Class hour "Kindness will save the world" (on the day of the disabled). Open lesson "Do good", dedicated to the day of the disabled. plan-outline of the lesson (grade 7) on the topic Summary of the lesson of kindness dedicated to the day of the disabled

Classroom hour for the day of the disabled "Give people kindness!"


  1. Raising a respectful, humane, attentive attitude towards people with disabilities and recognizing them as full-fledged members of society;
  2. Learning to control your own emotions.
  3. Development of higher mental functions: attention, perception, logical thinking.

Equipment: parts of a paper man, magnets, cards with terms; heart (for each student); air balloons;

music and video material: Diana Gurtskaya "Magic Glass", music for relaxation, "Day of the Disabled", social video, "Do Good", "Accessible Environment".

Basic concepts of the topic :

handicapped, handicapped, visually handicapped,

hearing disability

The course of the classroom.

  1. Organizing time.

1. Emotional mood.

It's a new day. I will smile at you and you will smile at each other. And think: how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy. What do we wish today (students' names are listed). What do you want to wish me? Take a deep breath and exhale ... Exhale yesterday's resentment, anger, anxiety. Forget about them. Breathe in the freshness and beauty of white snow, warmth sun rays, cleanliness of rivers. I wish you success good health and careful attitude to each other.

2. Opening remarks:

Guys, we will find out the topic of today's class hour when we complete the task.

What is on the board? (body parts of a paper man).

Let's put them together and see what we get.

How many hands does a person have?

How many legs does a person have?

Have we got a man? This is a complete, healthy person. Is it so?

And now let's connect the remaining parts of the human body on the board.

What is missing from a person?

Can this person be called complete (healthy)?

And how can it be called?

Let's read the dictionary entry from the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov

DISABLED PERSON - a person who is completely or partially disabled due to injury, illness or old age.

So what are we going to talk about today in class? (about the disabled).

III. Main part.

Unfortunately, there are many people on our planet who are deprived of physical health, i.e. these people are disabled either from birth or as a result of illness or injury. Yes, indeed, often this happens due to an inattentive attitude towards oneself and loved ones.

"Injuries at school and at home"

Look at this poster. What is he warning us about? (children's answers). Correct pampering at school, on the road, at home, careless handling of pyrotechnics can lead to various injuries.

(the song "Magic Glass" performed by Diana Gurtskaya sounds)

Who sings this song? How is she different from other performers? (children's answers, this performer is blind)

These people are referred to as visually impaired.

Read the word written on the board (children read "sight")

What part of speech is this word? (noun).

Form an adjective from this noun (visual)

Now make a phrase (auditorium)

Make a sentence with this phrase. (The guys were sitting in the auditorium.

Do you think people who are blind can come to the auditorium? (children's answers)

These people may come to the auditorium, but they will only be able to listen, not watch. What do you think, can they work? (children's answers)

"Society of the Disabled" (a group of people with handicapped)

In the city of Labinsk there is a "Society of the Blind", where people without sight make things for general consumption

(covers, switches, sockets) and can even read books, but special for the blind.

To feel for yourself how difficult it is for such people to live, I propose to complete one task "Bring the item with your eyes closed"

Come one, blindfold. Now go to the bookcase and take the book from the 3rd shelf. Bring her to me.

Reflection. What did you experience while doing this task? Would you like to take off the bandage and open your eyes?

For all of us, this is an ordinary exercise, and if we wish, we can open our eyes. And do it with your eyes open. I think that each of you understands that visually impaired people cannot afford this.

“I stand and listen to these beautiful sounds of nature. On the tree …. woodpecker. In the swamp .... frogs. Near the flower... bumblebee. In grass …. locust."

Read the words for reference: buzzing, knocking, chirping, croaking.

Insert meaningful words into the text. Read aloud what happened?

What is the text about? (about the sounds of nature).

You and I can hear all these sounds, but people who cannot do this, they have no hearing - they are called deaf people (on the board there is a card - a deaf person)

Look at the poster carefully and say what can lead to hearing loss.? What should be done to avoid this? (children's answers)

That's right, you need to beware of loud sounds, do not go in the cold without a hat, do not pick your ears with sharp objects.

Dynamic pause

People who don't hear understand the world through facial expressions and gestures.

People with disabilities want to enjoy life just like everyone else. Therefore, theaters of facial expressions and gestures have been created for deaf people, special books are published for the blind, and sports competitions and even special Olympic Games are organized for non-walkers.

Do you know that such people participate in competitions? What are their names? Yes, that's right, the Paralympians.

To feel for yourself how difficult it is for such people to do something that is not difficult for us, one exercise will help. Come to me 2 people. Now, I will tie one hand with a ribbon to the body. And you, with one hand, try to put on a jacket.


What did you experience? What did you want to do?

Guys, today you listened to the information, many of you felt for yourself, performing various tasks, how difficult it is sometimes for people with disabilities to live. I think that you will become kinder, more attentive, more responsive. To help them somehow. During the lesson, in your eyes, it became clear to me that everything you heard, saw, touched your hearts. I would like to add that every disabled person wants to be treated as a full-fledged person. And as one of these people said: “We feel normal, like all other people, it is the attitude of people towards us that makes us disabled.

Social video "Do good"

I think many of you will no longer laugh at such people, but on the contrary, if possible, will offer them your help.

Video "Accessible Environment"

And here's how we can help them, I want to hear from you. And for this we are now divided into two groups.

1 row - there will be city planners.

They need to figure out what can be changed in the construction of the city to make life easier for the disabled.

2 row - choose cards on which actions are written that you can do yourself to help people with disabilities.

Children complete the task within 1-2 minutes. (at this time relaxation music sounds). Then the children voice what they did.

1 row- to make an entrance and an exit, from shops, transport intended for wheelchairs.

2 row- help to cross the road, go to the store, help clean the apartment, pay attention.

IV. Final part

If you want to sow goodness around you, then take the hearts that are on your tables and write on them what is closer to your soul, what you want to say to the disabled. You can use the inscriptions on the board or come up with your own version. (it is written on the board: I want to help you, I worry about you, I will support you in difficult times), and now attach hearts with wishes to balloons, which we will then release into the sky to convey our kindness to all people.

Summary of the lesson.

Who and what were they talking about? Who agrees that "Kindness will save the world"? Kindness is an amazing thing, no matter how much it brings people together. Kindness saves from loneliness and spiritual wounds. I'm your friends, I'm not asking for anything, just be kind.

And I want to end our class hour with the words of the great Russian writer: “There is only one undoubted happiness in life - to live for others”


1.N.V.Romanycheva, G.M. Pecherina Education of tolerance. Krasnodar. Tradition 2011.

2. Kryazheva N. L. Development of the emotional world of children. Yaroslavl, 1997.

3. I'm going to a lesson in elementary school: Scenarios for school holidays. - M.: First of September, 2001.

MKOU "Secondary School with. Psynshoko"

Good lesson.



day of the disabled.

"Man is famous for good deeds."

Class hour in 5 and 6 cells.

Class teacher: Gudova Z.B.

Kindness Lesson. Man is famous for good deeds.

Goals and objectives: to introduce students to the concepts (good, kind, virtue, morality); find out what kind of person can be called kind; explore what a good deed and a good deed consist in; develop a sense of sympathy for people with disabilities (HIA) find out the essence of the golden rule of morality.

Planned results: students should characterize the signs of kindness and the golden rule of morality; compare social objects, figure them out common features and differences; conduct a discussion, a heuristic conversation, work with documents, analyze problems and solve problematic problems.

Equipment: diagrams for the lesson, a package with working material.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

Motivational-target stage.

Once upon a time, an old man revealed to his grandson one vital truth:

- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty. The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather, thought, and then asked:

- Which wolf wins at the end?

The old man smiled and replied:

- The wolf you feed always wins.

Question for the class.

- How do you understand the meaning of this parable?

(student answers).

Problematic question of the lesson

- Why do people value kindness?

Introduction to new material.

Gets expensive

Happiness difficult roads.

What good have you done?

How did you help people?

Are you building a rocket?

Hydro station? House?

warming up the planet

By your peaceful labor?

Ile under snow powder

Whose life are you saving?

Doing good things for people

Be nice yourself.

These lines by I. Kuchin make us think about a lot ... In the film "Boys" the protagonist, working with difficult teenagers, he introduced the following tradition: before going to bed, they had to remember the good deeds that they had done during the day ... Let's think about kindness and kindness, their role in human life.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. What is good. Who is called good?

The great French thinker Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote: "You can resist everything, but not against kindness." They say that if there is kindness, humanity, sensitivity, benevolence in a person, it means that he has matured as a person. Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness.

What associations do you have with the word "good"?

(student answers).

Kindness. As long as there is a person, this quality has always been valued. Kind eyes. Kind soul. He is kind to me. Good fellow. Good tradition. Good old time. Leave a good memory...

What is kindness?

Exercise A: Examine additional material and identify signs of kindness.

Additional material.

Kindness is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others (“ Dictionary Russian language”, S.I. Ozhegov).

“Nothing costs us so cheaply and is valued so dearly as politeness and kindness” (M. Cervantes).

“The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness” (B. Pascal).

"Kindness. This is the quality that I want to acquire more than anyone else ”(L.N. Tolstoy).

“Kindness, readiness to protect the weak and defenseless is, first of all, courage, fearlessness of the soul” (V. Sukhomlinsky).

“And wherever you go, wherever you stop along the way, feed and drink everyone who asks everywhere ... But when you do well, don’t be lazy for everything good, don’t pass by a person without greeting him, but say a kind word to everyone when you meet” ( "Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh" - instruction of Prince Monomakh to children, about 1117).

Signs of kindness:mercy, compassion, desire to help, readiness to protect the weak, responsiveness, courage, sincere disposition towards people.

In the old Russian dictionary that was in force before the reform of 1918, the letters were denoted by the words: A -az (I), B - beeches (letters, letters), C - lead (from know, know), G - verb (speak), D - good, Zh - live (live), Z - earth, L - people, M - think, T - firmly. The ABC seemed to call: "People of the Earth, speak, think and do good."

Kindness is the language that everyone wants to speak to you.

2. Since December 3, 1992, the world has been annually celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Did you know about this day? Let's take a look at history.

History of the Day of the Disabled

If you ask a passer-by on the street what date the disabled person's day is, then only a few will be able to give you the correct answer. Majority healthy people are not even aware of its existence. The UN Assembly proclaimed the International Year of Persons with Disabilities in 1981 and then the Decade of Persons with Disabilities in 1983. It was called to change the very approach to the problems of people with disabilities, to protect their human rights to a normal life. On December 14, 1992, the following decision was made at the UN Assembly - to annually celebrate December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On this day, mass events should be held in all states that are members of this largest organization. They should be aimed at maximizing the lives of these people, fast decision all urgent problems, and their speedy integration into the normal life of our society.

The main purpose of this day is to draw attention to the problem. People who do not have health problems and freedom of movement do not realize that a person in a wheelchair is the same as you. Only for some reason, he does not have access to the simplest everyday things. This problem is especially true for developing countries.

The goal of the UN is to make disabled people full-fledged members of society with equal opportunities, and therefore rights.
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities should convey to society that a disabled person should not be on the sidelines of life and, on an equal basis with able-bodied citizens, have employment, and therefore be able to earn. In 2006, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted.

Who are these disabled people? (Answers) Please tell me, can all children go to school like you? Sitting at a desk for 40 minutes, carrying heavy briefcases, running up stairs, attending physical education classes?

It happens that children are born disabled or become disabled as a result of accidents or diseases. For example: due to a tick bite, someone got right under the wheel of a car, someone was pushed, and he hit and got injured, someone defended his homeland and family from (bandits ...), someone during training hurt something.

Disabled people are people whose health is so limited by a disease or injury that they cannot do without outside help and the help of the state.

Have you ever seen such people in our village, in other places? (Answers) Yes, indeed, they are. We just don't always notice them. There are many such people. These are both adults and children.

The life of a disabled person is very different from the life of ordinary people. Many do not withstand ridicule and disrespect and die, but among them there are also resilient people, they communicate, go in for sports, live a full life.

3. The main rule of a kind person.

It is pleasant for us to be in the company of kind people, but for this we must be kind ourselves.

Exercise. Read the text " Journey into the past.

There was a golden rule of morality a long time ago. It is said that a student came to the Chinese sage Confucius, who lived more than two thousand years ago, and asked: “Is there a rule that could be followed all your life?” The sage replied, “It is reciprocity. What you don't want yourself, don't do to others." This was the golden rule.

There is also a Hebrew story about an impatient young man. He asked intelligent people to explain to him the contents of the sacred books so briefly that their wisdom could be assimilated standing on one leg and not getting tired. And one famous scientist said to him: "Do not do to anyone what you do not want, what would be done to you." And that was also the golden rule.

And at the beginning of our era, it sounded from the lips of Jesus Christ: "And so in everything, as you want people to do to you, so do you to them." So the golden rule entered the life of people and has been living for a thousand years.

What do you think prevents people from always acting in accordance with the golden rule of morality?

Exercise. "Picture Gallery" Rembrandt van Rey (1606-1669). The return of the prodigal son. Look at the picture and listen to the parable from the Bible.

Some man had two sons; and the youngest of them said to his father, Father! give me the part of the estate next to me. And the father divided the estate between them. After a few days, the youngest son, having collected everything, went to a far country and there he squandered his property, living dissolutely. When he had lived all, there came a great famine in that country, and he began to be in need; and he went and attached himself to one of the inhabitants of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine; and he was glad to fill his belly with horns that swine ate, but no one gave him. When he came to his senses, he said: how many hirelings from my father have plenty of bread, and I am dying of hunger; I will get up and go to my father and say to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me as one of your hired hands.

He got up and went to his father. And while he was still far away, his father saw him and had compassion; and, running, fell on his neck and kissed him. The son said to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. And the father said to his servants: Bring best clothes and clothe him, and put a ring on his hand, and sandals on his feet; and bring a fattened calf, and kill it; Let's eat and be merry! for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. And they started having fun.

His eldest son was in the field; and returning, when he approached the house, he heard singing and rejoicing; and calling one of the servants, he asked: what is this? He said to him: Your brother has come, and your father killed the fatted calf, because he received him healthy. He got angry and didn't want to come in. His father went out and called him. But he said in response to his father: behold, I have served you for so many years and have never transgressed your orders, but you have never given me even a kid to have fun with my friends; and when this son of yours, who had squandered his possessions with harlots, came, you slaughtered a fattened calf for him. He said to him: My son! you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours, and it was necessary to rejoice and be glad that this brother of yours was dead and is alive again, was lost and was found.

- Luke 15:11-32

What feelings of biblical characters was the artist able to convey?

Let's remember a few rules, using which we will become truly kind.

    Help people.

    Protect the weak.

    Don't envy.

    Forgiving others' mistakes.

Remember, to be kind you need to try:

    Don't advance, but yield.

    Don't take, give.

    Do not show a fist, but extend a hand.

4. Reflection.

Exercise continue the phrase.

    It was interesting to me…

    We figured it out today...

    Today I realized that...

    It was difficult for me...

5. Summing up the lesson.

There are different people ... Some are ready to give the last to the first comer, others feel sorry for the snow in winter. What category of people do you belong to? Are you always kind and considerate to others? The test will help answer these questions.

Test "Are you a kind person?".

I hope that our reflections in today's lesson will help you to be kinder and more tolerant to each other, to find the kind and good that is in the soul of every person.

Lesson of Kindness dedicated to

International Day of Persons with Disabilities.


    To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba "special child".

    To introduce some of the problems of children with disabilities.

    To form a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities (HIA).

    Build an understanding of health as a value human life.

    To cultivate a sense of responsibility for one's own health, the health of one's loved ones, those around them, and a readiness to perceive health as a value of human life.

Equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, presentation, cut out hearts (according to the number of children), felt-tip pens, 2 ribbons, 2 scarves.

Teacher: "Hello!" We begin any of our meetings with these words. And you all know what they mean not only as a greeting, but also as a wish of health to the one to whom they are addressed.

Health is very important for a person. Health is a gift of fate. It is necessary to learn to cherish and respect this gift. That is why, from early childhood, we learn not just to greet people, but to wish them health. If we wish others, we wish ourselves.

But does our health and the health of others always depend only on our desire?

I suggest you remember the fairy tale by Valentin Kataev "Flower-seven-flower". And we will do it this way: I will ask questions, and you will answer.

How many petals did the magic flower have?

Who remembers the magic words? (Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle. Having flown around the earth, in my opinion they led).

Why did the boy on the bench refuse to run with Zhenya? (Because he has bad legs, he moves with the help of crutches, he is disabled).

Unfortunately, there are many people on our planet who are deprived of physical health, i.e. these people are disabled either from birth or as a result of illness or injury.

Now in our school there is a decade dedicated to the Day of the Disabled.

It is traditionally celebrated on December 3rd. This was decided in 1992 by the United Nations. Usually on this day it is customary to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities, to protect their dignity, rights and well-being.

Who are these disabled people? (Answers)

Disabled people are people whose health possibilities are so limited by a disease or injury that they cannot do without outside help and the help of the state.

In the Big encyclopedic dictionary"It is written:" A disabled person (from Latin invalidus - weak, infirm) - a person who has partially or completely lost his ability to work.

Have you ever seen such people in our city, in other places? (Answers) Yes, indeed, they are. We just don't always notice them. There are many such people in our village. These are both adults and children.

In German, there is the concept of "Sonderkind" (Sonder Kind) - a special child, and it is equally applied to both talented children and disabled children. We also call these guys "special children".

Issues for discussion:

Are there professions that are hazardous to health and lead to disability? (children's answers)

What dangers lie in wait for us in life, in everyday life? (children's answers)

Some types of professions are associated with a health hazard: underwater, chemical, associated with high voltage, vibration, radiation, and others. Representatives of almost all professions are more or less exposed to some kind of danger. All kinds of big sports, ballet, circus are also very traumatic.

And in life, in everyday life, dangers lie in wait for us: electricity, boiling water, the high height of high-rise buildings, cars. But people often either do not think or simply take risks: they cross the road in the wrong place or at a red light of a traffic light, swim in unfamiliar places or in too cold water, cross rivers along thin ice, fight and do a lot of other things, do not protect the most valuable thing that we have - life and health.

In addition, catastrophes and accidents occur in the world: car and plane crashes, fires, accidents at factories, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc.

After hostilities, disabled people also appear due to injuries and concussions.

It happens that a person gets sick. But not all diseases have yet obeyed doctors.

And there are doctors who dishonestly treat their duties.

Sonechka Kulivets, a little patient of the Krasnodar Children's Hospital, was only two months old when, due to an incorrect injection, the girl had to amputate her pen. This tragedy shocked the entire country. And so that this does not happen again, you must study very well and become disciplined workers. After all, your fate and the fate of other people will be in your hands.

And sometimes it happens like this: the baby is born already unhealthy.

Practical exercises

1. - We talk a lot today about health. Health is movement. Let's move on a little. Now I will ask you to stand 5 people, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a dark, unfamiliar room. And now be extremely careful and careful, following my commands.

Teams: step right, two steps forward, step left, step back, crouch, turn left, step back, turn left again, step right and forward, turn around.

Without opening your eyes, please answer, where are you, where did you come? And you had to come to where you started the movement.


Open your eyes. Did you get to the right place? How did you feel moving with your eyes closed? (Answer options may be unexpected: from fear to interest).

2. 2 people are invited. With your eyes closed, draw a house on the board.


What did you feel? What did you think? Was it difficult to complete the tasks?

3. You have all been to the cinema at least once, sat in the auditorium.

Do you think people who cannot see with their eyes can come to the auditorium? (children's answers) These people can come to the auditorium, but they can only listen, not watch.

4. I propose to complete another task "Bring the item with your eyes closed"

Come one, blindfold. Now go to the bookcase and take the book from the 3rd shelf. Bring it to me.


What did you experience while doing this task? Would you like to take off the bandage and open your eyes?

Teacher: - This is how people with vision problems feel in our lives. There is a special alphabet - the Braille alphabet, so that these people can also read, learn, and communicate. It is based on a convex six-dot: letters, numbers, and musical signs are indicated by combinations of dots.

Do you think blind people can work? (children's answers)

There is a "Society of the Blind", where people without sight make things for general consumption (covers, switches, sockets).

Do you agree that with friendly help such people would be much more comfortable and reliable? (children's answers).

Teacher: How do people with hearing problems live? After all, on the street they don’t hear the horns of cars, you can’t call them, you can’t warn them of danger from afar. In the forest, we "hook" so as not to lose each other, but how are they? BUT they communicate with gestures, this is sign language. Therefore, such people need to see the hands and face of the interlocutor. Sometimes deaf people can also understand our language - according to a special program Emilia Leonhard in the "Hearing Center" in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, they are taught to read words from the lips of a speaking interlocutor and even speak. I will say a few words to you inaudibly - try to understand me. And now everyone can tell us a couple of phrases. (Children try to speak inaudibly and guess what was said.)

And if a person is deprived of both sight and hearing? How to communicate then? And then contact "palm to palm" is necessary. Then the fingers of the "speaking" write a word of letters in the palm of the "listener". These letters are special. Such a set of "letters" is called a dactyl alphabet. Try it yourself (the "letters" of the dactyl alphabet are shown). Complicated? But you need to live, study, work. Such children study near Moscow in the Zagorsk special boarding school. This school is the only one in the whole country. Four of its graduates became doctors of science.

Dynamic pause - People who do not hear understand the world around them through facial expressions and gestures. And in order to feel for yourself how difficult it is, I suggest: Get on your feet, turn to each other, look into your partner’s eyes, take his hand so that he feels your good attitude towards him.


Raise your hand if you feel good about yourself. I'm glad you were able to convey your feelings to someone else.

Teacher : - There are people who do not have an arm or a leg, or both arms and legs, or arms and legs do not obey their master at all. People who have no legs most often move around in wheelchairs. They are forced to constantly use outside help. Imagine your morning with your hands tied: how to wash, have breakfast, get dressed?

Practical exercises

5. - To feel for yourself how difficult it is for such people to do something that is not difficult for us, one exercise will help. Come to me 2 people. Now, I will tie one of your hands to your body with a ribbon. And you, with one hand, try to put on a jacket.

6. 4 more people are invited.

Without using your hands, untie the laces on your shoes.


What did you experience? What did you want to do?

Teacher: -Do you believe that such people participate in competitions, dance, draw? And you don't believe in vain.

There are still many diseases that prevent a person from living a full life.

Raise your hand, those who would sell their leg, arm, eyes for a million dollars?

How much would you be willing to pay to lose your hearing?

Teacher: - Guys today we talked about people with disabilities, people with disabilities, many of you felt for yourself, performing various tasks, how difficult it is sometimes for people with disabilities to live. And it is especially difficult to live in our world for “special children”.

Who are children with disabilities?
Disabled Children - Angels of the Earth
How much undeserved resentment
On themselves they carried
How many times they face into the pillow
So as not to cry in front of everyone
They talked at night like a girlfriend ...
Is what we are a sin?
How many times their mothers sneak
They took away the children
So as not to hear this nasty whisper
Evil, unkind, weak people
They are weak not with a mortal body.
Weak in their cold soul
They tried not to help the poor children
They were always driven away with an evil look
Don't be sad mother don't need
Your children are angels, not evil
God gave them to us as a reward,
To bring love and warmth into the world.

Well, those who do not understand them
May the Lord forgive them for their will
Let them hear how they cry
Mothers at the beds of sick children
But not everyone in the world is indifferent,
More than those who want to help them.
Opening the soul to them cordially
Grief helps to overcome.
May the Lord with his imperishable hand
Will overshadow the whole human world with a cross
So that on the whole Earth, in the whole Universe
Peace has always reigned, peace reigned
So that no wars and no earthquakes
Not a terrible tsunami, NEVER
Save the Lord from shocks
All people, NOW and ALWAYS...
- I think that you will become kinder, more attentive, more responsive. To help them somehow. During the lesson, in your eyes, it became clear to me that everything you heard, saw, touched your hearts. I would like to add that every disabled person wants to be treated as a full-fledged person. And as one of these people said: “We feel normal, like all other people, it is the attitude of people towards us that makes us disabled.

I think many of you will no longer laugh at such people, but on the contrary, if possible, will offer them your help. And here's how we can help them, I want to hear from you. (children's answers: - make the entrance and exit, from shops, transport, intended for wheelchairs; - help cross the road, go to the store, help clean the apartment, pay attention.)

Summary of the classroom.

What is health? What do the words "special child", "children with disabilities", disabled mean? Should we take care of our own health and the health of others? What should be done to be healthy? What is a healthy lifestyle?

Conclusion: It is necessary to protect health, as a healthy person has more opportunities and strength to achieve their goals, fulfill dreams, communicate, etc. To protect your health, you need to play sports, do not smoke, do not use drugs and alcohol, and follow the regime. Follow the advice of doctors so as not to prolong the disease. Preserve and improve the environment. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Reflection of the lesson.

Who agrees that "Kindness will save the world"? Kindness is an amazing thing, no matter how much it brings people together. Kindness saves from loneliness and spiritual wounds. I'm your friends, I'm not asking for anything, just be kind. If you want to sow goodness around you, then take the hearts that are on your tables and write on them what is closer to your soul, what you want to say to the disabled. You can use the inscriptions on the board or come up with your own version. (it is written on the board: I want to help you, I worry about you, I will support you in difficult times). Whoever has hearts ready, attach them to the board.

I think that you all wrote kind, good words of support on your hearts, and this may mean that the time spent on the lesson was not in vain for you.


Conducted by: teacher

Additional education for children

Igumentseva Ludmila Vasilievna

St. Petersburg

2015-2016 academic year

Explanatory note

Target: Education of a humane attitude towards people with disabilities.


Tutorials: To form an idea of ​​health as a value of human life. To introduce children to the concept and meaning of the words "people with disabilities"

Developing: To develop a sense of empathy for people with disabilities, through the "living" of such an experience.Develop creative individuality, emotional perception, fantasy, replenishment of the active vocabulary.

Educational: Cultivate a sense of responsibility for one’s health, the health of one’s loved ones, those around them and a willingness to perceive health as a value of human life

Raise a sense of morality towards people with disabilities; inform about models of behavior with people with disabilities when meeting them on the street; raise awareness in maintaining their own health.

Methodical, didactic and logistical support of the lesson:

Form of the lesson: Open educational lesson.

Techniques and methods: Group, practical, visual, verbal.

Equipment and materials: Computer presentation “Do good”, lesson development, cards, beads, threads, chamomile eye patch, multimedia board, laptop.

Expected results:

After this session, students:

1. Understand the importance and necessity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

2 Familiar with some of the problems of people with disabilities.

3. Empathize, sympathize with people with disabilities.

Creating a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in the group; increasing intra-group trust and cohesion of group members.

Lesson progress:

Hello guys! Today I would like to dedicate our lesson - international day disabled people.

But first, I propose to play a greeting game.

Now I will go to each of you and you will choose the bead that you like.

When you take the bead in your hands, you will say your name, as you would like to be addressed.(children take a bead, saying their name)

And now, when you have chosen a bead, squeeze your bead in a fist, close your eyes, smile (required from the heart), think about what is good, good in your soul, for what qualities you love yourself, appreciate, respect. Who is ready, open your eyes.

(Conversation on the content of the work of V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower")

I suggest you remember the work of V. Kataev, where these lines are taken from:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground
To be in my opinion.
Lead to…

(children answer questions)

That's right, this work is called "Flower-Semitsvetik".

Who was the main character of this work?(girl Zhenya)

What unusual did the girl manage to get?(Flower-seven-flower,which the old woman gave her a).

What was unusual about this flower? (Could fulfill any desire).

And so the last blue petal remained. How many of you remember what the girl wanted to spend it on?(Candy, bicycle, movie ticket, sandals).

What decision did Zhenya make with the last petal?(She helped Vita recover, who could not move on his own).

Which of the seven wishes do you think was considered?

Correctly, the most deliberate and correct desire was the seventh.

From which side did Zhenya appear before us, making the 7th wish?

She saw, understood and accepted a stranger to her as he is. Zhenya wanted to help Vita feel healthy, like everyone else.

Not every disease is curable, and therefore there are many people among us who need someone's support from outside.

Have you ever met people on your way who need someone's help or support, as in this fairy tale?

What kind of people am I asking about?

That's right, about people with disabilities

There are people with physical disabilities or with serious illnesses that are not necessarily congenital, but may be the result of injuries or past illnesses.

A person with disabilities is a person like everyone else. He needs happiness, joy, communication, love, suffers from loneliness, indifference, misunderstanding and needs support.

Imagine that you are walking down a street full of people. What kind of people with disabilities can you meet along the way?(Visually impaired, hearing impaired, wheelchair users, people with intellectual disabilities.)

What feelings do you have when you meet such a person on your way?(compassion., empathy, empathy, generosity)

In 1992, at the end of the United Nations Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1983-1992), the UN General Assembly proclaimed 3 December as International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is aimed at drawing attention to the problems of persons with disabilities, protecting their dignity, rights and well-being.

Guys, now we will create flower - seven-flower with the rules of a tolerant person.

Let's ask Ksyusha to tell us what tolerance is.

TOLERANCE: in Russian, “tolerance” means “the ability, ability to endure, put up with other people's opinions, be condescending to the actions of other people, be gentle with their mistakes, mistakes”.

I suggest that you, together with me, develop a number of rules that will help you behave correctly with people with disabilities (in the course of formulating the rules, a seven-color flower is created).

How would you behave when meeting a person who has a disability? (That's right, you don't have to look so intently to attract the attention of the person himself, as this can put him in an awkward position)

Attached 1 petal- "see" a person with disabilities, but pretend that he did not notice his shortcomings.

Guys, let's use the scene, consider the situation. When a person needs help...

Pasha, Nadia and Dima will help us with this.

Scene “There are two roads in front of you. Choose...”

The young man and his girlfriend were walking around the city. An ill-dressed elderly man was sitting on the curb. A bag lay beside him. He groaned softly, and there were tears in his eyes.

Wait, I'll go to him, - said the girl.

Do not even think about it. It is dirty, you will catch the infection, - the young man answered, squeezing her hand.

Let go. You see, his leg is broken. Look, look, he's got blood on his pants.

What about us? He himself is to blame.

Let go of my hand, you're hurting me. He needs help.

I'm telling you, it's all his own fault. You have to work, but he begs, steals, drinks. Why help him?

I'll still come by. The girl pulled out her hand.

I won't let you. You are my girlfriend and do not dare to communicate with "anyone". Let's get out of here, - he tried to take her away.

You know what, I... How can you? He's in pain, you know? No, you don't understand!

The girl pushed the boy away and approached the man. The boy tried again to hold her back. She shook her hand decisively.

What's wrong with you? she asked the man. - What's wrong with your leg.

I broke it... I'm bleeding. I don't know what to do and where is the hospital in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

Now. Let me take a look. Be patient. You need to call an ambulance.

Thank you lady, thank you...

Listen, - the girl turned to the young man who approached them, - do you have a “mobile phone”?

The guy was silent. The girl looked at him inquiringly and suddenly felt the disgust that emanated from his whole posture, look ... She got up and approached the guy.

Go away! Never call me again and don't come! I don't want to know you anymore.

Can you really do this because of some homeless, alcoholic? Silly! You'll regret it.

The girl shrugged and dropped to her knees again. The guy walked away.

You open fracture she said. - I'm going to call the doctor. Be patient, - she quickly went to the telephone booth.

Young woman! - the man called out to her - Thank you! The girl turned around and smiled. You will definitely find happiness for yourself.

(children answer questions)

  1. Why did the young man refuse to help?
  2. What would you do in this case?
  3. What do you usually do when you see that a person needs help?
  4. How should we deal with people who beg?

Outcome : Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, whether it be a random fellow traveler, a vagabond or a friend, this will be an act of kindness.

Such people are found everywhere, they can live in the neighborhood, or walk in your yard. Those. you have to meet this person very often. What next step do you propose to take to get the person distracted from their problems?

2 petal attached– “establish” contact, and not turn away from a person with disabilities.

Now Peter will read us a poem written by Sergei Olgin.


Although each step is not easy for us,
Though every hour is a fall and rise,
Beneath that old blue sky
We love life and do not get tired of living.

Sometimes it happens - life surrenders black,
And not in a foggy dream, but in reality,
They pull to the bottom of adversity, but stubbornly
We all remain on the raft.

We hate if we are pitied
And in his difficult everyday life.
Getting stronger and healthier
With the help of unity and friends.

So don't scare us, hard road.
Fierce winter. Thunderstorm thunder.
Friends, together we can do a lot,
To stay human on earth.

Unhappiness cannot break us,
Our blood does not freeze in the cold,
Always on time to help us
Hope, faith, wisdom and love!

We have seen that people with disabilities are strong, smart, independent, hardy, and so on.

Attached 3 petal- "understand" the problem of a person.

How can you understand someone else's problem?

You need to imagine yourself in a situation in which people with disabilities find themselves.

And now I want to invite you to play a game in which you can feel what a person with health problems is experiencing.

I need two volunteers, one plays the role of a blind man, the other is his assistant.

Task for the blind:“Close your eyes, don’t peek at all. You must get up from your seat, go to the blackboard, draw any picture with chalk and return to your place.

Assistant task: "You are a helper. Your task is to do everything so that the blind person does not fall, does not injure himself, does not collide with something. And also make sure that your friend does not peep."

After completing the task, the participants are asked questions.

Let's sum it up :(children answer questions

Questions to the "blind":

  • What did you feel?
  • Was it difficult? If difficult, when? What was the hardest thing?
  • Questions for an assistant:
  • Did you want to help?
  • If so, when?

Questions for the class:

  • What did you saw?
  • When did he need help the most?
  • What difficulties do people who have vision problems face?

What do you think life is easy for a blind person? easy at home? Guys, how can you distinguish a person with visual impairment, by what signs? (white cane, guide dog)

What devices do you know that help people with visual impairments in life? (sound traffic lights)

Outcome: You see, guys, what difficulties people with disabilities experience. But they also really want to learn how to draw beautifully, sing and play music. instruments, dance, they want to play sports. - What do you think, can people with disabilities learn this?

The shortcomings of one sense organ are compensated by other organs (For example: the deaf can read lips, the blind have finer hearing and more sensitive skin, etc. People with disabilities improve what is less developed in healthy people.) And we we can help them with this.

Attached 4 petal- "accept" a person as he is, to realize the dignity of a person.

Treat him like an equal.

Attached 5 petal- to be interested in the success of a person.

(To support the initiative and creative manifestation of a person).

We will now listen to messages about the heroism of people with disabilities.

Now you will learn about the human resilience, courage and unbending fortitude of people with limited abilities, but unlimited abilities. (children present their messages)

Zhenya will now tell us about

HEROES OF KILIMANJARO. "To prove to yourself that you are no worse, and maybe better than others, you need to grit your teeth once in your life and strain all your strength, but conquer your peak," they said. Russian invalids Andrei Kozub, Vyacheslav Surov and others and conquered a mountain peak with a height of 5895 m, thereby proving not only to themselves, but to everyone that fortitude and courage can overcome all obstacles.

NINA MAHLER is a psychologist from Switzerland. The courage and energy of Nina, who, after her illness, lost the ability not only to move, but even breathe on her own, shocked everyone. She even created the Fund for Assistance to the Disabled in Russia in Switzerland. She works on a computer with a blast of air from a breathing tube, making 140 characters per minute.

MARY VERDI - a girl in a wheelchair, really wanted to dance. She learned to spin gracefully and make graceful movements. One day, Mary decided to take part in a dance competition, but did not warn the organizers that she was disabled. The numb audience followed her performance, and one of the judges even opened his mouth in surprise. Mary created the Dancing Wheels group.

I learned not only to exist, but also to create my life. Through dance we show that human possibilities are endless. If you want, you can achieve everything.

What is the name of sports competitions for people with disabilities.

PARALYMPIC GAMES. Nadia tell us please..

You probably know about the Paralympic Games - international sports competitions for the disabled. They are traditionally held after the main Olympic Games, and since 1992 - in the same cities. The Summer Paralympic Games have been held since 1960, and the Winter Games since 1976 (they are held regularly every four years)

The name "Paralympic" is derived from the Greek prefix "para" - "around, alongside"; I mean the parallelism and equality of these competitions with the Olympic competitions.

What sports are included in the Paralympic Games?

Alena, tell me please.


Summer sports:

weightlifting, athletics, archery, swimming, judo, cycling, wheelchair tennis, fencing, 7x7 football, 5x5 football, wheelchair basketball, dressage, shooting, volleyball, wheelchair rugby, wheelchair dancing, goalball, tabletop tennis, rowing, sailing.

Winter sports:

cross-country skiing and biathlon, alpine skiing, ice hockey, curling.

Natalya Yanuto. You can envy her stamina and will. She was born and lives in the village of Belozersky, Moscow Region. After the accident, the bedridden girl clenched her fists and fought for her right to be happy. At first she got carried away with beadwork, and a few years later at the European Championship she twice climbed to the highest step of the podium in armwrestling. She was crying from impotence, pain, indifference of those around her. But life's difficulties only hardened her character. She won gold, silver, bronze medals in a stubborn struggle. And before the European Championships, she firmly decided: I will not give in. Day and night, she pumped her biceps, pulling a kettlebell from under her pillow. Natasha competed with titled athletes, but managed to prove to everyone that if there is a desire and perseverance, then everything can be achieved. She won. Two gold medals, two crystal cups, two diplomas and the title of European Armwrestling Champion. She also dreams of trying her hand at a marathon. She believes that any distance will conquer her, because her possibilities are unlimited.

Attached 6 petal- Something to "adopt" and something to give in return.

Attached 7 petal- "help realize" a person's capabilities and feel needed for others.

We must learn the laws of human existence and the laws of living together.

Summary of the lesson:

Happiness is when you are understood. Each of us needs food and sleep, warmth and physical security. Every person needs. To make him feel necessary, to have success appreciated by the people around him; so that it can develop and realize its potential;

The people around him respected him.

We have a new seven-flower.Such a magical flower is unlikely to be found. But I think that this flower should grow in the soul of every person and then life will be much more beautiful.

Valeria read the poem.

No matter how life flies -
Do not regret your days
Do a good deed
For the happiness of people.
To make the heart burn
And not smoldering in the mist,
Do a good deed
That's how we live on earth.

And guys there is a good expression "What you sow, you will reap." If you will be right hand distribute sympathy, attention, help, compassion friendship, then in left hand will return the same.

Take the beads with warm hands, squeeze into a fist and attach to your heart, think about what you will take with you into life from this lesson. Let this experience help you to be kinder and more tolerant to each other in life, help you find the kind and good that is in the soul of every person. Open your eyes. Come one by one to me, we will string the beads on one thread. Stay standing with me.

What did we get?

Look what wonderful beads we got. So we are connected with others, but at the same time, each bead exists separately. So a person sometimes wants to be with everyone, and sometimes he wants to be alone. See how tightly the beads fit together, as if they are very friendly with each other. I want you in the class to also be close-knit and friendly, so that you have these relationships for a long time.

I invite you to join hands and sing the song "Do good"

Thank you guys for your work on today's event. I suggest you clap each other.

"The road of goodness" op. Y. Entina, music. M. Minkova):

1 couplet.

Ask life strict
Which way to go?
Where in the world white
Leave in the morning?
Follow the sun, 2 times
Although this path is not known.
Go my friend, always
Walk the path of goodness

2 couplet.

Forget your worries.
Falls and ups.
Don't whine
When the fate of you
She doesn't act like a sister.
But if it's bad with a friend, 2 times
Don't rely on a miracle.
Hurry to him always
Walk the path of goodness

3 verse.

Oh, how many will be different
Doubts and temptations.
Don't forget that this life
not child's play!
You drive away temptations, 2 times
Learn the law is not public,
Go my friend
Always follow the path of goodness.


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Slides captions:


Fly, fly, petal, Through the west to the east, Through the north, through the south, Return by making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground - Be in my lead. Ordered to…

People with disabilities

December 3-International Day of Persons with Disabilities In 1992, at the end of the United Nations Decade of Persons with Disabilities, the UN General Assembly proclaimed December 3 the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Tolerance In Russian, "tolerance" means "the ability, ability to endure, put up with other people's opinions, be condescending to the actions of other people, be gentle with their mistakes and mistakes"

With you Faith, Hope and Love ...

Heroes of Kilimanjaro

Nina Mahler

Mary Verdi

Natalya Yanuto

Go my friend, always go the way of good ...

Methodical development of the lesson.

Theme: "Kindness will save the world."
Purpose of the lesson:
Raising a respectful, humane, attentive attitude towards the disabled and recognizing them as full-fledged members of society.
Enriching students' vocabulary and developing word-building skills:
- improvement of the grammatical structure of speech;
- developing the ability to edit text.
3. Development of higher mental functions - attention, perception, logical thinking.
- The Bird of Happiness";
- term cards
- heart (for each student)
- musical material: V.Ya Shainsky "If you are kind", music for relaxation.
- white ribbons for each
Basic concepts of the topic:
handicapped, handicapped, visually handicapped,
hearing disability

Kindness will save the world.

1. Organizational moment (slide 1)
2. Opening remarks:
Class teacher: Today a Bird flew to our lesson, but unusual, but “The Bird of Happiness”. (slide 2) She flies on the ground and sows good, among people who need warmth, kindness, attention and support. And today, she invites us to go to one of these places. (relaxation music sounds)
Cl. hands: Close your eyes and imagine that we are taking off. Your whole body becomes weightless. This means that we are already flying We are flying for the “Bird of Happiness”. And here we are slowly sinking to the ground. Open your eyes.
Educator: - What place do you think the bird "Happiness" took us to? Where is our support, care and warmth needed?
(orphanage, orphans live there, in a nursing home)
3. Main body
Cl. hands: You are right, they all need attention and support from others, but now the “Happiness” bird has transferred us to the “Society of the Disabled”. Today,
December 3rd is a special day. December 3rd International Day in Support of the Disabled.
(slide 3)
Cl. Ruk: They also need a kind, attentive attitude. How do you understand the word disabled? (Children answer)
Cl. hands: In the encyclopedic dictionary, this word is explained as follows (on the board there is an entry that children read). Disabled (from the Latin word) - weak, infirm. Disability is a permanent impairment
(decrease or loss) of general disability due to illness or injury. And how do you understand the phrase
"Society of the Disabled" (a group of people with disabilities) (slide 4)
Cl. ruk: Unfortunately, on our planet there are many people deprived of physical health, i.e. these people are disabled either from birth or as a result of illness or injury. Yes, indeed, often this happens due to an inattentive attitude towards oneself and loved ones.
(slide 5) "Injuries at school and at home"
Cl. hands: Look at this slide. What is he warning us about? (children's answers). Correct pampering at school, on the road, at home, careless handling of pyrotechnics can lead to various injuries.
Cl. hands: Before continuing the conversation further, I suggest looking at the next slide. Who is it? (slide 6)
Cl. Ruq: How is she different from other performers? (children's answers, this performer is blind)
Cl. Ruk: Such people are called "visually disabled"
Outwardly, they differ little from us. But life is much more difficult for them than for us, because they do not see the objects around us, various landmarks on the road and at home.
Cl. hands: Read the word written on the board (children read "vision")
What part of speech is this word? (noun). (slide 7)
Cl. hands: Form an adjective from this noun (visual)
-Now make a phrase (auditorium)
- Make a sentence with this phrase. (The guys were sitting in the auditorium)
Cl. Ruk: Do you think that people who have no vision can come to the auditorium? (children's answers)
Cl. ruk: These people can come to the auditorium, but they can only listen, not watch. What do you think, can they work? (children's answers)
Cl. hands: There is a "Society of the Blind", where people without sight make things for general consumption
(covers, switches, sockets) and can even read books, but special for the blind.
Cl. hands: To feel for yourself how difficult it is for such people to live, I propose to complete one task “Bring the object with your eyes closed”
Cl. Ruk: Come one, blindfold. Now go to the bookcase and take the book from the 3rd shelf. Bring her to me.
- Reflection. What did you experience while doing this task? Would you like to take off the bandage and open your eyes?
Cl. hands: For all of us, this is an ordinary exercise and if we wish, we can open our eyes. And do it with your eyes open. I think that each of you understands that visually impaired people cannot afford this.
Cl. hands: And now, I suggest you read an excerpt from the work (on the board there is a text with missing words) (slide 8)
“I stand and listen to these beautiful sounds of nature. On the tree. woodpecker. In the swamp. frogs. Near the flower. bumblebee. In the grass .. locusts.
Read the words for reference: buzzing, knocking, chirping, croaking.
Cl. Ruq: What part of speech do they belong to. Insert the verbs according to the meaning into the text. Read aloud what happened
. What is the text about? (about the sounds of nature).
Cl. hands: You and I can hear all these sounds, but people who cannot do this, they have no hearing - they are called hearing impaired (on the board there is a card - a hearing impaired)
Cl. hands: Answer what can lead to hearing loss.? What should be done to avoid this? (children's answers)
Cl. hands: That's right, you need to beware of loud sounds, do not go in the cold without a hat, do not pick your ears with sharp objects.
Dynamic pause
Cl. Ruk: People who do not hear understand the world around them through facial expressions and gestures. And to feel for yourself how it is not easy.
I suggest: Get on your feet, turn to each other, look into your partner's eyes, take his hand so that he feels your good attitude towards him.
Cl. hands: Raise your hand, who felt a good attitude towards yourself. I'm glad you were able to convey your feelings to someone else.
- And there are people who do not have any limbs (arms, legs). People who have no legs most often move around in wheelchairs.
-Do you believe that such people participate in competitions, dance, draw? And you don't believe in vain. Now the guys from our class will tell about these miracles. (speech by prepared children on articles about people with disabilities. (slide 9-11)
Cl. hands: To feel for yourself how difficult it is for such people to do something that is not difficult for us, one exercise will help. Come to me 2 people. Now, I will tie one hand with a ribbon to the body. And you, with one hand, try to put on a jacket.
Cl. hands: What did you experience? What did you want to do?

4. Final part
Cl. hands: Guys today you listened to the information, many of you felt for yourself, performing various tasks, how difficult it is sometimes for people with disabilities to live.
The student reads the poem "I am a Disabled Person".
I think that you will become kinder, more attentive, more responsive. To help them somehow. During the lesson, by your eyes, it became clear to me that everything you heard and saw touched your hearts. I would like to add that every disabled person wants to be treated as a full-fledged person. And as one of these people said: “We feel normal, like all other people, it is the attitude of people towards us that makes us disabled.
The student reads the poem "Day of the Disabled"
Cl. ruk: I think many of you will no longer laugh at such people, but on the contrary, if possible, will offer them your help. And here's how we can help them, I want to hear from you. And for this we will now divide into groups.
urban planners. (slide 12-13)
They need to figure out what can be changed in the construction of the city to make life easier for the disabled.
Then the children voice what they did.
1 row - make an entrance and exit, from shops, transport,
designed for wheelchairs.
Summary of the lesson
Cl. Ruk: Who and what did they talk about? Who agrees that "Kindness will save the world" Kindness is an amazing thing, it brings people together no matter what. Kindness saves from loneliness and spiritual wounds. I'm your friends, I'm not asking for anything, just be kind.
If you want to sow goodness around you along with the bird of happiness, then take the hearts that are on your tables and write on them what is closer to your soul, what you want to say to the disabled. You can use the captions on the slide or come up with your own version (slide 14) Cl. hands: Whoever has hearts ready, attach them next to the bird on the board. I think that you all wrote kind, good words of support on your hearts, and this may mean that the time spent on the lesson was not in vain for you.
On this day, it is customary for every caring person to wear white ribbons as a sign of support and assistance to the disabled. (slide 15-16). Let's also hold a mini-action and hand over white ribbons to all those present.
Cl. Ruk: Do good, because it's so beautiful. We will end today's class hour with the song "If you are good." (words are given to everyone and the backing track is turned on)
REFLECTION: the sun is drawn on the board. Each child, leaving the class, should draw a balloon. If you liked it, then as close to the sun as possible, but if you didn’t like it, then further from the sun.

December 2 with students in grades 6-7 Baikal secondary school there was an hour of communication “We are different, but we have equal rights” dedicated International Day of the Disabled.

The words at the beginning of the lesson were:

Disability is like war

One that is neither seen nor heard.

There are no explosions here, and no shrapnel whistles,

But indifference finds its purpose.

I'm disabled, but I'm standing on it

That sometimes it’s not easier for us than in battle (V. Kondratiev)

The children learned that the International Day of the Disabled was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1992 at the suggestion of Russia. And every year on December 3, we celebrate this day with various actions, charity events, competitions, hours of courage. Divided into groups, the guys completed the tasks: draw a picture without the help of hands; blindfolded, walk in a straight line without knocking down the skittles; on posters with the headings “Congenital Disability” and “Acquired Disability”, select certain words and stick them on the poster. Next, the students watched a video about athletes - Paralympic athletes, Olympic champions.

"Who are they - people with disabilities?"

"What is a barrier-free environment?" These and other questions were answered during the lesson.

Librarian Elena Petrovna Zevakina reviewed literature at the exhibition "Kindness Brings Hearts Together", from books, students learned about health, healthy eating, healthy way life. Books from the fund of the Baikalovsky rural library on physical culture and sports are presented: “Your friend is a leather ball”, “For children about hockey”, “Skating”, “About skiing and about myself” and many others.

Our hour of fellowship turned into a lesson in kindness. We remembered the disabled children living in our village and named their names. It's so easy to give a piece of your warmth to a living person!

After such events, children become more responsive, kinder, more serious.

E. P. Zevakina, librarian of the Baikal branch

kindness lesson

On December 2, an hour of communication “We are different, but we have equal rights” was held with students of grades 6-7 of the Baikalovsky secondary school, dedicated to the International Day of the Disabled. At the beginning of the lesson, the words were said: Disability is like a war, The one that is not seen and not heard. There are no explosions here, and shrapnel does not whistle, But indifference finds its purpose. I am a disabled person, but I stand on that, That sometimes it is not easier for us than in battle (V. Kondratiev) The guys learned that the International Day of the Disabled was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1992 at the suggestion of Russia. And every year on December 3, we celebrate this day with various promotions, charity events, competitions, ...