Contact lenses from what age? At what age can a child wear contact lenses? When is a child advised to wear contact lenses?

Nowadays, many people use a variety of contact lenses. This is enough popular product, which allows you to gain convenience and give up regular glasses. Many parents want to give their children comfort and therefore wonder at what age children can wear vision lenses.

Children can use lenses from 7 years of age

In this article, we tried to discuss this issue in detail and therefore you will find out how many years you can wear contact lenses.

In most cases, many specialists can prescribe soft contact lenses for children. For children, in most cases, daily lenses or lenses that can be worn for several months are prescribed. Those lenses that can be used for several months require careful care. So that they last long time they must be washed regularly and treated with a special solution. First you need to control this issue, and then you need to explain to the child how to cope with a similar problem on his own.

The thinner the lens, the better

Many ophthalmologists do not recommend the use of long-term soft contact lenses, as the child will not be able to maintain regular care. Sometimes doctors may also prescribe hard contact lenses. Hard contact lenses for children from what age? This question is also considered popular, and experts recommend wearing them only if the child is faced with keratotonus or myopia.

When is a child advised to wear contact lenses?

Many children want to look beautiful and therefore they plan to get rid of wearing glasses, which could harm their appearance.

By wearing lenses you can get rid of myopia

Many experts argue that when a child uses contact lenses, then the development of various diseases will slow down significantly. After conducting a series of studies, wearing lenses slows down the development of the following diseases:

Where to begin

First, you need to study at what age children can wear lenses for their vision. If you have studied this information and realized that your child can already use contact lenses, then you can go to the doctor and start making a choice. When a specialist prescribes lenses, remember that at first you need to wear them for no more than three hours a day. This time will be enough for you to get used to it and then you can increase the wearing time.

Over time, the child will learn to put on lenses independently.

You need to remember all the information that the doctor tells you and then convey it to your child. In most cases, only a week will be enough for the child to understand the procedure for taking it off and putting it on. In some cases, this process can take up to a month.

Safety of using lenses for children

Wearing contact lenses for a child can be considered completely safe, but he needs to take into account certain rules. IN Lately You can find lenses that can also be worn while sleeping. They provide a lot of amenities, but their choice must be approached responsibly.

Wearing lenses has contraindications

Today, there are also contraindications for wearing lenses in children. The main contraindications may be:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Allergic manifestations to lenses.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Dry eyes.

If the child does not face these contraindications, then the lenses can be used. Before visiting the bathhouse, the child must remove contact lenses. Also, if the child will play in the pool, then the lenses must also be disposed of. Tell your child that if he has a cold, then it is best to get rid of the contacts as well, as this may cause side effects.

Why lenses and not glasses?

Children are quite active. That is why if they use glasses, then at the moment of careless handling they can break their glasses. When using contact lenses, such situations can be avoided. Also, thanks to the use of contact lenses, the range of vision will no longer be limited.

Colored or colorless

Many children constantly ask their parents to purchase special lenses that will not only improve their vision, but also change their eye color.

Colored lenses for children

Many experts say that they cannot be used, as they will impair the child’s vision. Try to explain to your child that first of all, you need to prioritize not beauty, but eye health.

Now you know exactly at what age you can wear contact lenses. We hope this information was useful and interesting.

Many children do not like to wear glasses; they think it makes them look worse. The need to wear glasses can cause a child to feel insecure, his self-esteem will begin to fall, and it will be difficult for him to communicate with peers. Therefore, contact lenses are considered the optimal solution to their problem. But can children wear lenses, and at what age is it best to do so? We will deal with this issue in this article.

Benefits of children's lenses

The appearance of vision problems in children requires a mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist. The doctor must conduct an examination and select the appropriate method of correction. The ophthalmologist must take into account the child's reluctance to wear glasses, and therefore he can select special lenses. The doctor uses a special one.

Benefits of contact lenses for children:

  1. The lenses do not interfere with sports and games, which is very convenient, because children are very mobile and active.
  2. The field of view in lenses, unlike glasses, is not narrowed. The child clearly sees all the objects around him.
  3. Lenses increase self-esteem and give self-confidence.
  4. Replacing lenses if they are lost will cost less than buying new glasses.
  5. Lenses can be worn for astigmatism.

Read how to put on contact lenses correctly.

At what age can a child wear lenses?

Ophthalmologists believe that age has no effect on the process of using contact lenses. But it should be remembered that very young children will not be able to follow the rules of hygiene, which in this case are very important. Often, children under seven or eight years old have not yet developed a sense of responsibility, so they cannot adhere to strict rules. It is believed that lenses can be prescribed when a child reaches the age of eight to ten years.

If vision problems are discovered in more early age, then doctors do not prohibit wearing lenses. In this case, the parents’ task is to explain to the child the need to care for lenses. They should teach him how to use optics correctly so that there are no complications later.

It is written about the care of long-term wear lenses.

Studies have been conducted in which it was determined that eight out of ten adolescent children can easily cope with lens care after three months of wearing them.

Many parents are concerned that wearing contact lenses may worsen their child's vision. Indeed, myopia often progresses in school-age children, and over time they will require increasingly stronger contact lenses. But the factor in the development of myopia in this case is not the lenses, but a large visual load. Ophthalmologists believe that lenses do not slow the progression of myopia.

You can learn about long-term soft lenses at.

Features of selection

Properly selected contact lenses, both for myopia and farsightedness, should:

  • Be comfortable and made from material that is safe for eye health.
  • Have a correctly selected radius of curvature, diopter and thickness.
  • Have an optimal diameter for the eyes.

According to the wearing mode, lenses are divided into:

  1. Daily wear lenses. They need to be removed before going to bed, treated with a special solution and stored in a container.
  2. Extended wear lenses. They can be worn without taking them off for a week or more.
  3. Lenses with flexible wearing mode. Can be worn for up to two days in a row.
  4. Constant wear lenses. They can be worn for a whole month.

You can learn more about multifocal contact lenses at.

For myopia and farsightedness are prescribed spherical lenses, with astigmatism - toric.

It should be remembered that if a child has contraindications to wearing lenses, then they should not be used. TO factors that prevent you from wearing lenses relate:

  • Eye inflammation: conjunctivitis, keratitis, scleritis, uevitis, blepharitis and so on. Lenses can cause irritation, poorly transmit oxygen, and therefore can lead to exacerbation of inflammatory diseases.
  • Inflammation of the lacrimal sac, obstruction of the lacrimal ducts and insufficient production of tear fluid. First you need to eliminate these problems, and then you can wear lenses.

Read about constant wear lenses at.

For myopia

Nearsightedness or myopia is a vision problem in which a person has difficulty seeing distant objects.

Only an ophthalmologist can choose the right lenses. Under no circumstances should you experiment and select lenses for your child on your own, otherwise your vision will deteriorate even more. An ophthalmologist conducts an examination during which he determines visual acuity, the condition of the cornea and other structures of the eye. Based on this, the doctor selects the required optical power of contact lenses and their other parameters. In most cases of myopia, soft contact lenses are prescribed.

The longer the lenses are worn, the more careful care they require. The best option for children is daily contact lenses.

Stages of selecting lenses for myopia:

  1. Going to the ophthalmologist's office where it is held full examination, but on the basis of which the doctor will give his recommendations.
  2. Purchasing lenses. When buying lenses, you should give preference to well-known manufacturing companies whose products have already proven themselves in the market as high quality. In general, it is best to consult an ophthalmologist on this issue if you are purchasing lenses for the first time.
  3. The choice of lenses depending on the period of wear. The shorter the period, the better, since with prolonged wear, germs and deposits accumulate in greater quantities.
  4. Cost of lenses. You should not chase profit and buy cheap lenses that can harm the health of your child’s eyes.
  5. Lens material. Silicone hydrogel is recognized as the best material. It allows oxygen to pass through well and ensures eye hydration throughout the entire period of wearing.

For farsightedness

Farsightedness or hypermetropia is a visual impairment characterized by the fact that a person has difficulty seeing objects located at a close distance from him. Correctly selected contact lenses for the correction of farsightedness should help your child see clearly both near and far.

If the lenses are chosen incorrectly, the child will feel discomfort, irritation, and fatigue.

Just as when selecting lenses for myopia, an ophthalmologist should select lenses to correct farsightedness. Farsightedness can be corrected with spherical lenses. And if a child sees poorly both close and far, then they will prescribe them that have several zones that are responsible for correcting near and far vision.


Visual impairment is a common problem in childhood. Vision correction is required for myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, anisometropia and other eye pathologies. At what age can you wear contact lenses? - we'll figure it out in this article.

Many children are embarrassed to wear glasses, although they need them for medical reasons. It is necessary to treat the eyes, but effective treatment is hardly possible if the child takes off his glasses at every opportunity. In such cases, contact lenses are the best option.

Can children wear contact lenses?

Experts prescribe wearing lenses after eight years of age. A child at this age is able to independently put on and take out lenses and care for them. For children, soft daily lenses or lenses that need to be changed once a month are recommended. One-day lenses are good because they do not require maintenance. They are harmless and easy to use. Lenses that last a month require careful care. Many children do not pay enough attention to this, which is fraught with a number of problems. Every day, the lenses need to be treated with a special solution that washes away protein deposits deposited during the day.

Untreated lenses can cause infection of the eyeball.

Long-term wear lenses are generally not recommended for children. When there is a need to wear lenses for a long time, rigid gas-permeable ones are prescribed. As a rule, indications for wearing such lenses are certain diseases - myopia, keratoconus. Hard lenses are significantly different from soft ones; it takes time to get used to them.
An ophthalmologist will tell you in what cases and at what age you can wear contact lenses. Research shows that the development of myopathy or nearsightedness is slowed down if a child wears contacts. And in some cases the process stops completely.
Farsightedness or hypermetropia also requires correction. With this pathology, the lenses display the surroundings more clearly. Often other methods of vision correction are impossible and lenses are the only available treatment tool. Correction of astigmatism is necessary to prevent amblyopia and strabismus.
Anisometropia is an eye disease that results in different eye refractions. This anomaly is most often congenital or hereditary. By loading evenly, the lenses enable both eyes to carry out the visual process. Amblyopia is a persistent unilateral or bilateral decrease in vision. This disease develops in childhood and may not manifest itself for a long time. The deviation is eliminated only in childhood, therefore effective treatment There are no adults. This disease requires correction primarily with lenses. Indeed, to eliminate this deviation of the eye, which sees poorly, it is necessary to force it to function in full force. When wearing glasses, one eye has to be covered. It doesn't look nice. The child is shy and does not want to wear glasses. Contact lenses allow you to avoid such problems. One of the lenses is fogged and placed on the eye, which is working at full capacity. The second lens is located on the lazy eye, which encourages active work.

Changes in the quality of vision, alas, are not always associated with age. Children and adolescents may also suffer from nearsightedness, farsightedness, and other problems. Adjust poor eyesight necessary, but often children refuse to wear glasses. Most often, resorting to radical methods of correcting ophthalmological diseases through operations at a young age is undesirable, and doctors simply may not give permission to perform such a procedure. There is only one way out - contact lenses. But can children wear contact lenses? At what age can a child wear contact lenses? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

At what age can you wear contact lenses?

The global community of ophthalmologists, through long experiments and discussions, has determined the ideal age for starting to use contact vision correction - 14 years. However, this decision has one significant caveat: if medical indications predispose to wearing optical discs, and the child is already able to understand the degree of responsibility, then parents can start buying lenses for their child from the age of 8; it is not advisable to do this earlier. The first steps towards growing up for everyone begin in at different ages, but it is believed that before the age of 8, a child is not yet ready to take care of his health independently.

There are no age-related contraindications for contact products that correct vision. Therefore, the question of at what age can you wear lenses should be answered by parents themselves, who need to soberly assess their child’s readiness to care for optical aids.

Contact lenses are harmless for children. Myth or reality?

Contact lenses for children are really harmless, that's true. Modern manufacturing companies produce products that have a safe composition, and the medical community carefully monitors this.

In some cases, it would be true to say that children even need to wear lenses - this type of vision correction has many advantages, among which the following are worth highlighting:

The opportunity to lead an active lifestyle, attend physical education classes, clubs and sports sections without discomfort.
. guarantee of a full viewing angle, which is impossible when wearing glasses.
. saving. Today, high-quality frames with good lenses are not cheap, and the loss of glasses threatens parents with another considerable expense. Much easier and cheaper to buy new packaging lenses
. maintaining the usual appearance. All children are extremely vulnerable, which means few people want to be teased as “bespectacled”, so contact lenses for children are the optimal solution to the problem of poor vision.

Lenses for children: which ones to choose?

Before deciding at what age your child can wear contact lenses, you should consult a specialist. It is likely that changes in the quality of vision are insignificant, so it is not necessary to resort to correction with lenses. If the doctor confirms that the child can wear lenses and even needs them, then only then should he move on to choosing optical products. As a rule, ophthalmologists prescribe soft contact lenses for children, which do not cause discomfort and are not felt at all by the eye. foreign body. Based on the required optical power, radius and diameter, the ophthalmologist will help you choose the most suitable option. Sometimes with more complex forms deviations, doctors may prescribe the wearing of rigid gas permeable contact lenses. Wearing them is not as comfortable, but can help cope with a disease such as keratoconus, in which the cornea of ​​the eye becomes thinner and deformed, taking on a conical shape.

Typically, children can wear contact lenses designed to last for one day (daily), a week, or a month. The ideal choice is one-day lenses, which do not require care - they are disposed of immediately after removal, and the next morning a new pair of blisters is opened.

Weekly and monthly corrective products require daily care, who must teach children who are starting to wear contact lenses the rules of hygiene and how to clean the lenses.

Lenses for children. Age is not a barrier to proper use

As mentioned above, the main factor influencing the answer at what age a child can wear lenses is his willingness to take a responsible approach to wearing vision correction products, as well as caring for them. If the decision has been made, then parents should monitor the wearing process extremely carefully for some time.

First of all, it is important to remember that the eyes must adapt to the presence of the lenses. Therefore, doctors advise using lenses for no more than three hours on the first day and gradually increasing the time by 30-60 minutes. When it becomes completely clear that the visual organs react calmly to the appearance of contact lenses, you can allow children to wear them all day.

It is also very important to teach the child the process of putting the product on the surface of the eyeball. The ophthalmologist who prescribed the lenses will definitely provide instructions, but it is possible that the child may forget something, so parents should observe this procedure and always be able to help. It is worth drawing the child’s attention to the fact that before you start putting on correction products, you need to wash your hands with soap, and by placing the lens on your index finger, make sure that it is not inside out.

You also need to have a mandatory conversation about the importance of lens care. The child must remember that before going to bed, the products must be removed and placed in a container with a special multifunctional solution if they are weekly or monthly lenses, or thrown away if they are daily lenses. Often, parents resort to tricks that help them teach their child the habit of remembering the daily procedure. Various unusual containers with images of cartoon characters or animals, symbols of children's hobbies (for example, a soccer ball) or other images that can attract attention come to their aid. First, every evening the child happily runs to his favorite bright container, and then this nightly ceremony is stored in the subconscious, and he literally automatically performs this action day after day.

Is it possible to wear contact lenses daily as a child?

Like adults, children wear lenses every day - this cannot in any way negatively affect the health of their visual organs. Optical discs should not be considered more harmful than glasses: modern technologies allow companies to produce completely safe products suitable for daily use.

They can be worn all day without fear: the child puts on the lenses in the morning and takes them off in the evening. And so on day after day. How long your child should wear lenses is a decision between you and him together. Some people prefer to remove them at home, but some products can be used for up to 12-14 hours.

Thus, the answer to one of the main questions of the article, whether children can wear contact lenses, is absolutely positive. But at what age children can wear lenses needs to be decided individually. The decision should be made jointly by the parents, the ophthalmologist and the child. Before purchasing optical products, do not forget to consult an ophthalmologist and undergo computer diagnostics organs of vision, this will allow you to choose the most optimal option.

Every person wants to see well. And this is not surprising! Thanks to the organs of vision, from the very first days we understand the world: we learn to distinguish between objects and images; over time, vision helps us learn the basics of literacy, learn science, learn and become an individual.

The problem of poor vision is an epidemic for our planet, which has always haunted us and continues to spoil the life of everyone who, for one reason or another, has lost visual acuity.

In ancient times and even a century ago, the problem of poor vision could ruin the lives of many people. After all, the inability to see well prevented the opportunity to get a good, well-paid job, become a famous and successful athlete, and simply enjoy life to the fullest.

Fortunately, those times are long behind us. Modern society has all the means to cross off poor eyesight from the list of incorrigible problems.

And although the number of people with poor vision is increasing every day, everyone can correct these deficiencies, even from an early age.

Comfort of wearing soft contact lenses

Thanks to contact vision correction, we get many benefits that were previously unavailable:

  • easy to wear - you put them on in the morning and take them off in the evening;
  • soft contact lenses (µl) most accurately correct different degrees, and age-related changes vision;
  • lenses are convenient to use in any conditions, regardless of the situation you are in;
  • they will help not only correct poor vision, but also change eye color, giving your image a unique accent;
  • even children can wear microliters;
  • wearing lenses you can engage in active sports, swim, travel, etc.;
  • When wearing microlens, you can use regular sun protection optics without ordering special optical corrective lenses.

How long can you wear contact lenses?

To wear contact lenses for as long as possible and enjoy perfect vision, you need to strictly follow the instructions:

  1. check your vision at least once every 6 months;
  2. wear lenses only as prescribed by a doctor, do not engage in self-selection;
  3. wear lenses strictly on schedule, adhering to the replacement regimen specified by the manufacturer and recommended by the doctor;
  4. Carry out all necessary cleaning manipulations with microliters daily (if these are not one-day operations);
  5. use microliters and their care products only with a non-expiration date;
  6. from time to time do not wear lenses when they are contraindicated (for example, for colds, allergies, diseases of the mucous membranes of the eyes, etc.)

When making your choice in favor of contact vision correction, you should pay attention to how the manufacturer of this product recommends wearing the lens, when to remove it from the eyes, how to store it and what related products to use. And the better you know these rules, the more carefully you adhere to them, the longer you will be able to wear lenses without worrying that your actions may harm your eyes.

There is a myth that you cannot use contact correction all the time, that you need to take breaks and use glasses during this time, “giving your eyes a rest.” However, this statement is incorrect.

If your eyes perceive contact optics well, you follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer of the correction products, do not miss preventive visits to the doctor and follow all the doctor’s recommendations, there is no need to take special breaks from wearing lenses. Of course, this does not apply to those cases where wearing contact vision correction is contraindicated.

Neglecting the rules of contact lens care

As we have already indicated, you can wear contact lenses for a very long time and without harm to your health.

However, neglecting the rules for caring for contact lenses, violating the terms of use of μL, and the wearing schedule can lead to irreversible consequences.

For example, if lenses are not cleaned sufficiently, over time, a build-up may accumulate on their surface. a large number of protein deposits, particles of cosmetics, dirt, microbial environment is actively developing. When such lenses come into contact with the surface of the cornea, they have a detrimental effect on it, irritating and infecting. After some time, redness may occur on the eyeball, swelling of the eyelids. A late response to these problems can cause conjunctivitis, inflammation of the cornea, etc.

If a patient often neglects the rules of lens care and does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, then sooner or later he may encounter chronic irreversible processes. And most likely he will either not be able to wear lenses for a long time, or perhaps never again.