How to care for a dog at home. Dog care. Why have any explanatory conversations with relatives?

It happens that people, when buying a puppy to keep in an apartment or house, treat it like a toy and do not understand how to care for a dog. These are mostly inexperienced owners who have never had a four-legged friend before. We are going to tell you in detail what and how to do so that your pet is healthy, lives long, and friendship and communication with him brings you joy for many years. We just warn you: caring for a dog will require a lot of your time and patience. So if you cannot boast of a love for animals, then you should think twice before getting a dog.

What kind of dog suits you?

When you are faced with a choice of what breed of puppy to buy, it is very important not to make a mistake in making a decision. What kind of dog do you dream of? The Shepherd (East European, German, Caucasian, Central Asian), black terrier, Moscow watchdog, St. Bernard, Commander and many other huge shaggy dogs are, of course, very beautiful, strong and capable of faithfully serving and protecting their owners, but they are absolutely not suitable for contents in the apartment. They live best on the street, in the courtyard of a private house or cottage.

Well, what about people living in ordinary apartments? There are other dog breeds for them. Decorative dogs are mainly suitable for apartments: pugs, poodles, Italian Greyhounds, Yorkshire terriers, Chihuahuas, cocker spaniels, as well as many companion dogs, for example, Labradors or Dalmatians. In the apartment you can keep dogs belonging to service breeds: boxers, Dobermans, Rottweilers. They have short hair, and life on the street in the cold season is quite problematic for such dogs.

Another serious question when choosing a four-legged pet is whether you can cope with a strong animal? Many have learned from their own bitter experience that love and affectionate attitude towards a four-legged friend alone is not enough for a large, physically strong dog began to unquestioningly obey all commands of the owner. Remember, if you are not able to gain real authority from the dog, then you will not be able to control his behavior with a one hundred percent guarantee. And this can lead to a variety of troubles - from the inability to trim his claws or remove a bone picked up by an animal on the street from his mouth, to passers-by being bitten on the street. A big dog means a big responsibility!

Sometimes people search the Internet for a “Which dog is right for me” test and completely rely on its results. It is unlikely that one should blindly trust such tests; they can rather be considered an auxiliary tool, or even games or jokes. People often answer questions incorrectly test questions and therefore may receive answers that are absolutely not true. If you find it difficult to make your own decision, it is best to contact a professional dog handler, who will really be able to give practical recommendations and conduct his own test. "Which dog is right for me?" is a question that should be asked to a specialist, not the Internet.


We will begin our story about how to care for a dog with what you will have to do several times a day - feeding it. From proper nutrition A lot depends on: the health of your pet, its activity and cheerfulness. Advertising strongly advises feeding dogs and cats exclusively dry food. Of course, this is very convenient for the owners - there is no need to constantly buy food or cook special food for the animal; dry food contains all the vitamins, nutritional elements etc.

But veterinarians are far from being so complacent towards these foods. If your dog's diet constantly consists of only dry kibble, then over time he may develop stomach problems. Your pet may develop gastritis and ulcers. Feeding the dog what the whole family eats is also not the case! It is best to cook separately for the animal. It is advisable that your dog’s diet include the following foods:

  • Raw meat and liver (tripe, lung, etc.), if not every day, then at least sometimes.
  • Vegetables and herbs (carrots, cucumbers, beets, zucchini, white cabbage, bell peppers, parsley, dill, etc.).
  • Fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir).
  • Porridge made from oats, buckwheat, rice with the addition of meat.

The animal must be fed at least 2 times a day: the first time after a morning walk, and the second time after an evening walk. Serving sizes should be determined based on the dog's weight and activity level. Small breeds of dogs naturally eat many times less than large ones. Try not to overfeed your beloved pet! Excess weight It is just as harmful and undesirable for dogs as it is for people.

Walking the dog

The next thing that dog owners should do daily is to walk their pets in the morning, afternoon and evening. But not everyone can provide their animals with three walks a day. Often working owners limit themselves to morning and evening walks only. This is not very good for the dog, but it can get used to it and tolerate this regime normally. You need to remember that the animal should not just be taken outside “to the toilet”, you should actually walk and play with it. This is especially true for young dogs. Try to get them out of town or to a park where they can run around to their heart's content.

Keeping dogs in an apartment building is complicated by the fact that they have to be taken for walks in the yard and nearby streets, i.e. where children play and are generally full of people. The dog must be on a leash, and large animals prone to aggression must also be muzzled. And one more thing: in Russia, unfortunately, it is somehow not customary to clean up after your four-legged companions while walking. Therefore, most city lawns are thoroughly soiled. Think about the people around you and take a scoop and bag with your dog for a walk, as pet owners do in most other countries.


Now let's talk about how to care for a dog that has long and thick hair. Collies, bobtails, terriers, and shepherds need to be brushed from time to time. This is especially necessary to do during periods of seasonal molting: spring and autumn. These breeds have a fluffy undercoat, which, if not combed out in time, begins to fall into unkempt tangles. The only way to get rid of them is with scissors. To brush your pet, purchase a special brush, which can be purchased at a pet store.

But not only long-haired dogs need coat care. Labradors, for example, are also recommended to be brushed regularly, because they also shed. Airedale Terriers are very easy to care for. These animals are not subject to molting at all. All that is required from the owners is a periodic (once every few months) procedure of plucking out regrown hairs (trimming).

Caring for a Poodle dog's coat may require a visit to a professional dog groomer, the name given to a person who grooms dogs. Overgrown poodles do not look very beautiful, but when trimmed according to all the canons of canine fashion, they look simply chic. Yorkshire Terriers require special care. Their fur is similar in structure to human hair, which is why it quickly becomes greasy and tangled. Therefore, such dogs need to be bathed, thoroughly combed, and trimmed.

Should my dog ​​be washed after a walk?

How to care for a dog if it lives in an apartment and comes back from a walk wet and dirty? Does it need to be washed with soap or shampoo? Let's start with the fact that frequent washing of dogs is unacceptable (with the exception of Yorkies), this can disrupt the fatty protective layer of the skin and cause diseases such as dermatitis or eczema. But sometimes you still have to wash the dog. In these cases, you should only use zoo shampoos and under no circumstances use your own hygiene products. Try to keep your pet's baths to no more than a few times a year.

To protect your dog's fur from getting dirty while walking, use protective overalls. Surely you have repeatedly seen how dogs are walked in beautiful overalls in the autumn slush. Basically, they are dressed this way not for the sake of beauty, but for protection from dirt and cold.

Paws require special care after a walk. They need to be washed or at least wiped thoroughly every time you return from the street. You especially need to be attentive to your animal’s paws in winter. At this time of year, utility services scatter special reagents on the streets that can cause severe irritation on paw pads. To protect your dog from such trouble, wash its paws properly.

Flea and tick treatment

And ticks, which become active in nature at the end of each spring, can even cause a serious illness in a pet, which can lead to its death. To avoid all these troubles, you can and should use various insecticidal agents, which include:

  • Drops against ticks and fleas (applied to the dog’s withers).
  • Special protective collars.
  • Shampoos.
  • Aerosols.

The most effective, universal and reliable way to protect a dog from fleas and ticks should be considered drops applied to the withers. They provide the animal with sufficiently long-term protection - up to 2 months, which is quite capable of helping the dog happily survive the dangerous season. In our stores you can buy drops "Frontline", "Bars", "Advantix", etc. Before using this or that drug, be sure to carefully read the instructions.

Ear and dental care

A dog's ears and teeth need care and attention no less than their fur. Routine caring for your dog's ears should consist of periodically cleaning them of wax buildup using a dry cotton swab. There are special lotions on sale for cleaning dog ears; a cotton swab can be moistened with them. Healthy ears don't need medicinal drops with anti-inflammatory or anti-mite effect. But if, upon examination, the veterinarian discovers that the animal is infected ear mites, he will definitely prescribe such drugs.

Breeds of dogs for apartments are Chihuahuas, Yorkshire terriers, pugs, etc. Decorative dogs are characterized by rather fragile health. So, with long walks in cold and windy weather, they may develop otitis media (ear inflammation). Watch your pet carefully: if the dog constantly shakes its head, scratches its ear, and upon examination you see that it is red inside, then do not waste time, urgently show the animal to a specialist. In some breeds, such as poodles, ear infections can occur due to the presence of hair in the ears, which gradually collects and absorbs water and dirt, thereby causing inflammation. Make it a rule to remove hairs from your dog's ears; you can use tweezers to do this. Just do this with caution so as not to hurt your dog.

Now I would like to say a few words about caring for your dog’s teeth. In order for your pet's teeth to be healthy and strong, it is very important to treat them carefully from puppyhood. Make sure your puppy's diet contains the right amount of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. For this purpose, it is very good to give a young dog calcined cottage cheese and special mineral supplements: Glucosamine, Beafar. The hardness of the teeth and the strength of the jaws are promoted by the foods that the dog must chew (carrots, cabbage stalks, crackers, large beef bones). If you notice plaque on the teeth of an adult dog, you can clean them with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

A dog is in heat - rules of care

Twice a year, bitches go into heat, which lasts 21-28 days. At this time, owners have to be extremely attentive to the animal. The dog becomes restless and may run off in search of adventure during a walk if it is not fastened to a leash. Do not allow your “girl” to communicate with street males, as this is fraught with unscheduled mating.

It is better to postpone swimming during this period until later, because... Infection can easily enter the animal's genitals. To make your dog physiologically calmer and less likely to want to communicate with male dogs, try to play with him more and practice physical exercise, but be careful not to overdo it. To maintain cleanliness in the apartment, you can wear special hygiene panties on your dog, which are sold in pet stores.

Preventive vaccinations

To protect your four-legged friend from such dangerous diseases, like canine distemper, leptospirosis, hepatitis, parvovirus, piroplasmosis and rabies, it is necessary to undergo preventive vaccinations annually. Complex vaccines have proven themselves well: Nobivak (produced in the Netherlands), Eurikan (France). They will tell you which drug to choose. veterinary clinic. Before vaccination, an experienced veterinarian should check whether the animal is healthy and whether it can receive this or that vaccination.

The first vaccination is carried out when the puppy is 4-6 weeks old. But the further vaccination schedule should be prescribed by a specialist. A special topic is how to care for your dog before and after vaccination. Approximately 10 days before vaccination, veterinarians advise be sure to treat the animal for worms. For this purpose you can use one of anthelmintic drugs: “Prazicide”, “Drontal Plus”, “Prokoks”, “Kaniquantel Plus”, “Pratel”, “Polivercan”. After vaccination, the dog may feel slightly unwell. There is nothing wrong with this, this is not a disease, the animal’s poor health will soon go away on its own. But the owner must take into account that immunity from the diseases against which the vaccination was carried out is developed in approximately 10-15 days. During this period, the animal is especially vulnerable; you need to carefully protect it from colds and from communicating with other dogs.

Training and behavior correction

There are dog breeds that definitely need to be trained. These include shepherds, rottweilers, boxers, dobermans and many others. Your four-legged friend must be able to carry out the owner’s commands; without this, he can be dangerous both for the people around him and for your family members, including children. Almost every city has training clubs where you can sign up for group or individual lessons with dog handlers.

Many people believe that small decorative dogs do not need training, but this is not entirely true. Even such small animals kept in a city apartment can cause disturbance to neighbors, and even to the owners themselves. For example, a dog may be alone at home and bark desperately all day. This behavior requires correction and consultation with a dog handler.

If your pet is sick

It is best to prevent your dog from becoming seriously ill. Maintenance and care must be impeccable, in this case there is a greater chance that the pet will live out its canine life without any problems. Always watch your dog closely. If you suddenly notice that the dog has become somewhat lethargic, has lost his appetite, has upset bowel movements, etc., measure his temperature (to do this, you need to insert a thermometer into the anus). Normally, it should not be more than 39 °C. If this indicator is exceeded, it means that the animal is sick and needs the help of a veterinarian. However, many serious illnesses can occur without elevated temperature, so always focus on the behavior of the animal. It's better to be safe and show healthy dog specialist than to miss the first symptoms of a serious illness.

If love has betrayed you once again, and loneliness is simply eating you up, get yourself a dog. No one knows how to fill the void like that and no one can give more love... In addition to all this avalanche of tenderness, you will also receive a cute companion for walks and a helper around the house who can bring you slippers and newspapers. This, of course, is not coffee in bed, but it is also a very pleasant care. In general, every person needs a dog. Although this is not only a pleasure, but also a responsibility. Therefore, to begin with, we take a short but informative course: how to properly care for a dog.

No one will love me better than Zaza

It is easier to care for cats than dogs, but friendship with the latter, alas, is many times more valuable and useful! I love all animals, but I don’t have a particular fondness for dogs. After all, caring for them requires a lot: you need to get up at 6 in the morning and rush home in the evening to walk them, wash their paws after each walk, etc. In addition, they need a lot of space and serious canine training. In general, it’s a lot of work and nerves.

But one day, while walking with a friend in the company of his friendly Labrador, I strongly doubted my “animal preferences”! And the friend seasoned this with a categorical statement.

He said that he would never marry, because no one would love Zaza better: when I leave for work in the morning, she accompanies me to the gate, and when I return, she sits under it and from the tracks in the snow and her numb paw, it is clear that She didn’t even move until I arrived...

How to care for dogs: 3 pillars

But before you make such a devoted friend, prepare well by finding out all the subtleties of the answer to the question “how to care for a dog at home.” It is based on three pillars: walking, grooming and washing. At the same time, there are general requirements, and there are specifics of caring for a dog according to its breed. For example, you need to care for a Chihuahua taking into account the fact that it has a weak gastrointestinal tract.

Love like a child

After giving birth, the mother dog takes very careful care of her litter. Puppies receive a lot of attention, comprehensive love and care. So when you take in a baby, at first you should well compensate for the separation from the mother with your careful care. Otherwise, the puppy may become sad and even get sick. In addition, thanks to affection, the new family member will quickly get used to your home and get used to the new, initially alarming, environment.

How to care for a dog: the coat is thick and shiny, like silk

To keep your dog looking good and healthy, you need to carefully care for its coat from the very beginning. early age. Remember that puppies have very thin and sensitive skin. Therefore, and also because they do not shed very intensively, comb them carefully, carefully and not too zealously. Otherwise, your baby may become irritated.

In addition, there are dog breeds that, even in adulthood, are quite fragile and delicate. The same Chihuahuas beloved by most! Frequent scratching is even harmful for them, and haircuts are generally contraindicated. But this does not mean that small dogs are very easy to care for.

Yes, you need to spend a lot of time to properly comb an adult shepherd weighing twice as much as you. But with a capricious Chihuahua there is much more hassle in terms of nutrition. It’s in vain that a stereotype is widespread among ordinary people: a big dog means big trouble, and a small one means nothing. Everyone has their own nuances...

Enjoy your bath, gentlemen, dogs!

As for bathing, frequent washing is not advisable for dogs. Certain breeds should only be washed in exceptional cases. This is bad for your pet's skin and coat. The dog's undercoat contains special fat, which is washed out in this way.

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Whatever breed of dog you choose as a pet, any animal requires proper care. Of course, every living creature has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account, but the basic rules for caring for a dog remain the same in all countries. Failure to follow basic care rules can cause irreparable harm to your dog's health. In order for your dog to be healthy and happy, we will consider the basic rules of caring for it, including: nutritional habits of an adult dog and a puppy, choice of vitamins, care of the dog’s teeth, coat, skin, ears, eyes, paws, and claws. We will also touch on some specific issues.

Dog food.
Features of feeding an adult dog.

The dog's diet should always be selected so that it is balanced and, best of all, specialized, that is, most suitable specifically for your dog, selected depending on age, gender, activity level and taking into account chronic diseases or having allergies to certain products your dog, if any. In order to choose the most appropriate food for your pet, it is better to consult with a specialist who will take into account the individual characteristics of your dog and select the most suitable diet for him. An adult dog needs two meals a day and free access to water.

Features of feeding a puppy.

When preparing a diet for a growing dog, always take into account its nutritional needs. nutrients and vitamins, which differ from the needs of an adult dog. In addition, a growing body up to 6 months of age requires more frequent feedings (5-6 times a day, not much at a time, instead of 2 times like an adult dog). Also take into account the fact that a sudden change in diet can have an extremely negative impact on the puppy’s health and well-being. That is why, check the usual diet in advance with the breeder of the puppy you are buying and, if necessary, gradually introduce new foods into the puppy’s diet.

A few words about vitamins.

vitamins for dogs, jar of vitamins, vitamin packaging, tablets for dogs Due to the fact that a puppy is actively developing its body, its need for nutrients is higher than that of adult dogs. For a puppy, taking vitamins is extremely important, so consult a specialist who will tell you what vitamins and in what quantities you need to give your pet.

Expulsion of worms.
For adult dogs.

Research has shown that almost every dog ​​has worms. Sometimes their presence may have virtually no effect on the dog. However, in order not to risk the health of your pet, you should not let everything take its course. Therefore, as a preventative measure, an adult dog should be given anthelmintic drugs at least once a year. Be sure to worm your dog two weeks before your dog's annual vaccination. If you find the presence of worms, repeat the procedure. However, each drug has its share of toxicity, so be careful not to overdo it: do not give your dog too often or too much deworming drugs. The drug is dosed depending on the dog's weight.

For puppies.

Remember that even if the puppy did not have the opportunity to become infected with worms on the street, his mother could have infected him. Puppies are much more vulnerable to worms and can even die from worms, so all puppies must be dewormed. This usually occurs at 5-6 weeks of age and repeats after a certain period of time. It is best to consult with veterinarian, who will put your puppy on a deworming schedule.

Caring for your dog's teeth.

Any dog ​​needs to have its mouth examined regularly (at least once a week). The puppy must be taught the command “Show your teeth” as early as possible, to which over time he will become completely calm. When examining your dog's mouth, look for inflammation of the gums, discolored tooth enamel, tartar or broken/loose teeth, and any food debris or bone fragments stuck between the teeth. Usually, if the dog has a properly formulated diet and has the opportunity to gnaw on special bones, then the plaque will clear up on its own. However, in other cases, especially if the dog has already developed tartar, it is impossible to do without your intervention.

Usually a dog’s teeth are cleaned with tooth powder or soda, but in Lately A large number of different meat-flavored toothpastes for dogs have appeared that can be used to clean your pet’s teeth with the same success. You can brush your dog's teeth with a regular stick with a swab at the end. If you find tartar that is already quite strong, try rubbing it with fresh tomato slices or adding tomato juice to your dog’s food. If this option does not help, it is better to contact a specialist who will remove the dog’s tartar using special tools.

Dog coat care.

It is the condition of the dog’s coat that determines its appearance. Depending on the dog's breed, coat care may include regular brushing, cutting or trimming, washing and flea treatment. Also, remember that a proper balanced diet will also affect the quality of your pet's coat.

Often, puppies, like adult dogs, do not really like the various manipulations performed on their fur, so it is extremely important to early teach the puppy to be calm about these procedures.

Combing wool.

Depending on the type of coat of a particular dog breed, it is necessary to regularly monitor its condition. Both the Dalmatian and the Yorkshire Terrier, and even the hairless varieties of the Chinese Crested Dog, require coat care. If weekly combing of dead hairs with a special brush-mitten is enough for a Dalmatian, then Yorkshire Terrier(if it is not cut), daily combing of the coat is necessary to prevent it from rolling into tangles. Even a Chinese Crested dog needs to comb the hair on its head, ears, tail and paws, as well as carefully monitor its skin and lubricate it with a special cream if necessary.

With regular dog grooming, you not only get a beautiful and well-groomed dog that is always a pleasure to stroke, but also get rid of unpleasant odor and presence large quantity wool on the floor, carpets and sofas.

Hair cutting.

Many long-haired dog breeds require hair trimming. Their long, hanging strands of hair interfere with their normal functioning: they cover their eyes, get into food, drag along the ground, and also accumulate large amounts of dirt and other debris. Keep your dog neat well-groomed, cut off too long, uneven, protruding strands of hair. In addition, if necessary, do not forget to trim the hair between the toes. Also, to prevent your dog from collecting excess dirt, it is necessary to trim off matted hair behind the ears or on the tail. If your dog participates in shows, be sure to adhere to the breed standard and keep your dog's appearance up to standard.

Wire-haired dog breeds require trimming, which involves plucking coarse hair. Breeds such as the poodle require grooming several times a year, otherwise the coat will become too long and easily matted.

Bathing an adult dog.

Washing your dog is an important part of maintaining its hygiene. However, remember that bathing too often can only harm your dog. Various detergents If they are used frequently, they wash away the natural fatty layer of the dog’s skin, which causes the skin to dry out, crack, and hair may fall out. In addition, degreasing the dog’s skin and coat leads to a decrease in its natural water-repellent effect. If you bathe your dog with shampoo too often, the fat layer is washed off, the skin cracks, as a result of which the dog becomes itchy and begins to scratch the damaged areas, which can even result in eczema and other skin diseases.

Therefore, bathe your dog only in the most extreme cases. Usually one bath every few months is enough for a dog. Even seemingly dirty fur can be easily cleaned by brushing the dirt out of the fur with a special dog brush. In addition to cleaning the fur from dirt, you will give your dog an excellent massage, strengthen the coat and improve its external condition. In the winter, it is useful to brush the coat with snow; in the summer, it is useful to allow the dog to swim in ponds.

If the appearance of your dog’s coat does not improve after combing and even after washing and the smell does not disappear, then you need to contact a specialist; perhaps the problems lie in the presence of any hidden diseases of the dog.

If you still need to bathe your dog, do not overdo it with shampoo and after washing, rinse off all remaining shampoo thoroughly to avoid skin irritation. Wash your dog's hair with extreme care. Do not allow water to get into the animal's ears. To keep your dog safe, it is best to either cover the dog's ears with cotton swabs or have a helper press the dog's ears firmly with the palms of their hands. Also, do not allow your dog to lick the shampoo off, which could cause poisoning.

After bathing, do not forget to dry the animal's fur, and if possible, dry the fur with a hairdryer.

Bathing the puppy.

It is not recommended to bathe a dog before it reaches 8-9 months of age, especially in the winter season. If bathing your puppy is unavoidable, dry his coat thoroughly after washing and make sure he is not in drafts to avoid colds.

Flea treatment.

Caring for your dog's ears.

Don't forget to check your dog's ears daily. If necessary, you should wipe your ears with cotton swabs. Pay special attention to dogs with floppy ears. Since such dogs have limited air flow into the ears, there is a possibility of large amounts of dust and dirt accumulating in them, including the development of fungi.

Caring for your dog's eyes.

Monitor the condition of your pet's eyes. Especially after sleep, the dog accumulates dust and other particles, which are important to remove in time to avoid infection. To wash your eyes, wipes soaked in tea will do. Don't use your dog's ears to remove dirt from his eyes.

Caring for dog paws.

To keep your dog's paws in good condition, trim the hair between the toes from time to time, dry the paws thoroughly after each walk, and remove foreign objects (such as burrs, stones, chewing gum, etc.). In addition, you can treat your paw pads with a special “paw polish” that prevents the negative effects of salt on the asphalt in winter.

Caring for dog's claws.

caring for a dog's claws, how to cut a dog's claws, the structure of a dog's claws, how to cut a dog's claws, trimming a dog's claws. If a dog does not run on the asphalt very often, without grinding down its claws naturally, it needs to trim its claws. All this falls on the shoulders of the owner. To prevent the claws from becoming too long and capable of scratching the floor, furniture and owners, it is necessary to trim them at least once a month. Proper trimming of a dog's nails does not cause painful sensations and does not affect her health in any way. However, be careful not to cut the nails too short. The fact is that inside the claw there is a pulp filled with blood. Proper trimming of a dog's nails involves cutting only the tip of the nail, without touching the pulp and causing pain at the dog.

A few words about estrus.

If you are the owner of a female dog, when she reaches puberty, be prepared for the occurrence of heat. Typically, estrus occurs twice a year and lasts about 20 days. It begins in dogs at 6-8 months. However, in some breeds it may not begin until one and a half years of age. Too frequent occurrence of estrus or its absence at all may indicate the presence of some kind of problem in the dog regarding its hormonal disorders. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor in time, who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

The period of estrus is perceived by many owners as a big problem: the dog’s behavior changes, it begins to stain the carpets and wallpaper in the apartment, flocks of male dogs follow it on a walk, the dog may simply run away. If this happens, then there is a high probability that the dog will return already pregnant from the yard dog. This situation cannot but affect the health of the animal and the plans of its owner. Therefore, during this period, it is important to walk your dog only on a leash and strictly control its communication with other dogs.

Another problem is the so-called “false pregnancy”, which occurs in some dogs after estrus if no real pregnancy has occurred during its period. A dog's false pregnancy also causes a lot of trouble.

In connection with all of the above, there are two options for solving the problem:

Sterilization of a dog completely eliminates the possibility of the dog becoming pregnant or displaying symptoms of “false pregnancy”, however this abdominal surgery, like any other, is a risk. In addition, most animals after surgery, if not properly cared for, quickly gain weight and become lazy. However, sterilization can prevent the development of many dangerous diseases in a dog.
Contraception is an injection. In this case, estrus stops, the occurrence of “false pregnancy” is excluded, but at the same time, all the working qualities of the dog and its character are preserved. In the future she will have the opportunity to have offspring. However, it is quite difficult to choose exactly the product that will give the desired effect and will not affect the health of the animal.

About vaccination of dogs.

Vaccinations for adult dogs.

Any adult dog must be vaccinated annually against such serious infections as rabies, distemper, etc. Before vaccination, do not forget to remove worms from the dog two weeks before and check its body temperature. If the temperature is above 39 degrees, it is better to postpone vaccination and make sure that the dog is absolutely healthy.

Vaccinations for puppies.

Before the puppy can be walked in places where other dogs walk, the puppy must undergo a course of vaccinations and spend some time in quarantine. You can learn more about puppy vaccination by reading the articles: “Puppy vaccination rules” and “Vaccination schedules.”

Caring for a dog: what a novice dog breeder should definitely know

How to properly organize dog care? The main points of procedures and activities that must be performed to ensure healthy and full life your pet.

A cute yapping pet is the cherished dream of many children and adults. Isn’t it wonderful when you are always greeted at home by a joyful and playful four-legged friend? How fun it is to play and walk with him! But having an animal in the house means not only joyful moments of communication, but also a great responsibility. Caring for a dog involves a whole range of different procedures and activities. Therefore, before you decide to “replenish” your family, you should find out the main aspects of keeping a pet.


It is worth noting that not only a purebred pet, but also a noble “nobleman” requires careful processing of wool. The animal does not know about the presence or absence of special regalia and is equally in dire need of the attention and care of the owner. The puppy is not yet prone to excessive shedding and has weak hair, so intensive brushing is contraindicated in this case.

Caring for a dog's coat has several stages:

the washing up – The frequency of such a procedure depends on the breed of the animal. Before starting water exercise, you need to thoroughly comb the coat, and before soaping, moisten it generously with water, right down to the roots. Dogs with coarse hair do not need to be washed - you can simply comb them with a special brush or wipe them wet rag. Smooth-haired dogs should be washed less frequently, using special shampoos, in water no warmer than 36 degrees Celsius, so as not to dry out the skin.
A haircut – this procedure is simply necessary for dogs with long hair. Although this is a troublesome task, it allows you to establish high-quality thermoregulation and give certain parts of the dog’s body special grace.
Trimming – used mainly for grooming coarse hair. You can trim your dog only when the coat is mature enough to shed. It is during this period that the procedure will not cause discomfort to the animal, and special work to the groomer.

Combing should be done periodically, especially if the animal has long hair. You can buy a comb of the required stiffness in specialized stores .

The owner should pay attention Special attention sensitive areas of the dog: near the ears, on the stomach, in the area of ​​the external genitalia. Here, comb the dog very carefully, using a special comb. Too much long wool you need to start combing from the end. Well-treated wool will feel soft and uniform to the touch. There is no need to cut off the tangles - you can simply cut them from the skin to the ends of the hair and try to comb them.

Tips for Bathing a Dog :

1. You should not comb your dog immediately after a bath - the coat must be completely dry.
2. Appropriate products should be used for different breeds of dogs. For example, a crested dog, which requires special care, requires more frequent washing using an individual shampoo with a soft and gentle effect.
3. Don't wash big dogs more often than once a month. This, of course, does not apply to washing paws, especially if the animal lives in the house.
4. In reservoirs where swimming is prohibited, dogs should not be allowed to swim in order to avoid hazardous substances entering the body along with the water.

The dog's undercoat contains a special fat secreted by the skin. It is necessary for healthy coat growth, and too frequent water treatments can wash away this protection, drying out the skin and coat at the same time.

Walking the pet dog

Quality dog ​​care also includes regular walks in the fresh air. Especially if the pet is large and has a powerful skeleton with the same muscles. So large breeds a long walk is required. And if a few minutes in the air is enough for a little Chi Hua Hua, then German Shepherd will require several hours of attention from its owner. Training is also necessary for the dog. You should teach her basic commands and accustom her to a kennel and a bowl. To get more significant results, you can turn to professional dog handlers for help.

Caring for gums and teeth

If your dog's teeth are not brushed, then food particles, proteins, and saliva will form a thick plaque on them. With the assistance of microbes in saliva, this plaque hardens over time and turns into tartar - deposits yellowish color on the teeth along the edge of the gums. It provokes development pathological processes, tooth decay and loss. Therefore, caring for your dog must include oral hygiene procedures. It is recommended to clean regularly using a special brush that fits on your finger and a special paste.


Proper nutrition is the key to a dog’s vigor, healthy and shiny coat, and strong teeth. The diet must be compiled depending on the breed and size of the pet.

Basic rules for feeding a dog:
1. Availability of fresh water in free access. The dog should drink water as soon as it wants, especially in hot weather. Dehydration is much worse than hunger.
2. It is advisable to feed your pet on a schedule, at the same time. This will allow you to determine the amount of food needed per feeding and will accustom the dog to a certain regimen. Free feeding (when there is constant access to food) is fraught with obesity.
3. The food must contain high quality ingredients. You can alternate factory food with dog food homemade, but in moderation.

The owner must visually assess the condition of the animal - if the dog is exhausted and its ribs are visible, then there is clearly not enough nutrition. If the ribs cannot be felt under the skin, then you should review the diet and reduce portions.

Ear care

Cleaning ears will help avoid the development of many dangerous infections, tick reproduction. Some dog breeds require such care almost every day, and for some it is enough to organize medical examinations once a month so as not to disturb the natural protective microflora in this area of ​​the body. Caring for your dog's ears is carried out using special ear sticks, sanitary napkins, cotton pads, peroxide and lotion.

Nail care

This procedure involves trimming the animal's claws. It is necessary so that the dog can walk normally, because too long nails dig into soft fabrics and cause pain to the pet. This can lead to joint problems and lameness. It is better to trust the care of claws to professionals who, using special tools, will carry out the manipulation quickly and as painlessly as possible.

Medical procedures

In order for the animal to live as long as possible, it is necessary to take care of regular veterinary care. The doctor performs a physical examination and takes blood and stool tests.

What a dog needs:
Regular deworming, tick and flea prevention.
Receipt mandatory vaccinations– from rabies, hepatitis, plague.
Castration or sterilization, which helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy and problems with the behavior and health of the animal.

But the most important thing in caring for a dog is showing love and care for it. After all, even very tasty food and the best shampoo cannot replace warmth and affection for your pet. Therefore, before you decide to take such a step, you should decide whether you are ready for another full-fledged family member to appear in your home?

You can order dog care services on the Yudu website - it’s inexpensive and only takes a few minutes. Our specialists have training and grooming skills, and also know how to communicate with pets.

If you want to correct your pet’s behavior or need help caring for your dog, then ordering a service from Yuda is the easiest solution. Private specialists do an excellent job of caring for cats and dogs, and the prices for their services will be much lower than in specialized grooming and dog training centers.

Keeping and caring for animals: what our professionals offer

Keeping and raising animals is not an easy and responsible task. If you don’t teach your dog or cat the necessary skills in time, you can best case scenario get damaged furniture and walls, and in the worst case, harm the health of others (especially if you have a fighting breed dog). Our specialists know all the nuances of caring for any breed of animal and offer the following services:

  • initial training (results can be achieved within a month when working with a puppy);
  • service training (raising dogs for protection in private property);
  • daily grooming and walking of animals;
  • washing after a walk for preventive purposes or completely washing the animal;
  • developing obedience skills (relevant if you want to wean your dog from chasing a cat or teach it to walk nearby and guard personal belongings).

This is only a part of the possible services. The course of working with animals can be adjusted depending on each specific case. Occasional visits from a dog handler or groomer will cost less. How much systematic work with a pet costs should be checked with our specialists - they will study your requirements, as well as the condition of the dog or cat, and specify the cost of the service.

Additional offers from pet dog groomers

  • animal hair care (especially important for long-haired breeds);
  • daily strength training with pets (relevant for racing and fighting breeds);
  • preparation for dog and cat shows;
  • full grooming - ear cleaning, nail trimming, haircut;
  • drawing up recommendations for self-training and caring for dogs.

Services for keeping and raising animals in Yuda

You can order the services of an experienced dog or cat care professional on the Yudu website. You will need to fill out an application on this page and wait for responses from specialists. Our service will also allow you to:

  • independently determine the price of the work - you should agree on the cost of services directly with the contractor, without intermediaries;
  • consider reviews of the specialist’s work from other customers;
  • receive guarantees of caring treatment of the animal - all our performers are checked upon registration.