Blue-black circles under the eyes. Dark circles under the eyes causes, diagnosis, treatment. Hyperpigmentation of the periorbital area

Their sudden appearance or constant presence on the face indicates that the body has stopped coping with stress and needs help.

The mechanism of dark circles appearance

Dark circles, bags or bruises under the eyes - these concepts combine a whole group of symptoms that manifest themselves in a similar way. The term “periorbital hyperpigmentation” is used in dermatology, and the concept “cyanosis” is used to describe pathological conditions.

The mechanism for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes in women, men and children may be different:

  • Network of blood vessels under the skin . One of the most common reasons. The skin under the eyes is thin and the network blood vessels stands out noticeably underneath. Due to this, bluish or blue shadows are formed.
  • Pigment accumulation . Rarely seen. The accumulation of brown pigment causes discoloration of the skin under the eyes.
  • Age-related changes. The area of ​​skin between the nose and cheeks is called the tear trough. The older a person gets, the smaller the layer of fatty tissue in the facial area. This causes the tear trough to deepen, forming dark circles.
  • Facial swelling . The accumulation of fluid in the facial area leads to the appearance of circles. The skin stretches, loses elasticity, and blood vessels begin to appear through it.

Causes in adults

Eye circles, which most often occur in women, can appear due to various factors. The most common are those associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, conditions can only be corrected in conjunction with improving the overall quality of life.

Lack of sleep

Leads to changes in complexion and the appearance of circles. Insufficient night sleep causes overstrain of the eye muscles and increases the body's need for oxygen. Trying to compensate for its deficiency, blood flow increases, the vessels become overfilled with blood and become especially noticeable against the background of pale skin.

Stress and overwork

Conditions also cause exhaustion of the body, and the need for nutrients and oxygen increases.

Bad habits

Alcohol and cigarettes cause the development of intoxication in the body, which leads to oxygen starvation. Cigarette smoke causes the skin to dry out, become thin, and the blood vessels underneath become more visible.

Improper care

The skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate. The habit of constantly touching your face, using hard towels, scrubs and cosmetics that are not suitable for this skin type can cause rapid aging and wilting. skin.

Improper nutrition and drinking regime

To maintain youthful and elastic skin, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins E, A, C, K, D, fatty acids and minerals with food. A lack of these substances in the diet leads to deterioration of the skin, its thinness and dryness.

For the normal condition of the skin, a sufficient amount of fluid in the body is of great importance. Poor drinking and dehydration can also cause dry skin.

Age and heredity

Over the years, the subcutaneous fat layer in the cheek area becomes thinner, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner and drier. The speed of changes that occur depends on several factors: heredity, lifestyle and physical health.


Increased pigment secretion and its accumulation around the eyes is rare, usually with diseases of the adrenal glands. It is hyperpigmentation that causes brown circles around the eyes, which do not change color when the skin is pulled back.

Circulatory disorders

Leads to hypoxia or stagnation of blood in the venous vessels. Because of this, the vessels become overfilled with dark blood, which shines through the skin. This condition is typical for vegetative-vascular dystonia and chronic heart diseases.

Diseases of other organs

The reasons for the appearance of blue circles around the eyes are: serious illnesses internal organs(kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas and blood). Other symptoms of pathology will certainly be present.

What causes purple circles under the eyes? This occurs in kidney diseases. Then there will be pain in the lumbar region and difficulty urinating.

The cause of dark circles under the eyes in men often lies in liver disease. In this case, the circles and skin become yellowish, pain in the right hypochondrium and indigestion are disturbing.

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by thirst, sharp decline or weight gain, weakness. Anemia is characterized by weakness, increased fatigue, pallor and headaches.

Causes in children

What do the circles that appear under a child's eyes mean? Bluish or bluish shadows under the eyes do not always indicate pathology. Faint shadows under the eyes can be due to the tenderness and thinness of children's skin, they are especially noticeable in fair-haired children with very fair skin.

Blue circles in children can also occur as a result of overwork, stress or lack of sleep. In such situations, just rest well and the circles will disappear.

Endless circles constant fatigue, moodiness can be signs of pathologies such as anemia, helminthic infestations, allergies, vegetative-vascular dystonia or adenoids.

Which doctor should I consult for circles under the eyes?

If dark circles appear under your eyes, you can try to deal with the problem yourself. If the circles do not disappear, you should seek help from a therapist or pediatrician. Specialists will be able to assess the general condition of the patient’s body, recommend examinations and give further recommendations.

After the examination or if a concomitant pathology is suspected, consultations with a neurologist, cardiologist, or endocrinologist are prescribed.


When visiting a doctor about dark circles around the eyes, the following diagnostic procedures are prescribed:


Treatment for dark or black circles under the eyes depends on the cause. In the absence of somatic pathology, it is recommended general methods body restoration, cosmetics and prevention. At home, you can remove circles, especially if they are sunken under the eyes, by using several products at once.


How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes? First of all, you should change your lifestyle. Complete rest, sleep, walks in the fresh air and proper alternation of mental and physical activity in most cases help not only get rid of circles, but also restore health.

It is especially important for children to follow the regime, as they need additional strength for growth and development.

Traditional methods

You can restore your skin condition using time-tested recipes.

The best folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes:

  • Gymnastics . This is a combination of eye exercises and light massage of the skin underneath.
  • Rubbing with ice . It tones the skin, strengthens blood vessels and helps restore water balance. To do this, you need to wipe your face with ice cubes twice a day.
  • Herbal infusion for rubbing . For this purpose, it is recommended to use an infusion of chamomile, sage or green tea. To wipe the face, prepare an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs per glass of boiling water.
  • Oatmeal mask . The ground flakes are steamed hot water. The resulting mass is cooled and applied to the area under the eyes. After 15–20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
  • Sour cream and egg mask . Beat fresh sour cream, add the white of one egg, mix and apply to the face. Apply especially thickly to the area around the eyes. After 20–30 minutes, wash off.
  • Cottage cheese mask. Fresh cottage cheese is whipped, squeezed and used for applications. Wash off after 15–30 minutes.

To get the maximum effect from masks, it is recommended to do them in the evening before bed and in the morning, after steaming your face. You need to lie down, relax your facial muscles, and not move during the procedure.


The appearance of circles under the eyes is a sign of overwork. You can help it recover faster and restore elasticity to the skin using the following medications:

  • vitamins of group B, A, E, D, K or complexes;
  • iron preparations (Sorbifer, Maltifer, Ferrum Lek);
  • preparations of selenium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • general strengthening and stimulating drugs (tincture of propolis, eleutherococcus, ginseng root).

In addition to general restoratives, antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Sertraline), sleeping pills (Barboval, Midazol), and sedatives (extract of valerian, motherwort, peony) are used as prescribed by a doctor.

Cosmetology procedures

This is one of the most effective remedies in the fight against age-related skin changes. Quickly remove dark spots The following procedures will help under the eyes:

  • mesotherapy – improves blood circulation and skin tone with laser;
  • biorevitalization – improves blood circulation;
  • lipofilling – forms a new fat layer;
  • microcurrent therapy – increases the outflow of venous blood.

Before you remove bruises or disguise them under your eyes, you should find out everything possible contraindications to procedures. This can only be done by a qualified specialist after a detailed diagnosis.

In the most severe cases, when it is not possible to cope with dark circles using conservative methods, blepharoplasty or contour plastic surgery faces.


Preventing the formation of dark circles around the eyes is healthy image life, abandonment bad habits, sufficient exercise stress, full-fledged night sleep and rest. And proper nutrition and lack of stress.

What to do if dark circles appear? First of all, you should establish a sleep and rest schedule, add vitamins to your diet, visit a doctor and undergo an examination. This condition is one of the body’s first signals about its own distress. A healthy lifestyle and prevention of diseases of internal organs will help get rid of such “decoration”.

Useful video about why dark circles appear under the eyes

List of sources:

  • Babayants R.S., Lonshakov Yu.I. Skin pigmentation disorders.-M. Medicine, 1987.-144 p.
    Bolotina L. A., Serbina I. M., Bey L. I. Skin pigmentation disorders and their correction in dermatocosmetological practice. Ukrainian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Cosmetology.-2003.-No.3-p.34-38.
  • Koshevenko Yu.N. Skin pigmentation disorders in cosmetology practice. Cosmetics and medicine.- 2002.- No. 4.-p. 1523
  • Margolina Anna, Petrukhina Anna, Modern approaches to skin whitening Part 1. Cosmetics and medicine. - No. 1(20)/2001-p.38-47

– change in skin color in the paraorbital area in the form of circles of a bluish-gray or brown tint. Dark circles under the eyes give the face an unhealthy, haggard, haggard appearance; visually make a person older and more unattractive. In addition, dark circles under the eyes may indicate any internal diseases, and therefore require medical diagnostics. The problem of dark circles under the eyes should be solved comprehensively, by eliminating the causes of this condition and carrying out cosmetic procedures (mesotherapy, biorevitalization, masks, microcurrent therapy, etc.).

General information

In the 20s of the last century, there was a fashion for dark circles under the eyes, which were considered a sign of a passionate and romantic nature. The “dramatic look” effect was achieved with the help of special makeup - shading the eyeliner line and applying eye shadow. However, fashion is fickle, and dark circles under the eyes are no longer the ideal of beauty in modern times. modern world. Dark circles or “bruises” under the eyes can be a purely cosmetic defect or a symptom of some pathology of the internal organs - in any case, this problem should not be ignored.

The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, it to a greater extent experiences various harmful influences and is susceptible to various changes - the first wrinkles, dark circles, bags under the eyes. The reason for this is the peculiarities of its structure: in the paraorbital region, the epidermis consists of fewer rows of cells; here the stratum corneum is thinner, the granular layer is completely absent. The skin around the eyes is 5 times thinner than the skin around the cheeks or chin. In addition, in the periorbital region there is practically no sebaceous glands, poorly developed subcutaneous fat, few collagen and elastin fibers - all this leads to dry skin, rapid loss of tone and early aging. An additional risk factor is the significant facial load to which the periorbital region is exposed - we blink from 40 to 100 thousand times per day. The vascular network in this area is located superficially and often shines through thin, stretched skin, creating the effect of dark circles under the eyes. That is why the condition of the skin around the eyes is given special attention increased attention, both in aesthetic cosmetology and in everyday home care.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

The most common cause of dark circles under the eyes is overwork and chronic lack of sleep. Lack of sleep makes the skin pale and dull, causing blood vessels to become more visible and purple shadows to appear under the eyes. Not proper care(or lack of care) for the area around the eyes, poorly selected cosmetics, and the habit of rubbing the eyes with your hands also contribute to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

For many people, dark circles under the eyes are genetic. This may be due to light and thin skin of the infraorbital area, close proximity of blood vessels, excessive skin pigmentation, which are inherited and cause deep shadows under the eyes. Often the hereditary predisposition is aggravated external reasons: prolonged sitting in front of a computer monitor, bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking, excessive tanning), poor nutrition(using large quantity caffeine, hot spices, canned foods, etc.). Another factor in the appearance of dark circles under the eyes is the natural process of skin aging: with age, the skin becomes thin and flabby, and blood vessels appear much more clearly.

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by dehydration, hypovitaminosis, which can be caused by strict diets. Sometimes shadows around the eyes appear as a result of sudden weight loss in a very short period of time - in these cases, the causes of dark circles under the eyes may lie in both loss of skin tone and metabolic disorders.

Often dark circles under the eyes signal serious chronic diseases. A similar symptom can occur with renal, adrenal and heart failure, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, helminthiasis, giardiasis, anemia, hypothyroidism, diseases nervous system. In children, dark circles under the eyes can occur due to diseases of the nasopharynx (chronic tonsillitis), diseases of the teeth and gums, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Allergic reactions (allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hay fever), accompanied by dilation of blood vessels and increased permeability of their walls, can also give the skin around the eyes a dark tint.

It is believed that one or another shade of dark circles under the eyes can quite accurately indicate a disease of certain organs. Thus, blue-violet circles under the eyes occur due to circulatory problems; reddish ones are found in allergic and kidney diseases; yellow ones appear with liver problems and gallbladder; brownish may indicate chronic intoxication, helminthic infestation etc.

Diagnosis of dark circles under the eyes

If dark circles appear under the eyes, you should not try to disguise them under a thick layer of decorative cosmetics. This will not solve the problem, but will only worsen the cosmetic defect. The first step towards eliminating dark circles under the eyes should be to find out the reasons for their occurrence. If lifestyle changes have not led to an improvement in the condition of the skin in the periorbital area, you should consult a therapist (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist - if you associate the appearance of dark circles under the eyes with certain health problems).

From laboratory examinations, it is advisable to perform a general and biochemical blood test, a general urine test, a spectral blood test for microelements, a study of thyroid hormones, a stool test for helminth eggs and Giardia. Additional instrumental studies may include an electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the abdomen, kidneys, and retroperitoneum. If an in-depth examination did not reveal any health problems, then, most likely, dark circles under the eyes are a cosmetic defect that requires contacting a dermatocosmetologist.

Ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes

The delicate skin around the eyes is one of the first to show signs of aging. Expression wrinkles (“crow’s feet”), fatty hernias of the eyelids, deformation of the tear trough, dark circles under the eyes give the face a tired, haggard and aged appearance. To get rid of annoying dark circles under the eyes, you need to organize proper daily care for the eye area. First of all, you should normalize your daily routine by ensuring adequate sleep at night for at least 8 hours. It is equally important to give up bad habits, make adjustments to your usual diet, enriching it with fresh vegetables and fruits; avoid stress and overwork, reduce visual stress, etc.

Effective home remedies for eyelid skin care include contrasting compresses from herbal decoctions, nourishing masks, light massage of the skin around the eyes with fingertips, and eyelid gymnastics. Be sure to apply a collagen-containing eye cream or serum daily. hyaluronic acid, green tea extract; usage sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. You can reduce dark circles under the eyes, reduce swelling, and smooth out the skin using a special cosmetic transdermal patch. To quickly and effectively camouflage dark circles under the eyes, you can use a concealer (corrector) with a light creamy texture.

An important addition to self-care for the eye area are professional cosmetic procedures: special programs, facial massage, gentle chemical peels, blepharoplasty.

To achieve a noticeable and long-term aesthetic result, it is advisable to combine professional procedures and home care for the skin around the eyes. This will increase the elasticity of the skin and restore youth to the eyes.

Black circles under the eyes are a clear symptom of diseases of the internal organs, so if you notice dark “bags” you should not try to disguise or whiten them. It's better to pass immediately medical examination in order to identify which organ’s work is disrupted.

Why did black circles appear under my eyes?

The most common reason the appearance of dark spots under the eyes is a violation of the heart or kidneys. The second option may include not only serious illnesses, but also. Therefore, in any case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Black circles under the eyes can also be a symptom allergic reaction. An allergen can only be identified using special analyzes, since bags under the eyes are not able to indicate what exactly you are allergic to, be it medications, foods or something else.

If you are an experienced smoker or Lately If you abuse alcohol, then the appearance of black circles will be quite natural, since alcohol has a bad effect on blood circulation, and nicotine promotes vasoconstriction. As a result, dark circles appear.

Less dangerous reason the appearance of “bruises” is fast weight loss. Despite the fact that the fat layer under the skin in the area lower eyelids very small, it is still there. When you lose weight, the layer disappears, the skin sags slightly, and blood vessels become visible. They can form both blue and black circles under the eyes.

Overworking the body can also cause dark bruises. Therefore, having noticed them, it is worth paying attention to your lifestyle and giving yourself answers to a few questions that will help determine whether you care about general condition body:

  • Am I sleeping well lately?
  • How many hours do I get to sleep?
  • How many hours a day do I devote to work?
  • How often do I relax?
  • Do I often experience stress?

If you sleep 7-8 hours, set aside time for your favorite activity or to communicate with loved ones, and do not work 12 hours, then the appearance of black circles under the eyes will not be associated with fatigue and overwork.

It is also important how much time you spend on the computer. It takes a lot of strain on your eyes to stare at a bright screen for hours. Therefore, dark circles under the eyes can signal that it is time to take care of them.

How to remove black circles under the eyes?

After you have found the answer to the question of why black circles appeared under your eyes, you want to know how to remove them.

It is very important to know the reason for the appearance of circles. If we are talking about diseases of the internal organs, then first of all it is necessary to treat them (by contacting a specialist), since bruises on the lower eyelid are not as scary as disruption of the liver or heart. But it would not be amiss to mask the dark circles under the eyes with cosmetics in parallel with the treatment. Because healthy appearance For women are very important. If the bruises are very noticeable, you can try to whiten them with folk remedies. Dill and cucumber will be effective helpers in this case.

If the circles appear due to excessive eye strain, then during work it is necessary to regularly do gymnastics for them. very simple:

  1. Move your eyes up and down, left and right, or in a circle for a few minutes.
  2. Draw everything you know geometric figures or try “writing” your first, middle and last names.

Do gymnastics for five to ten minutes several times a day and the circles will disappear. Exercise also helps preserve your vision and protects you from headaches.

Date: 02/06/2016

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When black circles appear around the eyes, the reasons can be completely different. As a rule, a person begins to think that something is wrong in his body. Of course, circles indicate the presence of a disease, but not always. Only a specialist can determine the reasons based on research and certain signs. After all, there can be not only black, but also red circles.

The main reasons for the appearance

The main causes of darkening around the eyes include the following indicators:

  • kidney disease;
  • cardiovascular system disorders;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • fatigue;
  • lack of sleep;
  • dehydration;
  • long work at the computer;
  • eye strain when working with small objects;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • improper diet;
  • bad cosmetics.

But brown circles around the eyes may appear due to an allergic reaction to some substance contained in the air or old age. The fact is that over the years, small vessels begin to be visible from under the skin, which are the cause.

If you notice red circles, it means you have problems with your kidneys, fatigue and allergies. Sometimes it may indicate lack of sleep and lack of fresh air.

Yellow circles under the eyes should always be alarming, because this is how liver and gallbladder diseases manifest themselves. In this case, yellowness can spread to the white area. If you notice these symptoms, go to the hospital immediately. These are quite serious diseases that can lead to death.

Sometimes this problem occurs due to a hereditary predisposition. This also applies to hereditary diseases and thin skin under the eyes. Of course, in the first case, treatment is carried out with medication.

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Anti-darkening remedies

Circles under the eyes, the causes of which you cannot independently determine with accuracy, cannot be removed on your own, unless it concerns fatigue. For example, if you are sure that the cause is not a disease, then you need to start eating right, walking, getting enough sleep, giving your eyes a break from the computer, and so on. Black circles under the eyes are especially common in children, and this fact is a consequence of spending a long time in front of the monitor.

You need to know that as soon as you or your loved ones have circles around the eyes, get examined for diseases, because if this is not done in a timely manner, the consequences can be dire. The advanced form of any disease is always more difficult to treat.

If the darkening of black color is associated with everyday problems, then rule out the reasons and use folk recipes. These can be various herbal decoctions or masks, for example, from raw potatoes or cucumber. To do this, you need to peel the main ingredient and grate it, then apply it to the darkened area for a few minutes. For the especially lazy traditional methods It is recommended to apply the potatoes in circles.

Your diet should always include fresh vegetables and fruits. By the way, if you make some dishes from vegetables, it is better to steam them, this way you will preserve nutrients and vitamins. Do not walk under the bright sun without sunglasses, otherwise you can develop pigmentation, which looks rather unaesthetic.

Smoking and drinking alcohol also have a negative impact on your skin.

The harmful substances contained in them contribute to the appearance of black circles under your eyes. If cosmetic products are the cause of the formation, get rid of them. Agree that your own health and appearance are much more important than cosmetics. Pay attention to the causes of black and brown circles under the eyes and be healthy!

All women pay great attention to their beauty. Such an unpleasant phenomenon as dark circles under the eyes has a negative impact on your appearance. They make the face look tired, exhausted and add age. Almost everyone tries to fix the problem with the help of cosmetics. To get rid of such bruises, you need to know the real reason their appearance.

Black circles around the eyes: causes in women

A beautiful female look always attracts men. Every woman wants to have clear and shining eyes. However, not everyone can boast of such attractiveness. Many women develop dark spots in the eye area. This fact spoils the mood, because the face does not look beautiful and fresh. Why do dark circles under the eyes occur in women, what is the reason for this?

When such problems appear, they are most often associated with health status. There are other factors that are worth being aware of as well. Similar external manifestations can be temporary or permanent.

The skin around the eyes is thin, delicate and sensitive. Due to facial mobility, this area of ​​the face is in constant motion. For this reason, swelling often occurs in the eye area. Blood vessels are located close under the skin layer, which is why they are translucent. This is also affected by an insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood vessels. Such capillaries create a pattern that looks like a hematoma.

Causes of dark spots

Such manifestations on the skin occur for various reasons. This is influenced by bad habits, as well as health conditions. If the spots are the result of a disease, then it is necessary to eliminate the main factor, and not the aesthetic problem.

Many women are concerned about the question of why the skin in the eye area may darken? This is influenced not only by health problems, but also by other reasons. One of them - bad dream . Women, unlike men, should sleep at least 8 hours a day. If you sleep less, then the skin becomes too pale and capillaries are very visible on it. These defects can be eliminated using various cosmetics. Also used traditional methods solving the problem.

Other factors often influence:

  • stress;
  • eye fatigue;
  • chronic fatigue.

Dark spots appear in many people due to eye strain, if for a long time spend behind the monitor. At this time, blood stagnates in the capillaries.

Often bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol, affect complexion. Harmful substances entering the body contribute to intoxication, destroying tissue. Such skin suffers more from swelling and inflammation. If bad habits are not abandoned, your complexion will only get worse.

Nutrition is of great importance. If you don't consume enough vitamins and minerals, your skin will also react negatively. Accumulated toxins in the blood affect health, including the skin. Balanced diet and taking vitamin and mineral complexes will help you recover.

The condition of the skin can be affected by poor-quality cosmetics, as well as improper facial care. The skin also reacts negatively to aggressiveness external factors . These include:

  • too much hot water for washing;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • sudden temperature fluctuations.

It is advisable to use hypoallergenic cosmetics, and only from trusted brands. Proper care of the skin of the face and body is needed, as well as timely removal of makeup. Whenever possible, you should visit a cosmetologist. The specialist will be able to give his recommendations and select cosmetics.

Sometimes dark spots are hereditary, the result of blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin. In this case, they cannot be removed using cosmetics or folk methods. The problem can be solved by other methods:

  • acupressure;
  • mesotherapy;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • laser treatment.

With age, the skin becomes less fresh and radiant. After 40 years, age-related darkening of the skin usually appears. The subcutaneous fat layer thins over the years. Salon procedures and proper facial skin care will help solve the problem.

Causes of circles under the eyes: what diseases do women have?

Often the cause of bruises is diseases of the internal organs. Many women eat right, do not have bad habits, and their dark spots are noticeable. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. Diseases that cause dark circles include:

  • diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • pathology Bladder and kidneys;
  • diseases of the spleen and liver;
  • problems with the pancreas or thyroid glands;
  • gallbladder and intestinal diseases;
  • allergies and poisonings;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • malignant tumors;
  • chronic migraines and anemia;
  • pathologies of the immune system.

It will help to establish a diagnosis full examination, after which it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment. Timely health care will help eliminate dark spots and regain beautiful skin.

Types of stains

To understand the reason, you need to determine the color of the spots. R There are several types of spots in the eye area:

To understand the causes and effects, it is better to turn to specialists. After examination and treatment, bruises usually go away.

How to get rid of it?

The cause of darkening in the eye area can be eliminated in several ways: medication, local and restorative. Remedial methods will depend on the underlying cause. The medicinal method is prescribed by the doctor, if necessary. The treatment regimen will depend on the specific disease.

The general strengthening method consists in the correct daily routine, healthy eating and good sleep. Experts advise drinking more fluids, giving up bad habits, and spending more time in the fresh air. In summer it is recommended to wear Sunglasses, and you should always use high-quality cosmetics.

Local effects are salon procedures to improve skin condition. It is also necessary to use special cosmetics at home. Such means include:

  • masks with toning and rejuvenating effects;
  • gels with a cooling effect and relieving swelling;
  • serums for skin restoration and freshness;
  • creams containing valuable hyaluronic acid, vitamins K and C, retinol, essential oil sandalwood.

Such products, when used daily, will help solve the problem and have beautiful, fresh skin if everything is in order with your health.

In addition, there are also folk methods using various medicinal herbs and others natural products. It is advisable to make lotions and masks homemade, as well as compresses from fresh products. Best for dark spots:

  • green tea and sage;
  • raw potatoes;
  • parsley and cucumbers;
  • cherry and strawberry;
  • fatty cottage cheese.

It is advisable to solve the problem by resorting to comprehensive measures. It is unlikely that it is possible to get rid of darkening of the skin only with the help of cosmetics or recipes traditional medicine. Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and good health will help you look perfect.