Globular acne on the face. Treatment of globular acne. Treatment of acne vulgaris

Globular acne is a severe form of acne that persists into adulthood. The disease is characterized by the fusion of individual comedones, which form dense infiltrates of purple-blue color and spherical shape; the opening of such skin elements is accompanied by the discharge of purulent fluid. After resolution, globular acne forms dense scars. Diagnosis mainly relies on clinical manifestations diseases and the results of bacterial culture. Additionally, concomitant hormonal disorders are identified, immune system and somatic diseases.

Therapy for globular acne consists of:

  • mandatory use of antibiotics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • carrying out injections with vitamins A and E;
  • taking medications to strengthen the immune system;
  • opening and treating acne;
  • physiotherapy.

According to the accepted classification in the field of dermatology, globular acne is classified as a skin manifestation of adulthood, along with late and inverse acne. Acne appears during puberty and persists until the age of forty and even longer. Most often, globular acne appears in males with a set of XYY chromosomes (extra Y chromosome) and is combined with diseases such as seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis. Some dermatologists believe that globular acne, due to its extensive purulent process, is one of the variants of pyoderma (purulent skin disease).

The occurrence of globular acne is promoted by:

  • permanent nervous and mental tension;
  • hormonal imbalances (ovarian dysfunction, hyperandrogenism);
  • weakened immune system;
  • impaired normal functioning gastrointestinal tract(intestinal dysbiosis, pancreatitis, gastritis);
  • various infectious diseases (sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic cystitis, bronchitis, pyelonephritis, etc.).

Signs of globular acne

Globular acne is a severe form of acne, which is characterized by a long course and relapses. Acne is formed by the merging of several comedones into one large formation, which is why they are called conglobate or heaped.

Globular acne is a large, dense, painful inflammatory nodule. Such skin elements have an uneven surface that protrudes above the level of the skin and a bluish-purple color. Over time, the nodes soften and open, releasing a thick purulent fluid that resembles cream. Then the healing process begins, often ending in the formation of an atrophic, colloidal or hypertrophic scar. Scar formations have uneven borders and a whitish tint. They often resemble “bridges”, crossing over the skin. Attempts to remove them surgically most often lead to scar tissue growing even more.

Features of the appearance of globular acne

Acne formations are located in any area skin, except for the surface of the feet and palms. More often, globular acne appears on the face and back, less often on the limbs, abdomen and chest. Patients with acne globulus rashes most often complain of intense and constant pain and a feeling of tight skin. Trying to move or fold the skin can reveal its stiffness. The chronic form of the disease leads to the appearance of dense infiltrated nodes, opened spherical acne and cicatricial changes that are located in one area of ​​the skin.

Diagnosis of globular acne

The typical appearance of globular acne rashes, as a rule, allows a specialist to diagnose them during the initial examination. To get ahead of the prevalence of the lesion, hardware research is carried out, in some cases - ultrasonography individual elements. A bacteriological culture of the discharged skin elements is carried out, revealing the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotic drugs, in order to select an adequate treatment for globular acne. Diagnosis of parallel background diseases may include consultation with specialists such as an endocrinologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist; examination of the state of immunity and hormones, bacteriological culture of smears from the urogenital tract and pharynx, analysis for dysbacteriosis, ultrasound examination abdominal cavity, kidneys and bladder.

Treatment of globular acne

Therapy for globular acne involves the mandatory use of antibiotics, sometimes even in the form of injections. The choice of drugs is carried out in accordance with the results of the antibiogram obtained during bacterial culture of the discharge of globular acne. If necessary, measures are taken to strengthen the immune system, treat concurrent gastrointestinal diseases, and treat foci of infection. Among women positive effect gives additional treatment using drugs such as progesterone, dimestrol, sinestrol, Diana-35. Therapy with antibiotics and hormonal drugs should be combined with injections of vitamins A and E.

To resolve infiltrates it is prescribed local application UHF and paraffin applications. The softened formations are opened, the pus is cleaned out and treated with antibacterial agents. Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment and synthomycin ointment are also used as external preparations.

Acne conglobata is the most severe form of acne. It is formed in the deepest layers of the dermis. Pathological process may also affect fatty tissue. During its development, multiple spherical pimples filled with pus appear on human skin. The disease affects people aged twenty to forty years.

Most often, conglobate acne forms on the back, neck, face, abdomen, and chest. But they never form on the palms and soles.

Globular acne can form in different ways. Such pimples sometimes group together into open comedones. A thick secretion accumulates inside them, which is produced by the sebaceous glands. It is a favorable environment for pathogenic microorganisms that constantly live on the skin. Their activation gives rise to a purulent-inflammatory reaction. As a result, acne appears. When merged, they turn into one large conglobate eel.

Nodular cystic elements of acne can also unite with each other. They are formed from closed comedones. Improper skin care leads to sebum-clogged ducts sebaceous gland is torn. The thick secretion is pressed into the surrounding tissue. A painful cyst forms. If such formations are located close to each other, globular acne appears. They can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. Blackheads are large in size (2-10 millimeters).
  2. The upper head of the pimple protrudes above the skin, and the main part is located in the deep layers of the dermis.
  3. An inflammatory process develops inside the formation.
  4. The skin on the affected area becomes inactive, uneven and dense, purple-blue in color.
  5. There is intense pain.

Globular acne does not appear immediately. At the initial stage, a subcutaneous infiltrate is formed. The compaction gradually increases in size. Pus accumulates inside it. Education grows as its quantity increases. The pimple rises above the surface of the skin, the top layer of the skin becomes thinner and breaks through under the pressure of pus. A yellow-green liquid flows out. As soon as the wound is freed from pus, it gradually begins to tighten and heal. The pain decreases, the process ends with the formation of a scar.

Scars after healing wounds can be superficial or deep. Initially they are red and look like small bridges, then gradually turn white and pale.

A characteristic feature of conglobate acne is that cosmetic defects cannot be completely corrected. They cannot be corrected even if surgery: Surgery can lead to even more scarring of the skin.

In the absence of therapy, skin pathology becomes chronic. In this case, many wounds are simultaneously scarred on the affected area, infiltrates are formed, and elements filled with pus ripen.


The process of formation of conglobate acne is influenced by factors:

  • permanent nervous tension, affecting hormonal levels;
  • hormonal imbalance (an increase in male hormones provokes the growth of sebaceous glands, which begin to produce viscous, thick secretions and clog pores);
  • weakening of the immune system (a decrease in the level of protective forces leads to the growth of pathogenic microflora, pathogens penetrate through open pores to the ducts of the sebaceous glands, there they actively multiply and develop a purulent-inflammatory reaction);
  • long-term use of hormonal and anti-tuberculosis drugs (they greatly affect the functioning of the immune system).

Globular acne always forms where there is hypersecretion of sebum, where hyperkeratosis develops. Due to the presence of an extra Y chromosome in the genome, men are more likely to be affected by this disease than women.

Principles of acne diagnosis

The formation of conglobate elements has a characteristic clinical picture, therefore, a dermatologist is able to make a diagnosis based on the results of examining the patient and collecting an anamnesis. But in order to develop treatment tactics, a specialist must find out the cause of acne formation. Therefore, each patient receives an appointment for a biochemical blood test to check hormonal levels.

A scraping is also taken from the surface of the skin. These biological materials are sent for bacteriological culture. It allows you to identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to modern antibacterial drugs.

If during the examination a concomitant disease is identified, then highly specialized specialists are involved in drawing up a therapeutic regimen.

Treatment tactics

The choice of treatment regimen is made taking into account the duration of the disease, the severity of the pathology, the age and gender of the patient. The psycho-emotional state is also taken into account.

To eliminate defects on the skin, it is necessary to apply local and systemic antibacterial and physical therapy, adjust nutrition and prevent scarring. If a patient has a cluster of multiple globular acne, then he is prepared for long-term therapy of several years.

Antibacterial drugs

Only the prescription of systemic antibiotics will stop the course of the purulent-inflammatory process. They will be effective if taken in cycles over two months. Most often, patients with globular acne are prescribed Doxycycline, Erythromycin, and Vilprafen.

The choice of a specific product is made taking into account the results of bacteriological culture of the acne contents.

If there is no effect, the drug Roaccutane (isotretinoin) is additionally included in the therapeutic regimen. Its composition is a biologically active form of vitamin A. It reduces the amount of sebum, relieves inflammation and stops the process of seborrhea. The dose and course are calculated individually by the attending physician. The drug has side effects, so it is used only in the fight against particularly severe forms of globular acne.

Oral contraceptives

If the cause of conglobate acne is a hormonal imbalance, both women and men may be prescribed oral contraceptives. Products based on acetate, drospirenone or dienogest are suitable for elimination. These active substances reduce the production of male sex hormones and interrupt connections between receptors and androgens. For the treatment of men, doses are used that are twice as weak as those prescribed to the fairer sex.


Topical agents include:

  1. Azelaic acid. The drug relieves inflammation well, binds, and destroys bacteria and toxins. The drug is always included in therapeutic regimens. It combines well with other local drugs and does not reduce their effect.
  2. Benzoyl peroxide. This substance is active against all pathogens that can cause severe acne. However, due to its high toxicity, it is used only under the supervision of a physician.
  3. Retinol. Prescribed for the treatment of conglobate acne in men. An ointment containing synthetic analogue vitamin A, reduces the level of sebum production and normalizes the process of keratinization of the epidermis.

Local antibiotics are used with caution: they do not eliminate the cause of skin inflammation. Therefore, antibacterial ointments and creams (Zinerit, Clindamycin, Fucidin) are prescribed when it is possible to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Other drugs and methods

Since taking systemic antibacterial agents has a number of side effects, the treatment regimen includes drugs that reduce their effect. For this purpose the following are appointed:

  • antifungal agents (prevention of intestinal candidiasis);
  • hepaprotectors (reducing the load on the liver);
  • probiotics (prevention of dysbiosis);
  • injections of vitamins E and A (prevention of skin scarring).

In the presence of large conglobate acne, surgical treatment is often recommended for the patient. The operation is performed in a hospital. The surgeon removes the purulent contents, drains the wound, treats it with an antiseptic and applies Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol as an application. Depending on the severity of the surgical intervention, the patient is prescribed microcurrent and oxygen-ozone therapy.

Diet therapy

People suffering from severe acne must follow a restrictive diet. Patients are advised to completely avoid heavy foods and reduce carbohydrate intake to a minimum. They are prohibited from sugar pure form, flour, carbonated drinks, alcohol, canned food, deli meats, fast food.

Skin care treatments

In parallel with treatment, attention should be paid to proper care for inflamed skin and follow some rules:

  1. Avoid cosmetics that clog pores (foundation, blush).
  2. Wash your face twice a day using mild cleansers (gels, foams).
  3. Before applying preparations for local treatment to the skin, treat the skin with lotions prepared based on decoctions of medicinal herbs(pharmaceutical chamomile, string, oak bark).

In between the use of medicinal ointments, you can apply the following products to your face: traditional medicine, relieving inflammation.

Removing the effects of acne

Even if started in a timely manner drug treatment, it will not be possible to prevent the appearance of scars on the skin after healing of globular acne. But in modern cosmetology there are techniques that help smooth out the skin texture. Laser resurfacing and acid peels provide a good cosmetic effect.

Globular acne is a severe type of acne in which individual comedones unite and form dense infiltrates of a blue-purple color. Upon opening, purulent discharge occurs; after resolution of the globular acne, scars remain.

Causes of globular acne

  • Neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Reduced immunity
  • Digestive system problems
  • Infectious processes

Symptoms of globular acne

The course of the disease is long-term and recurrent. Globular acne is also called heaped, conglobate acne due to the formation of a conglomerate as a result of the combination of several comedones.

They look like dense inflammatory nodes, and their size is quite large. These nodes protrude above the skin. As time passes, the nodes soften and open on their own, which is accompanied by the release of thick purulent discharge. Then the nodes heal, hypertrophic, atrophic or keloid scars of a whitish color with neural contours appear. Of course, you can resort to the services of a surgeon, but often as a result the scar tissue grows even more.

Globulous acne can affect the skin of any part of the body, with the exception of the feet and palms. The most favorite places are the back and face. Globular acne is accompanied by intense painful sensations, patients note a feeling of tightness of the skin, it loses its mobility, which makes it difficult even to gather the skin into a fold. At chronic form diseases appear dense infiltrated nodes, scars, independently - and all this on one area of ​​​​the skin.

Treatment of globular acne

The treatment of globular acne is based on the use of antibiotics. Injections are possible. The choice of antibiotic is made by the doctor based on the results of the antibiogram, which are obtained during a bacteriological examination of the pus secreted from acne.

If necessary, therapy is carried out to increase immunity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated, and foci of infection are sanitized. When treating globular acne in women, it is often carried out hormone therapy with the use of progesterone, dimestrol, sinestrol. When treated with antibiotics and hormonal drugs, it is additionally recommended to administer vitamins a and e.

Possible and local. The use of paraffin applications and UHF promotes the resorption of infiltrates. Softened globular acne is opened, after which the pus is cleaned out, and finally treated using antibacterial agents. Also widely used for external use are the well-known Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment, and synthomycin emulsion.

Together with late and inverse acne, globular acne is classified as adult acne. They appear during puberty and persist for up to forty years, and sometimes longer. Acne clusters are most often found in men with an extra Y chromosome. Seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea is often observed along with globular acne. Due to the fact that the purulent process of globular acne is very extensive, many dermatologists consider it a variant of pyoderma.

Causes of globular acne

Globulous acne occurs for a number of reasons:

    Due to neuropsychiatric disorders;

    During hormonal imbalances;

    Due to decreased immunity;

    As a result of digestive problems;

    Due to infectious processes in the body.

As a result, you can see that modern people are quite susceptible to this type of acne due to constant psychological stress and poor nutrition.

IMPORTANT: In the treatment of globular acne, antibiotics are necessarily used, and sometimes they have to be introduced into the body by injection. Antibiotics are selected after a thorough examination of acne in order to determine which microorganisms need to be fought against.

Symptoms of globular acne

Globular acne is characterized by a very long course with frequent relapses. They appear in the process of merging many comedones into one large conglomerate, which is why they are called heaped.

Globulous acne appears as dense, inflammatory, painful nodules, about the size of a large cherry. These nodes protrude quite strongly above the skin level, their surface is uneven, purple-bluish. After some time, the nodes soften and open, and thick pus comes out of them, similar in consistency to cream.

After opening, the surface of the node begins to heal and a keloid, atrophic or hypertrophic scar forms in its place. Scars have uneven contours and a whitish color. They often stretch across the skin, resembling small bridges. Attempts to surgically remove these scars often lead to severe growth of scar tissue.

Globular acne occurs on all parts of the body - they are not found only on the feet and palms. Most often they are located on the back or face, less often on the limbs, abdomen and chest. Globular acne is not only a serious cosmetic defect. Patients usually experience constant and severe pain and a feeling of skin tightness in the affected area. The skin is stiff - it is very difficult to move or fold. If the disease is chronic, then in one area you can often notice dense infiltrates, opened acne and scars at the same time.

IMPORTANT: Together with late and inverse acne, globular acne is classified as adult acne. They appear during puberty and persist for up to forty years, and sometimes longer.

Diagnosis of globular acne

Typically, globular acne has a characteristic appearance, so a dermatologist can make a fairly accurate diagnosis even during the initial examination. To determine the extent of the lesion, dermatoscopy or ultrasound of individual elements is performed. And the selection of adequate antibacterial therapy carried out by bacterial culture of the discharge of globular acne, with additional identification of the susceptibility of the pathogen to the main antibiotics. In order to diagnose concomitant background diseases, the patient may be sent to a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist or urologist. Additionally, hormonal studies, an immunogram, bacterial culture of smears of the urogenital tract and pharynx, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, analysis for dysbacteriosis and other studies necessary to identify the cause of the disease are carried out.

Treatment of globular acne

In the treatment of globular acne, antibiotics are necessarily used, and sometimes they have to be introduced into the body by injection. Antibiotics are selected after a thorough examination of acne in order to determine which microorganisms need to be fought against.

If necessary, then immunocorrective treatment, treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and sanitation of lesions are carried out chronic infection. Hormonal therapy helps women well - drugs such as Diane-35, sinestrol, dimestrol and progesterone are especially effective. Treatment with hormonal drugs and antibiotics is also sometimes supplemented with the introduction of vitamins A and E into the body. In addition complex treatment local is also used. To resolve infiltrates, UHF and paraffin applications are prescribed. The softened spherical nodes are opened and their purulent contents are cleaned out, treating the node with antibacterial agents.

Research by scientists: The effectiveness of different treatment methods

In 2011, the European Dermatological Forum was held. Its Acne Subcommittee analyzed the effectiveness various techniques treatment of many types of acne, including nodular acne, and divided them into several groups.

High efficiency

    Taking isotretinoin orally, 0.5 milligrams per kilogram;

Moderate effectiveness

    Taking systemic antibiotics with azelaic acid

Low efficiency

    Systemic antibiotics and antiandrogens;

    Benzoyl percodite/Adapalene and systemic antibiotics (it is possible to use both first agents together).

Unclear effectiveness

    Photodynamic therapy;

  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).

    Exclusively external treatment;

    Therapy with systemic antibiotics only;

    Ultraviolet irradiation;

    Visible light therapy;

    Therapy with antiandrogens only.

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Acne (or simply acne or pimples) is chronic disease skin associated with inflammation and disruption of the sebaceous glands. The disease spoils the face so much that a person may experience nervousness, decreased self-esteem, and in extreme cases, depression or thoughts of suicide.

Causes of acne

Pimples mainly appear on the skin due to large quantity sebaceous glands, usually on the face, upper chest and back. During puberty in both sexes, acne is often caused by an increase in androgens such as testosterone.

Acne appears most often during adolescence, about 80-90% of teenagers have passed this stage and becomes less common in adulthood. Acne is less common in rural areas. In 2010, acne was estimated to affect 650 million people worldwide and makes this disease the 8th most common disease worldwide. About 4% continue to experience difficulties after 40 years.

Types of acne

Acne may be various types: papular, pustular, indurative, spherical, phlegmonous, necrotic, black, white, pinhead-sized and larger, red-bluish or yellowish-brown in color.

Blackhead (comedone)

The initial formation of a common acne consists of keratinized epidermal cells with a black tip - a plug consisting of products chemical change sebum, germs, dust. Comedones, like plugs, clog the dilated openings of the follicles; If you squeeze a comedone, you can squeeze out a whitish-yellowish mass that resembles a worm with a yellow head. Comedones can be localized in the area of ​​the face, back, and chest in the form of dots.

Papular acne

They resemble small cone-shaped elements that look like comedones, at the base of which a small formed inflammatory infiltrate has accumulated. The development of papular acne is sometimes accompanied by mild itching.

Pustular acne

The next stage of development of papular acne is painful nodules the size of lentils, deep red in color, with a purulent head. The pus quickly dries into a crust, after which the acne falls off and heals with the formation of a small scar.

Indurative, or tuberous, acne

Characterized by deeper penetration of the infiltrate into the perifollicular tissue of the pilosebaceous apparatus; indurative acne, reaching the size of a bean, suppurates, is painful, a lot of pus is released from it, and heals with a scar.

Phlegmonous acne

They affect the deeper layers of the skin, forming small, fluctuating abscesses of purplish-red color. Phlegmonous acne is difficult to treat; after treatment, scarring changes in the skin remain.

Necrotic acne

They are characterized by areas of necrosis in the center of the element, recur, located on the temples, upper part of the forehead, on the border with hairy part heads. When healed, they leave deep pockmark-like scars of irregular shape.

Globular acne (conglobata)

A severe form of acne is observed in boys, girls and adults. This is a conglomerate of comedones. Globular acne general appearance resemble scrofuloderma. Caused by staphylococci. Occurs when the body's resistance weakens. Pus, accumulating in the sebaceous gland and not finding a way out, forms cystic abscesses, which are opened by fistulas. The acne produces a viscous, creamy pus. The peri-fistula tissue grows along the periphery, the ulcerations do not heal for a long time. Then new globular acne appears, and the process repeats. When healing, globular acne leaves deep, bridge-shaped, whitish, and sometimes keloid scars. Globular acne occurs on the skin, face, neck, chest, back; Scars severely disfigure the face, cause pain, tightness, and stiffness of the skin. Globular acne often recurs; they are classified as ulcerative pyodermatitis. The course is chronic - sometimes months and years.

Whiteheads, or milia

Small, millet grain-sized, round, white, dense retention cysts are formed when secretions are retained in the pilosebaceous follicle as a result of blockage. Milia are found on the temples, cheekbones, as well as on the scrotum, on scars with congenital epidermolysis, porphyrin disease, tuberculous and syphilitic ulcers. Whiteheads can occur in completely healthy children and adults; they consist of sebum, horny plates, and vellus hair.

Acne medicinal

They occur in people who cannot tolerate one or another medication and are expressed in a rash of small spots, nodules, and bright red pustules, similar to simple acne. Medicinal acne, unlike regular acne, does not have comedones. Iodide and bromide drugs can provoke drug eruptions, leading to ulcerations, which, when healed, leave scars. Medicinal acne causes itching and burning. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to ask the patient in detail about taking one or another medication.

Professional acne

Occurs in persons who have contact with coal, lubricating oils, kerosene, acetone, resins, and various chemical emulsions. The mouths of the follicles are riddled with black dots. Professional acne is localized on the extensor areas of the forearm and thighs. Occurs almost exclusively in men.

Large cysts of the sebaceous glands. They are most often localized on the scalp and are mobile; non-inflamed atheromas do not cause pain.

Secondary atheromas

Retention cysts of the sebaceous gland; are more common in people suffering from oily seborrhea, hyperhidrosis, spherical, pustular, phlegmous acne; As a rule, these atheromas are dense, painful, bluish in color, ranging in size from a pea to a hazelnut, and are localized more in the area of ​​the cheeks, neck, in the fold behind the ear, on the chest, back, and at the wings of the nose. Starting with a small spherical formation, atheroma can open and turn into an ulcer. Sometimes it encloses itself in a dense connective capsule and remains in the form of a hard, painless spherical tumor. In rare cases, atheroma can transform into a malignant neoplasm.

Acne treatment

The fight against acne must be started in a timely manner to prevent the formation of scars. For treatment and improvement appearance acne needs to change your lifestyle, carry out healing procedures and administer appropriate medications. Use simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, can improve the situation. At local treatment You can use benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and azelaic acid. Antibiotics and retinoids are also used topically and orally to treat acne. Reception birth control pills may be useful in women. Isotretinoin is generally used in severe cases of acne due to the high potential side effects.

As for hygiene, treating acne on the face involves completely avoiding cosmetics and using cleansers that suit you. For acne, it is highly recommended to use sulsen soap, which cleanses the pores well.

Among other things, you can apply tetracycline ointment to the affected areas - it kills bacteria and promotes healing.

There are many medications for oral administration that normalize sebum secretion, but it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a dermatologist who can choose the right product for your individual characteristics.

Among physiotherapeutic methods, there are several procedures used to combat acne.

Laser cleaning

Laser facial cleansing for acne is a non-contact method using an acoustic wave created by a laser. As a result, skin nutrition improves, its protective properties increase, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and the appearance of new rashes is prevented. Thanks to laser cleaning, there are no scars left at all.

Ultrasound treatment of acne

Ultrasound helps get rid of acne by improving blood flow and nutrients to the skin. This treatment method is especially suitable for people with sensitive skin. The action of ultrasound occurs at the cellular level, gently affecting acne.

Vacuum facial cleansing. Vacuum cleansing will literally help remove acne from your face. Using suction on the affected area of ​​the skin, ulcers are pulled out from the pores. The disadvantage of this procedure is that deep blackheads remain untouched, although skin irritation occurs when this method minimal.

Acne ointments

The ointment contains a high concentration active substances, and have an effect directly on the site of inflammation. Suspensions, ointments and masks are used to treat acne. The integrated solution is recognized as the most effective.

  • Sulfur-salicylic ointment. Salicylic acid dissolves dead skin particles and provides antimicrobial protection. Sulfur inhibits the bacteriostatic effect and the action of acid.
  • Salicylic-zinc ointment is similar in its method of action. Zinc is characterized by anti-inflammatory and drying properties. Both ointments can be combined.
  • Vishnevsky ointment is effective against wide range germs, is an excellent antiseptic.
    Synthomycin liniment 10%. The chlorampheniol contained in the composition, in addition to its bactericidal effect, also has a healing property.
  • Levomekol - ointment is indispensable for aggression inflammatory processes. Methyluracil, which is part of the composition, affects tissue repair, proliferation of leukocytes - accelerates the course of inflammation, and affects rapid healing.

In dermatology, there are no formulations that meet all the requirements at the same time, so a combination of several types is provided. Ointments should be changed every course to avoid addiction to the antibiotic.

Treating acne at home

  • Most people know about such a well-known remedy as cucumber. You can make a face mask from it by cutting the cucumber into small pieces and then adding a little hot water.
  • Another effective remedy is the use of aloe. Aloe juice has some unique property, which can treat many diseases. You can use it as a tonic and wipe the affected areas. You can also make a mask that involves using gauze and aloe juice.
  • You can also use this to treat acne at home. various masks, such as: from natural clay, pumpkin pulp, oatmeal, watermelon, etc. To prepare the mask, use any of the above components. They need to be brought to a state of porridge and then applied to the face. Keep this mask for about 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Many dermatologists recommend using oil tea tree . You can purchase this product at online pharmacies. The oil has a disinfectant against bacteria. However, unlike masks, this product is used precisely to avoid skin irritation.