How to prepare healthy drinking water. Structured water at home. What makes water healing

For humans, as for all living beings, water is of great importance. All metabolic processes occur in the aquatic environment. The body consists of 75% water. to a person Approximately two liters of clean water are required daily to replenish its reserves in the body. Water quality comes first. Researchers consider ideal water thawed. It has a special composition. It does not contain harmful impurities, which ordinary tap liquid is famous for. In its structure, melt water is similar to natural spring water. Such a liquid has a beneficial effect on a person, as numerous experiments and studies have shown.

To understand what benefits it brings, you should understand its structure. Melt water is considered structured. After freezing and thawing, its particles line up in a certain order.

That is why the liquid acquires useful qualities. Back in 1999, the Russian researcher S. V. Zenin proved that melt water is a hierarchy of clusters (formations in the form of crystals), which consist of 57 molecules.

They interact with each other through free hydrogen bonds. Many experts believe that such water can have a beneficial effect on human health.

The liquid is obtained by following natural technology. The formula for obtaining it is quite simple: slow freezing, removal of impurities and thawing.

Under natural conditions, melt water is obtained from mountain glaciers. It has long been known that people living in the mountains and constantly using melt water, have good health and are long-lived.

At home, you can get the same water, which will not differ in any way from natural. A sip of melt water tones better than coffee, tea and any medicine.

The purest water is the ideal fluid for the body. It saturates cells with life-giving moisture and restores normal metabolic processes.

Melt water properties:

  • invigorates, refreshes, energizes, tones;
  • improves metabolism;
  • quickly removes harmful substances from the body;
  • lowers cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves immunity;
  • helps eliminate chronic diseases;
  • rejuvenates;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • relieves hypertension and vascular disorders;
  • helps to quickly get rid of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • improves overall well-being;
  • eliminates skin diseases (neurodermatitis, dermatitis, etc.).

Melt water is not a cure for all ailments. It only helps the body to restore normal activity.

Receiving high-quality and structured water, the cells themselves begin to work correctly. The purity of water has the most favorable effect on the functions of the body.

The intercellular fluid is updated, toxins are removed, which contributes to the restoration of health. As practice shows, people who regularly use melt water become healthier and more efficient.

They increase brain activity and productivity. For some people, the amount of time it takes to sleep is reduced. They need 4 hours to recover..

Before preparing melt water, it is useful to filter it. Find out, pick up, so that water purification is as effective as possible!

Radon baths are a very healthy procedure. All information about these procedures, about indications and contraindications, read the most necessary, important and useful information!

What harms melt water? ^

Such water does not have a negative effect. If it is cooked incorrectly, then it will simply be useless, like ordinary water.

Bringing harm to health heavy metals and some organic substances that are present in untreated water. Drinking heavy water can make you feel unwell. Therefore, melt water should be prepared following the recommendations below.

The benefits of melt water for weight loss ^

It is quite possible to lose extra pounds by drinking melted water. After all, the healing liquid removes harmful substances (slags and toxins) from the body. To lose weight, you need to take melt water daily in unlimited quantities.

In addition, it is important to keep proper nutrition. Fatty, sweet, spicy, salty and smoked foods should be excluded. Fast food, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol are also prohibited.

Instead of junk food should be consumed fresh vegetables, fruits and greens. Juices and tea can be excluded by replacing them with melt water. After a week of such a diet, you will feel much better. Excess weight will slowly start to disappear.

How to make melt water? ^

To prepare the liquid, take glass or enameled dishes. You can also use plastic, but some researchers claim that plastic releases harmful substances when frozen.

If you use a glass container, then you must strictly monitor the condition of the freezing water. After all, when the liquid completely freezes, the glass bursts.

Method number 1
Pour purified water into the container. It may be tap water that has settled and passed through the filter. Place a bowl of water in the freezer.

After 40 minutes, a thin ice film forms on the surface of the water. It must be removed, as it contains harmful deuterium.

Next, the container must again be placed in the freezer. After 9-10 hours, the water will almost completely freeze. The liquid will remain only in the middle. It must be drained, and put on ice room temperature. The liquid you drain contains heavy metals.

Sometimes it forms something like a ball, which is located in the very middle of the ice. If you caught this moment, then the dishes can be pulled out of the freezer.

Pierce the top ice with a knife and drain the liquid from the "ball". After the ice has thawed, the rest of the water can be drunk.

The duration of freezing may vary, depending on the depth of the water dish, as well as the power of the freezer.

Method number 2
Water is prepared in the same way as in the first case. You remove the deuterium and put the dishes back in the freezer. But if you wish, you can wait until the water in the container freezes completely.

Method number 3
If the water freezes completely, harmful substances can be removed under running water. hot water. Dishes with ice should be substituted under the stream. Point it at the muddy ice. It will disappear, and only transparent ice will remain in the container, which is suitable for obtaining melt water.

Method number 4
This method involves freezing water that has almost been brought to the boiling point or "white key". The water temperature is not more than 94 degrees.

After that, the liquid is quickly cooled by placing the container in a basin with a very cold water. Next, the liquid is placed in the refrigerator and completely frozen. Defrosting occurs similarly to method No. 2, when an island of white ice. They throw it away and drink the rest of the water.

Important nuances ^

When using melt water, we must not forget that its biological activity is declining. Some experts claim that it becomes an ordinary liquid after 12 hours after thawing.

Others increase this period to a day. It is best to take melted water immediately after preparation.
The most effective is the liquid in which small pieces of ice are still floating.

It should be drunk in small sips, enjoying the refreshing taste. Drinking such water is not only useful, but also very pleasant. It has an unusual taste that cannot be described in words.

You can not heat melt water, and also defrost it with hot water. Otherwise, she will lose all her beneficial features.

Of course, useful types of water are not limited to melted water. Find out how it is used and how useful it is for the treatment of this particular disease!

Want to know what the water temperature should be when bathing a newborn? Answers, the most necessary, relevant and useful information!

And more about bathing newborns. It is produced in a special bath, and you will learn everything about how to choose and buy such a bath here: , create ideal conditions for your baby!

Reviews of people who use melt water ^

Users leave good comments about melt water. If it is prepared correctly, then the benefits of it are simply invaluable. Many people notice improvements after regular use of such a liquid.

Don't expect miracles. Water does not help immediately after the first dose. To mark any positive effects, it should be drunk regularly for many months. In addition, lifestyle is important.

If a person drinks alcohol, drinks a lot of coffee or smokes, then the benefits of melt water will be minimal. harmful products in the diet also negate the positive qualities of the liquid.

02 01.16

Good afternoon dear friends! How are your holidays? I am already tired of resting and have prepared for you a wonderful article about melt water. Rather read.

In spite of different ways water purification with the help of devices, filters, the quality remains to be desired. The situation is aggravated by chemical components used on an industrial scale for water supply, and not all tricks help to cope with pollution. There is an exit! You need to know how to properly prepare melt water, the principles of its use and storage.

What it is

If you remember, in Russian fairy tales, heroes were always saved by “living” and “dead” water. The times of epics are gone and you should think about what it really is.

Scientists are ascetics rational nutrition for health claim: the use of untreated water is so harmful to the human body that it is difficult to assess the extent of the consequences. As a result, negative properties are reflected in the following:

  • "clogged" cells and blood vessels;
  • metabolism is disturbed;
  • the mechanisms laid down by nature disappear.

Not to mention threats oncological diseases and growth allergic reactions. Living water will help to cope with the problem.

For the body, melt water is fraught with many benefits:

  • the homogeneity of hydrogen and oxygen molecules after freezing and thawing easily penetrate into cell structures;
  • actively participates in exchange processes;
  • prevents the aging process, oxidation, remove toxins;
  • is a prophylactic agent for the body in the fight against allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis and ulcerative colitis.
  • allows you to reduce cholesterol in the blood;
  • participates in the process of rejuvenation, suitable for all skin types;
  • prevents obesity.

Why should you make your own water?

The answers to this question are simple. They depend on numerous factors.

  1. There is a high probability of getting a fake. Producers can only use purified water naming without doing anything about it. How the water was obtained, how the cleaning took place is unknown.
  2. The distillation method is often used, which deprives the liquid of some minerals and useful substances.
  3. You will save a lot of money when getting it by simple home methods.
  4. Water prepared in this way, subject to all technological approaches, can be drunk by everyone without restriction.

Cooking features

According to Zeland, it is better to do this from ordinary water. From the equipment you will need:

  • enamel pot;
  • plastic freezers;
  • bottles;
  • freezer.

First way

  1. Defend the usual tap water in the amount of 5 liters for several hours in an open vessel, which will get rid of chlorine vapors.
  2. Boil and turn off immediately when small bubbles form.
  3. Cool the container in cold water or in a snowdrift, on the balcony.
  4. Infuse for two days on silicon stones. For such a quantity, 7 pieces will be enough, covered with clean gauze.
  5. Water is frozen in a pan, the top layer is removed, and the rest of the water is drained into a plastic bottle.
  6. When the water is two-thirds frozen, you need to make a hole in the ice and pour out the remaining water - this "brine" contains all the unwanted impurities.
  7. Cleaning is carried out through a magnet and the liquid is ready for use.

Very simple approach (mine)

I do it simply. This method is less efficient, but the structure of the water changes for the better.

I purify water with a filter. I pour into plastic bottles. I put them in the freezer, in the winter on the balcony. I'm waiting for the water to freeze. I get the right amount of bottles. I defrost and drink. Try it. This water is very tasty and healthy. According to the first and third methods, of course, it turns out even better. But this option is so easy that it's a sin not to use it;)

Third option

There is a way much easier than the first, but more difficult than the second. The point is to remove heavy metals. Ice should form at 0 degrees. The one that came out earlier is thrown away. Harmful, dangerous substances accumulate in the crust, which are fraught with danger. Useful properties are stored for 7 hours.

Don't skimp and reuse. The sediment that is obtained during freezing is not recommended, so it is necessary to pour water carefully, trying not to mix it.

It is believed that the most useful melt water is obtained under natural conditions.

Many people like frozen water. On its basis, prepare the first, second courses, drinks. It is suitable for drinking. Such a liquid can be safely given to children without additional boiling. She can wash, carry out hygiene procedures. Store water in the refrigerator.

Knowing the technology of cooking at home, provide yourself with a supply of melted (living) water, which will help maintain health for many years, regardless of the state of the water supply system.

That's all. Thank you for your attention. I hope that you have found a moment during such a wonderful holiday time to look at my blog. To those who read these lines - a fiery hello and hugs.

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Tomorrow we are going out of town to go skiing and tubing. I hope we don't turn into ice cubes. In Omsk, it stays around -30. Brrr. How is your weather?

Water is vital for every organism. An adult and a baby, a plant and an animal - everyone needs to drink every day. However, not all of it is useful for our body. Relatively recently, we drank tap water, but today no one wants to trust its purity. We began to buy various filters, jugs and multi-stage cleaning systems. Unfortunately, they are still not able to completely remove impurities - chlorine and other harmful substances. It remains only to buy it in bottles, because industrial filters cope with these tasks much better.

However, not everyone can afford to buy water for drinking and cooking every day. But this is not necessary. Today we will talk about the preparation of melt water at home. It is simple, fast enough and effective method keep your health.

For daily use

You must have heard about it from your grandparents. They most often cook it at home, persuading the household not to drink any other. And they are absolutely right. The preparation of melt water at home does not require much time, and even more so financial costs. In doing so, the benefits are enormous. This is an ideal drink for daily consumption for both adults and children, even infants.

Pleasant taste

This is another nice bonus that will give you the preparation of melt water at home. She has a great taste, somewhat sweet and very mild. It is the best balanced in its composition. In addition, the Internet is full of information that such a simple remedy can heal the body and give hope for getting rid of chronic diseases, the path of even the most difficult.

Scientists' opinion

Surprisingly, the preparation of melt water at home is a process that is also recommended by doctors, known for their skepticism. The fact is that it contains much less impurities. However, there is another, somewhat pseudo-scientific explanation. Esoteric experts say that in this case, water changes its structure, becomes closer in its biological parameters to our body. This is what many healers explain its positive effect on a person.

Conducted research

Not only scientists, but also ordinary people are interested in whether ordinary melt water can really treat the body. Cooking life-giving moisture at home is so simple that it immediately raises certain doubts. So easy and cheap - it can't be that effective! However, studies have shown interesting things. This water is informationally pure, because the process of freezing completely erases all the information load that it has managed to take.

As it turns out, water is able to "remember" everything that happens around. Emotions seem to be imprinted in its structure. Therefore, when she reaches our faucet, she absorbs so much negative energy that no filter will remove it. The simplest research can be done at home. To do this, take two pots of plants and put on the windowsill. Now pour water into two buckets. Over one of them every day you need to say different bad words, and the other - to praise. By watering the first plant from one vessel, and the second from another, you can observe how their state changes. In about a month, the result will be noticeable. One plant turns into a lush bush, and the second dries up.

Secrets of our great-grandfathers

Previously, there were no water pipes, and people from autumn to spring went to the river for ice. Melting it at home, they got the most useful water. Later it became known that it removes toxins and toxins, and also allows you to get rid of excess weight.

In the old days, it was especially recommended to drink it in the spring season. At the same time, it was enough to go to the outskirts of the village and collect ice. In the city, such raw materials are not suitable for use. After all, we need only pure melt water. Cooking at home (there will definitely be benefits from this drink, especially if you use it regularly, but you also need to cook everything according to the rules) will require a little more time and effort, but it's worth it. It should be clarified that simply freezing and thawing will not be enough to get the full benefit.

Necessary equipment

It's time to consider ways to prepare melt water at home. Let's start with a choice necessary equipment. We need a plastic container. It is best to choose round-shaped dishes. Depending on the needs, you need to look at the volume. If you use water only for drinking, then two containers of two liters are enough. At one time you can prepare two liters of drink. This is exactly the amount that doctors recommend drinking every day.

In addition, you will need a freezer. In winter, you can put the freezer containers outside or on the balcony. And for the final part, you need a decanter.

First step

Proper preparation of melt water at home will require some time from you. First of all, you will need to pour ordinary tap water into the prepared container. Now we remove the vessel for freezing. Here it is worth once again emphasizing that it is plastic that should be used, and not glass or enameled dishes. The temperature difference does not affect the plastic in any way, the most important thing is that the container is made of high-quality material. Therefore, you should buy them only in specialized stores.

But plastic bottles not suitable for these purposes. If the neck is not cut off, then it will not be possible to extract precious ice from it. And with the top cut off, it turns into an open cup without a lid. In this case, the ice will absorb odors.

Miracle number one

From this moment, the preparation of melt water at home begins. The instruction emphasizes that you should not go far, because the process will need to be constantly monitored. The time will have to be determined empirically, depending on the volume of the vessel and the temperature in your freezer. On average, you will need to wait from 2 to 5 hours. First of all, the heaviest part, containing the most harmful impurities, freezes. So, when the first ice formed, it is necessary to drain the unfrozen water into clean vessel and discard the ice. Now pour the clean residue back into the working container and put it back in the freezer.

Miracles continue

So, we have removed all the most harmful substances from our liquid, now it is time for a finer cleaning. After about 8-10 hours, the water in the container will freeze so that it forms transparent ice around the edges. And only in the middle will a small lake of liquid collect. It definitely needs to be drained.

Why is it so? The fact is that all salts, minerals and dirt are forced out to the center when freezing. This is very convenient, as it becomes possible to remove these impurities without using filtration. After that, clean and transparent ice remains in the vessel. This is the final raw material, which remains only to melt.

With a lack of time

In fact, in this case, it is also possible to prepare melt water at home. The harm that your body can receive from salt and other impurities can be minimized as follows. The formation of the first ice will still have to wait, and it must be thrown away. But with repeated freezing, you don’t have to worry too much: if you didn’t have time to remove the “salt lake” from the center, this is not so scary, because when it freezes completely, it will turn into a cloudy tubercle.

Two ways to remove it

In the first case, you just need to leave the ice to melt slowly at room temperature. The flowing liquid can be drained into a carafe or immediately drunk. But as soon as the melting reaches the border cloudy ice, the process must be stopped. However, this method is not convenient. As soon as you get distracted, the pure ice will again mix with the displaced residue.

There is another way - for those who do not have the desire to spend several hours near the container. Just use a knife to hollow out the cloudy ice from the middle, and then rinse it warm water. You will be left with the purest "bagel", which you only need to melt.

Possible harm

In principle, we have fully considered what such a procedure is as preparing melt water at home. The benefits and harms of this water are regularly discussed in the media and on specialized forums. One thing is certain: your body will suffer only if you ingest the result of melting city snow or ice. Then you will get the entire periodic table in one glass. In other cases, melt water is a great option to quench your thirst.

How to make the most of it

To get a healing effect, you need to drink it just thawed. It is at this moment that melt water has the highest biological activity. But, of course, fanaticism is useless. Consume life-giving moisture should be in small portions at intervals of 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day.

When drinking such water, the blood liquefies, which contributes to a better purification of every cell of the body. In this case, stagnation in the blood is eliminated, now it cannot serve as a medium for the development of infections. By the way, the beneficial properties of this drink are significantly reduced when heated. However, it still retains its purity.

Melt water = distilled?

This is another question that interests many people when they read about how it is made. In fact, the difference between them is very big. Distilled is dead water, which should not be consumed, as it is completely devoid of salts and draws calcium from the body. Melt water is alive. Yes, you remove harmful impurities and salts from it, but at the same time, it retains all the properties that are beneficial to the body, as well as minerals. Moreover, they remain in it no more and no less, but as much as necessary. Therefore, it can be drunk every day without harm to health.

Today is a very useful article about melt water, how to make it yourself, as well as other important ways to improve the Energy of Water!

And we all know that people who constantly drink pure melt water do not know what diseases, beriberi and other health problems are.

Melt water has the same structure as a human cell, and that is why it is perceived by the body as something native. It also has other equally important and beneficial properties for our health:

  • replacing old cells, sharply accelerates metabolism and thus contributes to the rapid cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole organism;
  • makes us more energetic and cheerful due to our own energy potential;
  • raises brain activity and, as a result, productivity and ability to solve more complex problems.

And we can make it ourselves, at home!

  • For such purposes, it is better to take clean water, if you have tap water, then it is advisable to filter it.
  • Pour this water into some dishes (it is better to avoid plastic and metal) and place in the freezer, and in winter - on the balcony, which is even more natural.
  • After some time, the water forms an ice crust from above, in which there are molecules of heavy water, which freezes at a temperature of 3.8 0 C, so we pour the unfrozen water into another container and again into the cold.
  • When the second water freezes by about 2/3, then its unfrozen part must be poured out, because all chemical impurities and excess salts are concentrated in it.
  • The remaining ice is the very melt water that needs to be thawed shortly before use and only at room temperature, because when heated, it loses its healing properties.

In addition, there are several ways to improve healing properties our drinking water:

1. Saturation with the energy of the sun.

By exposing a container of water for several hours in the sun, we will charge it with the energy of the sun, giving it the properties of living water. Living water is the one that is on the surface of the earth, in rivers, lakes and seas, it is already charged and has a beneficial effect on the body, while dead water, the one that we constantly drink, is underground and has a completely different, opposite alive, action.

2. Infusion on silicon or silver.

Silicon has a positive effect on the human body, moreover, it is simply necessary for some vital processes, but our body cannot compensate for its deficiency on its own, and therefore water infused with silicon is a useful tool for improving overall health. It has bactericidal and healing properties, cleanses the skin and lowers blood sugar levels.

Silver water has an anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and its therapeutic effect begins to appear on the fourth day of use.

3. Magnetization of water.

By passing through a magnetic funnel or simply placing a magnet nearby for a while, you can get water with amazing properties. It is more easily absorbed into the bloodstream, dissolves salt deposits and removes them from the body. It is interesting that scale on the kettle almost does not form when using magnetic water.

4. Enrichment with sounds.

It has been confirmed by scientists that any information is very well “recorded” by water, therefore, if we turn on the good music or a recording with the sounds of nature, it will become more harmonious and bring peace and positive to our body.

5. Water revitalization.

Living water is water saturated with oxygen. We can artificially saturate it by pouring water from glass to glass about 40-50 times, creating the illusion of a mountain waterfall.

Even in ancient times, people saw in the water medicinal properties and believed that she could overcome almost all diseases. Yogis have long used their energy to charge the water they drink and make it healing. To do this, they put a glass of water on the left palm and covered it with the right, gradually began to swing the glass so that the water in it rotated in a circle. Contemplating this bewitching picture, they endowed the water with their positive energy and received healing water, drinking it in small sips, they cleansed themselves, became more cheerful and healthier.

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Do you know that water heals? No, not the one that flows from your faucet. It's no secret that in many cities of Russia you drink water from the tap almost impossible. It goes along rusty, slimy pipes, absorbing all the negativity of these ancient communications. When buying bottled water, we are not guaranteed that we are buying the same tap water for money, well, maybe purified from chlorine. But it is not structured water.

I have a special relationship with water. Just holy awe! So I decided to return to the conversation about water. How to quickly and easily make medicinal water that will really be useful to our body? living water the body needs!

If you follow the logic, since the body contains more than 70% of water, then almost all diseases, apparently, are associated with pathological failures in it, in the intracellular fluid.

I probably won’t discover America if I say that in living tissue, water has other physical properties and structure than the water that flows to us from a tap.

To bring the water entering the body, it has to spend a large number of energy to bring it into line with the requirements of the body. And the less such energy is required, the easier the process of water assimilation proceeds. So, if structured water enters the body, then this is practically medicinal water.

It follows from this…

You need to consume water that is closest in structure to the one that is in our body!

Biophysicists say that water structure in the body resembles the structure of the crystal lattice of ice. Ops! And this is the most important thing for us! Water with an ice-like structure enters deeply into the system of a living cell, provides an optimal level of metabolism and redox reactions. So this water heals?!

Yes, our body needs water!

And where can I get it, you ask? There is an easy way to make structured water at home.

And so we turn to the question of TALOY water.

Its main feature is that at the cellular level its structure is similar to the structure of our blood.

Structured (melt) water is absorbed by the body easily and quickly.

Of course, it is good to live in the mountains, where from the mountains with snow-ice caps, streams of melt water rush, twisted by vortex funnels between stones and containing a lot of silicon. But, we live in cities and towns, where chlorinated water with harmful impurities flows from the tap.

Therefore, we will make water in the freezer accessible to everyone in a simple way. Of course, this is not the water that is saturated with solar energy. But, it's better than drinking the dregs of civilization, forcing your body to work tirelessly, turning rotten water into structured. After all water has a memory and actively affects the entire body!

So. Let me tell you how I make fast structured healing water at home in a simple way.

I take a container, preferably plastic and with a tight-fitting lid. I pass tap water through the Aquaphor filter. I fill the container to the brim! Close the lid tightly and put in the freezer overnight.

In the morning, open the lid and put it in the sink under a thin stream of water. Ask why?

And then to wash the middle of this ice. If you look closely, you will see that in the middle the ice is looser and some kind of yellow. These are impurities that need to be removed by rinsing with warm water.

When the middle is washed, we take out this ice roll and wash it all. Need wash off the ice by about 0.5-1 cm. We will wash away the most harmful - deterium! Deterium (D2O) is found in all types of water on earth. She is also called heavy water. It is she who harms us in the body, causing mutations and aging. Fortunately, it freezes first, sticking to the sides of the dishes. Therefore, it must be washed under running water.

When you have a rainbow ice roll, then this is what you need. Thaw it and drink to your health. This is good structured water. You can say the sister of magical holy water.

Unfortunately, she keeps her amazing useful structure hours 5-6. Try to drink it during this time. But in general, this water is still good up to 12 hours.

This water can be further improved. Making a storm in a teacup!

One of the interesting phenomena of influence on water is rotation. In nature itself, rotational movements are very common. Starting from large forms - galaxies, the solar system, planets, to relatively small ones - whirlpools, vortices, etc.

I will not delve into the physics of these processes, but one thing becomes clear that the water subjected to rotation changes its properties. Normal tap water was taken for the study.

These are the results to be noted:

- Rotation to the right (clockwise) - the acid-base balance shifts to the alkaline side, acquires an ordered structure (six-pointed snowflake), has a 2-2.5 times greater biological activity.

- Rotation to the left – the acid-base balance is shifted to the acid side, does not affect the ordering of the structure, does not provide a significant increase in biological activity.

Of course, not everyone has a miracle - a Nikken PiMag device that turns tap water into life-giving. I don't have it either. But, we ourselves can, at least before getting drunk, make a right-sided storm with a spoon for a few minutes in a glass of water.

The constant use of such water will help you get rid of many health problems. After all, it is this water that heals!

That's the whole easy way to get structured water at home!

More about water Water, Water and music, water memory,

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