Chum salmon: benefits and harms, composition, calorie content and fat content, secrets of the most delicious dishes. Chum salmon: calorie content, beneficial properties, interesting facts, recipes Salted chum salmon benefits

Chum salmon is a fish belonging to the salmon family and is its most widespread representative.. In terms of annual catch, chum salmon can compete only with pink salmon. The size of chum salmon can reach 1 meter, and the weight of the fish can exceed 13 kg.

The benefits of chum salmon

Chum salmon contains a record amount of protein, second only to squid in terms of content per 100 g. Chum salmon contains no more than 6 grams of unsaturated fats - suppliers of omega-3 and 6, helping to lower “bad” cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels and reduce weight. In addition to protein, fats and water, chum salmon contains many macroelements: sodium, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, as well as vitamins: A, D, E, PP, all B vitamins.

Chum salmon caviar is valued no less than meat. It contains a lot of protein, polyunsaturated acids, lecithin and trace elements such as iron, fluorine, zinc, chromium, nickel, molybdenum.

It is recommended to use chum salmon during high mental and physical stress.. Methionine, which is part of chum salmon, can help cope with depression, relieve stress, and have a beneficial effect on liver function. Vitamin E restores the reproductive system, so it is recommended to regularly consume it for people suffering from sexual weakness.

Everyone knows about the unique beneficial properties of fish oil. Children are required to take a course of fish oil to ensure that vitamin D is fully absorbed.

Fish fat helps with atherosclerosis, cleansing blood vessels, with gastrointestinal diseases, with heart disease, and reduces symptoms of diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.

Chum salmon meat is easily digestible (digestion lasts about 1.5 hours), so it can be consumed during remissions of diseases. Chum salmon caviar is useful for pregnant women, as well as for those who suffer from anemia and reduced immunity . Another useful property of chum salmon is its ability to resist the toxic effects of alcohol on the body.

Regular consumption of chum salmon guarantees good condition and appearance of hair, nails and skin. Fish oil is used for rejuvenation: wrinkles are reduced, skin elasticity increases, and the process of regeneration of the upper layers of the epidermis is started.

Nutritionists strongly recommend including chum salmon meat in your diet.. Dishes containing chum salmon meat are useful for those who suffer from excess weight And high pressure. Chum salmon meat is nourishing and at the same time easily digestible, rich in vitamins and micro- and macroelements, which helps maintain good physical shape.

Calorie content of chum salmon meat - 127 kcal, calorie content of chum salmon caviar is 250 kcal. Therefore, it is advisable to include meat in the menu, limiting the consumption of caviar.

Harm of chum salmon

Like any other product, chum salmon has its contraindications. Chum salmon should absolutely not be consumed by people who have an individual intolerance to fish. It is also not advisable to consume chum salmon if there is allergic reactions seafood, as complications or relapse of acute allergies are possible.

Chum salmon is a very healthy, tasty and satisfying food. It is especially important to prepare it correctly. Regular frying will not work, since chum salmon contains a lot of water, which simply evaporates during frying, resulting in a dry fish.

The ideal cooking option is to bake chum salmon with vegetables in foil, this way the fish will preserve everything beneficial features and will not lose its taste.

Chum salmon is a fish whose taste qualities are appreciated by many fishermen. In addition, it is surprisingly healthy, and due to its low calorie content it can be used in dietary nutrition. The article will tell about appearance and the peculiarities of life of this inhabitant of reservoirs, about the positive and negative effects on the human body, as well as about the specifics of culinary processing of chum salmon.


The appearance of this fish is rather inconspicuous, but its amazing composition makes chum salmon a favorite commercial fish all over the world. It is a representative of the Salmon family, a red fish, you can also find the name “Pacific salmon”.

Distinctive features are:

  1. The body is elongated, shaped like a torpedo. The sides are compressed.
  2. Length – 90-100 cm.
  3. Average weight – up to 15 kg.
  4. The color is silver (before puberty) or yellow-brown, with bright crimson spots during breeding. When throwing caviar it becomes almost black.
  5. The head is large, cone-shaped, the mouth is wide, but the teeth are poorly developed.
  6. The dorsal fin is shifted towards the tail and has from 9 to 11 rays.

Note that reproduction also affects the taste of meat: after spawning it becomes white, loses most of its beneficial properties and is no longer of particular value. Average duration life - 6-7 years.

In Russia, the chum salmon catch is much smaller in scale than the pink salmon fishery, although the fish is not inferior in taste to the latter.

Seasonal forms

It is customary to distinguish fish into autumn and summer races; the differences between them relate primarily to the timing of spawning, as well as size and fertility. The autumn fish begins spawning in the fall - from September to November, moving up the river for up to 4 weeks.

It is distinguished by the following features:

  • weight – up to 19 kg (average – up to 5 kg);
  • length – from 60 to 110 cm;
  • capable of covering a distance of about 2 thousand km;
  • is a valuable fishery object.

The summer one begins spawning in August-September and is smaller in size (up to 50 cm in length).


Chum salmon is found in the Pacific Ocean, in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Japan and Bering Sea. During the fattening period, it is capable of diving to a depth of 10 meters.

Most often goes to freshwater rivers to spawn. Far East and Siberia (Indigirka, Lena, Kolyma, Yana), North America(territory of the USA and Canada) and Asia (reservoirs of Japan and South Korea). According to the Big Soviet encyclopedia, a certain amount of chum salmon reaches rivers belonging to the Arctic Ocean basin. In the Amur Liman you can find silver chum salmon, which are distinguished by shiny scales without spots and have fatty meat. Inexperienced fishermen may confuse it with sockeye salmon, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that the tail of chum salmon is much thinner.


The chum salmon fish is migratory, that is, it lives in the salty waters of the sea, but goes into rivers to reproduce. The young also spend the first months in fresh water bodies, and with the spring flood, mass migration begins. Chum salmon spend the summer near the coast, gaining weight, which on average tends to 1.2 kg. In autumn it goes to sea, where it begins to actively feed. In winter it goes deeper so that with the onset spring warmth return to shallow water again.

During the spawning period, it gathers in schools of quite large sizes and becomes very aggressive.


Juvenile chum salmon use zooplankton and the remains of the dead “older generation” for food, gradually moving on to larvae, and then to mollusks, crustaceans and small-sized fish (smelt, herring). Before spawning, the fish stops feeding, and its attack on the fry is not due to hunger, but to the desire to protect the offspring inherent at the genetic level.


During the breeding season, chum salmon does not just change its color. Other changes occur to her body:

  • thickness increases;
  • a hump appears;
  • jaws become longer;
  • large teeth are formed.

Sexual maturity occurs at 4 years, spawning in chum salmon occurs only once in its life; after going up the river to spawn, it will not return back to the sea. An area with a pebble bottom and a weak current is selected for the spawning ground; the females spawn, and the males make sure that other inhabitants of the waters do not encroach on the clutch. The eggs are quite large (up to 7 mm in diameter).


Natural enemies of adults include:

  • seal;
  • bear;
  • otter;
  • dive;
  • beluga whale;
  • gull.

But eggs and fry are threatened by a much greater number of dangers:

  • grayling;
  • burbot;
  • loach;
  • Asian smelt;
  • lamprey;
  • lenok;
  • Kaluga

And, of course, humans pose a danger to fish, since chum salmon has a high commercial value.

Fishing gear

Most often, this salmon is caught with seines (both cast nets and purse seines), as well as float and fixed nets.

Amateur fishing with a fishing rod takes place in freshwater rivers during the period when the fish heads to the spawning ground, and it is best to catch it at the mouth, then the meat will be red and more useful. They use artificial flies and spoons, in the first case you will need fly fishing tackle, in the second - spinning rod.

Benefits and harms

Chum salmon is a dietary product rich in protein and devoid of carbohydrates. It can be eaten even by those who are forced to observe strict dietary restrictions.


The beneficial properties of chum salmon are due to its composition. Meat contains a fairly large amount of vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP) and microelements, fatty acids (omega-3 and 6), necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

The content of the following elements in chum salmon meat is very high:

  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • molybdenum.

100 g of product contains daily dose vitamin B12 and selenium

The calorie content of 100 g of chum salmon is 127 kcal, with protein 19 g, fat - 5.5, water - approximately 74 g. The cholesterol content is insignificant - only 80 ml per 100 g. However, remember: when cooking meat, its calorie content will increase. So, salted fish contains 184 kcal, and fried fish contains approximately 225 kcal.

Beneficial features

Get to know the benefits and harms of chum salmon.

There are quite a lot of positive properties:

  1. Thiamine stimulates the functioning of the brain and central nervous system.
  2. Meat can be considered a natural “elixir of youth” because it contains antioxidants that rejuvenate the body from the inside and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  3. Vitamin A helps improve vision.
  4. Potassium and magnesium, which are abundant in chum salmon, have a good effect on the condition of the main human muscle - the heart, as well as blood vessels and capillaries.
  5. Phosphorus helps improve the condition of bones, teeth, nails and hair.
  6. Increases hemoglobin levels, therefore it is indicated for those suffering from anemia.
  7. Improves immunity and metabolic processes.
  8. It is considered a powerful prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
  9. Cleanses the body of cholesterol.
  10. Improves mood and reduces the effects of stress due to the methionine content.
  11. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the reproductive system of men and women.
  12. Promotes the restoration of liver cells and its cleansing.

Thanks to its high protein content, chum fish will become a real assistant to training athletes who build muscle mass. No less useful is caviar, which has a rejuvenating effect and helps the body regain strength after a long illness.

Contraindications and possible harm

In some cases, you should avoid eating chum salmon:

  • allergies to seafood or protein;
  • individual intolerance.

In addition, fish fried in oil should not be eaten if there are problems with blood vessels, kidneys, liver and heart.

There are several ways to prepare this salmon at home.

For best results, use the following recommendations:

  1. Chum salmon should be fried at high temperature grilled or battered.
  2. If salted fish was purchased at a retail outlet, it is better to soak it in cold water, as businesses often use too much salt to extend shelf life.
  3. As an addition to frying, you can use lemon, sesame, rosemary, thyme, and basil. They will favorably highlight the taste of noble fish.
  4. Before cooking, it is recommended to marinate the fish by placing it in the following marinade: olive oil, lemon juice and spices.

The most delicious recipes

Try it delicious recipes cooking chum salmon dishes.

Steamed steak

This tasty and low-calorie dish will be especially good paired with rice and a vegetable salad.


  • steaks;
  • broccoli;
  • peas;
  • carrot;
  • spices.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Rinse the steaks, rub with spices, and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
  2. Wash the rice, add salt and place in a steamer.
  3. Place the finished fish in the second compartment.
  4. Place chopped vegetables in the third: broccoli and carrots.
  5. Pour water and cook for half an hour.
  6. Add canned peas, a piece of butter to the rice, sprinkle with cheese.

It turns out very nutritious and tasty!

In cucumber brine

Another tasty and spicy dish.


  • chum salmon meat;
  • bulb;
  • brine;
  • mustard (teaspoon per 400 g of fish);
  • vegetable oil;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black allspice.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Prepare the fish: cut, wash, cut into small pieces.
  2. Place the fish in a saucepan and fill about ½ full with brine.
  3. Chop the onion coarsely and add to the fish.
  4. Place bay leaf and pepper in a container.
  5. Cook for about 10 minutes.
  6. Transfer the fish to a ceramic container.
  7. Cool the broth, strain, add about 50 ml vegetable oil and mustard.
  8. Pour brine over fish.
  9. Refrigerate for 3 hours.

Before serving, the original dish should be decorated with sprigs of herbs.


You can find the recipe for making chum salmon with potatoes in foil in the following video.

This video will introduce you to another original dish - chum salmon heads baked in the oven.

And another recipe - chum salmon baked with mushrooms and vegetables with mayonnaise.

Chum salmon is a migratory red fish, it spawns once in its life, and after spawning it dies on the way back. In most cases, chum salmon come to spawn at the age of 4 to 6 years.

It can reach a length of 1 meter and a weight of 15 kilograms. Its caviar is the largest, with a remarkably beautiful orange-red color.

Chum salmon is divided into Summer and Autumn. The first one comes to spawn in the summer, and the second one in the fall. They also differ in size and habitat: Summer Chum salmon prefers to live in the northern expanses of the Pacific Ocean and reaches 80 cm in length, while Autumn Chum salmon lives in the southern part and grows up to 1 meter.

Along the rivers, the Chum salmon rises quite high and chooses a quiet, calm place for spawning. The female knocks out a spawning hole with her tail, lays eggs there, and then covers this place with gravel, forming a so-called spawning mound.

Sometimes all the offspring die because the water freezes to the bottom, but the Autumn Chum salmon preserves its eggs by spawning not so high.

Chum salmon caviar is quite large and often reaches 9 mm in diameter.

Chum salmon is high in protein and fat, and its calorie content is 138 kcal per 100 g of fresh product. 100 g of salted chum salmon contains 184 kcal, and chum salmon cooked in the heat contains 154 kcal per 100 g. The energy value of canned chum salmon is 141 kcal.

Eating this type of fish in moderation will not harm your figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of chum salmon

Caviar contains a lot of protein - about 30%, which is almost completely absorbed by the body (this is rare for animal proteins). Moreover, caviar protein is easily digestible and contains many essential amino acids. And even the cholesterol contained in caviar is not as bad as in other products. It is practically neutralized by lecithin, of which there is a lot of caviar. The polyunsaturated fats contained in caviar (14-18%), which prevent the development of atherosclerosis, also help fight cholesterol. Chum salmon - species

sea ​​fish

from the genus of Pacific salmon. It lives, accordingly, in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, sometimes found in rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean (from Lena to Mackenzie). Chum salmon is a fairly valuable industrial fish. Why she is valued is described in the article.

  • Calorie content and chemical composition
  • Chum salmon meat contains a rich set of vitamins (per 100 g):
  • vitamin PP - 8.5 mg;
  • vitamin E - 1.3 mg;
  • vitamin C - 1.2 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 0.33 mg;

vitamin B2 - 0.2 mg;

  • vitamin A - 0.04 mg.
  • Microelements:
  • zinc - 0.7 mg;
  • iron - 0.6 mg;
  • fluorine - 430 mcg;
  • chromium - 55 mcg;

nickel - 6 mg;

  • molybdenum - 4 mcg.
  • Macronutrients:
  • potassium - 335 mg;
  • phosphorus - 200 mg;
  • chlorine - 165 mg;
  • sodium - 60 mg;

magnesium - 30 mg; calcium - 20 mg.Did you know? Chum salmon can be summer or autumn (depending on spawning time). Autumn fry are more tenacious than summer fry, since

autumn I leave my eggs in a hole near the outlet of groundwater and cover it with a mound. This protects the fry from the cold when the river freezes.
  • The nutritional value
  • (in 100 g):
  • water - 74.2 g;
  • proteins - 19 g;
  • fats - 5.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g;
cholesterol - 80 mg;
ash - 1.2 g.
  • Calorie content: 120 kcal.
  • potassium;
  • The caviar of this fish contains:
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, E, K, PP;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine;
  • protein;
  • amino acids;


  • polyunsaturated fats.
  • Nutritional value of caviar:
  • proteins - 31.5 g;
  • fats - 13.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1 g;
dietary fiber - 0 g;

water - 46.9 g.

Calorie content: 250 kcal.

What are the benefits of chum fish?

In terms of its nutritional value, chum salmon meat is often compared to white poultry meat.

Its health benefits are also undeniable:

  1. The protein contained in fish is easily digestible; In addition, it contains essential amino acids that help fight bad cholesterol.
  2. The amino acid methionine is a source of sulfur, which takes part in metabolism and restores the liver. It also helps overcome depression and stress.
  3. Fatty acids, penetrating deep into cells, stimulate their regeneration, thus rejuvenating the body.
  4. Selenium is an excellent antioxidant.
  5. Organic acids remove toxins and slow down aging.
  6. Thiamine makes the body more resilient during physical and mental work, and also neutralizes the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco.


Caviar contains about 30% protein, which is almost completely digestible, which is an extremely rare quality for animal protein. Thanks to methionine and lecithin, the cholesterol contained in caviar is not stored in reserve. Polyunsaturated fats also come into play against it. All this protects against the development of atherosclerosis.

Important! Caviar does not contain carbohydrates or harmful fats, but its calorie content is higher than that of meat. Therefore, those who are struggling with excess weight and for whom high-calorie foods are contraindicated should avoid eating caviar.

Is it possible to eat

Dietary fish such as chum salmon are useful for many, but there are exceptions.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Sea fish is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, necessary for the body pregnant woman. They take an active part in the development of the fetus. Fish meat is easily digestible, which means it does not burden the stomach and does not cause upset. digestive system(common in pregnant women).
Thanks to the rich vitamin and mineral composition of chum salmon, the body of the mother and child receives all the necessary nutrients. Despite all the benefits, fish consumption should be moderate. It is acceptable to include it in the menu twice a week.

Important! Like pregnant women, nursing women should be careful when eating red fish, as it is an allergen.

For nursing mothers, eating chum salmon will also bring many benefits:
  1. Vitamin D helps the child's body absorb calcium better.
  2. Rapid digestion of fish meat allows you to normalize the functioning of your mother’s intestines and relieve her of constipation.
  3. Omega-3 acids strengthen cardiovascular system both mother and child.
  4. The protein contained in meat acts as a barrier that protects the body from salt deposits of lactic and uric acids. This allows the kidneys to return to normal function more quickly.

When losing weight

Chum salmon contains a certain amount of fat, but nevertheless it can be classified as a dietary product, since its calorie content is low, and the proportion of nutrients is significant.
A large number of Easily digestible protein allows you to quickly saturate the body, which means that the presence of fish in the diet will make it possible to balance your diet and protect yourself from overeating. All the fats contained there are not deposited by the body, but are removed from it. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

For pancreatitis, gastritis

Gastritis is inflammatory process gastric mucosa, disruptive regeneration of epithelial cells, which entails malfunctions of the organ. With this disease, the body needs quickly digestible and easily digestible proteins more than ever.

But at the same time, fatty foods are contraindicated for a sick stomach. Only 4% fat content in products is permissible, and in chum salmon it is 14% - so for now the disease is in acute form, you can’t eat chum salmon. Only a month after the exacerbation can steamed fish be gradually introduced into the diet.

The same applies to pancreatitis. This disease affects the pancreas, which is responsible for processing fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, in order to minimize the load on the diseased organ, fatty and high-calorie foods should be excluded from the diet, especially during exacerbation of the disease.
Thus, chum salmon should not be consumed if you have pancreatitis. It will be available only after a significant improvement in the patient’s health, and only with the approval of a doctor.

For gout

Gout is a disease that occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body (uric acid metabolism). Patients are put on a strict diet, in which animal proteins, as well as products containing uric acid, should be in minimal quantities or absent altogether.

These two substances are present in significant quantities in red fish. Therefore, only a doctor can authorize the use of chum salmon for gout, based on the individual condition of each patient.

Possible harm

The presence of chum salmon in the diet can only be harmful for:

  • allergy sufferers;
  • people with individual intolerance to seafood products;
  • people on a strict diet.

At the same time, stale fish can harm anyone.

There are many options for preparing red fish. Every housewife knows in what form her family will like this product.

magnesium - 30 mg; Chum salmon spawns in the upper reaches of mountain rivers - to get there from the seashore, it often rises hundreds of kilometers upstream.

Below will be given general recommendations on its preparation:
  1. Inexperienced housewives often confuse chum salmon with pink salmon, which is why dishes change their taste. Chum salmon is a large fish, up to 5 kg, so it is always sold in large pieces.
  2. Fish contains a lot of water, so you can’t just fry it, as it will lose its juiciness. It is advisable to cook in the oven.
  3. Vegetables, herbs and lemon will help to keep the fish juicy best.
  4. It is better to cook chum salmon in large pieces.
  5. You need to wash the fish in cold water to preserve the taste and smell. Afterwards, blot with a paper towel.
  6. When baking in the oven, it is recommended to remove the dish a few minutes before it is ready. In foil it will reach the desired state.

Thanks to its meat, chum salmon is one of the most valuable among salmon fish, and its caviar is considered the most delicious and high-quality. Many nutritionists advise including this product in your diet, not only for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but also for those who simply care about their health. The main thing is not to abuse the product.

© Olga Soloveva -

    Chum salmon is a fish of the salmon family. In addition to easily digestible protein, it contains a lot of useful elements. Athletes often add fish to their diet - quickly digestible protein is necessary for full growth muscle mass. Not only steaks or fillets of chum salmon have beneficial properties, but also milk with caviar, and the latter is often used in the cosmetic field to improve the condition of facial skin.

    Fish suitable for proper nutrition and acts as a source of fatty acids, such as, as well as minerals vital for the full functioning of the body. Chum salmon fillet - product dietary nutrition: When consumed in moderation, it does not turn into body fat, and is almost completely converted into energy. Nutritionists recommend including red fish in the diet of women and girls who want to lose weight.

    Calorie content and composition of chum salmon

    Red chum fish is a low-calorie product that contains a lot of proteins and is completely free of carbohydrates. The calorie content of fresh fish steaks per 100 g is 126.8 kcal. Depending on the heat treatment, the energy value of fish may change, namely:

    • fried chum salmon – 386.1 kcal;
    • boiled – 126.9 kcal;
    • in oil – 245.3 kcal;
    • stewed – 129.5 kcal;
    • baked in the oven – 162.6 kcal;
    • steamed – 131.2 kcal;
    • grilled – 150.1 kcal;
    • salty – 184.3 kcal;
    • lightly and lightly salted – 182.1 kcal;
    • chum salmon soup – 32.2 kcal;
    • cold and hot smoked – 196.3 kcal.

    Chum salmon milk contains 100 kcal per 100 g, red caviar – 251.2 kcal. For dietary nutrition, boiled, stewed and steamed fish are best suited. Smoked foods should be excluded, and salted foods should be consumed in limited quantities.

    Nutritional value of fish per 100 g:

    • fats – 5.7 g;
    • proteins – 19.1 g;
    • carbohydrates – 0 g;
    • water – 74.2 g;
    • dietary fiber – 0 g;
    • ash – 1.2 g.

    The ratio of BZHU is 1/0.3/0, respectively. Chum salmon caviar contains 31.5 g of protein and 13.6 g of fat per 100 g of product.

    The chemical composition of the product per 100 g is presented in table form:

    In addition, the composition of chum salmon is rich in non-essential and essential amino acids, poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, namely: omega-3 in the amount of 1.07 g, omega-6 - 0.13 g, oleic - 1.18 g per 100 g. Cholesterol content - 80 mg per 100 g of red fish.

    © joy666 -

    Health benefits of fish

    Regular consumption of red fish is good for the health of men and women, as its composition is rich in minerals and vitamins that the body needs for normal functioning. The beneficial properties of seafood are manifested as follows:

  1. The amount of “bad” cholesterol is reduced, which improves the condition of blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.
  2. The risk of developing diseases such as stroke, heart attack and hypertensive crisis is reduced.
  3. Improves metabolism and strengthens immunity.
  4. The condition of teeth improves, hair and nails become stronger.
  5. Stress decreases and mood improves. Fish prevents the development of depression. In addition, the product helps improve brain activity.
  6. Endurance increases, which is especially useful for athletes for more productive activities gym or before competitions.
  7. The reproductive function of men and women is restored, and the production of hormones is normalized.
  8. The process of restoration of liver cells is accelerated, and this organ is cleansed.
  9. The condition of the skin and the body as a whole improves, as fish has a rejuvenating effect on it.

It is useful to eat chum salmon during the period of recovery of the body after serious illnesses or physical activity, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

For weight loss, fish is useful because it quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, does not create heaviness in the stomach and is quickly digested. Chum salmon does not contain “empty” carbohydrates, therefore it is not stored as fat deposits, but is almost completely processed and easily absorbed by the body.

Salted, lightly and lightly salted fish are good to use as a snack for strong drinks, as it reduces the toxic effects of alcohol on the body.

Smoked fish in moderate quantities helps restore visual acuity and saturate the body with fatty acids, but is not suitable for nutrition during a diet.

© yanadjan -

Beneficial properties of chum salmon milk

Milk contains a lot of poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids and protamines, which are beneficial for diabetics. In addition, the beneficial properties from systematic use of the product are manifested as follows:

  • brain function improves;
  • skin rejuvenates;
  • liver function improves;
  • the process of degradation of brain cells slows down;
  • the bone skeleton is strengthened;
  • the risk of developing heart disease is reduced;
  • male potency increases;
  • blood sugar levels are regulated;
  • endurance and performance increase.

The beneficial substances in milk have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and reduce the symptoms of viral diseases.

Chum salmon milk is used in cosmetology to achieve a whitening and rejuvenating effect. However, we are talking about a fresh, not a salted product.

Benefits of caviar for the body

Chum salmon is famous for its rich composition. However, due to its high calorie content, it is not recommended for frequent consumption during a diet. The benefits of eating caviar are as follows:

  • the functioning of the nervous system improves;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • male potency increases;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves;
  • vision improves;
  • prevents the development of cancer.

In addition, bones become stronger and condition improves. skin. Caviar is recommended as a preventive measure for rickets. The product contains a lot of easily digestible protein, which is necessary for athletes. Caviar is also considered a preventive remedy for the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and eczema.

Contraindications and harm from fish

Excessive consumption of chum salmon, especially in salted and smoked form, is fraught with undesirable consequences. The recommended dose of chum salmon consumption per day is 100-150 g; eating fish 3 times a week is enough.

Contraindications to the use of smoked and salted products:

  • gout;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas;
  • kidney disease;
  • heart diseases.

Abuse of the product in any form can lead to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, namely indigestion, nausea, bloating and constipation.

Salted fish and caviar contain a lot of salt, which retains fluid in the body and leads to swelling. Milk is not recommended for people with eating disorders and obesity.

In addition, chum salmon, like any other seafood, accumulates heavy metals in the meat. That's why excessive use fish can lead to mercury poisoning.