What dry food is best for Chihuahuas? What is the best food to feed a Chihuahua puppy? Feeding an older dog

Feeding a Chihuahua has its own characteristics due to the small size of the dog. The Chihuahua is the baby of the dog world and eats several tablespoons of food per day. Therefore, any owner can afford to provide high-quality food for such an animal.

What to feed a chihuahua? How many times and how to do it correctly? Chihuahuas, like all decorative breeds, are prone to being picky about food on the one hand, and to gluttony on the other. Moreover, both of these reactions to feeding can alternately appear in one dog.

  • To protect the puppy’s growing body from intestinal diseases, it must be fed strictly according to the clock. From 2 to 3 6 times a day, up to four - 5 times a day, up to six months - 4 times a day, up to a year - three times a day. An adult Chihuahua eats in the morning and evening, for example, at 7 and 19 o'clock or at 8 and 20, but not before bed. For an older dog, over 11 years of age, feeding once a day is usually sufficient.
  • In order not to raise a pet that is too picky about food, by and large, you need to make sure that he does not even know that there is other food in the world other than what is in his bowl. That is, you cannot treat your dog with any goodies.
  • If the owner decides to feed the Chihuahua natural food, then he must take into account that it is necessary to provide regular nutrition with the following products: boiled beef, calcined cottage cheese, boiled vegetables with added vegetable oil, offal (liver, kidneys, lung), rolled oats or buckwheat, boiled egg, boiled sea ​​fish.
  • An adult dog should be provided with a diet that contains a balance of meat (and offal), cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) and vegetables in the proportions: 30% to 40% to 30%. Vitamin and mineral supplements and kefir, cottage cheese, and fruits are also necessary. An adult two-kilogram animal requires about 100-150 grams of the full diet per day.

What should you not feed your Chihuahua?

It is strictly forbidden to ever give your Chihuahua: fried, salty, hot, sour foods, including sweet bell peppers. All this causes . You should also not give any sweets (buns, pies, cakes, cookies, candies, etc.) that lead to obesity.

Nuts disrupt metabolism bone tissue and the bones become brittle, and in bladder stones are formed. Chihuahuas should not be fed peas and beans, as well as pork, horse meat, lamb, rabbit meat, lard, any canned food (stewed meat, fish), raw fish, rutabaga, cabbage, radishes, turnips. Adult animals do not need milk, cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese and cheese in their diet.

Feeding your Chihuahua dry food

A good alternative to natural products are high-quality ones. It is important to choose one feed manufacturer, and it should be sold everywhere in your area. A change in food supply and being forced to try other foods will negatively affect the health of the Chihuahua.

It is necessary to moisten with hot boiled water and cool before eating until room temperature. At the same time, soaked food cannot be stored for more than 10 minutes or reused.

A puppy up to 6 months old is fed 20 grams of dry food per meal, from six months to a year - 30-40 grams, and an adult - about 60 grams. With this amount of food eaten, it depends less on the dog’s weight and more on its mobility.

Regardless of whether the dog eats natural foods or dry food, the Chihuahua will always benefit from a bite:

  • cucumber,
  • tomatoes,
  • watermelon,
  • melons,
  • apple,
  • pears,
  • strawberry,
  • grapes,
  • black currant, etc.

Whichever dog food option you choose: feeding natural products or dry rations - this will not harm your finances! After all, a baby Chihuahua requires only 100-150 grams of food per day. So, take the feeding rules seriously and your pet will delight you with its health for many years! And finally, watch the video about

Due to their modest size, they are considered the smallest dogs in the world and give the impression of fragile creatures. But when proper care these animals are able to live to a respectable age, maintaining excellent health for up to 15-20 years. But only if you take the selection of the right diet for your Chihuahua with all responsibility. So, let's try to figure out what foods dogs of this dwarf breed need, and what not to feed a Chihuahua.

The best way to feed a Chihuahua at home

Feeding a Chihuahua involves including proteins, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals in the diet. If desired, the owner can feed the Chihuahua at home:
  1. High-quality ready-made food, containing all the necessary components needed by the dog.
  2. Natural food, consisting mostly of meat, dairy products, cereals and vegetables.

Pros of feeding your Chihuahua with ready-made food:

  • Save time. Actually, I opened the pouch or a box of food, and the dog was full. No need to waste time cooking;
  • Ready-made food is convenient to take on the go. They take up little space in the bag, but with pots and bowls homemade food you won’t travel much;
  • A good food contains all the substances a dog needs. That is, the owner will not have to spend money on purchasing vitamin preparations;
  • Super premium food can be selected taking into account the dog’s health characteristics. If, for example, a Chihuahua has digestive problems, you can choose special dietary food;
  • Dry food is excellent at ridding your little Chihuahua of tartar and plaque. But many dogs of this breed have dental problems.

Pros of feeding your Chihuahua natural food:

Photo: Natural dog feeding | Dreamstime.com

  • The opportunity to choose the freshest and highest quality products for your pet;
  • The natural menu can be quite varied;
  • Food prepared by a caring owner definitely does not contain harmful ingredients (preservatives, dyes). Whereas some premium foods contain such components.
Based on his financial capabilities and level of employment, the owner must immediately decide how and what to feed the Chihuahua: home-made food or store-bought food. You can’t mix both, because it will be a serious burden on digestion. And what kind of food to feed a Chihuahua is a matter for the owner. The main thing is not to do harm.

Features of natural feeding of Chihuahuas

If you decide to feed your Chihuahua at home with foods you prepare yourself, you should include the following products in your pet’s menu:

Photo: Hungry Chihuahuas waiting for their owner to feed them | Dreamstime.com

  • Cereals. They should not be overused, but the dog’s menu should contain about 15% of porridges cooked in meat broth or water. Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet are sources of carbohydrates that make pets energetic;
  • Vegetables and fruits)– vitamin basis for the health of Chihuahuas. The share of plant components can fluctuate within 15%. Vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini) are thoroughly washed and chopped before serving to the dog. If desired, they can be pre-cooked or baked. Fruits are also washed, peeled and chopped. Dogs can be given apples, pears, watermelons;
  • Dairy products is also a protein that is necessary for the proper development of cells and tissues of the body. In addition, milk products strengthen the bones, and for Chihuahuas, who do not have the strongest skeleton, this is important. The share of these products should be 10%. For Chihuahuas, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, and yogurt are suitable;
  • Vegetable oils– a source of fats necessary for transportation nutrients, absorption of vitamins, energy. Of course, a lot of sunflower or olive oil There is no need to give it to a Chihuahua, because meat also contains fats. But you can and should season your dishes a little with oil: it contains a lot of vitamins and useful elements.
  • In addition to the listed products, a Chihuahua's diet should also include: boiled sea fish, devoid of bones. It contains a lot of protein, vitamins A, D, B. But you shouldn’t give fish often, because kidney problems may develop. Once a week will be enough.

    For good coat condition, feeding natural food may include: eggs, but in boiled form. Raw eggs threaten with salmonellosis. You shouldn’t share eggs either, otherwise your Chihuahua may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Boiled eggs are needed no more than 1-2 times a week.

    Sometimes they serve as a substitute for meat offal– rumen, udder, abomasum, liver. But their consumption often causes diarrhea and vomiting in dogs. Therefore, it is better to give offal to dogs no more than 2 times a week.

    What not to feed a Chihuahua

    Now let’s list the foods that should not be in a Chihuahua’s diet:

    Photo: Toxic food for dogs | Dreamstime.com

    1. Pickles and smoked, spicy foods– bear a load on the liver and kidneys, contribute to an increase in blood pressure;
    2. Fatty meat (pork)- is fraught with obesity. And raw meat is also a source of harmful microorganisms;
    3. Bones– the Chihuahua’s digestive organs are not designed to digest sharp bones. In some cases, tragedy is not far away;
    4. Sweets- they threaten to recruit excess weight, problems with stool, damage to teeth;
    5. Milk– This product usually causes diarrhea in adult Chihuahuas;
    6. Flour– gives the intestines completely unnecessary fermentation;
    7. Nuts– harmful to bones and bladder;
    8. Beans– cause prolonged bloating and gas;
    9. Mushrooms– hard on the liver, can cause dog poisoning;
    10. Some berries and fruits(strawberries, currants, raspberries, melons, etc.) – often cause allergies and can cause diarrhea in dogs.
    And of course, Chihuahuas do not need products that are invented for their owners at all. Agree, it’s stupid to expect that your dog will benefit from alcohol, soda, chocolate, fast food, and snacks.

    Features of feeding Chihuahuas with ready-made food

    So, feeding your Chihuahua properly with natural food is not easy. Will need to choose certain products(for example, you should not give a Chihuahua some types of meat), stand at the stove, count the amount of nutrients. Then you can choose ready-made food as an alternative to “natural” food. Let's look at what the concept of “best food for Chihuahuas” means. So, in order not to harm your small pet, you will need to consider the following:

    Photo: Dog food | Dreamstime.com

    1. For Chihuahuas, wet or dry food labeled “for small (or toy) breeds” is suitable. For example, Royal Canin Size Mini food. In feed for large dogs higher caloric content than required by a Chihuahua;
    2. The Chihuahua breed must be extra premium or premium quality (for example, “Grandorf” or “Acana”). Cheap economy food, unfortunately, does not have anything particularly good in its composition. They contain soy, vegetables of dubious quality, a minimum of meat, meat waste, flavor enhancers, and dyes. And good food contains meat, grains, vegetables, herbs, eggs, that is, those products that a Chihuahua requires;
    3. Majority good products are divided into food for babies, adults and old Chihuahuas. A baby Chihuahua has one need for vitamins and healthy components, but an older Chihuahua has a completely different need;
    4. Food for Chihuahuas should be purchased taking into account the characteristics of the dog. Let's say Barking Heads food is for those with sensitive digestion.
    In addition to dry food for Chihuahuas, you can buy canned wet food good quality. They can be alternated with dry products, but you should not combine food in one bowl. The disadvantage of canned dog food is that it spoils quickly after opening. Whereas dry food is stored for a long time.

    When, how much and how often to feed your Chihuahua

    An adult Chihuahua is traditionally fed twice a day. The portion of food that a dog should eat per day is approximately 150-250 grams. The veterinarian can determine how many times a day to feed a Chihuahua and in what quantity, based on the animal’s weight and age, and its activity level.

    Photo: Chihuahua puppies | Dreamstime.com

    If we are talking about a Chihuahua puppy, then the situation changes a little (you can ask your veterinarian what to feed a Chihuahua puppy if it is difficult to come up with a menu on your own):
    • Until 1 month, the baby drinks mother's milk (or milk substitute);
    • After 1 month, little by little pureed meat or soaked dry food is introduced into the Chihuahua’s diet;
    • A Chihuahua puppy at 2 months is usually transferred to “adult” food - natural food or purchased food, given age characteristics(food is crushed, allergenic foods are excluded, and the baby is not overloaded with food).

      Once a day, you can feed a Chihuahua puppy with milk once a day at such an early age, if he has not been separated from his parent. From 2 to 4 months, dogs of this breed are fed 6 times a day;

    • From 4 months to 6 months, the Chihuahua needs 4 meals a day;
    • From 6 to 12 p.m., dogs are fed three times a day;
    • One-year-old Chihuahuas are fed twice.
    It is important that the feeding of Chihuahua puppies is balanced, complete and of high quality. Saving on natural food products or buying cheap food can lead to the fact that the animal grows up weak and unhealthy. For example, feeding a Chihuahua puppy at 3 months old with economy food simply means depriving the pet of good development. You shouldn’t get carried away with meat alone, because animals require a variety of foods.

    The Chihuahua is a miniature and very active dog. To ensure such mobility, it must be fed accordingly. The dog's diet must be balanced, which is taken into account in super premium food. The article discusses the question of what to feed a Chihuahua: what foods can be given, what ready-made food is better, what cannot be fed.

    Natural pet diet

    In order for a dog to grow up healthy and cheerful, you need to properly care for it and know what to feed your Chihuahua at home.

    The Chihuahua's diet should contain proteins of plant and animal origin, carbohydrates, fats, and it should also contain the required amount of minerals (calcium, phosphorus) and vitamins.

    Meat forms the basis of the Chihuahua menu. Suitable meats include lean beef, veal, and horse meat. The meat should be given either raw or scalded with boiling water. Your pet's menu should definitely include porridge from the following cereals: rolled oats, rice and buckwheat.

    Any vegetables can be given. It is advisable to give them raw, as in this case they contain more vitamins. But you can stew and boil vegetables. It is advisable to grate raw vegetables and add half a teaspoon of sunflower oil or sour cream. The most beneficial for Chihuahuas are carrots, which contain carotene, which improves the condition of the animal’s coat, and essential oils.

    Fruits, especially apples and bananas, will be a treat for Chihuahuas. You can feed your pet offal, you can cook kidneys, liver, heart for them. By-products should be given once a week, not more often. A pet's diet may contain sea fish, which should be given no more than 2 times a week. It should be boiled and boneless.

    Can be added to the menu quail eggs raw 2 times a week. Adult dogs can be given low-fat kefir and calcined cottage cheese.

    Food taboo: what should not be given?

    It is important to know not only what you can give to your pet, but also what you cannot feed your Chihuahua.

    Some types of foods are not recommended for Chihuahua dogs, as they can negatively affect their health:

    Water is a real problem for Chihuahuas. You can't give me something to drink tap water, the same as boiled. Will do mineral water without gas or water passed through a filter.

    Vitamins and microelements in the Chihuahua diet

    Little "Chihuahuas" need additional vitamin and mineral supplements if they are on natural feeding, and not at the super premium stern.

    Vitamins should not be given in concentrated form. In order not to harm the animal, when asking what vitamins and microelements it needs, it is better to contact a veterinarian. He will prescribe the necessary vitamin and mineral complex, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Instructions for use are included with all medications.

    Small dogs need mineral supplements containing calcium gluconate, bone meal, phytin, glycerophosphate and other substances that contribute to the formation of the skeleton.

    These drugs include drugs like Irish Cal. You can give seaweed with calcium, crushed egg shells, brewer's yeast. It is better to consult a doctor about the dosage, as an overdose can make bones brittle, which can lead to broken limbs. An overdose is dangerous for puppies; in adults, excess minerals are simply washed out of the body.

    If your pet is on super premium dry food, then all the necessary minerals and vitamins are contained in the food. Therefore, the dog does not need additional vitamins, and an overdose of vitamins can cause serious disorders in the dog’s body.

    Choosing the ideal ready-made food

    If feeding a Chihuahua is carried out with ready-made food, then you need to select super-premium class food, which contains all useful material. The amount that should be given to the dog is stated in the instructions for the food printed on the packaging. The table shows the required amount of food taking into account the age, weight and size of the dog.

    There are two types of ready-made food: dry and wet in the form of canned food. They are made from meat products High Quality. Dry food is available in granular form. They can be given either dry or soaked. To do this, the granules need to be moistened with boiled water and given to the dog when cooled to room temperature.

    The dog must eat the food prepared in this way within 10 minutes; it cannot be given again. Dry food can be kept in the bowl all the time without spoiling. The advantage of dry food is that it helps remove tartar, which is a problem for Chihuahuas.

    Canned food can be given in pure form or mixed with herbal supplements or added to dry food. Wet food should not be left, it must be put in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil. Feed should be given at room temperature.

    Modern ready-made super premium food is balanced and contains all the necessary nutrients. You don’t have to worry about your pet, as he will receive everything his body needs. When choosing food, you need to consider what dogs it is intended for. There are dietary foods that are prescribed for dogs with health problems.

    Below is one of the best feed super premium class:

    • Nutra Gold;
    • Belcando;
    • Bosch;
    • 1st Choice;
    • Almo Nature;
    • Hill's;
    • Purina;
    • Orijen.

    There is a large selection of different companies that produce ready-made animal feed. If you care about your pets, then you should purchase food only from trusted super premium manufacturers.

    When purchasing food for a Chihuahua, it is better to consult a breeder or veterinarian. It is important to decide on the manufacturer and buy food only from this company. Therefore, it must be widespread enough so that it can always be purchased. If the food is replaced, this may negatively affect the health of the pet.

    Adult and young Chihuahuas should be fed according to a schedule, puppies more often, adults twice a day: morning and evening. It is contraindicated to feed your pet too late, before bedtime. For an older dog, feeding once a day will be enough, but feeding a Chihuahua three times a day is also possible, it depends on the animal itself.

    To prevent your pet from being picky about food, you need to make sure that he does not know any other food other than what is in his bowl. That is, he should not be given any other tasty food. If a specific type of super premium industrial feed is selected, it should not be changed.

    A Chihuahua's daily diet should contain:

    • proteins;
    • fats;
    • minerals;
    • carbohydrates;
    • vitamins.

    The best option for feeding a Chihuahua would be a ready-made, balanced super-premium food containing all the substances necessary for the dog’s body. If you take good care of your Chihuahua and feed it properly, then the dog will be cheerful and active.

    Chihuahua dogs should eat well, but not overeat, as they are often prone to obesity. Fasting is a great danger for dogs of toy breeds, as they are prone to hypoglycemia.

    Video “Elsa – Chihuahua: about the breed and care”

    This video from Shima bty talks about the Chihuahua Elsa: her character, habits, preferences. Also given general information about the Chihuahua dog breed: how to care for it and what to feed it.

    By dog ​​standards, Chihuahuas are midgets. However, this does not prevent them from being gluttons and picky eaters. Owners of small pets have a hard time. Choose the right one food for chihuahua much more difficult than feeding a huge St. Bernard. The fine organization of dogs of this breed is present not only in appearance, the inner contents of tiny aristocrats also require delicate handling.

    The weight of an adult Chihuahua ranges between 1.5 and 2.5 kilograms. And in order for such a baby to feel in full health and enjoy life, she needs a nutritious, well-structured diet. Yes, how much he needs there, the owners of large dogs will smile. Indeed, he doesn’t need much, only 50-70 grams per feeding. But these fifty grams should contain vitamins, microelements and other useful substances that will ensure the proper functioning of all the baby’s organs. So what food for chihuahua choose and what experts advise.

    What is better, dry food for Chihuahuas or natural?

    Decide on which food for chihuahua should be used with early age dogs. When purchasing a pet, find out from the breeder what he treats the puppy’s parents, sisters and brothers. Experts admit the following types feeding:

    • dry food
    • natural or homemade
    • canned

    The composition of the food depends on the age of the pet. Up to 10 months, when the Chihuahua is actively growing and developing, it needs high-calorie food. In this age dry foodfor chihuahua must contain fats, vitamins and minerals. By the age of one year, caloric intake should be reduced and switched to foods with proteins and carbohydrates.

    For today best food for chihuahua produced by such manufacturers as Bosch, Hills, Pedigree, Royal Canin, Acana. In their dry products, experts note the optimal balance of beneficial elements specifically for small breeds of dogs. Well proven and food for chihuahua premium class brands such as Innova and Orijen. When choosing from them, focus on your pet. For an active, cheerful and nimble baby, Orijen with 47% protein is suitable. For a calm and thoughtful Chihuahua, buy Innova, which contains 27% protein, which is normal.

    For feeding canned food, you should pay attention to the American brand Cesar. The company is focused on producing food only for small dogs . Every calorie in her canned food is counted. You can easily choose food for any age.

    IN source of protein is fish, eggs, poultry, beef, which Chihuahuas must be given boiled . The dog gets carbohydrates from cereals, and calcium from fermented milk products. Include vegetables and fruits in the diet.

    Advice: Whatever type of food you choose for your miniature pet, be sure to take into account the taste preferences of your four-legged friend.

    What not to add to Chihuahua food

    Every owner of the smallest dog on Earth is required to know the list of foods that should never enter its body.

    Legumes, nuts, onion, sweets, bell peppers, fried meat, smoked meats and pickles, milk from a cow - put a prohibition sign on these products. Nuts cause brittle bones, bell peppers provoke gastritis, pickles and smoked foods increase blood pressure and disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, onions lead to anemia.

    Watch what your little prince eats, choose the best for him, and he will always be cheerful and happy.

    The number of feedings depends on the age of the dog and energy value ready-made food or natural products that you give her. In ready-made diets, the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is strictly selected, so with this diet the puppy is satiated and receives all the nutrients it needs.

    Nutritional features of puppies:

    • The diet of a Chihuahua under the age of 12 months should be high in calories and include proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals;
    • number of meals: at 2-3 months of age - 6 times a day, at 3-4 months - 5 times, 4-6 months - 4 times, 6-12 months - 3 times, after a year - 2 times a day;
    • it is advisable to adhere to the feeding schedule and give food to the small pet by the hour;
    • over the age of 4-5 months, it is better not to give food to the puppy at night; the last meal should be scheduled no later than 7-8 pm.

    The daily intake depends on the weight of the puppy and the type of food. Dry or wet ready-made food is indicated by the manufacturer (as a rule, premium, super-premium and holistic canned food consumes less than economy class diets).

    For puppies under 2 months of age, breast milk is the optimal diet. If the bitch does not have milk or the puppy has already been weaned from its mother, it must be fed with cow's or goat's milk every 4 hours. After reaching one month of age, you can try introducing natural products - scraped raw meat (a small amount of product is scraped off a frozen piece of beef and given to the pet). You can also give a small amount of cottage cheese, boiled meat, vegetables, porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal). Once a week you can give a boiled egg and liver. Fish can only be given from the sea, no more than once a week. Be sure to ensure that the animal does not come across any bones!

    You can start giving ready-made food to Chihuah puppies from 3 months, choosing canned food for dogs of dwarf breeds.

    It is recommended to provide food from one manufacturer, possibly with different recipes (with different flavors of meat, fish, seafood). Dry food begins to be introduced into the dog’s diet at the age of 6-7 months (they are useful for chewing muscles and cleaning teeth from plaque, and have a balanced composition).

    What to feed a Chihuahua over 12 months old

    Adult dogs are fed natural products or ready-made dry food, canned food for small breeds. Ready-made diets have a number of advantages, because... contain all the nutrients necessary for the development and growth of a pet - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.