Rules for visiting the dentist. How often should you visit the dentist? When should you visit the dentist? Visiting the dentist

Visiting the dentist- This mandatory procedure necessary for almost every person.

Only a dentist can help you with dental treatment.

The health of every person, and if you want, every tooth is in the hands of a dentist!

Every person should be fully aware that dentistry helps make your life more beautiful.

Rules for visiting the dentist

Before visiting the dentist, it is important to find a dentist with whom you feel comfortable. If you have found such a dentist, you should arrange an examination. This is important so that you can be sure that your teeth are fine and do not need treatment or extraction.

Regular checkups can help you maintain healthy, clean teeth.

. Professional cleaning
The examination includes a complete cleaning, which is performed by your dentist or dental hygienist. Using special tools, the hygienist will clean the gum area. Removes plaque and tartar. Their presence usually leads to gum disease or tooth decay. In addition, your dentist will polish your teeth with varnish if necessary.

Full inspection
Your dentist will conduct a complete examination of your teeth. The dentist will help you maintain a healthy oral cavity and prevent the development of diseases.

Your dentist may recommend x-rays. It is able to identify problems that would otherwise go undetected without x-rays. Such diseases include:
1. damage to the jaw bones;
2. unerupted teeth;
3. boils;
4. cysts;
5. tumors;
6. caries.

Equipment that is used in modern medical clinics, emits almost no radiation. During the x-ray, remember to wear a protective apron. Visiting the dentist during pregnancy- this is a special case and x-rays are done for pregnant women only in the most extreme cases. Most importantly, talk to your dentist about your pregnancy.

The dentist may also ask you to take a panoramic x-ray. This image will show your upper and lower jaws. This can help your dentist determine if you have an overbite. This image will also show the location of all the teeth. This will greatly facilitate the dentist’s task in the further treatment of your teeth.

How often should you visit the dentist?

If your teeth and gums are in good enough condition, then you can take a short break for three to six months. But if necessary further treatment, for example, you need to seal carious cavity or removal of a wisdom tooth, you need to arrange a return visit. The most important thing is that you should ask the dentist all the questions that interest you. This way, you won’t worry about your teeth, and the dentist will be able to understand what’s bothering you.

Our private dental clinic "Apollonia" is ready to accept anyone who needs dental help. Our qualified specialists work professionally and efficiently. Once you visit our dentist, you will no longer be afraid of them. Contact us by phone numbers listed on our website and we will be happy to help you.

Don't forget to go to the dentist regularly. Even if nothing hurts, or only hurts a little, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have problems with your teeth.

To get started, just call the phone and the administrator of the dental clinic will answer you. She can answer some of your questions, for example: advise on prices for professional dental cleaning, treatment, extraction, prosthetics, implantation, orthodontics and other types dental services. Explain why implantation in the long term turns out to be cheaper than prosthetics; why they don’t always remove a tooth during gumboil, but treat it after a certain surgical intervention; if there is no money and time for orthodontic treatment, and your teeth are crooked, how can you do it for less money and minimum time Hollywood smile; how can you get rid of the falling pullers and install stationary bridges; and much, much more.

If you know what your problem is, then ask about possible options her decisions. But, as a rule, we don’t know what we have exactly: it just hurts, or something like that. There is no need to panic, good clinics They try to preserve teeth rather than remove them. We can always delete it!!! A tooth is not a sparrow,...or is it about something else...well, it doesn’t matter!
If the administrator told you about the pricing procedure, briefly about your problem, and you want to know in more detail, then feel free to ask to be scheduled for a consultation or treatment with a doctor. She will also tell you how to get to the clinic by public transport.
When you arrive at the clinic, remember that in the right dentistry, when the doctor begins treatment, the patient is first offered a hygienic cleaning. This procedure removes deposits and plaque on the teeth. This must be done MANDATORY! To make it clear to you why, remember, when you were renovating your apartment, the master removed old wallpaper from the walls, peeling paint, old tiles... only after that he began to do the repairs himself. So it is here. In addition, this is prevention various diseases teeth and gums. If cleaning is not done, gums may bleed (bite an apple and look, if there are traces of blood, run to the dentist quickly!), if this is not treated, then over time the teeth will begin to loosen and fall out. In general, I warned you, draw your own conclusions.
If you still need to remove the tooth, do not panic, there are several options for solving this problem:
1. remove and leave as is, i.e. hole between teeth;
2. remove and replace with prosthetics;
3. remove and install the implant.
All of these options have both positive and negative aspects. So, in the first case, if you leave everything as it is, over time (not very much, I don’t hope), bone will leave your jaw in the area of ​​the tooth extraction. This process will continue to increase, the gums on adjacent teeth will begin to recede, and the necks of adjacent teeth will become exposed. This all looks HORRIBLE! It will take a lot of time and money to fix this. In the second case, in order to put a prosthesis on a missing tooth, you will need to kill two adjacent teeth, grind them down and install a crown. Everyone is happy, everyone is laughing. If this structure is properly made and installed, then it will last from 5 to 15 years, and what then, think about it! But the teeth are a pity! Besides, dead teeth- fragile, they can simply break one day, then the next tooth will be involved in the process, and so on. Someday they may end - hello removable dentures! Well - no, don't!!! The third option at first glance is the scariest, but take a closer look. Yes, an implant costs a lot of money... Yes, an operation... But it turns out that tooth extraction and implant installation can be done at the same time, i.e. for one visit. What a time saver!!! There is no need to grind down the adjacent teeth, they are alive and healthy. What a savings on teeth!!! If the implant is installed correctly, it will last in the bone for 25-35 years, or maybe more, only after 10 years change the crown. What a money saver!!! It turned out that everything was not as scary as it seemed at first glance, but quite the opposite!!! But it’s up to you to draw conclusions.
The most important thing is not to be afraid. Remember, you need to go to the dentist, even if nothing bothers you, twice a year, and then everything will be fine!!!

What happens during a visit to the dentist?
First, it is important to find a dentist with whom you feel comfortable. Once you find a dentist you like, your next step is to schedule an examination before health problems arise.

At your first visit, the dentist will review your medical record. At your follow-up visit, be sure to tell your dentist if there are any changes in your health.

Most visits to the dentist are preventive examinations. Regular checkups (ideally every six months) will help you maintain healthy, clean teeth and can also prevent the development of diseases.

  • Professional cleaning
    The exam almost always includes a complete cleaning, performed by either your dentist or a dental hygienist. Using special tools, your dental hygienist will clean the subgingival area, removing accumulated plaque and tartar that can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, bad breath, and other problems. Additionally, your dentist or dental hygienist may polish and floss your teeth.
  • Full inspection
    Your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and mouth to look for disease or other problems. Its goal is to help you maintain a healthy mouth and prevent the development of diseases through early detection and appropriate treatment.
  • X-ray
    Depending on your age, risk of developing the disease, and symptoms, your dentist may recommend x-rays. X-rays reveal problems that would otherwise go undetected - these include damage to the jaw bones, unerupted teeth, abscesses, cysts and tumors, and tooth decay on contact surfaces. The equipment used in modern dental clinics emits virtually no radiation - no more than you would get from spending a day in the sun or spending a weekend watching TV. As a precaution, you should always wear a protective apron during x-rays. If you are pregnant, tell your dentist because x-rays should only be taken if absolutely necessary. Your dentist may ask for a panoramic x-ray. This type of x-ray provides full review your upper and lower jaws in one picture, and helps your dentist determine what kind of bite you have and the position of your teeth in relation to each other and the roof of your mouth.

How often should you visit the dentist?
If your teeth and gums are in good condition, you can likely wait three to six months between appointments. If further treatment is needed, say a cavity needs to be filled, a wisdom tooth removed, or a broken crown repaired, make an appointment for your next appointment before leaving the dental office. And don’t forget to ask your dentist all the questions you have – take advantage of the opportunity to get qualified answers.

Monitor your weight without going beyond the normal range of Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. To calculate and control BMI, use "".


Take a number of useful information tests in the “” section: the data obtained will help you identify problems or adjust your healthy lifestyle plan.

Health control

To monitor the health of the endocrine system, periodically take a blood glucose test.

Health control

To monitor the health of the urinary system, take a blood and urine test once a year.

Health card

By filling out the Health Card, you will receive full information about the state of your health.


Avoid developing abdominal obesity, which increases your risk of disease diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, etc. Watch out: for men it should not exceed 94 cm, for women – 80 cm.

Healthy eating

To diversify your diet with all the necessary microelements, eat at least 300-400 g per day (fresh and cooked).

Health control

To monitor eye health, be examined by an ophthalmologist once every 2 years; after 40 years, determine intraocular pressure annually.

Survey map

Use " " to store and interpret results laboratory research(blood tests, urine tests, etc.).

Physical activity

To prevent physical inactivity, increase your regular physical activity at least up to (150 minutes physical activity average intensity per week), try to move more.

Health control

For health monitoring digestive system Once a year, be examined by a therapist, determine your body mass index and blood cholesterol level, and if you are over 50 years old, get tested for colon cancer.

Healthy eating

Eat at least 300 g per week, including fatty varieties (mackerel, trout, salmon). Omega 3 acids contained in fish help prevent atherosclerosis.


Do not allow the development of chronic disease, which is fraught with a serious deterioration in well-being and a decrease in the quality of life: solve emerging problems in a timely manner, rest, get enough sleep, lead healthy image life.

Anthropometric map

Monitor your weight without going beyond the normal values ​​of the Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. “” will help you with this.


Do not exceed 20 ml ethanol for women and 30 ml ethanol for men. This The best way minimize harm from alcohol consumption.

Health Index

Use “ ” to assess your lifestyle and its impact on your body’s condition.


Quit smoking or don’t start if you don’t smoke - this will minimize the risk of developing obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and a number of other specific “smoker’s diseases”.

Healthy eating

To avoid problems with weight and blood glucose levels, limit consumption to 6 teaspoons per day (women), 9 teaspoons per day (men).


Find the right specialist medical institution, a specialized organization in the field of health and healthy lifestyle in the “” section.


Visit the dentist at least once a year, treat your teeth on time and get rid of tartar, preventing the development of serious illnesses oral cavity.

Anthropometric map

Use " " to determine your body mass index, body type, and identify weight problems.

Healthy eating

Do not consume more than 5 g (1 teaspoon) per day. This will protect you from problems with water-salt metabolism in organism.

Health control

For health monitoring respiratory system Once a year, do fluorography and be examined by a therapist.

Health control

For health monitoring of cardio-vascular system Get examined by a therapist once a year and measure regularly arterial pressure and get a blood test for cholesterol.

Healthy eating

To hold normal level Do not consume more than 170 g of cholesterol in your blood

We usually go to the doctor when there is cause for concern. However, even if you think that everything is fine with your teeth, it is worth visiting the dentist periodically. You may not be aware of the disease until it becomes chronic.

Prevention and care of the oral cavity and teeth

You cannot treat your teeth irresponsibly. The fact is that the condition of your teeth can affect the health of the body as a whole. If you do not prevent dental diseases, it is as easy as shelling pears to miss the onset of the disease and lead to complications, which may well end in failure - as a result, you may lose a tooth.

The main procedure that must be followed as a daily preventive measure is brushing your teeth in the morning and before bed. It is also important to choose the one that suits you toothbrush and quality toothpaste. In addition, to achieve maximum effect, you should use floss (dental floss). Food debris that is not removed in time begins to decompose over time, forming harmful bacteria. Such an environment contributes to the appearance of plaque on the teeth, then tartar, which leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Brushing your teeth is a prerequisite for the health and safety of your teeth, but, alas, this is not enough. Imbalances in the body and metabolic disorders also cause accelerated tooth decay. Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to independently identify dental caries. early stage at home. Therefore, timely identification of a possible problem and prevention of the disease at the early stages of its development require regular visits to the dentist.

Modern dentistry today, thanks to scientific and technical innovations, has made a significant leap. For example, laser treatment for periodontal disease has a smoothing effect on the surface of the gums and removes tartar, while causing minimal damage to tooth enamel.

For dentists, in addition to treating and preventing oral diseases, an important task is to convey to patients that each of their teeth is priceless. Dental diseases irreversible - the so-called “holes” in the teeth do not repair themselves, and the teeth that you have lost will not grow back.

An equally important task in standards modern dentistry stands for dental treatment based on maximum comfort. When it comes to installing fillings and restoring partially destroyed teeth, this is a real art, performed with the help of modern materials. By the way, the doctor must tell his patient about all the advantages and disadvantages of the filling material. Therefore, it is best to find “your” dentist, an experienced and decent specialist whom you can trust unconditionally.

The frequency of visits to a specialist depends on your dental condition. If there is no concern or damage, it is best to be examined by a dentist at least twice a year. If you have any oral disease, visiting a doctor is recommended every 2-3 months.

Remember - you must ask the doctor all the questions that interest you. This will relieve you of worry, and will help the dentist find out the reasons for your concern. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will give you the necessary advice on care, and if necessary, he will plan a set of measures for treatment.

Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of caries in children, since they tooth enamel much weaker. Children are required to undergo examination, preferably at least once every three months.

Preventive examinations are mandatory for smokers, as they are more susceptible to oral diseases and are at increased risk. It is also very appropriate to make sure your teeth are healthy before planning a pregnancy or going on vacation.

Among other things, regular visits to the dentist are not only useful for you, but also profitable! Prevention of any disease is much cheaper than full treatment. Thus, you should not delay your visit to the dentist - this is the most reliable dental control and a 100% guarantee of health.