Recipes for cooking Brussels sprouts in a frying pan and in other ways. How to cook Brussels sprouts? Cooking frozen and fresh Brussels sprouts What can you cook with frozen Brussels sprouts

In many European countries, Brussels sprouts are on the table all year round. Our compatriots also have the opportunity to enjoy this vegetable all year round, but they don’t do it. Even from supporters healthy eating often heard. that this cabbage is not tasty enough. Some gourmets are confused not only by the bitter taste, but also by the specific sulfurous smell of the product. But let's tell you a secret: all these problems can be solved. Today we will tell readers of the New Domostroy website how delicious you can cook frozen Brussels sprouts in a frying pan, odorless and without bitterness, here are recipes for dishes from this vegetable in the oven, saucepan, slow cooker and in a frying pan. But first, a few words about why you should include foods from this product in your daily diet.

Useful properties of Brussels sprouts, calorie content and composition

Brussels sprouts have a low energy value(about 40 kcal/100 g), while containing a lot of fiber, useful for digestion, a huge amount of vitamin C (about 80% in 100 g daily value adult) and enough a large number of folic acid (per 100 g of product – one third daily norm). Thus, it supports immunity, the required level of hemoglobin in the blood, good mood and high performance. It is imperative to include it in the diet of pregnant women, since folic acid helps prevent fetal development abnormalities. It is also indicated for those who have low acidity. A fairly high content of potassium, manganese and phosphorus makes the product even more useful.

Almost all the benefits are retained by frozen Brussels sprouts, recipes for preparing dishes from which are collected in this material. It is used for preparing first courses and salads, but is more often served as a side dish stewed, baked or fried. Goes well with ginger and other seasonings.

Culinary secrets

Follow these tips for cooking frozen Brussels sprouts. They will help turn a vegetable into a dish that none of your household members, even children, will refuse.

How to cook Brussels sprouts without bitterness and a specific smell

The best way to rid Brussels sprouts of the unpleasant taste is to boil them for a few minutes, then drain and cook in clean water or another method.

If, when boiling, you put a piece of lemon in the water or pour in a spoonful of lemon juice, the specific smell will disappear.

The addition of aromatic spices and spices also helps improve the taste and aroma of Brussels sprouts. Garlic, rosemary, ginger, and tarragon have proven themselves best.

What is the difference between cooking frozen Brussels sprouts and fresh ones?

Fresh cabbage is peeled from the top leaves and washed. There is no need to do this with a frozen product.

It is up to the cook to decide whether to defrost vegetables before cooking. Usually this is not required. To cut the heads of cabbage, just cook them a little or let them thaw halfway.

If the Brussels sprouts have not been thawed, they need to be cooked 5 minutes longer than fresh ones.

That, in fact, is all the differences.

How long to cook frozen Brussels sprouts

Cooking times for frozen Brussels sprouts vary depending on the specific recipe, but some general guidelines can be given.

  • If you want to cook the Brussels sprouts until tender, pour them into boiling water without defrosting and cook for 12-15 minutes. If you cut the cabbage in half or thawed it, it will take about 8-10 minutes to cook.
  • Roast whole Brussels sprouts for 20 minutes, and halved or quartered Brussels sprouts for 15 minutes. If the vegetable was boiled until half cooked, its frying time can be reduced by 5 minutes.
  • Stew and bake Brussels sprouts for 5-10 minutes longer than boiling.

Often the dish includes not only Brussels sprouts with spices, but also other products. Some of them require longer heat treatment. This affects the cooking time of the entire dish.

If you have any doubts about how and how much to cook frozen cabbage, it is advisable to follow the instructions in the recipe. If there are no such instructions, then take into account the tips above. Now you can move on to recipes for healthy vegetable dishes.

Frozen Brussels sprouts soup

Ingredients required:

  • Brussels sprouts (frozen) – 400 g bag,
  • potatoes – 4-5 pcs. medium size,
  • ginger root (grated) – teaspoon,
  • butter – 50 g,
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil whole cabbage for 10 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and cool.
  2. Cut the heads of cabbage into 2-4 pieces (depending on their size). If they are very small, then you don’t have to cut them.
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin disks or small slices.
  4. Place butter and cabbage, finely chopped garlic and ginger on the bottom of the saucepan. Lightly fry the cabbage.
  5. Pour two liters of water or vegetable broth over the cabbage, bring to a boil, add salt, add potatoes and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  6. When serving, top with sour cream.

The recipe will appeal to vegetarians. This light soup can also be consumed while following a weight loss diet. If you replace the butter with vegetable oil, you can eat this soup during fasting.

Ingredients required:

  • Brussels sprouts – 200 g (half a pack),
  • carrots - one thing,
  • pink salmon, trout or other fish (canned) - one can,
  • green peas (canned) or beans (in their own juice) - one can,
  • mayonnaise, tomato paste or olive oil - to taste,
  • wine vinegar or dry wine - one spoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the cabbage for 15 minutes (until tender), put it in cold water, cut each head of cabbage into four parts, sprinkle with vinegar.
  2. Boil the carrots, cut into cubes.
  3. Open the canned food and divide each piece of fish into several parts (8-10). You can simply chop the fish by mashing it with a fork. Do not pour out the oil.
  4. Mix cabbage, carrots and green peas.
  5. Mix vegetables with fish.
  6. Season with canned oil by mixing it with a small amount of olive oil, mayonnaise or tomato paste. A harmonious taste is obtained by adding a spoonful of paste and two spoons of mayonnaise to the canned oil. WITH olive oil(without mayonnaise and paste) the taste will be more delicate.

This Brussels sprouts salad is quite special. Serve it to festive table to surprise your guests!

Frozen Brussels sprouts with sour cream and breadcrumbs

Ingredients required:

  • Brussels sprouts – pack (400 g),
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • breadcrumbs or fiber (ground) - 2 teaspoons,
  • tarragon (optional) – 2 coffee spoons,
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the cabbage until tender (about 15 minutes). Once it boils, don’t forget to add salt.
  2. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on plates. If you are not too careful about your diet, you can lightly fry it first.
  3. Pour in sour cream, sprinkle with tarragon and breadcrumbs. Bon appetit!

This version of the Brussels sprouts dish is considered dietary. You won't have to beat yourself up if you enjoy it for lunch or dinner.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts (frozen or fresh)

Ingredients required:

  • cabbage – 400 g,
  • garlic - two cloves,
  • vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons,
  • breadcrumbs (or hard cheese) – 100 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the cabbage for 10 minutes.
  2. Chop the garlic and fry in half the oil until dark brown. Remove garlic from oil.
  3. Fry the cabbage in this oil. If it is large, it is better to cut it in half first.
  4. Place the cabbage in a baking dish, drizzle with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or grated cheese, and bake for 10-15 minutes.

This recipe can also be used to cook Brussels sprouts in a frying pan. To do this, after sprinkling the vegetable with breadcrumbs, you need to simmer it for a quarter of an hour over low heat under a lid.

Brussels sprouts fried in egg

Ingredients required:

  • Brussels sprouts – 0.2 kg;
  • Yalta onion (purple) – 100 g;
  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • milk – 100-120 ml;
  • hot capsicum, fresh or dried herbs, salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed.

Cooking process:

  1. After defrosting, cut the Brussels sprouts into quarters.
  2. Finely chop the onion and pepper.
  3. Fry the onions and peppers for 5 minutes, add cabbage to them. Fry the vegetables together for 6-8 minutes.
  4. In a separate container, whisk the eggs, combining them with milk, salt, and chopped herbs.
  5. Pour the egg mixture over the cabbage. Reduce heat under the frying pan.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid and keep on low heat until the eggs are cooked.

Such an unusual, hearty and healthy scrambled egg can be served for breakfast, as the dish is prepared in a hurry.

Brussels sprouts in sour cream with vegetables in a slow cooker

Ingredients required:

  • fresh or frozen Brussels sprouts – 0.4-0.5 kg (bag);
  • onions, carrots, sweet peppers - 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • fresh herbs - a bunch;
  • sour cream – 0.2 l;
  • balsamic vinegar or lemon juice– 40 ml;
  • water (boiling water) – 100 ml;
  • flour – 15-20 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • rosemary, salt – to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the cabbage into halves. Pour in balsamic vinegar or lemon juice and stir.
  2. Cut the vegetables into strips. Carrots can be grated for Korean salads.
  3. Finely chop the greens.
  4. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl. Put onions and carrots in it.
  5. Start the unit in baking mode, setting the timer for 35 minutes.
  6. After 5 minutes, add pepper, after another 5 minutes, add cabbage. Fry it with other vegetables for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with flour, salt, seasonings.
  7. Mix the remaining ingredients and pour into the slow cooker. Prepare food until the end of the program.

This recipe can also be prepared in a frying pan. You can add a spoonful of tomato paste or ketchup to the sour cream for piquancy.

Pasta with frozen Brussels sprouts

Ingredients required:

  • cabbage – half a pack (200 g),
  • pasta (shells look good) – 200 g,
  • chicken breasts (fillets) – two pieces,
  • lemon - quarter,
  • onion (preferably red) - one head,
  • garlic - a couple of cloves,
  • cheese (hard) – 50 g,
  • broth - a glass,
  • greens (dill, parsley, basil) - half a glass,
  • salt, pepper (preferably paprika) - to taste,
  • olive oil - how much will be needed.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the breasts (with seasonings) in a small amount of water until half cooked.
  2. Cool, cut the breasts, fry with pepper and salt.
  3. Boil the pasta, rinse.
  4. Fry chopped onions, garlic, and peppers in a saucepan. Add cabbage cut into quarters. After frying it lightly, pour in the broth and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Add chicken and lemon juice and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  6. Add macaroni and cheese. Simmer for another 5 minutes and the dish is ready.
  7. When serving, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

This recipe will give you a complete meal. It will be quite filling even without meat, since Brussels sprouts contain protein, which is not typical for every vegetable.

Unfortunately, not everyone loves Brussels sprouts for their bitter taste. However, correctly selected seasonings favorably highlight its taste, turning a disadvantage into an advantage. As a last resort, when boiling cabbage, you can drain the first water when boiling and then cook it in the second water - the bitter taste should disappear.

Elena Pronina

Fresh Brussels sprouts need to be cooked for about minutes. Frozen Brussels sprouts - -.
Cook Brussels sprouts in a steamer for 25 minutes. In a slow cooker, cook the Brussels sprouts for 12 minutes on the “Stew” mode.

How to cook Brussels sprouts

You will need: Brussels sprouts, water

1. Cabbage, if frozen, do not defrost. If it’s fresh, remove it from the stalk, remove dark spots and yellow leaves, then rinse.
2. Place the cabbage in a saucepan, add water so that it barely covers the cabbage, and put on high heat.
3. Cook frozen Brussels sprouts after boiling for 12 minutes, fresh - 5-7 minutes.
4. Check the cabbage for doneness: it should be soft when pierced with a fork.
5. Place the cabbage in a colander and let the water drain; the Brussels sprouts are cooked.

How to cook Brussels sprouts in the microwave

1. Place 400 grams of fresh or frozen Brussels sprouts in a microwave-safe bowl.
2. Pour a quarter glass of water into a bowl and place in the microwave.
3. Set the microwave to 800 W and time for 5 minutes.
4. At the end of the first stage, salt and pepper the Brussels sprouts and stir.
5. Return the Brussels sprouts to the microwave for another 5 minutes.

How to Easily Freeze Brussels Sprouts

2. Place the cabbage on a plate or tray in 1 layer, with 1 more plate on top until all the cabbage has been placed.
3. When the cabbage is frozen, put it into bags and return it to the refrigerator - the cabbage will be crumbly and later you will be able to measure out exactly as much cabbage as needed without defrosting the entire bag.
Cook Brussels sprouts frozen in this way after boiling for 15 minutes.

How to deliciously freeze Brussels sprouts

1. Remove heads of Brussels sprouts from stalks, remove yellow leaves, and rinse.
2. Pour the cabbage into a saucepan, add water so that it barely covers the cabbage, and put on high heat.
3. Cut the lemon (half a lemon per 1 kilogram of Brussels sprouts) into slices and place in water.
4. Once boiling, reduce heat and cook Brussels sprouts for 5 minutes.
5. Place the cabbage in a colander and shake to drain excess liquid.
6. Place the cabbage on a cloth to cool, put it in the freezer to freeze, then put it in bags and store.

Cook Brussels sprouts frozen in this way after boiling for 10 minutes.

Brussels sprouts in batter

400 gr. frozen or fresh Brussels sprouts
Eggs - 3 pcs. (needs proteins)
flour - 3-4 tablespoons
sour cream - 1 teaspoon

Cooking Brussels sprouts in batter:
Cook the Brussels sprouts, cool and dry slightly. Whisk the whites, flour and sour cream - you should get a fairly thick mixture so that it does not run off the cabbage. Dip the cabbage in the batter, place in a frying pan and place over medium heat, turning regularly. Fry for only 7 minutes.

Reading time - 5 min.

Brussels sprouts are a variety of garden cabbage that have high nutritional qualities. It is not the leaves of this cabbage that are eaten, but small heads of cabbage that are formed in the axils of the leaves from modified lateral buds. If you've never encountered this vegetable before, you might be wondering. how to cook Brussels sprouts.

Brussels sprouts have a wide variety of cooking methods: they can be boiled, steamed, stewed, fried, baked, added to soups and salads. Let's take a look at the main ones ways to cook Brussels sprouts, knowing which, you can prepare a lot of different tasty and nutritious dishes from this vegetable.

How to cook Brussels sprouts

To cook Brussels sprouts the traditional way, that is, in boiling water, place a large saucepan of water with a pinch of salt on the fire. While the water is boiling, rinse the cabbage in running water, remove yellowed and damaged leaves from the heads of cabbage.

When the water boils, put the cabbage in it and cook for 5-7 minutes. The finished cabbage should be soft and easily pierced with a fork. It is very important not to overcook the Brussels sprouts, as they begin to taste bitter when cooked for a long time. When the cabbage is ready, drain the water.

You can also cook cabbage in a double boiler, in which case the cooking time will be no less than 10 minutes. Boiled cabbage can be eaten with butter or various sauces, as well as in birthday salads and other dishes.

How to Roast Brussels Sprouts

In order to prepare cabbage for frying, it is washed under running water and remove yellow and damaged leaves. After this, the heads of cabbage need to cut in half lengthwise and make a cut in the stem so that the cabbage is better fried.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat with plenty of vegetable oil and place the prepared cabbage cut side down on it. Salt and pepper to taste, you can add other spices if desired. Fry cabbage until golden brown(about 5 minutes), then turn over to the other side.

Then pour it into the pan about a third of a glass of water(water should cover the entire bottom) and continue to fry the cabbage until the liquid has completely evaporated. Serve the roasted Brussels sprouts hot with a squeeze of lemon juice.

In addition, you can fry Brussels sprouts in batter. To do this, it must first be boiled and cut into halves. Prepare a thick batter from eggs, flour and seasonings, dip the cabbage in it and fry in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes.

How to Roast Brussels Sprouts

Preheat the oven up to 200 degrees. Prepare the cabbage in the same way as for cooking (you can additionally cut off the stems, so the cabbage will cook faster). Place the cabbage in a bowl and drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper to your liking. Toss the cabbage until it is evenly coated with oil.

Place the heads of cabbage in a baking dish one layer, place in the oven and bake until soft, the finished cabbage should be easily pierced with a fork. Usually cooking takes 35-40 minutes. During cooking, you need to shake the pan periodically so that the cabbage bakes more evenly.

How to roast Brussels sprouts

Prepare the cabbage as for frying. Place a large saucepan of salted water on the fire and bring to a boil. Place the cabbage in boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes, then drain the water.

Heat a frying pan, melt butter in it, add finely chopped or crushed garlic and salt to taste, heat for 1-2 minutes until the aroma of garlic begins to unfold. Place the cabbage in the pan and simmer for 3-5 minutes(until a brownish tint). If the pan becomes too dry during cooking, add more oil.

Cook frozen Brussels sprouts for 12 minutes

Steam frozen Brussels sprouts in a steamer for 25 minutes.

Cook frozen Brussels sprouts in a slow cooker for 15 minutes.

How long to cook frozen Brussels sprouts?

Frozen Brussels sprouts do not need to be thawed before cooking. We just put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. Then add salt. Then we put it on the fire and wait for it to boil. Then cook the frozen Brussels sprouts for 12 minutes over low heat. Place in a colander and let the liquid drain.

How long to cook frozen Brussels sprouts in a steamer?

Arrange the vegetables evenly in the steamer. We don’t do anything with it first. Cook frozen Brussels sprouts in a double boiler for 25 minutes.

How long to cook frozen Brussels sprouts in a slow cooker?

Place the vegetable on a sieve. We put it on a bowl with water already poured. Close the lid. Then select the “Extinguishing” mode. Cook the frozen Brussels sprouts in a slow cooker for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Serve boiled Brussels sprouts either hot or cold. It is suitable as a side dish for meat and fish. Goes well with vinaigrette.

Little tricks

  1. To prevent Brussels sprouts from becoming bitter, you can cut off the ends of the heads a little. And while cooking, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. It is recommended to add salt, spices and butter after cooking, when the Brussels sprouts are still very hot.
  3. It is better to choose fruits of the same size, with a diameter of no more than 3 centimeters.

Brussels sprouts are a very healthy and tasty vegetable.

Calorie content of Brussels sprouts is 43 kcal. It contains: proteins – 4.8 grams, fats – 0 grams, carbohydrates – 8 grams.

Brussels sprouts contain large amounts of vitamin C. The vegetable is also rich in fiber, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Due to its mineral composition, this product, if consumed regularly, reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Be careful. Brussels sprouts contain substances that disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It takes very little time to boil Brussels sprouts. It takes no more than 5-7 minutes to bring the fresh product to readiness. Frozen vegetables should be cooked for about 10-12 minutes. When using a double boiler, the duration of the manipulation is 25 minutes. In general, the product is not capricious and not demanding. If the exposure time is observed, it is difficult to spoil it. Both traditional cooking methods and the use of modern devices are suitable for processing the component.

How to cook Brussels sprouts in a saucepan?

To tasty boil Brussels sprouts in a saucepan, you need not only to know how long to keep the product in boiling water, but also to correctly follow the sequence of actions.

  • Carefully remove the fresh vegetable from the stalk, remove yellow leaves and dark spots, and rinse in cool water. Frozen products do not need to be defrosted!
  • Place the ingredients in a saucepan and add water until the liquid covers the contents. Place the container over high heat and bring to a boil. After this, reduce the intensity of the heat.

Tip: Normally the product has a sweetish taste. If the finished dish is a little bitter, then the next time you cook it, add a teaspoon of vinegar, a little salt and pepper, and a pinch of sugar to the water.

  • Fresh ingredients should be cooked for 5-7 minutes, frozen – 10-12 minutes. All that remains is to check the readiness of the vegetable by piercing it with a fork and you can drain the water.

Do not immediately pour boiling water over the Brussels sprouts, trying to reduce the cooking time. This will really help you gain a couple of minutes, but the quality of the finished dish will noticeably decrease. Its taste characteristics will also suffer.

How to cook Brussels sprouts in the microwave, slow cooker and steamer?

If you want to cook boiled vegetables in some unusual way, you should try these options:

  • In the microwave. Place fresh or frozen Brussels sprouts in a suitable bowl with high sides. For 400 g of vegetables, take a quarter glass of water and pour in the product. Having set the power to 800 watts, the workpiece should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes. After the specified time, add salt, pepper and mix. Cook it for another 5 minutes at the same power.
  • In a slow cooker. The device can also be used as a saucepan, but it is better to use the “Steam” function if it is present. In this case, place the blanks in a special basket and add salt. Pour some water into the bowl, assemble the structure and close the lid. The duration of the manipulation is 20-25 minutes, but 10 minutes after the start of processing you should check the bookmark.
  • In a steamer. How long to cook cabbage in a double boiler depends on the power of the device. On average, the process does not take more than 20-25 minutes. The main thing is to arrange the components so that they do not interfere with each other and do not impede the flow of steam. We salt the bookmark either at the very beginning or after turning off the steamer.

You should not cook other vegetables at the same time as Brussels sprouts, regardless of your approach. The tender pulp of the vegetable actively absorbs odors and any proximity can negatively affect the result.

How to properly freeze Brussels sprouts for cooking?

Fresh Brussels sprouts are very rare in our country. If you manage to find such a product, it will deteriorate very quickly, no matter what care is provided to it. The best option vegetable processing - freezing. Correctly carried out manipulation allows you to preserve the products in optimal form and boil them if necessary.

  • We remove the heads of cabbage from the stalk, clean them of all excess, and rinse them in cool water.
  • Fill the mixture with cold water, place the container over high heat and bring to a boil.
  • Cut half a lemon (per 1 kg of vegetable) into thin slices and place in boiling water. After the mixture boils again, cook it for 5 minutes, reducing the heat.
  • Place the semi-finished product in a colander and wait for the excess liquid to drain. Then dry the workpieces using paper napkins and cool naturally.
  • We pack the heads of cabbage in plastic bags or containers and put them in the freezer.

The component prepared in this way should be cooked no more than 10 minutes after boiling. But you shouldn’t greatly reduce the processing time, otherwise the product may seem dense or “rubbery.”