Removable dentures for complete absence of teeth. Prosthetics in the absence of a large number of teeth: choosing the best dentures for partial or complete edentia Fully removable dentures

On the background chronic diseases, poor nutrition, mechanical damage or old age, people can lose a large number of molars and premolars. In such a situation, prosthetics comes to the rescue - restoration of the dentition using special structures (prostheses).

Let's take a closer look at how dental prosthetics are performed in the absence of a large number of teeth and what are the peculiarities of the methods. Read also: what are the advantages?

Types of prosthetics in the absence of a large number of teeth

To effectively restore lost functions in the absence of a significant number of teeth, various prosthetic methods are used. The correctness of its choice directly determines the service life of the structure and comfort during wear. To choose the optimal method, experts take into account:

  • type of occlusion;
  • character age-related changes soft tissues;
  • condition of the remaining roots;
  • functional group of teeth.

Fastening methods are selected depending on the type, size, and material of the prosthesis

For more reliable fixation of removable structures, orthopedic dentists recommend using special products (gels). At complete absence fixed dentures are secured in one of three ways:

  • push-button On the surface of the implanted titanium root there are balls on which the structure is attached. The artificial jaw has a plastic matrix;
  • blocky. The orthodontist implants several implants in the area of ​​the front teeth, connecting them together using a steel rod;
  • on porcelain crowns. The specialist installs four implants in each jaw, which ensures reliable fixation.


Prosthetics on implants is a worthy alternative to removable dentures. In the absence of a large number of teeth, implantation is often used (taking into account the absence of contraindications). This technology allows you to restore lost diction, increase self-confidence, and restore facial proportions.

A titanium root is implanted into the bone tissue, and after healing, an abutment and prosthesis are installed. If a large number of molars are lost, the following types of implantation are used:

  • complete (classical technique). Its essence lies in the implantation of an implant in place of a missing tooth;
  • All-on-4. Prosthetics according to the method are carried out using four implants installed at a certain angle;
  • All-in-6. The prosthesis is attached to six implants. This technology is more reliable compared to All-on-4.

Dentures on implants are characterized by reliable fixation

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of implantation:

  • preventing further bone tissue atrophy;
  • no dietary restrictions;
  • high aesthetics (artificial teeth cannot be distinguished from natural ones);
  • maintaining the shape of the gums;
  • lack of grinding of the surface of the molars;
  • long service life.

Disadvantages include high cost, the presence of a wide list of contraindications and a long period of implantation of the prosthesis (about 2-6 months depending on the chosen technology). Implant manufacturers guarantee implant survival in 96-99% of clinical cases.

However, in rare situations, implant failure may occur. By choosing high-quality materials, carrying out the procedure in a trusted clinic and following medical recommendations, the likelihood of rejection is minimized.

It happens that there are no teeth left in the mouth, and there are no conditions, time or opportunity for prosthetics on implants. In this case, doctors resort to plate structures.

IN modern dentistry the manufacture of removable dentures is still relevant. This is the fastest and most cost-effective method to restore a large number of extracted teeth.

A removable plate prosthesis in the absence of teeth is a type of dental structure consisting of a support plate (base) and artificial teeth on it.

(picture 1 – complete removable dentures)

Complete replacement

If crowns are preserved on the jaw, elements will be added to the structure to strengthen the device on it. These can be wire clasps in the form of hooks or pelota. The latter are extensions of plastic of the same color and made of the same material as the base of the prosthesis itself.

Plate removable structures can be complete. They restore absolutely all previously lost teeth on the jaw. Partial ones are also produced. They are used when one part of the teeth is preserved and the other is removed. In both types of prostheses, the base is uniform and continuous.

The removable structure consists of a base, artificial crowns and fixing elements.

The basis is made from:

  • Acrylic plastic.

This is classic material for a long time used in dentistry. The product is pink in color and camouflages itself with the color of the gums.

In case of an allergy to the material or multiple reactions in the patient, a transparent base is chosen. It contains a smaller amount of monomers that cause an immunopathological process.

  • Nylon or thermoplastic plastic.

Base plates of flexible prostheses are made from them. This material is considered cleaner and less likely to cause allergic reactions. The advantage of a nylon product is that it is thinner and lighter compared to acrylic structures.

Artificial teeth are made from acrylic. The material has more layers, which increases their strength and naturalness. Most famous brands– Acryrock, Ruthinium (Italy), Ivocral Vivodent (Liechtenstein), Yamahachi (Japan), Anis (Russia).

Ceramic or metal-ceramic artificial teeth are used extremely rarely. Their fixation in the prosthesis is worse. They are held in place due to some design features.

Plastic teeth are attached to a base made of the same material. There is a chemical bond between them that is stronger and more reliable.

To further strengthen the denture on the teeth, fixing elements are added to partial removable structures.

  • Metal bent hooks - clasps;

(picture 2)

fixing bent hooks
  • Special processes of the base plastic - dental-gingival pelota;

(picture 3)

fixing base

Advantages of removable plate dentures

  1. They are produced relatively quickly. It takes on average 2-4 weeks. The period depends on the conditions in the oral cavity, the number of missing teeth, etc.).
  2. Relatively low cost for a large volume of prosthetics.


  • The design takes some getting used to.

Usually adaptation takes from several days to two to three weeks. During this period, speech and sense of taste may be impaired. The plate of the upper prosthesis covers the hard palate, on which the receptors are located.

  • Large volume of basis.

Complete removable structures occupy the edentulous gums and jaw bone. This is necessary for better retention of the denture in the mouth.

  • After starting to wear dental structures, they often begin to rub the mucous membrane.

This is a normal process of addiction. It can be compared to new, unworn shoes. The problem is solved by periodic observation by a dentist and their correction - grinding and polishing.

People who have previously worn removable dentures get used to it faster. After adaptation, speech is completely restored. Taste perception is partially compensated by the receptors of the tongue.

  • All removable dentures require periodic replacement.

The chewing load through the plate is transferred to the jaw non-physiologically. Gradually, the bone under the dental structure begins to atrophy and dissolve. Its mobility is caused.

This is normal for complete and partial dentures. Therefore, the average service life is 3-5 years. Each new device is slightly larger than the previous one.

Acrylic and non-acrylic (flexible dentures) also have their advantages and disadvantages. Nylon is lighter and thinner. They take up less space in the mouth than the same acrylic ones, but are not repairable.

In case of damage or fracture, such a product will require replacement. For example, the missing crown can be welded to an acrylic structure.

Dentures in the absence of a large number of teeth

Depends on the specific clinical picture in the mouth. It is necessary to take into account whether the lower or upper jaw needs to be restored, how many teeth and how they are located on it, how much jaw bone is preserved.

The principle works here: “the larger the edentia, the larger and more inconvenient the dental products.”

The evolution of dentures

Let's consider them from the most convenient and effective designs to the least comfortable:

  1. Bridge-like - no removable denture from artificial crowns on the patient’s own teeth.
  2. Clasp (arc).
  3. Partial removable plate.
  4. A complete removable product, where the bridge is the most comfortable and physiological.

Separately, there are designs on dental implants. Given the client’s conditions and capabilities, this option will be the most effective and comfortable for the patient.

There are cases when about half or slightly less of the stable teeth in good condition are preserved on the jaw. Then the dentist can make arched (clasp) removable dentures.

The best among them, in terms of chewing efficiency and service life, will be arched dentures. They are secured with a lock.

Clasp-fastened clasp products are considered slightly less reliable. They have special molded hooks.

Arch designs require that the teeth where the prosthesis is held are stable, free of caries and significant damage. The patient should not suffer from certain diseases - periodontitis and periodontal disease. The process requires particularly careful and good brushing of your teeth.

If a person has diseases of the supporting dental apparatus, then it is possible to replace missing teeth with acrylic partial removable structures. In this case, new artificial crowns are welded to them without replacing the prosthesis itself.

Partial removable devices are a more budget-friendly and simplified alternative to clasp products. They are easier to make, but less comfortable and effective when chewing.

The loss of the last tooth in the jaw leads to the production of complete removable devices or complex structures on implants.

Dentures in the absence of teeth in the upper jaw

This type is considered one of the most difficult in modern dentistry. This is especially true for long-standing removal of the last teeth.

The difficulty of the technique lies in the difficult, requiring experience and appropriate skill of the dentist. Prosthetics in the absence of teeth in the upper jaw include the correct determination of the height of future crowns and the position of the lower jaw to it.

In principle, complete removable dentures and implant-supported dentures are not mutually exclusive. If there are conditions for installing the latter, they can be installed after wearing removable products.

In addition, in cases of complete absence of teeth in at least one jaw, after implantation, patients are given complete removable dentures. They are used during the period of osseointegration.

This is necessary so that a person gets used to chewing correctly at a comfortable teeth height. After the time necessary for engraftment, the removable products will be replaced with crowns or other structures on implants.

Before the procedure begins, at least 3 weeks must pass from the date of the last tooth extraction. The finished device on the upper jaw completely covers the hard palate, reaching along the posterior border until it transitions into the soft palate.

The wider the area of ​​the structure, the better its retention in the mouth. Technically, the fixation of a removable denture on the upper jaw is carried out using the type of rubber suction cup or valve. Good fixation is possible even with significant atrophy.

If it is not possible to use crowns for prosthetics, a compromise solution is made to reduce the size of the dental device. They place removable structures supported on a beam or on special balls, multi-units, mounted on dental implants. This solution is well suited for people with a pronounced gag reflex.

Dentures for partially missing teeth

Can be produced in the mouth the following types products:

  • Removable structures:
  1. arc with locking fixation;
  2. clasp with clasp fastening;
  3. partially removable (acrylic or non-acrylic).
  • Products on implants.

Fixed dentures with complete absence of teeth

Regardless of the type of construction, this type is more comfortable and durable. However, it is more expensive compared to similar removable devices.

Such a prosthesis may look different. It can be like one large horseshoe bridge made from a block of artificial crowns. It is fixed on several implant supports, at least six for one jaw, more is better.

Or it will be a combination of several bridges on implants. The design can be made in the form of individual teeth. Each of them is placed on its own implant.

A combination of individual crowns and bridges is possible. The choice of design is dictated by the conditions of the oral cavity, feasibility and financial capabilities of the patient.

Multi-unit structures consist of bridges and single crowns. They are considered more promising and better in terms of repairability in the event of damage to one of the artificial crowns.

Types of prosthetics in the absence of teeth

Edentia in the jaw can be restored with fixed artificial crowns on implants or removable dentures of various designs. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. A compromise option could be a combination of the first and second methods. These are lightweight and smaller removable products with more effective fixation on dental implants.

Above we looked at methods of upper jaw prosthetics in the absence of teeth.

Making the structure for the lower one is usually more difficult. This is especially true for overweight removable types. It is believed that any dentures on the lower jaw wear out faster. It is impossible to create a suction valve here. Language gets in the way.

Therefore, lower complete dentures often become floating. They are mobile when eating and sometimes when talking, when there is very little jaw bone left. The problem is solved through special fixing creams (Corega, Protefix) or the installation of dental implants with multi-units.

Prosthetic methods for missing teeth

The methods are dictated by the specific clinical situation in the mouth.

If the extracted tooth was located between two others, then you can often get by with a fixed, more comfortable prosthesis. These include bridge structures and products on implants.

What to do if, after removing the last molar, a terminal defect appears? The way out of the situation will be removable devices or artificial crowns on implants.

Prosthetic options from the most physiological, comfortable, durable and effective to the least convenient:

  • Implant + artificial crown.

(picture 1)

bone attachment
  • Bridge prosthesis. In a very limited number of cases - a one-way console device. The second maxillary lateral incisor is missing here. Or this concerns the manufacture of a prosthesis for a long-extracted tooth. The artificial hanging cantilever crown will be smaller than the missing one.

(picture 2)

row restoration
  • Partial removable denture – butterfly. Used as a temporary method. It is short-lived, takes up a lot of space, requires greater hygiene, and must be removed at night. Due to the gradual atrophy of the jaw bone underneath, replacement will be needed relatively soon.


The price of removable dentures depends on the number of missing teeth, the type of design and the material from which it is made. Price range varies.

The estimated average cost of a plate partial removable denture starts from 8,000 rubles. Full removable device - from 14,000 rub. Dugovoy (clasp) - from 22,000 rub.

The cost of a structure on implants depends on the number and type of implants, the manufacturer and accompanying surgical procedures (bone grafting, raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus).

To choose removable dentures and understand which ones are better in case of complete absence of teeth, it is necessary to consider different manufacturing technologies. After all, the type of prosthetics is influenced by age factors, physiological characteristics jaws and financial capabilities of the patient.

Causes and consequences of edentia

Lack of teeth can be secondary or primary. Primary adentia is determined at birth; this form is quite rare. Secondary absence of teeth is observed more often and is characterized by their loss after the complete formation of the dental system. In another way, this form is called acquired.

Reasons for loss

The causes of secondary adentia are numerous. The main ones include:

  • age-related changes: in older people soft fabrics lose tone and bones weaken;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • dental diseases: caries, periodontitis and periodontal disease, gingivitis, ontogenic osteomyelitis;
  • mechanical damage to the jaw;
  • exposure to toxins on the enamel and roots of teeth: smoking, drug use;
  • pathology immune system and other disorders of the body.

The type of oral prosthetics for complete loss of teeth depends on the cause of adentia.


If a person for some reason does not want to get a prosthesis, then such a refusal is fraught with negative consequences:

  • gums bleed and hurt as a result of the fact that they have to perform a chewing role;
  • facial features are deformed (due to atrophy of the dental skeleton): lips sink, the size of the lower part of the face decreases, the corners of the lips and the tip of the nose droop, muscle tone is lost, which is typical for old age;
  • senile progeny is formed;
  • the jaw bones become thinner due to the load on them;
  • the size of the masticatory muscles changes, which causes disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • speech quality decreases.

Timely installation of dental prostheses makes the occurrence of these problems impossible, and modern technologies allow you to perform the procedure quickly and painlessly.

Advantages of prosthetics for complete edentia

Edentia also has its advantages. A person who is going to get dentures does not need to worry about choosing the color of the tooth enamel, since all elements of the prosthesis will be identical. In addition, the patient receives truly dazzling smile, which is not always possible to achieve with natural teeth.

Any type of complex prosthetics in case of complete absence of teeth will help to get rid of dental pain forever.

Key tasks

Prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth (edentia) in the lower and upper jaws involves performing the following tasks:

  • Conduct a survey of the patient regarding the time of occurrence and causes of adentia.
  • Find out complaints and information about previous implantations, if the jaw was previously incorrectly prosthetized.
  • Examine the face. Both intentionally and unnoticed during a conversation. Palpate the oral cavity and additional research: radiography, graphic recording of jaw movement.
  • Make a diagnosis.
  • Determine the individual size of the prosthesis.
  • Correctly design the dentition for its synchronous participation in the chewing process, speech formation and breathing.
  • High-quality fixation of the prosthesis.

Myself the process and its duration depends on the type of prosthetics, which will be chosen by the attending physician.

Types of modern removable dentures in the absence of teeth

Odontological structures used in implantation can be divided into fixed dentures in the absence of teeth, removable at home, conditionally removable and combined.

Dental removable dentures can be removed by the person himself for carrying out standard personal hygiene procedures. Conditionally removable dentures are removed by the attending dentist in a clinical setting. With combined prosthetics, only some part of the teeth is static.

Fixed structures are not at all uninstalled for one cleaning; they are installed for a long period of time with a guarantee.

Removable structures economy

Complete removable dentures are the most a budget option. Most often, these structures are made of acrylic or modern new generation nylon. They are attached to the jaw using special locks or suction cups.

If the prosthesis is made correctly, then after placement, excess air will escape from under it. Then the design will last better and last longer.

Such designs are ideal for upper jaw prosthetics in the absence of teeth, although they cause problems with speech articulation and impair the sensitivity of taste buds due to blocking the palate. And here When installed on the lower jaw, periodic loss of the prosthesis is possible while talking, kissing or eating.

Acrylic designs

Even modern prostheses made of acrylic pliable plastic can be massive, bulky and initially cause a lot of inconvenience. Acrylic structures have a porous structure, which is fraught with the development of bacteria and inflammatory processes in the oropharynx. But this type of prosthetics has several advantages:

  • no contraindications;
  • ease of care and daily use;
  • fast production;
  • The prosthesis is easy to repair.
An acrylic removable denture can be placed on the lower and upper jaw even for a child if he is diagnosed with congenital complete absence of teeth. After all, it makes no sense to implant implants in a minor, since he is growing.

Nylon dentures

The main feature of a nylon soft prosthesis in the absence of teeth is the absence of a rigid base. The new soft design ensures quick adaptation of the patient, and the material itself is hypoallergenic. Nylon does not absorb foreign substances.

New generation dentures look aesthetically pleasing and as natural as possible. But nylon structures often have to be adjusted and even replaced due to rapid subsidence, which is not typical for acrylic ones.

Cleaning nylon dentures should be done only in a special way, since cleaning with a plastic brush and toothpaste will lead to the appearance of microcracks and loss of the snow-white color of the structure.

The types of removable dentures in the complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw are striking in their diversity. If there are no serious medical contraindications, you can choose any design in accordance with your financial situation.

But if you have a complete absence of teeth, you should choose an acrylic removable movable prosthesis for the lower jaw so that there are no problems with its loss. However, nylon prosthetics of the lower jaw in the absence of teeth is effective, but short-lived. Even with proper care the service life of the prosthesis will not exceed 5 years.

Conditionally removable structures

They appearance They are similar to a removable denture and are also installed on both the upper and lower jaws, and are used in cases of complete absence of teeth. But conditionally removable structures are more convenient because they are more securely fixed in the mouth due to implantation and do not fall out when talking or chewing. If necessary this The denture can be removed at the dentist's office.

Conditionally removable structures are classified according to the method of connection with implants:

  • beam (imply joint fastening of implants, and therefore are most durable);
  • spherical (the prosthesis is attached to a spherical abutment);
  • magnetic;
  • micro-locking;
  • silicone.
Such prosthetics do not cause discomfort and make it possible to eat any food, even nuts. But the prostheses themselves are expensive, which makes them inaccessible to many patients.

Modern combined designs

This is not the most the best option complex prosthetics in the absence of teeth, but sometimes its use is justified. The design includes removable and non-removable elements.

The first include partial dentures:

  • nylon;
  • small saddles;
  • lamellar;
  • clasp;
  • arc.

And the static elements on which partial structures are supported are implants, but in quite large quantities.

Fixed structures

Installation of fixed dentures is the most expensive option for dental implantation, which occurs when teeth are completely missing. Using this method, more than 11 implants are placed in each jaw. But the technology is rarely used, because in addition to its high cost, it has a number of disadvantages:

  • a large amount of bone tissue is required;
  • There are many contraindications to the procedure, for example, vascular diseases, frequent headaches, heart defects;
  • the location of the nerve fibers should not interfere with the implantation of the structure;
  • For a long time, such prostheses were not installed in people over 34–39 years of age due to high risk complications, thanks to new technologies, age restrictions have been eliminated, but you should still proceed with caution.

Most often, in the absence of teeth, classic fixed dentures with a non-metallic or metal-ceramic bridge are placed on the upper and lower jaw. To do this, the patient is implanted with implants (at least 12 pieces), which become a support for the bridge.

Static dentures are better and more functional than all types of removable structures for edentia, but their presence complicates diagnostics using MRI, which can complicate the diagnosis of serious diseases in the future.


The feasibility of a particular type of dental prosthetics depends on a combination of factors, so it is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about the advantages of removable or fixed structures. An elderly person who, for health reasons, will need computer and resonance tomography, it is not worth getting implants. But for a representative of the younger generation, who for some reason has lost all his teeth, it is still too early to acquire false teeth.

From this article you will learn:

  • what types of dentures are there?
  • pros and cons of different removable dentures,
  • New generation removable dentures without palate – price 2020.

Removable dentures mean those dentures that the patient can take off and put on himself. As a rule, they are made only when there are a large number of missing teeth - in cases where there is no possibility of permanent prosthetics or through.

Except traditional types removable dentures last years conditionally removable dentures on implants are gaining popularity, as well as new generation removable dentures without a palate. Below you can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of both traditional and modern types prostheses.

Types of removable dentures –

Which dentures are best to install will depend primarily on the number of remaining teeth. One type of denture is more suitable for complete absence of teeth, the other for partial absence. Below we will analyze all types of removable dentures that can be made in case of complete or partial absence of teeth...

1. Removable dentures in case of complete absence of teeth –

The absence of supporting teeth with their complete absence leads to the fact that the chewing load can be transferred from the prosthesis only to the alveolar processes of the jaws (gum), which always leads to fairly rapid gum atrophy, i.e. to reduce its height. The latter circumstance leads to the fact that removable dentures should be changed on average every 2.5-3 years, because the prosthesis no longer corresponds to the tissues of the prosthetic bed.

Another problem with prosthetics in the absence of teeth is fixation of the prosthesis (especially when it comes to the lower jaw). There is even the term “suction cup dentures” (Fig. 1). We are talking here about plastic prostheses, which are relatively well fixed when prosthetics are applied to the upper jaw, but in the lower jaw it is basically impossible to achieve good fixation of the prosthesis if they are not installed under the prosthesis.

In case of complete absence of teeth, they are used

2. Dentures for partial absence of teeth –

Complete removable denture for the lower jaw: before and after photos

Thus, a discharged space is formed under the prosthesis, which holds the prosthesis. That is why patients often call such dentures – suction cup dentures. Moreover, it is best to make complete removable acrylic dentures on individual impression tray(remember this term), which will ensure a more precise fit of the prosthesis to the tissues of the prosthetic bed, and therefore improve its fixation.

Which dentures are better - nylon or acrylic...
When using prosthetics in such a situation with a complete removable nylon prosthesis, there will be no “suction cup effect” due to the high elasticity of the nylon prosthesis body. This means that if there is a complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw, it is best to choose a plate denture made of acrylic plastic.

When replacing the lower jaw with complete absence of teeth, the fixation of the acrylic prosthesis almost always leaves much to be desired (as with nylon prostheses), and almost all patients complain of periodic loss of the prosthesis when chewing and speaking. Of course, you can use a special prosthesis here, but still the most effective solution is a conditionally removable acrylic prosthesis supported by 2-3 implants (read about this type of prosthesis below).

Regarding comfort and efficiency when chewing –
prostheses made of plastic are superior in these qualities to prostheses made of nylon, because the latter deform uncontrollably under chewing load (due to the high elasticity of nylon), causing pain when eating.

Acrylic dentures for partial absence of teeth: reviews

A partial acrylic denture will have rigid wire clasps that will extend from the plastic base of the denture and cover the supporting teeth (Fig. 7-9). It is due to them that the partial plate denture made of plastic is fixed in the oral cavity (Fig. 10-11).

Partial removable dentures for the upper and lower jaws –

Because The clasp is grasped precisely by the outer teeth (located at the edges of defects in the dentition), then if the supporting teeth are located precisely in the smile zone, the clasp will be clearly visible on the front surface of the teeth. This can only be avoided if you give preference to other types of dentures (nylon or clasp).

For a nylon denture, the clasps are made of flexible pink nylon, and therefore they are almost invisible against the background of the gums (website). However, the fixation of a prosthesis with elastic clasps will be, to put it mildly, “not important,” and besides, such an elastic prosthesis will also be painful to chew. And the optimal solution for partial absence of teeth will always be only prosthetics with clasp-type dentures (read about them below).

Acrylic dentures: pros and cons

In addition to the pros and cons that we have listed above, the advantages of plastic prostheses also include: ease of manufacture, maintainability in case of breakdowns, relatively low cost - in comparison with all other types of prostheses (see cost below).

On to the cons plastic prostheses can also be attributed –

  • dentures are quite massive and take up a lot of space in the oral cavity,
  • when replacing the upper jaw (both with complete and partial absence of teeth) - the base of the prosthesis will completely cover the palate, which will cause a temporary disturbance in the articulation of speech, and will also worsen taste sensitivity due to the overlap of taste buds located on the palate,
  • when making lower jaw prosthetics with complete absence of teeth, the fixation of the prosthesis will be quite poor (as with nylon prostheses), and there can only be one way out of this situation - a conditionally removable acrylic prosthesis supported by 2-3 implants.

Service life of dentures made of acrylic plastic –
The recommended average service life is 3-3.5 years. However, it can be adjusted depending on the rate of jaw bone atrophy. With an increased rate of atrophy, the service life is reduced to 2.5 years; with a slow rate of bone tissue atrophy, it can increase to 5 years.

Plastic dentures: prices 2020

Prices for acrylic removable dentures are for 2020. The first figure corresponds to economy class clinics, the second – to clinics in the middle price segment (we recorded the lowest prices in paid branches state dental clinics).

  • Complete removable acrylic denture
    → in the regions – from 12,000 to 20,000 rubles.
    → in Moscow – from 14,000 to 20,000 rubles. (but if made from expensive materials and on an individual impression tray, then the price will be about 25,000 rubles).
  • For a partial denture
    prices in most clinics will be similar to full dentures (or only slightly less, but no more than 10-15%). But a butterfly prosthesis for one tooth – the price will start from 6,500 rubles.

2. Removable dentures made of nylon –

These are so-called soft removable dentures, made of elastic nylon (Fig. 13-15). They are used for both complete and partial absence of teeth. Thanks to the properties of nylon, dentures made from this material can be made thinner and lighter than dentures made from plastic. In addition, nylon has high degree elasticity and flexibility, which makes these prostheses more comfortable to wear.

In addition, removable dentures made of nylon have very good aesthetics and are practically invisible in the oral cavity. This is due to the fact that the gingival clasps of a nylon prosthesis (necessary for its fixation) are also made of nylon Pink colour, which makes them invisible against the background of the pink shell of the gums. In turn, in plastic and clasp dentures the clasps are made of metal, and therefore they are clearly visible when they are in the smile line.

Dentures: photo

However, this is where the positive properties of such prostheses end. in the vast majority of cases they are worn negative character, which is connected, paradoxically, precisely with the flexibility and elasticity of such prostheses. All the negative properties of nylon are fully manifested precisely when chewing pressure is transferred from a soft elastic prosthesis to the tissue of the prosthetic bed.

The high elasticity of the nylon prosthesis base leads to –

  • to rapid atrophy of bone tissue under the prosthesis,
  • rapid subsidence of the prosthesis and the need to replace it,
  • painful chewing of food,
  • the need for frequent corrections of the prosthesis,
  • In addition, the prosthesis has a rough surface, which leads to the fairly rapid formation of a bacterial film on its surface.

Removable nylon dentures: price

For removable nylon dentures - the price is indicated for 2020 (the first figure is the cost in economy-class clinics, the second - in clinics of the middle price segment) ...

  • complete removable denture – from 32,000 to 47,000 rubles.
  • partial removable denture – from 26,000 to 40,000 rubles.
  • butterfly denture made of nylon (for 1-2 teeth) – from RUB 17,000.

3. Removable dentures “Acry-free” –

Acry-free material was developed by Perflex Ltd (Israel) for partial and complete removable dentures. It has amazing aesthetic properties, i.e. the base of the prosthesis is practically indistinguishable from the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. The clasps of the prosthesis are also made of translucent material, which makes them invisible - unlike the metal clasps of clasp and traditional acrylic dentures.

Cost of prostheses Acry-free
the prices below are indicated on a turnkey basis in mid-price clinics. average price in Moscow for Acry-free prostheses in 2020 will be...

  • partial removable denture – from 30,000 to 37,000 rubles.
  • complete removable denture – from 40,000 to 47,000 rubles.
  • prosthesis for 1-2 teeth – about 20,000 rubles.

4. Clasp dentures –

Let’s say right away that there is nothing better than clasp dentures in case of partial absence of teeth. Prostheses of this type differ from prostheses made of nylon and plastic in that they have a metal frame (arch) inside. The use of a reinforcing metal frame, on which a pink plastic or nylon base with artificial teeth is then installed, allows you to significantly reduce the size of the denture base.

So, for example, it is possible to make a removable denture for the upper jaw without a palate, or rather, only a thin metal arch will pass through the palate. On the lower jaw in the sublingual space there will also be no massive denture base, because there will also be an almost imperceptible thin metal arc (Fig. 6). All this provides high comfort when wearing a prosthesis, talking, and eating.

Clasp removable denture for the upper jaw: before and after photos

Clasp removable denture for the lower jaw: before and after photos

Fixation of clasp dentures on supporting teeth is carried out in two ways

  • Fixation using a clasp system(Fig. 20) –
    clasps are branches of a cast metal frame. Dentures with such a fixation system are very reliable and comfortable, but they have one drawback - in some situations, metal clasps can fall into the smile line, and then they will be clearly visible.

    When you put on the prosthesis, the heads of the attachments fall into the fixing mechanism (silicone matrix), and the prosthesis is securely held. Such a prosthesis can never fly off on its own. You can remove it only by applying slight force with your hands. With such a denture, you will be able to chew comfortably, talk confidently with other people, without fear of the denture falling out.

  • Prosthesis on implants with a beam-type micro-lock
    2-3 implants are also implanted into the jaw, onto which a metal beam is then fixed. In the projection of such a beam on the inner surface of the body of the removable denture, a recess is made corresponding to the exact size of the beam and one or more silicone matrices are inserted there, which, when putting on the prosthesis, will tightly grip the beam.

Covering dentures on intracanal implants –

There is also a cover prosthesis of another type. To implement such a prosthesis, it is necessary that the patient has 2-4 strong single-rooted teeth or at least the roots of teeth (preferably canines or premolars) left in the jaw. To make such a prosthesis, the crowns of the remaining teeth are first cut down to the root, and their root canals are sealed.

Then implants are screwed into the root canal of each root (Fig. 28), resembling large pins, which will have an element in the form of a metal head protruding above the root (i.e., just like a prosthesis on implants with a push-button micro-lock).

On the inner surface of the prosthesis, in the projection of the metal heads, recesses are made into which silicone retaining matrices are inserted in the same way. As a result, you get excellent fixation of the prosthesis, comfortable painless chewing even of hard food, and due to the preserved roots of the teeth, the atrophy of the bone tissue of the toothless jaw slows down sharply, which helps to increase the service life of the prosthesis.

Which dentures are best to install: summary

We hope that our article on the topic: What are removable dentures? better reviews- turned out to be useful to you! Below we summarize everything said above and write the types of removable dentures in order of decreasing comfort and convenience for the patient.

With completely toothless jaws -

  • conditionally removable denture on implants,
  • Acry-free prosthesis,
  • and only last but not least – a nylon prosthesis.

In case of partial absence of teeth -

  • clasp type prosthesis,
  • Acry-free prosthesis,
  • prosthesis made from traditional acrylic plastic,
  • nylon prosthesis,
  • Sandwich denture.


1. Personal experience as a dentist,
2. " Orthopedic dentistry. Textbook" (Trezubov V.N.),
3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
5. “Removable dentures: tutorial"(Mironova M.L.),
6. “Partial removable dentures” (Zhulev E.N.).

If there are complete absence of teeth, there are two ways to solve the problem:

  • implantation followed by prosthetics or
  • complete removable denture.

By installing several inexpensive mini-implants, you can create a comfortable, compact removable denture with excellent fixation.
With the help of classical implantation, we can provide the patient with permanent prosthetics, which means comfort and the feeling of their own teeth in the oral cavity. To do this, it is enough for us to place 4-6 implants on the jaw, which is quite enough for a permanent structure. This is not an easy job, requiring high qualifications from an implantologist, orthopedist and dental technician. Of course, this type of prosthetics is considered the most expensive, but the result is worth it. You get the most natural and fully functional result.
There are cases when implantation is impossible for certain reasons. In this case, we make a complete removable denture. This type of prosthetics is more budget-friendly and costs from 31,400 rubles, but requires the patient to get used to it, which takes from 3 to 7 days. You can also make a nylon prosthesis, which is much more comfortable than conventional plastic ones. Its cost starts from 47,100 rubles.

Prosthetic options for complete absence of teeth

Modern dentistry offers several options for the rehabilitation of patients with complete absence of teeth.

Comfortable removable denture

The main discomfort that patients experience when using complete removable dentures arises from poor fixation of the denture in the oral cavity. Any ordinary complete removable denture rests on the soft gum and is held on to it only by vacuum, simply by suction to the soft tissue.

When chewing and speaking, mobility of the denture occurs, and it can lose its vacuum fixation and reset. Difficulties arise with diction, food particles get under the prosthesis, and painful injuries occur on the gums where the prosthesis fits.
Many patients who wear complete removable dentures complain about their bulkiness due to the prosthesis covering large areas of the gums and especially the palate.
To improve the fit of complete dentures, patients are forced to use a special adhesive to help hold the denture in place. The glue is difficult to wash off from the prosthesis and gums, and can cause allergic reactions.

Here are the things patients would like to change about their complete dentures:

Improve fixation
Open your palate
Make the prosthesis more compact
It will get rid of constant chafing

We have a solution!

In order to get rid of the discomfort when using complete removable dentures, you need to install several inexpensive mini-implants.
No gum incisions! 30 minutes - and you're done!
The denture is securely held in place while eating and talking and does not rub the gums. An open palate creates additional comfort and does not distort diction.
Everything is very simple and accessible!

The procedure for making removable dentures supported by implants is very simple:

1st visit (1 hour)
Consultation in our clinic.
Examination and examination of the patient.
Answers to all patient questions.
Recording all the patient’s wishes regarding the color, shape and size of teeth.
Taking silicone impressions.
Referral to computed tomography for accurate implantation planning and mini-implant positions.
The next visit is scheduled after studying computed tomography and careful planning of implantation.

2nd visit (30 minutes)
Registration of a comfortable and correct bite.
Registration of all necessary parameters for the future prosthesis.
Then, within a maximum of one and a half weeks, our dental laboratory produces a preliminary denture, taking into account all the wishes of the doctor and the patient.

3rd visit (30-40 minutes)
Trying on a preliminary prosthesis.
Checking and, if necessary, correcting the preliminary prosthesis.
Setting a date for installing mini-implants.
Next, our laboratory produces a permanent prosthesis for the day of installation of mini-implants.

4th visit (about 2 hours)
Installation of mini-implants (30-40 minutes)
Installation of attachments in a permanent prosthesis.
Fixation of the prosthesis to mini-implants.
Patient education correct use and hygiene of removable dentures.

All is ready!
The patient receives a comfortable removable denture immediately on the day of installation of the implants and can immediately begin to use it.
So, the entire procedure for making a removable denture supported by mini-implants, including installation of the implants themselves, takes about two weeks.

We use only proven mini-implants from the Italian manufacturer C-TECH, as well as exclusively high-quality and certified materials and components for the manufacture of removable dentures.

Options for removable dentures on mini-implants

Removable denture on 2 implants
Such a prosthesis can only be made for the lower jaw. 2 implants are the minimum number to ensure fixation of a removable denture.

Removable denture on 4 implants
This type of prosthesis is the most optimal and universal option for the lower and upper jaw. 4 implants provide excellent fixation of the prosthesis and uniform distribution of chewing loads.

Removable denture on 6 implants
This type of prosthesis is ideal for the upper jaw. Bone the upper jaw is softer and more pliable compared to the lower jaw. 6 implants ensure ideal distribution of chewing load and durability of the entire structure.

Complete removable denture

The simplest and most cost-effective option to restore teeth if they are completely missing is a complete removable denture. It can be made of acrylic or non-acrylic plastic (nylon).

Removable dentures made from acrylic-free plastic "AcriFree" are stronger than classic complete removable dentures. They rarely have cracks or chips. At the same time, they are thinner and lighter, and therefore more comfortable than dentures made of acrylic plastic.

Cost of complete removable dentures

Removable prosthesis with beam fixation supported by implants

This type of removable denture is the most convenient and reliable among all removable denture options for complete absence of teeth.
The process of making such a prosthesis requires special knowledge and skills from both the doctor and the dental technician. High-precision equipment is required for the manufacture of beam structures and its milling.
The beam fixation structure consists of two parts: the beam itself, which is attached to dental implants, and plastic matrices, which are located in the removable denture.
To ensure proper distribution of the chewing load under the beam structure, it is recommended to install 4 implants, which are located in the frontal area of ​​the jaw.

Advantages removable denture with beam fixation on dental implants:

1. Excellent hold. The beam reliably holds the dental prosthesis in a stationary state, which creates special comfort for the patient.
2. Correct load distribution. The beam design evenly and optimally distributes chewing loads on all 4 dental implants, due to which the implants are not overloaded and the bone around them does not suffer.
3. Durability. A removable prosthesis with beam fixation has a metal frame, which gives the prosthesis special strength and durability.
4. Comfort. The beam design firmly holds the removable denture and does not require additional fixation due to the vacuum cushion. This allows you to make the prosthesis itself with a minimum amount of plastic. Most of the gums and palate remain open. Diction is not impaired, taste sensations remain unchanged.

Fixed metal-ceramic prosthesis supported by dental implants

To make a fixed prosthesis in the absence of teeth, it is necessary to place at least 4 dental implants in a special way, which will serve as a support for the fixed prosthesis.
Of course, a non-removable metal-ceramic structure is much more convenient than a removable denture, because it quite well imitates the feeling of having one’s own teeth. Fixed metal-ceramic structures do not have plastic parts, which makes them very compact and easy to use. The gum deficiency is filled with ceramics, which are painted in the color of natural gums.

Advantages fixed metal-ceramic prosthesis on implants:

1. Comfort. The prosthesis does not need to be removed. Diction is not broken for a minute. The sense of taste is not affected. The gums and palate are completely open.
2. Durability. Metal-ceramic dentures They have a high-strength chrome-cobalt frame that is not subject to fractures or deformation. Metal-ceramic dentures are very durable and strong.
3. Aesthetics. Metal ceramics make it possible to imitate the natural aesthetics of teeth and gums quite well. A highly qualified dental technician can make the transition of natural gums to artificial gums almost imperceptible.

Fixed prosthesis based on zirconium dioxide supported by dental implants

This type of prosthetics for complete absence of teeth is the most progressive, innovative, biocompatible, comfortable and aesthetic of all types of rehabilitation for a patient with hollow edentia (absence of teeth).
Zirconium dioxide combines high strength, superior to the strength of metal, and at the same time - lightness of the structure, the weight of which is several times less than that of metal. The aesthetic properties of zirconium dioxide, its translucency and depth, identical to a natural tooth, make it possible to make the prosthesis “alive”, absolutely natural.

According to the principle of fixation, a fixed zirconium prosthesis is similar to a metal-ceramic prosthesis, and in all other parameters it is many times superior to it. This is truly the best of the best!

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Dental implants are the most natural replacement for missing teeth! Do you want to regain your teeth, self-confidence and enjoy food again? If “YES!”, then dental implantation is what you need!