Treatment of diabetes mellitus with goat's rue grass. S.V. Sailors: “If the Old Believers do not declare themselves, then they will face extinction Sergei sailors herbalist where he lives

» we talk about opportunities further development Old Believers, about the Old Believers of Rzhev of the last century with a local historian of the city of Rzhev, a folklorist Sergei Viktorovich Moryakov. He is not only a well-known local historian and ethnographer in the Tver region, but also a master potter who has restored the ancient local traditions of this craft, as well as a unique person who has thoroughly studied the features of local folklore. He knows dozens of folk songs, stories, ditties, and can perform them in an authentic manner. A talented storyteller, tour guide, herbalist and original Russian person, who has his own independent opinion on everything.

You once said that you are often asked: “Are you by any chance an Old Believer?” Why ? You have a familywasOrthodox?

Yes, it's not just because I have a beard. My grandfather was literate and went straight to school in third grade. He read books, wrote poetry, but did not recognize everyday rituals. It used to be that, as usual, everyone would go to the cemetery to eat pies and sing Christ, but he would sit at home and read a book. Didn't smoke or drink at all. That's why I don't smoke. And more than once I was asked the question: “Why don’t you smoke? Are you by any chance an Old Believer?”

My grandmother was born in 1880. Naturally, icons hung in the house, but she deliberately did not let the priests home, I remember this well. And she said: “What’s the use of going through religious processions, rye will grow without you...” At the same time, no one in our family has ever been a communist, a party member, a priest, or any kind of strong believer.

Sergey Viktorovich, how do you see modern Old Believers?

As a group of like-minded people. In our society there is no interest or attention to you. You pray to God, others go fishing, others are Baptists, others are Adventists, and others are not clear at all. Now people have absolutely no time for this. If the Old Believers do not constantly remind the people around them of themselves, they will be forgotten.

Do you think Old Believers should use the media and other opportunities to make themselves known, or should they close themselves in a prayer room?

Look, it’s natural that everyone should promote their own ideology, thought, idea, otherwise they will “bend down.” Old Believers must propagate their ideas. I remember Lazar Savelich ( approx.-Archpriest Lazar Savelich Turchenkov was the rector of the Rzhev Intercession Old Believer Church from 1960 to 1983.), he had a negative attitude towards new trends, for example, airplanes and trains. But you can’t get away from this.

Old Believers must observe their most important canons, even everyday ones: do not smoke, do not drink, do not swear. And you definitely need to declare yourself. But it’s not like “we are on such and such a street and we have a holiday tomorrow!” People don’t understand what it is: they have some kind of holiday, some shops have been occupied, some kind of “Pokrov” they have... I know believers, Nikonians, who sometimes go to church. They come to me one day, and I tell them: “Yesterday was the Assumption.” They: “Yes? And we thought it was today.” I told them: “And today is the Savior Not Made by Hands.” These are the believers. This has always been the case.

Exhibitions and propaganda of the Old Believers are very important. This must be done without fail. Any well-mannered person, no matter whether he is a believer or an unbeliever, when entering the Old Believers’ church, will take off his hat and behave accordingly. You need to have your own children’s camps, a newspaper, a website, and hold some events. Unfortunately, now everything is collapsing and being destroyed. It’s good if at least someone preserves traditions, otherwise we will have nothing left of Russian.

Rzhev Old Believers should definitely open their own museum, hold any conferences, and talk about books. Old Believers need to educate the people! Local Nikonians are your opponents. Old Believers must work more than Nikonians, because there are fewer of you. So they are building a cultural center in Rzhev next to the Old Believer dilapidated Trinity Bell Tower. Why don’t you find out about this, why don’t you open some gold embroidery workshop at your church?

Who can you name among the Old Believers of Rzhev of the last century, who do you especially remember, as a local historian who spent a lot of time in the archives?

This is a merchant Bersenev. His house is the last one on Partizanskaya Street, the first house from the Volga. Built in 1901.

He collected ancient manuscripts, like Musin-Pushkin. Bersenev was a comprehensively developed person. By the way, the Rumyantsev Library has preserved a collection of his manuscripts. Not only the lists were preserved there, but also some manuscripts that he bought in Rzhev and somewhere else. Such a fairly famous Old Believer.

Tertia Filippova I don’t even want to remember, because he is not an Old Believer, but a changeling. He twice moved from the Old Believers to Nikonianism, from Nikonianism to Edinoverie, from Edinoverie he wanted to move to the Old Believers. When at one time they wanted to hang his portrait in the building of the City Duma, as an honorary citizen of Rzhev, the Duma for some reason rejected it. By the way, he was not an assistant to the minister, he was a state controller at the ministry.

That is, he could not control the minister, he could not easily go to him, otherwise we have the idea that he opened the door there with his foot. In no case. Then there was still Matvey Konstantinovsky, and in Rzhev they wanted to create a diocese and install a special bishop to fight the Old Believers. But then something didn’t work out, and he fought alone. They even called in soldiers, they simply physically survived the Old Believers: they frightened them and inflicted bodily harm.

In the last century there was such an Old Believers, Antonina Matveevna Stolbova, nee Belyaeeva. I knew her personally. She had a very interesting fate. In the village of Muravyevo she was “for the butt” ( approx.-The last Old Believer priest of the village of Muravyevo was Priest Timofey Drozdov). People gathered for prayer in her house. She kept all the icons and books.

Antonina Matveevna was Stolbov's husband. Her fate was terrible. Her husband was a communist, a member of the district committee and a traitor. He revealed the location of the detachment to the Germans, and all the partisans were then killed. After the war, he received regalia and died calmly as an “honest” man. Then it all revealed itself.

Before the war, my husband was the chairman of the Ant’s artel “Molot”. The industrial artel was like a factory; Ant’s blacksmiths worked there. And when he went to the front, she headed the artel, that is, she was the last to hand over the documents. All these documents that she had not handed over to the archives were in her chest under the sofa - all the family lists, all the accounting files.

On Partizanskaya Street, where the ruins of a building now stand ( approx. -meaningmerchant's house Akima Nemilov ), behind there are two-story dilapidated houses that look like barns. A detachment that was restoring the bridge lived in them at that time. His soldiers immediately built it with wood so that the message would go out. And the huge nails for him were forged by the Old Believer Antonina Matveevna and the women. It was the Ant's Old Believers who forged the first nails there!

After the war, Antonina Matveevna had to take her maiden name Belyaev, because the villagers knew everything. Only over the years everything calmed down. She raised her nephew. His parents were intelligence officers and translators. Together with their youngest son, they went on March 2, 1943 to join the army. And they were caught near the village of Korytovo. The next day our people were supposed to arrive, and during the retreat the Germans shot the entire family. There, near the village, there is their grave under a poplar tree, and there is a cross. And the eldest nephew was raised by Antonina Matveevna. He became an admiral and lived in Leningrad. Probably already dead. In general, the history of mankind must be studied through the destinies of specific people.

How have the Old Believers changed from the moment you met them to this day? What changes can you name?

I went to Muravyevo from the age of 14, I knew a lot about the Old Believers. I thought: I’ll go and record something with my grandmothers. First I studied the Old Believers museum, then went to the village. There was such a grandmother Gorokhova, she had so many icons that they did not even fit along the hut on the shelf. " last supper” was even on the board, so long. I tell her: “Are there any glasses? She: “What, son, glasses?.. It used to be, however, there were separate glasses specifically for Nikonians. Now we wash it with powder and drink it, but what should we do? The dishes are expensive."

That is, even this no longer happened: if you marry this, you are not my daughter! The only thing they have left is a huge special board. When a person died, he was carried on this board into the house of worship, where the Psalter was read and the funeral service was performed. Grandmothers went to the cemetery all 40 days, every day. Lighted lanterns stood not only at the Old Believer cemetery, but also at Smolensk and Kazan. When I walked past, I saw that some of them were constantly burning. It turns out that they were lit not only on Memorial Day, but also on major holidays.

I found interesting funerals in Muravyevo; they used to give gingerbread cookies at them. I looked, some were sitting at one table, others at a second, and I was seated at a third. I then asked a question: why is everyone sitting at different tables? They answer me: everyone has different posts. I didn’t understand then: what was this about? And they tell me: “Marya only eats mushrooms, but Daria doesn’t eat mushrooms. Here it’s set like this, and there it’s different. A person comes, sees where everything is, and sits down where he wants.” Some even sat on water and bread.

In Muravyevo, it seems to me that the Old Believers were partly not local, because the wedding songs there did not coincide with the surrounding areas. There they sang “My Paradise, bright Paradise”; nowhere else in the Rzhev region was there such a thing. It seems to me that they are partially displaced people. Our Old Believers are completely different from the Old Believers of the village of Verkhovye, for example, in the Belsky district. That is, the Rzhevskys left there earlier, hid near Sychevka, in the Bocharovo area. Their elders have preserved a beautiful, pure literary language - it feels like they were taught there. There, in Bely, they always “hack” and “chop.”

Now people have changed a lot. It seems to me that religion has already become like fashion. People don’t know their foundations, they don’t read books. Therefore, it is necessary to publish brochures, give lectures, gather people and forcefully “push” knowledge, otherwise everything will be forgotten. Your old people preserved the foundations of the family, Russian traditions, right down to the costume - this was resistance to everything new.

Here Nikolai Nikitich Safronov, a well-known Soviet inventor and innovator in Rzhev, who at one time collected the richest library in the city, now deceased, correctly said: “If it weren’t for my mother, an Old Believer, who forced me to hit my forehead on the floor... And although I, when I grew up, I didn’t bend my neck anymore, I didn’t go to church, but she laid the foundation, she did everything right and I’m very grateful to her, although my father was a devout party member.”

Well, how should you save it? You need to teach your correct history, teach your children, then everything will be fine. We need to open an Old Believer museum in Rzhev, otherwise your children won’t know anything! You need to go to old-timers, ask for things, utensils - this is already history. Ask for family albums!

History enters the human mind through a specific fate, and not through general numbers: so many were shot, hanged. This is not patriotism. I always say: why are role-playing games lost? Why is the child sitting at the computer? Because he has no friends, he does not communicate with anyone in person. The less success he has in real life The more they beat him up and call him names, the more he plunges into virtuality.

What do you think are the strengths of the Old Believers?

I don’t know now, but before we were strong in spirit. Faith is not that the icon hangs there and there. You know, Catherine II was right: when people are under some kind of pressure, when something dominates them, they resist. When people sit wet in the water all night during the war, in the trenches, and you can’t go forward until there is an order, and there are Germans there, then no one gets sick with pneumonia or the flu. They will get sick later, after the war. Because the body strains all its strength, all its endurance.

Why did the Old Believers begin to stand out? I still say: you must stand out, stand out, otherwise you will die. On the covers of all the Old Believer books that I found, there were different entries: there a calf calved on such and such a date, someone died there, there are also quotes from the books. Why did this grandmother read the Bible and take notes in a notebook until her death? The person was not only interested in this, the person, approaching death, thought about the soul: what will happen next?

Even in Old Believer families, apparently, they taught children: “You must be cleaner, literally and figuratively, smarter, better, etc.” Then you will survive.

Composition and properties of goat's rue

Before starting herbal treatment, it is necessary to study the composition of plants, find out their scope and contraindications, so as not to aggravate the situation. Diabetics should be especially careful about treatment with herbs. Errors in choosing a plant or incorrect dosage can cause a sharp increase or decrease in blood sugar levels.

What is goat's rue grass? This perennial legume is also known as galega. In agriculture, goat's rue is used as livestock feed, and in folk medicine has proven itself to be good medicine from many ailments.

Stems, leaves, flowers and seeds are used for treatment.

The plant has a composition rich in valuable organic compounds, which has a healing, restorative and restorative effect on the human body. In the composition you can find:

  • nitrogen-containing substances;
  • carbohydrates;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, B1;
  • fixed oils;
  • sucrose, etc.

Galega has been used since ancient times as a remedy that increased the flow of breast milk in women. The plant also has diaphoretic, diuretic, hypoglycemic and anthelmintic properties.

It is not surprising that goat's rue is used for many diseases, including diabetes.

Read also: Galega grass: medicinal properties for diabetes

Goat's rue for diabetes

The question of why goat's rue has become popular among diabetics is not difficult to answer. This plant, thanks to its rich and unique composition has many beneficial properties for diabetes.

Goat's rue is especially effective for type 2 diabetes mellitus, when the patient does not need to inject insulin, and the principle of treatment is based on diet. Taking infusions and decoctions from this plant has a beneficial effect on cells, making them more susceptible to insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. After regular long-term use, glucose tolerance increases and blood sugar returns to normal. The patient’s well-being improves, glycogen accumulates in the liver - reserve energy for the body.

» we are talking about the possibilities for the further development of the Old Believers, about the Old Believers of Rzhev of the last century with a local historian of the city of Rzhev, a folklorist Sergei Viktorovich Moryakov. He is not only a well-known local historian and ethnographer in the Tver region, but also a master potter who has restored the ancient local traditions of this craft, as well as a unique person who has thoroughly studied the features of local folklore. He knows dozens of folk songs, stories, ditties, and can perform them in an authentic manner. A talented storyteller, tour guide, herbalist and original Russian person, who has his own independent opinion on everything.

You once said that you are often asked: “Are you by any chance an Old Believer?” Why ? You have a familywasOrthodox?

Yes, it's not just because I have a beard. My grandfather was literate and went straight to school in third grade. He read books, wrote poetry, but did not recognize everyday rituals. It used to be that, as usual, everyone would go to the cemetery to eat pies and sing Christ, but he would sit at home and read a book. Didn't smoke or drink at all. That's why I don't smoke. And more than once I was asked the question: “Why don’t you smoke? Are you by any chance an Old Believer?”

My grandmother was born in 1880. Naturally, icons hung in the house, but she deliberately did not let the priests home, I remember this well. And she said: “What’s the use of going through religious processions, rye will grow without you...” At the same time, no one in our family has ever been a communist, a party member, a priest, or any kind of strong believer.

Sergey Viktorovich, how do you see modern Old Believers?

As a group of like-minded people. In our society there is no interest or attention to you. You pray to God, others go fishing, others are Baptists, others are Adventists, and others are not clear at all. Now people have absolutely no time for this. If the Old Believers do not constantly remind the people around them of themselves, they will be forgotten.

Do you think Old Believers should use the media and other opportunities to make themselves known, or should they close themselves in a prayer room?

Look, it’s natural that everyone should promote their own ideology, thought, idea, otherwise they will “bend down.” Old Believers must propagate their ideas. I remember Lazar Savelich ( approx.Archpriest Lazar Savelich Turchenkov was the rector of the Rzhev Intercession Old Believer Church from 1960 to 1983.), he had a negative attitude towards new trends, for example, airplanes and trains. But you can’t get away from this.

Old Believers must observe their most important canons, even everyday ones: do not smoke, do not drink, do not swear. And you definitely need to declare yourself. But it’s not like “we are on such and such a street and we have a holiday tomorrow!” People don’t understand what it is: they have some kind of holiday, some shops have been occupied, some kind of “Pokrov” they have... I know believers, Nikonians, who sometimes go to church. They come to me one day, and I tell them: “Yesterday was the Assumption.” They: “Yes? And we thought it was today.” I told them: “And today is the Savior Not Made by Hands.” These are the believers. This has always been the case.

Exhibitions and propaganda of the Old Believers are very important. This must be done without fail. Any well-mannered person, no matter whether he is a believer or an unbeliever, when entering the Old Believers’ church, will take off his hat and behave accordingly. You need to have your own children’s camps, a newspaper, a website, and hold some events. Unfortunately, now everything is collapsing and being destroyed. It’s good if at least someone preserves traditions, otherwise we will have nothing left of Russian.

Rzhev Old Believers should definitely open their own museum, hold any conferences, and talk about books. Old Believers need to educate the people! Local Nikonians are your opponents. Old Believers must work more than Nikonians, because there are fewer of you. So they are building a cultural center in Rzhev next to the Old Believer dilapidated Trinity Bell Tower. Why don’t you find out about this, why don’t you open some kind of gold embroidery workshop at your church?

Who can you name among the Old Believers of Rzhev of the last century, who do you especially remember, as a local historian who spent a lot of time in the archives?

This is a merchant Bersenev. His house is the last one on Partizanskaya Street, the first house from the Volga. Built in 1901.

He collected ancient manuscripts, like Musin-Pushkin. Bersenev was a comprehensively developed person. By the way, the Rumyantsev Library has preserved a collection of his manuscripts. Not only the lists were preserved there, but also some manuscripts that he bought in Rzhev and somewhere else. Such a fairly famous Old Believer.

Tertia Filippova I don’t even want to remember, because he is not an Old Believer, but a changeling. He twice moved from the Old Believers to Nikonianism, from Nikonianism to Edinoverie, from Edinoverie he wanted to move to the Old Believers. When at one time they wanted to hang his portrait in the building of the City Duma, as an honorary citizen of Rzhev, the Duma for some reason rejected it. By the way, he was not an assistant to the minister, he was a state controller at the ministry.

That is, he could not control the minister, he could not easily go to him, otherwise we have the idea that he opened the door there with his foot. In no case. Then there was still Matvey Konstantinovsky, and in Rzhev they wanted to create a diocese and install a special bishop to fight the Old Believers. But then something didn’t work out, and he fought alone. They even called in soldiers, they simply physically survived the Old Believers: they frightened them and inflicted bodily harm.

In the last century there was such an Old Believers, Antonina Matveevna Stolbova, nee Belyaeeva. I knew her personally. She had a very interesting fate. In the village of Muravyevo she was “for the butt” ( approx.The last Old Believer priest of the village of Muravyevo was Priest Timofey Drozdov). People gathered for prayer in her house. She kept all the icons and books.

Antonina Matveevna was Stolbov's husband. Her fate was terrible. Her husband was a communist, a member of the district committee and a traitor. He revealed the location of the detachment to the Germans, and all the partisans were then killed. After the war, he received regalia and died calmly as an “honest” man. Then it all revealed itself.

Before the war, my husband was the chairman of the Ant’s artel “Molot”. The industrial artel was like a factory; Ant’s blacksmiths worked there. And when he went to the front, she headed the artel, that is, she was the last to hand over the documents. All these documents that she had not handed over to the archives were in her chest under the sofa - all the family lists, all the accounting files.

On Partizanskaya Street, where the ruins of a building now stand ( approx.meaningmerchant's house Akima Nemilov ), behind there are two-story dilapidated houses that look like barns. A detachment that was restoring the bridge lived in them at that time. His soldiers immediately built it with wood so that the message would go out. And the huge nails for him were forged by the Old Believer Antonina Matveevna and the women. It was the Ant's Old Believers who forged the first nails there!

After the war, Antonina Matveevna had to take her maiden name Belyaev, because the villagers knew everything. Only over the years everything calmed down. She raised her nephew. His parents were intelligence officers and translators. Together with their youngest son, they went on March 2, 1943 to join the army. And they were caught near the village of Korytovo. The next day our people were supposed to arrive, and during the retreat the Germans shot the entire family. There, near the village, there is their grave under a poplar tree, and there is a cross. And the eldest nephew was raised by Antonina Matveevna. He became an admiral and lived in Leningrad. Probably already dead. In general, the history of mankind must be studied through the destinies of specific people.

How have the Old Believers changed from the moment you met them to this day? What changes can you name?

I went to Muravyevo from the age of 14, I knew a lot about the Old Believers. I thought: I’ll go and record something with my grandmothers. First I studied the Old Believers museum, then went to the village. There was such a grandmother Gorokhova, she had so many icons that they did not even fit along the hut on the shelf. “The Last Supper” was even on the board, it was so long. I tell her: “Are there any glasses? She: “What, son, glasses?.. It used to be, however, there were separate glasses specifically for Nikonians. Now we wash it with powder and drink it, but what should we do? The dishes are expensive."

That is, even this no longer happened: if you marry this, you are not my daughter! The only thing they have left is a huge special board. When a person died, he was carried on this board into the house of worship, where the Psalter was read and the funeral service was performed. Grandmothers went to the cemetery all 40 days, every day. Lighted lanterns stood not only at the Old Believer cemetery, but also at Smolensk and Kazan. When I walked past, I saw that some of them were constantly burning. It turns out that they were lit not only on Memorial Day, but also on major holidays.

I found interesting funerals in Muravyevo; they used to give gingerbread cookies at them. I looked, some were sitting at one table, others at a second, and I was seated at a third. I then asked a question: why is everyone sitting at different tables? They answer me: everyone has different posts. I didn’t understand then: what was this about? And they tell me: “Marya only eats mushrooms, but Daria doesn’t eat mushrooms. Here it is set like this, and there it is different. A person comes, sees where everything is, and sits down where he wants.” Some even sat on water and bread.

In Muravyevo, it seems to me that the Old Believers were partly not local, because the wedding songs there did not coincide with the surrounding areas. There they sang “My Paradise, bright Paradise”; nowhere else in the Rzhev region was there such a thing. It seems to me that they are partially displaced people. Our Old Believers are completely different from the Old Believers of the village of Verkhovye, for example, in the Belsky district. That is, the Rzhevskys left there earlier, hid near Sychevka, in the Bocharovo region. Their elders have preserved a beautiful, pure literary language - it feels like they were taught there. There, in Bely, they always “hack” and “chop.”

Now people have changed a lot. It seems to me that religion has already become like fashion. People don’t know their foundations, they don’t read books. Therefore, it is necessary to publish brochures, give lectures, gather people and forcefully “push” knowledge, otherwise everything will be forgotten. Your old people preserved the foundations of the family, Russian traditions, right down to the costume - this was resistance to everything new.

Nikolai Nikitich Safronov, a well-known Soviet inventor and innovator in Rzhev, who at one time collected the richest library in the city, now deceased, correctly said: “If it weren’t for my mother, an Old Believer, who forced me to hit my forehead on the floor... And although I, when I grew up, I didn’t bend my neck anymore, I didn’t go to church, but she laid the foundation, she did everything right and I’m very grateful to her, although my father was a devout party member.”

Well, how should you save it? You need to teach your correct history, teach your children, then everything will be fine. We need to open an Old Believer museum in Rzhev, otherwise your children won’t know anything! You need to go to old-timers, ask for things, utensils - this is already history. Ask for family albums!

History enters the human mind through a specific fate, and not through general numbers: so many were shot, hanged. This is not patriotism. I always say: why are role-playing games lost? Why is the child sitting at the computer? Because he has no friends, he does not communicate with anyone in person. The less success he has in real life, the more he is beaten and called names, the more he plunges into virtuality.

What do you think are the strengths of the Old Believers?

I don’t know now, but before we were strong in spirit. Faith is not that the icon hangs there and there. You know, Catherine II was right: when people are under some kind of pressure, when something dominates them, they resist. When people sit wet in the water all night during the war, in the trenches, and you can’t go forward until there is an order, and there are Germans there, then no one gets sick with pneumonia or the flu. They will get sick later, after the war. Because the body strains all its strength, all its endurance.

Why did the Old Believers begin to stand out? I still say: you must stand out, stand out, otherwise you will die. On the covers of all the Old Believer books that I found, there were different entries: there a calf calved on such and such a date, someone died there, there are also quotes from the books. Why did this grandmother read the Bible and take notes in a notebook until her death? The person was not only interested in this, the person, approaching death, thought about the soul: what will happen next?

Even in Old Believer families, apparently, they taught children: “You must be cleaner, literally and figuratively, smarter, better, etc.” Then you will survive.

Composition and properties of goat's rue

Before starting herbal treatment, it is necessary to study the composition of plants, find out their scope and contraindications, so as not to aggravate the situation. Diabetics should be especially careful about treatment with herbs. Errors in choosing a plant or incorrect dosage can cause a sharp increase or decrease in blood sugar levels.

What is goat's rue grass? This perennial legume is also known as galega. In agriculture, goat's rue is used as feed for livestock, and in folk medicine it has established itself as a good remedy for many ailments.

Stems, leaves, flowers and seeds are used for treatment.

The plant has a composition rich in valuable organic compounds, which has a healing, restorative and restorative effect on the human body. In the composition you can find:

  • nitrogen-containing substances;
  • carbohydrates;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A , , IN 1 ;
  • fixed oils;
  • sucrose, etc.

Galega has been used since ancient times as a remedy that increased the flow of breast milk in women. The plant also has diaphoretic, diuretic, hypoglycemic and anthelmintic properties.

It is not surprising that goat's rue is used for many diseases, including diabetes.

Read also: Galega grass: medicinal properties for diabetes mellitus

Goat's rue for diabetes

The question of why goat's rue has become popular among diabetics is not difficult to answer. Due to its rich and unique composition, this plant has many beneficial qualities for diabetes.

Goat's rue is especially effective for type 2 diabetes mellitus, when the patient does not need to inject insulin, and the principle of treatment is based on diet. Taking infusions and decoctions from this plant has a beneficial effect on cells, making them more susceptible to insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. After regular long-term use, glucose tolerance increases and blood sugar returns to normal. The patient’s well-being improves, glycogen accumulates in the liver - reserve energy for the body.

Read also: Honeysuckle: beneficial features and contraindications for diabetes

Medicinal recipes

There are recipes useful for diabetes mellitus using goat's rue herb in folk medicine a large number of. The plant is taken in the form of decoctions and tinctures, herbal infusions etc. The herb can also be used as a flavorful addition to dishes. Before you start treatment with goat's rue, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only he will be able to prescribe the correct treatment regimen that will be effective and will not harm your health.

  • To reduce sugar, a decoction prepared according to this recipe is effective: mix 2 teaspoons of seeds and 2 tablespoons of dry goat's rue grass in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for about 10 hours. Strain. Take half a glass 30 minutes before meals up to 4 times a day.
  • A decoction with a diuretic effect is prepared as follows: pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with a glass of water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Let the broth brew under a closed lid for 2 hours. Strain. Drink 3-4 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp.
  • A decoction of galega is useful for diabetes. You need to prepare it according to the following recipe: combine 1 tablespoon of chopped dry grass with 1 tablespoon of seeds of the same plant. Pour into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours and strain through cheesecloth. You need to take the decoction for 4-6 weeks before meals, 1 tbsp. up to 5 times a day.
  • The benefits will come from crushed goat's rue, which should be taken 0.5 g 2-3 times a day in dry form, washed down with water, regardless of meals.
  • Decoction prepared according to classic recipe, will help lower sugar in diabetes. To prepare a healing drink, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of dry herbs into 500 ml of water and place in a water bath. Cover with a lid and wait 15 minutes. Then strain the drink and add boiling water, bringing the amount of liquid to 500 ml. This decoction should be drunk before meals, 70 ml 3-4 times a day.
  • A recipe made from goat's rue and beans that is good for diabetes will appeal to you because it is easy to prepare. Mix 25 g medicinal plant and 25 g each of bean pods, dry nettle and dandelion roots. Pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 60 minutes. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening before meals.
  • An alcoholic tincture made from herbs is effective for diabetes. It’s not difficult to prepare: dilute the alcohol with a double portion of water (if you use vodka, you don’t need to dilute it) and pour in the dried goat’s rue flowers. Infuse for 30 days. Take 1 teaspoon after meals.