The word the Russians called the Varangians, the Vikings, the Normans who. How do the Varangians differ from the Vikings? Favorite activities of the Vikings

The mystery of the disappearance of the Vikings

The history of the campaigns of these early medieval sailors fits into the period from the 8th to the 11th centuries. The Vikings were nomadic tribes that inhabited the lands that are today Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

There is a version that these sea robbers, who were called not only Vikings, but also Normans, and in Rus' - Varangians, tried to settle the largest island on Earth - Greenland. Although several centuries later there was almost nothing left of the Viking civilization there.

"People from the Fjord"

Historians believe that the warlike tribes of the Normans were distinguished not only by the fact that they annoyed the population of medieval Europe with their countless attacks. The Vikings are considered among the pioneers who explored the North Atlantic and founded Normandy. It was they, according to some sources, who first set foot on the lands of modern America.

Nevertheless, always and everywhere these nomadic invaders were perceived as pirates or “men from the fjords.” Robber - this is how the word “vikingar” is translated from Old Norse.

Captivated by the "Green Land"

At the beginning of the first millennium of the new era, the most advanced of the Scandinavians, Erik the Red (Eirik Thorvaldsson), discovered new uninhabited lands to the west of Iceland. The tough Norwegian guys at first did not perceive Greenland as a territory where they could create an independent state. Nevertheless, their isolated civilization existed there for several centuries, until the 16th century. And then there was practically no trace left of the Scandinavian colony. Europeans who arrived on this island at the end of the 16th century found only dilapidated buildings.

Why is Greenland deserted?

There is a version that the Vikings mixed with the Eskimos, and therefore disappeared as Entos. However, Icelandic geneticist Gisli Palsson, who compared the DNA of the Inuit of Greenland and Canada, claims that there are no European haplogroups there. Other scientists have not found a similar relationship.

Historian Jared Diamond believes that mixing of races through interethnic marriages is most likely not the reason for the disappearance of the Vikings in Greenland, since neither they nor the Eskimos felt any particular need to find spouses “on the side.” No evidence of mass extermination of the Scandinavians as a result of clashes with the Eskimos in Greenland was also found. This is confirmed by modern archaeologists.

Historian Thomas McGovern is confident that at some point the Greenlanders simply could not withstand the harsh climatic conditions that developed on the island. But the American biologist and anthropologist Jared Diamond is convinced that the Viking civilization disappeared due to the fact that they were deprived of many benefits of life (for example, iron and other resources) and did not have the opportunity to establish water communications with other countries, since sea routes were blocked piles of icebergs were impassable.

The Vikings did not develop either cattle breeding or farming in Greenland; this fact was also clarified during archaeological excavations.

Scientists believe that the Vikings and their descendants simply gradually left the island because the habitat there for permanent residence became unacceptable to them. They settled throughout Scandinavia, forming entire states. Some modern historians express the opinion that present-day Russia would not exist if the Varangians had not taken part in the fate of Rus' at one time. But this is nothing more than a version.

Calling of the Varangians. V. M. Vasnetsov

How do the Varangians differ from the Vikings?

Some believe that Varangians are just a Russian term for Vikings. In fact, there are many significant differences between the Varangians and the Vikings.

Origin of names

The concepts “Viking” and “Varangian” have absolutely different origins. Most historians believe that "Viking" originates from the word "vík", which is translated from Old Norse as "cove" or "fjord". However, there are other versions. Thus, Doctor of Historical Sciences T. Jackson claims that the name “Viking” comes from the Latin “vicus” - a small settlement of artisans and traders. This word was used back in the Roman Empire. Such settlements were often located on the territory of military camps. The Swedish scientist F. Askerberg stated that the basis for the noun “Viking” was the verb “vikja” - to leave, turn. According to his hypothesis, the Vikings are people who left their native places in order to earn a living. Askerberg’s fellow countryman, researcher B. Daggfeldt, suggested that the word “Viking” has much in common with the Old Scandinavian phrase “vika sjóvar,” which meant “the interval between the changes of oarsmen.” Therefore, in the original version, the term “víking” most likely referred to long journeys across the sea, involving frequent changes of rowers.

The version about the origin of the term “Varangian” was one of the first to be expressed by Sigismund von Herberstein, the Austrian ambassador, historian and writer. He suggested that the name “Varangians” is associated with the city of Vagria, where the Vandals lived. The expression “Varyags” came from the name of the inhabitants of this city “Vagrs”. Much later, the Russian historian S. Gedeonov considered that the word “warang”, meaning sword and discovered by him in Pototsky’s Baltic-Slavic dictionary, is perfectly suited to the role of the primary source of the term. Many historians associate “Varangian” with the ancient Germanic “wara” - oath, vow, oath. And the linguist M. Vasmer considered the Scandinavian concept “váringr” - loyalty, responsibility - to be the progenitor of the “Varangian”.

Miscellaneous activities

The concepts of “Viking” and “Norman”, according to historians, should not be identified, since the Normans are a nationality, while the Vikings are rather just a way of life. In particular, Irish researchers F. Byrne and T. Powell speak about this. Byrne, in his book A New Look at the History of Viking Age Ireland, argues that the only term that can be equated with the term “Viking” is the term “pirate”. Because robberies were the main source of income for the Vikings. The Vikings were not sedentary and did not follow laws.

The Varangians were a unique social layer of society. These were warriors for hire who guarded the borders of Byzantium from the attacks of the same Vikings. The eldest daughter of the Byzantine emperor Alexios Komnenos, Anna, wrote about the Varangians in her work entitled “Alexiad”. The princess argued that the Varangians understood their service in protecting the state and its head as an honorable duty transmitted by inheritance.

Also called Varangians were peaceful merchants who transported goods along the route called at that time “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” This route ran through water from the Baltic Sea to the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Moreover, the Baltic Sea then had a different name - the Varyazh Sea. And, according to the Soviet historian A. Kuzmin, absolutely all inhabitants of the sea coast were previously called Varangians.

Different religions

The Vikings, who no doubt considered themselves warriors, but not pirates, worshiped the god Odin, like all Scandinavians. Odin's eternal companions were ravens - birds that were not favored in Rus' because of their tendency to eat carrion. In addition, since ancient times, Russians considered ravens to be symbols of all kinds of dark forces. But it was the raven that was depicted on the flag that adorned the ship of the famous Viking leader Ragnar Lothbrok.

The sacred bird for the Varangians was the falcon, which honestly hunted for live prey. The falcon was the bird of Perun himself - the pagan Slavic god, in whom the Varangians believed. Since ancient times, the falcon has been revered as an image of courage, dignity and honor.

Warriors are warriors from the Scandinavian peoples, who were often called Vikings and Normans. The Varangians are mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. In the IX - XI centuries. The Russian princes had many Varangian warriors - vigilantes - who served as mercenaries and were used both in internecine wars and with neighboring countries and peoples. In Rus', Scandinavian merchants who were engaged in trade on the way “from the Varangians to the Greeks” were also called Varangians, i.e. between Scandinavia and Byzantium. In the XII - XIII centuries. Varangian warriors and merchants became glorified, and the peoples of Scandinavia received different names. Thus, the Swedes began to be called Svei, the Norwegians - Murmans; sometimes they were called a common term for all Western peoples - “Germans”.

View value Varangians, Normans, Vikings in other dictionaries

Varangians- Varangians, units. Varangian, Varangian, m. The name of the Norman tribe, from whose midst, according to the chronicle story, the first Russian princes came (historical). Calling of the Varangians. || transfer.........
Dictionary Ushakova

Varangians Mn.- 1. Old Russian name for the Normans, immigrants from Scandinavia, who committed in the 9th-11th centuries. trips to many European countries for the purpose of robbery and trade, as well as serving as........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Normans Mn.- 1. North Germanic tribes that inhabited Scandinavia, committed in the VIII-XI centuries. predatory campaigns in many European countries.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Varangians— -ov; pl. (unit Varangian, -a; m.).
1. Old Russian name for people from Scandinavia (hired warriors of the prince, merchants, etc.); general name for all Scandinavian tribes who committed........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Normans— Normans, units. Norman, Norman, m. (German Normanne) (historical). Germanic tribes that inhabited Scandinavia in the Middle Ages.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Normans— -ov; pl. East. Representatives of the Scandinavian tribes who committed in the 8th - 11th centuries. predatory, aggressive campaigns in European countries (in Rus' they were called Varangians).
◁ Norman,........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Varangians— - 1. Collective designation for Scandinavians. As an employee military force, not related to the tribal interests of the east. V. Slavs played an important role in the consolidation of the state........
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Varangians- (from Old Scand. vaeringjar) - in Russian sources - Scandinavians, semi-legendary princes (Rurik, Sineus, Truvor, etc.), hired warriors of Russian princes of the 9th-11th centuries. and merchants who traded......

Vikings- (Old Scandinavian) - Scandinavians - participants in maritime trade, predatory and conquest campaigns in the end. 8 - ser. 11th centuries to European countries. In Russia they were called Varangians, and Zap. Europe........
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Normans- ("northern people") - see Vikings, Varangians.
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Vikings- Vikings (Normans), sea robbers, immigrants from Scandinavia, who committed in the 9th–11th centuries. hikes up to 8,000 km long, perhaps longer distances. These daring and........
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Varangians— other Russian name of the inhabitants of Scandinavia. Comes from Old Scandinavian. vaeringjar - Norman. warriors who served with the Byzantines. emperors; Hence the Middle Ages. Greek baraggon, Arabic. "varang",.........

Vikings- see Normans.
Soviet historical encyclopedia

Normans- (from the Scandinavian northman - northern man) - the name under which in the West. Europe knew the peoples of Scandinavia during the period of their wide expansion at the end of the 8th century. 11th centuries (in the most........
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VARYAGS- VARYAGS, -ov, unit. -yag, -a, m. 1. B Ancient Rus': immigrants from Scandinavia who united in armed groups for trade and robbery, often settling in Rus' and serving in......
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NORMANS— NORMANS, -ov, unit. -ann, -a, m. The general name of the tribes that inhabited Scandinavia in the Middle Ages. || adj. Norman, -aya, -oe.
Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

The Baltic Slavs resisted for a long time and courageously, for several centuries. But the forces were not equal - all of Europe, led by the Roman Emperor and the Pope, fought against their often scattered tribes, who more than once raised the cry to gather crusades against the infidels of the Baltic states. Thus the Wends, Prussians, Vagrs and other Slavic tribes and nationalities disappeared.

By the middle of the 13th century, the Germans razed to the ground, rebuilt, and renamed not only the ancient Baltic Slavic cities, but also tried to erase the memory of their peoples. Some of the Varangian Slavs went to serve in Byzantium, many went towards Novgorod, where one of the ancient streets of the center still bears the name Prusskaya.

The time of the arrival of Rurik and his family in Novgorod coincides with the time when Emperor Charles and his descendants began the famous German “Drang nach Osten”. Only Novgorod and Pskov and the united Russian state managed to stop this invasion.


Isn’t it strange that in Rus' the word “Vikings” does not appear at all? And in Scandinavia, almost until the 12th century, neither the word Rus' nor the Varangians are found. There were no such tribes and peoples there. No traces. Although they could have been, because the Russians and Normans were neighbors, they fought, traded, and got married.

There is not a single reliable historical source that exists or has not yet been found that would identify the Varangians and Vikings. For the first time the Varangians as " væringjar» (verings) appear in Scandinavian sagas recorded in the 12th century, when it practically disappears from Russian chronicles.

And even then they are mentioned in stories about how the Normans went to Byzantium and joined the detachment of these “ væringjar» . And these facts only emphasize that for the Normans the Varangians were a foreign phenomenon.

Not a single European source writes that the Russians are Normans or Swedes, that they lived in Scadinavia. One Byzantine mention that their Russian warriors were Normans can only indicate that those northerners arrived from the north. For the Greeks, everyone who is far to the north is all Normans.

What are the arguments of the Normanists based on? And, in general, on little things that would not be worth spending time on. Somewhere in Scandinavia a name was found that was similar to the name of Rurik. Somewhere - a name consonant with the Russian tribe.

However, we will still consider some of their arguments, because the work of the German historians Bayer and Miller is alive and well. How the desire to put the Russian people “in their place” lives. Although, we note that Bayer himself, after he was removed from academicians to adjuncts and his salary was lowered, hastened to abandon his “Russophobic” theory and preferred to accept the “Roksolansky” one. A good example for patriotic bosses!

So, let's consider the main arguments of the supporters of the Norman theory.

Among their arguments is “ Bertine Annals" , where the nation Rus-Ros is first mentioned in Latin sources (we examined this document above), where next to the word “ grew up " turned out to be " Sveons " - Swedes. And although in the text itself these tribes are opposed, for some reason the Normanists believe the opposite. Maybe they don't read it carefully? Or do they see what they want to see?

They also refer to the strange names of Russian ambassadors listed in the treaties between Kyiv and Constantinople. They say they are more like Swedish, not Slavic. But the agreements were concluded at the beginning of the tenth century (in 907 and 917), when many Russians had not yet been baptized, and we do not know many of the names that our pre-Christian ancestors bore.

However, the names of some Slavic leaders are found in European documents of the 8th-9th centuries, for example, and “ Annals of the Kingdom of the Franks " For example, Dragovit, prince of the Veleti and Stodorians, in 789 his residence was in Branibor (later German Brandenburg). King of the Obodrites Vitzin (Vyshan), killed in 795.

Duke of the Obodrites Trasko (Drazhko), killed in 809. The leader of the Slavs - Sorbs Milidoch, killed by the Franks in battle in 796. Duke Godelaib of the Obodrites, captured by deceit and hanged by the Franks in 808. In 823 the chronicle mentions “ among other barbarian embassies<…>two brothers, namely the kings of the Wilts, who had a dispute with each other about royal power. Their names were Milegast and Ceadrag ».*

/* All names are from the chronicle " Annals of the Kingdom of the Franks »./

So, the names of the Slavs in the Frankish chronicle: Dragovit, Vitsin (Vyshan), Trasko (Drazhko), Milidoch, Godelaib, Milegast, Ceadrag.

And here are some names of Kyiv ambassadors of the early 10th century from the peace treaties between the Russians and Constantinople from “ Tales of Bygone Years ": Karl, Rulav, Faslav, Velimid, Lidulfast, Stemid... There are no identical names, but the huge difference is not noticeable.

Both of them have almost no Slavic roots known to us. Normanists tried to find the same names in Scandinavia, in Sweden. We didn’t find it, although we managed to find something similar there too. So, after all, for centuries our peoples were neighbors, they got married, became related, their names could be similar. For example, in the documents we meet the Danish king Rorik and our Russian prince Rurik, who are completely different people.

The most important evidence of the Normanists is the work of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus " About managing an empire "(949). There he describes " the path from the Varangians to the Greeks "and gives the names of the Dnieper rapids in two languages ​​- Russian and Slavic. These names vary greatly. On this basis the proof is based that the Russians are not Slavs. But even in Swedish, these Russian names for the most part do not mean anything.

In addition, we do not know who told the emperor about these rapids and whether he told them correctly. It is impossible to deny the differences in the languages ​​of different Slavic tribes. For example, I'm in Lately I completely stopped understanding the speech of Ukrainians, although they are the closest people to us. It is possible that there were Bulgarian words or some other Slavs living in regions adjacent to the Dnieper rapids...

Oddly enough, the main source for the Normanists in substantiating their theory is the already mentioned Russian “ The Tale of Bygone Years " But only that part of the entry that talks about inviting Rurik to Novgorod. I will quote this phrase again so that no one doubts that the Varangians-Rus are a different people, not the Swedes, not the Normans:

« And they went overseas to the Varangians, to Rus'. Those Varangians were called Rus, just as others are called Swedes, and some Normans and Angles, and still others Gotlanders, so are these.<…>And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed. Novgorodians are those people from the Varangian family, and before they were Slovenians »*.

/* The Tale of Bygone Years. PSRL, vol. 1, stb. 19. Translation by D. S. Likhachev./

Another argument for this theory is a reference to the chronicle, which says that, supposedly, behind Prince Rurik, the Novgorodians “ let's go overseas" . But from the place where Novgorod, Sweden is located - the same " overseas ", like the southern coast of the Baltic. Moreover, the chronicle often describes how, having quarreled with the Novgorodians, the prince runs to the Varangians or for the Varangians to call on them for help. For example, the future baptist of Rus', Prince Vladimir, “ran” to the Varangians.

Naturally, on horseback, and not on ships, because getting out to the sea from Novgorod is not so easy. And if we look at the map, we will see that getting to Sweden or Norway, where the Vikings ruled, from Novgorod on horseback, and even on ships, would have been very problematic in those days. And the real Varangians - they really were relatively close. And there are no mentions of ships in the Novgorod chronicles of that time.

Regarding the phrase " let's go overseas “, then it was customary to say so at that time, if the path could be made not only by sea, but also on foot along the coast. " Overseas "was Constantinople for the people of Kiev, although it could also be reached by land. " Overseas For Russians, it often meant simply “far away.”

When, for example, in 1390, the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I Dmitrievich married Sophia, the daughter of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt, who fled from the turmoil with his family “ to the Germans ", then the bride " brought quickly to Moscow from Zamoria ".* Those “Germans” were located on the territory of present-day Latvia, exactly where the Varangian Russians previously lived and Russian fortresses stood.

/* Simeonovskaya Chronicle, PSRL, vol. 18 p. 140./

The mention of the Germans in the chronicle is another argument of supporters of the Norman theory. Like, some later sources write that Rurik came “ from German ", and not from the Varangians. And what can a chronicler or copyist of a chronicle in the 14th century and later write about the southern coast of the Baltic, including about the former Slavic Prussia, if more than two hundred years have passed since the Germans settled there?

How can I write to him so that it is clear where Rurik came from? Certainly " from German "! Not from the Swedes! And this is another compelling argument for the inconsistency of the Norman theory, for Russian chroniclers from the most ancient times perfectly distinguished the Germans from the Swedes, English and other peoples.

There are also references to excavations, saying that Scandinavian things are often found in excavations, and Scandinavian terms are often found in Russian. But Byzantine products are also found in our lands! And oriental coins. And in our speech there are Greek, Italian, German, Turkic, Arabic and other words. This only means that the Russian-Slavs traded and communicated with all their neighbors. Hence the foreign words, weapons, money and jewelry.


Where did such a strong and numerous Slavic people come from - the Russians, Rus, Russians, who historically short time, from a seemingly small tribe, grew so large and populated vast spaces? And this despite the endless wars of extermination that the Europeans from the west and the Turks from the east waged against them!?

We have already partially answered this question by turning to Russian and European documents. But there is another important source, which is more accurate than any chronicle or charter. This source is our ancient neighbors. They know much more about us and our past than we think. This also applies to neighboring peoples.

For example, before the Frankish-Germans conquered the once numerous and powerful people of the Saxons in the 9th century, they managed to partially capture and populate the south of Britain and assimilate the Angles even before the 5th century. Thus, the Anglo-Saxons appeared, preserving the name of the aliens for centuries. What do you think the neighbors call the Germans who once conquered Saxony in the 8th - 9th centuries?

Estonians call Germany "Saksamaa", and the Germans themselves - "sakslased". The Finns call this country "Saksa" and the inhabitants "saksalaiset". As if more than a thousand years had not passed, during which this country was called Germany, “Deutschland,” and as if those ancient Saxons, and not the Germans, still live there. And Prussia existed in the memory of peoples for almost a thousand years after the ancient Prussians themselves and their Slavic language disappeared. The people's memory is strong.

So what does this strong neighborly memory say about us, Rus', Russians? Here's what. Our oldest neighbors - the Finns - I call the Russians “Venäläinen”, and Rus', Russia - “Veneman”, “Venäjä”. Other closest neighbors - Estonians call us “Venelane”, and the country - “Vene”, “Venemaa” (Rus, Russia). And even the Korels call us “Veneä” (Rus).

Strange, isn't it? After all, the words russ, russian, Russia and “venelane” or “vene” have nothing in common! If our ancestors came from Sweden or even from Normandy, the words “suomi”, “normie” or at least “rusi” would be closer to us. But no - all the closest ancient neighbors derive the name of our country and people from one root - “Vene”! Who is this “Vene”, where did he come from?

Looking for the answer to this question, we are forced to admit that the term “Vene” leads us to the name of a powerful and numerous Slavic people who once lived in Central Europe and on the shores of the southern Baltic - the Wends. A people who were mentioned in their works by ancient historians: Herodotus, Pomponius, Tacitus, Ptolemy and others, placing the Wendish-Slavs in vast areas Central Europe and the Baltic states - from the eastern banks of the Vistula River - to the northern Carpathians and the lower reaches of the Danube.

In determining the kinship of the Russian-Slavs with the Wends, all ends meet - both their places of residence, and references from various chronicles, and the thoughts of ancient chroniclers.

The Wends, who are Slavs, are mentioned not only by Byzantine and eastern sources, but also by medieval European historians, calling them not only “Wends”, but also Wends, Vinites, Vinuls and even Vindas.

This is how the Gothic historian of the 6th century Jordanes talks about this people in his now popular work “ On the origin and deeds of the Getae "(551):

«… On their left slope [the Alps], descending to the north, starting from the birthplace of the Vistula River, a populous Veneti tribe settled in vast spaces. Although their names now change according to different clans and localities, they are still predominantly called Sclaveni and Antes.”*

/* Jordan “On the origin and deeds of the Getae,” parts 34-35/

All German and other medieval European sources without exception report that the Slavs and Wends are one people.

For example, the author " Chronicles of Fredegard " V 623 writes: " a certain man named Samo, a Frank originally from Sens, went with other merchants to those Slavs who are known as the Wends. The Slavs had already rebelled against the Avars, also called Huns, and against their ruler, the Kagan.<…>

Recognizing his merits, the Wends made Samo their king,<…>.

630<…>In this year the Slavs (or Wends, as they call themselves) killed and robbed a large number of Frankish merchants in the kingdom of Samo, and so began the feud between Dagobert and Samo, king of the Slavs »*.

/* “The Chronicles of Fredegard” From the site The text is translated from the edition: The fourth book of the Chronicle of Fredegar. Greenwood Press, 1981/

Six centuries later, after long and bloody wars with the Romans and Germans, the Wends are pushed back to the east and north of Europe. But they continue to occupy almost the entire southern Baltic east of the Elbe. Even in the 12th century, the author of the 12th century Slavic Chronicle, Helmgold, records them as inhabitants of a vast country in northern Europe:

“Where Polonia ends, we come to the vast country of those Slavs who in ancient times were called Vandals, but now are called Vinites, or Vinuls” *. Listing the numerous tribes of the southern Baltic, talking about the territories and cities they occupy, Helmgold does not forget to note that they all belong to the ancient people of the Vinuls - the Wends: “Such are these tribes of Vinuls, scattered throughout the lands, regions and islands of the sea.”**

/* Helmold from Bossau “Slavic Chronicle”, book 1, chapter 1. From the site

**Ibid., book 1, chapter 2. From the site

Many other medieval historians write about the same thing, localizing the places of residence of the Wends in the south of the Baltic states, in its central and eastern parts and unanimously calling them Slavs. This means that we can confidently include not only the Russians, but also the Prussians and many other Baltic peoples and tribes living in the southern part of the Baltic states as Wendish-Slavs.

There is extensive literature about the Wends, from the Middle Ages to the latest research. The fact that the indigenous inhabitants of the southern Baltic were precisely the Wends is evidenced by the conquerors of these lands themselves - the Germans, who for many centuries until modern times called the Slavs Wends (Wenden, Winden). And if they wanted to distinguish the old local villages on the conquered lands from the new, German ones, they called them Wendish - “windich or wendich”.

Why do Europeans suppress this information? What does it give us to know that, in addition to other peoples, the Russians and Prussians were also Wends - Slavs? At a minimum, the Germans’ claims to the former Prussian land as their “fatherland” are untenable.


In 844, at the beginning of the German conquest of the Vendian territories, we find one of their tribes, the Obodrites, living on the banks of the Elbe River. Under this date, several different Franco-German chroniclers in different works place reports on the aggressive campaigns of the Frankish king Louis “ for the Elbe against the Wends "and about the death of the Vendian king ( rex ) Gostomysl.

Moreover, “ Fulda Annals "they call him king" encouraged those who were plotting treason, and subdued them. The king of this people, Gostomysl, died ». « Annals of Xanten "They call him the king of the Wends, slightly distorting the name: " King Louis marched with an army against the Wends. And there died one of their kings named Gostimusl ». « Annals of Hildesheim "(Hildesheim) call the goal of the king's campaign to conquer the Slavs: "<…> came to the land of the Slavs, killed their king Hestimulus and subjugated the rest.”

Despite some differences in the spelling of the name of the deceased king Gostomysl, it is obvious that we are talking about the same leader and his kingdom, which the three cited sources simultaneously call Slavic, Vendian and Obodrite.

Here you can clearly see how the huge people of the Wends were divided into different parts - first singling out the Slavs, then smaller tribes, preserving all three of their tribal names in the memory of their neighbors. Obodrites - a union of Slavic tribes living in the lower reaches of the Elbe (Laba) River. Sometimes, due to their residence in the Laba River area, they were also called Polabs. Their largest city was Rerik - on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

Why do I pay such close attention to the encouragers? Because many pointers to the origin of Rurik lead exactly here, to the banks of the Elbe, to the west of modern Mecklenburg. After all, the name of the deceased Obodrit king Gostomysl is very rare, and is found in sources only in two cases: in the stories of Frankish authors about his death in 844, and in Russian chronicles.

Let me remind you that in the Joachim Chronicle, Rurik was named the grandson of a certain Gostomysl from his daughter Umila. In the Piskarevsky chronicler - the Novgorod governor, who advised the Novgorodians to invite Rurik to reign, “ so that he may judge us in righteousness." It looks like we are talking about the same person. Over the years, the Russian chronicler could have mixed up something in the source, transferring the activities of King Gostomysl from the banks of the Elbe River to the Volkhov. But he remembered the main thing - the name and family of Rurik’s ancestor, his advice to his grandson to go to the homeland of Umila’s mother.

The Vendian-Obodritic king Gostomysl died in 844, but his people continued to fight not only the Franks, but also the Normans. In 862, according to the Fulden Annals, the Obodrites rebelled, and the Frankish king again " led an army against the Obodrites and forced their Duke Tabomysl, who rebelled, to submit to him ».

This Vendian uprising occurred precisely in the year 862, when Prince Rurik with all his family went to reign with the Novgorodians. We see that the chronicler no longer calls the ruler of the Obodrites a king, but only a duke, as a subordinate and dependent person. Who was Duke Tabomysl to Rurik? Uncle? Father? Big brother? We will never know. It is only clear that in his homeland, where his relative ruled as a vassal, due to the endless aggressive wars of his neighbors, Rurik had no prospects for a decent life.

The assumption about the origin of Rurik and his Russian tribe from the banks of the Elbe is confirmed by a study of Mecklenburg genealogical texts conducted at the end of the 16th century by the German scientist, notary J. von Chemnitz. The city of Mecklenburg, as already noted, stands on the lands of the ancient Wendish Obodrites. Some of the descendants of the Vendian nobility survived the harsh battles and remained to live in their domains, taking an oath to the Frankish king and paying him tribute.

They even formed the Mecklenburg ducal dynasty, which lasted until the 1917 revolution. These descendants of the Wends not only remembered their roots, but also kept chronicles, primarily family records that told about their ancestors. They were studied by the notary I. von Chemnitz. He established the names of most of the Obodrite rulers from the seventh century onwards. And he also found in the documents the name of King Gostomysl, as well as the names of princes Rurik, his brothers Sivar and Truvor, as well as their father Prince Godlib.

The name of Prince Godlib is indeed mentioned in many chronicles, which tell about the Danish attack on the fortified Slavic fortress of Rerik in 808 and the execution of the prince:

« <…>King Godfrid of the Danes crossed with his army against the Obodrites,<…>Having captured several Slavic castles by force, he returned with great damage to his troops.<…>Duke, Godelaib, captured by cunning, he hanged him on the gallows [and] made two regions of the Obodrites his tributaries.”*

/* Annals of the Kingdom of the Franks. From the site The text is translated from the edition: Annales regni Francorum inde ab a. 741 usque ad a. 829, qui dicuntur Annales Laurissenses maiores et Einhardi. MGH, S.S. rer. Germ. Bd. 6. Hannover. 1895/

And although European annals do not mention Rurik and his brothers, and family genealogies are not considered a reliable source, we still have every reason to believe that the Russian princes Gostomysl and Rurik are not fictitious persons. And that the founder of the ruling dynasty in Russia - the Rurikovichs - was a Vened Slav from the southern coast of the Baltic, or more precisely, from the banks of the Elbe. And that the Novgorodians invited their fellow Slav to reign in Novgorod.


We cannot ignore another argument brought by supporters of the Norman theory, that in many European chronicles Prince Rurik is mentioned precisely as a Danish king, or king. Indeed, in many annals a similar name appears: Rorik. There is extensive literature about the Danish king (king) Rorik and his fate.

More often he is mentioned as a robber who organizes attacks on Frankish and Slavic lands, robs, burns cities and villages, and takes citizens prisoner. And this image does not at all coincide with the image of the Slavic Rurik, who supposedly establishes order in the Novgorod lands and builds cities.

This is how he talks about him: Chronicle of the achievements of the Normans in Frankia »:

« The Norman King Rorik sends six hundred ships against Louis to Germany along the Elbe River. The Saxons, who hastened to meet them when the battle took place, become victorious with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ. Having left there, they attack and capture a certain city of the Slavs.

That same year, returning to the sea along the [previously] traversed bed of the Seine, the Normans plundered, devastated and burned to the ground all the areas bordering the sea.”

/* Chronicle of the achievements of the Normans in Frankia. The text is reproduced from the publication: “Chronicon de gestis normannorum in Francia” // Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Vol. 37. 2009. From the site

King Rorik most often acts as a navigator, moving along the sea or rivers on ships. The Novgorod chronicles are silent about shipping of that time. The fact that Rorik and Rurik are different people is also evidenced by the fact that the former is mentioned quite often in European sources even after 862, when the Russian Rurik already reigned in Novgorod. For example, in 873 Rorik, “ bile of Christianity ", enters the service of the Frankish king Louis:

« Louis, the eastern king convened a meeting in Frankfurt<…>. Likewise, Rorik, the gall of Christianity, came to him, and numerous hostages were brought to [his] ship, and he became a subject of the king and swore to serve him faithfully »*.

/* Annals of Xanten. The text is based on the publication: Historians of the Carolingian era. M. ROSSPEN. 1999, p. 158. (translated by A.I. Sidorov)./

It is difficult to imagine that, having vowed to serve the Frankish king Louis, King Rorik, abandoning his ships, immediately went to work part-time in Veliky Novgorod.

Slavic Rurik died in 876. The Danish Rorik, as already dead, is reported in 882 by “ Chronicle of the achievements of the Normans in Frankia* " He probably died shortly before this date at an advanced age (he is believed to have been born around 810).

Based on all the facts, it is unlikely that the Dane Rorik ruled simultaneously in the kingdom of the Frisians - Jutland - on the very north-eastern edge of Europe, and, in the minds of the peoples of that time, on the other side of the world - in Veliky Novgorod. Moreover, in his old age he managed to give birth to and abandon his young son Igor in Novgorod.

/* Chronicle of the achievements of the Normans in Frankia (Chronicon de gestis normannorum in Francia) // Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Vol. 37. 2009, p. 118. /


We should not be embarrassed that historians of different times indicate different places residence of the Wendish-Slavs, including the Russians. It is obvious that the Polabian Wends - the Obodrits, the Russians - were the first of the Baltic Slavs to fall under the roller of the Franco-German machine. For hundreds of years they were either destroyed, assimilated or pushed east.

And by the 12th century, historians find the Wendish-Russians only on the eastern coast of the Baltic. But the same Franco-German machine, with an accuracy of one year, for many centuries described all the movements of the Vened Slavs, including the Russians, their names, places of residence, deeds and exploits.

And largely thanks to this, we can know about our roots and our heroes, rejecting the Russophobic theories of the “enlightenment” of the Russian people by aliens - the Swedes or someone else.

Lyudmila Gordeeva

A. ALEXEEV, historian.

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

More than a thousand years ago, kings ruled throughout Europe. Their kingdoms were small (England, France, Germany, Spain as states had not yet emerged). But the king had the right to judge any resident, and noble people swore allegiance to him. It was believed that all the land in the kingdom belonged to the king, and he only allowed the rest to use it. All kingdoms professed one faith - Catholic, led by the Pope.

Only inhabitants of Denmark and Scandinavia - Normans(“northern people”) lived freely on their land, honoring their ancient gods as in the old days. At general congresses, all issues were resolved, laws were established there and court cases were examined.

The Normans also had kings - they were called kings. They were respected, but did not have much power. When the king traveled around the country, the Normans fed not only him, but also his squad and horses. The people had no other duties to the king.

In addition to farming, the Normans were engaged in trade and military campaigns. In Europe they were considered the best warriors, and they had the best weapons. Year after year, Norman squads on their long ships attacked coastal cities and settlements, plundering, burning and killing the inhabitants. In Western Europe, the participants in these predatory expeditions began to be called Vikings.

In 789, a squad of Vikings, pretending to be merchants, sailed in their boats to the British city of Dorset. When the local ruler came out to them, he was killed. From that moment on, for two centuries the Normans ravaged Britain and Ireland. Local residents resisted as best they could. So, in the middle of the 9th century, a king named Torgsil in Ireland was drowned in a lake, and in the kingdom of Northumbria, in the north of England, King Ragnar Lothbrok was thrown into a pit with snakes.

And yet, the Normans took root in England so well - they started families and households that they traveled to their homeland only occasionally.

People living in France, Holland, and Germany also suffered from the Normans. Almost every year their lands were plundered. In 845, the Danish king Rurik ravaged the Elbe coast and raided Northern France,

other Vikings burned Hamburg. Paris was also robbed many times. So, in 911, he was attacked by King Hrolf, nicknamed the Pedestrian (according to legend, he was so long that he could not ride a horse - his legs dragged on the ground). After several battles, the pagan Hrolf agreed to be baptized, and King Charles the Simpleton gave him his daughter in marriage and allocated him land along the banks of the Lower Seine, which became the Duchy of Normandy. Under the rule of the economic Normans, it soon became the richest and most populous province of the French kingdom. In 1066, the Norman Duke William (he was the great-great-great-grandson of Hrolf) defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings and, having conquered England, became the English king. After this victory he was nicknamed William the Conqueror.

The Swedes “grazed” mainly in the vicinity of the Baltic Sea. In the north-west of Russia they settled with entire families (archaeologists have found much more Scandinavian objects here than in Western Europe). Local Finns called the Norman robbers "ruotsi"(a Finnish word with a Swedish root meaning oarsmen), and the Slavs - "Rus", "Rus". Later the name “Varangians” stuck to them (from the word "waring"- this was the name given to a Norman warrior in the service of some ruler).

Hunting between lakes Chudskoye, Ladoga, Ilmen, Onega and the upper reaches of the Volga, the strongest (in today’s terms, tough) of the Varangian squads imposed tribute not only on the local Slavic and Finnish tribes - Slovenians, Krivichi, Chud, Vse and Meryu - but also on bandit gangs . Another “gang” controlled middle part the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” - the main trade route between the Baltic and Black Seas.

The Varangians-Rus, capturing the Slavs, took them for sale to the Khazars, who roamed the Caspian and Black Seas. Over many years of wandering life in the forests, the Rus themselves became similar to the Khazars. They gave themselves a Khazar hairstyle (shaved head with a forelock hanging over the forehead), and their leader, following the example of the Khazar king, called himself kagan.

The ambassadors of this Swedish kagan later visited Byzantium, and from there went to Germany. And everywhere they said that their people were called “ros”. “Having carefully investigated the reason for their arrival, the emperor learned that they belonged to the Swedish people,” wrote the German monk Prudentius. The newcomers were considered Norman spies and were sent back to Byzantium.

Around 862, the inhabitants of the vicinity of Lake Ilmen, in agreement, refused to pay tribute to the Varangian “mafia”. They got rid of the “roof”, but immediately fought among themselves. It turned out that free life is not so easy and fun.

Tired of constant war, the Slavs, Finns and Rus decided to invite the prince from the outside so that he would judge and protect them. We stopped at Rurik. Whether it was the same Rurik, who, as already mentioned, raided Northern France, or another, is not known for sure. One way or another, some Rurik with a Varangian squad came to Priilmenye and built a new town not far from Ladoga. It was from this that Novgorod later grew.

“And from those Varangians,” our chronicle says, “the Russian land and the Novgorodians began to be called, who are from the Varangian family, but were previously Slovenians.” That is, when the chronicle was written (in the 12th century), the Novgorodians still remembered that their ancestors were both local Slovenians and newcomers - Varangians-Rus.

When Rurik died, his relative Oleg subjugated the southern Slavic tribes - the Polyans, Vyatichi, Radimichi, northerners, who had previously paid tribute to the Khazars. Thus, between the Baltic and Black Seas, the Russian state appeared with its capital in Kyiv.

How do the Varangians differ from the Vikings?

Some believe that Varangians are just a Russian term for Vikings. In fact, there are many significant differences between the Varangians and the Vikings.

Origin of names
The concepts “Viking” and “Varangian” have completely different origins. Most historians believe that "Viking" originates from the word "vík", which is translated from Old Norse as "cove" or "fjord". However, there are other versions. Thus, Doctor of Historical Sciences T. Jackson claims that the name “Viking” comes from the Latin “vicus” - a small settlement of artisans and traders. This word was used back in the Roman Empire. Such settlements were often located on the territory of military camps. The Swedish scientist F. Askerberg stated that the basis for the noun “Viking” was the verb “vikja” - to leave, turn. According to his hypothesis, the Vikings are people who left their native places in order to earn a living. Askerberg’s fellow countryman, researcher B. Daggfeldt, suggested that the word “Viking” has much in common with the Old Scandinavian phrase “vika sjóvar,” which meant “the interval between the changes of oarsmen.” Therefore, in the original version, the term “víking” most likely referred to long journeys across the sea, involving frequent changes of rowers.

The version about the origin of the term “Varangian” was one of the first to be expressed by Sigismund von Herberstein, the Austrian ambassador, historian and writer. He suggested that the name “Varangians” is associated with the city of Vagria, where the Vandals lived. The expression “Varyags” came from the name of the inhabitants of this city “Vagrs”. Much later, the Russian historian S. Gedeonov considered that the word “warang”, meaning sword and discovered by him in Pototsky’s Baltic-Slavic dictionary, is perfectly suited to the role of the primary source of the term. Many historians associate “Varangian” with the ancient Germanic “wara” - oath, vow, oath. And the linguist M. Vasmer considered the Scandinavian concept “váringr” - loyalty, responsibility - to be the progenitor of the “Varangian”.

Miscellaneous activities
The concepts of “Viking” and “Norman”, according to historians, should not be identified, since the Normans are a nationality, while the Vikings are rather just a way of life. In particular, Irish researchers F. Byrne and T. Powell speak about this. Byrne, in his book A New Look at the History of Viking Age Ireland, argues that the only term that can be equated with the term “Viking” is the term “pirate”. Because robberies were the main source of income for the Vikings. The Vikings were not sedentary and did not follow laws.

The Varangians were a unique social layer of society. These were warriors for hire who guarded the borders of Byzantium from the attacks of the same Vikings. The eldest daughter of the Byzantine emperor Alexios Komnenos, Anna, wrote about the Varangians in her work entitled “Alexiad”. The princess argued that the Varangians understood their service in protecting the state and its head as an honorable duty transmitted by inheritance. Also called Varangians were peaceful merchants who transported goods along the route called at that time “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” This route ran through water from the Baltic Sea to the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Moreover, the Baltic Sea then had a different name - the Varyazh Sea. And, according to the Soviet historian A. Kuzmin, absolutely all inhabitants of the sea coast were previously called Varangians.

Different religions
The Vikings, who no doubt considered themselves warriors, but not pirates, worshiped the god Odin, like all Scandinavians. Odin's eternal companions were ravens - birds that were not favored in Rus' because of their tendency to eat carrion. In addition, since ancient times, Russians considered ravens to be symbols of all kinds of dark forces. But it was the raven that was depicted on the flag that adorned the ship of the famous Viking leader Ragnar Lothbrok. The sacred bird for the Varangians was the falcon, which honestly hunted for live prey. The falcon was the bird of Perun himself - the pagan Slavic god, in whom the Varangians believed. Since ancient times, the falcon has been revered as an image of courage, dignity and honor.