish hue is more common. It is individual, genetically determined, like the color of hair or eyes. Therefore, it is impossible to completely whiten teeth with a yellowish or other color at home.

Dentists say that the darker the natural natural color, the stronger and healthier teeth. The reasons for their darkening are deeply ingrained plaque. It is formed by the characteristics of nutrition, reception medicines, bad habits.

Smoking. Tobacco smoke contains substances that penetrate the tooth enamel, it takes on a dark "smoky" appearance. Special brightening pastes do not always completely clean and dissolve blackening. Teeth whitening at home restores natural shade.

Sweet. The oral cavity is home to many microorganisms. Regular intake of sweets increases their population and the volume of waste products. They corrode the tooth surface. Through the thinned enamel, the base appears - dentin, which gives the smile a yellowish tint.

Coffee, tea, wine. Regular consumption of drinks that contain natural food coloring also requires the return of whiteness to the teeth. Light enamel darkens from coffee, black tea, red wine, acquires a persistent brownish tone.

Tetracycline. The so-called "tetracycline" (yellow) teeth appear in childhood, as well as in the formation of fetal tooth germs during pregnancy in case of taking future mother tetracycline - it is deposited for life in the bones and dental tissue.

Fluorine. "Speckled" teeth (pockmarked or yellow enamel) become with prolonged intake of fluorine compounds with poor-quality water, food, and air pollution. Name chronic disease- fluorosis.

Underdevelopment of dental tissues(hypoplasia). White or yellowish spots of clear outlines and the same size appear on the teeth. They are bleached or filled.

The essence of teeth whitening at home is to mechanically clean, as well as soften, loosen, dissolve darkening and yellowing, discolor stains, restore natural shade, restore dazzling smile.

Home whitening methods should not spoil or damage the outer layer, harm tooth enamel, or increase its sensitivity.

Harm of teeth whitening

You should not use methods of lightening at home, strive for the ideal whiteness of the enamel in the case of:

  • her hypersensitivity;
  • fillings in prominent areas, at the end of the procedure they will retain their color and become noticeable;
  • a large number fillings;
  • allergies to hydrogen peroxide;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • taking medications;
  • young age (minor).

Whitening of tooth enamel is contraindicated in case of caries, pathologies of periodontal tissues: gums, periodontium, cement, alveolar processes.

It is not worth experimenting with health for the sake of beauty - apply recipes, methods of lightening and whitening with an anomaly of cutting wisdom teeth.

How to whiten your teeth at home without harm

The procedure for returning light-colored enamel is similar to hair bleaching and is also not good for health. The main task in the application various ways- Minimize the damage.

Deciding to whiten your teeth at home, you need to be sure that your teeth are healthy and that your enamel is strong and thick.

Over time, microscopic gaps form between the filling and the tooth tissue, through which an aggressive bleaching agent penetrates inside, destroying it from the inside.

Therefore, before using home methods, contact your dentist to revise the fillings.

Dark or yellow plaque should be located on the tooth surface. Otherwise, the restoration of whiteness will not work.

After lightening the enamel, refuse products that cause it to darken.

Some home teeth whitening methods increase sensitivity, which requires switching to a soft-bristled toothbrush.

When after a few months the enamel again covers a dark coating, home clarification is repeated.

To prevent rapid blackening, whitening toothpastes are used.

Whitening toothpastes

Means mechanically removes plaque, cleans a thin layer of the tooth surface. Included in chemical substances dissolve deposits and at the same time destroy the enamel.

Whitening toothpastes sometimes act selectively - they do not whiten fillings or, conversely, only brighten them. The substances included in the composition occasionally cause allergies.

Therefore, before use, consult a dentist so as not to get irreversible damage to the enamel.

Some, for additional clarification after brushing their teeth, hold the whitening paste for 3-5 minutes in the mouth.

Whitening tooth strips

A modern tool allows you to quickly whiten your teeth at home - sometimes in a month. Ask a pharmacy for strips with a brightening composition, including those for sensitive teeth.

The method of home teeth whitening is simple:

  • Apply strips every day for half an hour.

A month of application brightens by 2-3 tones. The smile remains white for up to two months.

Initially, an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel is possible, which soon passes.

Expensive varieties of strips are tightly fixed, which allows you to talk during clarification.

The duration of the cosmetic effect is up to one and a half years. Teeth brighten by 5-6 tones.

The lack of strips is the inability to whiten the interdental spaces, there remains a darkish or yellowish tint.

Gel whitening at home

This method of teeth whitening is more effective:

  • Apply a whitening gel to the enamel with a brush.

It solidifies, gradually dissolves and is washed off with saliva.

In order to prevent the product from getting on the gums and mucous membranes, to ensure close contact with the darkened surface, a cap is used - a plastic construction. It is put on the upper or lower dentition, the inner space is filled with a whitening gel.

Teeth whitening gels based on hydrogen peroxide are effective, but they home use increases the risk of damage and destruction of the dental coating, gum burns, increased sensitivity to cold and hot food.

Therefore, at home, tooth enamel is lightened with a gel based on carbamide peroxide.

The described method of home teeth whitening is fast, as it gives the first results in a couple of weeks.

Teeth pencil

This method of enamel lightening is a “portable” type of gel:

  • Apply the composition with a special brush, remove after a certain time.

Some species do not need to be removed; saliva dissolves them.

Compared to the "real" whitening gel, its concentration in the pencil is low. Therefore, the home teeth whitening procedure confidently removes tea, coffee, and tobacco deposits.

Rather, it is a way to maintain whiteness than to lighten teeth at home.

Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide

One of the affordable home remedies for removing dark or yellow plaque. Some manufacturers of toothpastes add peroxide to the composition - it gives the enamel whiteness.

An easy way to whiten your teeth at home without harm:

  • Add 1 tsp to 100 ml of warm boiled water. hydrogen peroxide 3%.

Rinse your mouth every morning after brushing your teeth.

Recipe for restoring whiteness with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Brush your teeth.
  2. Rinse your mouth with the composition - 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide 3% per 100 ml of water.
  3. With a cotton swab, wipe each tooth with undiluted 3% peroxide inside and out.
  4. Rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Apply the procedure 1-2 times a day.

During the procedure and some time later, the gums may burn, the tooth enamel becomes more sensitive.

Teeth whitening with baking soda

The home method of lightening is based on the mechanical removal of dark and yellow plaque from the enamel by cleaning with an abrasive. Its disadvantage is the risk of damage to the gums, excessive thinning of the enamel.

  1. Apply baking soda with a toothbrush or gauze folded in several layers.
  2. Clean the tooth surface.
  1. Add some baking soda to your toothpaste.
  2. Clean the enamel as usual.

Brush your teeth with baking soda no more than once a week.

Lightening with a mixture of peroxide and soda

Home whitening of enamel is more effective if you combine the previous methods:

  • Moisturize 1 tsp. soda with a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3%, get a gruel.
  • Brush your teeth.

The duration of the procedure is three minutes, then rinse your mouth thoroughly.

The brightening effect is noticeable after the first application. Get rid of plaque and stains on the tooth surface in this way no more than twice a week.

Teeth whitening with charcoal

Activated carbon. These methods also mechanically clean stains and darkening from the enamel.

  1. Mash an activated charcoal tablet on a saucer on a saucer, get a homogeneous composition, like tooth powder.
  2. Grab with a damp brush, mechanically remove, clean off plaque.
  • Add activated charcoal powder to toothpaste.

The procedure quickly whitens teeth, restores a light shade.

Birch ash. Similarly, crushed birch ash is used to restore whiteness and a dazzling smile. At home, it is replaced with the ashes of burnt bread.

After cleaning with coal (ash), rinse your mouth thoroughly, brush your teeth. The first signs of whitening of the tooth enamel are noticeable after two to three weeks.

Do not use these whitening methods too often - two to three times a month is enough.

Their harm is possible scratches on tooth enamel.

Home remedies for teeth whitening

Lemon. In citrus - vitamin C, which is useful for connecting and bone tissue, gums, the whole body. Brightens tooth enamel for a sparkling smile.

  • Wipe the darkened enamel with a slice or crust without pulp, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • Add a few drops of lemon juice to your toothpaste.

This recipe helps at home to whiten teeth by 2-3 tones, eliminate bleeding gums.

  • Chew a slice of lemon along with the peel for a few minutes to cleanse, eliminate plaque and deposits in the interdental spaces.

Use the listed bleaching methods no more than once a week. They increase the sensitivity of enamel.

Oil tea tree. For home whitening, 100% oil is used:

  • Brush your teeth.
  • Put 2-3 drops on the brush and evenly distribute them over the surface of the enamel.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly.

During the procedure, the tongue and cheeks become numb. Tea tree oil cleans, dissolves old dark plaque from coffee or tea. Softens, removes tartar.

Lemon, tea tree oil:

  • Clean the enamel with a mixture of 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and lemon juice.

Soda, vinegar, salthome remedy delete dark spots:

  • Mix in equal parts baking soda, apple cider vinegar, add a pinch of salt.

Apply the mixture with a toothbrush, rinse your mouth thoroughly after a while. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice.

Soda, lemon, peroxide:

  • Brush your teeth with a mixture of soda and lemon juice, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide 3%.

Homemade whitening toothpaste.

  • In a small amount of paste, add a little soda, peroxide, fine salt, mix.
  • Add a pinch of activated charcoal powder, a few drops of lemon juice to the paste.


  • For whitening, periodically clean the enamel with fine table salt "Extra".

Birch infusion:

  1. Rinse a handful of fresh leaves, finely chop.
  2. Brew a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain.

Rinse your mouth to restore whiter teeth and restore a spectacular smile.

Tea mushroom:

  • Rinse your mouth in the morning and evening with a weekly infusion of kombucha.

The method dissolves dark spots and plaque, bad breath.

Salt and honey used for home teeth whitening:

  • Stir in equal parts honey and salt "Extra" until completely dissolved.

Apply with your finger to restore whiteness, you can grab the gums. Apply once a week.

Parsley. To clean tooth enamel from stains and plaque, whitening action:

  • Chew on fresh parsley.
Modified: 06/30/2019

Of course, the result will not be as impressive as after professional whitening. But no pain and no expense — these simple ways are available to everyone right now.

How to whiten your teeth

Baking soda

Good old baking soda is a natural bleach. Mix ¼ teaspoon of baking soda with salt and brush your teeth with this mixture. Repeat the procedure a couple of times a week, and soon your smile will become whiter. In such a small amount, soda will not harm the enamel.


As already mentioned, she can brush her teeth in combination with soda. In addition, it is useful to rinse your mouth with saline solution to whiten tooth enamel. Stir ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass cold water and rinse your mouth after eating. it antibacterial agent also takes care of the gums.

Strawberries and apples

Green apples and strawberries are not only a healthy snack, but also a great way to naturally whiten your teeth at home without harm. Apples and strawberries contain acid that removes plaque and makes teeth shiny.

bright lipstick

Red or wine lipstick in cold shades allows you to visually make a snow-white smile. It is only important to find your perfect color!

hard cheese

Another product that answers the question of how to whiten teeth without harm to enamel. Firstly, the structure of hard cheese helps to remove plaque. And secondly, cheese contains calcium, which is necessary for a healthy smile.

Less red wine and coffee

If you cannot imagine your life without coffee for breakfast and a glass of red wine with dinner, make it a habit to always rinse your mouth after these drinks. They stain the enamel, and the more often you drink them, the stronger the effect will be. Not the most convenient option that dentists offer is to drink through a straw. But who wants to drink coffee this way? It is better to switch to plain water in the morning.

Coconut oil

This super oil will come in handy here too. How to whiten teeth at home? British dentists recommend rinsing your mouth with water laced with coconut oil. Such a solution not only helps to get rid of bacteria, but also protects the enamel from staining. So before you drink red wine, rinse your mouth with coconut oil.

A perfect smile is a dream for many, but not everyone knows how to whiten their teeth at home quickly. It is not difficult to achieve excellent results in high-quality tooth enamel whitening, there are modern safe methods of teeth whitening that do not require significant material costs and take a minimum of time. Consider the most common teeth whitening products that really work, let's try to figure out if there can be an alternative to salon procedures to lighten tooth enamel.

So, first, let's start with conservative dental procedures that will restore a natural dazzling smile, which are the pros and cons of this technique.

A professional dental whitening procedure can be carried out in three steps. various methods: chemical and laser cleaning, as well as photobleaching. Each of these methods of teeth whitening takes place using special chemicals, but the main one, nevertheless, is hydrogen peroxide. In the first (chemical) version, the impact on the enamel takes place without the participation of a catalyst, but in the second case, the specific effect of the whitening components is catalyzed by laser radiation, and in the latter, by ultraviolet light.

The whitening procedure is based on a special effect not on enamel, which is absolutely transparent, but on the deep layers of multilayer tissue, they are called dentin. Actually, we see its shade through the enamel, it affects the color of our teeth. It is worth noting that dentin is not completely white, its surface is pigmented, the color range varies from light cream to more saturated yellow, sometimes dentin can be colored in light gray or even slightly pinkish.

As a result of the salon procedure, you can get an instant result - the enamel becomes much lighter, and the smile is snow-white. Of course, salon whitening will make your smile dazzling, but not everyone can afford this method. But there is another way out - to use no less effective folk remedies at home.

Folk methods

Whitening folk remedies is enough in a good way. If you want to whiten yellowish enamel by several tones, you will definitely succeed. But at the same time, it is worth noting that home remedies do not penetrate deep into the enamel, but act exclusively on its surface. With regular use of soda, activated charcoal, tea tree oil and other natural ingredients, you can whiten your teeth no worse than the most expensive whitening super products.

So, let's consider what are the most common ways to whiten teeth at home. Try it and see if each one works. You may find your own best way to whiten your teeth.

Method number 1 - Sodium bicarbonate (soda)

The recipe for teeth whitening with baking soda is extremely simple. Due to the fact that soda contains small abrasive particles, it is possible to whiten the enamel surface from plaque quickly and effectively.

How is the procedure carried out:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 100 ml of boiled water, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. After that, dip the brush in the soda solution and start whitening the enamel. You can clean it in the usual way, after applying the paste. Soda works quite well, will remove the remaining plaque.
  3. For 60 minutes after teeth whitening with soda has passed, it is not recommended to smoke, drink caffeinated drinks, and eat.

Here's how easy it is to whiten your teeth with baking soda.

Important: Do not use undiluted soda powder as it can damage your enamel.

Method number 2 - Sodium bicarbonate (soda) + 3% H2O2 solution (peroxide)

If you want to whiten your teeth more effectively at home, use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

How the process goes:

  1. Mix the two ingredients in equal parts, apply the resulting composition to the enamel, lightly rub it with your fingers. In this case, you do not need to use a brush.
  2. Wait a few minutes, rinse everything off with water. Teeth whitening with soda and peroxide is completed, such a bleach is quite effective, you can immediately evaluate the result, you will be able to lighten the enamel by 1 or 2 tones.

It is necessary to ensure that the whitening composition does not get on the gums, as this will cause severe irritation.

Method number 3 - 3% peroxide solution

The best teeth whitening products are at everyone's fingertips. The whitening base is quite easy to prepare using affordable and super effective products that are available in a home first aid kit. medical care. After all, not many people know how to whiten their teeth with hydrogen peroxide, we will share with you this simple way.

Features of enamel care:

  1. Lightening enamel with ordinary 3% hydrogen peroxide at home will not be difficult. You can achieve a light whitening effect. Only two components will be used - peroxide and pure water. You will need to mix them in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Start cleaning first with a fluoride-free toothpaste. Then rinse the mouth with the prepared solution (teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide is done by rinsing), and then with ordinary clean water.
  3. Carry out this procedure twice a day.

Now you know how to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide.

Method number 4 - Enterosorbent tablets (activated carbon)

The use of activated charcoal is a fairly simple enamel care technique. Activated carbon - natural product, it can be called a safe remedy that really whitens yellowish enamel, while caring for it.

How to use:

  1. Before whitening teeth with activated charcoal, a whitening paste is prepared. As a rule, the tablet is crushed and mixed with a portion of the paste, after which you can start cleaning. Teeth whitening with activated charcoal is no different from daily oral hygiene.
  2. You will immediately feel that this remedy is very effective, charcoal is absorbent, it binds small particles of plaque and removes them. It is worth noting that this tool does not include bleaching components, but it helps to quickly remove all plaque.

Teeth whitening with activated charcoal at home takes only a few minutes, carry out the procedure until you get a visible result.

Method number 5 - Aroma oil (tea tree ether)

Fast teeth whitening at home is possible if tea tree ether is used for this purpose. Antibacterial oil is a simple remedy that should be included in a home whitening kit.

Tea tree oil for teeth whitening is used without any additives. Here is how teeth whitening occurs with folk remedies, namely essential oil:

  1. First, brush your teeth with regular toothpaste.
  2. Then apply a couple of drops of aromatic oil on the brush, treat the enamel for two minutes, rinse the mouth. This tool not only disinfected the mucous membranes, but also refreshed it well, so it can be considered an excellent solution for bad breath.

Method number 6 - Banana peel

This enamel cleaning technique is incredibly simple. Banana peel for many can be a real salvation. Such self-whitening of teeth will not bring costs.

Features of the procedure:

  1. Gentle teeth whitening with a banana peel begins with the fact that before this procedure, a hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity is carried out as usual.
  2. Next, take a small piece of banana peel and rub the enamel for 3 minutes. Rub in with the inside of the peel.
  3. After you have applied, or rather rubbed such a whitening agent into your teeth, leave it on your teeth for another 5 minutes (preferably without closing your mouth), then clean them again with the usual paste.
  4. After a while, you will notice that the use of banana for whitening gave good results.

This is how you can naturally whiten your teeth without damaging the enamel. Now you know how to safely whiten your teeth at home with a banana. You may find your own best way to whiten your teeth. You only need to try.

Method #7 - Turmeric Powder

Do you know how you can lighten enamel with high quality, and what products can still be used? It's spices! Turmeric is a spice familiar to everyone and a fairly simple remedy that can easily whiten teeth at home without harm.

How to use:

  1. Prepare a special solution. You will need ground turmeric (4-5 g) and 20 ml of refined oil. Mix everything, you will get a paste-like mixture.
  2. Just before whitening your teeth, dip the brush into the resulting spicy mass. Apply it over the enamel, clean in the usual way. In this way, gentle whitening of sensitive teeth is carried out.

    Tips for whitening teeth: for instant results, it is enough to hold the composition for no more than five minutes.

  3. It remains only to rinse the mouth thoroughly. Now you know how to whiten your teeth at home in 5 minutes with turmeric.

Method number 8 - Coconut oil

Here's another way to quickly whiten your teeth and freshen your breath at the same time. Take fresh green leaves, grind to a mushy state, then apply on the teeth for 5-7 minutes.

Basil is able to refresh, whiten and heal teeth. It can be used regularly.

Method number 10 - Aloe Vera

The best way to make your teeth shine at home is to use aloe juice or a commercial gel from this plant. Lubricate their teeth and massage with a brush. Can be used after every brushing. After aloe, the teeth will become brighter and shiny.

To make your smile flawless, we suggest you take into account the tips for teeth whitening:

  • Add baking soda to your regular toothpaste and you will have a gentle natural teeth whitening.
  • Eat more strawberries and apples. The natural acids contained in them perfectly relieve plaque. This results in instant teeth whitening.
  • Eliminate foods that can discolor your enamel from your daily diet: caffeinated drinks, red wine, balsamic bite. Do not eat a lot of vegetables with natural coloring components.
  • Rinse your mouth with a salt solution, while natural teeth whitening will be much better.
  • Use an electric toothbrush, it cleans the enamel from plaque much more effectively than usual, prevents the formation of stone.
  • Include hard cheeses in the menu - these are products for brightening enamel.
  • Rinse your mouth with coconut oil, it prevents the enamel from staining, removes bacteria accumulated in the oral cavity.
  • Indulge yourself with popcorn, which belongs to the cleaning products, it acts as a so-called cleaning sponge. Do not forget to rinse your mouth after it.
  • Chew gum after eating, so you can just do oral hygiene without using a brush.
  • Be sure to clean your tongue during your daily hygiene routine, so you prevent the growth of bacteria.



Teeth are the first thing other people notice. Beautiful teeth are also an indicator of good health.

Many people worry if their teeth don't look as white as they would like.

Exists several ways to make your teeth sparkling white at home using simple hand tools.

Why do teeth turn yellow

Teeth discolor, turning yellow or brown due to stains that occur both on the surface of the teeth (enamel) and deep within the tooth structure.

Beneath the surface of the enamel is a beige substance called dentin, which becomes visible as the enamel thins. Enamel erosion occurs due to the loss of hard tooth tissue that has been removed from the tooth surface.

Although teeth should not be expected to remain shiny and white into old age, many factors accelerate tooth discoloration.

Here are a few reasons why teeth turn yellow, beige or brown:

Consumption of coffee and tea


Thinning of tooth enamel due to age

Diet: This includes consuming a lot of high acid foods, including sugary sodas, candy, and some fruits.

Dry mouth (lack of saliva means less protection for enamel)

Breathing through the mouth and nasal congestion. This reduces the amount of saliva and interferes with the moistening of the teeth.

The use of antibiotics

Excessive intake of fluoride

· Genetic factors

Ways to whiten teeth at home

There are many teeth whitening products out there, most of which use chemicals that damage teeth and tooth enamel and make teeth sensitive.

An alternative to this are various home remedies that also whiten teeth effectively.

1. Teeth whitening with baking soda

Baking soda has a slight abrasive property. This abrasiveness helps to remove stains and plaque from the teeth and whiten them. And all this can be done in a few minutes.


Dry your teeth with a towel. Wet your toothbrush, dip it in baking soda, and brush your teeth as you normally would. You need to brush your teeth for 3 minutes.

· You can use baking soda along with regular toothpaste to clean your teeth.

・You can also mix a small amount baking soda with hydrogen peroxide to make a paste and use it to brush your teeth.

2. Teeth whitening with baking soda and foil

There is another recipe for teeth whitening using baking soda and aluminum foil that promises results in a few days.

Take a small amount of baking soda and toothpaste and mix them together.

Take a piece of aluminum foil and fold along the length and width of your teeth.

Apply the paste to the foil and wrap the teeth in foil

· Leave foil with paste for 1 hour.

After that, remove the foil and rinse the mixture with water.

Remember: Baking soda can wear away the protective enamel of the teeth, so this method can be applied 1-2 times a week.

3. Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties. It oxidizes the organic matrix under tooth enamel, brightening it. It does not cause significant changes in the tooth enamel and is an absolutely safe method of rapid teeth whitening. The only thing to remember is not to swallow the peroxide.


· Take a solution of hydrogen peroxide and pour it into a small container, soak a clean cloth in this liquid and lightly wipe your teeth with a damp cloth.

· You can also soak your toothbrush in a peroxide solution and use it to clean your teeth.

Remember: Prolonged exposure to hydrogen peroxide can damage oral tissues.

4. Teeth whitening with activated carbon

Activated charcoal is an absorbent substance that can absorb and remove toxins from the body both inside and out.

In addition, activated charcoal itself is not absorbed into the body. It is also an effective teeth whitening agent because binds plaque and microscopic particles that stain teeth and washes them out. It absorbs unpleasant odors and acts as a disinfectant.


Wet your toothbrush and dip it into powdered activated charcoal. Brush your teeth as usual for 2 minutes and then rinse your mouth thoroughly until the contents are clear.

Add some water to the activated charcoal to make a thick paste, dip your toothbrush into the paste and brush your teeth for 2 minutes. Rinse your mouth thoroughly. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week.

Remember: Activated charcoal can stain crowns, veneers and porcelain veneers. If your teeth become sensitive, stop using this product.

5. Teeth whitening with coconut oil

One of the easiest and best ways to whiten your teeth naturally is oil mouthwash. Mouthwash with coconut oil is considered one of the most effective means. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which removes bacteria that cause yellow teeth.

Studies have shown that oil rinses can reduce plaque and gingivitis.


· Put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it between your teeth for 5 to 20 minutes.

· You can also add a few drops of coconut oil to your toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual.

· To whiten your teeth, you can use the corner of a clean washcloth soaked in oil to rub it on your teeth.

Since oil pulling is completely safe, you can do it daily along with your regular brushing.

6. Teeth whitening with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil restores and strengthens the gums, reduces the amount of plaque, prevents caries, cleans the space between the teeth and the tongue.

Regular use of tea tree oil will also help whiten your teeth by 1-2 shades in a completely natural way.


· Brush your teeth in the usual way. After that, apply a few drops of tea tree oil to your toothbrush and brush your teeth again. Rinse your mouth with water.

Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week, and in a month you will notice the difference.

Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

7. Teeth whitening with strawberries

Strawberry contains folic acid which helps to clean and exfoliate teeth. This makes your teeth look cleaner and whiter. Strawberries also contain vitamin C, which helps to get rid of plaque, and malic acid which slightly whitens teeth.


· Mash strawberries and mix them with a little baking soda to make a natural whitening paste.

· Cut a strawberry in half and use the halves to brush your teeth for 1 minute.

· Mash 3 strawberries and add some sea salt. Wipe excess saliva out of your mouth with a paper towel and then apply a generous amount of the mixture all over your teeth. Leave the mixture on for 5 minutes and rinse your mouth. Repeat the procedure at night.

8. Teeth whitening with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also believed to help get rid of stains on the teeth. While you may not get instant results, apple cider vinegar is a natural method that will help restore whiter teeth when used regularly.


Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 2 parts water. Rinse your mouth for 2 minutes. Repeat daily.

Mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts apple cider vinegar. Use this mixture to brush your teeth.

· Apply apple cider vinegar directly to your teeth and rinse your mouth with water after a few minutes.

· Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts water and use this solution as a mouthwash every morning.

9. Teeth whitening with banana peel

Another homemade teeth whitening method is to use banana peels. bananas are rich nutrients and minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese, sodium, iron, and sulfur, which are also present in the peel.

Banana peel absorbs bacteria and germs from the teeth, thus whitening them.


  • Take a ripe banana and rub the inside of the peel on your teeth for 2 minutes. Then rinse your mouth with water. Repeat twice a day.

10. Teeth Whitening Strips

Teeth whitening strips are one of the most popular and inexpensive ways to achieve a whiter smile.

Strip manufacturers claim that the effect will be noticeable already on the 3rd day of using the strips. However, on average, results can be seen after about a week of use, which also depends on the level of yellowness of the teeth. The whitening effect can last from 6 months to a year after a full course.

Whitening strips are very easy to use. Usually the set consists of two strips, one of which is placed on top and the other on the bottom. They can be worn while you are doing housework or other chores.

Blot your teeth with a tissue to remove excess saliva.

Place the strips so that they do not touch the gums.

· Press the strips to your teeth and leave for up to an hour (depending on what the instructions say).

Remember that long-term use of the strips can damage the gums and lead to damage to the tooth enamel.

Teeth whitening without harm

Many chemicals Teeth whitening products can damage teeth by removing tooth enamel.

Continuous use of whitening strips can cause enamel erosion over time and make teeth sensitive, especially when hot, cold and acidic foods are consumed.

While many products are considered safe by dentists, those that are high in acid increase the risk of cavities if used frequently.

These funds are needed use sparingly, ideally after you have tried home remedies.

remember, that the best way teeth whitening is proper nutrition, quitting smoking, brushing your teeth and gums regularly, and limiting coffee, tea, and sugary foods.