How to start a fasting day. How to spend fasting days. Unloading days for pregnant women

One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to exercise once a week for weight loss. fasting days, of which there are many options. There are recipes that help you lose up to 3 kg in a short time.

Fasting days can be called a short-term mono-diet.

A wonderful way to cleanse the body, lose weight, improve well-being is a fasting day.

They help the body take a break from the abundance of food, remove toxins and toxins and are practiced in such cases:

  • after a period of holidays and feasts;
  • at the end of long diets;
  • as a regular practice of self-weight control.

But you need to understand that getting rid of extra pounds does not come from burning body fat, but in the process of removing excess fluid and accumulated waste.

It is necessary to adhere to generally accepted rules:

  1. Carry out unloading no more often and at least 1 time in 7 days.
  2. Decrease physical exercise, the body simply will not have enough energy for this and it will work for wear and tear.
  3. Choose days with a busy schedule for unloading. The abundance of things distracts from constant thoughts about food, which cannot be said about those cases when you have to sit at home all day.
  4. The volume of the daily ration should not exceed 700 g when it comes to proteins, and 1.8-2 kg when it comes to vegetables and fruits.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, while the bulk should be consumed before lunch.

After unloading, do not immediately pounce on food.

The body will not be able to quickly adapt to a new diet, so digestive problems will be guaranteed.

The most effective fasting days for weight loss

When choosing a product for a fasting day, you need to focus not only on your food preferences, but also on the potential effect. Buckwheat, beloved by many, can give weight loss of no more than 1.2-1.5 kg, but cucumbers in best cases even up to 3.5 kg.

To adjust the body to the desired mode in the evening, you can eat a light meal.

Prepare for unloading in advance. If you eat well the day before, then the next day a person will experience a strong feeling of hunger. In the evening, you need to eat a light, low-calorie meal to set up your body for a new regimen.

Fruit and vegetable fasting days

The easiest way to carry out unloading on vegetables or fruits. The most popular vegetable is cucumber. It contains a record low number of calories and a lot of tartronic acid, which slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. Daily rate calories when eating cucumbers alone barely exceeds 300 units. For a day you need to eat 1.5 kg of cucumbers without salt and oil. If it is difficult, you can add 2 boiled eggs to the diet.

If you eat only fruits during fasting days, you can achieve excellent results in a short time!

Days on fruit will suit the sweet tooth. This unloading is best done in the summer or early fall when seasonal fruits are plentiful and available.

Most often for weight loss use:

  • apples;
  • melon;
  • watermelon;
  • plums;
  • peaches;
  • pineapples.

Variant on kefir

Unloading days on kefir are transferred quite easily, since the product is quite satisfying. This is a good preparation for mono-diets. Kefir suppresses the processes of decay, removes the end products of metabolism, improves the intestinal microflora, removes heaviness in the stomach and is absorbed within an hour. But for people who do not tolerate fermented milk products, it is better to abandon this method, as they will suffer from increased gas formation and an unpleasant feeling in the stomach.

Unloading days on kefir allow you to quickly get rid of excess fat.

For a day you need to drink 6-7 glasses of kefir. It is important to choose the right product - fresh kefir can cause flatulence and diarrhea, and constipation that has already stood for more than 3 days.

Unloading with buckwheat or rice

Unloading days on buckwheat do not lead to an imbalance or lack of nutrients, since each grain contains a considerable amount of vitamins and elements. Buckwheat contains slow carbohydrates, so the feeling of satiety persists for a long time. Of the shortcomings - not too much loss of kilograms.

Fasting day based on buckwheat alone allows you to get rid of up to 1 kg excess weight.

It is necessary to give preference to the core, the prodel is not good. The cereal does not need to be boiled, it is enough to pour boiling water over it and leave it for a while to swell. They say that such porridge can be eaten as much as you want. But since it is forbidden to add salt, milk and butter to cereals, you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. You need to eat in small portions, but often.

Do not forget about the drinking regime - you need to drink at least 2 liters of water.

You can also arrange fasting days on rice. You won’t lose much weight on them, but you can get rid of 0.6-1 kg.

  • Rice cleanses of toxins.
  • Removes swelling.
  • Removes excess fluid.
  • Coats the walls of the stomach, making it useful for people with digestive problems.

It is best to use not a white, but a brown variety. For a glass of cereal, you need to take 500-600 ml of water. Do not add sugar, salt, spices and oil. The volume of rice should be divided into 5 parts and eat them every 3 hours. During breaks, you can drink water or green tea sugarless.

Unloading days on the water

For the first time, it is difficult to endure the whole day without food, drinking only water. However, it is one of the most effective ways getting rid of excess weight. Therefore, it is worth making an effort and trying this method - the result is visible on the scales the next morning.

Unloading days for weight loss on the water will require maximum will and patience.

In order not to drink only water, you can add lemon to it (juice of one fruit per 1 liter of water). You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of this drink per day. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

On cottage cheese or milk

Curd days are quite popular among those who are losing weight all over the world. This protein product eliminates the feeling of hunger and gives a long feeling of satiety. The main thing is not to consume a fat-free product, as this disrupts metabolism. The optimal fat content is from 1.5 to 1.8 percent.

The principle is the same as that of a fasting day on kefir.

400-500 g of cottage cheese should be divided into 5-6 parts, approximately 80-85 g each, and consumed every 2.5-3 hours with several apple slices. For active cleansing of the body, it is useful to drink 300-400 ml of pure water 25 minutes before meals.

If the body absorbs dairy products well, you can try drinking milk alone. During the day, you need to consume 2 liters of milk, dividing it into 7 doses. If you are hungry, you can eat an orange or a little cottage cheese in between.

Apple fasting days

Regular consumption of apples can significantly improve well-being. They contain a lot of fiber, organic acids, vitamins and minerals. They stimulate the metabolism, which is why apples are one of the best foods for weight loss.

One of the best is considered a fasting day on apples.

Microbiologists have proven that regular consumption of apples contributes to a significant increase in the bacteria responsible for the process of digestion of food. But people with stomach diseases need to be careful - sour fruits can only aggravate the situation with gastritis with hyperacidity.

The menu is very simple: for the whole day you need to eat 1400-1500 g of fresh or baked fruits. This amount must be divided into 5-6 doses. It is better to eat 2/3 of this amount raw, and 1/3 - baked. Baked apples contain more pectin, an effective adsorbent. You can drink water and Apple juice or compote without sweeteners.

Apples enrich the body of a person who is losing weight with iron and essential vitamins, remove excess bad cholesterol, and protect against the development of oncological neoplasms.

Unloading with oatmeal

This method will help to lose weight for those who do not like to starve. Oatmeal is a low glycemic food, so you will feel full long time. It contains a lot of fiber, which is very beneficial for the intestines. Do not take cereal, you need to give preference to whole grains.

One of the most gentle ways.

The classic way to unload looks like this:

  1. Boil 200 g of porridge in water or milk diluted with water. You don't need to add salt and sugar.
  2. The resulting volume is divided into 5 small parts.
  3. Eat everything throughout the day at regular intervals.

If the porridge is very fresh, you can add berries, apples or dried fruits to it.

Such unloading helps to remove several hundred grams, remove excess fluid, improve complexion and skin condition.

Unloading days according to the method of Malysheva

Nutritionist Malysheva has helped a large number of people to get in shape and switch to a healthy diet.

Unloading days from Elena Malysheva are aimed not only at losing weight, but also at giving the body a break from the amount of food consumed.
  • Vegetable. Make a salad of carrots, beets and celery. Divide into 6 servings and eat throughout the day.
  • Bitter. You can eat 5 grapefruits a day, drink 1 liter of green tea and 2 liters of plain water.
  • Protein. During the day, you can eat 5-6 small portions of boiled chicken. Add salt in a minimal amount and, if desired, sprinkle the meat with lemon juice.

The first two methods make it possible to lose more than 1 kg. The latter option is more satisfying and weight loss will be much less.

How to end a fasting day

The exit from unloading must also be correct. The range and amount of food consumed should be increased gradually.

In the morning after unloading, be sure to drink 1 tbsp. l. sunflower or vegetable oil. This disperses the stagnation of bile. The next day, you need to give preference to vegetable salads and liquid food - light vegetarian soups. You need to focus on the feeling of lightness in the body, and not on the desire to eat.

  • The easiest way is to make a menu for vegetable days. You can use any vegetables, except for potatoes, as they have a lot of starch. Delicious salads are made from carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, and tomatoes. But it is better not to add salt to them - onions, garlic, lemon juice and spices will do well with this: parsley, basil, dill. It is better to fill with olive or linseed oil. At the end of the day before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Fruit and berry days are good because you can include any products at your discretion in the allowed 1.5 kg. If fruits do not saturate, they can be supplemented with cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt.
  • Occasionally it is useful to spend fish, meat and dairy days. Low-fat fish is always steamed and supplemented with vegetable salads. From meat, preference should be given to veal, turkey and chicken. Menu milk day may consist of milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir. The main thing is to use them in small quantities, but often.
  • You can drink vegetable and fruit juices, compotes, juices, rosehip broth, green tea and water. Based on these recommendations, you can create a menu of your choice.

    Benefits, harms and contraindications

    The benefits of fasting days are undeniable. This is a real rest for the digestive system. They stimulate intracellular metabolic processes, remove slags and toxins, unload cardiovascular system, normalize the acid-base balance.

    Unloading days must be carried out by each person.

    Unloading during pregnancy or lactation is strictly prohibited. Any ailment or illness is also a serious contraindication.

    Fasting days are a good addition to healthy eating. But a noticeable benefit from them can be felt only with regular use.

    The most effective option for losing weight and feeling better are "hungry" days.

    They should be carried out once or twice in 7-10 days.

    This shake-up for the body is incredibly useful for most people and is a great option to lose 1 to 3 kilograms correctly in a day!

    Unloading is carried out on those products that you like, so no special efforts are required.

    And about how to properly arrange the most effective fasting day to speed up the process of losing weight and what you can eat, this will be discussed in this article.

    What it is

    Fasting day - refusal of high-calorie foods. Instead of the usual dishes, they use a less satisfying diet. Some people only drink water.

    Such a day allows you to reduce weight or keep it at the same level, as well as improve metabolic processes, which is perfect for cleansing the body.

    Distinguish "hungry" and "full" unloading day. On a "full day" they eat two of some products, and on a "hungry" day - only one.

    Attention! Complete refusal of food is not beneficial for everyone, so it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    More often, a fasting day requires a regular meal, avoiding hunger, as well as a sufficient amount of water.

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    Why unload?

    We often do not notice how we overeat. The gastrointestinal tract suffers from this, since it is difficult to digest the entire amount of food. From here we have feelings of overcrowding, heaviness, weakness.

    In addition, they accumulate body fat V different parts body. This is not only an aesthetic problem. Excess weight affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, disrupts the functionality of the liver and kidneys, and joints suffer.

    Sometimes after a feast the next day, the arrows of the scales show an increase in a kilogram or even two or three! These are not fats at all, but accumulated undigested food, as well as liquid.

    Unloading day allows you to get rid of the unnecessary and regain lightness and harmony.

    Should I do it more than once a week?

    Fasting days are not a diet at all, they will not radically relieve a person of being overweight. Here it is necessary to completely change the way of life, the nature of nutrition, add physical activity.

    Unloading in one day allows you to cleanse the body of everything superfluous, correct nutritional errors made in a week or a day, and also prepare the gastrointestinal tract for the process of losing weight.

    Unloading "full" days can be carried out once or twice a week without compromising health. At the beginning of the week and at the end, or only once (“hungry” day with the use of one type of product), this is quite enough to feel lightness and a surge of vitality.

    Natalya Pavlyuk, a dietitian at the Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, for example, believes that one fasting day is enough, two do not make sense.

    Interesting! Fruit and vegetable fasting days expel mainly excess water, and protein - fats.

    Health benefits, harm and contraindications

    Meager food for the day is useful, which has been proven in practice. These days are not just a calorie restriction. It's the same:

    1. Acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.
    2. Removal of excess water from the body without harm to health.
    3. The level of cholesterol is normalized.
    4. The intestines begin to work much better and more actively.
    5. Becomes better job heart and blood vessels.
    6. The consumption of adipose tissue is activated.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences Svetlana Moiseenko also talks about the benefits of removing toxins from the body during a fasting day. Our body cleans itself, but diseases, environmental conditions and other factors disrupt the regulation processes.

    Attention! A normal person needs about 2200-2500 kcal per day. During unloading, it is necessary that the calorie content be reduced to 800-900 kcal.

    There is no harm from unloading, but there are contraindications. It is not allowed to refuse the usual food:

    • suffering from diabetes, since nuances may arise with the level of sugar;
    • patients with gastritis, with an excessively acidic environment, ulcers, erosive gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, gallstone pathology;
    • patients with hepatitis.

    Too obese people who are used to rich food should also be more careful in choosing options for cleansing the body. It is better to reduce calories gradually. There is a problem for those who are prone to pathological overeating. They may stall after unloading.

    Attention! Unloading the body in three days can even healthy person cause congestion in the stomach. This happens when a person does not drink enough fluids. Drink at least 2 liters. But you can't drink right away. It is necessary to evenly distribute portions of water throughout the day.

    Is it possible to arrange cleaning and unloading for pregnant and lactating women

    Fasting days are also useful for expectant mothers and lactating women. But all actions must be coordinated with the doctor. During pregnancy, many women gain excess weight due to hormonal changes or prejudices that a mother should eat for two. Fasting days will not give the effect of losing weight, but activate metabolic processes.

    If the gynecologist sees that future mom is gaining too much weight, he can tell you how to properly arrange fasting days for less damage to the woman's body.

    Most often they can be:

    • apple - you need to eat one and a half kilograms of apples per day;
    • vegetable - when you can eat one and a half kilograms of vegetables per day;
    • protein day - you can eat a pound of chicken or beef;
    • cereals - you can eat 300 g of a dish from any cereal. Read more in our article on.

    It is better for nursing mothers to make options for the unloading menu on cream, sour cream, milk, that is, products that have a high fat content. It is correct to do this no more than one day a week.

    Attention! If during the day there is a pronounced weakness, dizziness, deterioration of health, it is worth stopping unloading. In the normal state of the body, such sensations are not observed.

    What is the difference with diet

    A diet is a long period that involves certain nutrition for weight loss or for medicinal purposes. Unloading day is ambulance with an overloaded stomach and intestines.

    The diet also provides for physical activity, which means cardio and strength training. During the fasting day, it is better to abandon active activities, replacing them with swimming, fitness, and walking.

    The diet, as a rule, is developed taking into account the body's needs for nutrients. Fasting day deprives the body of many essential substances, on which it is more efficiently cleaned.

    Is the technique effective for losing weight, getting rid of the stomach

    The stomach can be formed from excess water, undigested food in an overloaded intestine.

    And, of course, in this case, the best option for losing weight will be a fasting day. It will be simply necessary to remove the belly of a woman.

    If fat deposits on the abdomen have been deposited for months and years, then one day of unloading will not solve anything. Here you need a long-term diet and exercise.

    How to carry out

    A fasting day will bring maximum benefit if done correctly. What to eat on this day:

    • reduce active physical activity and avoid stress;
    • drink at least 1.5 or 2 liters of water;
    • everything prepared for “starvation” must be divided into 4-5 equal portions;
    • you can’t get carried away with excessive calorie reduction, but choose foods that will give at least 800 kcal per day;
    • such days should be spent regularly, preferably on the same day of the week;
    • you need to choose those products that are allowed to a person and are pleasant to him.

    It would be wise to plan to unload on days when you are most busy with something or go far from home, refrigerator and pans. Do not provoke yourself, not everyone is endowed with willpower.

    Attention! During the fasting day do not use salt and soy sauce, sugar and honey, no matter what products you choose.

    How to prepare and get started

    First of all, you need to prepare mentally. If you can’t do such a “stress” for the body all day long on any one product, you should give up your favorite food for at least half a day at the beginning, as experts recommend.

    Then you can try to hold out for a day. We always need to remind ourselves that dietary restrictions are just for one day.

    How to eat during unloading and what types of foods should not be eaten

    For a healthy person, any products are suitable, according to Elena Chedia, a nutritionist at the Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

    For those who have problems, the doctor determines how to properly unload to cleanse the body.

    What not to eat:

    • fatty parts of the chicken carcass;
    • pork;
    • bananas;
    • potato;
    • beets;
    • bakery products;
    • dairy products high in fat.

    You can not eat more than 1.5 kg of apples per day, and you can eat cucumbers and 2 kg, watermelon - up to 3 kg. Porridge is eaten a day in three servings of 100 g, eggs - no more than 6 pieces, kefir - 1.5 liters, meat - half a kilo.

    How to exit after a diet restriction

    It is necessary to come out of "starvation" carefully so as not to sweep away all food supplies. Firstly, a breakdown will lead to the return of all the lost kilograms. And secondly, it can provoke an upset gastrointestinal tract.

    Therefore, after a fasting day, you need to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, and after 20 minutes eat light food - yogurt, soft-boiled eggs, oatmeal in milk. And it is better to stay away from fried, canned, too spicy or fatty. And never overeat. Alcohol and sodas are not recommended.

    Everyone who first decided to unload from excess food in the digestive tract should have sufficient motivation for this.

    To make water not a burden, it should be consumed in small portions, dropping a little lemon juice, mint into it. Allowed juices from vegetables (but not fruit!), Green tea.

    So that the food does not seem too bland, you can add some spices - turmeric, pepper, chili, curry. But it is worth considering that spices activate the appetite.

    Do not use additional diuretics or tea for weight loss on this day. This is an unnecessary burden on the kidneys and liver.

    The most popular options for how to unload the body

    Popular products for one-day "fasting" can be considered:

    • fruits and vegetables;
    • chicken breast;
    • kefir;
    • cottage cheese;
    • cereals;
    • apples;
    • cucumbers;
    • watermelon;
    • eggs.

    Cucumber can be considered an effective way of unloading. A diuretic vegetable will relieve the body of several kilograms.

    How to choose the best options for weight loss and make a menu

    Most The best way- this is the one in which a person will feel good. It is necessary to take into account the state of the body and taste preferences.

    For lovers of cereals, you can unload on cereals.

    If there is a lot of fluid in the body, there is swelling, fruits and vegetables, especially cucumbers, will do just fine.

    If you have problems with digestion, you should stop at the rice version, pumpkin is also suitable. With hyperthyroidism, protein unloading is good.

    Sample menu options for the day look like this:

    1. In the morning - a tablespoon of buckwheat, filled with a glass of kefir in the evening, coffee or tea without sugar.
    2. For dinner - buckwheat, steamed with boiling water, salad of tomatoes, cucumber and green pepper.
    3. For the evening - buckwheat, steamed with boiling water, and to it 200 g of boiled chicken breast.

    Option 2:

    1. In the morning - buckwheat, steamed in the evening with hot milk of 1% fat content, coffee.
    2. For dinner - buckwheat, steamed in the evening. Apple baked in the microwave with a spoonful of honey, green tea.
    3. For the evening - buckwheat, steamed with boiling water, and milk with 1 percent fat content. A handful of dried fruits.

    Option 3:

    1. In the morning - two eggs, a tomato, coffee without sugar.
    2. At noon - coleslaw dressed with lemon juice, two boiled eggs, tomato juice.
    3. In the evening - two boiled eggs, tomato juice - 200 g.

    Useful video

    What is a fasting day and how to make a menu correctly, what you can eat and what is the most effective option unloading for weight loss? Find out from the following material:

    Main conclusions

    Once a week, you need to give unloading for the body so that it is always in good shape. And two days a week can even help you lose weight. But before the diet itself, you need to consult a doctor, which option is better to choose and how to unload the body for weight loss without harm. It will help answer questions about what and how to eat when unloading, and how to do it with maximum efficiency.

    Few women manage to maintain a slender figure and ease of walking for a long time, especially after children appear. Often, walking with children on the street, we notice young slender girls, and we sadly remember that not so long ago we could wear the same stylish short skirt, open top or fashionable tight-fitting jeans, and looked great in these clothes.

    How to return this feeling of lightness and youth? After all, there is absolutely no time, and not everyone can go to fitness clubs, and it’s hard to think about fashionable diets without a shudder.

    Perhaps many of us are still trying to start a diet, wanting to lose weight and become beautiful at all costs, but most often the patience is enough for no more than one day.

    Well, so what - you can use one day so that this will be quite enough. At the same time, you don’t have to suffer and suffer, looking with hungry eyes at your relatives and friends, eating the usual delicious dishes, and there will be no harm to health either. We are talking about fasting days, the very ones that can be arranged twice a week, although in most cases one is enough.

    What are useful?

    How useful are fasting days and why should they help us? Nutritionists believe that regular adherence to fasting days with low calorie content can really help weight loss, but you should not expect a quick result. If you spend fasting days for 3-4 months, at least once a week, then the excess weight will gradually begin to go away until it returns to normal.

    How to achieve efficiency

    However, there is one important condition here, without which fasting days are unlikely to bring much benefit: you need to review your entire diet, and make physical activity optimal. Otherwise, you will just be driving your weight back and forth, and you will not get any health benefits from it.

    It is best to spend fasting days at the same time: for example, on Wednesday or Friday - so the body tunes in to them, and you can feel easy and calm.

    Who needs fasting days

    But here another logical question arises: who needs fasting days? With a balanced and good nutrition it hardly makes sense to upset the balance, especially if excess weight does not threaten you.

    But for those who have a tendency to obesity or have already appeared extra pounds, fasting days will benefit. On such days, the body gets a shake-up, and this leads to the fact that fats under the skin begin to burn quickly, and excess water leaves. In this way, you can get rid of 500-600 g of excess weight per day.

    Some women, noticing this, tend to unload for several days in a row in order to lose 3-4 kg at once. This is unacceptable, since the body, deprived of a varied, complete and necessary nutrition, receives stress, under the influence of which it begins to store fats and deposit them in different parts of the body.

    At the same time, fat cells do not go anywhere: they decrease in size and quietly wait, and then, when we return to a normal diet, they begin to accumulate fat more actively - they “think” that the hunger strike can be repeated, and this time they want to meet it in fully armed.

    Only health benefits

    So what is the use of fasting days for our body? So, fasting days not only help to lose weight, but also give a "rest" to the whole digestive system. As a result, the intestines begin to empty and cleanse better, toxins are eliminated, the risk of developing liver and kidney diseases is reduced, allergies disappear, and skin condition improves. So you can arrange fasting days with a tendency to certain diseases - you should only consult a doctor.

    You can spend fasting days even during the period breastfeeding- this does not affect milk production, because there are always enough vitamins, minerals and liquids in the menu of such days. In addition, there are fasting days, which are called "full" - they are suitable for nursing mothers.

    The advantage of fasting days can be considered that you do not need to spend a lot of time preparing dishes: not only our stomach rests, but we ourselves. By learning to regularly repeat fasting days, we will be able to maintain a healthy weight for a long time, which for many women is the most difficult task after they have achieved it.

    The effect of fasting days will increase if you refuse dinner the day before, before they are held - you can just drink freshly squeezed juice or kefir. During the fasting day, you need to drink a sufficient amount of liquid: green or herbal tea without sugar, mineral water without gas - this will help the body burn fat and maintain salt (mineral) balance.

    How to spend fasting days correctly

    In order for fasting days to bring maximum benefit to our health, there are certain rules for their implementation. Before deciding on fasting days, you should, preferably with the help of a specialist, assess your condition: the number of extra pounds, age, health and other aspects.

    Perhaps some foods are contraindicated for you, some of them you do not like yourself, or in the place where you live, the necessary products are difficult to buy. Fortunately, the days of total scarcity are long gone, so it’s enough to make a little effort to pick up your suitable products and enjoy using them.

    You should not combine fasting days with hard and difficult work - both physical and mental. Rather, you should do what you always wanted to do - to think less about food, or to walk in the fresh air as long as possible.

    For those who cannot immediately withstand the whole day, you can start with the “lightweight” option: limit your diet not for the whole day, but only up to 15 hours - the effect will still be. In the afternoon, you should eat little, light, non-caloric food.

    Before a fasting day, you should not eat up in the evening, “in reserve”, and in the morning, after unloading, reward yourself for yesterday’s patience. Otherwise, spending fasting days does not make sense at all: you will not lose weight, but gain additional kilograms.

    Types of unloading: full and hungry days

    You can find many different options for unloading, but nutritionists divide them into “hungry” and “full”. "Hungry" fasting days are not such in the literal sense of the word, because you can eat enough, but one thing: fruits or vegetables of the same type, fermented milk products.

    This will allow the digestive system and other organs to rest, and force the body to actively burn calories and stored fat. Such days are sometimes called mono-unloading.

    "Full" unloading is suitable for those who are not ready for drastic changes, as well as nursing mothers, as mentioned above. Such fasting days are much easier to carry, and can prepare the body for "hungry" options.

    We will not list here the types of those and other fasting days - there are a lot of them. Enough small examples: so, on a "hungry" day, you can eat up to 1.5 kg of apples, and drink up to 2 liters of liquid - tea without sugar or water. Apples can be baked if desired and sprinkled with cinnamon.

    For a “full” fasting day, you can take several types of products. For example, you can arrange a fasting day with stewed vegetables, mushrooms and seafood. Stewed non-starchy vegetables can be eaten up to 800 g: cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet peppers, green beans. Together with vegetables, mushrooms can be stewed, and seafood (up to 500 g) can be boiled or baked.

    You need to cook without salt, and it’s better to take no more than two types of vegetables and the same amount of seafood - this way you can achieve a greater effect. As in the "hungry" version, you need to drink water or weakly brewed tea.

    It is considered especially useful that it would be better to alternate the types of fasting days, replacing one type with another every week. One unloading day a week is unlikely to be harmful to health, even if it is carried out incorrectly, however, if you spend more than two days a week, irreversible muscle dystrophy can develop. Passion for unloading can also cause metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis, diseases gastrointestinal tract and jumps in hemoglobin in the blood.

    If you approach fasting days correctly, you can find a lot for yourself. useful products, which help maintain a healthy weight, and gradually abandon refined foods - harmful and unnecessary. In addition, fasting days are much easier and more fun to endure than long-term diets, which often make us irritable and conflicted.

    In one fasting day, you can not only lose up to 2 kg of weight, but also speed up your metabolism in order to lose weight faster. Find out at what time and how best to spend fasting days so that the effect is maximum.

    Fasting days (RD) are a great way to quickly lose a few pounds, cleanse the body and significantly improve your well-being. Unloading days are considered with a low-calorie, monotonous menu, when the daily calorie content of the diet is three times lower than the usual norm (for example, 800 kcal / day instead of 2500). How useful is this food? Properly organized unloading brings great benefits to the body: excess fluid, accumulated toxins, toxins and other “ballast” are removed. Nutritionists call low-calorie days "tasty diet" because everyone chooses the option of unloading, guided by their food cravings. There is a favorite product, while losing weight for the benefit of the body and well-being - what could be better.

    With the observance of separate nutrition, all useful substances are absorbed completely and as efficiently as possible, but few of us adhere to such a system. Due to the diversity of the diet, non-compliance with the rules of proper nutrition, our body becomes slagged, digestion processes are disturbed, well-being, the condition of hair, skin worsens, and excess weight appears.

    To lose weight, you need to spend low-calorie days once a week for 2-3 months. The correct fasting day for weight loss involves the use of only one product, which significantly reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up metabolic processes and gently removes "ballast substances" from the body. During fasting days, from 0.5 to 2.0 kg of excess weight per day goes away. Examples of effective RDs can be days, cucumbers, fruits, and many other species.

    Do not get carried away and do two or three unloading days in a row. The body will begin to accumulate body fat, and the weight will begin to increase.

    1. After the holidays, "breakdowns" in the usual diet, overeating.
    2. As the final stage of the diet.
    3. As an independent body detoxification program.
    4. In the prevention and treatment of various kinds of diseases (edema, problems with the heart and blood vessels, kidney disease, constipation, etc.).


    Like any other diet, a detox day requires agreement with a doctor and certain rules.

    1. Women need to navigate the days menstrual cycle. Usually, the day before, the appetite increases. During menstruation, many are "drawn" to chocolate, fatty foods. Replace chocolate with marshmallows or marmalade. It is also not recommended to eat: pickles, smoked meats, canned foods. All this leads to fluid retention in the body and, as a result, weight gain.
    2. Arrange RD on certain days of the week. This will help the body adapt more easily to changes in diet and reduce the likelihood of breakdowns.
    3. Alternate products. If this week was a day on porridge, then next week it could be a day on apples or kefir.
    4. To properly carry out unloading, the amount of products must be strictly dosed. Daily calorie content - from 800 to 1500 kcal, depending on physical activity. There should be 4-5 such meals per day.
    5. It is important to drink a lot and often. Water, various compotes, green tea up to three liters per day.
    6. Do not overeat on the eve of the RD. Dinner should be light. Give up alcohol.
    7. To prevent stagnation of bile caused by restrictions in the daily diet, drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil (sesame, linseed, pumpkin) in the morning before meals. You can replace the oil with choleretic tea.
    8. Eliminate physical and mental stress. The correct fasting day is a period with minimal intensity.
    9. Increase the duration of your night's sleep. If possible, take a break during the day.
    10. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, it is allowed to drink 200-250 grams of unsweetened yogurt or low-fat kefir.
    11. Properly "go out" of the fasting day. Don't overeat.
    12. An excellent addition to nutrition is a trip to the sauna, bath, swimming pool.
    13. Eliminate from the diet spices and spices that activate the work of taste buds and increase appetite.
    14. Try to cook all dishes by steaming, air frying or in the oven.

    According to nutritionists, it is necessary to honestly assess your capabilities. There is no recipe for the perfect fasting day. The most effective day is considered to be the one that passed without disruptions and violations in the diet. Beginners are not recommended to start unloading immediately with hard fasting or days on low-calorie foods. Try porridge days or protein days first. Then you can start fruit or vegetable unloading. And only after that - a "hungry" diet on kefir, tea or water.

    Questions to the nutritionist

    The abundance of information is confusing for those who want to lose weight with health benefits. We have tried to answer the most common questions that arise when contacting a nutrition specialist.

    “Is unloading necessary with proper nutrition?” Inna 33 years old, Kyiv

    “Inna, if proper nutrition has become a way of life, then you won’t have to spend fasting days. At most, you can arrange cleansing days after a festive feast or other errors in the diet.

    How effective is this diet? How many kilos are dropped after fasting days? Marina, 26 years old, Saratov

    “Marina, the effect of unloading days depends on many factors: what type of unloading was chosen, what is your current weight, are you prone to edema and has there been a violation in the diet? Depending on the selected product, you can lose from 1kg to 3.5kg. Such a diet is good not only for weight loss, but also for cleansing accumulated ballast substances and toxins. In the future, we recommend to consolidate the effect by periodically arranging fasting days and controlling weight.

    "Hello. Tell me, is it possible for older women to lose weight on such a diet? I am 52 years old, weight 92 kg with a height of 166 cm. Rinata Zufarovna, 52 years old, Bashkortostan

    “Rinata Zufarovna, at your age we would recommend consulting with a specialist. A nutritionist will assess your health status, the presence of chronic diseases. Recommended for older women additional examination, based on the results of which a diet will be compiled that best suits your needs.

    “What kind of unloading is suitable for athletes? I go to the gym three times a week. How to combine it with fasting days Denis, 30 years old, Tula

    “Denis, in order to avoid overwork, it is not recommended to combine RD and training. Ideal option: unload the day before the gym. If you decide to try this diet, then the diet should contain a lot of vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil, an abundance of nuts, seeds, fruits.

    "Good afternoon. Tell me, what does a “hungry” unloading day mean? Thank you". Larisa, 40 years old, Urengoy

    “Larisa, the days when you eat only one product: citrus fruits, meat, porridge are called “hungry” or “mono-days”. Days in which it is permissible to eat several foods are called "full" or "combined". But in fact, the name "hungry day" does not mean at all that you will constantly feel hungry. The diet is scarce, so try to start by choosing such an amount of food that the calorie content is lower than usual, but you can withstand the whole day and not break loose.

    “I want to lose 10 kilos as fast as possible. How many detox days can you do per week? Karina, 27 years old, Ufa

    “Karina, it is advisable to spend no more than one day in a row. Everything depends on the goal. Sometimes the important thing is not how many pounds you can lose, but how to lose weight with least harm for the body. If you need to urgently lose weight for some event, try unloading on the water. However, limit yourself to one day.”

    What are fasting days

    Nutritionists divide fasting days depending on the predominance of certain nutrients in the diet.

    1. Carbohydrates - on vegetables, fruits, cereals, juices.
    2. Protein - on meat (turkey, chicken, quail), low-fat river fish, dairy products (cottage cheese), vegetable protein (beans).
    3. Fat - on cream, sour cream, ice cream.

    There are mono-days (the diet consists of one product) and combined days (when two or more products are combined). Monounloading is recommended to be arranged only once a week, because. nutritional balance is disturbed. Combined RD can be done two or three times a week. It all depends on how many pounds you want to lose. It is impossible to say which of the RD is the most effective, but judging by the reviews, the maximum possible number of kilograms is lost during a cucumber or apple diet.


    A distinctive feature of fasting days is the absence of a menu as such. In the classic version, these are mono-days, which provide for the presence of only one product in the daily diet.

    However, nutritionists still recommend combined days, when one ingredient is the main one, and the second is used in small quantities.
    We suggest choosing the option that best suits your taste preferences. For beginners, it is better to choose a “full” day, and those who have been fighting overweight for a long time can try their hand at “hungry” unloading.

    For well-fed unloading days

    On what you can do such days: on products containing proteins or carbohydrates and in large quantities.

    On bran

    Bran contains more than 80% fiber. This means that they perfectly cleanse the body, removing toxins, ballast substances, restoring metabolism and improving the intestinal microflora. Bran also lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They quickly cause a feeling of satiety, perfectly remove excess fluid. The use of bran is indicated for those suffering from constipation, edema and obesity.

    Drying athletes include bran in their diet, however, days consisting exclusively of bran are not suitable for them. For bodybuilders, it is mandatory to consume vegetables, lean fish and meat, fermented milk products reduced fat content.

    Rules for unloading on bran

    • The main thing is to choose the right bran, namely: dry, soft, without foreign smell, with a small amount of flour.
    • You can not take bran in dry form. Before use, they must be steamed for half an hour.
    • Be sure to drink enough water, because non-compliance with the drinking regimen can lead to dehydration.
    • The maximum dose of bran is 30 grams per day. Exceeding the allowable norm can cause intestinal dysfunction, increase gas formation and lead to a lack of vitamins.

    Pros: at right approach- one of the most effective ways cleanse the body and lose weight.

    Minuses: the need for strict adherence to the rules. In addition, bran "washes" out of the body not only ballast, but also useful substances - vitamins, minerals, including calcium.

    Weight loss: up to two kg/day.

    Menu #1

    Pre-steamed bran take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day with a break of at least 3 hours. Drink a glass of water.

    Menu number 2

    • Bran - 25 grams.
    • Kefir fat. 0% - 400 grams.

    Soak bran in kefir for 20-30 minutes. Divide into three meals. Drink 1 glass of water every hour.

    Menu number 3

    Steam 30 grams of bran in a glass of water. Divide into 3-4 parts.

    • 1 serving of bran;
    • one glass of milk (kefir, tana);
    • a whole apple or half a grapefruit.
    • 1 serving of bran;
    • 250 gr. any non-starchy steamed vegetables;
    • half a cup of vegetable broth.
    • 1 serving of bran;
    • half a glass of rosehip broth.
    • 1 serving of bran;
    • half a glass of kefir;
    • 200 grams of apple and seafood salad.

    An hour before bedtime:

    Menu number 4

    Steam 30 grams of bran in a glass of water, after they swell, divide into 3 parts.

    • bran;
    • egg in a bag;
    • apple;
    • a cup of kefir
    • Mix 1 part bran with 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 2 tbsp. l. unsweetened yogurt. Drink 1 glass of kefir.
    • one medium-sized grapefruit;
    • a glass of green tea without sugar.
    • Steam 200 grams of fish, separate the bones, mix the resulting fillet with a portion of bran;
    • a glass of kefir.

    For those who love bread very much and are afraid that they will not withstand unloading due to a strong feeling of hunger, we recommend adding bran bread baked without flour to the diet. This does not mean that you can spend the whole day on bread, but 1-2 slices during the day is not considered a big error in the diet. Such bread can be baked from any bran: wheat, oatmeal, rye.


    • bran - 12 tbsp. l. (you can take several types);
    • 250 grams of cottage cheese 0%;
    • 3 eggs;
    • half a teaspoon of soda and vinegar;
    • salt to taste;
    • vegetable oil (grease the mold).

    Cooking method:

    • Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
    • Combine cottage cheese, eggs, bran and salt, mix.
    • Soda extinguish with vinegar, add to the "dough" and mix.
    • Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper, grease the sides with oil and sprinkle wheat bran to keep the bread from sticking.
    • Moisten your hands with water, form a loaf.
    • Bake in a preheated oven until golden brown (30-45 minutes, depending on the type of oven).
    • After turning off, leave the bread in the oven for 25-30 minutes, then remove and let cool.

    on chocolate

    One of the trendy diets that has collected the largest number conflicting reviews. No matter what the opponents say, there is a result from the chocolate day. Such unloading is not very effective, because in the classic version it should be “stressful” for the body and force it to burn its own fat stores. Chocolate contains a lot of carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed and do not allow the body to expend the already accumulated fat. Therefore, sweet tooth can lose only up to 0.5 kg of weight per day.

    Main rule: use dark dark chocolate with a high cocoa content - from 72%.

    Pros: good mood, no feeling of hunger, delicious. Proper chocolate lowers cholesterol, tones, cleanses blood vessels.

    Minuses: those who do not like dark chocolate will have a hard time. Besides this diet not suitable for diabetics and heart patients.

    Menu #1

    Divide the chocolate bar into 4-6 meals. Drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day. Attention! 3 hours after taking chocolate, you can not drink.

    Menu number 2

    • Chocolate bar
    • A liter of kefir (0% or 1%) or skim milk

    Divide into 4-6 meals. Remember to drink plenty of water often.

    Menu number 3

    Chocolate - 1 bar, coffee without sugar - 5 cups.

    It is forbidden to drink coffee with milk or cream. This increases the caloric content of the diet, and the effectiveness of the diet will be reduced to zero.

    Mono-diet on chocolate and coffee is very effective, because coffee reduces appetite, and is a great addition to chocolate.

    If you choose a day for coffee, then water intake should be increased, because coffee is a diuretic.

    on cheese

    It is especially popular with those who are starting to look for their ideal unloading day. The cheese diet is a “full” diet, but weight loss is much faster than you might expect.

    Pros: no feeling of hunger, the body receives essential vitamins and amino acids, there is no fatigue, a feeling of depression.

    Minuses: No. But cheese is contraindicated in pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

    Weight loss: up to 0.8 kg / day.


    You should use low-fat cheeses, such as cheese, feta, suluguni, tofu, parmesan or Adyghe cheese.

    Menu for the day:

    • 300 grams of any cheese
    • unlimited drinking

    On the fish

    Fish is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, E, and minerals. Unloading on fish is suitable for people suffering from diseases thyroid gland, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is both a low-calorie and satisfying diet.

    Pros: fish is easily digestible.

    Minuses: No.

    Weight loss: up to 2 kg/day.


    The daily menu should include any low-fat fish (pollock, hake, pike perch, crucian carp) steamed or baked in foil. It is allowed to combine fish with leafy salads, vegetables. On a fish day, spices, salt and sugar should be excluded. Maximum lemon juice. As usual, you should drink a lot (water, rosehip broth, unsweetened tea).

    Menu #1

    All 5 meals should consist of:

    • fish - 250 g;
    • vegetable salad - 100 g;
    • half a boiled egg;
    • yogurt 0% fat - 100 g.

    Menu number 2

    • 200 g cottage cheese 0%;
    • a cup of green tea.
    • 200 g pike perch baked in foil.
    • 200 g cottage cheese 0%.
    • 200 g of pike perch;
    • a cup of weak green tea.

    On the chicken

    A fasting day on chicken breast is a great way to unload for meat eaters and athletes. An increased amount of protein in the diet speeds up the metabolism and accelerates the burning of one's own fat. Moderate sports activities are allowed on this day.

    Pros: no feeling of hunger, weight goes away very quickly.

    Minuses: excess protein can cause bad breath, the abuse of mono-protein days on chicken can negatively affect kidney function.

    Weight loss: 0.5-1.5 kg per day.

    Menu #1

    On the day you need to eat 0.5-0.7 kg of boiled chicken fillet. The use of salt is strictly prohibited. Drink plenty of water without gas and tea without sugar.

    Menu number 2

    • grapefruit juice - 1 cup.


    • boiled chicken - 80 grams;
    • half a grapefruit.

    30 minutes before lunch - eat half a grapefruit.

    • chicken fillet - 80-90 grams;
    • grapefruit juice - 150-200 ml.
    • one grapefruit.
    • grapefruit juice - 250 ml.

    on the soup

    Pros: a wide variety of diets, low calorie meals, food is easily digestible, there is no feeling of hunger and the risk of breakdown.

    Minuses: adherents of separate nutrition deny the usefulness of soups due to the combination of solid and liquid food. This reduces the concentration of gastric juice and, as a result, food is digested worse.

    Weight loss: up to 1.0 kg.


    During the day, 1.5-2 liters of one type of soup is allowed. Be sure to drink water.

    Basic rule: no more than 200 grams of soup in one meal.

    Soup Recipes


    Prepared from foods rich in fiber and potassium, removes excess fluid from the body, cleanses of toxins.


    • leek 400 g;
    • celery 400 g;
    • zucchini 400 g;
    • green beans 400 g;
    • parsley - to taste.

    Boil all the ingredients in boiling water (1.5-2 liters), it is advisable not to salt. Add parsley, chop with an immersion blender.



    • 2 liters of drinking water;
    • one bulb;
    • three small carrots;
    • a small head of white cabbage;
    • 400 g green string beans;
    • three cloves of garlic;
    • 100 g of tomato paste;
    • greens to taste (basil, parsley, oregano, dill).

    Cut vegetables, put in boiling water, cook until tender. Then add tomato paste, spices, a little salt.



    • one small head of cabbage;
    • six bulbs;
    • 100 g of tomato paste;
    • three bell peppers;
    • bunch of celery.

    Boil vegetables until cooked, add tomato, salt and herbs.

    Low calorie pumpkin


    • 750 g unsweetened pumpkin;
    • 4-5 small carrots;
    • three bulbs;
    • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • greens to taste.

    Cut the pumpkin and carrot into cubes, pour 1.5 liters of water, cook until tender. Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil, add to the soup. Season the finished soup with herbs, beat with a blender.

    On okroshka

    RD on okroshka has a lot of advantages: low calorie content (approximately 50-60 kcal / 100 gr.); the presence in the dish of vegetables rich in plant fibers; positive effect on the digestive processes.

    Basic rules for losing weight on okroshka

    1. Watch your condition after breakfast. With signs of bloating, heaviness, frustration, you need to change the recipe and try a different combination of vegetables.
    2. If you want to add meat to the dish, then choose lean boiled veal, turkey or chicken.
    3. It is advisable to use kvass, but you can try okroshka on kefir, whey or meat broth.
    4. Mayonnaise is prohibited.

    Okroshka recipes

    On the Tanya


    • 1 cup tana;
    • one boiled egg;
    • a small boiled potato;
    • one fresh cucumber;
    • green onion.

    Peel the ingredients, cut into cubes, season with tan, salt.



    • 200 grams of boiled chicken or turkey fillet;
    • one fresh cucumber;
    • one boiled egg;
    • four radishes;
    • some boiled shrimp (up to 250 g);
    • greenery;
    • 2 cups of kefir 0%.

    Peel vegetables, cut, add shrimp. Fill with kefir. Add 100 grams cold water. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    On kvass


    • 250 grams of chicken fillet;
    • one boiled potato;
    • one boiled egg;
    • several cauliflower inflorescences (boiled);
    • 2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream;
    • 0.5 liters of bread kvass;
    • salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

    Cut everything, mix, pour kvass. Add salt, spices, chopped herbs. Put in the refrigerator for 35-40 minutes.

    For hungry unloading days

    A low-calorie diet will be difficult to sustain, but fasting days are the most effective. It takes up to two kilograms of weight per day.

    On eggs (eggs and grapefruits)

    Pros: eggs contain many vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Grapefruit saturates the body with vitamin C, activates metabolic processes, promotes the breakdown and removal of fats.

    Minuses: with individual intolerance to eggs, digestive problems and allergic reactions may occur.

    Weight loss: 0.5-1.0 kg / day.

    We offer several menu options for egg day.

    Menu #1

    First breakfast:

    • two eggs in a bag;
    • a cup of tea / coffee without sugar;
    • one grapefruit.


    • two eggs boiled in a bag;
    • two fresh tomatoes;
    • a cup of tea without sugar.
    • 300 gr. lean vinaigrette without beans.

    This is the last meal on this menu option. Then it is only allowed to drink (water, herbal teas without sugar).

    Menu number 2

    Allowed for breakfast, lunch and dinner:

    • one soft-boiled egg;
    • one small grapefruit (or orange);
    • a cup of coffee (or tea) without sugar

    Menu number 3

    • one boiled egg;
    • a cup of coffee (tea) or a glass of grapefruit (orange) juice.
    • a couple of small potatoes, boiled with peel;
    • one green apple;
    • a cup of tea or coffee.

    Menu number 4

    • two soft-boiled eggs;
    • one grapefruit (orange);
    • a cup of coffee without sugar (or tea).
    • 8-10 pcs. prunes.
    • one boiled egg;
    • one small grapefruit.

    Contraindications: grapefruit is not suitable for people with high acidity, gastrointestinal diseases.

    On oranges

    Pros: orange contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps to improve immunity. In addition, it contains a lot of dietary fiber and this has a positive effect on intestinal motility, accelerates the cleansing of the body and the removal of excess fluid.

    Minuses: individual intolerance, can cause allergic reactions.

    Weight loss: up to 1.0 kg/day.

    Menu number 1 (mono-day)

    Products for the day:

    • 1.5 kg of oranges;
    • up to 2 liters of liquid per day.

    Menu number 2 (fruit day)

    Products for the day:

    • 3-4 oranges;
    • 2-3 apples (it is advisable to choose apples of green and yellow colors - Golden, Simirenko, White filling, Kulikovskoe, Antonovka).

    Menu number 3

    Includes 4 meals. Last no later than 16:00.

    Products for the day:

    • 4 soft-boiled eggs;
    • 4 oranges.

    First breakfast: two oranges.

    Second breakfast: two eggs.

    Lunch: two oranges.

    Afternoon snack: two eggs.

    Menu number 4

    Number of products per day:

    • three oranges;
    • one boiled egg;
    • a slice of whole grain bread;
    • 100 gr. hard cheese (maximum fat content 30%).
    • bread and cheese sandwich;
    • green tea without sugar (or fresh from one orange).
    • one orange;
    • boiled egg.
    • one orange.

    During the day, do not forget to observe the drinking regimen.

    Menu number 5

    100 grams of boiled chicken fillet;

    • one orange.
    • one or two small oranges.

    Dinner: half a glass of skimmed milk.

    Drink up to 1.5 liters of fluid throughout the day.

    Contraindications: hyperacidity, ulcer, diabetes.

    Pros: Banana is a real natural energy drink. Source of potassium, magnesium, fructose, nicotinic acid, manganese, potassium and other vitamins, minerals and nutrients. The benefits of days on bananas are obvious: they are indicated for anemia, because they contain a lot of iron, and they are also an excellent tool in the fight against depression. Due to tryptophan, an amino acid that enhances the production of serotonin, banana improves mood and has a calming effect.

    Minuses: according to reviews, eating bananas in very large quantities can cause bloating and problems with peristalsis.

    Weight loss: on bananas, you can lose up to 0.5 kg / day.

    Menu #1

    At each meal, it is allowed to eat 1 banana and drink a glass of water. 4-5 meals per day are allowed.

    Menu number 2

    This menu involves unloading on milk and bananas. It is necessary to prepare a banana milkshake from three bananas and three glasses of milk. Divide into three meals. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, you can add a little cottage cheese to the cocktail.

    Menu number 3

    Products for the day:

    Two bananas, two apples, one cucumber.

    First breakfast: one banana.

    Second breakfast: one banana.

    Lunch: an apple.

    Afternoon: apple.

    Dinner: cucumber.

    It is forbidden to use salt and sugar. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

    On juices

    Juice Diet Deserves special attention. Fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals and a host of useful and nutritious components.

    Boxed juices are not suitable for unloading on juices. It should be freshly squeezed fresh juices and smoothies from any fruits or vegetables that you like: peach, pear, plum, cherry, apricot, carrot. The options are uncountable. However, according to nutritionists, such juices are most suitable for losing weight and removing toxins and toxins:

    • Tomato - increases the production of serotonin, which reduces the effects of stress, relaxes nervous system, has a good effect on the work of the heart. In addition, it contains lycopene, a powerful anti-cancer antioxidant. Tomato juice removes radionuclides well, has a beneficial effect on the liver due to its anticarcinogenic effect and improves the condition of blood vessels, reduces the risk of thrombosis. Tomato juice detox diet is suitable for people with low acidity and gastritis.
    • Apple - cleanses the body, gives energy, restores metabolism, increases hemoglobin.
    • Pumpkin - pectins contained in pumpkin improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and hepatobiliary system. For juices, it is better to choose unsweetened pumpkin.
    • Pomegranate - increases the level of iron in the blood. Attention! This juice must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.
    • Beetroot - a powerful cleansing of the body, improves blood counts.
    • Carrot - contains carotene, improves immunity, goes well with fruit or vegetable smoothies.
    • Celery juice - contains a minimum of calories, perfectly removes toxins and excess fluid.
    • Watermelon - stimulates the urinary system (kidneys), improves complexion, due to the fructose it contains, gives a feeling of satiety. According to those who have lost weight, the use of watermelon pulp does not affect the result of losing weight.

    Fasting day rules on juice

    • For those who do not drink juice daily, you should not start unloading on juice without prior preparation. For a week, you need to start drinking a glass of fresh juice or smoothies a day.
    • It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of fresh juice per day. That is, a glass every 2 hours.
    • Juices can be diluted with water 1:1.
    • It is not necessary to spend a mono-day on one type of juice. Few people can drink two liters of celery juice a day. Combine vegetable juices with fruit juices, create cocktails that will suit your taste.
    • It is advisable to drink juice through a straw, because fruit acids cause the destruction of enamel and, as a result, increase the sensitivity of the teeth.
    • It is better to refrain from taking medication. Juices can enhance / change the effect of drugs on the body.
    • To avoid dehydration, you need to drink a lot. At least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

    Pros: Firstly, this is a real vitamin "explosion": both tasty and incredibly healthy. Secondly, due to the lack of salt and sugar, the taste buds are cleansed. Thirdly, juices give energy and good mood throughout the day.

    Minuses: due to high acidity extra care behind the teeth. For the same reason, you can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis.

    Weight loss: maximum - 1.5 kg / day.

    Mono-days on fruits

    Pros: a great opportunity to improve immunity, get the maximum of useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Fruits give energy, a charge of vivacity and good mood, as well as actively break down fats and remove accumulated toxins.

    Pear, for example, contains many folic acid, potassium, fiber and iodine. This is a powerful vitamin remedy that strengthens blood vessels, improves colon motility. Recommended for bowel cleansing for people suffering from constipation.

    Use kiwi saturates the body daily dose vitamin C. These delicious fruits activate the processes of fat burning, metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys. However, kiwi days are contraindicated for people with high acidity, gastritis, and ulcers.

    Favorite diet for many strawberries has a powerful antioxidant effect. Strawberry unloading is a great option for cores, as it has a positive effect on heart function, reduces the risk of blood clots. It is recommended to use strawberries from their own beds or purchased from trusted gardeners. Since these berries accumulate pesticides and nitrates, which can lead to poisoning. At the same time, they are a strong allergen, which means they are contraindicated for use during breastfeeding.

    Minuses: an incorrectly chosen diet can aggravate problems with the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and cause allergic reactions.

    Weight loss: from 0.5 to 2.0 kg / day.

    According to nutritionists, it is better to give preference to seasonal fruits grown in your area, as exotic fruits can provoke allergies. You can choose any fruit you like and lose weight easily and profitably.


    Divide 1.5-2.0 kg of any favorite fruit into 5-6 servings and eat during the day. As always, don't forget to drink a lot.

    It is allowed to bake fruits or steam them. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, you can prepare fruit salads (maximum of 3 fruits) seasoned with natural unsweetened yogurt.

    On nuts

    In addition to excellent taste, nuts are good for their high content of nutrients. The paradox of nut unloading is that, despite the high calorie content, it contributes to weight loss.

    Pros: the body receives iodine, unsaturated fats, vegetable protein, B vitamins, minerals.

    Minuses: No. Like many other RD, it is not suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with diseases of the stomach and intestines.

    Rule: during the day, the use of salt, spices, alcohol is prohibited.

    Weight loss: 0.5-1.0 kg / day.


    For unloading on nuts, walnuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, pine kernels and pistachios are suitable.

    Menu #1

    100 grams of any nuts (or their mixture) to eat during the day. Liquid - in unlimited quantities.

    Menu #2

    Daily diet (divided into 5 servings):

    • one hundred grams of nuts (or a mixture thereof);
    • one hundred grams of boiled fish or meat;
    • fresh tomato.

    Weight loss here will be less than in the previous version. But the feeling of hunger will not be strong, and the day will pass with less discomfort.

    Another day for those who can't live without sweets.

    Pros: prunes are useful, have a strong laxative effect. The high content of potassium reduces the risk of heart attack, normalizes blood pressure.

    Minuses: prunes are high in calories and contain a lot of sugar, therefore it is contraindicated for diabetics.

    Weight loss: 0.5-0.7 kg / day.


    20-25 pieces of prunes, previously steamed in water, divided equally by 5 times.

    On milkweed

    Unloading on milk tea is very popular because of the amazing results. According to reviews on it, you can lose up to two kilograms of excess weight.

    Pros: fluid is removed, the body is cleansed, the condition of hair and skin improves. Tea tones and improves performance. Ease of preparation.

    Minuses: hard to endure. Lactose intolerance can cause distress. Milk contains a lot of calcium, and tea contains substances that prevent its absorption. Therefore, calcium settles on the walls blood vessels causing heart disease. The combination of tea and milk is the strongest diuretic. Therefore, it is impossible to abuse such unloadings.

    Weight loss: 0.5-2.0 kg / day.

    milkweed recipe: boil milk, cool to about 60-70 degrees, pour 3-4 tsp. green tea. Insist 20 minutes. Strain. Drink 200 gr. every 2 hours.

    How to end your fasting day

    To consolidate the effect of cleansing the body, you need not only to know what you can eat on a fasting day, but also how to get out of it correctly.

    Basic rules for exiting the RD

    1. The next morning, an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water with the addition of 1 tsp. honey and lemon juice.
    2. The first meal should be as light as possible.
    3. Include light vegetable soups or chicken broth in your menu.
    4. Meals should be frequent, and portions should be small. This does not mean that you can only eat low-calorie foods, but at first exclude fatty, fried foods from the diet. What to eat after the diet? Cereals to replenish carbohydrate reserves, meat and fish - to get proteins. Don't forget fruits and vegetables. If unloading occurs during a period of fruit shortage, nutritionists recommend taking a multivitamin.
    5. To restore the intestinal microflora, drink kefir, tan, fermented baked milk. To restore calcium, eat cottage cheese, add sesame seeds to salads.
    6. Walking after a meal activates the digestion process. If you can’t take a walk, just try not to go to bed immediately after eating.

    A fasting diet has a lot of advantages, however, nutritionists and fitness trainers recommend that you coordinate with your doctor the choice of one or another type of fasting day to cleanse the body. This is especially true for pregnant, lactating and people with chronic diseases.

    A diet for a nursing mother should be made by a specialist, because she is responsible not only for her health, but also for the well-being of her baby.

    Such meals are contraindicated in patients with diabetes, however, some types of days are allowed for type 2 diabetes, provided constant control sugar and medical supervision.

    Women after 40 are contraindicated in a diet on chocolate and coffee, as well as on bran. At this age, there is a risk of developing osteoporosis, so any diet associated with the excretion of calcium should be excluded. But a day on buckwheat or sour-milk products can be an excellent option.

    On a banana diet, adjusted by a cardiologist, men and women with angina pectoris can unload.

    Protein cleansing is contraindicated in kidney diseases, rice is not recommended for constipation, fruits and juices exacerbate existing gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems.

    The main thing in the pursuit of a slim figure is not to forget about common sense and take care of your health and well-being. Because the most effective fasting days for weight loss are those that you want to return to.

    The benefits that fasting days give are very significant. You should not expect that with the help of this procedure you will be able to quickly lose extra pounds, but you will bring significant benefits to your body.

    Nutritionists advise overweight people to spend fasting days 1-2 times a week if a low-calorie diet is ineffective. Thus, the metabolism is activated, reserves of own fats begin to be used and toxins are removed.

    The main goals of fasting days:

    1. Give the body a break from unnecessary food, which you fill your body with;
    2. Get rid of sludge. For this, cleaning procedures should be carried out;
    3. Gradually accustom your body to proper nutrition and reject junk food.

    The rules of the correct unloading day

    Rules that should be observed both during and after fasting days:

    • it is not necessary to immediately sweep away everything in a row after fasting days. Thoughtless eating of everything in a row can lead to unnecessary stress on the body;
    • with insufficient food intake, there is a stop in the liver and bile. Therefore, when unloading nutrition, it is recommended to take a spoonful of vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach. And during the day 1-2 times, and instead of tea, use a solution from the collection of bile herbs;
    • by general standards, the diet should include no more than 1.5 - 2 kg of vegetables, and the amount of food containing protein should not exceed 400-700 grams per day. For an accurate calculation, it is necessary to focus on the weight of the human body;
    • fasting days are best spent outside the home so as not to be tempted to eat something. At this time, it is also good to occupy yourself with something. Then you won't think about food.
    • drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day;
    • during fasting days, carry out cleansing procedures, but in no case at the expense of laxatives and diuretics. It is better to visit the sauna, swimming pool or massage therapist. In case the intestines do not work well, three days before unloading, lighten your diet and use foods containing fiber;
    • do not use diuretics. Let the kidneys work normally.

    Harm of fasting days

    If fasting days are carried out correctly, there will be no harm from them, however, please note that it is forbidden to spend fasting days:

    • during pregnancy;
    • breastfeeding;
    • with illness and indisposition;
    • at diabetes the first type;
    • with pathology of the liver and kidneys;
    • in the presence of acute and chronic diseases.

    Remember that before a fasting day, you need to consult a specialist!

    Fasting days are a test for the body, but with patience, the result will not keep you waiting.

    Carrying out options

    Fasting days once a week

    To maintain your weight, protein fasting days are suitable. During the day, eat vegetable proteins, poultry, lean meat, fish products. Make it a rule to drink at least two liters of water a day.

    To diversify the diet, add to protein products fresh vegetables salting them for taste. No seasonings or sauces should be added to plant foods.

    During the period of protein fasting days, the period of eating is 4-5 hours.

    Protein Day Menu

    Morning: a tablespoon of vegetable oil, one part of a protein shake, which is sold in sports nutrition stores and pharmacies, coffee without milk and sugar, one hundred grams of smoked veal.

    The following diet must be observed every 4 hours:

    • One glass of mineral water, 150-200 grams of boiled beef with tomatoes and herbs, one glass of green tea;
    • 150-200 grams of skinless chicken breast with Chinese cabbage salad, choleretic tea, one glass of mineral water;
    • 200 grams of beans in a tomato and a glass of tomato juice.

    Fasting days for health: 1-2 times a month

    Used to remove toxins from the body: eat less and only light food - eat foods plant origin. You need to drink when the desire appears, it is better mineral water(but you can use regular) and vegetable juices.

    You will achieve a greater effect if you dine with vegetables in the evening before unloading, drink tomato juice in the morning or have breakfast with a light vegetarian soup.

    In order not to feel hunger, eat more often (2-3 hours), but not enough, drink more clean water.

    All types of unloading days:

    • unload the intestines;
    • get rid of various diseases;
    • help stimulate metabolic processes;
    • contribute to the cleansing of the cardiovascular system;
    • remove waste and toxins.

    Fasting day menu

    Eat vegetables the night before

    Breakfast: 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 150 ml of freshly squeezed juice from "tops" diluted with mineral water, tomato.

    Ration for every 2-3 hours

    1. Vegetarian soup, vegetable salad, choleretic tea.
    2. Stewed vegetables without fat, 150 ml freshly squeezed vegetable juice
    3. Salad with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and pickled mushrooms (no more than 100 grams), green tea.
    4. Vegetable soup without meat.

    Unloading day on apples

    Fasting day on apples is a great way to get rid of excess weight. During the day, consume only apples and 2-3 liters of pure water.

    When to use this method

    • cleansing the body and improving health;
    • if for several days you have consumed a large amount of high-calorie food;

    Order of conduct

    The day before, you need to take a powerful dose of laxative. After that, cook 1.5 kg of apples, a third of which must be baked in the oven. IN baked apples contains pectin, which well removes all sorts of toxins from the body. Divide apples into 5-6 times. Drink plenty of water.

    During the month, arrange 4-6 unloading days. Plan apple days for a month or if you have exceeded calorie norms.

    If you want to go to the sauna, bring mineral water with you.

    On dried fruits

    Soaked raisins or 100 g of dried apricots and prunes 5 times a day.

    Unloading day on a watermelon

    300-400g of watermelon pulp 5 times a day.

    on rice

    Boil unpolished rice 150g without salt and divide into three portions.

    For breakfast, you can add a pinch of cinnamon.

    Grate an apple for lunch

    For dinner, you can eat a small sweet pepper or carrot.

    on meat

    • 1 way: Cook 400 grams of meat without salt and divide into 4 parts. For each piece, prepare a vegetable side dish without potatoes for 150-300 grams. For breakfast and dinner, you should drink a glass of unsweetened rosehip tea.
    • 2 way: 200-250g lean meat, two cups of unsweetened tea, 1-2 cups of juice divided into 5-6 doses.

    On the fish

    On cottage cheese

    1 way: 100 grams of homemade fat-free cottage cheese apply 4 times a day with two tablespoons of food bran. Bran must first be poured with boiling water and drained after 30 minutes. Cottage cheese can be combined with fruits, honey, vegetables and dried fruits.

    From cottage cheese you can cook a casserole with berries. There is no need to add sugar or salt to it.

    Drink a glass of kefir or rose hips for breakfast.

    2 way: 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with two glasses of kefir should be consumed 5 times during the day.

    3 way: 9% cottage cheese weighing 60 grams and a glass of milk are eaten during the day for 5 doses.

    On vegetables

    1 way: tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers (1.5 kg) eat during the day in 6 visits

    Method 2 - on potatoes: Divide 2 kg of boiled potatoes into 6 servings and eat throughout the day. Drink two glasses of kefir.

    3 way: 1.5-1.8 kg of vegetables, except potatoes, in any cooked form or raw, divided into 6 servings and consumed throughout the day. You can make a salad.

    - 400 grams of white cabbage chopped. To remove bitterness, it is necessary to pour boiling water over it, and hold it for 2-3 minutes. Then you need to drain the water and slightly squeeze the cabbage. After that, season with oil or mayonnaise, salt, add sugar to taste.

    - on a coarse grater, grate carrots (100 grams), 100 g of boiled and raw beets, add 50 g of green onions, two tablespoons of green peas, chopped garlic one or two cloves, finely chop the pickled cucumber. Mix everything, add lemon juice or vinegar and season with two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    On cheese and eggs

    Morning: 100 grams of cheese, a small mug of coffee with a piece of sugar

    Dinner: two soft-boiled eggs, weakly brewed tea with sugar.

    In the evening: 200 grams of cheese, weak tea with sugar.

    Fat fasting days


    During the day, you need to drink 600 ml of cream. In addition, drink a glass of tea or coffee without sugar.


    Divide 5 glasses of kefir into 5 servings.


    5 glasses of milk apply 5 times

    Sour cream

    Drink coffee with 50 ml of milk without sugar or with a substitute. Eat sour cream in 5 doses of 100 grams

    Contrast diet for a week

    The beauty of a contrast diet is the variety of foods you eat.

    Monday . Vegetables (750 kcal)

    • Lunch: cabbage, beets, spinach with a bowl of vegetable soup
    • Dinner: one serving of asparagus, vegetables, 20g bread, 20g cottage cheese
    • Before bed: tea with lemon

    Tuesday. Meat (1000 kcal)

    • Breakfast: coffee with milk (50ml) and sugar (5g), bread 30g.
    • Lunch: 100g lean veal roast, apple, vegetable salad, minced meat broth (50g)
    • Dinner: apple, vegetable salad, lean ham with gherkins (100g), poultry (100g)

    Wednesday. Eggs for 900 kcal

    • Breakfast: coffee with milk (50ml) and sugar (5g), bread 30g, egg
    • Lunch: melon (apple), scrambled eggs (3 eggs)
    • Dinner: apple, vegetable salad, 30g bread, hard boiled egg (2 pcs)

    Thursday. Milk day (1200 kcal)

    • Lunch: one potato, bread (20 gr), cottage cheese (20 gr), 0.5 liter of milk.
    • Dinner: butter (5g), apple, 0.5 liters of milk, one potato.
    • Before going to bed: yogurt one glass.

    Friday. Fish (800 kcal)

    • Breakfast: tea with milk (50ml) and sugar (5g), bread 30g.
    • Lunch: one pear, a bowl of broth, bread (20 grams), boiled fish (100 grams), vegetable salad.

    Saturday. Fruits (700 kcal)

    • Breakfast: tea with milk (50ml) and sugar (5g), bread 30g.
    • Lunch: fruits except bananas and nuts (300 grams), bread (20 grams), cottage cheese (20 grams)
    • Dinner: similar with lunch, other fruits


    • Nothing to drink except two liters of clean water

    We hope that the tips of the online magazine Golden Lady will help you become slimmer and healthier!