Equipment for hospitals. Equipment and goods for medical institutions. Supply of equipment for a hospital: why it’s worth cooperating with us

The main activity of our company “RosMedComplex” is the supply of equipment for hospitals. We can offer clinics the latest modifications of operating tables, anesthesia machines, surgical chairs, dressing chairs and other equally popular equipment for intensive care units and operating rooms.

Ultrasound devices occupy a special place among the supplied equipment. These installations are in great demand today. Without good diagnostic equipment, no modern clinic can operate.

Supply of equipment for a hospital: why is it worth cooperating with us?

All supplied products are of special quality and meet all hygienic requirements. All the furniture and everything is honey. equipment was created taking into account the needs of medical personnel. We supply only those products that fully comply with safety requirements and are particularly durable and reliable.

Our company closely monitors the medical equipment market. We are constantly expanding the range of products offered due to the emergence of new, more technologically advanced and higher quality products. We have the power to completely change the technical and material base any medical institution. Ensure stable operation of both a small clinic and a large hospital.

You just need to order the service of supplying equipment for the hospital, and we will equip your clinic turnkey.

Medical equipment and technology are designed to help simplify the work of doctors, medical personnel and make the life of a sick person or disabled person easier. Modern medical equipment allows for even more accurate various tests and tests, making them more painless. And special medical furniture will make life easier for disabled people and help the patient recover faster.

Laboratory equipment is used in various laboratories, universities, research organizations and other similar institutions. It includes all kinds of instruments, apparatus for conducting research, measurements and experiments.

Medical beds are designed for seriously ill or disabled people who cannot get out of bed on their own. They are used both in medical institutions and in an ordinary apartment. Medical beds help to increase comfort and maintain the correct body position of the patient so that no complications arise in the future. On such beds the patient can either lie or sit half-sitting.

The use of medical functional beds facilitates breathing and improves stomach function in patients. Depending on the model, the bed can be equipped with various additional devices that increase its functionality: more tilt angles, special sections for storing things and tools, an electric drive for raising and lowering the bed and much more.

Anti-decubitus mattresses and systems are effective remedy to combat bedsores. They are ideal for people who have to spend a lot of time in bed or who cannot move at all after injuries or illnesses. To prevent bedsores from appearing, the patient needs to change body position, which helps prevent constant pressure on the same areas on the body.

Bedsores lead to eating, breathing and weakening problems immune system. All of this can lead to serious additional injuries, from ulcers to septic infections. Anti-decubitus mattresses provide constant soft massage and

redistributes body weight evenly and also helps to heal wounds faster.

Medical aspirators are designed for suctioning blood, pus, excess liquid, tissue particles and gases from the patient’s body. Surgical suction devices are widely used in modern medicine and are especially indispensable during operations. They are used not only in medical institutions, but also at home. These devices differ in size, functionality and other additional features.

Negatoscopes are special devices designed for viewing and analyzing several x-rays. X-ray X-rays make it possible to more accurately diagnose and prescribe further treatment. The X-ray viewer perceives both dry and wet images equally effectively. They are used not only in medical institutions, but also as a teaching device.

Bactericidal recirculators-irradiators are special devices designed for disinfecting indoor air. They are used not only in medical institutions, but also in any premises (offices, apartments, etc.). Bactericidal recirculators are ideal preventative and antiseptic, especially in rooms with large crowds of people. They reduce the possible risk of contracting diseases through the air to almost zero.

Bedside monitors help monitor the patient's condition with great accuracy while he sleeps or during surgery. Bedside monitors transmit all the necessary information: the effect of medications, the patient’s respiratory and heart rate, pulse, blood pressure and much more.

These devices are used not only in medical institutions, but also at home. The compact size of these devices allows them to be easily moved with the patient, without any particular risk to his health. Another important advantage of bedside monitors is the ability battery life during a power outage.

Pulse oximeters are used to instantly measure blood oxygen levels and heart rate. There are various models: portable, finger, for newborns, for children, etc.

Otorhinolaryngological equipment includes various diagnostic instruments, headlights, medical devices and much more. All presented equipment helps to more effectively and quickly cure ear, nose and throat diseases with a minimum of discomfort to the patient.

Ophthalmic equipment is intended for the treatment of eye diseases, eyeballs, mucous membrane, fiber and everything related to the eyes. Ophthalmological equipment also helps to identify diseases at the stage of their occurrence and carry out preventive procedures.

Indoor wheelchairs are designed to help people with disabilities, the elderly and people recovering their health after illness and injuries. Indoor strollers are distinguished by great maneuverability, which allows you to comfortably move around the apartment, including through doorways.

Indoor models are equipped with an adjustment system and additional removable footrests and armrests. The wheels of the stroller do not require pumping and can be easily dismantled, allowing you to easily move on a smooth floor. But this stroller is not suitable for the street.

Wheelchairs are designed for people who do not have the physical ability to move independently. Wheelchairs are not equipped with a manual drive and are driven by an accompanying person. These models rehabilitation equipment They are lightweight and compact in size, making these strollers very maneuverable. Depending on the model, wheelchairs may be equipped with additional accessories (headrest, footrest, etc.)

Wheelchairs with sanitary equipment are intended for home care for people with disabilities. disabilities, disabled people and old people. This type of chair is designed for both independent control by the patient and an accompanying person. The models are equipped with a comfortable backrest, armrests, footrests, a removable bedpan and a hygienic cutout in the seat for natural needs. Some models are additionally equipped with a special shower chair.

Support walkers are designed to facilitate movement for the elderly, disabled and patients after injuries during the rehabilitation period. Support walkers are used outdoors, at home and in other rooms. Using a walker, a person with disabilities is able to better maintain balance, improve coordination, reduce stress on the legs and simply gain extra psychological confidence.

Rollators are advanced walkers. Their main difference is the presence of special wheels (from 2 to 4), which make movement even more comfortable and safe. Rollators are also equipped with a comfortable soft seat, back support, hand brakes, ergonomic handles and a removable storage basket.

Support walkers for children with cerebral palsy help to ease the position of sick children and remain in an upright position, simulating the process of walking. This type of walker is equipped with special “pedals”, which are the driving mechanism. Their use improves coordination of movement, helps to better maintain balance, reduce stress on the legs and give the body maximum stability, and also gives more psychological confidence.

Lights are used for operations. They differ from conventional lamps in their higher power. Most often, halogen lamps are selected for this, which do not cast a shadow, so as not to create inconvenience during the operation. There are mobile and ceiling lamps, which, due to their lower power, are used only for examining patients. Some luminaire models are additionally equipped with an independent power source.

Needle burners and syringe destructors are used to dispose of used needles and syringes in medical institutions. On average, destruction takes no more than 2-3 seconds. The presented models are compact, simple and reliable.

Syringe dispensers (infusion pumps) are resuscitation equipment. Helps maintain blood concentration at the same level and introduce medicinal solutions and drugs into exact dosage. These devices also help to adjust the chemical content of administered drugs based on the patient’s condition. Most models are equipped with additional batteries, audible error notifications and a system of various sensors.

Microscopes are used not only for criminological, medical, chemical and biological research, but also help teach children about science. Models differ in the range of problems they can solve. From the simplest to professional and functionally complex.

Surgical equipment consists of various instruments and devices characterized by high functional characteristics. The use of surgical equipment increases the accuracy and safety of the procedure. surgical operations and speeds up the rehabilitation period. It also reduces the time and likelihood of complications. The equipment differs in the tasks it solves.

Otoscopes are widely used to solve otolaryngological problems. They help to find the source of discomfort, cure the ailment that has arisen and carry out preventive work. The use of otoscopes can significantly improve the quality of diagnosis. These devices come in various models and types, from diagnostic, operating, to modern video otoscopes and fiber otoscopes.

Laboratory equipment is used to conduct biological, biochemical and medical research. The relevance of research results directly depends on the quality of laboratory equipment. Today, it is common to use modern high-tech equipment instead of old equipment.

This category presents goods for medical institutions , such as devices for selling and putting on shoe covers, bactericidal irradiators, professional scales and more.

Home cancer tests

Currently in stock modern medicine There are many methods to identify oncological diseases colon, including a test for colon cancer, which can be done at home. Doctors around the world are seriously concerned about the rapid spread of the disease, which, according to statistics, ranks second among all identified cases.

Medical clothing

The use of special clothing for medical personnel and visitors to medical institutions helps to comply with the sanitary and epidemiological regime. When carrying out medical treatment, diagnostic procedures such clothing protects the healthcare worker from possible infection.

Devices for doctors

When working in a medical institution, doctors use portable and stationary devices that help in examinations, during various diagnostic and medical procedures: stethoscopes, otoscopes, diagnostic lights, tonometers, thermometers, etc. Manufacturers are constantly working to improve the quality of these devices.

Professional scales

Special models of scales for medical institutions, clinics, health centers, fitness centers, gyms etc. They help track changes in the patient’s weight, water content, fat, bone and muscle tissue in the body, internal visceral fat, etc. There are models that connect to a personal computer.

Children's height meters

Measuring human height is especially important in childhood, since the results show us whether the child’s body is developing correctly. It is also important to know the height of an adult for diagnosis, carrying out calculations necessary for a specialist, etc.

Pill boxes and accessories

For convenient placement of medications for patients medical institution(at home) special containers are used. They are convenient to use for a person undergoing treatment, since they are divided into cells “morning”, “day”, “evening”, “night”. There are different models: for a day, for a week. Can be disinfected.

Surgical suction devices

Aspirators are purchased for surgical departments, although there are other areas of their application: gynecology, neonatology, pulmonology, cosmetology, etc. To choose the appropriate model, you need to clearly understand what types of aspirators are and what each of them is used for. In this section you will find portable, mobile, and pediatric suction devices.

Medical consumables

A medical instrument in the form of a tube designed to connect natural channels, body cavities, vessels with the external environment for the purpose of emptying them, introducing liquids into them, washing them, or passing surgical instruments through them. The process of inserting a catheter is called catheterization.