She is okra 4 letters. Okra: growing from seeds, photos, properties. Okra - what is it? Use in folk medicine

Syn: edible abelmosh, okra, gumbo, lady fingers.

An annual cultivated vegetable plant up to 2.5 m high. The fruits of okra are oblong boxes - “pods” - are a valuable food and dietary product, and traditional medicine uses okra as an enveloping, emollient and expectorant.

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Flower formula

Okra flower formula: CH5(5)L5T5∞P1→.

In medicine

The okra plant is not included in the state pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used by official medicine, but is a valuable food and dietary product with healing properties, which are actively used in folk and official medicine some countries, for example in Europe, Africa, North America, India and the tropics.

Contraindications and side effects

The okra vegetable has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance by the body and very rare allergic reactions on him.

In cooking

Okra is actively used in cooking in many countries. And now its preparation is becoming more and more popular in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries. Both young okra leaves and its fruits are used for cooking.
Okra tastes like eggplant and asparagus combined.
Before cooking, be sure to process the okra pods: remove all hairs from the surface of the fruit to avoid an allergic reaction.
Young okra pods are most commonly eaten. The taste of okra fruits is a cross between zucchini and green beans, which makes its use in cooking quite wide. However, okra pods cannot be stored for long as they quickly become fibrous.
Salads and soups are prepared from okra fruits, and the pods are dried, frozen and canned. Boiled or lightly fried okra cooks very quickly, so it can be used both as a seasoning for soups and as a side dish. For example, as a side dish, okra is best served with poultry or fish.

When heated, okra releases a slippery substance. This mucus will not interfere with the soup, but in a side dish, too much liquid can worsen the taste of the dish. This can be avoided by frying the vegetable with lemon or tomato juice.
A drink that tastes like coffee is prepared from ripe okra seeds.

Do not cook okra in copper or cast iron dishes - the pods will darken due to chemical reaction, which will worsen appearance dishes. These colorful pods are good salted, fried, deep-fried, or added to rice dishes, curries, and South Asian soups (such as gumbo).

Okra goes well with tomatoes, garlic, onions, ginger, red capsicum and other spices. As a seasoning, okra is compatible with Provençal oil and lemon juice, as well as curry, marjoram, thyme and cayenne pepper.

In cosmetology

Okra is used to strengthen hair and give it shine. To do this, you need to cut the okra into strips and boil it so that the okra releases the maximum amount of mucus. Then add a few drops of lemon juice to the cooled mixture and use it as a hair balm. Okra extract added to cosmetic cream prevents the skin from acne and uneven skin.

In gardening

Warm weather is important for okra; it is very picky about temperature changes. It is better to grow okra in the southern regions of the country, but it is also possible to grow it in greenhouses.
Okra is not demanding of its predecessors in the garden. Prefers light soils. It is best to grow okra using seedlings. Seeds are sown in boxes or in greenhouses, the seeding depth is 3-4 cm. Shoots should appear in 8-15 days at a soil temperature of at least 15 °C.
The most commonly grown varieties of okra are: “White Velvet”, “Dwarf Greens”, “Green Velvet”.


Okra, or Okra, or Gombo, or Lady's fingers (lat. Abelmoschus esculentus, according to another classification of lat. Hibiscus esculentus) is an annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Abelmoschus of the Malvaceae family, a vegetable crop.

Botanical description

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) is an annual vegetable plant with a taproot, weakly branching. The stem is thick, from 40 cm to 2.5 m high, slightly branched. When the plantings are thickened, the plant almost does not branch. The stems of the first and second order are pubescent, touching them causes skin irritation. Leaves are solitary, various shapes depending on their location on the stem. The lower ones are solid, the middle ones are often five-lobed, the apical ones are deeply dissected. The flowers are large, solitary, on short drooping stalks, yellow in color, with a crimson spot at the base, located in the axils of the leaves. The okra flower formula is CH5(5)L5T5∞P1→. For many genera of the family, it is very characteristic that at the base of the flowers there is an involucre (like a second calyx) - a subcup, consisting of free or fused leaves and, apparently, originating from closely adjacent bracts. The fruit is a multi-cavity capsule; when botanically ripe, it bursts along the edges and the seeds fall out. They are round in shape and dark green, olive or dark gray in color. The height of the plant in dwarf varieties is from 30 to 40 cm, and in tall forms - up to 2.5 m.


Okra is common in warm climates (its homeland is the area around the Nile in North Africa and the Middle East, more precisely Ethiopia). Cultivated in Europe, Africa, North America, India and the tropics. Growing okra in Russia and Ukraine became possible after noticeable climate warming. The number of enthusiasts growing it is still very small.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Green young okra fruits are harvested throughout the summer, almost until frost. More mature fruits quickly harden and become unsuitable for consumption. Okra roots are also harvested, but in the fall, when the growing season is coming to an end. They are washed and dried quickly.

Chemical composition

Flavonoids, glycosides, and anthocyanins have been isolated from the coronal leaves of okra. The roots contain mucous substances (up to 15%). The fruits contain a mucous substance, which includes galacturonic acid, methyl pentose, pentose hexose, etc., as well as B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and minerals.

Okra seeds contain an oil similar to olive oil. Okra pods are rich in mucilaginous substances and also contain proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, various mineral salts and vitamins. Fresh okra pods contain a lot nutrients: vitamins A, C, K, B6, as well as calcium, iron, folate, potassium.

Pharmacological properties

The plant mucilage contained in okra, as well as its dietary fiber, are very beneficial for humans. People suffering from disorders gastrointestinal tract, can include it in their diet, because okra is well absorbed and cleanses the body. Okra also helps restore the body after physical work or a long illness. A decoction of okra pods helps with bronchitis and colds, as the plant has enveloping, emollient and expectorant effects. It is recommended to include okra in the diet of pregnant women due to its high content folic acid, thanks to which it is formed nervous system embryo in the first weeks of pregnancy. The plant helps regulate blood sugar levels, so it will be useful for people with diabetes. Okra is suitable for those who are prescribed dietary nutrition. This vegetable will also help cope with asthma attacks, be beneficial in the prevention of atherosclerosis and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Use in folk medicine

Green okra fruits, eaten fresh or pickled, are good for cough. It is recommended to take an aqueous infusion of crushed okra roots with sugar or honey for coughs, hoarseness, and inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Historical reference

Historians say: many famous beauties of antiquity, Cleopatra from Egypt and Yang Guifei from China, loved to eat okra. Okra gained great popularity at the beginning of the last century. During World War II, due to coffee shortages, people in Asia and Africa used okra seeds instead. This phenomenon was then called “okra fever.” Since then, okra has been a staple in local markets at all times of the year.

It is known that the well-known writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was involved in the cultivation of okra. At the beginning of the last century, he diligently cultivated vegetables on his plot.


1. Agricultural dictionary-reference book. - Moscow - Leningrad: State Publishing House of Kolkhoz and State Farm Literature "Selkhozgiz". Editor-in-Chief: A. I. Gaister. 1934.

2. Medicinal plants: the most complete reference book. - Litres, 2015, author Plamen Kjosev.

When meeting unfamiliar cultures, many questions arise. There is a very unusual plant in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions of our country, which has shown high effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases. And it bears the proud name Okra. What is it, how does it grow and how to cook it - let's find out more about it.

They call it differently everywhere. In our country - okra. In India - okra. In America - gombo. In Cyprus - “lady fingers”. In India - bhindi/bindi. In different parts of Africa - “okur” or “kingombo”.

Okra is an unusual vegetable with exotic taste, possessing a large number of valuable qualities.

Useful properties of okra and contraindications

The healing properties of okra are numerous and unique. But, like anything else medicinal plant, it can bring both benefit and harm.

1 . It contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and valuable minerals: such as copper and calcium, vitamins B2, B5 and PP, phosphorus and zinc, iron, as well as:

  • fiber useful for digestion;
  • folic acid, which stimulates recovery processes in the body and is also essential for pregnant women;
  • pectin, which adsorbs salts of heavy metals.

2 . If you regularly consume okra, you will not have any problems with your intestines. Its fibers stimulate the elimination of toxins, “bad” cholesterol, and eliminate excess bile. Therefore, its use protects against diabetes mellitus, increases the effectiveness of treatment for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

3 . Okra has long been used in the treatment of colds (flu or bronchitis). A decoction of the plant (only fresh pods are taken) helps stop coughing.

4 . Given the low calorie content of okra, it is actively recommended if you follow different options diets for obese people.

5 . Some experts claim that regular use of the plant prevents the development of cataracts.

6 . Latest Scientific research confirm that the specific properties of the plant prevent the spread of cancer cells and help prevent some common types of this terrible disease.

7 . The medicinal properties of okra help strengthen and develop joints. Regular consumption reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

8 . A number of scientists believe that eating okra increases potency.

9 . The plant helps cure constant fatigue and depressive moods.

Okra has virtually no contraindications. Limitations: individual intolerance and the possibility of allergic reactions.

Cooking features

It is better to use non-metallic utensils for cooking, otherwise they will darken.

Experienced professionals take unripe, bright green okra pods. The “older” the fruit, the tougher and less tasty it is. A suitable pod size is 5-10 cm. The okra should simply break, but be “springy”. It tastes like green beans, eggplant or asparagus. The okra pods must be cooked very quickly or they will fall apart.

The taste of fresh okra is best felt in salads with red peppers, seasonings, and tomatoes. It is served as a side dish for seafood or meat, including poultry. Due to its ability to thicken quickly, it can be used to make soups and sauces. It is good when cooked in any way: stewing, frying, salting and pickling, freezing and drying, you can even candied it.

Residents of African countries use dried seeds as an alternative to coffee.

Unripe okra seeds are preserved and consumed as green pea. Also, oil is produced from its seeds, identical in composition and taste to olive oil.

Okra adds piquancy to dishes. Its unusual taste is successfully emphasized: lemon juice or vinegar, basil, thyme and marjoram.

Okra Recipes

Fry okra, onions, carrots, peeled tomatoes, and bell pepper. Do not stir. Half a minute before readiness, add garlic to the resulting sauce. Add pre-fried chicken pieces. Keep on low heat.

The grill heats up to maximum. In a small bowl, mix 1 teaspoon each of salt, sugar, paprika and ground coriander, ½ tsp. cayenne and black pepper and ¼ tsp. celery seeds. 450 grams of fresh okra must be rinsed running water and dry, cut off the ends from the “tail” side. Then you need to mix the vegetable with 1 tablespoon of butter and a mixture of spices, first transferring it into a large bowl.

To fry, place okra on a hot grill perpendicular to the rods (so as not to fall through) and fry on all sides for 3-4 minutes until golden brown.

1 diced onion is fried in 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Add 6 cloves of garlic and fry until golden brown. Next add 450 grams of frozen or fresh okra, 3 chopped fresh or canned tomatoes, tomato paste, salt and black pepper (amount to your taste).

Everything is mixed and brought to a boil. Then reduce the heat and cook for 35-45 minutes until the okra is ready. Serve with rice.

Growing and caring for okra

Okra is easy to grow even for an amateur vegetable grower. garden plot. It grows actively in conditions of good light, warmth and humidity.

The land for planting needs to be fertile, not clayey, not swampy or saline. It is better to choose a place protected from the wind, on the south side. Okra develops well at a temperature of +20 -+ 25˚С. The area for growing the plant should be prepared in the fall - dig up and apply organic or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In the spring you should dig it up again and fertilize it with ammonium nitrate.

When caring for okra, precautions must be taken. Touching a plant , you can get irritation, itching and burning. Wearing gloves is mandatory!

Okra is most often grown through seedlings. Planting begins in mid-April. After replanting, the plant is difficult to adapt, so it is necessary to plant in separate containers. After a month, the seedlings are transferred to soil prepared on the site. Seedlings will be healthy and tenacious when using various peat mixtures with the addition of vermicompost.

If you don’t want to start seedlings, you can grow from seeds directly in the soil. But only when it becomes warm (late May - June) or planted “under film”. You need to sow deep
about 5 centimeters with a distance between sprouts of 60x30 cm. Before sowing, okra seeds are soaked for swelling for about two hours.

Okra begins to bloom beautifully after 2 months yellow flowers, and then pleases the eye with fruits in the form of a box.

Harvesting should not be delayed, and it is better to do it every 3 days, otherwise the fruits will become unusable. 5 days after ripening they become rough. It is recommended to cut them with scissors.

It is recommended to feed okra with bird droppings diluted with water, or nitrophoska (dilute 2 tablespoons per bucket of water), or potassium salt. You can do pinching. This helps speed up the appearance of fruits. Loosening and mulching of the beds is mandatory.

If you need to collect seeds, the fruits should be kept on the bush until completely dry.

This vegetable has many names, including gumbo, okra and lady's fingers. If you hear this name, it means we are talking about okra - a rather valuable vegetable crop that belongs to the Malvaceae family. Nothing is known about the homeland of this plant, but it is widespread in Africa, North America, India and the tropics. Some call it home West Africa, others - India. This is due to the fact that a wide variety of varieties and types of okra grow in these places. The vegetable is found in Europe, but the Arabs brought it there. It is grown in Russia and Ukraine. This became possible after the onset of noticeable warming. The number of enthusiasts growing it is very small.

Okra is an annual herbaceous plant. It can grow up to 40 cm in height, but there are cases when the vegetable reached two meters.

Okra has a very thick and branched stem. The leaves are drooping and light green. They are very large and seven-lobed, although there are also five. The flowers are quite large and yellowish-cream in color. They are located on stalks in the axils of the leaves. This is where the fruits are formed.

Popularly, okra fruits are called capsules, due to the fact that they have a 4-8 sided shape, with seeds inside. Useful and healing properties This vegetable regulates sugar levels in blood due to the fact that okra's plant mucilage and its dietary fiber are absorbed into

small intestine . People with gastrointestinal disorders are especially recommended to buy dishes that contain okra. This is simply an ideal vegetable for weight loss, because it does not cause harm to health. Okra is a wonderful helper in the fight against diseases such as: angina, depression, chronic fatigue. Okra may even reduce asthma attacks. This vegetable is especially good in

dietary nutrition people suffering from atherosclerosis. In addition to all this, okra can strengthen the walls of capillaries. Okra flushes out excess cholesterol and toxins from our body. Prevents the occurrence of bloating, constipation

and also provides assistance in treatment



In cooking

There has been a study done on okra that has proven that it can prevent colorectal cancer. With its help, the risk of diabetes and cataracts is reduced. The vegetable solves all problems related to potency. Doctors often prescribe okra to patients after surgery. It has only 31 calories, which is why okra is so important in the diet.

Cooking is the main use of okra. Young leaves are also suitable for cooking. Its taste is somewhat reminiscent asparagus and eggplant. In this regard, the vegetable is prepared using the same recipes as for similar products.

When cooked, okra releases a huge amount of mucus. This is great if you are preparing soup, but if such an abundance of liquid is not advisable, fry the vegetable over high heat with the addition of lemon or tomato.


Okra seeds also deserve attention, because after thorough roasting they can be used instead of coffee. They are often pressed to produce an oil with a rather subtle and very pleasant aroma.

Dangerous properties of okra Okra has no contraindications, except in cases of individual intolerance. However, in large pods there are small burning areas that can be neutralized by heat treatment, otherwise they may cause unpleasant itchy skin , therefore it is recommended to use gloves. Also, when cooking okra, do not forget to remove hairs from its surface, because... in some cases they can cause allergic


Do you have 15 minutes of free time? Try preparing an unusual dish - aromatic stewed okra.

Nowadays, many gardeners often have questions when encountering unfamiliar and exotic plants. Okra - what is it? A very unusual plant for our regions, which is already cultivated in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories. However, it cannot be said that they are not trying to grow it elsewhere. This vegetable is heat-loving, but will this stop lovers of dachas and vegetable gardens? Okra is a plant that is eaten and used in cosmetology. So let's talk about this unusual innovation in our area.

What kind of exotic is this?

Okra, the photo of which is presented in this article, is a herbaceous annual plant belonging to the mallow family. Initially, it grew in the vastness of Africa, but today it can be found in many parts of the planet. Okra first came to Europe (thanks to the Arabs). By the 18th century, it was successfully used in the preparation of culinary masterpieces in America, Europe and Asia. But in Russia it has taken root a very long time ago. It’s just that this plant has not become particularly widespread.

Okra - what is it? There is nothing unusual in the appearance of this plant. It can reach a height of two meters. Although there are also dwarf varieties that grow no more than 50 centimeters. The size of the fruit also depends on the type of plant. It can reach a maximum of 25 centimeters, and the minimum is 10 centimeters. The okra stem is very thick and can have several branches at the base (up to 7 stems). The leaves of the plant are large, colored in light or dark green. Okra flowers are large, yellowish-cream. They are arranged in single order. The most important advantage of this plant is its fruits. They resemble beans or green peppers and are slightly pyramidal shape. Covered with fine hairs. This is the appearance that okra has. What kind of plant this is and what it looks like, we have decided.

What is okra made of?

Now let’s answer the question of whether okra is healthy. This plant, of course, has a certain chemical composition. Okra contains many nutrients. It contains compounds of calcium, iron, folic acid, potassium, a large amount ascorbic acid and vitamins. But they are of particular value alimentary fiber and protein compounds. Therefore, okra is bred not only for its taste, but also for its beneficial properties.

Benefits of okra

This vegetable can be called very healing. Firstly, fiber, available in large quantities, improves digestion. Eating okra helps remove cholesterol and toxins from the body. The work of the heart is normalized. This plant allows you to get rid of pulmonary diseases, flu symptoms, bronchitis and sore throat. Dishes made from okra are considered rejuvenating and tonic. Due to the presence of folic acid, they are beneficial for pregnant and lactating women.

With all this, okra contains only 30 calories for every 100 grams of product. Therefore, it is successfully used in diets. Recent studies have shown that the plant counteracts the formation of certain species malignant tumors. Eating okra reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis. There are no contraindications for the use of this plant. Today it is being studied comprehensively by scientists. Okra is a plant that is unique in its characteristics.

Okra in cooking

This plant is especially often used in cooking. The unopened fruits, which resemble green beans, are eaten. They usually ripen in 4-5 days. The fruiting period lasts all summer until late autumn. The young leaves of the okra plant are also eaten. What is this - culinary research, a tribute to fashion, or perhaps the reason lies in something else? It's all about taste. The fruits resemble asparagus or eggplant. After processing, they secrete some mucus. This property is used when preparing soups or vegetable dishes. Okra is stewed, frozen and even canned.

This vegetable cooks very quickly. Its delicate fruits do not need to be subjected to prolonged heat treatment. Okra is combined with tomatoes, onions, ginger, garlic, pepper, various spices and lemon juice. If possible, season dishes with butter. Lamb, fish and poultry dishes will become more expressive if you add this vegetable. Young leaves of the plant are used in fresh salads. Okra, whose properties are known to many nationalities, is used in different cuisines around the world.

Okra and beauty

According to historical data, many ancient beauties (for example, Cleopatra) loved okra very much. They ate dishes from this plant, and also made decoctions and hair masks from it.

In India, face creams were prepared with okra extracts, which relieved acne and prevented their appearance. Therefore, this plant can be used in folk medicine. Products based on it help improve the hair structure, and therefore will be very useful.

Varieties of okra

There are several varieties of this plant. Among them are Lady Fingers, White Velvet and White Cylindrical Okra. These varieties are most often grown in our country. It should be noted that this culture is becoming increasingly popular among summer residents. This is explained by its taste and, of course, beneficial properties. Several new varieties have also been developed that can be recommended for cultivation in our regions. This is Bombay and Juno.

Features of cultivation

It should be noted that growing okra is not an easy task. This is due to the climatic characteristics of some regions. Okra is a heat-loving and light-loving plant. Therefore, it will not be possible to grow it in central Russia in open ground. But cultivating okra is possible in an indoor environment. In such conditions it develops well and produces rich harvests.

It is better to use peat pots for germination. Okra loves light and fertile soil. It is also recommended to use plenty of organic fertilizers. If the climate allows, then the seedlings are subsequently planted in open ground or to the greenhouse.

Growing seedlings

Okra, whose seeds germinate very slowly, requires a lot of heat. Therefore, we need to create everything for her the necessary conditions. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, you need to soak the seeds before planting in warm water for a day. For seedlings we use peat pots. You can take ready-made soil or garden soil. An important point is the presence large quantity organic and mineral fertilizers. Seeds begin to germinate at a minimum temperature of 18 degrees. Three or four seeds are placed in each pot. The planting depth should be no more than 3 centimeters. In two weeks the first shoots will appear. Thinning seedlings is simply necessary.

It will make good okra in the future. Growing from seeds does not require any special effort. The main thing is warmth (20-22 degrees). Naturally, the plant requires watering as the soil dries out. But you shouldn't overdo it. Okra does not like excess moisture. This is a drought-resistant plant. It will be useful to feed the seedlings with phosphorus fertilizers.

Planting a plant

After a month and a half, you can transplant the seedlings to a permanent place. In warm regions this may be open ground. The main thing when planting is a little density. To obtain good harvest, plants should be planted at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from each other.

There should be at least 60 centimeters between rows. Planting takes place in the first half of June. If okra is grown in a greenhouse, adequate ventilation must be provided. The plant does not like high humidity and extreme heat. Okra, which is the most common method of growing from seeds, also develops well indoors. For planting, use a large container and place it on the south side.

Plant care

Okra (the photo allows you to get a certain idea about the plant) will delight you with its fruits if all the conditions for its growth are met. Wherever this vegetable is cultivated, it needs warmth. But you shouldn’t allow overheating either. Watering is carried out as the soil dries. The soil should not be moistened too much. Okra loves light soils. Therefore, loosening the soil is vital for it. You also need to monitor the appearance of weeds and remove them in time. The plant also needs feeding. To do this, use organic fertilizers, which are best applied to the soil before planting. You can also use mineral products. Okra grows very quickly. Already 2 months after planting the seeds, you can get the first fruits. Harvesting must be done regularly. Only unripe fruits are eaten. To collect the seeds, you need to leave a few pods and allow them to fully ripen.