When is the balance sheet submitted (deadlines, nuances). What can you learn about your health by taking a blood test? Expert advice PSA test

  • What is human papillomavirus?
  • HPV types
  • Preparation
  • Women
  • For men
  • Research methods
  • Rules for donating blood for HPV
  • How to test urine for HPV
  • Features of testing women
  • What tests do men need to take?
  • Decoding quantitative analysis
  • Where can I make it and at what price?
  • Questions and answers
  • Reviews

For many of us, a very pressing problem is human infection with a virus of the papillomavirus group. Doctors say that at least 13% of adults are infected with this virus, of which 40-60% are young men and women who are able to give birth to children. Testing for human papillomavirus is a necessary test for early screening for infection. The analysis must be carried out in order to accurately understand the type of treatment for the patient.

What is human papillomavirus?

Human papillomavirus is a type of virus that is common and can cause various diseases in anyone and can cause various problems. Some of them may lead to big problems, such as damage to the genital organs.

The most popular type is the common wart. These are small round growths that have a convex shape that grow on the hands and face. They are not capable of causing cancer, but they cause a lot of inconvenience. How a person perceives a wart infection depends on the person’s immunity.

The most dangerous type is a genital wart. They look like pointed or flat warts and grow only on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Genital warts are almost 100% cancer cells.

HPV types

All warts can be divided into low-, medium- and highly carcinogenic subspecies. This section depends on how much warts can cause cancer. All human papilloma viruses have different DNA structures. Each type has its own serial number.

The most dangerous include human papillomavirus types 16 and 18; Types 6 and 11 have a low probability of cancer formation.

Scientists have studied 14 subspecies of viruses that are capable of forming cancer cells.

You need to know that when infected with one type of virus, there is no guarantee that there is no other subtype in the body. That is, a person can carry several types of human papillomavirus. One type may be completely harmless, while another type may cause cancer.

You need to remember that the virus does not activate immediately. That is, he may not show any symptoms for a long time.



Available general rules to prepare for the analysis of human papillomavirus in women.

How the analysis needs to be done is determined by the method of taking the material itself.


  1. A woman is not recommended to undergo testing during menstruation.
  2. You need to do an examination before the start or 2 days after the end.
  3. It is not recommended to urinate for about 3 hours before scraping and you should not have sexual intercourse 36 hours before the test.
  4. If you need to conduct a repeat test, it is better to do it in the same clinic or laboratory.

For men

It is possible to detect the human papillomavirus only after a series of examinations have been carried out.

To prepare for diagnosis in men, you need to know and adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If material from the urethra is needed, the man must not go to the toilet for 1.5–2 hours. To do this, you need to consume less liquid.
  2. The day before the test, you should not take medications (especially antiviral drugs), do not use any traditional methods.
  3. Men do not need to wash themselves before the test.
  4. Avoid alcohol and sexual intercourse.

Research methods

There are several ways to study this virus.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a way to detect specific infectious agents with high accuracy.

There is also a process similar to a biopsy - Digene analysis. With the help of it, the doctor examines the DNA of papilloma. This is a new technique, so reliable results are obtained for detecting a malignant tumor.

Using quantitative analysis, you can know the elemental and molecular composition of the object that is being diagnosed or the content of certain components.

There are inorganic and organic analyzes (depending on the volume). They are also divided into elemental and functional analysis.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a macromolecule that ensures storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of genetic programs for the development and functioning of living organisms. DNA has structural information different types RNA and proteins.

Genotyping—determines the genotype of the hepatitis C virus (1, 2, 3, 4).

This is very important analysis. Treatment regimens for different types of virus can be very different. New schemes are also being developed, but the types of virus are not taken into account.

Rules for donating blood for HPV

To conduct a blood test for human papilloma virus, virtually no preparation of the patient is required. There are general rules that must be followed for any research.

These include:

  • limit physical, emotional and mental stress before the examination;
  • Eliminate fatty foods from your diet and stop drinking alcohol.

Blood must be taken to determine human papillomavirus in the morning on an empty stomach.

How to test urine for HPV

If you need to take a urine test, first thoroughly wash your external genitalia.

  • drink more or less water than usual;
  • use antibacterial drugs and uroseptics;
  • have sex 24 hours before the test.

Before you start collecting urine, you need to do hygiene procedures and not use any products.

Features of testing women

A blood test for papillomas in women does not take the virus. As materials for laboratory and cytological examination A smear is taken from the cervical canal.

How are smears taken from women?

For this analysis, a special disposable soft brush is used, which resembles a brush for applying mascara. Using a gentle rotating motion, the material is removed from the canal. The doctor makes an imprint on laboratory glass, then you need to place the brush in a sterile test tube and send it to the laboratory for examination.

What tests do men need to take?

Diagnostic measures for men are no different from those for women: men need to see a urologist or andrologist who specializes only in problems of the male genital area. The specialist should order additional studies.

Explanation of quantitative analysis



Interpretation of results

Number of epithelial cells in the sample Sample inadequate for research
HPV DNA Not detected No HPV DNA detected
A 9 (16, 31, 33, 35, 52, 58 types)
> 10 copies of HPV DNA / 10 cells
HPV DNA Not detected No HPV DNA detected
A 7 (18, 39, 45, 59 types) Clinically insignificant number of HPV
> 10 copies of HPV DNA / 10 cells Clinically significant amount of HPV
> 10 copies of HPV DNA / 10 cells
HPV DNA Not detected No HPV DNA detected
A 5 (51 types), Clinically insignificant number of HPV
A 6 (type 56) > 10 copies of HPV DNA / 10 cells Clinically significant amount of HPV
> 10 copies of HPV DNA / 10 cells
Total HPV DNA Not detected No HPV DNA detected
Clinically insignificant number of HPV
> 10 copies of HPV DNA / 10 cells Clinically significant amount of HPV
> 10 copies of HPV DNA / 10 cells

Where can I make it and at what price?

Moscow 6th Radialnaya street, 3, bldg. 10. Homotest 410 rub.
Chelyabinsk Dovator street, 27 Homotest 310 rub.
Kyiv Oktyabrsky Prospekt, building 183 Homotest 150 UAH
Saint Petersburg Komendantsky Prospekt, 51, bldg. 1 Homotest 400 rub.
Kyiv Demievskaya street, 41 Delta clinics 170 UAH
Moscow Sredny Nastanovchesky Lane, 6 Delta clinics 400 rub.
Moscow 1st microdistrict (Moskovsky), 52;
Vernadsky Avenue, 39
Invitro 575 rub.
Chelyabinsk Sverdlovsky prospect, 86 Invitro 575 rub.
Krasnoyarsk Alexandra Matrosova street, 4 Invitro 560 rub.
Saint Petersburg Dachny Prospekt, 17, bldg. 4;
Tashkent street, 2
Invitro 590 rub.
Moscow Gilyarovskogo street, 50 Medinnova 500 rub.
Saint Petersburg Aviakonstruktorov Avenue, 11, building 1 Medinnova 490 rub.
Moscow Vorontsovskaya street, 8;
Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 30, bldg. 2
He's a clinician 480 rub.
Saint Petersburg Danube Avenue, 47 SM-Clinic 850 rub.
Chelyabinsk st. Cherkasskaya, 2/2 SM-Clinic 830 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod st. Germana Lopatina, 3, building 3, fl. 1, office 2 SM-Clinic 840 rub.
Moscow Yaroslavskaya street, 4k2
Volgogradsky prospect, 42k12
SM-Clinic 370 rub.
Saint Petersburg Apraksin Lane, 5 Helix 350 rub.
Moscow Novosuschevskaya street, 18;
Prospekt Mira, 51, building 1
Helix 540 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod Sovetskaya, 9 Helix 350 rub.

Questions and answers

  • How many days does the analysis take?

The result of a PCR or smear needs to wait 2 days, and a Digen test - about 7 days, but sometimes it takes as long as 14.

  • Can an HPV test be false?

After receiving positive result biopsy, PCR analysis, Digene test, no need to be upset. There are situations when the results are false.

  • What is HPV HCR?

HPV HCR are different types of the virus that have a low and high carcinogenic risk.

  • Do pregnant women get tested for HPV?

Doctors do not prohibit testing for pregnant women.

  • What does CME mean in an HPV test?

The abbreviation KVM stands for “material acquisition control.”

  • Do you have condylomas, but tests don’t show them?

The analysis needs to be repeated using a different diagnostic method.

  • Could the analysis be wrong?
  • Does it hurt to give up?

The analysis does not cause any pain, maximum discomfort.

Few people can boast of excellent health. Poor ecology, stressful rhythm of life, heredity, bad habits contribute to the development of diseases. And even half of those who are confident in their good health are often mistaken. After all, pathologies are capable long time proceed secretly.

The only method to detect diseases at an early stage is regular medical examination. All that remains is to remember what studies you need to undergo and how often to get tested.

It is difficult to force a person to undergo examination if nothing bothers him. In an effort to refuse, he will find many reasons why this is not worth doing: long queues, the need to ask for time off from work or take time off. But if you look at mortality statistics, you begin to realize the value of health.

The life expectancy of the average resident of Russia is 71.4 years. And the population dies not from old age, but from a “bouquet” of acquired diseases that were not detected in a timely manner and were not treated at a time when the chances of recovery were as high as possible.

Laboratory diagnostics

In the list of mandatory laboratory research includes:

1. Complete blood count (or CBC)

Biomaterial is collected from a finger or from a vein. The study determines the level of hemoglobin, evaluates the reaction of ESR (this is the sedimentation rate of red cells - erythrocytes), the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes, determines leukocyte formula.

General blood analysis

The obtained indicators will give an idea of ​​the presence (or confirm the absence) of an inflammatory, infectious process in the body, the development of anemia, and some blood diseases.

2. Biochemical blood test

Blood is drawn from a vein. The study determines the level of cholesterol, glucose, bilirubin, triglycerides, creatinine, urea, total protein, ALT and AST enzymes, and important microelements.

Based on the results obtained, the specialist can identify the development of cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and pancreas. In addition, biochemistry evaluates the speed and quality of metabolic processes and gives an idea of ​​the deficiency of microelements.

3. General urinalysis (UCA)

For diagnosis, morning urine is collected in a sterile container. OAM allows you to evaluate the functioning genitourinary system. The density level characterizes the functioning of the kidneys.

The presence of protein, glucose, bilirubin, and red blood cells signal the development of liver, kidney, and diabetes mellitus. The presence of leukocytes and bacteria in the urine confirms the occurrence of infectious processes in the urinary tract.

How often should I get tested? For each patient, the frequency of diagnosis is individual. If nothing bothers a person, and the tests taken confirm that he is completely healthy, then repeated studies can be carried out after 1 year.

Instrumental studies

Regular medical examination includes the following studies:

1. Fluorography

Fluorography evaluates the condition of the lungs. It allows you to detect tuberculosis by early stage, gives an idea of ​​pleural diseases and the presence malignant neoplasms. Every year it is necessary to do fluorography

2. Electrocardiogram

Such diagnostics are undertaken to determine the functioning of the heart.

3. Ultrasound of the peritoneum and pelvis

An examination of the peritoneal cavity allows one to assess the condition of many internal organs: liver, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys.

Ultrasound determines the structure, shape, presence of tumors, stones, cysts, and the location of organs. Pelvic ultrasound diagnoses pathologies of the reproductive system: ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes in women and prostate in men. In addition, the examination shows the condition of the rectum, ureters and bladder.

Additional diagnostics

The list of mandatory studies may include some additional tests and examinations. The appropriateness of such a diagnosis is dictated by the patient’s age, place of residence, and lifestyle.

1. Study of thyroid hormone levels

This blood test must be taken by all people who live in impoverished areas. natural iodine. The study evaluates the functioning of the gland and the level of hormones produced. Timely therapy eliminates the risk of developing severe complications.

Test for thyroid hormones

How often should I do a blood test for hormones? If the thyroid gland is functioning correctly, then once a year is enough. If pathologies are present, the doctor prescribes a test regimen.

2. Blood for markers of hepatitis B, C, HIV

These studies are recommended for patients who frequently visit the dentist, who have undergone extensive surgery, and who like tattoos. A blood test should be taken for people changing sexual partners. The frequency of the study depends on the patient. It is usually recommended to undergo diagnostics once every 6-12 months.

3. Coprogram

If gastrointestinal pathology is suspected, the patient will be advised to undergo a stool test. It characterizes disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas, and improper absorption of substances in the small and duodenal intestines. The coprogram identifies inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and colitis of various natures.

4. Gastroscopy

This instrumental study assigned to people who have crossed the 45-year mark. Gastroscopy is performed using a special probe and allows you to assess the condition of the esophagus, stomach, and identify pathologies duodenum. The study identifies ulcers, tumors, bleeding.

5. Colonoscopy

Diagnosis according to gender

The above are studies that are recommended for both men and women. However, it is necessary to monitor not only general health, but also the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Therefore, depending on gender, the doctor will prescribe several more studies.

1. Study of the mammary glands

Diagnosis is carried out manually by a mammologist or gynecologist. If necessary, an ultrasound is prescribed if the woman is under 40 years old. At older ages, it is recommended to undergo a mammogram once a year.

Women need breast screening

2. Flora smear

A vaginal culture reveals the presence of infection in the reproductive system.

3. Colposcopy

This diagnosis involves examining cervical tissue under a microscope. It allows you to determine the presence of cancer at the initial stage.

“Women should definitely visit a gynecologist once every six months. After 30-35 years, a consultation with a mammologist and endocrinologist will not hurt. »

1. PSA test

A blood test determines the concentration of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in a man's body. Such diagnostics allows timely detection of the development of prostatitis and prostate tumors.

2. Smear on hidden infections

Men should visit a urologist or andrologist once a year, provided that nothing worries them and previous tests were normal.

Research for a child

Parents are always worried about the health of their children. Therefore, the question is constantly asked: How often does a child need to be tested in order to promptly identify any disorders?

Examination for children is carried out depending on age

Pediatricians advise following this regimen:

  • For infants, diagnostics are prescribed once every 3 months and without fail before vaccination;
  • Children under 3 years old are recommended to conduct research once every six months;
  • Children over 3 years old are diagnosed once a year.

The list of mandatory tests for children includes: OBC, OAM, stool analysis (for helminthic infestations). If pathologies are detected in a child, the list of mandatory studies increases, as does the frequency of diagnosis.

In countries where people regularly undergo mandatory medical examinations, mortality from strokes, oncology, and heart attacks is low. Therefore, everyone who wants to extend their life to a ripe old age needs to set aside one or two days a year to undergo the necessary diagnostics.

Based on materials from: https://www.medsovet.info

Find out everything about a person’s past and future one drop at a time... What diseases can our blood tell us about, and how to get tested correctly? Candidate of Medical Sciences, hemostasiologist Maria Shabliy will answer these and many other questions.

Presenter: So, how often should you take a blood test and how to do it correctly?

Guest: Ideally, a general blood test should be taken at least once a year. It is correct to donate blood on an empty stomach, in the morning, without taking any medications. And the day before, don’t eat anything fatty or meaty, and don’t break your diet.

Presenter: What diseases can he talk about? general analysis blood?

Guest: For example, if it is discovered a large number of eosinophils, this may indicate an allergy, o helminthic infestation. If the number of monocytes increases, this may indicate a viral infection. bacterial infection. Low hemoglobin can be due to various reasons. This may be chronic or acute blood loss; it may be a consequence of excessive destruction of red blood cells, lack of vitamins, lack of protein and iron, which come from food.

Presenter: As for hormones, I know that it is especially important for women to take them. From what age, how often?

Guest: Women of post-Balzac age, of course, need to monitor their hormonal levels. As a rule, problems associated with weight and vegetative manifestations of menopause arise. Hormone analysis thyroid gland is important because, for example, decreased thyroid function will be associated with fatigue, fatigue, depression, and high blood pressure.

Restoring this function leads to improved well-being, normalization of a woman’s blood pressure, weight, and also when planning pregnancy, the onset of pregnancy.

Presenter: What blood tests are necessary or advisable for those who are planning to have a child?

Guest: In addition to a general blood test, in addition to a biochemical blood test, blood is given for blood type, Rh factor, and a blood clotting test. This is important not only in relation to the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, which become more frequent with age, but also in relation to pregnancy.

Also among genetic tests, this is a comparison of spouses according to the major histocompatibility complex. I can say it simpler. The more dissimilar the spouses are, the greater the chances of the pregnancy being carried out.

Presenter: What foods can affect blood quality? Saturate her?

Guest: If we talk about specific blood problems, for example, anemia, no product will increase hemoglobin better than meat. You can also recommend buckwheat, apples, persimmons, and foods that contain large amounts of iron. Among the herbs that can help the body cope with intoxication and related to hepatoprotectors are milk thistle and field artichoke.

Even if you are absolutely healthy, do not forget to take a general blood test once a year. It is better to undergo this procedure in the morning and on an empty stomach. It is also advisable not to smoke or drink alcohol before going to the doctor.

Women of Balzac age need to regularly check their hormonal levels. If you eliminate the malfunctions in it in time, you can prolong both youth and beauty. Doctors recommend taking a hormone test for those who are overweight, as well as those planning a pregnancy.

By the way, it is also useful for future parents to determine their blood type, level of blood clotting, Rh factor, and also do genetic tests that will tell about the biological compatibility of the spouses. All this will help you conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.

If you have a history of strokes, heart attacks or diabetes in your family, be sure to do a genetic test for thrombophilia and check your glucose levels. If the analysis shows that you are at risk, you must immediately begin preventing these ailments.

And don’t forget that cancer can be prevented by taking a biochemical blood test. Experienced doctors They can use it to detect the beginnings of this disease, which means they can start treatment on time and save the patient.

The question of how many times a year you can donate your blood without harm to your health usually arises among those who decide to become a donor.

How often can I get tested?

How often can I get my blood tested? This is usually of interest to people suffering from diseases that require constant control certain indicators; pregnant women; patients in hospital. These categories of people have to donate blood frequently, in some cases even daily.

You can donate blood for analysis without restrictions.

Doctors say that the amount of material taken for analysis from a finger or from a vein is too small to negatively affect the condition of the body. Almost all patients easily tolerate this procedure and do not notice the loss at all.


Donors are people who voluntarily donate blood, which will subsequently be used in clinical practice, for the manufacture of its components and medicines, for educational and research purposes.

Donation involves taking a fairly large volume at a time, and this can affect the health and well-being of the donor. Therefore, the donor must have certain parameters: this healthy man from 18 to 60 years old, weighing at least 50 kg, having passed a medical examination.

Frequency standards for donating material have been established for donors

Principles of donation

Voluntary donation of blood for transfusion to other people requires strict control, since we are talking about the health and lives of people, both the donors themselves and the recipients. The rights of participants are protected at the state level and enshrined in law. The basic principles of the Donation Law are as follows:

  • ensuring material safety;
  • surrender only on a voluntary basis;
  • ensuring the health of the donor;
  • social support and encouragement.

What should be the intervals between donations?

To ensure that your health does not suffer, the volume and composition of the blood must be completely restored by the next draw. On average, 450 milliliters are dispensed at a time. If the volume is replenished after 2-3 days, then it takes more time to restore the number of formed elements, usually up to 40 days. The frequency of collection depends on the type of donation. Today, not only whole blood is required, but also plasma, platelets and erythrocytes, and leukocytes. The rules in each of these cases are slightly different.

Whole blood

The collection procedure for women and men is not the same:

  1. Women can donate blood no more than four times a year, that is, once every three months.
  2. Men are allowed to do this more often - five times a year.

There may be exceptions to any rule, for example, if a relative urgently needs a transfusion. In this case, an additional donation may be allowed, but the minimum period between procedures should be one month.


To obtain plasma, whole blood is taken, the formed elements are separated and returned back to the donor. Without harm to health, plasma can be donated no more than once every two weeks. In this case, no more than 12 liters of material can be taken per year.

Red blood cells

The donation of red blood cells is called erythrocytopheresis. This procedure can be done no more than once every six months, despite the fact that the red cells are restored in about a month.


Only regular and verified donors are allowed to donate platelets. This component can be taken no more than once every two weeks.


Leukocyte donation is the rarest procedure; it is usually performed on request for a specific patient. In this case, granulocytes are taken, and this can be done no more than once every two weeks.

There are restrictions for those who take all components:

  1. After collecting whole blood, platelets and plasma can be donated no earlier than one month later.
  2. Collection of red blood cells after donating whole blood is allowed only after three months.
  3. Permission to combine different types of donation is given on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of the person.
  4. After 4-5 samples of components, you need to take a break for at least three months.

Medical institutions require different components, and each of them has its own standards for the frequency of delivery

Why being a donor is not harmful

A donor who donates a decent portion of material may not worry about his health for the following reasons:

  1. Donating the amount of blood required by law is not at all dangerous for a healthy person.
  2. After delivery, the person is under the supervision of medical personnel and can receive qualified assistance, but, as a rule, most people who choose to donate tolerate the procedure normally.
  3. The law provides for the provision of free food and paid days necessary for recovery.


There are no restrictions for testing due to the small amount of material taken. Control is only necessary during donation, when significant volumes of blood are required. In this case, if the deadlines are met and the permissible amount of material is taken, no harm to the donor’s health will be caused.

How to prevent the disease? 10 tests everyone needs to take

Olga Alexandrova, a therapist of the highest category, answers:

The test results allow not only to diagnose existing diseases and changes in the body, but also to prevent them. Despite the eloquence of many laboratory indicators, only a doctor can make a diagnosis, since changes in some indicators may occur not against the background of pathological processes, but due to exposure external factors, for example, taking certain medications or intense physical activity.

Heart attack, heart failure, atherosclerosis

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

You must take a general and biochemical blood test.

How often: 2 times a year.

The most important is the level of cholesterol in the blood. High level cholesterol indicates the risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts.

The norm for total cholesterol is 3.61-5.21 mmol/l.

The level of “bad” low-density cholesterol (LDL) is from 2,250 to 4,820 mmol/l.

The level of “good” high-density cholesterol (HDL) is from 0.71 to 1.71 mmol/l.

ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase) - an increase in these indicators indicates problems with the muscle cells of the heart and the occurrence of myocardial infarction.

The ALT norm in women is up to 31 U/l, in men - up to 41 U/l.

The AST norm in women is up to 31 U/l), in men - up to U/l.

C-reactive protein is an indicator of inflammation or tissue necrosis.

The norm for everyone is less than 5 mg/l.


Must take: coagulogram. It gives an idea of ​​the coagulability and viscosity of blood, the possibility of blood clots or bleeding.

How often: 1 time per year.

APTT is the period of time during which a blood clot forms, sec.

Thrombosed index - the ratio of plasma clotting time and control plasma clotting time -%.

Fibrinogen is the first factor of the blood coagulation system - 2.0-4.0 g/l, or 5.8-11.6 µmol/l.

Platelets - x 109/l.


You must take a blood sugar test from a finger prick (taken strictly on an empty stomach).

How often: 2 times a year.

Blood glucose level: normal - 3.3-5.5 mmol/l.

You must take a blood test for glycated hemoglobin.

The norm is less than 6%.

6.0-6.5% - increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus and its complications, according to WHO.


There are several types of tests that can detect cancer at an early stage.

After 40 years of age, tests must be taken once every 2 years.

Colorectal cancer

You must take a stool test for occult blood.

The presence of blood indicates hidden bleeding from the lower sections gastrointestinal tract which may indicate the presence of a tumor.

Cervical cancer

You must take: a cytological smear from the cervix, which is taken during a gynecological examination. Shows precancerous changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix - CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia).

Leukemia (blood cancer)

You need to take a general blood test.

With leukemia, the number of lymphocytes changes (it can be higher or lower, but it is never normal. The level of platelets falls (can be 4-5 times lower than the lower limit of normal). ESR in leukemia increases significantly.

Ulcer, colitis, etc. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Must pass: coprogram.

How often: 1 time every 2 years.

Allows you to identify diseases of the intestines, biliary system, and pancreas.

To diagnose Helicobacter pylori infection, which causes gastritis and stomach ulcers, a urease breath test is used (one of the metabolic products of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is urease).

Endocrine diseases

You must take a blood test for thyroid hormones.

How often: once a year or after severe stress.

The hormone TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) is the main regulator of the thyroid gland, which is produced by the pituitary gland.

The norm is 0.4-4.0 mU/l. Increased level Blood TSH may indicate hypothyroidism - a disease of the thyroid gland (insufficient amounts of hormones are produced). A low TSH level is called thyrotoxicosis and is characterized by an excess of thyroid hormones in the body, which can lead to dysfunction nervous system, as well as disrupt the functioning of the cells responsible for the correct rhythm of the heart.


You must take a blood test from a vein to check for antibodies.

How often: once a year or after operations, questionable sexual relations.

The presence of hepatitis can be indirectly judged by the presence of bilirubin in a urine test. Normally it shouldn't be there.

Nephritis, pyelonephritis, etc. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

You must take a general urine test.

How often: 2 times a year.

An important indicator is protein concentration. It should be below 0.140 g/l.

Save this one useful information and share it with your family and friends!

How often can you get your blood tested?

Just think, how important it is to donate blood correctly! But still, there are some subtleties in this matter. Before donating blood for analysis, you need to learn a number of rules, without which an accurate result is impossible. So how to do everything right? MedPulse readers are advised by a doctor laboratory diagnostics Alla Snegireva.

Taking blood from a finger is, of course, not so scary and not so painful. But most often, venous blood is taken for laboratory testing. The exception is a narrow range of clinical tests, such as a complete blood count. If it is necessary to conduct a biochemical study or determine the level of hormones, then at least 2 ml of blood will be required, and this amount can only be collected from a vein. Sometimes it is allowed to take blood from a finger for a general analysis in children. Before or after food? Some studies require preliminary preparation - in particular, restrictions on food intake.

Biochemical studies are performed strictly on an empty stomach: glucose, creatinine, bilirubin, triglycerides, lipid profile; blood test for infections: syphilis, hepatitis B antigen; and various hormones. Carefully follow your doctor's recommendations: if you need to donate blood on an empty stomach, then at least 8 hours should pass between the last meal and blood collection, and for triglycerides - at least 12 hours. Juice, tea, coffee, especially with sugar, are also food, so you will have to be patient. You can only drink water. One or two days before the examination, it is advisable to exclude fatty, fried foods and alcohol from the diet. If there was a large feast the day before, reschedule the laboratory test for a day or two, and refrain from smoking an hour before taking blood. If you have to take a general blood test, the last meal should be no earlier than an hour before the procedure and may consist of unsweetened tea, porridge - without sugar, milk and butter. You can donate blood for antibodies to HIV infection, viral hepatitis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and a number of other infections in the morning, afternoon or evening, and without prior fasting.

And one moment. The content of many blood parameters is subject to daily - so-called circadian - fluctuations. Therefore, blood to determine thyroid-stimulating hormone, parathyroid hormone, and also for iron is donated on an empty stomach, strictly before 10 am. In general, it is advisable to always conduct a study of hormone concentrations at the same time - in this case comparative analysis the results obtained will be more correct.

It has been established that some blood parameters can be significantly influenced by physical and emotional stress. This could be fast walking, running, intense climbing of stairs. Even a feeling of fear before the blood drawing procedure can affect the result of the analysis. To reduce the negative impact of these factors, it is recommended to rest in the waiting room for a minute and calm down before the procedure.

Taking medications, such as antibiotics or chemotherapy drugs, can also affect the test result. Therefore, blood must be donated before starting to take them or no earlier than the day after they are discontinued. The only exception is when they want to measure the concentration of drugs in the blood. If you are taking any medications, be sure to notify your attending physician and treatment nurse.

Blood should not be donated immediately after an x-ray, rectal examination, or physical therapy. If the result is negative When testing blood for the presence of infections, it should be taken into account that, depending on the period of infection and the state of the immune system, any person can get negative result. However, it does not completely rule out infection. In doubtful cases, it is recommended to conduct a repeat study after some time. But not earlier than in 3-4 weeks.

We are talking about hormonal studies in women of the so-called reproductive age - right up to the onset of menopause. During this period, the results of the analysis are influenced by physiological factors associated with the stage menstrual cycle. When conducting a test for sex hormones, strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor. If there are no other recommendations, then, as a rule, blood is taken to determine the level of FSH and LH on the 4-6th day of the menstrual cycle. And blood to determine the level of estradiol and progesterone is the first day of the cycle. Is anonymity possible? Yes, many laboratories can conduct anonymous testing. But if you need an official, documented result, take your passport with you. Please note that anonymous tests are not accepted in the following cases: during hospitalization, at OVIR offices and embassies.

Laboratory tests performed regularly can provide an accurate picture of your health status. This procedure should be resorted to annually, and after 40 - once every six months. In the largest laboratories, including Invitro, you can be offered a minimum set of annual preventive examinations:

Blood chemistry. It is determined by 11 main indicators and characterizes the state of the functions of the liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Helps in the diagnosis of anemia, diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, chronic inflammation, as well as conditions associated with protein loss and its redistribution due to edema;

General blood and urine tests, determination of C-reactive protein. These tests will show the presence or absence inflammatory processes in organism;

Diagnostics most dangerous infections. These include syphilis and viral hepatitis B and C. If at least one of the indicators deviates from normal values, this is a reason to consult a doctor and conduct additional laboratory diagnostics.

A few final tips

After the required amount of blood has been drawn into the test tube, bend your arm at the elbow and hold it in this position for at least 5 minutes to reduce the likelihood of a hematoma forming at the site of the vein puncture.

If on the day of the test you experience dizziness, weakness, or a feeling of faintness, notify the procedure nurse in advance, and your blood will be taken while lying down.

If you do not tolerate the sight of blood, turn away during the procedure.

It takes no more than 10 minutes to conduct a general blood test using a new device developed at the Radio Engineering Institute. Academician Mints. It automatically counts the concentration of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets and stores the results in memory. In addition, the new device automatically calculates the leukocyte formula of the blood, evaluates the size distribution of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets, and determines the average hemoglobin content. And finally, it identifies normal and pathological forms of red and white blood cells, which in itself helps to identify a number of diseases.

How often to get tested

Doctors have this rule: it’s clear - treat, if it’s not clear - examine. But monitoring your health, at least occasionally, will not hurt anyone. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. To do this, you just need to lead an active lifestyle, listen to your body and respond to its signals in a timely manner.

Analyzes: pros and cons

If you feel unwell or have any doubts about something, it is best to immediately consult a doctor and undergo basic tests. There are situations when a doctor, based on symptoms, clinical picture cannot determine the patient's diagnosis with complete certainty. In such a situation, getting tested can play a decisive role and protect you from inappropriate medical prescriptions. Refrain from any tests unless necessary. To the question “how often should I get tested?” There is a universal answer: “as often as health conditions require.”

Preventive diagnosis of diseases

How often should pregnant women be tested?

In order to detect abnormalities in time, prevent possible problems and prevent complications, a pregnant woman has to undergo many tests. And it’s no coincidence, because health depends on their results expectant mother and baby. A woman undergoes a general blood test at least three times during pregnancy. Analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor is included in the list of mandatory ones. A blood clotting test is necessary to prevent bleeding during childbirth. Most often, a woman undergoes a urine test during pregnancy, because the kidneys place a very heavy load, so it is customary to take a urine test before each scheduled visit to the gynecologist. Ultrasound examinations are performed at least three times during pregnancy. The list of planned tests, if necessary, can be supplemented with many other studies.

What tests should I take if my child is often sick?
How often should women get tested?

Analyzes reflect the processes occurring in a woman’s body, but do not always indicate a particular disease. To monitor her condition, a woman should undergo the necessary tests once a year. In addition to the generally accepted blood and urine tests, the so-called “female kit” includes an analysis for the papilloma virus. The papillomavirus is dangerous because it does not show any symptoms for a long time, and then suddenly explodes into serious diseases, including cancer. At least once a year, a woman needs to have a gynecological smear.

How often should men get tested?

Deterioration in physical condition, the presence of diseases and many other reasons force men to see a doctor and get tested. Often men do not give due importance to many factors, and modern living conditions contribute to the development of many dangerous diseases. Approximately once a year, doctors strongly recommend that men be examined by a doctor, tested for hidden infections, hormone tests, prostate examinations, spermogram, and analysis of macro and microelements.

How often can I get my blood tested?

Tue, 6 04:39 yuliyaskiba asks:

I constantly monitor my health. Once every six months I undergo a medical examination for preventive purposes. Is it possible to take various tests, including blood tests, so often?

Answers to the question “How often can I get my blood tested?”

You can donate blood as often as the situation requires. if there are no health problems, there are no diseases that require monitoring of blood counts, for example, diabetes, then it is enough to undergo a medical examination once every six months

You can really do as many tests as the doctor prescribes, but you need to eat foods and do exercises to increase the amount of blood!!

The best option is once every six months. If the need arises, you can do it more often; there will be no harm to the body; on the contrary, donors feel better than us, their blood is renewed more often.

Up to 20 ml is taken for analysis. blood, usually much less. The body will not even feel such a tiny loss.

How often can you donate blood to men and women?

Donation is the procedure for voluntarily donating blood, which will later be used to help patients with severe bleeding or blood loss, in the manufacture of medicines and for other clinical purposes.

Donors undergo blood sampling in fairly large volumes, which may cause slight discomfort or weakness after the procedure. Therefore, it is important to know how often you can donate blood without negative consequences.

How to become a donor

There are clearly defined requirements and rules for people who come to donate.

First of all, each participant is protected by law, which provides:

  1. Only voluntary blood donation.
  2. Protecting the health of the person who donates blood.
  3. Mandatory financial incentives.
  4. Social support.

The law also stipulates the conditions under which donation is possible. This is complete medical examination on a free basis with the identification of all pathologies, taking medications, testing for HIV infection, hepatitis, and blood group determination. The candidate undergoes an examination by the attending physician, does an ECG, collects anamnesis, and takes blood tests from a vein and finger.

Women need to be examined by a gynecologist to determine the presence of pregnancy, as well as anemia, and indicate the end date of the monthly cycle.

Provided that all indicators are normal, the patient can be a donor.


There are restrictions under which a person cannot be a donor.

First of all, this is due to the presence of the following diseases:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Hansen's disease;
  • For typhus;
  • Tularemia;
  • Bang's diseases;
  • Filariasis;
  • Leishmaniasis;
  • For oncological diseases;
  • If identified organic lesions CNS;
  • For any mental disorders;
  • When using alcohol and drugs;
  • If the candidate has hypertension;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Diseases respiratory system;
  • Pathological and chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract;
  • For urolithiasis;
  • For severe endocrine diseases;
  • For pathological eye diseases;
  • In the presence of dermatological diseases;
  • If a candidate has had any of his internal organ or a transplant has been performed.

There are also certain terms and conditions that the candidate must pay attention to.

Donation can be carried out if:

  • At least 2 days have passed since drinking alcohol;
  • 3 days after using aspirin and painkillers;
  • Women can donate blood 5 days after the end of their monthly cycle;
  • If you have been vaccinated or surgical intervention using local anesthesia, at least 10 days must pass;
  • After taking antibiotics, 2 weeks should pass;
  • 3 months after allergy treatment;
  • After 2 months, if there was a trip outside the country’s borders;
  • One year after contact with patients who typhoid fever or hepatitis;
  • After 3 years, if the candidate had malaria.

Donation rules for men and women

Before donating blood, it is important to properly prepare for the procedure by fulfilling all the necessary requirements.

This is what will allow you to avoid negative aspects after the procedure:

  1. Smoking is strictly prohibited 2 hours before the procedure.
  2. 3 days in advance, stop taking any medicines, which affect blood viscosity.
  3. The day before the procedure, you should not eat fatty, smoked, spicy or fried foods. You should not eat eggs, milk, meat, chocolate, vegetable or butter. Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits other than citrus fruits. Otherwise, blood counts will be distorted.
  4. An hour before donation, a person should have a hearty breakfast and drink about a liter of liquid.
  5. After donation, you should drink coffee diluted with milk, a glass of kefir or juice.

Intervals between donations

The frequency of donations depends on gender and on whether the person is donating plasma, whole blood, or only its elements. Whole blood donation can be repeated after 2 months. When delivering only the components, a month must pass.

Men can donate blood no more than 5 times a year, women - 4. This mandatory requirement. A special law has been developed that determines how many times a donor can undergo the procedure throughout the year. This is strictly controlled so as not to harm human health.

It is very important how often donation is carried out. This must be taken into account in order not to cause harm to health, to allow time for the complete restoration of the composition and volume of a person’s blood. You need to give about 450 ml at a time.

The volume can return to normal after 3 days, and the required amount of constituent elements is restored in more than a month. Repeat donation depends on the type of donation. To repeat each procedure, its own rules have been developed. Therefore, it is important what exactly donors donate.

Whole blood can be donated to women once every trimester. For men - 5 times a year.

IMPORTANT: Only if an urgent transfusion is necessary, donor blood can be donated if a maximum of a month has passed between the previous procedure.

You can take plasma no more than once within 7 days. The maximum volume per year should not exceed 12 liters.

Red blood cell donation is carried out no more than once every 6 months. Red blood cells are completely restored after donation within a month, but the procedure cannot be carried out for 3 months if whole blood was taken from a person.

Experienced donors can donate platelets once every 14 days.

Leukocyte donation is carried out if there is an order for this composition for a specific patient. Only specialists determine how long the procedure can be repeated.

  1. The doctor applies a tourniquet in the elbow area and treats the injection site with an antiseptic.
  2. Whole blood is collected using a disposable catheter.
  3. The volume must be at least 450 mg.
  4. If components are donated, specialists on the equipment separate the platelets or plasma, and the remainder is reintroduced to the donor. The procedure lasts about 45 minutes.
  5. The material is packaged in a sealed container and sent for testing.
  6. The donor is given a certificate that officially exempts him from work for a day or more.

Is it harmful to be a donor?

Donation is generally harmless to human health. Like any medical procedure it can have both advantages and disadvantages.

  • Rapid independent recovery of the body after significant blood loss due to wounds or bruises;
  • Low risk of heart attack in old age;
  • As a result of blood renewal, healing occurs of cardio-vascular system;
  • Blood circulation improves;
  • Immunity increases;
  • As a result of frequent medical examination doctors can identify and prevent pathological changes and prescribe timely treatment.
  • Anemia may occur;
  • There is a risk of calcium leaching;
  • You may experience weakness and flu-like symptoms in the first days after the procedure.

Video: Blood donor - benefit or harm.

What does a blood test show?

A blood test is the most accessible way to find out about your health. Challenger found out how often you should take it and what indicators you need to pay special attention to.

When you come to another city, The best way to learn more about it is to walk the streets and chat with local residents. When you want to know about your health, you can learn a lot of interesting things from a blood test. After all blood vessels perform the function of streets in the body: “local residents” move along them in an endless stream - various cells and substances, by which one can judge the state of the entire organism.

Hundreds are available today various analyzes blood, and in scientific laboratories - even more. However, the most common is still a general clinical blood test.

General blood analysis

This is the same “finger blood test” that we first take at the clinic when we get sick. When performing it, the laboratory assistant counts the cell content in the submitted sample. There are several types of cells in human blood. The most numerous among them are red blood cells, responsible for the transfer of oxygen to tissues and organs. They perform this function thanks to the protein they contain - hemoglobin. A decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin is called anemia. At the same time, a person gets tired faster and constantly feels unwell.

There are also several types of white blood cells in the blood that are designed to protect the body from infection. Therefore, when we get sick, say, with a cold, the number of white blood cells in the blood increases. The immune system sends them to deal with the problem that has arisen. By the way, this is not the only indicator that changes during infection: an increase in ESR (which stands for “erythrocyte sedimentation rate”) is usually also observed.

Finally, there are platelets in the blood. These cells help stop bleeding when the vessel wall is damaged. Compared to other blood components, their content is more stable, and for a non-specialist this indicator is not particularly important.

The above description is, of course, simplified as much as possible. However, it is enough for you to know that a general blood test should be taken when you are sick and have a fever (infection is likely), or if you for a long time you feel unreasonably weak (perhaps the problem lies in anemia).

How often can you donate blood from a vein?

Progik falls on early stages! How was it for you? Please share.

Chair examination at 30 weeks

In a day. This will protect you from problems with water-salt metabolism in organism.


Avoid developing abdominal obesity, which increases your risk of disease diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, etc. Watch out: for men it should not exceed 94 cm, for women – 80 cm.

Survey plan

Create your own schedule using " " preventive examinations, tests and medical consultations.


Visit the dentist at least once a year, treat your teeth on time and get rid of tartar, preventing the development of serious illnesses oral cavity.


Find the right specialist medical institution, a specialized organization in the field of health and healthy lifestyle in the “” section.

Healthy eating

To hold normal level Do not consume more than 170 g of blood cholesterol per day (including red meat and poultry).

Healthy eating

Eat at least 300 g per week, including fatty varieties (mackerel, trout, salmon). Omega 3 acids contained in fish help prevent atherosclerosis.

Health control

To monitor the health of the respiratory system, do fluorography once a year and be examined by a therapist.

Health control

To monitor the health of the endocrine system, periodically take a blood glucose test.

Healthy eating

For good health digestive system and the right balance nutrients make it the basis of your diet, consuming at least 6-8 servings per day (300 ml of whole porridge and 200 g of bran bread).


Use " " to calculate body mass index, smoking index, level physical activity, anthropometric indices and other indicators.


Do not exceed 20 ml ethanol for women and 30 ml ethanol for men. This is the best way to minimize the harm from drinking alcohol.


Take a number of useful information tests in the “” section: the data obtained will help you identify problems or adjust your healthy lifestyle plan.

Health control

To monitor the health of your cardiovascular system, be examined by a therapist once a year and measure regularly arterial pressure and get a blood test for cholesterol.

Health card

Fill out a questionnaire on organ systems, receive a personal opinion on each of the systems and recommendations for health monitoring.

Healthy eating

To diversify your diet with all the necessary microelements, eat at least 300-400 g per day (fresh and cooked).

Health card

By filling out the Health Card, you will receive full information about the state of your health.

Negative Impact

Find out all the risk factors that affect your health in the “Negative Impact” block.

Physical activity

To prevent physical inactivity, increase your regular physical activity at least up to (150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week), try to move more.

Physical condition map

Use " " to determine your level of physical development.

Health control

To monitor eye health, be examined by an ophthalmologist once every 2 years; after 40 years, determine intraocular pressure annually.

Excess weight

Monitor your weight without going beyond the normal range of Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. To calculate and control BMI, use "".

Survey map

Use “ ” to store and interpret laboratory test results (blood tests, urine tests, etc.).

Health control

To monitor the health of the digestive system, once a year, undergo an examination with a therapist, determine your body mass index and blood cholesterol level, and if you are over 50 years old, get tested for colon cancer.

Anthropometric map

Monitor your weight without going beyond the normal range of Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. "