What to do with blueberries forte. Blueberry forte plant: a wonderful shrub in the garden. Benefits of blueberry leaves

From Canada, or sunberry, it was bred by breeders not so long ago, but is already known for a lot of useful properties. This annual plant looks completely different from the forest plant of the same name. It can be grown in the garden, producing large yields of large black berries.

Crossing familiar plants produces unusual variations in the world of flora. Such unusual specimens include blueberries forte, so named for the raven color of the berries, which taste similar to nightshade. And the parents of the plant are creeping nightshade species of European and African origin.

, . Sunberry does not look like them in appearance: its thick grassy stem, growing, forms many strong stepsons, reaching a height of up to one and a half meters. During the growing season, the branches are covered with small white flowers.

Then large berries appear in their place, which as they ripen acquire a rich black color.

No wonder the plant was called blueberry forte, crowberry. In terms of productivity, the fruit bush is superior to many - from one tree you can collect a bucket of aromatic, delicious berries.

The sunberry plant contains best qualities Solanaceae species: unpretentiousness, resistance to frost and disease, benefits for human health.

If you wish, you can grow a wonderful plant on your garden plot. It is planted with seeds or seedlings. But sowing blueberry seeds directly into open ground will not always give a positive result, so the seedling method is usually used:

  • Work on planting seedlings begins with preparing blueberry seeds. They have a thick shell, so it must be pierced with a needle. After this, the seed material is placed in a jar with coarse river sand, previously calcined and washed. Vigorous shaking of the container will cause the plant seed to free itself from its durable outer clothing.
  • The seeds are washed in a solution of potassium permanganate, keeping it in it for several minutes.
  • They begin to sow them at the same time as tomatoes - in late February - mid-March.
  • A drainage layer is placed in the containers, then filled with soil. The soil should not contain peat, as it acidifies the substrate, which it does not like.
  • In order for healthy seedlings to appear, it is necessary to water warm water, ensure the air temperature is not lower than eighteen degrees, sufficient lighting.
  • The appearance of seedlings indicates that the temperature can be increased and additional treatment can be given to the seedlings.
  • seedlings occur after two or three leaves appear on the stem.
  • And after the threat of night frosts ceases, the seedlings will be able to migrate to a permanent place in the garden.

It is not for nothing that Sunberry is called a sunny berry, because for better fruiting it needs open, well-lit areas of the territory. When planting bushes, the optimal distance between them will be seventy centimeters. At first, it is advisable to cover the young plants with a plastic cap at night.

Like tomato bushes, sunberry trees need support. It can be dug in advance next to the seedlings. After such simple manipulations, you can breathe freely: the plant will delight you with abundant fruiting.

The unpretentiousness of blueberries forte does not mean that attention should not be paid to them. Here are some rules for caring for the plant:

  1. Sunberry is indifferent to watering. It doesn't require a lot of moisture. Bushes should be watered moderately, even during dry summers.
  2. You can feed the plant if it grows on poor soils. If the soil fertility is high, fertilization is not required.
  3. The weakness of the bush's stems requires supports and tying, otherwise, weighed down with berries, they will fall to the ground and rot.
  4. Once a month, excess shoots are trimmed. This is similar to the nightshade plant.

Ripe berries are harvested at the end of September. They retain their quality and freshness for a long time. Many gardeners note that growing blueberry bushes is easy, and the harvest is excellent.

Useful properties of sunberry

Even if not everyone likes the taste of Canadian blueberries, then... medicinal properties it is highly valued:

  • The benefits of black berries for normalization digestive tract invaluable. Having a mild laxative and diuretic effect, they help cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
  • It is useful for people with hypertension to use ground sunberries as food.
  • Mixed with honey, they will help restore strength, strengthen immune system. To do this, take a teaspoon of berry-honey mass before meals.
  • Juice from the berries, diluted with boiled water, should be used to gargle a sore throat.
  • Blueberry forte leaves along with lungwort leaves are dried, then a tablespoon is brewed in a glass of boiling water. The drug helps with coughs and sore throats. After rinsing the mouth and throat, the symptoms of the disease decrease.
  • Chopped berries mixed with milk are applied to purulent wounds, boils.

The consumption of black fruits is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and pregnant women. Negatively affects nightshade product on coordination of movements, speed of reaction. Therefore, it is better not to drive after using it.

The usefulness of the plant has been proven by scientists and put into practice.

The blueberry forte plant is just beginning to conquer garden plots and will be a discovery for many. The berries are not only interesting for their unique taste, but also have many beneficial properties.

More information can be found in the video:

In this article we will look at two plants that are completely different from each other: blueberries forte and yucca. But they are worth it for gardeners and flower lovers to pay attention to them.

from the nightshade genus

You've probably encountered in a pharmacy chain medicine, which improves vision, which is called “Blueberry Forte”. Know that it has nothing to do with real berries!

Blueberry forte is a plant that belongs to and is also called Sunberry nightshade. It was at the very beginning of the 20th century. was developed by Luther Burbank, who crossed Guinean and European nightshades and obtained a hybrid, popularly called blueberry forte.

It is no more than two meters high, has high frost resistance and can easily tolerate drought. From one bush, which, by the way, does not require garter, you can collect almost half a bucket of large black berries, like cherries. Blueberry forte is a plant with not very tasty fruits, but they make good jam, reminiscent of grapes. It is even credited with antihypertensive properties.

Fresh berries have a slight laxative effect, improve digestion,

help in removing worms. If Sunberries are dipped in hot syrup for a couple of minutes, they taste like raisins and, when consumed regularly, improve visual acuity. The fruits, shoots and seeds of the blueberry forte plant are used as medicinal products. The plant, therefore, can safely be considered a medicinal plant that brings great benefits to the human body.

And according to recent studies, scientists have concluded that Sunberry berries slow down the aging process, improve memory and coordination of movements. This berry heals neuroses, headaches and even glaucoma. Therefore, blueberry forte is a plant that should be in the garden or vegetable garden of every person who cares about their well-being. In addition, this is a very nice-looking bush that will decorate your area.

Yucca. Reproduction and care

This indoor plant belongs to the agave family. Yucca comes from humid forests North America. But it is also found in Mexico, Jamaica, and Bermuda.

It is believed that yucca brings happiness, good luck in business and peace to the home. This is probably why this beautiful evergreen plant is so popular among gardeners.

When growing yucca, you need to remember that it is very light-loving. If possible in the summer, place the pot with it in the open air: on the balcony or terrace. And in cold weather it is better to keep it close to the window.

Yucca is a flower that loves abundant watering, but it is important to observe moderation here, since stagnation of water in the pan can lead to rotting of the roots. In winter it is watered less frequently than in summer. You need to follow the rule: the lower the temperature, the less water the yucca requires.

The leaves are wiped with a damp cloth without spraying. This should only be done if your flower is located near central heating pipes.

In spring and summer, yucca needs regular feeding with complex fertilizers. Then you can replant the plant. For these purposes, it is better to purchase a ready-made earthen mixture. Don't forget that this indoor tree requires large pots or tubs.

Yucca is propagated by daughter rosettes, which are first cut and rooted in wet sand.

We wish you to enjoy the beauty of your garden and home!

Each of us has probably seen wild vegetation with large dark berries. But it is impossible to assume that a crop can be called blueberry forte, have nothing to do with the usual familiar, beloved wild berry, and grow as a cultivated plant in a garden plot.

Description of the plant with photo

Blueberry forte is a berry that belongs to the Solanaceae family. This species also includes the following: tomatoes, all types of physalis, peppers, eggplants, even potatoes. Of course, the external characteristics of the crop differ significantly from ordinary blueberries, and also have individual characteristics:

  • On a thick herbaceous stem of a bush or small tree, growing, it forms a large number of stepchildren, which develop up to one and a half meters in height, sometimes reach almost a meter in diameter;
  • The leaf blades of the plant have conical elongated shapes, matte, muted greenery;
  • When the blueberry forte blooms, a large number of buds are formed on the bush, the inflorescences of which are collected in tens and fifteen pieces;
  • The flowers are small in size, similar in appearance to an asterisk, completely white, but dull in color, the pistil is painted yellow;
  • The plant, before the onset of autumn, is in a state of flowering; in due time, large juicy berries are formed on the flower clusters, which ripen for a long time and, according to the degree of ripeness, acquire a deep black color;

The plant stands out for its good yield. From one or two bushes you can get up to 3 kilograms of berries. Ripe fruits do not fall off the branches and do not spoil. To extend the period of fresh consumption of berries, the bush is removed from the ground and hung in a cool, ventilated room. Fresh berries on the branches dry out a little after a while.

History of the blueberry forte plant

The plant has many names. It comes from Canada, where it became known as Sunberry- sun berry. In our country it is called crowberry, garden nightshade, blueberry forte. By crossing, two inedible nightshade plants were combined into one and not only an ornamental, high-yielding large-fruited plant was obtained, but also an excellent-tasting, edible berry product.

Decades later, the connected useless wild vegetation was appreciated. Connoisseurs and specialists made it quite popular. The culture is not compatible with the usual definition - wild blueberry. On the territory of European countries it is sometimes unfamiliar, completely uncommon and practically unknown.

But as soon as you try to grow a plant in a garden plot, all the invaluable qualities immediately appear, useful, dietary, medicinal properties berries The herbaceous perennial grows well in temperate climatic conditions. In our country it positions itself as an annual plant.

Useful properties of blueberries forte

Miniature black fruits with dark purple, pleasant-tasting pulp, as it turns out, have a lot of advantages. If you thoroughly study the blueberry forte, its capabilities, beneficial healing dietary properties and existing contraindications, then the product will become indispensable in the daily diet.

With the help of berries they get rid of stomach ulcers, rheumatism, gout. By consuming it daily you can boost your immunity, improve your vision, memory, and appetite. Herbal decoctions will effectively relieve headaches and normalize blood pressure. Self-prepared infusions and masks will restore complexion and restore youthful beauty.

Blueberries forte are used during serious viral diseases. The plant is rich in ascorbic acid and other essential substances. Colds and possible infections go away in a short period of time. Sore throat or infectious diseases throats are cured with berry juice, which is diluted in water and the cavity is effectively rinsed with it several times a day.

Scientists have proven that the blueberry forte plant has beneficial features even in the foliage. Properly used leaf blades lower blood glucose, thanks to them, acidity in the human body decreases. Greens actively act against microbes, stop bleeding, have an astringent effect, and even relieve chronic form runny nose

Advantages and disadvantages of sunberry

Foreign culture does not have much fame and popularity in our country. When faced with a fairly familiar name or seeing an unusual fruit-bearing plant being grown in someone’s garden, I want to get more useful information about it.

You should definitely familiarize yourself with how to eat blueberries forte fresh. You should also know what can be prepared from the blueberry forte plant. How is it customary to make a tincture from the blueberry forte plant and heal various diseases. But there is one most important point, how to plant sunberries in the garden, and what care is needed for the berry planting.

Traditional medicine has been using the fruit herb plant for a long time to heal various diseases. It is highly valued, has extraordinary healing properties and a considerable composition of useful elements.

Here are just some ways to use blueberries forte:

  1. Constant migraines do not give you peace: you should take some berries, steam them in 100 grams of boiling water and leave for twelve hours. Make a lotion from the infusion, which is placed on the forehead and left for about twenty minutes.
  2. After a serious cold, immunity decreases: it is boosted with a composition made from berries. You will need a glass of honey, the same amount of pine nuts, 3 glasses of forte. All ingredients are ground in a blender, the composition is consumed one teaspoon before meals. Store the mixture in the cold.
  3. Many suffer from dysfunction thyroid gland: restore activity important body You can use a paste from a set of healing products. Take a glass of feijoa, honey and two blueberries forte. Use the mixture twice before morning and afternoon meals.
  4. Attacks of hypertension: relieved by cutting blueberry stems during the flowering period. They are crushed, the juice is squeezed out, combined with half a liter of water and two tablespoons of honey. Take in small portions twice a day.
  5. The scalp quickly becomes oily and dandruff appears: for treatment you will need two hundred grams of sunberry, one hundred grams of vodka, and a bag of boric acid. All ingredients are finely ground and infused for half a day in a dark place. Rub the ointment onto the scalp forty-five minutes before washing.

A jam that is excellent in taste and color is made from the blueberry forte plant, the recipe for which is completely simple and accessible. It is enough to collect well-ripened berries in time, wash them, treat them and cover them with granulated sugar. A composition of amazing taste is obtained if you add aromatic ingredients to it: some types of citrus fruits or apples.

The advantages of the healing berry are beyond doubt, but one should remember the possible and existing disadvantages. The berry contains an allergen, which in some cases causes serious allergic reactions. The high composition of pectin in fruits can lead to serious stomach upset.

Also, pregnant women and drivers of any type of transport should not overuse this delicacy, as blueberries forte cause drowsiness. Each part of the plant except the berries contains toxic substances, the plant should be handled with caution.

How to grow blueberries forte

Without a doubt, every berry crop existing in nature brings invaluable benefits and therefore a plant such as blueberry forte should be grown in every garden plot. The culture is not too capricious in breeding; the main thing is to choose the most suitable conditions for it.

Blueberry plantings prefer light, warm, draft-free areas. They develop well and bear fruit after legumes, vegetables, onions, and borage. The best soil composition, shallow soil water light mixed structure: sand and black soil.

The plant does not tolerate proximity to all types of cruciferous plantings. To strengthen the soil around blueberry bushes, lettuce and onions are often planted. But there is a certain condition: as soon as the blueberries take root and begin to produce full-fledged shoots, all nearby vegetables are removed.

It is effective to propagate the crop only by seedlings, since by planting the seed material immediately in open ground the harvest may not wait. If you have decided to grow a plant such as blueberry forte on your plot and it is clear what to do with it in the future, you can get down to business.

Planting blueberry seedlings forte

To plant seedlings, the first step is to prepare the seeds. Each selected grain is pierced with a sharp needle, trying not to damage the kernel. The harvested grains are placed in a glass container with river sand. It should be remembered that the sand is pre-washed and calcined.

Blueberry seedlings forte

Cover the vessel with a lid and shake lightly. Next, the seeds are poured with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to increase germination and disinfection. Small pebbles or expanded clay are placed in containers for sowing and covered with a layer of soil. Harvested seedlings are planted in late February and March.

Seedlings are cared for as standard. Carry out daily ventilation, necessary humidification with warm liquid, and install additional lighting if necessary. After the third leaf appears on the seedlings, diving is carried out. Seedlings are planted in separate vessels for free development of the root system.

Garden blueberries forte do not require special skills for planting and special care. It is enough to wait until good weather sets in and the seedlings can be planted in open ground. Seedlings are planted, leaving a lot of space, since cramped conditions will not allow the bushes to develop properly, which will subsequently affect the amount of harvest. The ideal soil composition is neutral or alkaline.

Caring for blueberries forte

Caring for plantings is easy. In the absence of precipitation, watering is carried out occasionally. A plant planted in fertile soil does not require additional feeding. If there is a deficiency nutrients exists in the soil, fertilizers are applied only during the growing season.

The root system of the plant at the initial stage of development is not too strong; for proper rooting, stepsons should be removed in time. Depending on the degree of growth, supporting supports are installed for the remaining shoots, which are connected to the plants and tied up.

Sometimes special slingshots are installed so that the stems do not touch the ground under the weight of the fruit. The soil is regularly weeded and thoroughly loosened. With the onset of autumn, buds and inflorescences must be plucked. This procedure will increase the quality and quantity of berries. The harvest begins in September.

Blueberry forte fruits contain a large amount of silver, which reflects all kinds of infectious diseases. But chemical element serves only to a lesser extent and the crop may still be susceptible to infection. Possible diseases there are enough blueberry plantations, only preventive measures and quick response can keep the plant in good condition.

Bacterial cancer is fought by destroying diseased bushes. They do this in a timely manner, without waiting for the infection to spread. White and brown spots are thoroughly sprayed. Blossom rot is prevented by carefully monitoring the correct moisture content in the soil. To prevent the appearance of mosaics, remove the stepsons only with disinfected tools.

Blueberry forte is a unique plant; it protects not only itself, but also cultural plantings growing in the immediate vicinity from all kinds of attacks. They fight against unwanted, harmful insects using an infusion of sunberry leaves and stems.

Blueberries and their leaves have long been used in medicinal purposes, as they contain many vitamins, macro and microelements. Moreover, she has pleasant taste, which cannot be confused with any other. The berry, thanks to the properties of its components, is able to slow down the aging process, rejuvenate the body at the cellular level, and improve the functioning of internal organs Moreover, it usually does not cause allergic reactions. What secrets does blueberry have, its beneficial properties and contraindications, you need to know, because the same medicine in some cases can become poison if used incorrectly.

The undoubted value of blueberries lies in their diverse composition. In addition to many natural acids, these are vitamins A, E, K, B, PP, nicotinic, ascorbic acid; magnesium calcium, copper, selenium and other elements. In addition, the berry consists of 85% water, contains plant fiber, and the main types of substances - fats, carbohydrates, proteins.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the fruits of this berry are used not only for general health improvement and prevention of many diseases, but also directly for treatment.

Benefits of blueberries for the human body:

  • it improves digestion, eliminates the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, as a result of which its emptying is normalized;
  • due to the action of vitamin substances, blood viscosity decreases, preventing vascular and heart diseases;
  • due to the high water content, blueberries can solve the problems of removing salt and toxins from the body, improve the condition of patients with gout and inflammatory processes heart muscle, prevents urolithiasis and other diseases of the genitourinary organs;
  • taking products with blueberries and eating them fresh helps women with disorders menstrual cycle, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs;
  • the plant is used for prevention oncological diseases, stopping the growth of tumors;
  • the berry is a source of vitamins to improve immunity, stimulates important metabolic processes;
  • for older people - this is a means to improve memory and increase muscle tone;
  • blueberries have a beneficial effect on visual function, restoring the acuity of perception, as it improves blood circulation in the retina;
  • Due to its healing properties, the berry can lower blood sugar levels.

Blueberries are used not only in medicine; they are used to produce cosmetic products that restore the structure of the skin and help relieve irritation and inflammation. Doctors recommend including blueberries in the diet of expectant mothers during pregnancy.

Benefits of blueberry leaves

The medicinal properties of the berry leaves are also known. The natural components included in their composition are endowed with disinfectant, antimicrobial and regenerating effects, therefore they are used:

  • for the treatment of colds of the nasopharynx, coughs, headaches accompanying inflammation of the respiratory organs in the form of decoctions and tea;
  • with exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • with prolonged diarrhea, to normalize bowel movements;
  • in the form of infusions for the treatment of wounds, erosions, dermatological diseases;
  • to reduce sugar levels in diabetes;
  • to relieve the symptoms of urolithiasis;
  • from rheumatic pains;
  • for anemia to replenish iron concentrations and generally strengthen the immune system.

Few people know that, despite wide range useful therapeutic effect, with improper and uncontrolled use, it is possible negative impact on the body of such a popular plant as blueberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications, of course, are not equal in quantity, but it is necessary to have an idea about them.

Harm of blueberries and contraindications

Before adding this healthy berry to your diet, you should learn about its negative aspects:

  1. Blueberry berries and leaves can cause allergic reactions, especially in infants fed breast milk. It is better for nursing mothers not to use drugs and decoctions of this plant.
  2. If the patient urolithiasis Stones of oxalate origin were detected, taking any products containing blueberries is prohibited. This may cause complications of the disease.
  3. You should not eat berries if you have pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. It is undesirable to use it for other ailments of this organ.
  4. Chronic constipation is another limitation to the use of the plant. This is explained by the fact that blueberries help strengthen the stool.

As can be seen from the list, there are significantly fewer contraindications for use than beneficial properties. But we must not forget that blueberries are capable of absorbing many toxic, harmful substances from environment, so the selection of raw materials must be careful. You cannot buy blueberries collected in an environmentally unfavorable area. It is recommended to purchase all medications and medications from reputable pharmacies.

How to harvest blueberries for future use

Blueberry is a low-growing shrub that grows virtually throughout Russia. The berries are collected from the end of July until September. The fruits of the plant can be stored in the house dried or frozen - both will retain their valuable properties.
Freeze pre-washed, dried berries, placing them on a tray in the freezer. Then they are transferred to plastic bags and put back in the refrigerator. In this form, blueberries can last up to a year.
For drying, a special device is used, the temperature of which is first set at 40 degrees and gradually increases to 60-70 degrees. Then the berries can be placed in jars. For two years, you can use healthy and tasty blueberries in the form of infusions and teas.
You can make other preparations of this healthy berry:

  • The washed and dried berries are poured into a clean three-liter jar, sugar is added in equal proportions. Before closing the container, shake it well.
  • Berry juice is squeezed out of the crushed fruits using a press, a little boiling water is added and the pulp is brought to a homogeneous state, then diluted with boiled water and sugar is added (80 g of sand per 1000 ml).
  • To obtain syrup, boil 2 kg of fruits, squeeze, add 1 kg granulated sugar and place on low heat for 4 minutes. After removing the foam and cooling, the juice is rolled into glass containers.

Blueberry-Forte - health in tablets?

For vision problems, fatigue eyes and deterioration of the retina effective means is Blueberry Forte. The supplement has a restorative and general strengthening effect, as well as a source of zinc, rutin, and vitamins necessary for the eyes and immunity.

The drug improves night vision and protects against pain due to photophobia. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the product can only be used as directed by a doctor.

One of the most healthy berries is blueberry, the beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant, of course, must be considered as its inseparable qualities. By wisely using such a unique gift of nature, you can significantly improve your well-being and extend the years of your active life.

What is sunberry? Translated from English it is “sunny berry”. Nowadays, gardeners and gardeners love to experiment with new types of edible plants, placing them on their site.

Blueberry forte: description of the plant, agricultural technology and beneficial properties

Sunberry came into use from South America, belongs to the nightshade family (like tomatoes or potatoes). If you take an interest in the description of this culture from various sources, they will turn out to be quite contradictory. When selling seeds, it is sometimes recommended as a tall blueberry. In fact, it does not have a pleasant taste, but is acceptable after cooking.

About the origin of sunberry

The sunberry is not of natural origin, but is the result of selective breeding. American gardener L. Burbank took as a basis the poisonous black nightshade, growing in California and Europe. The result of crossing with African nightshade turned out to be edible, as intended. This is its non-poisonous variety, or more precisely, a hybrid. Sunberry grows up to 1.5 meters and produces fruit in clusters that are blueberry-colored but about the size of a cherry. The new plant pleased with its productivity and weather resistance.

Berry composition

As the plant begins to spread throughout our territory, it would not hurt to become familiar with its properties. Some of those who tried sunberry abandoned the idea of ​​growing the berry in their garden because it was not tasty. But there is also an opinion about its significant usefulness. Sunberry fruits, the beneficial properties of which are determined by their composition, include the following substances:

  • Vitamins C and A strengthen the immune system, help improve the health of blood vessels and nerves. The antioxidant carotene protects against toxins.
  • Micro and macroelements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium. Selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium and silver are present.
  • Active compounds: flavonoids, chlorophyll, tannins.
  • Proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

    The product contains 220 kcal for every 100 grams.

  • Pectins that cleanse the body.

The Sunberry product, new to us, has beneficial properties and contraindications, which we will consider further; its composition is quite suitable for food use and recovery.

Beneficial features

Waxwort red (Chinese strawberry) is a small round berry with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm, obtained from the fruit tree of the same name, cultivated as an agricultural crop in a number of East Asian countries, primarily in China. Features original appearance, which has a size similar to strawberries, a red color and a characteristic rough surface, which explains the second name of this fruit. The juicy pulp with an intense sweet taste is used in cooking.

Blueberry forte: beneficial properties of the plant

In turn, the large seed contained inside the berry is not eaten.

Calorie content

100 grams of red waxweed contains about 23 kcal.


For chemical composition red waxwort is characterized by a high content of proteins, fats, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, B, C), as well as minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, iron).

How to cook and serve

Due to its sweet taste, red wax is most often eaten fresh. In cooking, the use of these fruits is limited to the production of all kinds of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, as well as dessert dishes, ranging from fruit salads to yoghurts, ice cream and other fermented milk products.

How to choose

Since only ripe red wax fruits are used for food purposes, when choosing them you should focus on the color of the peel, which becomes red when ripe, sometimes with a purple tint.

Beneficial features

Red waxwort has been actively used for centuries in folk medicine various countries of East Asia. These berries, especially when consumed regularly, help intensify metabolic processes and have an immunostimulating and anti-sclerotic effect. In addition, red waxwort is considered an excellent anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and fixative agent.

Restrictions on use

Individual intolerance.

Sunberry: benefits and harm

Sunberry, or sunny berry- this is the beautiful name of the hybrid of small-fruited European and African nightshades, obtained by the famous American breeder Luther Burbank.

Sunberry berries are harvested at the end of September when they become black and elastic. When collected in bunches, they are stored for a long time in a cool place without losing their quality.

However, one must keep in mind that sunberry berries ripen very slowly and often do not have time to ripen before the cold weather. But on the plant, such berries are firmly attached to the stalk, and already frozen berries hang until the New Year and do not fall off.

The taste of sunberry berries is quite mediocre and reminiscent of the same nightshade, so before eating it is advisable to pour boiling water over them, then they will be much tastier; after the October frosts, the berries become sweeter. They can be consumed fresh. But you should not taste unripe berries, because...

Sunberry (blueberry forte): growing and caring for berries

they are very tasteless.

With addition citric acid The berries can be used for processing, for jam and compotes, and with a small addition of sour fruits or berries, they can be used as a filling for pies and dumplings.

To prevent sunberry preparations from having a nightshade taste, you must first pour boiling water over the berries, keep them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, drain the water, and only then begin processing them.

Sunberry is unpretentious to soils and grows in all types of soil, but acidic soils still need to be limed. Due to the long growing season, it is best to grow it in seedlings. The technology for preparing seeds and growing seedlings is exactly the same as for tomatoes. But its seeds germinate very slowly.

The main advantage of berries is their healing properties. They contain a lot of pectins, which remove poisons from the body; selenium, which slows down the aging process; anthocyanins that improve blood composition.

Sunberry have healing properties and help with cramps, stomach cramps, diseases Bladder etc.

They are easy to cook "elixir of health" To prepare it, the juice squeezed from them is diluted with water in equal parts. Add 300 g of honey to 1 liter of diluted juice, pour into bottles and store in the refrigerator. Take 2 tbsp. spoons before meals.

This remedy normalizes well arterial pressure, eliminates headaches, improves memory and visual acuity, increases endurance and the body's adaptive abilities to adverse factors.

I’ll tell you, friends, about the properties of blueberries. This sunny berry is an amazing source of health...

Sunny berry. History and medicinal properties of blueberries

Plants like “blueberry forte” do not exist in nature. There are forest blueberries known to all of us (there are no cultivated forms or varieties yet), and there are medical drug from the category of dietary supplements (dietary supplements) called “blueberry forte”, which is made from the same blueberries.

We're talking about sunberries.- a hybrid plant from the nightshade family, which includes, by the way, tomatoes (tomatoes).

This plant was obtained in 1905 by the famous American breeder Luther Burbank from crossing two wild species of nightshade: the tall African one and the small-fruited creeping European one.

The scientist gave the new plant the name “sunberry,” which translates as “sunny berry.”

About ten years ago, sunberry finally reached Russia, where, out of ignorance, the plant began to be called American garden blueberry. It was credited with unheard of taste and medicinal properties.

Seeds were in great demand at unimaginable prices, so sellers of exotic goods initially had real opportunity make some money. True, this excitement did not last very long - our sunberry gardeners did not accept it. Now it seems the situation is repeating itself.

Now the “American garden blueberry” has become the fashionable “forte blueberry.” So what do we really have?

Sunberry is a perennial herbaceous plant, which in temperate climates is grown as an annual, from seeds through seedlings. Externally, it is a powerful bush up to 2 meters high with black juicy berries the size of cherries, collected in clusters of 10-15 pieces.

Blueberry forte, sunberry, or sunberry, is popular in many countries. However, in our climate zone this plant is quite a rare plant, despite its dietary and medicinal benefits. In Russia, this crop is known as voronyashka or blueberry forte.

From one bush you can collect about a bucket of berries. It blooms and ripens continuously until late autumn. The fruits (berries) are not poisonous, unlike black nightshade. The season of fresh berries can be extended by picking the bush in the fall and hanging it upside down in a warm room.

To prevent them from having a nightshade taste, the berries must first be doused with boiling water and allowed to stand for a few minutes, the water drained, and then processed. They make excellent jam and also a filling for pies.

The crop is annual (in our climatic conditions), so the seeds are prepared from the largest berries. They are sown at the same time as tomatoes.

Here's what they say about sunberry in folk medicine:

Sunberry has healing powers. Sunberry berries contain selenium, which slows down the aging process and prevents the development of cancer, as well as anthocyanins, which improve blood composition, and pectins, which remove poisons and toxins from the body. Its fruits have a beneficial effect on visual acuity, have a laxative, diuretic, anthelmintic and antiseptic effect.

Healing recipes with blueberries

Sunberries can be used to make health elixir.
The berries must be passed through a meat grinder and the juice squeezed out through cheesecloth. Dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio. 1.5 kg of honey is added to five liters of such diluted juice. The elixir is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator or cellar.
Take 2 tablespoons before meals.

This remedy normalizes blood pressure, eliminates headaches and visual acuity, increases endurance and the body's adaptive abilities to adverse factors, helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers, hepatitis, bronchial asthma and varicose veins of the legs.

sunberry leaves used to treat eczema, psoriasis,. For this:

100 grams of leaves are mixed with 2 egg whites, two tablespoons of ripe berry juice are added, mixed thoroughly and lotions are made.

Infusion of dried leaves helps with neuroses, headaches, colitis, cystitis, hypertension, epilepsy (convulsions), neuralgia, bronchial asthma. Preparation of the infusion:

Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves into 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave in a warm place for two hours, filter. Take one tablespoon 4 times a day before meals.

Shredded fresh berries , mixed with sour milk(1:1), applied to purulent wounds, abscesses, ulcers.

Sunberry juice diluted with water (1:3) and used to gargle for sore throat.

And finally, two recipes...

Chop the sunberry stems along with the leaves and berries and place in a saucepan. Pour in 3 liters of water and bring to a boil over low heat, then cool. Strain and wash your hair with this mixture, first every other day, then every two, three, and less often, until the headaches go away completely. You can wet a towel with this infusion and wrap your head. Walk until the towel is dry. The infusion is used fresh each time. In this case, it is useful to drink tea from sunberry flowers (3 grams of dried flowers per 500 ml of water).

(the same composition is also used):
Mix the juice from the leaves, stems and flowers of sunberry in equal parts with honey and take 2-3 tablespoons at night. This composition slightly excites, then calms, expands blood vessels, removes salts, toxins and uric acid from body tissues, lowers and stabilizes blood pressure. Take until the patient’s condition clearly improves.

It should be remembered, my friends, that any treatment can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision.