Normal stool color in an adult and its deviations. What is considered normal stool in an adult? Light stool

Feces, feces, or feces is a byproduct of digestion. Food mixtures with bile from the liver and digestive enzymes from the pancreas provide the possibility of enzymatic breakdown (digestion) of proteins, carbohydrates and fats of food in suspension. The suspension passes through the small intestine where absorption occurs nutrients and a significant portion of water into the blood. Liquid waste is passed into the large intestine. In the large intestine, some more water is absorbed and feces are formed. Normal stool contains bacteria, undigested food, cellulose from undigested plant products, and bile.

More than 900 ml of fluid - saliva, gastric juice, gall bladder, pancreas and intestinal secretions - enter the gastrointestinal tract daily intestinal tract. About 500-1500 ml of this fluid reaches the large intestine, and only about 150 ml is excreted in the stool (feces). Water and electrolytes are absorbed in both the small and large intestines. The large intestine can only absorb about 300 ml; if the amount of water exceeds this volume, the stool becomes liquid and causes diarrhea. Figure 1 shows the volumes of fluid secreted and absorbed by individual organs of the gastrointestinal tract during the day. There is no single definition of normal stool. There is a whole spectrum of what can be considered normal, and the regularity of bowel movements varies from person to person. There are, however, several signs that the stool is no longer within your personal normal range and should be discussed with your doctor.

Many people believe that normal bowel movement is one bowel movement every day, but this is not true for everyone. There is no rule for the frequency of bowel movements, the general range is from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. Less than 3 bowel movements per week indicates constipation, and more than 3 bowel movements per day and watery stools reflect diarrhea.

Size and shape of stool

For self-orientation about the state of the gastrointestinal tract, English gastroenterologists proposed a scale table of stool (stool) forms - the Bristol scale of stool forms - is a self-diagnostic chart that helps patients characterize their bowel movements without embarrassment or embarrassment. The Bristol Stool Shape Scale is now used worldwide as a tool for assessing the bowel and digestive system.

Based on the Bristol Stool Shape Scale, normal stool should be soft and easy to pass, although some people may have harder or more soft stool than others. The stool should be brown or golden brown in color, formed, and have a texture similar to peanut butter, and have a size and shape similar to a sausage. In many cases, if the stool changes slightly from what is described, there is no cause for concern, especially if it is an isolated incident. But if your stool suddenly changes and differs significantly from usual, this is a reason to visit a gastroenterologist.

Macroscopic analysis of stool can be a great help in diagnosing some diseases, but not enough to make definite conclusions about the presence or absence of some kind of digestive disease.

Some changes in stool characteristics are common to various diseases: colitis, tumors, benign polyps, hemorrhoids, not proper nutrition, functional diseases. This means that the detection of an abnormal indicator in feces should be considered taking into account clinical condition the patient and the final assessment should be made by a doctor who, if necessary, will refer to appropriate specialists.

Indicators that should be taken into account during macroscopic analysis of stool.

Composition of stool

Feces consist of 75% water and 25% solids. The dry residue of the solid fraction varies greatly and consists of residues (fiber) of undigested cellulose. Fiber is very hygroscopic and it is they that retain water in the stool, which is why a diet low in protein produces soft, large stools, and a diet high in protein and lacking fiber (fiber) causes constipation. 30% of the dry weight of feces is due to bacteria of the intestinal microflora, 15% to inorganic substances (calcium and phosphates), 5% to fats and their derivatives. There are also small amounts of desquamated (desquamated) intestinal lining cells, mucus and digestive enzymes.

Thus, a significant part non-food stool masses and feces are formed even during fasting.

The weight of feces depends significantly on the nature of the diet, and, in particular, on the fiber content in it. With a normal diet, the normal value for the mass of feces excreted in adults is 150-300 g per 24 hours. Higher values ​​may occur with a vegetarian diet.

Stool color

Normal stool color ranges from light brown to dark brown. This is due to the chemical conversion of bilirubin and its metabolite stercobilin into urobilinogen by intestinal bacteria and enzymes. Bile is formed in the liver and released in the intestines, where it is involved in the digestion and absorption of food fats.

Let's look at what color stool can be painted and why.

Green feces

Gives green color to stool biliverdin , a precursor of bilirubin, which comes with bile and during rapid transit through the intestine does not have time to complete its complete metabolism by intestinal microflora. For this reason, diarrhea and laxative use cause stool to be greenish in color.

We find green color in stool when there is a predominance in the diet of leafy vegetables rich in chlorophyll (green plant pigment) - spinach, arugula, parsley, green beans, etc.

Additives containing chlorophyll and antibiotics give stool its green color.

Orange feces

The color of stool is determined by food and some medications. If the diet contains beta-carotene-rich foods that have yellow-orange hues (carrots, pumpkin, apricots, mangoes, sweet potatoes, etc.), the feces become Orange color. Supplements containing this antioxidant pigment and consumption of rifampicin-based medications have the same effect on stool color.

Gray-white feces

The predominance of rice and other light cereals, potatoes in the diet, and taking antacids (based on aluminum hydroxide) can give the stool a white tint. According to the generally accepted concept, the color of stool is determined by the presence of bilirubin and its metabolites. Fecal hypochromia may reflect a violation of the flow of bile into the intestines (bile duct stones or cancer of the head of the pancreas), diseases of the liver or biliary tract and pancreas, in which there is a decrease in bilirubin content (cirrhosis, hepatitis and liver cancer).

Pale, shiny, and greasy stool is typical for steatorrhea. Steatorrhea is excess fat in the stool caused by intestinal malabsorption. This type of stool is a symptom of celiac disease.

Yellow feces

Yellow stool is a sign of the presence of fat in the stool. Fat in stool may be associated with pancreatic disease ( chronic pancreatitis) and deficiency of the enzyme lipase, which breaks down fats. Fatty stool is yellowish with a strong unpleasant odor.

Red feces

Red stool is a warning to the patient that he is bleeding.

However, red foods (tomato juice and tomatoes, red fruits and beets) can give stool its characteristic color. However, red stool is a symptom of some kind of anxiety. intestinal bleeding. The following options are possible.

Streaks of bright red blood that surrounds the stool and does not mix with the stool indicate bleeding from the rectum in the anal area (such blood is visible on toilet paper). The causes may be: hemorrhoids or anal fissures, but a malignant tumor in the last section of the intestine cannot be ruled out.

If the color of the blood is dark red and the blood is mixed with the stool, then this is an indicator of bleeding at the level of the large intestine. This kind of bleeding is observed with polyps, cancer, diverticulitis, inflammatory and vascular diseases.

Gray and black feces

Stool is dark gray may indicate the presence of metals such as iron (for example, when excessive consumption chocolate and/or meat) or bismuth. Tarry black stool indicates the presence of partially digested blood (melena), which appears in the stool during bleeding from the upper sections digestive tract(esophagus, stomach, duodenum). Even minor bleeding from small intestine and the cecum of the large intestine can give the stool a blackish color.

If your stool is black, you need to remember that Activated carbon, licorice, blueberries and black olives, red beets, red and black grapes, red wine, etc. can turn stool blackish and black. Unlike melena, such feces do not have a fetid, nauseating odor.

Constipation is usually associated with dark stool due to longer residence time in the colon, and diarrhea is associated with light-colored stool.

Stool smell

The smell of excrement is associated with the rotting of proteins and the metabolism of amino acids that are not absorbed into the body. small intestine, bacteria of the large intestine. As a result of the action of intestinal bacteria, indole, skatole, putrescine, cadaverine, etc. are formed, which give an unpleasant odor to feces.

Malabsorption occurs in celiac disease, pancreatic insufficiency, intestinal infections, inflammatory diseases intestines, liver diseases and biliary tract etc., In some diseases, the digestion of especially sugars and starch is impaired, which reach the colon and are fermented by local flora with the formation of gases.

The smell of feces is definitely related to food and the health of our intestines. A balanced diet, eating small portions and taking care to avoid simultaneous intake of carbohydrates and proteins ("dissociated diet"), helps regulate digestion. It reduces bloating and flatulence and the stool retains its "distinctive" smell.

Mucus in stool e

Mucus in the stool is not always a pathological phenomenon. Mucus is secreted by the large intestine, and its function is to lubricate the stool, making it easier to slide through the anus. The color of the mucus is whitish or yellowish-white, and the consistency is similar to gelatin.

An increase in the presence of mucus in the stool is an indicator of such pathological conditions How ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, bacterial colitis. In these cases, the mucus is accompanied by diarrhea and often bleeding. Increased mucus may be found in irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, allergies or food intolerances, and changes in the intestinal bacterial flora as a result of poor eating habits.

Excess mucus is present with polyps (especially the hairy type) and with tumors of the colon. In the latter case, the mucus is bright and/or mixed with traces of blood.

"Floating" feces

This phenomenon occurs when there is a fair amount of gas and fat inside the stool, the fat makes the gas less dense and the stool sticks to the walls of the toilet. This feature of feces is characteristic of diarrhea and in general for all situations with malabsorption, fermentation and gas formation in the intestines.

Stool color healthy person can vary from light brown to dark brown. This color is caused by the presence in the feces of a product that is produced as a result of pigment metabolism processes.

Causes of changes in stool color

The color or shade of stool may change due to:

  • taking some medicines, for example, hematogen, bismuth salts, calomel. In such cases, the stool may be black or green;
  • consumed certain foods. For example, after eating asparagus, lettuce and sorrel, the feces acquire a greenish tint. And after eating black currants, cherries and blueberries, it can turn black;
  • the predominance of certain nutrients in products. For example, when consuming a large amount of milk, the color of stool may become golden-yellow, when consuming meat and sausage products - black-brown, and when consuming plant foods - light brown.

However, a change in the color and shade of stool may also indicate the development of some pathological processes in the body and be one of the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • development of malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastric erosion;
  • bleeding from hemorrhoids:
  • bleeding from the rectum.

If the color of the stool has changed for no reason, that is, this was not preceded by taking certain medications and food products, you must immediately apply for medical care. After all, a timely diagnosis will help eliminate the problem early stages its development, which will lead to a successful and rapid cure of the disease. In such situations, it is recommended to contact specialists in the field:

  • hepatology;
  • gastroenterology;
  • oncology.

Light-colored stool

Stool that has a pale tint (white, gray) in most cases indicates that the person ate the day before. a large number of:

  • potatoes
  • tapioca;
  • rice

If a person has had a barium sulfate x-ray, they will also experience discolored stool for several days.
Taking certain medications meant to relieve diarrhea can also cause gray stools. The fact is that these drugs contain additives such as calcium and antacids.

If we consider the issue of the occurrence of pale stool from the other side, it becomes clear that the bile secreted gallbladder, for some reason does not enter the intestines. This may signal the development of certain diseases, including those associated with the closure of the bile ducts, namely:

  • pancreatitis;
  • tumors of the bile ducts;
  • hepatitis A;
  • gallstones and bile ducts;
  • cancer or cirrhosis of the liver.

Thus, we can conclude that if a person has white stool, it means that he has problems with the gallbladder. Perhaps he suffers from cholecystitis.

Red stool

Red or red-brown color of stool should alert you. After all, it is a harbinger of the development of certain pathological processes in the body. Although in most cases, red feces indicate that you ate a fairly large amount of the following foods the day before:

  • beets;
  • red gelatin;
  • tomatoes;
  • fruit punches.

Also, red stool may indicate that a person took certain antibiotics, which contributed to the formation of ulcers in the intestines. And this already caused bleeding. After taking potassium tablets and some other medications, you may also experience blood in your stool.

If you notice the appearance of bloody stools and did not eat red foods the day before, this may indicate the presence of fissures in the anus, as well as hemorrhoids. These problems could arise for the following reasons:

  • after childbirth;
  • after sexual intercourse;
  • presence of foreign objects in the rectum;
  • with frequent constipation.

Also, red stool can be a consequence of a disease such as intestinal inflammation. This disease, in addition to bloody stool, is characterized by the presence of diarrhea and severe cramps.

In addition to the problems listed above, red feces can be a harbinger of some other diseases of the digestive system. So, if feces are bright red, the problem is most likely in the lower intestines. It is very likely that there are malfunctions of the large intestine, for example, diverticulitis, when small areas of the rectum become inflamed due to the presence of infection. This condition is characterized by the presence of acute pain syndrome in the lower abdomen.

As for stool that is dark red in color, the problem is most likely located in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, namely:

  • in the small intestine;
  • in the stomach;
  • in the esophagus.

Bloody stool is sometimes the only symptomatic manifestation of colon cancer, as well as the presence of polyps. These polyps can be either malignant or benign.

However, in these cases, along with bloody stools, the presence of:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • spasms;
  • general weakness;
  • significant weight loss.

Yellow stool

Light yellow (golden) feces can be observed with the development of a pathology such as fermentative dyspepsia, in other words, a disturbance in the digestion of carbohydrates. This pathology may cause disruption of the digestive system due to insufficient digestion of connective tissue membranes of fibers plant origin. Thus, the carbohydrates present in plant foods become inaccessible to the enzymes of the pancreas and small intestine.

Often yellow stool in adults occurs due to poor digestion of food in the large intestine, as well as due to pancreatic insufficiency.

It is worth noting that in children who are breastfed, the color of stool can vary from pale yellow or even green-yellow to rich yellow color, having a golden hue.

Green stool

The green color of stool may indicate the development of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, about the course of pathological processes in the small intestine, as well as about the development of dysbiosis, which provokes the processes of fermentation and rotting of consumed food.

The stool may turn green due to certain antibiotics. This color is due to the fact that the intestines contain a large number of dead leukocytes, which accumulate in it against the background of emerging foci of inflammation.

Green stool is also characteristic of a disease such as dysentery, which is intestinal infection. Along with such stool, a person usually experiences:

  • significant increase in body temperature:
  • abdominal pain;
  • attacks of nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • aches and weakness throughout the body.

Also, feces may acquire a green tint due to the oxidation of iron, which is present in red blood cells. This occurs due to the development of complications of ulcers or malignant tumors gastrointestinal tract.

Another cause of green stool is diseases hematopoietic organs. The fact is that due to the breakdown of red blood cells, hemoglobin is converted into a large amount of bilirubin. As a result, this substance, when entering the intestines, gives the stool a greenish tint.

In children aged 6-8 months, the color of the stool may also be green. This occurs due to the fact that unchanged bilirubin enters the child’s intestines. And if no other symptoms are observed (fever, abdominal pain, blood in the stool), there is no need to worry.

Dark-colored stool

In most cases, stool that is black in color produces a more shocking and even ominous impression on a person than bloody stool.

However, not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance. After all, a common reason for stool turning black is:

  • taking activated carbon;
  • reception of various food additives, which contain iron;
  • taking medications that contain bismuth;
  • consumption of black licorice;
  • eating blueberries.

But if you find yourself dark stool(almost black), which will have a viscous consistency (tarry), hurry to consult a competent doctor. After all, this may signal the presence of blood in the stool, which, in the process of entering from the esophagus into the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract, undergoes changes - it becomes thick, viscous, and also acquires a dark color.

A common cause of black stool is alcohol abuse, as well as taking certain medications and drugs that contribute to the development of esophageal bleeding. Such medications include:

  • ibuprofen:
  • acetaminophen;
  • aspirin;
  • other non-steroidal drugs, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammatory processes.

As for diseases that may have black stool as a symptom, these include:

  • gastritis;
  • colon cancer;
  • duodenal ulcer (in the small intestine area);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • tumor neoplasms in the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of the inner walls of the stomach.

In conclusion, it is necessary to recall once again that if changes in the color of stool are detected, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help. A qualified specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment. Be healthy!

The normal color of stool is all shades of brown. This color is due to the presence of stercobilin, a pigment that is formed during the breakdown of red blood cells. Red blood cells are renewed daily, and those that have served their life, after being “disassembled” in the liver, enter the intestines with bile, from where they are excreted naturally.

Any other color indicates either a disease or the use of coloring products and medications. If you have not taken medications that change the color of stool within 24 hours, then you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Stool color Possible reasons


Green/dark green/swamp

  • a large amount of sorrel and spinach, broccoli, arugula, parsley, seaweed and other foods rich in chlorophyll in food;
  • products with a high content of artificial colors - marmalade, caramel;
  • laxative teas and herbal infusions;
  • sweeteners – sorbitol and others;
  • medications containing iodine;
  • diarrhea - the movement of intestinal contents accelerates, and the stercobilin precursor biliverdin, which has an intense green color, enters the feces;
  • intoxication;
  • – damage to the villi of the small intestine by the gluten protein, stool is liquid and foamy, copious;
  • Crohn's disease or severe transmural (through all layers) chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall;;
  • allergy;
  • rotavirus infection, especially accompanied by dysbiosis;
  • enterocolitis caused by another infection.

Yellow/light/light yellow/bright yellow

  • dairy food without consuming other products;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • Gilbert-Meulengracht syndrome or non-hemolytic familial jaundice - insufficient amount of an enzyme that destroys red blood cells;
  • dysbiosis due to long-term use of antibiotics;
  • chronic pancreatitis caused by alcohol abuse - few enzymes are formed to break down fat, and undigested fat is excreted in the feces;
  • pancreatic tumors when blocked excretory duct, and fat is not broken down in the intestines;
  • – insufficient absorption and digestion of nutrients, especially dangerous for children and adolescents
  • severe stress or severe nervous tension.


  • occurs when there is insufficient quantity or complete absence bile in the intestines - when the bile ducts or pancreatic duct are blocked due to the presence of stones or a tumor;
  • taking certain medications - aspirin, antiepileptics, antifungals and for the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • changes in intestinal microflora
  • severe food poisoning;
  • intestinal diverticulitis or congenital pouch-like expansions in the wall;
  • cystic fibrosis or hereditary fibrocystic glands internal secretion.


  • taking radiopaque agents during the examination - barium sulfate and the like;
  • liver diseases – hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • medications for the treatment of gout.


  • excess foods high in carotene - lettuce, apricots, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots;
  • some medications - Rifampicin;
  • illnesses Bladder, especially cystitis;
  • lung diseases.
Brown/light brown/dark brown
  • normal color.


  • excessive consumption of foods containing natural dyes - tomatoes, beets, red fruits;
  • dysentery (loose stools containing mucus);
  • bleeding from the lower parts of the digestive canal - hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps, colon cancer, anal fissures;
  • taking certain antihelminthic drugs - Pervinum, Pirkon and the like.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

You need to contact us as soon as possible if the color has changed during your normal lifestyle, the person has not taken any new products or medications, and also in the following conditions:

It is imperative to consult a doctor if the color of the stool is constantly abnormal or color changes occur periodically, as if in cycles, especially after constipation.

How are the causes of stool color changes diagnosed?

To find out the reasons, you need to undergo a clinical examination by a gastroenterologist. The specific scope of research depends on the characteristics of the clinical case. After collecting anamnestic information, analyzing it, and performing a physical examination, the following examinations may be prescribed:

There is no single recipe, since changes in the color of stool are accompanied by many diseases.

The most common diseases that cause changes in stool color

Most often, a change in stool color occurs when:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, accompanied by constipation;
  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • tumors;
  • hepatitis or severe poisoning with liver damage;
  • liver cirrhosis.

Sheep feces is a type of constipation, a condition characteristic feature which is slow, difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movement. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, different people have bowel movements with different frequencies. At the same time, both fecal eruption, which occurs two to three times during the day, and bowel movement, which occurs once every three to five days, can be considered normal options, but only on condition that the process does not cause discomfort to the person. In general, constipation is primarily indicated not by the frequency of stool, but by its consistency.

Sheep feces in humans means rare bowel movements, accompanied by the release of dense, compressed feces that look like sheep excrement. The main prerequisite for the development of this problem is considered to be the inability of the intestines to empty themselves in a timely manner due to various physiological disorders and nervous disorders.

Causes of sheep feces

Under normal conditions, the process of defecation (the body's excretion of feces from the digestive tract) occurs at least once every two days. Optimally – once or twice a day. In cases where this does not happen, the stool becomes excessively dense, becomes coarser and can even lead to injury to the intestinal mucosa. IN medical reference books There is also a description of situations where excessively hard intestinal contents became the cause of its rupture, subsequent development of peritonitis and even death.

According to World Organization health care, constipation, in particular accompanied by sheep feces, is an independent disease. Gastroenterologists tend to consider it only a symptom accompanying the underlying disease. In any case, such a condition requires seeking help from a doctor to determine its etiology.

The main cause of sheep feces in humans is dysfunction of the colon, as a result of which the processes of formation and movement of feces through the intestines are disrupted. The following factors can determine it:

  • Imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • Negative effects of staphylococcal bacteria;
  • The patient has a peptic ulcer;
  • Frequent colitis;
  • Impaired blood circulation in the vessels that permeate the intestinal walls (occurs with atherosclerosis and other affecting blood vessels diseases);
  • Autonomic dysfunction – disorder of the autonomic department nervous system, which plays a leading role in the processes of regulating the functioning of internal organs. As a rule, the prerequisite for the development of such a condition is frequent psycho-emotional overload, nervous breakdowns, conflicts, depression, increased anxiety, fears, disruptions in work and sleep patterns observed over a long period of time, etc.;
  • Reflex effect on the intestinal function of other internal organs, in particular the stomach and biliary tract;
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine glands, which is accompanied by an increase or decrease in hormonal influence on intestinal motility;
  • Insufficient physical activity(physical inactivity is most often the cause of sheep feces in older people);
  • Long-term use of certain medications (for example, narcotic drugs, anticonvulsant and psychotropic medications, diuretics, iron preparations, aluminum hydroxide, etc.);
  • A special daily routine, characterized by late rises in the morning, morning rush, the need to work different shifts, etc.;
  • A sharp change in usual living and working conditions;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The presence of neoplasms in the colon, leading to a narrowing of its lumen (for example, scars or tumors);
  • Lack of food rich in coarse fiber in the daily diet (the situation is also aggravated by reduced fluid intake);
  • Frequently holding back bowel movements (out of shame or due to unsanitary conditions in the toilet);
  • Chronic lead or mercury intoxication.

Also, sheep feces can be a consequence of intestinal obstruction, traumatic brain injury, pregnancy, accompanied painful sensations diseases of the anal area, various pathologies pelvic floor, trauma spinal cord, abnormalities in the development of the colon, as well as the need to remain in bed for a long time.

Sheep feces in humans: associated symptoms

Due to impaired intestinal motility, the contents become compacted, which, when attempting to defecate, leads to the separation of feces into separate small lumps. Such modified stools often contain an excessively large number of red blood cells and are poorly digested particles of starch and fiber mixed with mucus.

If this situation persists for quite a long time, then, along with the discharge of sheep feces, a person may experience:

  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • General deterioration in health;
  • Increased nervousness and irritability;
  • Increase in the number of age spots and wrinkles;
  • The appearance of bad odor from the mouth and from the whole body;
  • Bloating;
  • Promotion blood pressure when trying to defecate (especially in older people).

Similar symptoms of sheep feces are the result of chronic intoxication organism, developing as a result of intestinal slagging. The feces remaining in it gradually begin to rot, releasing a large amount of toxins, which are then absorbed into the intestinal walls and poison the entire body.

When a person with sheep feces continues to eat his usual food without changing his diet, he internal organs(kidneys, liver, lungs) are forced to work more intensively to cope with the load. As a result, immunity often decreases and the risk of developing other diseases (both infectious, cardiovascular or hormonal) increases.

If left untreated, sheep feces can cause:

  • Appearance of cracks in the area anus, as well as on the intestinal walls;
  • Rectal prolapse (or rectal prolapse);
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Formation of cancer cells.

Sheep feces: treatment of constipation

Treatment of sheep feces, as a rule, begins with eliminating the cause that provoked it. To make a correct diagnosis, the patient is first prescribed a series of tests and examination by a proctologist and/or gastroenterologist. Based on their results, therapy is selected. It involves an integrated approach, the goal of which is to eliminate the underlying disease, eliminate problems with bowel movements, and cleanse the body.

It should, however, be remembered that the effect of treatment will be observed only if the regime and diet are revised. The diet is recommended by a doctor; it usually means increasing the amount of cereals, fiber and liquids in the daily menu.

In a healthy person, the color of stool varies from light brown to dark shades. Deviation of color from the norm depends on food products, their processing factors and the activity of the digestive system. Unusual color of stool in men and women appears against the background of infections, pathological diseases, and physiological characteristics.

  • The appearance of black stool in an adult, which in some cases acquires a purple color; blue blotches are also possible. Reasons may be consumption of foods of the appropriate shade (blueberries, prunes), prescribed medications, in particular antibiotics, complex vitamins, alcohol poisoning.Associated symptoms: pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea, dizziness.Algorithm of action: reducing the consumption of iron supplements, giving up tablets that irritate the gastrointestinal tract, and alcoholic beverages.
  • Coloration of masses during defecation in yellow-brown, straw, milky, clayey shades. Causes : intake of fatty foods and lack of fiber, impaired liver function.Associated symptoms: problems with defecation in the form of constipation, diarrhea.Algorithm of action: changing the diet, treating the intestines, stomach and liver.
  • The presence of stool varies from brick to burgundy, sometimes crimson in color. Causes : ingestion of food dyes, antibiotic therapy, polyps, gastrointestinal ulcers, oncology, varicose veins veins of the esophagus.Associated symptoms: general weakness, loose stools.

With irritable bowel syndrome and frequent colitis, olive, dark or gray-green, earthy stool appears. With pancreatic cancer, feces may turn yellow-brown or bright yellow, which is also characteristic of improper absorption of fats. Sandy stools indicate the consumption of yellow foods. The presence of red stool indicates the development of hemorrhoids with the formation of anal fissures and colorectal cancer. The stool may be colored by foods such as cherries, beet juice, cranberry, tomato. If the feces are transformed into an orange color, there is a high risk of developing biliary dyskinesia.

Causes of changes in stool color

Ideally, the stool should be dark brown. However, if not disturbed general condition and in the absence of pathologies of the digestive system, any temporary change in color is considered normal. Dangerous conditions, capable of influencing the properties of feces are:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • appendicitis;
  • rotavirus;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • cholera;
  • diabetes;
  • jaundice, in infants - jaundice;
  • inflammation affecting the bile ducts;
  • ulcer of any part of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • HIV, hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis.

Normally, the color of stool in an adult changes due to stress, foods containing increased acidity (lemon juice, sour fruits, berries).

Physiological reasons

Intensive use of drugs, as well as vitamins, causes uneven, heterogeneous color of stool. A striking example is activated carbon, iron-containing drugs in the form of Creon, Sorbifer. It is known that Bismuth derivatives can change the color of feces, causing them to darken. Complete blackening occurs under the influence of chocolate and coffee products.

Multi-colored, spotted impurities and streaks may be present in the stool, but defecation should not cause pain. A dangerous sign is heat, presence of mucus. In such a situation, it is worth undergoing a thorough examination to make the correct diagnosis.

Symptoms of diseases based on the color of stool

Hemorrhoids and operations to remove their nodes, difficult childbirth, the formation of anal fissures can cause stools the color of potassium permanganate, in which there are streaks of blood.

The appearance of light, hypocholic discharge is caused by the consumption of starchy foods. Of the pathologies noted with such stool, pancreatitis is chronic form, neoplasms in the bile ducts. When the bile ducts are blocked, completely white stool occurs.

The color of stool with intestinal cancer becomes hypercholic (black). During diagnosis, such discharge may reveal pathology of the duodenum, which is accompanied by:

  • feces comparable in shape to a thread;
  • bloody stools;
  • an incomprehensible feeling of full intestines.

Hepatitis is a complex disease, depending on the complications, accompanied by clay-colored, green, or mustard-colored stool. If the stool has an ocher tint, there is a high probability of developing pancreatic pathology.

Any change in stool associated with pain requires examination, testing, and qualified treatment. The symptoms of these diseases are eliminated with the help of Papaverine, Almagel, Omez, Enterofuril, Pancreatin, Bifidumbacterin, Nemozol, Allochol.

Features of stool staining in pregnant women

During pregnancy, changes in the properties of stool, in particular, early stages happens often. This is preceded by physiological characteristics. The appearance of black, gray, brick, mixed two-color feces is explained by the use of multivitamin complexes, such as Elevit. Big influence The color of feces during pregnancy is also influenced by the foods consumed, for example, bright berries and fruits, buckwheat. If there are no coloring foods in the diet, or no medications are taken, but the stool begins to change, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist and undergo appropriate tests to determine the causes of changes in stool.

Brown, greenish feces are formed due to frequent consumption of green vegetables, gastrointestinal pathologies, rotavirus infection. In some cases, stool has an unusual and unpleasant odor. Based on the examination results, if there are no contraindications, the following medications are prescribed: Phosphalugel, Mezim, Smecta, Enterosgel, Enterol.

Normal stool in a child

In the first two days after birth, newborns produce meconium - original feces of a strange greenish-black color. If used breast-feeding(GV), stools become light, golden, sometimes pearlescent, over time they begin to darken. Artificial feeding, based on infant formula, contributes to the appearance of thick feces of light colors, close to the usual color for the indicated age.

Often, nursing mothers notice red, carrot-colored liquid stool in infants up to one year old. The reason for this is a change in the components of breast milk. If the mother's diet contains cow's milk, bubbles may appear in the baby's stool from time to time. The earthy hue of feces is influenced by malnutrition and the introduction of complementary foods enriched with fiber. It is important to consult with a specialist and choose the right diet for your child. If digestive system disorders are detected, the doctor may prescribe Essential Forte or similar medications.

Diet and prevention of pathologies

What does the color of stool mean? First of all, it is an indicator of human health. When different shades of feces appear, it is necessary to find out the reason for such changes. It is worth going to a medical facility, undergoing appropriate examinations, and taking tests.

A balanced diet plays an important role. It is undesirable to often consume spicy and fatty foods and fast food. Raw plant foods should be carefully processed. During medical examinations, it is advisable to also check genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract. Constant exercise, outdoor walks, and moderate physical activity are recommended.