Nutrition according to blood type D Adamo. Diet according to blood type: what is good for a hunter is harmful for a nomad. What does blood type depend on?

People for whom healthy eating is a truly important issue, they try to choose food for their diet that can become a source of not only excellent taste, but also help maintain physical health. Of course, there are many diets designed to improve the basic functions of the body. Sometimes a certain set of products is collected for medicinal purposes, sometimes in an effort to lose weight. But there are also diets that are selected for a specific blood type.

Dr. Peter d'Adamo became a staunch supporter of the concept that a person's health is directly dependent on what he eats, taking into account his blood type. As a naturopathic scientist, d'Adamo spent many years studying human blood and, ultimately, relying on research Many geneticists and hygienists concluded that a person’s blood type and diet are interconnected. His motto was the slogan “4 blood groups - 4 paths to health” and he devoted many of his books to this topic.

According to the firm belief of the scientist, each blood type needs its own, special diet, and if you follow the table proposed by d'Adamo, you can improve your health, normalize your metabolism and even lose weight. But one cannot ignore the fact that not everyone The doctor’s colleagues agree with the results of his research and believe that you cannot choose your diet based only on your blood type.

Of course, here everyone can choose for themselves whether to believe such statements or not, but to make a decision you can also turn to the history of the appearance of various groups blood. And if you look at this topic more closely, you can see that there really is something in d’Adamo’s statements.

History of the development of blood groups according to d'Adamo's theory

O(I) – first (about 33% of people)

The blood of hunters and gatherers. Appeared first among all other groups. Since the main food of people of that time was meat, this product is an important part of the diet of O(I) owners.

A(II) – second (approximately 40% of the population)

Blood of farmers. Since their main food was the products of the earth, the destiny of such people was vegetarianism.

B(III) – third (about 22% of people)

Blood of nomads. Milk is considered the main product, but it can be combined with products of the first and second groups.

AB(IV) fourth (approximately 8% of the population)

This is the blood of new people. It appeared the latest and is therefore the rarest among other existing groups. Those people who have AB(IV) have a very sensitive immune system and gastrointestinal tract. That's why they need dairy products and low-fat foods.

Nutrition chart by blood type

If you believe scientific work Peter d'Adamo, then absolutely all products are divided into three main categories:

  • Medicinal (+);
  • Harmful (-);
  • Neutral (0).

It was on these principles that the blood group nutrition table was created. If you look closely at it, you can see that there are foods that are preferable to those with a certain blood type. Other foods are equally beneficial for everyone, and some foods are equally harmful to everyone. At the same time, nutritionists working according to this table advise eating only foods with a positive value, rarely adding neutral foods to your diet, and avoiding foods with a “harmful” value. And also stick to a similar diet for the rest of your life.

It is also worth considering that such a blood type diet assumes refusal from pork, bacon, ice cream, corn oil, Westphalian gingerbread, wheat baked goods, black olives and sunflower oil for all categories of people. And although many reject the D'Adamo diet, it is worth noting that the harm of most of these products has been scientifically proven.

  • Pork, for example, is harmful due to its high fat content, as well as the presence of growth hormone in it, which can provoke tissue inflammation and even the development of unwanted tumors. Its constant use can lead to gallbladder diseases, appendicitis and the development of skin diseases.
  • For the same reason, you should avoid bacon, which, moreover, is rich in purine bases and unwanted salts.
  • The dangers of ice cream are explained by the fact that it has high calorie content, excessive sugar and cholesterol content.

There are also foods that benefit anyone, regardless of their blood. These are salmon, sardines, mackerel, cod, olive oil, savoy cabbage and broccoli, as well as parsley and parsnips. Even ardent opponents of the proposed theory will agree that all of the listed products are very useful.

  • Olive oil, for example, can neutralize existing harmful substances.
  • And parsley contains not only a huge amount mineral salts, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular vascular system. This spice has an anti-inflammatory effect and also contains many vitamins.

Products without harm and benefit are: cod liver oil, almonds, beans, green peas, peas, white beans, green beans and Mammoth beans. Also equally neutral were: Chinese cabbage, onion sets, bamboo shoots, lettuce, zucchini, watermelon and kiwi.


Blood type









Rabbit meat














Smoked salmon






White meat fish













Goat milk

Non-skimmed milk (whole)

Milk with fat content up to 2%

Soy milk

Ice cream


Sour cream


Cheese "Brie"

Cheese "Dutch"

Camembert cheese

Cheese "Mozzarella"

Sheep cheese (brynza)

Parmesan cheese

Cheese "Feta"

Cheese "Chedar"

Cheese "Edensky"

Cheese "Emmenthal"

Country cheese

Cottage cheese


Peanut butter

Corn oil

Linseed oil

Olive oil

Sunflower oil

Fish fat(from cod liver)

Sesame (sesame) oil







Cashew nuts

Peanut butter

Sesame seeds

Sunflower seeds

pumpkin seeds





Green pea

Soybean red

Green beans

White beans

Beans "Mammoth" (large green beans)

Red beans

Variegated beans

Black beans

Green lentils

Red lentils



Corn flour

Oat bran

Wheat bran

Rice bran


wheat germ

Processed rice

Seven Grain Blend

Soybean granulate


Oat flakes

Soy flakes



Wheat buns

Corn baked goods


Westphalian gingerbread

Rice wafers

Millet bread

Multigrain bread

Whole grain wheat bread

Rye bread

Soy bread

Bakery products from oat bran

Wheat baked goods

Crispy baked goods



"Kus-kus" cereal


Oatmeal pasta"

Wheat flour pasta"

Pasta made from wheat flour "Durum"

Pasta made from rye flour

Rice flour pasta

Barley flour pasta

Coarse wheat flour

White rice

Brown rice







Shiitake mushrooms


White cabbage

Brussels sprouts

Red cabbage


Savoy cabbage

White potatoes

Red potatoes


White corn

Yellow corn


Onion sets



Greek olives

Green olives

Black olives

Paprika yellow

Green paprika

Red paprika



Bamboo shoots




Alfalfa sprouts

"Mung" sprouts

Radish sprouts




Tofu (soybean cheese)
















Green grapes

Red grapes








The use of other products has its own nuances, and here there is a more detailed table on blood type for each type of person.

Nutrition according to the first blood group

Considering that this particular group is the prerogative of ancient hunters, its owners are strong, self-confident individuals and possess leadership qualities. In the diet of such people, meat food predominated, therefore, in order to digest it, the stomach of the “hunters” had increased acidity and digestive system pretty well established. They also have a strong immune system, which not only protects the body from infections, but can also lead to illness due to its excessive activity. For example, it is O(I) owners who are most prone to allergies, joint diseases and ulcers, as well as poor blood clotting. That is why D'Adamo insisted on the need to follow a certain diet in order to maintain all body functions normal.

Nutrition table for blood group I

What it is forbidden

What Can

What need to

  • Fatty meat (pork);
  • Seafood, smoked fish;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Lentil products, legumes;
  • Champignons, corn, potatoes, cabbage;
  • Citrus fruits, melon;
  • Drinks with high caffeine content, strong alcohol, soda;
  • Porridge, flour.
  • Dietary meat;
  • River fish;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Soybeans, legumes;
  • Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, celery, carrots, peppers, onions, beets, asparagus, oyster mushrooms;
  • Berries, banana, peach, pineapple, kiwi;
  • Beer, green tea, red and white wine, herbal infusions, juices from pomegranates, grapefruit, grapes.
  • Turkey, veal, beef, lamb;
  • Sea and river fish;
  • Bean products;
  • Broccoli, garlic, earthen pear, Chinese cabbage, turnip;
  • Figs, plums, cherries, apples;
  • Fruit drinks and pineapple juice.

Nutrition according to the second blood group

Since this particular category of people belongs to the era of farmers, then, according to the same Dr. D'Adamo, they have a rather weak digestive system. After all, they mainly ate food plant origin and did not require constant processing of animal proteins. That is why the doctor strongly recommends adhering to the diet he proposed, since, in his opinion, non-compliance is fraught with frequent illnesses due to a weak immune system.

Nutrition table for blood group II

What it is forbidden

What Can

What need to

  • All types of meat;
  • Fatty fish, caviar;
  • Milk products;
  • Navy beans;
  • All types of cabbage, tomato, rhubarb, pepper;
  • Citrus fruits, melon, banana, coconut, barberry;
  • Orange and tomato juices.
  • Pasta, semolina, wheat, bran bread;
  • Turkey, eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Low fat milk;
  • Soybeans, green peas;
  • Beetroot, cucumber, radish, asparagus, radish, celery;
  • Garden and southern berries, pomegranate;
  • Fruit juices, wines.
  • Dietary fish;
  • Beans, beans, lentils;
  • Broccoli, kohlrabi, carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, turnip;
  • Berries, apple, pineapple, grapefruit;
  • Juices from the specified vegetables and fruits, green tea;
  • You can eat all porridges except millet.

Nutrition according to the third blood group

The third blood group becomes the property of nomads, so such people are usually hardy, calm, have excellent immunity and a strong nervous system. Their digestive system allows them to digest a variety of foods, so representatives of B(III) are considered omnivores. Although products that disrupt metabolism are contraindicated for them.

Nutrition table for blood group III

What it is forbidden

What Can

What need to

  • Pork, poultry;
  • Eel, crayfish;
  • Ice cream (but popsicles are fine);
  • Beans, lentils, potatoes, radishes, tomatoes, pumpkin;
  • Pomegranate, persimmon, avocado;
  • Buckwheat, pearl barley, barley porridge, corn flakes, millet, bread products;
  • Juices from appropriate vegetables and fruits, strong alcoholic drinks, soda.
  • Beef, veal, liver, turkey;
  • River fish;
  • Milk products;
  • Peas, soybeans, asparagus;
  • Oyster mushrooms, champignons, onions, celery, cucumbers, spinach, zucchini, asparagus;
  • Peach berries of all types, melon, citrus fruits, pear;
  • Rye flour, semolina, pasta;
  • Juices from these fruits, herbal teas, beer, wine.
  • Lamb, rabbit, eggs;
  • River fish in unlimited quantities;
  • Milk products;
  • Legumes, cabbage, peppers, carrots, beets, broccoli;
  • Apple, grapes, pineapple, coconut, plum, banana;
  • Rice, oatmeal;
  • Green tea is good for nomads.

Nutrition according to the fourth blood group

Since such blood is the youngest and created as a result of the mixing of other groups, it has absorbed all their pros and cons. So, for example, having the characteristics of a group of nomads, AB(IV) owners can digest animal proteins, but if they suddenly have low acidity, it is better for them to give preference to vegetarianism. That is why D'Adamo advises this category of people to be more careful about their diet.

Nutrition table for blood group IV

What it is forbidden

What Can

What need to

  • Poultry, fatty meat;
  • Exotic seafood;
  • Full-fat milk, ice cream;
  • Legumes, iceberg lettuce, radishes, radishes;
  • Grapes, pomegranate, avocado;
  • Rice, rye products, oatmeal;
  • Juices from appropriate fruits, strong alcoholic drinks.
  • Liver;
  • Skim milk, low-fat cheese, whey;
  • Asparagus, soybeans, peas;
  • Oyster mushrooms, champignons, onions, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, turnips, tomatoes, asparagus, zucchini;
  • Berries in unlimited quantities, peach;
  • Semolina, pearl barley, pasta, bakery products, millet;
  • Juices from the specified fruits and vegetables, herbal teas, beer, wine.
  • Dietary meat;
  • Sea and river fish;
  • Low fat dairy products;
  • Legumes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, celery;
  • Citrus fruits, grapes, apple, kiwi, nuts;
  • Rice, oatmeal;
  • Juices, black coffee, green tea.

It is also worth considering that nutrition based on blood type gives rise to a lot of controversy among nutritionists and other scientists. Many adhere to the opinion of Dr. D'Adamo and strongly recommend listening to his advice. Others, on the contrary, believe that such statements have no basis and there is a lot of evidence for this.

What should you pay attention to when choosing food based on your blood type?


  1. The concept of the creator of such a diet, Peter D'Adamo, is that it is the blood type that determines which foods are good for a person and which ones are best avoided to maintain physical health. Therefore, he selected for each of the four groups a complete set of products that help to get everything necessary substances. And also included only healthy foods in each diet. Based on this, he claims that such a diet can be followed for a lifetime.
  2. The blood type diet involves split meals, with small portions, 5-6 times a day. This is precisely the principle of proper nutrition that modern nutritionists adhere to.
  3. Most fruits and vegetables should be eaten raw in this manner. And this means getting the optimal amount of nutrients from food.
  4. Compliance with the proposed diet involves preparing food only in the most optimal ways: boiling, steaming or baking. This helps ensure good absorption and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


  1. There is no archaeological or medical evidence to support this theory.
  2. Majority modern specialists they reject eating according to blood type, because they insist that such a diet has quite drastic restrictions that can even be harmful. After all, the body needs to receive a variety of useful substances that go beyond the scope of the proposed table.
  3. D'Adamo claimed that all the missing substances in his table can be obtained by consuming dietary supplements. Modern scientists insist that the effectiveness of such supplements has not been proven. Moreover, they, indirectly, are medicines Therefore, their uncontrolled use can cause significant harm to health.

And finally, I would like to give a couple more interesting facts:

  • Many volunteers using the blood type diet noted significant improvements in their well-being. Although experts who do not support the theory of such nutrition argue that this is nothing more than self-hypnosis.
  • When studying this theory, people noted that, subconsciously, they wanted to eat exactly the food that was beneficial for their blood type.

As you can see, nutrition based on blood type is shrouded in a web of disagreements and contradictions in the scientific community. Therefore, when deciding whether to follow the concept of a famous naturopath or not, it is better to weigh everything carefully and consult a nutritionist. After all, this is not the first diet to cause controversy, but it may turn out to be more enjoyable than many other popular healthy eating plans.

Ecology of life. Health: The book of the American naturopathic doctor Peter d'Adamo "4 Blood Types - 4 Paths to Health" was published in the 1990s. After 10 years, it was translated into all languages ​​of the world, the book became a bestseller. The book introduced the unique experience of determining nutrition according to blood type.

The book of the American naturopathic doctor Peter d'Adamo "4 Blood Types - 4 Paths to Health" was published in the 1990s. After 10 years, it was translated into all languages ​​of the world, the book became a bestseller. The book introduced the unique experience of determining nutrition by blood group

The author of the book claims that by choosing food according to blood type, a person reaches an ideal weight, stimulates the immune system and prolongs his life. For 30 years, father and son d'Adamo tested products and divided them into groups depending on their effect on the human body. These groups were conventionally called: medicinal, neutral and harmful.

It should be borne in mind that D'Adamo does not provide actual research, and all criticism was erased at the request of the copyright holder of the series of books so that people would buy them and continue reading them.

Supply system.

The main idea of ​​the blood type nutrition system is that each person’s body is tuned to its own type of diet. In other words, every person must eat the same food as his distant ancestors with the same blood type, otherwise the food is not completely digested and is deposited in the body in the form of fats and waste.

The theory is based on the fact that there are 4 dominant blood groups and several groups that can be called adjacent or borderline. The accepted international designations for blood groups are as follows:

  • first - I (0);
  • second - II (A), appeared as a result of mutation I(0); :
  • third - III(B), appeared as a result of the settlement of people across continents;
  • fourth - IV (AB), the latest, appeared as a result of mixing II (A) and III (B).

Group I (O)- the oldest. 33.5% of the planet’s population are carriers of this particular blood group. If your blood type is 1(0), then by definition d"Adamo you are a descendant" hunters".

The "Hunter" has strength, courage, intuition and energy - all traits that helped him survive. “Hunters” are the people most adapted to physical labor.

"Hunters" are typically tall, strong men with a square jaw. They have a high acid content in gastric juice, which promotes good digestion of animal proteins, strong immune and digestive systems.

Products harmful to “hunters”: wheat, beans, dark beans, corn, lentils, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, pork, goose, fish roe, fatty dairy products, including almost all cheeses; foods high in carbohydrates (lentils, potatoes, corn, White bread).

These are foods that slow down metabolism and, as a result, increase weight. Strong alcoholic drinks are also contraindicated for “hunters.”, with the exception of dry wines.

Medicinal products include: seafood, seaweed, iodized salt, red meat, liver. Vegetables include kale, asparagus (broccoli), spinach. These products speed up metabolism and, accordingly, reduce weight.

The following are considered “neutral” products for “hunters”:
meat: lamb, beef" beef heart;
fatty fish: halibut, perch, salmon, sturgeon, sardine;
linseed and olive oils;
figs, plums (including prunes), walnuts" pumpkin seeds.

If there's a flow in your veins blood group II (A), then you are a descendant" farmers"Representatives of this blood group make up 37.8% of the planet's population. Unlike "hunters", "farmers" suffer from low acidity of gastric juice. Ideally, their diet should consist of products of plant origin, in other words, d'Adamo recommends that they have a full vegetarianism.

Therapeutic products for this category of people are as follows:: carp, perch, cod, salmon, mackerel, whitefish; soy milk and cheese, lemon, apricots, pineapples, lingonberries, cherries, blueberries, figs, cranberries, raisins, plums and prunes, blueberries, olive oil, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, beans, peas, lentils, buckwheat, and coffee are also useful , green tea, herbal teas, red wine, water with lemon juice, carrot, pineapple, grapefruit, cherry juices. All these products speed up metabolism and thus promote weight loss.

"Neutral* products are:

  • meat: turkey, chicken;
  • fish: sea bass, sturgeon, pike;
  • homemade cheese, yogurt, kefir, goat milk and cheese, processed cheese, cod liver;
  • walnuts, pine and almonds, sunflower seeds;
  • from berries - currants and gooseberries, from fruits - peaches, dates, apples.

The “farmer’s” diet should be rich in vitamins B, C, E, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, and chromium.

Products that, according to D'Adamo, are harmful to "farmers":

  • beef, veal, pork, rabbit, goose, lamb, lamb, partridge, pheasant, beef heart;
  • saltiness and smokedness;
  • all seafood;
  • butter, ice cream, whole milk, peanut, corn, cottonseed oil;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • beans, eggplants, cucumbers;
  • oranges and orange juice, tangerines, rhubarb, papaya, melon, bananas;
  • black tea, all soda drinks.

According to D'Adamo, they slow down the metabolism of "farmers", which leads to weight gain.

Blood groupIII (IN) says that you are a descendant" nomads". 20.6% of the world's population are carriers of this particular blood group. They are large-boned, muscular, long-legged, often red-haired or green-eyed people. They are calm, optimistic, distrustful, and quick-witted. The type arose as a result of the settlement of races. Characterized by a strong immune system, balanced nervous system, developed adaptation mechanisms... Like their distant ancestors, modern “nomads” are “omnivores”.

However, corn, wheat, lentils, peanuts and buckwheat slow down the metabolism in the nomad’s body. These foods are poorly digested and lead to excess weight. You should switch to green salads, eggs, liver, soy, and licorice root decoction. For “nomads” the following products will be medicinal: lamb, lamb, rabbit, venison; fatty fish, black caviar, high-fat dairy products, carbohydrate-rich foods, eggplants, carrots, beets, parsley, broccoli.

“Neutral” for “nomads” are:

  • red meat (beef, veal, etc.), turkey and pheasant;
  • smelt, carp, herring, cod liver;
  • soy milk and soy cheese;
  • hard cheeses;
  • linseed oil, walnuts and almonds; c) green peas, green beans, potato.

Harmful foods for this type of people are: pork, duck, goose, chicken, partridge, quail, beluga, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, ice cream, peanuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, pistachios, hazelnuts and black bread.

Carriers Blood group IV (AB) are called " new people". This is a mixed type, 7-8% of the planet's population belongs to it. This is the most complex group, since it absorbs the features of two groups - I (0) and P (A). The type is focused on meat food, which becomes a problem when low acidity stomach, so the menu of “new people” is not easy.

Foods that make “new people” gain weight: red meat, beans, lentils, corn, buckwheat, wheat.

Medicinal products:

  • lamb, rabbit, turkey;
  • salmon, sturgeon, mackerel, cod, sardines;
  • homemade cheese, yoghurts, goat milk, pressed cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • walnuts, peanuts, olive oil, red beans, lentils, oatmeal;
  • eggplant, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, celery, garlic;
  • pineapple, grapes, grapefruit, cherry, cranberry, gooseberry, grapes, plum, lemon.

“Neutral” products for “new people”:

  • pheasant, any liver;
  • fish, red and black caviar, as well as mussels and cod liver;
  • low-fat milk and skim dairy products;
  • soy cheese and milk;
  • hard cheeses;
  • high carbohydrate cereals;
  • apricots, pear, melon, peaches, dates, tangerines, prunes, apples;
  • watermelon, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raisins;
  • wine and beer.
  • pork, beef, venison, goose, chicken, partridge, quail;
  • flounder, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, herring, eel;
  • high-fat dairy products: butter, ice cream, whole milk;
  • corn, sunflower, cottonseed oils;
  • beans and black beans;
  • buckwheat, corn, artichokes, hot peppers, olives, radishes;
  • avocado, orange, tangerine, bananas, pomegranates, mango, persimmon, linden flower tea.

The blood type nutrition system has one weak point. Soon after the publication of D'Adamo's book, it became clear that there are many more blood groups than four. This is due to many reasons: with the Rh factor, with wave fluctuations and other facts discovered by science. D'Adamo did not redistribute the percentages and rebuild the system for the sake of these “unaccounted for” groups, especially since they were carriers of all the same blood groups, only with their own distinctive characteristics.

These features, according to D'Adamo, had external signs.

"Researchers". Muscular, narrow-hipped, broad-shouldered representatives of the species Homo sapiens. The blood type can be any. Courage and enterprise often lead to injuries.

"Researchers"are highly sensitive to caffeine, alcohol and painkillers. The diet for "researchers" corresponds to the diet for blood group I, and should also include foods rich in copper, such as lamb and beef liver, soft cheeses, parsnips, lentils, ginger, raspberries.

"Teachers". Flexible, sinewy, naturally calm people, persistent" with good immunity. Blood flows in their veins II (A) group or IV (AB).

Diet " teachers"should contain pork, poultry (turkey) and white fish, as well as products of plant origin: beans, green peas, peanuts, flaxseed, avocado, carrots. Preference should be given to olive oil. Avoid foods high in carbohydrates (sweets, starchy foods) ), lamb and beef.

"Warriors"Blood type P (A) or IV (AB). Tall, slender people in youth become obese over the years. Charismatic, witty people who have difficulty relaxing quickly blush.

Diet " warriors" are products of plant origin with a low glycemic index: peanuts, pine nuts, soy, nut butter, cauliflower, as well as fish and cottage cheese. High carbohydrate foods are not recommended: white bread, pasta and flour products. You should limit yourself in meat.

According to D'Adamo, in the body of a person who does not fulfill these simple rules, metabolic disorders occur. Outwardly, this is usually expressed in the fact that a person is gaining weight.

Diseases are also inevitable internal organs. If you eat as D'Adamo prescribes, then the body is cleansed of toxins, metabolic processes are enhanced, the functioning of the internal organs, cleansing and excretory systems improves, and the person loses weight. Of course, this will take time, because the body needs to rebuild its work, so For those who want to get instant results, this diet is not suitable.

There are a few caveats to keep in mind for those looking to lose weight using this method. Surely many who are not familiar with the blood type diet, after reading it, will be surprised that their taste preferences coincide with the recommendations of a nutritionist. This riddle has a simple explanation: the body knows itself what will harm it and what will benefit it. You just need to listen to his tips.

Peter D'Adamo's method is not a diet for weight loss. It is a system of cleansing and healing the body. It makes joints work better, improves tone, improves skin color and well-being.

The author examines several blood groups, while there are several dozen blood group systems among people living on the planet. Listen to your desires. If you don't want to eat meat or green salad - Do not eat! When switching to a new food system, do not rush, introduce new dishes into your diet gradually. This will help the body avoid stress. There is no need to turn recommendations into instructions. Diet is not a dogma. You need to approach it creatively, look for your own way of life. It will be more beneficial if you eat what you are used to, just reduce the portion. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Peter D'Adamo Diet

Diet affects our well-being and overall health. There are dozens of diets (rations) in the world that have a beneficial effect on the body, allow you to normalize weight, and therapeutic diets have also been developed to cope with specific diseases.

They write about diets and practice them, but any diet is an irritant for the body and a kind of stress.

In this regard, the blood group diet is harmless, but the attitude of doctors and nutritionists towards it is ambiguous.

Earlier ( » ) we talked about the differences between blood types O (I), A (II), B (III) and AB (IV), what the consequences of ignorance of blood groups were and how they affect life processes and personality.

Human blood has a genetic memory, say naturopaths Peter and James D'Adamo and their colleagues. Over the course of their 30 years of activity, they examined thousands of patients and recorded their subjective opinions of how well (or poorly) they tolerated various foods and how this correlated with their blood type.

Summarizing the results of these observations, Peter D'Adamo built a nutritional system (diet) depending on blood type, dividing foods for each of the four types of blood into useful, neutral and undesirable.

According to this dietary system, each blood type has a different evolutionary heritage and the immune and digestive systems respond well to the foods that their ancestors once consumed.

The essence of D’Adamo’s nutrition system comes down to the following points:

  • Each blood group arose in a specific period of evolution with a characteristic set of food, so there is a connection between blood groups and nutrition;
  • To maintain health, you should eat foods that your ancestors have long consumed - these foods are better digested, while metabolism and the functioning of the immune and other systems of the body are enhanced due to certain biochemical reactions between the components of blood and food;
  • Eliminating foods that do not match your blood type will improve the functioning of the body and extend people's lives.

Indeed, in our life there is evidence that when moving to a foreign country (habitat) and eating different food, people were susceptible to diseases, because the consumption of foreign foods contributed to the adhesion of proteins to blood cells, poor digestion of food and clogging of the body.

So, for the peoples of the Far North who eat food, rich in fats, the transition to a European high-carbohydrate diet contributed to the development of diabetes and related diseases.

The Japanese who moved deep into the continent suffered from diseases associated with iodine deficiency, because. Previously, they consumed tens of times more iodine with fish and seafood. In the USA, where there are many migrants, the most frequent illness- metabolic syndrome (metabolic disorder).

Why move, even among people living nearby, some may drink milk, some are vegetarians, while others cannot live without meat or cannot tolerate milk and other products, because... a conflict arises between the cells of the blood and body and the components of food.

D’Adamo published his nutritional system in 1999, releasing the book “4 Blood Types - 4 Paths to Health.” It attracted many people and was translated and released in many countries around the world. In his system, the author’s statement that a person who consumes food in accordance with his blood type is able to strengthen the immune system and maintain his health for many years was captivating.

Then many began to donate blood for this indicator and check their blood type with the recommended food table. Food ration for different groups blood according to D'Adamo is given at the end of the article.

Nutritional features by blood type

I (O) blood group

She was possessed primitive people- hunters. For these people, meat is the most important food product, and it is better to avoid grains, bread, potatoes, all dairy products, pasta, beans, and all types of cabbage except broccoli. Particularly useful are beef, turkey, fish, turnips and pumpkin, vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed), and walnuts. The diet for people with blood group 1 is the strictest among the rest (read more below).

II (A) blood group

It was owned by the descendants of ancient farmers. They do not tolerate animal protein well, so they must consume plant proteins. They should abstain from meat and dairy foods. Particularly useful are legumes, buckwheat, Jerusalem artichoke, flaxseed and olive oil, rye bread, almost all vegetables and fruits, and fish. Meat, eggs, pasta, wheat, butter, potatoes, citrus fruits and others are subject to restrictions.

III (B) blood group

This blood group began to form in people due to population growth and the development of new territories. These people can eat anything; meat and dairy products, vegetables and grains are good for them. Lamb, rabbit meat, fish, olive oil, oatmeal, rice, wheat bread, parsley, white cabbage, pineapples, plums are especially useful. Products for limited consumption: chicken, pork, shrimp, sunflower oil, buckwheat, rye bread, tomatoes, pomegranates, persimmons and others.

Blood group IV (AB)

The youngest among blood groups. It is associated with the relocation of people to big cities and the mixing of peoples with 2 and 3 blood groups. People with blood group 4 are endowed with a digestive tract adapted to a mixed diet. Meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits are suitable for them. Especially healthy foods: lamb, turkey, fish, cabbage, cucumbers, dairy products, olive oil, rice, oatmeal, rye bread, walnuts, lemon, grapes. Products to limit: beef, milk and cream, legumes, buckwheat, bananas, pomegranates and other products.

Particularly about the diet for people with blood group I

In 90% of cases, the indigenous Russian people are carriers of the 1st blood group (Europeans mostly have the 2nd, and Asians have the 3rd blood group). Let's take a closer look at how we can eat to be healthier (I also have blood of this type).

According to the conclusions of Peter D'Adamo, one should abstain from potatoes (as well as people with blood types 2 and 3), wheat bread and all baked goods made from wheat flour, pasta, pork, salted herring, pickles and marinades, from all dairy and fermented milk products, white and cauliflower cabbage, from vodka - but these are all products that are native to us, both today and our ancestors.

Well, with vodka it’s clear: alcohol abuse puts a strain on the liver (it decomposes alcohol into acetaldehyde, a strong toxin that causes a severe hangover) and alcohol negatively affects brain cells and nerve cells.

How can you live without cereals, bread, cabbage, dairy products and pasta? Such a depleted (unbalanced) diet upset me.

But having suppressed my emotions about the ban on familiar foods, I thought: if the D’Adamo diet helps to improve the health of the body, and each blood type has its own diseases, then what diseases for people with blood type 1 is the D’Adamo diet aimed at suppressing?

According to statistics, the most common diseases for them are diseases gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases of the heart and blood vessels, thyroid gland , inflammatory processes and other ailments.

Now, if we compare the therapeutic diet for diseases of the digestive tract - gastritis, ulcers, colitis and others (table No. 1 in sanatoriums and medical institutions) with the diet proposed by D’Adamo, it turns out that they are almost the same.

So, for both diets, bread, legumes, pasta, cereals, white cabbage, dairy products, salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, and fatty meats are prohibited.

The ban on these products is explained by the fact that the digestive tract of people with blood group 1 is not suitable for normal digestion of dairy products and potatoes, and wheat, cereals and legumes contain the harmful lectin “gluten” (it glues red blood cells together).

The listed products slow down the metabolism, but doctors reassure that the metabolic rate can be increased by taking B vitamins. These vitamins are involved in all metabolic processes and are found in plant foods.

Doctors also advise taking brown algae - fucus vesicularis, an alkaline product that contains iodine and helps protect the stomach from ulcers caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Alkaline fucus neutralizes hydrochloric acid, which is actively secreted by the stomach to digest meat (protein). In addition, this algae is an oncoprotector. It can be purchased dried and ground and used as salt.

Among the neutral foods for people with blood type 1 in the D’Adamo diet are buckwheat, rice, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, lettuce, eggs, chicken, homemade cottage cheese and cottage cheese, white and red wine.

Well, let's listen to D'Adamo's conclusions, taking into account modern research.

Ambiguous attitude towards D'Adamo diets

The genetic nutrition system based on blood groups has both its adherents and people who consider it of little or no significance scientific justification. Doctors are cautious about this theory.

Many doctors believe that the system is too general and does not have an evidence base; it does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body, in particular the fact that each person has his own enzyme level.

In addition, D’Adamo took as the basis for his conclusions one of the most simplified blood antigen systems, AB0, while there are much more of these systems.

According to a review of the translation of the above-mentioned book by D’Adamo, Doctor of Biological Sciences Andrei Kozlov, “the theory of nutrition in accordance with blood type has no scientific basis. In addition, the book contains a lot of inaccuracies.”

A 2004 study at the University of Toronto did not support the blood type nutrition hypothesis. Nevertheless, D'Adamo continued to promote his findings since 1996 and even implemented nutritional supplements to their diets, as a necessary addition to the diet due to their certain inferiority.

At the same time, it is believed that eating people according to blood groups will not cause harm, and can contribute to overall health as a result of activating metabolism. In addition, the following are prohibited from the diet for people of all blood groups: harmful products, such as ham, bacon and ham, smoked salmon and caviar, ketchup and vinegar, ice cream, lemonade, Coca-Cola, as well as vodka, cognac and other products.

Available positive reviews people about using this diet, which allowed them to lose weight that was not achieved with other diets.

We also must not forget about the placebo effect, which is associated with the person’s belief in the effectiveness of this diet and in the principles of D’Adamo’s theory. In the end, it is up to the person to decide whether to follow Peter D’Adamo’s recommendations; you just need to know your blood type.

Table of healthy, harmful and neutral foods

Below is a table of healthy, harmful and neutral foods for feeding people with different blood groups.

The table includes product groups:

  • Cereals and flour products;
  • Meat products, poultry and eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Dairy products;
  • Oil and fats;
  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Legumes;
  • Herbs and spices;
  • Vegetables and mushrooms;
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Juices and drinks;
  • Herbal teas;
  • Other drinks.

Cereals and flour products

Juices and drinks, herbal teas

For the first time, diets based on blood type began to be actively discussed on forums about 20 years ago - that’s when the book by American doctor James D’Adamo “Nutrition by Blood Type” was published.

It is interesting that this topic was initially studied by the scientist’s father, so the book presents theories and research conducted over 50 years. Since then, the number of fans of these diets has been steadily growing.

But how do modern scientists feel about it? Existing Scientific research They cannot yet confirm the effectiveness of D’Adamo’s proper nutrition system.

In one large study, 1,455 adults ate according to the recommendations for blood type 1, and this actually had a positive effect on their health. But this effect was observed in people with all blood types, not just the first.

The improvement in health was likely due to the fact that the participants simply began to eat healthier foods than before. After all, regardless of blood type, the D’Adamo method emphasizes natural and healthy foods, as opposed to the so-called “Western diet” consisting of refined sugar, fast food and trans fats.

Another large survey study from 2013 also did not confirm the effectiveness of this power system.

However, those who practice this diet in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists claim that their health and general state have improved significantly. Obviously, if a person feels better from a certain nutritional system, then it is worth continuing to adhere to it.

In this article we will look at what the theory behind dieting is. Is this true or a myth? What does it give healthy person? We will also provide specific food recommendations for each blood type in the form of tables and lists.

The main idea of ​​the D'Adamo system

So, the main idea that James D’Adamo is trying to convey through his book is that blood types are a consequence of evolution. Like, initially all people on the planet had only the first blood group. The rest appeared as a result of a change in diet.

It is well known that the first people on earth ate exclusively vegetables and fruits. But later animal food was added to their diet (since hunters appeared).

And even later, people learned to cultivate the land, grow grain, and so on. And as soon as their diet underwent dramatic changes, this led to a change in the biochemical composition of the blood, including the appearance of new blood groups. All this happened over tens of thousands of years.

The essence of the theory is that that those with the same first blood group are more “adapted” to food of animal origin. Accordingly, it should form the basis of their diet. But people with the second blood group should include plant foods in their diet. Each group has its own “compatibility” with specific types of foods, and when eating non-recommended foods, intolerance may occur.

James D'Adamo's main idea is this:

  1. First group. Appeared as a consequence of hunting thoughts. The meat of wild animals contains a huge amount of proteins and fats, which is practically absent in vegetables and fruits. But it is worth considering the nuance - the “hunters” only consumed game.
  2. Second group. It was formed due to the emergence of tribes that ate exclusively plant foods. The basis of their diet was vegetables and fruits, and not only wild crops. It was these people who made the first discoveries in terms of land cultivation.
  3. Third group. It appeared as a consequence of the domestication of wild animals and the advent of agriculture. D’Adamo himself argued that carriers of this blood type descended from “nomads” who did not obtain food for themselves, but produced it themselves. The key “innovation” among such people is the inclusion of fermented milk products in the diet.
  4. Fourth group. According to d'Adamo's theory, it is a mixture of the 2nd and 3rd groups and appeared relatively recently - only 15 - 18 centuries ago. And the scientist has repeatedly called such people “universal” - their body copes well with game, and with the meat of domestic animals, and with agricultural products.

What does the Rh factor affect?

The Rh factor does not affect how the body “works” with lecithins, so people with both positive and negative Rhesus should adhere to the general principles of the proposed diet.

But there is just one caveat– those with a negative Rh factor have thicker blood. Accordingly, they should limit their consumption of fatty and protein foods slightly. The best option is to give up red meat, pork, and fatty beef. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

And also for those with negative blood groups a more strict approach should be taken to monitoring water-salt balance. The best option– drink plain water as much as possible, maybe with a small amount added lemon juice(literally 5 - 10 ml per glass of water).

Now let’s take a closer look at the permitted and prohibited foods for each blood group. What foods can you eat and what can you not?

First (I)

According to D’Adamo’s theory, those with the first blood group should definitely include in their diet:

  1. Red meat and beef. Ideally, it should be game, that is, the meat of wild animals. The proteins they contain make up the highest nutritional value for people with this blood type.
  2. Liver and organs of animals. Their use allows you to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and, as a result, accelerate the absorption of nutrients and the formation of lecithins.
  3. Fish. Fatty varieties are especially beneficial sea ​​fish, such as sardines, herring, halibut. It would also be a good idea to include shrimp and oysters in your diet - all of this contains essential amino acids for the body, including omega-3 (it is essential).
  4. Sea kale, prunes. Vegetable oil should also be included in the diet, but preference should be given to olive oil.

By the way, such a diet is often called “ancient Greek”. It is believed that all of these products were the basis of the diet of the ancient Greeks, which allowed them to own the most powerful army in the world (according to historians).

But the products for those with the first blood group are:

  1. Cereals. Essentially, all foods that are high in gluten can be included here. And a gluten-free diet, as you might guess, is ideal for those with the first blood group.
  2. Dairy products. Fermented milk products with a high fat content are especially “harmful” - sour cream, cream, butter and ghee.
  3. Corn, beans, lentils, apples. These are the foods that cause “fermentation” and can provoke a sharp change in the intestinal microflora. And in people with the first blood group, it is “focused” mainly on animal meat and simple proteins.

But D’Adamo classified “neutral” products as:

  1. leafy vegetables;
  2. sprouted grain;
  3. artichokes;
  4. broccoli.

That is, plant foods that practically do not “load” the digestive system, but at the same time allow you to strengthen immune system. The same sprouted grain, for example, contains interferons, which stimulate the body’s immune response to the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Second (II)

The basis of the diet for people with the second blood group involves minimizing the presence of animal foods and dairy products in the diet. And preference should be given to plant foods.

According to D’Adamo, strict vegetarianism is best suited for those with the second blood group. The diet should definitely include:

  1. Fiber-rich vegetables and fruits. They are a kind of “stimulants” of digestive function. And it is from vegetables and fruits that a person receives all the micronutrients, fiber, and vitamins he needs.
  2. Vegetable oils. Moreover, D’Adamo recommends constantly changing them. That is, at one time use traditional sunflower, then olive, then cottonseed, corn, and so on. They help indirectly regulate water-salt metabolism, and also provide the body with easily digestible fats, which are ultimately transformed into clean energy.
  3. Cereals and grains. Gluten-containing ones are also possible, but you should not overuse them (James generally recommended that everyone gradually give up gluten).
  4. Green tea. Helps normalize, provides it with micronutrients necessary for the production of neurotransmitters.

But those with the second blood group should avoid the following foods:

  1. Red meat. According to D'Adamo, its use leads to inhibition of digestive function, when the body simply stops absorbing micronutrients even from plant foods.
  2. Dairy products. By the way, even scientists confirm that those with the second blood group most often have problems with the synthesis of enzymes that help digest lactose.
  3. Beans, eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, olives. They contain “complex” proteins, which create a powerful load on the digestive tract, comparable to eating red meat.
  4. Black tea. It contains caffeine, which is in large quantities.
  5. Concentrated drinks. The body is simply not prepared to consume concentrates, since they absorb a minimum of micronutrients. Oddly enough, in the ancient world, when people mastered agriculture, no one prepared juices.

Neutral products for those with the second blood group are:

  1. Fish and seafood. Again, D'Adamo recommends choosing fatty varieties of sea fish.
  2. Apricots, pineapples, grapefruits, carrots. They contain fiber and vitamin A and help absorb calcium.
  3. Poultry liver. Easily digestible, helps produce hemoglobin.

Also check out the table:

Third (III)

According to D’Adamo’s book, this group includes about 20% of the entire world population.

It is believed that their digestive system is the most “resistant” to sudden changes in diet; it can adapt to any conditions, like those of nomads who had to wander around the world, and during short stops they produced their own food from agricultural and livestock products.

So, the right foods for those with the third blood group are:

  1. Meat and fish. As for meat, you should give preference to homemade. Fish – preferably also grown in artificial reservoirs (on artificial feeding). All this provides the body with the necessary amino acids, including essential ones.
  2. Eggs and dairy products. They just began to be used when wild animals began to be actively domesticated.
  3. Cereals and vegetables. Moreover, the body of people with the third blood group is the most “resistant” to gluten, but still it should not be abused - it will not bring any benefit.
  4. Vegetables. You can eat almost anything, just limiting the presence of corn and tomatoes in your diet.
  5. Fruits. There are no restrictions here at all - you can have apples, citrus fruits, kiwis, and any “exotic” fruits.
  1. fatty pork;
  2. olives;
  3. corn;
  4. lentils;
  5. peanut.

D’Adamo also claims that if you have a third blood group, you should categorically refuse alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities. That is, even a small glass of red wine with dinner will not bring any benefit in this case.

Neutral products include:

  1. caviar of any types of fish;
  2. berries;
  3. dairy desserts.

That is, they can be included in your diet without any consequences, but they should not form the basis of it.

Also check out the table:

Fourth (IV)

James D'Adamo has repeatedly called the fourth blood group the “youngest” and, as a result, optimal for the diet of a modern person. In fact, their diet can be very varied and include both plant foods and animal proteins.

The only thing you should strictly avoid is red meat and game. And the most useful products for owners of this blood type will be the following:

  1. Soy. Moreover, it should be consumed as part of a wide variety of dishes. It is imperative to include tofu in your diet. It is this that helps to obtain the main portion of protein necessary for the growth of muscle tissue.
  2. Fish and caviar. It is a source of essential amino acids and “rare” vitamins.
  3. Dairy products. You can completely ignore its fat content. It is fermented milk products that help those with the fourth blood group “speed up” digestion and optimize intestinal function.
  4. Berries. Are the source ascorbic acid and non-digestible fiber.
  5. Rice. From it the body receives starch, which is transformed to complex carbohydrates and energy.

The presence of the following foods in the diet should be limited:

  1. red meat, game;
  2. beans and legumes;
  3. buckwheat grain;
  4. citrus;
  5. mushrooms;
  6. nuts (especially peanuts, but pistachios and walnuts should still be consumed occasionally).

D’Adamo also claims that in those with blood type IV, the gastrointestinal tract is the most “vulnerable” to stress and nervousness. Therefore, they should be avoided if possible.

“Neutral” products for blood group 4 include:

  1. dry red wine;
  2. green vegetables and fruits;
  3. potato.

Also see the table:

Sample menu for every day

In the book “Nutrition by Blood Type,” James gives an approximate diet for each blood type “for every day,” but it is not strict.

The scientist repeatedly draws attention to the fact that you need to “listen” to your body and eat the foods he wants right now.

Total sample menu for the day for owners of the first blood group the following:

  1. For breakfast – buckwheat porridge with fish.
  2. For lunch - beef steak or steak.
  3. Afternoon snack – walnuts or a dessert based on them (you can even have a cupcake, but do not overuse “heavy” sweets).
  4. Dinner – boiled fish fillet (mackerel is best).

Optimal daily menu for blood group 2:

  1. Breakfast – buckwheat porridge with low-fat kefir.
  2. Lunch – baked carp with vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack – walnuts or apples.
  4. Dinner – tuna fillet or baked fish (no spices, add only salt to taste).

Menu for the day with the third blood group:

  1. For breakfast – 2 chicken eggs (or 6 quail eggs – your choice).
  2. Lunch – stewed meat with rice (lamb is best).
  3. Afternoon snack – almonds or apples, maybe dried fruits.
  4. Grilled vegetables or baked chicken with vegetables.

Optimal daily menu for blood group IV:

  1. For breakfast - cottage cheese with prunes and powdered sugar.
  2. Dinner - vegetable soup or turnip salad (owners of the fourth group urgently need liquid food).
  3. Afternoon snack – pine nuts.
  4. Dinner – rabbit meat in tomato sauce.

Again, this is just a “sample” diet. Ideally, it should be compiled by a qualified nutritionist, taking into account individual physiological characteristics the patient's body.

Features of the diet for weight loss

First of all, it is worth mentioning that, according to D’Adamo, the diets he proposed are optimal in terms of physiological stress for owners of different blood groups.

That is, if you carefully follow them and do not ignore playing sports or just physical activity (even if it’s just work), then a person’s weight will always be normal.

If for some reason you are obese (most often this is a consequence of hormonal imbalance or pancreatic dysfunction), then you should adhere to the following rules for: effective weight loss and maintaining slimness:

  1. Minimize the consumption of vegetable oil. Accordingly, to lose weight, you should give preference to stewed and baked dishes.
  2. Avoid fatty meats. In particular, this applies to domestic beef, pork, and duck.
  3. Avoid alcohol. The main harm from taking ethyl alcohol– this is the suppression of enzyme production and disruption of the pancreas.
  4. Follow a gluten-free diet. Cereals containing a large number of gluten, always have a large amount of complex carbohydrates. And if too much sugar accumulates in the body, it is “transformed” into simple fatty acids and deposited in subcutaneous fat.
  5. Minimize the consumption of concentrated juices, coffee, black tea, desserts. All of them “interfere” with the brain’s normal control of the digestive process.

And these rules are universal for owners of any blood type.

It is worth considering that obesity is often a consequence of the fact that for some reason fats are not absorbed or the body practically does not produce insulin. In these cases, any diet is contraindicated; consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. And the diet proposed by d’Adamo is suitable only for those who do not have chronic diseases of the digestive system.

How do scientists feel about D’Adamo’s research?

The basics of D’Adamo’s theory are all very clear. But how do scientists feel about his research? In most cases - skeptical.

After all, even in biology lessons at school, students are taught that different blood groups are a consequence of different protein sets in the walls of red blood cells and this depends solely on the set of DNA agents, and not on nutrition.

And to confirm their words, scientists point out that The diet of modern man is very different from what was the main diet even a couple of centuries ago. For example, today each person annually consumes about 20 kilograms of sugar, and in the mid-19th century this figure was 10 times lower. But at the same time, because of this, a new, 5th blood group did not appear. Moreover, this did not even cause any changes in the structure of proteins in the walls of red blood cells.

Scientists also believe that if we fully followed D’Adamo’s theory, then a person’s blood type could change several times throughout his life, depending solely on his diet. But this does not happen, since all the amino acids that make up the membranes of blood cells are replaceable, that is, they are synthesized by the body from almost any other amino acids.

Be that as it may, but admirers of this nature dietary nutrition every year it becomes more and more.

What is this connected with? That D'Adamo promotes healthy eating. He recommends avoiding gluten, alcohol and giving preference to lean meats, vegetables and fruits. In principle, any qualified nutritionist will confirm that This is the optimal diet for any person, regardless of his gender, age, or the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Scientists also note that the diet even in the ancient world depended significantly on geographical location people or tribe. For example, in Africa, hunting was rarely used at all - people there were predominantly engaged in agriculture. But at the same time, according to official WHO statistics ( World Organization Healthcare), among blacks there are more people with blood types 1 and 4 (higher than the Caucasians). And this is a discrepancy according to D’Adamo’s theory.

And one should not ignore the fact that man is a mammal and During the first years of life, the basis of his diet is mother's milk. It has a lot in common with any type of milk, although it differs in composition. That is why fermented milk products should be included in absolutely everyone’s diet.

An exception is when the body does not produce enzymes that help digest lactose and its derivatives (in such cases, doctors may prescribe fermented preparations).

But nutritionists even have a negative attitude towards D’Adamo’s theory. They argue that such a diet will be the most “harmful” for those with blood type 2, who almost completely have to give up animal proteins. Meat contains a huge list of essential amino acids, without which muscle tissue and skeleton simply cannot grow normally.

Nutritionists also say that today almost no one eats game at all. Even hunters today prefer to hunt in various kinds of specially equipped reserves, where animals are bred artificially. They say that even with a strong desire, it simply will not be possible to completely follow the proposed diet - the diet of a modern person has been changed so much that it cannot correspond to the “old” traditions.

It is also worth noting that D’Adamo’s book does not talk about many products. For example, honey, which is one of the “safest” sources of iron. All nutritionists recommend using it, but D’Adamo simply avoided this topic.

In summary, scientists are skeptical about the theory that a person’s diet should be changed depending on his blood type. But at the same time they indicate that following the diets they recommend will not bring any harm to health. They don’t recommend completely avoiding beans, tomatoes, and nuts - they contain essential fatty acids. And their presence in the diet is especially important in children under adolescence.

Is it worth sticking to this diet?

At the very least, it's worth a try. But don't forget about variety in food. A person, whenever possible, should always use the most different dishes. And meat, and purely vegetables and fruits. Ideally, you should discuss this issue with a nutritionist.

But in any case, absolutely everyone (even vegetarians) should include in their diet:

  1. Fish and seafood. They have the highest content of essential fatty acids, potassium and iron, which are extremely...
  2. Vegetables and fruits with non-digestible fiber. The simplest option is boiled beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes.
  3. Complex carbohydrates. They are mainly found in cereals, oatmeal, wheat, and whole flour. Such carbohydrates can be stored in the body “in reserve” and used, for example, when it is necessary to quickly warm up. Fatty acids cannot be absorbed and transformed into energy as quickly as carbohydrates. Therefore, a sugar deficiency can even provoke an imbalance of digestion when a person is obese, but receives too little energy from food.

And further important nuance– this is maintaining the water-salt balance. But, unlike d’Adamo’s theory, one should take into account the juices consumed, water, teas, and even first courses - they all contain water, which goes through the process of infiltration in the body and sodium and potassium compounds are extracted from it.


Who should completely abandon this food system? Doctors distinguish several categories:

  1. Children up to adolescence. Their digestive system is radically different from that of an adult. For example, their body absorbs both proteins and fatty foods very easily, but it “copes” with vitamins much worse, especially B-group vitamins. Therefore, their diet should be very varied.
  2. Women of childbearing age. During this period, their body is fully optimized for bearing a child, when most of the micronutrients enter the placenta. It should not be forgotten that the blood type of the mother and child may differ.
  3. Adults with chronic diseases digestive system. This should also include diabetes, since it develops degeneration of the pancreas and replacement of its glandular tissue.

Now we invite you to watch the video:


The most important thing is that the optimal diet for each person is purely individual and depends not only on physical activity, but also on gender, age, and even his job.

That's why better solution refer this issue to qualified nutritionists. They, in turn, always recommend “listening” to your body, as well as maintaining variety in your diet, consuming both animal and plant foods in approximately equal proportions.

The blood type diet is an original and very popular nutrition plan these days, the fruit of the research work of two generations of American nutritionists D. Adamo. According to their idea, during the course of evolution, people’s lifestyle changes the biochemistry of the body, which means that each blood group has an individual character and requires special gastronomic treatment.Even though traditional science treats this technique with skepticism, this has no effect on the flow of fans of the blood type diet!

Being slim and healthy is in our blood! In any case, this is what American nutritionists D’Adamo, the creators of the famous blood type diet, think...

Blood type diet: eat what's in your nature!

Drawing on his many years of medical practice, years of nutritional counseling, and the research of his father, James D'Adamo, American naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo has suggested that it is not height, weight or skin color, but blood type, that is the main factor of similarity and differences between people.

Different blood groups interact differently with lecithins, the most important building cellular substances. Lecithins are found in all tissues human body and generously receive food from outside. However, chemically, lecithins contained, for example, in meat, differ from lecithins in plant foods. The blood type diet helps you choose exactly the lecithins your body needs to live a long and happy life.

The theoretical basis of the doctor’s technique was his work Eat Right 4 Your Type, the title of which is a play on words - it means both “Eat right for your type” and “Eat right according to one of the four types.” The first edition of the book was published in 1997, and since then the description of the blood type diet method has been on the American bestseller lists, having gone through several reprints and editions.

Today Dr. D'Adamo heads the clinic own name in Portsmouth, USA, where he helps his patients improve their eating behavior. He uses not only the proprietary blood type diet method, but also various auxiliary procedures, including SPA, taking vitamins, and psychological work. Despite scientific criticism of Adamo's diet, the clinic is thriving.

Among his clients are many overseas celebrities, for example, fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, fashion model Miranda Kerr, actress Demi Moore. They all trust Dr. D Adamo and claim that they have experienced the amazing slimming and health-promoting effects of the blood type diet.

According to the author of the blood type diet, American nutritionist Peter D. Adamo, knowing our blood type, we can understand what our ancestors did. And form our own menu without contradicting history: hunters are traditionally supposed to eat meat, and nomads are better off avoiding milk .

In his theory, Peter D'Adamo relied on the evolutionary theory of the division of blood into groups, developed by the American immunochemist William Clouser Boyd. Following Boyd, D'Adamo argues that everyone united by the same blood group has a common past, and certain qualities and properties of the blood allow make a fascinating and healthy journey through time from a dietary point of view.

Blood type diet: your menu is chosen... by your ancestors

  • 1 Blood type I (in the international classification - O): described by Dr. D'Adamo as “hunting”. He claims that this is the blood of the first people on Earth, which formed into a separate type about 30 thousand years ago. Proper diet according to blood type for “hunters” - predictable, with a high content of meat protein.
  • 2 Blood type II (international designation - A), according to the doctor, means that you descended from the first farmers, who became a separate “blood type” about 20 thousand years ago. Farmers need, again predictably, to eat a variety of vegetables and minimize red meat.
  • 3 Blood type III (or B) belongs to the descendants of nomads. This type was formed about 10 thousand years ago, and is characterized by a strong immune system and unpretentious digestion, but nomads should monitor the consumption of dairy products - their body is historically prone to lactose intolerance.
  • 4 Blood group IV (AB) is called a “mystery”. The first representatives of this relatively rare type appeared less than 1 thousand years ago and illustrate evolutionary variability in action, combining features of the very different groups I and II.

Diet according to blood type I: every hunter wants to know...

What should he eat to stay healthy and stay healthy? 33% of the world's population can consider themselves to be the descendants of ancient brave miners. There is a scientific opinion that it was from the first blood group that all the others evolved through the process of natural selection.

The diet for the first blood group requires that the diet contain:

  • red meat: beef, lamb
  • organ meats, especially liver
  • broccoli, leafy vegetables, artichokes
  • fatty varieties of sea fish (Scandinavian salmon, sardines, herring, halibut) and seafood (shrimp, oysters, mussels), as well as freshwater sturgeon, pike and perch
  • Among vegetable oils, preference should be given to olive
  • walnuts, sprouted grains, seaweed, figs and prunes provide micronutrients and aid digestion in a diet rich in animal protein.

The foods on the following list cause hunters to gain weight and experience the effects of a slower metabolism. The blood type diet assumes that those with group 1 will not abuse:

  • foods high in gluten (wheat, oats, rye)
  • dairy products, especially fatty ones
  • corn, beans, lentils
  • any cabbage (including Brussels sprouts), as well as cauliflower.

Observing it is necessary to avoid salty foods and foods that cause fermentation (apples, cabbage), including juices from them.

Among the drinks, mint tea and rosehip decoction will bring particular benefits.

The blood type diet assumes that the owners of the most ancient group have a generally healthy gastrointestinal tract, but the only correct nutritional strategy for them remains conservative; hunters usually tolerate new foods poorly. But it is the owners of this blood type who are designed by nature for all kinds of physical activity and feel good only if they combine proper nutrition with regular loads.

Diet according to blood type II: what should a farmer eat?

Eliminates meat and dairy products from the diet, giving the green light to vegetarianism and fruit eating. About 38% of the world's population belongs to the second blood group - almost half of us descended from the first farmers!

The diet for blood group 2 should contain the following foods:

  • vegetables
  • vegetable oils
  • cereals and grains (with caution - gluten-containing)
  • fruits - pineapples, apricots, grapefruits, figs, lemons, plums
  • Eating meat, especially red meat, is not recommended for “farmers” at all, but fish and seafood (cod, perch, carp, sardines, trout, mackerel) will benefit.

In order not to gain weight and avoid health problems, those with blood type II on an appropriate diet are advised to remove the following from the menu:

  • dairy products: slow down metabolism and are poorly digested
  • wheat dishes: gluten protein, which wheat is rich in, reduces the effect of insulin and slows down metabolism
  • beans: difficult to digest due to high protein content
  • eggplants, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes and olives
  • Fruits that are “prohibited” are oranges, bananas, mangoes, coconuts, tangerines, papaya and melon
  • Those with the second blood type are better off avoiding drinks such as black tea, orange juice, and any soda.

The strengths of the “farmers” include a resilient digestive system and generally good health - provided that the body is fed correctly. If a person with the second blood group consumes too much meat and milk to the detriment of a plant-based menu, his risk of developing heart disease and cancer, as well as diabetes, increases many times over.

Diet according to blood type III: for almost omnivores

About 20% of the world's inhabitants belong to the third blood group. The type, which arose during the period of active migration of the masses, is distinguished by its excellent ability to adapt and a certain omnivorousness: wandering back and forth across continents, nomads got used to eating what they had, with maximum benefit for themselves, and passed this skill on to their descendants. If in your social circle there is a friend with a tinned stomach, who doesn’t care about any new food, most likely his blood type is third.

It is considered the most diverse and balanced. It certainly includes the following products:

  • sources of animal protein - meat and fish (preferably sea fish as a storehouse of easily digestible and important for metabolism fatty acids)
  • milk products (both whole and sour)
  • cereals (except buckwheat and wheat)
  • vegetables (except corn and tomatoes, melons and melons are also undesirable)
  • various fruits.

In order to maintain health and maintain a normal weight, it makes sense for those with the third blood group to refrain from:

  • pork and chicken meat
  • seafood
  • olives
  • corn and lentils
  • nuts, especially peanuts
  • alcohol.

Nomads, despite all their flexibility and adaptability, are characterized by a lack of protection against rare viruses and a tendency to autoimmune diseases. In addition, there is an opinion that the scourge of modern society, the “syndrome chronic fatigue", also refers to the nomadic heritage. Those belonging to this blood type suffer relatively rarely from excess weight Therefore, the blood type diet for them becomes primarily a way to regulate metabolism and maintain good health.

Blood type IV diet: who are you, mystery man?

The last, fourth blood group, is the youngest from a historical point of view. Doctor D" Adamo himself calls its representatives "mysteries"; the name "townspeople" also stuck.

The blood of such biochemistry is the result of the latest stages of natural selection and the influence on humans of external conditions that have changed in recent centuries. Today's attitude towards this mysterious mixed type less than 10% of the world's population can boast.

If they intend to lose weight and improve their metabolism with the help of a blood type 4 diet, they will have to be prepared for the fact that the menu contains unexpected recommendations and no less unexpected prohibitions.

Mystery people should eat:

  • soy in various types, and especially tofu
  • fish and caviar
  • dairy
  • green vegetables and fruits
  • berries
  • dry red wine.

At the same time, the following foods should be avoided:

  • red meat, offal and meat products
  • any beans
  • buckwheat
  • corn and wheat.
  • oranges, bananas, guava, coconuts, mangoes, pomegranates, persimmons
  • mushrooms
  • nuts.

The mysterious townspeople are characterized by instability nervous system, predisposition to oncological diseases, strokes and heart attacks, as well as a weak gastrointestinal tract. But the immune system of the owners of the rare fourth group is distinguished by sensitivity and adaptability to changing conditions. Therefore, it is especially important for “city dwellers” to monitor the intake of vitamins and microelements.

The effectiveness of the blood type diet

The blood type diet is one of the systematic nutrition plans that require a significant revision of the diet and do not give predictable results over a specific period of time. According to the developer, if the diet coincides with what the blood “wants,” getting rid of excess weight will definitely come after metabolic processes are established and the cells begin to receive building material from exactly the sources they need.

The author recommends a blood type diet for those people who want to solve for themselves the issue of cleansing the body and gradually losing weight. As well as the prevention of diseases, the list of which, according to Dr. Peter D Adamo, differs for each blood group with its own specificity.

Blood type diet: criticism and refutation

The method of Peter D" Adamo has provoked scientific controversy since its first publication. At the beginning of 2014, researchers from Canada published data from a large-scale study of the effect of a blood type diet, in which about one and a half thousand subjects took part. Scientists announced that their conclusion is clear: pronounced weight loss This nutrition plan has no effect.

In some cases, the results digest notes, a vegetarian diet or a reduction in carbohydrates helps to reduce weight, but this is not due to the combined effect of food and blood type, but to the general improvement of the menu. A diet for blood group II helped subjects lose a few kilos and lower blood pressure, a diet for blood group IV normalizes cholesterol and insulin levels, but has no effect on weight, a diet for blood group I reduces the amount of fat in the plasma, and a diet for Group III blood did not noticeably affect anything at all, this is the conclusion reached by the staff of the research center in Toronto.

However, it is unlikely that these data will seriously affect the popularity of the Dr. D Adamo diet. The blood type diet has managed to find hundreds of thousands of fans around the world: perhaps it does not help you lose weight as dramatically as any, but it allows you to get to know yourself better and learn to understand the needs of your body.