Vaccinations "for" and "against" group in contact. Do children need vaccinations? All the pros and cons of which vaccinations are free

Any responsible parent decides whether to vaccinate their child. Should children be vaccinated? This point always causes a lot of debate, both among specialists and ordinary citizens. Let's look at the arguments put forward by both sides. Please note that the article is of a review nature; the decision on methods of protection against diseases is made only by the parent or guardian of the children.

Why are vaccinations given?

Vaccination reduces high percent diseases in childhood, this is very important in the first year of life. This allows you to avoid epidemics and eliminate serious complications if the child does get sick. After all, the younger the children, the weaker they are the immune system.

It is believed that after vaccination a child will develop immunity. In some cases this is not the case. It is important to check the effectiveness of single vaccinations; this is done using a blood test for antibodies. Three-time vaccinations do not have such a need, so the probability of immunity after vaccination with DTP and polio is 99 percent.

What is a vaccination? Weakened microorganisms that are based on the causative agent of the disease are introduced into the body. The immune system responds to the attack and produces an antidote. So why is vaccination so controversial? Let's consider the opinions of opponents.

Opinion FOR

What are the arguments of vaccination supporters? When “total vaccination” was introduced at one time, such terrible diseases, like polio and diphtheria. When vaccination just began, the most dangerous forms polio - paralytic. For example, in Moscow, diphtheria completely disappeared in the early sixties. But today diphtheria has appeared again. The main reason is the influx of migrants and children not receiving vaccinations due to various diseases V early age.

Some adults also lost their immunity to diphtheria, setting the stage for an outbreak of the disease.

Most scientific authors medical literature believe that it is preventive vaccinations for children that can save millions of lives from dangerous diseases, that is, the benefits of vaccines are much more risk from a possible side effect.

Proponents of vaccinations are sure that it is more dangerous not to vaccinate children. Currently, in some CIS countries, due to a decline in the quality of medical care, outbreaks of deadly diseases have occurred. Measles, scarlet fever and mumps became commonplace.

What else could be the risk of reluctance to get vaccinated?

  1. Ban on visiting some countries without appropriate vaccinations.
  2. Refusal to admit a child to health and educational institutions in the event of a threat of infectious diseases.
  3. An unvaccinated child can get sick from a vaccinated baby, as he can be a carrier of a fatal disease.

In addition, immunization supporters believe that anti-vaxxers often cite unconfirmed facts.


The main arguments of opponents of vaccinations mainly concern side effects. Vaccines are not one hundred percent safe - it is a foreign protein, so it must be handled with extreme caution. The vaccine contains highly toxic substances, in particular phenol, formaldehyde, aluminum phosphate and others. Complications are dangerous, especially if the child is allergic to any component.

Anti-vaxxers also make the following arguments against universal immunization:

  1. No vaccine provides one hundred percent immunity; even vaccinated children can get whooping cough, mumps and other infections.
  2. Anti-vaxxers believe that the administered vaccine destroys natural immunity. There is no guarantee that the body will produce to the extent necessary artificial.
  3. Many questions are asked about the quality of vaccines and their storage conditions. The effect of some vaccinations on the body has not been fully studied; this applies, for example, to hepatitis B. How is transportation and storage controlled? Who will guarantee that the child was given a high-quality drug?
  4. Too many vaccinations are prescribed in infancy, not all of them are necessary.
  5. Before vaccination, the child is not thoroughly examined; they only look at the throat and take the temperature. This approach leads to side effects.
  6. Vaccination can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases or its first manifestations, and it is also possible to revive a latent infection. This provoking role of vaccination is sometimes very dangerous.

Precautionary measures

Both supporters and opponents of universal vaccination agree on only one opinion - it is important to take precautions before any vaccination. Experts don’t talk much about them, but it is necessary to notify parents about when it is contraindicated to administer vaccinations. Without safety precautions, vaccines are dangerous.

Main contraindications:

  1. Some diseases of the nervous system. For example, the instructions for the smallpox vaccine indicate that the drug should be administered only 12 months after the pathological symptoms have disappeared. A conclusion from a neurologist is also required.
  2. Severe reaction to a previous vaccination.
  3. Acute condition of the child. Vaccination is prohibited during colds, during exacerbation chronic illness.
  4. Children should not be vaccinated if they have skin diseases, dysbacteriosis, thrush, or herpes.

It doesn’t hurt to draw up an individual vaccination plan; this helps protect the baby and avoid side effects. This opportunity is available in paid clinics. It is useful to track the vaccination calendar yourself, control the timing, and be interested in the drug being administered. It is important to pass all tests before DTP vaccination.

It is advisable not to vaccinate children before entering kindergarten and immediately send them to educational institution. Vaccination during the seasonal period of ARVI and influenza diseases is undesirable. This can protect your child from vaccination complications.

If the child is weakened, it is better not to vaccinate with an antipertussis component. Doctors believe that this is what causes side effects after the vaccine is administered.

The introduction of any vaccination can cause fever, lethargy, and irritability. These are normal phenomena - this is how the infection is transmitted in a mild form. For three days it is better to leave the child at home, let him lie in bed, there is no need to require him to be active. physical activity. Children should be given more water, but not overfed. It is best to postpone recreational activities for five to six days.

After DTP, redness and slight compaction sometimes occur at the injection site. The polio vaccine often causes complications such as stomach upset when it is “live.” The so-called “killed” vaccine passes without such side effects.

Side effects

Side effects are divided into general and local. General ones affect the entire body, and local ones occur at the site of vaccine administration.

What are the local side effects? This is a thickening, painful swelling at the injection site. Lymph nodes may become inflamed, and urticaria, an allergic skin reaction, may occur.

As a rule, local reactions are not terrible and disappear after 2-3 days. You should monitor the baby's condition, especially if the drug is administered for the first time.

Children are recommended to administer the drug with the vaccine intramuscularly. But since children have a subcutaneous fat layer of varying thickness, the injection is not given into the gluteal muscle. In addition, injecting the drug into the buttock can cause damage. sciatic nerve. For this reason, the place for vaccination for children is the lateral upper surface of the thigh. But after two years, the vaccine is injected into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

Experts assure that increased caution is necessary when injecting children. In children, pain points are located more superficially than in adults. Infant cannot express the sensations experienced, and children's skin is very vulnerable. Therefore, even a simple injection leaves hemorrhage in the skin tissue, but what about the vaccine preparation?

General reactions include malaise, fever, severe rash, and headache. Sleep and appetite may be disturbed, and short-term loss of consciousness may occur.

If a “live” vaccine is administered, then in some cases the symptoms of the infection are reproduced, but in a weakened form. For example, after receiving a measles vaccine, children may experience a rash within 24 hours, as well as catarrhal symptoms and elevated body temperature.

In addition to general and local reaction in rare cases, real complications arise that are dangerous to health. This anaphylactic shock, convulsions, neurological disorders, collapse.

If there is any fluctuation in the child’s health after the vaccine is administered, he must be examined by a doctor.


So what conclusion suggests itself from the above material? The fact is that the issue of immunization is controversial. Parents make decisions and are responsible for the health of their child. They are the ones who decide the future, whether they are for or against vaccines.

Vaccination should take into account the individual characteristics of children. The ideal situation is when, before the planned vaccination, comprehensive examination, a decision is made on the need for vaccination taking into account all factors. In some cases, the date of vaccination needs to be postponed or some vaccine must be refused.

Parents can always refuse vaccination based on Article 11 of federal law. All vaccinations are carried out only with the consent of guardians and parents. Everyone can exercise this right; parents can also demand a mandatory examination before any vaccination.

I came across it completely by accident, just scrolling through my news feed. I went to have a look. I started reading everything... I got tired of reading and being horrified. These are all stories of real people.
Below is the text of some of them:

Vaccinations: pros and cons August 30, 2016 at 11:16 am Please write in detail - what vaccinations were given, what were the consequences. We will periodically remove the flood.

Daria Kovaleva Aug 30, 2016 at 11:35 am My son was diagnosed diabetes Type 1, six months after the last DTP, we ended up in intensive care in a serious state of ketoacidosis. That is, it was already very advanced stage. About three months before this, I began to notice that my son had become lethargic and whiny... But the tests general blood- urine was normal. And then my mother advised me to donate blood for sugar. We passed, and our fasting score was 11.8. I don’t give anything to my youngest daughter. Even in the maternity hospital they didn’t do anything. Our son goes to school in September) we have been living with diabetes for 5 years. When we registered with a very good endocrinologist, she said that the main reason was vaccinations. She herself has three children; she has not vaccinated anyone. And her husband works as a pediatric resuscitator, she says how much he has seen the consequences of these... How many children have to be pumped out every day... And she gave us a medical exemption for two years from vaccinating everyone, so that they wouldn’t come to us in the kindergarten. Although the head physician of the hospital was very against this.

Maria Sharapova Aug 30, 2016 at 11:55 am A girl I know has spinal myo (muscular) atrophy after vaccination - a wheelchair user. Two children died of cancer, the children were born absolutely healthy, then there were convulsions, seizures and cancer, the disease proceeded as if it were a carbon copy. Many of my friends have allergies, atopic dermatitis and asthma - vaccinations are all on schedule.

Marina Pokhilyuk August 30, 2016 at 12:15 pm
After DPT, complications on the central nervous system, three days in a semi-coma, paresis of the right side of the face, three weeks later loss of all acquired skills, after 3 years a diagnosis of atypical autism.

Yulia Skuratova Aug 30, 2016 at 12:15 pm
Another one is fully vaccinated, at the age of 7 they had another manta, the Hand refused, they restored it for half a year, everything is fine now, they don’t vaccinate with anything else!

Margarita Trosina Aug 30, 2016 at 12:29 pm
In February 13, as a result of ECS, a healthy daughter was born, Apgar score 9/10. As expected, I was placed separately. A day after giving birth, the child was not brought to me, later the doctor came in and said that at night my daughter was admitted to the intensive care ward, the condition was of moderate severity. The reason was sudden weight loss, she vomited everything that fell into her mouth like a fountain. Since I signed consent for the vaccination (I’m a fool), she was vaccinated against Hepatitis 12 hours after birth. Further complete intoxication and weight loss. No one could tell me why healthy child Loses weight rapidly. Why does she vomit all the time? In short, only a month later she was normalized and removed from the system. We finally started bottle feeding and gaining weight. It’s clear that it’s nothing breastfeeding there was no longer any talk since my daughter was sitting tightly on formula for premature babies plus on nervous soil all the milk was burnt.

Sveta Mitusova Aug 30, 2016 at 12:47 pm Chronic pyelonephritis from 2 to 15 years old, I spent a lot of time in hospitals, the temperature was under 40, I was constantly sick, my mother spent many years on treatment, ultrasound shows kidney damage to this day, thank God then the medical outlet was completely life, I conducted a survey of pyelonephritis in absolutely all my peers... since the kidneys are not able to remove heavy metals and allow any infection to pass through, thank God, they cured me... though not doctors, so my children will never have vaccinations, as a result, I am much healthier than those vaccinated, I get sick once every couple of years

Marina Mosalova Aug 30, 2016 at 12:52 pm
The second child, after the third DTP + polio, developed red lumps on both buttocks. One of them disappeared gradually, the second became more convex and red. After two months the temperature rises above 39 degrees. They admitted me to the hospital. Against the background of interferon suppositories, only milk started from food loose stool. The pediatrician diagnosed him with rotavirus and sent him to the infectious diseases department, where adults were also lying, and a swarm of fat flies was flying in the toilet. Almost no problem for 4 days. The injections were equally ineffective. The temperature dropped only after the IV (maybe it was a lie, it will be clear why later). We continue to bet interferon, but added etherofuryl and biftdumbacterin. They took tests. After reading the Internet. I stopped giving all the medications and went home on my own responsibility. On the second day at home without medications and with normal food, the stool is normal. The tests, as it turned out later, came with good results. And a couple of days after that, this lump grew even more and became yellow-blue-violet. As a result, they cut out 50 grams of pus (from one year old child! My husband, I and the nurse held it - what a sight it is?????????) and then two weeks of dressings with a catheter (I think that’s what they call it). Only the husband could keep the child from this pain. Then the doctors all agreed - this cannot be from vaccination. After all this, including vaccination, endless diseases began at a pace. over 39, which was very difficult to knock down, and as soon as my daughter passed 39, her arms and legs immediately froze. My legs hurt and I almost had a bronchial tube. asthma (saved by Crimea). We still suffer from incomprehensible, weeping cracks behind the ears and armpits, spots with crusts on the head, and in the fall, our legs and arms are red and rough.

Yulia Lipacheva August 30, 2016 at 01:31 pm
Margarita, I also had a healthy daughter, 9/10 Apgar. Then I didn’t know anything about vaccinations, I agreed to BCG and hepatitis B. On the 2nd day, the child vomited naturally like a fountain, and they assured me that I had overfed her with the breast and immediately put her to bed, not allowing her to let out the air.

Kate Les Aug 30, 2016 at 1:34 pm
I still don’t know if it’s from the vaccine. I'll tell you from the beginning. The child was born full-term, but with low weight (2 kg). We performed CS for a number of indications. She refused hepatitis and agreed to BCG. On the first day they told me that everything was fine with the child, he was eating, etc. On the second day, emergency hospitalization, does not eat anything, regurgitates, etc. (It seems they didn’t do any vaccinations in the district, but who knows). 3 weeks in the hospital, x-rays, antibiotics, but they never told me what happened to the child. All tests, x-rays, etc. are normal. They chalked it all up to immaturity. Before being discharged from the hospital, I was given BCG. After 3 weeks we take a blood test: hemoglobin is below par, neutropenia, lymphocytosis. The lymph nodes in the neck have enlarged. And again emergency hospitalization. Now the child is 3 years old. The blood began to return to normal, but lymphocytosis remained and the lymph nodes were slightly enlarged. P.S. The midwife who was at the operation was very surprised that something was wrong with the child.

Marina Mosalova Aug 30, 2016 at 01:49 pm
I also noticed (someone already wrote about this) when I gave birth to my last one, two children were vaccinated in the ward, but I refused. So they screamed like crazy for several hours, nothing calmed them down, neither breasts, nor motion sickness. Mine just ate and slept, screamed when he was abruptly weaned due to procedures, etc. We didn't have colic either. My older children received maternity hospital vaccinations. They also screamed and suffered from colic for the first months.

Anna Gavrilitsa Aug 30, 2016 at 01:52 pm
My son was vaccinated at the RD without my knowledge, and was already given the vaccine. After the first DPT, terrible atopic dermatitis began, and the lump on my butt was terrible for 2 months. After the second, the same thing again. Now I’m writing refusals for Mantu and we’re seeing a homeopath

Tatyana Smirnova Aug 30, 2016 at 2:00 pm
My niece was born completely healthy, vaccinations were done according to schedule, by the age of two (or a little earlier) they noticed that one leg was shorter than the other, the girl had a slight limp... Result: doctors, exorbitantly expensive injections, specials. shoes, disability is not given... In short, they are treated... I hinted to my brother that this could be the consequences of vaccinations... He made big eyes... like the wife decides everything... And there is no point in talking to her at all... I gave birth almost two years ago, there were four of us in the ward... Two the mothers gave their children BCG and hepatitis, I and another one gave only BCG (I regret it very much)... So... The baby, who received both vaccinations (the mothers also paid extra for hepatitis, like an improved option...) died at home two weeks later... on at the time of birth she was absolutely healthy, we were discharged from the maternity hospital on time... My baby has atopic dermatitis on the folds of his legs... but for us it can also be hereditary... my husband is allergic and his mother...

Anna Kornevich Aug 30, 2016 at 04:54 pm
my daughter was born healthy; in matters of vaccinations, I didn’t even think that it was dangerous. There are two vaccinations in the maternity hospital, at two months, at five months, and now I have to go for vaccinations again, but my girl has a runny nose. The pediatrician examined the child and told him to come back in a week. we came. We had three vaccinations. At that time we were seven months old. Exactly at eight months we went for an examination, the pediatrician listened to the heart, and with a preliminary diagnosis of acute myocarditis, the next day we were already in regional hospital. When we were brought to the capital’s cardio center for a consultation, the doctors began to have a discussion among themselves, and then I heard the phrase “maybe myocarditis is due to the vaccine?” It was only then that I thought about vaccinations and began to study this issue. consequences of myocarditis for life: post-myocardial cardiosclerosis for third-degree blockade... it’s not normal to go to kindergarten, or to do physical education... don’t vaccinate the second one under any pretext. the difference is obvious. All my life I have not lost the feeling of guilt in front of my daughter. but the doctors don’t care, they don’t see the connection.

Lyudmila Vist August 30, 2016 at 09:04 pm
I have a friend who has had very poor health since childhood, Soviet time She was given some kind of vaccination at the factory, and she developed rheumatism. My friend also developed rheumatism in childhood, plus a complication in the eyes (autoimmune disease), and now she is visually disabled. I myself have an allergy to protein (chicken, quail, fish) and atopic dermatitis since 3 months. I have many friends who have epilepsy; I have a friend who has had diabetes since childhood.

Maisa Eroshkina Aug 30, 2016 at 09:58 pm
I gave my first daughter BCG because she was not yet fully versed in vaccinations, but I didn’t give my second daughter anything, and even so the difference is visible. The eldest had an allergy to milk protein until she was six months old, and she was tortured to follow a diet, since even eggs were prohibited. For the most part, she was still full of foam for up to eight months, sorry for the details. It was only later that I learned that BCG suppresses the intestinal microflora and that there is a foreign protein that provokes this very allergy. With my second daughter there are no such problems at all, no matter what I eat, there were no allergies at all.

Evgenia Mamedova Aug 30, 2016 at 10:14 pm
My nephew started having convulsions after DPT and lasted until he was 1.5-2 years old! Then they stopped! But the problems remain, I constantly have headaches and doctors predict possible epilepsy in adolescence. We certainly hope that this will not happen. Another friend’s child experienced changes after DPT; at the age of 3 he was diagnosed with autism!

Maria Petryakova Aug 30, 2016 at 10:42 pm
10 years ago I knew little about the consequences of vaccinations, so my newborn daughter was given hepatitis and BCG at the maternity hospital at 1 month, then at 4 months. second akds. At 5 months old, she was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation). The parents did everything according to the calendar ((which I really regret. At the age of 3, I was diagnosed with incomplete doubling of the left kidney, chronic pyelonephritis. Now my daughter is 10 years old, during this time she had stuttering, allergies and chronic sinusitis.

Ekaterina Rudneva August 31, 2016 at 12:51 pm
After the third DPT, my nephew had temporary paralysis of his leg, which was relieved by massage

Lena Borodina Aug 31, 2016 at 11:31 pm
After DPT the child has cerebral palsy. Before the vaccination, the child was absolutely normal and healthy... I foolishly started vaccinating my daughter, but stopped at 8 months. My son only gets BCG in the RD, that’s also stupid. Not a single more vaccination, I also wrote a refusal against mantu this year on both.

Elena Shevchenko Sep 1, 2016 at 01:14 pm
After the first DTP, the child screamed heart-rendingly for two days. Doctors call this complication “screaming a little.” The chart did not include information about the complication. They said, well, since this is a reaction, then you should only get the paid vaccine for the next vaccination, it’s better, purified. Quite by accident, on some forum, and not from a doctor, I learned that such a cry is a categorical contraindication for vaccination. Since then I’ve been reading more and more about vaccinations, and it’s getting scarier and scarier. I didn’t have time to do much for the younger one, but the older one... I hope I didn’t seriously undermine her health. I really regret that I believed the doctors so thoughtlessly.

Zilya Belyaeva Sep 1, 2016 at 1:43 pm
The neighbor's son's eye rolled back after the DPT. We stayed in the hospital and received treatment. Now it also rolls up sometimes. After the PDA, my sister’s son was taken away in an ambulance with allergies. Now the child has stenosis. Every winter a child suffers.

Gulnara Omelchenko Sep 1, 2016 at 2:46 pm My niece developed a terrible allergy after vaccination. First there was a high temperature, and then it sprinkled all over the skin. My sister cried when she received the results of allergen tests and asked, “What am I going to feed my daughter?” Almost all products have several advantages. And this is in a child who did not even have infantile dermatitis and who was already on the common table, adjusted for age (without any harm). The allergist confirmed the connection with the vaccine. And the pediatrician then said, “maybe it’s not because of the vaccination.” I just want to respond to this with “maybe...” “maybe we’ll put it on the maps?”

Natalya Gora Sep 1, 2016 at 07:09 pm I was born in 1974. born, my classmate, after DTP, partially lost her hearing. She did not hear her being called to the board. A very smart, talented girl, but after vaccination she has 30 percent of her hearing left. A relative lost his legs after DPT; it took a year to recover. An employee’s daughter, under one year old, died after receiving DPT at work. My son has a 1998. born, after ADS-M at the age of 7, stuttering began.

Maryana Azizbaeva Sep 1, 2016 at 11:00 pm My mother took me when I was 2 years old to see a pediatrician at the clinic. On the mother's side: the child is lethargic - he waved his hand, go get vaccinated! After vaccination the temperature is 40 for several days. He waved again: complications happen. Mom didn’t listen to him and took me to the Military Medical Academy. They said “if only they had waited a little longer and that would be it...” Since then, my mother has not believed the doctors, she spent two months with me in the hospital. I don’t know the details, I still can’t get to my card, but in her words, the diagnosis is “pyelonephritis”. This is my first time writing my story. As a child, I was sick a lot, often had sore throats, allergies to iodine, for metal. The first daughter appeared (she was born calm, ate and slept, was the calmest in the department) did not have the information, she was given BCG in the maternity hospital, I refused hepatitis. I brought home a completely different child. Further, my daughter has blood pressure up to a year, up to 2 years for milk and dairy products, from 3 years old and now she is 5.5 for spring flowering, in the fall for foliage, dust - in the spring there are constant exacerbations. She is very emotional, to the point of hysterics, from which it is difficult to get her out of it. She still doesn’t sleep well, until she was a year old it was trash, I thought it would outgrow everything, now she’s 5.5 and still doesn’t sleep well. The youngest is 10 months old without vaccinations and a completely different child! He sleeps well, his teeth are coming out in droves, he eats all the fruits and vegetables and milk porridge.

Milyausha Garifullina Sep 1, 2016 at 11:09 pm
We were born at 32 weeks, 1193 kg. On the 40th day of life, we were diagnosed with BCG before being discharged. There were no complications. But the colic was terrible, but for some reason I associated this with the vaccine. the medical withdrawal ended, the madhouse began, the commission, the persuasion of the pediatrician ended up with 1 polio (i.m. capped) 1 hepatitis. child I walked along the support and stopped working with my left leg. Without final massages, physical therapy rehabilitation... Now we are 1.8, we can walk. But we can only climb stairs with our right leg. There is dysplasia on the left, although it wasn’t there at birth. And the left leg is a little shorter, so far no lameness. Now I write refusals everywhere, I swear. They take me to the kindergarten. I went there with all the laws, thanks to the group. But I have a lump in my throat because of that vaccination.

There are many, many more stories...

Once again the time has come to talk about preventive vaccinations on the pages of our magazine. As always, it will be detailed and varied, so please be patient.

Our task does not include just another reprint - you will find it in any office of a children's clinic. We do not agitate “for” or “against” - we do not have such moral powers. We would like to provide you, dear readers, with maximum information and reasons for thinking about extremely important things: how to protect your baby from diseases and strengthen his immunity, how to develop your own position in relation to any issue related to the child’s health.

Today we will talk about children's immunity and characteristics. In the next issue we will talk about how to properly prepare a baby for vaccination, answer frequently asked questions from parents and talk about why doubts arise about the need for vaccination.

About immunity

Immunity is an ability human body resist the effects of any external factors, be it foreign agents (protein living “creatures” - bacteria, viruses, fungi) or substances, for example, “poisons” of various origins that we eat or breathe. Conventionally, immunity can be divided into nonspecific, or general, and specific.

Defensive forces general immunity (lysozymes, interferons, T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes, etc.) fight against all “violators” of boundaries without exception. The protective forces of specific immunity are selective. These are mainly antibodies - immunoglobulins J and M, which are formed either after a previous illness, or after vaccination, or are introduced into the body artificially (serum). Routine vaccination (vaccinations) against especially dangerous infectious diseases is the subject of our conversation today.

The army of general immunity is quite extensive: this and central authorities immunity (thymus gland, tonsils, etc.), and skin a person, and his mucous membranes, and special protective proteins in the blood, and much more.

Unfortunately, for many decades, domestic doctors have been actively working to promote only specific immunity, that is, vaccinating children against specific diseases. Without disputing this state of affairs, it is necessary to understand: in a child with a high level of general immunity, not only the risk of post-vaccination complications is reduced, but also the chance of catching it. infection, from which he is vaccinated.

How to increase general immunity in a child of the first year of life

Long-term breastfeeding (plus nutritious and varied nutrition for the nursing mother herself).

Age-appropriate introduction of complementary foods. It should begin no earlier than 4-6 months of life. Otherwise, the child’s body experiences an unbearable load on digestive system(the necessary reflexes have not yet been formed and there are no necessary enzymes), on the kidneys, liver and intestines (they cannot cope with the “processing” of new food and the removal of toxins).

Normal environmental conditions in the house. Less synthetics, more natural materials (furniture, clothes), no dust collectors (heavy curtains, high-pile carpets, large soft toys).

Regular ventilation and maintaining minimal cleanliness: there is no need to carry out general cleaning every day, but the absence of a layer of dust at least on children's things and toys is desirable. Smoking is prohibited in the house with a baby!

Tempering procedures, massage, gymnastics. Any training of the body (massage and gymnastics activates the work of hematopoiesis, heart, blood vessels, muscles) makes the immune system stronger as well. Load is useful, but overload is unnecessary.

Fortunately, this is easy to determine in a small child: while he is having fun, there is no unnecessary overexertion, although it may seem to us that the baby has been tired for a long time... Or vice versa: an always active baby, already trained by gymnastics or hardening, suddenly begins to resist - which means it makes sense to stop for now on what has been achieved.

What is the point of vaccination?

Vaccination does not protect a child one hundred percent from infectious diseases, but it can significantly reduce the risk of disease in children in the first year of life. This is very important - than smaller child, the weaker his immune system. If the baby does get sick, then the vaccination done in advance will contribute to the progression of the disease in a shorter time. mild form, severe complications and consequences are also excluded. Total vaccination (covering more than 92% of the country's population) makes it possible to avoid epidemics on a national scale.

There is still a widespread belief that vaccination is a one-time procedure. The main thing is to do it for the child. This is not true: it is necessary to make sure that the baby develops adequate immunity in response to the vaccine. Therefore, the vaccination schedule should be like this:

  1. Preparing for vaccination.
  2. Vaccination course.
  3. Checking the effectiveness of vaccination, for example, using antibodies.

There is an opinion that breastfeeding protects the baby from all diseases during the first 6-9 months. This is only partly correct: without a doubt, the child’s overall immunity in this case is much higher. However, in what quantity antibodies “flow” into the child with mother’s milk is unknown. Therefore, there is no absolute guarantee of specific protection for the baby’s body during breastfeeding.

For vaccinations that are given once (measles, mumps), it is necessary to check the effectiveness, regardless of whether your child has an individual vaccination schedule or a standard one. Using an antibody blood test, you can find out whether the vaccine has done its job. If the antibody titer is high, it means that the vaccination was not in vain.

With three-time vaccinations (DTP and polio vaccines are administered three times in a row, with an interval of 45 days), the probability that immunity to diseases exists is about 99%. Accumulates in the body a large number of memory cells that “keep” the level of antibodies high. Therefore, there is no particular point in testing for antibodies after the first vaccination.

Blood tests for antibodies and immune status are quite expensive; In addition, the child's blood is taken from a vein. Free tests in public medical institutions are done very rarely, for exceptional indications.

A special case

Even if you are an ardent opponent of vaccinating all children, including your own, it makes sense to sometimes reconsider your positions, in accordance with the circumstances. Have you moved to a new apartment and, in the absence of better places to relax, are you walking under the windows of a tuberculosis dispensary? It is safer for all family members to get the BCG vaccine. Or at least test the little ones for the Mantoux reaction.

It is known that children who are weakened and often suffer from colds need vaccination no less than others. But it is quite difficult to implement: in order for the vaccination to fulfill its purpose, the child must be absolutely healthy at the time of vaccination. There are children who are almost never “absolutely healthy”: one cold ends, and now another begins...

It turns out to be a vicious circle: it’s scary to vaccinate, and it’s scary not to vaccinate. How to find the gap between common diseases to get vaccinated? In parallel with increasing general immunity, it is necessary to strengthen specific immunity - with the help of a well-thought-out individual vaccination calendar, under the supervision of a competent immunologist.

Determination of immune status is detailed description general condition child's immunity. There is an urgent need for such research if your baby is constantly sick, even while breastfed! After the examination, it is necessary to consult with an immunologist - only a specialist can correctly “read” the test results.


There is a national vaccination calendar in every civilized country. It reflects the diseases from which children and adults need to be protected, the range of vaccines and the age of citizens for vaccination. Revision of the provisions of the calendar rarely occurs, which, on the one hand, is understandable - organizing vaccination according to a single program for the entire country requires too much effort. On the other hand, this state of affairs does not correspond to the constantly changing epidemic situation. The last major changes to the Russian National Vaccination Calendar were made in 1986; in 2003, a new version was approved, closer to European and world standards.

Prevention of national importance

Not everyone thinks about it, but the position of mothers and fathers in relation to their baby can be active or passive. This does not mean that active parents are good, and passive parents do not care about their children. This refers to the share of responsibility for the health and upbringing of the child that mothers and fathers want or do not want to share with other people - doctors, teachers, etc. Typically, passive parents take specialist recommendations on faith - “it’s necessary, it means it’s necessary,” while active parents ask more questions, know more (or want to know) about everything related to their children.

What does all of the above have to do with the problem of vaccination? The most direct: the fight against infectious diseases throughout the world is one of the most serious problems, and, as we know, difficult questions There are no simple answers. The mother who comes with her child to the vaccination office is right, not because “they told me so,” but because she is confident in the correctness of her decision. Most likely, before this she studied literature, used the Internet, did not take on faith the recommendations of only one doctor from the district clinic, consulted with a second, third specialist...

Unfortunately, no less often there are parents who are too lazy to go to the children's clinic at all. What kind of vaccinations are there? That is why society, represented by government medical institutions takes such an active, and sometimes somewhat aggressive, position regarding vaccination: otherwise there will be many young children suffering for no reason in our country. In other words, the state, instead of parents, takes on the role of “responsible for the health status” of each individual child.

National vaccination calendar of the Russian Federation (new version)*

Name of vaccination Vaccination period Revaccination period Notes
Against tuberculosis
3-4 days after birth 7 and 14 years old Once a year, the Mantoux test is performed to control immunity against tuberculosis.
Complex against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus
1.5 years, 7 years, 17, 27, 37 years and beyond Without the pertussis component, the vaccine is called ADS or ADS-M
Against polio
3, 4 and a half and 6 months 1.5 years, 1 year 8 months, 7 years Administered simultaneously with DPT (or ADS-M)
12 months 6-7 years
Against mumps(pigs)
12 months 6 years
Against rubella 1 year, 6 years; if the vaccination was not carried out at 1 year - at 6 and at 13-14 years
Against hepatitis B In the first 12 hours of life, 1 month, 6 months

* The table shows the names of vaccines manufactured in the Russian Federation. Children can also be vaccinated with vaccines produced in other European countries - in this case they must have the appropriate Russian certificate.

In our country, it is customary to give the first BCG vaccination in the maternity hospital, on the third or fourth day after the birth of the baby. The reason for such a “rush” is this: BCG is a vaccination against tuberculosis, a socially significant disease, very scary. Immunity against tuberculosis is not inherited, and initially the newborn does not have antibodies. In addition, in this case there is a guarantee that the maximum number of young children will be vaccinated. Starting it later, we will be able to vaccinate a significantly smaller number of children, which will affect the epidemic situation in the country.

Perhaps so early vaccination for an “individual” child and is not very relevant: if the baby grows in healthy family, rarely contacts strangers, he has little chance of getting sick. Accidental contact of an infant who has good immunity with a carrier of tuberculosis, for example, in a subway car, is not dangerous. On the other hand, many adults suffer from tuberculosis and, without knowing it, are bacteria excretors. Parents believe that they have a “smoker’s cough”, and their baby is “suddenly” diagnosed with tuberculosis...

Within a month and a half after vaccination, an abscess with a crust will form at the injection site - this is how it should be. After some time, the crust will fall off on its own, and a scar will form in its place, which will remain for life.

The BCG vaccination does not completely protect against tuberculosis; its task is to protect a small child from severe, fulminant forms of the disease. A vaccinated child may well get tuberculosis, but will survive the disease much easier. Whatever doubts may arise among specialists and ordinary people today regarding this vaccine, its validity has been confirmed: the incidence of tuberculosis is gradually decreasing, albeit not at a rapid pace; In addition, vaccinated children in the first years of life rarely get tuberculosis. The incidence has shifted to later (adult) ages.

A contraindication to BCG vaccination is that the baby weighs less than two kilograms.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that affects the lungs, skeletal system and other organs, often leads to disability.

The name of this complex vaccination is deciphered as follows: diphtheria-tetanus toxoid and whooping cough. The first time it is done at three months.

The pertussis component of DTP is not a “live” vaccine, but a “killed” one, but poorly purified. A good “cleaning” will make it fundamentally more expensive. This is some imperfection of the vaccine, but its carcinogenic danger, which is often talked about “by the people,” is incomparable with the amount of carcinogens that we get from food, drink and from the air.

The vaccine effectively protects young children from severe forms whooping cough: unvaccinated children are extremely ill with it, especially in the first year of life.

Without the pertussis component, the vaccine is called ADS-M or ADS, and is administered to weakened children according to the same scheme. If a child is vaccinated for the first time after three years, then the ADS vaccine is also used, if after 6 years - ADS-M.

Whooping cough is an infectious disease characterized by a long, debilitating cough, general weakening of the body, and pneumonia often occurs as complications.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease that most often affects the upper Airways. Diphtheria germs can enter the body through any mucous membrane or break in the skin, releasing a toxin that affects nervous system. Diphtheria is dangerous for a small child due to severe difficulty breathing (the so-called “diphtheria film” blocks the access of air to the lungs) and severe intoxication.

Tetanus is an infectious disease characterized by cramps of all muscle groups, including the respiratory muscles, which is life-threatening.

About responsibility

Contraindications to vaccination

Today they are very few in number, but they still exist. Contraindications are:

  1. Severe progressive disease of the nervous system.
  2. An absolutely inadequate reaction to a previous vaccination is anaphylactic shock, a state of clinical death.

No complications after vaccinations in the child’s siblings or other family members are taken into account. Although it is logical to expect a similar negative reaction in the fourth child in the family, if all previous children at an early age had allergic reactions to any vaccine.

  1. Acute somatic condition of the child at the time of vaccination. If there is a current cold or an exacerbation of a chronic disease, vaccination is postponed until complete recovery (plus another two weeks).

Despite such “narrow” contraindications and the persistent desire of some health workers to vaccinate the baby by any means, it does not hurt to be guided common sense. If your child is covered with a diathesis crust, or you are struggling with dysbacteriosis, thrush, herpes (such conditions themselves are immunodeficiency), you should vaccinate your baby only after consultation with an immunologist and specialized doctors (gastroenterologist, mycologist, etc.).

Drawing up an individual vaccination calendar helps to avoid many troubles. Here, as they say, the sheep are safe and the wolves are fed: the child is protected from infections and has successfully avoided post-vaccination complications. Services for compiling individual vaccination calendars, although paid, are available in most cases. The main thing is to know about this opportunity and be able to use it.

Just 10 years ago, it was considered unnecessary to inform parents about possible negative reactions of the child’s body to vaccination. Now this information is open. You can use this knowledge in different ways - refuse vaccinations, be more sensitive to the choice of vaccines and their administration, and simply take into account the likelihood of adverse reactions. In any case, it is you who must think and decide - do not shift all responsibility to the doctors!

After DTP, there may be an increase in temperature, redness and thickening at the injection site. Complications from the polio vaccine are rare only if the vaccine is “killed”. The domestic “live” vaccine often causes intestinal disorders and dysbiosis in children.

The domestic anti-mumps vaccine causes fever and a runny nose in some children, and convulsions cannot be ruled out. The measles vaccine causes fever and a runny nose, and a rash is also possible.

Who is responsible for unplanned post-vaccination complications? This does not mean anaphylactic shock, which cannot be predicted in advance, but an inadequate reaction of the body - blurred vision, severe convulsions, etc.

The pediatrician who sent the baby to the vaccination office is responsible if he did not pay attention to the signs of the disease (increased lymph nodes, redness of the throat, fever, etc.), in which it is better to postpone vaccination. If the technique of vaccination as a manipulation is violated, the nurse who performed it bears responsibility. For example, instead of intradermal administration of the BCG vaccine, it was given subcutaneously, which makes the development of lymphadenitis, abscesses and other complications possible.

The guilt of employees of medical institutions is determined by a medical commission. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” in such cases provides for material and other compensation (free additional examinations, sanatorium treatment, cash payments, etc.).

How to refuse vaccinations

The Federal Law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” was adopted by the State Duma on July 17, 1998, and approved by the Federation Council on September 4, 1998. Article 5 “Rights and responsibilities of citizens when carrying out immunoprophylaxis” of this law states: “Citizens of the Russian Federation, when carrying out immunoprophylaxis, have the right to refuse preventive vaccinations.” No one can force you to vaccinate yourself or your children using pressure or even blackmail. Refusal to vaccinate must be confirmed in writing; usually parents are asked to write the refusal directly in the child’s medical record.

By refusing to vaccinate your baby, you take full responsibility for his health and life. However, refusing vaccinations does not exclude your close contact with an immunologist who can monitor the child’s immune system.

Nadezhda Soldatenkova,
neonatologist, consultant doctor
Consultative and Diagnostic Center
Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. G.N. Gabrichevsky,
head of the vaccination room
Prepared by Olga Popova

Another opinion: against vaccinations

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya, virologist, member of the RNKB RAS and the International Society of Human Rights (ISHR)

Vaccinations undermine immunity

Article 11 of the federal law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” states that vaccinations for children are carried out only with the consent of the parents. I want to encourage parents to exercise their right to their own child more widely! Especially when it comes to vaccinations.

Vaccines are inevitably unsafe: it is a foreign protein, it must be handled with extreme caution and vaccination should be carried out only in cases where there is a real need for a particular child and the desire of the parents.

And first of all this concerns BCG vaccinations, which is done on the 3rd day in the maternity hospital. It will be useful for parents to know that in no developed country there is vaccination with a live vaccine, as is done here. Yes, in the USA BCG vaccine applies only to soldiers who will serve in areas where tuberculosis is endemic.

In foreign practice, there is a genetic map and an immune map for each child, and antibody diagnostics are widely used. These tests are also performed here, but they are not free, and many parents simply do not know about them.

IN last years in our country actually high level There are proposals to cancel vaccinations in the maternity hospital, since the immune system of a newborn is imperfect and thus the development of immunity in children is impaired. There are proposals to vaccinate children starting from 2-3 years old.

And the BCG vaccine itself is imperfect. As a virologist, I have repeatedly encountered the fact that vaccine preparation, testing and evaluation of its safety are carried out carelessly, if at all. By the way, no one has conducted research on animals to the extent that children are vaccinated!

That is why neither I, nor my children, nor my grandchildren were vaccinated. My grandfather was a zemstvo doctor and was extremely careful about vaccinations. And, I must say, none of us have ever suffered from acute respiratory infections.

From a conversation with the head of the “Second Birth” center Marina Morozova

Alexander Kotok, homeopath

Vaccines are ineffective and disease risks are exaggerated

If you look for information on vaccinations on the Internet, then the second (!) most visited site will be the site of Dr. Alexander Kotok Dr. Kotok is an opponent of total vaccination. He gives his opinion and arguments on the website and in the book “Ruthless Immunization” (M.: Homeopathic Medicine, 2004).

Having extensive materials from both Russian and foreign specialized literature, relying on unadvertised statistical data, Kotok makes the following arguments:

  1. Vaccinations are too dangerous from the point of view of post-vaccination complications.
  2. There are too many vaccinations for a baby.
  3. Modern vaccinations are too ineffective for their intended purpose.
  4. The danger of diseases for which there are vaccinations is too exaggerated.

Here are some examples to illustrate these points.

  1. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (included in the DPT vaccine and its analogues) are sorbed on aluminum hydroxide. Vaccines contain formaldehyde. The preservative in all vaccines except one (Tetracok) is merthiolate (an organic mercury salt). All of these substances are highly toxic, especially for children. In addition, the dose of diphtheria toxoid administered cannot be standardized - it inevitably varies even in the same batch from the same manufacturer. Such inconsistency is very dangerous.
  2. According to the Russian vaccination calendar, during the first year and a half of life a child should receive 9 various vaccinations, and the first (from hepatitis B) - in the first 12 hours of life. Thus, for at least half of the first 18 months of life, the child must legally “be in the post-vaccination period” - that is, not be completely healthy. In addition, the introduction of any vaccine is accompanied by suppression of the entire immune system for a period of 4.5 to 6 months.
  3. Up to 80% of those sick in 1990 were vaccinated several times before, which did not prevent them from getting sick. A significant percentage of vaccinated children and adults do not develop immunity at all. According to 1994 data, a year after vaccination, 20.1% were “unprotected”, after two years - 35.5%, after three years - 80.1%. All this indirectly confirms a fact known to doctors: a history of diphtheria does not guarantee lifelong immunity. Moreover, vaccination cannot guarantee it.
  4. Hepatitis B - viral infection, affecting the liver and transmitted through blood or other body fluids. There is no possibility of infection through dirty hands or through mother's milk.

This is a disease of drug addicts, prostitutes, and patients who receive blood transfusions. Recent studies have shown that only 15 newborns from 402 mothers carrying the virus (3.7%) were infected with hepatitis B virus at birth, with risk factors such as premature birth.

Once the disease has been contracted, it provides stable, usually lifelong, immunity. At least 80% of adults and an even larger percentage of children are completely cured of hepatitis B without any consequences.

Article from the April issue of the magazine "Our Beloved Baby"

And this despite the opposition of those close to the empress. Contrary to their predictions, Catherine II did not die, and the “fashion” for vaccinations swept Russia and was able to save more than one life. Vaccines have existed for more than two centuries, but debate about their effectiveness and harmlessness still continues.

In Russia there is a National Vaccination Calendar. It includes 9 mandatory preventive vaccinations for children - from hepatitis B, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis, mumps.

As well as vaccinations against 17 diseases, which are carried out during the danger of an epidemic or in case of human contact with a source of infection. The calendar includes vaccinations against tetanus (in case of injuries), rabies (in case of an animal bite), rubella (recommended when planning pregnancy), hepatitis B (within 48 hours after contact), tick-borne encephalitis(within 96 hours after tick bite), meningococcal infection (children from 6 months to 7 years within 7 days after contact), polio, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, influenza.

Is it possible to refuse mandatory vaccinations?

In Art. 5 Federal Law The Russian Federation “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” establishes that Russian citizens have the right to refuse vaccinations. Deny admission to school or kindergarten“unvaccinated” children can only temporarily - if there is a threat of an epidemic.

What vaccinations are free?

All mandatory and emergency vaccinations included in the national and regional vaccination calendars, and emergency ones (in the event of an epidemic for risk groups) are carried out free of charge in the vaccination room at the clinic at the place of residence.

Why are they dangerous?

Any vaccination causes a reaction in the body - usually an increase in body temperature and local allergic reaction: redness at the injection site.

Diversions and complications They can be permanent (for malignant blood diseases, neoplasms, immunodeficiencies, etc.) and temporary (vaccinations are not given for 2-6 weeks after the previous acute diseases, with complications of chronic diseases).

Mandatory vaccinations also exist for adult citizens whose type of activity is related to high risk diseases of infectious diseases ( medical workers, teachers, zoo employees). “Refuseniks” may not be hired.

Do post-vaccination complications occur?

The most severe of them: anaphylactic shock - a sharp fall blood pressure and cardiac dysfunction; afebrile seizures (without fever); encephalitic reaction (serous meningitis).

The law has a chapter dedicated to social protection citizens in the event of post-vaccination complications. If the vaccination undermines your health, the state pays benefits (10 thousand rubles, in case of death - 30 thousand). If a person is recognized as disabled after vaccination, he is assigned a monthly compensation in the amount of 1 thousand rubles.

Arguments for

Vaccinations are the most reliable way to protect against infectious diseases, says Tatyana Chulok, head laboratory of the Russian Gerontological Center. - Only with the help of vaccination was it possible to defeat such terrible diseases as smallpox and diphtheria. Massive refusal of vaccinations in Russia in the 90s led to outbreaks of diphtheria, whooping cough, and polio. It must be remembered that any vaccine is much safer than the disease from which it protects.

Arguments against

A. Karabinenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Russian State Medical University, believes:

Any vaccination, while increasing immunity to a certain disease, reduces the body’s overall defense, and the introduction of a foreign protein into the body is rarely without side effects. Before any vaccination, it is necessary to undergo testing, which will determine which antibodies and in what quantities are present in a person’s blood and how much he needs vaccination.

RATING. The most notorious “vaccination cases”

May 2008, Ukraine. More than 87 children suffered from complications after vaccination against measles and rubella (a vaccine made in India). One child died.

May 2006, Ukraine. After a routine tuberculin diagnosis, 14 first-graders at Cherkassy school No. 33 fell ill with acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis and tracheobronchitis.

November 2006, Russia. Dozens of people, mostly children under 11 years of age, suffered from a poor-quality series of the Grippol vaccine.