Features of the development and treatment of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. Breast mastopathy Nodular form of the disease

I am 29 years old. After the second birth for 3 years, on the first day of menstruation the temperature rises to 37.5 - 37.8, severe pain, cycle violations - delays up to 10 days. Ultrasound showed: adenomyosis of the uterine body (nodular form), ovarian endometriosis, retrocervical endometriosis, uterine dimensions 77-48-52, endometrium 11 mm. In a smear a large number of leukocytes. The result for chlamydia is negative. The attending physician's diagnosis coincided with the ultrasound diagnosis plus chronic endometritis. Hormonal medications were recommended for the treatment of adenomyosis and endometriosis, but with the permission of a mammologist, because Immediately before this, I was operated on for fibroadenoma of the mammary gland. The mammologist explained that since I still have pronounced manifestations of diffuse mastopathy and taking into account my heredity (close female relatives have breast cancer at a young age), hormonal drugs are indicated for me only as a last resort. I consulted with several other gynecologists, their recommendations were different: some believed that hormonal treatment was required, others that it was not required. Moreover, different hormonal drugs were prescribed: microgenon, norkolut, duphaston, depo-provera. As a result, my doctor and I decided to treat only endometritis. After the course of treatment, the temperature during menstruation became lower - 37.2 and the leukocytes in the smear returned to normal. This happened for 5 months after treatment. In the sixth month, the temperature again on the first day of menstruation rose to 37.8 and the smear showed leukocytosis again. A repeat ultrasound (one year after the first) showed that the size of the uterus and endometrium remained the same, but there were more endometriosis lesions. After another 2 months, a 6 cm cyst on the right ovary was discovered. I was again prescribed hormone therapy, and if it does not disappear in a month, then surgery. Moreover, they offer me to remove the entire right ovary. Please tell me,
1) Should I decide on hormone therapy and which drug is best for me (prolactin and progesterone are normal, but estradiol is not determined in our city). Do I need any more research and do I have time for this, or should I start hormone therapy immediately?
2) Are there types of operations that allow you to remove a cyst without an ovary, which ones exactly?
3) Are there treatments for endometriosis and adenomyosis other than hormone therapy? Including surgical ones?

1. The drugs that you listed are all drugs of the same group (gestagens). And they are absolutely not contraindicated for mastopathy, even if relatives had malignant tumors. Caution requires the use of estradiol, and gestagens, on the contrary, are indicated for mastopathy.

On the other hand, with such progressive endometriosis, gestagens are too mild a treatment method. It is advisable to start with surgery, remove the ovarian cyst, cauterize the endometriotic lesions, and in the postoperative period prescribe hormonal treatment to reduce lesions in the uterus and retrocervical endometriosis (temperature during menstruation is most likely caused by it). And these are hormonal drugs of other groups: nemestran. gestrinone, danazol, zoladex. They give more side effects, but are more effective relatively

2. Laparoscopic surgery. Technically, it can sometimes be difficult to remove a cyst; this depends on the qualifications of the surgeon and is decided during the operation itself.

3. See paragraph 1. But uterus can be surgically treated only by removing the uterus.

If the first sexual intercourse occurred at the age of 25.5 years, then can this fact affect the appearance of mastopathy?

No, there is no such direct connection. Late is a risk factor for the occurrence of mastopathy, but this does not mean the onset itself, but its long absence. This disease most often occurs in virgins, nulliparous women and women who are rarely sexually active. On the contrary, regular sex life helps reduce the symptoms of mastopathy.

I have fibrous cystic mastopathy 4 years. I suffer a lot, frequent pain. I take vitamins. Vitamin E helps a little. Doctors say this is now permanent. Are there really no ways to get rid of pain?

It all depends on the form of fibrocystic mastopathy. In case of nodular one, surgical treatment is definitely required. For the glandular form and mixed forms, they are treated conservatively and observed once a year. For cystic ones, a puncture is performed, and the tactics depend on the nature of the contents of the cysts. In addition to vitamin therapy, hormonal treatment is used for treatment. Mastopathy is associated with a lack of progesterone and most often, medications containing this hormone are prescribed for treatment. Reducing consumption or completely eliminating coffee, chocolate, and tea from the diet reduces pain.

What is “mammary fibrodenoma” and “diffuse mastopathy”???

"diffuse mastopathy" is a disease in which normal breast tissue is replaced either connective tissue(fibrosis), either cysts, or has a mixed character. Fibroadenoma - benign tumor consisting of glandular and connective tissue. Diseases of the mammary glands require consultation and observation of a mammologist. The periodic frequency depends on the form of mastopathy and an X-ray or ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. Based on the results of these studies, appropriate therapy is prescribed and such patients are monitored.

2 years ago after giving birth (the baby died on the 8th day, the doctors said it was cytomegalovirus (what is this?), but the autopsy showed sepsis), I started taking “Blue Lady” contraceptives, the doctors told me that I could giving birth only in 2 years, which I was looking forward to. 6 months ago I stopped taking the pills (I wanted to prepare for pregnancy), but I started having delays (1-2 weeks), I was treated for inflammation of the appendages (laser therapy), but the delays became longer (1-2 months). After examination, doctors discovered polycystic ovary syndrome. They prescribed progesterone (today there will be 4 injections, but still no period) and “Diana 35”. The doctors said that the course of treatment would be a year. I wanted to know if I can get pregnant in at least 6 months, or do I still need to wait a whole year? Or maybe there are some folk remedies for the treatment of polycystic disease? In 2 years I gained 5 kg (due to pills), so I started drinking again hormonal pills I don’t really want it. I also have fibrocystic mastopathy in both breasts (I did not have the opportunity to feed the child after giving birth, since he immediately ended up in intensive care). Are there any medications that can really relieve me of constant chest pain? What was prescribed to me did not help (unfortunately, I don’t remember exactly what it was, I think Klamin and vitamins E)

If you are sure that you have mastopathy (you recently had an x-ray), and not something more serious, then Mastodinon helps best in this case. Although you need to continue taking vitamins E, A and B6.
The main symptom of polycystic ovaries is absolute infertility, and you have given birth. You certainly have. some kind of ovarian dysfunction, but what exactly is impossible to find out in absentia. You need to be examined and take hormonal tests. Do not take Diane until the exact causes of dysfunction are clarified.
Against the background of progesterone injections, there will be no periods.. When the injections are canceled, they will come.. The injections are given specifically so that they can be canceled and thereby induce menstruation.
is a viral infection that, when exacerbated, causes damage to the child’s brain. Sepsis was most likely caused by some other infection.
There are no such "Blue Lady" contraceptives.

I am 22 years old, I have fibrocystic mastopathy and chronic adnexitis, after reading some articles, I realized that these 2 diseases are related. I have been being observed at the oncology clinic for 2 years, but after the next treatment, after about 2-4 months, the pain appears again. And they treat me only with potassium iodide and vitamins. But after reading the articles, I learned that it is possible to carry out treatment and hormonal drugs, but unfortunately I couldn’t find such information anywhere about the names of these drugs. I would like to know why my doctor does not prescribe me such drugs and whether I can take them. And will I still be able to have children? After the ultrasound I was told that this would be very difficult to do.

Answer: only a doctor can select such therapy. As for the possibility of having children, it seems that you have a pronounced adhesive process due to serious inflammation of the appendages. The patency of the tubes can be checked using hysterosalpingography (x-ray examination of the uterus).

I am 26 years old, I have a husband, but I don’t have children yet. During the examination, the mammologist diagnosed Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy of both glands. What is the prognosis and how to treat this disease?

1. It is necessary to confirm the diagnosis using ultrasound and then do ultrasound every six months for control.
2. If nothing bothers you, you don’t have to take anything. Have a beneficial effect on mastopathy birth control pills, if you do not plan to become pregnant in the coming months, you can consult a doctor and choose one. If there are complaints, treatment is needed.

Please tell us what mastopathy is, why it occurs and what the consequences may be.

mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary glands. It can be diffuse cystic - small cysts and compactions of the entire mammary gland and nodular - one or more nodes in the mammary gland. Nodular mastopathy is a precancerous disease. In the presence of of this disease observation by an oncologist is necessary. The cause of mastopathy is hormonal imbalance. Mainly increased estrogen levels (absolute or due to decreased progesterone levels). A mammologist makes this diagnosis and observes such patients. It is necessary to undergo a mammogram (x-ray examination of the mammary glands) once a year.

For 3 months I treated endometriosis with Nemestran. After a course of treatment, I had the following problem: before menstruation, my breasts hurt and swell, the lower part of the breast is tight and hurts a little when pressed. The gynecologist said that this was mastopathy that developed due to taking Nemestran. I heard that mastopathy can go away on its own, especially since the “blow” to hormones lasted only 3 months. Is this really true? Or is it better to contact a mammologist? If yes, is there a mammologist at your institute? Or maybe you can recommend me some treatment? Just not hormonal.

The symptoms you describe are characteristic of mastodynia. This is a dyshormonal disease of the mammary glands, which may be associated with taking Nemestran. Alarming painful lump in the lower part of the chest, so it is better to consult a specialist.

What is severe fibrosis with areas of bullous swelling and how to treat it?

You quote words from the histological report - what the histologist sees under the microscope, what kind of tissue changes. This is not a diagnosis, although it can significantly help in its formulation. It all depends on what kind of tissue, what organ was studied. If we “translate” these words into “Russian”, this means a pronounced proliferation of connective tissue with areas of vesicular growths (glands?)

How possible is breastfeeding with diffuse mastopathy? What treatment is possible in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy? This is my second pregnancy, there were no problems with breastfeeding last time, but there were no similar problems with the breasts.

Breastfeeding is not only possible, but also very desirable - the longer you breastfeed, the less likely it is to further develop mastopathy. Diffuse forms of mastopathy cannot be treated during pregnancy. The main advice is to wear a comfortable, preferably cotton bra of the appropriate size, no more than 12 hours a day.

I was diagnosed with fibromatous mastopathy. A course of treatment with mastodinone was prescribed. How long can I use it? I've been drinking it for over 4 months now. There are improvements. I'm afraid that if I stop drinking it, everything will come back. What do i do?

Mastodinon is a homeopathic drug, its course is usually prescribed for 6 months, possibly longer. There are usually several courses over 3-4 years.

Please tell me how to treat fibrocystic mastopathy.

For the treatment of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, vitamin therapy, iodine preparations, hormone therapy, herbal treatment, and homeopathy are used. In the presence of nodular forms, treatment is only surgical.

I am 35 years old. About three months ago, I noticed discharge from the nipple in my right breast, opaque, similar to colostrum, but more concentrated, odorless, slightly sticky to the touch. During an examination by a gynecologist, I was diagnosed with mastopathy. Before menstruation, I feel dull, mild pain that goes away immediately after menstruation. I did an ultrasound of the uterus - everything was normal. Please tell me what examinations need to be done and where in order to establish the real reason my problem.

It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the mammary glands, analyze the discharge for cytological studies and take a blood test for prolactin

Is mastopathy treated with increased level prolactin homeopathy

Yes, but not always and not every time. Treatment is long-term. The drug Mastodinon may be suitable.

The classic diagnosis of chlamydia involves a blood test for antibodies. Is it true that they should remain in the blood even after the disease has been cured?

Can chlamydia cause hydrocephalic syndrome or spina bifida in the fetus. Can contraception with the help of the drug "Marvelon" lead to mastopathy or various types fibroids.

Antibodies are the body's response to infection; the reaction may persist for some time after treatment. With chlamydia, this period, according to various sources, is from 3 months to 3 years.

very rarely cause deformities in the fetus; usually the child becomes infected with them during childbirth.

Mastopathy is a general name for various conditions. In some cases, birth control pills are contraindicated, in others they are used as treatment.

I have a doctor’s report on ECHOGRAPHIC SIGNS OF CYSTIC MASTOPATHY, what is it and what are your recommendations for treatment. You have diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy with a predominance of the cystic component; if the cysts are large, puncture and cytological examination

I am 25 years old, have no children yet, in 1996 I had an ultrasound of the mammary glands because I felt pain in my left breast, but it showed nothing, and after examining the doctor they determined that I had mastopathy, I took some pills, after which the pain disappeared. In 1997, I again went to the doctors, did an ultrasound, and they said that I had such breasts and pain was possible. Now, in 1999, she applied for the third time, with the following conclusions: The ultrasound picture is characteristic of diffuse changes, apparently of a benign nature (like dishormonal dysplasia of the mammary glands). Is this due to the fact that my thyroid(I take L-thyroxine 50) and what does it mean to be benign, is it dangerous, will it develop into a more dangerous form? I work on a computer, is this harmful in my situation?

Pathology of the thyroid gland is associated with mastopathy. Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy requires an annual examination and ultrasound, “degeneration” is extremely rare. Pregnancy and lactation often lead to an improvement in the condition of the mammary glands.

Mastopathy - I am interested in everything that can be learned about this disease, its causes and its treatment.

Mastopathy is a dishormonal disease manifested by hyperplastic and regressive processes in the tissues of the mammary glands. The diffuse form is treated conservatively. The nodular form is punctured and removed so as not to miss a malignant formation.

How to treat mastopathy the folk way nulliparous girl?

Mastopathy occurs due to various reasons, so you need to be examined by a mammologist, have an ultrasound and X-ray of the mammary glands. Mastodinon is often used among homeopathic and phytotherapeutic remedies.

What is diffuse mastopathy?

Diffuse mastopathy is a disease manifested by a violation of the normal structure of mammary gland tissue. It includes various processes of increased cell proliferation and other changes that occur under the influence of hormonal disorders. The structure of lobules, ducts, and connective tissue is disrupted. Mastopathy occurs in 30 - 40% of women, most often by the age of 45. The main complaints are dull aching pain, a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the mammary glands, which intensifies in the premenstrual period. Painful areas of compaction in the mammary glands may also be noted. The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints, examination, x-rays and ultrasound of the mammary glands. In young patients, it is preferable to begin the examination with an ultrasound, in women over 45 years old - with an x-ray. Treatment of diffuse mastopathy is medicinal. Hormonal medications, iodine, vitamins, and herbal medicine are used. The diet involves excluding tea, coffee, and chocolate. In order not to miss the initial forms various diseases mammary glands, a woman should independently examine her mammary glands once a month, immediately after menstruation.

The mammary gland is examined in 3 positions: the arm on the side being examined is moved up behind the head, moved to the side, and lies along the body. With the fingers of the other hand, the outer half of the mammary gland is felt, moving from the nipple outward and upward. Then they study areas of the inner half, moving from the nipple to the sternum. Determine whether there are any lumps or changes in the skin. Check for the presence of discharge by squeezing the areola and nipple, feel the body under the armpit to detect enlarged lymph nodes (glands) under the skin

Eremenko Maxim AlexandrovichKotsubanov Konstantin ViktorovichMandrika Kristina MikhailovnaClinic "Good Forecast"

About the disease

Mastopathy- This is a pathological change in the tissue of the mammary glands. This term actually has a collective meaning and if translated literally, it sounds like breast disease. This pathology due to the variety of symptoms and manifestations of these symptoms, it is quite common in women. About 70% of women, sooner or later, when visiting a doctor, this diagnosis can be established.

Classification of mastopathy

What should a woman do after hearing this diagnosis? Firstly, it is necessary to clearly understand the form of mastopathy, and depending on the form of mastopathy, treatment can be completely different. If we talk about the classification of mastopathy, then all forms are usually divided into:

  1. Diffuse mastopathy characterized by painful sensations, heaviness in the mammary glands in women, especially in the premenstrual period, with the onset of which the pain quickly changes its intensity. Clinically, this form of mastopathy manifests itself in the form of severe pain on palpation of the mammary gland, especially in the outer quadrants. Often painful sensations occur in both mammary glands. Palpation also reveals a fairly pronounced glandular component; sometimes the lobules of the mammary gland are contoured quite clearly. An ultrasound examination reveals a clearly visible glandular pattern with clearly defined interlobular spaces, which is determined by the etiology of this process.
  2. Fibrocystic mastopathy is also often accompanied by pain in the mammary glands, however, in addition to this, patients, even during self-examination, can detect glands in the tissue round formations with clear, even contours, often painful. Ultrasound, in addition to the previously described changes in the gland tissue, visualizes single or multiple anechoic formations surrounded by a hyperechoic capsule.
  3. Nodular mastopathy may be accompanied by the same symptoms as previous forms of the disease, but in some cases the disease may be asymptomatic. Sometimes the nodular form of mastopathy is detected accidentally during ultrasound and aspiration biopsy. Characteristic feature Ultrasound of the mammary glands reveals the presence in the tissue of a hyperechoic node with unclear contours, echographically similar to the picture of breast cancer. Differential diagnosis in this case, a biopsy is used nodular formation.

Mastopathy. Causes

Hormones are responsible for the development and growth of the mammary glands - estrogens, prolactin, progesterone, growth hormone, the ratio of which determines the possible risk of developing mastopathy.

The main cause of lumps in the mammary gland is hormonal imbalance.

Causes of mastopathy:

  • increased levels of estrogen in the blood
  • genetic predisposition
  • gynecological diseases
  • reproductive dysfunction: complete absence pregnancy and childbirth throughout life
  • termination of pregnancy, followed by a sharp hormonal decline and complete hormonal changes
  • refusal breastfeeding or short lactation period
  • irregularities in work endocrine system(thyroid disease, diabetes)
  • chest injuries
  • psychological factors: chronic stress, overwork, nervous tension, depression
  • chronic diseases liver
  • late onset of menopause
  • previously puberty
  • iodine deficiency in the body
  • bad habits
  • overweight
  • tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland

Mastopathy. Signs and symptoms

The first signs of mastopathy- This painful sensations in the mammary glands before the onset of menstruation. Pain occurs due to stagnation of blood in the veins and swelling of the surrounding tissues. After the end of menstruation, the pain disappears. Most women do not attach any importance to this. However, over time, the pain becomes constant, increasing before the next period, radiating to the arm, shoulder or armpit area.

As the disease progresses, other symptoms of mastopathy (8):

  • stupid and aching pain in the mammary glands
  • sensations of heaviness and fullness in the mammary glands
  • nipple discharge
  • the appearance of compactions and hardenings in the mammary gland
  • cracked nipples, retraction of the skin or nipple
  • appearance of nodes
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes

Diagnosis of mastopathy

Early mastopathy diagnosis is important in the sense that it is also a prevention of breast cancer.

Diagnosis begins with a clinical examination. The doctor examines the patient, asks about the nature of menstruation, the number of births and abortions, the presence genetic predisposition, other risk factors, clarifies complaints and causes of mastopathy. Using palpation, the doctor examines the condition of the breasts and nipples, checks for the presence of nodules and lumps, and the condition of the lymph nodes.

To diagnose fibrocystic disease, the following are used:

Mammography- X-ray examination, which allows you to identify diseases on early stage. Mammography is a non-invasive method, but very informative. Mammography is performed in two projections and determines the size, shape and number of cystic formations.

Ultrasound diagnosis of mastopathy makes it possible to examine the mammary glands in detail, helps to determine the nature of the pathology revealed by palpation or mammography, and also to distinguish a malignant tumor from other neoplasms.

Pneumocystography– a method for examining the mammary gland if cystic formations are suspected. A safe and painless procedure, with high information content, allows you to examine even the smallest tumors.

Biopsy breast tissue with further cytological examination is carried out to study the cellular structure and determine the nature of the neoplasm (malignant or not). Discharge from the nipples is also sent for examination.

Hormone tests for mastopathy, where the level of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, estradiol, testosterone is determined. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations.

Advantages of diagnostics at the Good Forecast clinic

  1. Complete examination in one to two days.
  2. Determination of treatment tactics at a multidisciplinary council consisting of an oncologist, radiation therapist, and chemotherapist.
  3. All types surgical treatment to the required extent.
  4. Possibility of undergoing radiation and chemotherapy in comfortable conditions.
  5. Friendliness and support of medical staff.

– pathological fibrocystic changes in breast tissue, characterized by the appearance of dense, often painful, fine-grained formations. Concerned about engorgement, soreness of the gland, more pronounced before menstruation, serous, sometimes bloody issues from the nipple. Has a tendency to relapse and is a cancer risk factor. Diagnosis of mastopathy requires mammography, ultrasound of the mammary glands, and, if necessary, diaphanoscopy, MRI of the mammary glands, pneumocystography, and puncture biopsy. Treatment of mastopathy is carried out using conservative methods. If there is a risk of malignancy of nodular mastopathy, surgical removal node.

General information

– a concept that combines a group of diseases of the mammary glands, characterized by the development of pathological changes in the gland tissue with a violation of the ratio of epithelial and connective tissue components. According to the WHO nosological classification of 1984, mastopathy is understood as fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands. The incidence of mastopathy of various etiologies in young women ranges from 30-45% and increases noticeably after 40-45 years.

Mastopathy is a benign change in gland tissue that is directly dependent on neurohumoral regulation. This means that the factors for the development of mastopathy are both pathologies associated with disturbances in the state of nervous regulation (stress, neuroses, depression), and a disorder of hormonal balance and internal homeostasis of the body.

Reasons for the development of mastopathy

There is currently no complete understanding of the causes and mechanisms of development of mastopathy, but there is every reason to assert that hormonal status plays a significant role in the occurrence of this disease. Factors contributing to the development of mastopathy: early menopause, menstrual irregularities (hormonal dysfunctions, polycystic ovary syndrome, improper use of hormonal contraceptives), prolonged absence of childbirth, numerous (more than three) abortions, irregular sex life (or lack thereof), diseases of the genital organs , lactation less than three months, endocrine pathologies(hypo- and hyperthyroidism, dysfunction of hypothalamic and pituitary regulation, functioning of the adrenal glands, liver, pancreas), hereditary predisposition.

There is an assumption that the most significant pathogenetic factor in the development of mastopathy is progesterone deficiency with an excess of estrogen. In this case, there is an increase in proliferation (reproduction) of epithelial cells and connective tissue cellular elements. In addition, the production of prolactin plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of mastopathy. Prolactinemia increases the sensitivity of breast tissue to estrogen.

Classification of mastopathy

Most common in clinical practice the classification of mastopathy distinguishes three forms: mastalgia (mastoplasia or mastodynia), diffuse fibroadenomatosis and localized fibroadenomatosis. Mastalgia is characterized by a predominance of severe pain and is an indication for the prescription of analgesics.

Diffuse adenomatosis is the development of diffuse compactions and cysts in the gland tissue. It is divided into two types: fibrous mastopathy, when connective tissue seals are predominantly formed in the gland tissue, and fibrocystic mastopathy, when in the gland, in addition to foci of fibrosis, cysts (cavities filled with liquid) are formed in the gland.

With localized fibroadenomatosis, pathological changes are detected in a limited area of ​​the gland (segment, quadrant) and do not spread throughout the parenchyma of the organ. Detection of a localized formation in the mammary gland is an indication for a biopsy to exclude malignant tumor.

Symptoms of mastopathy

Most characteristic symptom mastopathy – detection of a lump in the mammary gland upon palpation. Often this lump can be painful, the pain usually intensifies in the second phase menstrual cycle and immediately before menstruation. The compaction may be single, several nodules may be detected, and the entire gland may feel compacted. Mastopathy is characterized by damage to both glands, mainly their upper parts.

The predominance of the fibrous component is detected by touch as a compaction; cystic changes in the first stages may not be detected at all by palpation (duct microcysts). Pain in the mammary glands, as a rule, is dull, aching or pulling. Its occurrence is associated with compression nerve endings in glandular tissue with fibrous growths, as well as their partial sclerosis. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends on the severity of the pathology; most often, the occurrence and intensification of pain is associated with the menstrual cycle (before menstruation, at the peak of estrogen production, the pain intensifies). Sometimes there is irradiation of pain into the shoulder blade or arm.

In 10-15% of women, there are no complaints of pain, although upon examination pathological changes of a significant degree are detected. This is associated with different levels pain sensitivity in women and individual branching nervous system mammary glands. About 10% of mastopathy is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes in the armpits. Sometimes palpation of the lymph nodes is moderately painful.

An increase in the volume of the mammary gland, their periodic engorgement (in the second period of the menstrual cycle) is associated with the formation of venous stagnation in the vascular network of the glands and swelling of the connective tissue. The glands can increase by 15%. This is characterized by a feeling of discomfort and pain during palpation (increased breast sensitivity). The combination of these symptoms is called premenstrual syndrome.

You also need to be careful about detecting a node (or several). Palpation of a dense, limited nodular formation may be a sign of localized nodular mastopathy, or it may turn out to be developing breast cancer. When nodes in the mammary gland that are suspicious from the point of view of malignancy are identified, a biopsy is always prescribed.

Diagnosis of mastopathy

One of the most significant elements of timely detection of pathologies and neoplasms in the mammary glands is self-examination (self-palpation of the mammary glands). To identify formations, determine their shape, size, quantity, as well as to identify diffuse pathological changes in the gland tissue, instrumental diagnostic methods are used.

Biocontrast mammography is an X-ray examination of the mammary glands. Mammography is optimally performed in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. A chest photograph is taken in two projections: frontal and lateral. This study is one of the most informative and specific.

In addition, breast ultrasound is currently used. As a rule, fibrocystic changes in glandular tissue affect the echogenicity of its structures and can be identified and studied quite qualitatively using this technique.

MRI of the breast marks areas of increased and decreased temperature of the gland tissue. The diaphanoscopy technique involves transilluminating the mammary gland using a light source. In this case, the neoplasm in its thickness will be noted as more dark spot. Using ductography, the system of the milk ducts is examined. A contrast agent is injected into the mammary gland through the nipple, after which an x-ray is taken. The image visualizes the ductal system; areas of deficient filling with contrast agent may be signs of neoplasms. Pneumocystography is performed under ultrasound control. Air is injected into the cyst cavity using a thin needle, which allows the walls to be straightened and carefully examined for wall formations.

When a nodular formation is detected, a breast biopsy is performed - a tissue sample is extracted using puncture with a thin needle for histological examination. To identify etiological factors mastopathy uses methods to study hormonal status. Colposcopy and cytological examination of vaginal epithelial cells allows us to draw a conclusion about the total hormonal background, since the shape and structure of the cells directly depend on the action of sex hormones.

They directly determine the content of hormones in the blood: progesterone and estrogens, follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormones, as well as thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone, adrenal hormones. Sometimes a test is performed for the presence of autoantibodies to thyroid cells to identify autoimmune thyroiditis. These specialists jointly perform a thorough analysis of the endocrine system and prescribe medications appropriate to the identified pathologies.

In cases of severe estrogenism (and significant pain), medications that reduce the effect of these hormones on the mammary gland (tamoxifen, toremifene citrate) may be prescribed. To normalize the menstrual cycle, oral contraceptives are used (chosen according to hormonal status). For treatment functional disorders The thyroid gland uses drugs that regulate the production of thyroid hormones. Vitamin complexes help improve liver function and normalize metabolic processes.

Among other things, topical progesterone preparations are used (act directly on the gland tissue, helping to reduce the proliferation of connective tissue and epithelial cells, relieving swelling), and homeopathic remedies. Patients suffering from mastopathy are advised to limit the consumption of coffee and strong tea, stop smoking, and enrich their diet with fruits, vegetables, and foods high in fiber and vitamins. If a malignant tumor is suspected, surgical removal of the node is performed; in other cases, conservative treatment is limited.

As a rule, mastopathy is not prone to complications and malignancy. With proper correction of the hormonal state, the prognosis is positive, but hormonal imbalances can provoke relapses.

Prevention of mastopathy

Many factors contributing to the development of mastopathy make it difficult to develop a unified and consistent prevention scheme. However, you should avoid the most significant factors: stressful situations (as preventive measure It is recommended to take medicinal sedatives of natural origin - valerian, motherwort - for stress), creating a psychologically comfortable environment, a positive way of thinking.

Proper balanced nutrition without excess calories, prevention excess weight and obesity, however, without indulging in mono-diets and dubious methods of losing weight, they help maintain internal homeostasis and the proper functioning of the neurohumoral regulatory system. One of the dietary components that negatively affects the hormonal status of women is caffeine. Women should limit and, if possible, completely eliminate caffeine from their diet and in no case abuse strong coffee on an empty stomach.

Older women using oral contraceptives should stop smoking. Limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages will also be useful in terms of preventing breast pathologies. A significant factor in maintaining a woman’s health is regular sex life and physical activity.

To date, there are no treatment standards for patients with FCD (fibrocystic disease). Most doctors rely on their own experience when caring for such patients.

When identifying signs of FCD and excluding a malignant tumor, the doctor’s tactics consist of dynamic observation and the use of drugs that reduce the severity clinical symptoms.

Thus, drug treatment in most cases is rather symptomatic.

In the presence of clinical signs FCB patients are most often prescribed:

  • diet;
  • non-hormonal agents: drugs plant origin, vitamins;
  • main hormonal agents: natural or synthetic histagenes.
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • cola


Most often, vitamins A, E, C and group B are prescribed to correct disorders in mastopathy.

Herbal remedies

Herbal preparations used in the treatment of mastopathy for a long time. The most common are preparations made from prudnyak. In Russia it is combination drug"Mastodinon".

Attention! There is no need to self-medicate! All necessary treatment must be prescribed by the doctor to each patient individually.

Treatment of nodular forms of mastopathy is only surgical.

When treating breast cysts, the tactics are chosen by the doctor individually depending on the clinic and the results of the puncture biopsy. It can be either surgical or medical.

The prognosis for the treatment of mastopathy is favorable. The main thing is to see a doctor in time and make the correct diagnosis.

Be healthy!

Olga SEMISAZHENOVA, oncologist-mammologist

Cystic mastopathy is a disease characterized by excessive growth of connective tissue of the mammary gland with subsequent formation of cysts. The disease, which occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, is most often diagnosed in women aged 30 to 45 years. is a benign formation, however, untimely treatment of cystic mastopathy can lead to the development dangerous disease- breast cancer.

General information

Growth and development mammary glands regulated by hormones - progesterone, prolactin and estrogens. With excess production of hormones and hormonal imbalance, cystic mastopathy develops.

Cystic mastopathy (fibrocystic) is accompanied by benign changes in breast tissue, is characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue and a decrease in the epithelial component.

One or more cysts form in the breast - tumors filled with liquid contents. The formations have clear boundaries and are separated from the glandular tissue of the breast by connective tissue. Unlike a cancerous tumor, a cyst is mobile and has a smooth, clear contour.


The disease manifests itself as local or general damage to breast tissue, depending on this it is classified into several forms:

  • diffuse - small neoplasms are found in all parts of the breast;
  • nodular - on one side a node is palpable, which is a cyst;
  • mixed.

Cystic mastopathy also occurs:

  • multiple (two-sided) - several;
  • solitary (one-sided) - a single benign formation in one of the glands.

Based on the severity of symptoms, cystic mastopathy is classified into mild, moderate and severe.


The main cause of the disease is hormonal imbalance, in which there is a lack of progesterone, excess production of estrogens, prolactin and prostaglandins. On hormonal background Women, in turn, are influenced by a combination of various factors - heredity, nutrition, environmental conditions, diseases of internal organs.

The main causes of hormonal imbalance and the development of cystic mastopathy include:

  • impaired reproductive function (cystic mastopathy is often diagnosed in women suffering from infertility);
  • menstrual irregularities, early puberty, late menopause;
  • ovarian dysfunction caused by irregular sex life;
  • frequent abortions;
  • first pregnancy over 40 years of age;
  • refusal to breastfeed after childbirth or a short period of lactation;
  • chest injuries, wearing uncomfortable, tight underwear;
  • endocrine pathologies (hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, tumors of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland);
  • liver and kidney diseases (accompanied by impaired hormone production and insufficient removal of fluid from the body, which leads to the development of mastopathy);
  • metabolic disorders, obesity;
  • long-term diseases of the reproductive system (endometritis, adnexal cyst, salpingoophoritis, fibroids);
  • genetic predisposition (diseases in women on the maternal side).

The development of the disease also contributes to:

  • nervous disorders, stress;
  • chronic fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • Not proper nutrition, following a strict diet;
  • bad habits.

The main symptom of cystic mastopathy is the presence of one or more nodular lumps in the breast. The neoplasm has a round shape and clear boundaries and remains mobile. But the formation cannot always be felt by palpation - a cyst localized in the deep tissues of the mammary gland can only be identified instrumental methods diagnostics

The following signs may indicate the development of cystic mastopathy.

  1. Dull, aching or sharp pain(can spread to the shoulders, armpits), a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the mammary gland. The pain may occur several days before the start of menstruation, or it may be a constant concern. When touched or pressed, the pain intensifies.
  2. Edema is an enlargement of one or two glands.
  3. Periodic itching in the nipple area.
  4. Light, dark or purulent (the nature of the discharge depends on the severity of the pathological process, and the appearance of brown or bloody impurities indicates the development of a malignant tumor).
  5. Enlarged axillary lymph nodes.

The disease can manifest itself with only 1-2 or all symptoms at the same time. In addition, a woman may experience a psycho-emotional disorder (nervousness, irritability, tearfulness), headaches, and dyspeptic disorders. As a rule, unpleasant phenomena disappear in the first days monthly cycle.


Diagnosis of cystic mastopathy includes:

  • external examination (shape of glands, presence of asymmetry, size, color of skin);
  • palpation of the mammary glands, sub- and supraclavicular, axillary lymph nodes;
  • (allows you to study the condition of the epithelial tissue of the breast and nearby lymph nodes) and pelvic organs (to identify diseases of the uterus and ovaries);
  • - X-ray examination of the breast (can detect a tumor, is not performed on women under 40 years of age, pregnant or lactating women);
  • analysis for the content of progesterone, estrogens, prolactin, and, if necessary, thyroid and adrenal hormones;
  • needle biopsy and subsequent histological examination taken material (to identify malignant cells);
  • discharge from the milk ducts;
  • biochemical blood test (liver enzymes, blood sugar levels and other indicators).

If necessary, carried out additional methods diagnostics:

  • pneumocystography (study of cavity formation);
  • ductography (study of milk ducts);
  • thermography;

Diagnosis and treatment of mastopathy is carried out by a gynecologist and mammologist.

Breast examination is carried out from 4 to 12 days of the monthly cycle. On other days, there is a high risk of misdiagnosis, which is associated with the peculiarities of the physiological processes occurring in the female body.


Treatment of mastopathy is carried out conservatively or surgically. The choice of treatment method is carried out taking into account the severity of the disease, age and individual characteristics of the patient.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is correction of diet and drinking regime. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid daily and avoid foods that provoke the growth of fibrous tissue and the formation of liquid contents in the cyst (chocolate, tea and coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, fatty foods, alcohol).

Conservative therapy

Drug treatment of cystic cysts is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused the pathological process and providing relief. unpleasant symptoms- pain and swelling. Therapy is carried out comprehensively, including the prescription of several groups of drugs, including hormonal ones.

At the core hormone therapy lies the purpose:

  1. Toremifene and Tamoxifen - suppress the production of estrogen, prevent significant changes in hormone levels, taken continuously for 3 months;
  2. combined oral contraceptives (Zhanin, Marvelon, Rigevidon) - indicated for violations of the second phase of the cycle in women under 35 years of age;
  3. progesterone preparations, otherwise gestagens (Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Pregnin) - suppress the synthesis of estrogen and normalize the content of progesterone, thereby slowing down the growth of the pussy, promoting its subsequent resorption, taken for 4 months;
  4. Parlodela - suppresses prolactin synthesis;
  5. Buserelin, Zoladex - inhibit the synthesis of gonadotropic hormone;
  6. androgens (Methyltestosterone, Testobromlecid, Danazol) - suppress the synthesis of pituitary hormones, accordingly inhibit their effect on the ovaries, are used in the treatment of women over 45 years of age, prescribed in a continuous course for 4-6 months.

Hormones should be selected by the doctor, taking into account the results of the analysis of the woman’s hormonal status.

Besides hormonal drugs The following groups of drugs are prescribed.

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Reduce inflammatory processes in the tissues of the mammary gland, eliminate swelling and pain syndrome. Prescribed in short courses, since long-term use can cause serious adverse reactions from the outside gastrointestinal tract and other systems.
  2. Diuretics. They remove excess fluid, help eliminate swelling of the breast, as well as swelling of the arms and legs, which often accompany cystic mastopathy. Typically, light plant-based diuretics are prescribed (lingonberry tea, diuretic or renal tea). It is also recommended to limit your salt intake.
  3. Vitamin complexes. To strengthen the immune system, normalize hormonal levels and liver function, vitamins A, E, C, and group B are especially useful. Vitamin A suppresses the production of estrogen, vitamin E enhances the effect of progesterone, vitamin B6 reduces the content of prolactin. Ascorbic acid, vitamins P and PP strengthen vascular walls, normalize microcirculation and reduce swelling of the mammary glands.
  4. Sedatives. Soothing herbs and teas, remedies based on valerian and motherwort are prescribed in cases where psycho-emotional disorder is the cause or concomitant symptom of cystic mastopathy. The drugs normalize the state of the nervous system, increase resistance to stress, and normalize sleep.
  5. Iodine preparations. Iodomarin, Mamoclam and other iodine preparations are prescribed if cystic mastopathy is caused by hypothyroidism (insufficient production of thyroid hormones). Mamoclam reduces the manifestations of mastalgia, premenstrual syndrome, leads to regression of cysts. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation if the amount of iodine does not exceed physiological doses: no more than 250 mg/day. However, in case of hyperthyroidism and thyroiditis, these drugs are contraindicated.
  6. Homeopathic medicines. Herbal products (Cyclodinone, Mastodinon, Remens) normalize hormonal levels, while having virtually no side effects and contraindications.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment of cystic mastopathy is indicated for:

  • absence positive results conservative therapy;
  • suspected oncology (based on the results of histological examination);
  • rapid increase in cyst size;
  • recurrence of the cyst after a previous puncture.

There are three main methods of surgical intervention:

  1. sectoral resection of the mammary gland - removal of the cyst with excision of nearby healthy breast tissue;
  2. enucleation - exfoliation of pathological cyst tissue through a small incision (carried out to remove small formations);
  3. laser ablation - burning of pathological tissues with laser beams without damaging nearby healthy tissues.

Alternative medicine

To treat mastopathy, various herbal preparations, infusions and tinctures are used, which are used internally or for compresses.

  1. Corn oil, aloe and radish juice. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities, add 70% alcohol, leave for a week. Take a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Peppermint tea with lemon balm. Drink daily an hour before bedtime.
  3. Dill with milk. Brew 100 g of dill seeds in ½ liter of milk, leave for 2 hours in a warm place, strain. Divide the finished product into 3 equal parts and drink throughout the day half an hour before meals. The treatment course lasts three weeks, after week break repeats itself.

External means:

  1. lightly beat off the cabbage leaves, grease with honey, apply to the chest at night for two weeks (after a twenty-day break, the course can be repeated);
  2. Grind the cabbage leaves and pumpkin in a meat grinder, apply the resulting mixture to the chest, cover it with cling film and secure it with a bandage, wash off the mixture after two hours (course of treatment is a week);
  3. crushed dry burdock leaves (100 g) pour in refined sunflower oil (300 ml), leave for 10 days, lubricate the chest with the resulting product, do not rinse.

It is important to understand that folk remedies should be used only as an auxiliary method to complement conservative therapy.


To prevent mastopathy, as well as for women who have been diagnosed with the disease, it is important to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition:

  • include foods rich in fiber in your daily menu - fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, dried fruits;
  • enrich the diet with fermented milk and seafood (sources of calcium and iodine);
  • ensure sufficient intake of vitamin E into the body (the main source is vegetable oils);
  • give up fatty, smoked, salty foods and fast foods;
  • exclude alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks, coffee and tea, chocolate, cocoa from the diet.

Not less important:

  • adjust the drinking regime (drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day);
  • observe the work and rest schedule, get enough sleep, avoid physical fatigue;
  • avoid stress;
  • fight excess weight (excess body weight can cause metabolic disorders);
  • do not be in the open sun, refuse to visit the solarium, saunas and baths, and other thermal influences;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • choose the right underwear (due to the irregular shape, the breasts are compressed, which contributes to the development of the disease), give preference to natural fabrics;
  • regularly (every six months) preventive examinations at the gynecologist.

The prognosis of the disease is favorable - cystic mastopathy with timely diagnosis is quite easy to treat drug treatment, and proper nutrition and healthy image life help prevent the recurrence of cysts.

But if mastopathy is not treated, pathological processes in the breast will intensify, which can lead to suppuration and rupture of the cyst, and tissue degeneration into malignant ones. That is why it is important to start treatment in a timely manner and follow all medical recommendations.