Brief information about Finland. Finland Project on the topic of our closest neighbors Finland

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Finland (Finnish name Suomi) is the northernmost country in Europe. From north to south it stretches for 1160 km, from east to west - 540 km.

Finland is located in northern Europe, a significant part of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle (25%). It borders on Russia in the east, Sweden in the northwest, and Norway in the north. In the south and west, the coast of the country is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea and its gulfs - Finnish and Bothnian. The capital is Helsinki.

Before the Ice Age, the mountains here were higher than the modern Alps. Glaciers cut away mountains, leaving behind granite blocks and hundreds of thousands of reservoirs. There are 187,888 lakes and 179,584 islands in Finland. 10% of the area is covered with water, 69% of the territory is occupied by forests. Spruce grows on moist slopes and along river valleys, and pine grows in dry places. In the southwest - linden, oak, maple, elm, ash.

The climate is moderate. Despite its northern location, Finland experiences the warming influence of the Atlantic. Throughout the year, westerly winds with frequent cyclones prevail in the country. Average temperatures in all seasons are much higher than in more eastern regions at the same latitudes. Winters are cold. Precipitation throughout the year.

In Finland, the native language of 93% of the population is Finnish, and 6.5% is Swedish. Finns make up a compact majority of the population in almost the entire country.

The monetary unit of Finland is the euro. 1 euro = 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 euros, and coins.

Helsinki is a unique representative of cities Northern Europe, the capital of the Republic of Finland, is a modern city with a population of more than half a million, located on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Being the country's busiest port, it is located not only on the mainland, but also on numerous offshore islands.

Kemi is known primarily for the largest snow castle in the world. The world's only tourist icebreaker is located here.

Rovaniemi, a city located right on the Arctic Circle, is deservedly considered one of the best centers winter sports in Finland. The most interesting attraction in the region is Santa Park, a Christmas themed entertainment center.

Rovaniemi is the birthplace of Santa Claus. The city with a population of 35,000 inhabitants is the capital of Lapland.

The province of Åland, although part of the territory of Finland, has, however, its own internal government, its own flag and its own culture. The population of the archipelago is approximately 25 thousand people, settled on 6,400 autonomous islands.

Turku is known as the Finnish Christmas City. Every year, Santa rules the city for a few weeks and is also responsible for all the festivities and events celebrated during this period. Every year the Declaration of Christmas Peace is proclaimed here. The main attraction of the city is the medieval castle.

Lake Saimaa, with a total area of ​​4,460 km2, is the largest lake in Finland and the fourth largest lake in Europe. The depth of the lake is up to 82 m.

Moomin World is undoubtedly one of the most attractive family attractions in Finland. This themed amusement park is based on the popular children's books by Tove Janssen, and is located on the beautiful island of Kylo, ​​connected to the main land by a platform.

A park Wildlife in Ranua. The main idea and goal of the Wildlife Park is to provide guests with the opportunity to observe Scandinavian and Arctic animals in their most natural environment during the whole year.

Aurora in Finland

Industry and agriculture in Finland ● The timber and paper industry occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of technical equipment. Finland produces 5% of the world's wood products and accounts for 15% of the world's paper trade. ● The Finnish metalworking industry produces ships, including for Arctic shipping, machinery and equipment, industrial automation, railway rolling stock, and cars. ● Finnish agriculture and the food industry form a single chain of agricultural processing and food production. Mostly dairy. ● Other branches of agriculture are represented by greenhouse production, fur farming, fish farming and fishing.


Finland is Russia's neighbor School report 4th grade

Finland or Finnish Republic- our northern neighbor. It borders with Russia in the north-west, the length of the Russian-Finnish border is 1265 km.

The official languages ​​in Finland are Swedish and Finnish. The capital of Finland is the city of Helsinki.

The area of ​​the state is 338,400 square km, which is approximately 50 times less than the area of ​​Russia.

The Finnish population is approximately 5.5 million people, which is more than 25 times less than in Russia.

This country ranks 64th in the world in terms of area and 113th in the world in terms of population.

The average life expectancy in Finland is 79 years, and in Russia 66 years.

The climate in Finland is moderate, softened by sea air from the Atlantic Ocean. The average air temperature is from -7-14 C in winter to +14+17 C in summer.

Finland is a neighbor of Russia, a country of swamps and lakes

Finland - Suomi - translated means - a country of swamps and lakes. The bird that is the symbol of this country is the whooper swan. Elks, reindeer, brown bears, and wolves also live there. Finland is one of the countries with the cleanest environmental conditions.

Finland is a northern country. 25% of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle; there is even a polar night lasting up to 2 months.

What is Finland famous for?

This is probably why the northern region of Finland - Lapland is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus.

What, besides Santa Claus, is this small country famous for?

Finland in 2010 ranked first in the list of the best countries in the world, in 2012. it was recognized as the most stable country in the world and the best country for motherhood in 2014. it also took 4th place in the ranking of rule-of-law states.

Finland ranks first in the world in paper production. The steel industry is very developed in Finland. And also the high-tech sector: production of Nokia equipment, Internet services.

Approximately 8% of the entire country is occupied by agricultural land. On them, farmers engage in agriculture and livestock raising.

Winter sports are developed in Finland: skiing, alpine skiing, snowboarding and hockey. At the 2014 Olympic Games, the athletes of this small country took 18th place in the unofficial medal standings and won 5 medals: 1 gold (in men's team ski sprint), 3 silver (2 in cross-country skiing and 1 in slopesailing) and 1 bronze (in hockey).

Finland report 3rd grade the world around us will briefly tell you a lot useful information about the state of northern Europe. Also, a report on Finland will deepen your knowledge of geography.

"Finland" report

Finland is located in the northern part of Europe. Most of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. The maritime border passes through Estonia along the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland, and on land the country borders Norway, Sweden and Russia. The state is the fifth largest country in Europe.

Relief of Finland

Most of Finland is dominated by lowlands; in the northeast the mountains reach over 1000 meters. The state is located on an ancient granite bedrock, formed back in the Ice Age. The country is divided into 3 geographical regions: internal system lakes, coastal lowlands and northern upper reaches. On the border with Norway is the highest peak in Finland - Halti, whose height is 1328 meters.

Minerals of Finland

The country's mineral reserves are insignificant. Finland has developed deposits of granite, steatite, zinc, copper, vanadium, iron and nickel ores, chromium, slate, cobalt, apatite, asbestos, graphite, magnesite, talc and peat.

Water resources of Finland

There are 190,000 lakes in the state, the most famous of which are Saimaa, Päijänne, Näsijärvi, Oulujärvi. They play a fairly important role in Finland's water supply. The largest rivers flow in the north of the country. They include Oulujoki, Kemijoki, Tornionjoki. There are a lot of fish in the waters of Finland, so tourists from all over the world come here to fish.

Climate of Finland

Climatic conditions are determined by 2 factors. Firstly, the warm Gulf Stream current in central and southern Finland creates a moderate continental climate. High average temperatures prevail here. Secondly, the Arctic Circle. Influences the northern part of the country. In winter, the temperature can drop to 40 0 ​​C, and the snow cover can be 3 m. These factors explain why in the north there is snow for more than 7 months, and beyond the Arctic Circle the grass is green for more than half the year.

Fauna and flora of Finland

2/3 of Finland is covered with forests. Southern and northern taiga forests, mixed coniferous and broad-leaved, grow here. The most common types of trees: elm, ash, maple and hazel, apple tree. Since swamps occupy a third of the country's territory, mosses, lichens, shrubs, and lycophytes are found here. Animal world, compared to other states, is quite poor. The forests are inhabited by squirrel, hare, elk, fox, muskrat, and otter. In the eastern regions of Finland there are wolves, bears and lynxes. The world of birds is richer, of which there are more than 250 species.

  • The population of Finland ranks first in coffee consumption per person.
  • The country has the cleanest water in the world.
  • The state is famous for its free education, both for citizens of the country and for foreign students.
  • Finland is the only country in the world where news broadcasts are in Latin.
  • According to statistics, Finland is one of the most non-drinking European countries.

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Finland is a country in northern Europe, which is also called Suomi, “land of swamps” in translation. Located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, it is part of the European Union. The largest city, which is the capital, is Helsinki. Other cities: Lahti, Turku, Oulu, Tampere. The country's flag is 2 intersecting blue lines on a white background. In terms of size, Finland is the 6th largest European country. According to 2016 data, more than 5.5 million people live there. The state has a land border with 3 countries:

  • Russia (east),
  • Sweden (west),
  • Norway (in the north).

There is a border by sea with Estonia. In Russia, the country borders on the territory of the Republic of Karelia and Murmansk region. The state is washed by the Baltic Sea.

For most of its history, the country was under the dominance of Sweden, which is why Finland still has 2 official languages: Finnish and Swedish. In 1809 it became part of Russia, from which it separated in 1917.

Finland is the “Land of a Thousand Lakes”. There are 2000 rivers and more than 187 thousand lakes in the republic. The largest of them are Saima and Inari. The water in the lakes is very clean. And 70% of the territory is covered with forests, in which there are a lot of mushrooms, but despite this, the Finns do not collect or eat them. Finland has a very good environment. The state is located in a lowland and only in the north there are the Scandinavian mountains, the highest point of which is 1300 meters.

Among the population, besides Finns, there are other nationalities:

  • Karelians,
  • Sami,
  • Finnish Swedes,
  • Gypsies.

Tourists come to Finland to go fishing, see the northern lights, go river rafting, and go to ski resorts. And also look at the following sights:

  • Swedish castles,
  • Moomin Valley,
  • Waterfalls on rivers,
  • Santa Claus Village (Jolupukki),
  • Petroglyphs (rock carvings) of Lake Juovesi.

In Finland, as a northern country, winter sports are developed: skiing, biathlon, ski jumping. But in Helsinki only Summer Olympic Games in 1952.

The Finnish sauna is also famous throughout the world. The country produces Cell phones well-known company - Nokia. Finland is a major supplier of timber.

Everyone will find something interesting for themselves in Finland.

Option 2

Finland is the easternmost representative of Scandinavia. Currently, it is an independent state, home to more than 5.5 million people on an area of ​​almost 340 thousand sq. km. Finland shares borders in the west with Sweden, in the north with Norway and in the east with Russian Federation. There is also a southern sea border with Estonia. The largest city in Finland and at the same time the capital is Helsinki. More than 600 thousand people live here.

According to the latest data, Finland is developing dynamically. The Human Development Index is 0.892, which indicates high level development and that the Finns are entering a post-industrial era of economic structure.

During the Viking Age, the lands of Finland were actively developed, and in 1150 they became part of the Kingdom of Sweden. During several centuries of Swedish rule, the Finns lived first under the rule of the Catholic Church, then were converted to Protestantism. In 1595, the Finns received autonomy from Sweden in the form of the Grand Duchy of Finland.

As a result of the Russian-Swedish war of 1809, the duchy came under the rule of the Russian Empire. Finland was granted broad autonomous powers and self-government was established. Many laws of the Russian Empire did not apply to Finland. During the Great Reforms of the 1860s Finnish language It was even adopted as a state one.

Two Russian revolutions in 1917 gave Finland the opportunity to declare its independence, and the empire's police force was disbanded. The Finnish Republic was proclaimed. In 1918, the Finnish army fought against the revolutionary forces of the former Russian Empire and defended its independence.

Fighting between Finland and the USSR resumed during the war of 1939-1940, which Finland lost and was forced to transfer part of the lands of the Karelian Isthmus.

In World War II, Finland acted on the side of Nazi Germany and fought with the USSR, participating in the siege of Leningrad. As a result of the war, Finland was forced to transfer the area of ​​​​the city of Pechenga to the USSR.

In the summer of 1952, the capital of Finland hosted the Olympic Games. In 1955 the country joined the European Union.

Affected the relief of Finland big influence The Little Ice Age, which left unique scars in the form of deep lakes and protruding rocks. The climate in this country is moderate, the country feels the warm Gulf Stream.

Finland is a beautiful country with developed infrastructure and location, and has a huge amount of recreational resources, which annually attracts a huge number of tourists from all over the world.

Message about Finland

Finland is called the land of a thousand lakes. This beautiful northern country amazes with its unique culture and enchanting nature. The very name of Finland - Suomi - can be translated as a country of swamps and lakes.

Finland is home to approximately 5.5 million people who speak two official languages: Finnish and Swedish. Historically, this territory was inhabited by the Sami tribe, which is why the ancient Sami language is still spoken in some areas. The capital of Finland is Helsinki.

The country of a thousand lakes gained its independence only in 1917, when the Russian Empire fell. Before this, until the 19th century, Finland was part of Sweden, then it became part of the Russian Empire as an independent republic. Today, this country is one of the most favorable countries for living, the most developed countries in economic and social terms.

Finland is famous for its beautiful nature. Moreover, it has repeatedly taken first positions in the ranking of the most environmentally friendly countries. A separate part of Finland is located within the Arctic Circle, which means there are also long polar nights. The most common animals here are moose, deer, northern wolves, and brown bears. The symbol of Finland is the swan.

The world famous Lapland is located in the north of Finland. This is where Santa Claus' house and his gift workshop are located.

Many tourists come to this country for Finnish cuisine and saunas. The traditions of Finnish folk cuisine involve the active use of northern types of fish, low-fat dairy products, and in some recipes milk and fish are used together.

Finland is a very developed modern country that produces a variety of goods of excellent quality. The main type of production is the pulp and paper industry. Finnish appliances (telephones, kitchen electronics), household chemicals and dairy products are also famous all over the world. A significant part of goods is produced for export. Agriculture is poorly developed due to the harsh climate and frozen soil.

Finns are very sporty people. The country has developed active recreation and winter sports. There are many ski resorts, ice sports palaces, and ski slopes in Finland. Finnish athletes are often among the top three medalists at the Winter Olympics.

Report 4

The Republic of Finland or simply Finland is considered the country of the most happy people in the world according to the 2018 Happiness Survey.

It occupies more than 330,000 square kilometers of land located in Northern Europe and, in terms of size, confidently ranks 64th among all countries. It is surrounded on three sides by Russia, Sweden and Norway, and the remaining shores are washed by the Baltic Sea.

More than 5,500,000 people live in Finland - 16 per square kilometer, and all these happy Finns call their country Suomi, which in Finnish is Suomen tasavalta. The number of men and women is approximately equal.

The largest city, Helsinki, is designated the capital of the Finnish Parliamentary Republic. Official languages Finnish and Swedish are accepted.

Archaeologists believe that the first people settled on Finnish territory at the end of the Ice Age and gradually began to develop and populate the surrounding lands. In 1300, the area came under Swedish influence and became known as the Grand Duchy of Finland. In 1808 Russian empire During the blockade of the British Isles, she attacked and conquered Finland. December 18, 1917, thanks to October revolution, Finland defended its rights, becoming the independent Republic of Finland. From this time until 1945, the Finns fought three wars with the Soviet Union, but later they were able to come to peace, improve relations, and in 1995 joined the European Union.

At the moment, a quarter of the country’s territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle, the length of the coastline is more than 45,000 kilometers. Finland is rich in islands - about 80,000 and lakes - 180,000. 3/4 of the area is occupied by forests, providing the state with a leading position in terms of forest resources among European countries.

This is a country with a temperate, predominantly continental climate. Average temperatures range from -10 degrees Celsius to +19.

The flora and fauna of the Republic is diverse and includes rare species located 40 national parks, which, thanks to the “Right of Every Person to Nature,” absolutely anyone can visit. Those who wish can spend the night in specially designated houses, rafting down rivers, riding bicycles, skiing, and so on. But the presence of such guests is closely monitored by park staff - it is forbidden to cut down trees and make fires in the wrong place, to hunt, litter and harm wildlife.

Finland is a great country to live and relax.

Option 5

Finland is a small country in the northern part of Europe, with an area of ​​about 339 thousand square kilometers. Officially, this country is called the Republic of Finland. The capital of this country is the city of Helsinki. The main languages ​​of this state are Finnish and Swedish.

The neighbors of the Republic of Finland are our country - Russia - in the east, Sweden in the northwest, and Norway in the north.

The maritime border of this state is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea, as well as the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. The southern part of this state has a sea border with Estonia. A third of the territory of this republic is located beyond the Arctic Circle.

Finland can be divided into three main geographical areas:

1. Lowlands located along the shores of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. In this area, there are a large number of rocky islands along the coast. Among these islands, the main ones can be identified - these are the Åland Islands and the Turku archipelago. The southwest of the territory of this state consists of a very beautiful and unique archipelago in the whole world, which consists of many islands of different widths and is called the Archipelago Sea.

2. The second zone is the zone of lakes, which occupies the central part of the country. This central area of ​​Finland is covered with dense forest, among which there are a large number of small lakes, swamps and swamps.

3. The third geographical zone of Finland occupies the northern part, the territory of the state beyond the Arctic Circle. The nature of this zone is characterized by small rocky ridges and poor soils.

It is worth noting that in Finland there is an island city called Pargas. The uniqueness of this city is that it is surrounded on all sides by water.

The Republic of Finland ranks first in Europe in terms of timber reserves, because almost 70% of its territory is dense forests.

The forests of this state are rich in berries - cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, as well as mushrooms - chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, boletus and boletus.

In the dense forests of Finland live lynxes, bears, and wolves. More than 200 species of birds live in the forest zone of Finland - black grouse, eagles, swans, cranes, wood grouse, hazel grouse and others. The national bird of this country is the snow-white whooper swan.

Thanks to a large number The lakes on the territory of this state of Finland are rich in fish stocks. The rivers and lakes of this republic are home to salmon, pike, perch, vendace, whitefish, and pike perch. Only in Finland there is a rare species of seal - the Saimaa seal, which lives only in Lake Saimaa.

Finland is a developed industrialized modern state. This country is a center of culture, science and education. Helsinki is home to one of the best universities in Europe - the University of Helsinki.

The ancient cities on the territory of this state, for example, such as Porvoo and Rauma, are very beautiful with their historical wooden buildings and estates. Therefore, tourists love this unique camp very much. If you have the opportunity to travel, then you should definitely choose Finland, because this beautiful country will definitely pleasantly surprise any traveler with its hospitality, excellent cuisine, souvenirs and excellent nature!

3, 4, 7 grade. The world Geography.

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    Sport is very ancient art. In Russia, the history of the development of sports has been laid down since ancient times.

A message about Finland for grade 3 will briefly tell you a lot of useful information about the country of swamps. A message about Finland will briefly help to deepen your knowledge of geography.

Message about Finland

Finland is a Nordic republic. It borders with Sweden, Russia, Norway, Estonia. Washed by the Baltic Sea. It received its modern name from the Swedes, who owned it for many centuries. A third of the republic's territory is occupied by swamps. There are also many lakes here. The country gained independence relatively recently - in 1917.

The republic is inhabited by Finns, their number is about 5.5 million people. The locals themselves prefer to call themselves Suomi. In addition to the indigenous population, the following ethnic groups live in Finland: Swedes and Sami. The official languages ​​are Finnish and Swedish. The population also speaks German and English.

Capital of Finland Helsinki is a city with a population of half a million. But despite this, the country cannot be called densely populated.

Climate of Finland moderate. The coastal parts of the republic are lowlands, and its center is occupied by dense forests, and the north is occupied by rocky mountains, wastelands and hills. Most of Finland is covered with forests, where spruce and pine trees grow. The forests are inhabited by squirrels, martens, hares, foxes and stoats. Lynxes and bears are less common. There are a lot of fish in rivers and lakes. It is safe to say that the forest is the main wealth of the country: furniture and paper are made from wood, which is valued all over the world. Another place in the economic complex is occupied by dairy farming (Finnish butter and cheeses). Also in the republic there are deposits of copper and iron ore, clay, granite, sand.

  • The local population loves skiing. Among them are world, European and Olympic champions.
  • Finland is the birthplace of Santa Claus. He lives in Lapland.
  • The national hobby is fishing.
  • Finland is the leader in coffee consumption per person.
  • This is the purest water in the world that you can drink without any filtration.
  • Almost every home has a sauna. Finns simply adore her.
  • The country makes the most delicious pizza in the world. It consists exclusively of Finnish products. The main ingredients are rye and smoked venison.

We hope that short message about Finland helped you prepare for the lesson. And you can expand the story about Finland using the comment form below.