Poll on what girls want on March 8th. What women want: (anti) rating of gifts according to the fair half VSE42. Bright gift packaging from Urban Decay

“It was a huge basket of live snowdrops. It turned out that a year before the holiday, closer to summer, my dad went to the forest, dug up snowdrop bulbs, planted them at work and grew them to please my mother and me with this incredible miracle on March 8.”

Which one is the worst?

“A trip to the zoo—apparently, the phrase about loving animals was interpreted literally.”

“This could be anything from concert or theater tickets to a weekend cruise or a picnic in the country. But not a zoo!”

Aliya Bagaveeva, flight attendant:

“The most pleasant and at the same time unexpected gift for me was a flight on a private jet. The feeling of weightlessness, drive, the opportunity to observe incredible landscapes from a bird's eye view - the euphoria did not leave me for quite a long time, I wanted to experience these feelings again and again. All these emotions made me fall in love with the sky, and it was that day that determined my future profession flight attendants."

Which one is the worst?

“Not to say that they are terrible - rather unpleasant. For example, house slippers are three sizes too small (thank you, at least they’re not white). And also a cookbook - obviously with a hint.”

“A couple of days ago I came across an article where sociologists compiled a rating of desirable gifts for March 8th. It turned out that every fifth woman would not refuse a trip to a resort or jewelry. In my opinion, men don't need to blindly follow these statistics. You just have to listen to the women you love and remember their wishes. I wouldn't mind another private jet ride, flowers and hugs."

Natalya Voitenko, flight attendant:

“They usually give me what I order, so most often there are no problems with gifts. I really love it when they give emotions. One of the best gifts was a certificate for a quest. The hour of adventure flew by. Then my friends and I remembered and discussed all the mysteries of the locked room for a long time. I would be glad to go to something like this again.”

Which one is the worst?

“Despite the fact that I am very economical, I don’t like it when people give me necessary things, like pots or pans. I immediately forget about the holiday and start thinking about household chores.”

“Weekend at some country spa hotel for two. Two days off in a row for a flight attendant is already a gift, and if they also coincide with the weekend of my husband, who also works in this field, it will be an unforgettable March 8.”

Yulia Mikheeva, flight attendant-instructor :

“A couple of years ago, my dear friends gave me a printed album. There were photo collages collected there - from kindergarten and school, from vacations with friends, with my dogs and, of course, from my favorite job. It was so touching! There was no limit to the joy. I even burst into tears."

Which one is the worst?

“I heard a lot from friends about useless gifts like ashtrays, photo frames, vases, stationery and other things. I’ve never received anything like this myself.”

“A bike or a new pair of ski gloves. Although I would also be happy with a box of sweets or flowers.”

Nadezhda Gladkova, flight attendant:

“That was five years ago. My boyfriend gave me a huge bouquet and a pink Swatch watch - this is my favorite brand. This is how we celebrated our first joint March 8th.”

Which one is the worst?

"The most useless gift was sports bag. I never found it useful: although I had many plans and attempts to go in for sports, I never found any free time.”

“The desired gifts for me are perfume or gold jewelry. It’s a women’s holiday, so you want to get something that isn’t necessarily expensive, but chosen especially for you. In general, March 8th is a special holiday for me. It was on this day a couple of years ago that my first flight as a flight attendant took place. We flew to Sochi. The passengers sincerely congratulated us - it was very nice. And we gave out small gifts to all the women.”

Valeria Savinova, flight attendant:

"Skydiving. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but didn't dare. And after the holidays, I went to the specified address and made my first jump - I was simply delighted with the sensations. Once again, I was given an ordinary chocolate egg, inside of which, instead of a plastic construction set, earrings were waiting for me. As friends later explained, they carefully opened the egg, hid the surprise, and after the chocolate had melted, they put it in the refrigerator.”

Which one is the worst?

“The worst gift I can remember was cellulite cream.”

“I dream of a candlelit dinner with my boyfriend in some romantic place.”

Anna Fedorova, flight attendant:

“For me, the most pleasant gift, especially on International Women’s Day, is flowers. There are never too many of them."

Which one is the worst?

“The most ridiculous gifts were at school, when the boys bought the same trinkets for all the girls. I don’t even remember what was there. Attention, of course, is nice, but they never got the gifts right: they were still inexperienced.”

“What replaces sleep. The specifics of my work are such that there is no fixed schedule. And I’m a creative and active girl, it’s a shame to waste time sleeping. I want something that will restore my strength without the help of a bed and pillow. This would be the perfect gift!”

Alina Nagl-Lyubeva, flight attendant:

“When I was very little, my father brought two bouquets of tulips for my mother and me. These were the first flowers I received. He also pleased us with chocolate and “Pink Dream” cake. Then I was very surprised, but my parents explained that on March 8, all women are given flowers and gifts. For me, that day was the most beautiful, and the gift was the most memorable.”

Which one is the worst?

“The worst gift is the absence of one. In my opinion, even a verbal congratulation will make this day special.”

“What could be better than diamonds? Another nice gift for me can be perfume - for example, Amouage or Kilian. I would also enjoy a stay at a spa hotel.”

Anna Elopova, flight attendant:

“The most memorable was a bouquet of 151 roses, and my favorite was a Casio watch with a metal strap and stones around the dial. At work I periodically look at them, and it always brings back pleasant memories and a smile.”

Which one is the worst?

“This didn’t happen - people close to me know me and my preferences well. That’s why I always receive the gifts I want.”

"For me best gifts- those that money cannot buy: mother’s health, love, sincerity, harmony in the home and work, the smiles of others. And I have everything else.”

Happy men, whose wives give clear instructions on what they want as a gift, can sleep peacefully on the eve of women's holiday. The rest will have to suffer. Here are a few sure-fire options as a gift for you and your other half.

Flowers and candies

Banality? Classic! Whatever you give to the lady, it’s difficult to create a truly spring mood. Therefore, do not skimp on a bouquet of roses, tulips, orchids and other greenery. Even the most thrifty Smolensk residents will be able to afford a bouquet from 100 rubles.

Only mimosas, please, leave for mothers and grandmothers. Although ladies of kindergarten age usually like them too!

They also don’t become less tasty over the years. On the contrary, instead of the classic “boxes with a bow”, you can now buy handmade chocolate in Smolensk.

SPA strong certificate

Previously, women's publications warned men: do not buy cosmetics, underwear, shoes and clothes - you may not be able to guess the smell, size, color and so on. Now you can give all this without fear, but not “a la naturel,” but with the help of gift certificates. In Smolensk, such certificates are sold in cosmetics, jewelry, clothing, shoe stores, etc. Their cost usually starts from 500 rubles, and then - as much as the size of your wallet and generosity of nature allow.

A certificate for spa treatments is a gift for a lady who has no time to relax on weekdays. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

By the way, gift certificates are also sold in beauty salons.

If your loved one prefers something for the soul and body over material gifts, good analogue could be a membership to a gym, solarium or swimming pool. True, you won’t get away with 500 rubles; such a subscription costs from 2000 rubles.

Rehabilitation of a kettle and vacuum cleaner

Some time ago, women's publications unanimously insisted that giving a woman household appliances, a kettle or a vacuum cleaner on March 8th is banal and not at all romantic. Although technology has long ceased to be banal.

A mobile phone is an indispensable companion for a business woman. a new model can be a great gift. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Many representatives of the fair sex would give their souls for a new phone, tablet, hair styler or some other technically advanced item. If you don’t know which one, hardware stores also sell gift certificates. And on holidays there are also discounts!

Little things for the soul

If you don’t have money for something expensive, but you want to please your loved one with something “soulful”, here is a list of pleasant little things that my friends and acquaintances were happy to receive as a gift. Of course, each of us has our own list, but maybe you, men, will find it useful as an idea.

Most ladies are partial to beautiful candles, especially scented ones. If you don’t have enough money for an expensive gift, you can give a romantic atmosphere. Photo: www.russianlook.com

The ladies were pleased with such small things as: a pocket mirror, aroma candles, handmade soap, an original keychain, a set of bookmarks, a board game, a set for embroidery or glass painting, a disk with photographs of your favorite places.

The site team congratulates all female readers on International Women’s Day, and wishes male readers good luck in choosing gifts!

    March 8 has been scaring Russian men worse than the Apocalypse since the times of Clara Zetkin and that same Rose of Luxembourg. And if in 1917 women demanded only “bread and peace,” now every year men begin to panic: what will their beloved woman demand as a gift this time, and most importantly, how much it will cost them.

    Men, do you really think that on March 8, women want to receive diamonds, tickets to the Seychelles, mink coats and other “large-caliber” joys from you?

    Actually, the truth is that you are a little late. About twenty years. Decent ladies have long been able to buy all this for themselves.

    By asking for material gifts from you, they are just trying to “eat away” their resentment and dissatisfaction. Like, a black sheep has at least a tuft of wool. To please the woman you love, it is not at all necessary to buy “a million scarlet roses” for her, just give her decent cunnilingus, which will not look like an attack by a zombie brain-eater, and no one will demand anything more from you on this “hated” day (nowadays many men will be indignant, they say, there’s nothing like that, we can do everything perfectly, but in fact, heartbreaking oral sex is the most common reason girls coming to the training “How to teach a man sex”). No pale pink tulips (no, this one is too red, I didn’t want that one, but this one is too pale, and that one is limp, you don’t love me), no washing dishes and dismantling the balcony (which was found in this form during Napoleon’s invasion), no trip to the jewelry store. “The terrifying holiday of the victorious matriarchy” will turn into a pleasant romantic evening, full of pleasure for both of you.

    Understand that a woman in the 21st century, and especially on March 8, lacks affection, tenderness and good sex. Seriously, any member of the fair sex is more interested in her own orgasm than Louboutins. I have seen many times how girls in our sex shop buy exercise equipment for intimate muscles and G-spot stimulators with the same face they used to buy Dior for themselves. They simply say in huge font “I want to pamper myself.”

    I'm sure your friend will be much more pleased by your concern for her satisfaction and health than by a useless trinket. What girl would be against some fun “girly” sex toy like a vibrating egg with a remote control or vibrating panties, remember, like in “The Ugly Truth”? And this is also a great reason to diversify your sex life, just don’t turn on the device during a visit to your parents or in line at Auchan. Your missus will not thank you.

    Or give her the opportunity to twirl you, but only in bed. If she is a passionate fan of “50 Shades of Grey,” then you can very well extract a lot of sexual bonuses from this for your loved one. Let her become Mistress for one evening. Let him finally spank you full program for the fact that you guffawed through the entire movie over the heartbreaking drama that unfolded between Christian Gray and Anastasia Steele and poured beer on her friend. Let be. It won't cost you anything, but your relationship will improve significantly. Nothing strengthens a woman’s loyalty more than the temporary and formal transfer of the “reins” into her delicate hands.

    And finally stop perceiving March 8th as a necessary “duty”. No one claims your dominant position or tries to take away as many “resources” from you as possible. Girls just want to be loved. That's all.

On the eve of March 8, Krasnodar Izvestia asked this question to six famous women of Krasnodar.

To the question: "What do women desire?", relevant for representatives of the strong half of humanity of all eras, in 2000 the creators of the Hollywood film of the same name tried to answer.

But there is only one conclusion: men will never know what women want unless they ask them directly. So we asked.

Vera Galushko, Chairman of the City Duma:

“I want happiness for my children and grandchildren - I think all women want this. I want to leave a good mark behind me, to be remembered by people for my good deeds. My goal: with the decisions made by the City Duma, to improve the well-being of citizens, to make their lives more comfortable and happier.

I like to receive gifts on March 8, I don’t have any special requests or preferences. If a person does it from the heart, this is the most pleasant thing, and it doesn’t matter what it is: a bouquet of flowers or a postcard.

It’s another matter when the gift pursues some selfish goal; I’m not happy with such gifts. On International Women's Day, my children, grandchildren and friends traditionally congratulate me.

It’s always nice when my grandchildren, Dima and Nastya, congratulate me. Dmitry is studying to become an economist, Anastasia is a tenth-grader. I’m waiting for a call from Dima (he studies in another city), and Nastya, I’m sure, will congratulate him personally.”

Liliana Egorova, vice-mayor of Krasnodar:

“On March 8th I really want to get some sleep. Why I love holidays: you can sleep longer and be with your family. My husband and I are at work all day, we both return home late, we see little of our children, and they grow up, one might say, without us. And on the holiday, I hope we will get together with the whole family, talk, and exchange news.

In our family, it’s customary to ask who wants what as a gift, but I usually say that I don’t need anything, because I don’t even have time to think about it. However, my husband always gets the gift right: I love crafts, and he finds something that I use in my work that helps me take my creativity to the next level

Speaking on behalf of the city’s vice-mayor, I really want not a single family with children to stand in line for kindergarten, so that schoolchildren study in the first shift. And I would like to note that we are already close to this: the construction of these facilities is being carried out at a rapid pace. I also want our doctors, teachers, and cultural workers to be high professionals.

I dream that our elderly will live in comfort and prosperity, so that they do not have to face injustice and fraud. I personally read all the complaints from beginning to end; sometimes my heart skips a beat from the situations in which elderly Krasnodar residents find themselves. I try my best to help them, I want everything to work out for them.”

Angelina Stipidi, communication agency AStipidi:

“For me personally, an excellent gift would be March 8th for my pleasure: spa, bathhouse, massage, various little amenities, courtship.

And in the evening - Nice dress on the floor, makeup and other attributes of femininity. March 8 I want to be a woman: not a mother, not a friend, not a leader - but a woman.

In general, I advise men to arrange a gift for their significant other - go shopping with them: pamper them with gifts, give them advice in the store, choose something yourself. Be sure that your loved ones will thank you for this gesture a hundredfold.”

Victoria Kalinina, goalkeeper of the Kuban handball club, Olympic champion:

“I really want spring and sun, otherwise for Kuban cold and snow in March are an exception to the rule. On March 8th I like to receive flowers, some simple gifts, nothing expensive.

If someone wants to give a special gift, it’s better to ask my opinion, otherwise I won’t like it: I won’t use it - the giver will be offended.

Last holidays I was given expensive gadgets, but I’m not a fan of electronics. I don’t know what to do with them: it seems indecent to give them away, and I don’t use them.

I also dream that our team will play well in the playoffs of the Russian championship this season and take a prize. And in two years I want to repeat my victory at the Olympics, consolidate my current medal, and prove that it was not accidental, but deserved.”

Natalya Mashtalir, architect:

“I am an architect, but first of all the girl would like all the roads and sidewalks in our city to be paved with tiles or covered with asphalt. Because men love girls in heels, but where to wear them?

If you could wake up on March 8, look out the window, and there is an asphalt sidewalk from the house itself, that would be a gift! But seriously, the most precious gift for me is time spent with my husband.

It would be great if he gave me a romantic walk, dinner or some short trip. In general, I love impression gifts: when they give you a certificate not for some store, but, for example, for a master class.

A couple of years ago I received a gift - a flight on an airplane (as a co-pilot). I will never forget this present: indescribable emotions, a memory for life.

But what I wouldn’t want to receive for a holiday is jewelry, watches or perfume. The scent is very individual, only my husband knows which ones I like. And it’s generally impossible to guess with jewelry. And I wear them quite rarely.”

Elena Shuvalova, coordinator social movement"Help the city":

“You know, in our family it’s not customary to celebrate March 8, but when my friends congratulate me and give me compliments, of course I’m happy.

However, if we imagine a situation in which I would have the opportunity to receive gifts from the main officials of the country, region and city, then I would ask the president to create an “Available Infrastructure” program at the federal level, in which Krasnodar would be included.

Our city is one of the fastest growing in the country, we need to establish a moratorium on construction and approach it wisely. The governor would ask that the “Water-Green Frame of the City” project, which we have been promoting for the third year now, be included in the city’s master plan. The regional capital is choking on exhaust fumes; it needs landscaping like air.

The mayor would ask to include industry communities and public organizations as experts in developing a socio-economic plan. There are specially trained outside experts who can do this. But they will come and go, and we have to live with their decisions.”

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What women want: (anti) rating of gifts according to the fair half VSE42


The answer to the question "What do women want?" Perhaps no man knows for sure. But each of us men knows something else for sure: there is nothing more important and more expensive than the beloved women who are in our lives. Very soon we will have another opportunity to make them a little happier, because on Sunday the brightest and warmest holiday of the year will happen - International Women's Day.

And although it is obvious that you need to give joy and happiness to wives, girls, mothers, grandmothers and other beauties dear to you every day, on March 8 they still expect something special from us.