Child mode from two to three years. What is the best way to organize a two-year-old child's daily routine? Baby's schedule at 2 months

Most mothers know that breast milk is the most better food for the baby. Created by nature itself, it contains a complete complex nutrients, vitamins and microelements - everything that is so necessary for the development of all body systems of a newborn.

However, there are circumstances when 2 one month old baby transferred to artificial feeding (IF). In this case, many questions arise: how to feed your baby correctly, what formula to choose, what the feeding regimen should be. This article will tell you about all this.

Indications for IV administration

Reasons why 2 one month old baby transferred to IV, can be associated with both mother and child.

Mother's side

Indications related to infants

  • Metabolic disorder - galactosemia or phenylketonuria.
  • The baby does not get enough breast milk and needs to be supplemented with formula.
  • The baby spits up a lot and frequently or suffers from colic.
  • Poor sleep and constant need for breasts.
  • The baby is too lazy to suckle or doesn’t want to, and expressing breast milk causes difficulties.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages of IW include:

  1. Increasing mom’s free time, increasing her mobility. After all, one of the relatives can feed a 2-month-old baby from a bottle instead of the mother.
  2. Reducing the number of feedings due to the fact that formula takes longer to digest than breast milk.
  3. More precise control of the amount of food consumed by the child.
  4. The appearance of an allergy in a baby is always associated with the mixture, and not with some components of the mother’s diet.

    Attention! It is enough to change the mixture to solve the allergy problem.

The disadvantages of IW include:

How to organize IW correctly?

Diet of a 2 month old baby

Let us immediately clarify that the principle of free feeding “on demand”, which is practiced when feeding with breast milk, is not recommended for applying to a child on IV. The most suitable regimen would be partially free feeding.. Its essence lies in the fact that the volume of the mixture depends on the baby’s wishes, but does not exceed a strictly defined norm.

To prevent overeating, pediatricians do not recommend putting more than 30 ml of formula in a bottle in excess of the one-time dose. Artificial babies drink milk faster and do not always have time to satisfy their sucking instincts. And some parents mistake the child’s crying when the bottle is taken away for hunger and give more formula than it should be.

Reference! Even the most adapted formula takes longer to digest and absorb than mother's breast milk.

A two month old baby should be fed this way:

  • number of feedings: 6-7 times a day;
  • the interval between feedings is at least 3.5-4 hours;
  • night break - 5-6 hours.

Practical recommendations

The simple rules for feeding with IV are as follows::

Important! The remaining mixture must not be reused. It will be full of multiplied bacteria.

It is advisable to purchase such additional accessories:

  • 4-6 bottles;
  • 4-6 nipples with small holes;
  • bottle brush;
  • 4-6 ironed kitchen towels;
  • bottle warmer;
  • several gauze diapers to cover your clothes.

Optimal food consistency

If you strictly follow the instructions when preparing the mixture, it will turn out to be the right consistency: not too liquid so that the baby has to work hard to suck it out, and not too thick so that it passes through the small hole of the nipple. Also It is important to stir the mixture thoroughly during cooking. It should be homogeneous and without lumps.

How much should a baby eat?

Daily norm nutrition for a two-month-old child should be 1/6 of the actual body weight. For example, with a baby weighing about 5 kg, the daily nutritional intake is 800-850 ml. With 6-7 feedings per day, a single serving will be 120-150 ml.

If the baby does not eat the recommended amount of food at one feeding, then there is no need to force him. It's better to try offering the mixture later. Perhaps your baby's individual characteristics are such that he needs to be fed more often, but in smaller portions. But the total daily volume of food consumed should not exceed the recommended amount.

Diet composition

What can you feed?

A 2-month-old child on IV should be fed an adapted milk formula for children of his age.

Mixtures of the first formula are available for sale - from birth to 6 months. With the wide variety of brands presented, it’s easy to get confused.

The advice of a pediatrician will help you choose the right formula for your baby. Important point in the diet of a baby on IV - supplementing with water.

Children who drink breast milk do not need additional fluid, everyone knows this. But it is recommended to offer boiled water to artificial babies, because with IV the need for additional liquid is high.

Additional water promotes better absorption of the mixture and solves some gastrointestinal problems. Children often suffer from constipation, especially when transitioning from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding. Additional soldering eliminates this problem. The daily norm is 120-150 ml.

The most troubling months are behind us. Life, into which a new family member entered, became established; rules and routine appeared in it. The baby has already shown his character. What is he like? Calm or anxious, whiny or cheerful? Does he sleep soundly or is he easily awakened by small noises? In any case, the child needs a properly structured regime that will help him adapt to this world. How to create an optimal daily routine for a 2 month old baby? We will talk about this in the article.

Features of development

Now it is clearly visible that the baby’s adaptation to the new world is over. He no longer takes the fetal position, tucking his arms and legs to his body, but actively moves them if he is not constrained by diapers, and in his sleep he can lie relaxed in the “starfish” position. This occurs due to the fact that the increased tone gradually normalizes. It is advisable to include gymnastics and massage in your daily routine.

By the end of the second month, the neck muscles already hold the baby’s head well, which he lifts while lying on his tummy and can turn to the sides. This greatly increases his ability to learn. the world.

Vision and hearing become sharper, and perception is differentiated, so it’s time to think about creating a developmental environment for the baby.

He is already able to turn his head towards the sound that interests him, and can show whether he likes it or not. Therefore, the baby definitely needs to sing songs, talk to him, and turn on calm melodic music.

A baby at two months fixes his gaze on an object that interests him, and can follow a moving thing with his gaze for some time, and if he places it in his hand, he firmly grasps it with his entire hand. He tries to look at faces and hums in response to affectionate speech. And his toothless smile is the best gift!

Yulia, mother of Alice, 2 months: “My daughter smiled at me for the first time at exactly 2 months. At 2.5 she began to hold her head while lying on her tummy. I marked these days on the calendar.”

Growing up, the child begins to be interested in his past “achievements”, because he does not remember himself in early age. If you keep such an “event calendar,” you can then tell your child how he grew up.

Regime is the basis of development

Note that a clear routine of actions, which is repeated daily, organizes the child’s life and is reinforced in the form of conditioned reflexes. A baby who is accustomed to falling asleep and waking up, eating and playing at the same time, in familiar conditions, feels more confident, and this makes it much easier for parents to care for.

The concept of “free regime”, when feeding, and therefore all other regime moments occur at the child’s request, does not mean that there is no order, it is simply more individualized.

Sleep duration at this age is approximately 18 hours per day. In accordance with the developmental characteristics of the child, it makes sense to form four daily periods of sleep (one and a half to two hours each) and wakefulness. At night, a 2-month-old baby sleeps for eight hours with breaks for feeding.

child on artificial feeding It takes longer for him to eat, so he may not wake up at night already at two months. A breastfed baby, of course, will want to eat, but at night the period of active wakefulness is excluded - he needs to be put back to sleep. If the baby is on mixed feeding, then at night and early in the morning it is better to give him breastfeeding. This way, mom doesn’t have to wake up completely and rush to prepare the formula. And there is usually more breast milk at night.

How to set a sleep-wake schedule?

Many parents have difficulty establishing a sleep schedule. It is better to try to establish it from the very beginning in order to avoid your own overwork and breakdowns.

It is best for a child to fall asleep in his own crib. It is not so difficult to accustom him to this, and later it will save him from many problems and vagaries. Having gotten used to going to bed in familiar conditions, the baby falls asleep faster and sleeps more soundly. And adequate sleep is the cornerstone in the development of an infant.

Try not to rock your baby to sleep; this will not help you fall asleep quickly. Since the vestibular apparatus does not yet function in full force(after all, the child does not yet know how to sit, stand, or walk), obsessive monotonous motion sickness rather puts the child into a trance and disorients him in space.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the room in which the child is located.

E. O. Komarovsky recalls that one of the reasons bad sleep The indoor air is too dry and warm.

In this case, the child is too hot and uncomfortable, the nasal mucosa dries out, the baby sweats, and the skin begins to itch. It may arch, become capricious, prickly heat or red spots may be found on the buttocks and the back of the head, the skin is moist to the touch.

If you keep it comfortable for the child temperature regime- 20°C and 50-60% air humidity (to measure it, it is better to purchase a hygrometer), then this measure alone can eliminate sleep problems. Be sure to ventilate the room several times during the day and before going to bed at night. In the cold season, when the room is ventilated, the child must be moved to another room and returned to the crib until the temperature of the ventilated room reaches normal.

Remember, at two months the baby should no longer confuse day and night; if this happens, it means you are doing something wrong.

It is better if night feeding occurs around midnight. Then, over time, the baby will learn to wake up around six in the morning, as it should be according to the daily routine. To prevent naps from taking too long, entertain your baby and leave him alone in the crib less often. He must remember that day is a time for games, and night is a time for rest. And then there will be no problem with the child confusing day and night.

Monitor weight gain; if the baby does not eat enough, he will wake up earlier than expected. A check-weighing with a pediatrician is required once a month. The average rate of weight gain is 750 grams in the second month of life. If it is less than 400 g, then you will need to consult a pediatrician and take a set of measures to improve lactation or switch to mixed feeding.


Your baby is growing very quickly, and the amount of milk you drink gradually increases. By two to two and a half months it reaches almost a liter per day. Experts believe that it is optimal to feed a baby six times within 24 hours. Thus, he receives up to 150 ml of milk for each feeding. A child’s diet at 2 months may not yet be completely settled, which is why we must try to patiently regulate it.

The breaks between feedings also gradually increase, they are approximately three hours plus a night break. It can vary from four to six to seven hours, but it will gradually increase naturally. As already mentioned, a bottle-fed baby can withstand long breaks between feedings.

Young parents often worry about their mother's lack of milk. More often than not, these fears turn out to be unfounded. In most cases, a temporary lack of milk can be dealt with using the simplest methods.

  • Mom needs to get enough sleep! The main reason for lack of milk is overwork.
  • Nutritious food It is also important that a nursing mother needs to consume about 3000 kcal per day. The diet should be simple, but complete, and must include proteins of animal origin.
  • It is important to find a quiet place to feed where no one will disturb you. At this time, you need to talk only with the baby, establishing mother-child contact. If you watch the news or leaf through a magazine, it is unlikely that you will be able to establish proper feeding.
  • From the huge number of recipes “to increase lactation”, choose those that contain dill seeds, anise, fennel, and caraway seeds. They will simultaneously reduce gas formation in the child. Tea with milk is also beneficial. Avoid recipes with ingredients that may cause allergic reaction(Apilak, honey, figs, walnuts). Ignore the “advice of experts” who recommend drinking liters of non-alcoholic beer or kvass.
  • Mom needs to take care of her health and prevent hypothermia not only of the breasts, but also of the pelvic organs.
  • If you cannot manage lactation, consult a specialist. He will give professional advice on breastfeeding.

Walking and bathing a baby at 2 months

Important components of a child's daily routine are walking and bathing. Experts talk only about the minimum duration of exposure to fresh air. It lasts 3 hours under favorable weather conditions (air temperature above +10°C, absence of heavy winds, heavy rain). The maximum period is limited only by your desire and capabilities.

Take every opportunity to catch some fresh air. In warm weather, put your baby to sleep on the balcony and loggia, if they face the courtyard, where it is quiet enough. Consider going to the countryside in the summer.

Bathing is both an excellent hardening procedure and a developmental activity that helps expand the baby’s sensory experience.

Babies 2 months old should be bathed every day with plain water, without soap. Bathing in herbs is encouraged: a decoction of string or chamomile, but not more than 3 times a week, as well as washing with soap. A washcloth should not be used for babies under one year of age, as their skin is very delicate and can be easily damaged.

Usually water procedures are carried out in the evening; they tire the child, after which he sleeps more soundly. But there is another category of children - with excitable nervous system. Bathing makes too strong an impression on them, and they cannot calm down for a long time. In this case, it is better to postpone this procedure to the early evening (18.00) or day.

Baby development at 2 months

Caring for a child is not only about feeding and changing diapers. At two months, the baby no longer falls asleep after each feeding. He has periods of wakefulness that need to be occupied by communicating with his mother and other adults.

The best educational toys during this period are those that enrich his sensory experience:

  • any bright objects that catch your eye;
  • toys that make sounds - rattles, bells;
  • objects that can be grasped with a handle and pulled towards you;
  • things that have different physical properties(light - heavy), texture (soft - hard), surface (smooth - rough).

A child often gets a special mobile for his crib. It includes several different toys suspended on strings that spin to melodious music. Another great option is a developmental mat with arcs. In this case, toys can be hung on arcs so that the baby can grab them. The optimal distance is 30 centimeters, this will allow the baby to focus her gaze on objects.

Educational games at this age are quite simple and take only 1-2 minutes.

Head holding training

To do this, just put the baby on his tummy and attract his attention with a bright or sounding toy. They hold it 30–40 centimeters from the face and make sure that the baby raises his head and looks at the object. The exercise is repeated two or three times, ensuring that the baby keeps his gaze on the toy for as long as possible (up to 30–40 seconds).

Training the ability to follow an object with your eyes

Any large and bright object is smoothly moved at a distance of 20–30 centimeters from the child’s face in a circle. You can also use a mobile phone for this if you leave only one toy on it.

Speech development

Babies are the first to begin to recognize and use vowel sounds in their own speech. Therefore, it is useful for the mother to learn songs, rhymes and nursery rhymes in which vowel sounds stand out and are drawn out, and also to encourage the baby to repeat them, “calling out” to him while cooing.

All your actions with your child must be accompanied by words. Constant involvement in a conversation is a powerful means of developing the speech centers of the brain. “Now we’ll go swimming. The water is so warm and gentle. Let's take off our clothes and swim. So we wash our hands, fingers, and now our tummy.”

By talking through all your actions, you make the child an active participant in events, creating a developmental environment for him.

Development of active movements

To do this, toys are hung on low-hanging strings in the baby’s crib so that he tries to grab them. You can provoke his desire to grab the toy by slightly tickling his palm with it.

Choose simple exercises on the Internet and be sure to do gymnastics with your baby. It takes only 10-15 minutes a day and is carried out in the morning, but not immediately after feeding and not on an empty stomach.

And finally, here is a table with an approximate daily routine. But you can always adjust it, bringing your routine closer to what is optimal for your child.

Time Actions
6:00 First feeding
6:00 – 7:00 Hygiene procedures, air baths, games
7:00 – 9:30 First (daytime) sleep
9:30 – 10:00 Second feeding
10:00 – 11:00 Active games, charging
11:00 – 13:00
Second (daytime) nap outside
13:00 – 13:30 Third feeding
13:30 – 14:30 Getting to know the world around you, educational games
14:30 – 16:30 Third (daytime) dream
16:30 – 17:00 Fourth feeding
17:00 – 17:30 Play, communication with adults
18:00 – 19:30 Fourth (evening) dream
19:30 – 20:00 Bathing, massage
20:00 – 20:30 Fifth feeding
20:00 – 21:00 Quiet games: you can “walk” around the house in your parents’ arms, listen to music
21:00 – 23:30 Fifth (evening) dream
23:30 – 0:00 Sixth feeding
0:00 – 6:00
Night sleep with breaks for feeding

Video on the topic

The two-year-old baby has grown noticeably and is actively showing his independence; he already has personal character traits, has his own habits and preferences. His emotional feelings also increased significantly. Parents, as before, are faced with the goal of comprehensive development, but under the conditions of new requirements - for this they need an individual daily routine for a 2-year-old child, in which all the baby’s actions during the day will be clearly described.

2 year old child's daily routine

A specific schedule of sequentially alternating daily events in a child’s life is the key to his health and proper upbringing. Starting from the one-year anniversary, the routine must change annually for up to three years. This is due to important provisions regarding sleep, feeding, and walking with the child, which must meet his growing needs.

This schedule needs to be carefully considered, taking into account the following points:

  1. Changes in the daily routine should be introduced gradually, not cause negative reactions in children and coincide with their real needs;
  2. Physiological and psychological characteristics and health status.

An optimally designed daily routine for a two-year-old child allows you to teach children organization, order, and quickly adapts them to the conditions preschool, in addition, its introduction makes life easier for the whole family.

When the rules are not followed, many problems can arise - parents have to make every effort to teach personal, hygienic procedures; the neuropsychic activity of a little person may lag behind in development. Such a child quite often has mood swings, he is whiny, hysterical, because he gets tired quickly and does not get enough sleep. That's why psychologists and pediatricians strongly advise setting a schedule that suits the baby's needs. You can see an approximate table below, and then make adjustments to suit family preferences.

A feature of age is increased mobility, along with insufficient coordination of movements - parents should pay attention to this aspect and perform separate physical exercises with the child to improve function.

Two year old baby's sleep

At the age of two years, according to pediatricians, a child should sleep up to 10 hours at night and go to bed once for daytime rest. In total, he should spend about 13 hours sleeping, but you should not literally follow such recommendations, because one baby may need more, and another less, time to recuperate after active wakefulness. If the baby is sick, he can spend much more time in bed, but if he feels well, he can spend more than six hours in an alert state.

Constantly monitoring the behavior of your son or daughter will allow you to understand when the little one is unwell - usually, in such a situation, the child may be capricious, cry, and behave inappropriately. There are other signs that the baby is tired or not feeling well - this can be indicated by increased agitation and hyperactivity, which can be extremely difficult to stop.

An alarming symptom for mother and father there should be deviations from the norm of more than two hours; shortened or longer sleep can be considered up to this limit physiological feature. This can be confirmed by a good appetite, interest in games and learning, cheerfulness, and good mood of the child. In such children night sleep strong and continuous, and during the day, when tired, the baby goes to bed without prodding and quickly falls asleep.

Disturbances in normal sleep very often occur due to the fault of parents who do not fulfill the basic requirements for creating the most comfortable conditions for their baby’s rest:

  • going to bed at the same time every day;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • calm atmosphere in the house;
  • active pastime while awake, which should be planned in advance by adults.

In addition, sometimes the baby does not want to go to bed because he was torn away from his favorite activity, he is afraid of the dark, is not yet tired, or simply does not understand why he is forced to go to bed when adults continue to do their own thing. In some cases, protest means a child’s attempt to manipulate his parents, and one must be able to distinguish such signs from ordinary childish stubbornness and simple reluctance.

When organizing a baby’s normal sleep, parents should be aware that there are some nuances even with a properly established routine. In the summer, almost all children sleep less and can get up earlier than in the winter. Severe fatigue or overexcitement can also affect the quality of rest - a long trip, visiting guests, the theater, celebrating a household member’s birthday.

Regime and diet

At two years old, children feed 4-5 times a day; breastfed babies can still ask for the breast at night, but this happens less and less often or due to the habit of holding their mother’s breast in their mouth. At this age, they can already be safely weaned off this.

A 2-year-old child’s daily routine includes meals such as breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch and dinner, in general, everything is the same as for adults:

  1. The baby can have breakfast an hour and a half after waking up; morning meals should be healthy and satisfying, include all the important components - proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, which improve performance. digestive system and preventing intestinal upset. The best decision– crackers with tea, scrambled eggs or boiled eggs, porridge with milk or water. It is advisable that before lunch the child snacks as little as possible; you can give him juice or water to drink.
  2. For lunch, they usually prepare soup in vegetable or meat broth, meat or fish, and a side dish of stewed or boiled vegetables. It is necessary to plan lunch time correctly, since, after an hour, in most cases, the child’s daytime rest follows.
  3. During the afternoon snack, it is not recommended to feed the baby hard-to-digest food; the food should be light, since in a couple of hours a hearty dinner will be available. You can use natural yogurt, cottage cheese with pieces of fruit, dry cookies with a glass of kefir.
  4. By dinner time, children are hungry and should eat heavily. The mother can offer the child mashed potatoes, porridge, baked or stewed vegetables.

Some children, both infants and bottle-fed babies, may not eat the portions given to them - if there are no signs of ill health, most likely they need less food, but sometimes this is due to the fact that parents allow the child to eat in between feeding, this becomes the cause of malnutrition.

Sweets, chocolate, and cakes, which are contraindicated for them at this age, are especially harmful for children.

Of course, the children's diet should be compiled taking into account the taste preferences of the baby, but it must necessarily include cereals, dairy and fermented milk products, fruits, berries and vegetables, fish and meat products.

Children's physical education and active walks

At two years old, the baby can bend, squat and walk independently. He understands well what is required of him if mom and dad ask him for something. He already uses a mug, a spoon, does not forget to ask to go to the potty, and knows how to put on and take off outerwear, shirts, and T-shirts independently.

Daily gymnastics will help your baby grow faster, develop muscle strength, agility, become more resilient, and remain energetic for a long time. Physical exercise to achieve this goal are very simple and unpretentious, despite the enormous benefits they bring:

  • the baby can throw and catch the ball, toss it with his hands, kick it, push it;
  • do the “bicycle” exercise while lying on your back;
  • walk with your knees high, jump, dance, squat and bend to rhythmic music;
  • walk around the room with goose steps.

To develop balance, the toddler can be asked to walk along a narrow board, a strip of thick cardboard, or between parallel strings. In order for children to acquire the correct gait and train the muscles of their legs, they need to walk with obstacles; for this, toys, low boxes and other objects are placed on the floor, and the baby steps over them. At the age of two, it is useful for children to walk on all fours, collect cubes, leaning towards each of them. They can already play football - roll the ball with their feet; this, in addition to strengthening their muscles, develops their coordination.

It is very important to walk with your baby for several hours every day, even if it is cool outside or it is raining a little. As they say, there is no bad weather, if only there were suitable clothes, and in relation to a child, this necessary condition. This does not mean that he needs to be wrapped up heavily - if he sweats, he will catch a cold faster; it is enough to take care of several layers of clothing made from different natural materials. In case of serious bad weather, of course, you should not force your child to go for a walk - you can breathe fresh air on the balcony or simply ventilate the room.

It is necessary that the child’s hands and feet do not freeze; there must be replaceable shoes in the house, which must be dried every time after walks during inclement weather. If it is cold outside, you are allowed to walk once a day, in the morning. Walks should be active, now movement is an integral part of a child’s life, so he should move in the fresh air.

At the age of two, a baby's waking hours become increasingly active, so daily personal hygiene is necessary. It consists of regular washing, washing and bathing, brushing teeth, cutting nails, which can be a breeding ground for pathogens if the baby often plays in the sandbox. The child can already do some things on his own, but otherwise, caring for him remains the responsibility of the parents.

Games-lessons for comprehensive development

Pronunciation and memorization of the most simple words the baby has already mastered and continues to improve his speech skills; now his speech consists of multi-word phrases and sentences. His vocabulary is already quite large - for different children it can be from 50 to 300 words, but there are phenomena who already know about one and a half thousand words. If at the moment the parents communicate a lot with the baby, read prose and poems to him, discuss various events, his vocabulary can expand significantly.

The following activities will contribute to intellectual development:

  • playing with construction sets, puzzles, cubes, mosaics, assembling pyramids;
  • drawing and painting simple pictures, creating your own canvases using crayons, finger paints and ordinary paints on paper;
  • music and singing lessons;
  • modeling from plasticine, polymer clay, ordinary dough.

A child also needs fun, interesting games, because they awaken his imagination, force him to imitate adults and copy their behavior, and gain skills that will undoubtedly be useful to them in adulthood. These are role-playing games with dolls, baby dolls, cars, creating your own scenery to play out everyday situations, imitating various professions.

Children of this age are already interested in special sets - a doctor, a salesman, a builder. They are very serious, and most importantly funny, they get used to every character, try on a variety of roles and situations. This is how kids learn to model their actions, make decisions, and show their character.

The daily routine of a 2-year-old child is the basis for organizing the day of a still small but quickly maturing baby, who, in addition to a positive attitude, games and entertainment, needs discipline that forces him to get used to the normal rhythm of life. Very soon, knowing how to organize his actions, the baby will painlessly move on to a new and important stage - attending kindergarten.

A well-designed daily routine is a necessary condition for the full development and proper upbringing of a child. During this time, the baby needs to do a lot - take a walk, play, talk with mom. How to create a daily routine for a 2-year-old child and what needs to be taken into account? How important is it to stick to a schedule? We will consider all of the above questions and related ones in this article.

Compliance with the daily routine allows you to keep your baby cheerful and active while ensuring good rest

Time to rest

Pediatricians believe that at 2 years old a child should sleep once a day. The duration of daytime rest is 2-3 hours, night time - 10. In total, the baby should spend about 13 hours sleeping per day. However, in each specific case these numbers may differ from the norm. For example, if the baby is sick or in the process of recovery, his sleep may be longer by dividing the day's rest into two parts. It should be borne in mind that the child feels good while awake only if the interval between rest is no more than 6-6.5 hours.

To determine the time at which it is time to put your daughter or son to bed, you need to monitor his behavior. The moment your baby needs rest, he will behave differently. Some children get tired and begin to be capricious, whine, and get irritated. Others become overly excited - they begin to run around the apartment, laugh loudly, come up with active games, and it is quite difficult to stop them at this moment. As a rule, the period of activity ends quickly, followed by a decline. The child suddenly becomes whiny, lethargic, and depressed.

Many parents notice that their baby sleeps longer in the winter and less in the summer. This feature is inherent in some people, life cycle which is associated with daylight hours. Also, a child can sleep longer after a tiring evening - celebrating a birthday, visiting a puppet theater or long trip. It is important to take these nuances into account when planning your sleep time.

In winter, the child’s body spends more calories and needs additional rest.

To correctly draw up a schedule of rest and wakefulness, you need to be guided not only by age norms, but also by the individual inclinations of the child. But after a period of adaptation and getting used to the regime, the baby will find it easier and faster to fall asleep at the allotted time. Strict adherence to the schedule will allow the mother to plan her own tasks while the baby is predicted to sleep.

Secrets of a sound sleep

At 2 years old, the child experiences a kind of transition period, his sleep time decreases, and his waking time increases. Some parents find it difficult to stick to a planned schedule because their son or daughter has trouble falling asleep during the day. Often, the mother spends two to three hours putting the baby to bed; if he falls asleep, it is only towards the end of this period. Such a temporary shift in the routine nullifies the entire schedule, and as a result, it is impossible to stick to the regime. We will give some advice to parents who find themselves in a similar situation:

  • Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room well and make sure that the air temperature does not exceed 20 C.
  • You need to start preparing your baby for bed an hour before the appointed time - invite him to play calm games, reduce activity.

To set your child up for sleep, you need to move from active activities to calm ones - for example, reading a book
  • You can try to increase the time between lunch and bedtime - too heavy a meal has a bad effect on the quality of sleep.
  • A good way to prepare your child for the day's rest is to create some kind of ritual. Every day before going to bed, you need to do the same actions that will calm the child and help him get ready for sleep. For example, you can offer your daughter to put her favorite toy to bed - a doll or a soft hare. Together with my son, put the car in the garage, then read a book to the little listener.
  • If the baby goes to a nursery, there he will probably learn to sleep with his classmates. It is easiest to put any 2-year-old child to bed if his peers are falling asleep in adjacent beds.
  • It is very important to plan time for rest before your child begins to change his behavior so that he does not become overtired. If, at the moment of going to bed, the child is calm, alert, and does not fall asleep for a long time, it may be worth moving the bedtime a little forward.

There is no need to give up and despair if the baby categorically refuses to sleep. After a while, with some effort on the part of the parents, the rest schedule will improve, and the baby will fall asleep in his crib.

At the right approach Parents will quickly be able to arrange their child’s rest schedule

Walking is an important component of the daily routine

Walking with your child in the fresh air is necessary every day, regardless of the weather or the mother’s busy schedule. If it’s cold outside, you shouldn’t refuse to go out; it’s better to try to dress your little fidget according to the weather. To stay warm, it is advisable to wear three or four layers of clothing. In addition, you should take care of replacement shoes and mittens so that you can walk every day. While one pair is drying, the child can walk in the other.

In the warm season, for a 2-year-old baby, you can plan a two-day walk - in the morning and after lunch. In the cold season, it is enough to walk with your baby once a day, preferably in the morning. When going outside, it is necessary to give the young explorer the opportunity to move - let the baby explore the surroundings and natural phenomena.

If your baby has trouble falling asleep, regardless of the routine, it makes sense to choose a time for a walk just before “quiet hour.” The child will receive a portion of fresh air, run around and will certainly fall asleep at the right time.

Leisure organization

It is very important to organize a child’s leisure time so that his activities do not disturb others and contribute to a smooth transition from wakefulness to sleep. It is advisable to think through the baby’s activities in advance so that the active phase occurs during daylight hours, and quiet time precedes evening rest.

Any active or intellectual games are best played during daylight hours

During a walk, you should try to give your daughter or son the opportunity to spend some of the accumulated energy and encourage him to play actively. At home, before dinner, reassure your child a little, for example, by asking him to prepare a place for eating. Let the mother and baby put the toys in their places so that he can later learn to clean up after himself. In the same way, it is advisable to set aside time before bedtime to clean up toys. Thus, you can kill two birds with one stone - tidy up the play space and “mute” the child’s activity before the night.

After a day's rest, the baby is usually in a calm state, the period of activity begins a little later. At this time, it is better to invite him to engage in creativity, or collect construction sets, puzzles, or read him poetry or a fairy tale. After an hour and a half, you can go for a walk if going outside is planned.

Each child has his own preferences and should be taken into account when organizing his leisure time. However, it is important to adhere to the basic principles:

  • If parents bought a new toy, it is advisable to give it to the little fidget in the morning. Otherwise, he won’t have time to play enough and won’t want to go to bed on time. If the baby visits the nursery, it is advisable to give it on a day off so that the baby has enough time to play.
  • In the evening, when the adult family members gather at home, mother has less time for the younger one. If you satisfy his need for movement during the day, the baby can spend the evening in quiet games. As a last resort, during this period you can allow the child to watch cartoons if the parents allow the offspring to sit in front of the TV screen from time to time.

Quiet games are perfect for evening time
  • You need to try to offer your child a variety of activities in order to switch his attention from time to time. A two-year-old baby cannot yet play on his own for more than half an hour, so you need to give him new ideas for games in time.
  • If the baby attends a nursery, the daily routine on weekends should be approximately the same as in the kindergarten. That is, it is advisable to schedule walks and naps at the same time as in the nursery. Then the baby will not find himself in a stressful situation and will easily fall asleep at the right time.

If you cannot follow the prescribed regimen, you should try to make changes to it. Perhaps such a schedule is not suitable for a small person; it just needs to be optimized a little.

Daily schedule by time

We will give only an approximate daily routine that it is advisable to focus on. However, the plan can be adjusted to bring it as close as possible to the optimal one, taking into account the child’s circumstances and preferences:

  • 7-00-7-30 waking up, morning washing, brushing teeth, getting dressed;
  • 8-00-8-30 breakfast;
  • 9-00-10-30 walk;
  • 10-30-12-00 creative activities, home leisure;
  • 12-00-12-30 lunch;
  • 13-00-15-00 daytime sleep;
  • 15-00-16-00 quiet games at home;
  • 16-00-16-30 afternoon tea;
  • 16-30-18-00 walk;
  • 19-00-19-30 dinner;
  • 19-30-21-00 quiet games, activities;
  • 21-00 sleep.


In order to correctly draw up a child’s nutrition schedule, one should proceed from the fact that at 2 years old the baby should receive food 4-5 times a day (we recommend reading:). Our schedule includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. If your baby still eats at night, now is the time when you can wean him off this habit. At first, you should smooth out the lack of night feedings with the help of a second dinner - give you milk to drink or eat yogurt at night:

  • Breakfast is the most important meal because your baby needs to survive until lunch, avoiding snacking. The first meal is possible an hour and a half after waking up. It should include carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. Porridge, boiled egg, toast with tea will do.
  • Lunch should be planned approximately an hour before the day's rest. At the second meal, the child should eat soup, a meat or fish dish, and a side dish.
  • Afternoon snack should be after nap. At this time of day, you should not feed your baby heavy food, let it be a light snack. The purpose of this meal is to help the baby hold out until dinner, which will be higher in calories. Cottage cheese with fruit, a dry biscuit, a jar of yogurt or a banana are quite suitable for an afternoon snack.
  • It is advisable to offer dinner to your baby when he is hungry, so that he can eat well before a long night's rest. It could be porridge, mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables.

The nutrition of a two-year-old baby may have individual characteristics. Some children do not eat the entire portion and often leave side dishes or fish on the plate. You shouldn’t force your baby to finish everything, but it’s better to take a closer look at him. If the child looks healthy and behaves actively, the portion he eats is enough for him. Do not allow cookies or sweets to be eaten between meals, then the child will have time to get hungry and there is a chance that he will eat everything on the plate.

Do not allow your child to snack between set meals.

Sample menu for a 2 year old child

Daily diet table:

This table presents sample menu, which is suitable for feeding a two-year-old baby. The mother can create a diet based on the child’s preferences. It is important that the menu contains:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • meat, fish.

The daily routine of a 2-year-old child should be compiled by loving parents. It is important to maintain a balance between the recommendations of specialists and the wishes of the child. You shouldn’t constantly force your baby to do something he doesn’t like; it’s better to try to adapt to him as much as possible. Then the daily routine will be implemented one hundred percent, and the baby will carry out everything planned with pleasure.

If a newborn baby only eats and sleeps, then a two-month-old baby is already able to demonstrate his habits. A 2-month-old baby's daily routine includes sleep and feeding, as well as entertainment with parents. Rest at this age still takes up most of the day. A 2 month old baby sleeps for a maximum of 16 hours. Mom is resting or doing housework at this time. The main thing is not to create loud sounds. After all, a child in the second month of life already has better developed senses than before. Therefore, the slightest rustle can wake him up, and a rumble can even frighten him.

To keep your child healthy and in good spirits, it is important for him to get enough sleep. Therefore, providing the baby with a quiet environment during rest is a priority for parents. The baby should sleep in silence for at least one year.

In general, the daily routine of children who are bottle-fed and breastfed is not particularly different. Elements of the routine include:

  • nutrition;
  • wakefulness;
  • walks in the open air;
  • bath procedures and personal hygiene.

If the mother did not create a daily routine for him in the first month of the child’s life, then, starting from the second month, this must be done. Otherwise, in the future it will be difficult for the baby to stick to the schedule, and parents will have less free time.

Moms should not chase templated daily routines. Often children themselves set a routine that suits their parents. For example, they wake up for breakfast not at 6:00, but at 8:00 and give mom time to rest. Or they go to bed not at 22:00, but at 24:00 after a hearty dinner, and sleep until the morning. Then the family will fully rest without waking up at night.

If the schedule of a two-month-old baby is far from the standards, then the mother urgently needs to adjust it. There are times when children confuse day and night. And instead of sleeping in dark time days, they are awake, and during the day, on the contrary, they sleep. Or they may wake up to eat not every 3-4 hours, but every hour. This tires parents, especially mom. Therefore, the regime cannot be left to chance.

Every month the baby's daily routine gradually changes

Sample routine

Children are completely different, and even at the same age they have their own daily routine. The main task for the mother is to carry out the necessary procedures that are included in the schedule.

Approximate daily routine:

  • 06:00 - 06:30 - baby wakes up and eats.
  • >06:30 – 07:30 – wakefulness. Mom carries out hygiene procedures (washes the baby, changes the diaper, cuts off the nails, cleans the nose), and light exercises.
  • >07:30 – 09:30 – the child is resting.
  • >09:30 - 11:00 - the baby woke up. The mother feeds the baby breast milk or formula. After eating, it is important to hold the baby in a column to allow excess air to escape.
  • >11:00 – 13:00 – sleep, preferably outside.
  • >13:00 – 14:30 – child eats, educational activities with mother.
  • >14:30 - 16:30 - third sleep.
  • >16:30 – 18:00 – wakefulness. Spending time with family members.
  • >18:00 – 20:00 – evening rest.
  • >20:00 - 21:30 – mother feeds baby, bathes. If the room temperature is not lower than 22 o C, leave the baby naked for 5 minutes. Air baths are beneficial for children.
  • >21:30 - 23:30 - sleep.
  • >23:30 - 00:00 - last meal before night's rest.
  • >00:00 – 06:00 – sleep. This period is considered normal for a baby. In fact, a child can wake up 2-3 times in 6 hours to eat. Under no circumstances deny him this.

This is one of the approximate daily routines; each child has his own.

The best thing for a 2 month old baby is being united with mom

Natural feeding is one of the best options baby nutrition. Mother's milk contains essential vitamins, which the baby needs so much, and antibodies to viral diseases. Breastfeeding is recommended at the baby's first request; let him eat as much as he wants. Typically, hunger in children occurs every 2-3 hours, which coincides with the normal daily schedule. Most mothers use this method breastfeeding, it helps meet the needs of the baby and reduces the risk of milk stagnation. The child feels the constant closeness of his mother and cries less because he feels comfort and protection.

The daily intake for a 2 month old baby is 900 ml of milk, serving is 130 ml. The duration of one breastfeeding for complete saturation is 20 minutes.

Premature babies can stop breastfeeding within 5 minutes of starting feeding. Thus, they receive only “foremilk”, which is released without effort on the part of the baby. It is more liquid and watery. To ensure complete saturation, it is important for a baby to eat both “front” and “hind” milk. To ensure that the child eats properly, pediatricians recommend partially expressing “light” milk before feeding. If such a situation arises, consult your pediatrician on what to do.

How much does the baby eat? Don't keep your baby at your breast for too long. Some babies, having had enough in 20 minutes, hold the nipple in their mouth for another half hour, sucking it periodically. This is how they replace their pacifier. Moms need to know that this situation will negatively affect the nipples. Cracks may appear on them, which will further cause discomfort when feeding.

Another sign that your baby is getting full is the number of diapers used. Normally, a 2-month-old baby pees up to 15 times a day and poops 2 to 4 times.

Artificial feeding

Newborns who are fed only formula are fed strictly on a schedule. Although dry formulas are a complete substitute for mother's milk, the composition and beneficial features others have. They are much heavier for the baby’s stomach and require more time to be completely digested.

To feed a 2-month-old baby, formula No. 1 is used 5-6 times a day. The volume of one serving is 100-120 ml. The recommendations in the instructions should be followed correctly.

Formula-fed babies should be given drinking water between meals. It is worth feeding artificial animals while holding them in your arms. This way they get close contact with their mother, which they so desperately need.

After each feeding, whether artificial or breastfeeding, the baby is held in a “column” so that the air trapped in the stomach is released. In case of excessive regurgitation, you should consult a doctor, because this may be the first signal of a problem with gastrointestinal tract crumbs.


A 2-month-old baby sleeps a lot, the main thing is that the sleep is also sound

As already mentioned, a 2-month-old baby needs to sleep up to 16 hours a day. Then he will be cheerful, able to explore the world, and eat with appetite. The baby should fall asleep on its own, without rocking. This is achieved if the mother accustoms the baby to the regime from birth. Then the child will know when it is time to rest and fall asleep without mother’s help.

Babies 2 months old often have problems sleeping. This is due to the need for the physical presence of the mother. If she is nearby, the baby will sleep for a long time and without interruptions. Otherwise, the baby’s sleep will be short and end in crying.

Often babies combine sleep and nutrition, falling asleep near the chest. In this case, the child’s eyes are closed and the body is relaxed. You shouldn’t leave the little one alone; it’s better for mom to lie down next to her and take a 30-minute break from household chores.

It is recommended to bathe your baby before bedtime. This event is held between 20:00 and 21:30 with a duration of up to 5 minutes. Bath procedures will relax, relieve stress and calm the child. Then the baby will fall asleep faster and sleep longer. It is important that the water is not too hot or cold; the recommended temperature is 37 - 39 o C.

Reasons why your baby may not sleep well:

  • Inactive behavior while awake.
  • A feeling of discomfort, such as a rumpled sheet, a heavy blanket, or a full diaper.
  • The room is hot or cold (the temperature should be between 20 - 22 o C). It is recommended to ventilate the room 2 times a day.
  • Extraneous noises, such as the TV playing, the phone ringing, parents talking loudly.
  • Bright light in the room.
  • Abdominal pain, colic.

Children who are used to falling asleep from rocking in their arms find it harder to fall asleep on their own. Here mothers create their own method. You can spend the time before bedtime more actively so that the baby is tired, reduce the noise and dim the lights in the children's room, sing a lullaby, or just talk calmly and affectionately with the baby.

To accustom the baby to a routine, the mother should follow it herself. Get up at 06:00 and wake up the baby, wash, feed and put him to bed after an hour and a half. Continue as scheduled. After 2-3 weeks the baby will follow his mother’s rules.

Water procedures and gymnastics

Daily water procedures at 2 months are carried out in clean water

It is worth adhering to a daily routine both regarding nutrition and sleep, and bathing. Water procedures Mom spends at the same time. You need to wash your baby taking into account the following rules:

  • Soap, bubble bath or shampoo should only be used once a week.
  • Daily bathing in ordinary clean water.
  • Adding a decoction of chamomile or string is allowed if the baby has heat rash.
  • The water temperature in the bath is 37 - 39 o C.
  • It is not necessary to bathe only in the evening. It is important that this procedure takes place every day at the same time.
  • The duration of the procedure is 5 - 8 minutes.

Usually after bathing the baby feels tired, eats and goes to bed.

Mothers should not forget about daily exercise for their child. It is done in the morning after the first or second sleep. You should not exercise directly after eating.

Morning exercises begin with lightly stroking the baby. Then they do flexion and extension of the legs, spreading the arms to the sides or up/down, and the “bicycle” exercise. If your baby suffers from colic, give him a tummy massage. Place the baby on his back and gently move your hand clockwise around the navel. Bend the baby's legs towards the tummy, applying light pressure.


Walking in the fresh air is extremely important for a two-month-old baby. In the warm season, their duration should be at least 2 hours. In summer it is better to go outside before 11:00 and after 16:00, then the sun does not burn too much, and the air is not so hot. Direct contact should not be allowed sun rays for the baby.

Don't get carried away with walks in winter. If the air temperature is below -10 o C, it is better to stay at home. If the child does not sleep during a walk, take him in your arms and show him the world around him. Try to walk in parks or courtyards, away from noisy roads.

To keep your little one busy, you can play with him. For a 2-month-old baby, it is worth choosing games that will stimulate the development of vision and hearing, physical and mental abilities.

To train vision and hearing, take a yellow or red rattle and raise it above the baby to a height of more than 30 cm. Ring the toy and move it in different directions. The baby will follow the rattle with its eyes. This is how they train eye muscles and attention. The child will turn his head to the sound.

For physical development, place the baby on his tummy and leave a toy in front. The baby will try to reach her and raise his head. After 2-3 minutes, give this toy to the child so that he understands that it was not in vain that he tried to reach it. Read books with rhymes or fairy tales to your baby, sing songs, do it with expression. Classical music also has a beneficial effect on mental development crumbs.


For both mother and child, maintaining a routine is a difficult task. It’s worth adapting to your baby’s routine and based on it, making your own, which you always adhere to. Then very soon it will become easier for the parent to make plans for the day, and the baby will fall asleep easier and faster.