Smolensk State Medical University official. Smolensk Medical University: faculties, student reviews. Faculty of Medical, Biological and Humanitarian Education

SMU is a state medical university, which is located in the city of Smolensk on Kirova Street, 28. SMU has no branches. It concentrates the best human resources potential of Smolensk medicine. Applicants can easily find additional information of interest to them on the official website of the university.

Description of the educational institution

The Faculty of Medicine at Smolensk University was created in 1920. Only in 2015 the entire academy was renamed Smolensk State medical University.

The educational institution provides distance learning for course participants in traditional medical profiles. Also considered important questions pedagogy high school. Additional professional education is provided.

Smolensk State Medical University

  • higher education pedagogy;
  • radiology;
  • medical toxicology;
  • family medicine;
  • phthisiology in the amount of 144 hours;
  • general and pediatric endocrinology;
  • neonatology;
  • gastroenterology;
  • emergency assistance in general practice and pediatrics, optimal nutrition;
  • course in psychiatry-narcology as part of advanced training;
  • course retraining in orthopedic, pediatric dentistry (lasting 144 hours) and others.

All course programs are based on sample programs for higher education educational institutions. All of them have passed expert testing and are recognized as the best in the Smolensk region.


As part of the university medical profile in the city of Smolensk there are 68 departments. Departments have been created for absolutely all medical education curricula. All departments are staffed with highly qualified personnel. Also, all departments have the latest equipment to ensure a high-quality educational process.

They all work five days a week from nine in the morning until five in the evening. Each department has a telephone and email address, which is convenient for interaction between students and teachers during the learning process.


SMU has 8 faculties. These are the medical, pediatric and dental faculties, which have become traditional for all medical universities. Also, for obtaining additional education in the field of medicine, the Faculty of Further Professional Education is provided.

Foreign students are collected separately - this is the Faculty of Foreign Students. Future pharmacists are trained by the Faculty of Pharmacology. There is also a faculty of medical, biological and humanities education.

How many points do you need to score for admission?

At SMU, applicants are offered 6 specialties for admission. Each of them has its own passing score for the applicant.

Studying at Smolensk University

In the specialty of medical biochemistry, the minimum passing score will be 108 points (scores are summed up in three subjects: chemistry, biology, Russian language). Major subject – chemistry. The specialty “general medicine” requires 118 points. The major in this specialty is chemistry.

The specialty pediatrics requires a score of 118. The major subject is chemistry. The specialty of dentistry requires a similar number of points with the specialty of pediatrics and the major subject is the same.

Speciality clinical psychology assumes 118 points, but the list of subjects is completely different. The major subject is biology, to the number of points of which points in social studies and the Russian language are added.

Recruitment rules in 2018

On the SMU website in the section for applicants, all information was updated in September of this year. The applicant will be able to find out about the 2018 admission rules, find out about the number of places according to different conditions receipts. Detailed information about the deadlines for accepting documents is also provided.

It is stipulated that entrance examinations can be conducted remotely. There are requirements for the health status of applicants, that is, a mandatory medical examination and a certain form of medical report form. In case an applicant is applying for a “commercial” place, a sample agreement is provided. Addresses have been published where applicants can apply for medical specialties during the admissions process.

Smolensk State medical Academy

SGMA today Currently, the Smolensk Medical Academy is a center of medical science, training of medical personnel and medical and preventive activities. The Academy trains doctors for

  • Bryansk,
  • Tula,
  • Orlovskaya,
  • Kaliningradskaya,
  • as well as for other areas Russian Federation and foreign countries.

Main administrative and educational building of SSMA

The Academy includes a Center for Pre-University Education and 7 faculties:

medical, pediatric, dental, foreign students, pharmaceutical, higher nursing education, advanced training and professional retraining of specialists. 65 departments of the university are located at the educational bases of the academy and large medical institutions of the city. The Academy employs more than 450 teachers, including 86 doctors and 281 candidates of science. Doctors are trained in the following specialties: general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing.

Much attention at the academy is paid to the educational process, which is carried out under the guidance of the Central Methodological Council and the Educational and Methodological Directorate of the Academy. Special meaning is given to the introduction of modern active teaching methods, independent work students, the use of computer technology in the educational process.

The academy's clinical bases are equipped with modern medical and diagnostic equipment, which allows graduates to be taught advanced medical technologies.

An important place in the training of specialists at the Academy is occupied by humanitarian education, which includes the main areas:

historical, philosophical, ethical, psychological, legal, social, cultural.

Reading room of the library SGMA Academy has a well-equipped library, which is one of the largest in the city of Smolensk. Its structure includes 3 departments, 3 reading rooms with 200 seats, 3 subscriptions. The library collection is compiled according to branches of knowledge: medicine and applied sciences - chemistry, physics, biology, humanities. The library annually subscribes to more than 200 journal titles in Russian; there are publications in other languages ​​(English, German, French). By 2008, the library's book collection totaled more than 550,000 copies and was used by 6,640 readers. During the year, about 527,000 books and over 12,000 bibliographic references are issued. The library's book collection is replenished by approximately 7-10 thousand copies throughout the year. The library's annual attendance reaches 266,000 visits, that is, each reader comes to the library on average 50 times a year. The library conducts classes on the basics of library and information literacy among first-year and graduate students.

The cathedral teams of the Academy publish textbooks, teaching aids and monographs that are widely used in the educational process. Additional educational services students and doctors can get through scientific Education Centre academy.

Research work on fundamental and applied aspects of medicine is carried out in all departments and four scientific divisions of the academy:

Research Institute of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (director - Professor R. S. Kozlov), Central Scientific Research Laboratory (head of the laboratory - senior researcher G. N. Fedorov), PNRL of Clinical Biophysics and Antioxidant Therapy (head of the laboratory - Professor V. G. Podoprigorova ), PNRL “Ultrasound and minimally invasive technologies” (head of the laboratory - Professor A.V. Borsukov).

Research Institute of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy SGMA Last years Interest in science among young people has increased significantly, as evidenced by average age scientific employees of the scientific departments of the Academy: 39 years - candidates of science and 36 years - doctors of science. The average age of the academy's scientific and pedagogical workers is 52 years. In 2004-2008, 17 scientists of the Academy were awarded the academic title of professor, and the academic title of associate professor - 63.

The training of highly qualified scientific personnel is carried out through postgraduate studies or competitive studies in 35 scientific specialties. As of the 2008/2009 academic year, 122 people are studying in graduate school, of which: 58 full-time and 64 part-time graduate students.

Planning of research work for graduate students and applicants academic degrees The academy is carried out in 8 scientific areas, supervised by the scientific part of the academy (vice-rector for scientific work- Professor A. A. Punin):

motherhood and childhood (chairman of the problem commission - Professor A. N. Ivanyan), immunology, immunomorphology and immunopathophysiology (chairman of the problem commission - Professor A. S. Solovyov), physiology and pathology nervous system(chairman of the problem commission - Professor Ya. B. Yudelson), internal illnesses(chairman of the problem commission - Professor A. A. Punin), surgery and traumatology (chairman of the problem commission - Professor S. A. Kasumyan), dentistry (chairman of the problem commission - Professor A. S. Zabelin), medical problems of ecology (chairman of the problem commission - Professor O.V. Molotkov), physical and chemical medicine (chairman of the problem commission - Professor V.G. Podoprigorova). In 2004-2009, 3 dissertation councils functioned at the academy (2 doctoral and 1 candidate), in which 17 doctoral and 151 candidate dissertations were defended in 7 scientific specialties during the specified period:

14.00.09 - pediatrics; 14.00.25 - pharmacology, clinical pharmacology; 14.00.05 - internal diseases; 14.00.00 - dentistry; 14.00.00 - surgery; 14.00.01 - obstetrics and gynecology; 14.00.00 - clinical immunology and allergology. In 2007-2008, we successfully passed re-registration with the Ministry of Health and social development and the Higher Attestation Commission of 2 doctoral dissertation councils of our academy:

D 208.097.01 (Chairman of the dissertation council - Professor V. G. Pleshkov) D 208.097.02 (Chairman of the dissertation council - Professor V. E. Novikov). Currently, active work is underway to open a third doctoral dissertation council at SSMA.

Among the priority scientific areas of the Academy, the following should be highlighted:

epidemiological and molecular genetic monitoring of antibiotic resistance and improvement of chemotherapy bacterial infections(head of the department: director of the Scientific Research Institute of Academy of Arts, doctor of medical sciences, professor R. S. Kozlov); use of plasma technologies in surgery (head of the department: MD, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, head of the department general surgery with a course of surgery FPC and teaching staff V. G. Pleshkov); studying pathological conditions of cardio-vascular system (hypertonic disease, IHD, etc.). Development of modern medical technologies for treatment and prevention (head of department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Therapy, Ultrasound and functional diagnostics V. A. Milyagin); study of hydration processes in the blood and tissues of the body under the influence of external factors and various diseases(head of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General and Medical Chemistry N. F. Farashchuk); minimally invasive technologies in abdominal surgery, endovideosurgery (director of the field: MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery S. A. Kasumyan; MD, Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy, Head of the PNIL "Ultrasound and Minimally Invasive Technologies" A. V. Borsukov); health status of children and adolescents, development of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention chronic diseases V childhood(direction leaders: Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics with a course of neonatology of the Faculty of Education and Teaching Staff L. V. Kozlova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty and Outpatient Pediatrics with course of propaedeutics of childhood diseases T. G. Avdeeva, head of the Central Research Laboratory G. N. Fedorov); study of biophysical and metabolic technologies for the correction of oxidative damage and their place in sanogenesis (physico-chemical medicine) (director: head of the PNRL of Clinical Biophysics and Antioxidant Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V. G. Podoprigorova); study of communication systems as morphogenetically significant structures in general pathological and tumor processes (director of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy A. E. Dorosevich); diagnosis, prevention and treatment of major dental diseases (heads of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry A. S. Zabelin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department therapeutic dentistry L. M. Tsepov); COPD and asthma. Pharmacoepidemiology. Improving diagnostic and treatment algorithms (head of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Therapy A. A. Punin); current issues of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology (director of the field: MD, professor, head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the faculty of training and teaching staff A. N. Ivanyan; MD, professor, head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology with the course prenatal diagnostics N.K. Nikiforovsky). The Academy regularly publishes 3 printed scientific journals:

“Bulletin of the Smolensk Medical Academy”, “Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy” (the journal is included in the list of publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of materials of candidate dissertations), “Medical News of the Regions” and two electronic publications (online journals):

"Mathematical morphology" " Headache».

Laboratory molecular diagnostics In 2004-2008, NIIAH Academy participated annually in 3-4 international, 4-5 federal, 5-7 industry and 3-4 regional programs and projects.

The international scientific cooperation of our Academy has significantly expanded (Research Institute of Acute Chemistry, PNIL “Ultrasound and Minimally Invasive Technologies”, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Therapy of Physic Acid Therapy and PPS, etc.). The geography of such cooperation includes scientific institutions and institutes of the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, USA, Japan, Germany, Poland and other countries.

A significant milestone in the history of the Academy was the registration of the scientific discovery in 2004 of Professor Nikolai Fedorovich Farashchuk “The pattern of changes in the degree of hydration of animal blood biopolymers during their adaptation to external factors" This scientific event occurred for the first time in the history of the Academy. In 2004-2008 Academy employees received 80 patents for inventions, 2 new medical technologies were registered. During this period of time, more than 80 monographs, manuals, reference books, forms and other normative documents were published.

It is impossible not to note the scientific divisions and departments, whose contribution to the training of scientific personnel, publishing and inventive activities of the Academy, to the process of introducing new medical technologies, to the participation of the Academy in innovative programs and projects is very large, which is confirmed by the high scientific rating of these divisions in 2005- 2008 These units undoubtedly include

teams of the Scientific Research Institute of Acute Chemistry (director - Prof. R. S. Kozlov), department of faculty therapy (head - Prof. A. A. Punin), department of hospital pediatrics with a course of neonatology FPK and teaching staff (head - Prof. L. V. Kozlova) , Department of Outpatient Pediatrics (Head - Prof. T. G. Avdeeva), Department of Therapy, Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics of FPC and Teaching Staff (Head - Prof. V. A. Milyagin), Department of Pharmacology with the Pharmacy Course of FPC and Teaching Staff (Head - Prof. V. E. Novikov), Department of Normal Physiology (headed by Prof. V. A. Pravdivtsev) and many others. We can say that the Smolensk State Medical Academy has occupied and occupies a worthy place in the system vocational education, and the high research potential of the departments and scientific divisions of the academy allows us to make serious plans for its further successful development in the 21st century.

In their work, departments and divisions of the Academy widely use Internet resources. The construction of the academy's local network with Internet access has been completed.

In 2008, the Academy carried out a reorganization of the educational and methodological department into an educational and methodological department, within which

educational, organizational, methodological and education quality department and active work has begun on developing a quality management system for the university for implementation in educational activities. The Academy has strong international scientific ties and is the organizer of international scientific symposia and conferences held within its walls. The international recognition of the university is confirmed by the election of SSMA scientists to foreign and international academies.

The pride and hope of the academy is the scientific student society with its traditional April student science day.

Gym of the FIU dormitory The academy has all the conditions for raising the cultural level and developing a harmonious personality of university graduates. The functioning of student clubs, amateur art groups, physical education and sports is aimed at this. For sporting events there are 2 gym, shooting training complex, swimming pool, ski lodge, outdoor stadium.

SGMA is one of the few universities in the country that has a student sanatorium. Every year, up to 12,000 students undergo treatment here on preferential terms. The sanatorium-preventorium has created good conditions for the treatment and prevention of diseases without interruption from the educational process.

The Academy has 5 comfortable dormitories, including 4 for students and 1 for cadets of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.

The Academy has state accreditation and a license to conduct educational activities.

History of the university

19th century - early 20th century

Throughout the history of the 19th century Russian healthcare There was a pronounced shortage of medical personnel. Although European Russia was second only to England (22,105), Germany (16,270) and France (14,380) in terms of the number of doctors at the beginning of the 20th century (13,475), per million inhabitants it ranked last in Europe. Moreover, their distribution throughout the country was extremely uneven: a significant part of the human resources was concentrated in large cities in the European part of the country. There were clearly not enough doctors, especially for the rural population, which made up more than 80% of the country’s inhabitants

By the beginning of the 20th century, the Smolensk province remained typically agrarian. More than 90% of its inhabitants lived in the countryside and were engaged in agriculture; the urban population was just over 120 thousand people. At the beginning of the twentieth century, two educational institutes operated in Smolensk. The archaeological one was opened in 1910 with private funds as a branch of the Moscow one. The Teachers' Institute has been operating since 1912. higher education didn't give it. The issue of creating a university in Smolensk for training teachers and doctors was discussed even before the start of the First World War. One of these attempts was made in 1909, as evidenced by the archives of the Smolensk Zemstvo Administration. A convenient situation for this was connected with the government’s plans to transfer the Imperial Warsaw University to the interior of Russia. Teaching there was conducted by Russian professors, in Russian. During the process of the national liberation movement, in 1905, Polish youth, who historically made up 60-70% of its students, announced a boycott of the Russian university.

Smolensk at the beginning of the 20th century. Dvoryanskaya Street (now Glinki), on the left is the building of the Noble Assembly, in which from 1933 to 1985 the main administrative and educational building of the SSMI was located. On December 2, 1906, a meeting was held in Smolensk, which was attended by Professor of the University of Warsaw Amalicki, members of the city Council, representatives of public organizations, health authorities and educational institutions of the city. Amalitsky reported that the Ministry of Public Education is considering the issue of creating a new university within European Russia, since most of the existing ones are overcrowded. At the same time, the University of Warsaw is currently inactive, and the idea arose to use its scientific facilities and scientific personnel for this new educational institution. The ministry has formed a commission, of which he is a member, to decide which city would be more appropriate to open a university in. The decisive role in such a choice is played by its convenience. geographical location, prospects for future development and terial support from local government and public structures. The commission has already identified a number of cities in this sequence: Voronezh, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Vitebsk, Minsk, Saratov and Nizhny Novgorod. To finally clarify all local conditions, a deputy was sent to each of the cities. To maintain the new university, the government will provide the necessary funds from the treasury. But in order to make a final choice between cities, it is necessary to have information about possible local material donations for its foundation.

The Smolensk residents speaking at the meeting overwhelmingly supported the idea of ​​founding a university in Smolensk. An important factor We considered the city's good transport links and proximity to Moscow. Having discussed the material costs for this project, it was decided that the amount necessary for the university would be donated by provincial public and class institutions: the city would be able to allocate 300,000 rubles for the opening of the university, the provincial zemstvo - the same amount, city institutions - 100,000 rubles, the nobility - 50,000 rubles. The rest funds - up to 1,000,000 rubles in the first year - will need to be found by county. The solution to financial issues could be a loan with repayment included in the budget. Issues of providing the new educational institution with temporary premises were discussed. For the Faculty of Medicine, it was planned to allocate 15 rooms and a nearby building for organizing an anatomical theater, the necessary clinical base: 10 clinics with 330 beds and medical staff. To permanently house all the buildings of the university, it was planned to build buildings with an area of ​​at least 5 acres over time. “It’s possible - not in one place, but in two, but at a distance of no more than 15 minutes’ walk between them.” According to the majority, a higher education institution will give a lot to the city, turning Smolensk into the cultural center of a vast region. It will revive and develop all branches of local trade and industrial activity; according to preliminary estimates, income will increase by 1 million rubles per year, even if we do not take into account visitors, for example, patients in university clinics.

The Smolensk Duma appealed to the government with a request to open a university, but the project did not receive support: “I will not give bills in advance, but Smolensk’s petition will soon be submitted for discussion to the Council of Ministers and considered impartially along with petitions from other cities” - this was the minister’s response Internal Affairs P. A. Stolypin. In 1909, the medical faculty was opened in Saratov, and Smolensk was only included in the number of cities in the university network.

View of the eastern part of the Smolensk fortress wall, 1912. Photo by S. M. Prokudin-Gorsky During the First World War, the shortage of doctors in the province became even more obvious. In 1915, the medical faculty of the University of Warsaw, in connection with military operations, was transferred not to Smolensk, but to Rostov-on-Don. In the same year, the Smolensk zemstvo attempted to organize the evacuation of the medical faculty of Yuryev University to the city. But purely military circumstances got in the way. Smolensk was also a front-line city: since 1915, rear units were located here, and later the headquarters of the Western Front of the Russian Army. By government decision, the medical faculty from Yuryev was evacuated to Voronezh in 1918.

Opening of Smolensk State University (1920)

The problem of the shortage of doctors became aggravated in connection with the First World War and the Civil War, and the consequences of the revolutionary events of 1917. By early 1920, as the Civil War was drawing to a close, between 30 and 80 percent of medical personnel had died on the Eastern Front alone. In addition, out of a little over 10 thousand doctors in the military health service, more than 4 thousand suffered from typhus, and more than 800 of them died.

The situation in the Smolensk province from 1914 to 1920 remained extremely difficult. In addition to food, fuel, and transport problems, pest epidemics and typhoid fever, syphilis and others infectious diseases. The problem of lack of medical personnel, especially doctors, has worsened. Since the autumn of 1917, here, first on a voluntary basis, and then in connection with the adoption of the decree on universal military service in October 1918, mass mobilization of the population into the Red Army began. Four such mobilizations during 1918-1920 led to the fact that health care institutions were left practically without doctors.

Decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the establishment of state universities" 1918 After October revolution and endings civil war A whole network of higher educational institutions is opening in the country. In 1918, several universities appeared in Smolensk, among which - State University. Initially, it was decided that the Faculty of Medicine would definitely be part of it.

Two commissions simultaneously worked on the creation of SSU: a commission in Smolensk and a Council of Professors in Moscow. On the recommendation of the professors of the Moscow Proletarian University, Smolensk University was to be organized in a similar way: to differ from the previously existing type of higher school. Its goal is to raise the cultural level of the broad proletarian masses, and not to provide higher education to members of the wealthy class who have completed high school. There were no curriculum plans - that was up to the students and lecturers. Attending classes is free, there is no need to control knowledge - those who are not prepared will realize their unpreparedness and will move to another department. Later, it was decided not to waste effort and money on solving problems that a comprehensive school could easily cope with.

On the day of the celebration of the first anniversary of the October Revolution, the grand opening of Smolensk University took place, consisting of only one faculty - social sciences. Systematic classes began only in December 1918. In January - March 1919, the Educational Association was created at the university with the goal of “facilitating access to the university for students not prepared for academic work, and greater connection between the university and the cultural needs of the local population.” It will begin to operate fully in the fall of 1919 as a faculty of working youth - a workers' faculty. The Smolensk workers' faculty was the third to be opened in the country. His successful work would prove to be an important argument in favor of preserving SSU and its medical faculty during 1919-1924.

Rector of SSU V.K. Serezhnikov

First Dean of the Faculty of Medicine B. L. Patsevich

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine M. A. Dykhno Perhaps the most important problem of the new university was providing it with good scientific and teaching staff. It was obvious that it was impossible to organize the full-fledged work of the university using only Smolensk specialists. But the location of the city in sufficient proximity to Moscow allowed us to hope that with properly established transport links, the problem could be solved by the participation of capital professors in the work. Previously, there was already a similar experience of holding lectures by scientists coming from Moscow: in 1907, the Smolensk People's University worked this way. By agreement with the People's Commissariat of Railways, during 1918-1920, the founders of the Moscow Socialist Academy of Social Sciences, M. A. Reisner and M. N. Pokrovsky, came to Smolensk according to the schedule of classes. Historians, political scientists, economists, and lawyers participated in the work of the Council of Professors: A. M. Vasyutinsky, B. R. Vipper, N. M. Nikolsky, G. S. Gurvich, V. K. Serezhnikov, V. I. Picheta, B. I. Kulakov and others. Representatives of the Scientific Medical Council L. A. Tarasevich, P. N. Diatropov took direct part in the process of organizing the SSU. The first professors of Smolensk University managed to defend the foundations of Russian university education and laid the foundations for the future traditions of Smolensk University.

Thanks to the firm position of the Council of Professors, Smolensk University managed to avoid one of the mistakes of similar educational institutions formed in the country during this period. The issue of opening new faculties caused a lot of controversy. Attempts to organize historical-philological, technical, economic departments or faculties were rejected, since the experience of the “overloaded” many faculties of Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod and other universities was taken into account.

Throughout 1919, preparatory work continued to open only the Faculty of Medicine and the search for teaching staff for it. The initially planned visits of professors from Moscow did not justify themselves. Classes were often disrupted due to bad work transport. The activities of the Economic Committee, which practically carried out on behalf of the Council of Professors all the preparatory work and management of the university in the city, required a constant presence in Smolensk. In the spring of 1919, SSU professors were invited to choose the city as their place of permanent residence. But, given the extremely difficult housing situation at that time, as well as the lack of preparedness of the library, as a result of which “a close connection with Moscow and its intellectual values ​​is still necessary,” it was decided not to include relocation in the mandatory conditions of work at the university.

The decision to organize the medical faculty of SSU was signed on April 4, 1920, the work of the departments began in the fall of 1920. For the entire higher education of the country, this time turned out to be probably the most “powerless”. The regulatory and legal framework for managing Soviet universities had not yet been formed and had a negative impact on their activities. The politicization of society has destabilized the internal routine of educational and scientific work even in “old” universities with their traditions developed over decades. The prestige of leadership positions fell, and a person’s status and position began to be determined primarily by his political views. Attempts at the participation of the “broad organized masses of working people” in the affairs of higher education often did not help, but rather complicated its work. The absence of a unified Charter of higher education in the country led to the need to develop our own regulations in every educational institution. At Smolensk University, as a result of this, conflict situations arose with local bodies of State Control, the department of public education, which required the personal intervention of the People's Commissar of Education A.V. Lunacharsky, deputy. People's Commissar of Education N.M. Pokrovsky. The process of creating governing bodies of the educational institution and electing the rector caused a lot of controversy.

In the local history literature there is no consensus on who was the first rector of SSU. The names of K.V. Serezhnikov and N.M. Nikolsky are mentioned. There is also an opinion that he can be considered the Chairman of the Economic Committee G.S. Gurvich, who directly supervised the work of the university in the first months of its existence. The two commissions that worked from August 1918 to June 1919 to create it did not always act coherently. The Smolensk Committee included representatives of the provincial, regional, city executive committees and departments of education, public organizations of the city. Here, on the spot, they could solve many issues of life support for the university: finding and repairing premises, financial support, housing and food for teachers, etc. But all the power in solving most problems belonged to the Council of Professors, a significant part of which permanently lived in Moscow. These were specialist teachers, competent in matters of creating a new educational institution. The Presidium, on behalf of the Council, directed all affairs, being the highest legislative body. The Chairman of the Presidium A. M. Vasyutinsky is essentially the immediate head of the SSU. The Economic Committee was the executive body of the Council of Professors. He dealt with the problems of organizing a university locally, in Smolensk. From November 1918 to August 1919, it was headed successively by Smolensk physician I. G. Levykin and professor G. S. Gurvich. In the absence of a Presidium in Smolensk, they are the ones responsible for ensuring the everyday needs of the educational institution.

In the summer of 1919, serious disagreements emerged in the Council of Professors, and 2 factions were formed. The first elections to the position of rector took place on June 6, 1919. The majority of those present elected Muscovite A. M. Vasyutinsky, who headed the Presidium of the Council. But some members of the Council declared the elections invalid, since there was no quorum and student representatives did not come to Moscow. The re-discussion took place on August 11, 1919, immediately after the adoption of the SSU Charter. At this meeting, with a slight majority of votes, K.V. Serezhnikov was elected as the new chairman of the Presidium of the Council of Professors, who was soon confirmed as the first rector of the university. The second candidate for this position, N.M. Nikolsky, was elected chairman of the Economic Committee (essentially, vice-rector). But he refused, citing the fact that he did not agree with some of the most important provisions of the new charter. It should be noted that N. M. Nikolsky during this period became the rector of another Smolensk university - the Pedagogical Institute. He will be the rector of SSU for 4 months (from December 1921 to March 1922) after the merger of all higher educational institutions of the city into the university.

The time turned out to be very difficult for the formation of a new educational institution, since it was during 1920-1924 that the stage of active reform of higher education began in the country. From the archival documents of that time, there were more than 20 “new” medical universities during the years 1918-1923, but not all of them were able to withstand the difficulties of formation that were inevitable for that time, and some were soon closed. Smolensk Medical Faculty could be among them.

The building in which the Physico-Chemical Institute of the SSU was located. By the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of August 2, 1918, measures are being taken to allow everyone to study at higher educational institutions, while eliminating actual privileges for the propertied classes (cancellation of entrance exams and any type of competitions). An important area of ​​reform was the selection of special teaching staff for higher education, who not only accepted, but also completely shared the policies of the Soviet government in the country. Each candidacy for a professor in the department was discussed and approved by the Main Educational Inspectorate and the Scientific-Political Section of the State University of History and Science.

Already during the period of organization of the Smolensk medical faculty (1919-1923), most departments were headed by truly experienced and knowledgeable specialists - scientists and teachers. Thus, the organizer and first professor of the department of anatomy in 1920 was one of the greatest specialists of that time, professor of Moscow University P. I. Karuzin. His successor was another student of Professor P. F. Lesgaft, V. V. Butyrkin. The first dean of the medical faculty of SSU and professor of the department of microbiology was G.N. Gabrichevsky’s student B.L. Patsevich, who, being an assistant director of the country’s first Moscow Bacteriological Institute, moved to Smolensk in 1911 to organize a similar institution here. On the recommendation of Professor I.P. Pavlov, the candidacy of Doctor of Medicine, Professor of the Novocherkassk Pedagogical Institute N.A. Popov was discussed for the Department of Physiology; later it was headed by N.E. Vvedensky’s student D.S. Vorontsov. Departments of Faculty and operative surgery headed by Professor S.I. Spasokukotsky’s student B.E. Linberg. On the recommendation of M. V. Yanovsky, F. G. Yanovsky, D. D. Pletnev, students of Professor M. V. Yanovsky G. Ya. Gurevich, A. I. Ivanov, K. V. Punin became the heads of three therapeutic departments in Smolensk .

The first teaching staff of the Smolensk Medical Faculty was distinguished by that special “caste” that has always united Russian intellectual doctors. Everything possible was done to preserve the team. The professional solidarity of the teaching staff made it possible to pursue a fairly strict policy regarding interference in the activities of the university by representatives of students and local authorities. The admission of students sufficiently prepared for training was controlled (most of them, until the second half of the 20s, were representatives of the merchant, bourgeois, noble and clergy classes, graduates of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions).

As a result of the rule established at the faculty - to study with capable students, selecting such students to work at the department from the first years, professors of the Smolensk Medical Faculty trained their own teaching staff. Students were given the opportunity at first to work part-time as laboratory assistants and preparators, and upon completion of the course of study, while remaining at the departments as graduate students and residents, to engage in scientific and teaching work. Thus, the professors of the Smolensk Medical Faculty in the first years trained several future scientist-teachers: professors I.M. Vorontsov and V.A. Yusin - head. Department of Anatomy Professor V.V. Butyrkin, Professor I.O. Mikhailovsky - histologists L.I. Falin and V.V. Anisimova, Professor Physiologist D.S. Vorontsov - N.A. Yudenich, P.O. Makarova, Professor of the Department of Microbiology B. L. Patsevich - the future head of the same department V. A. Yudenich, etc. This is the tradition of the Faculty of Medicine of SSU, formed in the early 20s, and will remain important in its future activities.

The principled position of the teaching staff regarding significant restrictions on the intervention of local government, student and other public structures in management the most important matters university (making decisions on curricula and programs, organizing clinical teaching, forms and methods of knowledge control, etc.), made it possible to exclude the influence of incompetent persons on the organization of the entire educational process, which undoubtedly had a positive impact on the quality of training of graduate specialists

The building in which the main administrative and educational building of the Smolensk State Medical Institute was located in 1933-1985 (now the M. I. Glinka Concert Hall) Glorious traditions that were formed and laid the basis for the activities of the medical faculty of SSU as a result of the truly heroic efforts of its first professors allowed us to survive the difficulties of the formation stage and find ourselves in the mid-30s among the largest higher medical schools of the USSR.

Master plan for the construction of a medical complex (1935)

Project for the construction of an educational building 1935-1936 On the eve of the Great Patriotic War The institute became one of the largest medical universities in the country. The war interrupted the work of the Smolensk Medical Institute. Valuable property of the university was evacuated to Saratov, and for many teachers and students, university classrooms were replaced by a battlefield.

The building of the main administrative and educational building of the SGMA, the photo was taken during the Great Patriotic War. In the post-war period medical school has become a major university in Russia in the system of training specialists with higher medical education. In 1994, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education transformed the Smolensk State Medical Institute into the Smolensk State Medical Academy.

In past years, the university was headed by famous scientists and health care organizers:

F.S. Bykov (1930-1937), V. A. Batalov (1938-1950), G. M. Starikov (1950-1978), N. B. Kozlov (1978-1995), V. G. Pleshkov (1995-2008) . Over the years, outstanding scientists studied and worked at the Smolensk State Medical Institute, who made a significant contribution to the development of domestic medicine and healthcare, creating large Russian schools - Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation A. T. Busygin, A. T. Petryaeva, N. B. Kozlov, Yu. G. Novikov; awarded the Order of Lenin by professors A. A. Ogloblin, K. A. Nizhegorodtsev, K. V. Punin, V. A. Yudenich, L. A. Shangina; Order of the Red Banner of Labor Professors G. G. Dubinkin, V. G. Molotkov, M. Z. Popov; the Order of the Badge of Honor to Professors A. N. Kartavenko, S. M. Nekrasov and many others.

Scientific departments were opened at the university: in January 1980 - the central research laboratory (CNRL), in June 1999 - the research institute of antimicrobial chemotherapy, in April 2001 - the problematic research laboratory of clinical biophysics and antioxidant therapy (PNRL) .

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Attention! The current list is here: List of Russian universities with military departments since 2008 Official documents Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2000 No. 768 “On the training of citizens of the Russian Federation in programs ... ... Wikipedia

List of scientists who were awarded the title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation” in 2009: Abrosimov, Nikolai Vasilievich, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class, Moscow... ... Wikipedia Wikipedia

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Skill level:

Form of study:

Certificate of completion:

From 142 to 260

Passing score:

Quantity budget places:

University characteristics

general information

The history of the Academy begins on April 4, 1920, when, in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the People's Commissariat of Health, the Faculty of Medicine was opened as part of Smolensk State University.

In 1930, Smolensk University was divided into two independent universities - medical and pedagogical. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the institute became one of the largest medical universities in the country. The war interrupted the work of the Smolensk Medical Institute. Valuable property of the university was evacuated to Saratov, and for many teachers and students, university classrooms were replaced by a battlefield.

On September 25, 1943, Smolensk was liberated and the institute resumed its activities. Despite incredible difficulties, the first post-war graduation of doctors took place in July 1945. In the post-war period, the medical institute became a major Russian university in the system of training specialists with higher medical education.

In 1994, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education transformed the Smolensk State Medical Institute into the Smolensk State Medical Academy.

Currently, the Smolensk Medical Academy is a center of medical science, training of medical personnel and medical and preventive activities. The Academy trains doctors for Smolensk, Bryansk, Kaluga, Tula, Oryol, Kaliningrad and other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as for foreign countries.

The Academy has 7 faculties: medical, pediatric, dental, foreign students, pharmaceutical, nursing, advanced training and professional retraining of specialists; a pre-university training center has been operating since 2003.

65 departments of the university are located at the educational bases of the academy and large medical institutions in Smolensk. The Academy employs more than 450 teachers, including 86 doctors of science, 281 candidates of science.

Over the more than 80-year history of the university, over 27 thousand doctors have been trained. The academy pays great attention to the educational process. Particular importance is attached to the introduction of modern active teaching methods and the use of computer technology in the educational process. Theoretical, humanitarian and biomedical disciplines are taught in 4 educational buildings, well equipped with computers, VCRs, televisions and other technical teaching aids. The academy's clinical bases are equipped with modern medical and diagnostic equipment, which allows graduates to be taught advanced medical technologies.

The Academy has a well-equipped library with more than 550 thousand copies of books; 3 reading rooms for 200 seats with an open access fund. The library uses computer technologies in information and bibliographic work.

Our university is specific; medicine is the most expensive and most labor-intensive profession all over the world. Therefore, we pay a lot of attention to pre-university education. Professional guidance in medicine is very important. The work of a doctor is complex, associated with considerable difficulties, and sometimes with difficult emotional experiences. Medicine is not only pain, but also a huge responsibility and intelligence. When choosing medicine as your life's work, you need to take this into account.

The academy has all the conditions for raising the cultural level and developing a harmonious personality of a university graduate. The functioning of student clubs, amateur art groups, physical education and sports is aimed at this. For sporting events there are 2 gyms, a shooting training complex, a swimming pool, a ski lodge, and an outdoor stadium.

SGMA is one of the few universities in the country that has a student sanatorium. The sanatorium-preventorium has created good conditions for the treatment and prevention of diseases without interrupting the educational process.

The Academy has 5 comfortable dormitories, including 4 for students and 1 for cadets of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.

Those who complete their studies at our academy can work in all areas of medicine. For this purpose, there is the possibility of postgraduate training in internship, residency and graduate school. Our graduates work in all corners of our Motherland and beyond. Their level vocational training rated highly. Therefore, a doctor’s diploma from the Smolensk Medical Academy opens the door to the graduate to the 21st century to implement his knowledge with a fairly high competitiveness.

I wish all applicants a happy ticket and good grades. The Academy is waiting for its future students with confidence that it will not disappoint their hopes.

V.G.PLESHKOV, President of SSMA, professor,
Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

See all photos

1 of

The Smolensk State Medical Academy trains doctors in the specialties of general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing.

The Academy includes a Center for Pre-University Education and 8 faculties:

  • medicinal,
  • pediatric,
  • dental,
  • foreign students,
  • pharmaceutical,
  • psychological-social,
  • higher nursing education,
  • advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.

An important place in the training of specialists at the Academy is occupied by humanitarian education, which includes the main areas:

  • historical,
  • philosophical,
  • ethical,
  • psychological,
  • legal,
  • social,
  • cultural.

In recent years, interest in science on the part of young people has increased significantly, as evidenced by the average age of scientific employees of the scientific departments of the Academy: 39 years for candidates of science and 36 years for doctors of science. The average age of the academy's scientific and pedagogical workers is 52 years. In 2004-2008, 17 scientists of the Academy were awarded the academic title of professor, and the academic title of associate professor - 63.

The training of highly qualified scientific personnel is carried out through postgraduate studies or competitive studies in 35 scientific specialties. As of the 2008/2009 academic year, 122 people are studying in graduate school, of which: 58 full-time and 64 part-time graduate students.

Planning of research work for graduate students and applicants for academic degrees at the Academy is carried out in 8 scientific areas supervised by the scientific part of the Academy (Vice-Rector for Scientific Work - Professor A.A. Punin):

  • motherhood and childhood (chairman of the problem commission - professor A.N. Ivanyan),
  • immunology, immunomorphology and immunopathophysiology (chairman of the problem commission - Professor A.S. Solovyov),
  • physiology and pathology of the nervous system (chairman of the problem commission - Professor Ya.B. Yudelson),
  • internal diseases (chairman of the problem commission - Professor A.A. Punin),
  • surgery and traumatology (chairman of the problem commission - Professor S.A. Kasumyan),
  • dentistry,
  • medical problems of ecology (chairman of the problem commission - Professor O.V. Molotkov),
  • physical and chemical medicine.

Admission conditions

Admission to the State Budgetary educational institution higher
professional education "Smolensk State Medical Academy"
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) is carried out
while respecting the rights of citizens to education established by legislative acts
Russian Federation:
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 43);
- Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076 “On
procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted
- Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2013 No. DL-
345/17 “On the effect of the results of a single state exam»;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2013 No. 697 “On
approval of the list of specialties and areas of training for admission to training, according to
in which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations
(examinations) in the manner established at the conclusion employment contract or official
contract for the relevant position or specialty";
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2013 No. 755 “On the federal
information system for ensuring the state final certification
students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary
general education, and admission of citizens to educational organizations to receive
secondary vocational and higher education and regional information
systems for ensuring the state final certification of students,
who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general
education"; 2
- Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (with
changes and additions);
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 12, 2013 No. 1061 “On approval of lists
specialties and areas of higher education training";
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 09, 2014 No. 3 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia
02/19/2014 No. 31352) “On approval of the procedure for admission to training in educational
higher education programs - bachelor's programs, specialty programs,
master's programs for the 2014/15 academic year";
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 09, 2014 No. 1 “On approval of the list
entrance examinations upon admission to higher educational programs
education - bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs";
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 30, 2013 “On approval of the List of Olympiads
schoolchildren for the 2013/2014 academic year";
- Charter of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
- License Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science and a certificate of
state accreditation of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education SGMA of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
- Regulations on admissions committee GBOU VPO SGMA of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
- These Admission Rules.

The situation in the Smolensk province from 1914 to 1920 remained extremely difficult. In addition to food, fuel, and transport problems, epidemics of typhus and typhoid fever, syphilis and other infectious diseases posed a great threat. At the same time, four mobilizations into the Red Army were carried out here during 1918-1920, after which health care institutions were left practically without doctors. In 1918, several universities appeared in Smolensk, among which was the State University (SSU). Initially, it was decided that the Faculty of Medicine would definitely be part of it. Thanks to the firm position of the council of professors, Smolensk University managed to avoid one of the mistakes of similar educational institutions formed in the country during this period - overload with many faculties. Throughout 1919, preparatory work for the opening of the medical faculty continued, the search for teaching staff for it continued. During the period of organization of the Smolensk medical faculty (1919-1923), most of the departments were headed by truly experienced and knowledgeable specialists - scientists and teachers. Thus, the organizer and first professor of the Department of Anatomy in 1920 was one of the greatest specialists of that time, professor of Moscow University P.I. Karuzin. His successor is another student of Professor P.F. Lesgafta V.V. Butyrkin. The first dean of the Faculty of Medicine of SSU and professor of the Department of Microbiology was a student of G.N. Gabrichevsky - B.L. Patsevich, who, being an assistant director of the country's first Moscow Bacteriological Institute, moved to Smolensk in 1911 to organize a similar institution here. The Department of Physiology was headed by student N.B. Vvedensky - D.S. Vorontsov. The Department of Faculty and Operative Surgery was headed by a student of Professor S.I. Spasokukotsky - B.E. Linberg, The heads of three therapeutic departments in Smolensk were students of Professor M.V. Yanovsky - G.Ya. Gurevich, A.I. Ivanov, K.V. Punin. The first teaching staff of the Smolensk medical faculty was distinguished by that special “caste” that has always united Russian intellectual doctors. Everything possible was done to preserve the team. The professional solidarity of professors and teachers made it possible to pursue a fairly strict policy regarding interference in the activities of the university by representatives of students and local authorities. As a result of the rule established at the faculty - to study with capable students, selecting such students to work at the department from the first years, professors of the Smolensk medical faculty trained their own teaching staff. So in the first years they trained several future scientist-teachers: head of the department of anatomy, professor V.V. Butyrkin - professors I.M. Vorontsov and V.A. Yusina, professor I.O. Mikhailovsky - histologists L.I. Falin and V.V. Anisimov, professor-physiologist D.S. Vorontsov - N.A. Yudenich, P.O. Makarova, Professor of the Department of Microbiology B.L. Patsevich - the future head of the same department V.A. Yudenich. The glorious traditions that were formed and laid the basis for the activities of the Faculty of Medicine of SSU as a result of the truly heroic efforts of its first professors made it possible to survive the difficulties of the formation stage and find themselves in the mid-1930s among the largest higher medical schools of the USSR. 1924 became a critical year in the life of medical faculty. The faculty was closed three times and then reopened. The same fate befell many universities in the country at this time. Smolensk accepted physicians who had not completed their education from the liquidated medical faculties of Yaroslavl, Simferopol, Sverdlovsk and other universities. Of the 228 people recruited in 1924, 128 were transferred from other universities. In 1925, the first graduation of students from the Faculty of Medicine of SSU took place: 26 men and 54 women. At this time, the faculty already had 35 departments with laboratories. In practical classes By 1933, two new faculties were organized: sanitary and preventive with an epidemiological department and the faculty of maternal and infant health with two departments - pediatric and obstetrics-gynecology. This year, 910 students have already studied within the walls of SSMI. The educational base of the institute, the living conditions of students living in dormitories improved significantly, more than 90% of students received scholarships, one-time benefits were issued. Until 1938, the institute was headed by the first director - associate professor F.S. Bykov. Later he was replaced in this post by V.A. Batanov, who headed the university until 1950. In the 1930s, the same processes took place at the Smolensk Medical Institute that were characteristic of the public life of the entire country. It was not spared by political repressions, which killed people morally and physically, crippled the fate of families, and caused great damage to the country’s healthcare system. By the 15th anniversary of the institute, 30 graduate students were trained in its departments. At the Research Institute of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, from 1936 to 1941 (inclusive), 34 candidate and 14 doctoral dissertations were completed. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 2,635 students were studying at two faculties of the Smolensk Medical Institute - medical and pediatric. 20 processors, doctors of science and more than 10 candidates of science taught at the departments. The war interrupted the work of the Smolensk Medical Institute. Valuable property of the university was evacuated to the city of Saratov. Part of the teaching staff was sent to work in various institutes of the country, continuing to train medical personnel in the rear. Many teachers and students went to the front. Hundreds of graduates, students, staff and teachers of the university worked in medical battalions and hospitals, participated in battles, partisans, died under shelling and on the front line. When the Red Army liberated Smolensk, it was discovered that with the exception of the main building, which was blown up but did not burn down, The educational and residential facilities of the medical institute were destroyed. The buildings of most of the city's medical institutions, which were clinical bases, were also completely destroyed. In the spring of 1944, recalled from the active army V.A. Batanov began to restore the institute. And already in the fall, classes were resumed not only in the first year, but also in subsequent courses. The first post-war graduation of doctors took place in July 1945. In the 1950s, SSMI was revived as one of the largest medical universities in the country, brought its material and technical base to the modern level, and made confident steps in scientific and educational work. In 1950, associate professor G.M. was appointed rector of SSMI. Starikov, a graduate of the institute, who made a great contribution to the development of the university, the construction of educational buildings and dormitories. With his direct participation, the dental and pediatric faculties and the preparatory department were opened. In 1978, as rector G.M. Starikov was replaced by N.B. Kozlov (1924-2001), graduate of the SSMI (1952), Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, honorary professor of the Smolensk State Medical Academy. Under him, in 1980, the Central Research Laboratory (CNRL) was opened at the university. Over the years, outstanding scientists studied and worked at the Smolensk State Medical Institute, who made a significant contribution to the development of domestic medicine and healthcare, who created large Russian schools - honored figures science of the Russian Federation A.T. Busygin, A.T. Petryaeva, N.B. Kozlov, Yu.G. Novikov; awarded the Order of Lenin by Professor A.A. Ogloblin, K.A. Nizhegorodtsev, K.V. Punin, V.A. Yudenich, L.A. Shangina; Order of the Red Banner of Labor - Professor GG. Dubinkin, V.G. Molotkov, M.Z. Popov; Order of the Badge of Honor - Professor A. N. Kartavenko, S.M. Nekrasov and many others. In 1994, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education transformed the Smolensk State Medical Institute into the Smolensk State Medical Academy (SGMA). New scientific departments are opening at the university; in June 1999 - Research Institute of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (Research Institute of Akh) (Professor L.S. Strachunsky), in April 2001 - Problem Research Laboratory of Clinical Biophysics and Antioxidant Therapy (PNIL). From the 1970s to today Day SSMA is the center of medical science, training of medical personnel and treatment and preventive activities. The Academy trains doctors for Smolensk, Bryansk, Kaluga, Tula, Oryol, Kaliningrad and other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as for foreign countries. In 1995-2008, the post of rector of the Smolensk State Medical Academy was held by V.G. Pleshkov, graduate of SSMI (1968), doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, honored worker of higher education. Since 2008 - President of the SGMA. Now the rector of the Smolensk Medical Academy is Igor Viktorovich Otvagin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, elected to this post in 2008.

The Smolensk State Medical Academy has five specialized faculties (medical, pediatric, dental, pharmaceutical, faculty of higher nursing education), as well as the faculty of foreign students, the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists. Students are trained at 65 departments of the university, located at the academy’s educational bases and in medical institutions Smolensk. Theoretical, humanitarian and biomedical disciplines are taught in four educational buildings equipped with modern technical means.
In the laboratory, the Academy has five comfortable dormitories, including four for students and one for cadets of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists. The clinical bases of the university are equipped with modern medical and diagnostic equipment, which allows organizing the educational process at the required modern level. The scientific library of the SSMA is one of the largest in the city of Smolensk. Its collection of more than 560,000 books is used by 6,610 readers. The library has three departments, three reading rooms, and three subscriptions. The library collection is compiled according to branches of knowledge: medicine and applied sciences - chemistry, physics, biology, humanities. The library annually subscribes to more than 200 journal titles in Russian; there are publications in other languages ​​(English, German, French). The Academy employs 94 doctors and 318 candidates of medical sciences. 73% of teachers have an academic degree. Among the Academy’s employees are two Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, five Honored Workers of Higher School of the Russian Federation, 28 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, four Honorary Workers of Higher Professional Education, 70 Professors and 187 Associate Professors, 56 people were awarded the “Excellence in Health Care” badge. Students at the SSMA are trained in five specialties: “general medicine” (dean - professor S.Y. Abrosimov), “pediatrics” (dean - professor A.A. Tarasov), “dentistry” (dean - associate professor V.T. Morozov), “pharmacy "(Dean - Associate Professor A.V. Krikova), "Nursing" (Dean - Professor L.A. Deev). Over 90 years, the university has trained over 29,000 doctors. Much attention is paid to the educational process at the academy (Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work - Doctor of Medical Sciences O.A. Kozyrev), which is carried out under the leadership of the Central Methodological Council and the Educational and Organizational Directorate of the Academy ( N.V. Bedenkova). Since 2008, a methodological department has been functioning (Associate Professor M.A. Matuskov). Particular importance is attached to the introduction of modern active teaching methods and independent work of students. The departmental teams of the Academy publish textbooks, teaching aids and monographs, which are widely used in the educational process. Students and doctors can receive additional educational services through the scientific educational center of the academy. SGMA is actively working to introduce the university’s quality management system into everyday educational activities. An education quality department was organized (Doctor of Medical Sciences Yu.I. Lomachenko). An integral part of the main educational program The Smolensk State Medical Academy provides practical training for students (Associate Professor N.A. Konyshko). Agreements have been concluded to conduct industrial practice with regional health care management structures of the Smolensk, Kaluga, Bryansk, Oryol and Kaliningrad regions. As part of international cooperation, students undergo internships in medical institutions in Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Serbia, Bulgaria. Close interaction between the academy and practical healthcare structures is secured by agreements on joint work (Vice-Rector for joint work with practical healthcare and postgraduate education - Doctor of Medical Sciences D.V. Narezkin). Such activity is an important condition for improvement specialized assistance population, with the involvement of highly qualified personnel from clinical departments on the one hand and the basis for ensuring the educational process at a medical university and improving the quality of training of medical specialists on the basis of modern multidisciplinary medical institutions on the other side. University graduates have the opportunity to further study in clinical internship and residency. Collaboration with health authorities includes; participation in the implementation of the Concept for the development of healthcare and medical science in the Russian Federation in the Smolensk region; provision of specialized assistance to adults and children; training and improvement of medical personnel; work on certification of doctors; joint holding scientific developments and their implementation in practical healthcare; development of specialized assistance; participation in the implementation of the priority national project “Health”. To implement the priority national project “Health”, cycles of retraining of specialists and advanced training were organized at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education (FPK and PPS) (Dean - Doctor of Medical Sciences A.P. Rachin) of the Smolensk State Medical Academy doctors, changes and additions have been made to the educational and production plans in accordance with the educational programs approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The training of highly qualified scientific personnel is carried out through graduate school or competitive studies in 36 scientific specialties (Vice-Rector for Scientific Work - Professor A.L. Punin). Planning of research work of graduate students and applicants for academic degrees is carried out in nine scientific areas: motherhood and childhood (Professor A.N. Ivanyan), immunology, immunomorphology and immunopathophysiology (Professor A.S. Solovyov), physiology and pathology of the nervous system ( Professor Ya.B. Yudelson), internal diseases (Professor A.A. Lunin), surgery and traumatology (Professor S.A. Kasumyan), dentistry (Professor A.S. Zabelin), medical problems of ecology (Professor O.V. Molotkov), physical and chemical medicine (Professor V.G. Podoprigorova), clinical pharmacology and pharmacy (Professor V.V. Rafalsky). There are three dissertation councils. From 2004 to 2009, 18 doctoral and 180 candidate dissertations were defended in seven scientific specialties: pediatrics, pharmacology and clinical pharmacology, internal medicine, dentistry, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, clinical immunology and allergology. Interest in science on the part of young people has increased significantly, as evidenced by the average age of scientific employees of the academy's scientific departments: 39 years for candidates of science and 46 years for doctors of science. In 2004-2009, the academic title of professor was awarded to 17, and the academic title of associate professor - to 63 scientists of the academy.
Research work on fundamental and applied aspects of medicine is carried out in all departments and in four scientific divisions of the academy: Research Institute of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (Research Institute of Akh) (Professor R.S. Kozlov), Central Research Laboratory (Senior Researcher G. N. Fedorov), Problem Research Laboratory of Clinical Biophysics and Metabolic Therapy (Professor V.G. Podoprigorova). Problem Research Laboratory of Ultrasound and Minimally Invasive Technologies (Professor A.V. Vorsukov).
SGMA students in practice in medical institutions of France The university actively cooperates with institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, annually participates in international, federal, industry and regional programs and projects. A significant milestone in the history of the academy was the registration in 2004 of the scientific discovery of Professor N.F. Farashchuk “The pattern of changes in the degree of hydration of animal blood biopolymers during their adaptation to external factors.” In 2004-2009, academy employees received more than 80 patents for inventions, and two new medical technologies were registered. During this period, more than 80 monographs, manuals, reference books, forms and other regulatory documents were published. The academy publishes scientific journals “Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy” (included in the list of Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), as well as “Bulletin of the Smolensk Medical Academy”, “ Medical news of the regions", online magazines "Headache" and "Mathematical Morphology". SGMA has strong international scientific contacts and is the organizer of a number of international scientific symposia and conferences. The worldwide recognition of the academy is confirmed by the election of university scientists as members of foreign and international academies. The geography of international cooperation includes scientific institutions and institutes of the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, the USA, Japan, Germany, Poland and other countries. The pride and hope of the academy is the scientific student society with its traditional April Student Science Day. SSMA has all the conditions to improve the cultural level, development of a harmonious personality of university graduates. The functioning of student clubs, amateur art groups, physical education and sports is aimed at this. For sporting events, there are two gyms, a shooting training complex, a swimming pool, a ski lodge, and an outdoor stadium. Every year, more than 400 students undergo treatment at the student sanatorium-preventorium of the SSMA on preferential terms. Good conditions have been created here for the treatment and prevention of diseases without interruption from the educational process. The dynamics of the 21st century and the integration of Russia into the European educational space pose new tasks for higher medical schools and increase the level of responsibility. SGMA is a large scientific and educational center in which experience and traditions are organically combined with innovations and information technology. The scientific and methodological level of the educational process at the academy corresponds to the quality training of personnel, adequately meeting the requirements of the time. The high research potential of departments and scientific divisions allows us to confidently move forward and make serious plans for the further successful development of the university. An article by Pavel Filippov, published in Smolenskaya Gazeta on April 8, 2010, 38 (613), was used in preparing the material.